Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1886, Image 1

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    L . _ i. StI3Wl
The Nation's Dead Fitly Honored by Their
Surviving Comrades.
AttlioToiiiliorGrant-TriliutcNby Gen
crnlH Iiognn nnd Vllas Ceioino-
iiica ThrougTioiit the Htnto
Strewn \Vltli riovvcrn.
Nr.w Yoni : , May 31. Confederate and
federal veterans have vied with each other In
sending tokens of lumumbiancc and affec
tion for Oiatit'a grave. Sprotdlnc In fan-
hhapc behind the tomb and topping the lltllo
pjiols ot rising ground are successive rows of
floral emblem-i , palms , ferns and a small
lorest of evirgiccns tastefully arranged.
'Hie lential tl.uio Is a very beautiful lloral
tribute , consisting of n mass of liovvois on
a wiie foundation , eight lect high
and six fua wide. On It Is worked
in Immortelles , milden hair fetus.
Pump is palms calendula ! ) and Maicsdiacl
Nell ui'cs the Michigan con of anus sin-
mounted by a llonl eagle. On eacli side are
lloral laddcis , thu lounds of which bear
woulB maikt-d In llovvcis. "Shlloh , " "V leks-
bmg. " "Oichaiil Knob. " "Lookout Moun
tain , " nnd oilier scenes of Crant'H victories.
Tlic wliole IsHiirmotintid by nlloialaich of
ro"ew , iimlir which stands the vvonl "Appo-
mittox , " while uii'ler the motto Is a white
dove lestlng upon the weld "Peace ; " all
( -cut by U. S. ( Post at H.iv City , Mich.
Nwu by Is the coiitrlLnllon just retuived
trom the Kobeit K. I , co camp of Coiilederatu
Mteians ol Itiehmoiid , Vit. The vvoids ,
"Let Us Have Peace , " appear In
blue letteison a gray giound. On the out-
hide Is u hollow plllai and a large and ele
gant Vilt'lnhi eedai smioiindcd with bilirht
llouers. Jnsldcot the tomb Is a Iniuo lloial
hhield , sent 'jj ' Cnmt jmst No. fi , ot Phlladcl-
plda , with tliu aims ot Pennsylvania In 1m-
itKj tulles and gias&es ot many colors.
Witaths of delicate flowers covei tlio
front of the sliuctuic. Twined In
the bars of the Iron gate are Hpilgs of
ivj liom . i plant oilglnally. taken fiom the
tomb ol M .u tin l.utlier. A cai load ot flowers
Bcntb ) Callfiiuila has notelbccn unloaded.
Major Coi win , assisted by hundicds ot
hands , began at day bieak this moiulinr to
comjilctp ariangemcnls neiu the tomb. The
lostrum has jet to bo draped with Hags , and
at tliivcntnutco ot Hivcisldo paik theie are
htlll tBX'o tiiicksol llovveis and cvcigicens
fiom 1 lorlda and bouth Carolina. Tumi
the Conledeiato veteiaus of Virginia
comes a laurel tiee Irom the
Held of the battle of the Wilderness.
Almost with the IU.-4 di\\n of da > light people
ple began to assuublo aioiiud deneial
Grant's tomb , and by 1U o'clock hundieds of
\lsllois weie on tlio blull ovcilookln ; the
Uudion. One 01 two light showeis fell eaily
In themoiiilng , cooling tlio air , but scarcely
htilliclent to lay the dust. For tlm rest of the
da > the we.ithci was line and pleasant , al
though Uoud } . A form in fuui stages
had been built on each side of Hie tomb , and
at d.i.bieak . the. business of iiiranglng the
lloial deioiallons on and around the latter
began. The fiont ot the tomb was diaped
with Ivej spites so thickly as almost to hldo
thebilckvvoik. On each side of the irate
vveio biaiitltul wicaths.of lilies , red
and jellow loses and loins. The
Iron bais ot tliu gate wcie
entwined with spiaj sol smilaniKed with
rose" . Ovei tlio gate was a ciow n ot nmgnlli-
cent lilies and other lloweis with a white
dove descending on It , and aiouud ( lie half
ciicle ot tlio aicli was the insciiption :
"Faithful unto death , " the letteiini ; competed -
poted of white Christmas loses. Ovei the
j.ejstoiin of the auli stood a cioss ot
aims. Ulster lilies , loses and smllax. The
Intel lor ol the tomb was a mass of palm
blanches , foliage plants and fcins maiden
hall and others. On each side ot the gateway
on thucxteiim side , were dNiil.ijed scrolls
nf white Immoitellcs , bearing ( n puu > lo let-
teilng the wouls "Finis" and "Peace , "
and in iront of the cntranco was a
thicu-lncli gnu , composed of white luimoi-
telks , with the caulngo of Ivy , a white
clove peichcd on the mn/ile.
