Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1886, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 TELE OMAHA DAIk BEE : SATUKgAY , . JXIM 5 , 1880.
13th SI , Cor. Capitol Arenue.
ron Trtr intATjirsT of AM.
I Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
OR. McNlENANlVrproprlotor.
ftliu-cn years' llovilial nii'l I'rlvato frmlcn
. Wo Imro tlio f.icllllle" . nppMntM ( ind remedies
I for the iiirccMfnl treatment of mciy form cf die.
I tano rwitilrlhff either medlenl or turgldi ! trcr.lmcot ,
I und Inrllaalflocomonnd Invtttlpatoforllienwlrri
or correspond nllli m. Ix > njj espcttcnca In treat-
I Ingcatcsliy Iclli-r rnahlcmis lo treat many caaei
| Kirntlflrxtrir without rrclnc them. , ,
WK1TB FOK ClltOUIAll on Dtformltles ami
rnr.M , Club Kcct. Ciirvnlom of the Spine ,
I DlSEAKEi or V-'OHKW. Illt-i" " , Tnmom , Canccr ,
Catarrh , nronchiu * . Inh.ilallnn , Klcctrlcltr , 1'aral-
jri'df ' Kplloiny , Kidney , Kjrc , K r , Skin , IllooJ and
I nil eurgicnl oprmtloni.
llntTcrlrn , Iimnlcr * . Ilrncru , Trn * ' , nnj
Ml kinds of Mcdlcnl aud fiurjjlcnl Al < l > : ' .aucc > , tnui
I afnctnred tnd for rate.
Iho only reliable Medical Inilitulu making
PrivateSpecial Nervous Disease
, rA HI'lltlAl.TV.
from ulintcvcrcnii oirodiici1ciitcrf ) fully trcalcc" .
\Vo can rvinuve Byplillltlo polecm from the nyetcic
without mcrtnry.
New restorative trcfttmf nt for lof s of vital power.
Cnll nml cunilt ; us or fend name nnd | io t-onice
mldrcfu plainly written- enclose rtump , and we
will Kcnd you , In plain wrapinr , onr
BKMINAI. \ \ > AKNriii'fipjir. ; ! ATonniiir.A InroTKN.
cTi tivi'itii.K. tloxsnRinr.A , ULEKT , VAincocer-E ,
HilJiAin-.i : , AM : AUtliil KA < C3 or TUB UXNITO-
tlr.lKAKY UituAN ! , ur.teiidJilitory . of joiircuaofut
an opinion , .IMI i" ' .
1'cinonpi nnnlilctu > - < Jl'l\nny | ( lie trebled nt their
lolner , liy couri'ponrtWW 'Mi-dlclncunnd Inilru *
KlVritOM onsnilVATl'lI" ' no murks to Indli-'nl *
coiitcnls or render. * Uno'prr ' on.-il Interview | irw-
fcircd If eiinvenlcnl. Fifty rnnni * fnr thn nccom-
-no-lallnn of patient * . Ilomil nnd nllcndauco at
rcatonublo pilccs. AcUlri'83 nil I.cltna to
Otnalia Medical and Surgical Institute.
" - 13lhSI. nnd Caollol avc. . OMftHfl. Ht-B. '
AIIRO. . , Wholesale
Supply Apuutx , Onif.liaeb. .
lebraska National Bank
Poid.up Capital- . : iT..i . $250,000
Suplus May 1 , 1885 . , . 25.0OO
IH.W.YA.TKS , President.
A. E. Tou7.Ai.iN , Vice President
W. H. 8. HUOHKS , Cashier.
Cor. 12th and Farnntn Streets.
General lluukluir Uasluoii I'ram-ioto L
7jtnt & Mmiroo SIB. ,
\MHlelul > oiltl > lr
( or l , HO p-r , It'O ' > nt lni |
rf liiitruiutiiU , Nil ! , , Car * . 1 *
' . EuiilU , Lat
t'oilipoiif. | * CupLat
HUnitf. Drum Major' * 3lafr
IUU , Kuixlry Ilitiil Oiilhu , l ( | .Mrlnr . |
MalnUli. al.t > Imluilv. Irttrtulluu antl
i fur Auutfiir l , .
1 inuilc. malUJ frrc.
ese VITALITY li fullinglirnln PitAINil and
UAV TKI or Power I'ltKSIA-iUliri.V WAST-
ni jr find a iwrfwt nnd Tellable cure In the
| rtopt < Kl lir all Fri'ndl llirilcUD < nnd I'
I ( ttOMUfnllr latrulucvd ueit- . ill weal
I ocmliu promrtlr cnvukod. TltiATJ K mnsj now
I Con ( coico or lir mall ) with ru ci'niricnt dactora 1 * Jl Eli
KUE AUEtJCK. Uo.t74 Fulton Street. New YotK.
so1 ,
IPractico limited to DiKcasos of tin
( lasses Uttcd for nil forms of defective
Vision. Ai'tUp | > 4J yca lu8Ct'tctlt
[ ASTHMA I K iissTr-.v.-R. ciuc tlif . . .
* * . .
< - , | n , , . Ured l > )
ttUition. thin reachlnn IhoclUejm dln-ct. rolii
Em iuniu , ficllilatoi ' frvo "
pMtWKti.inand KFrKiri'rt
! n > llolhrrrrurJI fill. A IrUI roxlurn
lBiiav4latrdlrrrl kndnrTtr.fliUlBtf tffcet.
r U l0f lit
! e IVOu. uil 1.00 | f drunlii. r lij u. ll. Trl.l
i ! tnt Mr l mp. Ur. U. tnIllr rCN , > U l'
Do you vismt a pure , bloom-
lag Comnlextoii I If so , a
few animcatlons of Hngun's
ify you to your heart's cou-
tent. It docs away with Sul-
lowiicss , Itodness , IM in pics.
Blotches , and all diseases and
Imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the flushed appear-
lice' of heat , fatigue and ox-
citomout. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear but TWlJN-
TY ; und so natural , gradual ,
ad perfect are its ellects.
that it is iwp.QSsWP to detect
its Hppllcatiou ,
I .
i *
Among Some New Books , Covering a Va
riety of Subjects.
