Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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    A V *
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY * JUNE 3 , 1898. - * . * .
OMAHA OrricE , A
nmuR < i
. No. M3 FouniEiutTn ST.
- , except Stinilar. Tno
morning pnpor published hi tha
TTfiMfl nr MAtr.t
Month * .
Fli Month ? . 6.JOOiio Month . ; . 1.00
Inr. WKKKI.Y ftT.r. , Published Kvcry Wednesday.
One Yeiir , wllli premium . f2.00
Onf Vcnr , without prrinlnm . . lAi
HIT Months , without premium . 75
Ono Month , on trlftl . . . 10
All conimnnlc tlorn rclntlnir to news nnrt rrtl-
InrlnlinnttPrs should bo udiirossaJ to the Km-
ton 01liu lien. >
All hinlncs l"ttcr ntul rcmlltnncoi should ho
iirt < iie c < l to TIIK HIK : 1'imuRiiirin COMPANY ,
OMA.IA. ninft. , chocks and poUofllco orders
to bo inndo piiynblo to Ilia order of tlio company.
' 1)VU < V liKK.
Sworn Btntoinent ofClruulntlan.
Hlnto of Nobiaskn , t. . . .
of , " "
Uoinilv Douglas f
N. P. Kell , casliicr or tlio Bco Publlslilntj
coinimtiVt ilot" ) solemnly swear that the nc-
ttml circulation of the Dally Iteo for the
week endingMay'JStli , tsSO , was as follows :
.Saturday , ! 3 < l t3,7fiO
, Monday , U-ltli
* ' ' . 'iti-Mlny. sntli 12,250
WeJui'silay..MUi 12,100
t Tlnirsday , 27tli I3ino
' Friday , anli I2nr ,
Average 12,111
W. 1' . Kin. : .
Sworn to and subscribed before me , tills
iTJlli day of Mny , A. U. 1SSO.
SIMON .T. Fiflitmt.
Notary 1'ublic ,
N. P. Fell , being m-ft ilitly sworn , deposes
nnd says tliat lie is cashier of the llco Pub-
miilnt : company , that tlio actual average
dally circulation of the Dally leo for the
month of .January , ISS6 , was 10n8 : copies :
for February , lb i. lO.Ktt conies : for March ,
lihfl , 11.5U7 copies ; for April , 18SO , W.1U1
Sworn to and subscribed before mo this
5th day of May , A. D. IBtfl.
SIMON' J. Fisiircn.
Notary Public.
A WHITE HOUSI : wedding takes the
Tiir. BIB : extends Its congratulation to
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland.
Mu. Crxvrr.AND'9 niotlior-ln-hiw will
rcsido at the white honso. The president
will now for the first time fathom the
chilling depths of a fnmily veto.
KANSAS CITC is agitated over " tlio
growth of Omaha's stock yards interest.
Kansas City is si good town but it can't
file and hold a pre-emption on the entire -
tire west.
IT is a little early to start a Blaine
boom for 1888. There are many thousand
republicans who believe that 1888 .will
still bo too early to place the plumed
knight in nomination.
AFTEK the honeymoon is over , it is
hoped that Mr. Cleveland will lind time
to visit Omaha with his lovely bride and
give orders for the improvement of the
Folsom estate , in this uity.
Aunrroii'BAiscooK pleads "precedent"
for his .ofllcinl misconduct.- is an
unfortunate pica. The auditor's predo-
docessor wns a fugitive from justice
whose bondsmen were called upon .to
make good the deficiency in the state
Bv'his marriage President Cleveland
becomes un Omaha property owner , as
his bride is one of the heirs of the Fol
som estate in this city. Perhaps -Mr.
Cleveland could now bo induced to re
consider his veto of that Omaha port of
entry bill.
SENATOR Dou'ii accuses Senator Van
Wyck. of being "monopoly-mad. " ' As
Mr. Dolph for years drew a regular sal
ary from the Northern Pacific company
for defending its interests , no one is
likely to return thu compliment which he
paid to the senator from Nebraska.
Tins loudust shrlukors against tariff re
form nnd for protection to infant Indus
.Urics tire the steel monopolists , who uro
able to pay $5,000,000 tv your from their
profits to prevent competition. Such
lust" infants do not require liny further
mill still grinds away amidst the heart
rending shrieks of the land grabbers who
are mutilated by Its operations. During
. .May 40,000 acres of proved up lands wore
restored tothopublic'.domain , the entries ,
numbering ISO , cancelled and the dis
gusted prompters refused patents. There
U prevailing : impression thnjU ? . Sparks
has como to ptay , N infiWt , settler need
. * * ,
OMAHA has doubled her population in
five year's time. Tlio city now contains
between 75,000 and 80,000 population , and
Js increasing steadily and at a rapid pace.
Our residences are pushing their way
over the hills and up thu highlands hack
from the nvor , and the cry for morn
grading and moro pavements is urgent.
H cannot bo granted , because onr low
assessments t > rovonts the issue of the
heeded bonds for the payment of th *
city's share , ttnd keeps the amount In the
general fund barely nldro than sufficient
to jlay the ninnlng expenses of the city.
Tim railroad companies who own the
slate of Now Jersey , through its legisla
ture , have tlnally run against a sung in
the court of highest resort. The New
Jersey odurt of errors and appeals has
reversed the judgment of the supreme
court In the railroad tax cases and sus
tained the tax law of 181. Tlui court
takes the ground that the taxing power
of tlui legislature is limited only oy con
stitutional provision and Irropcalabla leg.
