THE ) OMAHADAILY BEff : SATURDAY ? 5 , 1886. REAL ESTATE FOB. SALE BY BYHill ornol , would bo first-clas ? property to own , and every aero will Increase in value at least 200 per cent within the next 0 or n years. Tljcau farms are all within a short ( hive of Omaha , and can bo Of ICO acres each , all leased for 0 years , reached in from a U to 4 hours' ilnvo , ami and paying good in inlercst on Iho in- will range m price from $5,000 to $0,003 vcsttnont , nil line land. Every farm has oneh. clear runnlne water , rich soil , from ao to ISO ncrtM of breaking , meadows , eto. IT WILL PAY ANY ONE . i * * To look nt these farms , if you arc lookIng - Of those farms would make n nice homo Ing cither for a homo or for , n safe and nnd whether parties wish lo live on them prolitublo investment. Apply to BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Farnam st. Houses and Lots We Have in OMAHA VIEW ! Anil the 10 ucro tract adjoining It , 283a FINEST VIEW iiuo lots ns can bo found in the city , all of which wo desire to put to drawing in terest. Of the city anil vicinily to bo hail from Wo therefore make this general offer to any point ; that there is to be but little cop le wanting homes : cutting or grading ; tlmt the profiles arc made ami the bo established , grade can You can select your lot , get up plans and specifications for your house , make at any mooting of the council ) that the us a small cash in hand jwymcnt , merely Holt Line railway runs within two blocks BUtlicicnt to lusuro a fulfillment of your of ip.irt of the agreement , ami we will build you a house to suit you , and let you have OMAHA VIEW all the lime you want. on the west s'ulo ; that the finest water in the cily is obtained tiiero WILL that it is the healthiest place in or about the of Omaha cool In and city ; summer Hulld houses ranging in value from warm in winter ; that 40 far the addition s settled by only the best class of pcoplo ; $800 TO $3,000. that it is near business , schools , stores , etc. , anil is in all respects a most doslr OK IF parties prefer , ihoy can build able location for pleasant homes that heir own houses , aud we will furnish the ; our prices , terms and conditions are the money to pay for same at 8 per cent in terest. , most liberal ever oflered by any person , firm or syndicate ; that they are plain , Please Remember fair and simple , easily understood , and easily carried out ; that wo employ only Thai both the red and line grcan car first-class workmen , use first-class ma- t now run to within 4 blocks of erial , and only do lirst-ciasa work in building ; that full and complete satisfac- OMAHA VIEW ; niot is guaranteed in ev'ery case. By nl 1 ineaus if you want a homo , lee That this addition lies on the side hill ntOMAHA Sloping East OMAHA VIEW towards the river ; that it affords the Before investing elsewhere. nudwe will take you on t to seek BOGGS & HILL. Parlt ITorest , The poor man's paradise. Read this for it may be the means eventually of your making a fortune. PARK FOREST $250 to $30O Is nn addition of 200 lots , each CO\.12U Euchi on payments of feet , located in the vvoode.d lulls ou S. .street about M blocks from the ftWth , ( $5 Down and $5 Per Union Pacific depot , and is u , most charming and romantic ocation , Month , at 8 PerCent Thirteenth street is graded Its full width to within 5 blocks of Cent Interest * t Park Forest To llioso only who vvanl lliom for homos. We make these liberal pi iooa and terms ' ' The street card run to within 5 minutes' lo give all poor men a chance to get a wnlk of these lols. Fifieon or twenty homo. Chouses have bron already built there ; These lots will increase COO to 000 per t > jniiny more will go up Ihls summer. cent in a fuw years , and it 13 one of the ICO lots have been sold and 100 of the best w opportunities of a iifelimn to get this ones yet remain to bo sold. These are ' kind of a eliaueo'tp secure : v homo. the cheapest and host lots in the market These terms will oily ) hold good for a nnd ofler thorn for short time ut a . wo and few days , are oilcrcd with a view of from clearing Iheso all up wilhout any del.iy > BOG6S & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Farnasn st. BOGGS & HILL'S ' ADDITIONS , f "Iti ourluUItioii on Uppar Farnaiii , Dougflas and Dod o , wo have n.hout 33 la "rcnminiug unsold. ' - THIS PROPERTY There Can rapidly becoinlng very valuable , nnd Now bo no question as to the future of Bright in Iho heart of the iino resldenoo thosii Jots , nnd purlins purchr.smy at the part of the city. Water , gas , pavements low prices ut wiiieh wo are ollbring them and street cars arc now either there or to cannot fail to roali/.o a lar o prolit on bo plugod there soon. t huir in vestments. These Additions Prices Will Range Are now surrounded with elegant resi from $1,500 to dence * and high-priced real estate , vvhilo $2,300 the thrco besl tuul most prosperous , girects in the city run throuijh both addi per lol , according to location , and the tions , ; ots will scl ! very rapidly at these prices WE HAVE ALSO FOR SALE A very largo l t of Ilcal Kilato of all kinrlssoaltorod through the city , county nnd "Otato trom wlilulimight bu oleolod many mostoxcollont bargains , 'ii M'K