Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    3 .
nnd weaker ; western ,
Pork Steady and modcrntely active ; old
. .
Lard Opened firm but closed dull and a
shade lower ; western steam , spot , JO. 10.
Hiitter Dull nnd weak ; western , lOQICc ;
Elgin creamery , 10@irj < c.
Cheese Dull nnd lower ; western flat fy {
@ 7c ,
Mlnnenpoiin , , Tnno 1. Wheat Steady
nnd active for sninnlo lots of K < > od mllllntt
\vlieat ; futures dull ; No. 1 hard , cash nnd
Juno , 74Jc : July , 70c ; No. 1 northern , cash
nnd June , iljtfc ; July , 73c ; No. 2 northern ,
cash nnd June , C'Jc.
Flour-l'atenis , S4.40O4.CO ; bakers , 83.40
iiecclpts Two days , wheat , 233,000 tni ;
flour. 125bbls.
Hhipmunts-Whcat , 80,000 bu ; flour. 41,000
bblR.Wheat In Storc-3M4,057bu ; St. Paul , 018-
MIlwAiikoc , Juno 1. Wheat Easier ; , 74' ' < c ; July. 7'i.Ve ; August 70 ? c.
Corn Dull and lower ; No. 'J , 34 c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 ,
Ityo Lower ; No. 1 , 6 ! < c.
1'nrley Dull and drooplnj ? ; No. 2 , 4r e.
Provisions Steady ; mess pork , June , SS.M ;
July , S7.42 .
Cincinnati , June 1. Wheat Firmer ;
No. S , 7fK- .
Corn Easy ; No. 2 mixed , S5U ( 36o.
Oats-Lower : No. 2 mixed , SUXQiSU c.
Kyo-Inll ; No. , ' ) &
1'ork Dullat SO.OO.
Whlskv-Stcady nl S1.10.
St. I/oul . Juno l. Whtttt Weak ; No. 2
red. cash. TC 'QT.Wc ; June , 7.r ) , c.
Corn Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 30K@Slc ;
June , W ) * < e.
Oats Kasy ; No , 2 mixed , cash , CCQM c ;
June , 'J0 ! < ; c.
Jtve Firm ; Clc asked.
Whisky 81.10.
I'oik Easy at 38.00.
I < nnl Firm nt r > .70fr..75. (
Jiiiticr Dull nnd easy ; creamery , 14@lSc ;
dairy , ll@itc. :
Aftcinoon Hoard Wheat VS'e. ( ( lower.
Corn Firm nnd Ji'c higher. Oats Easy and
Ji'c lower.
Toledo , Juno 1. Wheat Active and
Bteady ; rash , 7C fMc. )
Corn Lower ; cash nnd June ,
Outs-Steady ; cnsh.liOc.
Oats No ( iiiotntlons. '
lilvcrpool , Juno 1. Wheat In poor de-
iimiid : new No. 3 winter , easy nt Oslld ;
now No. 2 sprlni : , easy atOs HJtfd.
Flour In iioordemandnnd dull nt 8s 2d.
Corn In treed demand lor snot nnd fair
dcmnnd for futuics : spot , steady at 4s 4d ;
June , steady at 4s > < ( i ; July and August ,
steady at 4s 'J d.
New OrlcaiiH , Juno 1. Corn Firmer ;
mixed , 4Gc ; yellow , 4jl40o ; white , Ale. .
Hog Products In lluht demand buthold-
ers lirm.
Oats ( Juletand llrm ; choice western , 39c.
Cornmeal Moderately active and higher at
1'ork 80.RO.
Lard Didl nnd a shad lower ; refined
tierce , $ r..S7J .
liulk Meats Shoulders , 34.10 ; long clear
nnd clear lib , 80.12 } .
Chlcnpo , Juno 1. The Drover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Itecelpts 0,500 ; shipments , 2.0CO ;
slow nnd .r > C10c lower ; BhmpiiiK steeis
$ ; btockcrs and feeders , st.OOCZ4.75 : :
cows , bulls nnd mixed , S-.00@i.T.r : ) ; bulk ,
S2.75.10 : ) ; throilhg Texas cattle , S2.50o ( >
! I.OO : Ki-ass ( .leers , 5 .lU@a.C5. corn-led ,
8.7r : ) ( ig4.bO.
HOKS Kccclpts , 23,000 ; stronc nnd n
shade higher : rough nnd mixed , S.75S4.10 : ! ( ;
paekiue nnd shippinc , 'Si.W@4.15 : ; light ,
JM70@4.CO ; skips , 2.5004:1.00. :
DSheep Kecelpts , 2,000 ; stronp ; natives ,
KniiKiiH City , Juno 1. Cattle Receipts ,
l.-ICK ) : shipments , COO ; market active nnd
nbout steady ; choice to fancy , Si.O'S5.7.r ! ) ( > :
common to ( rood. S4.00@4.1K ) : stockers and
feeders , 8 : .2rl.l5 ; cows , S2.40.50. : !
Hogs Hecelpts , 12.0UO ; shipments. 2,000 ;
market steady : good to choice , Si70(5i3.SO ( ;
common to medium , S3.40@J.G5. :
Br Iouln , Juno 1. Cattle Uccclpts ,
2.-100 ; shipments , t,200 ; marknt stronger on
good corn-fed cattle but other crad.-s quiet ;
choice shipping and export. S5.rx3. ; > .G' > ; com
mon to euod- S4,40@5.2. ' ; coin-fed Texans ,
ji.nOir4.1o : ( : cows nud heifers , S2.00@S.M ;
btockers and feeders. S.2T : ! (3-1.00. (
lings Kecelpts , H.OOO ; shipments , 3.0-JO ;
market active and steady ; butchers * and
best heavy , S4.10&HW : mixed packing , S:5. : < V5
< g4,0.-i ; light , S.bO@4.00. : )
Saturday Evening , June 1.
CATTI.I : The market was strong and ac
tive to-dav. Everything received found n
ready market and sold nt very satisfactory
prices. The light receipts fall far short of sup
plying the demand , nnd the packing house is
unable to run full force. Choice butchers'
stock Is in L'ooil demand , especially fat young
cows and heifers.
llodh The umrkot was active and the pens
were cleared early In the day. The receipts
continue liberal , nut there Is n ready minuet
for n good many mote than me niriving.' The market In slow nnd thuiels
very little demand for sheep of any grade.
iicKir'rs : : ,
Cattle . 200
llogs . 1500
I'rcvnllliiK Prices.