Poetry , I'rosc , Hoinnnvc , Philosophy ,
History , Practical Instruction
AVIint the Hook-makers
1) . Lalhrop & Co. , of lloslon , hnyc is
sued three books for girls which will
provonol only fasoinating to them , but
extremely attractive to older members of
the household , notably the mothers and
all specially interested in the wclfaro of
the girls. Though alike in their main
purpose of proving helpful and useful to
girls , Ihcrc is decidedorljjlnallty ; in each
of these three little volumes , .and llielr
construction and general Jrcalment are
altogether different. "A New Departure
for Girls , " by Margaret Sidney , tells the
story of twp young sisters lett dependent
upon their own exertions for support ,
and the brave , sensible way in wldch ,
which ignoring false pride they set about
the unexpected tnsk of supporting them
selves. Instead of rofOrtiuir to any of
the conventional methods , such as tak
ing music pupils , doing fancy work , or
teaching school , for which they arc con
scious of possessing no aptitude , they resolve -
solve to utili/.o tlio training they have
received in careful patching and mend-
i" i by undertaking such homely
work' as the repairing of old
clothes. They make a beginning
with a worn carpet , and succeed so well
that from that time forth fortune smiles
upon them. "HowThev. Learned House
work , " by Christina ( Joodwu : , ti-lh in
the plcasdntcst. most natural manner ,
the way in which four merry schoolgirls
were inducted into the mysteries of cook
ing , washing , ironing , making beds ,
putting up preserves , cutMiig out and
making up under-clothing , nnd r the
careful supervision of the. mother of one
ofthogirlh ; the whole thing being made
as delightful as a play to them , with the
acces.soriosof n regular uniform , assumed
names , and all the delightful liction so
pleasing to the schoolgirl fancy. "Hold
Up Your Heads , ( { iris ! " by Annie
II. Hydor , is aptly called "Helps
for girls ; _ in school and out. " It
is a series of bright , wholesome ,
earnest : ; by a teacher who loves
girls , as is plain to be seen by her simple
dedication "To . "
, my girls everywhere.
Those talks , which are not in the least
pedantic , embrace such subjects as "How
to Talk , " "How to make the Most of
Work " "What " "Moods "
, to Study , ,
'Womanliness , " "What Can I doV"
" ( iirls and their Friends , " etc. , etc. , and
are so bright and pleasant as well as
sensible , that the average girl who doesn't '
like anything prosy or too much like
preaching , will lind a charm in the pretty
brown basket-cloth volume from begin
ning to end.
"Tim Parents' Assistant ; or , Stories for
Children , " by Maria ICdgoworth , has re
cently been re-published by J. H. Lippin-
cott & Co. , of Philadelphia. The author
and the volume are too well known to
need any introduction to the reading
public. i
The John W. Lovcll company , of New
York , has published a book called "Tho
Hccord. " It is alleged to be "a poem ,
illustrading the philosophy of life , " An
examination of the work fails , to substan
tiate the allegation as to its being "a
poem. " It possesses neither poetic sen
timent or rytlini , and as to the "philos
ophy of life11 which itclainis.toilluslrate ,
wo maintain that life'lSlo'dl sliort to waste
any time in attempting to discover the
alleged philosophy in this great produc
tion. , How. any publisher could bo in
duced to publish such trash is something
we cannot understand unless the author
paid lor it as hu would for a piece of job.
work. The author shows some seiiHU ) .
however , in not putting his name to the
work. It is for sale in Omaha by J. S.
Helen J. Ranborn's "A Winlnr in Cen
tral America and Moxieo , " published by
Leo & Shepard , Hoston , is an entertain
ing work. The descriptive style of the
author is of a superior character , and
cannot fail to hold the attention of the
reader. Tin ; narrative is : i true , unvar
nished tale , and treats principally of a
country and people as yet but little
known , and rarely visited or written
Cassoll it Co. , of Now York , have
recently added to their "National
Library" several standard works , among
them being ( ioldsmith's "Sho stoops to
conquer" and "The Oood-Natured Man , "
in one volume , "Life and Adventures of
Haron Trenck" in Iwo volumes , "Select
ions from the Table Talk of Martin
Luther , " and Frnmeis Haeon's. "Tho
wisdom ot the Ancients , " and "Now
Atlantis. " These works are ton cents
each , and the annual subscription price
the "National Library. " one volume be
ing issued each week , is $0.
"Huglo Kchoes" is the title of a hand
some volume from the publishing house
of White , Stokes & Allen. New York. It
is a collection of poems of the civil war ,
northern and .southern , edited by Francis
F. Hrowno. It includes all the best
poems of the war , and embraces con
tributions from Hryant , Whitman. Stcd-
iiuin , Holmes , Sloddarll , ilJreto Ilarto ,
Lowell , Poreival , Julia Ward Howe ,
Head , Whittier , Holland , Aldrich ,
Hayno , liavard Taylor , Longfellow ,
Howults , Winter , llnlpino , Joaquin
Miller , and u host of other , besides num
erous uniionymon.s poets , Mr. Hrowno
has carefully edited the work , and has
succeeded in producing a volume that
will bo highly pitecd by the lovers of
heroic poetry.
"Down the West Hranoh , " written by
Captain Charles A. J. Farrar and pub
lished by Lee & Shepard , Ho- > ton , is an
interesting nlory for boys. It is .No , ! t in
the "Lake and Forest Series. " and gives
an account of a trip through ono of the
wildest regions of Alaino by several mem
bers of the "Lako and Forest Club" in
search of snort and recreation. U is
handsomely llhutrated.
J. S Ouilvlo & Co. , of Neu YorkTliavo
issued "Perditv and Other Stories " by
Klla Wheeler Wlleox.jjif ii wat ? little vol
ume. The author a'sstiiwher reader *
that this hook contains her very best
story , "Dave's Wife. " Whatever the
author of "Poems of Passions" writes is
generally worth reading , and her short
stories are no exception to the ri\lo \ ,
"Socialism and Christianity , " by A. J ,
Hchrcnds , D. 1) . , treats from a now point
of view the problems raised by the most
frequently advanced social tli orios of
the day , their relations to.tho reciprocal
duties of labor and capital , and the iio <
sition of the Christian church with refer-
enee to the social and Industrial move
ments that are taking place about il ,
Darker & Taylor , New York , are the
publishers ,
"Exorcises for thn Improvement of the
Senses for Young Children , " by Horace
( Srant , and "Forgotten Meanings , or an
Hour Witli the Dictionary , " by Alfred
Wdtes ; , are two very useful untf instruc
tive little volumes , issued by Leo & Shepard -
ard , llostoi ) . Mr. Grant's hxerciscs have
been prepared for the purpose of provid
ing instruction and amusement lor the
children who are too youug to leuru to
read nnd write. Their special object Is
to exeito little children to examine sur
rounding objects correctly , so that valu
able knowledge may b ncqtiired , while
iho attention , memory , judgment and
invention arc duly exercised. Mr. Wnltcj'
work shows how the meanings of a great
many words have been changed from the
original , and it contains a great deal of
[ iractical information.
