I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . TUESDAY , JUKE I , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MONDAY MORNING MAY. 31. 01-riCE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. BtliTtrcd by cnincr In tiny r-nrt of the city at twenty ctnts ptr wotk. 11. W.TII.TON , - Tr.Mi ; > HONE3l nrpiNrsR Omen , No. 4X NKIIIT KniTOii No , 1. AtlNUU SIK.VTION. Now style shade lints at lUiss' . Nuw York Plumbing conuwny. Nowstmiinor ootls ut Huitur's. Lconnnl it Juwct rofrltrurators al Cooper fe McUcu's , No. ! Main htrcot. Ylio "Quick Muni" Id a itiick | seller , Como nntl pot iino buforu thuy are gone , Cooper it McUro , J. J. Hrown it Co. , of this clly , have taken a contract for frratlitiK 1 IB miles on theClicyunne & Northern railway. Lsist ni lit : tt tin ; opera house G nice llawtliornt ! appeared its "Qiiouii.i" before an apprcelative audience , Shu plays tit n iimtiiicu thlt nfturnuon "Kanchon tin Cricket. " anil n nln to-nlcht in Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist. " Shu Is an o.\ cocdinL'ly line actru H , and no doubt tin opera house will be crowded at both per formances. The Guitar , the ex-slterilT , has pur cha ed the Armour rowt of dwelling houses on Avunitu H , and will soon com ninnce some marked improvementH. IK will move the present houses back , raisi them to grade , and build in front of each The case of the Union Paeilie vs. W 1 , . Pratt , Its former eabhier here , is t ( come up in the district court to-day. This case has hcim hun 'HK ' alone for twc jears. Mr. Pratt is in the city now. His liouit ! Is in Kansas City , whom he is con nected with tlio Atehihon/l'opoktuVSant ! ! Fo railway. Tlic Hr.i : was wronjjly Informed wlici : It stated jestonlny that the ferry cms on the T-M a. in. run would only talcc vehi cles containing llowcrs , Irtitts and vege tables. The train was put on to accom modate handlers of llowers , fruits and vegetables , but will carry all others that can be accommodated. Piof. J. Lawrey , of Oakland , was in the eity ye.steulay. He has lately ac copied the position of .superintendent ol the schools at Plum Hollow , and yester day wits hero making arrangements fora principal for life , by taking out a mar riage permit in which apncarcd the name Miss of Alice M. Linn , ol Carson. Seasonable goods of all kinds a t hard time prices ut Cooper & McGee's. Qllclslerldon't handle any snide cigars. Go to Beard for wall paper. Go to the New York Plumbing compa ny for garden hose. They warrant all they sell. Opera house block. Room Mouldings Largest assortment and lowest prices at Heard's Wall Paper Snore. The "Quick Meal" is a quick seller. Come and got one before they are gone. Cooper & McGce. Mrs. Randolph , the famous mind reader , has just arrived. Tells past , present and future. Conies well recom mended. All those wishing to sue her will call at 015 Eighth street , betivcen Sitxh and Seventh avenues , i adies , S3 cents ; gents , GO cents. Go to Beard for room mouldings. { 5 Before buying a gassoline stove see the "Quick Meal" at Cooper fcMcGeu's lleislcr sells the best 5c and lOc cigars in the market. No _ 40i ! Broadway. Personal Pnrnsrnphs. Mr. Frank Pusoy yesterday returned to his Chicago home. Win. A. Groneweg and Bert Evans re turned yesterday from Creston , where they spent Sunday. B. B. Unlhnnk , of Ilcnncpin , Ills. , is in the city , visiting his brother , Ollieer Unthank , while en route to visit relatives in Arlington , Neb. K. S. Kynn has returned from the east , and yesterday left for the north. He is interested in several largo railway con tracts in the west this season. Miss Grace Hawthorne , Miss Louise Dcmmon , Charles Barringcr and Man ager \V. W. Kclley , of tne Hawthoruu company are stopping at the Ogden. Rev. Mr. Ilcichcnbach has bngn attend ing tlio annual association of the Danish churches of Minnesota and Iowa , held at Alia Monte , in Shelby county. He was chosen moderator of the body. The churches represented in the association luivo a meuibcrship of 2,000. Ilov. Dr. Cooler , of this city , bore the greetings of the Baptist board of Iowa , and also deliv ered n sermon before the body. The Quick Meal is a quick seller. Como and cot ono before they are gone. Cooper & McGco. _ Board has an immense stock of wals paper and room mouldings which must bo turned into cash , so down go the price n ' < . nl'u t uv ! | H.