Showing HID prevailing prices paid for live
Block on tills market ,
Choice steers , iW : ) to 1500 Ibs . S4.80@ri.20
Choice steers , 1100 to 1JIOO Ibs . 4.00(35.15 (
Medium steers , 1250 to i00 : ! Ibs . 4.Wffl4.fl5 )
Fnt little steers 10.'iO to 11 SO Ibs . . . 4.50 4.C. >
( Jood feeders , 100 to 1000 Ibs . ll.fl.'i&a.Uft
Good to choice cows nud heifers. . . 3.00(34.00 (
Fair to metlium cows nnd heifers. . H.OJ@S,75
( iooil to choice bulls . 2. nx < ri,25 :
Medium bulls . 2.40@2.00
Coed to choice sings . 4.0K ( < r4.7.r
Medium stags . 8. xa.vr5
Choice Unlit nnd medium hogs . 3..V > ( : ifX >
( iood to rhoice lien vy hogs . 3.f 0tfi.55 :
( Jood to choice mixed ho is . S.55@i.OO :
Common rough grades . : ) .40 < ( < n.r 0
Choice to extra Miurn sheep
Itcprcsentatlvo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. Jso. Av. Pr.
15 040 84.00 18 1145 Pr.oo I
1 1000 4.15 54 12S4 oo
ISO 1002
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
i rtoo 2.50 2 1500 8.2.1
17 1(108 (
No. Av.
C.4 251
55 : m
fil 2.VJ
70 0
hi 210
6i 2.VJ
04 2.J1
02 254
CO 270
60 i ! J
73 2K
No. AV.
80. .
linnco of Prloos.
HIinwIiiBtho lilKlwst niul lowest prices paid
forlivo stock on this innrkut during thu past
tuvoii iliiyB , with comparatlvo vnltius ;
Dntos. Ihs. Ibs.
Tuesdny 4.03 ( 4.h5 5.00
Wednesday. . . .
4ix ; )
Sntuiday. . , 5.05
Monday. . .
Tueailny. . .
All sales of stock in thu market are made
rercwt , live wolnlit unless otherwise sUttcd.
lrad lioss sell nt Kc l > or Ib for all \veiilits.
"bklns , " or hogs wclKhlng less than 100 Ibs
novnltiu. Pa'Kiiaut sows are docked 40 Ibs
and t'nua to Ibs.
Jlogs all Bold.
battle market stronc.
C. T. Kcnyon. llovtnrd , marketed a load of
L. Anderson , Mead , marketed n load of
Morrisy Bros. , Hampton , sold n load of
S. U , Ulack , Elm Creek , disposed of a load
ol hoys.
C.i. \ . Champion , Dorchester , marketed n
load of liogs.
The hoe market wns Cc lower to-day than
one month nto.
0. 11. Hammond & Co. killed 1.12S head of
cattle last week.
H. Richards of Chadron marketed a load of
seventeen hulls.
K 1) ) . ( Inmtncl , Herman , marketed a load
ol sixty-four ho s.
Cooper it Tewksbtiry , WcculiiE Water.
Bold n load of hogs.
The North l.ouu Cattle company , Kiba , sold
two loads of hogs.
Hanks & Itlley. Albion , \\ctc on mo mar
ket with a load ot hoes.
Fisher & Wngnrr , Yoik , maikctcd a load
of sixty-live hogs to-dav.
K , W. lllack , Plnttsmnuth , was on the mar
ket with two loads of hogi.
J. A. Moote , Cllibon , sold a load of seventy-
three hogs on to-day's market.
A load of hogs \\ns .sold on the mniket to
day belonging to the Hank of Kwing.
Snell ife Agncw , Ashland. tllsptiMHl of a
load of sixty hogs on to-day's market.
A 10-lblmll belonging to S. H. Khvootl ,
Humphrey sbioutht siion : ! : tliu mniket.
P. Unit ) , a fremiunt. shipper to this market
from Sewanl , marketed aload of hous to-day.
S. H. Klnnod , Hiuniilitcys , wnsattlioynids
to-day and marketed forty-six head of cattle.
.1. Ho\\er , Hlancliaid. fame In to-day with
n train ol cattle which lie hold on the market.
1) . C. Uankin. ncll known live stock man
of Tnrkio , Mo. , was a visitor at the yards to
Mr. ( Jell/en , of tlio film of ( Jeitzen & Wag
ner , Yoik , was at the yards to-day and mar
keted a load ot cattle and a load ot hogs.
A. 1) . Scars. Uiarks ; Clias. Kcdlon , Noith
LOIIII : ! K. liav , South Hend ; Purklmist &
Wellx , Phillips , each maikcted a load of liucs.
F. Hey , Silver Creek , was at the ynidsand
mr.ikeled a load ofhius. .Mr. Hey hns sold
oycrnhuiulied loads ot stock oil this mar
A good many strangers are coming Into the
jnrch , looking niter feodeis , and letteis mo
received 1 1 oni a good many nioie Imiulring
after the .same thing.
The Drover's Journal predicts as follows
rogaidluc tho. slicep market : "Mutton sheep
niu likely to be rushed to market too treelv.
Kaisers may take It easy. Thcio will ho a
good demand lor all the good mutton sheep
that can bu for winded , piovided they uie not
'sunt to market very nenily in a lump. "
The new time table , which went into effect
on thu lir.'tt ot this week , could not bo ar
ranged MI ns to be moie Inconvenient for
those having t'lisinc.ssat the stoclv vnid" . The
train which formerly lett Omaha at 2 MO p. in.
and the tialn which lull the stock yards at
1:3) : ) p. in. tor Omaha , known as thu Lincoln
trains , have been taken olT. Two trains have
been put on , one leaving the stock yaids at
10:51 : , going cast , anil the other leaving
Oiiiana ntnio" ) p. in. , going west.
General MarkntR ,
Tuesday Kveiiinir , Jnnel.
Kens The market is slow and weak at Se. Choice flesh glass butter , 7@
10 ; interior , 4&0c. ; creamery , i@lSc. : :
CHBI > I : Fancv full cream Cheddars ,
new make , lie : Hats , 1'Jc : young
America , 12) ) < c ; linst quality Swiss cheese
15c ; second quality , U ! } < i@Uc , Limburger ,
IKal'-'e : skim Mats , C'10e.
Pot'i.Tiiv The market is not quite so
strong as last week on old fowls. Spring
chickens have been received the past
week , which sold readily at quotations. Old
towls , uer ilcwi'ii. 8'J.7.a'J5 ( : ) ; spring chlk-
ens , per dozen , S3.G02-I.OO.
Pitr.sKitvKs , JKLMES , ETC. Preserves , all
kinds , 'JWb. p Us per Ib. 10c ; do in pall
lots , per Ib. n > $ c : assorted 5-lb. palls per crate ,
( i palls , SM.75. .lellle.s , all kinds , first grade ,
20-lb. palls , per Ib. 8c ; assorted , lirst giade ,
Mb , palls , per crate , 0 palls , SU.50 : do
Mb. palls , per case , B doz. SiU5 : do , tumb
lers. per rase. 2 doz. , 81.40. Je ly. all kinds ,
second erade. : w-lb. pails , per Ib. 5c.
