THTC OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUBSDAY. JUNE 3. 188(1 ( rs , S4.av3 < ,30 ; short clear , $3.00 < S5.C5 ; Bhort rlM , 80.20. . lluttcr Dull nnd easy ; creamery , 12Q 14KC5 dairy. KXSl'-'c. licpso Firm ; full cream choddars. Bc ; Hats. 0Wc ; VoungAmcricas , BVIni " 'fS'S ' c , KKK& W. llldps Heavy green salted , 7J/c ; light , PJtfc ; datnuRed , CJ < c ; bull hides , fiffc ; dry nulled , lIQrjlSc ; dry Mint , 13 < ? ? l4c : caltskins , lie ; ( ill skins under 8 Ibs. classed as deacons , 60c each. Tallow No. 1 country , 3' ' c ; No. C , 8c ; IJoAitn Wheat Thrro was n ircat rush to buy wheat this afternoon , Accompanied by imich excitement ; bulls car ried everything before them ; .July option touched 77J < c , rloslnir at 77Jfc ; cash , 75K" ? August. 78' < c. Corn Steady nnd unchanged. Dais Kasy ; July , SO c. 1'ork Firm ; July , 8D.43. Lard Steady and unchanged. Uecclpw. Flour.bbli . 15,000 Wheat , .MI . 2S.OOO tOWO ( Corn , bu . 318.0CO 171,000 ( ) at .bu . SW.OOO 105,000 ] iypdti . uooo n.000 JJarlcy.bu . 23,000 U.OOJ Bt , Ijouls , June 3. Wheat Stronc and liiirhcr ; No. 2 red. cash and June , 7GJfc ; July , 70YC. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , CO QSlc ; July. Jsr.'rc Oats-Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 25J @ 2 < Wc ; June , 27c asked ; July , ' . ' 4ft asked. Whlskv-81.10. Pork Kasv at Lard Steady at 85.7005.75. Uuttcr Dull and easy ; creamery , 14@15c ! dairy , ll@13c. Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firm , and ' /n Corn Unchanged. Oats Un- Toledo , Juno 1. Wheat Higher and ctlvo ; cash , 78)(3iilc. ( Corn Neglected ; cash and June , SO 'c. Outs Nominal. KniiRun City , Juno 2. Wheat Steady ; JJo. 2 red , cash , 67o hid ; July , COc asked ; .August , Corn Steady : No. 2 , cash , 23 > ic ; Julj- , Oats No quotations. Ijlvcriiuol , Juno 2. Wheat Supply In CXCOSH of demand : new Jto. a inter , easy nt fls lid ; new No. 3 uprlne , easy nt OH ll'tfd. Flour Holders offer freely. Dull. Coin Offered sparingly ; spot , firm at 4s 4d ; June , steady at 4s ikt ; July , 4s 2 (1. ( New Orleniin , Junn 2. Corn Firmer ; mixed , 4 < ic ; yellow , 4S < iMlta ; white , file. . Hog Products-1 ! ! light demand hut hold ers lirm. Oats Quiet and firm ; choice western , 3 ! > e. Cornmt-al Moderately aullvo and higher at 12.25. Pork , hard Dull and a shad lower ; re lined tierce. 8ft.s7.5a' . Hulk Meats Shoulders , S4.10 ; long clear and clear rib , C.12J Now York , June 2. Wheat Keceiut1) ) , 111,000exports 3 < W,000 ; spot , about Ic hlgh- er ; options opened weak and shade lower and lated advanced 2 > @ 2X < ' , wlth considera ble excitement and cloned unsettled with reaction of KftlJfc ; ungraded rod , Bi QbO c ; No. 2 red , biy Sbc hi stole ; Juno closing at 84 % Corn Spot X&/tv. lower , closing steadier ; options council } fMfe lower , hut later react ed : closed a shade nlghcron deliveiles alter June ; receipts , 213 000 ; exports , 74,000 ; tin- fradcd , 31ji42c ( ; No. 2 , 43 > < fc In elevator ; ll @ 44Kc afloat ; Juno closing at 43' c. Oate Lower , fairly active ; rccolpts , ai.OOO ; exports , 74,000 ; mixed western , tf-'CtfMe ; white western , 3-42 > ( Jc. Petroleum Firmer ; United closed at Mifc Kggs Quiet ; western , lOlrfCSlllc. Pork-Dull ; mess , Sfl.OOfe9.-J5. Lard Tilllo higher ; contract grade , S0.10 ; choice , S0.12X. Uutter-Diill. Cheese Quiet and weak. MinncnpoiiH , Juno 2. Wheat Strong and higher , but not active ; No. 1 hard , cash and June,7f > 'fc ; July , 70 > c ; August , 78c ; No. 1 noi them , cash and Juno. 71j u : July , 73c : August , 74 > ; No. 2 noithern , osjtfc ; cash ami Juno , 70c. Flour Urm ; patents , 84.40@4.05 ; bakers , 83.40@3.05. Jleceipls Wheat. 107.000 hn. Shipments Wheat , 5,000 bu ; flour. 2,0020 bbis. bbis.Milwaukee Milwaukee , June 2. Wheat lluoyant ; CftHh , 7CMc ; July , 77UC. ; August 7S2c. Corn lroopfnir ; No. 2. X > % c. Oata Lower ; No. 2 , 20/ ' Kyo Steady : No. 1. fiOo. Uarloy-Firm ; No. 2 , 44X _ . Provisions Lower ; pork , cath and June , 88.25 ; July , 87. : . Gincliiiiati , Juno 2. Wheat Stronger ; Jo. 2 , 70@78c. Corn Light demand ; No. 2 mixed , © 3Cc. Oats-Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 20g30c ( , U > e Firmer ; No. 2 , ( Me. Pork Steady at S0.12K. Laid Fair demand at W.IM. Whisky-Steady ntSl.10. JJVI3 STOCK. , Jutio2. The Drovci's Journal reports as follow.s : Cattle Hecel pis. 8,000 ; blow but strady for the best ; HhiDpliigbtccis$4.40S * > .t' 0 ; blockers and feeduis , 8-.H , " > ( ; 4.70 : cows. buIN and mixed , Sl.5l.75 ; bulk. S'J.bO ( 3.00 ; through Texas cattle , 120 cam , 10JOc lowci ; cows and Btct-rs , 1ji5Ui4.00 ( ; corn-led. $ : i.7.'XLv ' < .50. lines Kccelpts. 2.suuo ; slow and 510u loucr. closlin ; with 15,1)00 ) unsold ; rough and mixed , $3.7 ( ) < &i.05 : packlnc und Blilmilnir , g3.UO4.1.r.Ilu-ht , 8H.m'.t > l.0 ! ; hklps/iSOXs-'I O. Sheep Hucelpts , 2-.1uO ; bteady ; nativeti , City , Juno 2. Cattle Receipts 1,300 ; shipments. IMO ; market slow except for choice ; ehoico to fancy , S4.i5rf5.00 | ( : commn , ! to pood. S4.00@4.SH ) ; stockt-rs and feeders , $ 'l.5(4.iO ! ( ( ! : cows , 82.50(013.40. ( Hogs Kocolpts , 15,000 ; shipments , 7,000 ; light and mixed steady : heavy 5c lower ; irood to choice. sUK : ( < ro.bO ; common to me dlum , S3.40@3.iW. He. IjoulB , Juno 2.-CattIe-Ueceipts , 14,000 ; shipments , ( XX ) ; good , corn-fpd catlli : linn ; grass und half-tat natives dull ; ehoico shipping and export. 5.30(35. 60 ; com mon to vuod , S4.40@5.25 ; coin-fi-d Toxana , 83.r(0\00 ; fmss Texans , $ J.