IXVI'l'i : Tin : A'lTKXTIO.V of these tooklng investment and can as lure nurchasei-bthoy will ( Iml it larguly lo ihcir interest lo call ou us before inve'--c Ingdlsowtieio. r- IOU$1VlI < Ij III ) IStJII/r for all wanting hoiiiM on the most reasonable- onus , , Real Estate , 1408 Farnaiu tSt , LODP CITY'S ' GREAT GALA DAY , Five Thousand People Present to Celebrate the Ballroad's ' Completion. A GLAD AND MEMORABLE EVENT. The First News Dispatch From That PointSantto the "l cc , " TcllliiR of the Kvctit Other Stnto News. Cclehrntcd In Htylo. Lour CITV , Neb. , Juno 4. ( Special Tele- cr.iin to the HII : : . ] Tlio date tixed for tlio gram ! bai bccuo and festival was ix favonUilo one , Indeed. Promptly at 13 o'cloclc the exclusion train pulled In hcio.tfio en gine gaily festooned , bringing in nit abotit fifteen hundred people. Nine conches and two sleepeis bioughl the delegations fioin Omalm , Lincoln , ( iraiul Island , St. "Paul ami Columbus. ( Jovernor Davves , Htnto Auditor ] ! alcock , Supcrlnteiidoiil Dorrnnconiul eight or nine of the city council of Omaha nro ores- oat ; also Assistant liencial Ticket Agent McCatlyC. P. Newtou , supervlsoi of btldyes and buildings ; Mr. C.ipron , supervisor of trark , and J. 11. Manchester , of the. railway circles of Omnhn. The tables were tilled with nil abundance of eatables , containing about Ihrco thousand pounds of meats , plei , cnkes and brend without number. The town is fairly butdened with decorations , and everyone fa In good spirits nnd wnnilcrliig liown town of COO people coiiht ever unilerlako Ihohur - culcan task of feeding 5,000 people , as that Is the lowon estimate nuido oC the number of our guests. Hands nf music and loud lire arms abound. The ralhoad ofllclnts and Omalm delegation will probably remain until to-morrovv. Tlio enthusiasm is unbounded. SIMPSON AH m visa HOME. The Doftuiltlitc Treasurer Ilcnchcs Nchrnskn City Salely. NEIIUASKA CITV , Neb. , Juno 5. ( Spcclnl Telegram to the Iui.l The Kansas City train wns Into last nlijlir , but when It arrived , nbout midnight , It btought Duke AV. Simp son , late county treasurer , accompanied by his wlto nuil child , who is charged with bo ne a delimiter in the county's funds for over titty-six thousand dollars. Sliciilt McCnllum , nrtneil with a warrant on com'- plaluts sworn by Tor VnnantvvctD , one of tlio county commlssloncis , left yesterday afteinoon for Omalm , following a dispatch he had sent to SheiifC Cobtnii , of county , authorizing Iho nnest of Simpson. Irnto last night Deputy Sheriff Hub- erleo received a dispatch o&kliig him to meet him at Dunbar , on the Mlssomi Pacific inihoad. This was no doubt a nibo , ns tlie somewhat arlstocralle prisoner Is , bald to lm\e arrived by the Kansas City ionic. In lact the firbtlew the Bir. : icporter hnd of him , attci several dlllgeut hours watching , was seated in a spring wagon bet\v eon the shoilir ami his deputv , hla wife and child being seated la the second beat , while the driver , who was lash ing his hoiscs to their utmost speed , occupied the tiont seat. At this rapid gait they went unOtoo street until teaching Sixth street when , turninc , they came on lo Main street ; uptliatstieet , hotly followed by Ihn BEI : man on toot to Fourteenth street , pass- ilig Iho jail at Eleventh sheet. 1'ioiu this point the reporter lost track of them , but It is thought Iho paity diovo out about one mile into the country to the deneo ot his uncle. U. F. McCumus. The team at this \\iitliig (55 ( a. in. ) lias not leturneu , and it is thought Mr. Simpson will remain thuio lor to-night and have Ins healing in the morning. There Is excitement In the city ovei'tlicrrecnnt dis closures. which Jiavo Miown Mr. Simpson's defalcations to be of such an amount that U will hardly be coveied by his bond. Sheiitf MuCallum aud his deputy , Mr. Iluberlee , for what icason wo are unable to state , have boon rather ictl- conl as regards this arrebt , probably on account of reasons best known to them selves , but which certainly have not given satisfaction to the public. ' ' The pielimiinuy examination will most likely take place this morniug be- foic Judge Mopes , county judge. It is piobablo Mr. Simpson will bo able to iuinlsh ball , as bomu ot his lelatives andncaiest triends are in lueiatlvo ciieumstances. 11 is thought now that Simp- sou had an accomplice who aided him in his cmbiv.zlcmcnt , and rich developments arc expected on the trial. Brilliant Graduating Exorcises. Cor.t'Miiu * , Nob. , June 4. [ Special Tele- cram lo the UEI.J 'Iho graduating e.