Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1886, Image 1

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The Irish Homo Rule Bill On the Very
Verge of Defeat ,
The ( lovcrnnient Conner In Its EfTorta
to Hocurc Itccrulls to Hiipiort |
tiic Hocond Hcndliig A
Dlainnl Outlook.
Ireland Not Vet Krro.
Juno 0. [ Special Cablcernin to
the Hii.J : Tins division Monday on the second
end leading of the homo into Dill will show
the largest vote over iccouted in the house of
commons. It Is estimated that , If there aio
no abstalneis fiom voting , < VX ) nuiiubcrs will
pass letters. Sir Homy K. 1'onsonby , private
secretary to the queen , telegraphs her majesty
at Ualmoral nightly the way matters stand.
The leadeis of the home lido branch of the
ladlcalshavo Informed Mr. Ainold Worley ,
the goveinment whip , that lurthor proselyt
ing clfoi Is among tliu wavetlng radicals aio
useless. Tliuy say nothing more can bo uono
to heal thu bieach In lliu paily , and ihuv bo-
HIIVO certain defeat awaits the bill. They
theiefoiu iccommend that thu goveinment
stand Its gionnd , and make no more lutllo
The rumor Is gaining ground that Glad
stone will advise tlio queen to postpone the
dissolution of paillameut on the pieloxt of
"neccssaiy legislation , " the object being to
securutliu pussaguof the amended luglstra-
tlon bill , thu effect of which would bo to ru-
duce the tlmu of lesldcnco icqulred lor
tenant franchise from a jcar to six months ,
orpeilmps three mouths. This would result
ceitaliily In a laigo extension of the sulfiage ,
and would ceitaliily bo favoiablo to the
llbeial cause. Gladstoneltes vvelcomo this
com so if It can bo made feasible. They sec
otner advantages In It besides their ultimate
lelnloiccment at tlie hustings , for they
consider that In the additional time
It would give them they could
certainly convcit thu country to the homo
uilu doctilnes. Tliuy ale cnteitaln the hope
that by avei ting dissolution on the present
divided paity lines , the chances of reuniting
their Indians will bo Incieased. The argu
ment advauccel against thu couisiuiamcd Is
thudltllculty ot gutting the measure passed
without a long cemtiovorsy and thcahsolutu
ceitainty that It would bo lejectcd bj thu
house of loids , ovun If passed uy thu coui-
TJiu defeat of the pecond reading is to
night icgaiiled by almost uveiyouc as a foie-
gonu eoliclusioii. Some lew liiends of the
measure hope Gladstone may , by onoot his
wondeifullv elTectivo speeches , bilngovera
Niilllulent number of weak-kneceled oppon
ents with a rush at the last moment to cieato
a baio majoiily tor the bill , but this Is the
fmloin hope. All the betting is about live to
four against the success M the goveiniuent ,
which would Indicate about twenty majority
loi-thc opposition.
All thoughts now turn to thu probabilities
ot n new gcncial election , which Is icgaided
nsceitaln te > bu oidered at no distant day ,
whatever slight postponement theiu may bu
aiisiiifcfioiu minor puity agencies. The ic-
poits ot election agents aie glowing less
Impelul as to the piosnccl ol defeating Glad-
Monuitcs by unionist candidates. The duke
ot Westminster has given all his
Dei by winnings by Uimoiulo to thollbeiul
union election fund , adding thcicto a huge
hum liom his private purse. Both paitle.s o.x-
puilencu increasing illlllciilty In Imdliig
eligible ! candidates. Countiy gentlemen
manliest moiu ami moiodisincHnation to en-
jrago In political contests wheic piopeity in-
teiestsand peisomil nopuli\ill.V couut'
" hi tie. Itiglit-IIon.-Cfcoigo Otlo Tr6"vclvnn ,
om ; of thu chiut liberal secciteis , has inti-
nialed ho will seek lor ie-qlectton Irom
Havvyck , and the llbeiat committee are cast-
lug about for a candidate tlieiu who
will pledge hlmsell to support Glad
stone. Corbutt , llbeial member for
Glasgow , who lias made a eaielul poll of the
lloeial eleetois ot that city , icpoits thev now
stand 3,700 a allist , and 707 in favorot tliu
home' inlu bill.
Uusiuess men geneially seem hopclnl that
thu icsult ot thu now election will bu the 10-
tin n 01 u fallout ; libeial unionist government
under llaitlngtun , which they think would
nil01 el a piospect of renewed eeimmeielal ac
tivity , and put an end to the long poilod ot
depiesslon in tiade. Flutcher , libeial mem
ber lor Cliippunliam , will ask Gladstonu on
Monday whether the government will ineor-
ix.ilate ptovlslons tor thu selt-goveinmunt of
Kngland , Wales and Scotland In thu Iilsli
home inlo bill .which ho pioposcs to Intro
duce next autumn , or biing In sepaiate bills
covering such piovlsions.
I'rolessoi of Civil Law , Webb , of Dublin
uuhr'slty , sajs that the piesent pailiameiit
ott'i ' rf lilted Klngelom would cease to exist
unon the p.issaeu ot the bill giautlng pailla
meut to lielaiiit and theiu would be. In law ,
no Impeilal pailhiment. In older to cany
out the pioposed object , thu bill should con
tain a clausu lesuscitating thu paillameut of
Gieat liutaln which died when the act ol
union was passed. It should also lu-enact
the statute ol Gcoigo I , wnieh madu the lilsh
pailiameiit suboielinaiu to and iiepundi'iit
uiiou the p.tilhiment ot Gieat Hiltaln. The In Gladstonu's bill iiioviiling lor the
lepeal of tliu mcasmo , If found necessary ,
would pmvu Inopeiatlvu if Ireliuel choose to
deny the oxlsteucu of an lutpcilal pallia-
meiit. Knghiud could doubtless usscitlier
supicmucy , but It would have to bo In tlio
Held , ami not In parliament ,
Si ; iisor a Fnlluro ,
LONDON' , Juno 0. Politicians Imvo been
actlvu tlnougliout the day. The icsult ot to
day's meetings nt political lieadijuaiteis
bhovvs that theio la little hope that the homo
rnlu bill will pass , although many mliiisteil-
nllsts claim that Gladstouu'a icply to
Commoner Moulton's letter lias secuieel
moiu waveiers On the other hand , Mr.
I.aboucheie , who has been couducllng nego
tiations with thu maluonteuts , has throun up
the snongc. Ho says that ho could lulng
over Biilllelent waveiers to cany the bill it
Gladstone would gho way only a veiy
little , but the piem ler leluses to yield
an inch. Klght llbeialsstillhesitate. It they
vote with tlio opposition the bill will bu lost.
Ills legaided as possible that thei division
may icsiilt in a lie , in which event Spenkei
1'uel will give the deciding votu. All at
tempts to elicit thu spcakci'a opinion have
Nuttleil hy Dlaiiio'M Speech.
Loxiiox , June n. The Standard joins In
the attack on Hlalne fur his attack on the
Marquis ot Sallsbuiy in his i'oithiud speech.
