SUE BRADSTREES.T . An Interesting Legal Tarn to the Sloman failure. ONLY A LITTLE CUP OF WATER. tlnlfronil Notes nnd I'crsonnln Mrs. l''rnnk's Case .Turtle Me- Cullocli'H Predicament Police Matters. T , The Sloman Failure. There nro no especially new develop- Hi cuts in tlio Slotimn failure. Receiver & A. Slomun h working away at the ac counts , trying to get them into satisfuc- lory shape for a scttlomcnt , Slowmtin JJros. nnnoitnco thnt they will secure every nicklc of thulr indebtedness in Omaha. A very lively and thoronglilv interest- ine huv suit will grow out of this failure. The papers will 1)0 prepared nnd thi ) CUM ) will be lilctl at as early a day sis possiblo. Tlio action will bo brought by Sloman Itros. against Hntdfitrcut's local agency on the ground that a false "call report" Issued by tills company was tlio cause of the failure. Morris Sicilian , who claims that the af fairs of the llrm have not been correctly shown up In tlio local papers , says that the trouble all are so over a personal quarrel between himself and a gentleman connected with Hradstrcets. nnd that a day or two thereafter , that agency sent out a "call report" which as aliened , waM totally false in many particulars , and overdrawn in others. This "call report" alarmed the eastern firms doing business with Sloman liro.s. nnd caused them to swoop down upon the Omaha Imiihu. Sloman Bros , kept on meeting these claims as fast as they came in , until thi ) pressure became too crcat iml they were forced to succumb. One of the doeuments to bo produced in evidence was shown to a reporter by 'Morris Slomau yesterday. ltis ; a cony of rating sent out by llradstrcet on April 7 , which speaks favorably of the firm. nttADSTKKKT'S SUM' OK TI1H CASK. Mr W. O. Taylor , manager of llrad- streets Omaha agency , was questioned yesterday afternoon concerning thn state ment of Sloman that the "call" report of Dratlstreet had been made upon false grounds. Ho stated that early in .March .Morris Sloman made a statement to the agency that the linn was in debt but $14,0K ( ) . Upon this statement the agency gave the linn a favorable rating. Later it was discovered that the tirm'fi liabili ties amounted to live or six times the amount stated by Morris Sloman , and ac cordingly , on March 80. tie rating of the tirtn was withdrawn. Mr. Taylor says that the rating of Sloman Itros. should have been withdrawn in January when Samuel Sloman left the Iirm. The Council Meeting , The council met in regular weekly ses sion Tuesday night with a full board of lilennen present. The following business was transacted : PETITIONS AND COMMPNIRATIONS. From the mayor Approving certain ordinances passed at the hibt meeting of the council. Same Vetoing ordinance appropriat ing certain property for the opening of Seventh avenue. Referred to delegation from the first ward , Same Thomas Allen , llcnvy Wells and Frank Haspcr as special policemen. Confirmed. Commissioner of public works Ap proving grading , contracts of Stuht & llamcl. Approved. Same Iteeeoincnding acceptance of the bid of WolHlians & McEwtui for the construction of street fountains. Public property and improvements. . Samp Claim of Aaron Hopl for street sweeping. Finance and claims. ' Sumo -Reporting estimate 6t paving inspectors. Approved. Same Final estimate of C. D. Woolworth - worth for crosswalks on Farnam. Ap proved. Same Estimate of Chas. Gardner for sidewalk construction. Approved. From city treasurer in regard to ten ders for damage in proposed changes of grade. From John Curry Tendering resigna tion from the nolico force. Accepted. From 0.15. Willard , of Loup City In viting the council to attend celebration at Loup City on Juno -Hli in honor of railroad at that point. Accepted. Of property owners calling attention to the fact that the Tenth street sewer is insulliciont in si/.e and asking for relief. Delegation from lirsl ward and city en gineer. Of Usher & Russell asking for location oL water hydrants near their foundry , i'iro and water works. Of property owners asking for nxtcn- fiion of city limits ono mile .south and ono mile west of Okahoma. Judiciary. From Ohio Street Lightning company of Canton , Ohio. Presenting proposition for the lighting of certain parts of the city with gasoline lamps ; 'MO lamps to bo furnished at ifl'J each to bo lighted 805 nights in tlio year. Gas and electric ght. Proposition from S. K. Rodgers