-J5@4.00 ; cows nud huin-iji. ta.25a.N . llogn Receipts. 0.000 ; shlpn'cnts , 3.0JO. market actlvn and nnohiumcd : butchers' ana lt ( > t heavy , { Jl.iWM.15 ; mixed packing , SJJ.'JO C 4.0light ; , S : > .W@4.00. OMAHA MVB STOCK. Wi'dimsday Kvuning , Juno 2. CATII.I : The market was active nm steady. Thcro IK a uood demand for choice dri-v > i > d biMit cattle and I Me supply falls fa blmitol' tliu dumaiul. The aemand Is fal lor butchers' stock , but not so good us fo choh'it drcx-H-d hi'ttf and shipping stctTB. Hnuh The it-cclpts conlliniu llhuial and tint maikitt sti-aily. Tint dcmmut Is good am tlii'io Ih a ready market lor all receipts. Th Omaha hoc market Is lmpio\lng > < > ry raj- Idly ami shippers 1110 heglnnlng to Und that they niiinot alToul to pass by here. Uvery- thin : : iccrilved was sold to-day. SIIUKI- Out ) hunch of Miucpas sold late last night at S3.00. Them Is vt-iy llttlu de mand and thu market Is at u .standstill. liKCKIl'TS Cattle . WO llo-s . 2000 I'rlors. SliowhiK the prevailing prices paid for live Mock on this maiket. Chuico htct'i-8 , lilTiO to 1500 Ibs S4.60@ri.10 Cholcu steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . . . . 4.00'i.OO Medium bteers , 1'JSO to 1800 Ihs 4.5W44.C5 Fat lllllo hteers lav ) to IDs . . . 4.50 < cHiiO ( iood It'odeni , two to 1000 Ibs CHd to choice cows nnd heifers. . . : ) .rxM75 Fair to medium cowsaml heifers , . 3.00@3.60 ( iood to cholcu bulls 2.7 . Medium bulls ( iood to choh-u i > h\KS \ 4.00rf-4.W ( > Mi-dlum stags : i,0Vua.75 ( Chulee llu-lit and medium hogs 3.5.y : LOO ( iood to choice heavy hogs. . , , . . , . 8.1/M3.65 ( ! ( W < 1 to choice mixed hogs .5.S@3.AO Common rough grades 8.40 ( 3.60 Choice to extra bhorn sheep 4.00&4.SO Itcpresontntlve Sales. No. Av , 4 040 a KM i7.iav ) a..HM 17 ioyo 60..1003 No. Av. 6 1050 1 S'XJ 2 1020 No. Av. s iosa Vn. Av. 1 2000 FI1EEI' , No. Av. Pr. 127 73 f.1.00 HUO . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . . , . . . . > 5 J3.M ) 70 222 $3.55 C2 275 3.52U ltt ! ) , 233 3.00 CO 254 3.55 75 233 3.CO f,8 23 ! ) 3..V. 74 232 3.00 CM 217 3.55 75 223 3.00 81 HM 3.55 57 270 3.GO CO 2V ) 3.55 WJ 272 S.CO Cfl 207 3..V. 04 203 3.00 C3 272 3.55 04 271 3.00 C8 2.V ) 3.55 07 251 3.00 14..303 3.J5 74 2.U 3.1V ) 11 327 3.5T , 77 218 3.00 CO 271 3.55 Mature of Prices. Showing the highest and lowest prices palil forllvn stock on this market during the past seven days , with comparative values : nilKS4l > IIBKK AND SIlll'IM.XO fATTM ! . IIDOX. April .May. Wednesday , S.CO 3.00 ( S3.70 Thursday. . . , n.V ( > ( jfcl.72i. Friday 3.70 Saturday. . . . 3.70 3.55 Monday May June. Tuesday. . . . , 3.65 @ 3.00 Wednesday. I 3.50 (03.60 ( All sales of stock iti tins imiket are turulo ncrcwt. livuvululit unless othorwlsu stntrd. Ucadnen \ .sell nt Ku per It ) for nil woldiK "Skins , " or IIORS wulslihm ; loss than 100 Ibs novalno. I'ruKitunt sows are docked 40 Ibs nndt'agsSOlbs. N01KS. llotrs all sold. Jloj : innrkct steady. Cattle pens cleared. Al Powell , Blair , wns here to-day. ] ' . Mc.Mullun , Lyons , marketed hogs. Fnlh'i-iV : 1'atton , Knllcrton , sold 78 hoR. 0. C. Clllton , Muad , disposed of a load of tt Co. , Alda , disposed of a load ot Walker it Hros. , Wavcrly , sold a load of 00 llOL'S. llOL'S.W. W. K. llollnmn , Cenoa , sold a load of liojis. J. JI. Hedge , Yntan ? sold t\\o loadsuf heirs to-day. J. T. Anderson , Albion , marketed n load of 01 liofrs. II. 1 ? . Kalknor , I'lniu Cieek , maiketcd a load of hogs. Kd Smith , Colnnibus , was a visitor at the yards to dav. O. 11. Wairen < \ : Co. , Oration , marketed a load of IIOJTN .1. F. Lower , Stionibburg , was a visitor at the yards to-day. 1' . A. Dniri'tt , Avoca , had two loads of cat- tluon the maiket. II. I ) . Reynolds & Co. , Central City , sold a load of fib hogs. Bliss Aillllss Schuylur , wcie on the market with a load ol hogs. Mori Issoy Bios. , Hampton , mnikeled a load of 02 hogb to-day. Parkhurst & Wells , Scotia , had a load of hogs on the maiket. C. E. Dagiian , San Antonio , had 25 horses at the yards to-day. John I'hllpotWei-ping Water , was visiting at the jards to-day. S. 11. Klwood , llumplm-y , had 20 head of cattle on tne market. Morse , Kogeis t Co. , North Bend , sold a load ot 74 hoas to-day. W. E. Smith , St. Paul , disposed of a load ot hogs on the market. Lobman it Kothchlld mniketed 110 cattle shipped fiom Columbus. F. II. ( ierr.ud , Lost Creek , sold a load of hogs on to-day's market. W. L. Nash , Koainey , sold two loads of hogs on to-dav'.s mailft. C. H. Parmcle & Co. , Cedar Cicek , had a load of hog.s on the maiket HawkxiX Kiloy , Cedar Hapids , disposed of a load of hogon to-day's 111:11 : Rot , K. M. H indie. Ileimanis : at the yards anil maikctcd three loads of hogs. Mr. Suttou. of Mclntosh & Suttou , Chap- mans , was visiting the yards to-day. Heib & Me.viiier , Hartwell. tdlsnosed of a load of 01 hosrs on to-day's maiket. M. ilutton. .Randolph , Iowa , was at the yaids and marketed two loads ot rattle. Virgin & Nelson , regular shippers to the yaids , sold tlnee loads ot hog * on to-day's maiket. Mr. Wilkinson , of Wilkinson & Crahrm , Avoca , came in to-day with ( M head of cat tle. Frazier & Willard , Columbus , were in to day and hold 74 head of cattle shipped fiom Genoa. Mr. Wyatt , of fireeloy , Colo. , who was brand Inspectoral thn vaids List hummer , ar- ilvcd here this.afteinoun. The Stock Yaids company will lay out an extension to thu yards to-moiiow MilUcIcnt to yard 2,000 head of cattle. There are loud complaints ahnut the new time table , there being no tiulns to the stock yaids after H a. ui. until 3:55 : p. m. Colnjel II. Kcenan , a In other of Mr. Kcej".n of Keenan & Hancock , Chicago , was at the yards to-day. Colonel Kecuan is con nected with the Chicago , liuillngton Qtilncy railroad. OMAHA. WJlOIjKSAljK MARKETS. Oenorul Markets , Wednesday Evening. June 2. Koos The maiket Is slow and weak at Ho. BUTTKU Choice fresh grass butter , 7 © 10c ; inferior , 44 ( < 5c ; creamery , 13@l5c. CIIKKSK Fancy full cream Cheddars , new make , lie : fiats , 12o : young America , 12 > c ; lirst quality Swiss cheese 15n ; sncond nuttllty , 12KQ14c ; Llmburger , lHi 12c ; skim flats , ( i < 30o. ! Poui.Titv The receipts of old fowls aio liberal and the majority of the sales are mndo nt $2.75@3.00. Spring chickens are comlni ; In In greater numbers and do not meet with very ready sale , as they me btlll high ; they ate imoted nt 3.00i.50. : PJIESBIIVKH , Jir.MKS : , ETC. Preserves , all kinds , 20-lh. pails perlb. lOo ; do in pall lots , per Ib. OJ c : assorted5-lb. palls per ciate , 0 nails , S3.75. Jellies , all kinds , first grade , 20-lb. palls , per Ib. tic ; assorted , lirst grade , Mb , palls , per crate , 0 palls , S2.50 : do Mb. pulls , pur case , 2 doz. 82.25 : do , tumb lers , per rase. 2 doz. , 81.40. Jolly , all kinds , .second grade , 30-1 b. pails , per Ib. 5c. 1'KiH' f KKT. TIIII-K , KTO 1'igs' teet , per } hbl , 84.00doW : bbl. S2.00 ; do. nor kit , Hoc. Lambs' tongues , per H bbl , S3.2S ; do , per kit , S2.50 ; do , quart jars per doz , 85.25 ; do. pint jars per case , 2 doA 80.75. Tripe , per ] hbl 84.00 do per bbl , 82.00 ; do , per k two. two.Conn HONEY California , 15c ; strained , lOc : Nebraska , Wo. MAi'i.nSu A Bricks , perlb , ISJfc ; pi ny cakes , per Ib. . 15& COCOANUTS Per 100 , 85.00 ; less than 100 85.50. I'ltovisioNS-Ham. lOo ; nrcakfast con b@8 > < c : clear bide bacon , 7C7Ko ; dry sal Hides , ( XiiUKc ; shoit rib sides , C'ic : shoulder ! ) , 5c ; mess t > ork , S12.50 per bbl ; dried beef , ham pieces , iio : : lard , tierces , 5Ki"e ( ! ; 50 Ib cans ir u. u , 70 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) . 0S ( Kc : ' Ibcuns , do , fiXSOjjo : 3 Ib cans , do. , boneless ham. lOc , NEW Ifiaa , DATES. ETC. Layer figs , 8 am' ' 10-lb boxes , per Ib , iCc , Dates , fancy Fard 12-lb boxes , per Ib , Ho ; 1'erMixn , 50-lb boxes iterlb , lOc. Prunelles. 30-lb Iwxes , perlb , Itic. Itic.LEMONS LEMONS The market Is steadily advane- Ine. It is generally expected that lemon will bring SIO.OO within the next two weeks , Fancy Messlnl , per box , $7,50 ; ehoico per box 87.00. OUANOKS With the present light receipts stocks would uio\e fast , but the receipts of summer fruits has lessened the demand tu Rome extent. Los Angeles are quoted In Cal ifornia at just twicu the piico of two months ago. Pilceslieroaru the same as last week. Los AiiL'L-les , S4.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , S4.00Klverbldu seedlings. $4.50 .75 ; Hlw- slde Mediterranean hweets , S4.75 < iiO.OO ; paper rind St. Mich. , $5.00. BANANAH fiesh stock has been received during the past few day a. Yellow , per bunch , CiuiiitiKS- : Southern cherries are coming In and are in better shape than thu Califor nia block. Southern chunle.s , per ntand , D.OO9.00 ; cholcu California , per crate , 53.50. C'AuroiiMA Aruicoib-Per cratu $ aw. The receipts nre lieavj- , ISO to 475 stands being received ilally , besides cases. Shipping stock , choice , per ease , 82.00 ; soft stock , per case. 7.c@Sl.OO ; St. Louis home-crown , stand" . 4 drawers , best , S' .00 ( ( ? $0.00. " PINK APPUS : Shipping slock , per do/ , . . . I'OTATOKS There Is no Improvement In Hie market noticeable since last week. There Is an occasional sale of a few sacks to some lelall dealer who may have run shot t , or to peddlers , but there Is no sale worth mention- Inc. It makes no difference1 how low they nto quoted , there Is no sale of any account. New potatoes which arc bclnc shipped In from the south and \\est and Salt Lake | x- tatoes help to lessen the demand for old stocK. Salt Lake potatoes ate quoted tit GO ® 7ne. 7ne.NKW \ roKTAW.r.s-Cnbbaro , per rrale , JS.oo southern cauliflower , per do- , SiOOjZSi7 : > ; home-giown asparagus , t > cr doyen bunches , ilVifrlOe ; spinach , per bu. green onions , per doz ' radishes , iicr do/ , LX't'-'Oc : lettuce , per doz , : c ; pl-'plant , pcv Ib , Ic ; peas , per bush hov , 81..V ) ; string beans , per bush box , S'J.'A" ) . wax beans per hush box , 83.50 ; eucumheis , per doSl.OO ; squashes , per doz , 51.7ft ; onlon3Mutlieinpei4 bbl , 85.00onions ; , boutlicin , per bush box , S2.i ! > . BIIA.NS The maikel Iserv quiet nnd thniG Is very little stock imninir. Infeiior ' stocks , 75c < 3'l.UO ; good clean country , S1.25 ® 1.50 : medium hand-picked , 51.30(21.40 ( ; handpicked - picked KI.OPU AND Mii.t.sTUFPs Winter wheat flour , best qtullty patent , M.OOKtf3.10 ; second quality , 82.50 3.00 : beat qu.illty gptlllg wneat Hour , natent , S2.50 < ft2.75 ; bran , 55c per cwt ; chopped feed , SOo per cwt : white corn meal , We ; yellow corn meal. 70cnar cwt ; screening , OJc per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 pcrcwt ; shoits , OOj per cwt ; gialiam , 1.7o ; hav. in bales. S.004i)7.00 ( ) ) per ton. WOOL Medium , I'Agirxjpar Ib ; fine- heavy , 10@14c ; light , l'Jji.c ( ; coarse , 10i12c ; huiry won ! . 