THE OMAHA DAII/Y BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 4. 1886. Pork FItiPtuatcd considerably and nd- vanrcd 27' ' < < HiOc : on the whole range ; cash , 8.M@H..Wj ) July , ' ? 3.57 ; 38. < X > ; August , . . Lard-Activo : tadvancrd 7J (3tOc ( ; caMi , S.tW ! July , 50.02KfaO.05j August , 10.10 ® 'ilnVk Meats Shoulders. * ( tO * I , iort 4-f Itiri * < tilj v ii < .iiii v. > uf v * " * % * ,31 clear , $ .PVf75.70s short ribs , S-V. , . Ilnttcr-Sleady ; creamery , lo@14ci dairy , Cheese Choice now full cream Cheddars f8.p ; Hats , n fiiVc ( ; Young Americas , 8K@ Oc : skims. iiQlCic , Kces 8i49c. } ( Hides Heavy creen salted , 7Je ; light , 6) ) < c ; damaged , C&o ; bull hides , o'4'c : dry Mltcd , llfiJl'Jc ; dry Hint , 13Uc : call skins , 13c ; all skins under 8 Ibs. clashed as deacons , 60c each. Tallow No. 1 country , 3 'c ; No. 2 , Oc ; cake , 3XQ4C. AfTKiiNooN HoAim Wheat Weak and lower ; July , Trtkfe Corn Weak and lower : July , 3Wc. Oats Steady and nnclianped1 July , 27c , Pork Weak and lower ; .lulv , 88.fe Lard Weak and lower ; July , SO.tO. Receipts Shipments. Flour , bhh 14,000 0,000 Wheat , on 17,000 W.OOO Corn. DU 2r,8,000 1 hS.OOO Oat8.bu 2iJouo Kye.oii 4.00(1 ( 1,000 Unrley.bu 13,000' : t , X ) St. hoiils. Juno 3. Wheat Strong and higher ; No. a red , c.tsh and June,77Kc ; Julr , Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , cash , June , UOKc , Oats Weak : No , 2 mixedcash , 2i live Easy at ft'Jc. Whlskv-51.10. Pork Firm at 88.75. Lnrd Steady at J'i.70@.7. ; " . JJuttcr Dull and depiessed ; creamery. 14 @ 15fi ; dairy , ll@13c. Afternoon Hoard Wheat Weak and Xe ( tfjfc lower. Corn Easy and } f@fa } lower. Oats Unchanged. Toledo , Juno 3. Whe.xt Finn but quiet ; cash , 80yi8.c. Corn Neglected ; cash and June , SGXc. Outs Nominal. KniiNBB City , Juno 3. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , cash , 0.1 0bid ; 04 4c asked ; July , C4tTc ; AUKiist , fite bid , fiOc naked. Corn Oulet ; No.2 , cash , 25c ; July , 20 Oats No quotations. lilvcrpool , Juno 3. Wheat Fair de mand ; new > o. 2 winter , steady at Os lid ; eprlnir , steady at Os ll } d. Flour In poor demand and dull at 8s. Com In fiilr demand for spot , no demand forfutmcs : spot , llrm at 4s 4d ; June , hteady nt 4s 3d ; July and A turns t steady at 4s 2 (1. New OrloniiH , Juno 3. Corn Firmer ; nixed , 4 % ; yellow , 4BM"o ( ; white , flic. . Hog Products In llilit demand but hold ers llrm. Oats Quiet nnd llrm ; choice western , 39e. Cornmeal Alodeiately active and higher at 2.25. Pork-SD.M ) . hard Dull and a shad lower ; ictincd tierce , S.ri.s7 . Hulk Meats Shouldcis , 54.10 ; lonR clear nnd clear rib , SO. 12K. Now York , Juno 3. Wheat Heceints , 235,000 ; exports , IW.OOO ; spotadvanced2@ : > c , with fair demand Irom exporters ; options opened llrm nnd BOOH advanced ! ! ( < $ ! % : , later weakened , and closed with a icactlon of 9 ( @ IJlc unit with speculation unusually brisk ; ungraded red , 81 < ( l9lc ; No. a led , b7@NS , ' < c I. o. b. ; No. 1 red , tttc ; July closlni ? at b7 < c. Corn Mpot } @Ke and options VifiK ( < : lower , closing heavy ; receipts , 202,000 ; ex ports , 13,000 ; nncraded , 30@42c ; No. 3 , IJUJii 42 : No. 2 , 43 } < @ 43 c in elevator , 44 (1 ( * 44)ic ) alloat ; July closlnc at44c. Oats-Lower and dull ; receipts 10.,000 ; exports , l.rxw ; mixed western,34J5cliite ; western , 37@44c. Petroleum Quiet ; United closed at 04c. EKKS Steady and demand lair ; westcin , 10' ' < ® llc. Pork Stead v and denmiul moderate ; mess , * 0.00@0.2T . hard Iliirher nnd more nctlxe ; westcin Btcam sjiot , ? 0.1.rxii < J.17jr. Huttcr Qnlot : western , 10@10c ; Elsjin creamery , IfitaiOJj'c. Cheese Firmer and in better demand ; western tint , 5@7) ) c. Mlnncnpoiis , June 3. Wheat Excited nnd hlMher ; Hellers hold nt prices above the views ot buyers ; No. l hard , cash. Trie : July , 79Kc ; August , Blc ; No. 1 not them. cash. Ific ; July , 70 > 4'c ; Auciisl , 77J ; No. " nortliern , cash , 7ic : July , 72 > tfc. Flour Patents , 4.45@4.C.bakers ; ; , S3.4.- @ ftfA Jtcpclpts Wheat , 84.000 bit. ; flour. 125 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 11,000 bu ; Hour. 21,000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee Milwaukee , .Time 3. Wheat Weak ; 7Gjfe ; July. 77o ; August78 c. Corn Onlet ; No. 2 , MXe. Oats-Sk-adler ; No. 2 , SiJ 'c. Kyo Unil : No. 1 , 57U'c. Hurley Quiet : No. 2 , 4.lie , I'rovlslons Higher ; mess pork , cash and June , 88.65 ; July , ! . Clncliinntl. June 3. Wheat StioiiKer ; No. 2 , red , 77c. Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 3Cc. Oats AetUo : No. 2 mixed , ! ! ' .iJfS30c. ( Kyo-Ouiet ; No. 2 , fi(5c. ( Pork Viimer at 8i.2.- ) . Lard Firmer at 85.H7K. Wlilbky Steady at Si. 10. IjIVE STOCK. , Jnno3. The Drover's Journal reports as follows : Cattle Hecelpts. 7,030 ; slow and lower ; xhippintsteers , Sl.o : 5.r > 5 ; stockcis and feeders , i2.Oit4.GO ? ! : cows , bulls and mixed , SI.5)i.W ) : : bulk , S'i.-ou.00 : ) ; thiougl Texas cattle , ? 'A7fl@l. ( . Hogs Kecelpts. a..OOO ; slow earlv and fie lower , closing strong ; rough and mixed , : > ; pnckinc and shipping , 83.1K ) @ 4.10 ; light , 8i.7a' : ? ; HklpsS2.fiO@ .50. Sheep HeceipUs. 3,000 ; steady ; natives , 2.00@4.40 ; Texans , Sl.'i5S3.00. ( HaiiHUN City , Juno 3. Cattle Receipts. 1,000 ; .shipments , none ; market slow and weak ; choice to fancy , Sl.urxjI5.iO common to good. S4.00@4.M ) ; jtoeKers am ! feeders , active 8.1H ) Ht. Ijutilx ; June 3. Cattle Itecelpts , 2,100shipments ; , 1,200 ; maiket lirm on good cattle , common dull ; vliolcoshipping and e.