THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 4 , 1880. SPEOAL _ NOTICES. .A0vcrll rmcntg under iliU lie d , 10 cents per line fortho flr t Insertion , 7 contR for cnoh sub- ncqiinnt 'D crt'on. nml tlJfl n line per montli. No ndiortlscrcont tikon fcr IMS tlinn 25 cent * fortho nrst Imtrt on. Seven words will bo rotinlcMl to tlio line : they must run eomecu- tlvolr and must be pnlil In nilvnno' . All mlvtr * tlsomcnts mti tl , > o Imndrd In bnforo 2 o'clock P. ni. , nmliimUr no clrciitmtnnciM trill tbt-ybo taken nnllsfon Initcd by Iclcpliono. I'nrll'-s whcrtl lijj In tlio u co'.umni find hiv- liiir tbo nnttron n-'drowil In care of TUB HKK , Will tiloato n > k for n check tooniiblo tliotn to ( rot their letter * ) ns rene will bn dflirartxl except on presentation of check. All nn'wors to atl- \ortlM-tnonl * . sliouM bo onclotnil In envelope * . OXiV : TO LOAN' On ronlc < itnlo ( ) lb on. M lnron ft Co. , Homn n , Wlthnoll Illock. Us T < LOAN Atlower rnt-3ithniinny. MONKV where eloo In thoclty.onf nrnltiiroplnnos organs , horse * . \rn nns. or stock of nny kind. Itomemher , fit lower rntes than nny other loan company in the rlty. City Ixinn k Mnrtrnno Co. . room 1. % 11011'nrniiin st , opposlts Pitxton holel. 097 1II IJ Omiilm flnnnrlnl exchnnifo M propnrcil to innkn loiins In nny ninoiint , on nny kind of npproved Feourlty. I.nrirn collnternl ( onus a upoelaliy , Alco on chnttols nnd real rslnto In ninoiiiits nnd time to suit. Ixiwcr rate * , hotter terms , nnd prompter service tlmn nny lonn nironpy In the elty. Kor further particulars call oltlco on the second floor of the llnrker Illock , notithwcst corner of Knrtiam and l&th Mrrots. 875 MONKY to loan on rc ldonco nnd buMnen * property. lowest rnteg. C. J. Caswr-ll ft Co. ; llooin IBIron Dank llulldlnff , U'th nnd Far- ' natii. | P3) ) MONKY to lonn by the undorsliriiml , who has the only properly orRiinlzod lonn aponcy In Oranlia. lKnns of f 10 to $1,000 mndo on fur niture , plnno * . orirans , horses , wagon * , machin ery , Ao , without removal. No dolnj-5. All h'u lncss strictly conllduntlnl. I/inns so tnado that nny pnrt can bo pnlil nt any time , rnclipny- mcnt rcduclnn the co t pro ratn. Ailvnncos tnndeon flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons idioulil enrefully consider who thnynredenllnfr with , ns ninny new conceins nro dally eomlnir Into existence. Should you need monov. call nnd see mo. W. IL Croft , llooin 4 , Wlthnell K , inth and } - . Gl'UH CKNT money to lonn. Cut rntoi on Inrao Innns. Mnhoncr & Unrris , Itonui 11 , l.W ) l-'nrimin Bt. Ell t ! ! ONI'.Y TO LOAN nt ronRonnhln rno on horto.i , Itirmturo , watchr ? nud ether per- oiml propnrty. r. .1. Ciiswi-ll. Iloom ID. Iron Ilnnk building , 12th nnd Kurmim. Take clovntur. 701 , lonu on city residence nronorty $1AOeooto Oco. W.llny. 14tn Fnrnain. SBJ PKIt CKNT MOUIIV to lonn. Slownrt Ic Co. , O llooin : ] . Iron bnnk , l-'lli iiudFnrniun. C21 , to lonn. Sum' fu/n nnd upwnnK $ lowest rntos. Ilcnils , 1'tli ami Dongliio sta. | rcu TO T.OAN 0.1' . Trivia & Co. lloal M ButaU end Loan agents , 1005 Farnnm St. MONKV TO 1JJAN On good securities. A McGavock. room Tltodlck Illock , IMS Fnrnam Bt 2 i M PONiv : TO I.OAN-OH real estate nnd olu tola D. L. Thomas. 20J MONKY 10 I.OAN-In aiims of $ 0nndiiiiv wards on first-class ronl cstnto security. rotter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam Bt 201 M ONKY I.OANKU nt C. F. Heed * Co's. loitn j--L ofllco , on furniture , horses - - , pianos , , wagons perBonnl property of nil kinds nnd nil ether nr- llcloaof value , without romovnl. H19 S. inth , over IlluRhnui's rommfssion store. AH bus- ness etrlctlr confldontnL 2W BUSIKE33 CHAITCES. FOlt SAf.K OroxchnnKO for cltj properly. , a good fc ( > d stoto In a good Htnml with a llrst-clRss trade. N. W. Merrill , 317 3. 14th st. 429 5 * _ rOK SAl.K Sovcral stocks of goods , ( Ionian healthy business , o norshlp clenr , sntli- faction uuniiinleod ; terms onsy. some Omaha iiropcrty tnkon in exchange.Marshall & Lo- licck.1511 Fnrmim Kt. 412 OU SAl.K Or Trade Hetnll oil nnd gnso- line biiflness In Omaha : thrco tennis nnd wagons. Hu > iiiie'spiivlng30)prollt ) a month. c Jock dnmcrlO , Omahn , > , 'eb. 43/I-4 * OK SAI.l-IIalr iitorost In n lnck line con- Klstlngof 2new cnrrliigos ami 1 coupo. A good ehnnco lor n man with small capital. Ad- ( F.Vi. llooonico. 392-4 * _ Olt SAI.K-At u bargain A first-class res- taiirantdolnganrit-clrss business : having Ml FtonOy lionrilcrs , Bleeping npnrtments for2i propio ; good lonson * for Bolllnif. Terms onsy. Address F 5" . HcoOnicc. 221-3 * "Ol'SIN'F.SS ' "CIIANCK A line hull nupplicd JJ with tlit' llnest spirits of phomonti verlnvito nnd nil the accompanying drinks nnd nmiiso- molitsbclonglngton Mrst-clnpsplncooftho kind , locile : < l nn one of Iho bo t biiHlm-ss streets In Omiilm. The ownermilst cell tin other business call * him away. The plnco must bo closed out nt once. For particulars call nt room No. 0 over Coiiiiiicrclnl National Hunk. D. S. Moore. H2S mo KIIAN ( > K-(5WO ( In oholco Nebrnskn X lands to evchango for Jlko amount of gon- 01 nl merchnndlsc , or will nxchniign for stock of $10.000 nnd pay dliroirnco in caph. With full piutlctilar.sol' stock nnd for description of land , nildi ess II. Clmiiiborlln. Aropnhoo-N'ob. 71t-'J3 BUHINKSS tiIA3fGK-A ; man n nny live town can do a piotltablo business In our goods nlono , or In connection with furniture or nuy class ol house-fiirnlAhing goods or groo- cries : small ciipltnl and largo prollm. Tor par ticulars address "MnnufiiCturor , " 01 Summer ft reel . llostqti. Mii'K. _ MS-JO * FOK SAl.K In first-class location , grocery Mock nml fixtures : small capital l rnni rent low. Inqulrii nt drug Btoro , 10th nnd Douglns. _ FOHKXOIIANnB Stocks of goods of every kind , for farms nnd land ; nlso lands to ox- chnugo for goods. If you wnnt to matter wlmt It m you bavo , write , with full do- pcrlitliii. | to C. E. Mnyno. rcnl estate broker , Omaha Neb. - 26H ' I.OST ] _ 3 OST A dark rod cow on MnySlst ; tops J ol horns pointing ( 'own to ( ho oyos. Is a good milker. Anyone glvlmr Inforinatfnn will rccolvo n reward. John Dougherty , near Has- liell's I'nrk. 1 4iut : * TOSTA Indies' gold watch , wltfi short chain jpllaelieil ; Komcwhcrn betwenn thn cemnto- ryand rlty. The Under will lie liberally ro- wanted liv.lonvlnir Fame at each ilesk , nt S. P , Morse .V Co's. U4'l3 * IJlST A large roil morocco iHicKotboo'lc lie J twei'il P.O. nud U. P. depot I'lmlcr will ho llboi ullv rnwnnlrd by Icnvlng KIIIIIO at thn book store , 117 S , IBtli 6t. 414-3 * IOST-OII Monday. Miiy niot , betwi-en j Flornnco and Oinahn , n pncViivn onnttiliiluif n coat , uthawl and other nrtlclcs. 1'liiilorKiilt- nbly loniirdod bv H-nv uiiHiiiiio nt Willlnm ( ! un- tlcnnui'rt stoic , ICtli uud Cuss. 4I.VU * STItAYKIt-Oiio bay iiiiiro. blnok tniino nml lull , spavin on both hind ! < > ( , uml u cla t- nut'roloriHl 1 yfiir old < -ot. ) Klnilor lll rpliirn tiiJI.T. Murphy. Contractor uud HuUilor. 