Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JUNE 7 , 1880.
Interesting Facts Abont the Great Bailroad
lion tha State Has Produced-
A Slick Gnino to Avoid the Pharnincj-
Detected Con tie imi I UK
| io Hack Salary Ural ) .
Iowa's Great Hnllroail Men ,
Dis : MOI.NKS , la. , Jnno C. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKI : . ] The recent promotion ol
Assistant Superintendent 11. F. Koyce to be
general superintendent of the Hock Island
system , calls attention to the rciunrknblo suc
cess of many Iowa railroad men. Mr. Itoycc
lived for fifteen years in this city , coming
here In 1NW. when tlie Itock Island entered
thocity , nnd before II had built a mile west
of here. Ho had charge of Its trains as the
road KKtdiially built extensions south and
vest , nml finally became superintendent ot
the Iowa division from Davenpoit to Coun
cil Bluffs. Three years nice ho was made as
sistant siipeilntendent of the wholn Hue ,
with headquarters nt Davenpoit , nnd now ho
receives his new promotion ns Kennral super
intendent of thu wliolo systum , with head
quarters probably nt Chicago. Like the ma-
jorlly of succittsful railroad men In the west ,
air. Koyce has worked his way up from the
bottom of tlio ladder. Hu commenced an
clerk In a freight olllce , then was station
agent nt n .small place , then conductor on : i
train running between Mimcatlne anil I own
City , then n division superintendent , then
fuiiher promotion , and now general superin
tendent of one of thu largest lines in tlie
United States.
Tom Poiter , vlee-iiresldent and general
nmnaiur of thu ChlcnKo , Burlington A
Qiilncy , is another Iowa man who has gone
to ihetop of the ladder , tliouiih beginning al
the t'ottom. lie has recenttv'bccn offered Hit
presidency of the liee line , nnd Into reports
nay he will accept. Whether ho leaves the
"Q" or stays with It , hu lias nlrcady demon
strated Ills right to he classed among the
gieat railroad men of tlie country. He , too ,
canio uu through every staiie of advance-
inunt In rallioad work. His rise Bcenis
mat vciluiis Iu Its reach Iroin tlie lowlv station
In wfiich he began to the ilistlncnlshed posi
tion hunow holtls. lie first carried the chain
In n surveying party , then "braked" on the
load , was then appointed station agent at
lhu little town ot Alhia. It Is related of him
that while ungaifcd In this position he made
a muster stroke Hint developed his genii ) ?
and ptcpaicd the way for further honors. It
seems that there was an accident on the " ( J"
near Albln in which n number of passengers
weie severely lnured. | Ho rushed nt oner
to the .spot , nnd not only ntl'oidcd all reliel
possible for the suirerei-H , but drew up "mill
claims" for the wounded , nnd settled
with them for n few hundred
dollars , so that they ninccd to release the
company from nil liability for personal liv
juries. By the ( line the ollicers ot the com
pany inrlveil Potter had everything adjusted
without the help of judge or jury antl prob
ably Havetl the roatl thousands of dollar.1 :
losses from damage suits , that would havt
been brought if the injured hail been left to
the Inlluuncc of rapacious lawyers. Till.1
prompt and skillful action on his part s <
plcnscd the company that ho was promoter
at once. Ho then came up tlirouuh all tin
grades of promotion , division superintend
out , assistant general superintendent , assist
ant manager and finally vice president and
gcncial malinger.
iiowiioxiK uosn.
"Hub" Iloxle , vice nrcsidont and general
superintendent of tlie Missouri Pacilic , I. '
another Iowa boy , formerly n resident ol
this city. He bciran railroad work in a hum-
bio position , anil his n-cunt experiences with
the southwestern strlkeis has demonstrated
his ureat executive ability ,
STII.I. oriir.K TAI.KXT.
Hut Des Momis ) has not sent all of Its rail
road talent oiit of the city. Superintendent
John ( iiven , who succeeded Mr. Itoycc
In charge of the main division
of the Icouk Island , Is regarded
as n man of marked genius nnd capacity for
i ail road work. His promotion to still higher
honors Is confidently expected , and Is nlrcady
riclily merited. Superintendents Meek of
the Wnbash , anil Gilmtire of the Fort Oodgo
road , are both young men of decided railroad
ability , anil are demonstratini : their capacity
to honor Iowa in larger railroad enterprises
in the future.
A singular case'of fraud lias just been ills'
nosed of by thu state board of pharmacy.
Tlie law requires all druggists who propose
to do prescription business in tlio state to be
examined in person by the board of phar
macy. The examination is pretty strict , anil
It takes n good knowledge of thu business tt
carry a man over the examination. IJntu )
.In Sac county there was a man by tlio name
of Walker who wanted a nharinnclst's com-
'mission but didn't feel ulilo to stand tlio e.v
mutilation , so he arranged with another fei
vow by tlio nitinu of Myers that the clatter ,
who woms to have been well posted , should
tursonalo him nnd take ihe cxamina
. 'ion Instead. Myers did so , going bcl'on
' ! lie board under the namu of Walker , am
answering the questions nnd coming enl
with flying colors , nnd n commission In
Walkers name. Alter the little transactioi
was over , It was discoveied that the creden
tlals purpoitiui : to be made out In Walker' . '
iinnio had been forged by Myers , and the
state-board kept the two lollovys under Inves
llKatlon.iind discovered the facts as sinteil
above. The hoard has therefore vindicated
lls dignity nml punished this fraud upon II
Jpy lining Mj'ers ' 8100 and Walker STii ami
: osts.
TlliSAI.AIlV : OIlAll.
Ilia chief talk of thu slate thu past wecl
tins lieen the " .salary ttr.ib" of tliu senator *
who took pay for live weeks In which the
, Impenclimeiit emnt was not In session
Seaicely n piipiirlii thesUto defends the net ,
anil public sentiment condemns with grenl
SONerlly the men who took the money thev
hail not earned. Many admit llielr legu. .
right to It. under n liberal construction of tin
statutes , but few concede that they were
morally entitled toll. 'The effort of public
opinion on this subject is seen In thu case of
ono senator ( a democratic member from
JltiM-atlne. ) Ho has paid hs ! nharo 8 10 hacli
to tlio tieasury wlieic It has been
credited to the "conscience fund. " Hn savs
.that his opinion as to hlsright to tlio monuy
hasn't changed , but he has two ohlldien win ;
imploiod him to give it hacknnd helms dom
MI In please them. Tlie impeachment trial la
Iowa's white elenhant , Kverybody is ills
Iiinti-d with its tedious and expensive pro
Hold IturglurH Captured.
* Drs MOIM : , la. , Juno ( ! . [ Special Tele
from to the lini : ] . Vestcidny niornliii ;
'arly ' Welnstock's clothing store was
entered by burglars and several hun
dred dollars' worth ot ; fancy goods
, 'aiiled off. The burglars left by the a n. m ,
cniln west on the Itock Island , and at Stunrl
'yVoro ' discovered on thu rear end of tlio.train
by the conductor. As they had no Uckets he
put them off. nnd said ho would hold thuh
H.itchcld as security for their fare. Their np
ncnrnnro was suspicious , wearing dirty linen
but'linu outer jnuments. So as they stnrtet !
