1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JTJNE 5 , 1880.-TWELVB PAGES. ' NUMBER 802 , , : TENDERED AND DECLINED , Secretary Manning Sends in His Resigna tion , But It is Not Accepted. GIVEN A VACATION INSTEAD. Dnti Tclln ( . .roverVlmt Ho Thinks About Oppressive TnrlfTM , Cur- i cncj- Chaos u ml Mnn j Ot her Giivcriiincntal Ocfeuts. Secretary InniiliiK'H Kcnlcnntlon. AV'Asn.Noro.v , Juno 4. The following self- explanatory coricspondcnco Is made public this evening : WASIII.NOTOX , .May 20 , 18W. My Dear Sir : 1 ha\u decided to jilaco In your hands my resignation of the olllce. which you did mo the honor to ask inn to accept fifteen months ngo. .My IC.ISOIIM for this decision are botli public nnd personal. Since tliu partial i e- co\ury of my health lias permltcd me to ic- licet uHin | tlio demands of thu public service to which I had given , pei haps too fieely , all my Hticugtn , and upon the condition1) of ro- Hiitiiliig my laboi.s at your tilde , I have not for a moment questioned vhat must bo my piesent dtitv. Tlio full recnvery of my health Is piouoiinccd to be an affair of weeks , nnd a longer period of lest , especially dining the hot months , Is pieseiibcd , or nt least advised , ns a prudent regime theieafter. Compliance with this advito would not bo'piacticablo wuro 1 to lesuiue now the general direction of the treasmy dep.titment. nven if abating ftomethlng ot the eneigy which it seemed needful to expend In tliu first year of my work. Supervision at a distance would bo moieof a liiudr.inee than help to the acting secretary , lint It Is not bclittlni : that n de partment of the government ho ditllcultnna imiioitant should bo ndminlstuicd by aeon- vafeacent , .studious of pairylng Its dally ex actions , nor that the watchful contiol ol its enormous Influence or the direction of its fiscal policies , e\cn under your wise lead. should be attempted by any ono concerned about husbanding his strength. The reforms In our llscal policy which you h\vo main tained , and which have been framed and commended to the wisdom of the legislative branch , aie lefoiniB necessaiy to our safety , binding In honor , obligatoiy in the traditions ot democracy , .set down w Ith pi omlsea in our statute books. Our piesent tnilfls aio a need less oppression Instead ot an easy buulen. Our curiency Is chaos , in which wo piocnio from forced puiclmbcs of one of the precious metals a mechanical Increment under the coinage law so ill judged and untimely that It hlndei.s the opening ot our mints to the natural nnd unlimited coinage of both metals nnd thn lice expansion of our gold and sliver coin along with the growing needs ot a mighty people. All our needful customs levenno might bo collected by strictly icv- BIIUO duties upon a few scom of aitlcles , in stead ot cxtiuvagunt or piohibltoiy duties upon mine than u thousand aitleles The mere machinciy ot the admliiisti.itlon , by its own mass and complexity , bicaks down and crushes out the cntei prise it assumes to pro tect. A better etiriency than clsewlieic ex ists might bo had by a lew lines ot lepnaling and empowering legislation , followed by two or three years of callable administration of the treasury , and joined with the pic ent saiaclous conduct of our loielgn policy by thu .state deu.d tmeiit. Undci the operation ol the currency and tarifl laws now in lotce , which yon and the Koitj-nlnth congiess were elected by the people to repeal mid iclorni , thubmdened Industiles of our country nio plunging heavily along a merry road towaid foreseen dangcis. We talk o'f aibitiatlng our i elective hliaio of disaster instead ot knocking off our self-imposed letters nnd leleasing general piospeiity. This is no ) , in my deliberate judgment , a time when the president can delay to pro vide or alfoid to dlsttcn.se witli the actual as well as ie.il head ot the treasury department. The hscal policy of the federal government In respect to a debt so large , n taxation' M > pervasive , anda cuneiiey which is univer sal cannot fall of , v beingtiie . .chlpffactor < , in Uie'- . national , and Indlvidual'wcll being. Your ow l 'duty , to whlelryon tiavo' addressed yout > elf with fciich clear and tinflincliine purpose , the duty of c&ngrwts lirtho pi-emlses , and 'tlio laws which may yet be enacted for the guidance of the tieasury dejiartmeiit. will leqnlre that you bo assisted in their admlnistiatlon by 'an oillcer capable of full elllclency and uuvailed I ' clicnnihpectloii. I'crmit me , tlierefoie , with out hesitation , to accept my temporary disa bility ns a summonsto stand aside and make way for one immediately capable ot fulfilling every lequiioment of tlio public service. Very respectfully yotns , DA.NIKI , MAMXINO. To the . ricaldcnj. _ _ _ _ TIIK PIIKSIDKNT'S UKI'liY. lie ICutiucstH Tluit tlio Matter Ito Ic- 1'erriMl Until October. KxKrunvi : MANSIO.V , Washington , June 1. My Dear Mr. Manning : 1 have iccelved your fetter in which your icsignation Is ten dered us secretary ol the tieasiiry. The sen timents tlioiein contained aie entiiely In ku'plng with the devotion to public duty nnd loyalty to the inteiest of the govcinment which have chaiactoilzcd your iclutions to thu piesent admintstiation. I am not MII- pilscd , tbougli much impiessed , b } the con cern which j on evince lor the coirection of abuses and thu imiugnutlon of lotorms to which , In your letter , you allude , and which have been so often topics of our anxious con sultations. I have hoped that the day was at hand when the patty to which we belong , In fluenced lamely by faith and confidence In you and In thu wisdom of your views , should be quickened in Its responsibility and led to more haiinonlons action upon the Impoitant questions with which JOH have had to deal. In eoiihldei ing your pioposed icslgnatioii , 1 bhould bo stiongly inclined by my pei.sonul legaul and liiendbhlp , and by tliu status of youi .soi vices to the country , to beg yon at once ninl entiiely to abandon ) otn Inclina tion to lellnqnlsh your pat t of thuaidiious duty , lint I am convinced that 1 should not do this , and that In all I Migge.st und ask 1 should have much at heait your welfaio and Kilety. You have placed yonrieslgna- licui in my hands. .Responsibility licit ! be gins , and I know that tint iChponslbllUy will be met ami the wishes of tliu people of the land Inlly answcied when 1 ask yuu to po-.t- pone , toi awhile , any InsKt.inco upon the acceptance ot j our resignation , and that j our final conclusion thereof may be delayed until the effects ot eontlnucdic.it and freedom from olllclal cato upon your cmiditluti may be better tested. I thcrcfoiucainostly lequesr you to aeciipt n li'i\o of itbauuco until the 1st ilay of October next , when , If yon ilcslie It , thu question of your leslgna- tlon may be resumed , with pctluips bettea- means of judging all the facts and probabili ties which should bo considered iu Its deter mination , Hoping that you will consent to this suggestion , and dusting that . \onrun- confuting progress tmninls icstoratloii to health may continue , I am Killlifully your fi loud , T. > Hon. Daniel Maniiln ? , Secietaiy of the Tieasuiy. AIA.VMXO WIM. JIKMA1N. Seoietaiy. Manning has ueceptcd the presi dent's suggestion , and will allow hi.