Pins' MIT. : Tnipn , KTC ings' tect , iwrK
bbl , S-I.OO ; doi \ bbl. 83.00 ; do. per kit , We
Lambs' tongues , pcrV bbl , 88.25 ; do , jier
kit , S'WO ; do , quart jars per doz , 8S.S5 ; do ,
pint jars per case , U doz. 50.75. Tripe , per yt
bbl 34.00 ; do per Mbbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit
Due.UOMII HONEY California , 15 ; stiaiucd ,
c ; Nebraska , IGc.
AlAi'i.i : SuoAK Uricks , per Ib , ISJ c ; pen-
cnkcs. per Ib. . Kic.
CiiANniuiai'.s Thcrois veryllttle dcmnnd
and tl'eie is not much stock being sold.
Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best
they can. Quotations are 85.50@I.OO ( per bbl.
Jersey are selling at S2.00 per bush b' c.
Coco AN UTS Per 100 , 85.00 ; less than 100 ,
85.50 !
NEW Ifias , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 8 nnd
10-lb boxes , per Ib , ICc , Dates , fancy Fard ,
12-lb boxes , per Ib , lie ; Persian , 50-lb boxes ,
per Ib , 10p Prunellcs. ao-lb boxes , par Ib ,
18c.PuovisioNRHam. . 10c ; oreakfast ba
con b@SKc ; clear bide bacon , 7 ( < ? 7 ! < c ; dry salt
Bides , 0 jOKe ; shoit rib sides. C' c : shoulders.
5c : mess pork. S12.50 uer bbl : dried beef , ham
pieces , We : lard , tierces , fiH'fe'to ; fXlb cans.
0Z ( ) > Vf 70 Ib cans ( Faiibanks ) , "t @ 'vaCI u
Ibcans , do , 0@OKc : 3 Ib cans. do. ,
boneless 1mm. lOc.
Nnw \ KHKTAHI..ES-Cabbaze , per crate ,
S5.00 southern eaullllower. per do/ . ,
Ji.OO82.75 ; home-grown asparagus , per
do/en bunches , : i5fti540e ; spinach , per bu ,
HOftMOc ; green onions , per do15q'20u ( ;
radishes , per doz , I5fic20c : lettuce , per do/ ,
80e ; pieplant , per Ib , Ic ; peas , per bush
box , 81.50 ; string benns , per bush box , 82.25
( ag2.50 ; wax beans per bush box , 8150 ;
cucumbeis , per doSi.CO ; squashes , per doz ,
81.75 ; onionssouthernper bbl , 35.00onions ; ,
southern , per bush box , 82.25.
BIANH : The market Is very quiet and
there 1& very little stock moving. Infeilor
stocks , 75c@l,00 ; good clean country. S1.25 ®
1.50 ; medium hand-picked , 81.yOffil.40 ; handpicked -
picked navy.
LEMONS Heavy shipments hnve , been re
ceived In New York city , bill as stocks are
reported light throughout the country no de
cline Is anticipated , but rather tinner prlees ,
as the warm weather Increases the demand.
Fancy Messina , per box , 3G.75@7.00 ; choice ,
per box , SD.50M < ! .75.
OiiANons With the present light receipts
stocks would move fast , but the jecelpts of
summer fiults has lessened the demand to
some extent. Los Angeles are quoted in Cal
ifornia at just twice the price of two months
ago. Prices hero are thu same ns last week ,
Los Angeles , 84.00 ; Mcdlteirancau sweets ,
84.00 : Klveisldeseedlings. ( ; River
side Mediterranean sweets , 34.75 ( 5.00 ; paper
rludSt. Mich. . 85.00.
BANANAS There Is not much change In
thu iimikct slncu last week , but prices aru a
littlt ) weaker If anything. Yellow , per bunch ,
S .00S.4.00. (
PINK Ai'ri.r.s Shipping stock , per doz. ,
Fi.ouu AND MIU.STUKFB Winter wheat
flour , best quality patent , 8.00@UO ! ) ! ; second
quality , 82.50@.00 : ! ; best quality spring
wneftt Hour , oatent , 82.MV < T J.75 ; bran , 55c
per cwt ; chopped feed , bOo per cwt : white
corn meal , We ; yellow corn meal , 70o per
cwt ; screening , COc per cwt ; hominy , 81.50
iicrcwt ; shorts , OOc per cwt ; graham , 81.7o ;
Imv , In bales. StyXKaff.OO per ton.
WOOL Medium , I2@l5cperlb ; tine heavy ,
10l4clight ; , 12@i5ccoarbe ; , 10@12c ; butry
wool , 2yl5o off.
LKATHKH Prime slaughter sole leather ,
28c faio ; ; prime oaK solo leather. S&itsye ,
lippor leather , per loot , 20 25c : liem.
kip. 75 < Ri > oo : oak kip , 85@aV3 ; 1'rench kip ,
81.00i1.25 ; hem. calf , 31.00@1.10 ; oak calf ,
Sl.OOMl.av. French calf , S1.25il.W ( ; Monx-co
Illinois , 84.75 ; Missouri , 8400.
HKAVV HAiiD\yAitK Iron , rates , S2.2.5 ;
plow btcel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steol.O 3
cast tools Co , TAglSc ; wagon siiokes , per bet ,
81.75CciAOO : hubs , per set , $1.25 : felloes ,
sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each. 75c ; axles ,
each , 75e ; s'luaro nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; cell
chain , per Ib , < X312c : malleabK C@8c : iron
wedges. 6c : crowbars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c !
spring steel , 7@8c ; Durden's horseshoes ,
84.40 : Durden's nuilo shoes , 85.40. liar bed
Wire , In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ib * Iron
Nails , rates , 10 to CO , 83,00. Shot 81.50 :
buckshot , 81.B5 : oriental powder , kegs , 83.50
( ! 4.00 : do. half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs ,
81,50 ; blasting , kegs , 83.S5 ; fuse , per 100 feet ,
50c. Lwd 13ar. 81.fia.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lead , Omaha , P. P.
7Kc ; white lead. St. Louis , pure , 87bU ; Mar
soillesgreen , I to 5 Bi cans , 20c ; French zinc ,
ereen seal. I''o ; French zinc , red seal , lie :
French zinc , in varnish asst , 200 : trench
zinc,75c ; vermllllon. American. Ibo ; Indian
red. lOir ; rose pink , lie ; Yelietian. red. Cook
son's. 2Vc ; Venetian , red , American , i c
pmtlrd. > > ! chroma yellow , genuine , Sue :
UBY PAINTS White lend , be : Kreneii zine ,
12c : Paris whiting , 2 > 4c ; whltlns gliders ,
15 < c ; whiting , com'l. Ike : lampblack , ( icr-
mantown. U'c : lamcblack. ordinary , ic :
I' usslan blue , CScltramar ttitieniso : van-
dyke. brown , ifc : umber , bumt , 4c : umber ,
ra r. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna. ra\v4c ;
Paris eteflii , crcnulnc , 25c : Paris green , com
mon , 2oc ; chrome green , N. * . , SOc ; eliromo
green , K , I2cennlinou : , Knpllsh , In oil ,
70e ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans I2c ;
raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke , brown.
