THE ( BIAHA * iDAILY BEE : THURSDAY , 3. 1886. " ' "A FOUR-YEAR-OLD. CORPSE , " The Knights of Labor Exceedingly Eioitod and Quarrelsome * CHARGES AGAINST POWDERLY. lie Hnyn lie Would Not Take tlio OOT- crnorfttilp of Ponnsylvnnlti More Assistant * Pur tlm Kx contlvo Hoard. Tlio Knights of Labor. Ct.r.vni.AND , June 2. Tlio KnlghU ot Labor nre In a high itcgico ot excitement to night. To-day three assistants to the execu tive board were electeil. To-morrow the re maining thrco will be put through. Tim thrco men elected toIay worn Jerome ( Julnn , bookbinder , of Now York ; William 11. Mill ion , printer , ( ram Hlchinond , Vo. , and Hugh Kavanaugh , shoemaker , ot Cincinnati , Tim ' homo clubs , " so called , ot Now York , aio credited With the election ot Qinnn. The delegates to-nleht made soiloiis charges against some or the officials of tlio order and declared that General Master Workman Povvderly was schomlnir for polit ical honors. They said that 1'owderly wanted to bo governor of Pennsylvania , and that ho was conducting the oraer on Uotnan Catho lic principles. Povvdcrly to-night said : "We will leave this city after closing ono of the most suc cessful meetings over held , and nil the money that tlio enemies of the Knights of Labor can spend In an etlort to bieak us up will bo wilt In vain. The events wltn wlilcn the homo club Is chared with dealing trnnsnlred years OEO. If they cousplin against iui > , then It seems tome mo that was the time to expose Its woiklnzs , In order that I might guard myself against them. To bring It up now seems like holding a post mortem examination on a four year's corpse , ns In the cortwo of such an exposure they will find only dust. I have no political aspirations ; wouldn't ac cept the nomination for governor of my state If Itvoiu tcnduied me unanimously. If I were a candidate , however , I would stay upon my merits na a citizen , and not upon my connection with the latior movement or my icligloti. The working men of tills day and generation are too Intelligent to bo deceived or prejudiced by any such silly tiash. Still More Intllotinonta. CHICAGO , Juno'i The grand jury to-day returned thirty additional ' indictments against anarchists. It Is stated that live addi tional persons ha\o been Indicted for paitt- clpatlon in the llaymaikct massacre , and that additional charges have boon presented against these already undernt rest. KNIGHTS IMJICir.D. Mir.WAUKin : , June a. The grand Jury , In vestigating the recent labor riots , last evening returned sealed Undines in a number ot cases. The names of these Indicted have not yet been given to the public. Seven airfsts were nnulu by the police this morning. Other arrests are expected this attcinoon , and it Is reported that the entire executive board of the Knights of Labor have been Indicted. Tluoo members of the boaul are. among to day's nire.sts. The gland jtity has not yet concluded its work. Later Another ariest in connection with the jecont ilots was madu tills afternoon at the Instance 01 the grand jury. GATHKUKD IN IOWA. Nflws From Our Neighbor State The Now Air Ijliic. ] lis : MOINIS : , la. , .luno 'J. [ Special Telo- giam to the Bni : . ] Negotiations were closed In Chicago to-day for tlio coiibtruction of the now ratliond from Chicago * to Kansas City , vs. by jyay of St. 1'aul and Dea Jlolncs. The companyorganl/ed for that purpose has pur chased the Diagonal railroad , miming from hero northeast to Cedar Kails , 100 miles , and It will at once build.from tha latter place to a point In l > ' < iyottn county InterscetlngtliL'MIn- * nosota te Northwestern , \\hlcu will bo com pleted by October 1 from Dunuquo to St. , . Paul. The new companv will proceed at once to build from DCS Moines to ICansas dtp on an airline , shortening tlio distance between tjt. Paul and Kansas City neaily ono hundred mllus. Tlio principal backers of the new road aio U. L. Wilson , of Now Yoik city , nml Mr. Stlckney , of Minnesota , fcmrveys have been made , and tlie , construction will uc lu at 'once. Lawyers va Druggists. Sioux. CIXY , Juno 2. fSpecial Telegram to the Bius.J Some weeks ngo certain at torneys of Lc Mars. la. , alter making a eare- ful examination of the records , gave notice ' * " to the diugglsts of this city and county that t they would bring suit against them severally ns violatois of the state laws which provides that on tlio last Satmday of each month 10- ttirns shall bo made to the county ollicials of liquors Hold dining the month. Such a coiu- sj motion was raised at the time that it was thought nothing moie would bo done , but yesterday petitions In twenty-one cases were lili'd , and to-day the matter has been generally discussed and no little excite ment lai.sed. The druggists and piomlnent attorneys gwicrally regard the matter as ix scheme , and the druggist * have oigani7C < l to protect themselves and pienaro tor light. John lininlclf , tlio k'adlnc wholesale diug- jf , cist , liaid to tlm Ili'.i : correspondent to-day wlnat It Is almost Impossible to qomply with thu letter of the law , and ho believes that tlio duiL'gisU will win in the end. Ho regnuls tlin lawyeis as impecunious Isvwjers tiying teL L get lich by tlie industry of otheis. * The Iowa Senate. ' ' ' ' r 'DBS Mourns , Juno 2 , Tlio senate spent f thugicatcrpait ot tlie day In tlio discussion ottho question ot drawing back pay for . thirty day.s dining the senate iccess. IIr. llutohins-on's icsolution , dcclaiing the 1 judgment of the siniato as opposed tu taking Hie money , was the special order of debate. Several senators weio In favor of icfciilng , , the matter to thu attorney ceneial , > 'lnnlly , , A siibstltulii olVuied by Mr. Watson , was .Adopted. This holds that llio senate baa no ' right to put legal Interpretation upon the , . , Iatuti ) In question , and recommends that tlio question ot the taking or i election of the nay / bo lell loeacli man's individual conviction. * This H'solutloii was adopted , yeas , tid ; nays , 13. 