THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FIFTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , THURSDAY ] \tOKNING \ , JUNE 3 , 1886. NUMBER 300 , A BLESSED BENEDICT The Nation's Bachelor Executive Joins the Banis of Married Men. A GREAT AND GLORIOUS EVENT. The President and Miss loUora Wedded Under the Moat Favorable Auspices MID GAY MUSIC AND FLOWERS. The Magnificent Decorations of the White Hens < ! Given in Detail. THEVERY SOLEMN CEREMONIES. Dr. Sunderland , Assisted by Cleveland's ' Brother , Tics the Nuptial Knot. THE PEOPLE WHO WERE THERE. A Dpflcrlptloti or the Magnificent Cos- tunic or the Itfiilo anil the To I- IctH oT the I/nillcH All the Particulars. Clcvclnml-KolHom. WAsiuxciro.v , June 2. [ S pedal Teletrram to the Uir.J : At halt past 0 o'clock this evening n lingo crowd of people moved about Immediately In front of the whlto house , in eager expectation of seeing somebody or .something In connection with tlio president's maniaco. Their curiosity was gratiliedby tilovv degrees. At that hour the mumboi.s ot of the marine tmatd were airiving , and only those who had been In the house all day weropiesent. The Itov. Dr. Suiulerland did not como till 0:40. : Five minutes latei Secre tary Lamat's carriage diovo up. There was nn almost deathly silence without and with in. The ceiemony was to take place In ten minutes , and only one ot the seven membeis of thucabinet weie preseut. The swelling now d of spectators began to glow neivous. They feaicd theie would bo a disarrangement and disappointments. On came tliu speeta- tois by palis , ttlos , squads , crowds. The assembly numbeicd n thousand people on thu outside of the executive man aion. They moved inonnd , speaking in low- tones , but they weio not permitted to enter under the poitlco in fiont and leading to the main enhance. The air was warm , tlie sky clear , and thu sun was beginning lo sink outer or sight behind thu hills in Vlr. ginla. At eight minutes to 7 o'clock UP UASIII'.S A OAltlltAflK , In It are Postmaster and Mi.s. Yilas. Scarcely do they alight bufoi o another car r iago r up. A large , smooth-faced man jumps out , and the carrlago drives on. It Is Mi. Hlsscll , I'lesldunt Cleveland's old law paltrier. In rapid succession , and In older , n number ot oairlages containing beerctailes Hayaid , Whitney and Manning , the latter two with theh wives , arrive. Secretary Manning cntci.s tliu whlto house at six minutes to 7 o'clock. Ills wife and his olllco messenger assist him towalk , his recent illness luulngJiad a tell- . Intellect upon him. All are present now , and tlio little flutter caused by tlio arilvals has uuictcd , Theciovvdvoutsklo listens and ga/esas ono man. Scaicely a noise Is lieaid anjwheie. The membeis ot the Marine baud , with tlicii blight red uniloims trimmed in gold , peep out ol the windows , which aio al most filled with palms and fcins , ananged very effectually to shut out of view the inter- lor of the house while having the windows raised. It is thice minutes to 7. Tnu main door opens , and out walks a Fii'.nch coiffeur and his wile. They have anauged the toilet of Mr. Cleveland and Miss Folsom. Sono one pulls down the blind at thu incident's loom up-stairs , and simultaneously tlio uas'is turned down In Miss I'olsom's room. A rnni'ncT ( iiAii : : or OASMUUT is flashed upon the whole lower portion of the house , and Insldo there Is a scene equal to the grandeur ot a rojalpalaco upon thu oc casion of the man higoot a ciowned head. It Is 7 o'clock. Theru Is a r ustlo inside. ' 1 ho band begins Mendelssohn's grand wedding maich. Onu minute later the music closes. Grovei Cleveland and Fiances Folsom stand befoie Dr. Siindeiland In the blue room. Sui- roundlng them nio thlity guests. The pic ture Is exticnicly beautiful. Five minutes latei It Is Mi. and Mis. Cleveland , and they are tecuvlng the congiatnlatlnns. Thu can non at Foil Mejei , tlio navy yard and ar senal begin lo 111:1.011 : roiini TIM : AXNOUxcr.vij-Nr of the culmination ol the event. The bolls ring and the people dispciso fiom the center ol atttactlou , So a piesldent was married. "Tills icmlnds nioof the time when poor Picsldent Garlleld was sick , " said ono of tlio risheis at Iho white house this moinlng. "Newspaper men , newspaper men , nothing but newspaper men. All wo want Is a bulle tin every half hour , " It was so. The laigo corridor at the whltu house.was filled all day with roriospnndcnts , male and female , alt watting for news or Incidents. ( Julio a nuiiv bei of people came and went , but no one got In the A I'OUT.C CUANIC. About 12 o'clock u man appeared ut the door. Hit was dressed In a black suit with largo rolling collar and wide cravat. Ho worn a slouch hat , and when Major Dlnsrnoio opened the door tlio said ; "I am a poet , and have como with the laldidodc. " "Don't want " said any. Ulnsmore , "Hut 1 have written It especially for this occasion , and you rnubltake It. MUs Folsom wants it. " " .Vo , bho don't , " said Dlnsmoio. "Hut , " continued tliu fellow , "I know sun dot'A , Tlio iir t line goes : "J.iuly fair , be.ititleous maid , " ' Tliot'h enough , " Mild Dlnsmoic. "Fiilii'stone. Iho New York belle , " continued thn man unabaslied. "At thy feet a flower I've laid , " "At the phico wheio Cleveland fell. " llo had haidly got out the last line uofoio an olllcci had liin. by the back ot the neck and walked him out of tlio whlto hoiibo giotinds , poem and all. i.uooixa IN UTIIXSII.S. At 10 1 ; o'clock an expir-ss v\atr ; > n drove up to thodooi of Iho white house and the ex- prcsbinun lifted out a gic't box marked "lirom Cleveland , Whlto House. " On the lever oshio was "Tillany t Co. " It con tained the satin boxes for the bridal clo. ; This was. taken Into tliu house , and then a Mini ) box came out ol the wagon , and then a largo banel. I'lih was marked "tilass. " "It's tlio iilamoiid necklace , " remarked ono of the foiiespoiid' > nts. TcU'giams came pourlns In and wen : at once to Die nupcr part ot the liousu AH .hlnlliue.Giover Cleveland was lltlug in his lllinxiy. busy w itli his mall and jupers. Secretary l.amar arid Actln < Secri > - rv FilrcUild cillcj at tbe housa hot ween 1 anil 2 o'clock , and both had an Inter view. About ' ! o'clock there was a burst of laughter from upstairs anil someone came down and said they wore 1IAVI.VO A lIKItnAIfSAL , , and that (3ro\erwonld not rehearse and Miss Kllzabclh had to take his place. Miss Foi- Rom seemed to enjoy this part of the pro gramme highly. About 4 o'clock a largo number of correspondent ? assembled at the whlto house and wore shown through the rooms prepared for the ceruuonv. Just when all were assembled In the corridor tlio Xcvv York confectioner drove up In a car rlago. llo had with him ono ilo/en boxes about 2 feet