Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1886, Page 10, Image 10

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Thp Historjcjlslana in the Ohio River and
its Owners-
Jho 1'lott of Anron Hurr Mln Aiuhl-
Droning of AVcnlth ntui
Cleveland Plain Dealer : Ono hcantl-
ful May niornlmr seven ty-olin years ngo
a fctrnnpe craft pushed out Irom Pitts-
hnrg and floated down the silvery current
of the Ohio. It wns primitive and ca
pacious nnoiigh for an nrk , and us there
was no propelling po\vor , hud the ap
pearance of being intended for the high
tide of undivided waters. At this season
of the year thu swollen waters of the
Ohio , fed by hundred of Alt-earns thut
dashed Impetuously down from the sur
rounding hllh , bore whatever was en
trusted to lu bosom eight miles an hour ,
and but for the Inntlinornblo bonds
would have been .1 resistless torrent
This river conveyance was 60x14 , The
boat Itself was similar to the Ilatboatsof
our day , only It Had n gnnwalo four or
IIvo fcot above its sides. In thu center of
the boatInstead of the rude covering that
was used to protect tlio emigrants und
their household goods from wind nnd
weather as they flouted down this urcut
river and its tributaries to the sunny val
leys which worn still covered with pri-
ninVJil-furmt-s , it had n veritable house
wItiuilj Ui ( > ' < j's3ontials of home comforts ,
u kite' ' * ! ! vtith a briok llro place , a din
ing 'r.Xih and two sleeping apartments.
The roof of this domicile was constructed
to servo as n-promcnado deck , where its
passengers could sit and enjoy all the
shifting scenes ol the wilderness through
which thov were to pass , in that onrly
day the iron clad hills of Southern Ohio
wore still covered and crowned with
forests , The voyager might pass hundreds
of miles In his floating house without
hearing the sound of the woodman's ax
or seeing the smoke from the cabin of
the pioneer.
There was no longer any danger of
lurking tribes of Indians upon the banks ,
for the strong arm of thegovornment had
marked out the reservation of the rod
men at the close of tin ; Indian war in the
northwest territory. The few scattered
villages along the frontier wore begin
ning to need their block houses and strong
palisades less and less as the years
went by.
This singular craft had been con
structed for the especial use of an indi
vidual who had more warm friends and
more bitter enemies than any other man
In America Aaron Hurr.
Colonel Hurr had been for ten years a
prominent lignro before the public. At
thirty six he had won the highest honors
at thu bar a scat in the national councils
--and even been .a competitor for the
presidency itself with Washington ,
Adams , Jefl'crson and Clinton- , and now ,
a decade later , when ho had been for
fonr years vice president of the United
States , had taken leave of the senate and
loft that august body in tears. When
thousands won } vasking what will Aaron
Hurr do next ? ho was quietly sailing
down the Ohio and planning what Presi
dent Jcllbrson and all the wise council
ors had talked of in case war should rise
with Spain an invasion into the rich ter
ritory of Mexico and the Spanish prov
inces. His dreams were not to extend
the jurisdiction of the United States bo-
end the newly acquired territory of
This-ox-vico president was now a man
without a country ; lie felt liimself as ho
TcAllv.jnvisj ostracised , where he had as-
pirYid'to'tht ! highest honor in the gift of
the people.
With his great ambition thwarted
turtiing his eyes to the southwest , ho saw
there the rcati/ation of his most ambitious
dreams of wealth and empire. The gold
of the inexhaustible mines that had
' lloodea Europe would enrich the ad
venturer who was bold and during
snoujjh to strike the lirst blow and become
fche Ctosar of the now world , i'ho priest-
Uood was disaU'ectod nnd only waiting
( or thu drum tap from the right manwho
would secure to the church the privileges
denied by the Spanish authorities. The
pomp of.nnedifovatphivalryand the splen
dors of tho" cast could bo revived in this
r gorgeous realm.
More titan this ) here , 1,000 miles bo-
eontl the Mississippi , many of the disaf
fected in tlio states whoyearnedforsomo-
thing more to their taste than the plain
republic would sco the glittering prize as
the son of Esther Edwards saw it and
hasten nt Ids bidding this most auspicious
Hmo to strike the blow that would open
the way to honor and to glory.