Memheis of Ciand Army posts , military ,
etc. , who took part In the coiemonles at the
tomb , vvint up the Hudson by steamer to
One Hundred and 'r\venij-iilnth stieet , and
imirched thence to the spot , where they ai-
ilved about S p. m. liv this time , Ulversido
park , in that nelghboihood , was hllcd with a
Mist thioiig of people , stietchliig away liom
the ccntial object of Inteiest In uveiy dliec-
tlou. Dm ing thu much to the tomb tlio
Noith Atlantic s < | U.idton tiled iiiliiuto guns.
At tlio tomb a bittailon of mailiies and state
ieucitiles formed In line to the lett , whllo the
litand aimv posts advanced to the place 10-
Feived foi iliem In faint ol thu gland stand.
'i he IMwIn I ) . Moigan Post , No. ab7 , of New
Ymk , acted as iisheis.
'I ho ceiemoiilcs began by thoihvlng of
Cliopln's maich bj Aibutkle's mill-
t.ii ) band. Tills was tollowed by the Claud
Aimy rituil , lead by Commander J. P.
llowatt. Aftei the Aiiilihlon Musical society
had MUII ; the hvmn , "Nearer. M > ( Sod , to
Thee , " llev. li. Stoirs. of Itiookljn , ollered
puijei. When ho had llnlshed theie tollowed
lesponsivu seivico trom the Ciand Aimy
litiuil , in which Chaplain 1' . U. ( ivvlllim ,
tlio Amphion pocietv , Commander Howatt
and Post Comiuaiidui II. M. Calveit tool :
mil. Tim Amplilon society sang "Ye
lleioes vho Immortal Live , " and then ( len-
eial I.ogan delivered the address of the dav.
( ieiieial Logan's addiess opened with the
dcclaiatlnn thai thu time lumoicd ( piotatlon
that "lepiibllcs aio ungiateful" was pi oven
unti ue b ) the scene piesented on this closl ng
day of spiing. Millions of pcoplohivogatli-
eied to-day to slugpe.ins ot gratitude to thcii
bleeping bcuoliutois , anil with one loud
volio to chant anthems of sweet apnicchttlon ,
that may lise t'oin earth to heaven.
