Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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" -
_ -Aaij
j Dr , Ghafi. D , Lilly Dies from the Effects
\ f ofjr'"Mysterious Accident.
Xlio New Developments In It Vostcr-
lny The Hloinnti IJros' Failure
oil on a Train Kail-
road .Votes , Ktc.
A Had AfTAlr.
Yesterday inornlnfcabont 4 o'clock , Ir
Clins. 1) Lilly , .1 truest at tlio Arcade
holol wiis foiinil lyitii * on tlio pavement
in front , bruised niul bleeding. A torri-
bio guflh vyns on the left side of Ills torn-
pie , just above the cyo , wlnlo hU anklu
was fractured. Ho was picked up in an
unconcious condition and carried up to
Jits room in tlio hotel. It was quito evi
dent that he had either jumped out of
flic window , or had fallen out , for lie was
in his nightgown.
A telegraph wire which stretched a few
feet below the third story window , from
wliiuli Lilly had fallen , was found to bu
t > rokcn , and had undoubtedly cased tlio
t and prevented inst-uU death ,
w'oiiUltotherwise have resulted
All day long tlio unfortunate man was
il charge of Dr. ( Joll'nian , assisted
iy other physicians , who did
r\ory thine in thuir power to pave him.
Jlr vViis UMCOIISCU , ions most { of the time
linviiiK hccn placed under the inlluenco
of opiates early in the day. It is millo
evident that sonio of thu cerebral blood
rebels have boon ruptured , for the hem-
jnoirlmttc from the nose , mouth and cars
lias been very h'jvero
Tlio manner in which the accident oc
curred is a matter of some mystery. The
in o.s t plausible theory is that the night
beiiitr warm , Lilly went to sice. ) ) by the
window , which is a very low otic , ami
losing his balance fell out. The idea
that ho intended to commit suicide , or
that he was intoxicated at the time , is
ccouted us too ridiculous to bo enter
Dr. Lilly was a man about thirty-live
years ol ago. Ho was formerly n prac
ticing physician in Chicago , but removed
from tliat place about four years ago and
cnusicpd in the drug business at Louis
ville , iCy. Two years ago ho removed to
O'Connor , Neb. , and engaged in the
practice of his profession ami conducted
a drug More at the same time. Ho is a
cousin of Drs. T. A. & I. N. Lilly , of
Chicago. The deceased arrived in
Omaha on Sunday evening ami .staid at
the Areade On Monday ho purchased a
bill of goods of the 11. T. Clarke Drug
company. He retired to his room about
II o'clock on Monday night , after having
been engaged in a conversation in front
of the hotel with a Mr. liolpway. This
was the last seen of Dr. Lilly until his
mangled remains were found upon the
pavement at 4'JO ! o'clock yesterday
morning , in front of the Arcade hotel.
The presumption is tiiat Im took a scat in
n chair near the window to cool himself
nnd then fell asleep , and upon awaken
ing suddenly stopped out of the window
by mistake. His remains were taken to
Coroner Drcxol's ollieo yesterday after
noon , where an inquest was held , the
jury returning .i verdict in accordance
with the above facts. Mr. Charles Dau
bach , of the 11. T. Clarke Drug company ,
yesterday afternoon telegraphed to the
friends of the deceased , and received ro-
nlics from all ol them- The remains will
lie enclosed in a metallic casket and will
bo sent on the first train this morning
over the Missouri Pacific to Louisville , Ky.
How tlic Alleged Forger Crosby wus
Tlio case of the State vs. Powell was
called I'm tlio district court yesterday.
The attendants were the same as have
been present at all the sessions which
have tints far taken place.
John Timmins was placed upon tlio
stand for the defense and testified to un
important facts. After which Crosby , tlio
young man who is alleged to have
commuted perjury in testifying that ho
bad been told by Leslie that ho ( Lrslio )
and two others had intended to shoot
Powell on the night that Leslie , himself ,
was killed. Ho was questioned by Mr.