by 8 Inches. In Ilicso was the wedding cake. Out Jumped the man , and ono by one ho carefully lifted Iho cake and carried each box himself to the pantiy. At5BO ; o'clock the doors of the white house were closed to the public. fcT.vuTixa ox Tiir : TIIIP. While the guests were enjoying themselves around tlio supper table the president ami bis bride were hastily cnsconscd In travel ing .suits , and just befoiu 0 o'clock .slipped out by a rear entrance to the while hou e , untcied a carriage and were rapidly rtilven lo the northeastern vait of the city , where a special train awaited them on the Baltimore As Ohio. The train consisted of tlnoo coaches , ono being the magnificent pihatu car of President Cartctt , ot the. llaUlmoic & Ohio railioad. Quickly they enteicd the car and , unaccompanied by any one , started for Deer Park , Md. , vvhoru they nio to occupy the cottage of .Sen- atoi Davis of West Virginia lor n few days. The special has the right qf way and will mn wild to ili destination , imiKlnsrex- tiiionlinary tlino and'anlvliig there near 2 o'clock to-night. A horde of newspaper cor respondents shadowed the president and his bride , and succeeded In detecting their move ments'and followed them , leaving at 10:10 : o'clock. Tim GLomous OCCASION. Tito Ceremony anil All Its Accom panying Details. WAsirr.Nino.v , Junu a. Other \vcildliigs theio have been at the white house , eight In all , but never before to-day has the highest dignitary in ( lie land bowed his head within Its historic * walls to receive the blessing ol the chinch on his union in the holy bonds of mntilmony. Fiom itho very dawn of the wedding day the city seemed alive to the ap- proachihg event. Little knots ot idlcts talked It over on the sidewalks in front ot the hotels. Sedate matrons gossiped as they passed alone the streets and bevies of laughing gills chatted and speculated about the coming momentous ceiemony. Manywcio the oni ons glances that sought to pleico the draped windows of the whlto house , and wcio the comments and speculations ot loitcieis who gathered early in the afternoon within the gioiinds. Llttlo or nothing In the appearanio or the mansion 01 its surround ings Indicated to the casual p issei-by that the much talked of event was at hand. Thn still and muiky ha/.o of the eaily forenoon had now wholly given place to clear skies and warm southerly brewes , while the yellow , slanting sunbeams flit tered tniough the follago of the paik ami made flickcrm ? pictures upon tlio velvety turf beneath. The great fountain did IU bust to nttinct attention , spouting itt ) cooling spray to tlio voigo of Us giaiiitu basin , and the lloweiiug sliiubs and foims oftioplcal green filled the marginal gaps In the picture. The scats In the paik acioss the avenue wore occupied by lawn-clad maidens , while half the } oung loyeis In town , moved by the common sympathy which stlr.s roman tic susceptibilities of sixty mil lions , took winding walks in the line of their evening piomciiado , and peculated upon the emotions which aio supposed to fill the hearts ot biiduarul gloom. The successive ariivals of guests were watched with interest , and their names weie whispered by the more knowing to their companions. Suddenly tlio strains ot the wedding match floated thiougli the opened windovvs , and them vvas a general exclama tion Iiom the outside ciowd. xrrn sinvrcr : : rm > irinux. : Then theie came a tautal/.in ! ? hush vvHliin the walls , which was soon ended by the stialns of thcliildal Chorus fiom Lohenjriin , and It was thcicby known that Hie ceiemony was over. Ono by ono the lights spuing uu at the windows , and the gieat biirneis on the portico cast tlielrelTiilgonco over the pave ments. Tlio scene resembled a summer night's festival , and the ciowd gave itself up to the enjoyment of tliu delightful music. With short Intermissions the line orchest.'a ' rcn- dcicd the following solcctions : Invitation A La Valso Weber Spring song Mendelssohn Komancc UilghtStar ol U.opo..Kobaudl 'Mosaic Desiioo Soii a 1111 : nur.sis AIIUIVI : . About half-past slo'clock the wedding cuosts began toanlvc , tlieii caulaes diaw- Ing up to the main door on Pennsylvania avenue. Tim Hist uiuval was Kccielaiy Laniai atOi7. : ; llo was closely followed by llov. Dr. .Siindeilaud unit wile , and dining the nest few minutes theiu came in quick succession Postmaster ( ieneial Vllas and wile , Mr. Wilson S. Hlssell , and Mis. Kndlcott , Secretary Hajaid , bpcielaty and Mrs , Whitney , and Secictaiy Manning and his wife. Itmuovlug their vvtaps In the .state dining room , all tlio guests puxcedcd to Mm blue loom , wheio they weio icielveu by Miss lioso Cleveland. Tlio following is a complete list of those nicsmit : Mis. Folsom , mothei ot the hilde ; Itov. Win. Cleveland , tlioiiresldeiit'shiother. Miss Cleveland and Mis. llo > t , the dent'ssisteis ; Tlmias F. lla > aid , secii'laty ot .state , and Miss Hayaid ; Daniel Manning secrctaiy ol the ticasun , and MH , Manning ; Wm. C. Knditotl , of war , ami Mih. Kndlcott : Wm. C. Whitney , secictaiy of tlm navy , and Mis. Whitney ; Wm. V. \ i- las , postmaster geuoial , and Mi . ; I j'lllis , i i. , .in * ) , illinium , iuil * ui s lltlll- dleston.of Dctioit , Midi. : Mr. and Mis. Har mon , 01 Hobton. Mass. , relatives of the buii | > ; Miss Nelson , ol Now York ; W.S. Ills-sell , of , N. Y. , the pipiident'K former law p.utner ; Dr. and Mis. liyion Snndeiland. Attonioy ( ieneuil ti.uland , althougli Invited , was not pirsciu , For a levy minutes- the gursts chatted gaily , but tlio conversation was quickly sus pended at-7ir : > p. m. , when the selected 01- i'hesli.1 tiom the Marino band , stationed In the corridor , stiucl : up the iamlllarstiains ot Tin' wiiiii.\n : MAICII : from Moiulelst > ohn'9 "Mid = nnuiier Night's Dream , " ana all cues weio tinned to Iho door u ay to catch the first gllmpsoof thecoiu- Inc hiIdoand groom starting from tl.ovvnnt- oin conidor on tliu uj'pcr ' floor. The inci dent came slowly down the western stalicaso with hh bildo leaning on his arm. They wire unaccompanied , oven the luido' mother awalllni : lier with the other cuests. Parsing through the ccnti.U corridor , the brldu and groom uNTtfjii : ! ) Tin : ni.i'i : IIOOM and took a position near Its southern wall , which wai completely hidden r'roiu sight by n mass ot noddli.g palms tropical grasses and an enuless vaticty of choice ilowcrs. The costal chandelier pouiifl a Hood of mel low radiance upon the scone , and the color- , of the masslvo banks o ! sc.iilet bozonias and rojal l.trqnimot loses , mingled with the blue and silver tints of Iho tu-scoed walls and ri'illng. gave a warm and cov ! > ing touu to tlm whole Interior. The delicate ivory shades af i UK isitinh'sWF.pruxn oovv.v found an cxqnliito Rctilnu'in