8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , 'JUNE 1 , 1880. PICKED UP ABOUT THE CITY , ho Kcwa Grist on the Last Day of May. THE RUhJt-E MURDER MYSTERY. He Perjured Himself Krlcndu of the Orplinn Tlio Laiicr Case Fostnor'a Troubles Hall Notes. Tlio Ilulilo CnflC. Wlllinm Fielder , the man arrested by Constable Slain on Friday for alleged coniillclty | in tlio murder of Christof Hnhlc is still in jiil : aw.niting hearing. Burton , his young companion , will prob- nbly bo released , as there is no evidence to establish the theory of his guilt. The detectives who have caused the ar rest of Fielder claim that the evidence against him is very strong. One of the circumstances which Is strongly against him Is the fact that ho wm seen in com pany with Uuhlo the day before the mur- " ilor"wlich ! circumstance will bo testified to , when the time comes , by several par ties. Fielder , nevertheless , persists in Haying that he never saw the murdered man , either dead or alive. Another link in tlio chain of evidence against the prisoner is tlio fact that lie Is riggi'd out in an entinily now milt of clothes , and that he cannot give any sat isfactory explanation of what became of bis old ones. Tlio detectives say Unit in all probability , ! ! ! the struggle with Kuhlc. themunierer was covered with blooduiul the first thing ho would naturally do would be to change his clothes. One of Rnhlo'fl acquaintances testifies to having heard him say a day or so be fore the murder that he was going out to work on 1'axlon's raiiehe. Now FicldiT was arrested on 1'atrick'n rnncho , a few miles front the city , having gone there a dily or so before no was taken into cus tody. It is possible , if not probable , that the acquaintance may have been mis taken , and that Runlc said Patrick's ranche instead of I'axton's , expecting to go out there with Fielder. The preliminary examination of the suspected man will take place in a few days , or just as soon as the evidence against him can be collected in proper shape. _ HE COMMITTED 1'EKJUKV. A Very Sensational Development In the Pou'oll Murder Cnsc. The latest feature of tlio Powell murder case is very spicy and sensational , in deed , being nothing less than the arrest of one of the prineinal witnesses for the defense on the charge of pcijury. The man's name Is Crosby , and Ho hails from Floroncn. When placed on the stand last wonk he swore that shortly before the death of Charles Leslie , who was shot by Lafayette 1'o.vell , the defendant , lie called upon the sick man in company with ti stranger whom ho had never met before , and had a long talk with him about the Ehooting atlray. Among other things , he swore that Leslie told him that it was his ( Leslie's ) intention to "do up" Powell that evening. This was a strong point for the defense , as it went very far to show that Powell had been compelled to act in self- defense. According to the testimony of the two women who were nursing Leslie , Cros by's testimony was false in every mrticu- Jar. They swore that they had never noun Crosby , and that no such man had ever visited Leslie. This circumstance led the nrosecntion to believe that the evidence put in by Crosby was bogus and the consequence was that Sunday he was quietly arrested and jailed on a , .charge of perjury. Ho has been closely examined uy the prosecution and has mane a practical admission o , his crime. Ho says that ho did not know that in committing perjurv lie w.is guilty of a penitentiary offense. He further more admitted that he had received if IDOj for testifying as ho did. This is a heavy blow at the defence , ami unless something unexpected turns ii ) ) . the chances for" Powell's acquittal will be diminished considerably. Crosby in conversation with a reporter said that lie had made a confession to Judge Baldwin. Unit Shipley , ( one of Powell's friends ) had bribed linn to tes tify as lie did , simply to gut