in re ference to the extension of Park Wiltlo avenue. First ward delegation. Of II. Koiint/o Asking for location of firu hydrant near Urownoll hajl. Granted. Ofciti/.ons-Askingtlmtanufcancoattho Junction of 1'iiiroo and Pacific streets , iu UIQ idiapo of carbago and offal , be abated. Delegation from I't ! > tward. Property owners Ahking for lilling of tllny way , consisting of lots ! i anil , In ' block 10'botwi'on Sixteenth anil Seven- tdonth and south of Castollar street. Second end ward delegation ami city onginee'r. From James Gilbert , city gas inspec tor That tlui most fi'iisiblo i > lan of num bering the street lamps would bo to have nn iron band or cornice placed on the dome of the lamp at an angle of15 deg. The cost to bo about fit ) cunts per lamp- Public property ami improvements. HKSO1.UTIONS. IJy Goodrich Tluit the city cngiucnr , city attorney ami city treasurer oo in structed to prepare an ordinance provid ing for the issuance of bonds for tlio pay ment of paving Jackson. Jones , Twelfth , Lcnvonworth , Fourteenth and I'lirnam. Adopted. IJySchrocdor That the Union Pacific fallroad bo required to have a ilagman jit eald crossing until at least U or 10 o'clock p , in. Adopted. By Goodman That the chairman ol the board of public works bu allowed if.'J.I DOr month for horse biro during the sum- moV months. Finance anil claims , IJy Ihiiloy That the city clerk bo in structed to iuvito proposals for city ad- VoHislng for the next libcal year. Adopted , IJy Ualloy That the telephone bu j-enioved from the mayor'sollico and that the sign "Mayor's olllcn" bo removed front tlio the entrance to the city hall , Adopted , IJy Goodrich That the committee on lire nnd water works bo instructed to pro < euro u suitablu lot for the building of u hosu house lor No , U company. Adopted , JUi'OUTS : OF COMMITTKKS. Grades and grading Recommendinc the narrowing of Twenty-third street noutli \Vcbitor. . Adopted. Siuno Recommending tlio adoption ol tho'ordlnanco extending Twenty-eightli fchvet through McConmck's addition. Police Recommending the discharge 'of John Currio from the police force foi insubordination. File , Snmo Recommending that the eitj abate the nuituuco existing iu tin shape of three houses at the corner of Fifteenth and Izard streets. Adopted. Same Rccomn.'cuding adoption of resolution elution sending polic" uian to sulphur springs on Sunday. Adopted. Same Raising salary of Cnnilng street jailor to $ . ( ) prr month , Adopted. Paving , Curbing and Guttering Rec ommending that tlic protel against pav ing of Leavcmvorth street be placed on file. Adopted. Sumo Recommending payment of bill [ if J. 1C. Riley from re-curbing and gutter ing fund. Adopted. Public Property anil Improvements Itccominnnding that the mayor's appoint ment of G. C. Whitlock as inspector of buildinirs bo approved. Adopted. Councilman Lee stated that it was a matter of congratulation to the council tiiat they were able to meet all the claims against tlio city for the last mouth of the lical year. Such has not been the ease before for fifteen years and the fact re- Heels credit upon the management of the excellent city council. The city auditor reported the following balances in the various funds for the month ending May ai , 1880 ! ( tciieral fund . $13,4Si.80 Library fuiiil . 'Jrw.5l : Water tout . 11,0'W.tK ) .link-men ! . ii.riU.T7 Police . 1t.-.l..VJ ! Holler Inspector . 1'J.Wl Cm bin j ; nnd guttering . 13,151.0 ! ) OIIDINANOES. Providing for the transfer of certain funds to the general fund and from the general fund to the police fund anil lire hind. Passed. Providing for the payment of liabilities incurred during the month of May , 1880 , amounted to $18O.Ci ( ! ! ) , from llio several funds as folloxvs : ( icneral fund . S11,3G9 05 Police . , a.OM si Klrc . : u > r > 83 CiirliltiR , cutterlni : . 