tlie mrv > oof crimson roses liumediateiy boyond. The nri'sldent vvas In full evening dies , \\niia tin n down collar , whlto lawn necktie , and whftovtuds. A hush fell upon the as Dr. Stumer land stopped forward to hlspo- sitlon fronting tlio weddiinr couple , with Key. William Cleveland , the president's Inotiicr , at his left hand. In a distinct voice and with dcllbcrnlo utterance the doctor began tlio simple and beautiful \veddlngscr- vice as tollows : THK Cr.lllIMO.VlKS. "Forasmuch as wo are assembled to observe - servo the holy rites of marriage , It Is needful wo .should seek the blcssliikr ot great ( ! od , our Father , whoso Institution It Is , nnd there fore I beseech you now to follow mo with rovorcnt hearts In prayer to him : "A Imlglity and everlasting ( led , Father of our spirit ? , framer of ou r body , glvo every good and perfect gift. Thou ] Mho canst see the end from the bozlnnlnir , who know- est what is best for us. Thy children , aim lias appointed the holy rite of marriage to bo sa- crcdly observed throughout all generations , r oral d now , we beseech Thee. Thy servant , onrclncf magistrate. Kndow him plentconsly with 'Ihv srnxco , and ( ill him with wisdom to walk In Thy ordinance. Ho vciy nleh to him In the midst of many cares and jjravo re sponsibility , day by day. May'rhylavvilliect him and Tny strength uphold him , and. be Thou iorcver his sun and shield. Ho Thou graciously pleased to look down upon this , Thy daughter , oven us Thou didst favoi tlio chosen I'chccca nnd many noble women that have niloined the world. May she Indeed boa precious boon of good to her husband , cheer and help him contin ually. gltted with the beauty of the Loid and shedding the sweet Influence of a Christian life upon tliu nation In whose sight she is lo dwell. Wilt Thou approve what these. Thy servants , como lo do in Thy name , by Thino authority nnd under the law. s of the land In which wo li\e , and graciously assist tnem this man and tills woman who aio hero to bo united in tlio bonds of holy wedlock , accoul- Inrr to tlie institution of Thy word. Merci fully bu pleased , Almighty ( Soil , to vouchsafe to each of them Thy grace , that they mav well and truly weigh the unfailing % -ows which they aie now about to make to each other in thcpiesunco of this company and before Tnee , nnd that thuy may bo enabled hereafter at all times to so live together as to reioico In tha solciunlatlon of tills union with joy unspeakable and full ot glory through Jesus Clnlst our Lord. Anion. " Addressing the company Dr. Snnderland said : "Man Iago Is honorable among all men , in that a man .shall leave his father and mother nnd shall cleave unto his wife and they twain snAi.r , nr. oxr : rr.nsir. It was constituted bj our Creator In the first paiadlse. It was confessed by patriarch and iu lest , prophet and apostle. It was confirmed by the teaching and adorned witli the pres ence of the Redeemer , and lias been lionoicd by tlie faltlitul keeping of all jrood men and women since tlio vvoild began. It is not theiefoio to tin undertaken llgbtlv or unad visedly , but soberly , discreetly and In the tear of Cod. Into this holy estate this man and this woman came now to enter. If any now can sliovvj list cause why they maj not bo lawfully united In m.tiiiago let him newspeak speak orclso liereaftorfoioverhold his peace. TO mi : nnmr A > 'n oncost If you desire to bo milted in marriage , you will signify the same by joining \our right hands. " [ Gioom and bihto joined hamls.j "tiiover , " said tire minister , "do you take this woman whom you hold by the baud to bo your lawful nnd wedded wife , to live to gether after God's oidlnalicc ill 'tho ' holy estate ot wedlock ? Do you piomisu to love her , eliei Ish , comfort and keep her , in sick ness and health , In joy and soriow. and for- saklm : all othuis cleave only unto her so lone as you both shall live'.1'1 O1IOOM rtllMLY "r 1)0. " Dr. Sumlerlaiid Frances , do you take this man whom you hold by tlio hand tobcyoui lawful wedded liusb.uid , to live together after Cod's ordinance in tlio holy estate of wed lock ? Do you promise to love him , honor , comloit and keep him , In sickness and In health , In joy and borrow , and loisaklng all othois , cleave only unto him so long as jou both shall live ? This biido responded In A r.OW 1JUT CT.EAU VO1CC , " 1 do. " "In token ot the same , let tlio wedding rhiK bo passed. " ( The groom placed the on the bride's tingcrj. Dr. Siindeiland , solemnly For. as much as ( irovci and Fiances have lieu ; agreed and covenanted to live together after CJod's ordi nance In tliu holy estate of wedlock , and have confirmed the same by giving and taking a wcddlugllntr , now , tlioreloie , In the pics- enco ot this company , in the name of the rathcr.and of the Son and of tbo Holy Ghost , 1 pionoiiucn and declaic that they me Ht'siiAXD AX win : . And what God hath joined together let no man put asunder. " Itev. Mr. Cleveland then pionounced the following benediction : "God tlio Father , God the Son , and God the Holy Ghost , bless , preserve and keen you. The Loid mcrcltully till jou with all tem poral and all spiritual blessing * , and grant that you may so live together in this vvoild that In the world to como jou m y have lllo overlastinir. Amen. " r i.xDinrxa : : COXOUATUI.ATIOXS. At the conclusion of the ceremony Mrs. Folsom , showing traces of deep emotion , was tlio first to tender her congratulations to tlio novvly married pair. Shu was followed by Miss Cleveland , Itov. Mr. CIov eland , and other relatives and fi lends in turn. While the conu'iatiilatlons weio In progress , the baud , under the leadership of ProlessorTousa , perlpuned the .bridal ( 'horns and Much 1 1 oni Lohengiln , and , to this music , the pit's- ident and Ins wife led tiicway Intothostately east loom. The udornmGiiti of this noble hall weio in keeping with Its majestic pro portions , and Itsamplo spacu and brilliant illumination allordcd an oppoitunlty torn fitting display of tlie ladles' toilets. i in : nnrmi's rnsrmii : . The brldo woio an enchanting wedding dicss ot Ivory satin , simply garnished on high coisage , with India muslin crossed In Gieclan tolds and can led In exquis ite tails of simplicity over the petticoat. Tliu 01 ango blossom guiiiituic , commencing upon tlio veil In a supcib coronet , is con tinued thioughout the costume with artistic skill. Ilei veil ot tulle , about live jardsin length , completely enveloped tier , falling to thocdgo ol the petticoat in fiont and extend ing the entlie length of her full court train. She canied no llovveis , and woio no jewelry except an engagement limr , containing a sapplilic and two diamonds , 01111:11 : TOII.KTS. Mis. Folfom woio a superb diess of violet satin , with garnltuio