- , resigna tion to lie over until his leave of abeneu sh.tll have oxplied , Assistant Seeietaiy I'alichild has been i emu v ted to act as secru- tmy until that time , and bus consented to do so. Seeietarynnd MD . Manning , aeoompanlt-d by .Mr. Joseph . Miller , couimUiloiicr of Internal levenne , and Mrs. Miller , will leave Washington to-iuouow. at toi noon for Hot Springs , Va. Killed n Follow Convict. . JOI.UT , III. , Juno 4. This afternoon John O'Urien , a thico- ) ear coin let fiom Decatnr , while working In the stone yatd , made an attack upon AFa I'.nU ? , an eiglit-year con vict from Galcmi , Mllliii ; him Instantly. He bent 1'aiks over the head with an lion she\el. Thu origin of the tiouble l not known. Train "U'rccltorn' WISDKAI.I. , I mi. , Juno 4. The night after the arrest of the train wreckers an incen diary lire Minted in J. 1' . Hutchlsou'.s no goods stoie , causing it loa * of STA 1. on which there wan fjQ.OOO insurance. Hutch Isou has been prominent se.uc.ltli : ! , ' for train wrtrleis. . . . TllK DIUDAtj How Mr. nntl Mrs. Cleveland Spent the Day. linn : PAIIK , Juno . [ Special Telegram o the HKI : . ) The collage up in tlio giove lack of the hotel , In which the president and ils bride are spending their honeymoon , s In a state of slee. An army of newspaper men arc entrenched in the lliltlmoro & Ohio lepot , 200 yards from the cottage , and In full \lewofit. An army of Baltimore & Ohio letecthcs are seated n touches and tree stumps within one huudrc.l yards of the : etta c , and thus far only ono person ias.succeeded in getting to the collate , that icing ex-Senator HriiryO. Davis. Mr. and Mis. Cleveland remained in tliu cottage In ) b curllymostof tlio morning. Mrs. Clevc- aud , diesscd In a pietty wrapper , appeared on the porch about 10 o'clocK and sat there radlm ? the paper , thu mall bilng taken from ho nostollice for the first time this mornlnc by the piesidont. Mrs. Cleveland seemed amused and Inteipttefl at the cordon of news- gatheteis and detectives mound her.iuul once > v twice she laughed without having appatent MUSH for milth. 'J'ho president came out for a few minutes after Ids luldd ictlied , and lid not appear to notice what was golne on ibout him. At 1 o'clock Mi. and Mis. Clcve- and walked over to Senator Davis' cottage 'or lunch. The bildo woio thn same diess she wore during jestviday , of peail-colorcd cloth with blue stripes and tailor made coat , rliopicsidont wore rray pantaloons ami a jlaclc in luce albeit. Nuoni ! ventutcd to in- tiudeon thn ) ) alr , and they walked slowly over the half-mile of tanli.ulc work between the houses. Senator Uavls and his wile weie tlieonlv coninaiilons of the President and Alls. Cleveland at luncheon , and about 4 o'clock the senator's b.iy team and double seated drai conveyed the paity up the bioad road to O inland. They tinned at the edge of the town nnd came back. The only In cident which has oectiried to show any at- emptat courtesy was thu sending of a liaml- some basket of 11 out , to the incident by Dr. McComas , of Oakland , who In leturn was conllally thanked by the president. It is irob.iblc that thn piesldent will not lettiin to Washington until the latter part of next week. He issal-ltobe studylm ; the Cana- Han fishery question hero with a view to aklng some action thereon. ADDITIONAL PAHnrt't.AltS. Tlio DiesUteiit 1ms e.\pie s.'d lilt.self . to the effect that ho Is delighted with Ills visit here. I'ho president and Mis. Cleveland toso about J o'clock. Shoitly alter , the uiesldent , un- iccompanied , studied along the paths back ) f the eottago. At 10 o'eloclc bicaklast was served. During thn meal ex-Senator llcniy C. Davis called at the cottage und lemained in hour. Subsequently the picsldcnt took ho liesh air on the porch. " Ho was Kireheailed and woio sllupcis. Ho had lecn meditatively pacing ii | ) and down ; hc | ioich with his hands behind him but a slioit time , when Mis. Cleveland appeared and walked by his side. About 'J o'clock the iresldent amflds wife went to ox-Senator ) avis'cottage to luncheon. The discussion of the lepast occupied about an hour , nt the expiiatlon of which the piesldent and his witoietuined to the collage to dress for a di i vo. These regular di Ives will be u Icaluro of their sojouin heie. Tlio Presidential We Iditi Cnrtl. WASHINGroN , June 4. About a thousand caids announcing the marriage of the prcsi- lent were scut out fiom the while house to day by mail , messengers anil otherwise. Tlie caids aie exceedingly simple and plain , en- raved In heavy lines on lull-sheet line taper. They icad us follows : 31 r. Grow Clcvelwitl Mlt-t / Ydiicc Married an Wednesday , . /line Second , Eighteen Hundred and ll JU.i'ccutlrc Mansion TlieannoniiceiilBiiis weie sent to members of thetjabinct , Justices ot the supreme com t , sonatiiy > and leiucsenUUives in congiess , iiiloiiAtluCjOrji lieutenant , trcucial ot the unuy. admiral of the navy , and peisonal tiicnds of the pu'fiidnnt and Mis. Cleveland in Albany and , Uutlnlo. Rev , Win. Cleveland , . - MIHS Cleveland aio now the only guests at the White House , and will probably icmaln some tlmo longer. Mrs. Cleveland's relatives who attended the wed ding left for their homes last night. DIIH : : PAIIK. June 4. The president and .Mis. Cleveland did not make their appear ance until noon to-day , when they walked to Senator Davis' . They will diivo thisntter- noon. The president read the newspapers this morning nnd small mail. He did not no tishing to-day. _ Til 13 OAPTUUKl ) AXAKOIIIST. The ChicaRO Police Gratified Over Itau'8 Arrest In Oniiilui. CHICAGO , Juno 4. [ Special Telegram to the HIK. : ] Tlio police aiu hlalily elated this morning over the attest of IJaltha/ar Iau ! , which was successfully effected last night at