Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1886, Image 7

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    THE OlilAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , ' jtfNE 5 , 1880.
Advertisements under ihls lie d , 10 cents per
line f0r.llioflr. t/ln0t1lon,7coiitfl / for encli sub-
BtHjtirnt 'n crl'on , nnd tl.50 a line per month.
No nd\ertlsotront liken for lest than 25 cents
for tlio ilrst ln ert > on. Sovcn words will bo .
counted to tlio line : they must run consecu- |
tlyoly nnil mtif t bo pnld In ndvnno3 , All ndvcr-
tlstfnicnts mii t Ijo linmltd in before 2 o'clock '
P. m. , anil under no circumstances will thoybo j
taken or dlscon'lmied by telephone. |
Pnrtlt-s mlvortbliir In tliciu columns nnd hnv-
In ? the answers nOdros cd In tnro of THE Hr.u ,
will plonio nsk for n check toonablo thorn to got
their letters , ns cone will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should bo enclosed In envelope ? .
TO l.OAN-On ronlostnto Olb on ,
MONKY 4 Co. , Hoom 3 , Wllhnoll Illock. 145
TiroNKV TO LOAN At lower rates thnn any-
JJL where clfo In the city , on furniture , pianos ,
01 units , horses , wnirong , or clock or nny kind ,
llcmemhcr , nt lower rates than nny other loan
company in the rlty. City Ixmn Ac Mort < rniro
Co. , room 1C , 1401 Fnrnnm ft , onposlts I'nxton
hotel. UU7
fPlIK Omaha flnnnclnlOxchnniro Is prepared to
J. make lonns In nny amount , on any kind of
nppiovcd security , fjiriro collnternl loans n
specialty. Also on ohnttols and rcnl cstntn In
amounts nnd time to suit. Lower rates , bolter
terms , nnd prompter service thnn nny lonn
nponcy In the city. For fnrthnr pnrtlpnlurs call
olllco on the second tloor of the Hnrkcr Illock ,
southwest corner of rarimm nnd l&th streets.
MONKY to Irian on residence nnd bURlnr-m
property. I-owc t rntcn. 0. .1. Cnswoll &
Co. , Room 1U , Iron llnnk llulldlnir , 12th and Far-
imin. 02 ! )
MONKY to lonn by the tindnrslmiod , who has
thannly properly organized lonn ntrcncy
In Oranlm. Loans of $10 to J 1,000 mndo on fur-
nlturn , plnnoa , organs , horses , wagons , machin
ery , &o. , without removal. No dolnys. All
litulnoss strictly conlldontiiil. Lonns so mndo
thnt nny pnrt can ho pnld at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cot pro rat * . Advances
made on fine wntchcsnnd diamonds , 1'nrsons
should carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money , call
nnd FOO met W. H. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll
llulldlng. ir th'nnd llnrncy. 258
6rr.Il O15NT money to lonn. Cut rates on
Inriro loans. Mnhoncy & Harris , lioom II ,
1S09 Fiirnain St. 874J20
TO T.OAN nt reasonable rates on
horses , inmitnro , watches and other POP-
sotml property. C. ,1. Cnswoll , Itoom in , Iron
Diuil : building1,12th and Fnrnuin. Tnko elevator.
$ ino.contn lonn on city rcsldunc * property
Oco.V.Uay , 14C3 Frtninm. 255
OPKIt CUNT Money to lonn. Stewart & Co. ,
Hoom .1 , Iron bank , 12th and Fariinin. 02:1
noooo to lonn. Sums * 5yo nnd upwards ,
$ l/owcgt rates. Ucmls , 15th and Douglas sis.
IONRT TO IOAN-O. K. Davis 4 Co , llonl
M EsUU on'd Loan wrontfl , 1505 Farnum St.
MONRT TO LOAN On good securities. A
MoQavock , room 11todick Illock , 1509 Farnnm
Bt. 20 j
M PONKY TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat
tols. D. L. Thomas. 2UJ
" " "
ONKY"T"O"I ! IIAN in 3ums or raw nnd upwards -
wards on flrnt-clnss real estate security.
Potter Sc. Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. 204
MONHY T.OANKD nt C. F. Heed * Co'S. Loan
JWJL office , on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wngana
personal property of all kinds and 1 all i other ar-
tides of value , without 1UI11UV1U. 819 S. I'lth ,
ox-er Illiifflmm's Commission store. All bus-
ness Btrlctly ronfldental. 2i3
Foil SALK Clqar , news nnd confectionery
pland , In first-class location for stationery
nnd cigars. Will bo sold cheap. Address 1212
Douglas st , Omaha , Neb. 475-8 *
FOK"SALK" llosfmirnnt , well Tociifrd with
pplend Id trade. Hlgglns& Park , 1522 Doug.
las Bt. 4G4-8
FOK SALK A llr t-clnss bnkcrr , rostntirnnt
and confectionery stand tn u town of 700
Inhabitants. Inquire of F. P. Fay It Co. , Omnhn.
_ _
go Into the
thn boot and shoo business ; flno business es
tablished : stock for side ; store room Torrent ,
1.12 N. 10th street. F. T. Andrew. ' 403 5
Foil SALK Or exchange for city proporty.
a good fond store In n good Mand with n
Ilrst class tiado. N. W. Merrill , .117 R 14th st.
4295 *
_ _ _
Foil SALK Several stock * of goods , dolnir n
healthy business , ownership clear , satis
faction guaranteed ; terms nncy. some Omaha
property taken In exchange. Marshall V r.o-
liock , 1511 Furnnm st 412
OK SALK OrTrndo-Tletalt oil nnd gnso-
llno business In Omnhn : three teams and
wagons , nuslnc's paving f 301 profit a month.
Address lock d raw cr 10 , Omahn , Neb. 433-4 *
'p I.OSINO OUT inv entire stock of boots nnd
V/ shoes nicest : ictlrlng from business ; store
room and fixtures for rent , 012 N. 10th street. F.
T. Andrew. 4025
FOi.SALK-Hnlf interest In a hnok lno con
sitting of 2new carriages and 1 coupe. A
good chaiico for n man with small cnpllnl. Ad
dress F 55 , Ilooodlco. 392-4 *
B l8INF.SS ! ClfANOKA flno hull supplied
with the finest Spirits of phomontl vorlnvito
und nil thn necompntiylnir drinks nnd aniuso-
montsbnlonglngtoa tlrst-ulass phico oftlio kind ,
located on ono of the host hiislnrs * streets In
Omahn. The owner must soli ns other business
calls him awny. The plnco inust bo rinsed out
nt onco. For pnrtlculnrs rail at room No. 0 over
Commercial National Hunk , n. H. Mooro. 023
BUSINESS CJIIANCK-A man n nny llvo
town can do n prolltnblo business In our
goods nlono. orlncnnnoctlon with furnlturo or
nny clnss ol house-furnishing goods or groo-
orlcs ; smnll cnpltnl and Inrgo prollts. For par-
tlcnlnrs ndilrcBs "Mnnufi.cturor , " 01 Summer
Btioct. llonlon. Ma s. _ fiOS-jB * >
FOK SALK In llist-cluss loentlon , grocery
Flock nnd nxtun-s ; small capital required :
rent low. Inqulut ut drug store , loth and
Douglas. _ 787
Fill ! K.VrllANGK-Stocksofgoodsof every
kind , for farms nnd land ; also lands to Of-
clmngo for goods. If you want to trndo , no
matter what It Is yoiihnvo , write , with full do-
ecripllon. to C. B. Mayno , ix-al estate broknr ,
Omaha Nob. 2611
1 osr-o'n . 31st ,
lj Florence nnd Omaha , n iinel _
aroat , ntOmwl nud other nrtlcli's. Finder suit
ably rowntded bv lervY'oirsnnio nt YVlllinin Gen
tleman's store , inth and Cnss. 415-5 *
OST A rollowtkvt'H-rler ; answers to Ihn
JUiinmu"Tinini > . " " " ie > turd Ad.
ill ess ( I. H llooolllro. 4.V5-7 *
LO T lly n poor man a $20 pnld piece. \Vil |
Iliehonoat tinder plenso return eiimo to this
olllco nnd receive reward. 451-4
CJTKAVHD-Oiio buy manbluek mnno und
t-J tall , bpavln on both bind ICRS , nml n chest-
nut'Colorod I ycnrold colt. Finder Mill return
In M.'l' . Miiriihv. Contractor and ItuUOor , 1514
0lth2llh ) nud Gmio st. 4.'li
FEB80HAX , .