Thomas T . Snead's volume , "The
Fight for Missouri , from Iho Klcction of
Lincoln to the death of Lyon. " published
by Charles Scribner's Sons , Now York ,
contains much interesting and valuable
iistorical information , related in a style
that is anything but dull. Mr. Knead
was aldo-ife-camp of the governor , act-
ng adjutant general of the Missouri
Slate General ; chief of stall'of the Army
> f the West , and member of the con-
'cdorato conarosa. No man bettor than
10 could tell the story of the light for
"Little Heartsease ! , " from the pen of
Annie L. Wright , just published by T. H.
Peterson & Heathers , Philadelphia , is ono
of the interesting novels of the day. Ills
ireczy , humorous and pathetic by turns ,
) iit ahvays atlraetivo and absorbing. The
oplc is American home life and the char-
icters are mostly young men and women.
hough , of course , there is a sprink'.ingof
older and graver porsoii'.iges to appropn-
\tely till out the charming picture. It
will particularly delight younger read-
! rs , but their elders will also find it , ono
) ( the most entertaining romances they
uivo over read.
Charles Talbot Porter in his "Mechan
ics and Faith , " published by . P. Put
nam's Sons , New York , gives us "n
study of spiritual truth in nature. " In
Ids preface the author says : "Force ,
truth , beauty , and love are the four spir
itual realities which , in their unity , in
terpenetrate , if indeed Ihey do not con
stitute , all material forms of being. Of
those , love will be found to bo the single
primary reality , although , on account
of its underlying position , it must be the
last to bo reached in any investigation.
Force , truth , and beaut } ' , in nature , are
the manifestations or expressions of lovo.
These spiritual realities are revealed di
rectly to the spirit of man , while
the forms within which they are
contained are made * known to him
through his physical organs of percep
tion. For the sake of clearness , our per
ceptions may bo conceived of as being of
two kinds , namely , those through which
wo ate made aware of the existence of
what are termed material terms of
being , and those through which wojiro
made aware of the existence of the spirit
ual realities which are manifested to us
through forms , or of which those
terms are to us ( lie sensible expression.
If these spiritual realities in fact exist ,
then it is evident that they must all bo
apprehended by us , equally at least with
the physical form , which then appear
only as the media for their manifestation ,
or the concrete mode of their expression ,
adapted to our physical nature , if we
would avoid forming partial and - superficial
ficial conclusions. "
One of the most useful books recently
published is "Economical Housekeep
ing , " compiled by Mrs. Eli/.u K. Parker ,
and published by M. T. Richardson , New
York. It is a volume of over ( ! 00 pages
and contains numerous illustrations , and
is handsomely printed. Il gives a com
plete system of household management
for those who wish to live well at a
moderate cost. All branches of cookery
are carefully treated , and information is
given concerning the canning of fruit ,
curing of meats , niakiugbuttor , washing ,
ironing , dyeing , renovating , _ the toilet , of the.sick , tearing of children , cul
tivating llowers , bee culture , silk culture ,
the poultry yard , and much else that is
valuable to every housekeeper. It is just
such a work us every careful house
keeper needs , and it should lind a place
in every well conducted household.
Attluir Shcrburno Hardy , who made : i
great hit in "Uut Yet a Woman , " has
written another novel , "Tho Wind of
Destiny , " which , it is predicted , will
prove.cqually successful. It is a touch
ing love story , and is charmingly written.
It is published by Houjrhton. Millliu &
Co. , of the liiverside Press , Cambridge ,
"Tho Miibtorof L'Ktrango , " by Eugene
Hall , just published by T. U. Peterson &
Brothers , Philadelphia , is a thrilling and
absorbing novel in which love , mystery
and the supernatural play important
parts. A complicated and exceedingly
ingenious plot , gradually developed in
the most skilful manner , loads the reader
on from page to page with interest that
increases with every fresh stage of the
fascinating romance. Such is the Hood
of excitement that it is impossible to
resist it , and the novel sweeps on from
commencement to conclusion with num
berless incidents of an extremely .start
ling nature , abounding in the unexpected
and Iho new. The scene is laid in this
country , but does not prevent the
introduction of a castle , and a haunted
ono at that.
George Makepeace Towle's "Young
People's History of England , " published
by Leo & Shepard , Hoston , presents
clearly and concisely the main facts in
tins history of Kugland. from the Itoman
Conquest to the present timo. The author
has especially bad it in mind to show the
growth of Iho political liberties and in-
stilntions of the English people ; and to
indicate in-some degree , in the chapters
entitled "Progress of the People , " the
changes in the social condition , and the
advance in literature and the ails , of the
English between one period and another.
It has also been bis earnest purpose and
endeavor to relate eventsand , to describe
pei--ons , without bias or partiality ; to
avoid obtruding judgments of his own on
these events and ; anil to leave it
to the roadijr to make up his judgment
on the many dispmen points in English
history , from tacts which have been ac
cepted as true on all sides. Mr. Towlo is
an historical student and author of con
siderable exporioneu , having written
Mircrul valuable works. Ills History of
England is carefully written , and has
Humorous illustrations which add much
to the interest ot the work.
The word month is not likely soon to
bo defined in its statutory use by national
enactment , though u bill with that end
in view had been introduced by Senator
Platt , In England the legal month Is the
lumtr month of twenty-eight days.
This was the common law interpreta
tion , but Georgia is the only state which
now adheres to .that interpretation ; all
other Mates go by the calendar. As the
question has never boon raised in the
courts the judiciary committee concluded
that there was no call for any legislation
on the subject , and will report the bill
adversely ,
A few days agf an Ohio man refused
$50 for anino-months-otd rooster of fancy
breed , had demands for all the eggs his
fowls could produce at $ U per "sotting"
and hail to rent several hens at $5 each
for two months to keep up with the eggs.