\- port. SJ5.0 : ! ( < ? . ' .60 ; common to coed , S4.40 ® fi.K ! ; coin-led Tuxans , S3.WKiJi5.00 ; grass Tex- iilis , $ > .50@4.00 ; cou.siuul hellei.s , { r2.TKu3.75 , Hogs Heeeipts , 11,000 ; shipments , 3.0JO market active but fie lower , closing strong butehcts' anil best heavy , S4.00fJt4.10 ; mixed packing , 83.8.i@3.t > 5 ; Hgllt , § 3.M3.110. ) OJll AHltK STOCK. Thuibilay Kvenlng , June 3. CATt i.n Owing to thn llu'htneis of the it celpts the maiket was quite dull , ( iooi dieisi-d bi'iit steers are in good demand Jtiiti'liL'ih' steei.s and shliiplng cattle Inqiilrei for to u limited extent , but then grassy catth aut not wanted and ant-haul to dlspoio of , I'rlcess-howed u slltcht disposition to dro ] but closed ste.uly , as at jesterdny's close. Unfit * -Tim maiket opened Mmmwhat slov with jesterday'ft jiriet-H ruling. Dining th day pi Ices dropped a point , and for u llttl wliilKthu maiket was quite Heavy louuli hogs and stags aiu dlllicult to soil at JowcM piicos. Thu maiket closed quiet at fie leeliucliom yesterday's closing llguics. 8111:1:1Shecji : : lemaln as yesteiday , with none in the matUet and but blight demand. I'rnvnllliiK Prices. Showing the iirovalllng prices paid for live block DM this maiket. Cholcw bteers , lillO to 1500 Ibs 84.75@5.05 Clmlcu Meci-s , 1100 to l.'WO Ibs 4.MKi4.bO Medium btwns 12.V ) to WOO Ibs 4.40@4GO Fat little bteurs. IftW to 1150 Ibs . . . 4.MX5J4.GO Coed teeders , DOO to 1000 Ibs H.IVxM.h,1) Coed to eholfu cows and heifers , , , 3.7.Vi 4.00 Fair to medium cows and heifers , . ; i.OO@3.M ( iood to choice bulls : ! .oajc-r. ! Medium bulls , 2.50@2.75 ( loodtochoicu stags , , 4.03 ( 4.50 Mi-dilim St.lgs , . . , , , . . . 3.XfiJ3.75 ) Choice IL-ht and medium hogs 3.r > 0u..n5 ( ) ( iood to eholcu heavy hogs ! ! ,4V : ! .50 ( ! oed to choice mixed hogs U..r.O@.i.V > Common rough grades 3.2.X'(3.40 Choice to extra shorn sheep 4.00&4.50 Keiircaontatlva Sales. sriius. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 54.25 100. , S4.W 4.70 4.70cows. . Pr. No. Av. Pr. STAGS. No. Av. Pr.To. . AT. Pr. 1 . MX ) $1.M ) 1 . . .WO 200 1 . 0 1,00 1,00CL'M.9. CL'M.9. Xo. Av. l r. "A . 6M $3.35 Notes. Hops lower. K\erytlihiK sold. W. 1 * Nnslt , of Kearney , sent In 8J lioes. HlKRlns & Oieenwood shipped In a loud of liogs. K. li.tkcr of Lincoln , sent In n load of hoses. C. A. Lcnkc , of Chapman , sent In n load of K. Kropf , of Scliuylcr. sent In n car load of llO-'S. A great dual of building going on In the Ullage. II. II. Ftilkncr , of I'luni Creek , shipped In 3 hoss. ey Ilros. , of Wcston , Keb. , sent In a oad of lings. 1 * . Hlatt of I'tckrcll , was hero and sold uolo.ids of hogs. A car load of hoits wore sold hero for cholicld & Taylor , \Vavcrly. J. II. Mustcad , of JMilc-rton , was at the nrils and sold n load of hogs O. Uurgess , of (51en ( Hock , was here with wo car loads ot cattle which he sold. A load of hess "was received ftoni the ntlirie & Oscanip cattle company. S. II. Klwood , of Clatks. was nt the yards Kit six loads of cattle , Ho teadlly disposed f them. J. K. Hlttrs , of HIP llrm of Mow , Hoisrrs & a. . North Ucnd , Mt'b.sold n carload ot hogs o-day. _ OMAHA AV'llOLKSAlTE AIARKI2TM Ocitcrnl MarkctR , Tlnusday Kvcnlns ; . .luiicH. Kfinn The iinrkcl Is slow and weak at 80. UiTriu ! : Cliolro fiosli grass Imttur , 7 ( ! Oo ; interior , 4 ( . fic ; cruaincry , IWftlfie. CinxiB Kaucv full cicain chcddars , new make , llu : Hats , liJc : young America , 12J c ; tirat quality Swiss rlicesu 'fio ; second qtialltv , WKUWc ; Llinbinger , IWI'Jc : skim Hats , lK'l c. I'otii/ritv The : cceipls of old fowls ate Ibnral and the majoilty of thc.salcsaie made it S'JJ.'iftiit.OO. Spring chickens am coming n in gn-atiu * nuiubuis nnd do not nuvt with r'i'iy icady sale , as they me still high ; they lie quoted at § : i.00 ( < i.t.r > 0. l'iusKitYKS : , , | IIIIIN ; : , KTC. I'rcjcrves , all kinds , -'O-Ili. pails peril ) . 10c ; do In pail lots , pur Ib. l ) } e : assorted 5-Ib. palls per urale , 1 palls , : t.75. .lelllos , all kinds , llrst giade , iO-lb. pails , pcrlb. 8c ; assorted , lit st grade , > -lb. paili , per crate , 0 jiails , S'J.50 : do 1-lb. pails , per ca-io , 'Jdoz. SAiT ; do , tiimb- leis. jit-r i-a > is , a do31.40. . , lu ly. all ktmls , ; econd grade , : w-lb. tialls , per Ib. 5c. Tins' 'ir.r. : Titn-u , Kic Pigs' lect , perl < bl , 554.00 ; do , jx bbl. S'.OO ; do. per kit , We. ambs' tongues , per * i bbl , Si.U5 : ; do , jiur kit , 5f2.f > 0 ; do , quart jars per dor , 86.85 ; do , | iint fars per ca > e , 'J doz. S0.75. Tripe , per } < f ! ) hl $4.00 ; do per > { bbl , $2.00 ; do , per kit Wo. Wo.UOMII lloNFA' Calitonua , 15c ; stiained , .Oc : Nebraska. ICc. MAi'i.iStH : .vu Bricks , pcrlb , 12Kc : pen- iv cakes , perlb. . K > c. COCOANUIS 1'erlOO , 35.00 ; less than 100 , SS-fiO. 1'iiovisioNS Ham. lOc ; orcakfast ba ron b@8 ycl ; 'ar.sld(3b. ( con,7 ( )7l3u ) ; div salt sides , Gi Jiu ; blunt lib sides. G'/c ; blioulders. Vi ; mess port ; . SU.50 tier bbl ; dilcd beef , ham iileccs , l.'Su : laid , tlei ecs , r 'fieoc ; wlb cans , VZWAc ; 70 Ib rans ( Kalibanks ) , OiiiC. e : n b'cans , do , ( i ( > i < iie : 3 Ib cans. do. . Gig.iiJ-Jc ; boneless ham. lOc. NEW FIDS , UATES , ETC. Layer figs , 8 and I0-lbbo\eb , per Ib , IGo. Dates , fancy Fard , 13-lb boxes , per Ib , He ; I' r > 0-lb bo\e > , iierlb , lUc. rrnnelles. 