Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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s & Hill
Of 100 acres cncli , nil leased for 5 years ,
and paying good in interest on tlio in
vestment , all line land. Evnry farm hns
clear rnnnlnir water , rich soil , from 80 to
120 acres of breaking , meadows , cto.
Of tlioso farms would nmko a nice homo
and whether parties wish to live on them
or not , would bo first-clas * proportyt
own , nnd every acre will Increase in
value at least 200 per cent within the next
6 or 0 years. Those farms are nil within
n short drive of Omaha , and can bo
reached In from n 3 to 4 hours' drive , and
will range m price from 3,000 to $0,003
To look at those farms , If yon nro look
ing either for a homo or for a safe and
prolitablo Investment. Apply to
BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Farnam st.
Houses and Lots We Have in
And the 10-acro tract adjoining It , 389a
line lots us can bo found in the city , alt
of Which wo dcsiro to put to drawing in
Wo therefore make tins general offer to
people wantintr homes :
You can select your lot , got up plans
nndspccilications for your house , make
us a small cash in hand naymont , merely
minicicnt to insure n fulfillment of your
part of the agreement , and wo will build
you a house to suit you , and lot you have
all the time you want.
Build houses ranging In value from
$800 TO $3,000.
OR IF parties prefer , they can build
heir own houses , and wo will furnish the
money to pay for same at 8 per cent in
, Please Remember
That both the red and grcon car line
now run to within ! blocks of
. . "
That tins addition lies -on the side hill
Sloping East
towards the river ; that it affords the
Of the city and vicinity to bo had from
any point ; that there is to bo but little
cutting or grading ; that the profiles arc
made , and the grade can bo established
at any meeting ot the council ; that the
Bolt Line railway runs within two blocks
on the west side ; that the finest
water in the city is obtained there
that it is tlio healthiest place in or about
the city of Omaha ; cool in summer and
warm in winter ; that so far the addition
s settled by only the best class of people ;
that it is near business , schools , stores ,
etc. , and is in all respects a most dcsir
able location for pleasant homes ; that
our prices , terms and conditions arc the
most liberal ever offered by any person ,
Jinn or syndicate ; that they are plain ,
fair and simple , easily understood , and
easily carried out ; that we employ only
first-class workmen , use flrst-class ma-
orial , and only do first-class work in
building ; that full and complete satisfuc-
niot is guaranteed in every case.
By al 1 means if you-want a home , lee
Before investing clsowhero.
and wo will take you out to seek
ark Forest ,
The poor man's paradise. Read this for it may
be the means eventually of your making a
, fortune.
. Is an addition of 200 loU , each 50x120
feel , located in the wooded lulls on S.
18th street , about U blocks from the
jjjUnion Pacific depot , and is a most
charming and romantic oc.Uion.
Thirteenth street is graded ils full
4 vdlli ! to within 0-blocks qt
Park Forest
\ The street cars rim to within Cminutes'
pwalk of these lots. Fifteen or twenty
' houses have bcon already built there ;
Vinany more will , go up this summer.
vJ.00 lots have boon sold and 100 of the best
4 ones yet remain lo bo sold. Those are
' 'tho cheapest and best lots in tlio market
and wo oiler them for a short time at
$250 to $300
Each , on payments of
$5 Down and $5 Per
Month , at 8 Per
Gent Interest
To those only who want them for homes.
Wo make these liberal prices and terms
to give all poor men a chance to got a
Those lots will increase 200 to 300 per
cent in a few yours , nnd it is one of the
opportunities of a lifetime to got this
kind of a chance to secure n homo.
These terms will only hold good for a
few days , and are oftorod with a view of
clearing those all up without any dohvy
BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Farnam st.
t .
In our addition on Uppsr Fantaui , Dougflas and DoJgro , nro have uluut 33 lo
la rapidly becoming very valuable , and
Bright in thu heart of the iino rusldenco
i' | ) rt of the oily.Vtitor , gas , pavuments
nnd street cars urn now cither there or to
bo placed there tsoon.
These Additions
Are now surrounded witli elegant resi
dences : ind hightprieed real estate , while
4he tliriu best nml most prosperous
st root sin the city run through both addi
There Can
Now bo no question as to the future of
these lots , tuid parlies purchasing at the
low prices ut watch wo are ofloring them
cannot'full to realize u largo profit on
their investments.
Prices Will Range
from $1,50O to .
per lot , according to location , and the
will sell very rapidly at these prices
itA very large list of lloal Kstato of all kinds scattered through the city , county and
slat" irom which might bosoleolod mimv mostoxeollent bargains ,
i : l.\VITi : THK A/rTUVriO.V of those socking investment and can as
sure purohasorslhuy will lind it largely to ( heir interest to call on us before invest
ing elsownero.
HO I'SIX ' WII < I < UIJ Iillll/r for all wanting homes on the moit reasonable-
Hill ,
Real Estate , 1408 Farnaui St.