, lo strike out lor tlio country tliu depot officers
arrested them , and , opening their valises ,
found them lull of fancy foods with Weln' '
fetock's namu on them. The burglars were
therefore sent back by the lirst train and an
now In Jail , with the stolen goods returned ,
ull In.sldu of fourteen homy fiom the time oi
the robbery.
\ Isitlii ; : Their Parent Hnmo.
I'III.A ; , luJnnu 0. ISeelal Telegram tc
Iho BIK.J : Tliicu hundied Holland excur-
blonlstn fitiin ftlonx City are now making
their annual visit .at this place. They an
relatives or friends of the Hollanders ol
Pella , nml left heio several years ug , ) te
'OUIHI n colony In Northwestern Iowa. Tlicj
illlocated nt Orniijje Cityand each yeai
HUTU Is nn exclusion from the parent honu
to the colony , or the reverse. Thuexcursion ,
Ists will Bin-lid two weeks here. They art
iiocoiupanled by n Holland hand uud arrived
by special tram. Their excursion Is the mail :
event in Holland elides.
Fatal Stabliins Affray.
' Sioux CITV , lown. JimoO , [ Special Telo
Sratu to the BIK. : ] Karly last evening an nl
cercatlun arose butween several of the hoard
era nt the First Ward house , wlien Dick
Jingles received two severe eats with a pocliel
knife or razor , and 'will probably ( tie. OIK
* - - < sh Is ncioss hli : breast and .another on hid
arm. The officers-soon after arrested tin
fleeing culprits near the city limits , nnd have
them jailed.
Hound Over Tor ltollOry. )
In , , Juno f [ Special
Bram to the Br.n. | Byron Hill nnd Clifton
Howntdwero taken before United Stale :
Commissioner llobbs hero yesterday on tin
charge of robbing the post olllro of 8400 las
Tuesday nleht. They were bound over t <
await the action of the ginnd jury.
A Notcil Scletitlst Dead.
DAVKXPOUT , la. , June 0. [ Special Tele
gram to thu BKI : . ] Professor Daniel S
Sheldon , the noted scientist , dictl hero yes
lerdny , acd soventy-soven years. Ho wafer <
for years connected with the Grlswold niu
( Irliineli colleges , being noted especially a
n geologist and botanist.
Help Tor lloplmrn.
DKS MOINCS , In. , Juno G. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio lUi.J : : Tlio Lucas republlcnt
county convention held yesterday Instructei
Us delegates for lhu rcnomlnatlon of Con
uressnmii Hepburn nnd tlie nomination o
Dell Stuart for judge of the second jndlcla
district ,
Slonx City's IMiiin.
WAsmxfiTOX , June f > . [ Special Telogran
to the Bun. ] Tlio house to-day passed tin
senate bill appropriating SIOO.OOJ for tin
erection of n public building at Sioux City
TIE ! ) FOH A TIAllf.
Another General Htrlke of Street Cm
> 'KW YOIIK , June . " . Last night , In view o
the failure of supplies for the Third nvcniii
strikers , district assembly 75 , representing tin
horse railroad employes of this and adjacen
cities , wns called together ngaln. It met h
Columbia hall , First avenue and SIxty-slxtl
street. Detectives were around the hall , am
I he strikers sent messengers to warn mom
burs of the executive committee to keep on
of thu way. From tills It wns evident tha
ordering another tie-up was under consldera
lion , nml it was desired tliat.oflidal heads o
the organization should take no open part litho
the proceedings nnd tints avoid In
dlctment by the grand Jury. The as
Hombly was still in session at :
o'clock tills morning. It was announcci
that a resolution had been passed approving
the conduct of the Third avenue strikers am
ordering itcontimictl. Ways and means oi
providing money for the strikers was ills
cussed. It was then decided to order anodic :
tie-up on nil street car lines In this city ano
Brooklyn. After-1 o'clock this morning car.-
on nil lines in this city with the exception o
those on Third avenue , whicli are run by neil
union men , were stopped. All Ktieeteni
lines in Itrooklvn , Jersey City nntl lloboket
are tied np. This is the thlril time the lir.s
half of the year that nil surt'nce mails in tin
city liave been tied up. This time the tle-u |
Includes not only Brooklyn , hut all Jersoj
roads as well. It was remarked yesterday bj
one of the executive board of the Kmplri
association that thu proceedings of the hoan
had been made too public. Ho promised re-
poitcrs that hereafter they would not be abh
to anticipate tlm action ot the board. Ilosait
that the next district meeting of the boart
would bo held at someplace where It wouli
not bo found by the reporters.
Tliu action by the board is said to be mi
animously npnroved of by the men. Thej
say they have done this to force Iho Thin
Avenue company through the Intervention o
other companies to como to terms , and do
dare that tlio light will bo forced all aloiu
thu line.
Th" old story of a combination between tin
car companies Is reported again as one of tin
causes of the strike. The blow struck was f
sudden and crushing one. Policemen aloni
the streets this morning hailed Itasasliori
decisive settling of a long strike , which lia ;
worn on their strength for nearly twr
months. The police dcpaitment were postet :
on the facts early , anil by 0 a. in. every
depot was guarded by details of police
The drivers and other employes workctl
through the night ns until the time I'oi
the lirst tiny cars to inn In thu morning ,
At CJranel street depot of the Dry Docli
lines the scene of the tierce riot and con
fusion of March last , night cars linlslici
their trips nt 5:80a. : m. Half an hour Intel
the day cars were to boKlu their trips. Tlie
mun did not appear for work and the ns
slstant superintendent went down and wat
told of the order of tie up. lie merely asked
if there were any grievances and was tolti
there was none ; that they were ordered tc
stop work by the board. IIo then notified
the superintendent. Stablemen left to care
for the horses. Ills snid tills morning thai
200 of the Third avenue non-union mei
have loft tlio company anil that only abou
eighty drivers are left in the service of tin
At 1 o'clock this mornint : Executive Com
mitteeman O'ltourko stated tliat all the em
lines would resume operations in the morn
Ing. Tha police patrol wagons have been re
turned to their stables , nnd this would seen
to Indicate that the trouble is over. Tht
strikers' committee held n conference will
Vice-President Hart , of the Third avenut
line , to-night , anil the resumption of business
is supposed to bo the result ot that meeting
Kr.wYoitK , Juno 0. At 10 o'clock till !
morning every street car line In tlm cily wa :
In operation executing those on First am
Second avcuiius. The men of these line !
loitered about after all the other workmei
hail taken nut tlielr cars. The following
notices have been posted at the oil ices of tin
Second avennu line :
J I'.NK 0 , issft The employes of the Seconi
avenue railroad companyiiro hereby notlliet
that unless they resume work on or befon
Monday , J nun 7 , their places will bo consld
eretl vacant and now men will bo employet
to iill them.