2 ( 5c off. . LEATiiKit Prime slaughter sole Iratlicr. safi.'Mo : inline oaK hole leather. boot legsor.Wc : ; .Motocco oil iicbble,2S topulmis and linings. Sfl.ooaio.oo per do/ . COAL Iowa , SU/il ; Walnut block , S3.oj Illinois , SU.V Missouri , 8400. HEAVY HAitnwAitK Iron , rates , 53.3 > ; plow steel.speolal castle ; crucible steelC3c ; cast tools do , I'-WUSo ; wagon spokes , per set , 81.7.ViKI.OO : hubs , per s-et , Sl.M ; lelloos. sawed dry , S1.40 ; tonxucs , each. 75o ; axles , each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per Ib , 7 ( < < > Uo ; cell chain , psr ID , ( XSWo : malleable. tJ ® c : Iron wedges. Oe : crowDars 03 ; hanow teeth , 4e ; spilng steel , 7@tc ! ; Uuulen'.s horseshoes. S4.40 : Iluiden'.s mule shoes. S5.40. IJarbed Wire , in car lots , 54.00 per 10J Ibs. Iron Nails , rains , 10 to 00. Si,00. : Shot 81.W ) : buckshot , Sl.hS : oriental DOWder , kegs. 83.50 ( oo4.00 : do. halt kcusi , 82.00 ; do , ( matter kegs , S1.5 ; blasting , kegs , SiiB ; luse , per 100 tect , rxc.0 ) Lead liar. Sl.i > . PAINTH IN On , White lead , Omaha , P. P. , 7)fc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , S7.BO : Mat- selllesgreen. I to fi Ib cans , -0c ; French zinc , green seal , I''e ; French /inc. red seal , lie ; French zinc , in vatnisli a.sst , iiOc : Inench zinc,75c : vermllllon. American. 18o : Indian red. lOe : rosonlnk.uc : Venetian , ie < i. Cook- win 's , 2)ie ; Venetian , led , American , Ujc ; red led. TJ C ; chromo yellow , genuine , * oo : OKV PAINTS Wnltelead , he : French ztne , 12c : Paris whiting , 2) ) c ; whHIi > = gilders , l4e ; whiting , com'l. lfe ! ; lampblack. Gcr- inantown. 1'Jn : latnublack. oidiuary. be : Pinssian blue , Me : ultramarine 1B : vandyke - dyke , mown , fcc : umber , buint. 4c : umber , raiv. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw4c ; Paris cieim , genuine. 2. c : Paris cicen. com mon'JUc ; chiomegieen , N. V. , 20e : chromo green , K , lac : vermllllon. Kngllsh , in oil , 70o ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans , l o ; rawand burnt sienna , I''e ; Vandyke , brown , liic ; relined lampblaek. 12c ; coach bluclc and Ivory black , lc ( ! : dtop black. Ifio : Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c : chrome greon. L. . M. & 1) ) . , lOc : blind and snuttor green , L. . M. & I ) . , ICc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red. l" > c ; Venetian red'Je ; Tuscan , BSc ; Ameilcan veimllllon. L. & I ) . . 20c yellow ochie , ! a ; L. M. to O. L > . , 18c ; godcs ochre , lc ( ! ; patentdryer , 8c ; graining colors Ilnht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. 12c. UniHis ANI > CiinMicAi.s Acid , carbolic , 34c ; acid , iartarlc , KJc : balsam copaiba , JUT 11) , 45c ; bark , h.iss.ifras. per U > lOc : calomel , per 11) , 7Jc ; chlnehonldln , per ozlOe ; chloro- term , per tt > , 50c ; IJovers powders , per Ib , SI.SAcnsotu ; salts , peril ) , .SJifu : glyeenne , pure , per lt > , 18c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per g.xi. , Sl.OO : oil , castor , No. ' - ' , per gal. , fil.-lO ; oil , olive , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil. origanum. 50c : onium. So.u.'i : qul- nine , P. As W. , and It. < feS."per o , 85c ; po tassium iodide , per Ib , 83.00 ; sallcin , per oz , 40c ; sulphate morphine , per oz , $ ; sul phur , tier It ) . 4u : strychnine , per oSI.40. . VAKNISIIES uanels , per gallon : .Kufnt- ture , extra , 81.10 ; lurnhnre. No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1. 81.20 ; Damar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltnm extra , Otic ; shellac , 83. 0 ; hard oil tinlsh , 01 tn briiHTS Coloeno spirits. 168 proof , 81.12 ; do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , SU3 ; do , 188 pioof , SI. 11. Alco- Kentncky and Pennsylvania ryes , sa.00@fi.r > 0 ; ( ioldcn Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , S1.50@3.00. Hrandles. imported , SS.OO S.r.O ; domestic , Sl.'Wan.OO. ( Jlns. imported , 84.50 00.00 : domestic. 31.25ffii.OO. ( : Hums , Im- p.-rtedS4.50v' ' 8.00 ; New Kngland. 51.7ft@-J.Oi ) ; donie.stlc , 81.T > $3.00. Champagnes , import ed , per case. S2SOO@'J4.03 ; American , per case. S10.004J1C.OO fish. neimiNan. . H'ls Q'r nblgiPlB KU FI8B. NSW MO 100 80 CO 40 13 10 Munn'BB'tNo.l L'b ( J OQy ; CO 3 20 1 801 Tj'goGib'ed Fancy i UT1 7 | 1 40 ' H'U Sh'ro F'cy 5 WJI | : M a 07 1 67l | 40 JMPOUTBD HSU. nsn.Ilbls Illf Ulile Q'r Ulils I-nlls or kits nsn. AJO 100 00 W 40 15 12 10 Norwetflan I J. KKK Uor'liiK 12 03 0 50 0 00 3 30 3 70 80 Norwegian KK Herrings. 11 008 005 453 of 3 8 oui | w 4 00,2 , : ui ; 60 UACKKIIKU Hbli.'llair ' FISH. 100 W ) 60 40 nioaterilces . 35 0)18 0018 .9 0i 7 301 95 Kr. No. IBh'r . 24 00 13 00 11 30 0 00 5 10JI 40 No. 1 Shore . IB OUI 1) ) 60 | Mi H)3 UOl 10 Mod. No. 1 Bhoro. . . 13 ( M T 00 6 35 3 K\S \ OJ Ki " HHV 1100 B OU 6 JKL'TI ' ' 052 rjTH out 500 4 5.r > ' 2 WB 10 Fat TOO 4 00 3 6Jla 05 1 70 LAKE nsn. irr O'rnbls'p'IslKta ' NEW nan. 100 110 50 40 12 1U No.l Whlto Fish . 0 OOfi 4JII iW. 70 , t | K ) F rallr ! J 002 70 1 70l ] K ) CO l 10 No , 1 Trout 3 75i : 3 'J 17 1 W ) C5 I 67 No. U'lckorel 3 001 BO'l ' iioll 101 44 I 40 Holland UeriiiiK , t > > c ; smoked Yarmouth hloatere,0oc ; iiuw.scalcd Dry Goods. 1'itiNTS American , GJ4 ; Arnold's. Oc : Co- chcco , Cc ; .Munclu'btor , Uc ; Lyman , 5o ; Glou- coitor , .r Ko ; Diinnull Jacquard , Oc : Dunntill IKc ; Windsor. 60 : 1'acllic 6c : Harmon 4'io ; Anchor Shirting , 4fc ; Murriuiao , Shirtings , 4' < Tc : Horwlclc. 