47 81 The ordinance was passed. Establishing the , grade from Twenty- sixth avenue to Howard street. Passed. Establishing grade of Thirty-sixth street trom Loavoiiworth to southern corporate limits. Grades and Grading. Creating paving districts numbers 07 , OS. ( ) and 70. Passed. Establishing grade of Twelfth street From Pierce street to Williams street. Grades and grading. Ordering the grading of Woolworth street irom Twenty-ninth to Thirty-sec end avenue. Passed. Changing section ono of chapter six teen of Cliaso's compiled ordinances. Section one of the ordinance is as fol lows : Any person who , within the limits of the city snail keep or maintain or shall be an in mate or in any way connected wither or shall in any way contribute to the support of any house ot prostitution or other disorderly house , or shall knowingly lease any building , place , lot or premises to any notorious prostitute , or any other person lor the purpose of being kept or used as n hotiso or place of prostitution , shall ho deemed uilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction ticicof shall be lined in any sum not less tnan S'J5 nor more than SW , and In addition theieto imtybc Impliosiied not to excecdteii days. days.Tho The ordinance was introduced by Councilman Ford and adopted unani mously after considerable discussion. Providing for the removal of garbage , dead animals and other refuse matttcr and to prohibit the depositing of manure and other refuse matter iu thu streets and alleys in the city of Omaha. Passed. Changing grade of Davenport street from Ninth to Eleventh street and ot Tenth street from Capitol avenue to Chicago cage street. Passed. Changing grade of Sixteenth street from Nicholas street to north line of lot 18. in Horbaoh's first addition. Passed. Declaring necessity of changing grade of Fifteenth from Jackson to Jones Street. Passed. Declaring necessity of extending Twen ty-eight street through McCormiek's ad dition trom the north line of John I. Redick'ssubvision to Farnam street. Ad journed. ONI/Y A CUP OF WATER. How a New York Drummer Was Drugged and Ilobbnd. "That diamond ring has a history , " said a traveling man in the Pnxton rotunda the other night , displaying a well-sized " " his little . - "spark" on finger. "I was robbed of that ring two years ago on the tram while going from Now York to IJnft'alo , in the slickest manner imaginable. It won't take buta moment to tell the story , and I'll just relate il to yon. It may prevent your being caught in the same trap some time. "I fell into conversation with a passen ger on the train , a nice appearing.gentlc- manly young fellow , who told me fliat he was gome out to Chicago to establish himself in business. I noticed that he took good care to size IIP my ring and scorned to take an especial interest in it. Finally , a hour before the train was duo at liuIValo , ho got up , wont to the water cooler and took a drink. Very cour teously , as I thought , when ho came back ho brought with him a cup of the refreshing liquid and offered itto mo. Of course I thanked him ami drank it. I thought it tasted rather queer , but said nothing. Pretty soon 1 began to grow drowsy and putting my head on a folded overcoat , fell back asleep. I know noth ing more until I awoke in Buffalo. The very first thing I noticed after I fully roali/.cd that I was in the laud of the waking was that my $ .700 . diamond ring was gouo from my linger. And the nice-looking stranger was gone from my sldo. In a moment then I realized the truth. The water which had been offered me had been drugged by the polite young man , and then I had been robbed. To cut a long story short , Mr. Thief was run to the ground within twenty-four hours by an experienced detective , being captured in a little town a few miles from Buffalo , at which station ono of the passengers had seen him get off. The diamond ring was found in his possession. Ills full con fession of the crime exactly corroborated my first suspicions. IIo is now "doing time" in Sing Sing. " BW13I3T SOUNDS. To Swell In tlio Exposition IIuililltiR 'at ' tlio June Festival , TttesdayCthero was a Qjolni Erohcarsal at tlio exposition building of thy local chorus of the Juno festival The attend ance of singers was smaller than usual owing to other engagements , but the orchestra had a good representation. Conductor Pratt was present and led the work , The parts rehearsed were those of the "Messiah" and the ' 'Hymn of Praise. " In the former , especially , tlio chorus dis played most satisfactory ability. It was rendered with intelligent and forceful effect. With the other piece , there was not displayed the same proficiency , but another reliearsal would servo to equalize the standard. There seems to have been made a mis take in placing the orchestra upon a platform of nearly the same level as that of the singers. In some instances a number of the latter are hidden by the musicians in trout , while , for a largo