Wir.MAM Tuoisx , President. "
Iho notice hail not been announced flvi
minutes before ono of the strikers
pickets hastened with the news to the oxecii
tlvo committee. Shortly before noon eoo
headed men began to consider the questloi
of going back to work without orders , bu
soon a messenger cnme Iroin thu oxecutlvi
committee with permission for them to ro
Hume work. Then thu men went to Presl
dent Thorn and told him they were leady ti
go lo work In a body , anil at W : : < 0 cars wen
again started. The mails nrn all moving n
usual to-niuht , nml nit the street ears li
Brooklyn have been running as usual.
An Olil Veteran Killed.
CiiKYi.viVVyo. \ . , JnnoO. | Sieclal ) Tele
gram to tlio Bii : : . | Michael lioach wn
killed nearUawllns hist night , riding on th
platform of a car. The train parted , and hi
fell between and was horribly mangled. Hi
was a member of the Klghty-eighth Nov
York Infantry In the war , nnd wns n pen
sloncr. Thu body was taken charge of , nnt
will bu buried by the G , A. 11. nt Kawllns
Koach wus from banta Hosa , Cala. , and wui
coming to Cheyenne.
A SIURO Couoli Hobbed.
ViOToniA , 11. 0. , June 0. A telegran
from the main land states that the dowi
stnue of the British Columbia express com
pany wns stopped on the Cariboo road b'
highwaymen , who tired shots from revolver
antl Winchester rifles over the driver's heael
The driver pulled up , anil wns confronted b ;
three masked mun , who seized ilm treasuri
box , overlooking a package of 510,000 h
their hurry. Thu driver wo.s then allowed tt
proceed. The amount stolen is not ascer
tallied. Otllceis are In pursuit.
The board of public work at the nieut
ing of Saturday evening refused to accepl
any of the bids for the salu of thu fence
around Jullersou park , as none of tin
bids exceeded 0 nntl this was considero'
too chcai ) . C'ontincU for the building o
cross-walks on St. Mary's avemiu wen
awarded to Contractor Woodward , Bali
were received for the building of sewer !
in District No. 3 , in the region of Eijjhtl
ami Fourteenth streets , near Farnam
ami thu contract therefor was awarded
to.1. O. Corbv at .10 per lineal foot
twolvo-inch pipe to bo used. Five bids
were opened for street cleaning , nnd
Charles K , Fanning & Co. secured the
two year contract ; Counsman , Uuduuu
iV Co. wore the lowest bidders for the one
ami three contract. No award was made
however , the matter going to the couuci
for instructions as to prooocduru.
Mrs. M.S. 'Maclcod icft Friday
for IVinco lmvard , Canada , her uutivi
home , to spend the summer with hoi
The President and His Bride Observe Sun
day by Attending Worship.
The Indefatigable Correspondent
Tells About the Singing , the Text ,
tlio Sermon , and What ttic
1'rcsldont Contributed.
Their First Wedded Sunday.
IKTU : I'AUK , Mil. , Juno 0. Tlio iireslilont's
first Sunday on the crest of Uic Allcjhcnlcs
dawned blight and clear. Colonel Lnmont
and wlfo arrived on the early train frqm
Washington , nnd were driven at once to the
executive cottage , where they will bo anar-
tcrcd during thulr stay. Dreakfast was taken
shortly nftor 9 o'clock , nnd about ixu hour
later tlio party started for Oakland , six miles
olT. Tim pally consisted of tlio president
and Mrs. Cleveland , Mr. nnd Mrs. Lament ,
ox-Senator nnd Mrs. Davis and two children ,
nnd John W. Davis , President Oiirrctt's lirst
assistant. The quaint mountain village ot
Oakland was nllvo with nooplu who canio
Iroin .miles around to "oalcli a gllmpsej
of the president and his wile. ' The
pretty little tinirett memorial church wns the
center of attraction , and groups of , rustics attired -
tired In Sunday raiment 'stood around thn
door. lusldo thqrc were as many people as
could be accommodated. The chancel was
decorated with flowers , and an extra choir
was In attendance. At 11 o'clock the presi
dential party entered , and were ushered Into
thu pews reserved for them on the right of
the pulpit. As they were sealed the choir
sail ) , ' "Flee as n Hint to Yon Mountain. " The
pastor , Huv. Dr. Foulk , cave out
tliu live hundred nml fortieth hymn.
"Behold What Condescending Love,1' '
and after it was sung , proceeded
tobiptlze the Infant daughter ot Captain
Isaae Ktngkcndnll , which was , by a singular
coincidence , named Francis , though not in
tended as a compliment to Mrs ; Cleveland.
The little girl bore herself with becoming
dignity , and did not oncu make a.sound.
Dr. Kaulk read thi ! fifteenth chapter tif the
first Kplstlo to Corintlilans , after which he
prayed at length , asklni ; thu divine blessing
for all present , espceially tlio piesidcnt and
his bride. The sixty-fourth hymn was
then sung , tifter which a collection
was taken up , to which Mr. Cleveland
contributed a crisp new S5 note.
The sermon was preached by Dr. Fouck.
who tdok as his text the first and second
verses of the fittcenth chanter ot St. Paul's
Fret Knlstlu to thu Corinthians : "Brethren.
I declare unto you the gospel which I
preached unto von , which also yo have re
ceived , and wherein ye stnml ; by wlilcli also
ye are saved , It' ye keep In memory what I
preached unto youunless yo have believed in
vain. " Tlio discourse was an oithodox argu
ment as to tlio death and resurrection of
Christ , nnd lasted n little over half an hour.
The president and his party wcro the lirst to
leave the church. They at. once entered
their carriages nnd were driven to tlio cottage
of Senator JJavis , where they dined. After
lunch the president aim Ills wife walked over
to the next cottage , which is occupied by
Major N. S. Hill , purchasing agent of the
Ualtlmoro & Ohio company. Ho introduced
Mrs. Cleveland to Mr. and Mrs. Hill , and ,
after being joined by Colonel and Mrs. Lament -
mont , the entire party walked back through
the lields back of the cottage and spent over
an hour gathering wild llowers , with which
the ladies filled their arms. It is understood
that the president and Colonel Lament will
have n general tronting expedition tomorrow
row , and that the colonel will return to
Washington by Tuesday morning. The date
of the mesidenfs return lias not yet been an
Saturday Sauntcrinsn.
Dinn : PAHIC , Mil. , Juno 5. The third day
of tlio presidential honeymoon could not bo
more beautiful. The sun shines warmly , its
heat tempered by a delightful breeze , which
blows over the mountain. Quiet reigned supreme
premo in the neighborhood of the executive
mansion until nearly 0 o'clock , when the tireless -
loss paciiiE to and tro of the detectives was
broken by the appearance on the
poitico of the president lie strolled
down to where the ollicers were standing
and talked pleasantly with them for a lew
moments. Breakfast was brought over from
the hotel shortly after 0 o'clock. About 11
o'clock , ex-Senator Davis and wife called at
'the cottage and in n few moment the presi
dent and Mrs. Cleveland were driven off.