At Jiidsonia , Ark. , within a day or two.
many horses and cattle have been choked
to death by inhaling buffalo gnats.
Hunters in southern Oregon are want
tonly slaughtering the deer for tlicii
skins. Their carcasses are thrown into
the nvors.
Angostura Hitters , iho world renowncc
ai > i > otu'r uiuflfcjvinor.itim Used now over
thu whole civilwd world. Try it. Uut beware
of Imitations , msk your KIWCIor druggist
for tlio Ken'uliieB-ticleuianuUiutuied-by Dr.
J. U. U. Sk'iuijl Suud. . .
IIP it , -
Masculine Theories Fail to Strike the Hoot
of the Evil.
To tlio Mistress ol * the llouso Itclnngo
the llcsponslulllty or U"Pnt-
fnctory Sci'vlcc. *
.liiim II. McMittmn fntbe Fonimfur June.
When n nmn attempts to deal with Ihn
subject of domestic service it H generally
plain cither that ho does not know or
that ho willfully ignores the chief factor
in the problem. Consequently ho gives
for his result , % ltlio previous education of
domestics , not only in the onlijrhlenmont
of llioir minds but in the regulation of their
tempers , is the pressing need at present. "
Truly a pressing need this , no one can
deny , but not the pressing : need. Grant
all that may bo said of the ignorance ,
dullness , Indifference , insolence , indo
lence , cxtravngenco of the present body
cif d.omcstic workers , still it is true that
Iho'pressing need at present is good nils-
1 do not mean to pay that cvcrv
, iig ( woman that applies for work can
be niadfc into a good servant , but I do
afllnn that , with a reasonable' amount of
care and judgment in selection , the
making depends rather oni the mistress
than on die maid.
lly a good mistress , I do not mean ono
who is thoroughly skilled in all the
details of the actual word , for although
this is highly desirable , it is not thu chief
essential ; nordo I menu the kind and
tender mistress , for this also , though
well , IH yet not the mostimportant thing.
Hnt a good mistress is u woman whose
domestic business is well managed in all
its departments , just as a good merchant
is n man whose mercantile affairs are
well conducted. And it requires more
skill , it Is better housekeeping , to get
.some one else to do thu work of the house
well than it is to do it yourself , just as it
is a higher qualification for a merchant
to see to it that bookkeeper , salesman ,
and cash-boy are all ellieient in their
places , than it is to do his own errands or
sweep out his own store. Nor is there
any more need of an "intolerable
tyranny" over a woman in her home
than there is of a like tyranny over a
man in his business.
In general , people no not expect good
things without much pains on their own
part : but hero is a ease where people
seem to expect that the good will come
to hand rcndyjmade , that angels una
wares will take possession of their lower
floors and brood peace and order over
the whole household , and that good
cooks , like good poets , mint be born and
not madn. There will be no reform until
women take hold of the matter and give
it some of tlio persistent , discriminating ,
patient , nnd systematic thought that the
subject deserves. They have seen the
ditucultics Ion" enough ; lot. them now
deal with the philosopTiy of the subject ;
especially let them attempt an accurate
estimate of their own relations to it , in
order to lay down for themselves a
rational ami consistent way of dealing
with it. It is called a problem ; yet how
many women do , of set purpose , give to
it the same kind of analytic and per
sistent attention that they would to any
other problem ? Utitniitil this is done wo
shah come to no solution , for , like every
thing else , it is only by thought rational ,
Immune , punctilious'thought , that difli-
cnlties will clear away and light appear.
The most really dillioull and delicate
of the questions will bo those of a nature
personal to one side or the other , and
must therefore be inet-and solved by each
individual- hdrniilf independently.
Therefore , to lay down any general
principles to lit nil cases is ( impossible.
Yet there arc some faults iso common to
mistresses , as a class , that 1 hesitate not
to declare nearly as chacacteristio und
universal as the "half-done potatoes and
over-done beefsteak , " thotstupidity , the
despotism and the arrogance of which
wo hear so much concerning the other
parties in the contract. Noblesse oblige ,
and on the party possessingit'ie ' power ,
the education , the means , ' the character ,
rests the larger weight of = . responsibility
in any effort to bring about better rela
tions between the hirers and the hired.
When "the master of the establishment
is compelled to interfere and dismiss : t
servant with words that suvor more of
strength than of righteousness , " it tolls
all wo need to know ofithat mistress ,
whatever mity be the facts on the other
side. To quote the adorable Dora in
"David Coppcrfieid , " at the purse-proud
Mr. Doinbijy , and to argue from their
experiences' total depravity of the
whole race of servants , is very much as
if : i question of manners or cos
tume wevo to bo fortified by
illustrations from Hetsy Trolwood or
Miss Moweher. Uut , so iar as they
have any force as argument , it is all on
my side. They failed in every important
respect as employers. \ \ hat , then ,
could wo expect of the employed ? Nor
is Campbell's humorous story of his
domestic adventure anything to the
point. Il only shows that a man may
write very good verse and yet bo mate'd
to a poor housewife.
People never cease to wonder that poor
girls choose labor in factories , behind
counters , and at sewing machines rather
than the better paid , better fed , better
housed , and less fatiguing work in
families , They assume Unit this is
"owina to an absurd prejudice that they
lower their position and forfeit their in
dependence in doing what they call
menial work ; " but it is far more owing
lo the fact that they forfeit thnir liberty.
Freedom is sweet to overv human being ;
and in store and factory the worker , dur
ing some hours of the twenty-four , be
longs to herself , and has no one to
question her movements or intrude on
her privaoy. Hut a housemaid can make
no plans which are not likely to bo up
set by the plans , or ovnn by the caprices
and thoughtlessness , of her employers ;
she may not have any notions or fancies ;
may not , except on her "day out , " even
take a bit of a walk without asking pur-
mission of another ; may not express nuy
pcrhonal likes or dislikes , nor indulge
herself in any of the precious moods or
whims in whjch nt times uvon the most
prosaio and commonplace individual do-
liglits. Very much of this cannot bo
avoided ; rules are necessary , restrictions
unavoidable ; but the average mistress ,
instead of trving to lighten the con
sciousness of the yoke , is far more likely
to cmphab/.u ! it , and , in addition to
assume dictation over the tastes and
leisure to those who servo hor. Kvcn if
well meant , such real or supposed in
fringement of personal liberty is resented
and rouses a spirit of antagonism. When
thcro is a general though tacit recognition
among mistresses ot the perfect com
patibility of domestic service with a duo
independence in personal matters , this
kind of labor will not bo held in such
low esteem , and a better olnssof workers
will not shrink from taking part in it.