Brushing Up the Soiled Plumes of tha
Maine Warrion
The MoTcmcnla of tlio Ijlcutannnt of
tlio Itcpubllann ClilcTtalu
to Husploion That Ills Cam
paign Is
Proitnrlnit iv rtooni Tor Illnliio ,
WARHINOTO.V , Jnno 1. [ Special to the
Hti.J : : These who ha\o been watchln ? polit
ical nianojuvers hero closely durliiR the past
few" weeks hcllevo that n political sensation
Is about to be sprung upon the countrv. 13.x-
Secretary William K. Chandler has bcon In
Washington constantly for about three
months , lie seldom goes to the capltol and
Is not often seen In any public plnee. For
three or four weeks before the officers of the
republican coinjresslonal campaign committee -
tee wcro selected Mr. Clinndlor .was seen at
tno rooms ot Representative Colt oC West
Virginia almost nightly. It was suspected at
that tlmo that n movement for Mr. Dlaino
was about to bo mndc , as Mr. Chand
ler Is the Plumed Knight's most val
iant lieutenant. As Is well known ,
the olllcors of the committee are
staunch Hlnlnomen , and those who are op
posed to Hlalno , and who asplicd to the po
sition were defeated. Since tlio organization
or the committee Mr. Chandle.r has been
about the loom a great deal , and has been In
pilvate consultation with Chairman Uoff. It
Is expected that Mr. Chandler has In prco-
aiatlon a series of nitlclcs to bo given to the
press touching upon the rejection by the
navy department of the Dolphin , nnd the
crushing down of John Itoaeh's ship yard.
lie has In his possession some copies of cor-
ic i > oiulcnco passing between Captain Hoi-
knap , who has command ot the Dolphin ,
and the present secretary of thu navy. The
dispatches from Captain Uulknap are all
fa voluble to the Dolphin , while
tlio tenor of Secretary Whitney's in-
structure nnd telegrams aio against a suc
cessful test of the ship. It Is likely that tlio
activity of Mr. Chandler and his conferences
uro on the quest ion of publishing tilts mat
ter. At any rate , It is believed that one Im
portant step Is about to bo taken and that It
is Intended to boom Blalno's .stock.
A democratic member of the house , > \ ho ,
upon Ills own volition , ictiics from public
life at tlio expiration of his present term ,
spoke pretty freely to your correspondent to
day concerning the outlook of the demociatlc
campaign this tall.
" 1 can count to you at this moment fitly
members of tills house upon the democratic
side , who do not want to take
tlio race olTcied them this fallen
on account of the consciousness
that deleat is certain Wo are just as sure to
lo ! > o contiol of this body as we are sine ot
having an election tills tall , and so far as I
am concerned I do not care , Oecause the 10-
bukc may teach our people some political
sense , wo have qunneled among ourselves
and ate without a leader on tills lloor. Wo
have about a do/en men who iisplic to tlio
leadership , and not one of them Is willing to
let the other make a good point bt cause of
the credit which would accrue to him. We
have fouuht among omselvcs on the olcomai-
garine bill and wo have quarreled over an in
crease In appioprintions , and there is no
harmony In anything. A number ot
democrats who have political sense
have suggested a caucus at which .soniu Id lid
of an understanding would be arrived atand
by uhich boiue one man could be acieed upon
as a leader ; but the jealous men have biokcn
up any move in that direction. We hao sim
ply como Into great strcnctli In a moment ,
and have been using that strength to break
down our own party. "
A gi eat deal of feelina exists among democrats - :
crats who have bcon disappointed In leader
ship and otlice , and not onlv is there much.
carelessness shown about the coming cam-
natgn , but indiirerence as to whether success
Is achieved in 18V ) . Tlio democratic party
has proven Itself beyond anv question of
doubt to bo one of spoils onlv , and those
who cannot get the spoils want to break
down the paity.
Minor Mentions anil Happenings at
the National Capital , i
WASHINGTON , Juno 1 , [ Special Telegram
to tlio Din : . ] Captain llobeit U. Uonharn ; as
sistant surgeon , has been ordered 'to Foil
Omaha , Neb , , for temporary duty , Lieuten
ant Charles II. Xoyes , Ninth infantry , and
Lieutenant Edward 11. Urookc , Twenty-lhst
lufantiy , have been oulercd to special duty
at the Department of the Platte ritlc lange ,
Hcllevue , Neb.
Tobias Castor , the famous democrat from
Saline , Neb. , is iieioon some mybtuiious mis
sion. As lie is around with Sterling Morton ,
It Is believed his piosenco has a wonted con
nection with an otlice.
Senator Maudeison and Keprcsentatiyo
Laiidaro in Now York.
.1. Sterling. Moi ton isflghtincthe Union-Pa-
cltlc branch line along witli the oleomaigarlno
bill , but so tarhe has not made a success of
cither light.
Patents weio Issued lor the following to
day : Oco. V. Havtlor , Maiqnetto , Xcb. , cal
culator ; ICarncit Kittle , assignor ot live-
eighths to 1J. C. Mutton , T. N. Kellogg and
\V. 11. Haitman , Wateiloo , la. , hie ; Albeit
I.anirsttoni , Council lilnlT.s , la. , wieneh ;
Patrick M. Malncs , Claite , fa. , automatic
cylinder cock ; Samuel Jtockatellow , Alusca-
tfne , la. , sulky plow ; Aniliow Itusuwatcr ,
Omaha , Hushing tank ; William Scniborouirh ,
livin , la.agon box elevator and dump ;
Charles I' . Sliedd. Kairheld. Neb. , stall for
haiidllnir vicious hoisus and duvicu for us-
.soiting animals ; Charles W. Smith , Bel-
mend , la. , hand truck ; ( .ieo. K Walter , Cale
donia , la. , clevis.
The I'ublic Debt Statement.
WASHINGTON , Juno 1. Thu following Is a
recapitulation at the debt statement Issued
to-day :
Interest beailng debt , principal
and interest . S1.232.237.W4
Debt on which Interest has
ceased since matin ity , piincl-
pal and Interest . 7,310,20. )
Debt Dealing no Inteicst . 53o..t,727
Total debt , principal and In-
teiest . SIJTO.Wi.lGO
Total debt , les.s available cash
Items. , . l,474MOhftJ !
Net cash In treasury . VJ.UJ.OH
Debt , less cash in treasury ; Juno
J.ltWI . l,303ins81
Decrease of debt duringmouth. . 8b-JS,5GO
Total cash in treasury as shown
by trcasmer's general account 400,4015,300
Appointments and' Nomlna t Ions.
