1 THE OMAHA PAILY BJgg : TUESDAY , JUNE 1 , 1880. SOME STATISTICS OF LABOR , State and National Bureaus and Their Work , THREE KINDS OF STATISTICS. Uow Tlicy Arc ( Jntherctl nurcnu Clilcfn ns Socialists Hy Cut-roll I ) . Wright , U , 8. Commis sioner < > r Ijnlxir. Fifteen of the United States have bu reaus of statistics of labor , with similar Unties ; they were established as follows and in tlio order named ! Massachusetts bureau of statistics of labor , ISIJ'.I ; Penti- ftylvaltia but can of industrial statistics , 18 ? ' , ' ; Connecticut bureau of labor sta tistics , I87U ( discontinued 1875 , re-iwtab- hsheil 168. " ) ) ; Ohio Durean of labor stalls- ties , 1S77 ; Now Jcrsoy bureau of Mtntistlcn of labor and industries , 1878 ; Missouri bureau of labor statistics and inspection , 1870 ; Illinois bureau of labor statistics , 18711 ; Indiana bureau of statistic * anil Keolouy , 18711 ; Ntnv York bureau of labor statistics , Ib83 ; Michigan bu reau of labor and industrial statistics , 1833 ; Wfsconslh bureau of labor statistics , 1883 ; Iowa bureau of j-tntiilies ot labor , IBM ; Maryland bureau of .statistics of labor , 1831 ; Kansas bureau tif bibor and industrial statistics , 18M , In addition to these , thu United States gov- eminent has a bureau of labor , which was organized In January , 1885. The fttato bureaus are located at tlio capitals of the ntatea named , and the United .States bureau nt Washington. The duties of these bureaus are well defined in this organic law of the United States bureau of labors They "shall collect in formation upon tins Miibjuct of labor , its relation to capital , tlio hours of labor. and the earnings of laboring men anil women , and the meantf of pro meting their material , social , intel lectual , and moral prosperity. " While the laws creating tlio various state bureaus express their duties in ditl'eront phraseology , the lancua < ; e of tliu United States Jaw covers tlio whole Held. The publications of those dill'erent otlleus are becoming widely known for the valuable contributions they make to economic science and literature. They ) are ( list nctly American in their charac - * ter , no other government as yet having established like olliccs , although nearly ail the countries of civilisation have tmrcuiH of Htatistics , and some of them make original investigations , but not on . very lirnad basis. Dr. Ktigol , ( late Chluf of the Hoyal Statistical Uuicau of I'rtissia , and at the time the most distin guished statistician of Kuronc , ) once remarked to the writer that liln ambi tion would be realized if ho could accom plish in ( iermany what was being done by Nome of tlio American bureaus. There are three kinds of statistics : 1. Those gathered from olliulal sources nnd through ollicinl entries , 'like tlio statistics of immigration , rcvenucs.births , deaths , marriages , taxes , etc. , being the result of the routine entry of successive and well defined transactions. 'J. Statistics resulting from enumera- don , like those gathered under census lawn. 51. Statistics resulting from original in quiry and investigation. It will at once bo observed that the 'alter olass of statistics , covering econo mic conditions , wages , and all the facts relating to the environment of any class or of all classes , is the most dilllcult to obtain. Labor statistics belong to this latter class. While there are three kinds of statistics , there are two grades or qualities belonging to statistics : ( n ) Statistical aggrogatcs. ( b ) Statistical averages. Aggregates are easily obtained under the. lir.st and second classifications of kinds of statistics , and the value is in the aggregation. Statistical averages are the results ot representative facts , and are used where aggregates cannot bn used , because not obtainable. There are also many U.SQS to which statistical averages uro put whore aggregates hnvo no moan ing , as , for instance , if the distribution of population is to be ascertained , tlio num ber representing the total population is divided by the number of square miles in u given territory. The result is the aver age population to the square mile , and an averiigo expresses a fact that cannot bo expressed by an aggregate. So it is perfectly legitimate , in taking a given number of acres under cultivation , al though thcro may be half a dozen diner- out kinds of crops cultivated , to