Buniham as follows :
"Since you loft the witness stand have
you met any of the witnesses for the
"Which of the witnesses have you met
since you left the stand ? "
"Since you loft the witness btand have
you made a statement that you have tes
tified to what was not true , and that you
had been bribed to swear to it ? "
"Did yon over speak to the defendant
or to his relatives with reference to this
case , or did ho .speak to you ? "
"After you loft the witness stand were
you arrested ? "
"Wero you intimidated by a mob of
men at Florence which forced you to con
tradict what you had testified to ? "
"Did you go to the house of Mr. Hald-
win witii Dr. Solomon to meet this man
Simpson ? "
"Has any ono acting for the de
fendant , or any of his relatives or
friends , induced you to swear that what
you have already testified to was false ? "
To all of .tliesu question the state , re
presented by Messrs , KsU'llo and Uald-
win. refuse to allow an answer to bo
made. Their objections were sustained
by the court , and Crosby was consequently
quently unable to deny the stories which
have been told about his connection with
Iho case.
Thocaso was then closed and Mr. BaldWin -
Win commenced his address to the jury.
Ho was followed by Mr. Qltumham for
the defense. District Attorney Kstollu
will close for the St-ito to day , .
Crosby in conversation with a reporter
id Unit ho hail made a confession to
Juduo Italdwin. that Shipley , ( ono of
I'o well's friends ) had bribed him to tes
tify as ho did , simply to get rid of Bald
win who was pestering him with ques
tions. "I wasn't on oath when 1 was
talking witli Hald\\ , "he said , "and 1
could say what I pleased. "
Crosby further denied most strenuously
that bo li.ul perjured himself , or that ho
bad received any bribe 11101103 %
Ml' , linrnham Powell's
, attorney , was
very indignant at what ho called n can-
n l' gotten up uy ono of the counsel for
thu prosecution. "This is a coctc-ruul-
bull yarn lie t > aid which will bu exposed
when the time comes. I believe I am
too shrewd and too honest to allow llald-
win to catch mo napping in that way. 1
don't know the first thing about the al
leged bribery , and am just as ready to
huvo a full examination as any QUO. No ,
sip , I havo'pot been near Crosby yesterday
because if 1 did , thu prosecution might
Do-tempted to accuse mo of trying to in
fluence him. " -tM
In the district court this morning , J.
. T. Morlarty , attorney for Mrs. Sweeten.
< tiled n petition to restrain her luisbam
from. calling at her rooms , removing her
property , or in any manner intimidating
tier during the pendency of tlio divorce
proceedings , for which she has petitioned
It scums that since Mrs , Sweeten lilei
r Uor petition her husband has coiuo homo
Hnd threatened her life , and fo > ' whiel
disorderly conduct ho is now in jail.
Judge Wakoloy yesterday passed
Ulo oases of Kaufman vs. liollii , liarkci
v , Cannon , ami Kltclsohn vs. Miller
UtorlfY , The matter of the estate o
Kulcy vs. House ) , to eject the latter fron
W $ 8 , block 362 , is under consideration
It involves the titio to the lot in question
brought about by tax sale and a will.
The case of McAleor vs. Mcllugh was set
for 2 o'clock this afternoon , Tlio case of
Hohlnson vs. Joslvn was continued and
that of Schirs vs Lucas was transferred
to the equity docket.
.Sloinnn HI-OB , Vntt Tor n Imrqo
llrndstreet's local agency definitely an
nounced yesterday the failure of one
of Omaha's large leather and .saddlery
lobbing linns , Sloinan iiros. , of 1207
Douglas street.
For months past the friends of tlio firm
linvo been expecting the crash to come ,
and the only wonder lias boon that tlio
failure was " /staved / oil' " as1 long as it was.
According to the llgiircs at present at
tainable , the liabilities of the firm are
about $75,000 and thn assets not over
$35,000 or $ 10,000. Mortgages amount
ing to sf.17,1)17.77 ) have been given to
various parties tosocur'.1 the indebtedness
of Iho firm. Of the amount about$10,003
appeals to bo duplicated. Tim mort
gages have boon given as follows :
Herman C. Toehhoimor of Detroit ,
i ? . ! . ' ! , KI7.77.