15H Noitli'jnth nud ( irnro st. 4:11 : STIIAYUD A biivionywhllorlirhtlilmlfcoT ; , - Vi'iluni to irumlllnii llros. , r/Jl 1'on cton nvo. , uud ri'cclvo roward. rni-l * rOUND. rpAKKN UP-By the ftiilitorlher. on his on J. closed lauds In Snrntogn Precinct. Duugliu county , Nebriiekn , on the mil day of May , IhJW , n dark rod cow about 7 > ours old. J. D. Hustln. ' 1H27J3 10-17-24 , KKSO v * . : > To puroons who wish to build a nnD In Orchard Hill , I will sell lots upon ptjraont of the nominal sum of ton dollars and liiUiieo HI thu cud of live years , interest at 8 per rent , pajablo seml-iuiuuully. This 1 the best otfcr over made to nnr hoine-sookor in this city , fall and see me. C. E. JInyne , 3. W. cor. ] 5tband Fuiiinin , 2CT 1"Klts6NAU Neat and tasty nil-wool bus ) . ness suits for only $7.00. All sires. Mall orders tilled. U O , Jones & Co. , 130 ! ) Farnam. ' BOAXDIVO. WANTKD-SIx quiet Kont'omun boai-dcrs by the wuck , $3 50j day board ja. 1103 N. 17th St. 421-0 * FOK IUNT : Hoomuud boaiafor two. IfllJ Ciipltoliue l < 2 t rroposul x\ll | ho roccivta by the umlcrs giifil until d p. m. Saturliiv. June &th , l&v ) , lur the Ice cream , t.oaauturaiiJ . or tojjctUor. la tlieKxiiosliloii IltilMliiif.ilurinir tliu Junu musi cal fc4llv l. Not 'co Is hereby that thu only olllcui ) Imll iircyiniuuic. the only ono that will iKtdUtilbutotl In tbo Imll diiriujf thu cutcrtulii- menu , will bo the onlv regular four-i > ugo pio- t-rumme. published umier Iho direction of Iho nMoolatloii. Max Jleycr , 1'neUcnt. Oinaba , M y.aist. isni. _ _ SEALED bids will bo received at thu olllco of i. th South Omaha Lund Syndicate until Juno . 8th. lew. at 0 o clock p. m. , for thu grading of 22too yard * of earth , more or Jn , on streets In bouth Omaha. Profiles cnu be t-uvn at thobyn- cllcatooulCB.MlJlurd Hotel Illock. The right to reject uny and nil bld 4s rexirvrU il. A. UPTON , Mbnngci\ MOTICF.-ToKenl KUto Dealer- ! hereby i > wlthdiaw th following property ll ted with you : lionso nnd lot , titock 2 , lot ll.Idlc- wlliljuW. JJ. M. Koton. BUS. 13th it. .170-4 $ .1,000 oish will bo given to parties who creot n 100 room brick hotel In the best growing city In Nobrnikn. If you tncim business Ad- ( lrc s t'carff * Jtitier , Grand Island , NOD. P.O. Box FF- .TG-1 _ ] ) AKTIiH having rooms cither furnished or t n urnl .hoil , or houses they wl h to rent , will find It to their IntcrcU to call nt Hiotn Hcntlng Agenci. Hoom 15 , 1101 Fnrnam ft , op- ro.ltoPnxton Hotel. _ 417-n TOIlAGr.-Westrrn Trmnfor .t Storage Co. , corner Hill nnd Nichols st , nro prepared to rccolvo and store nil kinks of houtohold goods etc. _ SJ3 Foil KKNT A ctoro on a good retail street Apply tlio Omaha Heal Kstato and Lonn Co. _ _ _ _ ' _ 107 _ niHOTTiNO Strriflotr.Jnck Shcp'pnrd , Jr. , win JL mnko the Fen o tiof 1834 lit Om.ibn Fill- GroiltuK blandslHU haii'll high , weighs 12S- bs. : is the largo jt ami liiiinHotnoit Itambloton Inn In the we < t. Ilrced the < uuno as Director 2:17 : : Phnllng.iiHSU , and Jay-Eyo-See. 2:10. : Cnlr nnd see him and hi ? Moo k. Trins , $25 the son. " > son. Adam Thompson1 515-JD FOK UI'.NT Squnro Piano $3 monthly. A Hoipc. 1513 Douglas. _ 272 T710K KKNT Simro | Plano7l monthly. A JJ JIiSio ( | , 1513 Dougla * . 23 Foil KKNT Organs , $3 per montli. ilospo , 1513 Douglas. 274 BAI.E-KISCEII.AUEOUB. THOU 8ALK A Sttrry , Simpson's mnko ! peed JJ nil now , ntA. J Simpson's. 2uO SALIC Pony uud curt olioup. Harry Full , Wulmili ollko. 300-IV SACK Cheap , Iron columns nnd win dow cnps s'ultablo for front on brick build- Ing. Fbr paf lloulnrA apply at this olllco. ei.i Foil SAl.K A oir load No. 1 fresh milch cows. Call nt 3jth and Grant sts. or lo- ) Vino's pnsture. 202-.T * _ " ffltHAliK OrtradQ for city lots , a spun of black driving horses , suitable for family carriage 1 911111. Apply rooms , Iron Hankbulld'g. _ _ JKJ7 F IOKSAl.K.-Mllchoows at lloo's VanK 3rd nnd Walnut sts. _ g.'O _ FOK SAl.K 2,1 yuar louse on section good land , 7 miles southeast of Atkinson and 4 miles southwest of Kmmct. Hull county. Nob. Hental only $ P * per jenr. Hatchor. Uadd&Co. , r.MO Douglas street , Mlllard hotel block , Onialin , x. b , _ ; _ MI FOK SAT.F. Hcd-room sot , good as now , at a bnrgaln. Apply 810 Whcaton st 381 'p.ll 1 IN IJI' Ono sorrel ninrn. bllim In Ictt J eve , 8 years old. W. II. Gould , South Oninhn Water Woiks. 4U7 _ _ FOItSAI.i : Clieap , flno top buggy. A. Hoipo , _ jr.lll Douglas. J _ MO-JIO "oil SAl.H-Ono car 3 nnd 4 yenr old heifers F nn I cnlvos : ono car choice fres k mlloh cows. J. G. Hall , ( llbbnn. Noli. 42.VJ * ip ) K SAl.K Hiding nml driving horses , nlso 1 ponies , driving oik , black boar , lumber wiigons , etc. John Mitchell , 18th street , nbovo Nlcnoliis , on circus ground. 326-3 * : Squnro piano , $50 , monthly pay ments. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. 21 FOK SAl.K Match teams and linrw of nl klmls to suit cuotomort at Star Sale Stuhloa , SOth and Cumlng. M. Cannon , Prop. 270 WANTED-rEMALE HELP. V 7AXTii : > First-clnsi help to jiolih TT by hand nt tlio Hnmo Stenni imuudryMO Dmadwny , Council lllulfri , In. Apply nt ouco ; must bo tiblo to do Quo work : ( rood u-nirca imld. . ' iliM YITANTIJIl S cliambeniinlds : it 912 Doitclus gt. 44:1 : WANTKD A uirl to i-oolc , wash nud Iron ; wages $5. Apply Mrs. George E. I'r.tchott , 208 South Ibtll st 43.-4 * W ANTKD Two jjlrls lor kltehouwork ; wupos $15 per montli. 1617 Howard st. 419-3' WA ? TTii : ( lood TdTTtTiraiiTcr nt Mrs. Hoj- ( % ueo Mips Long , N. W. cor. ol Davenport and inth , HooiiisltlnilU. IM7-3' WANTKII-8 cooKs. Apply to Mrs. N.rrris' llcstnnrnnt , 101 S. Ifith * tt between Dodge nn.l DoiiRlas. Coinu prepared to stny. 428-5 "IJIT'ANTKU Immediately , ono ioo < l dluliiff T > room girl , one kitchen Kill , uho uic willlus to work : no others nt-od npply. Pnciflc Hostnu- runt , luii : Hurnoy street. 412-U * "ITTANTKH ATOiiiWIiulyrtYoiiliIf Ilkn to BO TT to the Fort to tnko euro or clilldren nnd as sist with sowing Address G 5 Heo olllce. 441-5 * VlTANTKIJ Good jflrl , compeloilt to cook TT nnd do Bcnornl hou anork. Apply 20111 Douglas street , 0110 door west of GnlliiKhor's houso. 4.19-5 * W ANTKIl A Kill for general housework nt 701 S. ISth street. . 445-a * WWANTKD WANTKD First-class cook nnd hotisckeopnr for farm work in the country. Elderly woinun , u man cook , or man und wlfo. with llr-it-class recommendations. Steady year work. Address F71. lleo olllco. 403 WANTKD Girl for general housework ; small family. Sowatti Et , sixth bouse westofKlng. Mis. Wright 40M * riT'ANTKD Shirt ImndsforFtoam power ma- V > chines tit Omaha Shirt Factory. 3.11-4 WANTKH Acompotent girl In small fam ily. 2 " . ' 4 Wcb torst. 3US-3 * . - , . . . 1543 North 10th St. . - . . = . J. M. CouiHnmn. 37" ANTIiU-A coiviiiK tfhl. 613 South I4th. yfti 4 * WANTKD i\ dlnliirnoiu ulrl nt Planters House , corner Dud o und IGth. ; > ' . ' 4- > % \-\rANTKiI.FIr t-"ctuM lutlndrcss. 710 South 14th stJBOOd WIIKCS. ; S4' vifAXTi : ! ) Gnl for Kouornl liousoirork at 1517 llnruoy. ' : ia9-4 ANTKO-A trli-1. CSS Park avvnucl ilt l-D "VY/AM'Kli ( Jlil nt Iowa house , 110 S I3lh St. ; T T reel ( plhco uud good wages , 347-1 * WANTKD-At Now Vork rcslauinnr. 