rid of Bald win who was pestering him with ques tions. "I wasn't on oath when 1 was talking with Baldwin"ho said , "and 1 could say what I pleased. " Crosby further denied most strenuously that he had perjured himself , or that lie lind received any bribe money. Mr. Biirnham , Powell's attorney , was very indignant at what he called a cow ard gotien up by one of the counsel for tlio prosecution. "This is a cock-ami- bull yarn ho said which will bo exposed when the time comes. J believe J am too Hiirow and too honest to allow Hald win to catoh mo napping In that way. 1 don't know the first tiling about tlio al leged bribery , and am just as ready to have a full examination as any one. No , fiir , 1 have not been near Crosby to-day , hccauso if 1 did , the prosecution might bo tempted to accuse mo of trying to in- Jluonco him. Itall Notes. Tlio B. & M. QSunday commenced tlio laying of a now track in the bet toms and tills morning tlio work was continued witli a largo force of men. It leaves the main track running north and south be side the river and pushes directly west toward tlio foot of Leaven worth. During tlio past few months the 1) ) . & M. has been raising up the bottom tom land , commencing immcdlatidy north of the Union I'acilie bridge and in tend to continue up to Jones street. They have now ouo track across the land for this purpose and tlio other above men tioned , would enable them to work two gangs and two trains and thus expedite tlio job. TIII : NIW : TJMI : CAKP. The now time curd on tin Union Pa- clilo wont into tilled Sunday , and yester day the railroad employes have hail their lirstoNierlonco | in becoming familiar with the novelty. All the trains arrived on time , and nothing now could bo noticed about them by those who wcro unaware of the now order of things. The now regime elves Conductor Mack of the dummy a little more chance to earn his salary. Instead of dropping oil' , ns heretofore , ho now runs the 7 o'clock tram to and from the Bluffs every evenIng - Ing , and every ulternuto night ho goes over and back with tlio 8:15 : run. The latter wns put on to connect with tlio bioux City train at the Bluffs. The last mentioned train has been discontinued , though tlm dummy is retained because it lias attracted a pretty fair amount of btldilH'SS. n. ts M.ORAmxo. The grading of tlio B. & M. road to Ashland has already reached the vicinity of the town of Forest City , though the line takes a direction some distance from the old town sito. As it consequence the corner grocery ami the other house which marked tlio business center of that place , are moving on wheels to close proximity to tlio track. NOTKS ANIi I'KUSONAW. Messrs. S. T. Smith and B. U. Thomp- ton , of the Union Pacllio , have returned from the superintendents' meeting in Denver. J. Murdoch , traveling freight agent of HJO UnionPacilic ; , arrived yesterday from the west. The now Urauu Island accommodation train was well patronised yesterday It consisted of seven coaches , four of which were largely laden with pasongcrs. . George M. t'unniiings , the new 'land commissioner of the Union Pacific , ar rived to-day from Boston , and enters at once upon his duties. Ho will have jurisdiction over all the lands owned by the Union I'acilic , instead of those in the mam division only , as wis : the case with Mr. Bunilmm. Friends of the Orphan. To-day the second 0 annual Itatc council of the 0. K. of A. will convene in this city , in the hall of the local branch , Brown's building , Farnam street , oppo site the Paxton. It will be attoirtlcd by delegates from Lincoln , Columbii ? , North Pintle , West Point , Albion , Falls City , Platlsmouth , O'Neill and Omaha. The delegates will elect two supreme repre sentatives to attend the supreme council which will meet in Chicago next May They will also elect state olllccr.