B. U. Page & Co. Chicago , ? o,100.
C. A. Hi Mow , $ ' . ' ,550.
S. KalUIWO. .
Mover Hellman , $5,003.
S. A. Sloinan. ? ll,700. !
There nro other liabilities which will
swell the amount to $7ii,00' ) Samuel A.
Sloinan an older brother who up to a
few month ago was connected the firm
lias boon appointed receiver for the con
cern by an order of Judge Dundy's. ' Mr.
Mr. Sloniau is endeavoring as rapidly as
possible to straighten out his aIIairs
preparatory to alluding a settlement.
A gentleman who is well acquainted
with the nliairs of the firm , in speaking
of the failure said to-day : "Tho cause
of the failure is bad management of bus
iness a Hairs , The firm have been getting
deeper and deeper into the holeand have
of late got to borrowing notes from
their friends and getting them dis
counted. These notes are known
is "accommodation paper , " for
they were given without any
return value. These morlgages were
liven to secure some of these accoinmo-
latiou notes. The fact is that for two
rears the linn huvo been drifting toward
jankrnplcy , and hist fall S. A. Sloinan ,
who was really backing the establish
ment with his money , withdrew , taking
with him all his capital. This left only
\lorris \ Sloman in the firm. Things went
'rom bad to worse until in March last
iiradsti cot's telegraphed eastern business
inns , warning them of the condition of
ill'airs. I am" only surprised that the
slomans have kept afloat as long as they
uvo. "
The Mysterious Ml1 * fortune of a Cliap-
ninn Stuolcninii.
Ofliccr Mostyn wasengaircd yesterday in
ookmg through the various "joints" in
ho city for tlio stolen property of a
Jhapman ( Nob. ) stockman , who was
obbcd on a Union Pacilic train on the
20th of May last.
Tlio story told by the victim , Mr. John
jr. Nordgren , is as follows : Ho boarded
, lie train to como to Omaha , having in
ils possession two .suits of clothes , about
P7,00u in money and $1,300 in notes , to-
; cthor with a. watch valued at $100 or
25 , At Grand Island ho got oil' and de-
jositcd the $7,000 in tlio bank , reserving
ibout $25 for expense money. Just after
leaving Grand Island he fell asleep and
when lie awoke it was to find that IIP had
l)0 ( n robbed of a suit of clothes , his watch
and chain and the $1,000 worth of notes.
There was not the slightest clue to tlio
thief and none of the passengers in tlio
coach had noticed at any time that thcro
were any suspicious looking strangers
carressing " the pockets of tlie sleeping
Coining to Omaha Nordgron inserted
an "ad" in tlio BEUoffering a largo re
ward for the stolen property. Monday
ho received a reply , written by a man
who claimed to know whore the stolen
goods were , which announced that for a
heavy consideration , the stolen property
would bo returned to Mr. Nordgren ,
That gentleman at once replied with an
advertisement which appeared in last
night's UKK , as follows :
jjiiss NAr-JloO rewind ( "U n. " ) for my
X papoiH Intact : t-ciul to mo C. O I ) , by ox-
lirc-sto John fl. Noidmcu , ( Jlmptmui , Neb. , or
wiito how urn ] Hlioio 1 cim Best I Hem. 1 uonlil
Hhuniori' , lint tlio rullioiul Ims Hindu dup'lcatos '
ofnciitly nil , John (1. Nonlgion. U18-1
Nothing has boon heard from the mys
terious advertiser as yet. The police say
that in all probability ho is a detective
fishing for tlio job of recovering the
stolen goods.