The president was attired in a fishing suit.
Hods nnd lines were visible and the party
was evidently going on a fishing expedition.
After an early dinner at the cottage ot ex-
Senator Davis , a party was made up for the
purpose of visiting Deep Crook , a favorite
Tubing ground four or live miles from here.
Tlio party , consisting of the president and
Mrs. Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. Davis set
out in the president's landau. Tliodrlvowas
through the most charming portion of the
country and was greatly enjoyed. They re.
turned homo about half past seven and Mr.
Cleveland showed over a dozen handsome
trout In evidence oi his skill as an angler.
Mrs. Cleveland anil MM. Davis tried their
hands at lUhng , but , though bites were nu
merous , neither succeeded in landing a trout.
The president was very much pleased with
his luck and wlITpay the .spot another visit
befmo ho leaves for Washington. Ho imsde
cided to remain hero four or live days longer.
Tlio cottage waa free from visitors to-niirlit
and at n reasonably early hoiir the lights
were extinguished.
A Drunken Shooting Affray at Falls
< J ' City.
FAi.i.s.Cu'Vj.Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram - '
gram to tlio BKK. ] Yesterday a parfy- ) :
seven young nfen , who llvo about twonty-livu
miles south of this city , came down to the
Nemahaat this place on a fishing excursion.
About half-past eight o'clock two of tlio
party , Lenthold and Lovol.iml by name , got
Into n dispute over a wrestling match
they had been Indulging in nnd
canio to blows. I.ovcland drew
n revolver nnd fired , thp shot passing over
the top of Ltmthold's head. Thu two men
then clenched and fell to the giottnd , Lent-
hold Hunting on ton. JiistnsMion as they
struck the ground Loveland fired again , the
shot striking Limtlinld in the inlddlu of the
back and glancing down canto t < lHu ) suri'nco
a short distance below thu right'hhmililur. .
blade , Thn wounded man was 'brought 'up
town and Dr. Kerr removed thu ball. The
wound is not thought to bo dangorouA.
Lovuliind was placed in tlio coiintv jail. Ho ,
claims the shooting was accidental , and says
that alt the members of the party had been *
drinking heavily.
HiipponlnuH In IlnstlngH.
HASTINGS , Juno S. The order of the ,
mayor closing the gambling dens , nnd intimating - ;
mating to the knights of the chip and pnsto-i
board that their absence was desirable , did
not workn thorough reformation in tlioi
mornUof the fraternity. Last evening n fel-1
low name Busby called nt the homo of n\ \
brother gambler. Fanslerbv name. When the
latter returned homo his wife told homo that
Busby wiis too ntl'cctlonato and I rush toretmi-l
puny , I'aublerhiirrlcdlv invited liusby toshit | )
thu door on tlm outside , accompanying thu !
Invitation with several vigorous ihrjiKtg at.
the basement of Busby's spine. FausTor's
wrath rose as rapidly as his victim ran. llu-
pulled a revolver and llml at thu retreating
iigure , but 1'alh'd to hit , Fausler has been
Fausler wns taken to court this morning
nnd lined S3 for shooting within the city
At Morsovllle , this county. Alex. Urady , a
farmer , uttnmpted suicide with croton oil hist
niirht. IJrndy was half-crazed by financial
troubles. Sometimeago ho was arrested for
disposing of mortgaged stock , and this dis
grace drove him to desperation. He is an
old settler , and 1ms u wife and largo family
of children ,
The contract between the city and A. L.
Strang of Omaha , for the construction of
waterworks , was signed yesterday. Work
to begin tit tin * earliest possible day.
It Wtia il > > r Bon.
FAI.US CITY. Xeb. , Juno 0. [ Special Tele-
pram to the BEB. ] Mrs. Kllcn Laudey , of
Omaha , mother of the young man who was
found dead In a freight car at tills place
about three weeks axe , was In the city Friday
for the purpose of identifying her son. She
iccogiiliea tlm handwriting In the small pass
book loutul on the body as being that ot her
i i . . < >
son's. She had received < \ letter from him
two weeks before./written from Kansas City ,
In which ho stated tiiat lie would return te
his homo in Omaha atvonce. This Is the Ia l
sue heard from .lilnu until slm saw by the
special that his dead body had been found In
n box car at tills pluco )
AVrcck niftlio Union I'nolflo.
Lixrot.N , Nob. < Jnno 0. [ Special Tele
strain to lhoHiii. : * ] The Union Pacific pas
senger train duo here at a no p. m. was thro wr
from the track near tlio West Lincoln steelyards
yards , this nf lerntroiij by a broken rail , The
MiRlno , tender , mall : 'eml baggage cars rolled
down the steep cmbailkment , making n bad
wreck. Fortunately Wo one was seriously In
jnrcd. the engiiicci- and llrcnmn celling oil
nlmost miraculously ; with slight bruises. The
passenger cars wei'e'iiflt ' ' derailed. The track
was torn up for rtlong distance , making r
Rap that wilt taku n day to repair.
A Itnlllijorcnt Clown.
Jnck Cleary , one of the clowns nttachcil
to Colo's circus , nml William Milton , n
bass drummer , wcro arrested on Satur-
elay evening for cronting a disturbance
by lighting near the show grounds. Yes
terday afternoon Henri' Luid/.baoh was
arrested for disturbing the peace , nntl
Was placed in the cell with tlio two show'
men. The newcomer mnilo liimsolf tllsn-
erceablo in Oluary's eyes.and tlicro was lit'
tie diflioully in working up a row botwcon
them. The jailer heard their wrangling ,
but before lie realized what was going on
thu two mun It nil formed a ring and were
ongnsrcil in a lighl to tlio finish with bare
hands and without rules. Before thu
police could interfere the clown succeeded
in getting ir a rlght-liandur , which broke
his opponent's nose. Dr. Lulsoring was
called , and patched up I.eiil/.bixch's
crushed nasal apDimtlago , and the bellig
erents wuro conlinud in difl'erunt culls.
Hcnlplng a Scalper.
A snonk thief got in his work at Hob-
bio Hros. ticket olllcu on Satunhiv nftur-
uooti to the luno of s57 , and oscupcil
without a scratch. Mr. II. G. Hobbio
was called out of the olllco to ascertain
Urn rate to a certain point for a passe n-
ler to whohi ho was soiling a ticket. Ho
Imd just boon counting his cash when in-
lurrnptuel by thu customer , and laid the
2ontonts of the money drawer on the
Jounler behind a desk front. After he
liad made tlio sale ho returned to ht.s
jash and found it ? r 7 short. Mr. Hobbio
thinks that the money was taken by some
sneak thiuf who entered the building by
v door in the rear of tlm building , which ,
fnriiisheo easy access to the desk behind
which tlie money was loft. The tluoi luft
no clue. .