- : _ _ Satisfaction guaranteed w.T. "Quick Meal" gasoline stove , or money refunded. Cooper < fe McGeo. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Alter a thorough investigation wo are convinced that tlio "Quick Meal" is the best gafolino htovo made , and shall make it our leading stove this season. Cooper & McGee , _ Ret the Tnulo. The suggestion has boon thrown out by bonio of the wisest of the business mon of the city that ar rangement * should bo made for tendering - ing the railway commissioners and the Union Pacific ollicials in attendance nt tlie investigation a banquet and social uiorry-making. While Council IHnIKi lias started in with a grim determination to have Its rights and to show up fear lessly its causes of complaint , yet there seems no reason why mich a courtesy should not bo extended , and many reas ons for it. Such a chance to meet so cially might tone- down some of the as- Verities and make u tinge of good feeling , which would enable both parties to look on the facts with perhaps n little less feeling and prejudice. It certainly would not anect unfavorably the caiuo of Conn ell lllulls In court , and tx city , like an in dividual , loses nothing by a proper show * fag of courtesy and hospitality. The "Quick Meal" is ti quick seller como and got ono before they are gone Cooper & McGee. Loins go to Chnrliu Hcislcr's and got : good cigar. No , 4U3J > roadway. Wo have u few water coolers which w < 1 vrill sell very cheap to close tliuu out Cooper is McGeo. lleislcr dou't handle any anido cigars To Sub-Contrnolors. Straight scraper work to let ou tin Cuoyonno & Northern railroad. Apnlyti J. J. Brown & Co. , Council Blufls , or u Qhoyenno , Wyo. 'Dnrgiilns in fine Tnscon bonnets a Mis' .reduced from 'f..2t to Jl.On , . FAVORING TOE KEW DEPOT , Even Up-Town Shippers Do Not Object to the Enterprise. THE UNION PACIFIC ON TRIAL. Cull For tlio Judicial Convention Memorial nt Glcmvootl A Hotel Cl nui c Personal 1'olntn nntt News Paragraphs. The Now Depot. The prospect of the Union Pacific buildIng - Ing a depot on Twelfth tivuniic , near Main , meets with Kcner.il favor , natur- allj' , with those heavy .shippers who : ire located on lower Alain street , to whom it would be n great convenience. There has boon some questioning ns to how the tipper part of the city would feel about it. To k'ftrn the tooling among these ono of the liKKfnniil } ' yesterday asked a num ber of them , mid there seems to bo gen eral acquiescence to the plan. The fol lowing was the result of the queries us briefly given : 11. Uuerdorf , of L. Kir eht & ( Jo. , gro- ocrs It would bo sutislactory to UH to have the Union 1'acilie freiuht depot re moved to Main street.Ve have to go down there to the other depot now , ami could ns well take our Unlo.i I'neilie shipments there also. Main street is cer tainly the right location for the greater part of shipments for the Union 1'acilic. C. L. Felt.of Ki-eline & Felt , hard ware > \ ouldn't make any dillbrctice to us ; we'd ' bo satislinl with the new loeation. N. E. Lcanmn , of Suytlur it Lcaman , fruits Our business ib principally with the other roads ; we have very little to do with the Union 1'acilic and consequently will be satisfied with whatever is best for the interests of those who ship large y via the Union I'aeilic. H. I ) , llarle , of Hailc , Haas & Co. , drugs it would pli-asu us better