This dream of greatness stood out be
fore the mind of the disappointed poli
tician in marked contrast to the shadows
thalluingovor him , tlmttorribloduel with
Hamilton , the flight and exile from New
York nnd Now Jersey , whore the clamors
were both deep and loud for revenge for
Hamilton's untimely death by thn hang
ing of the vice president. The ovations
that "wore given this distinguished politi-
3ton in the southern cities during thr.t
past eventful summar had helped to as-
fluro him that there would be among his
followers in this now enterprise a larger
number of persons in high positions , men
of culture , who would gladly nnd joy
fully follow the fortunes of Aaron Hurr.
The prospect of war with Spain was
growing.less , but why need that make
any dlfliirniiee in his plans ?
Secondly , ho hoped that , in case there
should bo noyiv between the United
States and Spain , to ascertain the senti-
men ! * i > t thu people of the west upon the
mibjoct Mft separation from the eastern
states ,
Should both these plans bo abortlvo he
entertained the Idea of purchasing a largo
tract of land of Huron Hastrop , situated
in the territory of Louisiana on the
OuaRliitau river. Iluro ho might at least
Ontablish a colony of choice spirits where'
ho could have about him a society re
markable for its relincment in social and
civil lifo.
The boat wluoli bore this great man
for vice presidents were Very few then-
halted at the mouth of the thriving little
town of Marietta , at the mouth of the
Muskinghum , This town had been
largely settled by patriots of the revolu
tion , men whoso valor and devotion to
he cause of liberty had won thorn n
worthy place in the history of the nation.
Amongst many of the military chief-
lains dueling was regarded as the only
honoiablo way to settle a dilliciilty be-
Is ? twoeu gentlemen ,
TliB enormity of Hurr's crime , outside
Of Hamilton's political friends , was
hirgoly reserved for a later day. It was
the political power thut feared the fasci
nation ot his presence , tro oloquiK-u of
his toiifjttu , that ostracised Aaron Hurr
ami made him eventually remembered as
the t'atallnu of the west.
At Marietta us soon as it was noised
abroad that the ex-viuo president had
landed , ! the most prominent persons
canio out to welcome thu dis
tinguished guest and oiler him hospitali
ties. Hurrliad called , he said , to pay ids
respects to a few friends , and to see the
ancient fortifications near Campus Mar
tins , wonderful reports of which had
been carried to the east , During his
brjof § tuyat Marietta , ho was told again
the MimvutlC'stOry of the lordly owner of
JJlennerhassett's island , which was only
n few miles below thn town. That same
afternoon his flouting house was moored
ut I ho .lovely spot which lias since been
called the American Alhambra All that
euUuru could accomplish in
eight years had made this lovely spot the
moat beautiful and pretentious domain
west of the Alloghcniosj the private resi
dence had been fashioned after an old
country style , with curved wing , like
those of the Ursulino convent on Kuolld
avenue , and it is said to have had the
appearance of the Moorish palaces of
Andalusia to the voyager down the river.
The extensive grounds around the house
wore dcckctl with tasteful shrubbery and
interspersed with showy flowers. Art
and naturi ! had combined to fashion the
most delightful walks nnd drives ;
orchards of peach , apricots , quince and
pear trees extended along the exterior ,
while in the middle space wound labyrin
thine walks skirted with flowering
shrubs. Heyond the beautiful grounds
were inany acres of farming land already
In ft lilffh state of cultivation. When
Madame iMeiiiKjrhassel saw strangers in
her grounds she sent to oiler them the
hospitalities of the mansion , Hurr re
turned his card by thu servant , declining
thn invitation , and stated that cnricsit ) '
alone prompted him to land upon tins'
fiivoiod sKt- |
When the lady found that she was
honored by so distinguished an individual
as the ex-vice president she was un
usually Importunate. Hurr with scorning
reluctance Dually yielded and remained
several hours. Air. Itlonncrhassott was
from homo. Could the madame have
foreseen but a moiety of the nnhapplness
and misery that was to come to all within
her little Eden from this fascinating
tempter , she would undoubtedly have
preferred that the waters of the Ohio
should have swunt her Island homo out of
existence before it became the rendezvous
of men suspected of. treason.