A Wife IJoatcr.
There was a little family gathering at
the home of W. 11. Otto , on Fourteenth
street , between Pierce and Williams on
Saturday nighi. During tlio evening : i
keg of beer was tapped and the company
became hilarious. After the guests had
retired Otto accused his wife of having
Iliried with one of them and a ouarrc.l en
sued ending in ( Jtto's being lodged in
jail , with the clinCgu of wifubeatiug
jilaccd opposite liis name. . _ _ %
- A. J. llanseom wcii > onstt Saturday.
i Matt Patrick left for Cheyenne last
niji-ht. M '
KV. . BrcckonrUlgc went to Grand
[ slaml last niglitv ,
Mrs. J. Pritehctt has gotn on a visit to
her sister in Sioux City.
Mayor Boyd ami A. J. Hanscom lofl
Saturday evening foriCliicago.
Robert UrnuohartViof Cheyenne , Wy
oming , is in the city stopping at the Mil-
lard. * i. ' -
Governor Dnwes was in the city pSattu-
flay on liis way horm"f ! rom the Loup Citv
excursion. : " ' " '
George J. Mco'iiling , of Washington ,
D. C. , is in Omaha , returning from an
extended western trip.
-George Webster luft last night for
Uhoyenne , where he is to engage in a law
suit of considerable importance.
- Mrs. General Wilson and daughter ,
Mrs. Warren S wit/lor with her two
children , left yesterday for Leaven-
worth , where they will remain for several
- Samuel Orchard left Saturday night for
Cincinnaii to attend the commencement
uxurcises of Ml. Auburn seminary , where
liis daughter is being educated , lie will
bo absent about ten days.
Mrs. W. 11. Trne.sdell , wife of the man
: iger of the Pacilic Hotel company's eat
ing house at the Union Paeilio depot , Is
: > u a visit to Mrs. Tubbetts of Lincoln.
" Colonel Henry , instructor of rillc pract
ice , sent put one of his orderlies Satur
day to solicit subscriptions tor prizes for
Llie department rillu contest in August.
So far the response has been very liberal.
Application for divorce has boon made
by a Lewiston , Mo. , couple who , it is said.
ilul not exchange words for a quarter of
ri century , until a month ago. They
lived in tlio same house.
" * MM. J. J. Brown and daughter Dora.
left last evening for Chicago to attend
the graduation , next Thursday , at Miss
Cirant's academy. Mr. Brown will leave
on Wednesday next to bo present on the
SMiic occasion. .
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. ( J. Ciislring , Mr. mid
Mrs. Charles McDonald , Mr. and Mrs.
Tiuupliiton , Mr. John N. L'lynn and
Misses Code. O'Leary and Colo' formed u
vury plojwunt jiicnio purtv whicli spunt
yesterday at thu homo of Mrs. Ciishinjj's
molhcr'iu I'latl.sinoiitli.
John T , Raymond1 with his company
loft last uvoning on thu Union Pacific for
Cheyenne , where they play to-night.
The. ) ' will then go to Denver , Salt Lake
nnd finally to San Francisco , after which
they will return east by way of this city.
When the Kuason is brought to a close ,
Mr , Raymond will huyo pluyetl forty-
night weeks , thus allowing him but four
weeks in which to rcU. Of all thu actors
who come this way , Mr Raymond is
showing ngo tlio most , llu seems to
know it and regrets that ho has allowed
himself so small a vacation this year.
An KHCjtyeil Convlot.
Deputy Warden ( Jill of the Missouri
Statu penitcntiurj'f canio hero last
week to gut Durham" , an inmate of the
servo an
moval to Missouri. Mr. ( Jill's lengthy
sla } ' in Oniaha.wasiiiotcaused | by thu delay -
lay in securing thirnct/essary / re.iiti | > ition
paperii from Missnnrr's'irovoriior.biit was
for tliu purpose ofmenrching thu city for
nn important conyipt vho has t-.scnpcd
from thu Missouri1 fJrBbn with a life sentence -
tonco hanging ovfjij lif hund. Ho had
reason to holiuro uintrMiid man was in
Umaha hut failed tr tlml him after a dili
gent search. Diirhamwho was in serving
n thirty days' sentence in the county jail
for pushing a woman oll'of n street car
because she would not give him monuy ,
will bo taken to Jellerrion City to-morrow.
Saturday night , at an unknown hour ,
burglars gained entrance to the butcror
3ho of 1'aco & Schmidt , 739 Broadway ,
Council Binds. They drilled two holes
through the door pluto into the lock of
the safe , and partially drillud u third ,
when , it is supposed , they , were fright-
tided away. Yesterday the safe was
lound us described , and the combination
tvns so brokim as to make it impossible to
open ( ho safe door Thuy .synt to ( Justavu
Andreen , of the Omaha safe works , who
went over yea.terday and succeeded
iu. opening ( hb'safo without cl illicit I ty.
The Railroad Companies Have a Series ol
Mishaps ,
G rad I MR Improvement-A Durglnr)1
antl Two Fires HAHO Hall A
AVllVs Heater Anies' Aim
A Chapter of Aciitdnnt < i.
Saturday morning about three o'clock ,
as one of tlio east bound trains on the
Missouri Pacilic was crossing the last span
of the bridge of that road over the Plattc
river , one of the cars became derailed
tearing the span and then falling into the
river. It wns followed by two others
which wcro heavily laden. The track
for a considerable distance on the north
bank of the river was destroyed , but
gangs of men and material wejo sent , to
repair it at an early hour , Tlm morning
passenger from this point at lUill ) o'clock
was compelled to go around by way o 1
flho H , & M.'to LuitTsvillo.
Tjho breaking down was caused by the
connecting rod of thu drivers of the en
gine. 803. occoming detached from one
of tlio latter and the piston. It flow
backward , destroying the engineer's side
of ( he cab , throwing him out into the
tender and giving mm but a narrow
'oscapo from death. Tlio train proceeded
slowly to'Maxwell , where the engineer.
Lambert with his. engine , was retired
for repairs ,
Train No.11 on the Union Pacific ,
which meets the overland at Valley and
runs thouce 16 Lincoln , and points fur
ther south , met with a Hurious accident
vusterdav afternoon about 1:30 : o'clock.
-The engine , tender and baggage and
mail ears rolled down a steep embank
ment and were badly used up. The lire-
man and engineer saved themselves by
jumping. Thu passenger cars remained
on the tniok , which was considerably
torn. up. Thu accident was occasioned
by a broken rail.