Yesterday after much rdjligoiit in
quiry and careful work , Ofliccr Mostyn
succeeded in recovering the clothes in
Robins' pawn shop on lower Farnam
street. The prolability t\ that the rest of
the stolen properly will bo in reach be
fore the close of another twenty-four
homy. _
Bids for ilie Kvlilciice.s of Omaha's
At noon yesterday City Treasurer Buck
opened bills for two sets of city bonds ,
which arc to bo sold for the purpose of
enabling tlio school board to redeem tlio
bonds of the selioo ) district of this city
which become duo ontholstof nextJul J
The first section of those is fcr 10,000
of e'ty of Omaha funding bonds , dated
November 1 , 1880. ami payable Novem
ber 1 , 11)00 ) , bearing 7 per cent , semiannual
nual interest. Twenty bonds each for
For these McCaguo Hros'bid $11,02 : ) ;
Howler & Morril of Hango , Me. , $12,005 ;
Hlake Hros. of Hoiton , $11,115 ; S , A.
Kean of Chicago , $11,100 ; N..W. Harris
of Chicago , $11,755 , and the Vermont Na
tional bank , of Hrattlohoro , Vt. , $11,875.
The bids upon the Omaha alloy district
paving bonds , bearing 0 per cent duo at
various puiiods up to Augu-,1 1st , 188H ,
and amounting to $20,500,1110 following
weio received.
N. W. Harris , $21,000 ; Howler & Mcr-
rll , $20,00Hlako ! ; Hros. . $20,710 ; Vcr.
niont National bank , $21,875.
For the $17,000 bonds section , the county
of Douglas was the only bidder. Thcso
bonds are to run only ono year , and tlio
county's bid , which was thu only ono
made , was $17,500. The county will pay
lor them witli its own bonds , to bo sold
Juno 1 , 18 < t. .
The highest bidders for the $10,000
amount were Howler & Merrill : for the
$20,500 , the Vermont National bank , of
Hrattloboro , Vt
The others will doubtless go to Iho
county. The board of education will pass
upon the bids at the next meeting.
A Dashing Uuuaway.
Yesterday at 3 o'clock 0110 of t'io '
light delivery wagon * of the city steam
laundry wont tearing cast on Farnam be
hind a frightened horso. It collided with
a farmer's wagon opposite iul. Wit-
tig s , nearly overturned a buggy
at Fourteenth street , caino near
running down a woman at the Thirteenth
street crowing , and when last seen it was
seattoiing pedestrians on all sides on
Tenth street , The wagon was a now
one ami seemed substantially con
structed , because it was submitted to tlio
severest tests.
COO acres land in Thaycr ( county , Neb. ,
to sell or trade for merchandise , Address
John Limlcrholm , 014. S. 10tuSt.Ouiaha ,
Fruits VcRltnblcs , Merits and Fish
Prices nnd Varieties.
Warm weather is here , nnd with' It th $
markets are beginning to assume a do-
cldcdly "suminerish" aspect. In tlio
way of vegetables there are few changes
to note from the list given last week , ex
cept that homo grown articles arc be-
coining more plentiful and cheaper. Homegrown
grown strawberries arc likewise be
ginning to bo placed on the market , and
the consequence is that the red luscious
fruit is no longer tlio expensive luxury
that it used to lie.
In the line of lisli and meats there are
no changes to note. HIuc fish , one of the
piscatorial delicacies appreciated at this
season of the year , are dally expected.
New cucumbers , warranted to W-tip ,
sell for 10 to 12cents each. Caulillowor is
worth from 10 to 15 cents a head. Parsley
is sold nt 5 cents n mincli.
Now hot-house radishes two
bunches for a nieklo. Lettuce
live heads for a quarter. Splnnach
sells for 25 cents a puck. Now green
onions , four bunches for a dime. Tansoy
and mint 0 cents a bunch. Water
cress 5 cents a bunch. Pic-plant 2 cents
a pound , Now turnips 'JJ cents a pound.
California parsnips and carrots
3 pounds for a quarter. Now pota
toes , from 50 to 00 cents a peck. Peas sell
at ! t and -I quarts for a quarter. Homegrown
grown asparagus , live bunches for 25
cents. String beans sell for 25 cents a
rjuarier of a pock. Now beets are soil
ing at 5 cents a bunch. Now tomatoes 25
cunts a nomul.