13.The. . senate then examined Special Hank Examiner Watts , who examined , ' .ho Wav- 'i fcrly bank prior to Urown'.i examination of It , " "lie listltied that 1m found the bunk allatrs in .a very bad condition , with a dullcit in the "funds of some seventy thousand dollars. , " This Is the bank which liiowu and \ilsdep- \ 1 "uty visited soon alter and declared solvent ; & aud received fiom It a fee of S100 for cx- penscs. _ _ _ _ _ ' ftjj ! Iowa Eclectics. Dr.s MOINCS , la. , Jnne 2. [ Special . Telegram to the HIK : , | The annual state convention of the Eclectic medical society t. winuncd in this city to-day. Dr. E. II. ' .Pllnnis , of Ciinucll , presid l. During the „ .forenoon session , which was devoted to the preliminary nuausemcnts , Mayor Phillips delivered an address of welcome on behalf ot the city , vvhlcli was lesponded to by Dr. llulchlilson , of Tama Vlty , who deliveied thu annual addie 1'liu le t of the day was devoted to roiitlno vvoik and discussions or special interest to the convention. Iowa < ! raml . ' % DBS MUIMS : Juno U. [ Special Telegram Ib the UhK.J The grand lodge of Jowa Masons Is now in scsMon in this city. ( .About live luiudied men are Ui attendance. The sessions of tlie lodge aut closed to the public , being to the private business of ( ho cutler. Tno election of oillcers to-day ( .resulted as follows : William P. Allen , uu- llxique , uiost worshipful grand muster ; J. K , Jlnvve , ( Jree'itieUI ' , senior grand warden ; Sidney Smith , Sue City , junior grand warueu ; O/Uuoititt / , S. Murphy , Jes.siiji , trraiul treasurer ; T. S. Parvlu , Cedar llaphls , graud secretary. A. Hey Drovvnca. ) j > - DKd MOISKS , Ju. , June 'i [ Sjx-clalTele- nim totUollKij. ] Thothhtecn-year-old BOU of Oolonel J. O. Crosby , of Uamavllle , Fay- Wte toiuilyvoa drmviieil this afternoon. ji < ( Weather lur Nebraska , H > for Nebraska : Generally fair weather , lUchuy warmer , . , , TI1I2 GltKASlAN OIjEO. The Hooincrrt of * Margarine Score it Point. WASIIIXOTOX , June a. [ Special Tclrsratn to the HKK.J Someof the friends of the oleotnarearlno bill thought they would cet a vote yesterday. iie\eii : sections only have bc"ii oncied In the six days that the meas ure 1m monopolized thu house , while there arc ten more to be considered. All > ltal points have , however , bwn passed upon. The temper of the hoii'o that there should to an end to the business was ! < > on shown on several ot the votes yesterday. The wlllliic- ness of the agricultural committee to yield some points lias also had Its em-ct. The The chief ouo is putting In unmistakable language the Intent of the law.that the Imita tion product shall bo Uxrd only when It Is sent out to look like butter. Another con cession la In reducing the tax from 10 cents to 8 cents per pound. According to the amendment offered by Congressman Uun- ham and adopted , It Is possible that thu mod erates wilt be able to po further than this and lix the amount at.5 cunts. > I.A.WS. People \\lio OIP anxious to see the land laws reformed need not delude themselves that anything ereAt is goln ? to be accom plished. The bill tlmt the .senate took up aud IHHWI so emphatically ycstoulay was a bill to prevent aliens hereatter from acquiring title to land In the territories. As aliens cannot get Into congress or even vote for people who can , tlio bill had no opponents. Tlio efforts of republican senators to nrotcct the ilchLs of the public. In the public domain , at this late period In the session , Is not a new thing. 'I wo years ORO the public lands committee and the senate Itself let all the public land bills , particularly tlio foifelturo bills , rest placidly in pigeon holes until a lain point in the session and then the senators had a cau cus and voted to bring the bills forward and push them to their passage. It was so late that only one or two got through. The rest of them were crowded out by the appropria tion and other bills. If the subservient friends of. coiporatlons in the senate can carry their programme through there will be the same result this vear. THR OtuT FoF DKATIL How Kvcrytlilnc Conspires to Defeat tlio Tar Iff Itlll. WASIH.VOTOX , Junes. [ Special Telegram to the liKK. ] The long delay ot the house over the oleomargarine bill has caused .Mor risen a good deal of trouble , fie sees In each day's delay a now dt. jger for his tariff bill. The first days ot summur aie nero and the tai Iff bill seems about as far off as It did a mouth ago. Tlie butter bill , which promised to take no more than a day , took a week. Meantime the , appropilatlou bills are waiting tor action. Only one of. them lias yet been signed , and there is a hopeless delay o\cr some more of them. The tangle with regard to the subsidy clause ot tlio postollico appro priation bill piomises long and sciious delay. Theio Is no telling how long this delay will be. Tlie senate is stubborn , and the house will certainly ncvcryield , The senate , too , Is preparing a surprise for the house In the liver and harbor bill. It is probable that the house will searcoJy know the bill when it gets back from the senate. All these things mean delay , and Morilsou sees in them tiouble lor his taiia bill. Vet he keeps up hts couraee , and says ho Is going to get it up before the session ends. "I am conlident wo shall con sider it , " he said : "there are a tconplo more appropriation bills yet to get ontoE the way , and then wo shall net about It. ' ' "Do you think you will bo able to pass It ? " "That depends a good deal on tlie amount of discussion it will have. 1 think Its show lor passage Is pretty good. " Amending the Constitution. WAsmxnTOtf , June 2. Senator Cullom Introduced In the senate a joint resolution proposing ; the following amendment to tlio constitution : Article XVI , Section 1 : The only Institn- * tion or general contract of marriage within the United' States'-br " "any1 place subject to their juiisaictlon , slwll be thatiOf the union in marriage of one jnan wltti one woman , and bigamy or poly gamy is forever prohibited , any law , custom , term or ceremony , civil or religious , to tlm contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 8. No state'shall pass any law or allow any custom , fouu or caiemonyof marriage , except in obedience and conformably to the institution of marriaie as hcrclnbctoro estab lished ; but. otherwise , the lesulatlon within each state , of marriage and d I voice , and the civil and criminal jurisdiction over these subjects , shall belong to the several states , as beictolorc. Sec. 8. Congress shall have power to enfoico this aitiulo by uppropiiatc legisla tion. _ Suspending Imml Kntrlcs. WASHINGTON , Juno 3. The following cir cular was Issued from the general land olllcn to-day : Department Interior ficneral Land Olllco ; To Registers aud Keceiveis United States Land Otllco Gentlemen : The icneal of "pre-emption , " "timber-culture , " and "des ert land" laws being now subjects of consid eration by congress , ail applications to enter lands under said laws aie hereby suspended from on aud after this date nntil the 1st day ot August , IbbO , and you are hereby di- lectcd to receive no tilings , or now applica tions , for entry uiidersaut laxvs during said time. \Vt. \ A. J. SiVKKS , Com'r. [ ApprovedJ L. Q. C. , Sec'y. Iowa Postal Matters. W.vsmxtiTOjf , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] A postofllco has been estab lished at ( Jlen , Diibtique county , Iowa , and Frank E. Mnnii has been , appointed post master. Commissions have been Issued for the fol lowing IOWA postmasters : William H. Suth erland ntOilonvlIle ; Samuel H. Uakcr at In dianapolis ; Alyln S. UIco at Call. The special star mail service In Iowa has boon ordered discontinued as follows : Hc- biou to MaoU lmig , Uoone to Mackcy , Foil Dodge to Newark. The Branch Liinc Bill. WASHINGTON , Jnno'-fSpcclal Telegram to tlio HKI : . ] The house committee on Pa cific lailroads agreed to-day to report favora bly Dursey's bill allowing the Union I'.icllic to build branch lines. The icpm t will not bo madu till the house acts on the bill to extend forsovouty yeaih the time tor paying the in debtedness of thu Pacific r.ill.