\ei- cise.s of the high school wore held hero Ihls evening bcfoio the largest audience ever as sembled In this city. The cxciclscs weio opened by pi aver bv llov. St. Clair. The subjects ut thoaddicss , nsof. the gtaduatcs , v > Qin as follows : Selentllic Kuowledgo . Frank Noith Waltei Scott . Aithur ( Jray Wonieiib'oik . NeltloCuitis The Labor Qucston . C. W. Pcnrsall Ancient and Modern Wai faro. . .Elmer Smith Klecti Icily . UertAinold The diplomas \\ein piesoiitcd by David Slinb.icli. K\cellent music was furnished by the high school. The exercises throughout wem uiiiisuully pleasing , the orations es pecially being of a high older of merit , ex ceeding o\eii the expectations ot the paiouts ot the giadtiateami patrons of the .school. K\eiybody Is delighted with the success of tholuxh school , \\hich Is under the supuiln- tendeiicy of I'lotesssots Ciamer and A nix Blnze. Isi.v.xi ) , Neb. , Juno 1. [ Special to the Uin.JA : Iho broke out In tlio 1'laiiet roller llouiing mill , owned by J. ( > . Sclmupp. at this place , about midnight last night , aud ina.shoit time the Hour mill and a laigo elevator adjoining \\ero enveloped In ( lames ami bullied to thu gioimd. This was one of the Hour mills In tlio .state , itbuim ; tlioioughly equipped \\lthnll the latest im- pioved machliii'ry. Mr. Selmupp's Joss will nggioigitu iiiufs ) ! ot eighty thousqiid dol- l.iibhlch Is paitlally covered by nil Insiu- niicnot In the tollowlug eompanleb : Homo of Xow Voik , 5UODO ; Cernmiila ot Now loilc , Sl.COiKtnuof ; haitloid , S'JW ( ) ; Not th iiribtolol London , Jjl.frOO ; New Hamp shire , 5 > 1,000 ; Commeu-Ial Union , .soO ; I'ha-nlv , feooo. , Thoelfoits of the tire department to save the mill wcio unavailing and they had to apply their elToits to saving adjoining pi op- oily. Mr. Sch.iupp has tlio sjmpatliy of the entirocoiuuiunltv iicio , uniHit Is honed the mill will Do rebuilt. " " Kearney's Yountc OrailiinteH. , KUAKNKY , Jfcb. , Juno 4. [ .Special Tefo- guun lo the Dr.nJ The Kearney high school giadimtlnp exeicheaveruheld in tlio M od'el rinl ; to-night In the pre&enco of an nudimico of 1-OOJ of Keniuey's ' beat cltl/en ? . The class consisted of Marlon. * Downing , Win Hold llustou , Willhuu IJlack , Maildn Glllcti. Martha Hiydeu. John Phllltb.n- , Aluitha Blslmjp , JciiuloVuLs | and Verner L > man. All the graduates except ifr. Ulnqk Ucllvmcd ebsuyc , maiiyol them i-auKn'liijU | In literary uieiit. Two of them vvoio far bat ter than Is usually wiltten by high tchool graduates. Captain Ulacis , presldeut 01 the bdiool boaid , conferred the diplomas. .r. Thu Hoincoputlis" J ' HASTINOS , Nub. , Juno 4. The annual meeting of the Homeopathic Medical bocleiy ot the btato closed a llnee days' Region heie with a banquet at the liostvvick house laht evetilng. The followliie oilleers weroeiedtdd lor the cnsulni ; year : 1'rcsidont. Dr. C , L. Hait. of Umnha ; lirst vice inealileiit. Dr. j , JL ( iioy , of David Cltv ; seconil vice iire l- d"iit , Dr. \ \ ' . A. Iliimphif \Vahoo f ; een > Dr. W. T. V/inror , of Wymmo ; cou er , Dr.J , a. ifavvk , of Grand Jsland. Ha tiics will bo the ne\t pla'co of 'Holding a inecnng. ' Late Liuoolii News , Ltxroi.K , Xeb. , Jnne4.f IBucclal Telegram to tlio.liiiK.J Everything l sso.i ) oil very quietly during show day. No npfldents , , Jio bloody' flshta aud only one * 6r "iwb' small theftd. 'About three 1oo"k * holiday , niS ( seemingly enjoyed Iho splendor. ' Among tlio prominent arrivals to-night ere Lew Ilobcitsou , r\eter ; A. Weltfel , . . .istlncsj W. H. Chen lot , ( Jieeuvvood ; H. P. Oavl ? , AV. J. Austin , F. 11. Trail , Omaha ; 1) . K. Uucklln , T. H. Stephens , Aurora ; U. F , White , W. H.iWqhster , Central City ; John Cncney , I'UutShjotitlir H. I ) . Jones , Heatrlee ; Dr. Kobcitsou , Wllber , nnd 1) . F. Ilnke , North Lotin. Tollqlp C'clcbrntc. GiiA > 'n ISLAND , cb. , Juno 4. [ Spcclnl to the Hr.Kj An excursion train of ten coaches loft here this morning for Loup City , to at tend tlii celebration nt tlmt place over the Kent of the completion of nllueof the Union JJivcltle railway to that place. Theio were hboul live hundred people from here , besides two coaches from Omnhn. Arrest of ft Digamist , JlKnno.v , Nob. , June 4. [ Special 'IVIo- Rrnmtotho UKK.J Sheriff t.reen yesterday roiurncd from Topeka , Kansas , with Chnrlo I'rluce , who Is wanted for bigamy. NEWS FltOM 1OW.Y. Sale of a Untlroail nnd n Now Com- puny Organized. Jns Mom : * , la. , Juno 4. [ Special Tele- ernin to the UIK.J : The deed of sale of the Diagonal railroad was filed In the clerk's olllco to-day , and an otllclal circular an nouncing tin change was made out The consideration IK given as S'200,000. The road will form a part of the now system known as the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City. The new company is composed of It. T.Vllson \ New York , prosldjnl ; Albert Stlckney Min nesota , vice president : George C. McMlchael Marslialltovvn , gcnoial siipcilutondiiiit ; W. 0. Block Ues Molnes , general -nasseupcr agent. _ Tlio Impcnchincnt Trlnl. Iis : MOINUS , la. , Juno 4. William Hartln- gor , bookkeeper In the Uronier county bank , tcstllied In the Impeachment court this morn ing. Ills testimony showed that the bank was Insolvent when Urovyn tesll lied as lolls solvency , and for which certificates the man agers .110 trying to show Ihat Uiovvn was paid SlOOby Uovvman , cashier ot the First Na- lloual bank of Waverly. The managers are ttylng to illbciedlt Uio Hicmcr couuly bank , by showing lliat from the amount turned over lo Iho bnnk containing woithless paper held , and tno deduction tlieiofiomof collectable assets , the JSremcr countv bank was Insolvent. The testimony of this witness tended to sliovvtliolnsolvencv of 'ho stockholder. Senator Parrotto asked Uio witness whether ho coiiMdeied a bank In solvent that could not pay Its capital.stock and creditors. Tlio respondent's counsel ob