Ulatiro contracts. Aside from these thu
courts have nothing to do with thu
policy or justice of systems of
taxation. It finds that the sop-
nratu classification of rallroaus for
the purpose of taxation is entirely proper ,
that assessment upon value rather than
roslls legitimate , and that the apportion
ment of the tax for state nnd municipal
purposes does not atVeet the validity of
the law. It nUo holds that so long as thu
charters of railroads are subject to re
peal or modification a provision in thorn
determining the ralo or method of tuxa-
f. * f0U cannot coirstitnto an Irrcpcalnbla
[ contract Ineuluutallv It is also decided
that franchises are taxable. Thu broad
( principles laid down are important and
Lpl wide application , Of the seven judges
rv only-one dissented from the decision of
ij the-court us rendered Uy the chancellor.
Iho AmlUor'a Offense.
Wo have waited patiently for a denial
from Auditor Babcock and his friends of
the charge made in Monday's BEE con
cerning malfeasance in the office of the
state auditor of public accounts. Up to
Lhu Hrcscnt time we have waited in vain.
Xo denial has come because none can bo
The persistent violation by Auditor
Babcock of the constitutional proviso
regarding the collection and retention of
fees , makes it the duty of the governor to
promptly suspend him from the oflico of
trust which ho has abused for
personal ends. In retaining several
thousands of dollars of the state funds ,
which ought long ago to have been cov
ered into thp treasury , Mr. Uabcock has
made himself liable to impoaclunonti
When to this ofl'enso is added the un
authorized issue of warrants on the stnto
treasury in advance of the levy , the case
against the auditor becomes so serious
that the governor cannot well afford to
ignore It.
Auditor Babeock is reported as saying
that he is only following precedent. The
precedent referred to can only mean that
carried on by ex-Auditor Lcidtkc , whoso
defalcation in the office which Mr. Babcock -
cock now holds made him a fugitive from
justice and his bondsmen several thous
and dollars poorer. Such a precedent is
not a safe one to follow.
Foolish Itravailo.
The blood-thirsty defenders of the
rights of the United States to tax Cana
dian fish landed in this country and of
thu right of American fishermen to have
free use of Canadian fishing grounds and
ports are talking some very arrant non
sense when they urge armed reprisals
nnd forcible demonstrations against Great
Britain because she chooses to dispute
our position on the fishery question.
Armed reprisals mean warand a war on
the waters between the wooden tubs
which wo dignify by the name of
a navy and Great Britain's iron
monsters would bo concluded in short
metro very much to our disadvantage.
We would run about as much chance of
success as Greece in a conlliot with
united Europe. No well regulated life
insurance company would take n risk at
any premium on the life of an American
naval commander sailing the best vessel
in our navy to engage the lowest classed
English sloop-of-war. Compared with
England's navy wo are deficient in two
all important particulars. Wo lack guns
and we lack ships to carry
them. Wo also need a few sea
coast defenses to protect our ports. If
we had all these , we might bo able to
carry a chip on our shoulder for other
countries to knock off. But oven then it
would bo poor policy on an issue of salt
codfish , fresh bait and protection to Now
England fishmongers.
So far as the west is concerned she de
clines to boil over with indignation be
cause the schooner "Sarah Jane" of
Maine is denied fishing privileges and
perquisites on the coast of a country which
for more than a year has been patiently
waiting tor congress to renew the
fishery treaty which wo permitted to ex
pire under President Arthur's adminis
tration. The New England representa
tives misjudge the temper of this section
of the 'country if they imagine that
sensible citizens will lash themselves into
fury over the question whether the
products of free ocean arn to be taxed
when brought into ports by friendly
neighbors. When the protection idea is
expanded so as to cover codfish , mackerel
and herring it becomes very attenuated.
A reciprocity treaty with Canada would
have prevented the entire trouble
which wo have drawn down
o.i ourselves. Now that Messrs. Fryo and
his New England comrades have precipi
tated this international dispute , they
must not expect to precipitate war as the
only settlement of the question. The
game is not worth the ammunition. Be
sides , there is suoh a thing as starting out
gunning and coming back seriously dis
mantled by the discharge of weapons in
the hands of the hunted.
A Brave
Senator Dolph , of Oregon , has so far
failed in his little scheme to pass a bill ,
forfeiting a small patch of the Northern
Pacific laud grant , which the company
lias no use for , and has never earned , in
order to confirm the title to millions of
other acres which that company now
fraudulently holds. Senator Van Wyck
promptly took the floor and exposed the
true inwardness of this aitfully drawn
measure. Ho offered us an amendment
a bill , reported in the house , restoring to
the public domain { Or" settlement alf of
tk ° 'Tnmense grant not earned at the
time specified , in the cranting
act. This raised sucil a tempest
of opposition that the senator
to test the sense of the s'onatc substitute ! !
itti iluieiidnieht to which no reasonable
and honest publio representative could
object. It was that all lauds hot earned
at the date of passage of the ucnding bill
should bo declared forfeited. But even
this fair proposition was vigorously de
nounced bysuch men as Edmunds , Cook-
roll , Dolph , Mitchell , and Platt , and Us
object will probably bn defeated.