PKItsoNAL-iTo persons who wish to bulH ft
homo In Orchard Hill , I will goll lotif upon
puyinent of tbn nominal sum of ten dollars und
Iinlnnco ut'tbo end of five yours. Interest nt 8
per rent , paynbloiecinl-nniiually. This is the
host offer ever niailo to ( uiy homo-scokor In this
city. , dill mid wo nio. O. Ii Mayne , S , W . cor.
15Ui and r'arniira. . j 2 7
TrjKUSONA -Ncat nd tasty all wool bust.
J ness suits for only f7.UI. All sUos. Mall
orders tilled. K O. Jones & Co. , luoa Pnrmun.
\\r.\NTUli 8lv < iu ° ct goiit'omiin boarders bv
> , tl0 | cok , SJ.51) ) ; day board 43. 110S N
17th st. < 2l-fl *
Foil KKNT-ltooin and board for iwa Tflil
Capllol uvo 142
DANISH lIHOl'IIKItHOOD lias engngcd pTloa
UibOKrouudsoiclu lvcly Juuetlh. 1'rioa
llnm. 4'15-5 '
_ _
Si\l.ii : : ) j'roiiDiiilsl'l ' bo rocoivrd ly tin
unders gui'il until l ) p. m. , Saturday , Junu
r.'U , | SxJ , tor tlio Ice croiin. MKIU water am
lomonudt < i > rl\ilcges , si-puratclr or together. In
tlio livposlilon lluildlntr , during tlio .limomusl-
-nl frmlnil. Not'co Is livrety that the only
ollloial ball I'rogiumiiie , the only nno lhui\\l [
iiodlstrlbuteil in the hall during Iho entertain
miiqtj , will ho ( ho only regular four-puiiu pie , published umicr iho duvclion of the
Max Meyer , President. cmahn
S P.AI.IUI bkU will be received at the olttt-o o
Iho South Omaha Land Syndicate uutll June
Fill , ! : > & > . ul U o'clock p. in. , for the grading ol
Bi.l'H ) yiuxts of eurlh , uioiuor loss , on strcHiUIn
b'outli Oinaliu. Pronles van bo teen ut theSyn
.lli-ntB ollloo , Mlllnrd Hotel Illock. 'Hie ritflit to
lejocl any and nllbldi U rosorvml.
iTO _ M. A. U1"1X > N , Manager ,
r > iTriF To"ltel Doalore-TTioivby
TVT - * K tale -
0.1 withdraw tie fojlott Inir pmprrty llsie <
\rllll yuu : HUJSO und lot. block 2 , lot 11 , Idle-
VrlM udd. 0 , M. utoil,013S. IJtb t. : i7tM
" | ) AKTKS having rooms eltbrr furnished or
X in urnlshcd , or houses they wish to rent.
will tind It to their Interest to call nt Hiom
Hontlng Agonor , Hoom 15 , HOI Farnam t. , op.
fOJltoPaxton Hotol. 417-i )
STOIIAOF Westrrn Transfer A Storage Co ,
corner Uth and Nichols St. , nro prepared to
receive nnd store nil Jtluks of household goods
etc. _ _ 2.W _
Foil IlKNT A store on n good retail street.
Apply the Omaha Itoal Kstato and Loan
Co. _ ' _ 187 _ _
miioTTiM ltnlllon.lnck ; sheppard , jr. , win
JL mnke the spn o not lean at "Omnhn Fnl-
Jroumlv Btands 1614 hands high , weighs 12-
is.jis the largest nnd hanl.somoU Hnmbloton
an In thn wu < t. limed the < uimo as Director
2:1" : ! l'hftllns.2iinv , andJay-Eyo-Sco , 2ilO. Calr
nnd sco him nnd hi ? sloe k. Trtns , tXi the o 5
son. Adnm Thompson * 51.VJ9
Ii\01l KKNT-Squnro
1 Ho pe. 1513 Douglas. " _ _ 272 _
Foil KKNT Square"Plnno , ? t monthly. A
Hospo , 1513 Douglas. - _ sra _
Foil IlKNT Orguns , 12 per month , iloipo ,
1513 Douglas. _ _ _ 274 _
HALH Hoiso with carriitKo and hnr-
r ness. Any onoln wnnt ofn rrllnblo rninlly
none , cnll nt [ Ionian's Stutdos , 13th st. 220-u *
F 17)11 HALK ASnrry , Slmp on's mnko ; good
nt now , at A. J , Simpson's. 2.V1
"F OK SALK Pony and cart choap. Harry
Moorcfl , Wubush olllco. aoi-3 )
"T71OII SALE Chrnp. Iron columns tml win-
JU dow caps suitable for front on brlok build-
ng. For iiurtloiilnra apply ut this olllco. 813
ijioil HAI.K Or trndo for city lots , a spun of
-L. black driving horBoi , iiiltiibln for family
carriage team. Apply robin5 , Iron Dnnkbulld'ir.
- ' ' } ' , ' 1)07 )
Foil HAr.K--Milch cows ai tloo'a Ynrd .Srd
and Walnut sts. 830
Foil SALK S > j-car leiuo on section good
land , 7 mites southeast of Atkinson nnd 4
nllos southwest of nmmot. Unit county. Nob.
tcntnl only $4S per jrnr. Haichor , Oadd St Co. ,
21fl Douglas street , Mlllnrd hotel block , Omaha ,
Vrb. | KU
FOR SALE , lled-room sot , good ns now , at a
bargain. Apply M Whonton st. ! M4
riv\Ui'N : nr Ono sorrel mare , blind In left
I ore , 8 years old , W. H. ( lould , South Omahn
Wnter Works. 4U7
Foil SAI.K Cheap , flno top buggy. A. llospo ,
1513 Douglas. BCO-JIO
FOK BALK Ono earn nnd 4 yon r old heifers
nnd calves : onn rnrcholoo frca b milch cows.
J. 0. Hall , gibbon. Nob. 425-3 *
FOKSALi : Squuro piano , (57 , monthly pay
ments. Hospo , 15IU Douglas. 2l
Foil SALK Match teams and hoisos of al
kinds to suit customer * at ritnr Silo Stnblcj ,
gQlli and Cumlng. M. Cannon. Prop. 20
WANTL'U 12 girls for housework. Good
wanes offered. Apply 21 N10th at. 474 5
ANTiTl ) Gooifglrl1" ns cooks lor private
families and hotels : also dlnlng-ionin girls
iltchen wlrls ana girls for general housework
Jtill Onmlm Emulrymcnt Iluicau , 1120 Farnnm.
W A girl to nsslstdolng housework.
Mrs. L. Dngrfim , 1112 South 13th sU 455
WANTKD CJIrl for gcncrdl housework : In-
< lulro')33Ng.dst. ) ) 4Cl-4 !
_ _
1TANTKD A female cook at one , at the City
Hotel. 450-7 * '
WAXTKD First-class help to polish shlitl
by hand nt thn Home Steam Laundry , 510
Ilroadwny. Council lllulls , la. Apply ut once ;
must bo able to do flno work ; uoou wngcs paid.
VifANTKlJ 2 chambermaids at 912 Douclas
St. 443
WANTUH A Rlrl to cook , wash and Iron ;
wnnos S. Apply Sirs. George E I'r.tchett ,
203 goillli Iblli Bt. J3J-4 *
WANTKU Two grlrls for kltchonwork ;
wujios $15 per month , 1017 Howard st.
4U-5 ) *
WANTKD 3 conks. Apply to Mrs , Norrls'
llcstnurant , 104 H. 16th st , between Dodito
nnJ Douglas. Come prepared to stay. 428-5
WANTKD A younjr Indy would like to ( ro
to the Fort to tuko cnre or children nnd as-
slst with sowing. Address G 5 llco onico. 411-5 *
TirANTKO Good lrl , competent to cook
and , do jfonOral housewovk ; X Apply 2010
Douglas streetone door nest of Gallauhor's
bouse. 43-1 ! ) ; *
WANTKI ) First-class cook nnd housekeeper
for farm work in the country. ISldorly
woman , a man cook , or mauand wlfo , with
Drst-clnss recommendations. Steady year work.