-i for the ensuing year and adopt a constitution for the government of the several stale brandies , besides devising ways and means for the extension of llio benotlts of tile order to other parts of Nebraska. The society is of the benelit insurance order , $ . ' ,000 being given to his family on the decease of ii member. The order was introduced in this slate about throe years ago by Dr. M. J. O'ltourkc , and bus since that time been steadily though slowly growing in favor. The stale ollleers are : Bishon O'Connor , spiritual director ; .1. A. Wht'lcn , state president , Omaha : J. B. Deli-man , state vice president , CohtinbiU ! ; P J. Schiml/ , stale treasurer , Columbus ; T. 1' . Brennan , state secretary , Omaha. JJS'fhis evening fa , banquet will bo tendered the visiting delegations in St. Pliilomena hall , corner Ninth and How ard streets , to which a number of invita tions have been issued. Besides the menu , there will bo some exei'llonl re sponses to toasts and some musical feat ures which will make ttio evening a very pleasant one. Fcstnor In Trouble. Julius Festncr was engagcdjyestorday in trying to settle up the old accounts against him in order that ho might re sume business at once at tlio "old stand. " His ci editors , however , do not show a pronounced willingness to settle , express ing a preference for hard cash , instead of promises. Festnor's stock in the exposition build ing is In charge of Detective Siddalls. On Saturday evening Festnor managed to gain an entrance to tlio building and took up a position in his old room. When Siddalls discovered the situation ho started to burst open the door , whereupon Fust- ncr rushed out armed with an old rusty musket , to which was attached a bayonet. He made a lunge at Siddalls , but that gentleman , by a dexterous use of his legs , managed to make his escape. Later on Fcstnor was arrested and taken up to jail. He plead so hard for release , how ever , that Siddalls concluded not to tile a complaint against him. Upon ample promises of good behavior , the music merchant was turned free. COO acres land in Thaycr county , Nob. , to .sell or trade for merchandise. Address John Linderholm , 014 S. 10th St. , Omaha , A Olmiicc of Venue. "Will Lauor's case bo taken out of this county on a change of venue tor a new trial ? " was asked of Judge Tlmrston yes terday by a reporter for the BHE. "That I can't say just at present , " re plied Mr. Thurston , "it is a point upon which wo are now dcbjitmg , and shall have to decide soon. " "What arc Lauor's desires about tlio matter ? ' " " 1 think that ho is inclined to believe that n change of venue ought to be taken. If we do take the case' out of this cpunty , it will , according to tlio law , have to bo tried in one of the counties adjoining Douglas. According to this , the case will bo tried either in Sarpy or Washing ton counties , or Saunders or Dodge of Judge Post's district. " Opclt's Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , opened March 10th , first class in every respoct. A Ilnrc Collection. The celebrated art publisher C. Klack- ner , has on exhibition at A. Ilospe's store a splendid collection of "romarquo" and artist proof "etchings'1 by the most emi nent American artists , sucli as Thos. Moran , Hamilton , Millspaugh , Harvey and others. The collection which in cludes landscape , marine and domestic scenes and porlraits , is valued at $0,000 , and these who sco it will bo assured a rare treat. Mr. O. L. Wocrnor will be at Ifospc's in charge of the collection until Wednesday. Connosieurs are especially iuyited lo inspect llio collection. A Vacant Mi ml. One week ago , an insane lady named Ilyan arrived in this city trom San Fran cisco. She had left her liomo unawares , and her being on the train was discov ered and her arrival here anticipated by a telegram to Marshal Cum mings. She was taken in charge by Ollicer Mat/.a and dctaincdimlil | Sunday night , when her husband arrived and escorted her back to her homo. Tips. The 103 yard bicycle race between Hughes anil Hitchcock will come off Wedncsdaj' at the Athletic park , The race is for $500 a side ; $100 of tins amount has been put up and 0 the balance will bo forthcoming to night. Patrick Ford is to act as Makcholdorand reforeo. The Leadville.s Inivo boon engaged to play a game hero next Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Christian association will beheld hold this afternoon. A mil attend ance is requested. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This po.vJornevcr varies. A marvel of purl ly , strength ami wholosouioncsj. Moro ccoti ninlcnl than thu onllnnrr Winds , ana cixiui'-t lie M > kl In eoniictltlou | with the tuullltuUo of low ti-si , short wcltrht.nluin or nhoBphnto powilrrs , Folil only In cans. Ho VAL liAUIKU 1'OWUKK Co. , c v Vcrk. NEBRASKA CHAUTAUQUA. Th < Grcnt Stindny School GrtthcrliiK nt Urctc In July. Crete Globu : The time of tlio annual gaUipring of the Nebraska Sunday-school nssctublv is almost hero and \vo fenr that maiii will losetno oppotunity ( raroto m A'cbraskans ' from lack of thinking about it nml planning for it in season , Those who wcro hero last year annrccl- ntcJ too well Its many attractions over willingly to bo absent , and wo should be glad to excite In tiiuso who wcro not hero an interest that would secure their pros encc hero this summer. A gentleman from Hoston who was here two years ago , expressed Ills opin ion that wo westerners were grave and sober compared witli tlio-so of llio cast. I believe that this is true , and also that there are very good reasons for it. which perhaps this same good man did not hilly understand ami appreciate. "All work and no play makes Jack n dull boy , " and pioneer life , with all its ro mance of boundless horizons and virgin soil , etc. , is a hard wearisome life to the majority , and all tlio more wearing to body and spirit , that to the most the tip- porttinitles loi' recreation and rest are well nigh practical impossibilities. It lakes money and time , in neither of which moat of us arc rich , to'go to Iho mountains east or west , to California , Yt'llowslono park or the sea shore. What remains then but to plod on year in and year out , going through tlio same routine of farm or shop or house , until the fool- prints are worn too deep to bo easily abandoned. These who have made for themselves homes upon our prairies and helped build our towns and develop the resources of our state , understand well wiinl this means , and at what sacrllico of mental and social advantages all this has been done. But In thi ° . assembly at Crete we sec the beginning ot better things. If wo cannot go east lo share , at least , some of its best , we can bring its best to us ; ami this deserves especial nnntion , that it is no second rate talent that is brought hero but the best. The Blue river n fibrils good facilities for boating for seven miles above tlio assembly grounds , and upon the grounds are croquet , lawn tennis , and other helps lo physical recreation and enjoyment. But our feast is not to consist of one or two courses , uleasing onl.y the palates of the few , but the bill of fare is varied as well as of excellent quality. There is something for all. Wo do not claim for the grounds the grandeur of tlio thou sand isles , of mountain or ocean , but it is a ijlaee of quiet , restful beauty. For tlio children there is freedom , green grass , sunshine , shady grounds , hammocks and swings ; for the musical there is the rare opportunity of drill by 1'rof. Sherwin ; for tlio Sunday school teacher , invaluable helps from the instruction of men and women whose lives are devoted to the \york ; delight in tin. hearing , and food for afterthought , in the sermons and lectures by such men as Dr. Moridcth , Lyman Abbott , Hobert Nonrse and oth ers. Frank Beard also who can tell a story with a few strokes of his crayon better than Dickens in volumes , will