The limit of the Northern Pacific
laud grant expired on the 4th
of July , 187 ! ) . On that date
every acre of land not earned
by coiibtiuction should have passed into
the hands of the government. Twenty
millions of acres are now hold Illegally
from settlement by this great corpora
tion whoso paid attorneys swarm in the
bcnato chamber and succeed In obstruct
ing all legislation which will loosen the
clutch of the monopoly managers on
their fraudulent possessions. In its last
party platform , the republican party
pledged Itself to secure the forfeiture of
all unearned railway grants. Senator
Van U'yck for Nebraska at least has
kept the nurty pledge. Day in
and out ho has labored to
fulfil the promlso made by his
party at Chicago , demanded by thu
interests of n vast section of country , and
supported by his own honest convictions ,
lie has endured Iho abuse of the mon
opoly prosami tlio attacks of the rail
road attorneys in the houses of congress.
Tim sontimeut of the country and the
approval of his constituents is back of
him in the manly fight which ho is
making to preserve the publio domain
from the greed of the railroad land
shnrks , and to restore to settlers the rich
horitaeo of land , which jobbery and.the
lobby'aro withholding from public settle-
muni. .
WILL the ? foot friends of General Miles
11 their business to deaounce Crook's'
methods of Apache warfare , giro us their
honest opinion of results since Miles took
his scat in the saddle along the Mexican
border ? There hare been hurrying and
scouting and high-sounding reports of
what was and what was not to bo done ,
but Geronlmo still skips front canyon to
mountain lop leaving a trail of blood in'
his wako with the blue coats miles away.
Time will prove the value cf Crook's
mothdd of warfare with the Apaches ,
which of necessity differed widely from
the means used to subdue the hostiles of
the plains. _
ItesurrcctliiK Adam.
The Presbyterian general assembly of
the south has been recently holding a
kind of post mortem examination on the
remains of Adam. The controversy arose
over the question of creation by evolu
tion or by special acts. The general
assembly was divided into two hostile
camps , uaeh sworn to annihilate the other
in the cause of truth. A committee re
port in due course of business came be
fore the assembly , declaring that Adam's
body was directly fashioned by Almighty
God without any natural animal parentage
of any kind and of matter previously
created of nothing , " ami that any other
belief will lead to the "denial of doctrines
fundamental to the faith. " The anti-
uvolutionigts in the southern assembly
propose , in a word , to keep science away
from religion , while the other side
answer with a proposition to keep relig
ion out of the field of science. A German
thinker once remarked that the Bible
tells how to go to heaven nnd not how
the heavens go , and this is the position of
Professor Wopdrow , of Columbia theolog
ical seminary , whom tlie anti-evolutionists
arn determined to drive out the Presby
terian ministry. "Tlio scriptures , " said
L > r. Woodrow , iu his speech before the
assembly , "teach only two things what
man is to believe concerning God , and
what duty God requires of man. . . .
Has not the church always been in error
where it has undertaken to deny scientific
truth ? Would it not be an error now to
make suoh absolute deliverances about
the creation of man ? " Notwithstanding
Dr.Woodrow'seloquontspeechthe assem
bly settled the matter by a vole of 17 ! ! to
15 ! that Adam was born without any ani
mal parentage , and ' at the act of crea
tion did not take any perceptible time.
Thou Adam's body was once more buried ,
and the assembly turned its attention to
burying Woodrow by declaring his theo
logical school closed. Dr. Woodrow
is now enjoying a sort of religious mar
tyrdom which has become both popular
and profitable of late years , and may bo
said to bo on the high road to fortune. A
large church in a largo city will bo all
that is needed to secure him fame. Ho
will accomplish as much good in such a
position as in a theological seminary ,
says the Springfield Itcpublicnn , "by
liberalizing the views of southern men
who believe that science is attempting to
put a jack screw under the portals of ev
erlasting truth and to dislodge the uni
verse. "
Cornell's Victory.
Cornell university has not been winning
many races , or base ball and fool ball
contests recently , but she scored a victory
last week which is worth several cham
pionships in the athletic arena. The de
cision of Judge Lyon in the Fiske-Mc-
Graw will caso'securos to the university a
magnificent endowment , amounting , it is
estimated , to $1,000,000. The ease was a
very singular and disagreeable one. The
daughter of a wealthy benefactor of the
institution , who was plainly on her death
bed from consumption , was married
to iProfessor Fisku , then tlte librar
ian of the university. By the mar
riage contract the husband relinquished
all right to dispose of his wife's prop
erty. After her death , however , he set
up the claim that the will she had made
giving the bulk of her property to Cor
nell could not .stand because of a provis
ion in the charter of the university that
limited its possessions to $3,000,000.
Ho contended , therefore , Unit the will
should be set aside , the effect of which
would have been to giyo him a larger
share of his dead wife's fortune. The
largo amount of morny involved ,
the circumstances of the marriage , and
thu relations of the parties in the case to
the university , invested the trial with ex
traordinary interest , and the outcome has
been awaited with great anxiety by all
the friends of Cornell. Naturally , few
took Professor Fisko's side , though before
his marriage ho had been popular among
the .students. But the marriage was re
garded as a murcnijfti-y speculation
Oli hi ? part , and when it ap.
pcarc-d that ho was attempting
to divert his wife's bequest from
the university to himself , the hostility
became1 very bitter. Nor has it been les
soned by thu continued' absence in Eu
rope of Fiske , as if unwilling to face his
former associates. In any case lib waste
to have $300,00J ( by the will , and the gen
eral feeling was that this large sum was
quite sufficient. Tins splendid endow
ment tidddd io Cornell's present sub
stantial foundation will make the univer
sity next to Columbia the rich
est of American colleges. Finns have
already been niadu for the expenditure
of the money. They provide for notable
additions to tint buildings for library and.
general uses , for the strengthening of the
teaching force and for the development
of tlio university in various important
THE newspapers are already beginning
to give Mrs. Cleveland some good ndvico ,
The Chicago Times says ; "If the pres
ident's wife Is a careful housekeeper , her
first business will bo to clean off the dust
that seems to have settled down upon the
reform cabinet. " It is hoped that Dan
lament will paste this In hU scrap-book
and call Mrs. Cleveland's attention to it
as soon as possible after thu honeymoon
is over.