divide the total value of all crops by the num ber of acres under cultivation , and the result secured is the average production in value of the land cultivated. This average value of production is then easily compared with averages derived from other lands ; but if the average pro duction in kind is to bo found , then ouch crop mint be calculated by itself. So of wages. Individual statements are necessary for the production of aver ages. These -averages must relate to \hvisious and subdivisions of labor , although tlio political economist would not hesitate to take the whole volume of wages paid in u country , divide into it the whole number of people to whom the amount was paid , and use the quotient as the average wages paid to everybody at the time tlio calculation was made ; and yet this average may not bo the truth in any one instance. Labor statistics , especially as to wages , must bo expressed very largely In aver ages. Tills is the result of two canaesi i-irst , aggregates have but little signili- . canco in sucti statistics , and , secondly , the cost necessary to secure aggregates would bo onormoust In fnot , a bureau of labor , to secure aggregates , would hayo to make a complete and p'erioot enumera tion iiiv h direction of Uesircd tatistics , This in an impossibility ; BO the. bureau * ncus : HID ? I-- - _ ( Sort Io substantiate his notions , or , aa ho prefers to call thorn , theories. The sta tistician abhorn averages but is obliged to use them , because lie can secure little else , and because , in tlio line of his work" , they are often the most significant. It is faccii. then , that the bureaus of statistics of labor depend for their statistics upon original inquiry or investigation , and that they are obliged to depend largely upon statistical averages. THHEK WAYS OK tJATHKIllNO STATISTICS. How do the bureaus conduct their orig inal inquiries or investigations ? There are three ways or methods open to thorn ; First , the method of securing Informa tion by the use of uniform schedules or blanks ; sent to parties from whom facts are expected ; second , through public hearings ; third , through the efforts of speclalagents , using prescribed forms of inquiry , for tlio purpose of facilitating tabulation and for securing uniform in formation as to scope , form of ox pros- Klon , etc. The first method named has been proven to bo of little uso. The second is that adopted by legislative committees , and as a rule simply results in bringing together a mass of incon gruous statements not easily classified , and , in many instances utterly incapable of classification , This is the reason why the mvcstl < gallons made by legislative committees relative to tlio labor question have ro- suited in voluminous reports of testi mony , unaccompanied bycrystalized and classified reports by the committees. U his leaves , then , for the bureaus but out practical and , at tlio same time , useful method of securing information , and this is by the employment of spccia' agents or exports to make personal calif upon the parties from whom information is acslred. The experience of seventeen years In this countiy proves this to be the on trustworthy method open to tlu bureaus , except , of course , when It Is ae- 8i red to collect official statements and from ollicial sou tecs ; then a upeoial letter or blank Is useful and usually accomplishes the desired end. TUI'TII , NOT THKOIttKS , WANTK1) . The point to bo aimed at always in the collection of labor stntlMics is the truth , and tin- result * must bo fearlessly slated , without regard to the theories of the men who collect the Infottmitiou. The good work of the burea'ts in this country in this direction has been marked , indeed. The gentlemen in charge of them have recognized that a bureau of labor statis tics cannot solve social and industrial problems nor bring direct returns In n material way to the dti/nns of the coun try , but that their work , on the other hand , must be classed ainotigodtteational efforts , and that by judicial investigations nnd tlio fearless publication of the re sults thereof they may and should enable the people to more clearly nnd fully com prehend the conditions surrounding them. Tim dilllcultlcs in the way of .se curing such educational results are great indeed. Opinions and theories may stand in tlio way of perfect work ; yet opinions and