It says : "Wo must Iry to believe It was a
false veision of Salisbuiy's speech which was
adopted without Inquiry by this American
politician who , for personal reasons , culll-
> at < s tlio liiuli vote. '
Thu News , ( mlulsteilal ) , commenting on
the same topic , savs ; "Wo have nothing to
do with Hlaine. Ho belongs to far from nn
admliablo class of Ameilcan politicians. Wo
can do veiy well without his opinion of this
countiy , His aelvlce Is not iciiuhcel in the
management ot our concerns. Whether ho
inlsicptcscntcel Salisbury or not , wo do not
know or care. "
A rrcnch Statesman Who llelicvcil In
Moro HehcadlngH.
PAIIIS , Juno 6. fspccial Cablegram to the
IIK.J ! : The radicals aio displaying the
ntnfost rancor over the question of tlio ex
puUlon of the princes , The Duo Do Koche
foucauld , dining a debnto on the measine
made an earnest appeal to the honor am
humanity of the country , Ho recalled the
significant fact that dining the rcvolutloi
citizens wcio menaced with confiscation o
Uiplr pioperty If they left Franco and vveio
behsadcd If they remained.
Alibispoiut DeputyMlchcln iulcrruptOi
and excitedly shouted , "They didn't cut off
enough heads In 17V3 , "
This cniibcd n tnmult In the chamber , and
Mlchclln's remark , though excluded from the
olllclal report ot the proceedings , Is widely
reported and cmnmenlcd on throughout the
Country. Fashionable shopkeepers are much
chagrined at the expulsion movement , as Its
ticccss means a veritable disaster to them.
Tlio riHhcrlcs Dispute.
LONDON , June G. The Standard , discus
sing the fisheries dispute , says : " \Vohavc
no doubt Hayard will avoid precipitate and
offensive action relating to the fisheries con-
rovcrsy. Ccntalnly thcro Is no desire In
' .ondon and we believe , none In Washing-
on , to have the two interested nations In
volved In a quartol over a rather trilling dis
pute between Atlantic fishermen. However ,
whllo the treaty of 1818 lemalns , Canadians
mvo a perfect right to demand Its observ
ance1. It Is not to bo supposed that
the Canadians will hold \alunblo lights
without some equivalent. Concessions
on both sides are nccessarv , The matter
Iocs not coiicein Kngland dlicctlr. but wo
ire bound to show firmness In our decision.
I'hu Canadians look to us lorsuppoit and
: hey ought to iccelvo It. Wo would rather
lie ! dispute had not occuued , but as It has
xilse n we cannot help ourselves. Anything
would be better than leading the colony to
bcllovo It cannot tuly on Gieat Britain. "
Flro nud Flood.
ir.NXA , June 5. The town ot Hate In
llnnirary , was destioyed by lire. Three him-
lied houses were binned and three llvcslost.
Hmtt.iN , June.1 ! . Violent thunder storms
areomuaiileil bv bursting of water spouts
inuvallcd foi several days past In Central
[ lUimany and the llaitz mountain tenltory ,
in lliu noithvtcstcin pait ol tlio emplie.
llousesaiid railways have been deslioyed.
llnll stones \vtilgliing two ounces havu I al
ien at Glcson. Thu estimated damage to
ciops exceed Si50OJO. A number ot people
have been killed by lightning and Hoods.
Kiot nt the Funeral.
ni.KAST , June 0. The funeial of Curren ,
: hc young man who lost his life by diowning
liming thu lucent Orange-Catliollc riot , te > ok
| ) laec to day. Thu body was followed to
: ho cemetery by a pioccssion of iiO.OOO
Catliollcs. A buily of Oiangemen pelteel
stones at thu ] iiocessioii , and the Catholics In
ictaliation madu an assault on the Oiungu-
men and dmvu them away. A nuiubcr of
shots vvcru tiled , ono man was stabbed , and
several persons weie cut upon the head.
Finally the police snccecelcu In restoring
ContraotH Iict Tor the First Forty
Miles ol * Jtond.
CniOAOO.J uno r > . [ Special Telegram to the
llKn.l Thu Kock Islanel comjiany has just
eta contiact for thu construction of tlio lirst
'orty miles of its new Chicago , Kansas &
S'cbiaska line. The road inns from St. Joe ,
Mo. , Inasouthwesteily diiectlon to Kansas
Jlty , and is ultimately to bu extended
hrough Indian Tenltory to Texas. Another
ino is to run duo west from St. Joacph. mid
way between the 15. it M. and Union Pacilio
allways , besides the loity miles lor the con
struction of which the contract has just been
let. No duliulto aiiaugemcnts as to the
xact location ot the line has yet been made.
Seveial routes have been suivoyed , and Its
ocatlon will bu determined accoullng to the
aid voted by thu vaiious sections through
which the load is to run. Thu line south
west Irom St. Joseph , Mo. , tlnough
Kansas , Indian ten itory and tlio Panhandle
> r Texas will be the most Impoitant one. It
will pass tlnough tlio hcait ot the best wheat
j colons In Kansas , and will tap the. maikct
to which thu luigeat bioom coin manuluct-
uieis In the United States come annually for
.heir supplier. It will pass through a vast
icgion wlieie cribs of corn cannot without
jetter facilities 03 gotten out of the way ot
thu giowlug croji and tlirouch n highly culti
vated region devoted to geuuial fanning and
stock raising. Close on the border ot this
route enters the heart of the gieat Tuxas
cattle fattening giounds , vvhlcli will be
jiought nearer to matkct by this loutothau
can possibly bo done by any other. It Is the
opinion that tlio new load will bo paying
propcrtv liom the beginning. Tlic intention
jl tliu Atchlsou company j to extend Its road
fiom thu Missouri liver to Chicago Is no
doubt dtiu In a great measure to the construc
tion of a competing Hue west by thu Hock
Funeral ol' Hon. John Kelly.
NKW Vonic , Juuu 5. Tlio luncial of John
Kelly took placu this morning trom St. Pat-
lick's cathedral. There were no sei vices at
tlio house. At an paily hour this moinlng
people begun to inilvu at the house to take n
dual view of the lemalns , which lay In a cas
ket between heavily draped windows in the
i cat part ol thu parlor. Thuio wcio no llovv-
cis on the caskut. All was black savu the
sllvci plate and the handles at thu sides. The
pluto bore the words : "John Kelly 13orn
April 20 , lbil : Died .lunu 1 , Iby ) . '
Many caudles vveiu bin ned at the head of the
casket , blioitly alter the iclatlves cnteied to
take a last look at tliu dead. Thu pall bearers
next view eel thu i cumins. The lid was placed
on thu casket and loin branches laid upon It.
Thu casket vvascaiiled to the heaise , and the
luneal : luoccsslon moved towaid thocathc-
dial. Thu pall beareis vveio Ju lgu Holts ,
Aithur Levy , John T. Agnuw. Itecoidcr
Siiith , Judge Goiman , Commlsslonei men-
nan , Kiigenu Kelly and August llelmoiit.
The slieets and avenues adjacent weio Idled
with tliu lank and ( lie ot Tammany hall. An
immense tlnoiig of people gatbeied r.bout thu
cathedral , and upon tliuanUal of thujiioces-
MOII , the ! icmalus , accoiiipanleel by the pall
bearers and muuincis , wcio boino into tliu
Thu seats vveiulllled and the Isles crowded.