Sosn ; of our citizens are not waiting for
oilicial orders to replace their wooden
sidewalks with durable stone or grano
lithic slabs. They huvo business sense
enough to see that a good walk in front
of their store attract ! travel and trade.
Others , however , will never move until
tickled with a crowbar. The crowbar
should bo made to vibrato.
clnssjo orator , but he dousn't make post-
office changes in Nebraska as often as ho
might. " C. V. GALLAGHER.
THE Portland Press shrieks , "ShnlJ'wo
permit American schooners to bo seized ? "
That depends upon' * the location. In
Maine uud Iowa , which are both prohibi
tion slates , Amcrlt-an beer "schooners"
have been seized 'wjlth alarming rapidity
during the recent tvarni spell.
J. STBRMNO Moutotf is still in Wash
ington lobbying in the , ntcrcsts of bogtta
butter. It's bread and btiltnr for him.
TOIJBCASTOU is shying around in Wash-
ington. Ho is looHjng for "tho one thing
needful" an officoJ
MR. BritritAiU ) was pot called on , after
all , to perform the ceremony.
Maud Granger first earned her Ilvllhood by
runnlnc a sewing machine.
Sara .Tewett , the favorite Boston actress ,
was at one time a ticasury girl at Washing
Henry Irvinp , accompanied by Miss Terry
and her daughter , will visit the United
States ( n July' for recreation.
Clarn Morris began her theatrical life as an
extra ballot girl. She had thin , longlogs.and
was not much of a success.
Chief Justice AVixlto hopes lo bo able to
pass his summer vacation In Alaska the
coolest comer of the country.
W. M. Laffan , who succeeded Isaac W.
England as publisher of the New York Sun ,
receives a .salary of S 10.000 per year.
Miss Lillian WhltiiiR , the literary editor of
the Boston Traveler , lust bcganlhcr strncglo
for bread and fame In a St. Louis newspaper
Christine Nllsson's parents were poor
Swedish peasants , and the noted songstress
was compelled to go baiefoot ( luting her
Johnny Walsh , the hanjolst , whoso per
formances delimited mlnstiel audiences ( if-
Icon years ugo , Is now a captain iu the salva
tion army.
Joe Cralir , the heavy oil speculator , who
recently failed at Plttsbnrg , is pilnclpal
owner of the latest gusher. Ills income
f rum it is S'-.OOO a day.
The belle of the south to-day , according to
acouespondent , Is Miss ( ionlon , the daugh
ter ot General Gordon. She Is described as a
dream of feminine lovclinnss.
Low Wallace says that during the four
years he was at Constantinople ho saw tlio
Ameilran Hag In poit only twice once on a
uian-ot-war and once on James Gordon Den
nett's yacht.
Slary Anderson Is computed to bo worth
8500,000 , which Is Invested In real estate , gas
stocks and railway .shares. She Is now nego
tiating for a large stock ranch near North
Platte , Neb.
Mr. Berg , the Danish democrat , now In a
Copenhagen cell , Is to bu honored at the approaching
preaching silver anniversary of his wedding
with a good big bagof silver 10.C03 crowns
the gift of friends nnd political sympathizers.
Our Praylrin Reporter.
Elkhoni 'IVilfcAVuv. / .
The Omaha lice Idp tyaim to having a
' '
reporter who "can in'q'ke ns peed a pinycr or
preacli as good a serinon'as Rev. Mr. Ultler
any day In the \vcek. " Ves , but Is ho In
good practice all thc. ime
\\oulil Not Affect l fa Circulation.
The Omaha KeuliblicAu asks Nebraska
people to boycott newspapers that refuse to
support its favorltpsj for1' office. Mho most
successful boycott on Dearth couldn't affect
the circulation of. thp Republican to any
great extent. \
Maybe Blade Interesting.
The conviction of llerr'J-Joiiann Most of
Inciting riot shows how thlnirs may bo made
very interesting for the anarchists. It is
some trouble to haul these fellows in every
time they deliver an oration , but the police.
will not begrudge the time.
Will Support Van Wjck.
ZJaiciort CoimljHeraW. .
Van Wyck will receive the unanimous
indorsement of the Knights or Labor In
Nebraska for his return to the senate. If
the working classes shall repudiate their
champion at the dictation of the monopoly
press , there will bo no further use of trylntr to
lift up the tellers of the state.
Ttio RensoiiH Why.
Falnnont Sl'jnal.
And now the State Journal is lighting the
Union Pacific bill which would permit
branch roads to this and adjoining counties
First , because Van Wyck introduced the
bill ; second , because it would bonelitOrnaha ;
third , because Lincoln has nothing to iraln
by It ; and fourth , becau tliere Is no "sub
sidy" connected with It
Vim "U'yck Corners Stanford.
/o'msoii ' Coimfy Journal.