bo hero to show us the power of skillfully used illus trations. Last , but not least , Dr. Dunning , the prince of assembly conductors , will bo hero. To those who know him. nothing need be haid ind to those who have never seen , and especially heard him , descrip tion would , utterly tail. \Vo think none who listened to Mr. Mailo's account of the "Horrors of An- der.sonville anil Libby , " one year ago failed to realize anew the price that was paid the second time for the freedom of our nation and this year brings Gen. Logantho hero of so ninny battles , whoso presence will kindle anew the fires of Bitriotic ; devotion to our country. The . A. R. will not fail to be here in grand numbers to welcome him' But as this assembly is the outgrowth of the jdea planted at CMiautauqua si few years since , members of the Chautauqua circles 'all over the Mate , we are sure , will look forward to this gathering with somewhat of the feeling with which the' Jews miido their vearly journey to Jeru salem , or devout Moslems their pilgrim age to Mecca. Wo feel sure of a largo representation from their ranks. Nor should the social features of the occasion be overlooked. There , not the courtesies , but the formalities , are laid aside , and a freedom of social inter course is enjoyed that is too rapidly dis appearing from our lives. We meet on common ground , heartily enjoying the good tilings prepared for us , aim so com ing nearer to each other and to him "who giveth us all things richly to en joy. " For many rt will require sonic sacrifice of things before thought indispenbiblo : some careful housekeepers will bo ob liged to leave some things undone. It will in many cases necessitate extra ex penditures that can with dilliculty bo met. But come , anil yon will , wo are sure , bo able as never before to read be- twcen the lines of the passage , "Is not the body more than meat and the life more than raiment ? " But just a word as to meat which wo should not be allowed to say did fie ladies know it. 'Iho ladies of the Congrog.i- tional church at Crete are to have charge of tno dining hall and the lunch stand , and they will spare no pains to do justice in that department. When yon come to Lincoln , stop at the Commercial Hotel , if you want homo comforts. C. W. KITUIIK.V , Proprietor. Nov.IloauU ttil Cheap. CltKSTON. Only 15 lots remaining unsold. Call and select early. J. B. EVANS & Co. , Solo Agents. GKT Howr. & KIKU'S : DUCKS ox FIJHXI- TUKB. 1510 DOUGLAS Sritiir. : Wedding and presentation gifts a spec ialty at Raymond's , The Leading Jew eler , Douglas and 10th st. llaivtliorno. Cheapest property offered. McCAOUK , opp. P. O. Biiforo buying get prices at the Central Lumber Yard , KHIi and California. < A , G. Inghram. Jlawtliornn. Cheapest properly offered , McCAGtii : , opp. P. O , Get your buggy repaired and painted at Gralton & Drnmmond's , Get estimate. 1U15 Harnoy Ilawthornn , Cheapest property oil'ercd. McG'AUUE , opp , P. O. JIOKSKYS , JKUSKYS , JEUSI3YB Tuesday , Wednesday and Tlmrbilay. Special Halo. Still further reduction , all wool jerseys $1.25. We will close out what is left at COo , they are excellent , well made goods , ami a lot of children's brocaded jerseys , very pretty styles , most of these have been priced $1.85 to $2.00 , wo will close out what Is left all. Also t. lot of black all wool jerseys wo Will close out at $1.50 and $3,00. Also a very beautiful lot of colored jerseys In all the latest shades , such as navy blue , cardinal , wlno , mode and brown , wo oA'er at 3.25. Also a splendid lot of the latest styles in jerseys , fancy vest fronts nt $2.00 , * ' , > .50 , ? J.W and f 1.75 , 13th St , Car. Capitol Avenue , ron THK TnrATWKW or AM , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McNIENATVlY , Proprietor. fiutiim years' hospital nml 1'tlvnto I'ractlca W > Uavo tlio facilities , nipnrntii | * anil rcmcdlci for the Rncce''ful treatment