In whlto lille , with ciysUill/ed violet drops In pendants every- vvhcie. Miss Cleveland woio nil exquisite dress , a combination of Nllnk'ieen and cameo pink ilitchesbo satin , with silver ornaments. low corsage , garnlsliL'd with pink roses , shoit sleeves , deml-lencth gloves In light tan. She rallied a fan of pink cm lew leathers. Mis. llojt. the president's sNer , wore a dainty costume , en train , ol China ciop'i In robin's- egg blue , mmt oflectlvely gaiultiiied with i aio old lace. Her flovveisvvemla Franco roses. Alls. Manning's diess was white .satin , flounced acioss the trout witluluchcsse laiv , ttimmliigs finished with sea pearls. sqnaii ; neck and elbow .sleeves , diamond onutineiils. Mi.s. Kndicott vvme. satin , with silver and whlto Kipplilie , diapcd In black cliautilly lace , red pompon in hair , and diamond mend ornaments. Mrs. Whituov vvoru n bodlcoot violet , with whlto satin and tulle skills dimmed with violets , diamond orna ments. Mrs. Vllas' dress was llglit blue silk , with long tialu , strewn with daisies ol sil ver , iront ol crystal , and point lace ami pen I dimming , low neck and elbow sleeves. Mrs. l.aiiiont woru nn ivoiy tinted dic < s ileml-traln , witli panel of crystal and peail on the lett side oii-klii , sqiiam neck corsage , edged with crystal , and jet liluge , elbow sleeves and beautiful roisago bouquet of jacqueminot ro.-es. Mis , llogei.s , cousin of tliu hi ide , was diessed in a co tumo of cameo pink , witli brocaded fiont. Mi.s. Cadman , iclatno ot the bi Ide , wore a while satin diess en tialn , with black lace diapetlcs and jacnulnilno roses. Mi . llermoii woio a satin ilrrss of light oiango. MUs Nelfon woio a handsome uo-tumc ot corn-colpicd satin , with oveulress of whlto antique lace , cut pompadour , witli low coinage and elbow sleeves. Her flowers weio jacqueminot io es. Miss llnddleston was dic.'sed In pink. silk , with hluo trimmings. Mrs. Siinderland's dress was cray satin , trimmed with lace , long train , siniaie neck and elbow sh-oves. . M'ltirr. ttousi : M'.COIIATIO S. . - The decorations ot the n < cpeiiUVi } niaivKloir to-night wcro ot an elalrate charactefrand , in Iho language of cue uf ( he oldent cm- ploye ? , it never iircs ntetl u Imiidsomer ap- The varlom public g-irdens In the uitv.and many pilvato confer vatoiics heio and in other citlrs contributed their choicest plants and dowers to lend their beauty and trajn-ani'o to the si-one. Of course the blue room , wheio the ceremony w.u perlornied , occupied Iho principal attention of the deco rators. Their work was certainly well done , It was transformed Into a VKIIlTAIlt.K IIOVV'.KH OP 11KAUTY. A stately group of tall , exotic plants ex truded along almost the entire south end of the room , concealing the windows and south doorway , and rising toj within a few feet of. the cclllnir. The larger plants included cugcnlas and srecas , ntid amone the smaller oneswerocrooiKmantutlms ( and aspidistras. The follago plants vyero Interspersed with a largo variety of flowering plants , such as mcdlnella. magnlllca. twgonias , hydrangeas , loses and late ( lowering nzallag. To the right and left of the main entianco from the corri dor wcro two croups of flowering ) > cllargo- Ilium ? , fuelling , orchids and palinn. Tlio center plant In each group was royal phoeulcophoruiu-seehalaruni. On the right and left sides of the room were also two large grottos of plants In full bloom , con sisting mostly of roses , begonias and h > d- rangeas. Tvvii laigo kentlas-b.ilinorcamui In thcso groups , with thflr long leaves , formed an arch which stretched almostacross the roonj. In the hearth under Iho east mantle - tlo was a lloral arrangement representing it cheerful blazing lire. It was composed of begonias , rhiiblas nnd centanlas. The floor of the hearth was laid in moslacs of coletis- althoinantlicias. On the manful above was a solid bank ot cut pausles In vaiious bilglit colors , in which was written with white flow ers the date of the occasion. JuneIb80. . Tlio letters vvcro bordered with black patisles , and tlio edge of the mantel vvas toimed of golden selau'inelle. The west niautcl sustained a solid bank of loses , In which none but the choicest were used , commencing with deli cate pink at the cud , and grovvliigdarkcr and richer towards the tenter , where it was Inter woven with whlto moss and hybrid roses. The mouogiam "C. F. " over the main en tianco fiom the botridor was a bcaiitltul flo ral scroll , in which the mottoo "K Pluilbus Unuin" was Inteiwovon In Immortelles. The decorations ot tliu private diiilns room , where the weuding collation was served , wcro also of an elaborate character. The main table decoration vvas a full ringed tlnee-niasted ship composed ot pinks , con tain uagann , lospsaud pausles , displaying tliu word ' 'Hymen. " It rested on a mirror reprcscntlni : lake shored , which were com posed of dilfeicnt varieties of selacir.ellas The surrounding land was represented by bankg of jacqueminot roses. Thel national colors hung from tlio main mast and two small white flags with the monogram "C. F. " in golden letters hung fiom the other masts. At either end ol the table , resting on minors , weio handsome vases containing long stemmed hybrid roses. The miirors woio festooned with asparagus tenutsslnus Inter spersed with loose roses. In cor ners of the room and In the windows were gioups of palms ciotons , cal- ladlnms and some plants in bloom. The four handsome sideboards were suitably decorated with tlio choicest foliagn ami flower inn plants , and tlie mantel was a solid bank ot loses. The east room and ml and giecn parlors were decorated In the style usual at receptions and state dlnnui.s. The east room presented a particularly grand appear ance , with gioupings ol' tropical plants masses ot exotics and brilliant illumination. Festooiisi of s nllBK tvvero siraceliuly sus pended fiom the lance cltaudclicis , nnd tieau- titnl garlands ornamented the tour piers , uion ) each of which was continually dls- plajcd a laigo lloral 'shield , composed of choice wliite and reel roses violets and crys- anthemums , ropicsunllng the nation's colors. To the usual decoiationi of the main corridor woio added tourastra groups ol palms and foliascaud ( lowering plants. run WIIDDINO sui'i'nit. Fiom the east room the company pro ceeded , otter a season of promenading 'and conversation , to tlie. family dining roonrot the mansion , vvhero the wedding supper was served. After { ho guests proceeded to the dining loom tlieio vvas no formaloidorobsoived , but a collation vya servwl nnd the gtiestn.siri at small tables , 6r slowly pioieaaded.lhu | | room as they dismissed the. menu , and chatted o\oi the event of the tev on I rig. Thoelegantly designed souvmlrs ot satin