Tliu iishuis weio mumbeis of the Tammany
hall oiganl/atlou. Black anto-noneliim velvet
boideied with gold draped llio altar and thu
sanctuary mil was cuv creel with black velvet
boideied will ) sliver. Thu catafalqitu stood
In thu center a Isle coveicel with black velvet.
Tliesii weio lliu only emblems of niouinine
vlslblu. After solemn lequlem mass the
funeral sermon was iireached by Monslgnoi
Pieston. The miiatns worn then taken to
old St. Patrclk's chinch and placed in a
The I'eorin Itunk Jmnlile.
CiurAGO , Juuu 0. The Dally Nowa
I'uiula , III. , special sajs : The Merchants'
Nutlonaj Imnk will resuiiio again in a day or
two. Kxamlnei Sturglshas made his tetuins.
Ho shows lloko's defalcation to bu SltO.OOO. .
It Is pai d that Hoke olfcre 5-10,000 , for a com
promise and the bank will not have aim
brought back , though detectives say thuy can
do so. All thu stockholders out Holla
Wheclei want to resume , and vVhcclcr
will put his shaio of loss In the
olel Mechanics' bank. Jiuigo I'utortiaugli
oilers to give ini his claim on ilokes' house
In tavor of the bank and ciedltois. The
bank's books show liabilities of SOUt.M'i , and
assets SGW.UIO , with 08,700 claims on the
Mechanics bank and tully SWi.OOOloss bv
lletkes. The examiner will leuialn loui days
to hear from Washington.
K i'or ( ho Oinnliii Festival.
CHICAGO , Juno 5. [ Special Telegiam to
the lr.K.J ( The Chlcajo contlngcni of the
Omaha festival were ousy jesterilay icliears-
Ing under Mr , Piatt , thoorchosJia at Turn-
orb' hall , the chorus at Hoot te Sons' music
hall. Mr. Hess was piesent at the evening
rehearsal , and said that it far exceeded his
bilghtest anticipations. Miidamo Fursch-
Madl Is alicady hero , and had a ichcaisa !
with Mr , Pratt of the Zcnobu numbers
which shu is to ting , and with whicli she ox-
pi esses great pleasiuo. Mr , ikodeilck , the
basso , has already arrived from Philadelphia
on the Pennsylvania Central. MUs Huntington -
ton came this morning on the Panhandle ,
and Miss Pleicouirived to-night liom New
V-oik on the Michigan Southern. All partle :
aiu enthusiastic In le aul to the festival , .am
full of peat expectations : i ! > to the icsult.
A Nebraska Statesman Espressos Himself
Torcibly on the U. ? Extension Bill ,
lie Propound ) ! Many Questions nml
Says Ho Will Ucllcvc the Bill
Good When Old WolvcH
Morton'n Strong Inlk. .
WASIUXCIOV , Jnno0. ( Special T.
to the HIK. : | Hon. J. .Steillng Morton , oC
Nebraska , was ono of the Interested ob
servers ot tlio rather c\citlng controversy In
the house Satuiday aftcinoon over llio Union
Paclllo bond extension bill. Your corrc-
sponelcnt met the governor to day and asked
him what he thought ot the bill , and ho ex
pressed himself as follows ; "If the security
given the people by tlio Thin man net can not
ficcuio governmental safety as to llnal pay
ment , It Is certain that the pending Charles
Fiancls Adams bill will not. Tliu latter , it
lived up to , will result In the public tieasury
receiving ST40,000 more than It Is
Insnicd under the Thtirman net. Thuio Is
now a lonoit fiom the same commltteo In the
house , alleging all soils ot uiookeducss In
Union I'.iellie Htl'aiis , as charged bye.xpeits
and declaieel bv the commissioner ot i ail-
roads , and this samu report asks and Insists
upon n thorough investigation ot thu alleged
fraudulent linanclal transactions of the
Union I'aciiic company. It pioposes to find
out whether them has been , us charged , n
fraudulent issuu of stocks and bonds bv this
corporation amounting to several million
dollars , lint if the extension bill is nasscd.
of what avail Is the Investigation ?
After horses aio stolen , of what
good Is locking the barn ? What secmltles
on blanch lines are proposed to bo given by
the Union Paclliu company ? Kvciv dollar ot
its available assets Is alicady 'spouted. ' Has
It not trom vaiious banks this day loans on
such securities ageiegatlnc moro than S10-
000,000 ? Aie not tliesu seem ities'staked' for
oil they are woith1. ' Kveryccnt ; and If the
Union Pacllie company has a slnglu dollar in
good seemItlcslunpleelgcel forbonoweel met-
ney , what are they ? Wheio are they ? Its
books show more.
This bill Is born ahead of Its timo. None
of the United States debt matures until
tvvelvu yeais , and it the road cannot pay all
that the Thuiman act requires It lo pay , how
can It , In good tnlth. piopeise to pay In the
nuxt two or thre'o yeais moio money lo be
applied on the iniiiclpal and lutcicsl by
twice over , than the prcsuiit law provides for
Its naving ? 1 am askeel , and the people of
Southern Nebraska , whom this railioad has
"buncoed' ' out of millions of dollars by re
fusing to reecho their ftelght at Keaincy
Junction on a 1110 rata basis from the
i all road systum ol .southern Nebraska , me
asked to have such credulity as to believe
that tills bill , biouglit hciu by Union Pacific
railioad attorneys , uigcdby Its lobby , advo-
catcel by its paid agenls , is mutely to protect
the government ot the United Stales solely
lo secuio Hie people against robberv. For
0110 , 1 shall have have lalth when I see old
wolves musing lambs and eats guarding
homeless canary buds. Fiom the day when
Amesdlstilbuted his Credit Mobllici stock ,
and fcililbod the giowih ot Hlalne and Gar-
tield anil Colfax statesmanship thereby , theie
never has been a so lottenly duvlsed bill as
this bill Is In all Us uaits and In all Its pur
Mr. Spilnger , of Illinois , did splendidly In
elucidating the enor ot legislating Hist and
investigaling attei wauls. Ho was ably aided
by General \Veaverot Iowa , and tliu vutcran
oDjector , Iloliuan , as usual , was on llio sldu
ofiiglit , and In thu only test vole I. e. , for
adjouriimont Morrison , Holman , Springer ,
Kandall , and the gallant Henley , of Califor
nia , all voted togutheraguinsl the bill. Ills
seemingly dcael now , as It should be , until
after an investigation Is made. If the charges
against the road are disproved , then il the
public Interest is to bo observed , It will bo
time enough to deluiiuine whetheraddilloual
legislation is requisite to secure the govein
ment fiom further plundering by the same
" 1 notice all the republicans voted If they
voted at all tor the" bill , it is a bill to con
tinue In power tlio icpuhlicaii paity In all
Iraiis-Missouii states and Iciiitoiies. No
democrat who Is tiulyagalnst plutociacycan ,
in my judgment , honestly vole tor Ibis meab-
me. "
i ; for Sucker * With Itut Slight
Niw : YOHK , Juno 0. [ Special Tvlogtam lo
thu Ur.i : . ] Tlio week's iccorel is ono which
can bedescilbed as a long angle tor suckeis ,
but the bites have been so few tlmt some of
the fislieimen begin to show signs of fatigue.