Address F 71 , Ileo olllco. 408
WANTKD Girl for general housework ;
small family. Sewnrd St. , sixth house
wostofKlnir. Mis. Wrlabt 40M *
YTfANTED Shirt hanJs for steam power maW -
W Qhlnes at Omahn Bhlrt Factory. 331-4
'ANTKD-OIrL 1618 North 10th St. Mrs.
W J. M. Counsuiun. 372
WANTKU-A cowing girl. D13 South Uth.
: W3-4 *
ANTKD First-class laundress. 710 South
14th st ; good wngc& lifS 4 *
IfANTKU Girl for general housework at
T 1517 Hatnoy. 3S9-4 *
W ANTKU Girl to worlrin private boarding ,
bouso. 517 S. 12th. 333-4 *
W 'ANTKIJ Kxporioncedshlrt hands. Apply
Omaha Shirt Factory. 303 N. lath st ru9-7
Second fc'IrL tXX3 Park nvenuo.
2UK > *
I7ANTKI > A Kirl for general housework.
> 1415 Howard st , " 2')2 )
| 7ANTKI > A plrl for general housework at
> 242) Sowiird st. U05
W ANTUD-Pastry cook at Windsor Hotel.
WANTHIJ-Two good Rlrls , ono to cook ,
wash and Iran , the other to da second
work. 1'JH Webster. , orj _
I ) Asrood drosjinukcratonce. Cor.
10th und Dodtfo sts. 001
WANTKI * In a family of three , thoroughly
competent Gorman ( ? lrl tor Kenorai
housotvoik ; must turnlsh roforonuos. Vjiply nt
Cochran llros.'ronl estate olllco , 1J')3 ' Farnam
street 7S2
WANTI'JH ; n men forBrado on railroad nt
Chadron , Nub. ; ship nt Sn'clonk a. m. Mon
day , Juno 7. Cull nt Onmlm Kninloynient Bu
reau , 112i ) F.irntun St. 11 O. llello-Islu i : Co. 407
l\7ANTI-i : > A flrst-cliuis hotel poitorto mnko
i > trains for a tlrst class hotel In allvo west
ern town : none but those with ( rood roleienofs
need apply ; uood wutfus puU. Adilrpps Lock
1'oxOl , McCoolc , Neb. 4B-t ;
WANTIID Good girls at Mrs. Flannory's
1010 H , MUl Bt. 470-7 *
\\7ANTKn pix yoiinir'mon ' of poodnddrrsj
l > and liuslnoiH ability.Call on J , M. Kioiich
A ; Co. , Itoom 111 , llushnian'llldck. 475 10 *
\y ; ANTID : 2 laboring men. 1010 Jackson 451-5 * Bt.
WANTKD Fifteen carpenters to work on
focdln&lmrii ut AmraDoil oCo.Ncb. For
Information jipply to , Hliav ) it Fluid , 24th and
Hainoybtd. 4:17-5 : *
WANTKD Uroom-mnkor * . Omaha llroom
WqrKS. . . 431-5 *
V\fANTiD : First-class barbor. Wnffos $12 a
11 week0. . it. Ityburn , Fnlrmount. Neb ,
Jfc'4-4 *
Itooklii'oppr nnd cotTcspondont
( must write well ) who has ? -,5 > J oaeli Hint
hueould loan his oniplOursut Bpcrcont. Salary
about f O par month until Hist of the year , and
f IHO for no\t joar. Hisbulpand iiiunoy both
wanted at once. An option will bo Klvcn to
nun loan Into a nlra llttlulHvoitmomir duslrod.
Want purty to luarn our business nud the uork
and May with 114 porinaiicntly. us gig \ \ \
rcfeioiiros. experience and &o. , and If plnca
opun will wlru you , when you can 031110 pre
pared to close I'outnict und ire to woik If satis-
fiutiiry , Addro National KxdiaiiKO Co. .
AfcuU , DCS Molni s , Iowa. 3SM
v\7ANl'i : Thto steady , onprirotlo men to
' sell Kchptn goods. Good wn es to the
l Ifh t men , Apply to A. J. Wood , Hui Dodh'ost ,
4 7-4
\\r.VNTii : > Laborers for railroad work ,
' ( { radors nud ' tr.ick-l.iyors. E. B. Albright ,
Uibor .Vgi-iiBV. laJS'Farnum. lee
\\7ANTKU gitu at ion us ehortband corros-
> ' pondoqt and tynowntur. Can give noo. ]
rolcroncus , Addrvas M , 7SD WJUow uvcunn
Council II hi Us , Iowa. ibO-5
WANTKIi Situation in tool estate ol
trading Inland uud uirrohandlso oiilce , a-
outelda man.Coniwinaiioii | nominal Ad
drc&i at once " 0. 13 , " llco oil 90. .481-2
) ounjr iiiun of nxperlrncc
wants a. situation its M aUtnut book
keeper , ti&sUtunt clerk or any rxialtjou with i
I'hunco of udvrtDCt'UH-iit ; ( food mforcucos. Ad
UiosU u Lcuotllco , 47U-4 *
Tt'ANTEl ) \ young woman wohlt Ikn
work as dressmaker In prlvnto family , will
work cheap. Address F B4 ItooolTlco. 475-4 *
\\7ANTio-Ily nn Knullshtnan ( Vorkshlro
man ) aed ! W. a situation as rnsnotrcr to a
breeding stud or coachman to n gentleman. Had
great experience amongst horse ; . Good refer
ences civcn. Address G. T. H. , poslofllro ,
Suvrnrd , Nebraska. 477-4 *
WANTIU ) Sltuntlon In architect's ofllce ns
tracer , by younir man of three jear * o.xi
orlonco. Address O 10 , n.0 olllco. 4)1-10 ) *
" \\TANTED Man nnd wlfo sock employment , .
T > man to cnro for hordes , etc , wKo to do
housework , town orcountry.fium orotherwlso.
Address "Q. 9 , " 11 co Olllco. 440-5 *
WANTKU Hy a lady , a pos tion us liojiblo-
entry bookkeeper nnd nrnmucn es. Ito *
1 rirent os given. Address K Iptl , ( Nat. Ii'ncoln , )
Nob. ! JSl'4 *
? ANTKii situation by competent rtrug-
Hist often yenrV ovpoilonco who Is regls-i
tored In Iowa by otnnilnntlon , or would buy1
nn Interest In a paving store. Addros'C.E. H. ,
OMNoitli ICtli St. , Omnhn. N.0b. ; 37it-5
\\7 ANTi : lly oxpcrkncod nnstcrn teacher ,
i' prndiinto of Iradlnx normal In Tomlsyl-
vnnln. A position an teacher In urndttl dnhool ;
Rood references. Address A. G. llnldwln , livnns-
ton , Wyoming. 422-4 *
A > "Trn A sltuntlon ns dining-room iflrl
In flrst-clnss holpl. E , H , . Uonnqit , Neb.
42.M *
W 'ANTI5II lly n woinAn , n situation cs
nousokoopcr , Call at No. 218 N. Uth M.
W ANfErr-Tcn"uisr"irMiirray ;
_ _ *
\\TANTll > Hoom nnd bonrd for n grntlo-
' " man nnd his son , aged 12. Adilresi , fflvliig
: orins , O 7 , llco olllco. _ " . . . . . .f" * ' ' ' * ! ,
WANTKD-A roflnod yOuri ? pentlfmiui,1
stranger , desires room und board with.
homo comforts with pi Ivnto family , wlierothoro'
nro ycung people ; within walking dhtnncn of
Mlllard ; icferonccs uvclinngud ; state terms.
Address O2. llooonico. 41B-4 * _
\\7 ANT1CH This week , a tow persons to In- "
T > struct In bcok-keoping. Can pay for one-
mlf out of tlrst month's wngns. Itoom B , Dush-
man building' , 16th and Douglas. J. 1 > . Smith ,
WANTED To buy n socond-hund engine
and boiler , fotir-horso power. O. K.
Mnync.Kthnnd Fiirnain. _ 115 > 5
W PANTKD Short-nand work of nil kinds by
J. n. Itnynos .V Co. , 1311 Dodge st. 805
) Houses for goal tenant ) . J. H.