theories must bo put to one stile In bureau work. They belong to the peculiar ami legitimate work of tlio eco nomist and not to that of the statistican. The work of tlio bureaus naturally and legitimately belongs to the h'storlcni method of study. .Seiontilic statistics are those which tell tliu actual truth , not the n which simply establish our own theories. A careful examination of the reports of the various bureaus of the United States proves conclusively that the men in charge , us a rule , recognize the fact. The critics of their work are usually men who dislike the results thereof and linvo no course open to them to critici.sa methods or men. So far there has been no .successful attack upon the work of the various bureaus and this is because the conclusions stated by the 0 Ulcers in charge have been simply sta tistical deductions and not opinions , not theories , but the results of actual invcili- gallon , and , as already staled , so far there luis been no successful refutation of any of the important statistical deduc- ' tions'of the older bureaus of the country , cxeopt , may be. in two or three instances and then the ofllcor.s themselves have dis covered tlio error and frankly staled it to the public.rsKS rsKS or Tin : IIUIIKAUS. With this brief re\ew of the character of the work of the bureaus , their uses may bo readily seen , legislatures are using them wherever they exist to carry out .special investigations , to make dis tinctive inpnities on mailers coming up for legislation , ami . o long as polities do not enter into tlio administration of such offices , so long as governors will look to the interest of education and not of politics , the personnel of the bureaus will bo kept outside of political lines. The newer bureaus of the coun try suffer most in changes , but the opinion is gaining ground that permanence in the administration of u statistical otlice is necessary to its suc cess. The newer bureaus are , however , doing most o.xccllent work , and that which legitimately belongs to them , that is , in ascertaining all tacts relating to the industrial , educational , moral and social conditions of the people. That this valuable work is done .so well with gen erally such poor financial resources as are given them , is greatly to the credit of the various otlices. Some of the bureaus are well oquiuped , but as a rule , they do not have half money enough to cnaulo them to do their duty satisfactor ily. An improvement in tins direction is being made. CONTUI11UTOUS TO SCIENCK. The ollicers of the various bureaus are working , through an annual convention to be held in Trenton , N. J. , this week , to simplify and unify methods , to eliminate faulty presentations , ami to dignify a.s well as popularize the labor statistics of the country. Their mission is n grand one ; their integrity in tlio work is unas sailable , and tlio results they bring out constitute a most valuable series of con tributions to social science. The popular education of the masses in the elementary facts of political and economic sciences , and in the principles of social science is the greatest educational end of the day. The bureaus of statistics of labor are in the line of facilitating this grand work by their faithful investiga tions into all the conditions where facts should be known , and into all causes of bad conditions of whatever nature , and by their fearless promulgation of tlio results of such investigations. To attempt to turn such a sphere of labor to base purposes is a crime not easily punished by law , but which can bo punished by an unwritten law which reaches the violator through a degree more to bo dreaded than any merely judicial order or sen tence ; the sentence public opinion passes upon the man who prostitutes the cause 01 humanity. PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tt Orealeat Medical Triumph of the Ago ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lou oroppetlce , IIowcU eoiilv * , l' ln la rfao h < nd , with a dull eniallon In the back > art. Fata unrtqr the boolder- klBdt , FulIMM Biter ixttlBg , with * dli. iDcllnntlonto exertion of body ormlad , I rrilBkllliir of temper , I.oiriplrlu , with raellBf { vine nocleetad come dntr > WearlocM , Dlxalnei l'llterin at lh Heart , Det bolero th CTe * , Headache er tke right . HeitleMieie , with tftal 4r e , Hlihly e Ior4 Urine , ana CONSTIPATION. eUnvBitCa ' , TbrIUrMtICTi App tCeiuidc iMthe .jxxljr to Take , on ft'iub.tbui tbe Um I * pourUtied. n < rbyUi lrT mlo Action on Ee , ll BuUrStooUixro Wl UTeOr < m producfT. FTlaeaBc. 