13c : rcllncd lauiblack | ) , 12ccoaeli : blacKand
orlvy black , 10c ; drop black. lf > c : 1'russian
blue , 40c ; nllramarlno blue , Ibc : chrome
grrr-n. L. , M. , fc 1) : , 10c : blind nnd siiuttc
preen , L. , M. < fe ! > . , Ific ; Pnrls gteen , 18
ndian red , L'x : ; Venetian wd , IKJ ; Tuscan
2ic : American vermllllon. L. & 1) , . 200
yellow ochie , Oj ; L. M. itO. 1) . , ISc ; godes
ochre , Ifc ; patent dryer , Sc ; training colors
lleht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestim t nd
AND UiinMicALS Acid , carbolic ,
; acldi tait.irlc , Kc ? ; balsam copaiba , per
u > , 4. > c ; bark , sassafras , per H > 10c : calomel.
wr j , 72c ; chlnchonidla , per oitoo ; chloro-
( irm , per lt > , ftoc ; Doveis powders , IH.T B > ,
S1.2S ; epsom salts , iwr > , : ) Ke : glycerine ,
Hire , per Ib , 18c ; lead , ncetate , per Ib , 20c ;
ill , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , 81.00 : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
51.40 ; oil. origanum. ftOc : oniuin. sn.ti. > : mil-
nine , P. it W. , and K. > feS."per oz , 8 , * > c ; po-
.nsslinn Iodide , per lu , 83.00 ; sallctu , per oz ,
40o ; sulphate niiirphtne , | > er oz , S2.r 0 ; sul
phur. per Ib. 4e : strychnine , per o81,40. .
nd groceries
ini Harifls , per gallon : Knrnt-
ire , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacti , No. 1. 81.20 ;
Damar , extra. Si. 75 ; .Inpan , 70c ; asplmltum
extra , 6Sc ; sliellae , S3..W ; hard oil linlsh ,
l.W ) .
bl'iniT.S Coloirno spirits. 183 proof , 81.12 ;
lo 101 proof , 51.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
01 proof , 81.12 ; do , 1W proof , 81.11. Aleo-
lol , 188 proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Hedls-
tiled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. ( Sin blended ,
M..10@2.oo ; Kentucky bourbons , 8'-.00aO.)0 ( ( ) ;
M'titucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S3.00jJ0.50 ( ;
inldcn Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies ,
l.nOiri ( : o. Hrandles. Impoited , 85.00.tS.r)0 ( ;
lomi'stlc. Sl.iO@'i.oo. : ( Jlus , itniiorted , 84.50
( rffl.OO : < lom'stTc. S1.2T > fKI.OO. Kuini , Im-
> oitedS4.r 0 < v S.OO ; New ICngland. S1.7.rKtf2.00 ;
lomestlc , Sl.iXfc'J.oo. ' Cliampagnr.s , import
ed , per eae. . S > 2800@'M.OO ; Ameilcan , per
case , 510.KX ( < 51G.OO
Dry Goods.
PittNTS Ameilcan , 55 ! Arnold's. Uc : Co
chcco , Oc ; Manchester. Oc ; Lyman , fie ; Gloit
ter , 5Kc ; Dnnnell .lacqunrd. Oc : Dunnell
. .c ; Windsor. Oc : Pacluc. Co : Harmon
4Jc ; ; Anchor Shirtings , 4 } c ; Merrlmac ,
Shirtings , 4 > e : Uurwlclc , 4c.
Ui.r.AriiKD COTTONS armers' choice ,
c ao. c ; one , c ill 4 4 , 7 e ;
Hill , X. Wc ; Lonsdale , 8c ; Fruit , Sc ; Warn-
sutta , lOj/c.
COIISIT : J IANS : Kenrsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; Pcpperell , 7J c ; Indian Orchard , 63 ;
Naumkeag , 7c.
Di'cK ( Unbleached ) 8 07. Jfncnolla ,
llOu ; 0 oz. Magnolia , lite : So/ . West Point ,
lOKeUO Point , 12 } < Tc.
iMuiw.v COTTON Lawrence LL , So : Sha\v-
jiiut , LL. 5c : Heaver D.un LL , 5c ; At antic
Lh , fie ; Indian Head. 7c ; Wauchnsset , Hxjc ;
rrown XXX. OKc ; Clifton CCC , Cc ; Utica
( ' ( M c ; Atlantic P,6Kc.
CiinvioT.s Amoskeag , checks , OKe ; Amos-
keair , stiipes.B ! < fc ; Slater , stripes , S < j ; Kdln-
burg , 0 > ( fe ; Whlttcndnu , blrlpcs , 8c ; < ! U'n-
rose , Oc : Otis , checks , UJifc ; Otis , stripes , He ;
Koyal , C9fc : Amoskcasf , napped , 10 > c : Lu-
ray. book fold , 12e : Obeion , book feM , llJife ;
L'nduiancc , book fold , l-'c.
TICKI.NOH Amoskeag ACA 12l c : Thorn-
dvke OOO , 7ic ; 'I luirndyke tancv , fl c ;
York , 10' ' c : York fancy. I2fc } : 3Iilbiuy ,
12 > , < c ; Peail Kt\er , ll'fc ; Hamilton , 12c ;
Swift iC'.ver. ' 0 cShetucketS. ; 8 > ieShetuck- ;
et SS , 9fc : Moutauk AA , 12u ; Moutauk BH ,
lie ; Omeg ACaA , We
Dr.Nists Ucnvcr Creek AA , lie ; Beaver
reeklJIJ.lOc ; Heaver Cieek CC , ! c ; .lalfrisy
XX , lie ; Jatfrey XXX , 12c ; .lallrcy I ) & T ,
I2 c : Columbian , I2) < c : YOIK. iJc : : York ,
fancy , 13 > c : Kv'erett , lite ; Haymaker's blue
nnd Drown , 7Kc.