Omaha. Hols wanted heioon the ehaigo ot complicity in the bomb throwing of May 4. He is ono of the men taken in alter the Hay- market liot but impiovldontly released bv the police , who have been hunting him since. Kvidcneo implicating him in the dynamite plot lias been accumulated , U is .said , and an indictment found. He lived at 41S L.mubeo Micct and roomed with u lupoiter named MulKnpf , who is also missing and Is said to bo wanted. It is known that Itau and Mulkopt , with their laiidloid , S , W. Luther , weio ml intimate with Spies and other anaiclnst leadcis , but what additional eliminating evidence the police may have gathered liom the Incaiceiatcd men aud the lupcis found in their dens , is not known , U.ui acknowledges that bo was nt the meeting on Dc.splalnc * sheet , but disclaims any con nection with its conduct or knowledge of the bomb thiowlng. It has uceu definitely as- eei tallied that Itau is not thu man who thiovv the bomb at tlio Haymaiket meeting. Tli.it he was one of tliu associates ol Spies , Ploldon and Schwab theio is no doubt , and it Is also ccit.iln that ho w'as one of the orjanUeis of the meeting in Haymarket squat D , and u prominent rind rablil anaielilst. Kan will ho bionght back to Chicago in a tew days. Di < - tectivo Jim Uonflelir leaves fo-night tor Omaha lo take clmigo ot thu prisoner. De tective Honticld H.ilit llau had been lndictt".l toi conspliacr to inuider. The Itntn Wnr. CillCAfio , Juno 4. As a result of the pas- Miiger wai between the Hock Island , St. Paul , and Xoitlivvesleni , Arbltiatoi Wll on. of the ChloKO , St. Louis & Missouri Iliver passonger'assoelatlon , Issued a clicular to- diiy aiithoil/inglho useof the cut rales$7 Hist class and -"ibccond ( class , Chicago to t'onnell Uliillri nH u basil for coiibtruetiug tales fiom Chicago to points beyond Omaha. Whole the totals t > o obtained aio lower than thu picvallimr rates through Kansas Clt ) anil other Missouri ilvor points , tln-ir n o by such routs forthiough tickets liom Chicago Is mi- thoii/od. Tliln circular ininclp.illy effects rates to points In Colorado , Utah and Cull- f 01 nla. A SlIuU JC\ VAXVVIU' : : , Ohio , Juno 4. The national bank iccelved , yesterday , by the United States expiess from the Union National liaiilc of Cincinnati , a package purpoiting to contain SlO.cxia , but when opened it was lonnd to be filled w Ith cotton , pasteboatd and lallroad advertising bills. The package should have icached Ynuvvcit Wednesday. The money clerk at Cincinnati , who iccelvcc It , bays 1m sealed It with green wax. The way iilll for the run of Tunsdav night had the pauUago marked "short. " When rceelvet ! thu package was sealed with red wax. The delay of twenty-four hours In the transit Is not > et explained , but will doubtless ulvcn duo to the loubcry. A 1'lnoky Conductor. EAU CiiAiiiK , Wls. , Juno 4.-i"est > riliy , oti the Lower and Ynllpy division ot Die Mil waukco ro.-ut , Conductor Sslnvaru'u train was boaidcd by KAUK ot foielzn luboicrs ami a row about tickets .ensuing , the ; ; ang at tacked thn couduc.tor wltii revtilveni. The conductor and two brukctuen weio Uadlj ( irttlsed. but they cleaned ther crowil uuu be ; tra ! of the gait it FOR SOUTHERN WAR CLAIMS , Bold Attempt to Secure the Payment of the Confederate Debt , UNMASKING A BAD MEASURE. A Partisan's Efforts to Help the Bill llcnnts ns n LImmicraiiff An Oinalm Kdltor Dupcit Capital Notes. Pay the Confedprntc Debt- . WASIIISOTON , Juno 4. [ Special Telegram to the Hm : ] Dining the campaign of l U It was intimated by republicans that If the brigadiers of the .south we IP again Installed In their saddles by a vote of the people and l\en the power , not two ycais would clap'e befoio a movement would bo begun for the liquidation of the debt Incinred in the south In sustaining its rebellion against the fedeial government. Democrats In the noith pooh- poohed the piophccy and declared It a earn- paign He , a scaicciow , a scheme to frighten weak men. But the wisdom ol the asset lion has been aheailynsseited. Maj 1 Iastscaicely mote than n year since , a democratic picsl- dent was Inaugurated , and when the deino- latlcpaity had but the lower house of con- It oss and the executive , Mr. .Menlnuui , a 'emociatlc ' member from Xevv Voile , intto- [ need the followtin ; bill : ' Be It enacted , etc : That all claims prc- entcd by nnv iioison , corpoi.ition or assoeia- lon against the United States for loss or Ininaeo resulting liomthe lute Insunectlon ir tebelllon against the United States , which lalms will requite judicial decision before heir final determination , be , and they are icieby icfeired to the court of claims , which hall have full power to hear and detcimlne he same in nccoidaiice with its inlo and radices. Section 2. That this act shall take effect mmedlatoly. " No attention wns paid to it at the tlmo of ntioduction because , doubtless , these who now its meaning were so Inlly In sympathy vlth Its success that they did lot want to impair the chances f its passage by calling attention o It During a meeting to-day of the house ommlttce on war claims , to which the bill vas icterred , Judge Fulleiton , an eminent awyerof Jfew Yoik , made a icquest to bo icaidon a measuie before It. The icqucst vas granted. Judge Fulleiton had not poken a docn sentences till it flashed on he committee hi ; mission nnd the scope of he bill above quoted. It meant the payment by the govci nnient of the 0,000,000,000 out- tanding confcdeiate bonds. So eloquent vas the argument entered Into , and so niqne and interesting , that the committee did not Interrupt the speaker for overall lour. Judge Fulleiton contended that in the list place the iederal govern- nent had no right or autlioiity to say that a so\eicign state could not mil should not pay one of Its obligations ; .secondly , that the confederate states did not paiticipats In the ratification of the nmend- ncnt to the constitution which forbids the layment of their obligations ; and , thirdly , n arrogating to itself the authority , the gov- M-nment ale assumed the lesponslbility of lie debt and must pay it. Judge Fullerton ; ave practical illustrations in his argument , exhumed laws and went back into ancient ilstory to.show the urlnciples for which ho "oimht. Some of the members ot the com mittee began asking questions , when the awyerdeclated that the young men before ilin would live to .see the confederate debt all idjnsted and paid by the fedeial government. Ho declined it an honest debt that he bonds were bought in good faith by Inno cent pmchaseis. and that no govcinmcnt xnildcxiiit which stood uiion tlio basis the cdernt government baa taknn. He asked tote ) o allowed to submit a biief In the cabC , and ils u-quest was granted. The matter created a sensation. Many of the northern democrats are much embar rassed over the appearance of this subject nt this time , and are charging to-night that Indgc Fullerton was hlied by the lepubhcau concessional campaign committee to raisn the question at this tlmo for political pur poses. But the lie Is given to this theory by llio statement of Judge Fnllerton that ho rep- ic.scnts the bondholders and that the measure which he advocates was introduced belote there was a icpubllcan congressional com mittee. i.