WASHINGTON , Juno U Tlio president
to-day appointed John I ) . Hiloy , of Plutts-
buig , Now York , to be Indian school superin
tendent , vlco John II. Obcrly. The president
tient the following nomination * to the sen
ate to-day : David U Hawkins of Missouri ,
to bo assistant secretary of the Interior , vice
( icorgo A. Junks , resigned ; Joseph K. John
son , of Yiigliiia , to be commissioner lu mid
for the distiict of Alaska , vice Chester
ticcbcr , resigned ,
Tlio Cabinet Conslderw.
WASHINGTON , Juno 1. The cabinet ses-
elon to-day was devoted to the coiibUloratlon
of the Canadian fisheries question , tint no
tlop of conuress In regard to the Geneva
UN aid and railroad matters.
I'Ai.Kiaii , N. C. , Jnno 1. At noon to-day
at Jacksonville , ( icorgo MeXalr , n negro
nineteen yeais of age. was hanged for the
crlmoof rape committed In April ot last year
upon u white girl nine years or as-e.
A. nig riro lu Japan.
SAN FBANTISCO , June I. The -steamer
City of Sydney has anlved bringing Hone-
Kong dates to May 4 , Yokohama to May H.
A fire almost destroyed Aklta , JajsTi , iu the
early part of May. It hurp > jd two days. Over
threo. thousand Jiouses 'A ere consumed. No
losses stated. ' r
Owaha Coal , ( Joke aud.Mjno Co. . ,
Statistics Corqriti tlio Production of
Wh nt And Corn.
WAIHINOTON , Jurfc 1. The acting com-
inlssloner of agjlcnljlure , In reply to the
resolution of tho' house making Inquiries
concerning the shrck&of corn and wheat In
this and other bnilidrlc * , the demands of
consumption and thcjiiospoct of production
throughout the wnrld has transmitted an ex
haustive compilation1 of statistics by Professor
ser Dodge , statistician of the department of
agriculture. Thd , taoles show that the
w01 Id's product , of wheat In 1SST > was
3,110,000,000 bushels , iltho requirements ot
consumption 3m\oooWO , bushels , presenting
a deficiency of 55'OpOjOOO bushels , drawn from
the pro Ions yeai's surplus ot 125,030,030
bushols. They Mud the product ot Kuropo
medium , that of India and Australia
large , and a heavy reduction In
the United States tor the supply of
thocoinlnir year. Tlio crops In Australia ,
India and South Amcilca. nliv.irty har
vested , nro probably about : R5OonUOO bushels
less ( linn tl.oso of last" , ear , while those of the
United States promise fully 100COMO )
bushels more than the harvest of lbS. " > .
Wheat In the United States on May 1 last
was 101,000,000 bushels against IM.OOO.OOO
bushels In isss. Of commercial stock of
1,017,000.003 bushels. That In stock was
.W.OOO.OOO bushels and evpoitatlons 43.000,000
bushels. The estimated acre-alto of winter
wheat now ciowine Is : M.T.)7Oi7 bushels ,
sprint- wheat 11,800,000 , busliels , total 3o,5'J7OS7
bushels. _ _
Goulil ns a Wrecker.
Nr.w Yonic , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram to
the Hun. ] The World this morning says :
"It happened at the very moment that the
receiver of the Bankers' nnd Merchant's
tclccraph company Is proceeding against
Jay Could and tils Western Union company
for wrccklni : the rival system , tlio stock
holders of tlio Texas & Puclllc railway aic
charging Jay Gould with wiecklng that company - .
pany in the Interest ot the Missouri Pacllic.
'Jay Gould has simply wrecked the load , '
said Henry Clews , who pieslded nt the alock-
holdcrs meeting } CBtciday. Ihc plan Is to
rcorganlzb the through foreclosuie ,
which makes a forfeiture of Its present
United States charter. Astatochaiter Is to
bo substituted therefor , which admits of the
road being gobbled tip at baiikiupt pi ice by a
few individuals and leased to the Missoiui
Pacllie in peipetiuty , This action Is pro
hibited by Its incscnt chatter.
Tlio Ilrowu Impeachment ,
Dns MOINKS , Iowa , Juno 1. The senate
re-convened as an Impeachment court this
afternoon. Hut one witness was examined
J. M. Kellcy , of the Macedonia bank. Ho
tcstllied as to Urown's charges of 820 for
examine his bank. The defense then tried
to introduce evidence showing the amount
chaigcd for the examination ot this hank by
Uiown's piedecessors. The state objected ,
and the senate went into secret session to
consider this point After a lengthy dllcus-
sion the senate decided that the testlmonv
relating to the acts of other audltois should
not bo admitted , as thevvcio not on trial.
A Blow to.ttio Defense.
DEsMoixns , la ! , Jlino I. [ Special Tele
gram to the JJr.u. ] I'he action of the senate
to-day in deciding tto ttject tlio evidence of
the former state olliceis in the impeachment
trial Is a heavy blow to ° the defense. Judge
Nourse , IJrown'.s Kbnidi1 counsel , had threat
ened that ho would put every other state of-
llcer on trial hb"got through , and be
expected to use the tactics of others as a jus
tification for HroWJi. "The senate conclude
Hint tney were culled .to try but one man , and
so proposed to coulino thdlr work to that
alone. ' ' .
A Grnli (
CHICAGO , Juno J. The fnilmo is an-
iounccd of Turivcr , Helmonfc S : Co. , grain
dealers , with hcad u itet jit IsTaSliua/Iowa ,
with liabilities atetiom seventy to 0110 hun
dred thousand dollai-s ; assets unknown.
