Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Paid in Words and Flowers to the Horolo
Soldier Dead ,
The Union 1'nulflcs Defeated Acnln
A Hart Sinn CruiRlit Accl-
tluntnl Sliootinc Minor
Decoration l . .j.
After the ominous clouds of early
morn had blown away , the sun shouo
bright and warmland when ycst'.r'ay
tlio time arrived to form the line of
the decoration parade , a fairer day could
scarcely have been desired.
The rendezvous was nt tlio entrance to
the hall of Custor post on Douglas street
between Fourteenth nud Fifteenth.
There , at 1 o'clock a largo number of
spectators had assembled , nnd the gather
ing increased until at thu hour of the
starting of tlio procession , the assem
blage had massed Into thousands , which
readied aa far west as 10th street.
On all the intersecting streets march
ing bodies hud taken u ] ) positions ready to
fall Into line when the order to march
was given.
The scene presented was an animated
ono. Flaga fluttered from a number of
the houses , gaily decked wagons shot
hither and thither through the throng ,
nnu and counter
marched with all the majesty inspired by
the occasion.
Although advertised to start at 1
o'clock , it wan something over 2 before
tlio line was formed and placed in mo
tion. It then advanced in the following
line :
First division In cnarce of Klrst Assistant
Mnishnl C. K. Hniniester formed on Six
teenth sheet , right resting on Douglas.
Piatoon of police twenty-eight men under
Marshal dimming.
Fouith United States Infantry band.
Oeneral 0. A. Crook , commanding depart
ment of tlio Platte.
Companies K and 1C of the Fourth United
States Infantry , Col. Kent commanding.
Union Pacilic band.
Webb postU. A. U. , Persia. Iowa , thirteen
bd men , ( ! . A. llraylon commanding.
d Abe Lincoln post , Council IwilTs , twenty
bJY men , Jos. ( homer commanding.
JY Sons of Veterans , Council Bluffs , seven
b ( boys , Clias. Watt commanding ,
a ? ( iooigo A. Caster post No. 7.
All soldiers , s.illois and marines of the
late war not belonging to posts of the U.
A. 1C.
Orator of the day.
Lotus Quaitctte club.
Second division In charge of Second As-
' felstant Maishal J. A. Fleming , formed on
Fifteenth street with right on Douglas.
Third division In charge of Third Assistant
Marshal K. A. Pin melee , fotmcd on Four
teenth street right resting on Douglas.
A. O. 11. band , mayor and batouches con
taining the flower committee.
JmliroStciibcig. Judge Havves , and Coun-
cllmen Loweiy , Kaspernnd Manvillc.
Wairons containing llowcis.
Fourth division In clmiiic ol Fourth Assist
ant Hirshal Samuel Stobur , foimed on
Thlituoiith stieet right ic.stlng on Douglas.
At. the hour of writing Jtlio following
programme is being carried out at the
cemetery :
Music by the band.
Prayer by Chaplain Mastcrman.
Song by Ailons.
Addies's hy W. H. Woodward , Ksq.
Song by Arlons.
Decoration of graves.
Assemble at the (3rand Army lots.
Set vice In accordance with the i tiles of the
.Song. "America. "
Taps by the bugler.
Before the starting of the procession ,
the rooms of Custcr post wore alive
with zealous and patriotic ladies.
They had _ spent the greater part
of the morning in fashioning fragrant
flowers into beautiful boquets for decora
tion purposes , They worked with a will
and kindly appreciation of tlio hallowed
duty enti listed them to perform. They
were aided by the generosity of the la
dies throughout thu city , fiom whom , in
grateful remembrance , came hourly
brilliant and beautiful collections of
fresh , ripe flowers.
The ladies continued at their work
v until the hour for the starting of the pro
cession , when they took uosition in car
riages assigned to them. They were
Mrs. General O'Brien and 'daugh
ters , Maggie , Bessie and Frances ; Mrs.
lf. D. Meade and daughters Grace and
'Florence ; Mrs. II. P. Thompson , Mrs
.Judgo Havves , Mrs. General Strickland ,
Mrs. Kohlmoyor and Mrs Heller. These
ladies were profuse in their thanks to the
ladic.-i who had contributed so liberally to
the decoration committee.
For two hours after 2 o'clock yesterday
sjOftornoon every conveyance that could
bo procured was utili/.cd in carrying the
crowds of people to the scene of the memorial
morial service at Prospect Hill cemetery.
The street cars worn taxed beyond their
' . canncity , carnages by the hundred made
' frequent trips from tlio city , and many
-ivlsitors iu lieu of a moro convenient anil
ijrapid moans of transit walked to the
cemetery. At ! ! o'clock it was estimated
. that fully 8,000 , people had passed within
Mho cemetery gates and were resting
under the cooling shade trees. The com-
i mittoes had failed to erect any speakers'
L tund or seats , and the crowd tramped
. all over the cemetery in a vain attempt
to locate the spot where the
services would bo held. It was nearly 4
"o'clock when the people answered to'tho
call ot the Fouilh infantry band and as-
Bumbled in a prettily shaded grove in the
northwestern portion of thu cemetery.
' After the selection by the band , Marshal
Alleo briefly addressed the assembly re
calling to their attention the honors duo
ito the bravo men whoso graves they had
'assembled to decorate.
The Lotus Gleu club then rendered in
"ft feeling manner "Rest , Soldier Rest. "
Prayer was offered by tlio elmmlain.
Marshal Alice then introduced the
orator of the day , the Hon. John M ,
Thurston , whoso applause was greeted by
* onthusiistio nluieriug.