than the present location As it is tno Chiea"-o. Burlington & Quinev , Kansas City. St. Joseph & Council Blull's , Chicago , Reek Island & 1'acilie , Chicago , Milwnukc-o As St. Paul , Wabash , St. Louis As Pacilio roads all have their freight depots near there , anil very otteti we would save time ami expense by the Union Pacilio being in that direction. John T. Stewart , pork packer , also of Stewart Bros. , grocers Would be just as well satislied as with the present loca tion J. L. Stewart of Stewart Bros. , grocers It certainly would be satisfactory with us anil no doubt would be a big accom modation to many shippers , a J Mueller , of the Muller music com pany I will bo perfectly well satislied with a depot on Main .street if the Union Pacilic will only give us proper accom modations. George W. Thompson , of Van Brunt & ' .Thompson , implements .It would be con siderably inconvenient for us , should they remove the freight depot to lower Main street. No doubt it w'onlil ellect ns more than the majority of shippers as wo have our warehouses very near the pres ent depot. Goods in car-load lots would not ellect us as the cars are run on out side tracks , but loss than car loads would necessitate the hauling of goods to anv of the depots by all of tlie implement houses because all car loads are .switched onto the .side tracks which they all have. O.V. . Butts , fruit The freight depot as it now is on Broadway and Ninth streets is much nearer than n depot on Main Street and Twelfth avenue would be for ns. I think probably , wo can make arrangements to have car loads of California fruit switched on a side track at the Broadway depot in case the freight depot should be removed to main street. Would not object though to having the freight depot removed as no doubt the bulk of shipments are by merchants who favor a depot on Main street. Groncweg & Sclioentgen , grocers Both of these gentlemen stated that they would bo satislied with the ehaniro in the location of the freight depot , but they want proper accommodations for the handling of freight ; also think that it should be arranged so as not to have teams delayed while others are unloading at the present depot. M. Duquette , of Wirl & Duquette , fruits It is much better for us as it is , though wo are willing to haul to Main street if it will accommodate the bulk of the shipping. Wu will not stand in the way of tno removal. W. llunvon.'of C. A. Brcbo & Co. , fur niture We are well satislied with the lo cation of the present depot as it is. It is down grade all the way and the liability of a blockade is not so great as it will bo , if they remove to lower Main street. We much prefer the present location. F. II. Hill , of the Empkio Hardware company. Wo would bo just as well pleased with the depot removed to Main street and Twelfth avenue as wo are with the present location. Provided , of course , that the Union Pacific will gi\e us proper accommodations. George Mctc.xlf. of Metcalf , hats , caps , etc. Wo would be satislied with Main street as a location for the Union Pacific freight depot , but under no consideration would wo want the passenger depot re moved. The Union Paelflo Investigation. The Iowa railway commissioners are linuing plenty to occupy their time and 'im < sl ° ' attention , ? " the from witnesses thus far examined is strongly against the Union Pacific. It is claimed that some of the abuses thus brought to public light have not been known before except to the local man agers , and that the general officers arc us much surprised as any others can be , and will promptly see that the causes of complaint ro done away with. Some other causes as narrated will not iintl BO ready a relief , and these claims will not so willingly bo conceded. One of the best witnesses in regard to some points was in George Schindcle , who , having had much personal oxpori- cnoo in handling