Hut not only is there a lack of respect
for the workers among mistresses , but
also a lack of respect for the work.
There are hundreds of little ways in
which a mistress with a genuine respect
for the work can make this respect full
and use it as an incentive to improve
ment. "Do thus and so benwso it is my
way , " says thn average woman while
engaged in that dillienlt and arduous
process known as "breaking in" a new
girl. When the back is turned , instantly
the maid docs it another'nnd probably
poorer way , bfcausu it is licr way. Hut
if "my way were nliowit to bo the best
onouiu1 for what reasons , nnd if it were
seen that the lady licreolfipunU it no Aes : >
fitting and beautiful to practice the best
way in the work of the kitchen than in
her other affairs , then the work would
seem no longer menial , hut dignified.
In nny department of lifn it is idle to
clamor for good results without duo re
gard to processes' .
Hut alllnugh fionio fail through lack of
pains to delino and illustrate , there are
other mistresses who carry oversight to
excess. Many a good servant is spoiled
by incessant inlcrfrreiico and dictation ,
Kvon a very dull person may bo taught
in a few weeks just what work is ex
pected of her and how It is to bo done ,
and In general she will do il heller and
take far more interest if the responsibility
of planning and executing be vested in
herself , 'lliat housekeeper of half a
pctilury ago whom Colonel Hamilton had
in mind when ho dosenbed the ilrsl dish
at the American dinner-parly as "the
roasted mistress of the hou-so. " was prob
ably ono of those women who make it a
daily practice to say just when the
bread shall go Into the oven or llio roast
shall como out. If she had only ono
servant , probably she neglected lo help
her early In the day , or to see that plans
wcrw well-laid and things put In train for
tlioir easy e.xcciulon ; perliap.-t , indeed ,
she suH'ere.d matters to drift without
plan , or called off the cook at a critical
moment for some trilling duly eUuwhere ;
and so at tin * last moment all was chaot.
Or , she n\uv \ have beou guilty ot no worse
calculation than u menu lee elaborate
for her resources in execution. Hut in , unless imo vury untoward
thing happened , her "llanimg counte
nance" was quite as likely the sign of
bad generalship as of bad service in thu
Friction In ho household means llm
same as friction elsewhere cither an
imperfect engine or a bad engineer \Vo
have hoard ot the mechanic who said ho
would have been a great inventor
but for friction and gravita
tion ; and there are women who
would bo great housokecuors but for the
frictions between the departments. They
prepare the daintiest dishes ; they are
great sweepers and dusters- their brasses
and silver shine with the uttermost possi
bilities of polish ; yet there is no harmony
in the household because all the little
dilllculties of thu machinery , the pro
cesses , plannings and troubles are visi
ble ; the servants , the hospitalities , ( lie
many requirements rub against each
other , or are in each other1 ! : way , and the
wholojs a slovenly machine ' 1 ho first
essential to good housekeeping is that
parts shall run with as little bearing on
each other as possible , especially that
there be no loss of power through fric
tion of minds and disagreement of per
sons ; and this requires tact of no mean
Then , at the root of the whole matter
lies the fact that servants are often
treated as though they belonged to a dif
ferent order of humanity from ourselves.
It may bo that thcj are arrogant , care
less , stupid , ill-tempered , still those faults
are notmot in the right spirit. Even the
lowest have some degree of human sensi
bility. This is violated when children
are allowed to tease or laugh at blun
ders ; when they arc corrected in thu
presence of others , especially guests ;
when they arc "nagged" continually ;
when every failure is rebuked , and suc
cess or approximation thereto suffered to
lo pass unnoticed.
I am not idealizing or writing of
hypothetical cases. 1 speak as one of
the "modest householders1' of nearly the
required twenty years' experience , who
yet feel , notwithstanding tlui usual vicis
situdes in the kitchen , that life is very
much worth living , ami that there arc
two sides to this question. I am very far
from thinking that our domestics are , as
a rule , satisfactory. The points 1 wish
to make are : that employers are more
responsible for their own troubles than
they are wont to imagine ; that house
keeping being the woman's half ( ami it
is a full half ) of the business in which two
people engage when they marry , it rests
with her to deal with this large problem
in a practical way ; that until she does so
we shall continue to have men writing
"sorrowful or splenetic or passionate"
but one-sided articles , while wo remain
as far as over from peace and order a.ud
quiet in our homes.
Millutid on American Ilo | ) ( > rtiii j.
M. Albert Mihaiid , in the Paris Figaro
ot May 0 , devotes a two-column leading
article to the subject of reporting and its
unhappy influence upon journalism in
France. The article -referred to com
mences thus :
"Journalism has killed literature , and
reporting is busy killing journalism.
Nothing will kill reporting : it will die
unaided. It is final expression of the
literary decline of a period ; it is the
literary man replaced by the janitor. "
M. Jiilland then dwells briefly upon the
changes that have occurred in the Paris
press during the past half century , and
having come down to the present period ,
he continues as follows :
"It is clearly from the Americans that
we have borrowed the art of reporting.
lu the United Stales reporting is the god
of the hour , for , as a reader , the Ameri
can is still in his childhood and incapa
ble of understanding great things in art
and literatures. lie must be educated ,
and to accomplish this , ono must proceed
as with children to whom ono first tells
the story of Tom Thumb in order to suc
ceed , little by little , in infusing into his
mind the most beautiful Grecian and
Homan fables.