711 N ICth bt , 1 dUhwi eher and 1 1 suoond cook. 3HI-3- WAMTKII Girl to work In privuto bontillnv. IIOUBU. f.17 s. 1-'tii. au-i ; WANTii : > Immediately , n good gM\ \ must lui a KomU'ooK , wasliur nu 1 honor. Mrs Dr. Collman , N. W. cor. SOtli and St. Mury's nvo yw-a : ANTliD-Kxpdrlencodslilit linndH. Apply Omnlm Sblrt Fuclory. 'MiN. 10th at. . * > W WANTii ; ) Holpcron tuo cream , N. F. cor. lltli and Ciipllbl. . gj'-Ul * : tlrl at the ISinmet houso. aw VXTANTKU Second clrL PO'J Piirk nvcuuo. T CV1-5- ir.VNTKI ) A Kirl for general housowoik , > 1415 Howard t. - . 2I \\7ANTKD-A Blrl tor gcuornl housework nt 2liM Sowiml st. V65 WANTin-I : > .utrr cook nt Windsor Hotel. ' . : uv ; WANTTID-Two ( food Rlrls , ono to cook , ii9li nnd lion , thu otbor to do second work , lull Wobatur. 947 WANTHU A good ilrossmukor at once. Cor. JOrh and Dodge st . UOl WANTKU-Iu a fnmlly ot thrco. thoroughly competent Qeriuun gill lor general housctvoik ; must liinilsti rerurcnccs. Ai'ply ' at Cochran llros. ' real citato ollico , 1VJJ lainam street. 7tu WANTBD-MAI.E HELP. WANTKD-Fiftcon carpenters to work on feeding barn nt Ames. Dodge Co. , Neb. For InforiiiHtloti apply to tihatv & Field , 26th and lliirnoy sts. 4J7-5 * WANTKI * Hoy. nt once. Western Nowspa. per Union , 12tb and llowaid. 410-U \\7ANTKH A rednod young Koutlcmun , TT stiamfcr , desires room und board with homo coin fin ts uith private fMinlly , whortitliLTO nro jcnnp people ; within walking dUlunce of Mlllniil : lotoiciicos oxchun ed ; etato ti'rnu. Addiess G 2 , lleuoltlce. 410-3' WANTKIllrooinmiJ" > fs. Omaha llrootn Woj'js , i'll-6 * \\7ANTiu-Pertnor : with KO ) Inostnbllshod T > ouslnctlpayiiiKS O ) montblr protlu. No competition. Investigate. Address Q 4 , lloa oHicu. 411-0' \\7ANTKI-Klr t-clau barber. Wages $12 u V ) week. C. 41. llybura , fulnnouul. Nob. " \\7".VJ 'THI > Uookkeopor and correspondent T > ( must write well ) who has $2,500 cash that ho could loan bis omployera at 8 percent. Salary nbuut t'4 ir inoiitu until tint pi the year , anil $1,000 for nest j our. HU help and money both wanted at ouua. An option will l" > Blveji to turn loan Into ntilco little Investmout If < l - lted. Wunt party to leurn our busluo a and tbo work and stay with us permanently. Wrltousjfhlng refrienrei , experience and Ac. , and if place open \illl wlro you , when you can came pre pared to close contract and go to work If eutif factory : Addio9 Natloosl KxcUnnuo Co. , AKVIHS , Hes Moiuts , lowa , a 3-t - Y17A JTTEI > Oi rponter , I wl h to trade -Innd T fornhouso , Inqulront 8. E.eor. Swnrd and 28th sU _ ffij > t * \VANTKli A jrotinir m n to make hlinsrlt ' u ef til In n store More , one wlthmeclmnt- cnl Ideas preferred. AddruJS V CO , Bee o'len. ' M _ _ VirANTJ'.I ) Thro dtCRdy , nncrgotlo moti to ' soil Hcltpso good * . OooJ WIIITM to the right men , Apply to A. J. Wood , HMl > odfrosU 447-4 ' \VANTKI > Laborers for rnllrond work , ' ' Rni'lcrs nnd truck-larors. K. 3. Albrllht , Labor < \gnticv.l3oS Fnmnrai 100 EITOA.TIOH WAITTIJD. "V\7"ANTKU Mnn nnd wlfo seek employment , rr.nn to cat o for horses , oto. , lfo to do lioiifowork , town ircoiintrj'fnrtn oroUicrnlso. Address " (1,0 , " Beooniuo. 4W-6 * _ WANTii : > A sltuntlon in private fnmlly to tnkocnto of liorsos or cio prnornl worK. lloforuncosirlvcn. Address K 69 , lice 'o 111 co. 57041 * _ _ _ _ \ yANTl'.IA position by a yoilnjf mnn tolwi thoroughly unilerxtiinrtftbonkkruitltiff find has hiulosptrJouco. Address V TO , Iloo otlfco. 8EO-3' _ WANTKtl ttjr n lidjr , ft pnf'tlon n coulilo- entry bookkeeper nnd pran-iucn'ov Ho- Irrciuoiglvbii. Address K liJJ. ) I' St. , Lincoln , Neb. ! Ml-l \\'ANTKi 8itiihUoii by vompototu iiruit- ' * Hist often JroarV oxporlonoo who Is rc l - tcri'd In lown liy examination , or vouM buy nil Interest In n paving store. Addrais ( ! . K * II , K < North lCtli t.Onmhn. Nob. nJ-.1 \ \ 7ANTIlllyoTM | < rln"od Kmtcru tcncher. prAdmito of Icudliu normal In I'unng- ! vntiln. A ] ) O llloii iKtunuher In irrmlt-il school ; * eood reference. * . AddrussA. 0. niililwln''Rv ' < ms- > ton , Wyoming. _ ,4AM * WANTKD A situation ns dlnlntr-rooiii iflrl In llrst-cbss hotel. I' , It. , Ilountnt , Neb. ' WANTii > ja woman , a situation ns nousoVoppcr , Cell at No. 319 N. tlth St. - W ANTint dmnlt 'work shop with Btoam power ! state terms. ( } 0 Dee otllco. 41fXi * WANTKIl This week , ntow pel soni to In- Htruct In beok'kcoplnir. Can piiy lor cmo- hnlfoutot tli-st inontli'H wnifos. Uooinn , Hush- man building' , letn and Douglas. J. li. Smith. WANTI : To liny a sceond-hnnd online find boiler , foitr-liorse po wor. U. Mayne.ljth mid F.imatii. _ WANTKD Short-iinnd work of nil kinds by J. . Hnynos & Co. . 15U Dodgu 8t. BO'i w ANTKO-60 teams. E. S. Albright , It 11- Labor Aiioncy , 1J05 Fiiruain st. 42.1 HOUOOJ ror good touixuU. J. H. 1NTKH WAi Evans Jt Co. , lril'l Dodjjo. 013 "RElfX-HOUSES AND LOTS. POK SAI.IC Now 9-1 oem houso. Ames , 1507 Furivuust 4l ! HI * \17ANTKD A furnished cottagoor rooms for bousekccphig for the summer. Hororonces cxchangod. Address O 1 , lice oltlco. . 401-2 * FOK KKNT I'-lrst-olttSH 10-room house , No. mil I'arnHin pt. luquiio llartiuaii A ; ( lib- son , 1412 I'm nnm st WM-S KUN'T OnO 8 nnd ono 10 room house FOK with nil modern improvements , In a doslr- able locution. Imiiilio of O. F. Davis A : Co. . 150"i I'lirniiin. 374 OK KKXT-Storo billMlnir with 4 living roomsabovoultuntcd on Poll Sheridan st , . bet. St. Marys live , nnd Louveuworlh. The locu tion n ( fords a ilnslrablo opening for n bakery , S'lildlory and harness or liundry : business. Ap ply to Wm. I'lomliig , Hth and Douglas. Ill T71OK KKNT 8 room homo , A ? modern Impiovomoiits nnd every couvohl- cnco,28th nud Chlouro sts. $15 per month with barn or $ ' ! " > without barn. C. K. May no , 15th mid Fnrnnm. 8W Oil JIKXT New 5-room cottage on L'7th nnd Wobslor sts. Inquire Hoom 15 , Omalm National llnuk. P.J. Cromlon. 311-7 FOU'KKNT A moat ranrkot nil' complete nnd doing a good business. Apply Ho In. Purvis , 211 S. 14th. ] 218 " OlfifFlNT One 8-room cottngo ono hloclc north of liend of i5t. JInry's avo. , $25 per month. One two-story house cor. Phil Shorldim and Hullht. 8 nice rooms. * JJ pnr month. K. T Peterson & Co. , 8. E. Cor. 15tl > ' 4ind Douglas street , . . .OiTU _ SAl.K B-room cotliuro to 'bo ninvod FOll . W. J , Wclshans , City Mill' , 831 Fnr nnm St. fkK F Oil KKNT 70-ucro farm.T. Murray. 275 Foil KUNT Bilck yard. T. Murray. _ 270 ' Tm onilKNT-Gardon tacm. FOB BEHT H.OOMB. Foil ItKNT Nicely furnished rooms with bonrd. 1013 Dodge. ! ill-5 ) * FOR ItKNT At 1112 I'lii-iiiim St , ono loom for ono ( fonllcmnii , $11 : nud ono room for married nouiilu or two t uroiicnl2 : : tlrsf-tluss table bo ml If du'lml. Kofcrfrnce. ' 410-t ! * FOK HUNT Pleasant tuniMied rooms lor gentlemen or liidy uud gunt. N. W. cor. 2.r > tlinml Uodye. 