They have been running rt.largo number of
elevators , Including the followluc : At Dubuque -
buque , Charles City , Nashua , Osage. Orchaid ,
Mitchell. Stangcr , Mona , Iowa : and Ljsle ,
AValton , Austin , Dodge Center , West Con
cord , Kenyon , and Spring Cieek , ilinn. It
Is stated that the Charles City bank loses
S4,000. _
More Kails for Iowa.
CIDAII IIAPIDB , la. , Juno 1. Arrange
ments weio eompleledlierc'thisaftonioon lor
building the Wavcrly Shoit Line , an exten
sion of the liinlingtoii. Cedar Hunids &
Northem fiom the main line to Wavcrly. a
largo foico to bo put on , audWa\cily to bo
icachcd by July liist ,
. - Elgin X > airv .Market.
CHICAGO , Juno 1. The Inter Ocean's
Klgln , 111. , special says : "Uutter was falily
aethe to-day on the board of trade.
'sales : 28,380 Ibs at 15 < $ lGc. There was no
demand for cheese. Piivate sales ot 'J-JO.OUO
Jbs ot butter and 200 boxes of cucc.sociu 10-
poited. The toUil sUles aggicgatcd 859,900. "
Iestroycl by Fire.
PEOIIIA , 111. , Juno I. A lire broke out in
Hiimlleld , Pcoria county , this niornlns de-
stroyinp the haidwaro store , eioceiy stoic ,
bank , chinch and postollice. The losses nro
estimated at S * > 0UOJ. The tire Is supposed to
bo the work ot an inc nd.huy.
Rev. Mr. Sherrill went to Columbus
Cjonnty Treasurer Uolln went to Lin
coln yestenlay.
Kov. V. Kennedy , of Lincoln , came
into town ye.stonlay. f r
Mr. S. G. Wilson , of Biiatrieo , Nob. , is
in the city visiting friends.
Deputy Marshal Kd Allen returned
from thu west yesterday , i
Dr. Eleanor ESiallard Duiloy wont to
Lincoln last evening to attenil the .stuto
medical society.
Will 1C. Peck , speuiid agent for W. W.
Colo's circus , is in tho.cHy and will re
main u day or so. '
John O. Nnrdgron , a prominent bnnkor
and stoekdualer of Chiipinan , Neb. , is
stopping at tlio Puxton.
lr.s. Avars , CarUir and Urvunt , of
Omaha , Uonnclson , of North Platte , and
Hildrcth , of LyonsIu : , wont to Lincoln
yestonlay to attend-Cthe gossion of the
State Medical association.
John Mciimr ( ! olttjckcr for-tho Union.
Paeilio ut Tenth street , \vis : able to bo out
yesterday in the iigitformnnqd'of his dit-
tifts. though yctcjtlitO'soro from his recent
A Midnight Blaze.
A few niinute.sjjtiOf midnight lat night
n iird was dfs-covcjrijd in JJower's butcher
shop on Pierce b iojjj between Twentieth.
and Twenty lirsL-krce'ts. Hose coin-
panies Nos , 8 .aud O responded to the
alarm nnd extinguished the blaze Damage -
ago about $200. KUPI
B. P. Mll & CO.'S
Carpets , M ixiueu , Wilton Velvets ,
Ilody UriihsoiH , Inurnla Tapes
try llrilbHOlH ,
We have the best bargain of the sea
son hi our
Holland Wlndosdes , Gilt )
Dadp.sur.TiU roller fixtures. I Window : , .
"SiiaUo 7J feet long complotoM * * fJ"cs ; !
at OOo , J wa-
Largest and choicest stock of window
curtains and shades In Oin lm.
tffl'Mak-ing und laying carpets and
/tanging window shades vronerli ] done.
. .s , i 5iousir& co.
The Convention of the Nebraska Catholic
Knights of America.
Dropped Into o Ilasomont Tlm Leo
in fjlinho The New PnokltiR
House CHy News tu
Cndtollo Knluhts of Aincrlcn.
The second ainuial state council of the
Catholic Knights of America convened at
St. George's hall yesterday at 11
o'clock. There wore ten delegates In at
State President Wlialon called the
council lo order. The minutes of the
last meeting , a year ago , wcro read nnd
auproved. Tlio report of the president
was read and adopted.
The committees appointed wcro as fol
lows :
On rilual-John Rush , P. J. Schmitz ,
Win. Bushman ,
Supplies T 1' . Bronnnn.
( Jredontlals M. L , Lee and O'Neill
Appeals and grievances J. U. Dels-
man , 55. Hucsln , J. P. Mathuws.
Mlltvign and per diem T. F. Hrcnuan ,
F. Kennedy and H. H. Lovo.
The council then adjourned lo 2 o'clock
The council mot at 'J o'clock yesterday
afternoon , and after considerable discus
sion , adopted the sta'o ' constitution.
There are nine brandies of tlio order of
O. 1C. of A. in Nebraska , cijihl of which
were represented and signed the consti
tution as follows : Omaha , Lincoln ,
O'Neill , Albion , Plattsmouth. North
Platte , Columbus and West Point.
The following state utllcers were
cleeted :
State President W. U. Fitzgerald , of
State Vice President J. B. Dolsman ,
of Columbus.
Stale Secretary . F. Urennau , of
State Ticasurcr P. J. Sclunilz , of Co
IK'legalcs to the supreme council ,
which meets in Chicago the second Tues
day in May next .J. A. Wlialon , of
Omaha , and Father Ruesiusj , of Plaits-
mouth. Alternate delegate : * Win. Bush-
nmn and J. 1 ! . Delsman.