jected on tlie around tliattliu witness was re quested to decldo a question ot law which be longed to the com t. After consldeiable ar gument of counsel the objection was sus tained , howls Case , of Waverly , was put on the stand vvlion the couit adjourned. This afternoon J. 11. Bowman , president nt the Waverly national bank , Icbtiued to tlio Insolvency of the IJreiuer countv at the time Uiovvn examined Itandcalled it .solvent. Ho tcstllied that Us ciedil was so impaiied Ihat when It was bought out by tlio national bank tlio latter would not take Its note for any sum unless secuied by a per.sonnl en dorsement by responsible parties. Just before - fore Brown's cxnnihiatloii ot the bank its stock was absolutely worthless , and the stockholders' We're called upon to make up llio loss , b ljwl It was only woith aoout twenty-live cents on the dollar when Brown called it soft cut and received a foe ot S100 for his services. E. J. Ingersoll , presi dent of tlio IlavVXoyo"1 insurance company , te llfled as lo Vall's e.xtoitloimto charges for examining his company. He said that-Vall demanded 52,000 , and.k > lu him ho must pay It immediately or Brown wouldn't give thorn aclearcertiticale. jJlo uh > o produced Urowii's written lustiuctlons to vail to demand pay ment of exorbitant charges at once. A. Jealous3WlPc'8r Suicide. Cr.nAii RAPIDS , la. , Juno 4. [ Special Telegiam to the BIK. : ] Mrs. Sam .Johnson , wjjj $ f jjtho foiorhan f llirl , Gazette -.o.nice , coin niitte&sulclddVbyatJvviniisilnHh'e Veda * fiver tills morning , Her husband was believed - lioved to have been inllmato with a prosti tute , a letter from whom wan touiid In his coat by his wife. Overcome by jealousy and distress al her hustiand's probable urifallli- fulncss , she look chloroform and jumped In lo the river. , Order of the Eastern Star. DKS AfoiNK.s , la. , June 4. [ Special Tele gram lo the BKI : . ] The grand chapter ol tlie Masonic organization , known as the Order of Ihe Eastern Slar , Is now in session in Ihls clly. A number of ladles are present from all parts of the stale , and tlm day was devoted lo addresses of Iho ofllccrs , reuorts of com- mlttee' . and examination of work. The next meeting will bo held in Davenport. A Prominent BInit 111. Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 4. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE.J City Clerk Charles Kent , who { has loug been prominently identified with not onty the Inteiosts of Sioux Clly , bill likewise with these of the noitlivvost , is dangerously 111 and fears aio enteitallied of his recovery. A. Well Known Man Drowned. DKS ifoiNr.s , la. , June 4. [ Special Tele gram to the BKH. ] E. Adair , a well known farmer of Lcgiand , Marshall county , was drowned this evening in Timbercicelc , while seining. liattlc of Gettysburg Ofion every day ; 10 a. m. , to 10 p. m. , St Mary's nvo. and 18th ht. Pianos tuned antlrcnnireil. Work gttnr anleeil , al llospe's , -liilii Douglas. WANAHAKBII'H MKIICIIAKT TAII.OUING AOENCr MAKUbTIIK KBhr SyiTd ATPlIIf.A. I'liiA ruicns. 1311 DOUGLAS ; u Wcddln j ami presentation gifts a spec ialty at Raymond's , The , Leading Jew eler , Douglas and loth st. - D'Ii : i ) . STOVEU-Jline 4th , Mis. Mary E. Stove- , aged 57 yenis. Fuueiol to-morrow nt 3 p. m , , from her Intoiesidenee , OJ4 Sniindors stieet , l < 'ilends Invited. Vcstn Chuptcr No. U , O , E. R. The royuhir nioiitlily mooting of Vest Chapter No. 0 , O.1C. . S. , will bo held to morrow ( Satimlay ) evening. A lull altenilanci ) is requested. By order of the Worthy Matron , JA5IT.S 11 , HltUNKIt , SCO. Gil RAT JqiBU'ISljATiuy ; .ln Boots and 'HOep , Friday and BlilMMity. . - \Vo will not soil oul bul oiler lo Iho publics $10,000 wWrtf1 of the host made boots , shoes until slipprir * , wan anted to bo perfect , at suclilUiq jfricos thai wo can ton sho'o , Ladles' I're Ladies' low'm ( { Aluu'd vvorkipg fi es , in IUCQ or buckle , Jlon's canvas sfti& } > ' - $ 1.00. Men's scaiuleaa button , lace , or con gress shoes , ffi 00. Men's low IVlneo Alliort , $1 50. Men's calf hniul-ftnvved Hoamloss , 1.00. . . Missed' ami ohiulron's shocn , projior- tiomjtely chetiH. ' With every dollar invebtcd hrour store you will get a vhaxi 19 sceuro tlio ? ( VX ) piano. CcrrtO'early ami bocuru bargains. UKANDKI ! ? . 511 N. 10th St. An Ionia house of cprrection convict , whoio term oxuiriiil 0110 day last week , cclubrated hi * return to liboity by elop ing with the daughter of one of the guards , and the two were married at Lowell , Mich. Yon can buy turuliurechoaper of A. L. Fitch. & Co. , I'Jth-st. , bet Fanmin and Douglas , thua auv other place in ( he cily. A StOTHEft'S ' LOVE FOUND HER An Errng { Woman Traced From Ft. Sully to Omaha , CORRUPT MARTIAL RELATIONS. lie Tried to Kill Her Falling Walls Slio Slnppoit illtn Confidence Sharks -Tho Slonmii Fall- urc Brevities , 1C to. AWoman's Slory. Yesterday a well dressed woman , about forty-live years of ago , in talking to the young ladles of the Union Pacific lunch room , attracled the attention of iIJEii reporter , Her clotlics were now , of rich" pattern , and she looked like a 'Woman ' who had been subjected to ninny worldly tribulations. Slio carridd n smaili b.iltercd dressing valise , with