30-lb bo < ces , per Ib , LIMO.\S : The niaiket Is steadily advanc- .12. His gem-Lilly u.\pcetud tliat lemons will hi in S10.00 within the next two weeks , Fancy Mussini , per box , tiT.St ) ; choice per . . OK.VNGIS : With tlie pie'ent light receipts stocks would move last , but the u-ceipts of summer fruits has lessened the demand to some extent. Los Angeles aie quoted in Cal- fornia at just twice the piice ot two months .igo. 1'ilces hetctire the h.imi ! as last week. Los Ancelcs , S4.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , S4.00 : Hiveiside .seedlings. § 4. : > 0@t.75 ; Kiver- hldeMedltuiianean sweets , JS4.7i5fiJ5.00 ; p.iper rind St. Mlcii.S5.00. KANAKAS i''iesh stock has been icoeived ilm Inir the past lew days. Yellow , per bunch , 8.00@4.00. : ) Uiiiititiis : : Soiitlicin cherries aie coming in and are in better hhajio tlian thu C.Uilor- n In. stock. Sotithein ehenies , per stand , S8.t i@K ) ( ) ; choirttCalitornia. per crate , CAI.II oii.s'i.v AI-HICOIS 1'erciate SX50. SniAwniititiKs : Tins receipts are heavy , ino to 475 stands being leceived dally , besides eases. Shipping .stoc ! ; , choice , jiei case , 552.00 ; soft stock , per C.IM7.Q.3$1.X : ( ) ; St. Louis liome-iriown , htand . 4 draweis , oost , 555.00 ® 5rO.OO. I'INI : AI PI.IS Shipping stock , per doz. , S4.WM.7.r > . i'o fATOiis There is no impiovcment in the maiket noticeable since last week. There Is an occasional sale ot a few sacks to some ictail dealer who may have tun short , or to peddlers , but there is no wile uoith mention ing. It makes no elllTciencn how low they are quoted , them is no sale of any account. New potatoes which arc being shipped in from the south and we.stand Salt Lake po tatoes , help to lessen the demand lot nld stock. Salt Lake potatoes ate quoted at 50@ " > e. e.NKW V r.or.TAirr.s-Cabbasc , per crate , S5.00 southern cauliflower , per def / , f AOOJ82.7."i ; home-grown asparagus , per do/en' bunches , : ( < i40c : spinach , per bu , SiOfiWOc ; green onions , per do15 20o : radishes , ) > er dol5Ti20c ( : lettuce , per doz , HOe ; pieplant , per ib , le ; peas , per bush box. S1..V ) ; strinc beans , per bush box , (28J.W ( ) ; wax beans per bush box , 83.50 ; ciieumbeis , per do1.00 ; squashes , per do/ , 81.7.V onlons.southernper libl , S5.00 ; onions , southein , ) > er bush box , .S2.25. BCANS The market Is veiv quiet and tlieiu is very little stock moving. Infeilor stocks , 7r > c@1.00 ; good clean country. SViya 1.M ; medium hand-picked , S1.SO1.40 : ( ; handpicked - picked navy , Sl.40rtJl.GO. 1'i.ouit AND MII.I.SIUFKS Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , s.00@uo : ! : ; second quality , S3.50@aOO ; best quality spring wneat flour , natent. SanwiaTfl ; bran , BSo per cwt ; chopped feed , hOe per cwt ; wliite corn meal , lXc ) ; yellow corn meal. 70e. per cwt ; screening , 60c per cwt ; hominy , SI.50 per cwt ; shorts , G0 < ! per cwt ; graham , 51.7a ; hay. in bales. SOXX ( < 7.00 wsr ton. Wool. Medium , 12@Vicper Ib ; line heavy , Io@l4e ; liulit , iao$13u ; coarbC , 10@12c ; burry wool , "aUK * ? off. LKATIIKK I'rimo slaughter sole leather. pitme oaK solo leather. . Upper . _ . , , leatlier ! , . per , . , _ toot , , , r _ 30ftf3ao . Vrench : hem. kip , . , it-w\j * > v/ J.w vin | > wu" vj | -lli3 llnlneM. SO.OOTe ( 10.00 periKu. COM. Iowa , 8ir' : > ; Wnlntit blocK , 83.24 ; Jllltiols. 54.W ; Missouri , 500. IIKA.VY llAiniWAKK Iron , rates , 52.25 ; plow bteelbpc''lal east , 4o ; cruoible each , 750 ; square nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; col chain , per Ib , C l'-'c : malleable. f.Sc : Iron wwlgps. Go : crowoars Co ; harrow teeth , 4c spilng steel , 7@ ! > c ; Hnrden's horseshoes S4.40 : llurden's mule shoes. S5.40. llarbei Wire , in car lots , 54.00 per lee Ibs. Iron Nulls , rates. 10 to CO , § 3,00. bhot buckshot , $1.85 : onental powder , kegs. 83.50 ( ai.OU ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs l.r > 0 ; blasting , kiws , 53.155 ; tu o , perioofeoi fXc. ) Har. > . PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. 7Kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure.a7.biii Mai si'Illesgreen , 1 to 5 ft cans , UOo ; French 7lnc green heal , 12c ; French fine , red seal , lie French zinc , in vnrnlsh asst , 2oc : rrencl zlnc,75c ; vermllllon. American , 18c ; Indlai red. lOc : losepink. 14o ; Venetian , red. Cook son's , 2/c ; Venetian , red , American , Uic rod led. ? Ko ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c chrome yellow , K. 12c : ocuie. rochelle ye. ochre , Fiench , 2fcfc ; ochre , American , 2c Winter's mineral. 2 > < c : Lehigli brown , 2j'c Simnlsh brown. 2 'c : Prince's mineral , * s. UUY PAINTS Whitelead , be : Krench ziue ,12c ; Paris whiting , 2Kc ; wliitlDS gilders IJio ; whiting , com'l , U c ; lampblack' . Ger mantown , I'-'o : lamnblack. ordinary , kc Prussian blue , 55e ; ultramarine 18u : van dyke. Drown. 8c : umber , burnt. 4e ; umber raw. to ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw4c Paris green , genuine. 