part of the audience in the front rows the orchestral and not the vocal effort will bo that to reach the cars. It is , of course , advisable that the orchestra should bo well nmler the direction of tlio conductor , but that effect might bo secured and still have the orchestra in position where they would not be really the , principal fea ture of ilia occasion to u largo part of the audience. There will bo another choral rehearsal on next Tnosday night , about forty in number from tlio singing societies of Chicago will bo present. On Wednesday morning there will bo a jqiut rehearsal of all : ho participants , including the Chicago orchestra , which will bo about thirty strong. Agents arc now working tip a patronage in the state , nnd a large attendance is expected , 1IBNEVOLENOK AND COUNTRY. To no Advanced by tlio Stnto Conven tion of the A. O. It. The state ofllccrs of the A. 0,11. , have issued a call for a state convention , which will bo hold at their hall on Thir teenth and Jackson Blroots on Monday , Juno 21. The convention will bo a very important one for the order and its spread in Nebraska , anil it is expected will bo attended by delegates from all parts of the state. A great Impetus was given the society throughout the United States by the atti tude assumed by IMshop Ireland of Min nesota at the national convention lately held there Steps will bo taken by the delegates at the state convention here , to largely in crease the membership and more thoroughly establish it in inlluence throughout the state. It is expected a grand reception will bo tendered the delegated after their labors are over by the mum bora of the local division and their lady friends , particu lars of which will bo auhounced later. Jtail Notes. The followlugself-explauatory circular was issued yesterday. To Atjoiits anil Cnitncctlni : Lines : Mr. W. F. ( iilllltts Imvlinc icslmii'd his position as assistant general lieiu-ht uncut ol the Union I'.ieilie railway company to accept other service , all communications with ret'- ciciico to west-bound transcontinental iiolghttranic. Includlne all ft o in lit destined to points wcstot Wyoming , lipietol'oro sent to him will , until fuithcr advised , be ad dressed to THOMAS 1. KIMIIAI.I. , ' ( Soncral Trnlllc Manager. Thursday evening the Union Pacific will send out an excursion train to Loup City , where the citizens of that growing burg are to celebrate the opening of the Lonp Citv branch. The Union Pacific sonic time ajro ordered twenty now engines from the lialdwin manufactory in the cast , and one of them , numbered 817 , rolled into thu yards yesterday ( at an early hour. Tlio Grand Island train was delayed a few minutes this morning by cattle on the trncic near Klkhorn. The delay enabled No. 1 , westbound , to pull out , and permitted the suburban to pull in along the regular platform. This latter train has been compelled , heretofore , to unload its passengers out among the tracks in the depot. It is com mented on that llio management should cither build a new platform or enable the train in question to reach tho'old one. The train carried about I'-Vi passengers between Grand Island and Omaha , > nnd , about the same number going west last night. This number , it is thought , will increase with the country. The first class faro from this city to Chicago is now $11 ; second class , it is only $8. .I.R.Manchester left yesterday for Wahoo , and will go thence to Lincoln , from which point ho will join the oscui- sion to Loup City at Valley this evening. _ Police Court. Judge Stonburg had the pleasure . 'yes terday of hearing a Rohomuin case. Leopold Karish was accused of robbing Jacob Kusok of a roll of monpy ; amoiint ; % ing to some $15. Hotli were boardinglit , ' the same house. The only cvidence'that Kneek could bring against Karish was the fact that the latter had been scon in the room shortly before the money had been missed. Judge Stenborg helil'that. ' . this was insufficient and case was 'Uis'- " * " * " * missed. . Six vagrants were discharged , two of them being sentenced to twenty-five days on a bread and water diet and then given ten minutes to leave the town. Six men arraigned for drunkenness were dis charged. ' - i Francis Tuller , n man living on Cum- ing street , Dhad been arrested Tuesday for disturbing the peace , lie plead not guilty and was held for trial. Tuller bore a black eye as tlio