two or Ihiec purses of design nnd material uncommon tii Ibb United States. To irs ( lowed from her eyes , and when engaged In conversa tion ly the reporter. toU a lalo which wrung his heart. When asked her name she gave thai of Mrs. Colonel Mulligan , 'and stated that she was the wife of Colonel Mulligan n retired olllcor of the Eighlv-First English regiment now in Canada , nnd that ho was trav eling t > foe pleasure in France. Shu spoke with tluencynnd intelligence botvveen her sobs , and asserted she was on1 her wily to Fort Omaha and then slio vVafc going lo Florence. She wanted to find an oil leer , who t > ho claimcdhad | run away with her Cdanchter , She came allihe way from Fort Sully she said , and had tracked the man who. hail ruined Jhcr peace of mi nil and the home of her daughter. She said that a your or more ago her daughter whose husband , C. E. Arud , is commissary sergeant at Fort Sully , had left her home , accompanied by liei four children , deserted her husband and parents and run away with an army olli- ccr. For tlie past year Ihe family had been searching tor their erring daughlor and had but recently received informa tion which led thorn to think that she was in Omaha. She wanted nn olliccr to accompany her and make a search of the city for her missing daughter. Oflieor John Turnbull was summoned , and at Mr.s. Mulligan's re quest hummoiieda cab and started out on the bcaroh without any apparent clue. At Mrs. Mulligan's ( litreturn they drove to Fort Omaha. Here the lady made in quiries which led her to bolievu that her daughter was living in I torenco. She ordered the cab lo be driven lo tlio house adjoining the Saratoga school building. The direction was obeyed , uml the cab halted in front of a small white cottage of three roomst before which a couple of ragged urchins were playing. Olhcor Turnbull knocked at the door , which was opened by a small , sickly looking , poorly clad woman , who meekly inquired what was wanted. "Your mother is here and wants to sec you"said the olllcor , by way of breaking the uows gently to the woman. The little woman started with a look of sur prise , and almost fainted as she loll into the arms of her mother , who had quietly followed Oflicor Turnbull to the door. Hoforo tlio lirst sad greeting was over Ollicor Turnbull withdrew , leaving the mother nnd erring daugh let- alone. Mrs. Arnd has been living , it is under stood , with a soldier named John Murray foi the | iast year. Her mother said that she had fallen heir , by the recent death of a relative , to an estate in England val ued at $30QQfl. . Whether the * daughter will return witli her mother to her for tune and her lawful husband , or remain in Omalm living as she has during the past year , remains to be seen. TRI12D TO KttiLi HER. ' Mrs. Alloo Cody Accuses Her Hus band of an Attempt to Polsou Her. Mrs. Alice Cody , u healthy look ing Irish woman , inado the tibual complaint in pohco court yester day afternoon that her husband , lUehard Cody , u painter employed in the Union Pacific shops , had been trying for some time lo kill her by various methods. Slio told the police that her husband was paying attculion lo another woman , and had made three or four attempts to murder his lawful wife. Sho.said that sev eral times during the past month she had awakened in an almost btilled condition nnd was sure that the cfl'cct had been caused by chloroform or homo other opiate administered by her husband. On Monday night last she alleges that she awoke and found her husband holding a handkerchief over her mouth , and that she was sure she detected the odor of chloroform and Ihat she sullercd for several hours from Iho cllecls of the drug. She stated that she had been married to Cody lor twenty years and that their family was composed of t > ix children. She has had frequent domestic troubles with her husband and has been separated from him three times , but a reconciliation has boon eflected each lime , and they have continued to live together. The woman's peculiar manner led the polieo lo doubt her story and she was &ont to Dr. Leineiirinp. To this gentle man she told a different story. Her eyelashes have been almost entirely de stroyed by some disease or accident' , and she caughl upon Ihis fact to seeuro Iho phVMcian's belief in her story , and alleged to him thai her hiibbaud had boon trv ing to throw vitrol in her eyes to blind her. She also charges Unit she has .several tiiit | ,4 dotc'ctoif ' her husband putting pui- won in-her ten , The physician is ot the opinion that the woman's mind is do- raiig < d-and tlmt hho should bo placed in clitirg6''of the authorities. IVCody 'famijy lives at 517 North Foiifleonth blreut Shortly before 10 o'clock last 'night the walls of. tlio old frumo building adjoin ing the Metropolitan hotel , on Douglas "Btiuot , botvvcou Eleventh and Twelfth btraius , foil in with a crush , atartling the neighbors and bringing a largo crowd to the sec 110 , The lirst lloor of ihe building Svas occupied by Jinncs MoVoy as n blacksmith .aliQp. Tho. second lloor win UMii.s'a [ store rpopi , and WAR tilled with a lol of'.tovos'aml old fiirnlliiru. A valu able horse , the properly of Mr. McVov , was in the shop when tlio building