stock over the Union Paeitlc. was able to tell what ho had himself seen. Ho told the commissioners soinu of those experiences. One of the chief things of which he complained was the fact that the road , instead of making this its terminus , as required by law , was in the habit of detaching the caboose from stock trains at Omaha and sending the cars over hero without any. Stock men wore obliged to get out of the caboose - booso at Omaha and climb up on top of the cars and thus ride over to the BluHs. This occurred in all sorts of weather. Sometimes the wind was blowing Btrongly. t other times it was storming , and at all times it was n dangerous way to travel. OAs a sample of how stookmon wore treated , ho stated that once ho was thus obliged to leave the caboose nt Omaha and climb onto the top of tlm curs. It was a very cold , blustering day , and it was with great dillieulty that ho could hold onto the car and keep from being blown oft' . While thus clinging in a halt frozen condition the conductor came along and insisted on seeing his ticket. Ho explained that ho did not want to Open Ins wrappings and get out his poekotbook. containing other valuable papers , anil try to limit out his ticket under such circumstances. The con ductor threatened to throw him off the bridge , and abused him likej a thief , Ho hung on and managed to bret over with his cattle. His pas * always called ( oru return ticket from Council Blulis , but he was always told here that ho could not gcthc return pass without going to Omaha , and ho generally paid his faro over to Omaha , and there got the return ticket. Finally , ho concluded that ns his contract called for n return ticket from Council Blttfte he would insist on his rights. lie made tins intention known to the agent at the transfer , and thc.v gave him the ticket fiom hero after some words. Since then ho lias always not his return ticket here. Others who had not thus forced the company to do ns it agreed were obliged to go to Omaha. Another matter ol importance testified to by the witness wa the quality of feed furnished by the stock yards here. Other witnesses had testilicd tlint poor feed was supplied at the Council Bluil's yards , but tins'witness was precise as to dales and details. He testilietl thai at the very time when there was good feed in the Omaha yards , there was rotten hay , and a lack of proper attendance nt the Council liluils yards. Yesterday morning the case in chict , on the part of the eity was completed. The Union Pacilio folks were planning on the whole day being taken up with the city's side of the case , and were not quite ready toenterupoii thodcfoiiH ) . Adjourn ment was therefore taken nbuiu 10 o'clock , until this morning , when the evi dence for Ihe defense will begin. The commissioners yeMorday went to the dummy depotand visited the transfer. Later they went over to Omaha. J'he.y made a casual inspection of the condition ot nll'airs. The evidence taken yesterday was in substance as follows : N. M. Pttsey , of Sapp & Pusey , took the stand to show from the ollicial t'me ' tables , etc. , that Council Blull's had been diserin' . itilcd ag.iini t. The time tables allowed up Omaha as being the eastern termimm of the Lnicm PacilicroaU in stead o ; Council Ulull's ; they showed their distances to be all named from Omaha ; on a map he Miowcd the entire system with Omalia as the terminus , lie showed by main * exhibits that Council Bltills had been discriminated against. T. J. Kvans testilicd as to being for several years an inspector ; tin assistant to the .surveyor of customs , at Omaha and had t-ecn trams from the west dismantled in Omaha. Cars for the Blutl's \\i-re switched into a special train and .sent over to Spoon Luke ; had brought cattle from the west , shipped to louucil Ulull's and in every instance the tram had been moken up in Omth.i ; and the caboose