boxes , contain ing dainty pieces ofbiidal cake and each one beating the hand-painted monogram "C. F. . " weio iccelved witli great admiiation. While the oichestra vvas playing one of its happiest selections and the guests were gathered about the tables , the bride QUIETLY surrrr : > AWAY toiler room and changed her -wedding dress for a heavy ciay silk funding diess * . She then returned to the company and was soon atterwaid joined bjtliu , president , who had In the meantime changed ills diess suit tor a traveling costume. This was about 0:150 : o'clock , and the president and Ids bride said a hasty "good-bye" to tholr friends and left the housii-through tlio pivate exit from the red room Into the south ground. A closed cairiago awaited them , and as they enteied and tno horses started off , a shower of rice vvas tlnovvn on Iho eairiage , and their friends waived them a final "Godspeed" Iiom the rear porch. inn tuiKjuiToUR iiKPoin IH& : urr. It was expected that the picsldent would try to slip away unobserved , and in ouler to prevent tliis.a number of ne.w.spapei men sta tioned themselves near the south entrance to tlie grounds with can I ages convenient to fol low the president in case ho should make his exit by that gate. This was lenorted to the president , so ho Instructed Ids driver to go out of tlio grounds by another and almost jiinnsed route. and in that way ho avoided the reporters alto- eetlier. His carrlago was diiven diiect to the Baltimore &Ohlo railioad station , wheio a special tialn was In waiting to tike the piesldent and his brldo to Deer Park. They vveioescoiteil tlnougli the station and Into thocarpiov'hled lor tliem without ntti acting attention , and the tinin proceeded to Its des tination. A WKKK'.S WTIIKAT. : The president and bis ; bride were wholly unaccompanied ou this journey. They will piobably remain at Deer Paik about a week , duilni ; which time they will occupy a small cottage attached to the hotel , Which has not yet opened lor the season. The guests began to leave the whlto house soon after the piesidcnt's depaitino. The liist one to leave was Sec- ictaiy Hayaid , who smilingly stood on the poitlco tor porno ttino before hiscarii.iKO diovo up. The carriage of Dr. and Mrs. Siindeiland vvas the next to ctiivo up and vvas immediately followed by that of Secretary and Mis. .Manning. The tecietaiy did not look veiy well , llo appealed lathe ; weak , and seemed hardly able to walk. Ho was supported to his c.iiringo by Post master General and Mr. Ills- sell. The other guests lingeied avvlilln and the oichcstia continued to play enlivening music until neatly ton o'clock , by which time all of the guests took their departure. Ciowds ot cm Ions sight seeis remained near tint mansion until IIICIH arations were Hindu 'h > close lor ( ho night. Tin * wedding presents vveio many , but thuy were not exhibited , nor will any list bo fur nished. This is In deference to tlio wishes ot the picsldent. TIIK GKOlVl'H HII'T to his bride was a handsomu necklace , com posed of usliiglostrinir of brilliants. The presents fiom the cabinet olliceis and their wives , were mostly urtfclcw ot jewel ly , though theio wcru suverar beautiful Piesents of sil- veivvaro. J KiitiNO THK r'JtEsnw 'TiAr. HAi.tnr : . Just as the weddingl caiemony began tliu piesldentinl salute was llred by a hatteiy of aitlllery near tlio river and the chime of bells of the Metropolitan M , K. chinch pealed toitli Mendelsidlin'H Wedding Maich , and bells In other cliuichoii joined in the happy salute. The gentlemen present at Iho wcddlnt. ' vveio not fortunate unowh to receive a saiuto tiom tliu biidti , wlioconnned her KIWWBTO THK IAlIiS. ) : OtlierwUc the Ceiemony vvas orthodox. In form. The executive mansion will bo opened to-morrow , and photographers have already received permission to perpetuati > , plctorall/ ! , the elaboiate decorations of tliu interior. Ar rangements for tl o day's uvent woio under the control anil personal management of Colonel LainonU and they vvotked so smoothly and sat sfaetorlly as to earn for him universal cuhimendation and compli ments. ' The Queen BcirilH Congratulations. > LON'DOX , June'4. The uneen lias s'unttho following cable message to President Cleve land : ' Pray accept itj hcaitfelt copgratulatlons on > our inirriaev and rny best wIs'aes for jour happjiifss. ' The Cholera. HOME : , Junu 2. Tlilrty-tvvo new cases of choleni and twelve ciiAths tiom the disease ! vvuje reporte from Vedldcoy esterday. SAINTED SINNERS SLASHING , St. Paul's ' Epistle to St. John , the First Chapter. THE NORTH AND WEST RATE WAR. The Town Uotula Cutting I'rlccs In n Lively Manner A Probability oCIlottom PrlccN Itolng ICcnolicd Quickly. AGrcixt HatoAVnr. CtitcAoo , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to the UniJinking : ] by tlio speed with which passenger rates to the Missouri river and the northwest have been tumbling the past two days , It will taKe but a short time for them to reach bottoi.i. The Indications now arc that bcforo the end of this week tickets to St. Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha will bo sold for 51 or less. So far only the Hock Island and SU I'.uil have bcou engaged In the late- cutting business. Matters have assumed such shape , however , that other Missouri river and St Paul lines cannot alfuid to remain ncutial any longer. They wilt have to meet the rates made by the Kock Island and Milwaukee & St. Paul If they mean to uct n share of the business. A meeting of the Missouri liver lines was to have been held jestculay , but It dht notcomo on" . It Is understood that Arbitrator Wilson lias bcou authorised to meet the cut rates forollier loads If ho llnds It necessary. Guucial Pas senger agent A. V. 11. Carpenter ot the Chi cagoMilwaukee &St , Paulhas Issued acatts- tic reply to the letter of Uencial Passenger accnt Ilannegnii , Informing him that the -Burlington , Cedar Kanlds & Northern , In order to protect the Albeit Lea louto , had re duced lutes from Notthwcstcin junction points to Chicago to the bamo rates as made by tUo Milwaukee & St. Paul ftom SU Paul and Omaha. Carpenter says the St. Paul will endeavor to stand up , notwithstanding It Is confronted by such Knock down talent as Is combined in the Hock Island , Burlington , Cedar Itanlds & Noithern and the Minneapolis and SU Loul.s olhcr wlso known as the Albert Lea lonle. His company Inaugurates no wars upon other roads , but ho sajs that It will endeavor to do- tend Itself when attacked by making several parts ot its road woik tiarmonlously for mutual protection of tlio whole. Late hibt ovonlng Assistant Gcneial Pas > eiigcr Agent Miller ot -Milwaukee &St , Paul tecelved instructions from Milwaukee to continue class limited rates trom Chicago to St. Paul and Minneapolis at 510 , but make the second class into < H..r ! , also to make the class rnto to Omaha ST.'J. > . second class rate W.'X > , the rates to go into olfect this morning. A.