4l."Kl * TTlOll KKNT Nicely furnished room with nl- -t ? cove , No. C23 Fnirview it. , ' , { bloelc north St. Miiry's live. 427-B" Hoom , with or , witliput bnnid , cunt nil loi'utloii. by single unit ; stiuu tciiiiwblcli ! must bo moderate. AddiusK G II , lleo olllco. 418-il * FOIS KKNT HIv iinfiiinl'hod rooms , sluprlo or two in suit : ircntleman prcfunod. In- iliilro ol" Dr. L. A. Simons , K-ititbrook' Ulock , 404 N. Ifith bt. JI71 TH OIt KKNTl-FurnUlieil ropm. Mi N. 1. > fJ ; Jst FOK liKNT An oTe7antiy"tiirn8hOiT ! pnrloF gultublo as bedroom and parlor , with use of bntb room. GooJ bnurd can bo had lu hou-c. S. W. cor. 20lh mid Webster. ojKNT-Ono nice ioom at a E fctreot 379 Foil KKNT Smull furnished room chetip , 719 N. 17th St. ,382-8 * - OH nr.NT Two tiirnlshod rooms. Cor. Lenvemvorlh and 2.'ith , No. 2424' FOK ItKNT Two store ioonn on 16tli street , Water , fc'tis and miwer counoctious. Tlie O.K.Ma/io und Trust Co. , cor. lotli nnd I'tinimn. 8JI Foil KKNT For light hoiifokcojilnp , looms furnlslied or utiiiiriilslu-d , 'tit Jloomov's ' Illock , cor. Klghth and Howard. , . , ! IJQ , n KKxr Sultii nf unfurnished rooms Foil 170S Djuglns. Itofoit'ncus o.xfhnijedv ( _ " TTJIOK KKNT-A Ittruo . , . , J room. 2011 Hurl st. ' J aVr'J' ' 17 < ) K IlKNT LurKQ furnUhuil front room A. ' with ulcovu bodrnom. 2J13 Uodgo sL In- quit oof j , L. I'lorson & Uo. , j ' " " - TJ'OK IlKNT JJie Jy fUiiiis'ueU' ' . - coflril. 7'14N. litthst. 235 Foil KBNT-FurnUhod rooms. 1621 Capitol avenue. . . . . - " SUV - FOK KKNT A furnished room In a private family. Address FSJ , flee olllco. r-Hl ' Foil KKNT furnished rooms with or with- out board. 117 S17th Bt. 2JQ-4 * , "TmOK KKNT-ruriilshed rooms ; ( WTN mh8t 4" 231-3 * , t OK KKNT-FurnUhca roouis\t6'rmb low ] ft)2J ) Hurney " 't-42j'-yjrS : TJiOK IlKNT NlLcly" furnished room * nt'1415 -P Howard st. _ i 2UijJ TTIon HKNT Newly furnlshod rooms In new J ? brick block in 1012 North ICtlut. 217-3 * Oil IllSNT Furnlshcfl loom . \ lth or without - out board. Apply to Cti N. ltb FOK KKNT-Onofurntaliod rent room , one unfurnished front parlor , npor. Park on Georgia vo.AjldrpsF20i llooofflpe 878 Poll ItKNT Olllco room on-urat HoorIn - qulro U. C. Patterson , IrocrUank nandinjr. til * ' - * TTIOK IlKNT An excellent bnSoment.flOlaud X' 511S13th St. ; 3 store ? oil 8th uud Douglas , nnd3 stores on KM and Cumin ? , Paulsen & Co. , 15131'aruam. bT,7 pull KKNT-Furnlsliaf rowgg. 1816 Foil IlKNT-Good furnlBhod tlou central. Inquire at Atkluion's Millinery , Na 2Qj N. - _ _ FOK KKNT-Dcsk room. 'Hush & Sclby,218 6.16th 8t 141 _ _ " OU HISNT-A nicely f uruUhcd roots , icsj" Don jlm tt _ aai FOK IIKNT Newly f urr.ianoa rooms doss to P. O. The JStftt desirable furnished rooms. in the city , at reasonable prices. 1&03 Cas * st _ Cunningham * Ureppanltfc TTIOUgALK- . Cheap lotdlaKUby Plica. L ; ' CuaQtuKhuia&DreauaD'l3IID' bdgo. ' SALK- SALK'AcTo1 Property , by Cunningham & llrcntmn , . , 1' > U Dodge. 17\OK \ SALK-Chosni lots In Patrick's add. JL1 CunnliiRliiini & Hronimn , 1511 Dodge POH BxVkK SotnV * elegant lots In Hnn eom Plaoo. Cunnlnjtlmm , v llronnnn , 1511 Dodge. Tnnit SALK-Soinh front lot , llnrtlctt's add , -L' $1,200. Cunningham &llrcniinnlMlDodiro. | " A1K1A1NS In Aero i Property. CumtlijRhntn * llronnnn , il5i ! _ Uodgo. 44W _ $800-Just thliik ofitT Lots In lister ndd. 8block south nt Inkct.oii22d. $ < 50 with small payment down , nnd balance on lonii time. Hush&Sclby , 818 . 13th. 22'i-4 'TDUDIcIv'JtlitcA'l- ; inaKo you money as Xu an Investment on account of lovntlnn , nwiruoM to btislnoM nnd nr.'oos and terms Klvon , Ixit < polling i > t $700to fl.WU. Ames Hi-ill Kt.'nto Agency , IliOFnrnainjit > " rToiifALK .wTiiJ feet Jones street , bou 12th Jnnd ltth sts , bargain , $3WO. Grnlinm & Jlounwa. 210 $ SBOO Will buy Hoiisunud Lot , . 3d ! street , llnsy term * . Cunningham .V llronnnn , 1611 Dodgo. REDIOK'S OltOVE will tnnko'vpu money 'ng an Investment on nocouiilof location , noimicBS to Diislno'S nnd price ; ) nud terms glvnn. Lots selling nt $700 to $ I/M ) . Amoj Houl Kstnto Ationcy , 1WJ7Farnnm st. a fl itCIIAIUlllll.h lots sell oil tholr morlt * . O Ixiw prices nud easy terms given. Call nt The C. K. Mayno mid Trust Co.'s oniconndByt , a KKIHCIC'B OHOVH-Voii shouldsco and con sider for yourselves Its udvuntunos for lu < veslment. Lots ns netir busliiBM us those , nrd n ulo Invcstnumt nt $7IX ) to $ ll > 00 n lot. Ames Hun ) P.stnto Agency , IV)7 ) Fnruain nt. 390 tf > A"VEir"8fitl5Kfs To wlthm ono nlock of X Itcdlek'g drove only strengthen'Hint most doslrnblo spot for residence. Como nnd Hco for yourself. AMCH , 1W7 Furmiiu. 7W Br.DICIC'S GHOVF islntldo nny rosldeiioo lo- cation now for snlo at $70 ; ) to $1:500 : per lot. Cnmnnud FOH It. Amos Itoal F.stnto Agency , 1307 Fnrniini st. 38fl RF.DICK'B OnOVF Amosllonl Kstnte Agon- oy. sole iiiienlg. 1M/T Farnum 8t KA'i 40O Knsl front on Delaware Rtrcot , Ilnnscom place , beautiful lot. $2,100. Lovgrcn li WlUlo , 1. > OI Fiirnnm street 72J iTItUt KKNT Furnished front i-onnn wltn JL' nlcoxo. GiiFolrviow Btroet , ' , , ' block fiom St. Mury'snvo. 403-B * OK HALK-3 acres In IJarkalow's sub-dlvl- slnu.castfrnut : 4 shares In Omahn Dnlry association ; Itwn-sontcd buggy ; 4 flno burlier choirs. 214 S. 12th st. CHI iilClC : S UHOVK-You should see mid con- sidcr for yourselves its udvnntngos for in vestment. Lots ns business ns those , are a pnl'o Investment nt S70J to ? lfiOOnlot. Amos Houl Kstnto Aijoucy , 1507 Farnum st. ifctt ! OK "SALK FI > o acres ill Tilttlo silb-dlvl- slon. lot 22 , Uiimhn. 1'or Information ad dress C T. Smith , lleo ofllco. Lincoln. ; ! W-7 ! * RKDICK'S OUOVK wIlF makayoit monov as nn Investment on nccount of locntlon , nrarness to business nnd prices nud forms Riven. Lots selllnir lit ? 700 lo f 1,500. A in us Hcnl KMntoAKOllcy , 1507 F.uiiinnst. Hjl ) " Pen HALK 'hro elojftuit oist front corner . lots In Burr Oalc : natural shudo troos. Uatchcr , ( ladd &Co. , l-'lrtDouglnsstroot , JllllnVd hotel block Oniatui. Nob. 801 R HOICK'S ailOVn-Oulv lots us nonr busi ( ness , ns nenrstorcs , schools nnd chuiclic.i. Como uud see ktbofo lots. Ames * ; Kcpil. Hitato Agency , ISO' Fi | Uaju st. „ ; iliSO -TfloTf .SAM' fLjari , bloc ) ! ; ! . Mllhmlf Pluto. JD JTji3sl3 aslfiStttfcsldonoc lot US there is ju the c-ity. Only six blocks from the court house , oust front , on grade , natural trees , established neighborhood. When Loivoiiworth street is graded this lot Mil bo worUiJWjnoal Hntchor. ( Co.-12j8tDouffla8 sraot'Jailliird hotel bjock CiiiiilmLNcni- ) " Nil RKDICIv'S Oir VK-OnIy lots us near busl- jicss. Ha iioatiptoros , scliooh nnd churches. Como nud sooiflfpso lots. Amos * Kent Kstnto Agency. 