Now California oranges from 30
lo 50 cents a do/.cn. California seed
less oranges sell from 45 to 75 cents a do/-
en. Lemons bring from 25 to Itf cents ,
tlio outside price being for very choice
ones. Haiuums tire worth from 25 to ! ! 5
cents a do < am. Strawberries can bo pur
chased for 10 to 12 } cents a quart. Pine
apples are worth from 25 to CO cents
eacn. California tartarian cherries are
\vorth 25 cents a pound ; southern cher
ries , 15 cents u quart.
\Vhitofish and trout arc selling for 15
cents a pound. Salmon steaks are worth
25 cents a pound.
Frosli codlisli is to bo purchased for 15
cents a pound , while halibut steaks are
worth 25 conts. Eots are worth 20 cents a
pound. Flounders are worth 12J cents a
Douhd. Sea perch are worth 12Jc a
[ ) ound. Salt codfish tongues sell for 12
ji'iits a pound. l < rosli lobsters sell at25
North river shad soil at $1 each for
roe and 05 cents eacli for bucks. Taun-
ton herring are in market at 5 cents each.
Fresh perch arc now in the market ,
and sell at 12j cents a pound. Fresh
catfi h also on hand , selliing at 15 cents a
pound. Hull'alo is just in season ; ircsh
caught , 10 cents a pound. Pickerel arc
now in the market , fresh , and sell at 12 }
cents a pound. Fresh mackerel are
worth 15 cents apiece. Fresh pike still
tor 15 cents a pound , as do also black
uas . Croppio and porch retail for 12J
cents per pound.
Frogs' legs sell at-10c per
MIA.T , rpt'i.TiiY AND OAMI : .
Spring lamb is ono of the delicacies-ofJ
the season. The hind quarters bring
P1.50 each , tlio fore quarters $1.25.
The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 cents ;
rumps and upper part of round steak at
12 } . Roasting ribs , linn and juicv. can
bo bought from 10 to 12) ) "cents.
"Veal comes high , from 15 to 20
cents , according to tlio choiceness
of the part. Sweet breads can bo pur
chased at 25 cents a pair. Corn beet is
selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to
cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had for
12j cents ; mutton chops 12 } to 15 cents
ILim is worth 12 } cents in bulk. 20 cents
sliced. Porl. , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage ,
10 to 12 } cents.
uurrr.K AND EROS.
Butter , from 15 to 25 cents a pound.
The latter price is for the bo&t creauicrv.
Uggs bring 10 cents a do/.cn.
Ilnil Notes. ;
Circulars were received in this city yes
terday announcing that General Superin
tendent Whitman , of the Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway , has
appointed Mr. Henry S Jaynes superin
tendent of the Nebraska division , vice
Mr. James McCabe. The latter hc.a boon
appointed superintendent of the eastern
and northern divisions. Mr. Jaynes from
1878 to 1881 was chief clerk in the oflico
of the general superintendent of the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha
railway. Since 1881 he lias been general
claim agCnt of that company , with head
quarters at St. Paul. Mr. E. L. Poole ,
formerly special agent for the claim de
partment , lias been Miado claim agent to
succeed Mr. Jayncs1.
Mr. J. A. Grilliths left the Union Pacific
freight department yesterday to assume
his duties as commissioner of t ho newly or
ganized freight bureau. His headquarters
are rooms I ) and 10 in the Nebraska Na
tional bank building. For the presents
his work will bo divided up among tlio
other oflicials of the department. For
the present alJ correspondence in charge
of Air. G. will bo attended to by JirT
The train from the ( Joust yesterday
was a largo ono , the number of passen
gers for tlio east being largely in excess
of those for several days past.
Messrs. Dorranco , Cronnso , Slcbbins ,
Calloway , Morao and Poppleton wont to
the Hlufls this morning , to again attend
the sessions of the Iowa railway com
mission at that place.
No. 2 on the Union Pacific from the
west did not coma in until ! ) ; ! ! " ) o'clock.
She was ono hour and forty-live minutes
behind time. The delay was oc iioncd
by the engine gcltin" hot in some of her
bearings. She was No , 825 , and was out
on her lirst trial trip.