25c : Paris green , com- inon.'JUc ; chrome green , N. X. , 'JOc : chroma green , K. lite ; vermllllon , KnglUh , in oil , 70o ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans , 1'Jc ; ntwand burnt sienna , 12c : vandyke. brown. iSc ; relined lampblack , 12c ; coach black nnd Ivory black , lOc : drop black , ICc ; Prussian blue , iOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c : chrome green. U , M. & It. , ICc : blind and shutter creon , U. M. * I ) . , ICc ; Paris green , Ibc ; Indian red. I5e ; Venetian red , 'Jo ; Tuscan , 2Jc ; American vermllllon. L. & I ) . , 'Ma yellow ochre , 9o ; K M , it 0.1) , , IHo ; god s ochre , ICc ; patent dryer , tic ; Kiaiulnj-colors Uht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , 12c. Ununs AND fnr.MtcAis Acid , carbolic , 4c : acid , tartarlc , 53c ; baNam copaiba , per Di , 4Sc ; bark , sassafras per R lOc : calomel , per Ib , 7Jc ; cninchonidl.1 , per oz , lOc ; cliloro- orm'per'ft , fiOc ; bove'rs powdpn > , 'pcr Ib , 1.25 ; cpsotn salt. " , ucr n > , 3Ku ! glycerine ; ure , per a , 18c ; lead , acetate , per n > , 20e , , II , castor , No. 1 , per pal. , ; oil , castor , < o. 2 , tier gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olUe. per gal. , 11.40 ; oil. origanum. fiOc : opium. S3.Vi ( : nul- line , P. & W. , and K. .t S. . per oz , Me ; ] x - nsslum Iodide , per Ib , J > % 00 ; salicln , per 07. Oo ; sulphate morphine , per oz , S2.fpO ; stil- liur. per tt > . 4c : str\chniuc , per oz , 61.40. \ Ait.sisni : Uarrrls per gallon : r"urnl- lire , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ; < iach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1. 81.20 ; ) amar. extra , SI.7'i ' ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum xtra , eSe ; shellac , 83.SO ; hard oil finish , bpiniTs-Colocno spirits. 188 proof , 51.12 ; o 101 proof , 31.13 ; hpiilts , second quality , 1)1 ) proof , 81.12 ; do , Ib8 proof , Sl.ll. Alco- .ol , 1S8 proof , SJ.10 per w Inc gallon. . Hpillv Illed whiskies , S1.00@t.50. ( Jin blended , il.no2.00 ; Kentuckv Ixmibous 82.00 ( < IO.OO ; Jentiicky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , fi.M ) ; ioldcnSheaf bourbon nnd rxohlskips , 51.50@3.00. Ur.indics. Imported , 8' > .00US.0 ( : onii'stle , Sl.30 ' 1.00. Gins imported , 84.50 dO.00 : domestic. S1.2.VS3.00. Hums , im- vrtedS4.5MS.oo ( ; New Kngland. S1.7 ; > @ 2.00 ; onipstlc , ? l/J.T(7iiOO. ( Champagnes , Import- d , per 82800(334.00 ( ; American , per " ase , . DI'sill'MVls ' Q r rihlsT'Ts ICU nan. NEW aw 100 w BO 40 13 10 lunn'a S'tNo.l IVb n W ! 1 503 20 1 83 1 K > 61 5,1 VeeOlb'wl nmcy 5 60.S 20 2 in I I 40 61 47 /BO ll'U Sh'l o F'ey 5 60 J 35 2 1(7 ( 1 B7 1 40 Kl , 17 JUI'OIITEII ril > ll. . llhls infinite O'r llhli Vnlls or kits HEW FISH. JOO 100 Ol ) 60 40 IS 13 10 S'or I KKK llur'lnb's 12 00 500 603 M3 70 8 } u oed eon < va or.'j no 75 llllfctllliKS ' H U0,4 M 4 OO.U . ; W I , ft ) MACKKItKU llblf. 'Unit ' Itbls'O'rllhls' ' ' a RCW 11S1I. -Jim . IIM on , fiO < d ot i j- niosterMcss. . . . , Vi W IB 00 id 2.VO aiT j'l Oi Ex. No. ISh'r . , ' . ' 4 ( JO 12 Mil UJOSUo 10 I 4) ) o. iShoru . 18 IXJ U TiO , b & ) ' 4 SO U IN ) led. No. 1 Shnro. . . 13 00 7 00 0 X , 3 KiffOl Iluv 11 00. 0 ft ) 5 4J ! l 05 J 50 Family Si U ) 5 OJ 4 Kl'S f i - ' 10 Fat 7 00 4 00 3 GJ 'a ' 05 1 70 I.AIU : visit. . Iff Ilbls O'rllbls Vis KfJ tisn. 100 1X1 OJ 0 i 12 i 11) > ' 0. 1 Whlto Fish . . . fl 00 A 4 1 1 ! 30 a 7U | IU N ) Family " . 3 002 70 1 70,1 , 5J ! Wl 60 fo. 1 Trout . 3 75l ! illl : , ' 17(1 ( SO 8.1 j 57 1'lukorol 8 00 1 8J 1 3Q'I ' 10 44 , 40 Holland hfiiliiK , " ; smoked TTinTbut.lOjjc ; Vatmoiith hloateis , OJB ; new scaled hnrrlnics , Dry Oooils. s American , 5J ; Arnold's. Oc : Co- checo , Cc ; Manchester , ( ic ; Lyman , 5c ; ( Jlou- : estur , .IMC ; Dnnncll Jacgtiard. Oo : Dunncll ' Windsor , (5c ( : Pacllic. Cc : llnrmon Anchor Shirllnps , 4 c ; ilerrimac , nus Kc : Herwick. ! c. UUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Macnolia. ,0i ! ; 10 07. Mairnolla , 12c : 8 o/ . West Point , 10Jic:10 : o . W t Point , 12 c. Hiiowx COTTON hawrenco LL , t5c : Shaw- imt , LL. 5c : Heaver Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic Lb , rc ; Indian Head. 7e ; WnticliUbset , 0c ; JrownXXX , Cj c ; Clilion CCOCc ; Utlca J 04 4fc ; Atlantic P.o > vc. TicKiNns Ainobkcaf ! ACA 12' c : Thoin- il\ko OOO , 1u'lliuindyko \ tanov. 9jc } ; York , I0 > c : Yorlc fancy. 12) ) < c : Mllbuiy , 12) < Tc ; Peatl Itiver , ll' c ; Hamilton , 1'Je ; Swift Uiver. CJfc ; Slictucket 8. 8 > < e ; Shetui-k- etSS , ( > e ; MnnUtik AA , 12c ; Montauk UB , llu ; Omeira AOA , I'-te. DUCK ( colored ) Uoston 0 o . brown and diab.iaXc ; liostou 0 H blown and cu.ib , 9c : Ho.ston XX brown and dr.ib , lOc ; Boston XXX brown and dial * , ll' c ; Boston O P blue. llXo : Warren Tricot , inc. Bi.KArnr.n COTTONS Farmeis' choice , 0/e ; Cabot. CJc ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4 1 , 7J c ; Hill , ; < , 6 > fc ; Ionsdale , 8c ; Fruit , be ; Wam- BUtt.l , 10J/C , 1 Cou-iT : J KANS Kearsarsje. 7c ; Armory , ; J'eDpeii'll , 7 c ; Indian Orchard , Os ; Naumlceai ; , 7e , UIIKVIOTS Amoskeag , checks 0) ) c ; Amos- keair , stiiiR'.s , 8Ujc ; Slater , stripes , be ; Julin- biiitf. 9 > < fc ; Whittendoii , stripes , He ; Glen- lose , ' . ) < : Otis , checks , a > c ; Otis , stripes , 9c ; Koyal , C5fo : Anidskeas , napped , 10' c : hu- my , book fold , 12c : Oberon. book fuM , llJic ; Knduiaiii'o , book told , 12e , DII.NIMS Heaver Creek AA , lie ; Beaver . _ . , _ . , , _ . ami oiown , 7)i _ _ Dry Lioiabor. No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft 817.00 No. 2 " " 12,14 and 10 tt in.oo No. 3 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.0.1 . No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 11.00 FRNCINO. No. 1 , 4 AC Inch , 12 and 14feet rough..S16.50 N o. l , 4 & C i nch , 10 feet , roiiah 17.0 J No.2 , 4&6 inch , 12 and 11 feet , rough. . 