Tlio Chicago party lias industilously manip
ulated the market all the week , hoping lo en-
lice the bear public to come In and get rich.
There Is Iltllo doubt bill the present rlsu In
pilcos Is tictlllous. Good things will doubt
less come out of the movement and the mar
ket become fahly active , as good values are
wholly a Chicago cie.itiue. Beneath all
of llils. however , there is a giowlmr be
lief that "America is unconquerable
nud business must bo better. " So the
matkct can bo fahly called a bull maiket , as
It has been lor two weeks past. Thcic lias
been spasms of bear movomunls , but the
maikei has shown a wondcitul absoiblng
ability , which can bo traced to the conviction
alicady noted. The situation looks veiy
much as though opciatois would not allow a
\erv oulet reaction , because they ere afiaid
of frightening the tew otitsieleis who have
begun lo nibble. Slight leactions seem nioie
limn piobable , but tlio tendency Is up
ward. The maikct has widened somewhat -
what , which Is an cncouia lng sign.
Aititlclal as it has been , the
tone of the stock market has been strong ,
anil on Tuesday llio lecllng w is rjiilte ) buoy
ant. There has bre n somu liiegulailty , It Is
lute , on account ot tumors about a ratu war
In llio west , and although this hail no de
cided ulfcct , It aielcd tliu icacliou , which was
biought about by the selling of speculator lo
icalize profits on the advance , Apie.ssmu
was biouglit to bear on ceitain slocks , which
gave the market an Iriogular tone. BOIUO
ste > cks advancing while others declined. The
Giangeivi have been the leaders In specula
tion , St. Paul and Npithwustcni leading
early In the week , and elm ing the last
of the week thu Omaha has como Into
notice and have steaelily advanced , not
showing in tliu leactlon to tliouxienl that
other prominent stocks have. Lackavvanna
has b.-en active , stiong and Irregular. Other
coal stocks have not bef > n noticeable. On
Filday the maiKct was a ain buoyant , Oinnlm
being especially active and strong , the nigh-
cst price ol tno week being niado in somu in
stances. Satuiday'6 maiKct opened somewhat -
what excited , per cent lower , on account
ot the surface railioad tlo up and the tegular
Satmday fever. Theio Is a general feeling ,
however , that this labor question has got to
bo settled. Theio Is no sentiment left. The
Ameiicau Idea now dominates.
Indicted a Donel Sinn.
CIIIVKNNK , Wyo , , Juno 0 , [ Special Tele-
Stain to the UKK.J The United States grand
juiy heio liullejteel Hardtn Grant for lalslni ;
the denomination of a United States trcas-
my note. It has since been learned that
Grant was drowned Friday in the Xoith
Platte river at a point northeast ot Cheyenne.
The grand jury also Indicted A. Ha i per , K.
J. Italccr , Fied J. Stanton and Ivor Johnson ,
charged with conspiring to defiaud the gov
ernment of public lands.
Hrlelges Washed Away.
Di.svEit : , Juno 0. The floods m New Mexico
ice caused by the hcayy rains of the past
week , have washed away every bildgu of the
Santa Fe road aci oss tlio Rio Grande exccpl
at San Juan and DeniaUlos. No tialns have
nttempteel to cross the nver at Isleta tor
elirht days and but two tiansfuisof pusscn
cers ami baggage have been inadu during
that tltuo.
A Generally Dismal ; Outlook Except
for Winter AVlicnt.
CittcAoo , Juno 0. The following crop
summary will appear in this week's issue ot
the Farmers'Itevlow :
The weather condltlonsliavo continued un
favorable In the spilng wheat belt for prow-
Ing grain. In portions of Dakota nnd Min
nesota where drouth was seriously threaten
ing the grain fields ns Indicated in the preceding -
ceding weekly report , there has been some
rain , but In many sections of Wisconsin ,
Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , Minnesota and
Dakota considerable damazo has already re
sulted and thu el rou th Is still unbroken. The
most serious Injury which has resulted thus
far is confined to oats and flax , ,
but the general sprlne wheat pros
pects have already been bllphlcd
in consequence. Detailed reuoits fiom Min
nesota show the average condition of grow
ing spring wheat has been lowered from 10 to ,
15 per cent during the lirst fifteen dajs. In
Dodge county the reports Indicate not to ex-
cecel 60 percent of an average crop of wheat.
In I saute , McLcoil nnd Todd counties the
extreme cold weather has caused all late
sown giutn to look poorly. In Walonwan
county the crop Is reported to bo dying out.
owing to thu continued dry weather , and
some tlaxhas been mined. In Maelclla
county tlio llax. crop Is thieatened with an ab
solute blight lor want of lain.
The need of rain Is Indicated irom nearly
every portion of Kansas. In Chciokco
county the crop of oats has been almost cn-
lliely mined ovvlng lo llio lack of lain , whllo
chinch bugs have been reported as occasion
ing considerable trouble. In Harper county
the outlook for both wheat and oats , which
hud continued good , has completely changed
owing to the sevoie dioiith.
In Nebraska and Iowa the continued dry
spell has alicady caused consldeiablo Injury ,
but liom the majority of counties the out
look Is still icpoitcd good toranuvuiugo
yield of wheat. Com Is up and looks well In
both states , but Is beginning to show the
need of lain. In Homy ami Johnson coun
ties , In Iowa , vast quantities of giassho | > -
pers havu appealed. The same u > poit comes
liom Lake county , Indiana , wheiu they ate
in such numbers as locauso appichension.
The general outlook lor winter wheat has
not been changed fremi the lasr pievious ie-
pent , llaivcstlng lias been commenced In
Tennessee , Missouri and Kentucky and the
promise ) ot n full average yield has been
liiltillcd. in poitiousof Missotui an unusu
ally laigujluld Is assured ; similar renoits
como fiom Indiana and Ohio. In .Michigan
thu appioach of haivest contiims tlio fears as
to thuciop entertained early In the season.
The stale will not produce lo uxceed < T > lo ' > 0
percent of last year's yiclel. Reports from
southern Illinois coiilinuc lo Indicate serious
Iniurv fiom thu picscncc of chinch bugs. In
Johnson county consldeiable i list has been
The Paris Grand I'rlx Hun On the
PAKIS , Juno 0 The race for the grand
prbo of 1'aiis vvas run to-day and was won
by Mi. K , C. Vyuei'sbay , colt Minting ; M.
Michel Knhiisois * black colt Polyencto was
second , and Imron Schlekloi's bay colt
Sycamore third.
The Base U.ill Record.
Brooklyn 0 11000000 3
Athletic 1 00010001 3
PituUeis llaikins and Kennedy. First
base lilts Brooklyn 10 , Athletic 7. Krrois
iliooklytiT. Athletic L . Umtmo Kelly.
At Lorisvn.i , ! :
Sl.Louls 0 10200000 3
Louisville. o o o a : $ o o 8 i-is
Fiist base liits-LouUvIlle.4 , St. Louis 5.
Knoih Louisville : J , St.Louis 10. Pitohors
D.ccker and Font/ . Umpire Tunlson.
The Grnnel Jury On Anarchists.
CiiicAno , Juno C. The Cook county grand
jury icpoiled yeslerday to Juelgo Kogers.