Senator Van Wyckeorneiedtlio millionaire
Stanford , in a debate in the senate last week.
und wiung from him .somn Intorcstingcon-
tcssions concerning "ruinous competition"
and combinations of railroads to beat the
public. Van played .a full hand as .usual ,
and when he nliowe < \ the wealthy CaTlfor-
lilan to sit down the great monopolist
heaved it bigh ns long us a ( lag pole.
Democratic Tactics.
Ctnter Leader.
Just now the democratic : press of Nebraska
Is taking an abnormal inteicatln Senator
Van \Vyck and his prospects. They recog
nize that our senior senator Is the most pop
ular man in Nebraska among republican
voters , and that If the ling Influence can bo
overcome he will miccced.himself. Tlio bourbons
bens arc , therefore , turning tliclrmud bat
teries against him , hoping by that means to
render his election more difficult by creating
division among his supporters.
Sentiment In Favor of Van
Klhliorii Valley News.
We do not know how It may bo in other
portions of Nebraska but we know that In
this poitlon of tlio state there is a strong and
glowing sentiment In ffivW of the le-electlon
of Senator Van Wyck' . ! , Tils | sentiment Is
not only exceptionally , strong among the
farmers and laboring 'men ' , but among busi
ness and professional men1' nnd the general
rule of clti/.ens of the tcjwnp It fs also Mrong ,
If wo aio to judge otl\er \ towiiH by Norfolk.
In this city tlio senator has half a dozen sup
porters now whcio hd Imdaona three yeais
" '
DanM K , O'SidlfrnitjOflqulheni /JlWJimc.
Two travel worn and weary jieel at rest.
From paths ot painiijQW ishromled In the
past ; i i.
Two cold hands folded on nroldcr breast.
From which the soul IJKS tua'ii illght at last ;
Two eyes trom whoso/dak | vacant cell the
Ol sunlight seems forever to Imvo lied ;
Two mute lips mooting like an unstrung bow
From which the linal arrow , speech , has
Tills Is tlio subtlest of all mysteries :
Some call It death , aud others call It peace.
They Want Butter all tlio Hume.
Fremont TrH > unt.
The Omaha board of trade has been discuss
ing the oleomargarine question. Colonel
Chase , who mada some startling statements
aboat Nebraska's great corn crop at the St.
Paul waterways convention a year ago , was
emphatic In denouncing the compound , and
said that the cow was a long ways ahead of
the bull for butter , and he thought thu male
cow should bo shut out from comnetlng with
the femalej cow. But In view of tie fact that
Omaha has several pork and beef packing
Institutions the board of Undo objects tocou-
gross levying tt tax of 10- cents A pound on
the product nnrt passed resolutions to that
effect which will be forwarded to Nebraska's
members of conjrcss. But all the same every
member ot the Omnlm board of trade turns
up his noc at buttorlno and demands that
nothing but cow's butter come onto his table ,
NcurANkn JottlnjjH.
Max Ulitig , of Holdroge , has been en
livened with ? I'.2,000 , his share of an
estate in Germany.
The now grain elevator at Fremont will
bo n largo structure. KXK'JOO , and 120 feel
high , and will cost fSO.OOO.
Lightning killed six head of stock on
thoJurm ofE. A. Abbott , near Fremont ,
Sunday. The fatal bolt slid on an iron
fence and hit every head near it.
Throe doctors operated for three hours
on Iho neck of Miss Ella Brown , in Fre
mont , Saturday , and successfully re
moved a number of distressing tumors.
A six-year-old kid In Holdrego killed
a large rat and tried to sell the carcass to
the boss mangier in a Chinese laundry.
The b. m. waxed hot and danced n celes
tial hornpipe on the shoulders of thu
youth's pants.
Perry Lcighlou , a Grand Island bum ,
started a discussion with Will Nordway
in a saloon and pulled a gun to empha
size his periods. The ball grazed Nord-
way's shoulder. Perry was disarmed and
hustled to Jail.
town Item * .
Boot-log saloons tire thriving in lowti
The Northwestern depot at Dow City
was struck by lightning Friday night
and entirely destroyed , including con
There arc 185,000 farms in Iowa , and
their average si/.e is 142 acres. Tlio aver
age value of cleared land per' acre is
$ . ' 7.50.
The sand-bagger is loose in Burlington.
F. K. Thompson , a lailor. was knocked
down and held up for ! fU aud a gold
watch Sunday evening.
The death roll of the Mnsonio order in
Iowa for the year just past numbers 105.
There are 4tit ) chartered lodges in the
state with a membership of about 2."i,000.
At Kcokukon Friday , a hvo-year-old boy
named Hitenuui pinked up a railroad
torpedo and pounded it on a rock to find
out what it was. Ho found out , but ho
will Imvo the use of only one hand during
tlui remainder of his life.
Cedar Rapids is to vote on the question
of issuing $100,000 of twenty year bonds
for the construction of sewers , Juno 7.
The plan proposes a tax of 50 cents per
lineal loot , to bo assessed to the property
adjoining where the sewers may bo laid ,
the balance to bo paid from thu general
One day last week ten horses and mules
being shipped over the Northwestern
road from Muchachinock were burned in
a shocking manner at What Clieer , by
the straw in the car being ignited by a
spark from thp engine. The hair was all
burned oQ' their bodies and their lips and
ears were burned to a crisp and their eyes
burned out. They were killed to put them
out of their misery.
Rapid City has started committee work
on a programme to properly celebrate
the arrival of the railroad in a few weeks.