Yesterday's train over the Chicago ,
Hurlington it Qiiincy from Chicago was
forty-live minutes late , The delay was
occasioned by the derailing of the
hleonor at Woodburn , low.i. There was
no damage sustained.
The suburban train arrived in town
yesterday on time , i It brought in
about oighty-lho passengers , ' of whom
thirteen wont to the other side of the
river. This is a gratifying increase ever
tlio number of passengers brought in
yesterday morning. Hallway ollieials
think that the train is going to satisfy a
long felt want.
The Union Pacific depot yostordu
presented an animated and metropolitan
appearance. From 10 to 11 o'clock , there
were not less than 200 people on the ,
platform waiting for trains. Hy the now
order of tilings four trains arrive and
depart within about fiftteon minutes.
They are the suburban , at 11 , No. U from
the east at 10:5' : ' , the dummy from the
IHulls at 11.02 and the Missduf.11'-icilio at
the same hour. A largo majority of
those in wutiug took the overland at
10.55 , which , by the way , was crowded
to its utmost. This train was about
thirty minutes behind time ,
Tlio nuhle Murder.
Yesterday William Fielder the
man who was arrested for complicity in
the murder of Chnstof Ruble , was
brought in lo Justice Hclsloy's court for
preliminary examination. After a
brief examination , ho was recommitted
to jail without bail on a charge of mur
der , The complaint filed against him
in Judge Helsley's court alleges
that William Fielder has committed Jhe
said crime , to-wit : On the Ifith day of
May , 1880 , the paid William FJolder then
and there did purposely nnd of delib
erate nnd premeditated malice with a
deadly weapon which the 'said William
Fielder hcli ) in his right lumd"ihjuuud ,
thcro inflict in and upont the throat of
Tthe-said Christ Ruble , stirious and fatal
Vouiids , from the effects of which
woun'js the said Christliluhle then and
there died , in the county and state
nfotesaid. "
Hurton , the other man arrested with
Fielder , was released.
ThodetectUosin charge ' of the caio
claim that the evidence against rieldcr is
accumulating and itcan bo proven with
out the Shadow of a dohbt that ho was
implicated in tin plot to murder
Ruiilo. Detective Siddalls left last night
for St. Paul to tuko into wustody a man
who was arrested there at ono of tlio
principals in the crime. Jt is said that a
number of persons were implicated in
the plot , ami that among- them was a
woman now living in Omaha.
Opolt's Hotel , Lincoln , Neb. , opened
March 15th , first class in every respect.
A Base Desertion.
Yesterday a little boy coarsely clad
with a handkerchief containing a few
articles and lingering about thirty cents ,
and about 7 years old , was crying among
tlio throne al the Union Pacilic depot. As
nearly as could bo learned from him his
name was Frank Mathers. Ho had been
taken to raise by a man of that name ,
then put in the poor house at Shelby , hi ,
His stepmother ho says , lives in Omaha ,
but lie did not know whore to hud her.
Ho had been accompanied lo this point
by Ills father , who , lie says , put him off
here and told him to hunt up his mother ,
while the patent went on to Lincoln. Tlio
boy was a simple child , scarcely able to
talk and this tale , when dragged out of
liim called for repeated expressions of
anger from the spectators. Ho was fin
ally taken charge of by OIHcor Green of
the depot police.
City OIHcor Turnbull , in a conversa
tion witli a reporter yesterday said
that four saloon keepers were still delin
quent in the matter ot filing properly ac
credited bonds. The Law anil Order
League have boon very strict in regard
to compelling saionists to furnish bonds
which amount to something , and the con
sequence is that it has required a good
deal of hard scraping on tlio part of some
of them to give the necessary security for
tlio proper conducting of their business.
Unless these four men come to the
front to-day they will bo ar
rested and brought into the police court
tor trial. The league will attend to their
prosecution , and close them up if pos
sible. _
That Pruin Corps.