To understand the niln of this beautl-
fitly homo one must know something of
the antecedents of those who made it
what it was. Its owner , Harmar
Hlcnnorhassott , was from a family not
noble , but amongst the most illustrious
of the Irish gentry. He had been
educated at Trinity college. Dublin , and
was called to tlio bar at King's Inns in
1700. He declined entering upon his pro
fession until after he had made a tour
upon tlio continent.
Wherever ho went the spirit of discon
tent was abroad. England had lost her
American colonies , Franco "had been
raked with the whirlwind of revolution , "
and Ireland was just passing through
one of her periodical awakenings.
"Strange and unforscon events wore
crowding the annals of the world ; the
established nxioms of general polity
began to lese their woiijlit among nations ,
nnd governments , wihfly wanderiugfrom
the fundamental principles of their own
constitutions , appeared carelessly travel
ing the road to ruin. "
The young scholar saw all this and
yearned rather for the llowery paths of
literature , than the rugged way that led
through bustle and hurricane of trying
times up the patli of political prefer
Ho chose rather to renounce the here
ditary honors of his family for the se
cluded lifo of an unpretending repub
So ho disposed of his anccstriul estates ,
purchased at London an extensive lib
rary and a philosophical apparatus and.
with his young , intelligent and beautiful
wife , sailed for the now world. The lirst
tow months wore spent in New York
studying tlio topography of the country
und the character of its inhabitants. It
was decided to follow the tide of emigra
tion to the great west , over the Alleghen-
les. They reached Marietta that fall and
were delighted with the tone of the so-
oiety of this now scttlemen ) , and deter
mined to locate their future homo in its
vicinity. The following spring a portion
of Backus island , in the Ohio river , a
couple of miles below Parkersburg , was
purchased , and operations at once com
menced to clear enough of its thick
growth of timber for the site of the fu
ture residence. Stores wore bought , and
laborers hired , and the clearing soon
assumed definite"shape. . In time the fair
island the rose , and travel
ers upon the Ohio spread the romantic
story of this almost enchanted island ,
whoso owner had abandoned the "pleas
ures of Castle Conway for a home in the
secluded forests of America.
Another year rolls round , when wo
again find Hurr ut the island , this time
accompanied by his accomplished daugh
ter , Theodosia Alston.
The war with Spain was no longer
among the probabilities. Hurr and his
confederates were planning their western
expedition more vigorously than ever
before. The island of Hlennorhassott
became a rendezvous for men engaged
in the enterprise. In an evil hour the
happy family had listened to the voice
of ambition. The patrimony was fast
wearing away , and Hlonnerhassett's
children might bo poor , tlio tempter had
said. So the great hearted unsuspecting
Irish man was led on step by step to em
bark all his ready means in the purchase
of battoaux provisions , and outfits for
this Utopia which loomed , up in the dis
Humors of powerful military associa
tions that extended from New York to
the Gulf of Mexico , began to circulate
freely. Thu nresident's proclamation
againstsuoh enterprises confirmed their
existence , The islands of the Ohio being -
ing part of the state of Virginia , .those
who were hero expected no interference
from the Ohio militia ; but loarnintr that
Virginia troops intended to take posses
sion of the island next day , tour of the
boats were hastily loaded and the thirty
or forty confederates embarked and
made their way down the river , leaving
Mrs. Hlennorhassctt nnd her two boys
nnd f-cveral servants to moot the storm
of the morrow. She was to procure the
family boat from Marietta and follow in
a few days. The expedition came while
the lady was avpay , in'okojnto the wine
cellar and drank themselves into vandals.
Thou the work of destruction began.
They ranged the house , destroying nnd
disfiguring wherever they went , tearing
down costly drapery , firing rillu balls
through painted ceilings , breaking in
pieces ynsed and mirrors. Then they
rushed about tlio grounds , destroy
ing evorytninj' that canio in their way.
In tlio midst of this riot and destruction
Madame Hlenncrhassett returned.
Some youn < * men on their way down
the river to join the expedition ollered to
take the disappointed lady in their boat ,
an ofler which she gladly accepted , and
in a few hours turned her eyes tor the
last time upon the scone of long years of
almost unalloyed happiness ,
The arrest of Hurr , his trial for treason ,
the verdict of "not guilty" after the court
had been engaged in the investigation
twenty-six days a verdict which his
countrymen Accept followed.