DUCK ( coloiod ) Boston 0 oz. brown and
drnb , liiKc ; Boston O H brown nud irab ,
He : Boston XX brown and drab , lOc ; Boston
XXX brown and drab , HKc ; Boston 0 P
blue , IXe ; NVarren Tricot. 15c ,
. IH'sllPf IJ'ls Q'r Ublsiris Krs
KIW HOB. 200 100 W 50 40 12 10
Munn'B B't No.l I/b n 00 a 50 3 a ) 1 80 1 CO 5 , 50
T.'fro nih'iui KIIIII.I-r. BUI , : 26 T i T i in . & ' ! 47
H'J Sh'ro K'cy , r > B03 | 25.2 87 1 071 | 40 | cy 47
FISH.llbls HiriiblaO'rUlils 1'nlls or kits
NEW FISH. 200 1UU IK ) DO 40 is la 10
KKK Hor'invs 1 [ 2 000 505 BOH 1.3 70 02 80
Norwegian I
KK HcrrliiRS. 11 000 005 41 ,5U , W 2 CO 80
lrlntlliKS ! 8 004 ! 50 4 OOJ2 W.I . OJ 68 00
Bbls-'llulf ' nblo'Q'r ' Ilhls1u
new rig n. SOU I 100 90 W 40 (0 ( u
niOfttorMess 35 00 18 00 18 25 3 K > 7 3dl , 03
Ex. No. IBh'r 24 00 13 60 11 IW 6 90 6 ! Ul | 40
No. 1 Shore 18 00 60 8 6J 4 N ) a SO 1 10
MedUNo. 1 Shore. . . 1300 ! 700 0 35 y 65'2 9J -
" " liny U 00 C 00 6 45'3 ' 05 2 60
r.nrgo 9 03 6 00 4 652 | fu 10
Fat 7 00 4 00 3 K > .V 05 1 70
LAKE visa.
IVt Bbls Kts
NEW KI8IL 100 80 50 40 12 1(1 (
No. 1 White Fish 0 UOC 4 > : i 30,2 70 Iti i H >
Family " 300U TOll 701 .W M , 50
No. ITront 3 75,11 , 38,2 , 17 I HO M I 67
No.1 Plckorel Z 00 1 8fll ! 30 1 lOJ 44 40
llollniul herring , B5c ; Rinokcd lialihut.iO'ijo :
Yarmouth bloaters , 93s ; now scaled herrings ,
ic ,
Dry Liunabor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1.8.12 , Wand 10ft 817.00
" " 13 U 10 ft . .
No. a , and 1.1.00
No. 3 " " la ; 14 and 10 ft la.X ( )
No. 4 " " 12,14 nnd 10 ft ll.oo
No. 1 , 4 A flinch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. .810.50
No. 1 , 4 & 6 Inch , 10 feet , rouah 17.0D
No. 2 , 40 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . 11.00
No.2. 4&61nnh. lOfcot.rough 15.00
12ft 14 ft 16 ft IS ft 20 n 22 ft 24 ft
tit 15.50 I.VH ) 15.60 10.60 17.60 18.60
ZlB. . . 15.00115.00 15.00 18.00I17.0')20.0J ' ) 21.00
ZxH. . . 15.50 15 6U 15.6IJ 1U.60'17.50,1U.6020,60 ' , ;
2x10. . . 15.60 I6.50i5.60 ; 10.60117.60,20.60 , 21.60
1S.M ) 15.60 15.50 10.60,17.60 , 20.60 21.60
U4-BIS 16.60 15.60' ' 15.60 10.50i7.60i6.60l0.5) ; ; !
A oinch , wlnto pine sni.oo
H 8 Inch , " " MX )
(30 Inch , " " 20.M )
1) Cinch " " liO.W
EC Inch. " " 17.53
STOCK noAiins.
Ala Inch , si & 13 , u and 10 feet..8-(0 ( 00
si oo
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s , 12 , U nnd 10 ft. 18 00
No.l " " " 10 , IS nnd 20 ft. 1800
No. 3 " " 12.14 and 10 ft. . 1000
No.l , Pialn , 8 nnd 10 Inch' J17..V )
No.a , Plain , band 10 inch
No. 1 , U. U 1 .00
A * Standard 82.C5
cinch , clear , Sl.M ; 0 Inch , clear , . , 1.05
No.l , l. 5
Lath 2.55
Groocra' liUt.
Svnur No. 70. a c , bbls : No. 70 , 4-callon
kejt ,8i.OJ ; NewOrieans S lSo per gallon ;
Maple byrup , K barrel. Btrlctly pure.
ford' 8bulk.4c.
1'ioKi.Ks Medium. In bbls. S5.60 ; do In
half bbls. 53.55 ; Biiiali. in bbls. S.rado ( \ \ In
half bhls. Si.75 : ; chcrklus , In bbls , S7.M ) ; do.
in lialf bbls. S4.iV.
CANNED ( Jooiia Oystm. atandard , per
case. S3.45 ; strawlieriiea.'J Ib. iwt ease , S' .l :
raspberries , U-lb , per case , C'.SO ; nallfornia
per case , & 2.SO ; reen traces , 2-1 b , per case
S'J.50 ; plneapple-s ' t-ib , jx'rcaic,8ViO < a/'i.50.
AlATciiK.s Per c&ddiu.'c ; round , per
case. ? l.OO ; square oas > es 81.70.mule ; square ,
COFFERS Ordlnnrrvradcs , 10cfalr ; ,
lie ; prime , llSoilic ; choice , la ft
fancy green and yellow , la'fMU'jc ; old gov
ernment.Tava 'JOi < "r Vj ) Interior .Inva. ifi't'fSl
JOc : Mocha , rf2lciArbtickle's < : roasted ,
14'c ' ; Moljanzliun's .XXXX roasted , I4 4c ;
Dllworth's , He ; Krtl Ctuss , 14 4C.
Si OAKS Powdered. * c ; cut loaf , 7 4c ;
granulated , 0V : confectioners AO c ; standard -
ard extra C , 0\c ; ejjlra c , o gc c ; niciliuiu
yellow , 5 , c. .
Dninn Knurrs No.11 quarter apples. In
cvauonited boxes,8a ( < .ioblaekbcrrles tioxes.8'
C'Wfc ; peaches , eastern. 4fSVOi ( ( peaches
evaporated , i5K(317e ( ; Salt Lake , now , ? ( < J )
c ; raspberries , new. It'MSOc : currants , i6 ( $
, „ . . prunes , new , , . . .
SOAPS Kirks iavon Imperial. S2.K1 :
Kirk's satinet , S3.15' Kirk's standard , Si.0 : : ! ;
Kirk's whlto Bnsslan.i S4..T : Kiik's White
! ap , 80.50 ; Dome. S4.iV. Washboard. S3.1A
CANDI.KS Boxes , 40 ID. os , loVc : fca , Wc\ \
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Os , ho if ! box , 201b ,
CANDY Mixed , . 1V. .
3 SALT Dray loads , IK . Sl.n5 ; Ashton ,
n sacks , 83. : < . > ; if sacks , Ashton , We ; bbls ,
dairy. 82.00@2.7r > .
( larneau's soda , butter nnd
ilcnic , 5Jc : creams , ginger snaps
; city sodo,7Jtc.
SODA In Ib papers. S.VJo a case ; salsoda ,
< eg , per Ib. 22 He.