Train No. ! on the Union Pacific which
reaches hero in the afternoon wns do-
tallied at Ogden four hours in waiting
for the Denver & Rio Grande. In on-
doayoring to make up for lost time , the
engine broke down when about te.u miles
this side of North Platte. This necessitated
another delay of about an hour. To ac
commodate the local trafllc a special was
put on at Grand Island which canio in
yesterday afternoon on limo. ,
Doug Pattou , an engineer on the Oma
ha & Republican Valley division of the
Union Pacific , met with a peculiar acci
dent on tlio in-coming run yesterday
morning. Ho was pounding along at the
rate of M ) miles an hour just this side of
Valparaiso whim hu noticed that one of
thu burrs on the left Hank of the engine
had become loosened and was about to
drop oh" . Ho stepped out on the foot
board and was fastening tlio nut when
the wrench ho was using caught in the
wheel and was knocKcd out of his hand
carrying the engineer's right thumb with
it , Remembering how narrowly hu es
caped being thrown from the engine
Doug gazes wistfully at his maimed hand
antl murmurs , "It's bad but it might have
been worse. "
Last niglil , about 10 o'clock a special
tram containing thu Union Pacific wreck
ing car , with a lull crew , was sent to the
sccni ! of the accident , while earlier in the
afternoon an engine-was dispatched from
Valley which carried tlio remaining cars
of the passenger train to their destina
Last night about 10. o'clock a loaded
car was derailed on the Union Pacific
noir Howull's lumber yard , in the west
park of lhu oily. It was turned up side
down , and lay partly across the track ,
delaying , for the third time , No.1 on its
trip from Ogdun. A force of men was
sent to the scone and the obstruction re
moved to enable the passage of the train
Last night's overland passenger carried
west , the car of President Adams , of the
Jnion Pacilic. It contained simply
Huury Adams , of Washington , brother of
the president , and Mr. John La Farge , an
ostficmed friend of the same gentleman.
Tlio cur will convey tlio gentlemen to San
Francisco , where they will take the
steamer for Japan. They will be absent
about four months. The tourists were
met at tlio Blulls antl accomplnied to this
side by by Mr. Thos. Orr.
Kan Still in Jnll Awaiting the Arrival
of the Chicago Dntoctive.
Thnro were no developments yesterday
in the case of Ran , the Chicago anarch
ist. Detective Bonlieltl , who is fo take
Ran back to Chicago , has not arrived in
the city yet. Ran illy bears his confine
ment and expresses himself as being
willing and anxious to return to Chicago
Without waiting for requisition papers.
He refuses to have further conversation
with the newspaper fiends and is having
altogether UrtJarv . of it. IIo was
taken out' for ah airing yesterday after
noon anil purchased a Chicairo paper ,
but was not allowed to read it by lhu
police. . .llo is an invulerate smoker and
.spends most of his litnu pacing up and
down the lloor in his cell , nervously pull
ing at a cigar which lias been his
constant comnanion during , , Ills
corilinumont. Frank W.ilker. as-
sistaut district attorney of Chicago ,
who is looking after the state's interest
in tlio case against tlio anarchists , has
been in the city since Saturday morning
iiuicjly wo.-Uing among Omaha anar'
clii&ts to obtain , any information that
Unit may hnvo imparted to them during
liis-stay in this city. Mr. Walker pom
pously announced that he hail no inform
ation'to bo given to thu public through
the prerfs. , as ull publicity was hurting thu
White's cnsio ,
"Tho faat is , " ho said , "this is one of
tin ; most important cases on record.
Run liaJ-boiui indicted for conspiracy to
murder , ( thus been shown that ho did
'tint throw thu bomb , but it is now a sot-
tled'fact that thu Huymarket riot and the
killing of tliu four policemen was a pre
meditated allair ami Ran was one of the
loading conspirators. "
, The Chicago Tribune ) of Saturday do-
nics Rail's MaUnm.'iit that he was not
present at tho. llavmarkct riot on tlm
availing of May 4. The Tribnno says
that Rau was with Spies at the time of
thq riot anil bore a message from Spies
to his follow conspirators to come to his
aid whim the meeting became so largo
that he could not handle it alonu.
Detective Bontield is expected to arrive
In thocity tnis morning to take charge of
Important Grading ImiiroyrinentH.
Some weeks ngo tlio city council re
ferred a great number of petitions from
property holders asking lor the grading
of streets in dilVcrent portions of the city
to tliu city engineer with instructions to
draft an estimate of the cost of the de
sired work. Mr. Rosewater has com
pleted h'jj work ami mudu a report to the
council committee at their meeting on
Saturday evening. The report shows
that tlio property holders Imvo asked forever
over a million yards of grading which
would cost about fiZO.lWO of wliic.h
amount $110,000 would have to bo paid
by thu city , thu other half being assumed
by the property holduro. The committee
are of the opinion that this is fully UO per
cent moru work than can bo
attempted by the city at Ihls
time. . An ordinance will bo
reported to thu council at the meeting on
Tuesday night and will bo tollowcd by
another next week making provision fet
the grading of a largo number of street *
at an estimated cost of $ MOP03. ' 1 he
principal streets to bo included Iu this
provision are podge , Douglas , Saunders ,
Hamilton , Jeu"er. < on , Sixteenth , Jackson ,
Lcnvotiworth ami connecting streets
about tliirtv in all. The demand for the
grading of tlnwo streets is simply impera
tive and is umdo to nUbrd room for the
improvements that are contracted for
anil contemplated on the streets which
are named in the ordinances. Citv Kn-
g'uicer Koscwatur stales that the grnillnu
13 much needed on all of thirslreots named
in the numerous petitions but that the
city is so limited in its resources that
it can not attempt the work at
present. The delay in ordering the
work is necessitated by tlm doubt that ex
ists in the minds of the council as to
what thu assessed valuation of the city
will be for the coming year. Unless the
valuation is raised to a good iiguro the
clly can not well attempt any further
grading improvements than will bo pro
vided for in the ordinances to bo pre
sented at thn tunning meeting to-morrow
night and next week. Mr. Hosuwatcr
states that an ell'nrt will bo made to have
the work le.t at once ns in many portions
of the city important contemplated im
provements are being delayed because
the streets are not in a condition to al
low the work to proceed. The grading
cannot be done any too rapidly.
A SpottinMnn Tells How lie Won
"Lucky about queer wagers" said a
sporting man Iho other night , "I shall
never forgot the time I won $1000 on a
fast hog. Have 1 over told youthostory ? "
His auditors shook their heads and
asked for the tale which lie told as fol
lows : "It wns iu the summer of 1878 , if I
recollect rightly , I hail buon play
ing a pretty Bleep game in
Chicago that winter nnd spring
and when June came , my not over-strong
systum was pretty nearly broken down.
Acting on the ad vice of a medical friund ,
I took a jaunt to a little country town in
Iowa , hoping thai a month's sojourn thorn
might brace mo up for the fall and winter
campaign. But to tell you about the race.