The report says the number of dangerous an
archists has been gieatly overestimated. In
reality Ihere are less than one hundred dan
gerous characters of anaichlst tendencies.
The leinalnder are madu up of Ignorant men
who Implicitly follow thu guidance of their
leaders. The report says the police aio In
possession of facts whiclicannotfatl to bring
these leadeis to the punishment they justly
deserve. The jury decuh's the bomb-tluow-
Ing was a premeditated co nsnlracv and the
leaders will bericffin Ihe Hands ol llio police.
At ii o'clock In the afternoon Sam Fleldun ,
Kalph Fischer. Geoigo Kngel , Louis Llngg ,
August Spies nnd Michael Schwab weie
taken betoio Judge Hogers lo plead lo llio
charge of murder. The clerk lead the In
dictment chaining them with llio minder ot
Ollicur Dcgan , Captain Black entered a plea
ol not guilty on behatt of each prisoner.
A Double Murder.
CirAiir.oin : , N. C. , June C. A lioirlblo
double minder has been conimitlcd near
Tyroshops , Davidson county. While A. J.
McBrldc and his wife were eating supper
thoyweio mmdcred in their seats and the
bouso robbed and burned , teigether witli the
bodies McBihlcpiId In his taxes and staled
that he had S'.iOO on hand , whicli Is supposed
to have been the cause ot thu murder , Alficel
Longiuul Walter Womack.hls biothcr-ln-Iaw ,
both coloied , have been ariestcd on .suspicion.
.Much excitement and Indignation picvails
hei cover thu alfair.
Christ inn I/JIIK Convicts.
CiiirAao , Juno 0. The Dally News Jolict ,
111. , special says at Joliet penitentiary this
moinlng Aichblshop Felmn contorted thu
iltu of conllrniatlon upon 170 convicts. The
chapel was nicely decoralcd with flowers and
a large number ot outside visitors weio pres
ent. Thu cciumoiiy- was most intcicsting
and Impressive. Among thu convicts con
tinued wcio suv eiul of thu most notoiloiis
cilmlnals in llio penitentiary.
Holt Works Consumed.
LKIIANOX , Pa. , .ninofl. The works of the
Pennsylvania Bolt and Nut company , the
largest of the kind In the country , were
destioyed by llio to-day. Four laigo brick
buildings were consumed with all their con
tents , umbiacing a huso amount ol linislied
stock ami valuable machinery. Thu loss Is
about Slf-0,000 , and is covercel by Insuiaiicc.
About : BO men aio thrown out of work. Tlio
cause of thu liio Is unknown ,
The Oninlia itoiul'H AfuilrH.
HTDPON , WU. , Junp 0. At the annual
meeting of the stoclhpldci.s of the Omalia
road held heie ycstclday llio following direc
tors wmo elected for three yeais : Albeit
Keep. Coinelius Vanderbllt , William K. Van-
deibilt and II. Mclv. ' 'rvvombly. Thu old of
ficers were le-electiJd. A dividend of a pur
cent on piefened it'oek T vvas declaicd , pay-
abluJul > aOnuxt ip
A Doubly
JACKSO.NVIM.K , FliUi Juno 0. Draylon
and Aithur Wllllauis.itlio lirst convicted of
minder und the otlipr ot rape , fiom which
the victim died , were hanged at Oilando ,
Fla. , ve--teiday. Thu hanging was pilvulu ,
Dia > ton confessed his : cilme. Williams pet-
slsled hu Wiisiiinoctmt.
An Oil felilj ) Hiiriin.
NEW Yonic , Juno 0. 'I'hu ship Cheora ,
lying at the foot of Greene stiect , Green
Point , loaded with fiOO.OOO cases of koiosinu ,
took fho about 11 o'clock last night. Shu was
towed Into the stieam and pi ovcelu total loss ,
estimated at about
Directors Itc-nlectcd.
MIIWAUKIK : , June 0. All thu directors of
thu Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad
company vveiu le-electedat thu annual meet
ing of the stockholijeis hero j euteiday.
A Fnlso Hcnort.
NKVY VOIIK , Juno 5. The repoit cuirent
that Rev. Henry Waid lleechcrdlcd sudden-
Iv this morning Is untrue. Theru Is not thu
sllghest foundation . .
Wentlicr for
For Nebraska-Local ralus ; Miglitly cooler.
The Effort to Secnro Payment of Confederate
Bonds Only a Scheme
No Earthly Cltnncc For tlio Hill to
1'nHs Congress Clcvclnuil ns n
Christian Other Nattonnl
Capital News.
A Money MnkliiR Scliciuu.
WASHINGTON , Juno 0. ( Special Telegram
lo the HLI : . ] Tncro Is nothing very alarmIng -
Ing about the argument made by iltutgn Fill-
lurtnn before the house war claims commit-
teofavorlnir the assumption by thogcncial
government of the confedoialo states debts
when thd real objcciof the movement Is un
derstood , 'I ho face \aluo of confcdonitc
bonds now held In London , Paris , Frankfort
and other continental cities will b reli
ably airgrcL'ato S'MCODOOl ) ) . The ovnors
of bonds hit upon the
clover tilan of ridding themselves
of their own worthless securities. They
formed a syndicate , and agreed to spend a
few thousand dollars lighting their claims be
fore congiess. They employed .ludco Fullcr-
ton toieplcsent them , and In futthoianco ot
tills scheme ho appealed befotu the commit
tee. H Is not expected for an Instant tlmt
the committee will regard the proposition
Wltli fax or , but this Is a matter ot secondary
consideration. Tlio idea Is to show the people -
plo of Kugland , France and Germany
that the American congress Is actually
untcitalnlni ; a moposltlon to pay icbol debts ,
and , this , It Is expected , will gi\o tlio bonds a
fictitious value ; small , it Is tine , but laigc
enough to cnablo the present holders to un
load , If not with prolit , at least without loss
to themselves. Uno member of the warclalms
committee icmarked to your conespondent
In the hotel lobby to-day : "When the Missis
sippi rlyer inns north , then will congress
consider the advisability of pajiiiK the con-
fcdciato debt. "
Dr. Snndcilaml , pastor ot the piesldent's
church , in an Intel view to-day says Mr.
Cleveland is an earnest Clulstian , but not a
stickler on scctai Ian dogmas ; that his mar-
riagowill make him a moio icgularclimch
attendant , and that provisions will have to bo
made for the cio\\d which wilt undoubtedly
ask admission to tliu chinch since Mis.
Cleveland's accession to the piesldent's pew.
wisnt.v : : : POSTAL CIIAXOI : ? .
Dowitt Kager has been commissioned post
master at Ucavcr dossing , .Neb. , and Eilert
Eiickson at Xoilaud , la. A nosloffico has
been established at , Tluij or county ,
7STcb. , and Tobias J. Aden appointed post
The wife and daughter of .Representative
llundoison ha\olctt tlio city foi their homo
In Dubuciue , In.