1507 Fiirimm st. a fl RmiK'KSGyprflVOnly lots as nonr Tiiii uos . as near stores , fchoois mid ahiirehes. Come und see the o lots. Amos' Hutil K < ta.tu _ ' MAUSIIA'M. & i-oiticiv : , . Illock , 1511 Farnam street , oner the follow- Inircholco ImrRalnsf .p - 10 lota In blricoltrPlaef nt J35ato $ ; * ) : n lots lm\vbst Ctitnmfr at $300 to' $503 10 per cent ciisli , bnlnnc'O monthly lilota in Patrick's addition nt $1,030 to $100 : i n-ncru low In MarstnUl ' ik Lobqck division , pur -ncrb SliiO lo * M ) ' ' * ' " - Acre lots , Pnltorson Park , $275 to $401 House nnd lot on Chicago * onsy 4crui < V f ( J.OOD llousQ nnd 2 lots hi Wulnnt ITill S..IOO , tvorth on ciisy terms so Uml full lot , front eoutbinn 'DoHifias Bt. S Mill's addition , $ l,8jfl ; SKD ( ) cash and oiMy terms very cheap , Two houses on full lot , south tfrout ? Douslas st. HOSKS& Hill's addition : liacn , cistern , otu. , $2,0'H ' ) ; f 1,000. cash , J-IW time to .suit and uviUiuo 'ii mortpraffo of ? foa at',8 per cent , flve'ynars'-a hnrsain lor a few days only. „ Mtu-ihall & Ixibuck , Uoorn 3 , Redick's .Block ir.ll Fnriiiim. ' . ' v' _ 231-il BKDICIC'S CUUVnia in ido nny roslilencu lo- ontlon now for s.ilo nt S700 fo SI JStXl nor lot Como mid see it. Ames Heal Kstato Aijoncy , 1507 rarmitn Bt. _ ? ? FOK SALIS Savon choicest Kllby PInco lots , $ S.'i1 each. A. P. Tukcy. 13)1 ) Furnam or. 14H KHDICK'S OIIOVII Hi ) feet trom pa\od street. Vi hluol : fioin : JHtli st. school house , J7PO to fl.lil ) per lot. Amos' Heal Kotnto Acenoy , 1COT 1'nm _ _ ITIOlt .SAlK-l t on Cumlncr and Hurt J3Afreets , near 30th , 81,300 to * ,000 ouch. ' In l.owb's addltJpu , S5WJ to { WO each , asy term's. " " ' Lot on Sewiinl t. . neni > 3Ist , $001. L'lots , < ' 0i feet south front ) , on Hamilton st , near Poor Clnlro convent , $1,700. IKQJuctwost front , on Slth st , near Farnam , $ U'5 | > pr Irvou X , , Lot on Virginia nvo. , near I/eavouwortli ft. . $2.000. ' * ' 2 acres InVot Omaha , $8,000. Lot on lloty.ud tt. , lOD lJiu' let II , tHMQ. Corner. 4lfilJ ) : , on'Hiiinuv ht.'f o.'joo. ' Lot In Nelson's add. , $1,700. Corner iJts on t'ewnrd Rt,3 blocks from Poor Glnlre Convent. $ ' 10 ; easy terms. 41 feet enil trenton S. 13th St. , $1.530. 12 j fcetuast front on S. llith st , JIl.OOJ. Four-Btory and hnsoment unon atorc , 30 foot fronton Harnoy st , Sfl.OM. " t 7 llotirool 7 rooms , lot C9xl27 feet ; oii 4tiQdors , noiir Cumlni ; , t\-M. Il'iiisyof "room" , cistern , etc , lot 114x1,1 ! on SriTnrbt.J , 00 ; montlily pnyinunis. . 'fflaeios ' , 4mllos we tof city , $100 per acre. Lots in South Omaha , S0 to ; 5' ) . Lot ji.'xlCT , on Do Ijre , near 12th st. Slri01) ) , ' House nnd full lot on Hamilton st.'ilcar ' 'nth , $3.500. - . . HOIIFO of Brooms , lot -.1x1)0 ) faction ISIb , near Nicholas st. $ . ' ,500. r. . . House of H roomOot jxliO feet , on IBth , lira , ' Icholtisst , $ , ' ,00' ' ) . ' /-M.I- . . Mont /to lonn at lowest rate of Intorejt. floo. P. llnnils S. W cor. 151 li nnd Douglas329 > DCtlTtlTVKTlinool fiiiitiT piircd < - btrcot , V IdQck ftom 26th ( . school hoiue , f.OO to $1,500 per lot. Amos' Heal ICstuto , 1507 FarnnmSt. * 831 EOICJC'S OltVn-UO ( ) feet train' street , li block from 28th st. school house , $700 to $1,51)0 ) per lot Ames' jfeal Esrutei A < encyilg)7 FJI-HHIU bt. - - " T . * * EEBiriC'B ( IHOVIi-Nonrcst , beat and cljpap- est lots In OmulitK nt $704 to $ l,50iter lot. Ames' Heal Kstato Agency , 1507 Farnom et. ; tw- TKDICIC'S GROVyr- | Nearest , best find rhiap- lv est lots in QTilmj , at $700 tnji ; ) afoiriot Amos' Heal Estito agency , 1507 * nrnnm at. 388' ' RBDICK'S OHOVK Nearest , I > o5t and cheap : ' est lots In Ornslm , at $700 tc 81 03 per lot. ' AineaKeal _ BatSfo Ajfpncy. 1507 Paynqrn bt , ibO * T710U K CIlA'Ral-t8iOOBtoclcdrT ; ) roods for -L' Omalm prdMrlb Archer & Jitcli218 8 , ittiiBt. ; ; i t BKDICK'8 -J-y bro asklnir tliroo limes tliU prlco for lots fiirthor out Ainpi.Kful Kslato Agency , 15071 Farnain. m-f > "DKLL & arcANUMSIt causell you I Choice acres. . . . $ 100 "to $ 300 HoubOunUloUimrjaMl Dodffo , . S.OUJ- , , , , . House , barn aiiUMftuPaclllo , . . ] CiQ ui O > llousos and lotr rtcar Louven. .worth . . . . . , . . . . 1,000 to gjjoo lluniuy st lot , abot-o grade . IJW ) 0 acres , bouso andstublo..t , . . . . 4,503 Uo < jd Properties Oxford & lUluMild. 2-Btory store bulldlntrs . 3.4Mn \ 4.200 llarsaliis in Inijuoved lots on Wnln.ui.HIII. \\cll located properties on Park uvtrnuu nnd Cathcrino street. i i . . . wosrsiueis . . . . . . . „ . . . . , „ - . $ aoo , . . . Housed and lols , Iiuproveiuonl xadd . , . . ' . . 1,530 to 0.003 Nlco south frost uuuso , Daven- . .port.- , . . . . , . . . , . . . , . 3.WU liuasos and lots , Sbluu'fl . 1,130 to 3,00) li bplendld ucros , Hiuiobaugh and lliookllno. for platting. , WO to1 E03 South front , our t.cavennrortb. . . 1-Vrj . ' / ' Fine Aratiler lots . . . . . . . . . . 5 < JO JUIUido lotu . , . 713 to I.iW SuiinySldes . 1,100 , Oxfords. , . , , . . . , , , . - . . . . . -400 Klrkwoodi. . ; , . , . j'.i. . . 4iU WostSldor * . I. . . 30 its-4 its4BKUICK'8 OHOVE-Ilcst lots for tbu woaeyi 2ilh Et. school bousu just boyoudi .blrcet wllhlu Kv feet : lots ( TOO to $1 00. Heal Estate Auoncy. 150J Furimm at. ' 4 HANSCOM PLACE- Comer lot on Georgia AVP. , $ _ > , ouo. Kan front on Georgia Avo. , * Conioron Phil Shorldnn St. . $1 00. Corncron Virginia Ave. , fl.ISO. Kn t fronton Virginia < Uo , fl.WI. r.nst front on Virginia Ave.l.m Wo t front on Virginia Avo. , $1,2:10. : West front on Oeorgl'i ' Ave . $1UO. Tnst front en Delaware st , $ i.t. l"a < t front on Catherine St. , $ lfl7.p . .Two onst ItontK on 1'ark Ave. , cnch fi.flOO. Hast fronts on Phil Sheridan , fWO to $1.MO. This I * nil good property nnd wo hnvo more like It li Rjincent addition * . T. W. lllacklmrn * Co. , Horn ! of St Mary < Avonuo. 433-5 1710K j Al.i-Two lot on Dodge M , Kllby -1 ? Plnoe. SM piich Hnigntn. Uruhain A Ilcnawn , Crclghton Hlock. 421-fi REDICK'S GItO\rR7s Insldo nnv roldcncolo cntlou now for 511)0 ) nt $7(0 ( to f 1..MK ) per lot , Como niul KOO It. Ames Ural KjUito Agency , 1607 rnrunmst 1131 . _ - _ - _ _ _ Pt H HAI.i-lK : > ts on DodRO st. Kll --j $750 to $850 cnh. ( Irnhiun & Bonn wa. 421-5 ' GUOVr.-Como and sen the best lots In town for the money. $700 to $1/09. Amos' Itoal llsla'n Agency , 1517 Fatnnm. 4JO-5 TT\OH \ SAt.i : OrTrndo for unimproved prop- Jorty within two mllosofrlty , a line modern houpoofn rooms , well , cistern nnd am , beau tifully niiNhe.l inside : lot Mx153 , located one block from terminus of rod nndfrrccn air lines. O. * M. Katon , 013 S. 13lh st. _ 3BU2 ; J 11. KVANS * CO. , 1513 Dodge , Hnvo for Bale : Slots , Put rick's add , corner. . . . ( ltvX ) 1 8. and K. trout. Prospect 1'liuo , nt grade (50 2 choice lot , LOWO'K 1st . . . . 1,425 Chokol < 't In Hawthorne . $ Tto ) I.1U ) Choice IOIN In Cicston . $7.V ) to 1,000 : i Uno south I routs o i Turt st.l , V ) and 1 T > 3 Choice nci-e. Park Phtoj . 4,00 Acre , fenced , trees mui lo'tagc. a bargain .VOJ 144 foot front on Dnx-onport . 3,0.10 Knit front , corntr. Virginia ave , lu Hans- comPlaro 1. 2 or il lots . . . 099 Kast I rout , corner , fioirjrln avo.l or 3 lots 00 ! Knst front , coiner , Sheridan st . OJO 8 lotson iuniinvat , forliuihusi . 3.000 HflltO on 8. .MtliKt , cotlngo . 3,010 House. 4 lot , K. V. Smith add . S.OOO Ltu-Ko house , oust Jro it.KO-toot lotK. V. Smlth'sadd . VMO r 0-root 'ot on R. gldc ICth st . 