Evans & Co. , 1513 Dortifo. 813
T7llTll llirNT- room fiouTo , " ? 12 liuinTro of
J3 II. K. ItOROrs.S. F . cor. Cumins : and Snund-
ers. 45
OK KKNT 4 room house ! 1 blocks south of
FI llanscom I'lirk. cor. tiould and Allen81.451-7 *
I oil SALK Now 9-iooni house. Ames , 1507
Faririm st , 4UJ-1"
IlKNT-Ono 3 ntU ono 111 room hoiiss
with all modern Impiovomonts , In a desir
able location. Inquire ol O. F. Davis As Co. .
1503 Farnnm. 374
TTHMl IlKNT-Storo builllnir with 4 living
J ? rooinsabovo , sit nitcd on Poll Sheridan st .
bet. St. Marys avo. and I.oavcnwoith ' 1 ho loca
tion alfords a dnslrablo opening for n bnkery ,
saddlery and lmrnos or l.iundry business. Ai |
ply to Wm. Fleming , 14th nnd Douglas. HI
Foil KKNT An elegantnow 8 room house ,
modern Impiovomonts and every convonl-
cnco,23th nuil Chleuro sts. f 15 per month with
barn or $23 without burn. C , I' . Muyno , 1)1 Ii and
Furnaiu. 3W
\OK KKNT New 5-ronm eottngo on U7th
nnd Wo'istor Rts. Imiiiirc Hoom l" > , Omaha
Natloaiil llnuk. P. J. Crcedon. Ull-7
TIOH IlKNT A meat market nil commote
L ? "nnd doing a good business. Apply Itobt.
Purvis , 2118.14th. 218
" OKlTl'rNTOne s.rooiu cottage ono block
north of head of St. Mary's nvo. , * 23 per
month. Ore two-storj" liouso cor. Phil Shcrldnn
nnd Hull st. , B nice rooms , 331) ) per month. K.
T Petoiton &Co.S. K. cor. 13tli nnd Douglas
street . 071) )
SALK-5-room cottiio to bo movo.1
FOIl . W. J. Wolshans , City Mills , 804 Far-
nain st. & 'M
Foil KKNT 2 hntulsoiiiqlj- urnisl qd purlprs ,
will rent together or aoparatoly ; modern
convpnk'iiccs. 1720 Capitol Avo. ' < 4119 G *
"llKNT FurnlsTiO'l room ; gents only. 47'.i-.V
TTtOK IlKNT Nicely furnished plensant room
-T1 for ( tontlomon ; plc-nsiut locality : private
bouso. 1015 Capitol uvo. 45MO *
KKNT 3 unfurnished ropim ivltli bntli
FOIt and nil convoniorocs t"or > lioilKokeop- fnmlly without children. 1007 Howaid
8t.bdI lloor. 4505- *
T71OK ItKNT Furnished rooms , $ * and HO
JJ per month. 5 North 17th st. 4'iO-7 *
1OK KKNT Nfccfy TiirnTshcd roonlis' witTi
board. H113 Iod 0. IllMiV
TTIOK KKNT Nicely fiirnlslicd room with nl
J ? cove , No. 5'i5 Falrvlow St. , Vt block north St.
Mary's live. 427- ' . ' *
FOK KKNT Six unfurnished rooms , single
or two In suit ; gentlemen preferred. In
quire of Dr. L. A. Simons , Ustabiook Illoo'c , 404
N. 16th t. ! I71
OK KKNT Furnished room. G4 ! N. 15th st.
TTIOK IlKNT"An elesrantly furiifsTieTJ pnrlnf
JL1 HUltnhlo ns bedroom and parlor , with use of
bntb room. ( JooJ bnnrd can be had In house.
S. W. cor. 20th and Wobt ) r. H03-4 *
OK KENT Ono nlco room at i2:5 : Dodge
stroot. ! I7'J
FOK IlKNT Small furnished room cheap.
713 N. 17th St. ! MU-S'
171 OK KKNT Two furnUhed rooms. Cor.
I ? Lcavonworth nnd 25th , No. 2424sni8 *
ItKXT Two store rooms on 10th street ,
FOIt , ias and bo yor connections. Tlio
C.E. JIuyno and Trust Co. , cor. 15th nnd Farnam.
FOK HUNT-For llsht houfo'j poilnsr | , rooms
furnished or unfurnished , In licemer's
lllofk , cor. KlKhth and Howard. I1J' )
" ' "
"irsoit HKNT Urffo fiirnr-iiod'"fronT room
J.1 with iilcovo bcdrrom. 251'J DodKO St. Ill-
qulro of J. \i , 1'iorson .V Co , 201
irou HUNT Nlcoly fiirnlslio.l rooni . with
J' board , 714 N. Iflth st. 2S15
F UKXT 1-iirnUho.l " rooms. 1 1 Capitol
uvenuo. ' n-f > '
171OK H ISN'T A fuinUliud 100111 111 uprivate
J2 family. Addiess l'6 < , lloo olllco. 2.V )
OK KKNT I'lirnlshocl rooms wltb or ivltli-
F outboard. 117S17thst. 2.104 *
OK KKXT ruriilshod looms ; terms low.
F u Hiirnoy . ' 2J135 ; *
TTIOK HUNT Furnished loom with or will
-1 ? outboard. Apply to 014 N. 17th st. 1'i'J
Foil HUNT Onufiinilbliod. from.roiim , pile
unfurnishoil front parlor , noiv } ) ukihn
Georgia avo. Address F20 , ' lloo olllco. 87H
T71OH KICNT Olllco 7oom on Tlrst lloor. lii
X qulro 1) . C. I'uttorson , irou'Ilauk lliilldliijf.
KKNT Aiioxeollunt bnsainont.209 and
511 S 13th st : : i stores on Dili und Douglas ,
anil- stores on 23d and Cumins' . l'uulson' & Co. ,
1513 Farnani. W7
Tj'OK HUNT Furnished 'rooms. > 181G Dodjru ,
FOK KKNT Good furUhtd | ) 4QOm , looallou
central. Imiulro. at Atklnsqtj'ii Mllllni-ry ,
No.jOSN. | Itith. - ' "mM
OK IlKNT-Dcsk room. " Uush\V Sclb7.18
8J5lh st. 141
TTioil KKNT A nicely fnrnlslicJ room , 1IB3
FOK KU.VT NewlyJunilslioa rooms doio to
1 * . O. Tbo most desirable/urnlshnd. .
In the city , at re isonablo pricey. . 1503 ,
. , , 27S
IT" OK IjAliK Or IrHdeU S'cttlMUfU J hliAuvliler
JL IMaco. Will trade or solrotriangtime. .
b'lns .V 1'nr'c , 15S Don { Ins.
usublnkof It ! Ixits In Fostur a add
P : ililuck 8outli ol J.ukc M. , on 2A1.JS50 wjih
small pnymont down und balance on [ oiiirilinc.
Itush X.Sol fay , 218 3. 15th. _ -.22.V > ' _
BHDICK'.S GUOTJ'wU ninkq you > iitoKuy us
mi investment on wNmnt"OMn : itlon ,
nearness to tiiisiuos and prices qpd ( urnu
irlvnn. Uits srlllnR ut * 700 to $ I TO.AtnbS Keal
Kstutu Agency , 1507 FuriiHiu st , U > U
f Tioii SATIiicvwaT : U > ts Tu ITiicolTiTiaco for
JL' bulo cheap oil loiif tlmo , Hltfglus & 1'urk.
OKCIIAKUIIIL , ! . lota ri'll on tholr merits.
Low prices and oaaytcnnsftrcn. Call at
The R. E. May no and Trust Co.'a olllco and grt n
plat. 203
EDICK'S OltOVB-Vou nbouldsce and con-
slder for yonnelvo } Its * advantages for iii' '
vestment. Ixilsai nar > business as these , are
a sao Investment at $71)0 ) to 11,500 a lot , Amcj
Kcal Knatu Ayenoyt50I Fur/iapi y. f pu
PAVKD "Si'ilBEWtorltktn > 6uJ nlock of
Hodlck'g Grove only strengthen that most
Ucurabla spot for rus < donce.LXxuio / UO'1 ' sco for
yours.olf. , ' Auua , 1&07 faruuiu. T19
. ' OUOVr lsln ldo nny rosldenoo lo
cation now for Wlo tt f ; oa to Tl.TO perlot.