\cnrA9i.\o : THK Ai-iMiornrATioy. The commeice committee in the senate Is having a pietty hard stiugglo with the liver and haibor bill. It is going tinough it very caieftilly , item by item , and tlio Indications ate that the river nnd harbor committee ot the house will Imidly know their olfbprlng when it gets back to them. The senate com mittee has a double reason to make a thor ough oveihauling of the bill. Unoot these reasons is the tact that It finds many ques tionable featuics in the bill , and another Is the tact tnat the modest senators themselves have added nearly two million dollars to the demands of the bill in the way of amend ments which hu\e been proposed by the senatois since the bill came fiom the house. It can led some 815,000,000 when it came fiom the house , nnd to add $2,000,000 to the total would bring the bill up to such a large Hum that theio will bo gioat doubt abfmt the possibility ot the piesidenl's signatuiu to it. CIIANOINO nun POSITION : Mis. Xettlo Sanlord , of Iowa , has resigned her position in the ofllco of the fotitth auditor ot the tieasuiy. and will soon leturn to her native state to become associated with Hon. 1C. N. Capln In the publication of the Mai- shall County News at Maishalltown. Her Iowa fi lends in Washington have tendeicd her many expressions of logictatherdepartnio , and hlnccio wlbhcs torher piosperlty In the fntine. Among other testimonials of their leaped M u beautiful silver tea hcrvlce pro- Minted byI. L. McCiceiy on behalf of lady tilcnds am ) suitably liihcrihed. AX OMAIIA IDIIOII : iit'rr ! ) . F. II. Trnsdell , who until lecentlv was a conesimndenl here , nnd left this city alter committing n number ot forgeries , including the iianiit ol u Nebraska statesman In con- esh , has imposed uiion a piomlnent Omaha ncwspapci editor. The unhonoied draft has boon lutmncd tioin Baltimore. Tiusilell Is hilpposeil to hi ) yet In or near Omaha. Ho U wanted in Baltimore , Washington , Indian- apolls , Cincinnati , Chicago and other cities for obtaining money under false pretenses. TUB OHIN'KSB"lNni\IMFini ) . The Semite AiithorUo llio I'ayinciit of Hook Sl > rtiK8 | IJOHKCS. WASHISUTOK , Juno 4. Jn the senate to day Mr , Ingalls olleied a resolution which , on objection by Mr. Beck , went over till to- nuiiiow , calling on the secietary ot the In- teilorto Infoim tlio bcnnlo whethereeitain riiculaia hud beeu Issued by commissioners of thngeneial land olllcn , wlh , ( tln'japproval ot the fai'oietaiy of the Intel lor. Tlie resolu tion recites In full the recent circular to reg- istcu-iand iccelvcrsof land olllccs tatlug no : iew applications for entry under pio-cinp- tlon , timber ctiltuio ordcssit land acts would be leeched pending legislation by congrc.ss on llio icport of those acfs. The lesolutlon llii'ii inoceeds todliect the bccretary of the inteiicr to Infoim th < j senate by what act it was claimed cong ) ess delegated to thecom- misblonur ot fhe fi'licial land ollic.oprti > the hecietary o | the Interior , or thosu < ) icei.s ) jointly , the power to suspend by oveeutive ord-irtho opciutlon throughout the United States of pic-cinption , timber culture and dc-seiHand acts , and to ditny to thuctti/cns of the United States theli lights under said acts. acts.On On motion of Mr. l-Mmumts the Chinese indemnity bill was taken up , but informally laid libido to penult the consideration of the consular and diplomatic apuoinnHon | ; bill.-f In thaconrsoof > the do bale Mr. Allison atliiUntcd uiuehof : thudlfli- culty ari > inK In the mattei of "under valua tions to the M.-mmlilB bctnecn consuls whose eouuiena.ition ia received Uiron h fces. This matter , thouzht , deser\ed the attention ol the stnte depatluicnt. At 'J o'clock the mat ter went ox-cr. Tim Chinese Indemnity bill . was thei placed before the. senate auJMr.- took the floor. lie araucil strongly affalust the bill. HP denied that wo were required to extend to the Chlntwe'br any other foreign ers any gieater redrrta for wrongs limn given to the cltUensottlic United States. At the conclusion of Mr. Cockrclt's speech the bill was bronchi to a vote and passed. Yeas. 0 ; nfcfB'To. Thcsenatoisotlnifiln the negative \\croJ Mcsois. Beck. JJorry , CockroII , Coke , Kustls , ( Seorgc , Hum , Maxey , Mitchell of Oregon , and vest. The bill untliorlres the president to as certain the actual los es snstaliiPd by thd rhliiamen by llio riot at Hock Springs. Wyo. , in Scptiiuber,18S.1 ! , and to pay such osses. The amount appioprlated by the bill for that purpose Is S1M,000. The senate then resumed consideration of tlio consular nnd diplomatic appropriation Jill , but without tiiiUhlng It ndjotirncd till to-morrow. _ , The House I'rocecdliiKS. WASIII.NOTO.V , Juno 4. The speikerlald > efore the house a communication from the secrctaiy of wariecommendliiK that 550.00J of the amount appropriated by the act of farcli 3 , INSII , for armament of formications iu appoitioned and. in.utu available for the . onstinctlon of kjiin-i , Mr. Boutelle Introduced a bill relating trt duties on lisb. Hefefred. Hi. Boutelle .says n icterence to this bill that the so called re- allatoivpiovislon recently adiled by congress o the shipping bill , however piopcr and in ti- labie , will not bo reararded with much ooneein by Canadians as they do not rare uiueh for the pilvllcgo of purchasing bait or supplies In our polls. He proposes , there- "oie , to deal with the fishery question piac- ically bv teriuiUating the fieo importation of ish and increasing 'the Imnoit unties on all isli , tlinseompellln Cinadlaus topavmoio or the privilege of selling tish In the United Statc . . At Its cvculnr session the house passed vpiiteen iiension bills and at 110 : ! ! ad join tied intil to-morrow. j THE IXDIANQUKSTIOX. The