foil , nnd'atliiuch | ( the .structure was com pletely wrecked , tlio animal escaped without a ser.itclj. A blaok.sinith , named OMIII , has beou'Meoping in tlio shop , but fortiihntoly ho * wus not in til thu timo. The building was completely wi'cci > cd. Tlio Slomnif Failure. The Hradstreel ngoncy would seem to occupy a positionsninlur to tlmt of the goutloniun who Mood between lliu lovil and Uio deop.sesi. Morris Sloman , of lliu h'to ijrm of Slomnn llros. , threatens to sue tlioagcnby for sending out reports of the Ijrm which , it is alleged , hastened their -uredjtuM , in closing in upon them , * ( $ itlio other hand , the report IIOH upload > that omo of IJrad- fctreet's $ u.liicrib ? rs are. goln ± , to s'uo the agency for sending out too favorable re ports gthiilinn's condition , Mr.V. . O. Taylor , local , manager af the agency , places no credence in tho'Jattor roixnt as Iio says hu withdrew tliuraliug of blonmn Bros- three mouths ajro , aud thalbhould have bc'on warning sliQicient for the linn's creditors , * II is understood now that creditors will make nn attempt to null the chattel mortgage which was given by Iho firm to Kei chelmer Hros , ot Detroit , for $03,00) . The credi tors allege that Fclschohncr lho . nro liquor dealers , and thai Sloman Hros. eoulu not bo indebted to them for goods , and tlmt the mortgage has been given for the purpose of defrauding creditor ; ? . A "CON" SHiYUK'9 MCl'TKH. Tito Nlmblo KliiKcrcil < 3cntry Who Are Centering In Omalm. The police and the local detectives have been kept busy for the past few days spotting Iho conllilonco sharks who have blown in upon the city with a view of locating and getting the lay of the land for operations lo-dny whllo Iho olr- cus is in Iho clly. The confi dence men work in gangs aud upon a regular system. A few days before the arrival of n circus or any attraction thai will brine a crowd of people Into u clly. they send in a few forerunners to got tlio lay of the land nnd to ascertain whether the police are especially alert or not. Two or three of these advance men have been picked up by the cops during the past week. Two of thorn , who wore ar rested on Thiirbday afternoon , had a supply of blank elieeks , conductors' ticket cheeks aud other paraphernalia that generally adorn the pockets of the well orjjanix.ed con man. Yesterday afternoon thq police arrested Jerry D.iilov as a suspicious character and found upon his person a letter lhat is documentary evidence of his calling as a shark. The letter bcarA the date of "Denver , Juno JJ. " and is as follows : Jeiry : Sells' show. 1 hear , will bo hero ou July 4. You nro rUht. C.vlltoinla Is a beaut , to fjintt , Ot course you can woik hour all tlie t'olo Circus on show days. BUck Hills has been lined to death with Nutshell Bill. You may do well theio bull dotit U. 1 am doln well. I was out to nn opuiilng and Jack Callloinla took oK over the streets and was picked up for S'i' > . to Stephens. If you coino out this way you m.iv nuuo some stuff. Leadvlllo Is O K for anything , liill Dnrley Is heie. Vouis , Tti-nii : UIIAY. IN THE JIOUTH. A Lady Draws Blood l i-ouin C/oxvnrd'H She was quite a pretty woman , and car- rind 11 panibol. It was about 7:1)0 : ) o'clock last evening. He overtook her on the bouthcast corner of Sixteenth and Dodge streets. It I * presumed he s.iid something to her , because pho turned and with a mystic sweep of tlie hand which , at the same time conn-oiled her lightly-bound parasol , dealt him a blow across the mouth , nl the same Umq ejaculating : "I'll teach you to speak lo mo again on tlie street. " A muttered profanation issued from the bruised lips , nnd bcfoie it could reach her.the lady had rapidly walked ton place of business on Dodge street , aboul a block distant , where it is presumed him communicated the insult and her rcr-enl- nient of it to either liuncce , husband or brother. The cud may nol yet have boon reached. Agonf .Innies KUos to Remark , To Ihc Editor of the Buu : Seeing an article in this morning's 13m : stating that I wished to nttacli the propertj' of one J. T. Garvoy I wish to explain. A little over u year ago ho came to me and a&Ued mo to go his securily for a bill of lumber of Mr. F. W. Gray. I did so , and on Ihe 31sl day of lasl March was compelled to pay Iho same to Gray. Ho now lias sold his house and got the cash for the sauio. and has sold most all of his household furniturut , . intending to Jeavo Uio .slalo. Ho told me ho would not pay me for ho did not have money lo spare , and 1 was more able to lese it than ho was to pay it. Now 1 am only after what rightly belongs to mo , and Sir. Ilouk can do as he pleases , as I furnished a good and bulli- cieiit bond , and propose to have my dues , when n man says he can pay , but won't. And as to the siok woman 1 will simply say slio is a hypocrite , to gain sym- pulhy , and I am able to prove the sanio. while ho is a carpenter by trade and able to command $ : j per day. If Brother Ilouk wishes to denounce inn for getting my just dues from a gambler I cannot help it. Yours respectfully , JOHN I ) . JAJIES. A New Mlnsti'cl Company. The People's theater will bo closed for the season on Sunday night. Fay Uros. , who claimed to have leased the