After the transaction of further busi
ness of a private nature , the council ad
journed. The meeting was held with
closed doors.
Some of the Improvements of Omaha's
Liveliest Sunurh.
The real estate and building boom is
not confining itself entirely to this city of
Omaha , but is spreading lo South Omaha
and tlio stock yards. No town in the
state , probably , of its si/.e , is growing
vith the same , rapidity and in as substan
tial a manner as South Omaha. Sub
stantial brick nnd frame buildings are
going up on every side , both business
houses and private dwellings. The value
of real estate. : s advancing rapidly , not
froni tin * qll'orts 6fentorprismg real estate
agents , as none of them have yet inter
ested themselves , to any extent , in South
Omaha , bill from natural causes , such as
as the increase in population and the cor
responding increase in the demand for
I'iiijdjng' , , sites. Noticeable nmong the
now buildings which have been erected
during tlio past month or so , is Frank
Pavorika's two-story brick building ,
creeled at a cost of about $2OoO , Bruno
Strathmann is just putting the finishing
touches on n Jarge two-story Iramo build-
in'sl vvJiIeli lib will shortly occupy as a ho
tel and boarding house. When completed
jtwill have cost $2t)00. The stock exchange
hotel , which is likely , from its name ,
to bo confused with the stock exchange ,
belonging to the stock yards company-
was completed early in tlio spring , and is
' { " Jarjfp ; substantial two-story brick
'building. ' * Two small frame buildings ,
which arc used as meat markets , have
boon built this spring , one by Frank Pa-
vonka and the other by l < rcd Wascn.
Sloan As Saxe , are , preparing to raise their
store building to two full stories with Hat
roof and to extend it back twenty feet.
Valentine Lipp has nearly completed a
. Mr. Ka-
largo two-Story hotel building. -
lish , the Omaha merchant tailor is lay
ing the foundation ? for a largo store
building , ' \ StLevv is putting up a two-
Sftory - frame JjuHding to bo used as a
stoio. John Ioe , of the Union Render
ing 6ojnpftnyis putlinsr up a neat and at-
tvijet-lVo. 'cottage.Vhich he will occupy
himself. Sam Miln and Kd and Charlie
Leo are building collages. C. M. Hunt ,
Lincoln , has put up a two-story dwelling
; iml will'movo ' tofitmlh Omaha. Mr. Lin-
strom'C. and ( ) . Hoga , A. Jensen , L.
Rigby. L. Willinni * , John Froi , J. A. Nel-
sou , MrH"45arretLaud a good manyoth-
ers"liaY ( : creoed ( collages. Add to this
list thu now' stock exchange building ,
which tilth ; just lioon completed at u cost
of ? CO,000 , and the showintr is certainly
good. A good many buildings are
under headway , including the
nuw psiejviug house , which are not
included m tjie ljst , < besides llicro are a
good many cottages in the outskirts of
the town thai liavo been omitted.
A year ago a corner lot located near
the business udntcr of the town was sold
for $100 , and the same lot changed hands
again a few days ago at frJ.OOO. Another
piece of property wluoli was bought last
fall for $700 sold a few days ago for
$2,500. Values on oilier lots have ad
vanced m like proportion.
The Fate of an Dm ploy o of the Amer
ican District Teloj-raph Company.
On Monday morning , about 0 o'clock ,
an accident happened in tlio building of
the Western Union Newspaper union.
Twelfth street , between Howard and
Jackson , which came near resulting fa
.The building is a three-story
brick , with a high basement. It has
an elevator running from the latter
to the top story. On the third Ilooi is
the American cookery manufactory.
Hero Henry Nugent-tho parcel delivery
boy of the American district telegraph ,
got on the elevator to descend lo
tlio ground lloor. In the descent
n chip became wedged between
the elevator and thu sides of the shaft ,
and brought the former to a stand , The
wire cable continued , however , to uncoil ,
as if the vohiojo wore descending. The
weight of tholad soon forced the elevator
fren of the impediment , and the wire
having by this time been unrolled
to Its full length , the whole
thing lell to the basement lloor. Young
Niifjeut was thrown backward against
the arch of the elevator and sustained a
nut-it .painful wound on the head. Yesterday -
torday It was rumored the lud hud died ,
but it was found happily to bo unfounded.
It will rc/iuire.sonit ! time to enable young
Nugent to bo about.
Jim Lee in Ijlinho.
One of the worst toughs that Jrrcr in-
llictod Oj-jiha irrril Tils presence Is Jim
Lee , who fora number of years past has
made life uncomfortable for the residents
of Wq t Cutnlng Street. Something over
a year ago Jim was arraigned before
Judge Sfb-iberg nnU sent to the county
jail for ninety day ? Iqr having brutally
beaten a policouiuii who had been scut to
arrest him. Ho had been in jail about
thirty days when ho was let out to aid In
the construction of a trench across the
court grounds under the direction
of M , Loahuy. Leo watched his oppor
tunity and when ho caught Lcahoy in
the bottom of the ditch ho shoved another
prisoner in upon him nnd made his es
cape. Ilohas been away from tun city
for nearly u sear and returned on Satur
day night. Iln was picked up yesterday
afternoon by this police amt sent to the
jail to servo out ino rest of his lino.
The "return match" between two
ptckcil "olovcns" of the Union Paeilio
ami B. & M. headquarters came olT yes
terday on the old B. & M. grounds , and
with the two Innings played out resulted
In favor of the latter by 83 runs. The
victory was plainly duo to the line batting
of Messrs. Kustis , Vaitghan , Taylor and
Beall , and the oflectivo bowling of W F.
( trillltlis. "jr. , and the Vauglian brothers.
The Holding on both sides , during tlio
lirst Inning , was faultless , Ihat of Mr.