\OTIIIII : cur. CIIICAOO , Juno 2. [ Special Teleuiam to tlio Utn. : ] The passenucr late war in the northwostaiid houthwcst is getting sharper than even heliovois In : i passenger latu war expected. The piedictlon that fifty cents will , befoie Satuniay , be the piice of tickets for riding 250 miles either to the northwester or southwest of Chicago will bo moio than verified. It may bo tlio fmuio to-moriow. The Hock Island this moinlnu took down lti seven dollni sign and nut np in its pkcc , "First-class , Chicago to St. Paul , 51.23. " [ fills will make the St. Paul and Xoith- wcstem first-class iate to Omaha , S-t.W ) . The Hock Island will como back again with the same first-class rate to St. Paul that the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul , and Noilh- vvestcrn railroads maKe sccood class to the .Missourisrlver. Commissioner Wilson will Ihcn-authoilzoliis southwestern association ilojnakjthe-Hnif tign res. Cjiic'xoo , Jime.2. TlmJlock Island road thin morning Is selling first-class limited tickets' from Chicago to St. Paul for S4.25. The Noith western anil St.Paul roads in ic- lallation announce n 5-4.50 late fiom Cliicago to Omaha and the same rate to DCS Moincs and Cedar Hapids. FOUTV-NJNTH CONGUKSS. 1 ! IT Senate. WASIIINGTOX , Juno 2. After routine business the Northern Pacific forfeiture bill was placed bcfoio tlio senate , then formally laid asldo to permit Mr. Drown to speak on banlauptcy. Mr. Blown said tlio bill would Involve the putting into Involuntary bank ruptcy ot poisons who should bo thitty days behind inpayments. What would ourconntry merchants say to this ? They were usually more piompt in their payments than the city merchants , yet countiy inoichants weie sometimes unavoidably behind in payment for more than tliiity days. The people ol the United States would not stand .such Iniqui ties as this bill. The consideiatioii of the Xoilhern Pacific foiteituio bill was then resumed. The question pending was on Mr. Van Wyck's proposed amendment , piovidlng lei the foi teituro , not ot tlio lands ot the Wallula blanch alone , but of lands appcitalnlng to such blanch mads us have not been com pleted at thetiinuot tlio nassngoof this act. Mr. Call said tlio bill as icpoilcd to tliu senate - ate evaded the gieat question which the vmbllc opinion ot tlio United States was toicing on congress. The ilctcimiiiation ol our people was that all unearned grants be foi felted. Some tidily million acres of giant to tlioNoitlicin Pacific had not been earned and .should be forfeited , ami between thirty and toity millions of dollars beyond the cost of the load would bo made by the proicctois of the Northern Pacific enter prise. Mr. Call said ho had been Inloimed that an oiler ot thicc hundicd million dolluis bad been made by an Kucllsh syndicate for tlio land giant. of the .Noithern Pacific on n. basis of Si50 per aero. Mr. ( ieoigo slated that the whole cost of the Noithcin 1'acllie was estimated by the com missioners of lailroads at % 7r..000,000 , while tlio whole land giant ol r-.OOU.lKK ) acics at 84 per acio would make ? lfW,000,000 which would leave fctU.OOO.ODO tor the piojcctois of thuio.ul. At 2 o'clock unfinished business , the tail- road laud taxation bill , was placed bcloic the senate. Mossis , Dolph and Plumb supported the bill. The senate adopted an amendment pioposcd by Mr. Plumb on behalf of the com mittee on public lands , piovldlng for the le- payment in pi oper eases ot tliu cost ot sm- voylns topuieliascis. .Mr. Kvarts submitted an amendment to ox- cliido uiibiiivojcd landi , which was agieed to. Mr. lloai's amendment , horelofoio still- milted , was then bionght up lor lonsldeia- lion. It piovhles that not mole tlian ( iio aeies ol land , sold under tliu piovlshms ol this act , shall bo pinchased by aiiyonopni- MIII , or nhall tlicicalter be acimlicd or ovv ned or held In tiust loranj oiiopiiison , and any tltlo or Interest ncqulicd In violation tlicicot sball bo tm lolled to llio United States with out any otlici act , 01 entry , or piocess what ever. After debate , without action upon tbo amendment , the .senate went into executive session and boon adjoin ned. WASIIINOTOV , Juno 2. The house went Into committee of the whole , Mr. Spilnger of Illinois , in the chair , on thuoleomaigailno bill. Mr. Wellborn of Texas , In opposing the bill , ( ocpiossed the Idea that had the tonnd crs of tlio government foicacen onoot the boyerolgn povveis delegated to the ueneral goyernmcnt that ot taxation ultimately to bo employed ns a means ol piotectingouo American industry ngaliibt another Ameil- can liulustiy , despondency , If not dcsjiaii , would havestaggeied their eneigies. And jet this v , as tlio substantial puiposo ot the vicious bill now under coiisidei.ttlon. Mr.O'Feirall of Virginia said tlioaigumcnt nmdo Uiat thp pabsago of this bill would tend to a reduction ot the tarllt taxes was the best argument which could boolleied why the democrats should favor It , and had only strengthened him in his advocacy of the measure. It was. a proposition to build un one honest industry at the cxpensoof afiand- nleiit and dishonest one. On motion an amendment was adopted In serting I he vvoid "knovviiiKly" In the clause imposing a penalty upon every person who purchased or receives for sale uny oleomatga- rinofrom any manufacture ! who has not paid the special tax. Mr , Hammond I of Ccotgla , attaeKed Iho bill , and especially the "inloiniei1 wtion , 'which , ho bam , would placu a mineral , or hM deuly ) , In every communltv In the country. Iio would not \otc for such n mensurc. Mr. UreckcnrldRoJ of Arkansas said nothing Imjircsscd him morotlmn the neces sity or having n conservative body at the oilier end of the capital , than the case with which the gentlemen hail ilddon down every constitutional barrier , and ( locked together In Ill-assorted numbers to the support of this ulll. It was the most astonishing and odious nieasuro ever presented to congress. Mr. llolman of Indiana ) spoke In favor of the bill and advocated the repeal of the to bacco tav. Mr. Morrison of IHinoKI called attention to the fact that oleoniarcarlno could not bo taxed unless it were sold , and It would not bo sold unless It were u ed for food , and who would consume the food , the well-to do or the poin'i' The gentleman ( lloliimn ) said that by way of relicvlngngilcnlturc the to bacco lax should bo taken olT. This \ear the tobacco tav would vlcld tlio government ! > 2ii,000.030. When that was tnkcn elf thn government cTonld spate nomoio In the pres ent condition ol the countiy. Mr. McKimiu lavored the