The town hud a pretty good course , and
some of the boys there owned some
really good tlycrs.of which they were very
proud. Ono of them , whose name I
needn't mention , possessed a mare upon
whoso Ilcetness ho particularly prilled
himself. Talking with him in a banter
ing way one day , I offered to produce a
hog which could beat his animal
in a UOO-yard running race. Ho
became angry , when I insisted upon thu
matter. 'I'll tell you what I'll do , ' I said
to him jocosely ; 'I'll ' bet you any amount
of monuy you may namu that mv pig can
win the race. Do you take nicy * The
boys standing around grew interested ,
and commenced to press around. Tlie
other man , whose face by this time was
livid with rage , roared 'I'll ' bet you
$1,000. '
This rather staggered me , but as I had
the money I wasn't to bo hluHed. I put
it ui ) . Iho articles of agreement wuiu
quickly drawn up ami signed.
"Well , to cut a long story short , T got
hold of ouu of thuso long , lank , hungry
scrub porkers and put him at once into
training. My method was to feed him
a bushel of corn ouce a day. The pig
would bo stationed at one end of a
straight ! ! 00-yard lane , and over the line at
the other cud , tliu corn would bo dumped
upon a given signal. The moment the
corn was dumped , the pig was freed and
away he would scoot for Hie other end.
Tins kind of1 practice was kept up for
one month , nnd at the end of this time
tlie hungry hog could make tlm distance
in a waj' thai would put "Maud S" to
shame. The day of the race came , and
every man , woman and child for miles
around was on hand to witness it. The
race was run on the boy's own ground ,
according to agreement. The porcine
racer was more ) than unusually hungry
that day. Ho had became so accustomed
to lindin < r his half bushel of corn at thu
other end of tlio Jane that when iiu was
released , upon tliu word 'Ho ! ' hu shot off
like a llat-h. Hu darted under tin ; horse's
logs , and before thnt animal and his rider
could recover themselves , was at the
other end. Hu didn't got his corn , but I
did gel the § 1,000. 1 left town the next
day. "
The Sunday Game.
Yesterday's game between the Lead-
villes nnd Iho Union Pacifies was onu of
Iho poorest ever played on Umaha
grounds. It was a contest in which heavy
slugging , many errors antl general rotten
work , with an occasional good play , were
the features. The Union Pacifies had no
pitcher , and consequently could not hold
down the Leatlvilliaus , who are of
mighty prowess witli tlie willow. Sales-
bury pitched onu inning , and upon liis
nnn giving out hu was succeeded by
Jtockwcli , who met with n similar mis
fortune after two innings' ' work. Melvol-
voy then stepped into the breach , but
nftor two or three innings liis arm like
wise failed him. Ho then linishuil the
game by simply tossing the bail to the
batsmou. The resulting score was 10 to
11 , in favor of tlio Luaelvillu team.
Omaha Reform dill ) Iteception.
The reception given on Saturday even
ing by the Omaha Koform ulub , at Buck
ingham homo , was a success in every par
ticular. About twenty-live couples were
in attendance , and the evening was passed
pleasantly in sogial converse , games ,
Kinging , and doing justice lo the refresh
ments , consisting of strawberries , ice
cream and cake. The members of the
club had charge of tlie tables , and at-
quitted themselves admirably as WHtturn ,
It was close on to 1' ' o'clock when the
last gnecitj departed , nml it was tliu unan
imous verdict that It had bcun an exceedingly -
ingly enjoyable occasion. Another ro-
( . option will probably t > u given soon , of
whicli due notie.u will bu given. The club
desires to return thanks to the ladies who
furnished caku and in othur ways assisted
In making tliu uvuning a complete suc
The fire department was called out at
5 o'clock yesterday afternoon by a lire in
a room in thu Kastubrook block , at the
corner of Chicago and Sixteenth streets.
The llnmus weni extinguished before thu
arritml of ihe department.
A pile of rubbish in ono of Iho wings
of Anna Wilson's eastlej caught lire Sat-
unlay night , and ignited the window
shutters , An alarm of lire wnsgiVun , bul
before the arrival of the department thu
Humes had been niibducd by a bucket bri
gade. The tire boys arrvetl in time to
tear oil' tlie shutters and break a coupiu
of windows ,
A runt h HI root Iturglary.
Burglars effected an untrancu Into
Wiig's dry goods store on South Tunth
streut Into last night by bruakjng in lhu
roar of thu building and carried away a
lot of jewelry , underwear and kid gloves.
The amount of tlio loss cannot bo ascer
John T. Itiiyinixiel.
The performance of John Kaymoud
and company nt the opera house Satur
day night , notwithstanding the attrac
tion ol tlio circus , was attended by a
largo iiudiuuuu. Tlio piece was nuver
more satisfactorily rendered here ,
Mary Scott , the daughter of Wil
liam Scott , has been appointed guardian
for her father , who has been adjudged in-
by tilts floitnty board.
To Secure Possession of the Omntift
SnvliiRS Hank Property.
It has already been published in Iho
BIB : that Fred Amos , of the directory of
tlio Union I'aciHc , hail purchased qulto
an amount of property in this city. Ono
of his purchases comprises tlio fifty-
two feet immediately west of tlio Omaha
Savings bank on the southwest corner of
Thirteenth and Doughs streets. Mr.
Ames proposes to erect upon this ono of
the finest buildings over built in Om.ihn ,
but has expressed also n willingness to
purchase the ground nnd building where
thu savings bank now does business. K
hu shonlit bo able to secure that , hn
would bo inspired lo put up a building In
ke"ping with thu location and the present
and prospective advancement of tlio city.
Ho has offered no price for the property
but has expressed a willingness to hear
the value placetl upon it by the owners.
Accordingly , a meeting of the directors
of the bank will bo held to-day to doeido
whether or not they will jiart with their
building and ground. The building at
present brings but a poor rot\jru \ upon
the value of thu property , and the lit-
cotuu cannot be increased unless a now
structure bo erected or thu present ono
so modified as to enable it to compote
with better equipped structures. It is
understood that a number e > f thu directors
arc in favor of selling tlm place and rent
ing from Mr. Ames , while it is known
that some arc opposed to the scheme. .
A Plokpoukot Follcil.
The confidence sharks nnd pickpockets
who followed Cole's circus into the city ,
met with very pcor success , thanks to the
vigilance of the police force and the de
tectives who accompany the circus and
to whom most of the crooks are well
known. Ouo of the sharks , evidently a
pickpocket , was caught at thu eircus
grounds in attempt to kick thu props from
under one of the tiers of seats upon whicli
wcro .scaled several hundred people. Ilia
plan was doubtless to create a imnic iu
thn midst of which he and liis pals might
reap a harvest , llu was caught by an
employe of the clreus , who alleges that
ho turned him over to a policeman , but
for some unknown reason lhu n Hair was
not reported at the police headquarters.
Fire LPIH on a Journey.
Assistant Chief J. J. Galilean , of the
fire department , icfl yesterday to atlend
the tournament of the Iowa tiremun ,
which takes place this week in Dubmnie.
Ho was accompanied by Captain Coulter ,
of JSo. 5 engine , and Michael Carter ,
driver of No. 1. Captain Coulter will net
as engineer of the steam engine which
Council BluIVs sends to take part in the
There were Ihirty births reported to
the city clerk for Iho week ending on
Saturday. The deaths numbered eight.