"In America , in effect , reporting is tie |
acme of literary art. A twenty-page
newspaper docs not contain one line
worth'quoting. It is simply a mass of
goisip , in the style of that indulged in by
domestics at meal timo. Open any num
ber of the New , York Herald and you
will find aholo columns filled with
conversations as ab.iiird as they are de
void of interest. They deal with the
color of M. do hessop's trousers , with
the chape of his cravat , with the dishes
ho cats , with his purgatives , with his
snoring , and with the si/.o of his traitors
and his gloves. The least important
foreigner on a visit lo the capital of
the United States is immediately pur
sued , harassed and interviewed by a
swarm of ignorant and hungry journal
ists , that depend upon their victim for
lOf worth of 'copy.1 They shrink from
no meanness from no audacity , no hu
miliation. They await you in the corri
dor of your hotelinicfction you and weary
your eardrum , and. lo have peace you
hay a few words , out ot which they maku
an atlicle of'ISO lines.
"I have bpfore mo some Interviews , set
forth in the Now York Herald , in which
the points of u discussion are the beefsteak -
steak eaten at the luncheon by the person -
son referred to , the cut of his sack coat
and liio shape of his hat , I was asked
how much I earned per annum , whether
my top coats wcro madn in London ,
what I should have for dinner , whether
I preferred riding or walking , and
whether 1 was seasick ; also how old I
was , and numerous questions concerning
my private life ,
' \Vlml \ cnn you or your readers
care about all this * " 1 inquired
of these indiscreet individuals.
" 'The publio likes nothing else , ' was
the young men's answer , 'and if you do
not reply wo nhall invent your answers,1
"As will bo seen , reporting in America
verges upon cynicism. "
M. Millnuil concludes with the follow-
in "i
"i"I ghould certainly not busy myself with
this odiub tittlo-tattlo and should shrug
my shoulders over it , did 1 not sec with
grief how our Parisian manners are becoming -
coming Americanized.Ve have not vet
reached the point mentioned , but wo cer
tainly bball reach it. '
The Indian Agriculturist estimates
till-in are 280,000,000 cocoanut trees In the
world , which produce 10,000,000,000 iiuts
every year. CZTJ
An Kxplnnntton nnd Dofciisc by Hon.
Nntlinn lllnkcly.
To the Kditor of ( ho Heatrioo Express *
I notice an article in your dally issue of
May . " in relation to "Tho Knovni :
Lands" and "V-rtii Wyok's speculation , "
copied from the Omaha ItepubMcun , and
as I know theiM are some falsehoods in
the artielo , and believing that friend or
foe should at all times have the benefit
of the truth , I request you to publish
this statement.
At the time of Van Wyck's entry of
land. April llth , 1870 , I was receiver of
the United States land ollico hero , and
know that Van Wyok did not enter his
land with "a sort of waste paper known
as college scrip , " although many thou
sands of acres in this laud district had
been entered by college scrip by our own
citizens ami many .non-residents before
lids timo. Mr. Van Wyek scut H. M , At-
kiiison , the register of the h.ud ollloe , a
draft , with Intimation * to enter for him
two sections of land. Mr , Atkinson used
his own judgment in making , tim .selec
tions for Van Wyek , ami happened to got
both section * in odd numbers , and' ' what
afterwards proved lobe1 lii'nillroad limits.
The draft was turned over to meascash ,
the name as hundreds of other drafts
that were sent to the olllee. for land.
1 know nothing about the "Nebraska
ring" that the correspondent refers to ,
but do know that the people In this sec-
lion of Nebraska know whore thu ser-
veyors run their line , as they did that
work in the day time and set tlioir stakes ,
and it was well known that the road waste
to bo built up tile Hig Sandy , as the com
pany ran but ono line. Tliu writer says
' 'thousands of acres were gobbled up by
these speculators along the line of road. "
This Is mostly from the fact that they
were the nearest good lands that could
be had at that time. Mr. Atkinson would
have entered the laud for Van Wyek in
( Sage county had there have been vacant
lands hero. Van Wyek lived in New
York , and it was vcrv unfortunate for
him as well as many otherMhat Atkinson
made his selections' upon the 'odd rum-
bernd .sections In the railroad limits. As
far as "speculation" goes , he would have
made much more by loMiing his money
at ton per cent.
The artielo says , "tho railroad imme
diately contested the claims of Mr. Van
Wyek and others on the ground that its
title to the land was secured by the lijing
of the plat in the land olliee at Washing
ton. " This is not true , as no effort was
made by the company or Kncvals to con
test that , class of entries for about ten
years , and not until the land had become
valuable , and thu taxes had been paid
thereon for ten years by tlip.M ! who had
made their entries in good faith.
The correspondent remarks that "tho
supreme court of the United States de
cided that-tho railroad title was .valid. "
The country has been graduajly prepar
ing lo accept decisions of this kind as
between a railrjad corporation and an
If the Republican toils the truth , "Van
Wyek paid Knevals i.oO ! ! per acre" or
$ ljr."i. : "The costs of suit , were * ! > 00. "
His attorney fee probably $1,000 , and ten
years' taxes likely $1,000 more , and orig
inal entry of l.iWO acres $1,511' . ' . This
makes $8 , J7 , "II the bill becomes a law
Van Wyek will be reimbursed by the
government to the extent of Ihu $ ! ) . ( ) per
acre and the ! ? ! K)0 ) costs. " Whyshould he
not bo reimbursed by the government
when the supreme court has decided that
the government has no right to bell the
hind ? I never know before that the gov
ernment paid tluijeo.-ts in a suit when the
government won' the case As the writer
was "Knovals * agent" ho surely ought
to know , but I cannot help thinking that
Aran Wyek is out that sfDUO , also his attor
ney's fee and the taxes.
it seems that Van Wyek was not the
only wicked individual that "gobbled
up" the government lands thai wore in
market and for sale lo any 0110 at $1.'J5
per acre. Several persons that we have
linen in the habit ot calling- good and
respectable citizens also "gobbled up" a
portion of this goodly heritage at the
same time and in the same manner. I
suppose they wanted it for"speeulation. "
Col. A. J. Cropsey "gobbled up" over
5,000 acres. lie was a good citi/.en , a
leading republican and prospective
candidate for governor and United States
senator. Chas.H. . Willard , present re
publican state treasurer took in ( MO acres.