theater some time ago , have failed to conic to time and have forfeited llieir conlrucl. Mr. U. A. Hurt , who has successfully managed tlio People's for the past three months , will take the road as m.ui- agor ot a new minstrel company , which is being organized with Sam Gard ner ns the leading light. The company will number thirty-two people including band , rnd will contain some of the best burnt cork artists in the country. U hey will organise in Chicago this month nnd start west on a summer tour , appearing ut Tabor's Grand opera house in Denver on July 1 and 2. Mr. Hurt is an old time minstrel manager , having served an a ) > - pi-onlicusliip under Jack Ilavorly , and he will no doubt bo successful in his now undci taking. _ Stnivvliorries nnd Ice Cream. The Omaha Reform olub will give n ro- ccplion ut W. C. T. . U , , Huc-kiugham Homo , to-night , to which they invite all their Irioiulrf. Strawberries , ieo cro.un and oako will bo servqd from 8 to 10 , Good niiiiio will bo provided , aud an en joyable evening may 1m expected. Personal .Mention. S. D. Ilugglos , of Chicago , is in the oily.Win Win Sturgis , of Clioyonno , is in Iho city.Uev. Uev. John Hovvlll , of I'rynlont , is in the city.Mr. Mr. Milton Honors is honio from Cull- foi ma. i Col. . I N. Cornihh , of Htimburg , is in tlm city. U. II. Kobinson , of North Hand , is in the city. J. 1) . Kilpalrlck and VYifo.'of Beatrice , are in the city. A , H.Swan , of Clicycnno , Ihe esvltlo king , isnlihoMillard. Mr. and Mr.s. Henry Gibson have gouo to California on n vlMt. Mrs , Louis II. Haer has nmti-ncd fiotn : in extended onstuni K Holi'inan , of Cheyenne , and H. Hoff man , of Kiiglaud. are in the city. H. II. Uarllina nndD. W. McUlftllaiid , of Kubnihl.a Oi'.y , are at thu I'rutnn , .1. H. Diiggan , of ( Jroilou , In , division &uperir.ti'ndeit of the Q , U in the city. Col J. S. Turn , of Stuart. la. , ouo of the wlieolhcrso ? of \ \ cittern Iowa ilemoc- ricy , is in Iho city. Mrs. J3 , M. J. JCooloy was in tlio city yijsttTilny and passed Iho day ul lliu liuekingliam houa . Mr , O ! ' . Uriir/rs / , general jiijonl of Ihn St. Paul ft Omaha , rclurned yesterday from a business trip lo St. IV.ul , Mrs.V. . L , FUlnibi , of Albany. N. Y. , is visititit , ' in Omaha , Ihe guest oi her daughter , Mrs. 1) ) . M. 15arllett. Ivleanor C'aroy , Helen Htand'th , Miss Hunter , Mr and Mn. Pior.sijn , J.owib Haer , N. J Lamb nnd Sam Hothoru , of Iho ,1 eli n T. llaymond company , nrdvod lasl ( ivuniny and urc nu.irtorcd al the Mlllard. ' _ The Panama cunul comnnny ha < > been nullion ed lo issue a loan for $00 ) .0 ) ' , MM frunus , provided Ihuy tuin provo that Ihls nuiii- will bo nlHulent lo uompleto lie ! cunul. SIMPLY A SLIGHT SPURT , Wheat Again Goes Up n Peg , But Mcota With Reverses. A CHANGEABLE DAY ON 'CHANGE. Conflicting UcjiortR Mnlcos the Out * look Uncertain- Corn Market Drn s The Cnttto Market Stroiijtor ( Joncrnl Markets. CH1OAGO OltAlN MA CittoAfio , Juno 4. ( Special Telegram to the Urn : . ] WHKATMicat took ouolhorf .spurt to day , but at a moderate paco. Hro kcra \ \ ho lme been eousplcuous buyers lately eront Itaiinln tlm lirst tliliig this inornlue , and their erlo.s proclaimed tlmt July would sell ntlMc bcfoie the day was o\or. Initial tiailesvcioou a basis of Tb'jc for tlmt ou- tlon , orc above je teiday's close. The nmiketrnoed down very slightly and ihoii ellmbed. An ndvnnco of Jtfe wns scorwl , afterwhlcli the demand slackened mid tlm pi Ice slipped down &c , touching T8f@73Kc , Another spurt sent that mouth to 7iH'e ) , ami for Uio seeoud time values leccded , 78 < fd btliu the .selling prlro. The market hardened subseiiuoutly , but no effort was made to stlinulnto It and quotations ungod from 73)c for July , TOO for Aucust , aud TD c for September. Tin tone of the market wa * exceedingly nervous though tlio diminishing range would seem to Indicate a return to imlelnesg. Crop news Is eagerly sought niter , and while Ihoio Is yet' nothing In the tenor of the news received to foreshadow a calamity , tlio prospects are ail- mlttedly not so blight as they wore two ot tluco weeks ago , though still fur from gloomy. Many reports glvo color to doubW and feais , nnd others toll of netual damugo , while jot others speak of n magnificent out look. Altogether the sllunliou Is full ot un ccilalutlos which would have a tendency Uj iispironoivousuess In tliu spcculallvu aioutt ludciienduiit of the element of manipulation. Loit.v Corn did not pnitakoof the activlly n vvlieat and the umrkel ciracced all day , tlicio being little attiuution to big tinders. I ho laigo lecelpt-s tended to depress prices. but the early stuiiigth in vvlieat pi evented a , sevoui decline. .Inly sold nt ; < ( jjt5jfe ! , ami closed w eak at : SVe bid. . . . - vvero lirm aud toU ciahly steady , but the volume of busim * . * tiniis.irtid vv.vs only moderate and mainly ot a local , hpeeulntlvo cliar.ieter. i'lices weio lirmer , aiidtheiovviis an advance ot 5 ( < e7i < ro on mess poik , ami K@10u on laid imd shoit rib bides. Mess poik tor July niieiied at Ss..X , and wiles weio nt SiMMS.TU. cloaiiu at ? S.OJ > 'j. August closed at S .WW. Lard foi .Jiilv ojieiied at SO.OO. nnd tlm tango was SO.OOMr . .fwith SO.tO nl the eloslng. . . , ! lt SIT - "hoit i Ibs for JuF at SXi7 : C5.