44 Murrny 8J..IV.V. TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILU Konovatos the bodr. tnakra healthy flesh. strengthen * the wear , repairs the wastes or the system vrlth pure blood and bard muscle ; tune * the oervoiu irntem , Invigorates tlio brain , and Impart * thu ri or ot manhood. $1. HeM bv clriiMlsta. OFV1OK44 ffliirrtvSt. . New York. EXTRACT MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and stroapest Natural Fruit Flavors Vanilla. Ujraon. Orango. Almond. Itose. etc. , tlavor as delicately mid naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , cnicuoo , T. LOOTH IThen Babjr wu rick , we gare bcr CutorU , Wh B the WH a Child , the cried for CaatorU , When atie became Mlu , ( he clang to UutorU , When U bad CbUdtto , ill * gar * tham Castori * If a Dyspeptic will take Llvor Bcgulator. "Up to a few weeks ago I considered myself tlio champion dyspeptic of Amor- lea. During the years that I hare been nfllictcd 1 have tried almost everything claimed to bo n spooilic for ilyspopsln in the Iiopo of finding soniothing that would nflbrd permanent ruliuf. 1 hud about made tip my mind ( o nbitmlon nil modi * cinrsvlion I nolico.l an endorsement of S.mmons Liver ircgtilator ny a promi nent Georgian , a jurist whom 1 knew , ami concluded to try Us olTects in mv caso. I huvo used but two bottles , nnd am sntislied that I hayo struck tliu right tiling nt last. I fdt its bencfifial oll'ecU almost immediately. Unlike all other preparations of a similar kind no Nuucinl instructionnro ) required as to what ono shall or shall not uaU This fact alonu iioght to comniomi it to all troubled with Uyspuisla. " J. N. HOLMES , Yineland , N. J , "I had considerable experience with juries under two administrations , " remarks - marks n St. Louis deputy sherifl' , "nnd I must say that this is the quirtcst ami be > t biihavml I have over met. During nil this time they have not askud for beer or any intoxicating liquor. " A Most Tillirral Offer. The Voltnlc licit Co. , MfkiRhnll. Mich. , offer to semi thrlr celebrated Voltaic Helta and Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man nllllutod with Nervous Debility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , &c. lllustiated tminplilct in scaled envelope with lull p.titlc laisiu.iilcdec. Wiltc tlietua tn fr no Hoston is excited over naclipme for con demning thu mansions on the apex of Hcacon Hill , for tlio purpose of erecting now buildings for the u.su of thu common wealth. Tlie estates have been handed down from father to son , nnd tlio build ings are rich in tradition and history. Itartliolilt's Stntun. of "liberty Kn- llKlitcnlnu tlio World" will be a reminder of personal liberty lor ages to come. On just as sure a founda tion has Dr. L'icrco's "Golden Motiical Discovery" been placed , anil it will stand through the cycles of time as n monument ment to the physical emancipation of thousands , who by its use have been re lieved from consumption , constimptno nisht-swoats , bronchitis , coughs , spitting of blood , weak lungs , and other throat and lung affections. An Athens , Ga. , linn offers § 4,000 for the exclusive privilege to sell liquor in I lie county. _ _ That awful swelling in your limbs i-nn bo reduced by St. Jacobs Oil. Prieo fifty cents. George Bristol , of L'lana , 111. , sneezed so hard tlio other day that lie fractured one of his ribs. Red Star Cough Cure cured Mr. David Netter , San Francisco , of si severe cough and cold. Last week Alpcna , Mich. , shipped 8,4r > ! ) ,000 feet of lumber , 250,000 lath , and 7,033 barrels of salt. Kirk's Gornmn Pile Ointment. Sure cure for blind , blccdlnc , and itching Piles. One box has cured the woist cases o ten years standim ; . No ono need sutler ten minutes after using this wonderful Kirk's ( ionium I'lle Ointment. It ubsoibs tumors , allays the itching at oncOj acts as a poultice , elves instand H'llef. Kirk's German Pile Ointment Is prepaied only for Piles and itching of the private p.itts , nnd nothing else , Every box is warranted by our agents. Sold by druggists ; sent by man on receiptof price , SOc per box. box.DR. . C. O. 13ENTON , Pnoi > , Cleveland. O. Sold by C. if. Oooodman and Kiilm & Co. IJIU