CoiiRrosslonnl liiVPNtlRatlus Committee Makes Its Keport. WASIIINOTON , Jmlc 4. The icpottof the lommlttec on Indian ! alfalis on Its Invcsliga- lon of the condition of the Indians In the .ndlan tcriltory and other reseivatlons , was ubmittcd to the senate to-day. Touching lie claims of thn Creeks und Scmlnoles In Oklohamannd pretenses of the right to entry ipon theip lands by bands of colonists , ho committee unite In the conclusion hat the United States has no rlnlit to dis pose of the ownership in the soil in that ceded tract without further agreement with hose tiibes. exeunt for the purpose of settling otherfricndly Indians upon these lands , and ho duty of preventing any intrusion upon hese lands , which Is a distinct treaty obllga- on , Is only increased tiust which wohavo accepted to settle fiiendly Indians theie. tegardlng leases of lauds for grazing mrposes made by various tribes , the tenort says that the decision of the president , that all such leases were otho'elfect In law. has lett tlio subject to depend pn a question ot law rather tlian fact , as to wliloh the committee Islet lot icqiiired to express Its views. Tlio h\e civilized tribes , tlio. committee says , are con spicuously In a < l.vanco ot all other North Ameiican Indians in every respect , and that ho wilder tribes can po brought up to the aine standard by the influences of education and icligion. J Ordering Vessels Ftclcnaod. WASHINGTON' , June 14.- Acting Secretary 'alrchlld to-day telegraphed as follows to the : ollectorof customs atilveyVcst , Fla. , In 10- atd to tho.sei'/.nteottheSpaijish vessels 1'aco tnd Isabella tor alleged violation of the ens- .om laws : f.v , "Iteloaso the Spanish schooners 1'acojond , , biibella unless tprfelted'uudnr srtution 4Tr7 , andicleaso the ear o unless forfcitcd-imder" bectlon 4.'I77 revised MatiUes. Fishing hi thn vaters of the United ! States .does not entail he fbifeltuie of foreign vessels. " ' Ilouso Uuslncss. WASHIXOTON , June 4. A meeting of the chiilrmen ot the house committees was held n the speaker's room' this afternoon , to ar range the older in which public moasuics now on the house calendar should bo called ip for action. Over some discussion of the ncsent condition of the business of the louse , the meeting authoii/od the speaker to ippoint a sub-comuilttcn of MX others besides ninself to assemble next Tuesday night and arrange an order of business. Wonts to no Kvcuseil. WASHINGTON , June4. At a nicotine of .he democratic congressional committee Sen ator Kcnna asked to bulelieved ot the duties of picsldcnt , and expressed the wish that cx- Jongie.'sinan I'hil Thompson bo appointed issKtant secietary. THK Oia'JOM.VROAKINi : BILL. x Hopes' That It Will I'USH the Senate. Nnw YOUK , June 4. United States Sen ators tt'amer Miller and 3hcrman , of the senate committee on ngnculture , had a con- 'crcnco this evening with .suveial lopiesen- : ativi's of the Now York butter and cheese lade , who are interested In the oleomar garine bill. The bill comes before the senate on Monday. Swverat gentlemen ox- iircbsed the wish that it might be i el cried to ; ho committee op. ayrfeiiltuie instead of tlio llnance committee. Senator Miller promised : o try to accomplls'i ' this end , and added If ho failed , ho 'would do his utmost to obtain a favorable icpoit liom the finance committee , of which ho Is also a member. ScnatorMIIier stated that an etlort liad been made to influence the cattle breed ers against the bill on the alleged giound that Its passage would reduce the pi Ice of cattle S3 and 1 r > er head. Beef fat was not , IIOWOMT , used In the niunutactuio ot oleo- maigarlne. The senator Is saiignlni ) that the bill will bo passed by the senate nsltlms alteady been by the house. It is said to bo Uvoicd by Senators Moirlll , Hawley - ley , Cameion , Allison , Sawyer , Palmer , Five , Blair , Sowell. Cullom , Jones. Black- bin n nnd Sahln. It Is opposed by many bonthein members. Alurdnrod hy \Voumii. . CIIICAOO , ( Juno 4. The Dally News' Lltchlield , ill. , special says : A family qinr- rel between Mrs. Case Sffrphcnson and Mis. Aichlbald Strauss resulted this afternoon in minder. The two.womeu had a quant- 1 this mom Ing , when their husbands were absent. On Strauss' ictiiniiat noon bis wile Informed him that she had b6on Insulted by Mrs. Mephciison , Slrnustf'went ' across the street to the Stculunuon refldence and Innulrcd ot Mis. Stephunsoni for her husband. She ordered hiul ( off her pieml.ses , and then started 'Into ' her house , haying : "I'll ' shoot you.F StlKlng a hhotgun the woman emeiged fron" thu house just us Strauss reached the gato'oii ' fits return home. She ral&wt the wpaponjUi her shoulder and Hied , the contents of to * gnu finding lodge ment In StiaiissMiraIn | Bhe then went Into the house , remarking ? "J'vc killed him. " Tne woman was nirestpd nud is now In jail awaiting a preliminary ) tilal. It Is stated that the atlulr grow out ; ot jealousy on the iiait ot Mrs. Stophensoh , who suspected her husband of being on ( intimate terms with Strauss' wile. A teje-ram has been dis patched to Strauss' father , who lives in Itcynoldsbuigh , Ohio. ' Hnln In Texas. ( lAi.VKStoy , June 4. Up to inldnK'lit last uiglitthe News lecelvcd specials liom the In teilor showing that good rains had fallen last cveiliHg In eighteen counties. It has mined alpng tlie fc < u valley and a few good bhowerbaro reported wesPrrttjan Antonio. The rainfall covers an area of "about 400 square miles. . " Homo Kulo for Scotland. GLASGOW , June4 , The Highland reform league , at a meeting held here last nigh , adopted a resolution ; favoring home ride for Scotland aud Uioestabliehment of u bepaiate Scutch legislature. Dullness Kalliiret-- . NKW ; VOP.K , June 4. Total . -nuinber of business falhnia llnoajthout tliu , 'U ill tot States and Canada i isr. . . . ' . . PREDICTED RULE OF RUIN , Opinions of tlio New York Press on tlio K. of L. Situation. NEvV AND DESTRUCTIVE POLICY. Powdcrly Itcatnn by tlio Hot Ilcndu , Whoso McllioilH Arc Ijlkoly to Disrupt llio < ircat Labor Organization. Prophosylns the KnlRlitV Downfall. Nr.vvYoiiK , Juuo2. [ Spatial Telegram to he UiiKl Tlio Sun , this mornlnir , says : "So t seems that a , power snpuilor to Mr. Pow- lerly's is i Islng among the Knlslits of Labor. Ills Idea has been to keep the organization in larmonyllh the society of the day ; In itlicr words , to let It eiow np with the coun try. Hut now that he has been outvoted , an ittcmpt at conducting the order on a more