Eiuht months uftor thn arrest in Alabama
and six after the commmiconiont of Ills
trial at Uiohmond , Hurr was once moro
free , but his uooil name was by no moans
restored , The indictments against HIen-
norhasselt ami the others were never
prosecuted , The man whom the country
hud once delighted to honor , the now no
torious Aaron Hnrr , fled for his native
land under the name of ( } . 11 , Edward
and became an oxilu on foreign shores.
Hlimnorhasset realized how thoroughly
ho had been deceived and drawn on to
his rum. . After his discharge financial
ruin was inevitable : his beautiful home
had been used us public uroporty , the gar
dens had boon destroyed by tho'freeboot
ers and the .floods of the Ohio , and a lire
swept away thn mansion in which his
family had spent , many happy years.
Once moro ho startei ) u homo in Missis
sippi , liopingto retrieve his fallen for
tunes by the culture of cotton , which at
that timn commanded an exorbitant
price. The war of } 813 dissipated all
hopes of 'success in this direction , Ono
failure snoceydod another , Twonty-tlvd
years after ho had sought America with
buoyant hopes and joyful anticipations ,
blessed with u competency boy on d his
wants , ho sailed for Ireland. Illsfondest
Iio os had perished , his fortune had been
lost , his hc.tltn Impaired , and most bitter
of all his remembered misfortunes was
the thought that ho was branded by pub
lic opinion with the design of overthrow
ing tlm liberty of the government which
had drawn him across the Atlantic in his
happiest days.
Sitting here nlono , looking over the
moon-lit waters of Lake Ponclmrtrnin to
night , 1 cannot help recalling the poor
fellow's pale face and sunken eyes. I
hare tried again nnd again to flh'ako off
the sad impression this memory creates ,
but without avail. For half an hour 1
have watched those two schooners come
slowly into view from out the purple
darkness of the distance nnd gliost-liko
go sailing by until now they are moro
patches ot ha/e far ofT to the westward.
It may be the wave voices as thn water
plashes against the piles of the wharf or
( he falnl thrumming of that guitar in one
of the fishermen's cabins inshore that has
so vividly reawakened this sad recollect
ion. That night , too , a rippling sea
made derisive music among tun .wharf
timbers , and some one was ploying a
guitar in the distance.
Wo had been boys togo'thnV , had
graduated from the university in Ihufttmio
class , nnd separated only when ho went
to France to study medicine. This was
our lirst meeting for many years and had
been brought about by a letter asking
sonic advice in a commercial matter and
inviting me to dine with him at the lake.
1 knew tiio crime ho had committed ,
though absence from the city had pre
vented mo from learning the details of
the sad ull'air. 1 knew also that ho had
been acquitted upon a well-substantiated
pleu of insanity , to which his moody
temperament , his strong ullcotions , unit
bitter antipathies lent an air of proba
bility in tlm minds of those who knew
hitn'ns 1 did.
I did not ask his confession that night.
No ! 1 remember , ho it was who said ho
had something to tell me , and us the
night was pleasant wo could walk out to
the end of the wharf , whore wo would bo
nlono. Wo had finished our dinner at
Houdro's , one of those rare gastronomic
compositions the cooks of those days
knew so welt how to prepare , and 1 can
oven now snilV the lluvor of those
Uouquet do Aroma cigars , They scorned
to bo bettor than those of today. Ho had
been even boisterous in his mirth during
tlio repast , something remarkable for
him , and talked so loudly that Had I
not known he had partaken of but little
wine 1 might have thought his spirits
wore enlivened by tlm choice vintages.
Then he walked out and sat down here
I bclicvo this is the very spot. The
moon was up then about where it is now ,
and by its light 1 noticed that u remark
able chance had come -over his counte
nance. The genial smile had disap
peared , nnd his eves had lost their merry
twinkle. Whether it was the moonlighter
or my imagination , I could never tell ,
but his face assumed a bloodless pallor
that was most unearthly , and his voice
became deep and husky.