Mr. Thureton said :
"Cover them over with beautiful flowers ,
3 Dock them with garlands , these brothers of
ours ,
Lying so silent , by nlcht nnd by day ,
> Sleeping the years of their manhood away. i
Give them the meed they have won in the
past ,
Olvo them the honoi.s their meilts forecast ,
< iivo them the garlaiuU they won inthostrifa ,
Ulvuthtmi tliu laurels they lost with their
Cover them over , yes , cover them over ,
Paicnt and hu baiid Hiitl brother and lover ,
Crown In your hearts tlioso dead heroes of
And co\er them over with bfltmUftil lloweis. "
This day Urnnsucinted to the luomuiy of
( he nmrtyrs v\hodled that the na
tion miijlit live. U Is Idled with that spirit of
freedom , patiiotlsm and devotion \\hli-li
breathed Into the eommon dtibt of oidlnary
liuiuanitv. the siiblinte inspiration of h roiu
.doods. It.s unlveniat observatlnn , demon
strates the fuel , that thu Amerium Dcoplu are
not unmlndtul of the debt ot gratitude they
"Owe to tlui soldhtrs , livlui ; and dead , who
( fought in maintain UIOMJ great orlnclplus of
jibcity and union , which thu success of the
federal aimsliniilly decreed , which no cllt-
zen bhall ever ainin ; question or dispute.
fAquaiterof a century \\i\i \ passed away
nro the guns In Charleston haibor vvoko thu
and to tlio terilblo realities of civil war. Out
fch the iiorthland ranc the uiv , 'To
, tlio flat ; has tu-cn iiivd upon I llelp. or
ho uallou dlesl" That cry , how It thrilled
,4brough tti hearts ot the loyal mi'ii who
( loved their country !
Comment , mauufncture agrlciilturo
* Ships stll alh-d
the sea , but cannon , not carco. ruled the
deck. The very pulpit ceased tor a time
to tircach the divine doctrlno of the
lowly Nararlnc , "Peace on earth , good
vvtll to men , " but thundered out , In
stead , the command of Jehovah to Joshtin ,
"Fear not , neither Ixi thou dlaiuavcd. 1'ftku
all the ncoplc of war with tlico and arise. "
ilcn , lorRetful of ali personal Interests and
ambitions , na/cu Into each others tnces with
Blowing eyes , and soul cried out to soul
"In the beauly of the Illy Christ was born
across the sea ,
With a glory In His bosom Hint transfigured
you and me ;
As Ho died to make men holy , let us die to
make men free , "
* * * * * * *
Kvcry breoro wafted from thn southern
land was tilled with rumors of battle In
which their loved ones fell , and even when
other cities resounded with Joyous strains of
music and the cheers of Iho people (11 ( led the
air for victory achieved , how often , the pean
of rejoicing was blended with the despalilm :
cry of borne snd woman whoso Idol was
biokcn and whoso hero was dead.
* * * * *
A quarter of a century since Sumpter fell.
It Is dlfllciilt to realize that It has been so
long. The beardless soldier of sixty-one Is
the sray haired veteran of eighty-
six. The children of that time
are the men and women of today.
Hut , to-day , the past came back to us and In-
tcrvonlni ; years no longer dim our vlsloii
and wo recall Its sacred years aijain.
I have been told that a grain of wheat , re-
surrcrted from the catacomb * ot Home , where
It had lain burled beneath the accumulated
dust of the centuries , exposed to the .spring
time , rain and sunchlnc has reinitiated Into
iiiecn and vigorous life. So let us heie to
day lesurrecl fiom the catacomb of the > e.irs
each priceless scud of memory connected
with the dally lives and deeds of those so
dear to us. and with Uio him ot pur tears and
the .sunshine of our love make them to bloom
and blossom once airaln ,
* * * * * *
Wo meet to-day , not only to strew the praves
of our heroes with llowors. but to tell the
story of this great conflict truthfully and
plainly lhat the youths of the land may for
ever bo prepared U defend and maintain the
causa of freedom and union.
The heroic achievements of our own sol
diers will not sulfur by comparison with
those of other lands. But it is not for their
bravery alone that this great nation holds
them in such high esteem and pays them such
dlftlngulshcd honor. It Is because ot the
glorious character of the cnuso
In vvhlbh they fought. They fouuht
and won tholr battles that toicver and ever ,
on land and on sea. nt home and abroad ,
wherever the ll.ig of the union kissed the air ,
the rlgiitn of American citizenship should bo
respected and enforced.
Sleep In peace. The Ktailnus prinelcles
for winch you tought can never be assailed
again. Sleep In peace. The men whose free
dom you achieved will bless you to the end
of time. Sleep In peace : the union you pre
served remains torovei. Liberty , equal
riches and lustlco is the heritage ot yom de
scendants till the judgment day.
The address was a brilliant one
throughout and was closely followed by
those who were so foitunato us to get
within hearing distance ot the speaker.
After the address the members of the
( } . A. H. performed the service of decor
ating with floral tributes tlio graves of
their dead comrades. The visitors then
withdrew , leaving the silent city of the
dead covered with flowers , mute tributes
of loving hearts.
The parade was a "daisy. "
Tlio police made no arrests to-day.
The exercises at tlio cemetery wore
very largely attended.
'J ho weather could hardly have been
improved upon.
There were exactly eighteen open car
riages in tlio procession.
The " 15and of Hope" was out in full
force in one of Dowroy & Stone's wagons.
The trains on tlio Union Pacific and U.
& M. brought in a largo number of "con
men. "
The small boy turned out un masse ,
and large numucrSof him frescoed the
streets and sidewalks along the line of
The music for the occasion was fur
nished by four bands.
On Farimm street tlio decorations were
very sparse and unostentatious. S. P.
Morse's , Polack's , Newman's , Dewey &
Stone's and Cheney & Olson's were
among the establishments decorated.
Yesterday Wcbbpost , G. A. R. ,
from Persia , Iowa , arrived at S:80 ) : o'clock.
They consisted of thirteen mun under
tlio command of G. t. Urayton. They
were mot by duster post , G. A. H. , fifteen
men , of this city , under the charge of
Commander I ) . Hurley. Chiet Marshal
Alleo and Aid Clarkson were also in
iittondanco. Uoth posts , headed by the
Miihienl Union baud then marched up to
the city.
The police appeared witii their new
hats , Marshal Cummings , Captain Cor-
mick and Sergeants MaUa and Mostyn
in tlio front line. Each bore a largo
flower upon his lapel of the peony
order , with tlio exception ot the
captain , who sOamed to have
been decorated by'somc thoughtful hand ,
which considerately bestowed a blush
rose. The physical appearance of the
men was generally commended as thov
advanced , but , it "was remarked that
some of them stood in mscd of in
struction in the science of marching.