lull there ; those in charge of stock had to ride on top of the train. Chairman loy Inquired if the citi/.en.S wished to bring the matter before the commission of narrowing the channel of the Missouri river by the method ot con struction on the new bridge , which was made in the original charges. Mr. Ptist-y wanted to consult other members ot the Council Blurt's committee \\lio wore ab- .sent beloie answering the question. A. J. Poppleton , the Ijiiion Pacific at torney , isiiitl that in ease an uyerliow or danger shotild'ariso that the immediate remedy would bo a mandamus compell ing the removal of the obstruc tion. He also stated that owing to the decoration ceremonies bi'ing per formed in Omaha hin witnesses could not attend conveniently until this morning. He oflercd in evidence annual reports of the diri-etor.s of the Union Paeilic for the jears Ib8l and 18So , in which he stated it would appear that some of the charges of discrimination and mismanagement had bei-ti corrected since the beginning of President Adams' tidmi nisi ration , and that the new management had shown a disposition to comply with all obligatory conditions. The commission then , at 10 o'clock , ad journed until 8 o'clock this morning , when the defense will bring lorward their witnesses. The railroad comniis-Moners yesterday morning , yfter the adjournment , went and examined the Broadway depot , alter which they went o\er to Omaha to see the decoration ccivmonies. The Judicial Convention. The republican convention lor the Fif teenth judicial district is called to meet in tills city Wednesday , June 0 , at 11 o'clock a. m. The following is the ropro- boutation : Audubon , 0 ; Cass , 13 ; Fre mont , S ) ; Mills , 8 ; Montgomery , 10 ; Page , 111 ; Pottawatlnmie , 18 ; Shelby , ! ) . Charles M. Harl is chairman of the judicial com mittee , and W. S. Lewis sucietary. O A Wreath ol" t'ocsy. At the memorial services held jit Glen- wood yesterday , Ilov. G. W. Croft deliv er the following poem : Soldlcis ! again we humbly tread With Iloversin our hand To strew tiinonK the mighty dead Who Uiod to save our land. Wo conic with tears of thankfulness Like morning's caily dew. To shower o'er tlic le.stlng place Ot men .so tniuc and tnte. Wo come with eloquence and song , And high our voices raise. For you to whom honois belong And dearly purchased praise. For in the hour ot blackest night Our country ever knew , You lose in icsisllus ! ) might And treason overthrew. You struck the dragon to the ground As did St. Gcoige of old , And now \\heievcr mnn Is found Let the giand ik-cd bu told. Let It bo told what men there were In our land and time. So that their valorous deeds may btlr To thoughts and deeds sublime. Glantfl were they who saved our Hag ; Their memory shall not rait ; When cruel tyianU SOitnUt todras That banner In the. tUiat , 'mat ur.nn > bought Wltli Priceless blood , The puie.st e'er mi t in led , he rmblom of tlic highest good And progress of the world. Proudly they lifted it on high , Without asli , 'lestain , And now no blighter in yon sky , Floats OUT land or main. The union gicat they died to save. To save our honored name ; Tluiv shed thcirblood to fiuu the slave , Kternal bo thuir lame I And while their memory we retain , Wo never shall loigut The inlifhty cause they fought to gain , It shines in splendor yet. They foimlit for justice , notforpolf , Nor toi this world's renown. For something higher far than self , Moie than u laurel crown. They fought that a man might bo Ut every clime and blood , Kmlowud with equal liberty , His light a common , good. That nnno should nmeqiilted toil , Or MTVO without row aid ; Not th.it upon this sacrt-u t > oil Should lulo soaiu jietty lord , That ho Is Dest wlift > 0rvcs the best , And makes Ids \ > r'ties known By honest dmU above the rest , And thus secures the crown. The rulcis are our servants still , And