Comtnn'l sou It. Atnoj Itoal Kstnto Afecncy ,
IspTFar o nmTst. _ \ 3SQ _
" *
BRblOK'9"nitOVKwlllmnio } you money as
an Investmeut Inn account of lountl'm ,
nearness to bmlniM and prices and terms
frlren. Ix > ts sclllnir nt 1700 to fc 1,500. Ames Ui-tl
Kstato Atrcnc jJCUi t'arnarn ft. _ OT >
Foil 8AIKrt ! goi nt a imi-fr nln , 3 Blocks
from CtimiuFnrfst.O rooms , city water , line
gmtolnenchVl cn < hbiilf-5 per moiitli , Hlir-
A I'ntk.lSJ VODSlns. 401-3
FOK SAI.i : Fine corner lot on 2M st , with
good barn. Will soil cheap or will build
hou o to suit prachn cr. $ i59 ensli , bal ! < mall
monthly pitymonlh. 'JHgglnsfe Park , 1.V2 Ttong *
as sir IB ) 484
-tVry. solo aconts. 1507 Fnrn.itn * t. aJ
* "
rt oo l-Vist fYonfon"Dolnwiiro tree' . Hnnscom
r phco , beautiful lot , $2,100. Ixivgren &
\Vlldo , 1501 Farnam street 72J
ITUHl KKNT FiirnTshod front looms wltn
J2 nlcoio. 525 Fntrvlow stroot'i block from
St. Mary's avo. , WS'
OKSAt.K-a acres In llarkalow's stlb.dvl ( <
slon.eftst trout ; 4 shares In Omnhi ; Dab- ) '
1 two-seated buggy ; 4 tine barber
chairs. SI4 S. 12th St. 091
BiniCK'3tllUVi-Vou : : should SCO nnd coni
Skier for yoursolvoi llsadvantniros for Int
vostmcnf. J.otsns nenr buslno 'i ns tlio'e , are n
snfoliivcsliiiont at $701 to (1,500 a lot. Amos
llcnl i ; < tiito Aijoncy , 1507 rariiani ft 3sn
' -OH SALPf-livo ncrca In TuttUJ sub-dlvl'
flon. lot ' " , Umnhn. For Information nd >
. T. Smith , Ileo onloo , Uiicoln. 110 7 *
Br.DIUk'S'filtOVlJ wlillnnkcyou inonorMH
an Investment on neconnt of loentlon ,
nearness to business nnd prices nud tonns
Riven. Lots aelllniT nt S700 to $1,500. Amos Honl
Kstnto Aproncy , 1507 F.irn ntHt. ! WU
FOIt SAM- TWO clo ant'onstTront corner1
lots In llurr Oillc : n turtil Hlinclo trees.
Hutchcr , riadd & Co. , 11(1 ( Douglas street , Mlllard
hotel block Omnhn , Neb _ 831
I71OH SAI.K On monthly p cottnttos"
-L1 of * moms oach.ono mile from poflto.lUco.
Knquiroof Win. UyRur , at Io\roy&8totto's. 6i
T > niOrv'8 OnOYR-OiiIv lotrns nnavbisl "
JLV ness , us tu-iir stores , schools and churches.
Come nnd sun tlinfo lots. AmuV Itonl IHtatu
A " 1 s ; 6
( ? Iic LL52LFttrl : _ _ _ ?
FOK S.\ . K-Lot sfbTock a. MTlFiird i'Tnco7
Tnlls Is as line u rosldonco lot ns lliero la In
thoelty. Only six blocks from the oouit hon e ,
cast front , on ( rrndo , naturnl trees , cstnbllshed
nclRhbnrhood. When l/h veil worth nt root Is
graded this lot will be worth Si.OO ) . Hatcher.
CiadcUVCo. . 12IC Doujrlas Htrcot , Mlllurd hotel
block. Oinahn. Nob. _ sot
IDKOIOIC'S Oltm'K-Only lots as iionr busl-
.Lli no s , us near stores , schools and churches.
Come and sou these lots. Amos' llonl Kstnto
Agency. 1507 Vnrnnm t. _ _ 3V1 _
TJEDlUICSOUOVK-Only loTs as nnar bLsl-
J-w ness , as near stores , Fchoois : mtl churches.
Come and sco HIOAO lots. Amos' Kual Kstatc
Ajronuy. 15)7 ) Kiirmitn st. _ | | Sfl _
FOR SAM ! On Fiitiinni st nonr court house ,
n tine lot at n bnrRiiln. If sol-i within tin1 ni'.tt
fe\r Jny.s. lllwins vV Turk , 1VDoilRlitsst. . 4U4-3
BUDIClv'S OltOVi ; is msldo nny losldunco lo
cation now for ( Mlo nt $700 to $1,500 per lot.
Comu and S ( > D It. Ames lleal Kstato ABoney ,
1507 Fnrnaiii st. _ asq
Fll SAffB Ssven ohoicost Kllby 1'lnco lots.
fViTj > nch.A. _ PTnkov. . 1HM Farnam St.Kl
KKDKMCS ( inbVfi-140 feet from paved
' htrcot. V hlau'c li-om 'Jfth st. school IIOIIRO ,
STlO to t\'m \ per lot. Ames' Itenl Kstnto
Agency , IfO ? Film mi st. ! ! Sfl
FOKSAr.i : Cotmgosou Ohlost. Smnllcnsh
pnymont , bal § 23 per month. 401-8
FOK SAI.K-Iot8 on Cumlng nnd Hurt
streets , ncarXHh , tl,200to SMXttoach.
Lots In Lowe's addition , S5X ) to { BOO each ;
very easy terms.
fjiiron Snwanl Rt.i nearlHst , $000.
2 lots , (101 ( fret souMi * front * , on Hamilton si ,
near 1'oor ClnliecornX'nt. $ I,70J. "
180 foot west front , on 24th bt , noir Farnam ,
4-15 per foot , r" ft
Lot. on Vlrjrlnjn nfe. , near Loiivenworth St. ,
5OCHj. .
2 acres InVest Omahn , f 3,0X1.
Lot on Hownrflit-ti , iflilxl32 fccti , $ J4.flCO.
Corner. 44x1.12. on Huiiior > ; t , f JO.OOO.
Lot In Nclsim'- > ldd.l1703.
Corner lots on Howard tt , y blocks from Poor
Claim Convent , SKOfenay terms.
41 fret cast fronton S. 13th St. . S4.r > Dl.
125 foot cast fronrtfn S. Kith .st."t.U.'IM.
Four-story and ba omcnt UnuK store,00 feqt
fronton Hnrnoy st , 4WW ) .
HOIIRO ol 7 roowsi klOOKl27tect , on Saunders ,
noi > r Cumins : , $5,2 * ) . , ,
House of 2 rooms : cistern , etc. lot 45'ixl32 ' on
S. 17th st. . givwn monthly nnyinenta.
H ) nuros. 4 miles wr-st of city , $100 nor ncro.
Lota in South Omaha , $4 0 lo f 15) ) .
Lot iUxI'M. on 12th bt , $1,101.
Housonnl lot Hamilton rt near 20th
full on . . , ,
M.WO. : . - - . - > > -T / , 3 \
Ifou'oofHfooms , )9t25xtiO ) fect.onlSth.henr
Nicholas st , { 2,5uU. ,
House ofii moma , lot'25x14' ' ) foot , on ISth ,
no'v li'holas st , $2lMJ.
Moiuyto lonn ut lowest rate of Interest. Goo.
P. Uemls S.V cor-15th : aiU Douifl.ts. jgj
R'EDICirS ( IUOVB Nonrcst , ben and cheap
est lots in Oinuhu , at S'OJ to $1,50) per lot.
Arnca' Itcal Estnto Agency , 1M7 Farnain st. 3jfl
TiiTfcK sTlioVE : NcarostTbosrand chonp-
i'st lots in Omaha , nt f 700 to $1,500 > per lot.
Amos'Itenl Est ta Agency , 1507 * amain st. 33)
RBDICK'S OtlQVK Nearest , bo'TTniid c"lionp-
est lots In Uiiifllia , nt S700 lo JI.10J per lot.