and Douglas , ISth anil Cumlngs. Experiments arc being made in Phila delphia in the breeding of .silk worms from eggs of worms bred in this country. Hood's Sarsapanlla is prepared by U. 1. llood & Co. , apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. , who have a thorough knowledge of plmrmnoy , and many years' practicad experience in tlio business. It is prepare with the greatest skill and carp , under the direction of the men who originated it. Hence Hood's Sarsaparilla may be depended upon as a thoroughly pure , honest nnd reliable medicine. An nnlablcd box containing two pounds of dynamite was kicked and culled around the express oilice ut Lakoviow. Mich. , for a day or two last week , and now the people of that burg wonder why it is that they are still on earth. A sound nimtl goes very seldom without a ound dluoitlon , nnd nothing contributes t It more than the use AiiKonturn. Hlttors , the wet Id-renowned npnutUer and iuvigora- tor , manufactured only by Ur. J. G. B. Sic- RBI & Sons. Dick Jlolcomh of Sand Lakn , Wis. , claims to have ahot 198 rats in a day. Many cosmetics for tlio complexion have from time to time been put upon the market. IJut nock hnvo stood the test as lias Po/tzoniV ) medicated complexion powder. It is an absolute curative for blotches , dlscolorations , freckles , etc. For sale by druggists and nt depot 007 U. Sixth street. PILES' PlIjES ! PltiKS A sure euro for Blind. Dleedln ? , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ur Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A stmjlo box has cured the worst chronic cases ot & > or 80 years standimr. No ono need suiter live minutes after applying this wonderful 8ontJ\ _ ing medicine. Lotions and Instrum > 'l .IT more barm than good. UP&rUcukny ( at night after pettinfe Warm in ted ) , " acts as a poultice , elves instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles , Itching of private parts , and for nothing else. SKIN DISEASES CURED. Dr. Fraziei's Mnidc Ointment cures ni by magic. Pimples , liliick Heads or UruUi , Blotches nnd Eruptions on the face , leaving thosKln cloarnnd beautiful. Also cured Itch , Salt Kl'etim ' , Sore Nipples , Sere Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ot CO cents. Retailed by Kuhn & Co. . nnd Schropter * Coiirad. At wholesale bv 0. F. Goodman LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Itccently DullU Nonlr Furulthad The Tremont , J. C. FmGKRAM ) * SON , Proprietors. Cor. ( th and 1'Hta , Lincoln , Nob. Itatos II.0 per day , Street cure front ( IOUSD to any part of tlie cltr. J , H. W. HAKINS. . ' ArchitBct , omccs-33. 3 ! unil 42. itivhnnls Illock , Lincoln , Nub. Elo\tttor6nlltli snout. _ _ llroorttrof llrooilcr nf U4U.uvrAvOArriK. SHOUT IIUIIN CATTLE F. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Saloj mmlo In all purls nf the U. S. nt fair ratod. Itooin 3 , Btulu Illock , Lincoln , Kcb.j Galloway and Short Horn bulls lor salo. Farm Loans and Insurance , CorruiDOiiilouco In rcirnr.l to loans solicited. Koom 4 , ItlclmrJa Illock , Lincoln , Nob. Public Sale , Denver , Co ! . , June loth , ! § § . lOliotulof Show Short Honis. Hutcs &Prulclc fluuik , 2-caroMs , uulfthlnir IGoQ ; tiulU unii liollurii. AU.lreas Fluid uiul Farm , for CHtnloir- tie * , Denver , Col. C. M. llrauson , Llucoln , NoU. Col. 1' , M. Wood ; , Auctioneer. When In Lincoln stop at National Hotel , A nil Ret u Hood ttlunor forSoc. J.A.FEDAWAV.l'rop. Jfc ' * * Absolutely I'nro and UnndaltcratcJ. I HUM W HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES , AHO Pntjorosio ( T PHVSICIANS EvtHTWHinr. cuncs CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES nil nil Ir < iaiif7 ( Dtieasrtt DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION , MALARIA. 1I1B OM.Y PURE STI1ULMT Fen THE SICK. INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WFAK AND DEBILITATED WOMEN. For sale by UrcggUtP , Oroccra and Dealers. Price , One Dollar per HoUlr. tc ? " fl\l I oif | f In n-wlf-i bntlt" * , n tion jf niitnfl fl < ttnrlm b * routlrfrl * iturk liWI oltlio&I Ir'.iemlit , Min- , nil thonin * i.om ' | * iijr blown lit little. 