such should ever be , Tlm doers or the people's will , Clothed in hum y. That property should ne'er inhere In human llush ind blood. Noi In those tender ties so dear That bear the sta-'j ot Uod. They bled that heat ts no more should bleed Nor souls bo rent | n twain. And from thesor 's cell they freed The hearthstone lacked > \ itli pain. The cause- for which they died is ours , Our tiensure and our ward , And o'er their ves bestrewn with floucrs We swear that cause to cuard. yn foe at home nor fee abroad Duo touch wlthlmplous hand TnK sacred heiltago of Uod Whilst wo around It stand. To It this day wo pledge our faith , Our all wq consecrate , ' Co mo weal or .woe , como life or death , . To tins \ > e tix our fate. EVERYDAY WeareviaJifit g a Spec- ialt\f \ Jiolv of And are Ofcruty Yon will find new special bargaitts on our counters Every Morning. IFc are selling Lawns at 4-c. , worth 6'c. Sattcetis at 12 l-2c. , ivoi'th : LSc. Embroidery patterns' at < > ne-ftalf their value. AND Dress Goods At loss than they were ever known before. You can save money by coming to Council Bluffs for CARPETS , CU&TAXNS , &c. "Wo keep the { jhoffcest patterns turned out of the 'Lodms. ' ' and our C 1 prices nro the lowest in' ' this western country. You will say eo when you see thorn. , „ Watch our advertisement every morning for new bargains. Look in local column fdr opecial sale to-day. ' ' 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SPECIAL NOTICES. Spot-In ! ndvcTtKomcnts , mill us Lost , Found , To Loan , Tor Silo , To Ilcnt , Wnnti. HonnllnK , etc. , 'vill bo Inserted In this column lit tlm low rnteofTGNCKNTS Pint UNK lortlio ilifct ln or tlonund rUoContsPorljInoforcnoli < ulibOiiiunt lascitlon. TJGUVQ ad\citUoin ( . > nts atnir otllco , No. 1:5 : Peal stioct , near Urotulwuy , Council iilnlTs. WANTS. WANTRII Situation byouiitf woman its dicp-iin ikur In ] > rl\ato lainilyVI1 unrk chcup. Adlicss If. til , tbls olllLO. ; ) : i-'J * SAI K nuboi-dlioii.ind lUturcn. T o FOIt , Kf.od etand , inolltiiblo liuslncsi. Jtrnson lor selling , other Imelnoss. 518 llrond- wuy , Council Illullg. U-J3-U' . FOU SALE-Two Iota S.T teot from N.V. . H'y track , Rnltiiblo for wiirchoiiso or factory liurposos. K. li Slioafo , 610 Itroadway. FOK SAM5 Union avenue hotel piapoity. Specialbarenln E.USlionfc , Mj Iliomluny. TCTOK SALi : Old papers. In fimmtltlcs to suit , JL1 at lloo olllco No. 1:11'carl : atreot. FOIl SAIn Oil TUADn-Stocli of millinery uiul fancy notions All now. Good loca tion. Snlo.s $1 ,030 u your O , lioo , Councl lllllfTri , JOWIU OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Established 1827. C'lioico I > lHplay > f I'at- tcniH , AH Council 4.OS A Select Stork , oi'l Choice IVovultitiu in. MONEY MADE In Buying the Following1 Property in the next thirty days ; MULLIN'S AUDITION. Lot 5 , lllock 3. I Lot 10 , lllock 11 Lot I1. , lllock ] . ' . I tot 4 , lllock ' . ' 1. EVKHKTTB ADDITION. Tot r > , lllock 2. I Lot 8 , lllock 12. Lot - ' , lllock 7. I Lot 3 , lllock 31. Lot 4 , IliocK 0. | Lot 5 , lllock St , ixn 2 , lllock 4 , nayllss' Adilltlon. Tills , property u II , l > o RiW at a Krrat sacriQcc , anil ontci prlslnjf ir.cnfill , no doubt avail them * behcs of a rait ; opportunity to inaku n noy , Apply to FHANK COO\ , Itboui T , SUuuiut IJJook , Counoll i'.lulla , Iowa , WHOLESALE AMD JOBBING KCOXTSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DKEHC , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale' Agricultural Implements , Bn&lH , Carrlace , ntc , Etc. Qnincit niulTs , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. Maio tlioUrlpinnl and Coinploto Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , CORN eilllM.EIIS AND KHUIl Ct'TTT.llS. Nog. IHil.lW-i , l.VG nnil 1507 South Mulu Street , Council llluffr , lown. r AVllTHRAlLKY k w , Mnnuf're im \ Jobbers of agricultural Iniploments.Wagons . , Baggies , Cnn IRBP . ami nil Ulnls of 1'arm Mnolilnorr. 