Amos Heal Batiito Agency. 1507 Farnani ft. _ :150 :
FOK iX01tAKGK-jn.lCOstooKdrygoodsTor : )
Omaha property. Archer & Fitch21K S
15th st. . 405
BEDICK'S ailOVR7COtol,1)03nlot. . They
mo ifklnv three times this prlco for lots
further out. Ames Itenl F.stnto Agency , I5'J7
. ' 123-5
Farnam. _ _ -
DKLl , & H'CAMDMSU can sell you-
Choice auros/ . , . . . K. . , , . S 100 to $ SOO
Hou oandlot401trpm Doljjo. 2OOJ
House , burn nnd lot on I'aclnu. . . 1,653
lIoiK'Oi apd lots nciir I.o.ivon-
worth . " . . 1,000 to L',500
Hnrney st lot , iU > ov trniilo . . . . 4,500
Qnoros , house and Diablo . . . 4.500
( lool 1'ropcrt iis-Ovioi-il irhlluu-lld.
2-story store bnlMiiijrs . . 'Jm to 1,200
Hal-trains In Improved lots on Walnut Mill ,
Well located properties on I'aik avenue and
fnthcrino street. } i
West Slders . , , .v . 8 SIX )
Houses and lot * , Improteniont
add . : .i . . 1,50010 ! ) , OiX )
Nlco boutli Iront bou c , Davon-
poit . . , . - , . . . . . . 3PA )
Housyiuil.l . loti , SUInn'ri . 1,100 to 3,001
15 splendid IICUM , Hlinebau h
and llroolillno. for platting. . fiOO to FOO
Houth front , cor i.o.ivemvoilh. . 1,503
Finn Ambler Ion , , .
lllllsiilo lots . /.I. . 750to 1,4W
Sunny Sides , . , . . , . . ( , . 1,100
Oxfords . if. . ' . ; „ , < : . 400
IClrkwcod . r.\ . . . . . . . . . . 450
WoMSiders. . . , . 3W
" ( : J"4 llt'll i--McCundllsb. Kill
' ' dllOVn-llrst lotifor tlio
Kim'K'S - money ;
2'ithM. Mionl lidiiso just beyond ; mueil
Mrret within 110 tpotIotB : fTOOti ) $1 0i ) . AmcV
Henl Hbtato Agtmoy , If Of J'm'iiam 42il-"i
HAtTft'O M"l' LACKCorner' lot "on" ( leo'rtrlii
AVII. , 8u.M.
Kast front on ( Jcorsln AVP. , P1.SOJ.
Corner on PhllSltorldanst. . ? ! ,
rornu'ron Vfrnrnilu Avc. , $1,250 ,
Kuit trout on Vlrglulit A\u , $1/0) .
Kast limit tin Virginia A\e. Sl00. .
Wostfiont on Vlrslnta Avci.fl,25i ) .
West frmil on Ocorffla Ave . fl.VjU.
Kust frcnton Do'uwnrn at. , $ IS75. ; '
1'au trrnt on Cathorlnu St. , $1,975.
Two east tqnlt inrark , Avo. , nch $2,000. - .
Kast IrontA on Phil Khorldan , $ 'JOU toxa. \ .
This U all goixi i property and wu hnvomoio
like It in adjacent additions.1 T. W. Uluckburn
& Co. , lloid of St' laiya Avenue. 4M5
Plnoe. 3750 1'iKihu llarjfaln. ( Jniliam . i
Itenuwa ,
BK Dint's aTvQYJJils Insldo nny rosldwolo
cation now firalont ( t'M in f I/.JO put lot.
Come unit BOO It , Amos Huul Kst to Agency ,
1507 Farnnm et * a i
F OK S.\r.K-C6t"g 1iTn Dodge ht. Kilby PJaco" .
C750 to $850 on7li. 0 rah m & llunawa. 42I > S
KmrKVdTfSvK and sco the best
B loUlntown forlhu , jnonoy , f'lOto $1/4) ) J.
Amos' Itenl l.ttffigrney,15J7 FBIIIMIII. 4.M-5
FOK HAI.K Ortrado for unimproved prop ,
crty within two inilosof city , u line modern
house of ! ) roomg , well , clstrrn and urn , beau
tifully IliiMioJ inside : Tot 5 > ) zl50 , located one
block from torinlnus ot rud and green rar Hues ,
C. M , Ilnton.jia S. 13th sU ! 175Jv2
JU. KVANSji7o. : . , JII3 Dodge ,
. HnvuW4to : J
2 lots , Patriot iKlM , corner . . .
1 B. mid K.fri > ntrnroei > vet I'laca , at grade t-5'J
2chlcolots I.OWO'H 1st ) 1,1- ' )
Cholcelitiln lla thornetuutoljuu
Clidlco lots In Ciesron. . . ' , * 7V ) to LOW
; i line Mmtli fronts on llurtl . . $ l,2 * > 0 and 1151
Choice ncro , I'ark I'laco. „ ' , 4,0 0
Acio , tcncud , trees ftudcjtlusc.a Uirgulu : i. > 00
144 foot tiont on lu > eiiport- 2
ia- : front/ooniof. Virginia a\o , In Huns-
com 1'lHi.a , 1,2 era lots. . , 00)
Knst front , eorner , Georgia nvo.l it2 | lots CCO
Kasl ftoiit.cornur.Shcridatist . ' On )
2 lots ou ( inning gt. for business . , 3.0uo
14'xl 0 ouP.2 < ithKtootlugo , . . . . . . . .3.0(0
Hoileo , Hlol , K. V. rimlllisadil 2OilJ
lonsu.c-uai iroJt.iW-ioot lot , Ii V. '
. , , . . . , . . . . . . . „ ,
til-foot lot on Ji ( .lilu 10th bt , . Ut )
titio lot. goad onttago , east front , on
Bhornuuiavo. wcutoii Uth . , . , ,4/XX )
Ilculrablo und chi'ilp huslmds and rcslJenco
property throughout tha city , ' r
CalUOejtauiluo our lUt and properly. 3(5-1
FOK SJvr.K.'ow otl n Llnooltrpacf , $750
loJSMeacht easy tonas. Orahum & lli-n.
RUDICICS OHOVK-Only res donco lots to bo
hnd at Tgures Mked , folllivt tn < t nt (7iJ to
fl,5Mpcrlot. AMES KEKI , L'stATi Anr.Ncr ,
428-5 1507 FMrniin M.
" * "
' shouliccoMndcon.
nniriv'3 OnOVK-YoU
alder for yourselves Its advantnucs for ln
vestment. Lots ns near business as the § oaro a
snfo Invcctinnnt nt $70) ) to $1,503 alou Ames
Heal Estate Agency , 1507 FanmmsU 330
_ _
ori SAI.K-Sevon lol.s. Kllby Plnco. on
IloOgo tflJO for all. Graham AMenu -
Illock. 4JKi
s.vT.lf Itesldnnco property and vnrnnt
lots In erury addition In Omaha. Terms to
sultpurclmwr. Also doslrahle bnslnoss projv.
erty. Gibson , I.srson & Co. , Hoom 3 , Wlthnoll
Illock. 153
Trr.DlcK'S OltOVK-U foot from paved
J street , b block from 3th st. school bouso.
$ ,0) to $1,520 per lot. Amos' Itoul Kstato
ARClioyi 1517 Fnrnnm St. P l
R Kucs rUOV-K-UO foot from paved
street. U block from 2Stb st. school bouse ,
$700 to $ IJO per lot. Amos' lliul Kslnto
Agency ' , I5-17 Farnnm st. _ njfl
HOICK'S GHOVK Come nnd see thovnlito
B of thcso lots for Investment. You cnn mnko
mornmonrv on these lots nt * 700tol,50i ) thnn
any where elst > . Ames Itenl Kstato Agency. 1517
Fniimm st. 42i.G )
"oil SAl'.K-Two flno lots , Kllhy I'lnco add. ,
near Do.luo . st , $750 csoh. Graham * lien-
uw.i , Crelgblon MIocK. 421-6
UHDICK'8 IIHOVK Fnrnnmstreotonr.s.cnblo
cnrj. nn elegant residence pnrt of Onmlm ,
nil combine to make this proimrly diislr.-tlilui
$70) to $1/0) ) it lot. AinrS Ron ! K tnlo Agency ,
1507Farnaiu st. JlbO
' ljum SALK Business lot , corncr.on Dodfto ,
JL1 f7t > M. Graham Ac llonavMi. 421-5
RKDICK's'oilOVH Farnnm street cnrs , cabin
cnr , nn elegant residence pnrt of Onmhn ,
nil eomlilne to make this property ilo lrablo ;
$700toIJ > 0)ulot ) , Amos Itonl Estate Agency ,
lG07'Fnniamst. Uifl
BKDICK'S Tinovll-Wherocnn you Hud lots
located n mile from poBtofflco al t,0d to
(1,500. They nro asking thrcn times this price
lor lots fuithpr out. Ames' K-itnto
Agency , 15)7 Fiiriiiiin. 4M-5
F I OK SAf.U Lot ou llmnlllon st , $ lt 00
GrnhnmS : IJoimwii , 118 K. 15lh st. 121-5
" lKOlAl" lfAKIAINFino "ft aero lots , all
together , In Hlmcbitugh's addition. Must
bo sold light uway , t'rlcopcr nero , $50) . It. C.