of c\cry form of ills. ca o requiring cither mcdlcnl or nurglcnl treatment , anil Invlto nil tocomonncllnvrftlp.ito for themselves or correspond \\lthU8. J < eng ciicrleneo | In treatIng - Ing eases liy letter enables us to treat tnnnjf cnsca ( cVentlflefllfyvHlinnl neelnit them. WHITE FOIt nillOULAtt on Deformities and Hrftrr > Chili Feet , Curvatures of tha Spine , DISEASES orVOMKK , Piles , Tumors , CAIICCM , Catarrh , Rronchitu , Inh.Mntlon , Kleclrlclly , I'nrnl. juts , Epilepsy , Kidney , Kye , Ear , Skin , IJIood nml all nttrRlc.il operations. Itnttcrlc * . Inhaler * . Timers , Tr.n'cs , nml .ill kinds of Medical and Surgical Apl > ' ! auccp , man- ufactnred end for ? AC ! The only reliable Medical Institute making Private , facial $ Nervous Disease ; , 1 A SPECIALTY. AM. CONTAGIOUS ANM ) 111.000 TUSEASRS. from Mhiitovcrcnnspproduced , snccosnfully tre.Ucd. We c-in remove Syphilitic | > oleoit from tlio system without mercury. Now rcf tor-am c treat-unit for Iocs of vital power. AM. COMMUNICATIONS CONI'IDHSTIAI. Cnllnnd consult n or ( end name mid ) > ost-onico address plainly 'vrltton enclose stump , nud wo will send you , In plain wrnnpir , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO.MEP tlrON I'JIIVATK , SPKCIAI. AND NKIHUtld DisaASKS. SCillNAt. Wl'AKNKSS , Bl'ESMATontUIUU iMl'OTKN. CT , Svriui.is , KoNsntiiuni , OI.EET , VAIIICOCEI.E , Si-rUi/runE , AND AM. tn BASns or THE OKNITO- ITni.f Attr Ona.\N9 , or t end hl tory of your case for an opinion. Persons unalil t- > visit us may uo treated nt Ihelr homes , by cori'cpomlcnce. . Medicines and Instru ments font liy mall or express HKCUHKL.Y I'Alifi. nil FKOM OllSnUVATIO.V. no trunks to ImllraU contents or Fender. One personal interview | iri > fcrred If convenient , fifty rooms for the accom modation of patients. Hoard ind attendance nt reasonable pilcej. Address nil I.cttcig to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Vir. I3IHSI fniRiiltoiaio. . . Q'MIIA. N''H. ' ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL JL87O. ( KOODOO PARTSOFTHE 3O LID ; WORLD C ucx nnd 1'rlcrn on nppllcatlnn. Hold by Alltbc best fBrrlnL-n IJulMcr innil Iicalcre. CINCINNATI , U. S. A. 'atiloAdtVrr . f'OO-CHT. to MAUI , , ( Bucccs nrB to J. G. Jncnbi. ) UNDERTAKERS , AND EMBALMERS. At the old stnnd , 1107 FarnnmSt Orders by tclc-gropl ! solicited and promptly uttondcJ to. 'I'ulupliono No. "i it Menu : AT wuor.KsAi.K rincr- I PAY nil cxprp d rlmrgcs to ntrpolnlA ulihtn 300 milow. liHriiiTliipifl to icloct from. Srnil tv.o ccni tump for IlIiiftmuUcutMlofiio. ' Moilllon tlilapaper. L. G. SPENCER'S TOY FACTORY , 321 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. EiplitPL-ntli Ht. mill St. Jlnvy'a"avo. PANORAMA Ol'EN IAIIY From 10 a. in. to 10 p. m. Just received , entire new lot of Stamp ing Designs. Stamping Done And Satisfaction Guaranteed. Orders taken for nil kinds of Kmbroldcry. A13O lessons given. PATCH , Lais' taisk , 15B7B > oiiKlat * II. IIGICCKT , FRESCO PAINTER Antl SPRIKG VEHICLES. OVER 400,000 as IN.USE. Rldlnff Voli'cln ninde. lUdra ns easy . The HprliiunleiiKllic nand AiorCcn Accoidinxtotho weieht thoycnrry. I quoy \rcll niluptcd in j niyli rnuntry roniU itnu Jlnc drivcMnlcitic . illiinuffirliiri'd unilxoldby ill Icudiuji Citrrh' o liuililfra niut Huulrrn * McNAIR & SPHAY , Flour Feed Hay Lime Ge.ment , , , , . , Prices Keasoimblo , Quality ( limrantccil. Onloru Filloil tfi'omplly. Tolopliono yo. 801. 1505 Hurt Street , Hotweon Ifith and 10th L O TiS $700 $ to $760 , $200 $ cash , bal , t-2-3 Yrs V 3 blocks front King St. Cart S. S. Van Bouron , 220 S. I4tli HouBo.iCornor Lot , UNow South Front. IN WALNUT HILL ADDITION , Near Hell Uno Depot ; only $1000 , $300 down , bal. anca monthly ; alfo 5 lots adjoining , from $200 to UO. 8. 8. VAN BEUREN , 220 South 14th St Acre Property near City. C OTE BRILLIANTE Lots Tor Sale in all parts of Gity. EASY TBRMS S. S. VAN BEUREN , 220 8. 