Though not so numerous as on last
Decoration day , the appearance of the
Fourth infantry wiis not less impressive.
There were two companies of about
lifty men in line , E. and K. commanded
respectively by Lieutenant Loyden and
Captain Noido , vyhilo the whole was
under the direction of Colonel Kent.
They marched with military air and
ardor to the excellent miisio of their
band , under the leadership of Drum-
Major Jo.iouh Novotti.
In the cemeteries of St. Mnry and Holy
Somilchro sleep about a dp/cn soldiers ,
among whom rests tlio gallant Gon.
O'Neill well Known to Irishmen.
A committco of decoration con
sisting of M. J Fecenan and
Frank D. Garrity , assisted by their
daughters , Clara and Frances Garrity ,
took carriages us the parade tiled out to
Prospect hill , and drove toward the
other resting places of thd'doad. They
bore witli tlienl a largo flag , provided es
pecially for tlio grave of Gen O'Neill in
Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Custor Post turned out about sivty
strong. They were the well known
members of this active post , who
have done so much to porpotuatn
the celebration of tlio day in Omaha.
Some of thorn have added to their gray
haii-s mid increased feebleness
since one year ago Their
stops to have become more infirm , and
this vest'ins ' of some of them is not perhaps
as line as it once was. lint with all
disadvantages.tho love of fallen comrades
and heroes still lingers in their breasts
and iuMilies the boast that it will so linger
until their time comes to sleep beneath
the daisies.
A Union Pacific IlrakcMinn Sleets a
HlraiiK and Siulilon Dealli.
Advices received at the Union Pacific
headquarters yesterday evening detail
the sad and mysterious death of u brakeman -
man named Edward Uarcluy , who was
one of the crew which came in on the
first section of yesterday's overland ox-
press. The train consisted of several express -
press cars loaded with perishable goods ,
three or lour emigrant sleepers , and a
way car , and left Green Uiver an hour
late. It was brought out by a freight crow ,
one of thu brakoincn being liarclay , who
was a ruau about twenty-live yours of ago.
According to Urn statement of a pas
senger , Uarclay went on top of the train
at about the timo-it entered-the Hitter
Creek valley and his failure to return
was first noticed at Hock Springs. A
Roaroh through all the cars failed to dis
cover him and the train proceeded as far
as , fcMsuu , this side of Itavvlins , without
his showing up. Ldson was reached
nbout 2 o'clock at night and ns the train
pulled in another of tlio crow went up
through the "lookout" and climbed over
tlio emigrant sleeper ? , upon thereof
roof of one of them seeing a
ghastly spectacle. There prone
upon his back laid the missing
Kdward IJarclay , blood oo/lng from his
cars , nose and mouth. Ho was stone
dcail. The body was taken down from
its singular resting place and carried to
Carbon , where it was left for ollicial in
vestigation ns to the cause of the death.
The only plausible theory advanced is
that Harclny , when ho went on top of the
train , found a tramp there and that in an
encounter with him ho was slugged to
death The trainmen say that there is
no bridge , tunnel or fchcd from Green
Hivcr to Carbon that a man could not
clear standing up ,
Another Defeat.
The baseball game yesterday afternoon
proved another victory for the "Peach
Pics. " The gamn was well contested.
The play was good on both sides , but lite
homo team was simply out played at
.every point. f
Anderson occupied the pitcher's stand
for the Union Pacifies , WliiloWosloy rook
: v similar position for the visitors , The
latter was moro freely bttttedLthan.iu any
previous gamn , tlio Union Paciflcs mat-
aging to score three runs ofl'liis delivery ,
in addition to three oil' Down's pitching ,
who threw the sphere in the inning.
Anderson | iluycd a goo4 game for the
home team. > '
The scoio by innings W.TS as follows :
UnionI'acliies. . , : ) 1 o 0 o 0 o u 20
tit. Louis l a o o o 3 o o u it
w 4
A Man Wanted In Kansas CityTor
Utirclnry Turns up in Onmtin.
Thu police picked up a sneak thief last
night who was idontlflod as a burclar
wanted in Kansas city. The fellow is T.
C. Raymond who was sent to the county
jail for thirty days the lastpf April for the
larceny of a roll of carpet from a car at
the Union Pad lie depot. Ho claimed to
bo an ignorant Italian nt that time and
pretended that ho could speak in L'ng
lish. Ho served his tliiity days in jail
and was released on Sunday. Yesterday
afternoon ho wont through tlio house of
Foreman Barnes of No. 2 hose company ,
at 1008 Douglas street , and carried oil'tx
lot ot silverware , some pocket handker
chiefs and other articles. Ho was arrested
by Olllccr Rolls and taken to the city
jail. He gave his name as John Uoij.
Shortly after ho was locked up ho made
an excuse which secured his temporary
release from his cell. As soon as ho
reached the corridoi lie made a break
for liberty , but was caught by Jailor Mc
Donald .just cs he was petting out of the
door. \ \ hen Night Jailor Poironot came
on duty Raymond made a second at
tempt to escape , and came very near
buiiif : successful. Just as Pcironot was"
opening Hie cell door to allow Raymond
and another party to pass out to the
closet , Raymond made a spring for the
door. The jailor lorced the other pris
oner back to the cell and locked the
door , but by that time Raymond had
turned up Farnaiu sticot , and wus head
ing toward the court house , closely
inusucd by Marshal Cummings , Sargeant
Mat/.a and one or two other policemen.
At Seventeenth street the procession was
met by County Jailer Joe Miller , who
took a hand in tlio raco. Raymond ,
closely pushed by Poironct , turned up
Seventeenth and made a rush for the
barn in the rear of Air. Miliard's resi
dence. Into this he rvvcnt and was fol
lowed by Peironct. The fugitive showed
fight and was promptly knocked down a.
few times by I'eironet. Ho was finally
cowed and returned to the city jail , where
ho was idcntilied by a. picture in the
rogue's gallcrvas T. C. Raymond , wanted
in Kansas City for a burglary committed
in August , 188. " ) . He became very much
excited when ho was shown the picture.