-oads to the gov ernment , wliich will likely bn ou Saturday next. _ _ _ _ _ Doi-scy's Union I'.icluu Bill. WASHINGTON , June 'i The house coin- m It too on Pacific railroads'havo azrecd to repoit favorably Itnpiosentative Doisoy's olll authorizing the Union Pacific railroad company to construct branch lines. The re port will not bo piescirtcd to the house until SOIUR action by tlmt body upon the extension bill , now tlie special oiifcrfor consideration Reclaiming tbo Mormons. WASHINGTON , June 2. Senator Blair sub mitted a proposed amendment to the sundry civil appioprlation bill , to aid In the estab lishment of a school In the territory of Utah , to bu under tlio direction of the Industrial Christian Home association of Utah , and tome mo vide employment , home * and belt-support for the dependent classes In that tenitory. with a vitiw to aid In the suppression ot polygamy tlieieln. Secret WASHINGTON , June 'A Senator Morrlll submitted a proposed amendment to Mr. Platt's open executive session resolution , which inoKra this resolution apply to recip rocity tieaties , instead of to nominations. BLA1NI3 AM ) HOME ItUbH. A Stirring Address to Irish Syjnpa- tlii/.cra in > l > ortuiul. PoKTi.ANn , Me. , June 1. A homo rule meeting In the city hall to-night attracted an Immense throng , and many ladles occupied seats In the galleiles. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Chapman , who In troduced ( iamuor Ruble asclialrman of the meeting. Tlie governor spoke briefly , con ? eluding by Introducing Hev. P. A. McKenna , of Marlboro , ' Mass. At the close of the lal- ter i remarks. Uon. .Jumes E. Ulalne ap peared upon the platform. Mr. Ulalne was gieeted with tremendous applause. Gov ernor Hoble introduced the distinguished , who suoke iu substance as fol lows : "Dlieetly after the publication. of the call for this mectlntr I 'received a leHer frlbin n \uncrablo citizen In an adjacent county asV- Ing mo to explain , If I could , Just what tire Irish question Is. I appreciate the question , or ratlicr , I appreciate his request for au ex planation of n question that calls forth so much sympathy and excitement on the part of the world at largo and evokes so much op position among those who arc directly inter ested. There may be danger of not giving attention enough to simple elementary factH oflhocnse. What Is homo ruler Why , It i u hat mery state and territory of the United States en toys , [ npplausoj n'ld it Is what Ireland does not enjoy. In .1 parliament of 053 mcuibcis Oreat Hrltaln has Tn't aud liclnntl has 103 , and oxcciit with the consent of that parliament licland cannot organic a gas company ( laughter ) , or horse railroad company , or ferry overn stream Jlnngliter ] , or dotho slightest thing that implies legisla tive power. Now , suppose \ > e bilUK , tliat homo and the state of Sialiip should be linked with the state of New Yoik , lelallvcly as largo with the state of Maine ns hnglatul with Ireland , and your beautiful city here could not take a. step for Its own Improve ment , nor cltlrcns of the state of .Maine or- ganbo an association of any kind or charter a company ot any kind unless the ovciwliclmlnir galaxy or the > ' ' \y York legislature gave her content , how long tlo you think the people of Maine would stand ItV j Applause. That is tlie simple question between England and Ireland , except there is a meat fact In addition which vvould not apply to New Yoik. and Maine ; that there are centuries of wrong which haw built up monuments of natred on the part of those who are subjects of oppression , and which have aggravated the question between Ireland and Ureat Britain lar beyond the limits that would ba found between New York and Maine. 1 iiipnose It the question were left to the United States to decide , wo would say : "Adopt a federal system. Have your legislature for Ireland , your lejtislatmo for England , your leglslatme for Wales , your legislature for Scotland and your impe rial parliament for the UiltWi empire. Let questions that are Irish be settled by Irishmtm , questions Hint are English bo set tled by Englishmen , questions tlmt are \ \ elsh bo settled by Welshmen aild questions that are Scotch bo settled by Scotchmen [ applause ) aud let questions that effect the whole em pire of Great Britain bo settled by a parlia ment In which thu four great constitutional elements shall be Impartially represented. " [ Applause. ) I say that would be the short hand method of settling tiio question , for we have lived that way for nearly ono hun dred years in the United States of Ameilca. f Applause. ) I do not forget , however , that it would be political empyreclsra to attempt by any prescilption to give the ex act measure that sould settle this long dispute between England and Ireland , lam admonished bv what I have noticed In tlio British parliament In the dis cussion concerning America to bo too for ward In the knowledge oC details In piescrlb- Ing exact measures , becanso I suppose they would letort that we know aS little about , their troubles as they know about our $ . Therefore I do not stand heie Simply to say that Gladstone's Is the pcitec measure , I do not stand heie to say that I could oven ei vu you the exact details of this measure. .1 do not say that I took time to examine It. I am in favor of any bill that shall take tin- first step toward righting the wiong and o handing over the government to Ireland. Loid Salisbury says if tlie Irish do not wish to be governed by England they should leave , but the Irish have been In Iielond quite as Ions as Lord Salisbury's ancestors have been In England , flaughter ) , aud verv likely , for aught 1 know , for I have not examined his lordship's lineage In Burko's peeiano veiy likely his ancestry weie Danish pirates or peasants in Normandy who came oVer with William , the conqueror , centuries aften'tho Irish people were known In Ireland. [ Ap plause. ) Farther on Blalno said : "If the homo rule 1)111 