Obedient lo Iho council's instructions
Marshal Ciinimings sent a policeman lo
Sulphur Springs yesterday to preserve
the peace of thai neighborhood , Ollicer.
Howies was detailed for tlie service anil'
succeeded in corralling a half-dozen
tramps , who were found In camp nt the
A Miiall lire in the Annie Wilson cstab.
lishinent on lower Douglas street , caused
by a defective ) flue , created considerable
excitement In that locality Saturday
night. It was extinguished without mncU
loss. _ _ _ _ _ J
Real Katnte TrniiHrorg.
The following transfers were filed J
Juno1 , with the county clerk , antl
reported for tha BEE by Amos' Real *
Estate Agencv :
Leavltt Biirnham and wlfo to llohcrt 11
Guild , lot ! blk 2 Douglas Co , w d--$7. .
John 1 Kcdlclc and wife to Omaha Belt It It
Co ; lots 1 anil in blk 7 Oak Chatham ml a
Omaha , w d SIOut ) .
Byron Iteed ami wlfo to Mary A Upton , lot
bile ' -Hh add Omaha d ) .
3 1 Heed'sHh , w SLIM
Isaac S Unseal ! and wife to .InniM
Sllghtnm , lot'J 1 last-all's sulidiv lots -III ami
.10 S K Hogcrs Okahoma Douglas Co , w d
A II Swan anil others ( tnisteos ) to William
Vein \Veir , lots 5 nnd 8 bile 70 South Omaha ,
w d S450.
Ella Cherry and hnsb.ind to Wendell Ben
son , lots 1 nnd'JblkT.lcrome Parksnbdlv bile
II. Smith's add Omaha , w d 3'V'OO.
Gio ; Armstrong nntl wife to Susann Par
ker , let ! . " > bll ; 3 Armstrong's 1st add Omaha ,
w d-SWO.
Susanna Parkernnd hush to Jesse M Iuwi. f
lot 15 blk 1 ! Armstrong's 1st add Omaha , w tl
S.V-300. <
Augustus Pratt and wife and others te >
Vflliv'BerUii , loj 4 blk U I'ratt's subdiv Dong-
las Co. w tl jlMtJ.
Jesse Lowe to Mrs P'nvllhi ' K Sawyer , lot
1 hlk US Omaha , rj e S'2.50.
Silass II II Clark ( trustee ) to Pun ! Nelson ,
lot 1 hlk 1 , lot 5 hlk ii , lot I bllCI. lot ! M blk 5
West Side add Omaha , w d-Sl.fiOU.
( ! eo II Hoggs , wile ami others to August )
Kcltler , lot IS blk 11 Omaha Viuw Dougla
Co. w d f'JTfl. '
Gee II Hoggs , wife and others to Angus )
[ 'elder , lot 17 blk 11 Omaha Vlo\v Douglas
( So. wd 8100.
JelTeison W Bedford , wlfo nnd others to
John Jacobs , lots 10 and 11 blk ft KlrkwoodA
add Omaha , w d-S7CO. /
AlJieinon S Paildoe.k nml wife to Mnatfl
Meyer , lot 7 block 7 Jerome Park PaddocK
siibdlv blk 11 Smith's add Omaha , w d i
Algernon S Paddock and wlfu to Krnest
I'uyeke ami olher.-i.lots Sand 0 bin T.lero'no
Park I'addofk's subdiv blk 1-1 Smith's add.
Omalm , w
Algeinon S Paddock and wife to S 3
l-'Mier. lot : tblk M Highland Place Douglas
Co. wd ; SI.OW.
Algernon S Paddock nnd wife to Mi *
.Meyer nnd others , lots ! ! nndI blk 7. Jeromn
I'ai'k 1'aililiM'U's siiliitiv hlk M , Smith's adit.
Omaha , w d S'J.l K ) .
KIM ! Ksliito and Trust Co to Kniest Iliibpr ,
lots 5 ami ( > blk 1 .Saiinders it Hlnn-batigli'iJ
add Omalm. w tlRT.'ji ) .
Alvln tSaundi'i's , wife nnd others to Kmmn
C KrirUson. lot 1 hlk KSannders & lllmo-
liannhV mid Omaha , w d S"n < ) ,
Tiieodnro Chirk to .Martinet M Gordon ,
lot iJblk l Diiidse's adiiomiihii , wtl Sl.aoo.
.Alargaret M Goitlon ami hu. > h to Mary A
Collet ! , lot 12 bin 1 Denbu's add Omaha , w d
John A Iloilwk anil wife lo Callle W
Holme.- , , lot S blk I Purlaa'h add Omaha , w tl
G if I'.irk nnd wlfo lo Jo < eph 1) Poiterr
III It of ufil lent of Inl's'41 nml'J-Jbile 10 Hindi's
Stl mid Omaha , w dsf l..0 ( ( ) .
( ieoirii Olson nnd wife to Morris .Monison ,
n K w ' , , lot I' * hlk l.'i Imp add Oiiiahn ,
w if STI ) .
Isaae.S llasi-al ! iHlngln ) toKiignnn O'Neill ,
w 7U tl lot 1 blk S Kount/u'r , 1th add Omalm , '
Glltiliit M Hitchcock and wife to Johh a *
Iliteheoek , unil V. In s 00 tt w 10J It Iot2 ? <
.ViilMin's add Omaha , q c 1.
( illbert M Ilitchitouk nnd wife to Jnhn ( l
Iliteheoek. nnd Kin n Will lots ; i amU and
i 10 it ol o-ll Ic lot : t blk HU Omalm , < i c-l. -
Antnnlf Siu-hosy and hiiib lo J AVaktv
Held , Ti ncie-i of s o { { n w } { we ! > , 15 , ! ' ! Doug
las Co , w d-ftroi ) .
Dan II Wheeler anil wlfu to West .Sliln Bltla
As o , n M tt lot 11 John 1 Bedlck's add
Dmaha. w tl-S'.i7.r : > ij.
Henry W Yntr.i nml wlfo to .fames A Run-
Icrlmnf , w A lot 7 blk 8 Hillside udd Ko I
' -in/wii-S / - .
A diamond * tud which was given with
silier valuables lo a boy about 10 yonrj
Did , with .in impediment in JiU fepooch ,
il thu IniKo ball Dark , Friday June. 4tli ,
I'arcnts who have children answering to
nhovu tli-hcriptiun , please ascertain us to
whether they attended on this diiy milho
liov is not known lo any one Any in
formation will be duly rewarded. Ad.
( J , 17 , JJeo Ollleo.
Kor Hale.
nd hand top and opoti Buggies ,
tnd delivery wagons uucond hand.
* & Jlll l lO.V ,
natilu of
dpr-n every day , 10 a. m. to 10 p , m. ,
M.r.y'e\vo : \ and 18th 3t.
V :