HSi'icEs ( Jround Ulixck pepper , boxes , 1
22c ; allspice , 12@H5c : cinnamon , 182. * > c ;
cloves , 15@2 : > c ; Blng-r , 15 ; 2r > c ; mustaid , 13 ®
2TxTKAS ( iiinpov.der , fair , 20@H7c : good , 45
5T > c ; cliplcc , GW7Sc ; coed imperial , ,40 ; < t4i : ;
cisolce , ( XKjiTO ; Youiiji Hyson , good , : KXj45c { ;
choice , 50v < i < 0c : Oolong , good , : iylOc ; Oo-
( .ng. cnoice.40iyCO ( ! : 1'ngllshbreakfast , good.
T0nt)40c ) : Choice , i > 0aV ( > o : Souchong , goinl.HO
® 4.Vj ; UIUFU U . : " @ "U ' ; .JHIIilllIN lull. - . HWi : > n ; ;
trnnti. : LVSil.n ) : nlinlnrt , fiV ? ( 7'xj ; Tea Dust , Lie ! ;
Tea Si ft In its. It * ,
CinEit New \ork , perbbl , 87.00 ; do. talj [
bbl , 84.00 ; Crnb , per iloz qts , VJ.7S ; Michigan
reHned , per bbl. . 80.M ) ; do. half bbl. 4.00.
VLNEOAU-Wilto ! wine. ! 3iU7o ( ; elder , 13
single itrenzth , 12c ; tilpplcsticiiith ; ,
J-'iNi : CUT Hard to Beat , TUc : Charm o ,
ho West. OOc ; Fountain , 70c : Colden Thread-
C7c ; Favoilte , OOo : Buds , & ) c llooky Mo un
aln , 60c : Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; North Starf
Oc ; Hood Luck. 55e ; Our Dust , C'Jife ; ( Jooil 65o.
Now House , Corner Lot ,
South Front.
Near licit IJno Depot ; only $1WX > , f.'WO down , Inl-
ance monthly ; alee 5 lots niljnlnlng , from $500 to
$ KO. S. S. VAN BEUIIEH , 220 South 14th St
Cheapest Acrj Properly near City.
Lots for Sale in all parts of City.
S. S. VAN BEUREN , 220 S. 14th.
Flour , Feed , Hay ; Lime , Cement ,
Prices Kousonablc , Quality Guaranteed.
Ordora Pilled Promptly.
Tclcjihonc , No. 801.
loOSKurt Street , tUctnveen 15th nnd 10th
All clnsscs of property
_ and Koods botmht , sold
and o-ncjmnst'd. City pi op
crty for tnrins ii'id wild
landA. Wild liuuls for coeds
; ot ( iiny kind. Will ux-
chiMigo propeityllsU with
nny' pliable Him do'ng
business nn/whcro In the
United Stutes. A Inrsre-l'st or olty property
nlwnys on Imnd for suli ; or cxcliiuiKC. A11
brlrht& ( Ajlesworih , telephone , 7M , siicc'-SRirs
to Archer , Ailbrlffht & Aylcsworlh , 218 9. Ifith
it. , Omnlm Nob.
DldBfortliecoiistriiutl.m of of a jrnm 1 st-ind
for tlioOniiiliu District Knlr Afcsoclntlon. will bo
locelvcd up to .Iuno8tli , ] b80 , ut the olllco of 1) .
11. Whcelor , CiclRliton block. Plnns nnd t-pccl-
llcntlons lor thu BHnio cnu now bn PCOII nl my
oHicc. HKN11Y VOSS.
Accounts of HuikTfMcrclmntf : und otbert r ollcltcd.
Collections Promptlr Made.
S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers ,
( Succcswrs to Preston , Kcan & Co. )
Municipal , 1C. II.T.oral iind other IlunUi.
Bend lor I.Uti.
$700 to $700 , $200 cash , bal. 1-2-3 Irs
V an Beuren Place ,
3 blocks from King St. Cars
S. S. Van Beuren , 220 S. 14th
Best Goods in the Market
, III.
Ask for our cron Is ami fico tliattha
bear our trade marl : .
Tho-tillard , -
8. Shears , J , E. Markel.TlioB. Ewobc , Proprletori
Omuba , ' Nobrnska.
Job. P/tntlng. /
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Book MnnuTactnrora. 100-103 South
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufactures of W.J. Wclshnns &Co.'s Quick
lUlblnp liuclwhcat flour nnd nronrietors Omaha
City MUU , ecr. btU uud Knrnuiu btrccts , Omaha.
Leather , Hides , tic ,
ELOMAN inioa. ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Bftddlcry and Hhoo rindlni-'f" , Hldee , Wool , 1'ura ,
1'clln. Cuiuo.TalloWi Ktu. . Omaha Nol.
gent fo ( Anfieuser-Bush Brewing.Ass'o '
' Special brands FnUet , 'UuilHeUcr , Jirlau tr
Book Binding , Etc ,
* " " ' * ' *
nurs rniNTiNo co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Manufacturers. No ? . 108 anj
103 South UlhStrtot Otunhn , Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile Driving.
Engineers nml Contractors ,
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile DriYing
Iron Comblnntlnn ntul llowo Tru s llrlilgo ; ,
1'lllni nnd ( ink Timber. 15th st. , near Karnnni.
Telephone No H. B
. - Cigars and Tobacco , „
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns nml Ammunition , ill. ' , to tfouth llth
Street , lOa ) to 1CKI I'lirimm Street , Umahn , Nob.
I.NTEII-OCHAN Cicuu FArrouv.
Manufacturers of Pine Cigars ,
Vholc lo Dcntrrs III I.o f Totmccos. Nos.
! OS nnd 110 N. nth Sttcct , Omuhn , Neb.
v. L.Vltl HT\ ' "
Airent for the Manufacturers nml Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
I/ompo , ClilmneyB , Utc. Ofllrc , : H7 South lltli
t. Omnh * . Nub.
c. a. r.ooDHicii A co
ApcntB for V , A. Whltnry Cnnlnso Co. a
Children's Carriages ,
And Jcxrctt' * Cclebrntc.l Hclilxcriuors. Son
for price Hits. 141"i Fiirnam St. , Omahn. _
O. S. 1'HTTIS & CO. ,
Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
Pliat'toin , Itiipclr' iinil HimilVntou . S3 l > er cent
mcd In buylnc of u . riM-lllO-IIK. Itnril Street ,
Onialin , N
Uninch nt Council HIiHTn , tonti.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Epcnoier , 1'ionrlctor. Mnuufm turcr of
( Inlvunl/eil Iron nud Ooinlro. KAI lodto ; unit 101
mid 1UJ Noi-tli Utli Street , Oimibn , Nob.
KUKMPINO ( c noirn ,
Mnnufactutersof Oi-namcntal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Final' , Etc1. , 1110 R. U'th fit. Workdono
in any pint ot the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C Sl'ECHT , Proprietor.
Unlvanlzcil Iron Cortiloes , Ktc. Ppccnt's Im
proved Pnlmit Mi'lnll'i Skylight. 'fOS and MO a.