Ho is a very muscular man and is re-
po > ted to have been a former partner of
Clarence Whistler , the wrestler.
Police Court.
Judge Stcnberg made his appearance
in Jtlic police court yesterday Before
8 o'clock , and worked the * business
through at a lively pace.
James Mallonc , Charles Emory , Charles
Spencer , James Klein , John Godwin ,
Andrew Jensen wore lined $5 and cosW
for drunkenness , and Mike Shea , an old
toper , was given ton davs on bread and
water. Six other prisoners charged
with tlio same oflonso were released.
John Maurcr and John Hess were lined
$5 and costs for lighting.
The element of vagrancy was well rep > -
resented. Thirteen prisoners 'clfaYgod
with this oflenc were arraigned , and all
but two gayo a satisfactory account of
themselves. Charles. Nelson was sen
tenced to ten days on bread and watel1
and John Keily lifteon davs on the 8iunh
diet. James Price and John Lyleytwo
tin horn gamblers were arraigned on ( i
charge ot being ; suspicious character ,
and upon pleading not guilty were nl-
nuinded to jail for trial. GcorgdMJdir-
man and Audi ew Murphy were lined ! ? . ' )
andcosts for obstructing the street 'in '
front of their places ot business' with
wagons. -i1' * u
An Accidental Shooting ; '
A peculiar accidental shooting \oo\i \ \
place on Sixteenth street , near California ,
last evening. A customer was shooting ,
when one of the bullot.vfrom his gjiji
passed through the wall in tlio rear of th'o
gallery and into a liouso across the streof.
Mr. If. (5. Stripe was at a- table in his
room writing when the \\i\\\ \ \ \ \ \ gra/.iul lits
foroheud and struck a lamji on the table ,
breaking it. The oil from the lamp JL'-
nitcd and came near causing a xiigaslroits
lire. It was a close call all around. Oil- )
cer Mat/.a closed up tlio sh6oting gallery.
. V I
IMnkarton In Onmlia.
W. A. Pinkcrton , of the famous detec
tive agency of that name , whs in tile city
yesterday on' his way west. He was
chillingly reticent concerning the des
tination or object of his trip and ouly
said ho was going "a little way wcsYon
tlio Union Pacific. " In response to a'
query the detective said that the Pinkerton -
ton agency had long looked upon Omahn
as a most ail vnntageous point from whici |
to manage and direct detective work for
the western country , and that tliero is no
doubt but that a branch of the Pinkerton
agency will soon bo established iuthis
A Horse Stolon.
lOn Sunday evening a sorrel horse at
tached to a light open buggy , was /stolen
from the residence of Mr , P. L. Edholm.
Thu thief drove the liorsu away wliilo
Mr. Edholm was In his house. There is
no cluo.
Tmnpernnce Meeting
The Omaha Reform club will conduct
a temperance meeting to-night at Uuck-
inghaui hall , Twelfth and JJodgo streets ,
which will bo addressed by Mr. A. G.
' '
Wolfe'nb'arger , secretary of the state cen
tral prohibition committee and editor of
the Lincoln New Republic , Mrs. S. II.
Kiug , a vvoll-knovYii tcuiporanco lecturer
of Lincoln will nlso address the mooting.
The public generally is invited to at
This is the best season In which to
purify the blood , and Howl's Sarsaparilla ,
is the best blood purifier , 100 Doses
Ouo Dollar.
T. Jj. Klmlmll's litpVanatlon of Oma
ha's 0rovvt1 > .
Yesterday mornlrtgT/ / Kimball and A.
J. Popplcton wont\o the Ulufl's to attend
the session of tlio'towa tailway conmils-
flMtrifa. J. F. Evnnsv rt miller and ex-
'rtJeK'ftiJppcr of ( pbuilfcil Uluffs , was the
only parly to npiK'nr before the board.
On tlio conclusion of hU testimony the
board adjourned til ) tllis morning.
On the way to this city the BEE reporter
met Mr. Kimball nlul "nskcd limv ho felt
over the investigation of the commis
sioners , n \
"Oh , " ho replied , "we haven't lost any
'sleep over it , and wo haten't yet began
to reduce in flesh. Unless something a
little moro severe is developed it is quite
likely wo will bo able to survive. "
The reporter questioned him about the
daubing with red paint of the Omaha
street car by some person in the \\\\\Ki \ \ \
Friduv night.
"What do you know about that ? "
nsked the tralllc manager , turning tlio
"Nothing save what has already boon
published in the BEK , " said the reporter.
"Such things are of little moment , "
said Mr. Kimball , "but they are fre
quently magnified , and made to reflect
upon innocent people. Indeed , that act
was ono of some malcontent and some
people will , of course , hold the entire
community of the Blutls responsible for
'A third suggested tnatOmalianshad al
ways treated the city and tlio people of
'the ' Bluffs with lospcct , and inquired
whether the compliment had been re
Mr. Kimball avoided the query and
said : "Well , Omaha has of Into years
, made greater progress than Council
Blufls. She has grown much moro rap
idly , although in curlier days Council
Blutls had the load. When the railroads
extended to that city western Iowa be
came thickly settled , anil Council Blufls
derived some bonolit fiom the settlement.
But when the roads commenced to run
through Nebraska they hold to develop
and settle a country which became tribu
tary to Omaha and tlio trade of that .sec
tion naturally gravitated toward that
"city. Under like circumstances the same
has been the case with all the other river
towns. Tlioso uuou the west bank have
always been most prosperous. It is
simply the result of natural causes. "
Mr. Kimball's attention was then re
quested by a stranger and the reporter
Stops to Extend the Oinnlin , Nlournrn
it IHnck Jlllls Uond.
John 11. Manchester , right-of-way agent
of tlio Union Pacific road , returned yes
terday from Albion. Ho succeeded in
securing tlio greater pai t of the right of
way from that poii t of an extension of
tlio Omaha , Nioprara & Black Hills
route. The Noi tlj.wcs.irn | road has of
late been extending surveys through that
part of the country , aiul it seems to have
been considered necessary on the part of
the Union Paqific Jto take some
steps to protect Its interests in
that direction.J The latter road
had already seluctcd''u ' route which
pleased it greatly , ill lies uj ) the valley
of the Beaver , which is considered one
of the most beautiful > nd productive of
tiio state. It is up Lthi4 , valley that Mr.