Ho looked inquiringly about to see that
no one was near , and sat on the edge of
the wharf , his feet hanging over the
water. Hcforo commencing he played
nervously with his watch charm. 1 could
see in the moonlight it was an amethyst
heart. I also noticed that he had untied
his cravat and unbuttoned his collar , in
order to breath moro freely. It was an
amber silk cravat , audits ends fluttered
restlessly in the wind.
"I am tolling you this , " said ho , "be
cause I cannot live without telling it to
somebody. I know I can trust you. and
it will relieve me of a burden that is kill
ing mo to confess all. I know that no
judicial action can be taken now , but it
will be a satisfaction to know that to
one person at least I have told the whole
truth , not saving myself in the slightest
degree. You understand that ! "
Ho knocked the ashes from his cigar
and they dropped into the lake.
"When 1 returned from Franco and
began the practice of medicine here , you
know 1 was very well off. My mother's
place on Hnyou Lafourchc which she left
mo had netted mo a handsome sum dur
ing my absence , and sugar then brought
good prices. I was never extravagant ,
as you know , and never indulged in
.strong drink. None of our family over
did. Hut that has nothing to do with
what I want to say. To tell you the
truth , the nearer I approach the subject
the moro timid I become. Please keep
me from wandering awav from it. Hold
mo down to it. Understand ? Light
another cigar.
"Well , 1 began practice and devoted
all my time to my studies. Hy some
peculiar allinity I becumo enamored of
the 83'inptology of nervous diseases. I
drifted that way naturally , and 1 gave to
the nerves and brain every spare
moment. I had no thought then what
this -\yould lead mo to. UnderstandV
My friendships were few perhaps too
few. A man with a limited acquaintance
is apt to become introspective and given
to analyzing his own sentiments and
imprcsions too much. "
_ ! ! ( ) turned his big black eyes in the
direction of a passing sail , and was silent
for nearly a minute. I could see from
the motion of the muscles of his neck
that lie was endeavoring to swallow. To
use an old expression , "his heart had
come up in his throat "
"I met and loved Natalie Latourncuu ; "
another long silence. Ho lit another
cigar. As he tried to go on his lip trem
bled and he clinched his hands as if in
great pain.
"My God , how I loved her ! Hut wo
will not talk of that. Understand ? I
worshiped her , and I thought she loved
mo. Then ho came between us. Ho set
up his paltry sentiment as against my
adoration. Tlio fool ! Don't ' lose patience.
Follow me , please. He , the vain , boast
ing , flattering gallant of the salons ,
thought to take from mo tlio ono thing
that was dearer than an eon of lives to
win her. Ho brought it on him elf. "
He arose and paced up and down tlio
wharf for a few minutes nnd then took
his former place , apparently somewhat
quieted by the oxccrcise. lie \ycnt on ,
loss excitedly now.
"I felt that it was impossible that both
of us could live in this world together.
You know how small it is. In Uorlin
you jostle the man you thought in Amer
ica , in Paris you get into thu same omni
bus witli the 'individual you Imagined in
Hio Janeiro , Kailroads and steamships
have reduced file world's circumference
to a mere hand's span.Vro \ too
crowded. I thought over the matter
deeply and long. I thoilght of nothing
else. To got rid of him. that was what
would have to be done , " A tremor passed
over him , "Hut how ? That was It , The
days of secret murders have long Mnco
passed , Chemistry and other science8
nave made the chances of cseapo troin
detection dillicult , very dillieult. Ono
night I made up my mind. Ah ! that
night ! She had never appeared so lovely.
Wo were walking in the garden tinder
tlio orange trees * How the scent of those
orange buds comes back ! It was then
she told mo had already asked her to bo
his wife. It was her father's wish she
should marry him , nnd her father's ' wish
was law. She would not sav she loved
him. 'That ' she '
, whispered , 'no ono
would ever know , ay or no.1
"I loft her resolved. If I could not get
her , at least he never should.
'Then I set myself to work formulating
my plans , "
He glauoed Inquiringly at mo to see the
effect of his words.
"Yes , I gave to it nights and days ; the
result you sou hero , " striking his breast ,
"u man who has uccoiuulishcd his pur
pose nnd is nqw free , free as yourself.
"I must confess it. I fearcu the punish
ment of the law. , Tlio dread of an igno
minious death nt the hands of an execu
tioner was a nightmare 'to Inc. To avoid
this all my intellect was concentrated.