nilleal plan may bo looked lor. What will > e the cfTcet of this new departure" Judging 'rum what wo have ahcady seen , It cannot 'all to bo disastrous. " The Tiibnno says : "It is the opinion of naiiy of the wisest members of the Knights of Labor that the election ot extremists and opponents of General Master Woikman Pow- Icrly to the executive committee sounds the death knell of the organization fiom which they had ho ped for great icMilts. I'lio most obvious effect of the election will be to Intensify the antagoitliiiu between the Knights of Labor and the tiudes unions , and the effect of these elections Is to destioy whatever was accomplished by the decision 'orbtddtng strikes or boycotts without the consent of the executive committee. It is ,1110 the force of this judicious decision lias been alteady lessened by the amendment conceding to district assemblies the power to ot for themselves In cases of cinerirpnoy. It s not difficult to see that cases ot cmoigoiicy will often nri.se , but with the executive com- iilttce In full control of tluxe who favor vlo- cut measuics there Is little loom to hope that the conduct of the oiKanl/ation will in this respect bo impioved. Mr. Powdeily's com- uentsnpnn the elections , \\lilch weie gi\en .o tlio piess on Wednesday night , do not in- lieato much confidence that his principles will ultimately piuvall. Theiiuestion now Is whether ho will consent to ictaln his position t the oiganlzatlon is to becontiolled by men lostllc to his piinciplcs. " The Times says : "Powdeily went to the onvcntlon confident of success In his but though he is not willin ; to admit It , it is ilatn that he has been ovei ruled and de bated by men whoso policy it Is to rule or iiiln. While the convention was In session disclosures were made which showed that ccitnln men inflicted with socialistic notions , who had founed what was known as the Homo Club in this city , weio Intent on over throwing the conservative's policy ot Pow- dcrly and controlling the older for their own aggrandisement. Notwithstanding the expos ure of their ehaiacter and their plans , they practically determined the final action of the Convention. Tim lestilt Is pen haps one that was to bo looked lor , but nevertheless It is one to be deplored. It only shows thjit the labor forces of this country me not in a condition to bo organized on a rational basis and con- luctcd with pitulence lor the attainment of legitimate ends. The etloit brings into ac tivity so much self-seeking ambition , and so inuityof the baser weaknesses nre tlio" Inevitable Tesult.s. Theconso - quettcV'ls that what 'is called an ot- ganl/.ation seems likely to fall Into tlio chaotic elements out ot which it wns oiigln- ally formed , and by its own internal conflicts , to destroy its power. When woikmen's 01- ganlzations become opposed to each other , ind divide within themselves , they cease to be a power. " The Woild say.s : "Powdeily seems to nave lost his command of the Knights of Labor. .lie is entiiely too uonseivative to suit the hot heads , and he has been practically howled out. So much the woise lor the Knights of Labor. " 1'owdcrly in Satisfied. PiiTsni'itd , June4. Inan interview on the i esiilt of tliu Cleveland convention tonight - night , Cenciul Master Woikman Powderly tated that e\crythlng ho asked was grunted. Said he : "We had no law to limit the indiscriminate use of the boycott , the entcilng into ot Ill-advUed strikes. Now we lm\c given to the executive committee or boaid the power to inteneno and ascertain the cause and effect ot tlie'-e ' moves befoio we sanction them. We icsone the power to strike and boycott because an instance may aiisc when both aio impeiativo , but they aio the last resorts and me subject to limitations. Thcio was no neces sity ol hiich strikes as the btu outbreak in the southwest. That was without the consent of the executive boaid , but thcie was no legislation to enable it to act. Whisky Steady. CHICAGO , Juno 4. The executive boaid ot the Westcin Kxpnit association held a ses sion heio to-day. The io olutlon adopted at the last meeting limiting tlio running capac ity to b5,000 , bushels per day was rescinded to-day. It was decided to call a meeting ot the limning bouses for Juno 17 , nt the ( Jiand Pacific hotel , to perfect the organi/atlon of tlio American piiichasing and leasing com pany , The capital block of 8t00,000 ! will bo divided out pro rata , aecoiding to the capltlty of each hon-e. Tno amount to bo operated lor the month of June Is tiS per cent of the business and an assessment of Scents per bushel on what is mashed. A resolution was adopted that in view ot the fact that the board ot manageis have to-day adopted a moaMiio which will make a continuance ot the pool eutliciy pos sible , that the sccictary ho diieetcd to notify all membois that prices must be maintained to the full htandaid , Anv cut liguies must bo Immediately abandoned. on' Pi ITMIUUU , June 4. The demands of COO biickmaUers of Allegheny county lor an ad vance of BO per cent | n wages , has been granted and n threatened Milko averted. Tlio strike ol the Westmorland county coal min ers lias been bioken and a ceneial iPMimp- lion is expected in a few clujs , The strike affected over two thousand men. A Political Cutthroat. Boo.viviu.i ; : , Jnd. , Juno 4. John S. ( ientiy , while under the Influence ot liquor , got Into an altercation with Dr. Ageo ycstri- day , nml cut the latter' rf tin oat. Agro died In live minutes. A political dinputo was thn cntiMi of the murder. Ageo is a biothcr ol the lieutenant governor ot Xetnaskn. Gold in .Missouri , LOUISIANA , Mo. , June 4. Gold has been discovered within n mile of this city on a tract of land belonging to .Samuel Kirn , A bample of the ere was .sent to the assay office nt Denver and u ceitllieate has been leturned showing its value to bo SS pei ton gold s7 , Murdornd hy IndluiiH. TUCSON , AjU. , Jnn 4. A rouiler has just airi\rd , from Vall's lanch , cast of Koit Lowe ) , with intellUeiico that the Indians killed Dr. Clinton Jl. Davis yesleiday alter- noon , Ho had gone out to that section fiom adtho. lie came tram Iowa with \\iluand lamily on aislt to his bi other.V. . C. Davis , ot Ynt nii , Theie were ci lit Indiana In the pirty. - . -r . _ A Hint 10 Arlhiii' . KKW Yoiuc , Juno J. President ArTinrr received n box from the White House con taining a piece of the wedding cnk-i- . Nelirusku nthcr. ' OMAHA , JUno . ' 5. Weather , tor 'Nebraska . .Cicnerally fad weithfr , neatly hUtl.ouary ' ' A