4c. Ducic ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Jfau'iiolla. lOo ; 10 oz. Magnolia , 1'Jc : 80Vbt Point , I0 , c10 ; o-c. WfRt 1'oint , ISXc. Huow.v COTTOX Lawrence IX , So : Shaw- nuit , LL. 5c : Uca > rr Dam LL , 6c ; Atlautlo Lb,5c ; Indian Head. 7c ; Wauchussut , OJfc ; Crown XXX. 6Kc ; Clifton CCO , Co ; Ulica CCC 4jfc ; Atlantic 1' , SKc. TiCKiNns Amoskoap ACA ISVfo : Thorn dvku OOO , 7 > fo ; 'Ihorndyko fancy. OXc ; YorkI0' < c : York fancy , l3Ko : Milbury IS > < P : IVail Ulvor , HKo ; Hamilton , 1'Ai ; Swift Uiver. o e ; Shi-tucket S. 8 | c ; Shetuck- tit S9. Uj u ; Mnntjuk AA , UeMontauk \ UU , llo ; OmoKa ACA. ISc. DurK ( colored ) Uostnn 9 or. brown anc drah , i : > Xc Unston O 11 brown and nrab PC ; llustiiii XX brown and drab , lOc : Boston XXX brown and drab. IH.'c ; Uohtou O blucHHc ; WairenTiicot. Iflc. Iti.KAciiKn CorroNB I'ariuers' choice , CHEVIOTS Amoskeae , checks , 0Vp ! Amos- keatr , stripes. H'xi'c ; Slater , stripes , tie ; Kdin burg , 9 > c : Whlttendon , strli > es , bo ; Glen rose , l o : Otis , checkb , > < c ; " ' .Hoyul , CJfc ; Amoskeai ; , 111 ruy. book fold , I2o : Oberon , Eudurancc , t > ook fohUlVc. . . . . -Beaver Creek-AA , tic ; Beaver 'rrck I11J. 1ft ; ill \i\or Creek CC , Oc ; .tafTrry \X. lie ; .l.xrn-y HXX , 1S < . - , JalTroy D A T , c : CoIunibian. U o : YorkI'te ' : Yoik. ancv , ISSio : r.\t-rott , iSo ; Haymaker's blue lid bro\sn , MiC. " _ Oryl So. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 nud Id ft . , 517.00 Vo. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft IS.Od No.3 " " 13 , 14 nnd 10 ft. . . . . . . 4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00 PKNCINO. o. 1 , 4 A 8 inch , 12 and. Hfoct , rough. . No. l , 4 A 6 inch , 15 * fc'pt. rtituli . 17.0 J No. a , 4 A 0 Inch , 13 ami 14 feet , rouRh. . 14.00 No. 2 , 4 A 0 ItioJi. Ill feet , rouKh . 15.00 DlMK.NfllOVa A.ND TIMhF.lt1) ) . 12 ftti4 ftlie itis ; nsa ; ftp ft 21 ft 10. , 15.00 1.1.0J ir.W ( 10.00 17.00 20.00 21.00 X8 15.M in.M ir.N ) lfl..W 17..V ) H'.GO'20rO ' XlO. 15.SO ia.80 IH.M10.M 1T..V ) SOM ) 21. J j2 1S.60 lfi.f.0 li" > . . si.w ii-sxs 15.M i.ViO ir > . Fi.ooni.Nu. Oinch. white pine i fl inch " " ' ' 3 flinch ; " " ! . . . . . . . . . . . . E .M ) > oinch , " " 2050 K Olucli. " " 17.53 STOCK WIAUD * . A. is Inch , sil s 12 , U nnd lufcet S400 ! ) ( ( ' ii u u u ii u . . 30 00 ' " ' ) " < i " - ' " " ! ! ! ! ! , 23oo Vo. l Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and If. ft. . IS 00 o. 1 " " " 10,18 and 20 ft. . 1800 S'o.'J " " . " 12.14 nnd 10 ft. . 1000 SHIP LAP. ? o. 1 , Plain , R nml 10 Inch 517.50 to. . ! , Plain , 3 and 10 Inch 15.50 No. 1O. ( } 1.00 ! ? mtlNOl.KS , I.ATil. A * Standard S2.fl5 jlncli. clear , 81.55 ; C luch , cleat 1.05 to. I. . 1.25 , Utll 2.25 Orooora' Mat. PICIU.ES Medium. In bbK S5.50 ; do In lalf bbis , 83.25 : small. In bbis. SO.ffl ; do in lalf bbK S3.75- gherkins , in bbis , S7.50 ; do. n half bbis. J4.2 . CANNED ( loons Oysteis. standard , per ase. 83.15 ; strawberries,2 Ib. per case , Sitl5 : raspberries , 2-lb , per case , 82.3 ! ) ; Callfoinia learn , per c.ise , 81,00 ; apricots , per case , J4..10 : peat-lies , per case , S4.5J ; white cheirle.s , > er case , 85.00 ; plums , per case , 33.70 ; blue- mrne.s , per case. S.2 > ; egg plumr. , 2-lh ler case. 82.50 ; giecn gaecs , 2-lb , per casu 5J.50 ; pineapples , 2-lh , per caseS'5.20iJ5.50. MATCIIKS Per caddie , .ye : round , per ise. Sl.OO ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule siiuaro , Si.- ) . Srn.viti Powdeicd , 7Jfc ; cut loat , 7Jfe ; giauulated. ilCeeonti'ctlonersAty ; < ehland- ; ud extra C. o ; c ; c\lra C , OJgQdifc ; medium yellow , 5J j. DHIID : 1'HOir.s No. 1 quarter anple.s. In ) s c : peaches , eastern. 4 % < ji'5kc ; iwacnas cvapoiated , i5K@17c ; Salt Lake , new , 7(53 ( 7ifcriispherrlus. ; now. IDCdUOc : currants. ( S \ . 4 % ( W4Jic.o CuAciviins Oaiiieatrs soda , butler and | ) lcnlc , 5 } c ; creams , 8 > c ; ginger snaps * Kc : city MMln. 7Kc. SODA In Ib papeis. 83.25 a case ; salsoda , ieg , per Hi. 22'je. ' SVIIUP Xo. 70 , 4-jrallon kegs , St.CO : New Jrleans 3S4f5o per gallon ; Maple byrup. barrel , strictly pure , 70cpercallon ; l Kai- on cans , 80.25 per doz : M gallon cans , 85.25 pur doz ; Quart cans $3.00. STAiiru Mirror glois , 1 Ib , Co ; Mirror gloss , 3 Ib 5 } c. Minor gloss , 0 Ib , CJfe ; ( ! raves' corn , 1 11) . 01-'e ; Kincsfoid's coin , lib 7c ; ICIngslortl'h gloss , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kingsfoul's nloss , 0 Ib , 7 > c ; Klugstord's pure , 3 Ib , 55ic ; Kings- [ ord's bulk.-lu. COFKP.ES Ordlnarvcrades.10cfalr. : 10Jj ( < $ lie ; prime , in.jT < ? ric ; choice , I'Ji lil'ju ; Fancy green and y > IIoty 13K@HHc ; old gov- rnmciitJava , 20jjriOe : Interior Java. lOVrftf } 30c : Mnclia. 21qJ4c. ( Arbuckle's roasted , 14' c ; McLamthKn's -XXXX ioa ti-d , 14 > c ; Dilwoith's , 14c ; Ht-ii Grose , i4i4C. boAPS Kirk's aavon Imperial. S2.70 : Kirk's satinel. S3.00. Kirk's stanilard , 83.05 ; Kirk's white Itiifan. & 84.00 : Kirk's White Cal ) , 58.50 ; Domq. SI.VO ; Washboard. 83.10 CANDLES Boxes , 40 Jo , Os , 10 % : ss , lOJ.c ; boxes ' , 401b , 10 or , Os , lo c ; half box. 201b , UJi'C , CANDY MUedt.n @l2c ; slick , O wllc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl. S1.55 ; Ashton , In sacks , 83.35 ; tf sacks , Ashton , 85e ; bbis , dalrv. S2.00@2.75. SPICKS ( J'ound Ulack pepper , boxes , 20 & c ; allspice , 12@10ccinnamon , 18W25c : TEAS Gunpowder , fair , 20@37c : good. 4' > @ 55c : choice , 00u)75e ( ) ; good Imnerial , 40M43 ; choice , 00@70 ; Young Hy.son , good. : ! 0(3l5c ; choice , 50@70c : Oolong , good. ! 15@40u ; Oolong - long , choice. 4060c : English breaktast , uooil. 