bill anil Mr. Lawleroptiosed It. Mr. Itaync said that there wai nothing In Iho bill which puncnled a poor man tiom buying olcomaigaiiuc without the payment of any tav , U ho wont to the manufactory and pinchased olcomaigarine that was not produced In imitation ol butter. Mr. Scott entered Ills' protest azalnst the resolutions ot the assemblies of western Ponnsjlvanla iiiescnted jesterdayby Messis. Negley and Cnitln boins legauled asrcpn'- sonUng the Keiitlment ol the wage woikeis of the stale ot Pennsylvania , The telegram presented mlsrepiosciited the vvago woikcis of Pennsvlvanln. It did not speak their tiuo sentiments and convictions. Mr. Henley sustained the constitutionality of the bill. Mr. McMillcn moved to sit Ike out the clause which piov ides that one-half of the lines aim penalties imposed by the act shall co to Iho informer. The house would not. In his judgment , do Itself justice if It enacted such an obnoxious piece of legislation. The pending motion was agreed to Til to 2T1. Then , In accordance witli arrangements made this afternoon , the commute rose and rupoi ted the bill to tlio house , with Iho un- dcistandlng that the vote should ho taken to- moirow. and that ati oppmtltnlty should ho glvon to allow mcmbeis to nuss upon the question ol leduelng the late ot tax Imposed. The house then adjourned. HK SKINNUI ) TIIL3 BANK. A JPcorlu Boolc-kcppor Gets Awny VVItll $180,000. PnoniA , Juno 2. fSjiecial Telegram to the Bin : . ] The failure of the Meichnnts National bank here continues to be the ab sorbing topic of convcisatlon and how J. Kinlcy llookc could have succeeded In get ting away with so nincli money inaslioit space of time , Is a growing wonder , llo was but book-keeper and consequently should have no access to the funds. So far as the books of the bank have been inn over they show that he has succeeded In taking SIUO.OOO and Iho end Is not yet. As the books of the bank were examined about IU- teen month1 * aso by the bank examiner and oveijthiiig was declaied fitiulght , the sum must have been absoibcd since that time , which seems almost Incicdlble , as the only way In which ho could get the money was by deliberately stealing and then falsify ing the books so they and the cash would tally. llooko was generally regaidod as a fast man and that was the only reason ho was lemoved lioiu the position ot book-kcenci some months ago. Ho took his dlHinisMif&o haul that tlio board of ditcctois icconsidcrcd their action and allowed him to reinaltrtwo-tnonllis louirer , which proba bly cost tbo boaid several thousand'dollars , llooke was In almost c\cry enterprise that originated In Peorla in the last decade. lie was a heavy "bull" In the w'heat pit and It Is asseited gambled heavy In private houses. The statement of tbo bank's allalrs has not yet been issued , but there is no doubt that cveiythlns will bo paid in lull. The caplt-tl was taw.OOO , consequently tlio stockholdeis aio responsible for $400,000. THIDV WANTED THE I2A11T.II , Anil Got the Soft Side of : i Cell in the Penitentiary. Nr.w YOISK , June 2. Heir Most , tlio anaichlst , was to-day sentenced to the peni tential y tor ono yeai and lined S3 00. llraun- schvvelg got nine months and vvas lined S-'iO. Sclienck vvas sent to the pen lei nine months but not fined. Recorder Sm > lb , In scn- toncning Most , expiessed deep icgiet that the law would not penult him to Impose a heavier sentence. Ills crlnuts , ho said , deserved the punishment awarded for capital He also told him ho was the irreateit scoundicl he had ever seen at tbatbai. Braunschweig , the iccoider said , was almost equally guilty. Schneek , lie thought , was thn dupe ot liiscompanloim , but hoiiesoived punishment to warn him and others against following tlio teachings of such men as Most. Xonc ol the prlsoncis at tempted to speak a weld In comt. They will bo traiiHterred to lilackwcll Island. The American School of Opera. CincAoo , June 2. Mmo. Fmscli-Madl , directress of the Amei lean school of opcia , wlilrii Is the liist branch of the national con- seivatory of music of America , Is beginning a tour of each state for the pniposo of heal ing voices and passing on candi dates tor admission to the con- seivatory , In which Instruction under the best teachcis Is liee , owing to the muniti- cenco of Mis. Jcaiictto M. Tliinber and olh- ei.s. Mine. Fm.scli-Madi will hold an oxam- Inallon In the central miisle hall in Chicago to-morrow and Kililay. The examination is supposed to bo primarily lor residents of Il linois , but any Ameilcan-boin singc'iKCMU piesent themselves lor examination , Tlio ISIooiI Rii//.lorH ol' tlio Kami , Uin.i'Asr , Juno ' . ' . Canvasseis havn ob tained th'j Damns of 1,200 volunteers in the CooiiKtown dlstiict , Tjronocounty , whnuie ready to join an Ulstci aimy to icslst homo rule In Ii eland. A Settled Strike. Pirrswno , Juno 2.-Tho stilko of Iho stone masons ot Allegheny county , lei eight hours has been settled on u nlneliouibasis at ( lie old wages. Woik was resumed to- daj. Dentil of Henry Jlavomnjnr. HAIIYI.ON' , L. 1. , Juno ' - ! . lleiuy Have- nmyer , the sugar rellncr , died suddenly at Jils homo nearheio this moinlng. llo partici pated In thodecoiation servicei , acting with tlm Old ( jiiaid : is an esccnt to Picsldent Cleveland. A Itill Appr.uvt'.il , N , Juno 2. 'I'ho pii'jlilent ap- piovcd the act amending the actgiantini ; the right ot way foi nnillioad and toll-graph line through the lauds ol the Choctaw and Chick- asoaw nations ot Indians to the bl. Louis .t San l'iancl'ico railway coinjiany. A 1' orzor Hun Down. OTTAWA , Out. , June 2. Thn mlnlstei of justlco gianted a vvairant of oxtiaditlon In the case of Mai tin Van Fleet , who Is now In- eaicorated In the county jail , ll'j was convicted of loigeiy and idlcring forged paper In the city of Xor.valk , O. A Hem l-'or Seoretary .Manning. WAIIIXCIOJuno 2.It is unikistocd that hccrctaiy and Mis. Manning leave Washington Satnutay .itlcrnoon for Hot SpiliiL'H , where they piobably rerialn a month. ( In Honor oTllio ihtad Suohoiu. Niw : i'ottK , Junu'J.Tlui mayor to day or dered tliu Hugs on the city hall to be placed at halt mabt In rusp' t to luomcnioyof : John Kelly. .ui , il i-i" . , .Imiii 2-VcMerday twoi-nildrc'ii tH.lo'i iiu to a widow named ! , < ( - vvi'ii ; bained to death vv > i.K\ > tu Ji''iu u inv wiUi LOUP CITY TO CELEBRATE , The Baptism of the Railroad and the Subso- qucnt Big Blowout , OTHER NEWS FROM NEBRASKA , IJcntrlcc Knights Tcmplnr to Cole * brato Ascension Dny The Ijoyftl IjCRtou Moots nnil Kleom Oftl- ccra A Deceiver Suicides. lump Oltj's Gnlft Day. Loin-Cm , Xeb. , Juno 'J. [ Special to the Hr.t.J : To-monovv's sun will ilso on a Joy ous community hero- the dawn of an epoch which tliu people ! m\u anxiously waited lor u iniiubor of