Manchester has seeuruu the right of way
mentioned. The-nUnion Pacitic , it is
claimed , can not vnry-nvvell permit the
Nouliwcatovii to iiiAditiiQm in this par
ticular locality thdugtirll onn not very
well prevent the ltyer : from also building
along in thcsamedirrction. And its objec
tion to the building will not be quite so
great if the Chicago road shall follow in
the lead ol the homo organization.
Couch's June.
June , 18SO , will present the general ,
characteristics of a minimum sun spot
month. High temperature and some
tierce local storms. Cyclones of both the
hurricane and tornado type have been
very numerous. The times of occurrence
of these can he successfully predicted ,
and the destructive and dealing cfl'ecls
of the tornado can be so modified as to
amount to a prevention. If a portion of
the many millions expended should bo
applied to this end the weather service
would bo less 'a telegraphic subsidy
Wo give Iho weather for each day :
1. Dry and hot.
2. Strong .southerly wave.
a. Gcne'rally fair , but with local thun
der and wind storms.
4. High temperature.
f5.lonely ( , sultry , local rams.
. " 0. Clearing sky from the west ,
i 7. Fair.
8. High barometer area.
x 0. High temperature ,
' 10. Hot and sultry. ' .
11. North wave ; possibly heavy rains.
12. Hurricane on the coast.
1 ! ! . Stormy lake wind's.
M. Generally fair *
15. High temperature.
10. Fierce thunder storms.
' 17 > Storms at sea of the typhoon typo.
18. High temperature.
-11) ) . Fierce local thunder storms.
! iO. Auroral sky.
tfll. Generally fair.
' 32. High temperature.
'a. Local rains.
2-1. High barometer area ,
2 , " ) . Fair.
20. Barometer falling , temperature ris
'J7. Cloudy and sult/y.
8. Fierce thunder storms.
29. Westerly to northerly winds.
IJO. Fair.
E. J. COUCH , Meteorologist.
Prof. Walter H. Smith , of Montreal ,
predicts tiio following weather for the
month of Juno : Thu month of Juno.
1830 , in Nebraska , Iowa and adiueent
states will , I anticipate. Have both its hot
waves , sultry reasons , Yind cool or cold
spoils , each oxtroiffS Wits way. As the
month opens I look-rforlliot weather , with
sjorms , lapsing to'warus cooler weather
by the entry of thqeoqpd week. Frosts
probably. AhotiSj i. Hie 10th and
llth unsettled , with bad squalls
of mud and Pdiunlng rains , pos
sibly tornadoes in tornado sections.
Then a spoil of lier.v holvveatherfollowed
by more storms arfd'it'cool ' reaction about
the early part of tjfi tlfird week. Local
frosts. From thorjijjadlo to the close ot
the month a succc.fsioi ) of hot and cool
spells appears likely , with accompanying
thunder storms , jSqualls of mud and
rain , perhaps heavy bail storms , Juno
as a whole promistH 11 temperature rather
below than nbovcftUijj mean , notwith
standing its period pfjoxtrcme heat.
From the SuliurbB. n
The first suburban train on the Uiiioli
Pacific loft here on Sunday evening and
returned yesterday morning. It pulled
Into the Union depot at precisely 11
o'clock. The engine was 590 , directed by
Jos.JSpriggs , and the conductor E. II ,
Smith , The train consisted of three bag
gage cars and four coaches. One of the
cars was taken on at Columbus , the second
end and third at Valley , ono each com
ing from Beatrice and Norfolk. There
were on board about seventy-live pass
engers , of whom nearly all got oil'at this
side of the river. Six men and women
and two children in arms crossed to the
other side.
The tram is styled No. S going west
and No. U coming cast.
, Col. A. P.Dysart.of llxonIUis visiting
Ills Son Dr. Dysiirt , of this city.
A hose team has been organized among
the employes at the Union Pacili shopcs.
The Mutual Union telegraph company
have secured n ditcct wire to Chicago
and have made other improvements for
the betterment of eastern service.
McFadden's Uncle 'loin's Cabin com
pany drew a crowded liouso nt the Pee
ple's theatre last night. The company
is an unusually strong ono and gives an
excellent performance.
The ladies of Kountz Memorial Luth
eran church will give ono of their popu
lar ice creani and strawberry festivals in
lite lecture room of the church on Tues
day evening , Juno 1. Ml are cordially
invited. .
Lieutenant Noyos , of Fort Russell , and
Lieutenant Brooks , of Sidney , arrived
yesterday In the , city , and will
enter at once upon the work
of preparing the Bollovuc range
for Htho coming rille contest. A
large uuinbbr of targets are to bo erected.
Tlio polloa yesterday appeared with the
novviumbers ; ) enclosed by wreaths on
their hats. Marshal Cummings1 hat is
now distinguished by a wreathed plato
bcarihg the word "Chief. " wliilo Captain
Corinack has one with tlio work "Cap
tain" emblazoned on It ,
A telegram from Rev , T. C. Hall to the
Christian Hour eays that the general as
sembly of the Presbyterian church in thu
United States of America , now hi session
at Minneapolis , depldcd by a unanimous
vole yesterday to hold , its next meet
ing , a year from tills month in Omaha.
Thomas Watson , charged with the se
duction tlr Mary Anderson , a domestic
at tlio deaf and dumb institute , has been
taken tb tho'cbunty Jail , being uualila to
give bonds. Watson is not , as has been
erroneously stated in the employ of
Chairman House of the board of public
Folk's1 company disbanded after IIH
performance hero a few nights ago.
Some of the menmors went east , while
the slur took the train lor San Francisco.
Ono of the iietors took pot luok with
Grace Hawthorne's , company and sent
his Ijaggago over with that company's
yesterday to Council Blufls.