30. < J40c : choice. Mi@f > 5c ; Souchong , peed , 30 @ 45c ; choice , 35@45c ; Japans , fair , 25(3i3."ic ( ; pood. : ! 545c ; choice , 55$75c ( ; Tea Dust , 15c ; Tea Slftinas. IWc. CIDEK Xew > : ork , per bbl , 87.00 ; do , half hbl , S4.00 ; Ciab. per doz qts , S2.75 ; Michigan refined , per bbl. , 80.50 ; < lo , half bbl. 84.00. VINEOAIS W.'dte wine. 13fi 'l7c ' ; cider , 18 ( Sl7c ) : blnglu strength , i2c ; . FINK CUT Hara to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the West , COc ; Fountain , 70c : Ooldun Thread- fi7u ; Kavoiltc , noc : lintts , 50c Hocky .Moun tain , SOc : Kancv , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; Noith Star 50c ; ( iood Luck. 55c ; Our Host , ( Ki a ; Good News , 55c. 55c.DR. DR. IMPEY , ST. Pritctico limited to Diseases of tlio EYE. BAR. NOSE AND THROAT , Glasses fitted for all forms of defective Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted. Best Goods in the Market Ask for onr grtoils nnd sec tliattha bear our trndo'mark. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. fyipiA , B , Shears , J. E. MftrkeLTlios. Swobe , Proprlctcrg Onjuha ; Nebraska. Job ; Printing. * ! REESlUtlNTINO CO. , Job Priqtefa-j Book Binders , And Illnnk Boot JlRiiufuclincrs. 100-10B South Fourteenth Stroo Ffour and Feed , W.J. WELSHANS& CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W.J , Wclehans &Co. ' Quick lUilainir lluckwlicat Hour and proprietors Omaha City MlUe , cor. tlU tuiJ Furuum Streets , Omuha. Leather , Hides , tie. BLOMAN HHOS. , Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlery uiu Bhoc HndlnjrB , HIiUnVool , I'urfl , 1'clU. Gieaau , 'IVllow , Etc. , Omuhu Not. Beer , , Ailjwser-Busli Brewing AIS'B ' ttraadi OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Book Binding , Etc. " REESl'lllNTlXa CO. , Printers , Book Binders , Anil Hook Manufacturer * . No" . 100 IDS South Hlh Street. Omaha , .Neb. Bridges Steam Pilc Driving. HAYMOXD & CAMPHKLL , KnRlnccrs nml Contractor ? . Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving ron Combination ami Howe Trn s 'Illmr nml ( ink Timber. 15th si. , near 1'nrnani. Telephone No 7.H. B _ Cigars and Tobacco , MA.X Jir.YEH A CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Itins and Ammunition. 213 to 22) ) South lllh Street , liEO to KK4 ! nirunin Street , Omulm , Neh. WKST & rniTSCHRIt. Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , Ami WhoU'inlo Dealers In U nf Tobucco * . Noa. ! ( W nml 110 N. 14th Street , Omnhn , Nrli. _ vrocKerjr , Agent for the Manufacturers nml Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Lunpi , ChltminjR , Ktc. Onieo , 1117 South nth Street. Oinali * . Nub. _ o. s. < 5oonwcu * cb Agents tor V. A. Whltnuy Ciurlngo Co. s Cnildien's Carriagss , And Jewett's Cclohrntcd Hofriiri-rator * . Sen 'or price lists. 1415 Vitrntm St. , Omatin. _ O. S. PETTIS & CO. , Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages , Imctonn , lliiRBlo nurt Komi Wnitnns. 50 per cent mved In buylnc nf UK. IW-niO-UU , liard Street , Omnhn , Netirmkn. llrnncli nt Connclt llliiirn , lown. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John riponotcr , I'miirfctor. Muiuifnr.tnrcr of fiiilviuil'ml Iron ami Oornlfo. Id IoUo ) ; nnd 101 ami 105 Ninth lOtli Btrcot , Oiniihii , Neb. KUnMriXO & HOt.TJt. Manufacturers of Oraaincntal Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer WlmlowB , Final' , Ktc. , 3108. ISth \Vorkilnno In nny part of tliucountry. Western Cornice Works , a Sl'KCHT , Proprietor. Onlvanl/cd Iron Cornices. Etc Spcoit's Im-\cd I'HlontMftall'oBlO'llght. UXi and 5108. 12th St. . Omahn. Net. Doors , Sash. Etc , The Gate Doors , Bush and llllmls. Also nil Wmls of turning1. Scroll iiml Stnlr Mork of uvcry Uo- Bcriptlon. A. KOSENIIBItV , Manufacturer nnd Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc. Stair Italia a specialty Telephone No. 02 J5tli unit Mniov SI . . Otnnliii , Neb. _ Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOLFE & CO.Kloctrlclan9 , Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Omahu. Ilnrtflar Alarm" , r.cll , Klro Alarms , r'cctrlu .Matting , . lienklngTuboj , Iron Works. PAXTON & VIKUUNd lltWOIIXS ( ) Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ion Stairs , Kalllmr , Hollril Houms and Girder * Steam Knplncs , HraiB Work , General Foundry Machine and lllacKKmlth Work. Olllco and Works , U. J' . Ity. and S 17th Bt. Iron ar d Nails , OMAHA NAIL MA NTrACTUIUNO CO. , Cut Nails and Spikes , Fire Nulls rPp' ; lalty. Omaha. Nol ) Safes. Omaha Safe Works , o. ANnur.riN. Manufacturer of Flionml lliirfflar Proof Safoi , Vault Doors , .lull Work. SliutlcrH uiul Wlro Work. Cor. llth nnd Jnckson . ts. , Oniniui , Nob. Wacom and Carriages. Tstabllshed m'A A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , UU Podeo Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc , M. HUIUCK & SONS , Live Stock Commission Ueo. llurko , Manuijcr , Onion Stock Yards , H. Omatiu. Tolo.licno 583 Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John F. Hoyd , Supcrinteniloiit , SAVAGK & ( iHEEN , live Stock Commission Merchants. EhipmontB of any and idl kinds of Block Hollclt i I'd. ' Union bl. ck YiirUd.Onmlm , Neb. Lumber , Etc. I-OUIS IIIIADFOHD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Baeh , Doors , Ktc. Ynrds Cor. 7th nnd Doutf.13 , Cor. Uth and DouglMj. BOHN MANUFACrUUINO CO ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldlUKH , Ktalr Work nnd Interior Hard Wood Flnleh. Jiiblopuncd. N. K. cor. UtU und Lcavun- wortb Btrceta , Omalia , Neb. CHffeAGO LUMDEH COMPANV. Wholesale Lumber , fH a litb titrcot , Omaha , Net ) . F. Colct/or | , Manager. C. N. DIBTZ , Lumber , 380i anil California Strucl ; , Omahn , Nob. ritfiD W , GIIAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor , Otu und Douglas Strti'te , Omulia , Neb. GF.O. A. HOAOLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , CHAS. It l.EB , Hardwood Lumber , Waton Block , 1'uncy Woods , lirlilgo llmbcrg , &o. , B. W. Cor. Uth und Doutlas , Umuha , Nub. 0 ff. LVMAN , Dealer in Sasli , Doors , Blinds Uulldhur Paper , Ktc. Kouth Fiih , Etc. BENSOiTKlS l fco. " BucccfMirs to Ickt'ii Slcnii-tcii le Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importcra of rorelun Ilsli , Nos , 911-913 Joaei faa - Btr " t mid v' . 