A strong effort Is being made by the land
shaiks to Institute impeachment pioccodings
against Laud Commissioner SpaiKsand it is
not altogether Improbable that they will suc-
cecel , as they have woikeu up a feeling against
him In congiess that is Intense. Mr. Spaiks
has had tlio courage to put a stop to all nil Is
on the public domain , and in two or tlnco in
stances may have exceeded his anthoi Ity , as
In suspending the pie-emptltm , timber cul-
tnie and desert land laws , which have been
the avenues thioiigh which frauds have been
for years committed. Hohas steadily belle\vil
that his acts havobec-u-eo righteous tlmt the
people would sustain him , but that theio
will bo double made for him Is the way it
looks now.
Along with the Hood of gossip concerning
the piesideiit's marilagc. torty reasons are
assigned why Attoincv Geneial Garland did
not attend the blissful event. Two stand
out In most plausible relict that ho has re-
tiled from society events , and that lie is op
posed to wearing a dress suit. I am told by
the best authoiity that the ical icason Is that
ho has long been out of society and has
pledged never to ie-eiitcr it. He lias even
lefu.scd to attend stag dlnueis and whist and
liokcr parties , wlieie tlicciuvvd was mixed ,
because tliuy pai took of society events.
NOT rou A itismi.vci : : .
During the past week a good deal of ner
vousness has been evinced by the politicians
on account of renewed rumors that the picst-
dent Intends to take up his lesldcnco at his
countiy place as soon as congress adjoin ns.
The uneasy lolks say that out In the conutiy
ho would not bo accessible to the geueial pub
lic. but would bo nt the meicy ol cranks , and
that ho would bo In danger ot the Gulteau
school ot villainy. It is pietty sate to say
t-h at Mr. Cleveland will not live in the coun-
tiy at any time dmlni ; his incumbency of the
piesidential olllci1. So the ptire'iase of the
country place can amount to nothing moio
than speculation.
Ai"iiu : wiinniNfi CAKI : .
Heqiip.sts Imvn been leculveil at the while
hoiibu Irom neaily every p.ut of the countiy
lor pieces of 'he biidc's cake. The object is
to exhibit them at chtiidi lairs , museums , etc.
Alioutono bundled pieces ol the glgantlno
cake have alioadybccn sent out lor the In
spection of the cm Ions.
Southern UfllccliolilcrH In the Senate )
"Must Go.
WASiuxaTON , Juno 5. [ Special to the
Uii.J : : Senator and Vice President Pie
Tempoio Sherman has taken n leap towards
opposition to cx-contcdcratu soldieis holding
positions under the lepubllcan senate. For
many years , tlnough the majoilty of icpub-
llcaus and dcmosrats alike In the sonata , a
number of men who fought under the stais
and bars Imvo hold positions in the senate.
Theic Is what Is known us the "mlnoilty
representation" in the senate , by which the
paily having a mlnoilty ot icpicsens'atlves
theio lius held about ouc-llf th of tliu uiilm-
poitant commlttco cliaiimanshlps und
about the same number of sub
ordinate positions geneially.
Ashoittlmo n''o a man bv the name of
Whltten. an Indlanlan , camu hcie , and as
nn ex'iinlon soldier asked lor a position ot
some kind In tlio toiiatc. Ho was told that
thcro v\eiononu for him , that they wcio all
full , Jlo looked about and found a number
of places llllcd bv ex-confederates , and ho
began to dumand their removal. At lust no
attention was paid to him , but he was pci-
slstcnt. and commented to diaw tliu linn on
individual eenatots , and Individually they
had to endorse his demand , Ho has suc
ceeded In securing a letter fi om Senator Sher-
nmn to tlioseigcant-at-iums , lecommendliig
appointment , ami stating that if theo Is no
place vacant a vacancy can bo and should bo
made by the icmoval of an ex-contcderate.
It looks as though this would bo the cntei I ng
wedgn by which the minority icpicscntatlon
system wouhl be ovoithiovvn.
So many changes havu taken place in the
Indian service and so many now eiders and
customs established , moro or less complicated
and unpleasant , tliat , It is icpoitcd , n good
deal of trouble is being O'cpuiicnccit In keep
ing agents in their positions. A gentleman
who was appointed a year ago toonuoftho
loading agencies und who has icslgned , tells
mi ) that moro than half the men In the scr-
vlco are dissatlslied with their petitions and
want to vacate them. It .seems that the now
Indian commisslomei is su i > lclous ot nearly
cveiybody and is oxpcilmentlngagicat deal.
Tim Antl-rolj'Kiuny 1J | | | .
WASIIIXOTOX , June 0. The house Judici
ary committee has agiecd to loport tavoiably
Edmunds1 uutl-polvgamy bill with many
amendments , some of w hich are of a radical
natuie. Tim bill aslt camu ftom the seuato
compelled the lawful wife ot u jicisou accused
cused of polygamy to" testify against him.
The committee propose to amend the bill in
that lespuct so as to muko the wifu a com
petent witness , but not compel her testi
mony or permit her to testify as to any con
fidential matter contiaiy to tlio uilu ot com
mon law. . Tlio bill provides penalties for
crimes of aduiteiy , , polygamy , polg-
amousasueci.Uloiib and cohabitation between
Btcnsurcs to Do CotiRldcrcil Tills
AVcck by House ami bonAtc.
WASIIIXOTON , June 0. The house of rep
resentatives will open , after the usual Inllnx
of bills to-morrow , with an action upon mo
tions to suspend the rules and ims the vari
ous bills maKlng appropilatlons for the erec
tion of publ ic buildings. It was Intended to
call up the leglshUlvo , executive and Judicial
appropriation bill Tuesday moinlng , but vol-
nntiufly allow n vote to be tlrst taKen on tlio
I'aciiic rnlltoad extension bill , which comes
overasniilinlshed bn < lncss from last week.
It Is piotublo that tlio house will bo fully oc
cupied with the legislative bill during the re
mainder of tliu week , but If any time should
lemaln after Its passage , Mr. llcibcrt will ask
the house to consider the naval appiopilatlon
bill.The measures which aio thought to bo the
probable subjects of discussion in the seuato
timing the ) coiniuc week can bo definitely
stated , but the order ot their coming up Is
not yet fully settled , Thcto Is likely to bo a
contest ovei the icfeiciico of the house oleo-
nmrgatlno bill between Senator Miller , as
chniiman of the committee on agilcuttmc , to
whlcli the scimto bills and petitions on this
subject have been lofciied , and Senator Merrill -
rill , chairman of the committee on linnnee ,
which commltteo claims jurisdiction of the
house bill on the ground that It Is
icvenue. The lepoits of lliu senate
condoles of the fallmo to au-o
with ihosoof the house In lesnect to the sen
ate amendments to the postollicu uppioptla *
tlon hill , Is expected to give rlso to an Inter
esting debate , the being chlully
upon tlio so-called subsidy routine. . The con
sular and diplomaticapiuoprlntlonblll.whlch
Is the unliuished business of the senate , will
bo disposed ot.and tlic appiomiatious com
mittee expect to leport and bring up for ac.
lion dining the week , tliu auiicultuial and
atmy appropilatlon bills. Senator Wilson ,
of Iowa , intends to call up the veto of tlio
DCS Molnes liver land bill. The Moith-
ern I'aciiic foilelturo bill ami the
hill icpeallng tliu pio-cmutlou and
timber ciiltmo laws aio special
eiders for dates alroadv jiasscd , and by vir
tue of this tact are entitled to consideration
befoio any other measuics except the anpio-
uriation bills on the calendar. Should theru
bo any time ) not consumed in tlio elbci sluii
ot the above measuics named It Is expected
that the house bill to toileit ccitaln lauds
granted to the states of Mississippi , Alabama
and Louisiana to aid In the coiistnictlou ot
rallioads , and Senator lloai's bill to piov Ide
for Inquests under national unllmiity , will
bo called up. Senator Snootier will make a
speech at some time during the week in
eulogy of tliu hilc Cotigicssmun Kaiikln , of
Wisconsin. Mr. Hoar has also given notice
of his puipose to call up betoro tint end of
the week the icsoliitiou piovldlng foi a con
stitutional amendment to change tlio time
for the expiration oL the piesidential term.