Marsha JCummings yesterday received a
letter from Mnry tA. . Copelnnd , of Choy-
o.nno , Wjo. , inquiring about her husband
J II. Copoland. a gambler , who is sup
posed to bo in Omaha. She says that lie
loft her two months ago. She" has not
heard from him since. Mrs. Copeland
has fpur children to support and is anx
ious to hear from her errant spouse.
John Hawkins of Crcston , la. , the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Quinoy passenger
conductor who was seriously injured in
the fearful wreck at Cromwell , one year
ago in February , has regained his health
and has resumed his regular run between
tljis city and'Crestnn. J. W. Davenport ,
division freight and passenger agent of
the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , who
was iu the same wreck , is now lying dan
gerously ill at his homo in Burlington
Irom the cfl'ects of injuries received at
that time.
Personal .
J. E. Hicks , of Lincoln , is in the city.
II. II. Dorsoy , of Wahoo , is in the city.
John Barbsly , of Fail-mount , is at tlio
F. M. Gilmorc , of Fullcrton , Neb. , is in
this city.
Herb L. Goodrich , of i'remont , is in
tlio oil v.
v Captain Rustin went to Chicago last
Purko Godwin arrived from the west
C. C5. Ilousel came in from Chicago
Geo. W. Fiost loft for St. Louis and
Te.\as yesterday.
A. C. Burnhani , a capitalist of Cham
paign , 111. , is in the city.
i George W. Hall , secretary of tlio Union
Pacigc , went west yesterday.
Mrs. Stevens , of Salt Lake , who has
been the guest of Mrs. Copelt/or , left for
Now York hist evening.
John McGinn , checker for the Union
Paoilic ut Tenth street , was able to be out
yesterday In the performance of his du
ties. though yet quite sere from his recent
Frank Holloway , stenographer for the
Iowa board of railway commissioners ,
spent some hours in the city yesterday ,
in company with Mr. Carroll , steno
grapher to-Mr. A. J. Poppleton.
- Mrs. T , C. Hall leaves to-night for New
York where on Saturday she will sail for
Germany to spend the summer months
with her praronts and relatives. She will
bo joined in about siv weeks by her hus
band , the Rev. T , C. Hall , who will spend
his vacation in Germany.
i i
An hrtuna tramp invaded a Tennessee
farm .liouso the other day and informed
the mistress of the place that ho had a
divinc commission to clean liouso for
hqr.t 'A.\n \ ( lhtii ) m wont to work pulling
furniture about : ind tearing up the pantry -
try iii'theTHsual manner , which seemed
so uninspired to1 tlio farmer's wife that
she had tlio hired nmu tic him up with a
rppoand tnKo him away to bo lined.
* . ' 't , l \l ' /1 ! .
Hrutfil JVotfro Savcil From an In-
" . ' | / f I'lLi'lAted Sloh ,
PKOiiiAj JU , , May 81. Sunday nlplit Loin
Wagner'coMcd , committed a brutal oiitumo
on the poi-hon ol a nine-year-old white gill
named Kitcliloy. Wagner was anestcd and
positively Identified by the Kill as the peipo-
tratoi. He vvasludeed In jail , and theio has
since been talk i > C lynching him. Lust night
nciowddfUOO assjihiblcd in the vicinity ot
OTe jail , and discussed the matter until
a late hour , but they lacked a leader , and no
nUvmpt'At vlolence'iwiiii made. Tlueats of
lynching have been lularil all day , and It was
Kunomliy undei stood < an assault would bo
ntudo-on the jail to.nipht. Knily in the even-
IIIL ; a largo ciowd assembled In the vicinity
ol thejnil. The th odep.utmont was called out
and an ou" dlspeibo the crowd
by throwing water on It. but this only
increased the gathering and intensified the
excitement. When a stieaia was thiown Into
the crowd John1 Vates diow a pistol
and fired at a Ittemnn , but the shot did not
takqetlt'pt. Yatea was hauled Into jail and
locked up. Fuly | 4XK ) people vveru assem
bled. The authorities Dually proposed that
a committee bo selected from the crowd to
oxamlno the fall. This was done , and a
thoiotigh : search was made , but the prisoner
could not bo found. It was then learned that
duiine the day , he had secretly been lemoved
Irom the county. It is not known where he
was taken , but it is certain ho is out of roach
of thu mob.
An American Womnn Honored.
CO.\RTANTIM > I'E ! , May 31. The. bultan
1ms presented to Mrs. Cox , \vlfo of the AIIH il-
can minister , the grand couton of the Order
ot the Chenkat.
Wcatlior Tor Nebraska.
For Nebraska : Local rains ; slightly
cooler ,
Cnsu DlMinUacd ,
Washington Critic : A young man had
been arrestell for kissing a pretty girl
and she was on the witness stand.
"You say , " said the attorney for the
defendant , "that the young man kissed
you Against yoiir willy"
"Ye.s , ho did , and he did it a dozen
times , too. "
" \ \ oil. now , is it not true that you also
kissed him during thu affrays"
Objected to ; objection overruled.
"Now , answer my question. " continued
the attorney , "Did you not kiss the de
fendant also ? "
"Yes , I did , " replied the witness , in.
disnantly , "but it ww : iu sulf-defonsc. "
A WctlcttnR AVI th n Number of I'o-
cullnr Kcntnrcs.
WASHINGTON , May ni. [ Special Tclo-
cram to the Br.i : . ] "Closed" were the letters
brond and long that occupied a card which
liuui ! aunlnst tlio white house door this morn
ing. Thousands of people went there , how
ever , before It became generally known that
the place v\as not open to the public. Many
cagrer to gain admission rattled the door and
called out the unities of the attendants who
usually iccelvo the caller : ) , and then went
away. At an early hour Colonel Wilson ,
superintendent of public buildings and
Ktomuls outeied the executive mansion ,
and , after consiiltlm ; Colonel Lainont
nbout lloral decorations and a number
of other matters pcitalnlm ; to the
arrangements of the Intcilor of the house ,
vvent away , and all v\ns inilct within , while
bauds and marching soldiers on the avenue
in front of the grounds made a perfect din at
times , the masses , oven In the rain , going to
Arlington to decorate graves. Colonel
Lninont said late this afternoon ho had had
all the requests that genius could conceive
of fromiepresontatlvcsot the press for an
opportunity to see something of Iho paity
assembled on Wednesday evening. Klrst a
Imiy correspondent icijucstcd , after they were
tcld they could not bo admitted under any
conditions , that they mlqht peep Into the corridor
rider ns the bridal party descended
the niatn stairway. This being
refused , she bogged to bo allow cil
to enter the cast parlor and
look In just a moment and take n ullmpso
tluough the blue room while thu party vveio
at supper In the state dining room. This was
also denied. Then thev asked to bo furnished
with a description of tliiulicsscs orthuMUsea
Folsoni , Cleveland , Nelson and other white
house ladies. This will likely bo granted on
Wednesday morning , and It may bo that n
limited number of repiescntattvcs of thu
press will bo admitted to the white house for
a few ni inn tea late on Wednesday evening ,
to uet a description of the lloral decoration.