shall pass and the Dublin pailiamcut be granted , there never was an association ol men since human government was instituted wliich assumed power with 'greater responsi bility to public opinion than the men who will compose that parliament ; beatuse ifithoy are allowed to form it it will bo by icason of the public opinion of tlio world applause ] , and I know that tlie Catholics of Ireland and Presbyterians of Ireland can live and do just as the Catholics of , the United States and tlio 'Presbrrerlahs of'the ' Uiritcd btates , llveap- [ plajisel as citizens of ono . country > eacji , giv ing tothe other the right of .cousce.uct . , adi : declaring not to interfaro in-iany manner with the perfect liberty of the other. " [ Ap plause. ] THE DEAD CH1KFTAIX. Honoring the Alomory of the Tam many Bravo. Nr.w Some , June 2. Arrangements for > John Kelly's funeral were * Completed this afternoon. Kcquiem mass will be celebrated at tlie cathedral at 10 a. in. Satmday. Aich- bisliop Corilgau will bo thq celebrant , as sisted by Moiisiirnor Farley. Mouslgnor Preston will deliver the sermon. Through out the day prominent cit l/.oiirt called at or sent Iu cards to the house. Telegrams' ' of , Con dolence came from all over the country. The board of aldermen to-day adopted reso lutions paying tribute to- the memoiy of. Kelly , ordering that all public otllces bo-- closed on the d.iv of the f uncial , and that all municipal flags bo displayed at half-mast , and requesting that like marks of respect bo shown as to ( lairs on the other buildings and shipping in thu haibor. The board then ail- jouined , as a mark of respect. ' [ _ r I Northwestern Associated Presn. CHICAGO , June 2. The annual meeting of the Northwestern Associated press was held hereto-dav. Thn following otlicers were elected : President , C. E. Yost ; vice piesi- dent , I ) . N. Hlchardson : secretary , II. W. Clemlonln ; treasurer , A. Stone. Executive committee J. S. Clarkson , Geo. -D. PorkJns , Spencer Smith. Directors : C. K. Yost.r. S. Clarkson , II. W. Clondeiiln , D. N. Richardson , A. Stone , George D. Perkins and Spencer _ Smltli. S HlMSKhF UE11OENT. Randolph Churchill Demands an Im mediate Division. " LONDON , Junes. In his speech to-night , Lout Itaudolph Churchill said everything possible had been said agalhbt homo itile. Therefore tlio opposition did not irttend to piolong the discussion. There was nothing to prevent an immediate decision. The sup- pot ters of thoblll.wcio like drowning pcisons , catching at straws. Tlmy would skv.i ) tha least attempt at argument to prolong the debate. They would doubtless , also attribute his letleeuco to a malignant and sinister object. Ho always believed in Impracticability in anv move ment and the Insolubility of the homo rule problem. Hu know nothing more calculated toHtiengthen faith in British demociacy than tlio remarkable display ot independence on the pait ot tlie libmals In refusing to follow the piemler whose powers hud not been equalled since the days of Chat- hum. The pdemon dissolution , which Gladstone sinrtinoned , would piohably de stroy the premier and his government policy altogether. Conservatives must exert the utmost care In order that dissenting liberals may not suffer by their action at the next election. Ou tlie other hand , the followers of Gladstone would be allowed no quarter. They would have to light for their political lives as they never fought before. French Affairs. PAIIIS , June 3 , Premier Do Freycinet yes terday , In announcing the decision of tlm Kovcinmcnt to expel the piinces. said there vv as no fear ot danger , but that the attitude of the princes had disturbed public opinion , and their presence afforded a rallvlng point tlm enemies of tlio republic. The cham ber ot deputies , by a vote of 29d to li'iO , agieed to consider the repeal of the Uw of IbOJ icg- ulating tha relations of the church and state. Presbyterian Progress ; HAMILTON , O. , June 2. The United Pros- bvtcrlau General asscinblyuttcrajongdel , > atc , adopted the majority report upon the ques tion ot tlie use of instrumental music In church worship , by a largo majority. The repoit was In favor of Instrumental music. Speeches In opposition to the majority weio madu by Dr. Mehardof Westminister collece , Dr. Harper of Xeula. undKev.T. McCoughan. A Poor State fur Public Thieves. ) LiTTUi HOCK , Ark. , June -Judge Hooper , of Chuendon. Monroe county , Ark ; . , was to-day turned over to the keepers of , the penlteutlary heie oy the sheriff of Phillip , county In furtherance , of the sentences metu'd out to him for having uttered some eipbt thousand dollars of spurious county script durlnr his term a-s judge of Afooroe cOuutV. Last fall the judge took a chang&rofenue. . from Monroe to Phillip county ybfre ujell jury found him tullty aud he vvjU se.ntejjctid to two yea win the county JalL ; PAT IIAWES M HIS TIN PAIL i t The Ohapraan Banker Has His Stolen Papers Ec urtted. P. FORD'S RE OFM ( ORDINANCE. Knlnrglng the ndjc Ynrrts District Court Notca-fl'hc t'ov\cH , Mur der -An'Anfty Ofllccr Blny Weather , Etc. llnwcs arid III * Tin rail. Tuosda3-'s BKK contained nn account of the robbery of Mr. John ( I. Nordgron , of Chapman , Neb. , while ho was en- route to Omaha. His loss consisted of $1,800 In notes and about $8,000 worth of railroad contracts and a gold Jwatch and locket. He recovered his notes nml papers yesterday after noon In a peculiar lutuinur. On Tuesday he placed the matter in the hands of Detective Neligh , stating that ho diet not want to pay any big money for his papers as he had been asked to do by parties In response to his advertise ment in thu Ur.u for the. return of his papers. Detective Noligh told Nordgren to meet this party and make au appoint ment for a conference at the Paxton hotel at i ) o'clock yesterday afternoon. Nordgren consented and arranged the proposed conference , thu plan being for Neligh to shadow the * 'go- bobvcon , " whowoiutibn sent to center with , Mr. Nordgren. and thus locate the third. The plan failed , however , through Nordgron's over nnxlotv to secure , possession " session of his papers. "Just before the hour for the mooting Mr. Noligh discov ered that a check had been drawn by Nordgron for $75 and presented at the First National bank. " Ho surmised at once that Nordgren had taken another helper into the case. As ho ncared the Paxton ho saw Pat O. Hawes leave the hotel and hold a conference with a man \v\\o \ "was in waiting on the out side. The two men disappcaro.1 , and in a few moments Hawed returned , carrying in his hand a small tin dinner pail which ho placed in Nordgreon's possession and quickly retired from the scone. The tin pail con tained the notes and