result of a blow which the officer had given him with a club. IIo was fined $5 and costs. The Rulilc Case. The man Norelia , about whom so much has been said and written in thq past two weeks , in connection with the Ruble mur der , turned up yesterday in a most unexl pected manner. His correct name is Francis Norolius , " and he is a Swede , working for A. G. Willis , of this city. Norelius , however , is not the mysterious man in blue , who was seen with Ruhlo on the day preceding the murder. IIo was confounded with him on account of the fact that ho registered at the City hotel tlio niirlit before the murder , imme diately before Ruhlo and his friend , the man in blue. The matter was called to the attention of Norelius' father , who lives Din Crawford county. Yes. terday the sheriff of that cou nty , Mr. L. IJ. ' Moony , arrived in Omaha and took Norolius to the pojico court , where a satisfactory explanation was made. Pythian nml i'yUnicorns. f Tuesday Pythagoras ledge of the Knights of Pythias was instituted at the ledge of the homo organization , on Four teenth street between Douglas and Dodge. The members composing tlio now lodge are all residents of the southern part of town , and the meeting place of the same will bo located there. At present , it has membership of twenty-two , but that number will bo greatly increased in a few weeks. The work of the institution lasted until about t ! o'clock this morning. The ollicors elected are : I. S. llascall , C. C.- , Charles L. Connor , P.P. ; Morris Morrison , V. C. ; Howard M. Lauorbaoh , T , ; John P. McManus , K. of R. S. ; J , P. Hrowington , M. of F. ; W. D. Scott , M. of 15 ; George U. Strycr , I. G. and M. Arnout , O. G. A Disappearance , It was reported yctterday that Mrs. I'nuik , whoso prosecution by the Law and Order league has attracted t > o much attention of Into , had sold out and gene to Canada. According to the host advices him has sold out her establish ment on Twelfth street , she lias not renewed her bonds in the liluffs and film is not at present in Omaha , Those- who know her well say that sheleftTues ] day for her old homo in Canada , with the intention of outwitting the league. The inmates ot her Twelfth street house say that they do not know her where abouts or her intentions. Foes of tlio Flames , Chief Uutler of the fire department ar rived ycstorduy'from Cleveland where ho had been in attendance on the meeting of the executive committo of the national association of chief lire engineers. There were in attendance Cliicfs Cleary of Memphis , Cronin of Duffalo , Sweeney of Chicago , Butler of Omaha , Connefi of Muskegon nnd Hills of Cincinati. T hey , bet the date of the annual convention tor , the August 8-1 , at Providence. Tlo ) at tractions besides the transaction of busi ness will bo tno reading of papers -of in terest generally to tire lighters , Judge for an Hour. ' ' BYesterdny Judge McCulloch Jm 10 heavy weight removed from Iii3min"d _ , " IIo wanted to get married and ypf could , not Issue n license for that piirposgJoixiiflL. self. So ho bethought him to petition the comipissioiiertto | commission a judge es pecially for that puri Sc ' The idea was a happy ono and wns approved by the county board , who accordingly appointed Gco. Gurley. the judgedcKrk , with bonds at $50,000. Th's marrmi'o'.liccnsoismoro weighted witn rc.sponsiblln'y than any be- Jforo issued in this community , Tlio C. K , ol'A nntiquct , Tlio grand banquet given by the Cath olic ladies of Omahain honor of the Catholic knights of AmtVlca who are holding a state council hero this week , took place at St. Philomena's hall Tues day. The reception flwto everything that might bo desired , the hall being crowded to overflowing Jjy fnost represen tative Catholics of urn < 5ity and state. Although the bishop Who was expected to preside was unable to bo present , his place was well filled by Father Seh.iflcl , the Vicar General who was * accom panied on the platform by Revs , rather Jcanotto , McCarthy , Mc Donnell and other local clergy Among ( he most notable Catholic citi zens present were Dr. O'Ronrkc. John Rush and Mrs. Rush , J. Mnlvahill and wife , Jas Drennan and wife , Mr. and Mrs. C.McDonald.Mr. Gibhon.Mr.Dillon , Mr. nnd Mrs. R. O'KcHle , Mr. Conshalin Smith ; Miss Dillon , of Lincoln ; Mr. . ) . T. Moriarity and Miss McCartney , Gon'l O'Brien and Mrs. O'Brien , Major McMa- lion , Miss O'Brien , Mr. Taggart and Miss RobertH. A sumptuous supper had been provided and , after the guests had done full jus tice , Father Shaffcl iu a few words apol ogized for the absence of the bishop and noticing the great growth of Catholics in the state during tlm last twenty years exhoited Catholics to steadfastness , charity , sobriety and other virtues. The chairman's speech , wldoh was well re ceived , was followed by addresses by T. Brcnnan , secretary of C. 1C. A. , lion , John Rush , Mr. Minahan and Dr. O'Ronrkc. The intervals were occupied with instrumental music by Hoffman's orches tra and vooal by Miss Fannie Arnold , the latter singing several selections with her usual taste and finished execution. After a most pleasant ovoningat which all seemed supremely happy , the pro ceedings were brought to a eloso by an an eloquent apostrophe to "Woman , " by Mr. J. T. Moriarty. New HulldiiiRfl. Plans have just been completed by Mendelssohn & Fisher for a new six-story building to ho erected on the southwest corner of Fifteenth and Harnoy for Frank Ramgo. The structure will bo Gu\ 1W ! in ground dimensions , of Chicago pressed brick and very ornate in details. Jt will be one ot the finest business blocks in the city. The same architect are drawing up plans for a four-story building to bo erected on thu corner of fifteenth and Howard , for Mr. Harbaugh. Attention Mt. Calvary Cuinniandnry. All sir knights ot this command and so journing knights intending to accompany Mt. Calvary commamlery , 1707,1C. T , on its pilgrimage to Beatrice , Neb. , to par ticipate in ascension day services with Mt. Hermon commanduvy , 1707,1C. T. , on Thursday , Juno yd , are."directed to report at the asylum , Sixteenth street and Cap itol avenue , at 7 o'clock a. in. .sharp , on that day. Sir knights being accompanied by ladies should bo at the IJ. & M. depot at 7:30 : a. m. sharp. By order of your commander. , .jJ' He's MonejVCarrlor. i There is a letter carrier on the Omaha fowrce ho is $00 poorer-yesterday than he was a couple of days ago. His name is Jablcschnech. He also misses his son. Bolli disappeared ivboot the same time , UndHho young man seizodithe money be- fore'he went -iwav. lUihfts been learned that ho wont to Chicago and intends to use the $00 to have an excellent time. Ho ad ins ; Toward the Ijoup. A largo number of Omaha's-business men have accepted the invitation to at tend the excursion from this c.ity to Loup City , in this state this evening. ' 1 'to ' excursion is gotten up in honor of the extension of the Union Pacitio to that place , and is intended to advertise the Wonderful resources of that country. "Uncle Sam's Hliekols. The increase of business during the past month at the postollice has been about 20 per cent. The sale of stamps amounted to $9,240.00 ; of envelopes to $1,048.23. The number of postal cards disposed of was 11,408. ! ) The business of the ofiicn on May of last year amounted to $ iifiiu.07. COOacres land in Thayer county , Neb. , to sell or trade * for merchandise. Address John Limlerholm , Oil S. 10th St. , Omaha , A Murder. Word reached hero yesterday that a wealthy farmer named Hunt , residing near Woodbine , la. , was murdered at an early hourjyesterday and his body thrown in a well. No further particulars could bo ascertained , Opolt's Hotel , Lincoln , Neb. , opened March 10th , first class in every respect. The Waif. Tlie little boy Mathers , who was found in the Union Pacific depot Tuesday after having been deserted by his adopting father and told to look about for his step father , was fortunately recognized by ono of the mail drivers at the depot and car ried to the place where his stop-mother resides. Gives Up llio Quill. J. D. Kvnns , easliior in tlio ofl'ico of tlio collector of internal revenue , Is in Sntton making arrangements to transfer his family from that place to Omaha. IIo has sold tlio Sutton Kegistor , of which ho wits proprietor and editor , and will locate within a week. Tlie Next Gninc * . The next base ball game in the Athletic park occurs Tuesday between the Union Pacillcs and the Leatlrille Nines , Tlio Union Pacifies will ho doubly strengthened for the contest. Trinity Cathedral. Ascension day ( Thursday ) union f-orv- ices. Morning prayer ; ! * . in , ; celebra tion of holy communion , 10 n. in. , with sermon bv Rev. K , T. Hartiel , acting vcc- tor in cha'rgo of the Cathedral