7"r r * oteito'th Urtky Moanltlrotcicrpt tlie [ > rrit > tl"VWTi ble to Precut it from tliclr ilvA > m , AH IIATO Ilnir Dotvnoen * , In rl In c * * , nnnnrkc-1 , Ei iffii ebtrges prpwl by rcmittin ( ttlx Halltnlo The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. , Baltimore , Md. ff. t /fwil/y rtiltiaVt for ImHyt tie < ltFfpriaiiJm rrorfry/r * t flit lttitt t Dttmttt , It can tf > rrpnrrja . otmtftkf Tormttln lt ! ' / * r tfHtlt dittatt wttt It ttittr * anttrtd - ftf _ _ f f l. r. tartt > j.r-T &nnft. erer * . < uerJ * of tb I'tirtUi * OfS * * A few drop ! liepart K daliairai flirer U t ( IWI f h mirtt * . " 1 0 til ivavtr 4ri Vl Try it. ftnl k wtr * DfrmiBUrr.iu. JUk jOHrjr- * " ' dnin t tot tb ( uuin4 uurtf DR-/f U.l . j. w. wurrcikAKir , CCLS AQSITT , ct CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 , I'Woilo liorobjrfcertliy tlmt we supervise tliu nrrniiKoiiioiHs fo * a\\ \ the Monthly and Quarterly DrivwiiiKS of Tbo I.nu3lima | Stuto Lottery Company anil itiuoreon mnimsro iind control the Driuvlntrs thomsclvos , uiut that the snino tire conducted with , Ijonc ty , fnlrnoss nncl In good faith toward all iidVllo1) , and wo authorize the Company to use this cortlfloato. with fac-slmlics of our Biirnaturof ( i ttiioUnJ , tn its uilvortlsmeiit COMillSSIONBlli _ Wo.tliotmdorslffned Banks and Bankers , will pay all Prizes drawn In The I/oulslimn State I ot- terios which may bo presented fet our coutitors j. n. OGLKSHV , Pres. Louisiana National BanK. j. w. KirautETii , Fres. State National B anl A. iiArmvi > r. Pres. New OrIeansNational Bant _ UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION OvKitilAi.ir A MILLION ISTIIHIUTBD LOUISIANA STATElOTTERY COMPANY , Incorporated In 1833 for 23 yonrs by the Io2l9- laturo tor Bducatlonal and Cliurltnhlo purposoj with u capital of Jl.OOO.OUO to which a reserve fund of over f-ViO.UUO has slnco boon nddod. By nnovorwholmln popular vote Its rranahbo was made a part of the prusont Stuto Constitution doptcdDocumUor d. A. D. 187V. Its erand siiiRlo number drawing takoa pluco montiily. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following- distribution : 193d Grand Monthly ANDTIIK In the Academy of Music , New Orleans. Tuesday , Juno 15tll , 1830 Under the personal situervisun and manure- mcnt of ( ! K.V. G. 'P. ItHAi'itr.oAiti ) , ot Lou isiana , and GKN. JUUA.L , A. EAIUA' , ot Vlr- CAPITAL PRIZE $160,000. Notlte , Tickets are SIO on Halves , $5 II' 1 CArTTAT. PltlZB 0V (150000. . . . $1.71,030 ' w.ooo , . . . sd.oaa HiiuNi > I' . 2lMitnKl'ui/.Esor 10,1)00. ) . . . uo.ow 4 i.Aiun : I'ui/Es or n.ouo. , , . 60 WO. 100X 300. 30.0DJ X ) 200. 40,033 COO 100. 00,001 11XW 50. . 60,00 } . 100 AppioxIm&tlouiirUcsof $200. . 10J " " 100. 10 ( " " 75 , 2 72Prl7PS , amounting to . $522,503 Application for rates to clubs should l > o raada only to tlio onico 'ot' the compnny In Novr Or It'RIlf. ml Orcssca ill I'M ' . . ' ,01'HtN < J ( J. , 'UN-Orleans , La. Or M , H o P. O. Monby Orders payable and addroas Voglstorodlettors-to j NUWHLEiCN3rJATIONAL ) BANK , 'W Now Orlouiis , La , 11 London ' 'Trbuser ' Stretcher , cntoi In Kuropo f.tt AniNTd : in UNITED rnrUolcfirutad John Iliiinlllon Co .iuutchor. Ti\Uu * bae'eing out of Hpe rcstoics puntnlsmm to otlt'lu rhnpo. Only pjt'dEtitcch- ercouilmilnir screw rod In con'O- ' lion with clam in All otlu rs lu ll liiKi'mvms. Orlviinil iui'1 only Sirutcbur lor Goiitlcmen'a tn-o. Ily urpicss gucuiuly puckcil , prlco . _ - . ? -tO. Wilto rorcirctimrg .Auonts wimtLHl lii every city. G. W. 8IM.MONS Jfc CO. , Uoitou , MfBj. RESTORED. I'l ' . \IClilUOtjQUtU. . ful Jini'tHjeuco cauelu ; I'remmturo Decay , Ncn voua l > eMUty. IAJM Man. \finoveryknonuremcdr , iini , i rliBr.tn hU fellowUutrertri. Addmi. * _ i , U. KtKVKa.u ClutUn > trocl. How York CUr. BANKING. AccounUof llinter , Mtichniuandciboriiollcltcd. Collections 1'romiitlr Mado. S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers , ( Succcttort to Preston , Kean It Co ) 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO. UuDlclpul , It. ft. , I.ocul and other ItuuiU. bvud fur H t . "DIRECTORY" PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. UEV1NS A CIlUUCIltl.Ti , N-W. Cor , 13th anil Douglas Sts. W. J. COXXELL , nns. nth street. GEOltOK W. DOAXE. ArrOllNKV AT IA > T , Falconcr'fc Illock , Ijtli ana OouirUi. (5Eoiun ; s. SMITII. iSCC l < nrnnm Street , WILSOX & STU.VTTON , ATTOHNRVS. Commercial LAW mid Moreantllo collodions i\ specialty. Over Mcrctinnt's National llnnk. Lot ; s D. HOLMES. .Ions T. Dtt.t.oM. HOLMES & DILLON , Rooms Band li ) , Kicnzor HlocU , Opposite Post- onico. JOHN 1'AUL UUKKX , .A.ttornv at , I-i fw llooms M and 27 , Unmtm Niitlonnl Ilnnk nulld'ff. PHYSICIANS , O. S3. IIOlTitlAX , M. ! > . , Pi.jSician and Surgeon , OFFICE , H.