railroad contracts which were stolen from Mr. Nordgron on liis way to this olty the other nigiit. This little transaction had not atiractcd the attention of the guests who were seated in the hotel rotunda and who wore unmindful of the act that was going on until they wore aroused by Do- tcctivo Neligh's impromptu aitdress to Mr. Nordgron. "It is just such men as yon and Pat Hawes that make crime possible in Omaha , " said thii detective. "If you had kept your promise with me we would have had the thief in jail by this time , but instead of thuti you are out your gold watch and $75 , aiVd thtf thief has been en couraged to contji\uq.Jjis work. " P. .TOl&i'SiCiATEST. How The New SbcUy Evil Ordinance The action of 'IheMty council in pass ing au ordinance Braising the minimum - mum line to be ossessexl upon tlie propri etresses and inma'ie # Of sporting houses ito $25 , is nt mfj3oiit ( | ( a pretty general theme of conversation in police circles. The sentiment isJ'thJit the ordinance , if ' fiignctl , will ueverjlbV'puforced , but that iMvill become at oneo : v dead letter. 'i'And.Mayor Bo 'JJHlgn itAt least so-he announcccl to ijd'oporlcr y'eslerday. He was not inclined to talk very freely ab'outthc matter , thousrh'.froinhisconvcr- sation it was to be inferred that'll' ' the law were ilot strictly enforced , he , for one , should lay the blame of the matter upon Marshal Cttmmiugs. ( " 1 shall do everything in my power to enforce the now law , " said Judge bten- berg of tlio police court , to u reporter. "But I do not think it can be made to work , " he added. "These women cau never afford to pay $25 iv month instead JD $0 , as at present. ' The consequence is , that as each cnso comes up it will be contested. Then the city will have to TaUl back upon actual proof , which in every case will amount to nothing. Then , again , suppose wo could convict every one ot the 17o or more fallen women ot this city , what could \v < r do with them ? There is no room for them in the city jail , and the county jail certainly cannot accommodate more than live or six .of them , oven if tlie county were .inclined to bear : the burden of expense. No , sir , I toll voti the law cannot - not bo enforced , and the result , to my thinking , will be that these women will escape without paying , : * ! ! } ' iinft at all. " -TJio marshal and captain both express ih'o sunio opinion. So 'floes City Ollicer Turnbull , who collects the lines of the sporting classes. One of the interesting features of the now ordinance , it vyill bo noticed , is that . it makes the natrons of a sporting estab lishment liable to the * , ' . " > line witfi thu in mates of tlie house. A. AVESTE11N AU31Y 'OFFICER. How Ho Han Developed Into a Mem- ' lcr oT the llrttlsh Peerage. Colonel Burnliatu , judge , advocate of tlio Department of tlfo.Platte . , tells an In. tcresting and quitp romantic story on a military friend of hii , Captain S. H. Staf ford , who has just discovered that ho is a baron. Captain Stafford ' -was for years sta tioned at different posts > in the western country , aud is known to every military man this side of the Missouri river. Lat terly , ho has been connected with tlio .Fifteenth infantry , in the Department of Dakota , Several years ago , when In Rochester , N. Y. , Mr. Stalford , the father of the mil itary man , attended a seanoo given by a clairvoyant whoe.pqwers of reading the future and the past 'vfferq said to be won derful. The ludaiflLJctcd Mr. Stafford from the attdicnue "itllrt informed him that ho was lioiB VV English title and largo . estates. | jlp4J gentleman was greatly amused at the revelation , uud bestowed no serious thought upon it. He had a sou Charles , n New York la'tj ° ri'l ' however , who thought that there might be some truth Mil tha dcelaratlonTdf ttiu clairvoyant. Ho went to work anu7 tra od his geneoloiry up to Hulkiley Stafford-who died in Eng- laud about the yefl \ U7. Then he sent the pedigico to a competent London bar rister with inslrudfibhrf to spare no laborer or expense in.sift.i'.ijjtUjimatleiHhoroglm- ly to the bottom.A Ww days ngo a com munication was roomml from the Lon don lawyer in whiv ho-gave it as his opinion that tlie American Staflbrds havu n , lawful right to the ancient barony of Stafford and to thu manor and cardinal castle of Stalford aud to other manors and lordshiu.s in Staffordshire , The bar- pny was found to bo created by special act of parliament in the reign 6f Richard tlie Lion-hearted and descended to Nich olas do Stalford from whyin the American Statfords are descended. Tlie Stafford remained in possession of the barony for 500 year * , until Koger Stafford was compelled to surrender it to the .crown by an arbitraryand unjust act of the king. Una of the olllclnls of the present English parliament has declared that this act of the royal power was invalid and illegal , and cannot affect the claim of the living descendants of the old Karen Staf- ' /pribr And thusitjs that Captain.Ututfard is > blue-blooded uil'ujbc.r of the British the Stock Yards. The increased run of Hvo stock to the stock yards , a.t South Omaha , and the prospect of n still heavier run later in the sunimur , has compelled the Union Stock Yards company to take steps toward extending the yards. To-day they will lay out an addition on the east side of the j'ards sulliciont for at least two thousand hniul of cattle. Work will bo commenced at oneo and pushed for ward rapidly so as to have it completed before the heavy run of ransre cattle sots in. The hosr pens are taxed to their full est capacity to accommodate the receipts and it is. thu purpose of the company to extend them also. Tlio present capacity is between four and live thousand hogs , and the extension will be about the same size , or even larger , if the requirements demand it. The work on the hog pens will not begin until later in the season. Another scale house will be built so that it will not be necessary to run cattle and hogs over thu same scales , which is the cause of a good deal of delay oh bnsv d.ivs. Other improvements and additions will follow iu the near futuro. The Weather of Mny. The monthly report ot Signal Service Observer Pollock has just been issued. It contains the followlnc points : The highest temperature during the month was 92.00 , the lowest 41.00 and the average temperature 63,1. This Is the highest average since 1881. The moan barometer during the month was 29.043 , the highest being 80.243 , and the lowest 30.530. During this month the prevailing direction of the wind was northerly , the highest velocity attained during the month being twenty-nine miles. The total movement of tlie wind Was 1,20 ! ) miles. The total precipitation of