14th. G. W. KING , Hardware , Tinware , Tools , Cut lory. Jobbing niul HcnalrliiK prompt ly uttcuUoil to. Solo lu'cnt Car Uouuluc Vupor l > or SU e , 2lt CuuihiK street FIRST NATIONAL BANK U , S. DEPOSITORY. Omtihn , Nebraska. Onpitnl. . , . , $500,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kountzc , President. John A. Crolghton , Vice President P. 11. Davis , Cashier. W. 11. Meeaulcr. Ass't Cashier. V COIUSTOCK , Genl. Insurance Agents , Morclmnt'8 Nntlonal Ilium lUnMltiff , Cor. Fur- niMn nml lilt lists. , room 1 np-stiilrs. Tclcpliotiu No. 375 , Otnnhn , Nebraska. . . . WU'NKSKM : riiocnl.T. London , Knitlnml $ .1,723,374.13 Hrrmon'sNo\Ttirk , N , .1 , . . , l Ml.PV'.its ' ( lion's rnlts , Olon'sKdlU.N. V MDi/JXlRS Cllrnrd , IMilliiilflphlu. I'll l.wlno.7a ) Wi'Stchoslor , Now Vork.N. Y lUM8.fil : John Hi.iitMink Mutui.l l.lfo , Boston..U,7.11,715nl WAS/a'KJI W. LYNCH * V CO. , UPHOLSTERERS & FURNITURE Ten Yi'nrs' Kxpcrlcnoo. 313 S , 12th SI. , Bat. Farnam and Harney. Cnno poiitlnp nnd mnttrcss rcnnvntlnir n spco .nlty. All work ilono promptly and nt n-ii on- 'blorAtca. Mnll orders promptly nttondnl to. UNITED STATES XT. S. 33E3FOSITOK , if. S , W , Cor. Farnam & 12th 3ts. Capital , - $100,000 Surplus , - 15,000 GW. HAMILTON Prostdont. M.T. 1 ! A ULOW , Cushion C. WII.I , IIA.MIt.TXV , Asst. Cnshlor W.M. Caldvvoll. J. W. Hnmllton. B. F Smith Mrr. Burins. Will Hamilton _ Wll.A.l'A.VIO.N 1'1-US , KZHAMlt.t , , HI > , Vl00.1'rO I 216 S. 13th St. , Omaha , M. LOANS MADE ON KEAL. ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. KOHT. L. ri.uii.icii.4 , 1' . H. JOHNSON , Soornlurr. Treasurer. FOR HERNIAjETBUPTORE GET THE BEST ! THE PHILADELPHIA TRUSS GO.'S ' IMPROVED PATENT MADK WITH Our Coaled Malleable Steel Spring ! . Otir Genuine Hard Rubber Covered Springs. Our Indestructible Vulcanoid Covered Springt. EACH TRUSS BEARS OUR FIRM NAME. Special Medal Philadelphia Centennial. Gold Modal New Orleans- SOLD AND ' FITTED BY JOHN w. HBT.T. , nmcKtit , MJ s. Tenth , KltANK IIAIIHHTTACO. : 1 N. Sixteenth. ANTON UAJOIU , " lirlS. Slxlll. K.CIIANDI.KIt. " as-Wl.eivcnwortli. CllK.NHV.tOI. ON , " iwr : Kill-mini. . JA.MKSKOIISYT1I. " 2W ( -ixtucnth. . .I.A. KUI.I.KH CU. , " Hir.'lmiKll8. | Wlll.Cl.ADISH. " lUSS.TwHrtll. WiM.K.IMKK/.KV ! , " i : l S. Thirteenth. rilAS.KUIll.MANN , " IUI loiiBlii8. KU11N&CO. , " 121 S. Klltecnth. M. 1'Alllt. " 4 IS. Tcntli. M. 1 * . I'OWULL , " VIA S. Thirteenth. 11. W. SAXK , " 14SI nirniini. HOIIIIOTKIt.l-ro.VUAn , " ' .MIS. Fifteenth. HI'AKAUI ) T.V. . .V CO. , " l S. Thirteenth. ( % S. TOHIUTT , " Z-JJUIiriiilin. \V.M..I.\VIIITKIIOUSH , " KUN.iSlxtvuiitli. J. 1' . WKIIKIt , liiKtriimont ! ! . lath nt. \ Cupltolnvc. WliolcaulQliy II. T. Clark lirujs Co. SIAXirrACTouv , Gil ) Locust t. , I'lillailclplim. rn. MEHDELSSOM & FISHER , P. L. SHANE. SuncrntendGnt Hardware , Tinware , CQJTI EltY , TOOLS AND STOVES Special intention nlvon to Spouting and Job Worn. .IOSE\ FLORIST , All Islnils oC bocldliiK plants for suln. ox STATK ST , 3 blocks North of L 11. Williams' rosIUonco. 0 AMUSEMENTS. PEOPLE'S THEATRE ! THREE N1UHTS , AndOjicn Ojicn SUNUAV , MAY Mnmmotli Oryani/.ation. MuFtultlcn's Uriirinul lioston Dotiblo DHOLE TOI'S ' CABIN 81IIOI'M ! ON TUB STAflU Hl K -eoMmini I-I.A.NTATIO.V piNr.iitP : 10 2 ijii'oiiTiii : THICK iHisKr.vs-'t 0 MONhTKII BMKIII 1IOUNUS 0 Alltlio oi-tKlniil ftoiioi Fi'inotts iirortticcil liy thl coinpitiT in Now 1 ork uiul lloatoii. Giuat I'lanliitloiiJiililIcij Kcetlviill .Mlsslssliiiii Stiinin llout Sccnol Tlio Jolly Coon gnnrtcttol TlretApponnuico of llio Culclirutod LITTLE PUTNAN TWINS. Prices , 20c , 80o and OOo. Mutinoo Prices , Iflo and 250. _ MERCHANTS' National Bank NotthwoEt cornur I'urnum uud 13th Street * . Paid up Oapitfil , - - $200,000 , Surplus Fund _ _ - _ - - 60,000 FHANK MUIH'HV , BA MM. E. HOOK IIS. 1'rcelilcnt. ' luo I rcblilont. 1JEN H.V001) . LUTJinii I > AKp , Cashier. A > t. Cuibler. Accounts olloltod nml prompt nttciitloat'lvoa to al ! 