The thought canio to mo as n flash illum
inates the darkness. I commenced with
real only a desperate man can know , the
study of insanity , its causes , its pathol
ogy. I digested Vlrohow. Pincl und Kg
qttirol. Ir7 Holnrich Schulcs' Hands-
biichdcr ( lorsU'skranUliclldn I flavoured-
nnd Von Zelmssen's works wcro my daily
pabulum. With Hucknill and'JL'uke I en-
lorotl the psychological depths nnd
Mnmlsley made my way clear. I read in
Prltchard that one of the lirst symptoms
of this disease was an Indifference to
social consideration , apathy and noalcct
of the personal and other duties , dislike
nnd suspicion of friends. This was my
starting point.
"I will not now wcarv you with a sci
entific description of my cours'e. I know
insanity was agood ! defense in law and 1
sot myself studiously about U to become
insane , that ! might cheat the law. I
wanted to'leuvo no room for any doubt.
I wanted hundreds of witnesses who
would bo willing to como forward to tes
tify , when I might commit thu deed , thut
my reason wsis and had been gone for
some time. ,
"Do not turn , away from me like that.
The demon jealousy it was that led mo
on. If I did nit regret 1 would not now
be talklng.Ijord to you. Understand ?
"I commenced cautiously , changed my
habits of life ; gave up my club , tool ;
apartments in a hotel the better to bo
observed , became absent-minded , talked
to myself. I soon saw that my friends
observed the chungn and I chuckled. 1
left my olllco for. days mysteriously , and
us mysteriously , without explanation , I
walked the streets alone late at night ,
and gradually became more violent in
my temper. I disturbed an audience
at the theater by loudly interrupt
ing the actors and was ejected.
My friends began to talk. 1 smiled
at them when alone. What stupid idiots !
They recommended medical advice and
that gentle old Dr. Harvey visited mo.
Poor man , ho is n child in my hands.
His questions I answered evasively , nnd
gave him stilllcicMit evidence to sot his
poor head to shaking ominously. Ho
felt my pulse. Ho did not know I had
accelerated its speed by violent exercise
a moment before his visit. He said my
sy.stom was out of order nnd my brain
needed For four months I pursued
my systematic course , growing slowly
and slowly more violent. 1 overheard a
conversation between , omo old friends ,
in which it wiis suggested that it would ,
soon become their duty to confine me in
Some asylum. That satisfied me. 1 had
rcurchcii the proper point. Then I armed
myself and waited. In the open street
at noonday , was the time. Madmen do
do not seek to conceal their deeds , so 1
took the open , bold course. Under
stand * "
His eyes were flashing now , nnd his
fingers worked convulsively. "I met
him at the postollice. With aloud laugh.
1 pointed towards him and called him
my brother from Hindostan. The
crowded looked surprised and laughed.
I told them ho was a wild animal ; to
keep awav. He looked astonished ,
dumbfounded. I expressed great fear of
him , and them "
Ho had risen , and was gating out into
the moonlight. The water washed und
plashed , trickled and. dripped on the
timbers below. The guitar was still
tinkling inshore. ' 'Thau 1 fired 1 fired !
Understand ?
"My God in all my months of re
hearsal , my coni'fiO of cruel study , 1 luul
not once thought of it. When 1 saw his
body on the sidewalk it came to me like
a stroke of lightning. All this did not
give her to me ! This had never entered
my brain. He was gone , and so was my
love. She would never look upon me
again. My brain reeled , and I awoke in
tlio jail , and they wore holding the in
quest in the vard below.
"The .trial y bu know of. Everybody
said I was insane the 'doctors , the
papers , everybody. I was acquitted und
my friends esqprted me to an asylum. 1
hid : cheated " 'thq'law , but not my con
science. Understand ? In a few months
1 was discharged'us ' u cured man. So
the physician p'Ml Rest , they said , was
what was needed , and that restored my
reason. Poor.foqls.
"You arc the first to whom Hiavc told
this , the very first. What can I do what
can I do to wiji ba'cK ' the love her love
1 so cruelly dashed to the earthy That is
what 1 wanted to.'ask you , only that. "
He paced to and fro nervously , clasping
his hand to liis head as if in pain.