Otoc'o 10\-'JrenHiiicr Arralgncil nud
lioiiiul the District Court.
NininA&KA CITY , juno 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the Unu. ] Duke Simpson , late
county tieasurer , was placed In the county
jail tills moinlng , oetweeti t lie hours of 2 and
: i , and tookuneaKdist at thoMoitim In cliaige
of Deputy Sheiitr Hubeilees. AtlOo'cIock
ho was taken before County Judge Mapcs ,
plead not guilty to the chaigoot embc//.le-
mcut and waived a piellmlnaiy lieaiing. He
was placed under 815,000 bail to appear at the
next term of the dlstilcl court.
Up 10 this time he has been unable to fur
nish the leqtiiicd bail , and many think he
will not be anlo to get It. He Is the coolest
man that was ever biought into court. SheiitV
McCallum will keen a deputy with him until
to-nlglit , and then It bail Is uot forthcoming
he will bo locked up. His family are In
Omaha and uot hen.1 , as eiioneously stated In
a lormei. dispatch. 1'ubllc lecllng is stiougly
against Mr. Simpson , a radical change hav
ing taken place within the last week.
The complaint contains two counts. The
liist is tliu conversion and e'lube/dbinent ,
fraudulently and foloulouslv , on or about tlio
( itli dayof Jaiiuaiv , IbSO , of S7.000 , and the
second Is embe//ling , at ; dlvcis times of
sums amounting to S-)0,000 ) , while holding
the ollicc ot tieasiner of Otou county.
Simpson's bond was § 40,000 , sinned by J.
Slchl , K. if. McComas , lien Harcus , T. U.
Stevenson , M. L. Huywaid , Joiiah Jtoscis
and It. 1' . Diaper. They aio all men ol
means and the bond is f'gilt edged. " The
1'iess ligmcs tlmt this means $5,000 to each
ono ot his badens , and it looks now as
thomrli they will ba out the full amount. The
impiession now is , either that Simpson had
couiciteiatcs , or that theievassome puisoli
or persons exacting hush money liom
him , or else that lie had a good pait ot what
he madu oil the county salted down. U
seems impossible tor a man not noted lor
wild extravagance or bad Imblts of any kind
that take moiiuy , to have geitteu away with
S5OJO ! ) moio than his salary In two years
time ; this , in addition to what he hud when
ho took the ollicc , claiuicrt by him to bo no
small amount.
The 1'icsssajs : "No one seems to think
tliatex-Trcasuicr Simpson has been guilty
ol taking and devoting to his own use all ol
the money that Is at mesent missing Irom
the county tie.isury. Tlio commissioner aio
hoveicly condemned lor tlio anpai cut cat eless
maiinci In which thev have been In the habit
of making .settlements. The county clcik ,
ns well as the treasuier , comu In lm their
sliaie of blame for alleiwing tliu iccoids to
bo handled by outsideis vvhllu an investiga
tion is pending. "
The investigation continues , but the com-
missloiieis , as well as Kxpeit White , si-em to
bo loth to let the facts bo known. Tlio In
vestigation is not by any means complete
concerning D. W. Simpson's teun of olllce.
So tar It scorns that tiom tlio timu Simpson
went into ollicc no begun using thu people's
money und continued to ini to ( ho time of
turning the same over to his successor , on
JiinnaiyS , UN ) . Tim statement of the last
six mouths ot his olllcu checked up some
twenty to tlility thousand dollais shoit
and ho and his lilends , it will bo lumem-
beicd , laised somu S'Jl.OOO and lelt the lest
of the slioitago to bo niailo good by his
bond ! > men. who have discovered In the hist
lew davs that they luuo a much larger bur
den , llovvovci. ever since tliu slioitago was
liist dlscoveied and slncu the clalmed-to
bu lorded notes ot llecUei man it Taiigeman ,
Oelku nml otheis have tinned up them
seems to have been a gcneial elloit
made to shield Smpon ! , nud every
niiMiis , apjuieinllj , madu touovoi iialltliuso )
things. Wlieiiuver thu qiiostlon ot lulnglng
llio gentleman to justice and make him sul-
fei the ponall ) ot Ills ui lines , the same as
otlicis have been made to do , lor lesser things ,
theiu was an n n usual ell eat put lot th te > shield
mid piotecclnm. Atlast vhtuo seems to have
ceased te > bu of loibeaiance , and the ink'lily
annul the law Is pet leutli In cpicst ol Ihn
t.upposcd ovll-dor-r at this tcenilngly lalo
Strikers' 'Wives Retard the Movement of
Oars at Ournmings.
Tlio Imdlcfl Sit on the Track nml
llnnio All Kfforta to Oust
Them Another 11 lot )
V" * Feni-cd To-day. J
CntrAno , Juno C.-11 Is feared to-nlsht
tlmt tliu InimriUstiuhntico which has been
biovvliiKutCummlnes , the location of the
Calumet Iron und stool works for several
days jmst , may icsiilt In u sei Ions i lot to-nmr-
low. On V ( May the Uoclc Hand railroad
company decided to move four cars ot nails
which Mood on thu side truck. Tlicso nulls
hadbccu niaiiufactuied by uiun who had
taken the place ot MilKeis. As a last rc ort
It was detui mined that these cars
should not bo mount. As the slilkors
had been enjoined from IntcifciliiK
with the business of the company , their
w'lu-s mid chlldien to the nuiubcr of seveial
bundled decided lo picvcnt the moving of
the. cms. They sat on the trucks
mid ns fast us th police and train
men would move liom the liont
of the engine tliuy would taku places fmlher
on. Iheiovvasno violence , but as the police
would not attack the women they weio com
pletely Miiecessttil and the day passed without
n sliinlq ear bclnu' moved. Vesteulav the
police on I'aud and the women umeli
moieoM'ltcd. Thc.v opposed the upmoach of
tlio police , matched , cairyini : banners pio-
elulmliiK their ihjhls , nnd went solar as to
tlnow i stones and te.u nun number ot lods
of Uncle. The police were not niiltoso cenllo
as ( tin ilny bet in p. Tlioy used elubs ocea-
.sloiuilly , nud the laiho.ul wus nblo to make
somu rnogtvss with the cais. The men had
mostly remained In the ground ,
but as the o\cltement liie'ieaseu they
canio to tliu assistance of the woulen nml
tliiouof theli nnniburworcniicstod. No ono
was Injuicd , but when the opointluns ot the
day wcio over , \erybltter feellmt was piov-
aleut , many of the men being in a de-
cldedlv riotous fiameot mlndandtlio women
trautlc. To-day it U leauicd that the load
will muku another ufloit to menu the ears to-
monow , and that the police depaitmoutwill
supply an additional lorcu of men. The out
come. is waited with no little anxiety.