Kth St. . Onuilui. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The Gate CT.yPkntg' .
Doors , Fnsli and Itllnds. Also nil kinds of
turning1. Scroll andStulr work ot every do-
Manufacturer and llonlerln
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Etnlr Italia n specialty Telephone No. 82
15th ntnl Mnrcy Ht § . . Oinnbn , Neb. _ _
_ Electrical Supplies.
I * W/WOLFK & CO. ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omnh * . IlurKlnr Alnrms , Hclli ,
Vko Alarms , Vuctrlu .Mnttlni : , SponlUni ? Tuboa ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ton Stairs , Knllliur , Itolled lleunis nnd Ulrdors
Stcnin Enjrlncs , llrn B Work , Gcmunl Foundry
Mnchlno nnd HlnckBinllh work. Olllco and
Works , U. ) ' . Hy. nnd S 17th 61.
( ran ar cl Halls.
_ _
" " ' " ' "
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
FlroNnllsnSpr . OmnhiNeb :
" "
"Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnnufncturerof Flic nnd liurglur Proof S.ifos ,
Vnult Doors , .Inll Woik. Flnittcrs und Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth und Jncksou Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Wajror.s and Carriages ,
Estublljhed 1858.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HCOimd UU Doilt'u Street , Omuba , Neb
Commisiion , Etc ,
11. BUUICIi & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Oro. Iturko , Manager.
Dnlon Stock Yards , h. Oinalia. Tolo.iucno 883' '
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John F. Iloyd , Superintendent.
SAVAOE & ( iKKEtf ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any ami nil kinds of etouk bollcit
i od. Union buck Yards , Omuhu , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th and
Cor , ! Mh und UouglaJ.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Htnlr Work and Intel lor Hard Wood
llnlt-h. Just ojioncil. N. K. cor. Kth and l.euveu-
vcrtli Streete , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Fit a Kth Street , Omuha , Nub. F. ColpcUer ,
Lumber ,
73th nnd California Street" , Omnhn , Nob.
Lumber , Limo , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Douglas titicets , OiuHlm , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omubn , NebrubUa.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnpon Stocl : , Fancy Woods , lirldgo Timbers ,
Ac. , S. W , Cor , 'Jtli nnd Dout'lus , Omaha , .Vcb.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mooldir s ,
Uuildlnjr 1'uiicr , Utc. Bouth
Fiih , Etc.
EucccBtora to lukun Flrmsscn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Jmnortorg of rnrelen Flsb , NOE. 911-913 Jonoi
Btrf and v'-1'.Truck.OtuuhiuWob.- , . .
F. P. FAY A CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Joliberbof Ftultd , Nuts nud Citfnrs. 1211
Faliuuu St. , Omuhu , iVt
Agricullural Implemems , '
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
fu , Oornor Cth niul 1'aclHoSts , Onmhn ,
Wliolc . . .o Dealers In
Hgricultnral Implements , Wagons
nnd lltippk'i.Uinalm Neb.
' i'lU'UClULL
Wholesale Uonlcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Ciuriuses nml ltiiegl ( > . ,1 < nes St. , bol. Dili mid
10tliOmalinNi'b ,
Boots and Shoes ,
" "
V. V. MOPSK Jt CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoos ,
3111 rnrnnm Strrct , Otnnhn , Ni-li. Manufactory ,
Sniiimcrl-lrect , llocton.
Wliolesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MBttlngo , Curtnlu Gootit. itc. : . list 1'Rrnnm
ytiuct , Oiimlin , Noli.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
SlSH. lhrt. , Omnlm. Neb. Yurdf , PU |
nnd DrvenportStrcctAi
DceJers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Doet vurlctles. onicc.'ina. lathSt. Tclephono
Nd. H
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
EH S. 13th St. , Onimm. Neb.
OKO. 0. Towi.k , 1'rcBldont.
( lio. rATrrnsox. See. nml Trims.
J. II. HlJI.Itt.llT , V. A. IlAI.CH ,
1'ioprlctor. HnnnKor.
Kebraska Coal'and Lime Company ,
Oinco , 217 f. 13th Street. Telephoned.
GEO. 1' . I.Ainr.ii , I'ros. C r. OoownN.V. Pros.
J. A. Sl'Nliuu.AMi See. niul Tiens.
Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hnnl nnd Milt con" " , iO'J S. Ulh til. ,
Onitiha , Nib.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eiclunvo dcalors In llonlilcr Colorndo Coal.217
South Ulh Mrcot.
Coffee and Spices ,
Home Codes and Spies M.IU MTg Co.
Colk-u Itnnjti'is nnd Spleu tlrlulnr : > < . innnil
fnctureiBCif linking I'owilrr , rinvorinif lAtincts
lllulne , etc. Try ono rnso cif our l-n > pnokniro
Ildino illoiul Itousted Cuttuo. 1GIM Houtirdht. ,
Ciunhn , Not" " .
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten' , Coffees , Spiers , linking iMwdur Vluvorlng
ExtractH , 1nnnarjIllun. . Ink , otc. HU-lu Hiir-
ncy Street , Omaha , Kub.
Commission Etc.
_ . , . ,
JOHN F. ri-ACK ,
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce , 1'iovlslons , Fruits , Klour mid IVcil , 103
S. 14th St. , Oir.nlm , Neb. Contli'inuuntB willolttd ,
itctuins Hindu uiMiiiutlv.
11. H-lOXALl ) .
315 12th Street , Oinii'jn , Neb. Sptcialtloa : But-
Ur. KUHS , uud'lucKoiis.
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oultry , lluttcr , Oainc , 1'rultp , Etc. JOS. Hth
St. , Omnha , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
NMDodeeSti.rct , OniHlm , Neb. Consl nmonts
Storage and Commission Merchant
.s CIu > i't > i > , HuttiT Kgfrs , Poultry
anil ( jniiie , 113 S. Hlli. , Omiilm , Neb. Tck
phone Xo. U } . > .
Storage and Commission Merchants.
rore.'Bii niul Dnineitlu Fruits nwpecliilly . ni-
I'HOnt storuK'o Inulllilc . Wmehouso and olllco ,
_ 10 North llltli i-t. Telopliono 775. _ t _
D. A. n
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , KKBB unJ Troduco. A full Hue of Blono-
wnin. Coi ignint'iUtj tollcitixl. HU JJodfO SL ,
General Commission Merchant ,
nutter , J't'KP , Clicc'bo niul Country Produce otv
orally , 'MJ S. J-'tli St. , Oumliu , Nub.
& scunoEDrt
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Refrigerator unrt Packlni ; IkniKo.Htli & Ix-avon-
wonh Bt. . on U. 1' . It. li. TrncK. Omuliu , Nub.
Kstabllslicd 187o !
General Commission ,
. Hth St , , Omnlm , Nub. Kiicchillles-nuttor
Poultry nnd Ounic.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruit's , Prcduco and Frovleions , Omuha , Neb
BiUTi'seora to Inino Orllllth.