0 jsliiosi oiitruatfJ to Ita euro. P y five pof cout caTliuo Doposlta. DEWEY & STONE , One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA , BKANCH OF In addition to our large stock of Steam and G-as Fitter's and Plumber's supplies , we have a full stock of Rubber Hose Hose Reels , , Lawn Sprinklers , Etc. 1206 Douglas st. , Omaha , Neb. THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON , Jull Assortment for sale to the Trade by VINYARD & SCHNEIDER M. BURKE & SOWS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , ana HUUKK , Maniw > r. UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. UKFERENOKS : Jlerclmuts' nud Faniii-iV liuulc , Duviil Cily , Nob. ; nrnny Bank , Ki-arncy , Neb. ; Columbus State IJuiilc. Coliuubiis , Nub. ; McDonald' s Hniik , Norlli riattc , Nt'b. ; Oinulin National IJanlf , Oiunlin. Neb. Will pay customers' draft with bill of laUmi : attached for two-thirds value of stock. C. E MAYNE , S. W. COK. 15th AJ3J > FABSWABI , O.1IASIA. Projicrly ol every description for sale in all part ? of the city. Lands lor sale In county m Nebraska. A complete set of Abstracts of Titles of Oou Ius County kept. Maps of tlieCitj' , Slate or county , or auy other information desired furnislieil free of charge upon application. THE Fine Business Lots at tlie South End , and essdence Lots ! In tlio north end of this Town. Two and one half miles from the Onulia 1103 ofilce , 1,000 Ttese ars ( Taking Into consideration the Btrcots nr.'l nlloyn ) , nail ure Bold One Quarter Down , lialanccln I , Snminycnrs lit 7 per cent. The Finest Suburban Lots , Around Omnlm. 2. ' < 0 foot nbnvo the Mli ourl Hirer. Nowliero clso ubout O.-nulm are loc.ito 1 such ban * foino flics for Modest , Medium orKk' int lioiaos. Invcttlgulo till' and suture eomo of thin ilno pmportr. Before a Higher Appraisement is made. DON'T 11111.liVi : : a ord ojhls until you Inivo thoroughly Investlxnto J It. Tim t this property I' onljr two nnd ono half mllej If cm Omaha' * busmuu earlier. TliiitthoiillltiKlolilillili , Tlmttlio location In bi-aullfiil. Tlmt innplu trccB in u plnnteil on each sldo of Ihn itrtscti. Tliut each lot contains 'J.OJU mjiure f out with -J foot ullo jr. That the meets uro SJ and VU tout wldo. Trmtlhoronro clx dummy trnlni cacli way , beildoi thorajulir train. 'J'lint tlio street cum run to within onu half iiilla ot tlicrJ. Tliut tlio struct cam III run thflro ll.li oar. 'Hint the prlco Is one third Icii ttiuit la uikoil for property th3 * .mo illtt .USJ In ofiar .llrjjll > ifc That the loti are nno third larucr thin i ' t nthcrj. 'Hint thojr iiro liorkoil uy a nyii'llo.ito ' ropruioiitnu > ' 1.1)1.1)1 ) ) Tlmt there hat already boon oxiDiidol | : hotwuun tIWI ! ) ) ) .in I $1,1)1,1)1. ) ) Tlmt there Ii n tine system or aturwuri" , luruuilu : < pare Jj > rlni r.u J Tlmt Iho nillwnys ull center thore. That Fouth Omulia Ii a town vl llsolf. Tlmt U lm It" own poitonico. 'J'liat It liaii IK own railway Utloa. TliutHUtt ltiowouepap r. In Fact hasvceryt Ulnji tomaka the proparty the Tory bait p-iylm firoifiuit l-i lti l-g t tJ toliy. Look Into It. Examine It Carefully Don't Buy a. Lot. Ontll you nro convinced tl.nt . there U no poaHblty ot Inourrlns nloi. Tlio hand.rtmo reJiaoncelol. ] are cue nillo this Hue ( directly north ) of the UNION STOCK 'Aitii where art ) located tha Im.mezi = e Boaf aswr. Which In icn TCfiri trill bo luu the The LAItOKST dru.imp . , o tffnUSTrtV ( tuo above In m.t.tut.on llio . won . , anil U porfoetund will mnVo propertf d < .wi. < .utli wo't'i fro ' , , . nor M < tea tot THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. t will toll rou lots. Mnn with ho o and carrluza . l the ( Jloho-Juurnal ofllco , t th * lS a Price 11.1. ,4 , U . M w J " W . fimhor la- fotuiHIIoii lu l > J , prlie Hit * wiU dwcriHUu cliculurs , uddrcw. M. A. UPTON , Manager MILLABD HOTEL BLOCK. Omalia , Nebraska. Jj