Monday morning Iho Gate City drum
corps , which led a detachment of Grand
A rmy men to the depot lo meet a squad
of old veterans from the lilulls to take in
pur. ) do of Decoration day , caused havoc
among tlio express rigs at llio Union Pa
cilic depot. One of tlio teams belonging
to Fred Smith started to run , dragged the
wagon and horse belonging to Frank
Rober after it , until finally the latter ran
away and dashed against a telegraph
polo near tiio H. & M. depot and got
pretty badly used up. Rdbcr's damages
lire : rather extensive , and ho feels he will
be compelled to pay for'tlicm himself.
Cut by a "Woman.
Sandy Knight , formerly a. . member of
tlio police force , but latterly a barkeeper
in "Shoity's" saloon on Twelfth and
Dodge streets , was stabbed by : i woman
n'amen Huttic Anderson shortly before 1
o'clock yesterday. Knight was just
closing tip the place , when a woman
came in and after talking a few moments
Wjth him , made a desperate.lungu at him
with a knife. She slabbudi Jiim directly
above thoMioart , and bailer the kmle's
glancing-off a rib , the result must event
ually have been fatal. Jealousy was the
cause of the deed. Knight will undoubt
edly recover.
Estate of Mnyne.
Articles of incorporation were filed with
the county clerk yosteiday by the C
E. Maync Real Estate and Trust com
pany. The object will bo to buy and sell
real estate and transact a general loan and
tiust business and soil all manner of pub
lic and private securities. The capital is
sot at $50,000 , witli power to increase the
same to $100,000. Stock is to sell at $ COO a
share. The incorporators are C. E.
Mavnc. David Jamison , A. H. Mayne , E.
E. Mayne and L. R. Mayue.
German Thespians.
It definitely decided { yesterday
that there will bo a Sunday night per
formance , by a first-class Gorman the
atrical and operatic company nt tlio
Boyd , at least for fifteen , and possibly
thirty weeks during tlio coming season.
The length of the engagement will here
after be determined.
Absolutely * Pure.
This powilornovor vurloi. A mixrvol of pir 11
ty , strength mid wlinlusoinoiiosn. More coon
otiilcul tliun tbo ordinary UtiJs. nnd cannot bo
Boklln competition ltli tho-.milltitiiilu of low
test , Bbortultrlit , nlum or iiliotiihnto powders ,
bold only In cans. KovM. UiKiKfl i'owUEit Co. ,
108WullBt.No\v York.
State Agents
DeckefBra'sfianos '
' Omaha , Neb.
OVER 400,000 aJNUSE.
lciUo. . niuiiuiuriurrUBmi , u nt
Cnrrluo UiOldtrt tuiil Dealer *
Real Estate Brokers ,
. Millard Hotel Block , Omalia. Neb.
Do a S ; sson ousmess ,
Have Improved and Unimproved property in all parts of Oiualiajhave
the most desirable Farms and Lauds in Nebraska and Iowa.
Splendid lirick Store ami Hotel , 111 rooms in South Omnliit $ I < , fi00
Splendid residence lot in Millnrd Place , convenient to business ; cheap at ; tooo
East hnlf of lot ; i8 , HniT OaklooxliiO feet ; bargain at SW)0 ! )
Uusincss block on Itth street , between Douglas and Dodge , cheap v 18,000
Will exchange for Omaha property or Nebraska land , splendid brick store , with slock of goods , in live
town in Nebraska , on railroad 8,000
Half block in West Omaha 0,500
Lot in Hanscom Place 1,0,10
Two lots in Lowe's addition 1,125
Splendid residence lotinKcyes' addition , near 20th ami Hnrncy streets 1,500
House and- lot in Idlewild , near cars 1,000
Elegant property , 2-ld and Douglas , paying good rental ; a bargain 12,500
New and payiiiffsfeum Holler , nt Scotia , Grecley county , Nebraska ; at a bargain
Lots in Kilby Place , Kirkwood's , Uedick's
2d Add. , Himebaugh and Saunders Add. ,
Howe's Add. S. E. ' Add. Claren
. , . . Rogers' . ,
don and other choice locations at bar
gains and easy terms.
100 feet square s.w. cor. Virginia and Pop
pletoii Ave. , very desirable for a home ,
House and lot in West Omaha , $ l,8oo.