Aug. Koimt/.e , former republican terri
torial treasurer and a millionaire , was
contented with 1 , 00 acres. .Jacob bliolf ,
a Nebraska uiti/.en. adhered to : Jb0 !
acres. Hon. Jno. Cadman froze to an even
( HO acres. A. W. Nickoll walked off to
Hrownvillo with 800 acres , while the
Hon. F. Koper could not be. satisfied
with less than 1,130 acres. A few dis
tinguished persons were content with
smaller amounts , or wore not so well
provided with ready funds. Among this
class is Hon. J. 15. Weston , II. A. Lasoilo ,
S. .1. Alexander , .1. H. McDowell and
others. Outside of the slate , besides Van
Wyek , Jacob 1) . Livingood , of Pcnn. ,
entered U.8IO acres ; Win. E. Ido , of Ohio ,
2,000 acres ; and Cliauncy Nye , of 111. ,
1,380 acres. The above named entries
were all made ( as well as many others )
between HID date of the filing the plat of
location in Washington and the receipt
of the notice of withdrawal at the office
in Heatrico , or between the. 38th of March
and loth of April , 1870. Why should not
all of those citi/ons receive * 3.5 ( ) or even
$5 per acre for the lands they after
waiting over sixteen years. 1 think Arnn
Wyek is entitled to much credit for his
energetic work in securing the bill in the
sonalo , as well SIN the members in the , for united and successful oiler.
Itcspcctfully , NATHAN KLAKU.Y.
HKATKICI ; , May KJ , 188(1. (
Red Star Line
Carrying llio HI-IR liim Hoyiil nnd I'nilcd "lutes
Mnll.siillliiif every Siiiunliiy
Between flntwerp &Neiy York
RiUon from $ i3 ! to 1100. Uxctirsloii trip from
till ) lo ( ISO. .Second Ciibin. otitwanl , St'i ;
l > rciiulUH. > ; oxuur.-iluii. $10. Hteoni u inis nx'i
nt low raloB. 1'olor VVrlalit & Sons , Uouorul
ABenln , 65 Ilrotulwiiy. Now York.
Hunry I'nndt , l-'ll * Kuriiiuust , : I'i\ul on & Co. ,
131'araum st. : 1) . O. Krucman , IM I Kariiiuiirit.
Hall'sSa VaultsJimelocks
and JaiS Work.
1020 rurnaiu Struct , Omaha. Kcb.
Eneland , France & Germany.
Tim Bloauislilps of tliU well known line iiro
built of Iron , In wutur-llalit ciniiparlinonlB , linU
- to innko tlio
uiu furiilshod with every i-oijulslto
pufbuiiu bolli sufo und HBreuulilo. 'ihuy curry
tbo 1'iuled Suites mid Kuropi'iin innlls.iiiul loiivo
Now York Tliursduya .ml Satur.Urii for IM .
innuth.I ( < O.SlONChcrbouifjl'A ) , l3 nod HAM-
U '
- , Ibo ttenmtri leuvo Humbnrjf on
WwdriosdRys und Stinduys , via. Iliivto , tiiktna
nassi'iiBcrsnt Sontliiunptou uml i onilnii. '
P Fiw cabin $10 , f& ) anil $ : Bti-orasjo m
Hnllroud tickota from I'lyinouth to llrWiil , t ar-
dltT. London , or to any plueo In the bouth of
Knelnnd , FUKE. SlccrtiBO from I'.uropo only
125. Bend . -Tourlg gff
Cl JlroadWBy , New York ; Wufchlnston und
fctUJu SW. Chicugo , lit
Dead Rats Used to
Give Flavor.
tl l fl'tonl'lilnc th < > amount ot nrlilt , e\ipi nml dfc *
Half * , which arc ronvctlcil Into unlntnbfo wlhcn , mill
rcllfhcil [ < f the unionpecUni ! ilrlnVpro. Fortune nr
being mnilc "I tlin tniMtiOM.oinl tlio lipiillh of th < v
roninmer * riilncil lij- the clitnntlc frniuld Inthhllnn
oftr.nlo. Tliooi'i'iilnc wcilsoot tli liiTcMlKittlonbf
friuMnlont | mitrli | > lnrr nicillolncs Is l > cln ililvvnin
by liinl knocks from tli ( < nwlovcil | i.-utle , uml nome
lucliiiE io'jItp pollcr In iicccs'urj' , to Mem the tlilg
of nitiiltpriitlonniid CiMitlulcnt ninnu fact lire of nlhrn.
TnU wllli yurlum | > cr ! > iiii ! > center Mit with HIP tub'
) CCt llllTO OI"Cl < lH'il ! II iHlllOlltlllllp lltCk Of llllMCM-
the tircpnrntlon of wines nml bOTcrnRc .
It \ > mare Ihn rule than tlio exception for I'ort | note
to be composed of elder , oyrup , um kino , iiiul Inrtnrlo
ncUt.mul lorelnrot to bo iniule from n ilpcoctfnn of
orrl * root , WHler , nuplierrjr Juices , orupnml eocblne l ,
while nimt nf the xhcrry nine on the innrket IK n com-
blnatlim of cheap imtcilils : colored ulth iilknnrl
root. Tobrln Hi"nnt" | wine n common prnetlte Is
to drop few rnt. Into the rnk Umnicli tlio
bunk hole. The. rnt Hnror In ! > nlil to bp "perfectly
ilcllcluiin , " but ( he. sellers uro enrefiilnol lo Minii1o
It , le.ivliu Hint delightful (1) ( ) privilege for OKI Inno
cent buyers. Much of the Imported stuff Is hardly
tnlUble for tlio twill tub , nincli less to bo rmUl over
the counter for piitlentn mid tnhlo use. Artlllclnl
wines nre. mmiufiieturcd oxlenidvely , nnd Mild either
nluno ur Inndinlslurca wllli n t-eiliiln proportion ef
Kunulno wine [ Tlio Dnii lMt' Circular CJiemlcnl
Curette , p.tig , March , IWv
Eiaw the Public is Swindled ,
\ . .