It Is undei. tnod that alter the festivities , the
niairiano will bo described by some ono at
the white nouse , and by that means thecoun-
tiy will know what It was. A blunt re
fusal has been given to all ic-
qtiests to gain admission to the
executive mansion on the nlu'ht of the mar
riage for the purpose ot lining rcroitoiin !
woik. An oxtia squad of poliro will bo as
signed to the w lUte house on Wcdncsdu : -
toinoon and attci the hour for the ciiiomony
no one will be admitted to the ground , and
ut the Umo ol the ceremony It will bo seen
that tho.-o are no Inteilopcis Inside the en
closure. Another sipiad of police will do
duty on the ntieels adjacent to the white
house groundsand peilectorderw 111 bo main
tained. It is expected that the usiinl thou
sands of people , men. women and rhlldion ,
will hangaioiind In the stieets dining the
atternoon , o\enlng and night In eager ex
pectation of seeing HoinethlniT or somebody
unusual. This ciowd will bo amply piovlded
lor.H Is amusing to hear . the dlplo-
mates trom all paits of the
woild now In Washington talk ofthoap-
pioaching marilago. Theioaic a gieat many
things connected with the coming event
which they cannot undeistand. A lot of
them got together and discussed the ques
tion to-day. They tcel that they should do
something to eelebiate the event , but since
none ot them have Invitations to be piesent ,
they fear to move lest they oflend ! iis excel
lency. The diplomatics cannot understand
why the engagement was kept such a pi o-
found scfict , nor v\hy the announcement
came so near to the date of the wedding
day. Then , the bride coming to the
groom to iet maided pu/rles
them bejond measure. They undeistand
that in Ameiira the gioom Usually goes alter
the biide , and they aio nt a loss to undei
stand the piesldcnt's ' movements. Indeed ,
the diplomatics are vvoiiled. They aroatiaid
of committing some awful Impiopilcty , and
yet they don't know what to do , to do the
proper thing. Ono thing which pel pluses
them most Is whether tliny sh.ill congratulate
Jli. nnd Mrs. Cleveland , and how , They fnil
to see why the president is not publicly mm-
rled , and why they mo not asked to assist. A
imviitc wedding at home , 01 any other place ,
thi.'ysav thov could undeistand. II the presi
dent had nnaiigcd lor his inanhigeat ItuC-
falo they would have comprehended it , but to
have hisbiido biought to liiin alter the fash
ion of thciclk'tenionnichs ot the old wmld is
beyond their power ol liiteipretatlon. They
.say it is not Amei loan , nnd It Is Imllrroui to
hear their comments upon it. The diplomat
ics aie nlso pu/ylcd as to whether they should
picsent irilts to the ptcsidont and his hiide ,
and so far they have been unable to ascertain
if it will be pioper , or whether the gilts , if
sent , will bo received. It Is cus
tomary to maUo loyal gilts in
ncaily every countiy in the woild
when a crowned bend takes to himself a wile ,
but so many uuusmil things have already at
tached to this event that they cannot leaoh a
conclusion. So they remain In mental mis
ery , trusting that they will bo excused on the
priound of ignoinnce. The ndnlxtcis would
IIUii to send AIis. Cleveland some token of
ic.spect , but they cannot get an answer as to
the propriety ol It. Some of the dliilomats
have determined to send gifts to the bride as
memuntoes of personal regard , and not ns of
Omaha Ajuln Ijrnda the Country on
BOSTON , May 'M. The following table
compiled fiom special dlspatdius to the I'ost ,
finm the manageisof Iho leading cluaiing
houses In the United States- , shows the gioss
bank exchanges at each point for tlio week
ending May 'J , in compjiisoii with tlio cui-
icsponding week in 1 * 5 ;
A Bailer Hunt ; Tor Murder.
LONDON , May ill. Juntos Whnlan , a Nova
Scotl.t seaman , was hanged this morning , nt
Winchester , In llautshlro , for the murder of
a iiiatiioii the high bcas.
Uornl ) Tin one r.H In France.
Chhicago News : "Tlio explosion of the
nihilistic bomb in Haymnrket square
brings to my mind the attempt to minder
Napoleon III. " The speaker was Mr.
I'M ward Shnback , a commission mer
chant , who resides at It ) Lincoln avenue.
"That attempt was undo , if my memory
serves me , in 185'J ' , in one of the summer
months. I was a young man then and
had reside d in Palis someyoi'.rs , I at
tended a performance at the Italian
opera liouso and stood In the
crowd watching the approach of the
emperor and the beautiful ( impress
Kugania. The royal party was attended
by thu guides , or guards of honor , and
when it entered the place de opera throe
ur four bombs vveio thrown from the
crowd. They exploded in the midst of
the soldiers and near the carriage , The
emperor was not harmed , but a piece of
luell wont throng his hat. Sumo twenty-
five soldiers wore killed and many
"There were three of the vvould-bo
mur-lcrers Arsini , Pierre mid Rndio , all
Italians , aS their names indicate , There
was a fouith man suppo.sTdgto bo in the
conspiracy a Dr. Bernhardt , of London ,
who mruusncturcd the bombs.