14.00 No. 2. 4 & 0 inch. 10 feet , rough 15.00 DIMIJNHIONS AND 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft'SI ' ft 24ft I1.K ) 15.50 15.60 1U.W 17.60 18.51) ) 19.53 15.00 15.00 15.00 16.0-J 17.00 20.00 21.00 2x8. 16.60 15 BO 15.KO 10.50 17.59 1 JO Z0.60 2x10. . . . . . . 15.60 15.50 15.50 10.50 17.50 2x12 11.60 15/0 15.60 laBO'lT.fiO.M.riO'ai.BO ' ' 44-8x8 . . 15.50l.1.50 ! 15.50 1U.50,17.5018.501I , ; .5I FLOO1UNU. A Clncli , white pine 53"i.K ( ) HO inch " " 3.1.00 C Cinch , " " 29.50 DOInch " " 20.50 K Cinch. " " 17.50 STOCK HO UtDS. , A12 Inch , sis 12 , U and IU feet 840 00 B " " " " " 4200 G " " " " 3000 D " " " " " " ' . " 23 00 No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 12,14 and'ioft" 18 00 No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20ft. . 1800 No.a " " " 12.14 and 10 ft. 10 00 BFTIP LAP. No.1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 517.50 No. a , Plai n , 8 and 10 inch 15.50 No. 1,0. U 1S.OO Mlll.NliLHB , I.AT1I. * A * Standard 82.05 Mncli , clear , SI.55 ; C inch , clour I.ii5 No.l. . 1.25 Lath 2.'i5 Grooera' ' PICKI.KS .Medium , in bbls. S5.50 ; do In halt bbls. SU. 5 : Hinall. In bbls. S0.50 ; do in halt bbls. 83.75 ; gherkins , lu bbls , 87.50 ; do. In Imir.bills. 84.25. OANNKD ( ioot s Oysters , standard , per case. fc3.45 ; stiiwlenlus,2 | b. perc.ise , 82.05 ; raspberric.i , 2-lb , per ease , 8'i.M : ) ; California in-ars I. . . . . , pur i case . . , . S iiO . . ; a-1 apricots f\i. , pcrcoho _ i. t , 84.50 Mieaelips. per case , S4.5U ; white cherries , per case , 85.SK ) ; plums , per case , 33,70 ; blue- bornes , per case. SJ.'J ; egg nlumc , S-Jb per case , 82.50 ; grepn gaws , 2-lb , per case S'&O ; pineapples , 2-lb , per ease , SV-O .SO. MATCHUS Per caddie. 2 > o : round , per case. 61.00 ; square eases , 81.70 ; mule square , SunAJts Powdcied , % c' cut loaf , 7Jfc ; granulated , OJi'c ; confectioners A , 0a ; stand- aid extra C , 0 , ' c ; e.\lia C , O tiJ c ; medium yellow , 6'f ? . lJiini : > FiioiTn No. l quarter apples , In cvuuoratcd bo\e > ,8feycblackberrioshoxi'S.S ; ) ( ttVfe ; peaches , eastern , 4 % < c .l > k'c ; peacnes ovaponued , I5 > ii@17i ! ; Salt hake , new , 7c ' ; r.ispberries , now. UKiWOc ; curiants , ' 7 > c ; , 4 % & 4c.o CUACKIIIS : ( iaineau's w la. butter and picnic , 5)a ) ; crt'.ims , t > J c ; ginger snaps bKc ; city 80di. ; 7Ke. SODA In Ib papcis. 83.25 a case ; salsoda , teg , per Ib. 224e. Syitui No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , 81.00 : New Orleans 3S4''x3 ' per gallon ; Maple byrup , } { barrel , Mrlctly pure , TOcpor eallou ; 1 gal lon cans , 9.5 ! per doz : yt gallon cans , per doz ; auart cans t J.K ( ) . STAHCH Mirror jrlois , 1 Ib , Oc ; Mirror 0 Ib , 7Hc ; Klncslord's pure , a Ib , lie ; prime , HK l-o ; choice , 12 fancy green and yellow , WK@14Vc ; old KOV- ernment Java , 30\"f 5e ; interior Java , 16 ri 20c ; Mocha. SJC < W4o ; ArbucUle's roasted , 14S c ; McLanclilln's XXXX roaited , 14)40 ) ; llilworth's. 14c : Hed Cross , I4 c. boApa Kirk s .iiivon inipcilal , 82.70 ; Kirk's satinet , $100. Kirk's btand.ud , S3.05 ; Kirk's whlto Unsblan. S4.U ) ; Klik's Whlto Cap , 80.50 ; Dome. 8 LOO ; Washboam , S3.10 OANDI.KS IHixes , 40 lu. Cs , iojc : 8s , ioje ; boxes , 401h , 1C o * , 6s , lO ui half box , 80ib , HUe. CANDY Mixed , ox@12c ; stick , t" i3llc. HALT Uniy luads , per bbl. $1.55 ; Ashton In sacksS3.S.S ; 5 bbls , dftlrv , si c TBAK Gunpowder , ifalr , 20307c : good. 41 ( B5. > e : choice , fiOv < 47tc ; irood Imperial , 40M41 ; . . Tea Slftlncs. li < c. CIDKH New oik , per bbl , $7.00 : do , half bW , 54.00 ; Crab , pel-do ? its. | ? 'j.7.'i ; Mlchlcan refined , per hbl. , S6.M ; do. half bbl. f 4.tW. ViNEOAn Wilto wine , isorues elder , 13 c ; sliiL'lo strciulh , 12o ; tripple s . FINK CUT-Hnrrt to Heat , TOO : Charm of the West , COc ; Kotinlnln , 70c : Golden Thteail- C7c ; Favoilte , OOc ; Hmis , 60c Hooky Moun tain , AOc : Fancy , 45c ; Daliy , 40c ; Notth Star fiOc ; Good Luck. 65e ; Our Best , ttJ < o ; Good News. Wo. D ARC A IN ! House , Corner Lot , UNow South Front. IN WALNUT HILL ADDITION , Near IUH Line Depot ; only $1000 , J-TOOilown , bl. ante monthly ; Mso S lots injolnlnp , from g500 to I&SO. S. S. VAN BEURCH , 220 South 14th SL Acre Property near Glty. CGljsjpcst BRILLIANTE Lots for Sale In all parts of Glty. EASY T12RMS S. 8. VAN BEUREN , 220 S. 14th. " LOTS $700 to $760 , $200 casb , bal , 1-2-3 Trs Van Beuren Place , 3 block ) ; from King St. Ciri S. S. Van Beuren. 220 S. 14th " McNAIR & SPRAY , Flour , Feed , Hay , Lime , Cement , PLASTER. Prices Kcnsonablc , Quality Gtmrautetid. Orders Filled Promptly. Telephone No. 801. 1505 Hurt Street , Between loth ami ICtli Tlir.NRIIKASKA HEA IIUHIIAU. AH cliis&cs of property mid ( loads Lout lit , sola nnd oxchunjvd City ptop orty lor luiins nnd wild lands , wild lands for goods ol nny kmil. Will ex- ehrtnuopiopcttr lists vltli . . . . . . rcl nblc Him do'iitf ' bn-Inuss nu.nhcro In the United Stutcs. A Ihnre 1 st ot city property ulnays on hand lor bile or axcltnintu. All hil ht Je A IcRwonh , telCihono | 78 , > . 218 P. Kth Bt. . Onnilm Nob. NOT ICC. Thocopnrtnsrshlp boretotoio ovlstlni ? between J. l > . Ulcoimil IJ. S. Mooio In the toil ostutc mil broker biihlnfess. is dis lvcd by niutual consent , to tormlniito tibm Juno 1st. 18sO. J * I. . 111CI. . D. S. JIUOttK. For Sale- propo nl will bo rccelvoJ by thn imclL'f-iuiieil until 11 o'clock 11. in. . June . 