Patterson , tilth nnd Douglas. _ _ 003
' ( I UOVi-Si > e ibis pioperty bofoio
buying ; consider Its valuo. It Is chnnpat
$7lO to fl/iW per lot. Ames' Itenl Kstnto
Agency , 1501 Fnrn un. 42G-6
FOK .SAI.i-Comer : lot , Shlnn'S 2nd add. ,
rhcap nt $ ' ) )0. Graham te llonawa , CrqlKh-
ton Illock. 121-5
fSEDTTU'S ( lKOVi-Auics : llcul Vsti\to Agen-
* 'cy.solo agents. 1507 I'nrniunst. 35
SAI.K llarunln Lot on Vlrgin'a iuo. ,
$ SOC. Ginhnm i Uennwa , Crclguton Illock.
F " " 6ll "iSAri-Sectlon plcndld la"iid 4"mlioii
ot Croigliton , Noli. : will sell In Itiflncio
tracts , $ Lt > ) pur aero cnsh , balance In 2J years
4111) ) percent nuil notnxes. Hatcher , Guild .V
Co. , 1-10 Douglas strool , Mlllard hotel block ,
Omaha , Mob. H04
B HOICK'S GltDVF.-Thoon'y ' lotTin the city
a mile fiom postolllco at 70)to tl.fiO ) ; cnsy
( oriin. Amis' Itcal Estiito Agency , 1MK Fainam
street. 42ii-5
FOK.SALK Two wood lots , llnnscntu Place ,
51,050 encti. Grabnm fc llcunua. 421-5
RKDICK'S UltOVKrnrnnm street eiirsenblo
cars , an olcuant rnsldenco pint of Omaha ,
all combine to mnko this prolixity dCHlrablo ;
S7CO to $ lr,00a lot. Amos Kcnl Hitato Agimcy ,
150T Fi.umiu si. 351) )
FOK SALK Twenty lots. Kllby I'lnce , near
Dodge st , $750 to $45) . ( irulutin St llenawa ,
CrclKhton Illock. 421-5
' GHOVU Lotson Harnoy and How-
BEOIOIC'B In Itcdick's Grove , at $70)to $1,500.
Heroisnohatieoforiosldonco lots at a bargain ,
Amos Heal E-t ale Agoucy , 15')7 ' Fnrnain. 426-5
FOK SAI.K A good Improved farm , 100
ncros , 10 miles Irom Omnlia , R , M , Genius ,
14 8 Douglas street. 4(4
pTROiriv'S OHOVn ollors best Inducements
JCV In term * . prices uud location of anv prop-
cro' in this roariict. Sco these lots selling al
$70 * ) to ? 1. " U and bo i-onvmcnJ. Amos' ricnl
Kstnto Asoncy , HU7 Farnam st. 42U-5
FOK SALE Or Twlo tinprovc'l nnd unlm-
l > iovod lauds In Furnas nnJ ot lor western
counties. Address \Vm. Slmornl , AiHip.ihoe ,
FurnasCo. Nob. 275
RKDICIC'S ( mOVC-Amps lletil Estate Agen-
, oy , solo agents. 1537 Fnrnnm st. a5
TJSOR SALK Improved und unimproved turm
1 Iniuls. Gibson. Larson & Co , Itooni U ,
Witbncll nioek 151
RKllIOK'S mtOVU-Araos lloul Rstnto Agon
cy , solo agjiitb. 1507 Fiirnain st. ; iSo.
' GHOVU-llcst and nenro > t lots at
thu money. See what 5011 can buy in Ibis
addition at $700 to (1,500 per lot. Terms onsy.
Amoe , 1517 Fnrnain. 42i)5 )
Which Is tl.o best property to buy
to obtain big prollts ? Answer Aero prop
UKKY Whnt part of thn city will develop
Q flrst ? A , The southwest.
1ITKIIY In what addition Is the cheapest
Q1 acres ? A. Patterson Park. $376 per aero
vlfERY How far from court house U Pallor-
son Park ? A 3i ! inllos.
Can ncios bo bought in Patterson
QUKIIY on long time , easy paj mcnts nud low
rate of Interest/ . Yes.
To whom will 1 go to buy nereis In
9DKHY Park ? A. To D. C. I'atiorson ,
c ( ! Ibt tloor. Iron Hanlc nuil.lmwho also
has lots in
Lincoln Place ,
Mayllold ,
Hlniobaugh'.s add. ,
West Onmlm ,
Pounders & Hlmobaiih's ,
Sblnn's rir t ,
Hoiilh Omaha.
Cnll on I ) . C. Patterson. 1' . ' }
KiicK'ilTltOYi-Non est loH 'ta liuMiii-is
for tlio pn o : nM to Sl.rO ) for Iloillek's
( iid\o ; Iho noaiMtto'ldoncQlotnrorftulnln this
city. Ames Krnl Ustnto Agnnc ) , 1VJ7 Fnrnain
42T5J J
Now House , Corner Lot ,
South Front.
Ne r licit Unu Depot , only jlWO , $ : iilO da\Mi , Lai.
nncaraontlilyi nlnoS lots adjolulni ; , fioia $500 to
S5SO. S. 8. VAN BEURCN , 220 South 14th St.
Aero Property near City.
Lots for Sale In all parts of Gity.
S , S. VAN BEUREN , 220 S. 14th.
' $70'0 to cas'u bal.t-2-3 Yrs
$750 , $200 , . - -
Van Beufen Place ,
3 blocks ( rcm King St. Cart
8. S. Van Beuron. 220 S. 14th
Flour , Feed , HayrLime , Genieiii ,
* * * tr
, . TclojihonoxN'o. 801
1505 Riirt <
" * m _ ! & , uy.'jfi'K KXCHANGK
All classes of property
and goods hoiivnt , sold
and exchanged. Citypioo
crly for ftiiius ii'id wild
lands. Wild lands for poods
of any kind. Wil ) ox.
cbaugu property list ! wltb
- ' - - - ' - -
I uny ilm'- Him
builnou on/where' In the
-V Isrgt 1'at ' of oily property
always gi ) Imud f ( > r sale yr zchauire. AU
bright & A > k iwoiOi , tolvihauo | 7S5. 21J S. IJtb
St. , Ouiabit Nob.
List of letters romMnmg uncnllcil fet
n tlio jiostolllco ( or the week cmllnir
Juno 3 , 1880-
Jenkins mrs K ilolinson miss M.