Shakcshaft for the losing being particu
larly noticeable. Subjoined Is the score
in Jot all :
II. A M , ! liAl)0lUIITKUS. ) ,
Flrvt -
A. Mcl'heisoii , b Hnrlelch 0
H. W. Taylor , li Wilson 0
W. It. Vatnthan , c Hhukeshaft , b Wilson. . . 0
U. II. Vaiu-han , b Wilson 0
1 ! . Tutre , c Shakeshiitt , b Wilson 0
.I.C.Doyle , ! bw Wilson 3
J. Francis , c Cinmcr. b Wilso 8
O. 11. Unbolts , li Hurlelch 3
P. S. Kustis , el. Cramer , b Hurlelfih 3
W. F. ( irilllth , not out 1
SI. Beall , Ib w Burlel h 8
Extras 5
Total 37
A. MePhorson , b Burlelch 1
It. W. Taylor , not out 17
W. H. VaiiKhan. b Puadou 7
( ! . H. Vauiclian , run out Ill
It. Taaffc , c Cramer , b East 9
. ) . C. Doyle , c liutehliiEon , b East 8
J , I'tancls , b Uurk'inh 1
(5. 11. Kobeits , iun out 4
P. S. Kustis , e Kast , b Wilson 10
W. F. GiIlllth , b limlelRli 1
M. Deall , stuniDed out 2
Extras 20
1'olal Ill
Ff ) > ( Jinifnj/s
Geoifio East , li 0. U. Ynughan 1
Geoiso Wilson , c Francis , bV. \ . It. Vaughan 0
11 , Hske , b W. It. Vaiurlmn 7. . . . 1
A. E. Hutchinson , b ( ! . II. Vauirhan 1
O. H. Purdon , b ( ' . . II. 6
It. Slukoslmft , c Taatle , h (5. II. V.uiulian 0
. Shakcshuft , c G. 11. Vauglmn , b W. H.
Vaiiu'lian H
J. Buileii'li , inn out o
11. hldildire , h Ci. 11. Vaiighan , 0
( ' . Ciauicr , not out 1
T. Ciamor , b W. It. Vaughni ! 1
Kxtias 3
Total 17
Scrontl htnlll'ia
( ! eois e Knst , b JlcPherson 0
George Wilson , ! ) Uiillith (5 (
! ! . Fiske , h Mel'herson 3
A. K. Hutchison , cTualle , b SlcPherson. . 0
( ! , 11. Pindoii , b Doyle 1
It. Sliiikeshali , rim out 0
i : . Shakeshalt , b Mel'hoisou 0
.1. Hmleii-lii b Mcl'heison 3
H. Kldiidne , run out 0
U. Cramer , not out 10
T. Ciauiei , b G. 11. Vaughan 3
Extras 11
Total 43
The New Packing House.
A number of bids have been received
'by ' the sloelc yaids company for the
building of the now packing house at
South Omaha. While no olllcial an
nouncement of the fact lias been made ,
the stock yards company have decided to
let the carpenter work to J. A. Murphy ,
of Council JMufTs , unit the brick work to
Dclaniiv & Co. , of Omaha. Dclaney & Co.
built the now Mock exchange building ,
which has just bcon completed. It is the
intention of the stock yards company to
push forward the work on this now pack
ing house as rapidly as possible.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
The best "Unclo Tom's Cabin" show
that has appeared in Omaha for years ap
peared for the third night at the People's
last evening. Tlio company is McFad-
den's , and since its appearance at tlio
opera > last year it has been greatly
strengthened atiu improved. Every fea
ture of the performance was enjoyed last
evening , especially the singing aiid danc
ing ot "Topsy , " and the little Put
nam sisters. Crowded houses will doubt
less greet the company during the bal
ance of the weck-s engagement here.
It Won't Work.
As will bo been by our council report ,
the city fathers passed an ordinance last
night muking the minimum line to bo
as essoul upon sporting women i25. ;
Hitherto tlio lines assessed have been $5
a month. City OfljcerTurnhiill , who col.
leets the monthly lines , says that the new
ordinancnwill never workand the result
will bo that the sporting women will
escape without contributing a cent of
revenue to the city ,
CiiBtclIar's I'nHtor.
Dr. Marquis , moderator of ( he gedcral
assembly of the Prcsbvlcrian church at
Minneapolis , is expected to arrive in this
city , nnd will preach the ordination
and installation .sermon of Rev. J. M.
Wilson , who has accepted the call lo bo
pastor of the Castellanstreet Presbyterian
church. The doctor will boa guest of J.
L. Welshans.
Work on tin ) brick contrn-foiiiidatioiis
of the board of trade building has com *
The plat of blocks II , 15,10 and 17
were filed yesterday with the county
Hans Nelson and Klla M. Lund were
united in marriage by Judge McCuIloeh
yesterday aftornoon. -
Postollico Inspector Brown went to
Valeiitino yesterday lo look into the
robbery of the postollico at that place.
The trial of Olllcer Curry , who was
sr.Hpended from the police force for in
subordination , was in progress before
the police committee yesterday.
Tlio remains ot O. F. Hall , brother of
ox-Postmaster Hall , who died in Idaho a
few days ago , pisscd : through , this city
yestoruuy"on their way to Boston.
John O'Connor , who was brought on a
requisition from Chicago on Sunday ,
was arraigned before JudgeHlenborg
yesterday afternoon , charged with the
( smhozzlcinont of funds from Llndqnost
A Co. The examination was continued
and O'Connor remanded to the county
Miss Nellie Lewis , while visiting in the
liouno of a friend on North Fourteenth
street Sunday night , had her hat. clou *
and several other articles of clothing
stolen from the rack in the front parlor.