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Onico Tclcnhonc 4 Co. liesKIenco Telephone 1U , \ \ . .1. OAIBmAITII , Surgeon and Physician OFFICE. N.IV. Cor. 14th and Douglas St , OfDoo Telephone 405. Hesklcnco Telephone 503 JAMES 11. WJAUODY , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Itcslilcnco , No. 1407 Jones Street. Office , Wlthnoll IHucl ; , Tulvpbono , rosldcnco , No. 135. onico , 612 DIL JAS. DKCKETT PHYSICIAN AND SUIlQKO.f , Ofllce and Hcsldcuco , 724 N. 18th St. II. A. NVOULEY , M. I ) . , Omcc 1419 Uodfro Street. Telephone 433. llcsldonco 171" Capital Avo. Telephone 519. VAN CAMP M : IX , mi Dodo St. , 1st door wort of P. O. Take do iitor to rooms 13-13 third floor. Telephone No llcsldoneo,023 N. 20th street , Telephone No. 33 * P.M. CIIADW1CK , Physician and Surgeon , Telephone 689. Odlco 313 S. 14th at 1 R. W. COXNELL , M. D. , Homccopatlilst , Office , 313 S. 14th 8t Telephone 533. Dr .J.W.DYSART HEACElt IN Chronic Diseases The EYE and EAR Catnrrh , Ilronchltls , Astlinui , Consumption llliounmtHni , Neuralgia , IMr.tlysH , I.lver Com plaint , Kldnoy UUousos , Cuturrti ol tliu lllail ilcr , Inipotonco , Syphilis , fJonoirhoen , Gravel Stricture , ( ! lcet. Dropsy. Nervous Affections Kjillopsyor Kits , Skin Ulxonius , Salt Rliouiu AVjInd , Tumors , IHtnafliiil Female UUoiiso . In trontlM ? the eye we employ no Imrdh remedies. Tnpo worms lomovod In tlneo hours llino. riles uiul FistuhH cured without cuttlnpr. burn- In ? or tying. and cures ( rnnrnntoed. Oflicu cor ner 12th and Howard. Oniithn , Nub. Correspondence solicited. MRS. ROSE SMITH , Lady Doctress& Mid wife M yours practice. Women * ' and chlldrons * diseases u specialty. 1Q1S Harney Bt _ Dentists. J. 0. WIIINXEIWY , L > . D. S. , Dentist 1314 Fnrnam Street. TA LORS. A. KALtSll. Fine Suits to Order English and French suiting , pants patterns , Suits , tllQ ll'INKST. fM AMU Ul'WAIIDS ; BATISKAO- SIOH QUATANTEU ) IN KVEItY CASE. I.llWOBt Mor- chnntTullorlnjr ostntillsbmont south or Fariiam st. 400 different patterns of goods to pelnct Irotn. Call and examlno Roods. Hopalrlai ; neatly done. iJIO B. IJtli struct. _ _ _ "frESTAURANTSt , , . The Wdms Restaurant Is the Tory best outing hnuso la the city. Tr/il and you will bo satisfied. lillUof f ire on t'jo Amoloan and Hirop oim ftti. ftti.A ? s-50 commutation ticket for tl Tickets for 21 meals M.51) ) . Hoard hr the week $3.33. Moala,23o oaoh. 16th Bet. Douglas and Dodge Sts. PHOTOGRAPHS. ADOLPH A. MYKHS- , PHOTOGRAPHER Omahn , Nobniska. GUNSMITH. Tliqmamifacdii'prs of the Fischer Pia IIOH , lutlii'i1 and four BODS , nil practical jiiiuio makers , rank unioncr tliu weiilth- lust and most responsible Mount's in tlio country. These I'uvoritn instruments have Btooil the test of nearly halt'a century's trial In the drawing room , tlio school room anil concert hall , earn- iiif * sutih a world wiilo reputation lor durability and general cxrullcncu as to create a iiPinunil which has increased year ijy year until it has now reached the remarkable number of 5-tOO | > or an num. Parties in quest of a thoroughly well made instrument , at u moderate price , should examine the old reliable time tried Fischer Piano , bo.fore pur chasing. LYON & HEAIiY , 803 and 1307 , F arnam Street , Omaha REAL ESTATE , FOB SALE BY s & Hill Of ICO ncros oncli , nil leaded for 5 yours , tintl iiaying good hi interest on tlio In vestment , all line luml. Kvory farm has clear nuinlnir water , rich soil , front 80 to 120 ncros of breaking , meadows , oto. ANY OWE Of thosn fnrnis would m.iko a ntcuhnmo and whether imrtios wish to live on them or not , would bo first-olos ? pronortt & own , anil every ncro will lucrosiso in valueat lonstSOD per cent within the next G or 0 years. These farms arc all within n short drlvo of Omahn , nnil can bo reached in from a 2 to 4 hours' drive , and will range in prieo from $3,000 to $0,005 , oaeh. IT WILL PAY To look nt these farms , if yon i\ro look ing either for : \ homo or for : i safe and profitable ) investment. Apply to IS & mil , Real Estate , 1408 Farnarii . if. ' ; Houses and Lots We Have in > VIEW And the 10-acre tract adjoining it , 233 a fine lots us unn be found in the city , all of whieh wo desire to put to drawing in terest. Wo therefore