"Xnpolcon III. , If you remember , re
sided in Italy before ho became president
of France. While tliero ho hccamo a
member of an Italian soeiety whoso
members took oath to make uvcjy en
deavor to oppose political tyranny and to
overthrow all forms of monarehial gov
ernment a soil of socialistic society , you
see."Napoleon , In accepting tlio presidency
of France , and in his subsequent over
throw of the republic and establishment
of the empire , violated his oath , and the
attempt upon his life was the work of
members of this society.
"Arsini , Pierre and Do Rttdio wore ar
rested , trieu and convicted. The two
llrst mentioned were beheaded in Iho
Place do Grevcs. 1 witnessed the execu
tion of Arsiul , and a Handsomer man
than ho never lived , Ho was six feel
four inches tall , with a head and face ns
noble as his physique , and a magnificent
black beard , reaching far down on his
breast. It was a ghastly scene in the
early morning , before light , with smok
ing , timing torches all about. He stood
erect upon the scallbld , and was strapped
onaboaidfiom his feet to his nook.
Then the executioner touched the spring.
Arsini fell1' forward on nis face , and at
the same in.stanttho heavy , dull blade of
iron came darting down upon the back
of hl.s neck , and rebounded back to its
notch in the topof the scallbld. The
head and long , black beard rolled into
the basket , a stream of red blqod gushed
up , unit Arsini was dead.
"Do Hudio did not die by the guillo
tine. His wife gained an audience with
Eugenia , throw herself nt tlio feet of the
empress , and begged for his life. His
sentence was commuted to imprisonment
for life at Cayenne. While being trans-
ioited ) thence ho presumably strangled
himself in the chains on board ship. lie
war piobably murdered by the French.
"The Fivneh government tried to have
Bernhardt extradited , but without suc
cess. Ho was tried in England anil
acquitted. Ho claimed he did not know
for what purpose the bombs ho made
were to be used. "
Still In the ItiiHlnoss.
Texas Siftings : Old Party ( meeting
Snifkins , whom ho hud known as an
actor } ' 'Still ' on the boards , Snifkius ? "
Snifkins 'Oh , 3-cs ; walking gentleman
iu mi olio company ? "
Old Party ' 'What's ' the name of your
company ? "
Snifkins The olio margarine com-
pany. 1 walk around taking aiders. "
The Way to Fix It.
Texas Siftings : Customer. Mr. Schi-
dlehcimer , it seems to me that your 10
cent loaves are not ptoportionally
larger than your fi cent loaves ; certainly
not twice as _ large.
Schidloheimor. Dot vas so. I vus told
that myself already pcforu , uud 1 lixes
dot To-morrow 1 vill make iloso i 5 cent
loafs much smaller1
Closed Mini Our.
Wall Street News : It is reported that
the last murderer swung oft'in Ohio went
to his death feeling that the slirrill' had
not used him exactly square. The con
demned had a doil : in wheat through outside -
side parties , ami he wanted just ono more
week to close il out.
"Of , I'd do anything for you
personally , " said the sheriiV. but the gov
ernor is behind this tiling , and he seems
to be in a hurry. I'll promise to carry
out the deal for you , however and what
ever prolits are made shall go into a
gravestone lor you. " Thn prisoner had
to submit , hut ho was emphatic iu assert
ing that ( lie sheriiV .should consider busi
ness before pleasuro.
Fine Millinery Stock
and fixtures for sale , or will exchange
for city property. This is a rare chance
to step into an established businos.
To the Public.
My entire stock of trimmed nnd iin-
triinmcd hats and bonnets , ribbons , flow
ers , feathers , velvets , etc. , will be sold at
actual cost.
I mean business. If j'ou want bar
gains come at onco.
Mits. C. A.
Notice to Kcal Ksliili ) lliiycrs.
I have two line lots in the most desir
able portion of the city , surrounded by
beautiful residences nnd commanding the
best , view ot the city , upon which eleva
tions have been made for the erection of
some line houses. They have been benight
very low and on good forms. Additional
advantages are ofl'ercd to persons desirous -
sirous of building at oueo Call on
Kdward LarKin , c.\position building.
Special Notice ,
All members of Capitol , Covert and St.
John's lodges are requested to incut at
Freemason's hall on Tuesday , June 1 ,
1880 , at 1 : ! ! 0 p. in. , for the purpose of at
tending the funeral of our late brother ,
Colonel Robert Wilson.
Mn-o ( ' . WILSON ,
Master of Capitol.
JOHN N. Wr.srnniK ! ,
Master of Coveil.
Master of St. John's.
At n meeting of the Omaha Lithograph
ing and Stationery company hold May -8 ,
IBHii. J. T. Dailey , of the Omaha Business
college , was elected president , and J. J.
Ciinimings secretary and tioasuror Thn
business of the past year has boon highly
satisfactory to the stockholders , and the
eompany starts on its second year with
every assurance of a prosperous busi
Cheapest property ofl'ercd.
MCOAOUK , Opp. P. O.
1'iiiA ruiciss. 1511 DOUGLAS ; ur
A. G. high rum ,
UlSS. IlithSt. ,
Rual Kstato.
Low jirlcns , good grades and a square
deal , Central Lumber Yard , lath & Gala.
J. 11. Hay , ilovvoler and Watchmaker.
Don't ' forgot the place. . ' .07 N. Kith ,
next door to Win ( luntlemau.
Diamonds remounted and all kinds of
jowulrv made and lopalutd by skilled
workmen at Raymonds , the jcwulnr ,
corner Douglas and IHth si.
Km 11 < > or
Open every day ; 10 a. m to 10 p. m , St
Mary's ave and 18th si.
1'iiiiios tuned innireimirc'l. ji'orXK ; r
anteal , nt e's , 1513
At 1001 S. UthSt. is the plaeo o buy
building paper , carpet felt , mouldings ,
iloors , windows , blinds , etc , at very low
prices. ( ! F. LVJIAN ,
Dr Hamilton Warren , Koluutic I'hysi-
3hm and Surgeon , Room U , Croniuu
liloek , coruor 10th and ( Jupitol iwcnuo
Day uud night calls promptly attontod to
My stock ot lumber is selected will
rufuruuue to lirat-clnsi trade.
r'liKt * W. Uiur ,
VtU and Douglas.