The front door was open and somo.sneak-
thief had slipped iu und molcn the arti
cles named.
The casoot ( he State ys Anna Johnson ,
charged with the robbery of James ( iillen ,
and the case against Thomas Leonard.
Hugh Mcfioveriuind Pat Carroll , charged
with assault and battery upon. iJi'nror
Chas. Bloom , will bn rii-ucilnTliu distiict
court Jiiiigt ! Neville al l'JO ) : o'clock
tins nornlng.
( leorge J. SlcruBdorlV , tarifl'olorlcuf thn
Union Paeilio general freight department ,
has tomtored his resignation to accept
the position of private secretary to Mr.
W. F. Orilliths , the newly appointed
commissioner of the Omaha freight
bureau. Mr , Sternsdorft' has been con
nected with tliuUujoii P.tciliofortliu past
four yn.ird , and will no doubt prove a
valuable acqii&ilion | to ( lie aowr organisa
Trading in Chicago Monor.itoly Active at
Lower Prices on All Futures.
Corn and Ont j Weak nml Lower ,
While Provisions nro Active
Cnttlo Slow mill n
Shade Ijinvcr.
CHICAGO , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram to
the Hr.i : . ] WIIKA.T Wheat wasonly modor-
atcly active nml the iniukot was unscttlcil
anil lircculnr. At Hie opening tlio offcrlm ? *
\\cro Riiinll niul prices kept pretty steady.
Hut about noon weakness sot In nml the
lowest Itcuicsof the day \\ero touched. Later
thrro was a inlly. The closing Ilguies , as
couipaiedltli thosn at 1 o'clock on Satur
day , show ti i loci I no of ? jitXc. ( TradhiR wai
mainly on speculate account. Vessel
room wns taken for plOCU bushels. Juno
closed at 73'sc. July opened at 7r > H ( % nnil
sales \\ero nt and between 7-WJ&W4C & , closing
nt 74 ; < c. August closed at TO c , December
sold at 7A < ( ! ) Oe.
Conx Corn \\as artl\obutveiy weak , ami
broke bc under the pies.suro ot heavy
iccclpts hero , and lower prices In New lofK
and a smaller shipping dciuandliloh offset
the tlrmncss In the Llverpol innrKct and
rallied fieo .selling , particularly June. which
broke from SM < c to : > 4H(3'Ufc1 ( and closed al
34 ' { c. July di opped froui'iOkc toin c and
closed cas-v at the bottom at I o'clock and
? sc loner than jesterd.iy.
OATS Oats wuio faltly active , hut. in sym
pathy with wheat and corn , prices ruled
weal-erand closed Jj@Vc lower Hun yester
day. J unc sold at 'Mc down to 'JlUc , and
closed at SfiYo ; July closed at i-'OVc , and the
Pitovisioxs ll\e IIORI contlnun to arrlvo
In law numbers , but packers absorb the of
ferings with appaient le.ulluess. PIO\ROIH | |
opened stionir , notwithstandini' the lai o re
ceipts refeued to , and the mitikct suddenly
hardened. I'ork , the most ncllui aitleloou
the list , climbed up lOc , but the advance was
lost , and at the close at 1 o'clock was weak al
bottom pilot's. Trading In hud and ribs was
not especially lively , and llucttiatlons were
lew.AfTKit.vooN BOAIIP The afternoon mar
kets weio exceedingly heavy. Poik , still
fuither lediiccd In value.
J : 10 p. in. Puts on July wheat , 71'fc bid ;
calls , 70 , ' c. _
CIUCAOO , Juno 1. fSpcclal Telegram to
the HIB. : | OATTI.I : The cattle iccelpts to
day wcio rather latter than many dealers
had looked for , but there \\uic not too many
dcshnblo fat cattle of light and medium
weights. Them were many glassy and rough
lots. Tliooneial { market was slow. Prices
wcre5@10olo erthauycstenlaythouch theio
seemed to be no nppaioiit icason for any
decline. The cattle wi > io pietty much all
sold at prc.valllin ; | ) iices , though some were
still lu first liauilb at the close of the maikcU
Shipping steers 9 > 0 to li00 ! Ibs ,
54,05(31.30 ( ; 1350 to fiOO Ibs. S" .20@5.00 ;
I'JOO to 10031bs4.ali ( i5.00. OITeiings of Texas
cattle were llbeul. The demand was fairly
good , though buyers were bidding very loren
on the peeler qualities C.inners were buy
ing wltli homo treedom. Canneis are no\v
rill at work. Sales woio uneven to-dav. In
some ea'-es nrlcffs weio quoted considerably
lower ; bids wuto decidedly lower. Halm
weie : Cows , S'J no © 1.00 : grass steeis , SU09 !
3.f > r ; corn fed , S3.7fj@ < .N ) .
lions The market opened aethe. with nil
ut > tin n ol about fie , at which advance a largo
per cent of the early sales weie made. Later ,
however , tlio demand fell away and nt the
oxtieiue. close all the advanea ot the moinlnc
was lost , the market closing weak with a
laicu number loft. The bull : ol the mixed
sold at iH.OOcrjg4.lO ; undesirable and common
mixed at sjUK : u\$4 $ 00 ; light sold nt SVM@
SI. 1.1 ; Voile boit at SI. 10 and singeing soil at
SI. 15.
Vorlc. Jnno i. MONEY On call
easy at \ ] t-M IMT cent ,
PIH.MI : r.ituANiii.i ! PAPUII 4@5 per
cent ,
STIIIUXO : iCxcHANon Steady ; actual
lates.Sl.h" for sixty day bills ; > $ tor
( iovmiNMKxrs Quiet hut linn.