1880 , for the purchase of the fence that sur rounds JelTorton S iiiiiro. The board lescrvus the right to rojo < t any ior nil bids. , J. ! HOUSB * Clinlrmrfn Hoard of PuliJIc Works. - NOTlfcE. nidsforthoconstrucll'iii of of npninl stand for the Oinaha Disti ict 1'jlr Association , will bo received up to JunoBth. 1"WI , at theollljoof I ) U. Wheeler , Uiuijrhtcm block. Vlun * and poc. Icatlona for the same can now be FPCII at m ofllce. HENKV VOSS. JunoldU WOODBRID6E BRO'S ' , State Agents FOR THE DeckerBra'sPianos Omaha , Neb. BANKING. AccounUof llankcrt.Mcrebunti nnd uthcrs solicited. Collection I'romptlj Mudo. S. A. KEAH & CO. , Bankers , ( Successors to Preston , Kcan A Co. ) | OO WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO. Municipal , It. It. , Local iind other Ilondi. end for r.tit > . Best Goods in the Market , / / / . Ask for our cools and ecc tliattlie bear our trade OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. B. Sheare , J , E. HurVcl.T os. Swobo , Troprletori Job Printing. JIEBS PJ rKTLVtJ CO. , Job Flinty.Book . Binders , And Dlnnk Hock Manufacturers. 100-108 South yomcentU'Stroj "Flour and Feed , W. J WELSHANS & CO. , Wholesale Flonr , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers f W. J , Welshans & Co.'s Quick lUilblntr liuckw linit tlourond proprietors Omaha City MUU , cor. Hh und rurnaui Streote , Oinobiu Ltather , Hides , ttc , JLOMAN iiuoa , Wholcsalu Leathei , Saddlery Hardware , Esddlcry uiul Hioo rjnilliiirH , IHUts , Wool , Purs , , a'ullow , Ktc. , Onmtm Not. Beer , M. KKATING , , , ent for' Aiheuser-BiisD Brewing Ass'n Special. bruidg I'uUtt , IJudwelwr , CMIH * MANUFACTURERS. Book Binding , Etc , Printers , Book Binders , AmHHnnk Hook MnMiifiirtiuorf. No * . 106 find IDS South 1 till Strost. Uinnhn , Nob. Bridges Steam Pile Driving. ll.VYMOXI ) it CAMPHKLL , Engineers nnd Contrnctois. Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Comblnntlon nml Howe Tr\i * ? llrllKC , "llhiir nnil Onk Timber. 15th St. , niiir I'nrnnni. Tclcphono Xo 7JI. _ _ Cigars and Tobacco. . _ MAX .MCYKH A CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Gun ; nnd Ammunition , sis to 22.1 South llth Etiii-t , liKOtoK \ ( { J'ltiniuu Street , Omnlm , Neb. ClItAII 1'ACTOItV. WKST A. rillTSCHRH. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Ami Wholoenlo Dealers tn Ix-uf Tobaccos. Nos. JOS und lit ) N. 14th Street , Omalm , Net ) . v/rocxery , ' XV7 WltlOHT , Agent for the Manufacturer ! ! ami Importora , Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chliniicjs. Cte. onico , ! 117 South 13th Ktrot-t. Omaha , Nub. cTs. oooimicn * cl > for F. A. Whitney Cntrlax * Co. i _ _ Cuiidren's Carriages , Ami Jewell's Cclcbiatcil Ken Iterators , San forprlco lists. 141.'i Knrnim St. , Otnnhn. O. S. PKTTIS & CO. , ISholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages , Plmctonn , niiRgtC' nnrt Itnnil Wncnn * . SO per cent natcd In biiyliiK or u * . 1 3 11101t \ \ , Itunl fctrcct , Omnli.i , > vluii > liit IJrnnch nt Council llhilTi , lown Cornices. Eagle Cornice WorFs. John Rpeneti-r , 1'ioprlctor. Manururtuicr of iilMinboU Iron mitl Ooinli o. IKI led > o and 101 nml 10J Not Hi 10th Otrcct , Omiilin , Nob. KUIIMPINO V IIOI.TK. Manufacturers ot Ornninvntnl Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinnls , itc.ilOS. : : lU'thFt. Workdono In nn/ purl ol thocountry. Western Cornice Works , C. Sl'ECHT. Proprietor. Onlvnnl/eil Iron Cornices , Kto , Spocut'slm- iro\ed I'nlont Mctnll'o Sklight. WW und 103. ISth St. . Doors , Sash. Etc. The Gate Ci.y Doors , Pnsh and Ullnds. Alto nil Kinds of tinning. Stroll und Stair woik of o\ery do- Bcrlptlon. A. UOSENI1EKV , Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stnir llalli a specialty Telephone No. 93 Jjth nnd Murcv MI . Omaha , Xtb. Electrical Supplies. L. W.'WOLKE & CO.Elcct7lclanV Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Omnha. Hurglnr Alarms , Hells , Flic Alarms , P'uutiiu Minting , Spenkiiiff Tuboa , Iron Works. PAXTON & VIKKLLN ( } 1KOV WOK'CS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ion Stairs , UallliDr , Hollcd He uns und Ulrderd Stenm Eiifrlues , llra'-s Work , General Foundry Machine and Ulacksmlth Work. Oilloe nnd Works TJ. ) ' . Hy. und S 17th St. Iron a ; d Neils , " " OMAIIAXAILM.4 'JITACTUHINO CO" . Gut Hails and Spikes , Fire Kails r. Pp ; ! ltv. Omnlm. Xcb Safes. Omalia Safe Works , G. ANDHEEN. Monufncturer of Hi o nml Ilui lir Proof Sofo , Vault Doorfi , Jail Work. Shutters nnd WIre Work. Cor. Hth nnd Jackson fits. , Omaha , Neb. Wagons and Carriages. Established 185S. A. J. SIMPSON. The Leading Carriage Factory , UU Pwlgo Street , Omaba , Nob. CommUtlon , Etc. > 1. DUUKE & SONS , Live Stock Commission Oco. Din ko , Manager. Dnlon Stock Yards , S. Omaha. Tola.ihuno 882' ' Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Kiimlted. John K. lloyd , SupcrlntcndenL MAVAOE & ( WEEN , ' Live Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of nny nnd nil kinds of stock solicit , cd. Union bti ek YurdaOmaba , Nob. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS IJKADKORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , 8Mb , Doors , Kto. Yards Our. 7th nnd Doug ! ? ; , Cor. Uth und DouglaO. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldlugH , Stair Work nnd Intciior Hard Wood Klnlbh. Just ojiencd. N. K. cor , bth und l.tuvcu- w ortu StruutB , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , Hi a Uth Struct , Oinahu , Nub. F. Colpctzcr , Manager. c. N. DIETS ; Lumber , 13th and California Streets , Omaha , Nob. I'llED W. GIIAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Otb and Douglaa Sticcts , Omaha , Neb , . A , HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omuliu , CHAS. 11. I.KH , Hard /ood / Lumber , Wafcn Ftock , 1'nncjr Wooils , Hrlilfo TIinhori\ Ac. , a. W , Cor , Dili und Douglas , Onmhii , Nob. G. P. tYJAN , Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uulldlnv 1'upcr , Ktc. Fouth IJtli Filll , Etc , JTENBDX"FISII CO. " Sutccs ors to Icken Flcnisscn le Co. - Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of r < ircl-n I'lsh.Nos. OIl-'Jll Jonel v = r6tr < " t wid v' . J * . Track , Ouiuha. Neb.- , Confectionery. F. P. KAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbfittof Frnitb , Nuti > und CteiUn. 1311 I'u in a in Bt. , Omaha , .neb. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , _ " tlNlNOr.1t AMrrrCAI.r CX ) . , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Office , Corner fitb. nna I'nclflo PtsOinnhn , No'.v. " i'AHLiN , our.NnoHiT & MAUTIN , V litcs..o ) ) Dealer la Agricultural Implements , Wagons nml lliifrgli" ) , Oinnhn Nob. Clll'KClIIl.lj PAlKii ! : ! , Wholesale Denier In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carringi'i iitul llucsli- ' . . ! < no * . , I'd. I'th ' niul IJth.Omnlm.Nob. _ _ Boots and Slices. v. MOIISI : & co. . Jobbers of Boots and Slices , Hll Foriinui Plreet.Oinnhn , Nob. Manufactory , Stu-ct , lloston. Carpels. _ " _ % k A. ouciiAun , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mftttlngs , Curtnln ( Jooi ! . Ktr. , HS1 rnrnnni Street , Omaha , Kelt , _ _ Coal , Liroi , Elf. " " " " "JKFFW. nr.immp , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , 213 B. Hllirt. , Oinnhn , Nob. Yards. "tli nnJ iwcnport Sheets. _ ' T &SQUIHKS Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. Rest varieties , omco , 21HS. UlhSt. Telephone No. I < KOiinhnNob. ! NIUUASIA rur-Lco. , Shippers ot Coal and Coke , SliS. 13h ( St. , Oruahn. Neb. Or.ti. ( J.Towi.p , 1'rcelilont. Oio. PATTI IISON , Sue. und J.ll. HUI.IIKUT , I'.A. IUl.01 , 1'ioprlotor. Miinmrer. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NT.IHIASKA. Ofllcc , L'17. . Mill Street. Telephoned. _ BioTr. l.tiiAOiiTrios. ( ' 1' . GOODMAN , V Pie * J. A. SUNWHUNi ) fee. nndTiiMW. Omaba Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of luiril niul < oft coil ! , 2ifl S. lUth St. Oiiinhii , Neb OMAHA COAL AND 1'KODCCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Eiclueivo denials In Houldur Colorado Coul.217 Mmth Hlli Klit'ut. Coffee and Spicej. _ (5ATKS ( , COLK & MILKS , Home Coffee and Spice Mils HTgCo , ColTro HmisiLMS mill Splco tii hiiliT-i. niiinii flirt mots of Hiiklni ; lo ilrr , I'lnvniiiiRKxtrnolg Illiilnff , utt' . Try OTIO rnso of our Mfc pnckniro Huinu Illend Koasleil Collee. KM ) Howard St , Cinnlm , Neb. ' riAKKR lIHOS * . &CO. , Omaba Coffee and Spice Mills. Teas Coffi-ps , Spiers. Itnklnn I'owilor rin Eilmcts , I.iiuniliy Hluo. lul. , oto. 1414-1U Hur- nor Street , Oinulin , Neb. _ _ _ _ Commission , Etc. _ _ _ _ " " " ' llltANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 Minium St.Oiiinlui. Appli's-Out-owii i-nck- ItiK 1'lntt fcr.i H TteiT lliuiul O } uten > . Ituttur , KIIRS , ( iiiiuu , Poultry , 1'otntoee. _ JOHN F. 1'I.AOK , General Commission Merchant , Vrodiieo.I'iovMons rmltb , Flour ami Kccil , 10.i 5. Hth St. , Oinnliu , Neb. Consignments solicited. Itctiirns niiulo iiLOimHlv. II. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 815 U'th Slrei-t. Oiim'in. NVli. Spi > eJiltlC8 : nut ter. Knu : ? , unil Cl vvinnn.MAN&co. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , llutlcr , ( Jinno , Fruits , llto. IT-'OH. Hill St. , Oinnha. Nehinskn. n nuos. , General Commission Merchants , ] < 06DodffoStr ct , Omaha , Neb. Consignments Solicited. W. K. HIDURMj , Storage and Commission Merchant. Si'i.ciAi/iiiH Chfct-o , Dutu-r KPKS , Poultry mid ( jiuno , m 8. Uth. , Um.ilm , Nob. ToU- pliono No. 3J3. 3J3.WKKKS " WKKKS At MiLI.AHD , Storage and Commission Mjrchants. I'OU''KII niul DoinoMic KrultH u hjKjclnlty. Kl- cfunt etnititro fdfllltli4Vuii'lnii ) u mid ollieo , Iti NoitU lUth bt. Tc'lophono 770. D. A. : HUIEY ( , Commission and Jobbing , niittor , EPBB unil Produce. A full Hun or Stono- wnir. CoiiHlKiiiiieiltB bolicitod. J4U led ) o St. , Oiuulm. r. . MOHONV , General Commission Merchant , Hutter , LRKP , Chet-eo tinil Count ly Produce Kon- ei allyUUU H. 12th St. , Unmhii , Neb. JICSHANK ASCHHOKDUIt , Bnyers of Bntter and Eggs. ncfrlpcrntor nnd Pncklnp Houeo.Mth .t Louven- worth St. , on U. 1' , It. K. Track , Oiimlia , Neb. E6tnbllfchcrll870. HOIIK1IT PUHV1S , General Commission , tllS. lith St. , Omuliu , Nob. Bpc-clultles Butter EKKI > , Poiiltiy and Unme. PEYCKB nitOS. , Commission Merchants , I'm Its , ProiHioo mid ProvlsionM , Oiimhu , Neb ( JKIFKITH , \ : IIIOMA.S Bil''i'csMir < to IP MII > ( ! ill Hi. Commissioa Merchant , and wliolcsnlo dealer In iDiiiiliy pro'luco , fruits butter , ( w * , etc. ( jooilx on conglKnnioiit a it'cl<y. | U2J N. 16h ! n. , ( JiiiHhn , Nub. KIJlSriHWAUN & SONS , ( Succs = * ra to A. I' . Sclmok. ) Produce Commission Merchants. Ko. S13 South nth Strcot. Omahu.Nob. Ury Gooiis. J. J. J1HOWJJ & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , JIOJ Douulas Struct , Oimilm , Null. J , . GINSIir.ltO A. CO. , Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , JJICCH , Hiiibroldcry mid \Vliilo JKt0 Douglas Street , Oiimhu , Noli. _ _ Leadl