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wtiolesnlodonlor in country produce , fruits ,
butter , I'KKS. etc. ( ioodx on cimsleninoiit a
specialty. ! N. l th n. , Oniiilm , Nob.
( Successors to A , P. ScliucU. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No. ? 13 South r > th Street. Omaha , Nob. _
Dry Goods.
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
1KTJ DouKlas Strtiit , Omtiha , Noli.
OINBllIIUa & CO. ,
\Vholeenlo Denlurslu
Dry Goods , Hosiery , notions ,
Linens , J.UCIH , Embroidery nnd Whlto C'ooda ,
KCO JJouulcs Ftrcct , Omuhn , Nol ) .
White Lead.
. Strictly Pure White Lead ,
20tb Stand U , P. Hy , Omnhn ,
Harness , Etc ,
Mnnufncturerg und Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf fioods , Ulunketa and Hobes. It21 Farnara
_ atrcot Oinubu. Nob.
' Mattresses , .
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mcttrceses , lleddlnfr , Frathcr
I'lllouij , Cots , Kte. 1 00 und 12CH Douglas Street ,
Oiuuha , Nob.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jmns Pouts , BWrtg. Kfa , 1102 uridl'tli Douglu
'SUtift , Oiuutut , Nob.
Dealers In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
th Stiret nml i n on t'au n Track. Omaha , .
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
SOth niul l ! > rd Street , Omuhn , Nebraska. ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
llullilhift Vapor * . SiKh , Doom , Illlnds , Moul *
Inns , ricVots , roM * . I.IIIIP , I'lwMrr , llRf ,
CVmotu , Nlntn mm Jono ? , Omntm Nob.
Millinery ,
f. oiiKitiT.i.niYu ,
Importcis nud Jobboraot
Millinery and Notions ,
171.1 ntid lull Hnrncy Street , Omnlm , NoK
Musicil Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Stelnwiiy 1'innos , Weber , Drckor , llnl
llrlpps riiiiHK , I'uuitiml Organs , Chnso '
101 mid ltd 15th stii-ct.
Furniture , Etc. _
Furniture Mirwrs
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
Ktc.lWO ! , l.XS ) nnd 121J Kumain Street ,
" * -
Wholesale Dealers
Pnriintn SI reel , Otiiiuin , Nob.
'ALI.KN into !
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ _ IHCnndlllS louilus ) Sliccl.OmalinNoU "
K. n. CHAl'MAN'icO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolmceo nnd SinnkviV Aitlclec , W17 HowordSfc
" "
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
pci-8 ! , Clfc-nrfl nnd Tobncc-o . 1S17 nnd 1UW Dou
liiKStroL't.Oiiuihu , Nob. _
UcCUIll ) , 1IUAUY& ( &MPAN ? !
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd I'imiiuii Strcoti.Omnhn. , Nob.
1'AXTON , (1A M.AC 11 Kit * CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 7U > , 707 , VOT nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omnlm , Nolv
Hardware. _
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , -
i , ( VitRdii Slouk , Itiirdwood lAiinlior , ot *
JLV.I ntul 1-11 lliirni'j" MiviOuuihu , Nob.
Wholesale Iron Steel 1
, , IB . on
And Cnrrinfro Wood Stock , Honvy nrdiri r %
lite. 1217"null 12i9"lA.-avuiiu'uuU8trebV OmaliBi , . *
Neb. f
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mrchnnlce' Tools nnd llullulo Scales. ItOSUougr
Ins Street , Unuihn , Nob. ,
U-E : , ruim ) * co. , '
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware.
Sheet Iron , Klc. Aiu'nts for Howe Pcnloa and
Miami 1'owdi-r Co. , Umnlm Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Uuntlcs , Giutt'S , llni.os Roods. 1321 and I'SU FVil *
nnm Stu-et ,
nKCTOll & WILllflLMY CO. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Cmcrton Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th nnd Hornoy
i.NPb. t < V
"wM.'jnKiuNa : & co. , cuicAadi
Munufcctnror of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Lorlnipr. General
Omnha. Tc'upliouaOlO.
Iron Pipe , Etc. j
A. I * STHANQ COMPANY , ' " " [
Pumps , Pipe and Engines. ' V
Btnm.Vntpr , Hnlluny unj Milling Supplies , EtJ " '
WO , V i uud y.'l Kurnnm SU Omaha , Nob. ,
Wliolesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stcnin und AVntcr Sujipllcs. Hendiiunrtcr *
Mum FOU.U CO.'H Goods. Ill ) Karuam
Omuhu , Neb.
"uniioLM & uiticlciioNr
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllvcrwnro , Illiunonds , Watcha/
Clouku , Jewelers' Tools and JliitorluH , Etc. , lag
and 103,15th Street , Cor. Uodyc , Omaha. Nob. 4
Notloni Etc. ij
.IdblioiB in
Hotions , Hosiery &Gents'Piirnislitng Gooi
100J und lOiW Furuum HL , ( ) inuhuNea
\tf \ *
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , *
403 nnd 405 B. 10th St. , Omnlm , Nob. y
Wholesale Ucnluro In Notions and OoiiU' Vutf " j
nlehliiK Uoodb.
Oils , Etc !
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
QaEolIno , Mica Axle Hrfnso , Kto. A , II.
Mnnuger , Omaha , Nob.
fork Packing.
" "
JAMKS E. 110VD ,
Fork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmbii , Nebruuku ,
Packers and Provision Dealers , \
Office , Union Market , 1617 Dodxe Ktroot. Packing
houbo , U. I1. IL H. Tiuck , tlmuUu , Nub. Tel * .
phone No. 117.
Safes and Lockn ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' .
riro und llnrnlur Proof BufCH.TImu IxMika.Vaiu'U '
AndJitlTuork. HIM rnrnaiu utieut , Umuhn , Neb
Seeds. *
J. KVANS , '
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds,1
Agricultural , VfRotnblu , Kte. Odd Kulfowii' llml
N. W. Cor. Kth and Doilgu lit . , Omuha , Nob. ,
Drugs , Etc , J
And Dealer in I'alnU , Oils and Wludow Gla V
Wines , Liquors , Etc ,
ILER li CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And I.liiuors. Solo manufacturers of Kenned
Kuktlndlu Hitters. UU Harney Street , Oui '
tin ) . W. uuixiAn ,
Buccmor to MONAMAHA & DUMUAN , Importer !
and Wholoeulu Doulors In *
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
SHundiilflS Hth Bt. , Omaliu. Nob.
Motions , tie ,
" "
' U nRANDIK3 4 SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots , . . /
Dry domic , Notions , Gents' Furnlehlnif GootllU /
Uoodn from Nuw York. Trudo eulcj dully. Ml <
am * 'ti/d South Utb St. , Omuhu.