A company has been organized at Fargo
to manufacture n chemical compound
that will.savu20 ! per cent in tlio use of
Tree claims iu the Watcrtown land dis
trict , are receiving more attention this
spring than ever before , as people have
learned that they will lose them unless
the law is compiled with.
Dr. Carroll Corson and Joseph Hiilsoy ,
the former a prominent physician , well
connected and having a largo circle of
friends , have been arrested , charged with
the attempted burning of the Sheridan
house at Bismarck , Friday night. The
evidence against them is said to be dam
Sam Wunder , n farmer living a few
miles north of Ipswich , lost his house and
contents by fire one day last week. His
wife and child were in the house at the
time , and in trying to save it the flames
caught their dresses , nearly burning Mrs.
Wunder's-clothes from her body before
slio could extinguish them. Both of her
hands were burned to the bone.
The Eight-hour Movement ,
The Current.
The eiaht-hour movement failed. No
man really knows why. Possibly its defeat
was due to the throwing of the Chicago
bomb. Certainly that crime made a re
sumption of work at any price almost a
public necessity. Men were in no mood
to discuss the right and wrong of any
question , much less one that touched
their pockets.Vith the going back to
work , which wns necessary , of course , the
workingman abandoned his cause. If
eight hours eventuated , thu concession
canio voluntarily from the employer , and
could not last in the face of overwhelm
ing competition by moro greedy or less
capable manufacturers. The dyed-in-
the-wool "boss" or man-driver , whether
rich or poor , has chuckled his voiee
register down an octavo in celebrating
the surrender of Labor , and the peace
able philosopher has been equally glad
when ho has reckoned the blessings of
peace. Why did not the men ask for
nine hours at nlno hours' pay ? That is a
mystery the Current has tried in Vitin to
solve. Probably they reserved nine
hours for a hoped-for compromise. The
eight-hour movement came on blindly.
It was like a tidnl-wavo ; It was
from the bottom upward ; it roiled the
waters w > that no man could see clearly ;
no prophet could forecast its length ,
strength or duration. It has ended as do
nine out of ten movements that originate
the same wny , for they may succeed only
DV revolution. Against the success of the
eight-hour idea was ranged phalanx after
phalanx of the upper classes of society.
Nearly every man in America who works
less than ton hours a day vowed that Iho
principle was wrong. In fact , we re
member that the eight-hour attempt of
twenty years ago came nearer success
did not so soil Itself with the
odium of tlio classes that work fahort
hours. Now labor has go no back ; he has
signed a pledge to rat his union , and ho
half believes ho has done wrong in the
pa t. With this penitent attitude good
capital is half-pleased , though still very
angry , and a working arrangement is
effected only through the escape-valve of
a right valiant pursuit of tlio anarchists.
Let the bomb-thrower reap his whirl
wind ! The very ones hn helped so much
will blot him out if that shall bo possible.
Meanwhile the good and the had of
Kuropo How in , an uninterrupted stream ,
and the reason why wages were so high
twenty j-cnrs ago is because since that
time seven million laboring pair of hard
tumls have como from the Uld World ,
helping to do the work of this nation ,
Declared for Van Wyck.
J-'icmont Tribune.
The Iribuno herewith furnishes the
Journal u list of republican i > apers , se
lected simply from among those which
come weekly to our table , which have
already declared for Van Wyck , and be
it remembered that there are scovcs of
Nebraska papers which we never sue ,
and hence the list hero furnighed must
be much smaller than really exists :
Besides the Blair Pilot there are the
Blair Republican , Omaha BEI : , Nebraska
City Press , PJattsraouth Herald , Ulysses
Dispatch , Arlington Defender , ToUamah
Burtonlan , . Oakland Independent , Lyons
Mirror , Fremont Tribune. Columbus
Journal , ( Jraud Uluud
North Plntto Trlbnne.Mndfson Chronicle ,
Doniphan Index , Fullerton Telescope ,
Norfolk News , Crelghtou Pioneer ,
Crcighton Transcript , Ainsworth
Journal , Bhilne County NOTTS , Chndron
Journal. Crete Globe , Lincoln News ,
Nebraska Farmer.
Hern are twenty-six newspapers se
lected from our exchanges which hnvo
already declared for Van Wyck making
quite a respectable list , thank you.
furthermore , wo assort that these sanio
newspapers hnvo more than twice as
largo a circulation as an equal number
null-Van Wyck republican ( if there arose
so many of thorn ) or democratic papers
publsibcd in Nebraska.
Ho who Imagines Van Wyck has no
following in this state is a. sadly-deluded
Too Much Taxation.
The t'lirnrnf.
The idea of increasing the national
taxes when there is a whole year's sur
plus on hand now must strike any
thinker ns peculiarly characteristic of ait
assemblage of threu hundred and twenty-
flvo congressional hjpoorilcs , dodgers ,
and demagogues who have been able to
sit stupid.y during one of the greatest
peaceful social upheavals of recent de
cades. What caused the upheaval ? Hard
times. What intensified thu hard times ?
Lack of cuiTonev. Why did not these
mis-reiiresentativcs empty that treasury
by paying debt ? Because they were ,
derelict , btohd. ignorant ovorythinel
Now they talk about increasing the in
ternal revenue tax by putting n charge
on imitation butler. Nothing could bo
more insenalu. America is going to tlio
bad if any sueh legislation as that oven
receive debate in congress. We arc sick
of bogus butterWo have all
paid our good money for it when money
would not have hired us to cat it know
ingly. But wo do not tax cholenx
patients. . Wo do not tax a man who has
triehiniusis. Why should we tax a man
who has bogus butter in ins larder ? Tim
trade is immense. Imagine a buttcriuo-
guager an olcomargorino civil service
a second batch of lardino suspects ! Is
not the whisky and tobacco tyranny
enough for us ? Are wo drifting into
nuporinlibin so fast as all that ?