House and lot in Hanscom Place , $5ooo.
isos rp'.A.iEWsr.A.jCvd : srr.
Pi-actico limited to Diseases of the
Glasses fitted for all forms of defective
Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted.
Potter & Msgeaih ,
Reporters and Copyists' ,
Btnto Agents for Xebruskii.
O ( C
Typo-wiltcr supplies and pnpcr kept In stock.
Bend forcfkttlloKUO.
St , Cor. Capitol Avenue.
roil THE TnrATHFNT OK All.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. MoiyiENANIYTProprlotor.
Milieu years' ' Hospital mid 1'rivato I'railice
Wolimo tlio facilities , apparatus und iiiuedlf-s
for the Buccenful trcattnentof c\cry form of ells-
ia o requiring tllhcr medical or urilcal treatment ,
and ln > lie nlfto come nnd lii > r llutu | for tbomiilm
ur correspond Mllh us. Ixing c perltnco In treat
ing cases l > y litter enables us to treat insnr cesei
scientifically \Utlioitt hcclni ; tliun.
WHITE i'OIt CIUCUI.AU on Deformltlet pd
Ilrncrv. Club Feet , Curvatures of tlio Spine ,
DISEASES oi" VOWFK. I'lleD , Tiimorf , ConccM ,
C'utarrb , Hroncliiti" , Inlialatlon , Lleculclty , J'ural-
ji\t \ , Epilepsy , Klducy , ye , Ear , bkln , Illood and
nil iir lcal operallont.
Iliitterlrs , Ijiilaleri , Urnccs , Triissf" , and
ill Kinds of Medical and Surfilcal Appllaucie , man
ufucturcd and for eale , . . . . . . . , ,
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special n Nervous Diseases
' rA hl'l.CJAI.IVi
from nhatmcr causeprouillH.succefsfiilly trcatei ,
tVe MU romo\e Byplillltio poleou IrOu IhoeyiUir
without mercury. . . . . .
New rettorath c treatment for IOIB of Ital power ,
Cull and consult us'or ' tend name and poft-orace
address plainly wrlttoo enclose stamp , and we
u 111 eud yon. In plain wrapper , our - - _ . ,
cr. hri'iitLis. HoNOniiuiTA , ULKET , VAIIICOCEIE.
. , O - TUB ( lEMTO-
HTWiM'Kl ! A > C All IHfEABEi
UmNAiu'OrtbANi , or tend history of jourcakofor
a"lWOWMmable to l.t n * may be treated at their
homea tvcoiriMiondencc. Mcdlclnrnnnd Initru
BlinU tininlymall oreriircmhKCUHEI.Y J'ACK
El ) FrtOM tBShjr\'ATlpX. no marl , to IndlcaU
contents jor render. One personal lutcnlur pre.
ferrcdUc enleut. Kifty roojni for the accom-
. noJatlon of patlints * board and nttcndauco at
reasonabic p\fccf. Addriati all Lettara to
Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute.
Cor istbSl'and CaoltglAieA OMAHA. NcS.
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From ,
QUO. IJUHKIt , Manasror ,
KICKEUENOKS : Merchants'and KainiuiV , David City , Ni'l > . ; Kearney National
tank , Kcninoy , Nob. : Columbus Stuto Coluinlmt , Ni'b. ; McDonald's Hank , Noith
'latlc. illUt. Omah.i National Jl.uik. VSIIIilllIlt AUJLJ . . . .
Will pay cuitoiniiis' dratt with bill ot ladini : attached lor two-thirds v.-.hio of block.
Display at their warerooms , 1305 and 1307 Favnam Street ,
the largest assortment ; of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials or workmanship.
1306 4. 1307 FARNAM STREET
g. AV , COll. 15111 AM ) I'AIt.V.V.n , OMAHA.
Property pi every description for siio : in all parts of the city , hands tor sale In
t mntv in Ni-bvabkn. A complete riot of Alutr.ioM of Titlus. of liousltis County kopt.
Maps of tlio City , Statu or county , or any other information desired furnished
dee of clmrao upon application ,