1100 to 1110 South Mum Street , Council lilurfs , Iowa. I'.O. UI.F.\SOV , T , 11.Downis , Oco.RViunnr. . Pics.i.Tri'as V.-VrcH i.M xn. Soa.VCottnsol. Council Bluls Haidto Facbry , ( Inc-or inrntcil.l Mamtfaclnrctsot Axl j , 1'lok , PloJiro nndSmill , or ovcry ilovrlptlon. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths. CurHln Klxttirci. Upltol tory OooJs , Die. No. 405 llroiulway Council HIillTd , Iowa. I'HM KS , JO7MCCO , B7V7. PEREGOY & MOORE , Whole ulo .lobbeis In tlio Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , NOB. x'SMaln and 27 I'eurlSts , Council lown. coj/Ji/ss/o.v. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wbolt < ulo Fruit and Produce Commission Marcants. No. 11 Pearl St , Council lllulTi. DliUGUtSTA 11ARLE , HAAS A : CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , Druggists' Pmulrii'4. IHc. No. 1U Muln St , nnJ No. 21I'oarl St , Council IntitTs. DllY GOOD1- . M. E. SMITH & CO. , ail JrtDirs of DrGoli , Notionsr.tc. N"o < 5.112anil lit Muln St. , Nos. 1U nnil 115 1'onrl St. , Council mull's , lown. nwnv. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fralti a Specialty General Commission. No. 513 Ilioadway , routioll ninlTi. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesulo Frails , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. Ifi uiul 18 I'cnrl St. , Council HluuV. QllUCMtlVS. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesnlo Liquor Dr'ileri. No. 416 Droail- way , Council niulla. 1IAHXKSS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'ncturcrs of and Wholesale Dealers In Leather Harness Eto. , , Saddlery , . No. M-'i Main St. . Council UlulTd , lown. JI.ITS , CAPS. i'TC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gbe3. No" . U4w and 3lt Hroiulwny , Council Hlutrj. HIJAVY lIAltDWAItK. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron Steel Nails Hardsara , , , Heavy , Anil Woo 1 Stock , Council llluirs , Iowa. lllDKS AXD WOOI * 1) . 11. MeDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , Gr < it o an.l Furs Council HluHg lown. UlLS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dunlera In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gi U EJTO. , 2STO. 6.Theodore , Agent , Council ItlulTg. Iowa. ' ? . 1'iLixa , arc. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbsr , Piling , Mill llrklge Material SpccialtlcB Vholcsalo Lum ber ot all Kinds. Ollico No. 130 Main St. , Council llliitTa. Iowa. rt'JXES AND L1QUUHS. JOHN LINDER , Wholesale Jfirl and Domestic Wines & Liquors. 7 7. at ( . Hll'U'rt's ' Herb IJIttors. No 13 . JU1 Dt * ' * m Hitl ItlnfTa . W tllll l , ot 1- * \ Uw * ' (1U i > iU II , j O. _ SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Winos and Liquors , AVi < 'M Main & ( . . r.u ( it muffs. DIAMOND DIIAND Or STRICTLY PURE LEAD , ZINC AHD OIL Arc absolutely pure , as represented. One gal lon nill cover two bundled and titty square Ti-nt two couts , and will ttuy on lonwor than any ether paint inannfacturod. 1'or milo by Uutjos , PAINTS , Ou.s , ETO Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , nt lotull and It lots. I-iiruo ijuantlttus to fcolctt Horn. MASON WISE , IJrteU , Kear Pacific HouseCotmil , 8u Chlnti , ( ilasswnro ttnil Lntiips , W. S. Homer & Co. . No. 23 , Main St.Cpuaoil IJIull's , hi. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace , Office OvAraerlcatl Kpr < ? 5 WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES ? FIRST CLASS Id EVER ? HIRAM W. DAVIS & Cu. Established In 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO : BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES , SOOOO Vehicle * Annually. Send for Catalogue , Prices , Freight Ittttcs and Testimonial ) ) . HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Hrlrk tMlMInq nnv Vlml rnl e < l or tnnvuil . ami sntlsfactlon gttaniMtecJ. 