Tlio Indian "Medicine MOII'H Fake"
Whlcb Is About to Take in
Country Towns.
A No\v York Special says : The secre
tary of the New York medical society
has been instructed to formulate a denun
ciation of pretended Indian doctors
who , during the last few summer seasons
have so multiplied throughout the coun
try. They travel from place to place ,
settingup an imitation of un Indian camp
in each , drawing crowds by moans of
a crude variety show of singing , dancing
and athletic feats , and then selling medi
cines composed of a stew of herbs made
in a kettle over a tire in the presence
of the spectators. Sometimes mystic rites
or savage incantations accompany the
manufacture , of tlio cure-all , and the
superstitious and ignorant are so im
pressed that they part with their dollars
freely. The Medical Society will direct
the attention of all the county medical
associations of the United States to the
fact that , although t'.iese quacks are care
ful not to formally announce themselves
as physicians , they do usually figure as
"medicine men , " and are in effect
medical practitioners in the eye of the
law. In some instances the adventurer
is a degenerate physician , entitled by
diploma to practice , but that is unusual ,
and the societies will be urged to prosecute -
cute all the rest. The assertion w.llbe
made that great harm and small good
arc done to their patients , because the
8tuIV sold is almost invariably a simple
cathartic , likelier than not unsuited to
the disease.
Full a do/en tent concerns of this sort
are being lilted out now in this city tor
the season. One venture of uncommon
elaborateness is in preparation at one of
the worst of the Chatman square concert
halls. The boss is Henry Domlena , alias
"the Pawnee , " a big man with a swathy
complexion and abundant long hair. He
made a tour last year witii an Indian
medicine camp under the name of "Big
Wonder , " ana his pecuniary success leu
him into the present extension of his bus
iness. Ho has hired ten persons , consist
ing of five young women who will per
form in Indian dances ; one very old and
ugly one for a witch and fortune teller ;
two rnalu athletes will appear in the more
acrobatic feats of the mummeries , and
two comic vocalists. All the women and
some of the men will be stained
a copper color and pass for In
dians. There will also be half-
a-dozen real Indians from Canada , who
will make and sell baskets and bead
work. The of the place
whore this party id being formed led your
correspondent to learn that moro direct
methods than medical qaaokcry are to bo
resorted to in swindling the people. He
applied for thu exclusive three-card-
rnout.H privilege along with the camp , do
ing so by prosy , and Doadcns said :
"There is going to be a card racket , and
I'm talking with a sharper for the biz ;
but my price is $ . > 0 a week , which he is
willing to give. But he ain't got no
boodle to nut up for security , and I ain't
giving that privilege away for an uncer
tainty. A clever man can scoop in a
hundred a week , over expenses , and It
beats following a circus. The chumps
just wander round our camp with their
pockoibooku open and all you've got to
do is help yourself. "
Who Guvo Her Away ?
At a largo and would-be fashionable
wedding roccutl.y in a Massachusetts
town the solemnity was rudely disturbed
by a rather unexpected answer. The
bride had entered on her uncle's arm ,
and Was mot by the groom at the ohancol.
The unulo then retired and took a scat in
the body of the house. All wont well
until the clergyman asked the question :
"Who giYfllh this woman to bo wedded
to this man ? " He paused for an answer ,
and the uncle rose and , placing his hands
on the pew in front of him , said , in ac
cents louder than arc common at wed
dings , "Mol"
No elnglft UlsCBie hiw en lulled more snlfcrlnR
or hastened tbo brcakln ; up of the constitution
thancntarrh. The sense of smell , or tutte.of
Ijjlitor bourlnv , tlio unman voli'o.tliu inluil-
onoor moro , uinl uoiiiotliiiia nll.ylulil tollnUo-
structIvu iiilliicncu. The I'obon It Ulttrllinlod
throughout the Bjatem utlaoka every VIH ! | fitrco
uuil Uroulu ] up thu most robust of con > lliutona ! ,
Itrnoiud , bcoiuBO hut lltllo umlcistood , l > y most
iiliislcluna Irapotontly nssalluil by quacks tmU
charlatans , ilingo biiircnnif fn ii It Imvo Illllu
hoiio to liurcllnvodof It tills sMo of thognivo.
It istiniu , Ihvii. UuK tbo popular tirntiucnl of
this lumtilo tliscHSO by romndlo * within the
reiicli of all pas-ell Irtfjliiiiuls at oncocuniutuitt |
uuil tnmt uithy , Thtnuw nnd hlthuito untiled
method tulviiteii t > y Dr. Kanftml In llio ( wpiliii-
tion of his lUmou. CINIB luis won Itui liu.irly
approvnl of thousand : ) . It is inhtiuilutiuou * In
ullordin rollut In nil hfa < J wilds , en ( ulnir , hiiul'-
UlnK n'litotiamcluU ' liiouthlnif , nnd lupidly 10-
inovi-s tlio moot ouptuJsWo mptnui-i.uli.-urliiff
tliili ( > uilBtm > toniiir ! the Urcuin , rt'iaoiluir Iho
on5osoraiuoll.tKtouiid huuvlug. nnd. noutisl-
Uhitttliu constitutional tendunoy of tlioillfouso
towuids tholuiirfS , ll errtiid liidnoja
SvNKmu'H IUUKHI.CUIIU consists orono Ixit-
tlu ot the lUpiu.ii.Cum : . one box of ( UTAIIIIII-
AISOJ.VKMT , and Iwrmivim INU VLIUS ; pclco , $1.