1' . Truck. Omuhq.Mob.- . - , Confectionery. F. I' , FAY A CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , ' Jpbberanf Fruits , Nuts and. Cigars. 1211 Faru'am St. , Omaha , -Scb. . . . ' OMAHA JOBBERS1 USRE070RY Agricultural implements. * " " UN1NGKU \ MKTX'AU' CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements. JfllccCornerf.tli nml rntlfleSts Omaha Nc'o. "IVAHUN OUKNIXMirt' * MAHT1X , \VholcR.'o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nncl HiitfKk" , Omulm Neb. _ ' " "cin'uciiiu ' , TAHKKI : , Wholesale Denier In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carriages mid Iltmitlc * . .1 ( n * ft. , bet. Cth and 13th , Oinnlm , Nob. Boots and Shoes. " " W. V. MOl'SK A CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , 1411 Farnam Ftrcet. Omaha. Nob. Mnnufactory , Suimnsr Street , llostou. . _ . Carpels , . - - - A VU Vtfl. 'l VX * * W4 P. A. OUCIIARD , Wholesale Carpets , OH Cloths , Hattlnes , Curtnln ( > OOIP. Kip. , a I'arnnni Street , On.nha , NcK _ Coal ) Lime , Etr. _ " " " " " ' * "jhFV W. nKIKUI ) > , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. 001oei3S. Hlh rt. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , nllj nnd Jr.'ciiioitStu'ets. ) | _ COUTANT At SQUIKKS Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. Dcet rnrlcUcf. onico.SISS. l.'lth Pt. Telephone No. It'.r..Oiiiabn.Neb , _ NiniiASKA : rrrijco. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , S14 S. VMSt. \ . , Oniniui , Neb. ( Jr.o. C.'Povri.t : , I'rcsldont. 0 o. rArrr.ttsox , Sec. uiul Trcai > . _ 3. H. , P. A. , ] 'roirletor. | Mummer. Kebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , N11IIHASICA. , yi7i < . l.lth Sticet. Tclcdiono4I. | Gro. V. I , AH A mi , 1'ics. C T. OoomtAN.V. l'ica J. A. SUNiiritLANU Set1 , nnd Ti oas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard nnd oft coa ! , 2o'J S. Kith bt. , Omalin , Neb _ OMAHA COAI. AND 1'llODUCIJ CO. Hard and Soft Coal Exclusive donlors In lloiildcr Colorado Conl.ZK honth HtliMrvol. Coffee and Spices , _ " ( "JATKS , COLIC iV MILKS , Home Coffee and Splca M.H ; MTg Co. Collco Itoiislcis nnd Hploo ( Jrlnili'iv. inniiii riicMircisorilnkliiKl'o 'dcr , rinvorimrl.xtincts IlltiliiR. etc. Try ono en o < if our 1-tt imekuiro lloino lllend llonstcd ColTue. 1C llonurd fct. , Cmnlin , Neb. " ' Cl.AHKB rtltOS. &CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tcv. CoITcoH , Splcos. Dakln , : t'jwdcr FliiyorlnR Bi-lrncts , Laundry llliio. Ink , utc. 1414-10 llnf noy Street , Omahn , Nob. _ _ Commission , Etc. _ _ ' IIUANCH k CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 3121 Furimni St. , Oinnlm. Apples Our own p.ick- Injf I'lnttAtCo.'s Tlner Hrnnd OjBteiw , llutter , Bees , Gnmo , 1'oultry , 1'otutoes. _ General Commission Merchant , rroduco , I'lOVlFlons Trulls , Flour and Feed , 10T > S. lull St. , Omaha , Neb. Confclijniucnts bolicllcd. ttcturna mndo uionintlv. K. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 315 12th Street. Oina'm , Neb. Specialties : Butter - _ tor l ! cu. nnd ChlcKcns. W1EDEMAN k CO. , " ' Produce Commission Merchants. I'onllry , lluttor , fianio , Krnlts , lite. U20S. Hlh lit. , Omaha , Nebiukkn. WBSTKUFIEr.n I1HOS. . General Commission Merchants , ] (08 ( Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb. Consignments Solicited. s' . E. ninnni.ii , Storage and Commission Merchant. Bl'LClALTiM Clifune , Hiitter KPK * , I'onltry nml ( lame. 112 S. 14th. , Oinalia , Neb , Tck phone No. 33J. 33J.WKKKS WKKKS i Storage and Commission Merchants. I'nio'.Hii and Dornostlc Fruits n specialty. Kl- exaiit floniuu fucilltiiH. Warohoubo and office , JO Noi th lath Telephone 775. _ T ) A. : UIUKY , Commission and Jobbing , flutter , EKBB nnd Prodnco. A full line of Ston - wnro. CoiiblHnmonts EollelteU. J4H Doduo St. , Omnlia. I ? . MOltO.NV , General Commission Merchant , Ruttcr , Effiff. Cheeeo nnd Count iy 1'roduco g-on- _ crally , IIOU a. 12th Ht , Omuha , Nob. JIcSHANE & SCHltOEDE , Bayers of Butter and Eggs. Refrigerator and Pncltlnir llouto , Mtb k I/tavon- north St. , on U. ] ' . 11. Ji. Tiucli , Oinnliu , Nob. Kstnbllshcd 187P. IIOHKIIT PUUVlft General Commission , . Jdth St. , Omahn , Nob. Specinltlcs-nuttcr EgKK.roullry nnd Game. Commission Merchants , Fruits , Produce nnd rrovinions , Omuhn , Neb ( iltlKKITH A : THOMAS. Suco'KHors to Ipino ( IrlHUIi. Commission Merchant , and ivholrxnlo denier In country produce , fruits , butlnr , CKPS , Ha Goods on consignment n peiiMty. " : CWN. ICIliFt. . Omalin , Nob. _ KIHSCJIIBKAUN ft SONS , fSueiossors to A. P. Bchnck. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South lilh Street. Omaha , Nob. _ Dry Goous. ' " " " "i. s , IWO\VN & ay ? ' Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions. J 3 UoUKlua Struct , Omahn , Neb. I. . OINSlinilG k CO. , Whologulo Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , IMVCK , Umliroldcry nnd Whllu C'cods. JU Dout'las Street , Omnlm , Neb. iT White Lead , _ " CAUTKU WHITE LEAD CO. . Strictly Pure White Lead , Kith St ; nnd U. P. Ity. Omaha , Harness , Etc. % WFJ.TY & I.ANDUOCIC , Munufncturcrs and Jolilioraof Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goods , lllankets nnd Holies. 1421 Farnaro SJm't OninhH , Nub. _ Mattresses , E. M. HULSB , Mattress Company , Mnmifacturincr Mrttrcsecs , llo.l < llntr , Feather J'lllowB , Cots , r.tu , 1200 und 12US Uouflurt filrect , Omaha. Neb. _ Overalls. CAAnmf i. TrJFAOTUHiNa Co. , - Manufacturers of Overalls , * 1103 nndlDi Dougltt , Xoti. ' , 'j OMMJOHERS' Building Material al IfthStiortnnd uo'il'nc fl Wholesale Dealer In roth nnd 1mrO Streets , Omaha , 1 .1. \VAKF.Fim.I > , Wholesale Lath Shiugtes Lumber , , , tlullillnir IMpem , 8a li , Door * , llhuU , Mayy Cement. Mill n mm .Jour's Oi'vnlm Nob. J.jjj3 | ' " " Milliner ) , 3\ \ v > - , * t ' ' ? ; ! i. onr.itrKi.PKH , Importers nnd Jobbers ot Millinery and Notions , f. iS14 llarney StreetOtnnlin , NcK J , } Mtisicit Instruments r.uitot.M .v Wholesalers of Husic&Uitaieils. & j ; ' Ftclnway I'liimx , Weber , Decker , Halnesnnfli & i-lW ( l-innox , ruuiiiml Orealis , Chase Ortfftni. 1U1 mid 1W Jii rurniturc , Etc , CIIAULKS SHIVKHICK , Furniture Mirrors ; , Bedding , Upholstery , Ktc. , IL-JO , uus nml 121U Fiumim Street , Omaha. Wholesale Dealers in Farnitura , , Fnrnam Slrect , Omaha , Nob. Groceries , AM.KN llllOS. , Wholesale Grocers , 112 Dousing Ptreot , " * K. U. CH A I'M AN * CO. , " Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , ' Tobacco and Smokers' Ai tleles , 1217 Howard 9 * . t MUYBU Ac ItAAl'KK ' ; Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Eplces , CtKiira and Tobaccos. 1I1I7 nnd 1310 DiMH" his Street , Omaha , Neb. UcCOltl ) , UUAUY .V COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , . * " Corner I0th nnd I'aniiitn Btrrcts , Oninhiv , * J W I'AXU'ON" , QAM.AOHKR & CO. , /o , , . Wholesale Groceries and PronisionsA Nog. 705 , 707,701 ! mid 711 S . lUlh St. , Omuhe J * . ! * Hardware. " " " * " jui - \V . J. IlllOATCU , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel. . . . .i , Wniroii fitoek , Hardwood I.umbor , t IL-iii ) and TJll llarney tliCIA. . Omaha , Nob. " KUNIY& : oinnoN , ! Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Cnrrlnfro Wood Stock. Heavy HanlwmWb I'.te. 1217 and U'l'J l.euvouworth Btruet , Omnli * . Neb. iiiMunAUfiif''rAYiJoit , Builders' Hardware , Meelmnlcf' Tools and llntliilo Scales. 1105Dougr Ins Street , Omaha , Nub. i.inKuin : &co. , * Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware. 1 Sheet Iron , Kle. Agents for llowo Scales and . Miami I'owtlcr Co..Omuha Nob. JIII.'I'ON KOGKKS 4 : SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Uiutcs , lli-uss goods. liCl aud 1X J Ffcr iiuin Ml cut. HKCTOH k WILllfiIMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails r.mcrton Stcol Nallp. Cor. 10th nntl btreula , Oiu'iliu. Neb. Harveslers. \VM. DKGHINU & CO.CHlCAaO , Manufcoturer of the Deerini Harvester Goods , Writs to Win. M. l.oi liner1. Gonernl Affont j Omulm. UV.fpiioiioOlO. J Iron Pipe , Etc. | ! "j | A. I * . STHANQ COMPAN1 , 'J | II Pumps , Pipe and Engines. . 3 > El Jam , Water , lUlln ay nnd Mllllntf Supplies , Etjj ) WU , tea nndKl \ Farnam St , Omaha , Neb.I CHUIICIIILL I'UMP CO. f Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water .Supplies. Headquarters lot Must Koost CO.'H Goods. 1111 1-urnam BtreoW Omaha , Neb. Jewelry. EDHOLM k KI11RKSON , ' Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlcrs In Bllverware , Diamond ! , WatcbM ClockH , JewelorH1 Tools nnd Materials , Etc. , U | , and 1UI , inth Street , Cor. Iodio ) , OmUtm , Neb. ; J Notloni Etc. ' YINYAHD & SCHNKIDEIt. m Hotions , Hosiery & Gents'FurnlsWn 'Gopf 1000 nnd 10JS Fiiriiniu St. , OmnhuNob. , J. T. Robinson Notion Company , < ( tl and 4U * > S. 10th ft. , Omaha , Ni b. „ . . , \Vbocfialo ) Ueiileis In Notions and GenU'Funi.,3 iL < jy ci Oils , Etc. CONROI-IDATED TA\K LINK CO. , ' ( Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Onsollno , MICH Axle OreaMt , Eto. A. II. BfsbO ) - , Omaliii , Neb , , Perk Packing , "jAMHS E. 1IOVD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omahu , Nebraska. HAHIilS & FIKIIGn , Packers and Provision Dealers , „ _ „ , . Oulce , Union Market , 1517 Dodve Htroot. 1'rtokin * MW II lioime , II. 1' . It. 11. Truck , Omuba , Nob. T i . t3' > I phone No. IDT. ' ' Safes and Locks , " ' : ; - p. novisn k co , 'T Agents for Hall's ' Safe'A Lock Cos' < Fire und IlurKlar 1'rnof Hufoa.Tlmo Ix > ckiVoul4a and Jail work. IttiU Furimin Btroot , Omuhu , " ' Seeds , ' " j. u VANS' m Wholesale and Retail Dealer In &irrlcultural. Vegetable , lUn. N. AV Cor , 14th mil Uoduo 8t . , Omaha , J s -i" , Drugs , Etc Ji" % w VW > v r 7 J THE GOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggist' , i r DeiJer In I'nlnts , OIU and WlodOTT HliuV Omaliu , "It'll. , ' - ' " * ? jj * Wines , Liquors , Et : , i lUilt k CO. , Distillers and Importers-of Wines iilr | And UquorK. .Solo inuiiiil'iicliirora of Kwino < l7' < * Kitst India Illttor * . HIS Harnoy Street , Omah . . _ Suicenor ami Wllolusulo loalorli' ! Wines , Liquors aud Cigars * u t i.i S10 B. Hth Qt . . Omftlia , NcU. ' , notions , ttu - * ; ) ' " " " " * ISItANDIlIS & ,80'N , ' > > Wholesale Job Lots , Drr Doodi , Notions , Qimts * furhlililnv nnnu \ I , Good , from New York. Trud , 3 ' | Oftifi V& \ \ ' * " f"MM n\M ( South UtUBt.Oinuh * . - *