HotvlUllntbnncbt tbe imblle clren to wbit | t'tnijV' '
In llliKlrnteil by referring to the cheap liilV'mtiNs1
luepatntlonsof "boot , Iron nndvlno , " "eoumnliic , ' , ' ,
\ < - . , , Vc. A irell-known I'liemlut loccntljr publliiivil
the result of i-onio InvoMlKntlonK Into tlie'0. " ) lumii | |
oiTorlMK * . He found Unit not n uliiulo pnni.Ui | ofUm ,
quinine | illl < eontilnud : wbut na < cltilmed. Mnnyiidf
the beef , lion nnd wine tonlen eonUlned nut ilnclo
vc tlRoof the beef , lind bnrclr n trneoof Iron , while
the wines neic to only In mime. A horde of torn
wines have PPIIIMK up of lite. : ( 'oca It not only'u
lu-iiicctirtlcli thiit In , n Rood rellnbln urtlele-lml In
nlso very expensive. In Mvteen of the nnm | > le e -
ntnlncd there wit * not a vestige of eoea to bo dhieov-
croil , while In thn otlu'r lour there vrus linrclly ( iiuro
than u trnec. Common MMISU ought to tell th jiter
HKC buyer Hint u coed wine mich n one nn bi fit for ; ,
peison * out of health -It , In lt- > elf , im ! . <
Now add Iron , beef , eocu , Ac. , nnd only n vrrlttiula
Id lot ran expect quality with ehcapnem. If honc-M , ,
driiKUl * ! ' nnd h'.nu'M prvpanitlons are to be driven' to
thu wall , lot that limit u. i > , thn publle , blame llt-olf ( or.
It. II Is well known that tlii * LleWa
Company utmirbs utiout all of the reliable. 'c Vrt Uml
renehe our market , and that It uses nearly idl of It
In lliupiepimitlonof If Cocii Heel Tunics nml.CoO * " ; , .
\ Viiio.Th , ! Aiucilu.ui Scientist. " " ' ; '
i.niiiir : co.'s COCA HIIK : ; TOXIC
I.AII Fiiiitini.oni : ) . HONK AND IIKAIN OK
KAC1C TAUI.KSI'OO.NTI'I ' , UKrilESK.S"JiTIIM' ' - J " 4-- '
Till : TK11MS OK TUB CONTllhfcT KOIt Ittf
Llelilit CIP.'B Coca Heel Tonic alsti .riint.ilnf.ANiAB-Y , J /
BlIHii : ) yi'AI.lTV OK COCA. ll.iU ocoiitiiliia
HHii't a secret prop-intl'Mi. Its liiKi-eillenti arp
open mid I'liblii1. mill It l . > : uaianti > ed to roiitnlii not
only ALL Unit wo nay It do 5 , but ( and In thesodiiyi
of udiilti-riitlon thlt l ot thn hlnbest Importuned )
Not every kind of cherry la adapted lo Ihn nyi t < iin ( . .
of tlio""ontof heallh. " II requires not only pleetj
ol Jiidiinicnt In pelectlni ; an ai | | > roprlHlu i > lu > riy , lint
nUi > i > pi-elal knon ledKii unit rklll , lotulei-t u CllNUINQ
does Coea blend well wllli every kind of ulnii.iniil
herein UcHthoKeciet of the woithlcujnuts of all at
tempts tit competition wllli Iho J.lcblit CO.'H Coca
Heef Tonic preparations. It neeiiis unnoei'Mirytn |
my that ulierry has always been Hie klnit of wlii i for
Invalids. Nor need we add Unit It IK , If coed , a costly
wine , llnyliia Has wo do by thu tlioii : uid > of unllonf ,
direct from growur * of the hl hokt reputation , no } ,
onlydonorccuroan nnHiireiliiiallly | ot wine , but aliio
at u price no far hcloiv that which the Mimll buyer
nintt p-iy , that It becomes nelf evident Unit an artlcln
of tbo quality we offer i-anuot poutllily be reproduced
by email iiiinnliictiirer : . The Ihmi/iaiuU and IIIIM-
dredBOl lliuinuml.i In all parlHiif the world bo have
need tlic I.ll'LIx ( ; . . ' Cuc-ii llecf Tonics , nro nudoiihi
fully convlneeil of this , or our nili.t ; would not
Ihey nro for thin year , OVliltTWKNTY.KIVII I'KIl
CUNT hejnml our larBi'tt lecoid. HI ill ; 1
ODIt IiLis-Nochi-ap ( : itooiln. Only liour t Mm * (
nt liunt-st prices. Huyern who lonk for hnivwn
only need wujtu no time over our inuduttloi iir y v *
" ( Invlni ! be n miidn iii-quuliited with thoiuoduof
| iriiratloiuiiil | : ( Iho composition ( if Ooea llenl Tonic ,
Ilniiuorilerud It for patient * requlrlne tonlu ( real ,
liient. finch | uitlont9 derived linirkeil nud ilorhled
livnvllt irom It. Hclentlllo men are boeoinluK muio
undinoroliiiiire > rod nltb ( ho nucu ltyo ( | | ) |
by mitiltlvA Injestn Hie weur end tear of rlvllliml
life , and tlu < Coca Ileef Tonic Is oomio | > e I nl unde
rlain well KUlli'il to fulHIl thu necexui-y rcqulremcnU
( or which It Itun been niepared.
I'rof. Surzery , N , V. Mi-dlcal Collen j HurKenii-ln *
Chlerptale liniliiruut llo i > lliili. Ward's Irluiiit , N ,
Y.i Mi-lleulth Oillccr. 1'ort ot New York. "
71. .
From Prof. ORANVIM.K COLI5 , I'll , I > . JVIIuw of
the lloyul Chemical Society uf Uindon , I'ell'jw ' lloyul
Inttllulu of Clioiul.tric. . , lc. , ( ion of Mir Henry
Colc > , Dlreclorol KrntluvUin Hu ruint "LU'blK Co. ' *
Cocii Uuuf Tonic upeedlly rullaved uml curod.inctit .
debility , coin-C'iui-nt upon tndlic > tlon iijid nialarlii.
Otberi who buv uned It iipou my rocliniiiieiiditilon
lire equally ciiiihutlc | In bvluirot Its real inerU uua
excellence. "
Invaluable to all who are Run Down , Ner.
vous , Dyspeptic , Bilious , Malarious , or
afflicted with Weak Kidneys. BEWAR& p , ,
IMITATIONS. f , 'h ,
Ihr Majesty's Favorite Oosirut'.c Glycerim/ '
I'lllNCKhS Ol' ' WAI.KM uud llm nobility. Tot thor
r > k.ln'uiaili | < xlon , Krnlion | ) , Chu | > | dni ; , -
M.oo , of Dink'ibtS.
L'E3IC CQ.'S enuine SyrOr. .
parilla l uuuruutowl us this bu l
in the iiuukct.
H , Y , Depot , 38 Murray Street ,
. . / - * - < -