Porrun Dut'o & CUKUICJLCO. , HO.STON.
And that weary , IHcloss , nll-iraiiu wu-
satlou over preioiit with tliosof In-
HlimoJ Udlioys. wuok back uilJ loin * ,
. nchliiir liliisiuirtKtdosoverworked or
worn out l > y disease , debility or ilfiiJpatlon ,
are relieved m ono MiMrri. , nd spcbdlly c-iired
by Iho CuTlin'iu ANTt-l'AiN J'lasriiit. u new ,
oilirimil , dopant , unit lilfulllhlo untldotu to ptUn
nnd Ir.llaunnatloii. At all dmt'trUls. i'x.1 ; ilvu
lor JI.OJorof ; I'urrtn UHUO A > O
Co. , lioi'.ou.
rhrslelnns , Minister * , Mi slonnrlo3. Mnrmjrow
of , Knctnrlcs , Woik-shops , I'lantntlons ,
Nurse * In llopltftl.i In snort , ovary *
body everywhere who 1ms
over K I VCM It n trial.
FAIL ! Ml CUUK roil
THROAT , &o.
IT is TIII : MOST r.frmrrirn AM > nssr
Prices , 26c , , 60c. and $1,00 per Boitlfi.
tgj-Bowaro of Imitations ,
MAXHIKYFR * BRO. , Wholesale
Supply AgcutM , Oiniiliu ,
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $260,000
BuplusMay 1 , 1886 20,000
U.W.YATKS. President.
A. E. TOU/.AUN , Vice President
W. H. S. HUGHES , Caslifor.
. , . Diiwcrons :
VV. V. MOUSE , JOHN S. Cou.tNst
H.V. . YA.TES , LKVTU 3. KK.BB ,
Cor. 12th and JTsrnnm Streets.
Oeacral BuuUiuir Buslaa j TrumaotaL
Unabridged Dictionary ,
The Latest Includoa n Pronouncing
Gazetteer of the World , over 23OU >
„ _ titles ; Biographical Dictionary , 9700
noti-d persons ; 3000 Illustration * ; 118,000 Wordi
In Its vocabulary , being .1000 more than found la
any other Araoricnn Dictionary. Comoswlth or
without Patent Index. "Iiivalnablo In every
School and at erory FircuidV
G. & C. MERtUAM & CO. , Pub'ra.SprlngQekl , Mass ,
ir rroT. JKAN uiv JAl.l. , ° r run , rra
all French 1'b jiluUns and twlnir rsDldljr
luccossfully Introduced berc. All weyke
drmlnt promptly cnecked. TUI5ATIMK
Mp-r and imVloil endowment * , fte , , KKKI'C"iuulu >
lion ( oiltce or by mall ) with lz emlricnt doctors FKEE.
ClWlAUE AGENCY. No. 174 Fulton Strait. New York *
017 St. CftarleJiSt. , tl ( . LoulH , Ho.
. . MaJIcllColttCfl. S b fn
Ariiuiirr uu > o < > - > l lojt
tDcuRtd'n ' Ineireel * ! treatment of Cunume. Nctvout , 8 i
and ULABD DIIIAIM tUan anr otberThrilolta InSt. LoulJ.
A ellr pap n iboir D J ll oM reld nt KDOV .
Nervo.u Prostration , Debility , Menial tnd
Phttlcal WBiknaia ; Mercurial and other Alfee *
lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning.
Old Sores and Ulcers , re trutoi ltl > mip > nlliU4
' nretu , nl t l cle llfloprinciple.8 f lfPtlr l l/ .
Disease ! flrlilng from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vhieu pro6a om of ih
folwwlng effect JI ntivonnr. . , d.bllUr. dlmoui or lIlHI
naatrlng MirrUge lmpro'p r or nnhtppr. "
lOftaledfOTAlopc , * fra to aoaddrcii. . CoaiulUllAB al af >
actor by mil I frte. lotltid aad trlotljcvoflilfOlUI.
A Poslllvt Written Quarantee iir laitirrct.
tatUftic. Uedloloiicotcror/nberibjmalloriiprMf.
60 PAOB3. FINBPUATB8. cttcuk olotb od itl %
tlBdio.f.ieaUedrar0Oa. la i > oiu * or urr & 7 * urtr flrty
v00dcTiAil PO rl'torc * . Irut f lift t rtl U < OQ tb follffwlig
cUt wbo mr * rf7 , whoftal. wkjimtiDkood , woutkiW
EibJ J. ptiffsloal dcer ( ttfrgU ofccllbftar O'l ! * * , to * > ! > / § *
toler orrpr Joflloo , to4 fntor mort. Tb i rrHt4 or
CODUoipUtfnff tfiaxfrlifv bflu > 4 fm4 II. fprl r rdlitoa/
. .
ia ( pr.r.r
BB-MT . mmmmmrm : . . . . . . , Vmxt b ,
! nti liUcm , thai reaching the dl u direct. ruUi-
> tliB fpjsrn. ftclllutwl free 4"Dfi
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