Jniisnn mlssS .Tnnsson J
,1 an son M Johnson miss A
,1 nek son miss 1) Jnme on mrs A
JonnliiRa mts 0 F ilolinson rnlss 1)
loh ii son mrs Ma Johnson M
.Intinson mrs A K
Kommly miss \ > Kirk mrslj K
Kolloi * miss M KlmlroJ miss 0
\M\\ie \ \ mrsT liownor nira A
I.oveland tnrs 0 K LouMtmrs
hither mrs M l.lttlomrsX
Lnnnlne mrs 1)V \ l.a'-ccll mrs II U
Leonard mis * L J.ovl mrs Ii A
Mason miss V Alooro N A
Miller ntw 11 D Miller mrsK
McMIIInn miss U Mi U Mil miss 11 A
Moore mrs A. J .Mnckmrs
Mnulcr miss ,1 Mack K
.Mot tun miss K .Morton mrs \i \ 0
Montv mrs A , I MUllvcr mrs J
Olson A Olson miss J
1'arkiM mrs I V Pnnl mrs A
I'ntU'isnn mrs MO I'cterson mrs M
1'ntcrson nns.M IVtlerM'n mrs 1C
1'elerson miss It I'lcston mrs 111)
IJnlrley miss \ , M Itaynor miss P
Itayloy mrs in Knmlpijon mrs J
llnyiiyr mrs I' Hnv miss J
Itlimiu ! mrs H KobctUs miss J
Itnok miss Uiibait mrs M A
Klo liter miss II Kcno mrs K
Swnnson miss K Ktrotiil mrs K
Scott mrs U Sciinilt HIM H
ijtnndnul mts T M Splciir miss A
Ktratom mis F ytoiilicmson mrs S C
Stern M Ktniin miss K
Samlcr miss S Srhraii mrs H It Klmrwood mrs t" U ,
Soverson miss 1 ,
mis PT Sullivan mrs K
mrs S 1 * Tlniiu 1 ,
Thninson mrs 0 Tinnshour mrs W
Thatcher mi-s 0 P Turner mrs K V
Thompson miss V
Walker m S Woodworth mrs A
Wndo mw M U Wlto miss A
JVInc mrs U Wlntut miss L
Welley mrs A Wllllnus M
AVIIIIaus miss A
Wolliiii miss l , Wlieclook inl s E
Welhnrn mrs / S WiiKoncr miss 1
\Vlnnnis mrs M Wallace miss I
Waliod mls < ( K Wnlkor mr.s I'
Wassiimnn l , Wnsliltijiton mrs P O
miss 0
KxhiiHste'lVltilltr. Norrom nnd rtirMcil not > | lltr
r-reniiitur Da'llnon ( Mnn , lCrr0r ofVoutb.nnd I'll
. bnum ! I - , . . . . . . „ . , . . . , -
' „ . einlioa oil covers , fttH 'lt. ' cuarnntood to lioalltiflr
work In over ? on -mochnnlnil , IHor.irr und pn > fa .
( tonal tlmnnnr other work In thin countrr forll.H
orthemonejrwlll borofuml In ovorr Inntimoe. Prj |
onlr II by mnlt , po timld. Illiittmtnit Mniola , ill j.
Bendnotr. il lilmnJiUnnurito > l Ilia author br Ida Nv
tlonnlMcdluil AMnclntlon. to Iliu Him A. I * . Illnoll ,
nli'l ' u" .Mlnli' otnporj of tlio buiril tha reHilnrlsr } .
pocttuili-rcffirriM. ,
ThoSclenoodf ilfJj worth morototm youunnnl
mlili1ln-.i nd men or Dill KOnitnitlo l III m ull IhsuoM
iulnc < orUnlllnrnlnana thu slTor | mlnai of Nur.ld *
coniblupd. S. K Chronlolfl.
The S ionro of I.lfo points ell the rocki nnit uulok.
, nncl onwhlcli tli constitution and linun l nt inftnf
n younamnn hnvo licon fiitnlly wrecked. Mnnohostor
The science of Mfolsof Rro.itnr niliia than ull fit
mcMllcnl work ] pnbllshodln UiU countrr for tlio pill
Tlioscloncaof I.I to Is ii ii url ) and nmtorlr trsit-
Ko on nerTOug nnd phystnu ilclillltf. Detroit Krai
. .
llCt ! > t llrolllu I1II > 1 uullllmu lllau 3UB Kllt.l. I
lift ) lull skill of nil otlrri > tijMlcUti4 " l > culilt
trc.itPd imccpufullyiltiiout uit
Mention Omnlin UJJ.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tb o only road to take Dos Momes , Mar-
bnlltowu , Cedar llaplds , Clinton , DUIo. Chicago ,
Milwaukee and ull points oitst. To the people ot
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , . Utah. Idaho
Noviidti.Oregon , Washington and California It
ollors superior advantages not possible by any
other line
Among a few of tno numerous nolnU > ot supo-
rloiity enjoyed by tbu patrons of this road bo-
twconOmiiba and Chicago , uro Us two trnlnsft
day of DAV COACHKS which are the line-it that
human nit nud Ingenuity can crento. Its I'AI/i
ACU SMtKPINCI CARS , whlcli are models ol
comfoit and ologituco. Us PAItLOU DUAWINd
ItOO.M OAKS uiisiirna'iRod bv iinv. uud ltd widely ,
ly coiobrutod PALATIAL DINING CAltS'fiio
equal of which oiiiinot bo found ol ewltoro.
Al Coiineil Illulfs the trains of the Union Pach
flc Hy. cdiinncl in Union Depot with these of tlio
Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the
tialiis of this line mukocloso conncotlon with
thee of ull eastern linos. ' ,
For Dot roil , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmatn
nntl , Nlngaru Falls , llulfaln , Plttsburg. Toronto
Moiitrenl , lloiton , Now York , I'hllnduln'iln ' , Hal-
tliiioie.Wasbingtoiinnd nil points In tbo oust , mis
the tlcUut UKunt lor tickets via the
If you wish the bust accommodations. AllUoUot
' vlrt tms lln ° -
5 0iiuaii'ti-rkot8 iu a HAIII ,
Uenoru Manager. Qon. Puss. Agent.
y win 6F ay EXAHININO THII u > i * THAT TUB
The Croat Rook Island Route
. . . , -.ICM lt > patron * ILul mien of purtonil em.
rtly ulToidjil hjr a nolld , llmromrhlr lollmini rniil.
UB-I. Miiunih trucki ot 'uiuliinuiK urcl rail. tnlmUii ,
tljllx hullt rulvm n unj lrlilfe . rolllnir ulnrlc u | lirur
" " - ' I'11" ! ? ? 'Jl'l.HI ' m.U. u. 11,0 ulfljp
. wlildi uoTcnii tlii > piaiw
I culoiuiallow iif nil ll > tr lu . Ollitr nwlallle * ot
.In * route mo Ininifoni at nil ronti rliiitf | ( uluu In
Unliiri Dfjiutf , nnd thn unniirpotaeil cuiufpru aud
luiurlaiof IU J'AMcnKur l jMlp-iio'il.
Tin j' ' it KIUIPH Tiln litturrn r.Mftyn
I'eoi auimcll ! llltilf > , Clly. * i-iunc III ulni
AtrliUoli MIH coiilpunfil of well vrllUUti'll , Illlely
lioulrieu liny I'oarho * . Mnfrtilllriitt riilltiiQii l'alnr < ,
blmipcunr tlio jutot dr lt"H. kiul iiin | > lui > u > i Illiilnir
i ; i . In whli-n tliliurnlel/ > , koi | > 011. leljiiitlr
Bin iil.o lun thu l HirrlliiliiKriM .
The Famous Albert Loa Routo. <
If Ilia dlicct ami fitailti ) Una b l tn Clilc OHn < l
tllniieapolUaii'lNt 1'aiil. wlivia roriiic' < eloiuoioin dJ
' , ! ' f/i" / , " " , ( > cl't tar nil | iv > lnti la Ilin T'rilloil .
llrflUli ' . ,
I'rorlutiu. ( ) v-i ilil < rnulu Ku.l Ki | > n
1 ralni me run tu tlio wivlorliiv plir ii , Biiiuiu r r
oru. PU-IIIIVKIIIO lurulltli t. ua Imuuuir iiuil Ufliinz
k'raiinil ) of Iowa ami Mlnliitu. . It In aim Ilia muni
ilMlraWeruuijitu thu iirli nliot Ilildi iiad judonJ
landiuf IntL'rlur liHk'.M
HUH anolbtr IHIIKcr LINK. YKHrnioa n.V | n.
" " ! . " " * ? l"cn "IHiiwl U iwnn I'liirinnatl , Indian *
tii ) ll n. | I , r jri.tU' . uiir < jUiiill liluirn , Kmimf'ly ' ,
linvKinlli | | ntid St. Paul nud llirnntUla..o polnlt
tor df-lallud ltifurtilitii > n Muu and rulitfrff ,
btalnablu.iu wtill a * UcUU , 4t r-ll Prliii-Jpanii-Vui
oni ! > lit tua UatUU Butuj ( uii t4iuui i IT lor ail-
ri-s-t & U u' | M'c'r. 'l TV.t A J'"V fic't ,
riONAUtfl'.SUrjTeulii rilrouj. Uotwcou Foruma-
nud Uarnor , will , wltb the aid ( it yuardloit'
jjilrllM , obtain for nny onn tluaco In t'i '
pnetaad prudent , and of odrtam condttloaa lu *
iliwfuturu. Uo'iti uud * hoin madtf to orJar.