SrorKs Stocks opened Kcncrally from
% ( & % per cent higher , but a yield of .small
lra < tious Declined. Alter 1 o'clock there was
a i.illy , and the highest in ices weie i cached
in the caily part nf the last hour. But real-
\i\\\K \ \ \ caused it to S.IL' elf , and the linal prices
aio a shade under the best ol the day.
BTOCK8 ON WA.M. 8rilKl"T.
8W cent bonds. . . 101 | C. AM. W 113
UTS. 4 's 1115 | * piefened. . . Ml
Newt's. 12ii > < , N.Y. 0 1 < M
1-ncificO'sof'9 > . 125 * Oieiron Trail. . . 30J <
Central Paeilio .
mefened. . . . ] S5
c. , n. & < ) JJH'f '
n. it it. a irof
Krie 27C. ' , , . , il. k St P.
prefened , . . GOJfl piefened. . 122
Illinois Central. l 7Jf St. P. A : O VA %
I. , B.V SSJ I prefcnea. . . 10S
Kansas AsTcxis , U7" < Texas Pacllic. . . 10) )
LakeShoio. . ' . . . . S2"jt Union Paclfin. . . 52 %
L.&N 3f\V. | \ , St. L. .fcP. . 7
'Midi. Central. . . . 71K prefeired. . . 17
.Mo. Paeillc HM'f ' Westein Union f > 3
Noithent Pac. . . ! ! 5jj ; < J.ll.ifc N..I. . OOK
ineteiinl. . . . 6 * 4
Ex int. *
Ohlunco , June l. KIour-Quiet , easy and
uneiiaiiui-'d ; In cai , § 1.2.'Ktl.7.'i ! ; southern
SJ.03dM.10 ; Wisconsin. SI .V l..rX ) ; Mlehl-
L'au Holt spilng , S3.G'ifiM.l ( ) ; Min
nesota bakers. ? : i.-tO4.M ( ) ; patents , S I.M@ri.tO ) ;
low mades. J > ' . ' . Vt.00 : ! ; ilpo Ilinii , quiet at
s0/i.rx ; ! ! ! ( ! ; ) m hhN , j..i.ooci3.xj . : In saek.s.
Wheat-Killly aetho at lower priees ;
opened a shade easier th.m Satmdaj's close ,
and closed > , fc under Sutuidny ; cash and
.June , 73be ; .Mtly,74 fo.
Coin \ \ eaKei ; declined % c , anil closed at
Insldo jirlceshut ic.iclcd ; cash and , Juiieil : , ! < ; c ,
Oiitn Dnened slnidy , becaino weak , bioko
' < e , and closed u shade steadiei ; cash , 0 c ;
June , snifWiQi July , 'Mxe ,
lt ) Hull ut &Si.
Bniley-Dull at fl.r V5e.
Timothy Pi hue. SI. O-jniLO" .
Flax ( Seed SI.Oi)1 ) ,
Whisky 8.14. !
Poik Advanced 10jl2Jc ( early , became
weak laU-r. and the advaneo lost ; active at
times ; easli and June , SS.iiO ; July. t'H.KC'J
Laid < } ulet and 2Kc lower ; cash and
June , S.r > .a > ; July. S5.02S } ( > " . .tt > .
liiilk. Meats Steady und unchanged ;
shoulders , 5 .u.vji.a : ; short clear , S5.wxu5.05 ;
short ribs , svio. <
Butter Weak ; cieaineiy , 13VHKo ;
dairy , ( K < il-'e.
Chepsfe Steady ; full ciisam Cheddars , 8t/jJ ( *
S fe ; Hats , 'J ie ; Young Americas , lU > ic.
Kccri Steady at 8Jf ( < iif. ) '
Hides Heavy green salted , 7r ; light , ,
8' ' it ; daiiuucd , C/fo / ; bull hides , ftjfr ; dry
salted , ll r.'c ; dry Hint , IU@UR : call skins ,
lie ; all skins under U Ibs. classed as deaeonn ,
50o each.
Tallow No. 1 country , 3X" ; No. 2 , He ;
cake , a. ' C ? If ,
Arn.i.if JON BOAIID Wheat Haoy. July ,
7-i % < V7-J4C. Coin , oats and laid iiiicnanjicd.
Poik weaU and lowci at oB.SJ'JJ-jc.
' Itecolpti. Shtpiiients.
Flour.bbls I'.i.O'JO SMXKI
Wheaton.oft ) IW.OW
Coin , ou 317,000 7tl'M.x $
oats.bu -iri.Ww
Itye.bii. . , , -WO . 10H ) )
y : J ) -Dil 4",0'JO ,000
New York. Juno l.-Wheat Kecelpts ,
lU7OCOoxioits ; | , Uftl.OOO ; spot , W < $ lc lower ,
but faitly active ioi oxpou ; options oiieuvil
weak and soon declined XWI't'c , closing
btead > with a slight let-overy ; ungiadcd ifd ,
74C"8- ' ) > 1CJ Nil. 'J It'll , KJ > jO IllbtOll ) , l > lf ! SllC
t. o. Li. , KX V V afloat ; Junu elosiim ut
CiirnSiKJt lot declined IXQframi op
tions K@ic , hut closed with a recovery of
feTC Jfe ; rweipts , 417,000 ; exiioits , 57,001) ) ; tin-
gi.ufcd. ( Kic4-.V ; No.gMKr ( In clina-
iar\4lh \ < iHWv alloAt ; Juno clohlnsf.a 4iKc. !
Oats-Lower ; rernlnUs , iiOfl.OOO ; ,
nuno ; mixed ue6t4 > in.u.'X : )7c ) ; whlwvrusloni ,
1't trohiuni Steady ; United