rain during the month was 4.50miles , and on thirteen duvt , of the month rain full. The heaviest rafiifall occurred on May 2 , when the precipitation amounted to .04 of au inch. There were six thunderstorms during the month. District Court , A vacation was taken in the district court yesterday afternoon after the Powell case had been given to the jury. At : yOo'clock this morning the following cases will ho'callcd before Judge Neville : State vs. John Kavanaugh , burglary , State vs. Anna Johnson , grand larceny ; State vs. Leonard , McGarvoy and Carroll for assault anil battery. In Judge Wakoloy's court yesterday , the civil case of Loriu A. Staloy vs. Charles C. Housel ut. al. , an ejectment suit to obtain 'possession of certain real estate , was tried before a jury. Powell , the alleged murderer of Leslie , spent the afternoon in nis cull .yesterday sui rounded by a bevy of lady friends. Wanted for Bljjamy. Shcrilf Coburn received a letter from Kansas City yesterday , stating that Fielder , who is in jail charged with hav ing murdered Huhlc , is wanted in ICansas City to answer to the charge of bigamy. Wants a Divorce. For the the third time Mrs. llabbitor Verbcist has filed a petition in the district court asking for a divorce from her hus band , Cornelius Verbeist , alleging adult ery and cruelty as , reasons therefor. She also asks for"a wrltof injunction restrain ing her husband from attempting to dis pose of the crop which she has planted on their , farm , assisted by her children. Judge Wakcly has issued a temporary writ of injunction as prayed for and set Juno 1 ! ? for a further hearing of the case. T ' 1 m " A Correction. NouTH.Pr.ATTK , Neb. , Juno 1. To the Klitor of the BEE : Please sot me right in your article from North Platte of May 30 , in your issue of the 31st. Seaman's name fihouhl le used instead of mine as to shortage. Typographical errors have made a mix of it. Respectfully , OLIVKK SHANNON , Receiver. * , BOTTLED CYCLONES. ' / ) ) ! fh a ' What Appeared to Be a Perfect Test ol'the Famous Kccly Motor. Philadelphia News ; A successful test ot the Keely motor was made yesterday afterhoon by John \V. Keely , the in ventor , in tlio presence of a score of scientistsv'capitalists and others who were entirely unconnected with tlio Krely company. About 4 o'clock the in ventor tuuio'unced that 10 | was ready to bpgiu-work. The machine with wliich is * generated the power of enorniousjen- crgy which he controls , lay dissected on a pedestal -and' tho' bed of a lathe on which had been erected a "No. 3" lover. Mr. Keol.y announced that ho had taken apart the "liberator , " as lie denominated his machine ; in order that those prrsout might see him build it up unconnected with any other ma chinery except that for wliich it would ho the motive power. Ho fulfilled his prom ise. \ \ hen ho had finished it was a ma chine circular intform , standing about two feet high , weighing about seventy- live pounds , of which the most striking part seemed to bo a circular metallic , resonant disk hanging suspended over a bed , around whoso edge and connected therewith vcro lame sued tuning forks. Surmounting it all was a sphere , Inch was announced to hold a gill , whoso outlet was controlled by a screw valve. Mr. Keely dipped into Ins secret so far as to say that tnq power wliich he would invoke was an inter-atomic , ethorio force wliich permeated the atmosphere and all bodies in exKtcnco in the atmo3 hero. This he proposed to liberate and store up in "rosonatinc tubes' by moans of the vibrations caused by striking the disk , with a hummer tipped with rubber and drawing a bow across the tuning forks. The intricacies of llm meolmnt | > m and tha "how" of the Mburation Mr. Keely kept to himself with the promise to make them known when he shall have taken out his patent. The sphere on top of the liberator was con nected with a steel resonating tube by means of a drawn copper tube with an aperture of one-eighth of an inch. The resonating tube was about eighteen inches long , twelve in circumference , with a tlircu-incli bore and a capacity of two pints. The violin bow was drawn across the tuning forks , the disk was hammered and the valve at the end of the resonatingtubo was opened. A miff of white vapor , ac companied by a hissing sound , announced that tlm inventor had "made connec tion. " The resonating tube was then ugnnccted with another one-eighth inch copper tube with a cylinder containing oil , which was connected with another cylinder jn which moved a piston with one-half square inch of surface. The oil was intended to prevent the crystalli sation , of the steal in the piston , which would lollow the sudden impact of the "force" upon it. The pressure wad transmitted through the oil The piston was coiincctfd with an arm at a point so nrar the fulcrum as to represent a leverage of 15 to 1. It wds announced that it required a pressure of l.GOO pounds to the square inch to raisa the linked lever. Connec tion WILS made , the lover Hew up. Weights of 112 , 50 and 38 pounds wore placpd at tlo | end. These were- raised with equal ease. A brief mathematical calcubitum will show that this repre sented a prosguro pf 7,480 pounds to the square inch. These weights were re moved , and in their bteada solid iron ball wei"hinc 53Q pounds was raised by pulfaya'fnto-'iHafctjlin the lever. 'The bolt and iron I00 ? / which it was hold in place representca five pouuds additional. In thirty seconds , including all manipu lations oil the liberator , tlio power to raise this was generated. The expert mathematician will show that this meant a pressure of 18,250 pounds to the square inch. Dr. Hall , who had been the most per sistent of those present In his questioning , here interrupted the exhibition and asked Mr. Keely : "Is it necessary for you to draw the bow acrc-ss the < o tuning forks to gener ate the power which raises that lever ? " "Yes , sir , " replied Mr Keely. "You can't manipulate your machine so as to produce those results by doing as you have done without fiddling on the forks ? " persisted Dr. Hall. "No , sir. " "There is a wonderful power there , " said Dr. Hall , "but L can't got it out of my imagination that this tuning fork business is all humbug , put on for show , and that there is some other power stored In that 'resonating' tube which does the work. " "If I am to bo insulted in this manner , " said Mr. Keely , " 1 will refuse to go on with the entertainment. " Mr. Charles Collier poured oil < Jn the troubled waters , and Mr. Keely offered to take the tube and allow the doctor to blow through it and extinguish a match hold at the other end. "I challenge you or any ono in the world"continued Mr. Kcoly , "to