3,600 Fine lot , good onttagc , east front , on Rhorinnn uvo. weston 17th . 4.000 Dcslrnblo and cheap budnoss and resilience pt operty throughout tlis city. Call and examine our list and property. 315-4 OK NAI.K-Fow lots In Lincoln Plneo , $750 lo $330 each ; easy terms. Uialmin A. Hen- nwa. 411-5 F.DICK'S OUOVR Amos Heal F.stato Agon- of , solo agents. 1507 Fanmm st. iftO _ OK HAl.i-Qood : lot. Virginia ave , near Woolworlh , S1.150. Uralmiu & llonnwii , Crclgliton Illock. 210 RDIC IC'sTiltOVK-Only losldonco lots to bo had at llguros nked , tolllnir last nt $700 to f\flK \ > per lot. AMKS HCAI. L'STATEOKNCV , 42 < l-5 1507 "Or.lHCK'S GHOVU Vou sbould see and con- JLX sldor for yoursclvc1' it * advantage * for In vestment. Ij ( > tB IIR ncnr business as these , nro n snfo Inveslmont nt $70) ) to $1,500 a lot. Amos Heal llstatu Agency , 1507 Fnrnnin st. 3SO ITU ) It SALR-siTvcn lots. Kilby Place , on A ! Dodfiro Ft , 51'JoO lor nil. Grulmin Jc Itcnu- wit , Crelglilon Illock. 421-5 " 131 o H SAljK Itosklenco property and vacant -L1 lots In every addition in Omaha. Terms to suit purchaser. Also doslrablo Imslne1 * pro | > - erty. Gibson , Larson & Co. , Hoom 3 , Wltliuoll Hlock. 152 _ _ " " KDICK'8 fJltOVi : Como and see thovaluo of these lots for In vestment. You cnn mnko moromonuy on those lots nt 8700to $1,500 thnn any where else. Ames Heal Estate Agency. lf > 'J7 ' Furnam st. 428.5 OK BALK-Two line lots Kllby Plneo add. , near Dodge st , 57.10 onoh. Grulmin A lieu- QW.i , Crolglitou Illocu. 471-5 RKDICK'S OHOVE Furnnm street riirs.cablo cars , nn olognnt rosldonco pnrt of Onmha , nil comtilne to mnko this property doslrablo ; $703 to fl/.OJ a lot Ames lloal Kstnto AKOIICJ- , 1507 Farnam st iliO FOK SAl.K Duslnoss lot , corner , on Dodge , S7/WO. Gialmm te Uonawa. 421-5 KKDICH'S GKOVU Furnam street cars , cubic cars , nn ulcgunt rosldcnco purt of Omaha , nil comblno to mnko this property do lrnlilc ; 5700 to SI,500n lot. Amos Hcnl Kstato Agency. 1&07 Farnam st. 350 BE DICK'S QHOVB-Whcro cnu you nnd lots located a mile l'iom postolllce at $700 to $1,500. Thuy nro asking thrco times tliln price lor lots further out. Amos' Itoal 12 tute enc > " , 1507 Furnaai , 4M-5 t .ftnOK SALE Lot on Hamilton st , $1,100 , -L1 Gralinm & Dcnawn , 118 H. 15th St. < 42K " T'KCIAL llAmSAIN-Fnie 6-ncro tots , nil together , in Hlmobaugh'g addition. Must bo sold right away. Price per acre , 8500. It C. Patterson , 13th nud Douglas. IIQJ - DEDICK'S GHOVE-Srclhls property befoio JLU buying ; consider Its value. It H cheap nt $7HJ to fl,5DO per lot. Aincs' Konl Kstnto Agency , 150' Fariuiin. 4.JB-5 FOK SAI.K-Cornor lot , Shlnn's 2nd add. . rhei | > ut $900. Grnlnmi & Ilomiwn , Crol h- ton Illock. 121-5 T5KDIC1 Iv'S GHOVK-Aincs Heal Kstato Agen JLV cy solo agents. 15)7 ! ) Furiiaiu St. 3b5 F OK HAI.K Hnrgaln Lot on Virginiaa\e. , $800. Graham Ilcnawa , Crolghton Hlock. 421-5 T71OK SAI.K-Soctlon splendid laud 4 miles JL ? south of Crelgliton. Neb. ; will sell in 1BO acre tracts , $1.00 per , balance In 20 years ncU per cent and uotaxos. Hatcher , G add & Co. , 121H Douglas street , Millard hotel block , Omaha , Mob. _ 801 BIOHCK'S GHDVK Thoon'y liTlTiu the city a mllofrom potonico ut$70Jto 5lMJcnsy ; terms. Ames' Estate Agencv , ICO ; Farnam sttcot 421-5 ' OK SALE Two good lots , llanscom Puce : , $1,050 each. Graham iVIiuua\ui. 421-5 ' * " KDJClt'SOliT\rlT-F7irnanrstroc"tcurs.cublo ( cars , nn elegant residence part of Omaha , all comblno to mnko this property desirable : $7U ) to $1,0)0 n lot. Ames Hcul Kstato Agency , 1507 Ff.nmm hU ysii Tyioil SAI.K Twenty lots. Kiltiy Vlaas , ncnr J Dodge ht. $750 to $35J. Graham & Ilcmiwa , Crolghton Illoclt. 421-5 ' GHOVn Uitson Iliirnov and How ard sts , In Hedlck'H Grove , at $70)tol.riOO. lloroUacliiincoforrcsldoiico lots ata bargain. Ames Heal Kstuto Agency , 1.VJ7 Furiiaiu , 42i-Q ) FOK HAf.K A good ImprovoJ fnrm , im acres , 13 mlles from Omaha. H. M. Genius , I4f8 Douglas Etruet. 411 F.DIOK'S GHOVK oilers best Inducements In'torms" . prices and location of unv prop erty In thh market. See these lots selling at J7jO ; to $1,500 and bo convince J. Amo.s' Houl "Estato Agonoy , 1507 Furpoin st. 420-5 EOK SAI.K Or Trade Improve ! nnd iinlin- . proved lands In nud ot'ior wojtorn , countlo9. Address Wm , Slmorat , Araimhoe , FurnasCo. Nob. 27J EDICK'S GHOVE-Amos Heal Kstnlo Agon- oy , solo agents. 15U7 Farnum fit. 3S5 TiOKSALK Improved and unimproved lurm ' .lands. Glbjou. Larson & Co. , Hoom U , 'Wlthnoll lllock 151 KKDICK'S GHOVK-Amos llonl Potato Agou uy , solo iigJiita. 15U7 rariittiu it. 385 BEDICtt'9 GnOVR--nest"nnd nearest lots nt 'the monoy. Hco what you can buy in this addition ut $700 to $1,500 yor lot. Terms oiuy , Ainu9l&07 Fnrnatu. 420-5 TJATTEKSON CUES. Which Is the boH to obtain big prorttsf AniwerAcre prop- tlKHY-What part ot tbo'clty will develop first ? A. TUo-southwest. In what addition M the cbcaposl q acres ? A. Pattcrso i Park , $ -I5 ! per ncro How far from court house U 1'iitter- QUKIIY ? A 3',4 miles. Can acres bo bought In Patterson QUEItY on long tlmo , oiuy payments and low rate of interestA. . Yes. ' . To whom will I go to buy acre * In SDI'.UV Park ? A.-To I ) . 0. I'stlon-on. co 1st lloor , Iiou Hunk Ilulldiiij ; , wbg also has lots in I.lnooln Place , Miiy/lolJ / , .lllmobaugh' $ uid. , ' 1 "rnu'iiderj 4 llonncld. i b&lnu's Flrtt , Bomb Omaha. Call on U. C. Patterson. BEDICIC'S GllOVi ; Ncnicst lots to buguos for tlio price ; 17X1 to * I'OI for Ilodluk'i ( iroruj.lbc noaiMtro > ldcneolot forbaIalntiiU uity. Atnoaltcal KatuteAuuuy | , 1UI Farnum. EDWAB/D KUEHL , MAQISTBBOF PALJirfll'Eliy AND CUND1- JlONAUST.iJOJTentU Street , botir ea * 'a a a n < t Hvuoy. will , with the fcifl of jfutrdiia .tplriU/obtula for any on * a giaooe in th | iiut nd preaent , nd. "of oertwa oondltioai la ihefDrartf. 'Uoou aud * boa wajg ( a PcrfucUiUifoctiouifuarauleai ? ltitlcl Rnglnes that Pny. Chlcngo Mall : The bcnutifttl model engine which was first exhibited In the Hock Islntul ticket oftico , nt the corner of Clark nml Washington streets , but which has now been moved down to the Grand Pacific , cost fl.BOO to build. It Is as com plete In its parts ns any engine running , although It does not weigh 100 pounds. It was built by a linn of No\v Vork model makers who mmle a business of exhibit ing these olrgant ntadcls , trustingto the curiosity of the nubile for getting their money back. This engine runs and the music plays when a nickel is dropped In the slot. About a dollar n day Is con tributed by people who are willing to drop a nickel to see the machine move. The business runs Itself and nobody Is required to look after it. An agent comes nroutul occasionally , takes out the money and cleans and oils the model. The model pays for Itself in about thrco years and is then just as good as now. "Wo have these models , " said n , member of the firm , "all over tlio country. Wo like to get our engines in the railroad ollicea , and steamboats in stcnmcr otllccs. In tlio hotels and largo saloon * , wo have a variety of others. We