I turned from him with a shudder. Ho
seemed in that mbbnli < jht to bn a visitor
from the _ nether regions. His yellow
face , glaring eyes , his long , slender
lingers , and scpul.chrul voice. Hold him
that he need never hope for love again.
Ho would never see it. That sentiment
was too holy , too divine , for ( -itch faouls.
Repentance and religion alone wcro left
to him.
He turned his great eyes upon me and ,
shaking his head , sadly muttered : "Yes ;
I know it. Love will uovor brighten my
days again. Weak , weak fool that I
was. " lie took a capsule from his vest
pocket and swallowed it carelosslv. "I
am going to travel , " said he , "and 1
want to carry with mo pleasant recol
lections only. You will always remem
ber mo kindly. Think of mo as a poor
boy that loved lee well , won't you ? I
think 1 need a change of scene and I
wish " Ho threw his arms up wildly
and fell backward on the wharf. The
capsule was not his cough medicine , but
prussic acid , the most deadly of poisons.
This is why , as 1 sit hero ulono in the
moonlight , looking out over the waters
of Lake Pontchartrain and listening to
that guitar inshore like an unpleasant
dream , his face again returns.
Kirlc'H Gorman I'llo Ointment.
Sure cure tor blind , bleedincr , ami Itclilm ;
Piles. One box has cured the worst cases of
ten years staiullnir. No one ncod sulfur tun
minutes after using this wonderful Kirk's
Ceriuan Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors ,
allays the Itching at once , acth as a poultice ,
Kives instand relief. Kirk's ( lermiin I'llo
Ointment Is prepared only for Piles nnd
itching of the private \i\rts \ ; , and nothing else.
Kvurv box Is warranted by our agents. Sold
by druggists ; sent by limit on receipt of price ,
& 0o per box.
i > n. c. o. UKXTON , PROP ,
Cleveland. O.
Sold by 0. loooflmnn nnd Kulm & Co.
IStli and Douglas , IBili and Cumlngs.
A Bavarian who returned after an
absence of two years on a whaling
voyage was willing to give all thn money
ho had made for two weeks' board , When
the long voyage books wcro balanced his
dues amounted to just $3.
Proc-ofcls frum Torpid I.iwr and
Impurilius of HID stoinu ! > , niJ : can bo
Inv.iriaUly euro ! It' you will ( inly
I.ut nil who sutfor rumo'iilior tlm
Sick and ; Neras Headaches
fhn IIP iirovrntoJ ai soon as theircymp-
turns iaUltatu tlio fouiliiif ut uu utuvK.
" 1 u o Simmons LVer ( HrpulMor when
troubled sonou Iy with Jiondurhus cau t < d lir
constipation , It' produce * a favorable .rusult
witbout lilitdorms my miulur puriulu In busi-
" W.V. . WiTtitit , * Uoliic. , Iowa.
Real Estate Brokers.
1 /
Mfllard Hotel Block , Omaha , Neb ,
Do a Strictly Commission Business.
Have Improved and Unimproved property in all parts of Omaha ; have
the most desirable Farms and Lands in Nebraska and Iowa.
Splendid Brick Store amiJlotcl , 1 rooms , in South Omaha i 1. . . . $ 4.50U
Splendid residence lot In Mllliml Plncc , convenient to business ; cheap at k.- , fl , 3,000
East half of lot 88 , Burr Onkloo.\l50 feet ; bargain at v *
Business block on 14th street , between Doujflas and Doilfre , cheap ' 'Ir
Will exchange for Omaha property or Nebraska land , splendid hriek store , with stock offeooas. inlfv ,
town In Nebraska , railroad ' . & ,
on > % 8,000
. . . ' . . . . .
Half block in West Omaha „ - i. - c.600
Lot in llanseom Place 1,050
Two lots in Lowe's addition U35
Splendid residence lot in Kcyes' addition , near 20th and Harncy streets 4,509
JIouso and lot in Idlcwlld , near cars 4ooo
Klegaiit property , 24-d and Doncrlas , paying peed rental ; a bargain 12,500
Now and paying steam Roller , at Scotia , Grecley comity , Nebraska ; at abargain - . . "
Lots in Kilby Place , Kirkwood's , Redick's
2d Add. , Hiinebaugh and Saunders Add. ,
Howe's Add. S. E. ' Add. Claren
. , . . Rogers' . ,
don and other choice locations at bar
gains and easy terms. K0
100 feet square s.w. cor. Virginia giidPop
pleton Ave. , very desirable for a home ,
House and lot in West Omaha , $ l,8oo.