congrega tion , County Cash. The county commissioners yesterday Isstipd warrants to bd drawn upon ho .treasurer . to the amount of $18,070 , to pay 'for bonds hold by llio Omaha school board. Rrovittea. Judge Herka , Tuesday about 8 o'clock , married Wm. Fuks to Natalie Wiig. George W , Bruce has been appointed substitute letter carrier nt the postoilice iii this city , " 8dney | O. Stagg and Miss Lulu C. 1'eJ. ton'were quietly married Tuesday after- tlio residence of the bride's father , Mririf K. Felton. Mr. J. B. Biley , of Flnttsburp. N. Y. , who bas just been appointed by President Cleveland , inspector of Indian schools , is a Wotlior of Mr. J. E. KHoy of this city. ' 'H-.iC. Terry , wlio is accused of passing 'a foj'ged check on JamesStophcnson was , brouRjit * into police court yesterday Hw-waivcd examination and was recom. ailtled to jail witiyot | bail. He will prob- "aljiysecuro bonds for his release. The ladies of the First Uaptisi cuurcb will give a missionary tea in the church parlors 'J Unrsdnv evening , Juno 0 , from G to 8 o'clock. A good supper and pleas ant evening assured to all their friends who attend. . , . f t v < i < Tiit t It jr ! t V hill ) I'U4I\U offerings of Mr. Evcrs , superintendent of carriers , who lias won increased respon sibility because of his parentage of a girl , Personal 1'nrncrnphs. Charles Met ? went west yesterday. J. F. Allard , of Bradstrect's has re- tinned from a pleasant visit to Kansas City. Juan Hoylo , of Kearney , passed through this city on his way homo from Chicago. J. E. McClurc , the well known agent of the St. Paul road , arrived yesterday t'rom Kansa City. Major Davis , of the Wahoo Independ ent , wont homo , loaded yesterday .with miscellaneous purchases. Will McMillan went west on a tour througli the state yesterday , intheintcrest ) of llimobaugh & Mcrriam. Dr. Galbraith went to Lincoln yes terday as didialso Dr. Graddy , { to attend the meeting of thu state medical society. Rev J. S. Dctwclter went to Central Cityt yesterday to attend the state Sunday school convention which will con tinue iu session until Frid.TV Absolutely Pure0 This powder never viirlos. A mnrvcl ot purl ty , tronith ami wliolcxomonoss. Jloro cccm omtcal thitn tint onlimirv Muds , iiiui cnnnot bo sold in competition with * the multitude of low test , ghmt wclitltt , nlum or iihosplmlo powders , sold only In onus , liov.u. HAKINO POWDER Co. , 408AVnllSt..Now York. GfiriAHA 13th St.Cor.Capitol Avenue. TOR THE TREATMENT OP AM. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. WScWIENAMY. Proprietor. Sltlecii j'car "lli)8ltal | nnd 1'rlvatc 1'ractlco Woha\o the facilities , apparatus and remedies Tor the successful treatment of every form of die. mse requiring cither medical or surgical treatment , imd inut all tpcoruoatid Invcstleatcfor thcmsclvca or correspond ulthiis. Long experience In treat- lug ca&es by letter enables im to treat many casce Eclentiilcally without ncoinc them. WHITE FOlt riHCUlAH on Deformities and Brace * , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine , DISEASES or WOMEN , I'llec , Tumors , Cancers , Colnrili , BronchiU * , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral ysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Eye , Ear , Skin , Blood aud till surgical operations. Hnttcrlos. Inrmlern. Ilracfs , TriiRirs , and all kinds of Medlcnl nnd Surgical Appliances , mnn ufactnred and for mile. The only rollablo Medical Institute making Private , Special i Nervous Disease ; , rA SruCIAIiTY. AU , CONTAGIOUS AND HLOOD DISEASES , from whatevercanseprnduced , successfully trciiteu Wo can remove Syphilitic pblsou from the Byetcir without mercury. New refclorative treatment for Iocs of vital power. Al-'L COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL Call nnd consult us or send name and post-olllco address plainly written enclose stump , and we nill send 5011 , In plain wrappir , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEM uro.s I'IIITXTH , Si'tuiAi , ANU NKntoiid DIBUASCS. SEMINAL WKAKNKHS , HrsstiATonniKEA IMPOTEN CE , tirrniMs. OoNtmnmnt , GLEET , VAIUCOCELI ! , SlWLYL'nK , AND ALL OI'KASES OF TIIK GENITO- UitiNAiiY OmuNS , or tend hUtory of your case fur nn opinion. Pcrnons unable to visit us may lie treated at their homer , by coircfpondence. Ilrdiclncsand Instru mcnti tent by mall or express KKCUHIiLY PACK ED FHOM OBSERVATION , no marks