put up inside of twenty years , forty years or a hundred years a machine showing a pressure from any mis of 5,000 pounds. If anv ono docs it 1 will pay his expenses. " The doctor expressed his satisfaction at the statement that everything would bo told him except the secret that alone makes the machinery valuable , and Mr. Keely proceeded to attach the resonating tube to a small cannon with a bore of ono and thrco sixteenth inches. Three leaden balls wore then driven through a door and llatteued on an iron plate. Connec tion was then established between the resonating tubes , the original ono having been re-enforced by three others to Increate - create the power and the experimental engine. Tlm connection was a success and the machinery worked as smoothly as tlio most sanguine anticipated. Belts wore put on and an endless bolt was put in motion long enough to demonstrate the engine's practical utility. "Gentlemen , " said Mr. Keely , "I have here in these resonating tubes bottled cyclones. Were it possible to disintegrate the metal of the tubes instantly you would see the air in motion precisely similar to the motion of a cyclone. " For Political Reasons. WASHINGTON , Junes. flic senate has ic- inoved the Injunction of seciecy trom the leports In the cases of Franklin A. Thomp son , to be postmaster at McCook , Neb. , vice A. P. Shark suspended ; Adain Ferguson , to bo postmaster at North Platle , Neb. , vice J. E. Evans ; J. M. ( jllliland , to be postmaster at Nashua , Jowa , vice J. F. Grauss ; YV. N. Honsloy , to bo postmaster at Columbus , Neb. , vice II. J. Hudson , and C. E. Forbes , postmaster at St. I'aul , Neb. , vice A. A. Kendall. In eaclrcase , llio committee on postolllces and post roads loport that suspension seems to ba made tor political icasoiis only , and tlio committee has not found anything In any case reflecting on the personal or official character or con duct of the suspended olll- ceis. flic nominees seem to be DIM sons com petent to discharge thu duties ot the oflicos. The committee icpoit the nomina tions favorably. The president has vetoed three moie pen sion bills. Uniting Linbor Bodies. PiTTsnuito , June'i The amalgamated as sociation of Steel and Ironworkers met tills inoiniii aud tcad a letter tioui the crand master the Knights of Labor , asking that fUt ; mcmboifl ol the. amalgamated association ioin that oigani/.Uion iu a. body. Picbldcnt Maitln , In luspoiivo , stated tlio matter had been placed iu the hands of a coiumltteo for consideration and Invited Powderly to visit thR city and addicss the association. Real Kutato Transfers. The following transfers were filed June 1 , with the county clerk , and reported for the BEE by Ames' Real Estate Agencv : A 11 Swan and otheis ( tiustees ) to Kllen Bauett , lot 8 , blk b8 , South Omalm , w d SSi5. .1IJ t'ipcr and wlfo to Olot Olson , n m feet of lot 15 , blk 'J Il.insconi , Oiiuha , w d 8500. Henry A Kosters and wife to Charles J Johnson , lots 10 and IS , blk U Kosters add , Omaha , w d S70U. Smith Saundeis and wife to Saiah Gairldy , lots 1 and a , blk 2 Lakes add , Omalm w d 3S.OOO. Samuel E Uozcrs and wife to John Lun- delL and wile , e } of lot Ut blk 1 Improve ment association add , Omaha , w d $1,400 , Win L 1'eabody to L F Sykes , n o oi see 30 , 10,11 Douglas Co. , ( J emu. . Airs. Knuhel Eli/a Adams and others to Mrs. Hannah 1C ICIlboin , lot J , blk : U city of Floiunce , Douglas Co. , w d S100. Samuel D Mnicer and \\ilo to Mary M Matthewhon , lot 4" . U7. blk 117 Walnut Hill Douglas Co. . w d 8Jy 0. Auuu JIG McCoimick and husband to MHon L Lindsay , lot : i , 4 , 7 and b , blk 1 Clar endon add , Omaha , w d-33.400. Horace Jones anil WifotoMihm L Lindsay , blk L Shliins' 3d add. Omaha , w d SI..W Josephine C SUnvart and husband to Wil liam 1' Albihrht , lots 47 and-lb Auburn Hill add , Omaha , w d S > r < 0. S Wateis Fox to Ohai Ics K Potter , lot 3 , blk 3 , Plain view add , Omnha.ii e SWT.iH S Wateis Fox and uili * to Chas P Potter , lot 4 , blk 1 Pottci'H add , West Omaha , w d J-GOO. Anna Ritdio aud husband to Ilmoiy A Cobl ) and otheit ) , lot 1- , ' ) J , 2J , 24 , blk 'J PottPi'.s add , Omaha , w d i.MO. William U Albiisht and wife to John C Thompson , lot 47 Auburn Hill add , Omaha , W d WO. Mark A Kurt/ and wlfr to William S Cur tis w ) feet ofloto blkJS 0naht [ : , wd $4 8JO. Lertls A Grolf and wife anil others to Lama J Kline , part ot lot 7 blk U niilxllvislrm of John I Itedlclcs' add , Omaha , w i-Si.yoo. : John II Huncrato ( tiuslun ) to Tlio Public , Bedford Place of blk * 14 , in , HI and 17 Hod- foid I'laco In n o > < , sec I ) , 15 , W , Douglas Co. dedication. MnigarctO Ilondrlx mid husband to Henry A D.inowsK of lots 10 and It , Cointlandt Place , UiiLilu. w d Sl. : . 'Bl. Union Pacific It It companv to Emily A Hauler , nr' of sec 31 , 1(1 ( , 10 Douglas Co. , w d-W7.00. : Jtlcliaid Klckpnscher and wlfy to Elbcrt T Duke , 5 acres ot n w } { ata 0 , 15 , 13 Douglas Co. , w d-Sy-QJ. The Powell Murder Can P. The case against Powell , charged with the murder of Leslie , was given to the jury at noon yesterday. Up to tlie hour of going to press this morning no verdict has boon returned , HEADACHE I'jocerds from n TorplJ Mvor and irapurltlug of the atoiiui'h , nml can ba invarlnlilyo uro.I . U jou will only SIMMONS REGULATOR Lot all wlio buffer remember tlm Sid and Nervous Headaches Can lie prevented at fioon toins ludlotu the L-mnlUrf ot " 1 we Sitsmoiis Llvor > Keuiilator when troubled sonotisly with liunducln.'j cuuitej br coiiatliiiitlun. It pfodut-oi u fuvorabM rogut ( without UinJortnff my regular pursuit * In busl- nes * " VY. > V. WwiiEK.'lJM Jfomes. loiva. LITTLE LESS THAN MAGICAL , A Sudden Change in the Wheat Market to Bolter Prices. THE CEREAL TAKES A BIG JUMP. The Mnrkct Goes AVIId mid Closes nt A Strong Advance A Day of Great Activity on CHICAGO IMIOOUCI ! MAUKI3T. CHICAOO , Juno u. [ Special Telegram to the UIK.J : WHEAT Wheat opened Hat this inoiulng and sold down ? $ c as compared with yesleulay's close. Cables came In ilo- piessed , and Xevv York seemed sick. Soon , however , a change In sentiment was ex- peitenci'd. Knowing traders sullied tlio air and decided that somctlilng or somebody was getting under wheat , and from surface indications thry concluded It was Cudahy and his Iniincdlnto following. Then the In- tell icon cu vvnschculntcd that ho had been a steady and heavy buyer since last Thursday and was now willing to let his hand be seen. The first largo purchases that were ciedltcd to this opctalor were for August and SCD- temberiltillveiy , these options belli ? consid ered relative ! ) cheaper than those antedating them. Fiom the springing of this piece of bull news clear thtough to