jearsIt uiiirks tliu formal opening of Iliu Loup City branch ot tliu Dnlnn Ptti'llle railroad , uu event of Incal culable liupoitaucu to tliu city anil county. For the past ten dajs committees 1m vo ' boon diligently ut woik on upiogrummo to fittingly celebrate the urilvul of tha tlrst ti.iln mul to entertain guests fiom contiguous cities. A huge delegation Is uspeoted from Omaha , Including mciiibeis of thuelty coun cil ; : \1M ) fiom Fioiiiont , Columbus and Grand Islunil. Following Is tliu piograUiiuo of tliu celebration : Minute KUIIS will lie lired at sunrlso by Captain Wliiklcumnbattriy. Pioeesslon will loim ut ttio depot on Col- oi.ulo avenue on tliu in rival ol the train : delegation iiom north | uit of county will lorm onlWost avenue ninth of ( Iniud Central avenue ; delegation trom east nart of county will loim ou Grand Ccntiul u\cnuc cast of Kast aveiino ; delegation from south purl of I county \\lll ioiiu on l ast avenue south of Colorado liven no ; delegation tiom the \\oat part of county will tonn on West aveiiuo south of Colorado avenue. The ling Mufllu battalion nntlei coiiimand of Major 8. 1' . Neptune will lorm on Humes stive t south of Colorado avenue. School chlldicn In charge ol their respective teachers will lorm on Giand Central avenuu west of West nvcnuc , Will march In the follow Ing oidui : Silver Comet Hand. City olllceis uiiil spealeis In carriages. ( iiovvthof Cltv , Illustrated. Mcmbeis ol the Choir and Silver Coi net Hand In eanlagp.s. Occupation ol Huslness Men , Illustrated. Guests tiom nbtoail. Itag Mullln Uatt.ilioii , Major. S. P. Noptuuo , Commander. Delegation of outlying precincts. School Chlldien. Procession to stall Irom dupot and march cast on Colorado avenue to Kust avenue , tlienco not tli to tiiand Cenlial nvenue , thcncu west to Went avenue , thence Mouth to Water street. thence cast to East avenue , thence noiih to Colorado avenue , thence west to West , avenue , thence north to the giDiinds. Onuuival nt the siouuils the following will bu can led out : II Music U ) the ll.iiid , M usle bj HID gi.ind chorus of singers. Oration * will bedi'llvi'ii'd by General J. C. Covvln. A. II. Counci , .1 M. rimj er , George L' . Smith , Hon. ,1. M.Thiiiston , ! ' . ( ! . liaiiiur , Aaion Wall mid othci prominent tipoakeib. .Music by the band. Toasts. Dinner. Music by the band. Alteinoon untertalumcntH will bo made nn ot racing , base ball , games , catching inched nigt1 , clliiiblnn greased poles , Back racs.s , wheelbairovv Juces around the i-qnaio , and otner jrostlmcs-tou numerous trrmcntloii. * * A grand Rliootlng match will bo one o < Uio leaning irutuii's ot the day. Gi and display of Ihewoiks and illumina tion ol theeltj in Hie evening. f Nebraska' * Loyal Legion. LISCOI.X , Juno U' . iSpcciiil Telegiam to the Hri.j : : At the banquet and legular montbly meeting of the Jjoyal leulon. last evening , the following olliceiH , erse many of them a % > weio present , vveio duly' in stalled. Commander , Colonel J. W. Savage , Omalni ; senior vice commander , Captain J. W. Uioatch , Omalm ; junior vko commander , Goneial A. Cobb , Lincoln ; iccoider , Major J. M. Drown , Omaha ; leglstiar , Captain W. Jl. Jjams Omaha ; tioasnier , Lieutenant William Wallace , Omaha ; cbancullor. Cap tain J' . 10. Mooie , Omaha ; council , Lloutcn- ant K. S. Dudley , Lincoln ; Captain 11. K , Palmer , Platt.smouth ; Major Cliuich Howe , Aubiiin ; Kusign W. II. Micliael , Grand Island ; Captain G. M. Dumpluuy , Pawned City.The The Knights Templar of this city leave Ibis nun ning at 8 o'clock via the Union Pa- cllic to attend AM'i'iislon day wer vices at Ho- atnce. Bishop Woithlngion has chaigoof thoservhes , and dellvein tlio bcimon. About 0110 bundled people will U'avuheio. The KnlKlitri will attend in fid1 nnlloim. As ltnlmatedtheoclois | labtniglit g ( t in o a vvi angle in living to adopt u new constitu tion , instead ol the old ciinibeismmu thing , The \otn ftodd : .U for to 15 a ? < In t , and , not lecciving the t\\o-tiiluls majoii y , It was lost , and will have logo ovei till ibunoit meeting. Ascoiislon Day. DKATP.ICI : , .Juno 2 , [ Special Telegram to the HKK.J The Mount llcnnan Commatid- cij of Mcatiieii lias ovcty aiiaiigement com pleted lor caiiylng out AhceiiHlon day exor cises on Wednesday- The dlireieut commlt- tcc.s of aiiaiuement ; < ! woio appointed thrco months ago , K ) they have had plenty of time to do tholr work well. Oiand Commandoc 15. U. Wai ion , of Nebraska City , ai rived this afternoon. A special tialn Iiom Omalm on the JJ. itM , Is to niiho heio at 110 ; ! ! a. in. , and a hpecial on ( lie Union Paulllc , Iiom Lin- col n , am vis at K ) o'clock , Tholoieiioon vvlllbo spent In leculving the \Kitliii ; knlchtA trom Omaha , Linooln and Ti'cnmwli. Tim e\n- I'lwis ol tbo iilU'iiioon aio Asccii.-.loii dav ox- eii'tsiM , condiK-ted by Itev. tieoige Woitlilng- ton. ol Omalia , an uddii'ss hv Cliiulcs K. Ciclgblon , ol Lincoln. Ihun iiilgiiniaguh \ thu leildente.s ot . ) . < ! . Pollock , 11. ! ' , Cook and S. ( / . Smitli. TlifM ! gi'iitlemiiii auipie- pat ing elegant lelieihiuents and cntiulaln- ment. Overioit ) caiiiiigc-s have been en- gau'rd lor tliiiairomodatinn ol visiting ladles- , Aiiangemeiits aio imido by the Mount Ilciman eomiiiMiiili'iv fin a hanniiet at tha link , .it noon , 1m . ' .01 jieihone. 1'luiy jmvo in lactHp.ued no pains to make tliu uiralr u SIICCCHS. _ A Dead Dcuiilvi'r. DAKOTA Onv , Neb. , .Juno ' - ' . - - Kit Pilt-st was found In Urn io.ul about til leun miles from licie dead , havlii' , ' shot liimsnlf tliioiiKh the heart. Ho vvub attested week tor bastanly on complaint of White , a four- ti'nncaiold gill , and huloio committing hiilclilo had been | o ben tliu till to ( ompro- nils' * the case. In'io ' tailed , imd while on his way hnnui tiliot hlmsell , He vvaH a mauled man , twunly-tlirco yeaifl old. Nr\v Ijiunl Orilorg , Nnnni Pi.A-rrh. Neb , , Juno ' . ' . - [ Telegiam to tlio HKK.J Tlie folluvving tele- has just b ; on tei'clvi'd by the leglater and receiver : , 1) , O , .linin 2. Allow no moie pinvmption , tlmbw uiillino or de ort land nlliiL's or untiles null ! Inilber oideis. Ciiciilats by mull , WM. A. J , HI-AIIKS. Slate KxniuliiarlniiN for Tcnoliors. r , Neb. , Juno ' 4.-Speclal | t > the UIULTlio ] state Hiieilntiiilent | has ap pointed examlnatloni , foi btalo Die and Mate liistgrado toitlllcales to be held at tlilh place Ai ust K ) , 17 iind 18-1 m mediately alter tliu i-losu ot tliu suinmtr tcttu of tliu I'ti'inont noi mul. Uun.iln County .Solilinr.s' Itcnnlon. Sirii/io.v : , .NVo. Juiiu a. iSjieclal to th HII.JThe : : soldier * reunion of Hu couniyj vv as declilcd to-day to be la-Id In Jon , July 'Jaiid y. The cltl/eus. of haviialsoiaUed money lor the puinoso ot cik'biatlui : on tlWUd.of July. In