BLOODY 1UOT. Oranccntcn Attnok Cnthollcs With 7'iitrtl ncsults. Hr.t.rAT , Juno 4. Orange workmen em ployed at Queen's Island ship yards to-day attacked the navvies employed by the harbor commlsslonets. nnd after overpowering them and beating them badly , drove them Into the water. It was with great dlfllcnlty that the Injured , exhausted and struggling navvies were rescued. The orangcmen made the as sault because tliu navvies. It was alleged , had previously attacked some loyalists for aspersing the homo rule movement. Intense excitement prevails among the local Catholics In consequence of the attack. The Orangemen nnmbeiod 0,000 and the navvies 100. A repetition of the hlstoilcnl ilotsls feared. Policemen , fully aimed , aio patrol- Inc thn city , and the military are held in leadincss In the bar racks. Tidily Catholics were Injuied and twelve wore tnUon to hospitals. The body of James Curran , one of the liavvies Mho was missing fora time , has been rei-ov- ered. Hevis the solo support of his widowed mothei. _ THIS Sl'OllTIMJ WOULD. Yesterday's HVOIUH on the Turf and Diamond. UuiatiToN HIIACH , June ! . For maidens , tlueeiuaiteisof amlle : Una Bwon , Change second , Tj phoon thltd. Time 1 : lo/ . For beaten horses , tlure-quaiteis of n mile : Maryland won , Santa Claus second , Soph- ratio third. Tlnio-llfiV. : Selling allowances , ono mile : Pope IA-O won , Montauk second. Utunswlcic thlid. Time 1:14. : Mile : Valley Foigo won , Aleck Anient second. Miss Daly third. Time 1:44K- : Handicap , one and one sixteenth miles : Vnlletwou , Windsall second , J. II. I ) , third. I.ATOXIA LATONIA , Ky.Jnno 4. The weather to-day was lovclv , tracK fair , atteudaiieii good. Mile : Hottentot won , Chill second , Kacer thlid. Time 1:18. : One and one-eighth miles : Lcanian won , WnuKesha bccoud , Kansas thlid. Time l.V.i. : Tniee-fouillis mile : Kovcngo won , Fe- doni second. Lead thlid. Time 1:20. : Dynamite , who aNo ran. fell on the tar tnin and was killed. The jockey was not seriously hint. hint.Fiveeighths mile : Jacobin won , Donuy- Inook second , Linda P.xyno thlid. Tlmo 1 : in. For three-year-olds , one and one-fourth miles : Masteipicco won , Uoa < 5 second , Lom- sllpper third. Time U:15. : The Itaoo liall Uocord. Ar PHILADELPHIA St. Louis . oioooooo o l Philadelphia . 0 0200000 O-'J Fhst base lilts St. Louis 5 , I'hiladelnhiaO. Kirois-St. Louis S , Pliiladelphia 5. Umpire Cm iv. AT Nitw YOIIK New York . t 0431001 0-10 KansasCitv. . 0 00100001 1 ! Pitchers Conwav and Welch. First base hits New Yoiki ) , Kansas City t > . Kitors New York 4 , Kansas City 4. Umpire Con nelly. AT UOSTOX JJoatoil . 0 02002000-1 Chicago . 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 1 x 10 Pitchers Day , liadbouin and Flymi. First base hits Boston 7 , Chicago 18. Knois Boston 7 , Chicago 10. Umulie Gallnoy. AT BAI.TIIUOISI : Baltimoio . 0 00000321 5 St. Louis . 0 3 1 1 3 1 0 1 1-13 "Pitx-heis Henderson and Carouthcrs. First base hits-BnlUmoio V , St. Louis 14. Kriors.JSaltlmoio . (5 ( , St. Louis 4. " Umpire- Kelly.- . Cincinnati. ! . 0 t , 7 Brooklyn0 0 0 0 o o o 8 4-l'J Pitchers' Mnllivne and llaiklns. First base hits' Cincinnati S. Diooklyn 14. Knurs Cincinnati a. Brooklyn 0. Umplte Brad ley. ley.AT.riULAIlJU.VniA Athletic . 'J 03100201 8 Pittsbuig . o a a 4 i : i a 2 x us Pitcheis Mathews nnd Calvin. First base hits Athletic 10 , Pittsbnrg 10. Errors Athletics 10 , Pittsbuig C. Umpire ( junl- son. son.AT Nr.w YOKK Metiopolltan. . . . 'i 3 Louisville . o o l o 0 i a x 7 Pitehcis Mays and Itainsey. Fust base hits Metiopolitaii ! ! , Louisville 7. Knois Metiopolitan 0 , Louisville C. Umplic Qninn. _ _ Friday Cholera. Lr.nAXo.v , Tenn. , June 4. Jim Baxter ( coloied ) , was l-anged at HiJ : ! this morning , toi the minder of Mrs. Lane , an old lady , tlio 5th of last September. Baxter , accompanied by another man , demanded money ot Mrs. Lane , who said she had none. Baxter then pushed Her over and dealt her a blow with a a rock winch subsequently killed her. The accomplice made a confession. WiNcnisni : : : , Va. , June 4. West Honesty nnd i'abby Banks wcio Imnged nt ( > : ' . this mottling lor the munlerof Joseph McCaul. eighteen yoaifl old , on the night ot November 14 , 1HS-1. Dining a huge dfinoeiatic pioees- slon the pilsoncis walked thiongli the stiects making threats that they would crack the skull ot some demociiif beloiu inoinlng. They met MeCiaul altlie month ot an alloy. Oneol them stincic linn on the headwllha rock 01 some other weapon. Mc- ( iaul , who del ended himself as best he could with u light cane , got away and went to Ills boarding house , wlieiu ho was iound dead next morning. Nr.w OKI.KA.NS Juno 4. A special from OpuloiiMix , La. , to the Tlmes-Demociat says : Alfred Taylor , ( eoloicd ) , aged 21 , was hanged heic this altei noon lor assaulting a white- woman In Febmary last , lie ( un tested lils innocence to the last. At 10tl : ; a. m , , thn blackcap was placed on his head , and his exclamation. "Oh , Loul. have meicv , " was inteiinpied by the tailing of thotiap. He fell lx feet and hltt neck was bioken , death being almost Instantaneous. Inside of liltcon minutes the body was cut down and tinned over to his trlemts tor In terment. \Yitli Ills Jlothcr-ln-lnxv. ivos Neb. , June -James toi- ! don , n Inimci llvlni'iin-ir town , has elojied wlttihis matlinivln law , taking all imitablu stock and household goods and leaving Ills wife ne.ulv ileititutc. 'flic latter appears to bo glad of tlio liddanco , as both abused her .shamefully. Them Is no anxiety to captmo the inmvways. THE LAND ORDER REVERSED. Commissioner Sparks nnd the Sccrotiry Ro- vcrso Their Kecont Ruling. L THE CHANGE CAUSED BY A HOWL. Jlcprcaontattvo Purvey nnd Oilier AVcstern CoiiBrcn iiiim liuliRiinnt nt tliu Issuance ol * the Mnmlnto and Carry The If Point. The Onlor Hnrokcit. WASHINOTON , June 1. A rlrculnr Issued from the department of the general land ofllco to-day , signed by the commissioner nnd approved by the seeietaiy of the Interior , r j- voltes the nnler Issued to rejfistius and re- eels era on Juno ' . ! , directing them to rcoclvo no filings or new applications lor entries under the pre-emption , timber enltunt or deceit claim laws until August 1 , IS1 , theio being a question as to thn locality of the older. The older was Issued owing to tliu unusual mimbcr of entries being nudeIn anticipation ot a repeal of the laws. ( ioiti for hjinrkH. WASHINGTON , .luno 4. [ Spi-clul Telegram to the Hni.J : Tliu weste'in anil noith western