CAUTKIl WHITK LKAI ) CO. . Strictly Pura White Lead. JMIh Stnnd U. P. Hy. Oniutm , HarncsSi Etc. WKI.TV * I.ANDKOCR , Unimnuturei a and JoUbcis of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goods , lllniikola nnd ItobvB. U.'l I'unmtn _ _ _ Sln'i t Oiniilin. Nub , _ _ . Mattresses , _ ' " " v "l ! . M. HIJI K , Mattress Company , MnniifRrturlnjr Mntlrcs&ra , Iliilitlnp , rtnthrr Pillim f. Cult , , I'M. 1200 und 1-W DoutrluM Street , Oiiialiu , Nub , Overalls , Manufacturers.of Overalls , JfillB PUUtB , Mill 18 , Kit1. , IICU IllJJ Vi tUtt ) , UillU.'ui OMAHA JOBBERS' DiREOTORY OMAHA li MP'Ml CO , Doalort In All Klml < > f Building Material at Wholesala. ii < iii I'nc fl TrncV , Oinaliv n HUMAN' n. WVATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , tOth and Ifard Slieeti , Oinnhn , Nebraska. Wholesale lumber Lath , , Shines , tulldlnir 1'nperj , Pn h , Doors , Illlnds , Moulf nfi , I'lcKrlj. Po l , Mini' , Clavier , lln | , Cimcnt. Khun nun Jonc , Oiunlm Nob. Millinery , I. ? * ' Jmpoitcrs nnd JobbctioC Millinery and Notions , ii"p'.ul V'H llarncy Street , Onmhn , Neb. Instrumcnls. , ii : > I101M A. KUK'KSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. FtulnMtiy Chinos Weber , Uoekcr , Hn - < , 1'iu'oiiiil Oiirniii ! , Chnso 101 mid 1UJ 15lli rtrcut. _ _ _ Ftirniturs , Elc , CllAHUJS SlIIVKIMCIC , 'urniture ' , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors Ute. , 12 * . l.W nnd I2IJ Vinniin 1 cot.O.inhn , i > E\vnv Wholesale Dealers In Furniture , Knrnmn Stti-ct , Omnliii , Neb. Groceries. At.l.r.N IIHOS. . Wholesale Grocers , 111Gnnd 111 ! ! Douiilivf Street , Omnha , Nrb. K. 1J. CHAPMAN CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , I'obRfCO mid Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard PL MEYKIt & UAAPKK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , Clears nnd Tobnctw. 1UI7 nnd U19 niiUr ( InsSticet.Omukn.Nel ) . McCOlin , I1HADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd rnrnnm Streets , Omnhn , N K PAXTON , 0 A 1,1 , A(5HUH At CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. HU , 707 , 70-J mid 711 S. 10th Bt. , Ouiiihn , Neb. Hardware , tV. J. nitOATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , , , , , : - , . , , , , , , ,11 Stock , Iliiuluooil luinborotf 12iiU nnil 1211 Hartley bticci.Oumhu , Nob. KiNivciinnoNT : Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Cnrrliipo Wood StocU. llciivy lluiiU/Arc , Kto. 1217und I'ilO l.c.ivenwoilhSticcl.Oirtnhii , Nub. " 1IIMRIIAUOH & TAYI.OH , Builders' Hardware , Mrchnnlro' Tools nnd lluffulo SuuloICk ) nouy hip Slicut , OiiKilm , Null. ' MU : , raiKD.v co. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Uti . Airrnts lor Ilo o Scales iin4 Miami 1'ottihTCo..Oiniihu Nub. JIH.TON HOOKHS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , ( Hiilea , llinsx Roods. 1U21 und 1.I2J FtF- niiin t ticct. ItECTOK & WIMIBLMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Btcol NiilN. Cor. 10th und Harnoy Mrctits , OiuHhn , Ni < b. Harvesters. * CO. , CHICAGO , Munuf eturcr ol the Deering Harvester Goods , SVrltB to Win. M. Ixirlmor. GaneiiU Asent , Oniuhiu Tt'ephonoUlO. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. 1. . STHANOCOMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. EUam. Wnter , ltull nynndMillliirSuppllcsEt'.l ( 020 , li aiid'.c.'iruriinmSt. Omuliu , Nob. i CHUHCHIU , PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam mid Wntcr Supplies. Hciidiiimrtors tot Must Koost C'o.'s Goods. 1111 Kurnmn Street , Oinahu , Neb. i Jewelry. , M & ElllCICSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Sllvorwiuo , Dlumondii , Wntohflg Clocks , JcweloiB' Tools nncl .MnlcrliiU , Kto. , 10J nnd l i , 15th Street , Cor. Dodifn , Oiniihii , Neb. Notions Et : . VINYAItD & , SCH.N'iiRIl. : ! . 'ohhors in Notions , Hosiery & GentsTarnishlng-Goad 1WW und 1IWS l' urnum tit. , Unmha , Nut ) . J. T. Robinson Kotion Company , " " . 4UI and t ( & S. lUth St.Omiihu , Nub. I Wholesale Dunlers In Notions und ( ieutr Flip- nlshlntf ClooOs. i Oils , Etc , CONSOI.IDATKI ) TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Oils , Qnflollnc , Mien A\lo fJrcum , Kto. A. li. Jllshops MunuRer , Omaha , Nub. Porlt Packing , _ JAMKS u. itorn , Fork Packer and Shipper , Omnlm , Nohiiibkn , IIAItltIS& KIFIIEIl , Packers and Provision Dealers , Onicc , Union Maikut.lMT Iod ) to Htrout. hoiito , U. P. II. H. Track , Oinuba , Neb , Tul * phone No. 1,17. Safes and Locks , * j > . HOY UK A : CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire mid IlnrKlurl'ioof Hafos.Tlino l.oclirf.Viuiltl und Jail wink. 1U.'U I'urimni blroet , Oinulin , Neb Seeds. " j. I\-ANS : , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Ainli'ultitral , Virotnl/lu , Kto. ( ) < M I'ullows' Hall , N. W. Cor. lllli unil Uodgu .St . , Oiimlia , Nbb. Drugs , Etc , T11K r.OODMAN DHUO TO Wholesale Druggist' , And Dealer in 1'nliilx , Oils und Window rjna\ | Omalui , I'.vb. , Wines , Liquors , ft" . II.Klt A , CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wine1 And Liquors. Solo iiiuniituctururi of Kcnn Kiiht Jiidlii Illllfiii. Ill11 unify Hired , , > v. JII Eucucesnr to JICJAMAIIA mill Wholetulo Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 11 nnd 21U H. lllh St. , Omaha , .Vob. " * notions , ttt. r HHANDIK3 .V RON , Wholesale Job Lots , Drj Goods , Notions , Ountb' Kurnlsliln flop. ! * . ( Jficdu front New VorV. U'rado sului duiljr. U ( mi ) < ' 08 South IJtb BU , Omnhft. ' /I