to ImHcnti content" or sender. One personal Interview pre ferred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the nccom- Mocjiillcm of patients Board and attendance at reasonable pikes. Address nil l.cltcis to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Cor )3thSt ) and CaoltolAve. . OMAHA. Nl-B. ' WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOR THE lino/nrUrn oPionno UGlDlOSrlallOS Omaha , Neb. CJ THE OF Fine Business Lots at tlie South End , and Beautiful Residence Lots ! In llio north cut ! of this Town. Two mid one hnlf miles from the Omaha office , 1OOO LOTS These are Quarter Acre Lots. ( TnkltiK Into contldcrntlon Itio streets and nlleja ) , unit nro sold One Quarter Down , Ilalinecln 1 , Snncl 3 ycnm nt 7 t r cent. The Finest Suburban Lots , Around ninnlM. S.VI f cot nhoro tlio Mls rmrl nivor. Nowhere clao iibrat Om.iha are localol nch Inn * fomo niton for Modest , Medium orKlrgunt homes. liU nud rccuro some of this line propartr. Before a Higher Appraisement is made. 110NT : VI ! n word otlils until yon Imvo thorouRhlr Investlaiito 1 It. Tlint this rroporty Is only two nnd ono hntf miles from Oranlm'a biuinoii contar. TtinttlienUltuilolslilKli. Thill the location Is bciiutlful. Tlnit ninplo trees lire planted on each i > ldp of the 'IfcH. That cnch lot contains 9,09. ) sqmiro foot wltli 2J loot alley. That the streets arc BO nnd 101) ) foot wide. ' That there nro six dummy trains each way , besldos llio rnjulir in ! it , That the street cars run to within ono half mile of tlierj. Tlmtttio street cars will run there this car. That the price Is ono third less ttrm Isnskod for properly thJ siin illi'.THCJ In ofjjr i That tlio lots nro ono third larger than most others- That they nro backed by n syndicate rcproscntin St'J,1)lH ' ) That there lias ulrcndy boon orpou.lad but. teen $ ! , ' ) ) ) , ) ) ) an 1 > ! .1).D ) . That there Is n line system of watortrorks , f iirnlslilni ; pufo 3ir.u ; ! > Jr. That the railways all center there. That South Oniiihu Is n town of lUjlf , That It bus Its own postollicc. That It bus Its own railway stutlo.l , 1 bat It bus lt > owu ncn spupar. In Fact lias CTcrythlnR to make the property tlio very best pay Ins Investment In nonl-H'tato today. Look Into It. Examine It Carefully Don't Buy a Lot. Onlllyou are convinced that there Is no po slblty of Incurring n loss. ThohimNonu rajilcnc5lots | ] nra one mile tills eldo ( directly north ) of the UNION STOCK YAHDSlierc are located tlio Im.meaa.ise Dressed. Ece ± , Beef Which In ten years will lie the TiAUOKST .INDIJPTItV In tlio wcu and will imiko property worth per foa nbatlsnowatkcd for n lot. Tlio druliuiire of the above Institutions Is perfect and Hews south from tliulowu THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Any real estate iiKcnt will pell you lots. Alan n lib horse and carrlnjjo ut the ( lloba-Jcnirn il oflleo , nt tlio "Summit , " South Omnba , has maps and price lists and la nlniiys ready to show property. 1'or furthorla. f 01 million lnups , prlco Hits und descriptive circular ? , nddies" , I V I MILLARD HOTEL BLOCK. Omaha , Nebraska. _ DEWEIT& ; STONE ; FURNIT One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA , NEB. M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GEO. BDKKR , Manager , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. UEFEHENCES : Merchants' ami Farmers' Hank , Davlil City , Nob. ; Kearney National BankKearney , Neb. ; Columbus Stnto Hank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Uanlc , Norlli i'lattc. Neb. ; Omaha National Hank. Omaha. Neb. Will pay customers' dratt with bill of ladins attached for two-thirds value of stock. Display at their warerooms , 1305 and 1307 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found ai any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including " * "j ' " ' " - - - STEINWAY FISCHER , , IANOS i" LYON&HEALY BURDETT , ORGANS STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials or workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1306 4. 1307 FARNAM STREET C. E MAYNE , LEADING REAL ESTATE DEALER , g , W. COK. 15tli AX rAKXAJI , OMAHA. Pro of description for sitlo in all parts of lh city. Lamti toi t sale In mcrly every county n Vebraska/ complete set of Abstracts of Titles iJoUL'las . Cou kop . ps of the Citys Stnto or county , or any ether Information desired .funilsucJ jco charge' upon apphcaliou.