1'iamo liouios moved OBLItlloCUaat traois tUa uwl lu tlm worll. 808 Eighth A.VOIIUO mil Eighth Streak , Council Bluffs. a/ ' /f'o-W / , . Mt > 'JLvUJc Mte 5oJ\XoVj " w > fr Y 5AD4XfcMfc\ iK'ttt - > t' 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS Wl , > JMDE TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Creston House , The only hotel In Council Hluirs having Fire Esoa/pe Anil nil mmlprn impiow'incuts. ai5 , 17nna llMilU.t. ! ! MAX MOIIN , Prop. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in State and Federal Courts. Itootns 7 aiidS , Slinirurt Uloelc. Closing I have fin largcsb and most com plete line oc NEW MILLINERY AND NOTIONS .In the city. I am closing out LESS THAN JOBBERS' PRICES. You will find nil the latest novelties in hats , bonnets , llownrs , plumes , tips , ribbons bens , gauzes , crapes and other styles of trimmings. Goods Must Be Sold , Best of Bargains over oflercd. Cull and sec them. J. J. BLISS , No. 828 Broadway , Cotinoil Blutls. R. RICE , M. D. or othur tumors removed without thoktilfoor drawing- lilooi. CHRONIC DISEASES of oil kind * apoolaUr. Over thirty yours' practical oxpurlunaj. o.H Putrl rttraot , Conm U IllutI * . " Knitc. CUT THIS OUT ! GOOD UJV'fl'HL , JUNE tt. Having muclo oxtcnslvo lin- rovoiueuls anil Incrcascrt our itollitloi , wo wish to call espo- iul utttintlon to tlio work now .belnir . tuinol out by us. c'altn- illicit to lie equal to tlutt of funy imstorn lauiulry. In onlor to Introiluce our ork ouulilo tin clt ) of Coun cil lllulTs. wo will upon receipt of tlilf tlclc't , ntcompanliid by return pOat.iso.Ltiuniliy Blx Col- laihor Outtb rillCK , lor oltucr I.idles or Home Steam Laundry 510 Itroailu-ay , Council Kliills. N , II. Out nf town orders pven | piotnpt nt- cntion.o paj roliiiu vimrKffi nn oil walk ro n.edwhon aocomludiun | by ua ! i lu pnyuiunt nfull amount , STEAM DYE WORKS MRS.C.L.GILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No29 , MainSt , , Council Bluffs , Opo. Postofflca " " TIMOTHY"SEED7 I hnvo v. rjuftiitlty of found , well cleaned Boed vtlileh loiter ut icaconnblo lUun * . Hcedoftho crdi | of Itbi. CorropiiuUoncu totloited. K.I } . juc . , n trar.u w. w. u/ . SWAN Dealers in Milch Cows. Sfen At Ouf Slock lards No 002 and 500 E. nrondwny.Counoil L. W. TULt.cvs , Pro ? . T. J. EVANS , Vloo-Pros. JAULS N. lltto > VNCnshlor. 102 MAIN STBEET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 350,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Bo n g-cncuil bunking buslnin. Account" of banks , Imnkon , tnurahunt * , mixn- ulactiiiursiuul inJIvkluiils receive I on favora ble-teims. Domc'Stlonnl lorolRti otchnnja. The very best of attention slvon to nil bnsl noes coinmlttud to ourfiro. KIEL SALE STABLES and Mulus kept constantly on bund forsule at rotnll or In oar loads. Ordurs pronidtly llllcd by contract onahon notice. Stock sold on commission. SHI-UrKIt St I10LKV , Proprietors. Stable Corner Kltlh Avenue and Fourth St Council lllutfs RTISSELL&CO Manufacturers or all ( liosot Automatic Engines. Bsppclnlly Dosi nod for MILLS , GUAlNtELEVATOHS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , . Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillou Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONAHY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Tcptory Mussillon , 0. Branch IIous " ilO Pcurl St. , Council lilulft. BEND FOB 1880 A.NNUA _ PLANTS Grown and soloutcd from Seed by J. R. McPherson , Grnwcr and Duitlur in V I I.A.\T.S , AM > I'KIJIT.S. Council IHiifTs. Iowa. DRESSfAKING ( BY THE T.NVLOH SYSTEM. ) MBS. L. SIMMONS , N'o. : tl l ItroaU\vay. In oidnr tooktablUU my roiiutullnii In Council 111-1)1 * lur Una work , I ill KOItTllli I'llUaiiNT. uo all uimlntr , tltlliuaitd nuiiclii ! , ' n chuitp ns It I * ilonii ultfuwhuiH. J.uillcs iic-od havii no friir of inlallu n my ex | > iirl ni.u jutir i'ittfi perfect h.ultj notion