Alleged Discovery of u Murderous
Society In tlio West.
SKATTI.KV. . T. , Juno 0. Tlio United
.States giaud jury has found Indictments
against the ten leadeis of the recent atiti-
Clilncbo ilots In tlds city. The July's ropoit ,
which was submitted jostciday , is an uxtiu-
oullnaiy document. It alleges that ovldonco
has bomi laid buloio llio gtund jury suniclent
to convince them tint tlicio exists
throughout the countiy a tieasonnblo
orjmiii/atlou known as tlio "Hed
Ameilcan Intel national Woiklngmen's , ,
association. " Thisoigani/iition is described'
at cicat length. AIIIOIIK other thiiiKs the rc-
poit sajs : "This association , with all Ita
hi anciics , is eskcntiallyaiiaicliistiui in tiicoiy
iiud piactlcc. The main uitlclc.s of its ciccd
are uison , robbiuy and minder. Its pio-
clalmcd pin pose is the oveithiow of our pov-
ornment and the election upon its ruins of a
so-called .socialistic' , commonwealth. Tlio
policy piu.sued by this association is to .lucuro
control of alllabor oiaanl/nlloiis , and par
ticularly ol the Knights ot Labor ; tosco to
It that the olllccis ol all labor 01 mmat Ions
aiocliosen liom .seientllic socialiststo em
ploy e\ery moans to pioducc discontent
timoiiKllio people and stir up on all Decisions
and at all tunes as much strife and ngilatlon
as possible. " They say In their
scciet ciiculars , the Paciiic coast par-
ticulailv , by icason of its peculiar
population , Ifsnatuial wealth , Its position , In
such tlmtii low dclcimi'icd ' men could Isolate
it liom thchnlanco ot tlio woildior montlm
ot time and the aL'il.ition alicady stalled
over its \\holo aiea is peoulhuly lilted to bo
llio liist to lend oil in active ) woikwhcntho
time lor that woik shall commence.
The Conspiracy Indlcl inciilN.
MII.WAI M.K , Juno 0. The Riand jury
having under consideiatlon the recent labor
i lots and boycotts' , completed itslabois last
night and adjoin ned. Ten additional Indict
ments weic picscutcd , maklni. the total num
ber seventy , ot which lorlyaro lor conspir
acy KiowlliK onto ! ' boycotts.
Tlio Slnycr of Prcllcr Found Guilty
in tlin DcKi'cc.
Sr. Lot IK , June ft. Thu juiyln the Max
well muidr case has just letiuncd n vcidtct
ot * minder in the liist device. About
noon the juiy i > iocccdcd to take another
uallot after tuning nigncd with the
obstinate ) membcis. The ballols weic col
lected and weie counted by tliu I'm email , who
found tlmt the won ! "uullty" was inscilbed
ujioii each. A deputy was summoned , and
ho was told the jmy had a communication to
mauo to the court. Tliu hheiitl took tlio
twelvoincn In cliaiKoand Illcd with them to
their scats , wlicio they lemained Mainline
I whllo the loioman lead liom asllpot paper :
i "We , the Jmy. Unit tlio pilsoncr iruilly ot
niuider in tlio liist degree , asset toiih in the
indictment. "
! When the jmy came in Maxwell was sIN
tine between Ins attoineys , and \vlien the
M'ldict was lead his luco blanched and liu
tinned his eyes to llio Hour. The juiy waa
then polled and e < ich jmor assented to the
veiillct , altci which tlio judco dismissed
them. The pilsoner win taken to his cell to
n vvul t the icstilt ot a motion lei a now trial ,
which will be. rnado upon Kionnds of liicom-
jCtencv oltho jHoseciitlon's witnesses ami
en 01 s of tlio judge's instruction to the jmy.
ThnlSaulc Ktutcnioit.
NKW Vouic , Juno 0. Tlio bank statement
shows : ICo-oivu decrease , 81,701,000. The
banks now hold Siy,07jOOJ | n excess ot
legal luqnlruimvjils.
Tlmtcxtromo tired fcellus which Is BO dis
tressing ami often to un.iccouiitublo la thu
Epihig nioutlisjlsciitlicly cvcrtoinu by llocd'it
Karsapaillla , wlikh tones thu vvholo body ,
purifies tlio Wood , cities scrofula nnel all
humors , cures dyspepsia , cre.itcn an appetite ,
rouses the torpid liter , braces up the nerves ,
and clears tlio solicit a compai Isou
of Hood's Bais > apnllla : with any other lilooU
purifier In tlio maikct for pmlty , economy ,
, and medicinal nicilt.
Tired all the Time
"I had no appclllo or strength , anrt felt
tired all tlio time. 1 uttiibulcel my condition
to scrofulous humor. I hud tried several
Kinds of incillcliio without benefit. Hut as
soon as I liui : taken half a liottlo of Hood's
Barsap.irllb , my aiijictlto was restorcel , and
jay slomich felt letter. I have now taken
nearly three bottles , and I never was so well , "
Bins. JKSSIK F , DOLUKAJIJS , 1'ascoag , It. I.
JJrs. O. W. Marriolt , Lowell , JIai.s. , was
complclely cured of sltk hcadathc , which shu
had 10 J ears , by
Evcrjbody needs and bhould talco a good
spring medicine , for tuo icubuns ;
1st , 'I ho body Is now moro susccptlblu lo
benefit f nun niiellclno than at any uthci bUiibou.
el , The imriurllich v.lilch have accuiniriatcd
In the Mood blioulel bo cxinllrel , and tlio ys-
tcm filv en tone and bti cugtli , befoio llio jiroix
tiatlugcUccUof waimwcalher are fell.
Jlood's Hnrfcaiirlll.i | Is tliu best splint ; medi
cine. A slnglu will convince Jem of Us
aujieiiorlty , Tuko It licfoiu U is lee late.
The ltcnt ifnllvlno
"I talco Hood's BKrsaparllla for a spilag
incdle hie , and I Duel It just tliu tlilnt , ' . U tones
up my fcj .tlcm and makes me feel llko u ellffcr-
cut man. My vvlfo lakes U for dyspepsia , ai'd
shodeilvcscicat bcntflt fiomlt. She guys U
Is the licst medicine blio ever took. " F. 0.
T UIINKII , Hook & Ladder No. I , Hoston.MjH. ' .
"Last { piini ; I vvas tioubltel with bollr ,
caused liy my Meiejel being out of order. Two
bottles of Hood's Bart > .i ] > urllla cuitel me , I
1 can rrcnmincnel It to all troubled with affco
1 lions ol the blood. " J. Bcuocn , 1'corlu , 111.
Split by nil UruggUtj , gl ; lx for fi. ITcinrcel i buhl \ > j all dtu liU. f\i \ ilx for f5. 1'reptrcil
by 0. J. HOOD A. CO. , Aiiotliccarlu , lAiwcll , Wm . J < y . I. JIOOU & CO. , Aj ) llicc rlc | lxA\tllt M u.
. IOO. Doses One Dollar I IOO Doses One Dollar