House and lot in Hanscom Place , $ ,000.
and Loan Agents
lots in Ambler Place , each $400 to $473
1 acre in Gise's add. , on cast side ; one of
the best lots in the addition , $1,900.
5 acre lots in Tnttlc's addition.
Acre lots in Mnyfield.
1 acre lots in Patterson's Park.
1 lot on Farnam near USd et. , $4,000.
1C5 feet on Farnam , m ( Japitol add ,
Slot on Ilnrnoy St. , $3,000 each.
0 aercs just west of Tnttlc's sub-division ,
5330 per acre. This is ono of the cheap
est aero lots about the city.
1 lot in Miilard Place , $3,000.
1 lot in Miilard Place , $3,000.
1 lot on Burl street. § 200 cash , balance
to suit , $1,230.
Lots in Lincoln Place , Walnut Hill ,
South Omaha , and , in fact , wo have
vacant lots in all parts of the city .Terms
to suit ; small monthly payments or any
way that purchaser may wish.
House 2 story , lot 100x150 , on Park ave. ,
a flue bargain at $5,000. Or will sell
divided lot. This will pay parties to
look ut , as it is one of the best of in
vestments. There is also small fruit
enough for small family ; shade trees ,
2 story house on 17th st. . $1,000 cash.bal-
auco to suit.
House 9 rooms , bloelc 7 , city of Omaha ;
well , cistern , barn- terms very easy ,
$ . ' ( ,000.
Cottage \Vheaton street , cellar , well ,
picket fence , good repair ; $300 cash ,
balance f 23 per month.
1 lot ! > 0 ft. front , block 8 , South Omaha ,
terms easy , $300.
$12,000. Will sell separate.
1 cottugo north of Judge Dandy's , lot 75-
xlOO , $0,500.
One of .tlio finest residences In Walnut
Hill , 10 rooms with -all' modern im
provements , finb barn , fenced , ground
seeded , in fact everything one would
want about a home , lot 100x150 , tcrnia
very easy , f7SOO.
Cottage in Oisu's add.S room , cellar , well
25 bearing apple trees , lot 75x150 , only
Fine cottage Walnut Hill , corner lot ,
0 room pottage on Snnndors street ; $300
cash , balance small monthly payments.
2 cottages on Park ave. , with all mod
ern impioveuieuts ; a bargain ; lor both
A one-story brick house in Omaha
View , 8 rooms , closet , pantry , eto. ,
with good well , $75 cash , balance $10
per mo nib. This is a nice chance for
tor u uarty to get a good homo.
Coltngo , 0 rooms , on 19th street , it lias
porch , well , cistern , coal house , eto. .
lot 01x140 , $300 cash , balance $ : ir > pei ?
month. Price f-3,100.
Lot in Arlington Place , 50x123 , terms
easy , $9UO. '
Splendid residence , 12 rooms , on Park
avenue , lot 100x150 , terms easy , only
"We make a specialty of snlliiier houses and lots' with small cash payments , balance snmll monthly payments. Don't
pay rent to others , when yon can apply it on a house for yourself. Wo also have farm lands in all parts of the state ,
to sell or trade. Also stocks of merchandise of all kinds to sell or trade.
Money to Loan on Real Estate or Chattels. /
Real Estate and Loan Agents
Boom 21 Paxton Building , Cor. 15tli and Farnam st.
' Very desirable lots on monthly payments of from $10 to $60 in the
following additions. , _ .
West Omaha Barkalow Place. Omaha View ,
Leavenworth Terrace , Orchard Hill ,
Bedford Place , Sharen Place and Walnut Hill
Also some choice houses and lots on Farnam st , Burt st. , Leaven-
wo'rt st , Phil Sheridan and Omning st. ,
We have bargains in property in all parts of the cityeasy ; payments ,
Low rates of interest.
Rents Collected , . - - Taxes Paid ,