make this general oll'or to people wantlnc homes : You can select your lot , got up plans and spocilications for your house , make us a small cash in hand uaymont , merely sufficient to insure a fulfillment of your part of the agreement , and we will build yon a house to suit you , and let you have all the time you want. WILL Build houses ranging in value from $800 TO $3,000. OR IF parties prefer , they can build heir own houses , and we will furnish the money to pay for same at 8 per cent in terest. Please Remember That both the red and grcsn car line now run to within 4 blocks of OMAHA VIEW ; That this addition lies on the side hill Sloping East towards the river ; that it affords the FINEST VIEW „ , Of tliu city and vicinity to bo had from nny point ; that thcro is to bo but little cutting or grading ; that the profiles' are made , ami the grade can bo established at any meeting of the council ; tlmt the licit Line railway runs within two blocks OMAHA VIEW on the west side ; that the finest water in tlio city is obtained there that it is tlio healthiest place In or about the city of Omaha ; cool in summer and warm in winter ; that so far the addition s settled by only the host class of people ; f that it is near business , schools , store * ; etc. , anil is in all respects amost , doatr able location for pleasant homes ; that our prices , terms and conditions are the most liberal over offered by nny person , linn or syndicate ; Unit tlioy tire plain , fair and simple , easily understood , nnd easily carried out ; that wujromploy only first-class workmen , use llrst-olass ma- orlannd only do first-das : ) work la . building ; that full and complete satisfac tion is guaranteed in every case. . By all means if you want a htimo , lee at jt v , tl OMAHA VIEW r Before investing elsewhere , f Call and we will take you put to Bccklt. BOGGS & HILL. The poor man's paradise. Read this for it may ' * * be the means eventually of your making- fortune. PARK FOREST Is an addition of 800 lob , cnch 50x120 feel , located in the wooded hills on S. 13th street , about 14 blocks from the Union Pacific depot , and is : i most charmine and romantic ocution. Thirteenth street is graded its full width to within 3 blocks Of Park Forest _ * r2 tnrfe w "Talk of these lots. Fifteen or twenty houses have boon already built thoroi many more will go up this summer. 100 lots hnvo been sold and 100 of the best ones yet remain to bo sold. These uro the cheapest uiul best lot * in the market and we oflor tJigni'for a short limo at from $25O to $300 Each , on payments of $5 Down and $5Pev j Mouth , at 8 Per , Gent Interest , > To those only who want tUoin ffij ] We JliakQ these llboraTprlecS anil to give all poor men a chunoo'tb g t' homo. f These lots will inoroaau 200 'to 800 ptfr cent in a few years , ami it la one of th opportunities of a lifetime to g'flt this kind of n clianoo to aocuro , n IIOBIB. Thcso terms will only hold good for 'fc ' few daya , anil are oflorod with a view ot clearing these all up without any delay BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Fartiam st. BOGGS & HILL'S ' ADDITIONS. In our aildltlon on Upiior Farnam , Douglas and Dodgro , wo have abput-851 remaining unsold. THIS PROPERTY Is rapidly becoming very valuable , and Bright in the heart of the fine residence part of the oily. Wsxtcr , gas , pavements and street cars are now either there or to bo planed there soon. Those Additions Arc now surrounded with elegant resi dences nnd high-priced real estate , while the threu best and most prosperous btrccts in the city run through both addi tions. ; v There Can ' Now bo no question as to the future of these loin , and parties purchasing nt tlw low prices at wiiinh wo are offering thorn cannot fail to realise a largo prpllt'6 1 their Investments , Prices Will Range from 1,500 to $2,3OO per lot , according to location , and the yots will sell very rapidly at those prle WE HAVE ALSO FOR A very largo list of Heal Estate of all kinds scattered through the city , county and state from whichmlght bosulcoted many most excellent bargains. Vt'IJ I.VVITinil : ! ATTENTION of thom scukin investment and can as sure inn chasms they will liud it largely to their interest to will on us before invest iug elsDwiiero. HOUSES WILL. ISC iiUII/r for all wanting homes on the most reasonableI I oruis. Hill , Real Estate , 14O8 Farnain St.