the end tha tend cncyoflhe market was upwaul. The ad vance was stiotig and shaip. Reactions vvcic few hi number aud Insignificant. The slioits began making for cover , and alto gether the change In tlio appearance of the market was little less than magical. Franoy , Caiter & Oo. were by all odds the largest buyers in thu open wheat pit , and orders fiom New York wore said to be numerous and for largo amounts. The New York market followed the heels of Chi cago. The course oC tlm July option was as follows : Opening 74J. c , then 74 ? c , 7. > Jifc , "i ! > % , 70c , ? r Jfe , " ( % 'c. Tlio morning's close was at the latter point , which was lltfc liom the bottom and lc Item yesterday's last prices. The day was lively and tlm volume of business transacted vciy huge , many indi vidual tiniles for lame amounts occurilnir. At thu last quotations theio was only lc be tween July and September. Coit.v Coin was steady , then easy , and thirdly Him and strong iu sympathy with wheat. Stocks at points of accumula tion ate not consldcicd excessive , though tliciuisan acknowledged abundances In thu Intelior. New York was distinguished by weakness , and led off With a diop before the other inarKel could icspond. The advance In wheat stalled , and tlmt changed the aspect ot things speculative. The close at 1 o'clock as ' { e higher than yosteiday. PiiovisiiWb Poik sold at 7Kc , aud ribs and lard at "Kc. Ai'Ttmxoo.v > . Wheat went wild on the aftcinoon boaul. July and August opened ? c above the piices thai tided at I o'clock ' and jumped another l c , July touching TTJjfe , and August 70) ) < , e. The au- vance was accomplished In less than ten min utes. The maikct eased elf % c , but closed excited and stroni ; at an advance , eompaied with jesterdaj's hnal quotatlons.of nearly lie. No special feature in other speculative arti cles. 12:40 : p. m. Puts on July wheat , 70 > fe sellers - ors ; calls , 70'sbid. ' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. June 2. [ Special Telegram to theBiE. ; | OAiTLn The receipts ol cattle wcie vciy heavy to-day , but the big run con sisted hugely ol i'exos cattle and the propor- tirtn ol usetul native beeves was leally not large. The general mnikct was Inclined to be slow ; but desirable fat cattle , ripe and smooth , sold at lully steady pi Ices. Rough I'll ' and thin cattle wore simply not1 wanted even at a lOc i eduction , and not moio than half of such offerings were sold. Grassy cattle were badly neglected , and tbo market for such stock closed extremely dull. Shipping ami expoit cattle , averaging ll'li to 14f > 0 Ibs sold at S4.kO , .V.i7X. There were vciy tow good ripe cattle liuie. Some 1450 Ib cattle sold at $5. : > 0 ; also some 1-bO Ib steers. Dressed beeC men were the principal buyers. They bought sonic L479 Ib steeis at S5.3) ami paid tlio saute pi ice for some tidy beeves aveiaging 1164 Ibs. Slop led steeis , averaging H)0t ! to U61 Ibs , sold at $ ' .ij.i0 ! ( < 4.lj. : ) . ' > ; slop led cows , 07ti to UU7Ibs , " at $ : ! .r.O" J4.50. with l.)7'J to loss Ib bulls at ti.5igji.m. ; ! ( The pens weio well cleared ot good fat cattle , but the market cloned ex- licmely dull on rough and Ihln lots. Kilty- live , 1104 Ibs , S-i.10 , with I'M eais oC Texas cattle , by all odds Hits heaviest run o the season , 'llio market was voiy weak. Huvers commenced bv bidding 15 ( < ri5c lower , and the maiUet tor Interior kinds was ex- tiemely .slow , ( iood to choice lat Tc.\as cut tle did not sell more than nfiilOc lower , while ono or hvo salesmen contended tliat there was no decline on the best. Common to fair crasscrs weio 10 'j'c ' ) lower , makingir40u ! declines from tlie high point ot less than a week ago. Iloi.s Business opened active and the bulk of stock sold about the same as jestcr- day. mainly at S4.0-iJ4.07X ( for best mixed , and $1.10 for heavy. Unt tovv.ud the close , when it was discovered lliat tlio iccelpts vveie ovcrinnniiig the estimates of the early morning theie was a shaip down turn ot fie , late arrivals selling that much lower than early sales. Light soils were Hcaive , and high fancv light , 140 Ib averasa ami there abouts , sold at St.U5t.ii ! WO. thuoidlnaiy York soil S4.10 , andsiiucing pigs at Sl.UOJ WJ. FINANCIAL. New York , June 2. Mo'nY On call easy at 2@t : unrcent. PitiMis .MKUCAXTII.E PAPIIU 4iS5 ( per cent. Sri'.JiMNn iJxciiANnr. Actual rates , 8U7 } foi sKty day bills ; S4.bUjf for d < - - urand. ( Jovr.iiNvjKM's Dull but steady. STor-KU Tlm op"nlng pi Ices on stocks weio ' < vaijjf per cent below thu closing of last ill-flit , and tiuther declines followed , but weie soon checked. The maikct became niiict and tallied small li.ictimiH , Later in llio aticinoon there was.a noticeable Ineieaso In the business done and a .stionii undertone to pi Ices , Quotations advanced slowly but steadily until the close , which was at or near the best piices ol tlie day. STOCKS O.V WA.1,1 , STItKKt Sijj ) eent bonds. . . 101 1C. & .N. W 112 % U.S. 4' 's 11I > K ( prefeiiud. . . Ill New4'.s ? KVt\K. \ Y.O Faclllcfl'Hnf' ! . K ! > Oieuon Trail. . . MX Central Paclfla . 40Jtf'Pipfic ' ( | JIall KJ C.&A ib : P.l ) . &K. prcfei red. . . . JM 11' . P. C C. , D. & 11 it-'IH : Rock Island. . . . 125 D..L. AW J.'KlJji.Bt. L. AS. I1' . . . . I ) . JfcU. ( J preferred. Kile 27 0. , SI. & .SU P. . . prefeiicd. , . . r 0 . piuferrcd. . 131 IJlIiiols Central. W7 St. P.&O I. , B.W ! IJ preferrcu. . . 101) Kansas JtTexas. 1 > Texas Paclllc. . . Lake.Shore W1 Union 1'acilic. . , L.&N 87 W. , St. L.c \ P. . Mich. Central. . , . .W pieforrod , , . 17 Mo. Pacille 10i > Weal en i Union Northern Tac. . . 2ft * O.R..V ; X preleiicd. . . 60'j ' CHICAGO I'HODUOU. Cliiiiugo , , lune2 Klour Quiet , but .steady and unchanged ; In eni , ! 4.2.Vu4.7.lS : boulliein SI.OOa4.IO ( ; WlseDDHlii , 84./uW | ; Mieh- ! gan soft spring wheat , . . low grades. Vi.OU : i.OD ; ilpu Hour , quiet at $ ; i.ovu : : ViO in btils , M.Mai.Mj ( ) ( : In saoks. Wheat Aetlvn ami stionuei ; opened un settled , fluctuated ami clocd 'its uh.ivo yi'tter- < lay ; casli , 747.V4e ; June , 7r. . ' M75 > fe ; Jmy,7'i' ' < C 7ic. ( 'oin Kusiei at llio opening , hut Htronglh- ened and closed Hliont iio butter ; cash , ulc ; Oats Weaker ; price * only easier : cash , Ike ; Jniii ) . "iili ( < ftikc ] ; July , 'JitWyfMMe , Kje Uullat. ' < 7c.f r TiVn'hy Prime ! ' SIM Klas Seed-Kiim at Sl.OOK. WliLskv-i..U. Pork Modcutely acllve but easier ; early r tiled ti' ' fif 5c lower , milled luc l'JX1' . i > tttleil back aVi'Vt.V , and closed atuadv ; C.LSII , SS.u.i ; Jimu , . . ! ; 'tai.y > ; July , $ a.lva8.43 ( > f. 'Lard b'hmerajid wviiiaueil a trltlu higher , clnimstcadv- ( ; h autl Juiuii f5. ! ' ( ' ' Bulk iff'it's Steady and