got nil excellent return on our investment. " Uctiton's llnir ( jrowcr All who art ) HAIiD , all who nro becoming HALO , nil who do not want to bo tnltl , all who are troubled with DANDRUFF , or 11 OillJUi ot the scalp.should ; 11.10 Uouton'H Ihdr.Urower. Kinirrv PKII CKNT ot these URinc it have crown linlr. It uover falh to eton the Imlr from lalllnp. Through sickness and fevers tlio hair sometimes tails oil In a short time , and although the puisntt may liuvo remained bald for years , If you use lieu- ton's Hair ( Jiower according lo directions are sure of a growth of hair. In htm- reds of , cnse.s wo have produced a good grow th of Hair on those who havd been bald nnd for years wo have fully substan tiated the following facts : Wo grow Hnlr In 80 cases out of 100 , no matter how long bald. Unlike other preparations , It contains no sugar of lead , or vecctublu or mineral poisons. It Is a specific for fallUK ! hair , dnndiufT , and itching of the scalp. Thu Hair ( Slower Is a hair food , nnd Its ' omposltlon Is almost exactly like the oil which supplies the hair with Its vitality. DDUHbK AND TKirUC STUKNWTlf. When the skin Is very touch and hard , nnd the fnlllro Is apparently elTectunllv closed , the single strength will sometimes fall to reach tno papilla : In such cases the double or tihilc strength should be used In connection \vlili thu single , usItiK them alternately. Price. sliiL'lo strength , 51,00 ; double stieiiRtn , S'J.UO ; triple 'strength. & ! .00. if your druggists have not got It wo will sund it prepured on receipt of prlco. HENTOX HAIR GKOWEU CO. , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. F. ( loodmnn and Kuhn & Co. 15th and Douglas , 18th and Cumlugs A largo gray eagle was shot last week by si farmer iipmud Irby , about three miles west of Ulaokstono , Va. lie had seen it once or twice before in the im mediate vicinity of his houso. Being a guod shot , the crippled the king of birds with a riilis charge. It was n beautiful bpccimon of its kind. .Its wings when swcad measured 0 feet 4J inches from tip to lip , ami its talons measured nearly U niches in width. Rheumatism yields to Iho magic power ol St. Jacobs Oil , the conqueror ot paiu. A Chinese block is engraved on a hard native wood with : i cluoo grain , cut in u dill'erent direction to the boxwood pre- uarcd for English engravers. The Chin ese printer inks the block with a brush the ink being a suitable compound largely composed of India ink. To secure tin impression soft Diaper is laid en the block , and a dry brush is passed over the back of the paper , which is printed on one bide ouly. Red Slur Cough Cure is daily becom ing more popular. Its cures are remark- ablo. The Society for the Propagation of the Uospel among Landlords is in actiyo operation in London and advertising in the metropolitan press tor the support of " Christian . " All "the public. previous cll'orts having proved of no avail in in ducing land owners to restore to the pub lic those values which the natural necessi ties of the public give to the land , and wnich values nro commonly known as ground rents , this society has been formed for the purpose of appealing to Iho landlords consciences by mcnns of gospel truth. Dnrtholdl's Statue of "liberty En- llglitonliiK tlio World" will bo a reminder of personal liberty tor ages to come. On just as nuns n founda tion has Dr. Picrco's "Goldun Medical Discovery" been placed , and it will stand through tlio cycles of time us : i monument ment to the physical emancipation of thousands , who by its use luivc been re lieved , from consumption , consumptive niirlit-bwuuts , bronchitis , coughs , spitting pf blood , weak lungs , and other throat and lung affections. The first sugar cano was cnltirnlml In Louisiana in I ? ' , on tin : Jesuits' planta tion where stands the ollico ot the New Orleans Tinicb-Domoerat. SiciiIliA : | AiiK. ! Thousands who have sull'ered intensely will ; sick headache way that Hood's Sarsapurilln has completely cured them. Onogentloman tints rulievcu , writes ? "Hood's fc > : ir.siKinUti ; | is worth its weight in gold. " Header , if you are suf fering with sick headache , givu Hood's Sareapurilla u trial , It will do you posi tive good. Mtule by C ; I. Hood fc Co , , Lowell. Mass. Sold by all druggists , 100 Doses Ono Dollar. j\t Oulcb Ferry , Conn. , a man killed with his gun the other day five rattlesnakes - snakes , Iho largest of wlilefi was nearly thu Bl/.o of u man's wriat und hud eleven rattlus. . . Henry Ward Itai'chor uses nntl gives away over tiireo hundred Alleock'o Porous Plasters every your. She writo.s that she has found thorn n "genuine re lief for most of thu aches nnd pains which ilcsh is hcir'to. ' " Hon. Samuel J. Han- dall said they cured him of Inllnmation of the kidneys when evoiytiiiiig olho failed , and curcjLWnT'oT n severe cold ' that ilirfiiiantfil'to run into pniicmonia. .UonrJnnics W. Htisted writes that thuy cured his son of chronic rheumatism and relieved him of serious pulmonary troubles. During the latontorm in South Carolina the destruction oi cattle und other live stock was unprecedented. Hivcrs rose thirty feet in tlio snmo number of hours , PILES ) VlliKS" IMLUS A sure cure for lilind. Ulendln , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian lomcdy ) . called Dr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A slnglu bos has cuied the worst chiiinlu casoi or a.i or SO years utandlnz. No one nei-d auirer live nilnutosafterupiilyiiiK this wonderful soo'h ' IIIK medicine. Lotions and lustntmonU do moio luii ui , t han good. Wllllama' liidl.iii J'HoOlntiiu'iit abisri 5 Uie tuuium , allays thu Intc'iisu llcliliiff , duitlcularly ut night after getting warm in bed ) , arts as a poultice , irives instant relief , and Isprop.iti'.d only for Piles , Itching of prlvatu parts , and for nolliltif ; olsu. HKIN DIHKASIIri CUltKD. Dr. Kraziur'd ilairle Olntmuut curui as by maic , Plmjiles , llhvck Heads or U I libs , JHolches ami Kruptlnns on tlm face , leaving tliuxuln dearand bKiutlfui , AUo cuie-jltcli. bait Kt'tmni , .Soro Niniilf ? , Horu Llpj , and Old Obitlinito Ulcers. by druir'ists , or mailed on receipt ot . Itutailcd by Kulm & Co. . and Schroder & Conrad. Ail wlinlt'salu bv C. K. Gboduiau A man ! n Aptosr , T. , bet his wife's jewelry on \\ovso \ \ race and lost. His wife U so angry that lie h'ns to take his tneuls at A neighbor's lioubb. A STANDARD MEDICAL WORR FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED HBP ONLY 81 UY MAIL , I'OSITAIU. n.t.usrit vrtvi : s.vui-iR FUKK TO At rth niti > il VllMltr , Ncrroni unj rh Pr ni tnr l ) ' < Mnan ( Mun , Krrors ofYonth , ivt 111 nntoia ml rlo < rooilltne from lnrtl cr tlan nnJ or- rcMM. A 6Xi * for 'er tnnn.yming , ml't(1l ( - t < 1 unit old. It pontilrn 1 prr 'c for nil ciii nn 1 rhronlnili < cn o , ci\ctiO.f ot nhli-h foi inul Ii7 the nnln orwho o nxporloncofor rhiMprolmlilr nercr Mrorcfoll tnth lot of . rntlrlB iffOp BC . bounil In bi-niitlfiil Krench mui- ' . . , eml > p r < 1MT-n < , fuV'Mt. 8 iMirit ( < ( vl to bdnllnflf vorkln prrry fen r mpchinU'al. Mterurr Hniiprnfai- lonnl-th nI nT < th < l work , In thu rountry farlMX orths tnoner will bo ref uml InOTCrr ln tince. ( Prj | rnlr II by mull , po < tpnli' . IHiKtrntol - ninlS S\ ) Hendnow. OoKlinftUlnwnMixl lln nnlhor bT IBs Nv llonal Me.llml AMofintion. to Ihn lion A l' . llHutt , nndlutn onicnrt of Iho txurJ lh > r * ' 1erl > r * inivttiillrrrfprroit. . aiip ol nroof llf J i worlh mor tottt roimj n mMitle-mie.l . men iif thli joncriitloii Hun all ll tnlnr orO IUnrnlnnni ) the tMrrrnilnti uf comblncil . K. Oimnlole. Th * H-lcnM > of l.lf polntf ou tin rnckt ind < inlc. \ . . ( Mutton w > iichllin conUllutloa mill honoi nf mv\r ii Tounii mm IISTB t < eon futillr wroclica. Jlinclioslor Tho'iiclonro of Mf < il of erflttrrrnlna ItiinnllliJ nmll&nl work publUho.l In tlili countrr for Hi * pill Uyp ) r . AlUntitCoiMtUiitlon , TtmHclonroof Mfols 11 m > or'j nnd nmtorlr tMH. l o on nervous niul phrsloal dobllltr. Do troll mi * > ddr iiith roidoJr MaJloal Initltuta. or Dr Y. II. Pmrker.No. I Hullflncta iitrett , Uatlon , Mt . .who mar ou ll dlioniot rovjulrlnn sill lanil cp < r ( > encn. ( Uirniito mut obdnulo tllviMDi th t H re bit- nl thft skill of nil oili rlir | lclAin H tpocullr. tluoa trcntoil ruccrofutly wltuuut un i niLiuco of fullurt Mention Orualia m . _ THE CHICAGO ANO MORTH- WESTERN P.MUWA Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tn o only rend to tnko Don Momc * . M r- liiilHown.Cudnr HapUlB. Clinton , Dixie. Clilciuru. Mllwiuikoo and nil points oust. To the puoplo ol Nctirutka , Coloiiulo. Wyoming , Dtnh , Idaho Noviulii.OriRoiiViinlilnston nnd California It otloresupurlor uJvunuuei not possible by nnf other Hue . Amonjc n low of tno numui-ous polnta ot eupo- rlorityonjoycil by thu pntronj of this roadoo- twoun Omiiha lUidCtilcnuo. ni-o Its two trains a day of DAY COACHKS liluli nro the llnoit that human mt mid Ingenuity cjui crento. ItsPAIr ACK HLREI'INO CAHS , which nro moiloli of comfort nnd olutfnnco. Its I'AHI/OH OHAWINO HOOM CAHS unsuronisod bv unv. and Itn wide ly cuiotiffttod PALATIAL DINING CAHS , ttto equal of which ciuinot bo found olsowlioro. At Council lllufTs Iho trnlns of the Union Pnci- flo Hy. connrut In Union Depot with thovi of tb Chicago & NoithHestorii lly. In Chlonsro th trnlns of this line miiko closu connection with those of all enstOrn linos. For Dotrait , Columbus , indlnnapolls , Cmcln nntl , Nlnifiirn Knlls. Ilulfnln , I'ltt lnirir. Toronto Montrenl , Boston , New York , I'lillailnlniilii. Uitl- tlinore.WnBUItiKton nnd all points In tbo east , rtj the ticket mjoiit for tluknls via the "NOKTH-WK8TJJKN. " If you wiih the best nccommodaUons. AlltloUot HA1B , Oonora Red Star Line Carrying the nolghim Iloyal nnd United Stafoa Mull , sailing oMjry fc-atui day Between Antwerp & New York TO' THE 'RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HUL- LAND AND FflANCE. ' SPUING AND SUMM13H HATE3 : Balon from $ rx ) to tlOO. Excursion trip from fill ) to ( ISO. Second Cabin , outward , $13 1 prepaid , j-4 } ; excursion. $ ! W. Htcorntfu passaffo nt low rnles. Peter Wright i Sons , tienoral Agents , 63 Uroadway , Now York. llunry I'undt , 1 18 Kiinuun st.t Paulson k Co. , 13 Varuam at. : I ) . 0. Frourann , Klil HAfflBDRGAMERICAN Faclcet Corn-jpasxy. A.DIUEirr LINE FOK , Eneland. France & . Germany. Thn steamships of this well known linu are built of lion , In water-tight compartments , und nru furnished with every requisite to mukii' the juissugo both safe und ugruoablu. They carry thu United Stales and Kurupctin malls , and lit AVO New Vork Thursdays and Saturdays for IHv. mouth , ( LONDONt.Chorboug.U'AHIa and HAJI- HUUG ) . lloturnlng , tbu sloamcrs leuvo Ilamburar'on. \Veilni-ilnya ( and b < tndus , via. lluvro , taWnsr liasi-cngcrs at Hnuthainpton nnd London. ' First cabin $ V ) . JUi and $75 ; StoorogofTJ. Italhouil ticket ! from Plymouth lo Hrlstol , Cai- illir. London , or to any plucu In tbn South of Kngliind. FHKK. tiliierugw from Europu only * * . Scud lor "Tourist tfffi * & Oenorrtl Passenger Agents , 01 Hroadwny , Now Vork ; Washington and La Bnllu i-ts. ClilL-ago. HI. _ _ P. BOYEB & CO. DKAI.CIIS IN , and Jail Work. 1020 Furaam iSticct , Omaha , Nob. WHO 19 UNACg/AINTtO WITH 1HC OE03D PMV OF THU COUNTRY WILL hit. % 1 CKAMIfflhll THIS MAP THAT 1HE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLftHO a PACIFIC RAILWAY tor reaioii of | ti central patlilun and cloio relation U 1.11 principal llnci tut ami Weit. at Initial and ter minal point. , coniUtiile * ll mojt Impoilant ml.t coutlnenLal llnkiti ( bat jr trm of IlirnuzU li n > par * tatlon wblch lQVut | anil fai-llitaUn IraTelanil traffla tMtwrencltliiaor tlia Allnnllo nnd I'aeiflo UaaiU. tl li al M the farorlta nnd kcut tout * to and from point * t ait. N"rtliea t and Houtlieast. and corialpocdlufl pointl Waul , NortUurott anU Houthwrst. The Great Rook Island Route Onarantnat II ; palruni that atni * of p nona ) ncu. rlly anuiilml i-r a aallit. thoinuiililr litlltiicil road. tx-l. amgoth Uaek < of cxntinuoni aUel rail , ( ubitait. tlallr Imllc rulrerta and ItHUffc * . rullluK Nturk aa fivar * ' ' ' appllaucet uf patent buirrK.pUtronii aiiii alr'b'lk'tj anatb ; iacflDiclllpllne vljlrh itortrut tli > piact llcnl op.ration of all II. train , other nicilaltU < ( , C .hit rout * are Tranirrri at all wnnai-tlcir polUUln Union lie i ran , and llio < miuriia ea comforu i luturlM o ( iu faa4 nrar Kqulpuu-nt. Tlia Kait Kiiirtii Trains Ictwren Cblrazn n4 P ; r , Counrll Wutf ! . KiJij ; C-tyl | a enw"th lot AlyhlMin ui comiun-jd rt wtll trntilatcil , llnilf up- hol ired Hay uaclm , MavnllU-ent i'ullnj.n Palaca Bl..p.r.or ; ll. at t ilMli-n. and innii > tiinu > iiinlnir Can. In f hlwl oUljorataly okel mrili an , Ultnirlr enlon | lrt < i > nChlciKo anil KuntAiClly mn | AtuLltta BIO Uo run tM > O liVrat. < l lt > rllnln ( Ch lr Car The Famous Albert Lon Route li tuedlrort and farorlu lluo botntcu Chicago imd &lhiiieap < ilt anilst ranivrlieta ronnectloniarulnndi * In Union Dvpoti f or all pulnlt In tii Tcrntoilra anU I'rovlncc , . o/tr DiU route Fait Kcpreu TMlni am rim to the urotchnit plam , mninier re. aortt. plrtiiiri'iuuluealltlci.aiHl liniiilui ; au < l fUhloa Kroun.l.of luwa and > llnn ola. II I , il o tilt mutl dilral.lo roule IP tlio rlcli wh < at fluids uua pu U > ral UiMi of Interior lialtntt btlll unoihrr Ulltun' LIWU. rla Benx * and Kan. knkre , iia > been oiimtid tttwklii niKr.i. ! < tl. Indian * nltulUoud Lafavntlu. and Cuuuui Hl"ffa , Kalifaf Cttir. MinneapolltiinilHt I'aul nn < l Intermediate i.uinti. 1-or lUinllud Inluriuatlaa fi tlap * and > olj r , MitilnaUu. at yell a * llilicli , at ril principal Tltke < O'll ' . iu ftio UulttJ BUtw anil CaiaUaj or t > / a4- H. R. GABLE , C , BT , JOHN , fi-C.'l A. lieu1) ) M'p'r , Otn'l T'fcl . J'BM. _ _ . . . 4. Uuarjuitrcdtu0 'tmljf ono lulbv world irt-neratluir acvntmuoui KltXrtoJi llagaillt Comfort > blo ' ud ia : rlfr /l l4jo AIJ > Ei ; civ i"JliKLT rou'ifiw ; ! OB. jiURNE..lUYEUI.OB. IS1 WASASa AYE. . CHICAC3.