members and senators are \oiy Indignato o\cr the Issuance of the following order : "To registers and lecelvers : The inpealof tlin uio-iMiiptlon , timber culture and desert hind laws , being now the subject of consid eration by confess , ; \ll applications to enter lauds undnrMild hiw mo nerebv suspended liom and after this ditto. until the 1st day of August , ltN , ami you are dlieeted to lecclvu no filings or now applications for entry under said laws ditrtn- ' said timo. Wvt. J. Si'AiiKS , Commissioner. " Keprcsontatlvo Dorsoy lim : prepaid ! n resolution elution of Inquiry to Intioduco Into tlui liousc to-day , asking by what authority a bureau olllcor of the Government could sus pend and annul the laws of the United States. After consultation with Secretary Lamarthis nioining , Mr. Dorsoy was told that the secrctaiy had under consideration , and would decide to-day whether or not he would revoke the ouler of Mr. Sparks. Unless ho does so , a resolution will be In- liodueed In both houses of cnngiess on the leasons demanded. Tliuio Is but one opin ion In rcleicueu to ( no older , and that Is that it Is simply infamous ami outiiigcous , trans cending the power of even tlio piosldcnt. The Nebtaska delegation in congtess Is unanimous qn tnls opinion. MAXWKMj ilUllY OUT. No Verdict Arrived at ni Yet A l > ls- agreement Proliaulc. ST. Louis , June 4. At ! ' : : ; o to-night Clo ver concluded the closing .spoeeli foi the Mate In the Maxwell case and a few minute later the juiy retired. At 11:15 : p. m. Judge Van Wagoner sent a deputy" sheriff to the v jury room , to asceitaln If the jury had airioed1 upon n vet diet. On thoicturn ot the deputy ho whtspeied a few words to the judge , wlieranpon the latter adjourned court- until to-mouow morning. The fact that ; the jury wore out nearly two horns without finding a veidiet leads many to believe tliatrthey will fall to agree. The DrsfrueUvo FJnmoa. PiTTsiiuno. .Juno 4. A conflagration is raging at Scottdnlo , 1'a. , that threatens tlo : dcstiuctlon of the whole town. The build ings aio mostly frame and the flumes aie spicadlng in all directions. Aid has been trlcginphed torfiom this city and -engines will bo dispatched at once. Intense. oxcitp- inent pievalls and all ofloii.s" to tituy the flames have so far been fruitless. A Slouv City ICntorprUe. Sioux CITV , la. . Juno 4. [ Special Tele gram to thn BII : : . ] Ills probable that another extensive packing house will bo established here dining the piescnt season. The line in the Missouri liver since yesleiday morning lias been about tour toot , Thaypi- County News. Hr.i.HON , Nub. , Juno ! ! . - [ Correspond ence of the Br.i : . ] ( Jonorul John M. Tliayer addressed the G. A. 11. post at this jlnuo ) last niilit. { Addresses wcro nlso inndo by Colonel E. M. Cowiill nnd Ciitiin ] ) : J. II. Stickel. A largo iitulienco trreeled the sKonki'r/i. / 'J'hero is every indication for : i good croii thiongli this seetion. Tlie school census of Tlmyor cn'tinty shows 2,011 innlu , uiiil , ! ) ( foinnle Hohool children , : i pain of ! )11 ) .sincu last ycnr. A iHihtolheo IniB been established : it Sloddurd. An fuU'hinri well will soon bo sunk at Carloton. Tin ! niiKtli-ilruudcd ho dlscuse is fast Scarlet fovnr has broken out In this pliico. The Hock Island prospects still keep strong. The now town of Oldowti is having iv largo him ! boom. liroviliuH. A new paper , the Colored Adroe.atc , will FOOII bo started in Oinului by JMr. J. C. llubbiird. A now furry car train from Council llhill's to this ijilv lia.s buon jmt on Ihis week , .starting from the Uliilln at 7.05 o'clock a. in. It brings in the wagons of gardeners , llorists anil fruit growurs m tin d aronnil Council HlnlTs to this oily , nnd is known us the "inarkel train. " C. 1) . Kolloy. of North Platto. luis been . , sold on fen .years tm < > Loiter l-.ils , of North Pintle , will ns Lst Mr. Kelley In HID Mtlu of this land. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ta. prepared from Barsnparllla , Dandelion , Is Ilin best blood purifier before thn puMli * . Maiidr.ikc , Dock , ) 'ii."U | r\va , , liinlcr | Her- It eradicates every humility , and cures Scrof rics , and other will-known and \alualilo vcge- ula , Halt Klieiun , Holly , l'niilcs | | , all llumorx , t.iblo rciiKMllea. Tlie comliliutlon , projinrtfun ) ) . ] ! , lllliniisiiCHS , Hlc ) ; Headache , liull- and reparation arc peculiar to Hood's Sania- Ccctlon , Ocncnil Debility. Oatarrli , Jthcumt- : parllla , phlng It rurativo powi-r not possc 8Ct llsm , Kliltiey and l.lvci Oiini'lalJits. ' It over by other medicine ? . It effects remarkable comes that cxticino tired feeling , and builds cutfs where others fail , uji the .system. " [ cimilJcr llooil's K.irsaiarllla | the bopt " Hood H.irf > np.irllla was a ( Jod-prml to me , nicOlchio Ie > orused. It uhc.s mnaiiaiipclltu for It cured me of ilyriicpsla un < t liver com- and refreshing sirup , and Kccj.s tlm voM out. " pl.ilnt with which 1 h.iil snIVi.ieil i'O jc.tra. " J.8. 1'oao , IDG Sjittico titrud , 1'ottl.iiiJ , Me. J. It. lliuiNur.cK , Kouth r.iil.iburi ; , X V. the Blood " When I Sought Hood's Barsap.irilla I marie " Hood's S.irsap.irllla talics less time and a good Investment of one dullar In medicine 'liiatitilytofhou It ! ) iffcc tllu.n any oilier prep for tlio first th'io. It lias < lrhcu oft rlieuma- aration. " tins. C. A. IlumuiiD.N. Chill , N.Y. UMII and Improved my appctlto o much that " Jly wlfri had vciy poor health for a Ions my lioartlhig mlstrosj siyn : I nm t K < ( [ i It time , mftcrhi fiom hidl Ci > tloii , poor apro- locked up or hn will bo obliged tu raise my tlte , nml consliint lic.idaclie. Hhe tried cveiy- board with c\cry otlicr bo.inler that takes Ihliii ; no could bear of , but found no relief tilt Hood's Harnaparlllx" TnyitAS Iuuuu. ) : , she tiled Jiooil'ii Harsaiiarlll.i. Hho H nmr M Tlllaiy Street , IlrooUjn. N. Y. taKIni ; tbotblnt bottle , aud nevcr _ felt belter " I find Hood's Karsaparlll.Vlhuhrst remedy Iu her life. AVe feel It our duty to rccinumci.d * < Jinj.ure blood IVvct used. " M , II. BA.VI rn , It toocry ono \\u Know. " I.OU K Sotei ticket agCr.trr fr It. 1W. . Uound Urook , N. J. VII.I.K , Mutolaml , Coal ; County , III. Hood's Sarssparilla Hood's Sarcaparilla Sold \j \ U druenUU. H ; tlx Jur fi. P.JS'liy kit ilrnrtlil ; > . f ll li fur fii 1'tcparrd \ff \ C. 1. 1IUUU * CO. , Ai jllKoarln. Lonrll , \i \ ] II. 1.11001) J. < ; O. , > jiotl.rc.-ul < , l.oyi-iri.VM. ' ' ' "IOO , Dosou One Dollar . too Dos's Ono Dollar