-45 ! , and closed nt SU ! . AFir.UNoo.v HOA ill ) The aftei noon mark * e.s weio mil espcelallv Intonating.Vhenl "dMinced 'je , but settled back o tlm opening. flio 2:150 and 1 p. in. closings vvmo very neailv identieal. Oats weio slightly higher. 2MO p. m.-1'iits on Juli vvheat,7aHc ; call * , CHICAGO tilVE STOCK. Ciur-Acio , June 4.-f Special Telegram to the Bii.J : : UATTI.I : Cousldciingtho fnet that lite supplies of cattle are 2-JOO lighter this week than last , to bay uothlnc of the faclj that 1000 inoiuTexaus have 01 rived , tlio fat caltlo maiket vvab blow to-day. Prices , how ever , vvcie about steadv. A laige diaft of pilme , binootli , ripe Kansas cattle , averaging about I4 : > 0lb3 , sold at 55.55. Kongh and thin lots weio in full supply , and sold largely at $ -l.oO.i.OO. ( Diesbcd bcof cattle , avaiaging 1041 to 11199 Ibs , sold nt S4.7.V. } S.ttO. Shippers and cxporteis paid S4.05Q 5.5'j for 07S to 111111) cattlo. Some 1005 to ll'JJlb steei s sold at S 1.70 , aud .somo coarsa 1410 Ib stceis sold at 34.7 ; > . A few c.iib of cattle sold to exporters al about Sft.23. Some W93 Ib Colorados sold at 35.15. and some S D II ) steers hold at S5.l.r . Some 775 Ib Ncbiaskn steeis sold at S4.'J5 , whllo some fat 701 lliluvvn ycarllnga sold al 34.05. About 1,000 Texaiib veto received to * day , nmkinir ovei 0,000 for tlio week Hum far , 1 he miiiket elosed stionger limn jnstuiday. lo-day pilccs weie irenemlly about fite.ulv. HOIIH 'lliuin.iikct was active ami 5C gfOa higher than at tint ooonlug jestciday. Mixed sold vvitliin a ningo of iM.OX .l'J f the bull ! at $4.ri ( ( < 24.IO ; heavy ' , 4.12K ( < $ l.lj : llirlit. S4.00i ( 4.'JO ; Voikci-s , 4.00. FJNANCIAU Now York , June 4. Moire Y On call easy at IKQi'JH IH-M cent. PlIIMK MUUCA.VriLE 1'APEU 4@5 pel cent. KxoiAxan Dullactual tales , S4.H7H tin .sixty day lillls ; Sl.b'J lordemaniU ( iovii.v.Mi.Ms : : Dull but steady. S'lociis The opeiilnu ; for stocks was ( 'on- cially at light advances , but tiadiiiK was quiet. Prlees Hilled off n shade , and under iiicii'.iMul activity prices moved up steadily , until tlio List hour tlieia was a decline of. sinnll fi.ictioiis , but tlio ninrkot closed linn near the best Urines ot the day. STOCKS OH W AM , 8TKKRT. 89 cenl bonds. . . C. & 1S. W I13V U.S. 4 's profeircd. . . HuiJ 4's 120' ; .y. o mfi 1-acllicO'sof ' 9 > . 1S5 Orccon Tiau. . . 3n2 Central Pacific . 40J Paclllo Mall Kl P. , 1) . ikE IWltf preferied. . . . ir > 0 P.P. 0 l.'tl C. , n. &Q VA % Kock Ihlnnii. . , . 12IK U. , L. & W lliliM ot h. i\c.S. K. . . D.\\B \ 11. ( I jiiclencd. . . Erie. . 0. , M. ASU P. . . profenod . . . Co profeircd. . Illinois ] 'J7J- ' St. V.&U J. , U. itV. . iif piefeiien. . . Kansas iV : Texas. Texas Pncillo. . LaUeShoio 8JM UnionP.icllie. . . U&N 7Ji\V. , , St. L. ttl' . . Mich. ConliTil. , . . Tl' i jiicfenod. . . .Mo. P.xcillc lOsjfVestein Union Noithern Pac. . . a f O.H..V N Vi nl ei led. . . . tOJ1 ; ; " CHICAGO Cliloaco , ilniiA 4. Klonr- Steady : no niKilatln ehaiiiro ; In , $ l.&Vr < -f.7i ! : hiintliurn 5J.OOd . - IUVisuiiiisln. ; . SI ! iV < / > l..W ; AIlclil- gan holt .vpilni , ' wheat , S'UlViI.H ' ) ; .Min- nehntalMkeis. S > : t.infiM.W.iteiit ) ; | , SLMKii.1 ! . ; low m.ulos. SJ.iXi .i.uu ; ilpi ) ( loin , niilei at fc ; ) . : ( fj.W ; m hhih , .5,1.00 . : ! : u in sacks. \Yhent Aetlvo nnd mihetileii ; ojionc'd hlioiiKCi mid U' ' iit lilt'liiT , and closed > -a itlxivo vesteid.ij ; easli , WsJuly \ \ , " > < > ? „ ( , $ TSJje ; AiiKiisl.livif'jTUe. Coin ( juhit. vvilli n full dcniaud ; closed saiiions uiiloiday ; eiisli. Ulftfu ; July , Ji-Wc : Ausust.ililK ' Xc. Oits , Kiiinei and lilKhni ; July advanced } ff.nnt\j \ ( < fiHt'tit > deliveries on now rash , 2Te : .iiilv. W ( WSJ * ju ; Jive ( Jnlet 157 ( . llailrtl-Dnll at WJM.Vie. Thnotli ) Pllllie. SI I'ork M < uo actiro ; t-'iadually advauccit HX"'l'Mc ! , with tliii : iji | < ieclitii : > n liiiHl vvell August , 3&.7JS.7. \ loiid Adv.inei'd lOdZKl' ' c , aiitl o'OM'd ' roniji.u.ithol ) Hte.uly ut the ImpiovemiMii ; p.ish , 5ii.0"i ; July , n.Wa.iyt \ \ A' ' ust , 'itull. .Meats SliouldiTs , SI. WI.IO ; bhoit ( Ieai , 5.7l * O.W ; shoitiihs , S'l.l1) . llnUei 1'iimei ; t'leamuiy , I'Msi W4o' dairy , Olieeso ( Juieti full cieams , km'Jc ; bklms , clioke , .Vidiu , VouiiBAmeilcus , i Ot''c ' , lildes lieavy sicen sailed , "ife , llclit , B.e ; ilanciKuil , O e ; Dull liuluo , .Vjii. dry h.ilU'd , ll ( < ( l.'ediy ; Hint , 1 'Cllc : e.ill hliiiis , 1''o ; all - > l.iii3 uiulei b Ibs , classed as deiicons , Me ) each. Tnlldvv No. 1 coimtij , WjcNo. \ . 2 , 3c ; c.xle : , y'jC'CH1. ' AKTKiiNon.v Jo\nn ) Wheat , com , pmlc and Jiiid , jite.uly and unchanged , U.its Keculnn. blupiiieiits. Flour. Idils . 7.00U 7.0W Wheat , ou . ' 1.000 M , ( ) ( 'uin.mi . Si'J.ouo 4\0/i ( Oats.bii . , . : u'i.oiw lljiMm . SW ) lw i Uailfv.ln . 21,0 n y.WJ Now Voik , Juno 4.--Whcat-noccl | ls. lto.00) ; oxpoits , I'J'J.i'X ) ; hpol ilna : options ujiemul weak and > | f < * ' < c iov\ui , later ajj VMiiccd % Ufe , cloKiui ; ttiiuly vviUi a roio- linn oi > jW > 4c ; iinuiiiiltHtT. d , siiQiMc1 ; No. Jed : od , iT'jftfM'.V ' ' , i. o. I ) ; No. I ml , We ; guly I'lo-iiii yt , c.