"Wo aio nothcie , " s-ild tlio spe.ikcr , "to
talk ol causes In -dem.inilul tlio saci iflcos
repicsi-nted by these liguies , noijut to nau-
late thiilllng Incidents of battle with lascl-
liatlng stones of gallant natnotlsm. Itut ,
juy lilends , neaily one-hall million jouug ,
luavo. Mseful lives Imvosiilleied untimely ex-
tuiiiiishiiieiit tin otuh tlio ci uel elieninsl.inees
nf wai , and \\iililn the elosu clicloof that
o\ci Delating tact Is to bo lound the moving
causes ol the i cmaikablu scene this day en
acted In oui louutiy. "
Continuing , Mr. Logan said : "Men nud
women ot America , we have come with
beautiful lloweih and evergifens , culled by
tlmeagci hands of out brotheis , and woven
Into speaking ( onus by the fall llngeib of our
Mhtc ! > , to lender the homage due to patilots ,
who have died lei their counti valid all man
kind. Let not that bo consldeied an extra
vagant cxpiussl'm. Thu now silent soldiers ,
who-u lite work Is llnlshed , ch.iniiiloneil a
pilneiplu tovvaid which tlio wairiois and
ai mles of the woild have been constantly
dilftliiK frjiiu thocMiliost lecoided struggles
upon the lain of bhlnai. This pilnciple ,
the iluhts of man and thu liberty of tlio In
dividual , which was planted with the Hist
blood uvci sited In behalf of government ,
has , like the tl'ivvei , bloomed upon the mornIng -
Ing all of all the ages. Watted by the wind
ot destiny , llsM'cil found loilmnent upon the
feitllusoll of Ameilca , wheio it has KIOVVII
and hlleil the woild with Its sweetness. Oui
luotheis. whoso memory wu honor to day ,
gavetlieli lives to pel iietuattita giovvth and
jnogiess to thu end of time. "
' ) he. frpeaKei then liiv.ui his onlozr of ( len-
oral Ciaiit , at whoso lomb thu addiess was
made :
b "Filendsand conntijmen , since last our
comiades nut to puifoim thu service that wo
now leudci to oui fallen heioes. othei dis
tinguished t-oMleis have been lallul liom the
lanksol the living. Natuie heiself Is In
iiiouinlng. K\ciy bice/.i ! that plajs tlnough
tliu open leaves ot Miininei ; every stream
that miiunur.s on Its coulee to the ml/hty sea ,
unit oveiv sound that nuiiks the lllu of mat-
lei upon its ccasolcAs lound , is ounlcncdwlth
u sldi. Thu song of ev civ blul that tunes Its
laj to ( lie awakened deity of the vtar Is
jiianed in sucetiiess by an involuntaiy note
olbouow. Thuhnui of business h.u been
luutlled. Thu vvoids of man have been pu-
nl > r.eil ; hi ; . vokoliasbeCliliiol-eii b > emotion ,
and tlio nations ot the v.oild have hung their
teniplis | u bird ; . Natuie , tlnough her
luoo/.Ca and muinuiilng stirams and her
longs of busy mattci ; the biids , tlnough
their caroltamriiien and nations through
theli common humanity , have united In one
Bad wall foi tlio loss ot a noble man , and a
cic.itci leader than ever betoio nmi hacd !
1 1 oo us In tieice a n ay of battle.
"Thesitcnt chief , whoso \\oik is destined
lo lullueiico posteiity to the latest sellable of
rucoidcd time , has gone to his couch , and
neither tliccall of his country nor the siren
beckoning of earthly glory will o'er break
the soundness of his sleep upon this hithci
side of eternity. The mortil remains ol
rlvsscsS. ( Srant repose In peace beneath the
weeping vault ot jomler tomb. The ravage"
of time will reduce them to ashes , and the
lapse of nges will transform those ashes tc
other lormi of matter ; all that was earthl >
of that noble figure will chance its lorm ol
materiality , nnd at last the mete pcisonalltv
of ( Srant will bo extinguished and forcvoi
lot to human garc.
"But , my trlcnds the supreme work thai
onr now sleeping hero pei formed w 111 endure
until the wrecklngof the human race shall
leave this planet a mere counterpoise of the
other mlEhty vvoilds that puisuo their cease ,
less roll around the blaring oib of light and
day , waiting their appointed tlmo to casl
themselves Into their slio's arms. "
"nlends , tuis noble man's work needs nr
monument , no written scroll , in order that It
mar bo iierpetimted , Ills higher than the
dome of St. Paul's , loftlci than St. Petci's ;
It rears Itself above the pjramldv it boars
beyond the highest mountain tops , and it Is
wiitten in letters of the sunbeam across the
blue arch Hint forevei looks down upon the
busy tilbesof men. "
After compailng Ointit to the military
genlu esof all azes ot the woild , and ic-
( outitlnifsomoof hUaciiiovemcnts , ( Seiicial
Lopin closcdas follows :
"Oh 1 mighty agent of n giatnful people ,
we aiohc'io to do jon honor. Oh ! insplicd
genius , vve como to rcndci testimony ol
the bencliclenco of jour woik. Noble
cltlren , kind liushiiul , lovlni : father ,
good friend , guat captiln , chosen
OKuntl the work thoit hast done will
shine from the ( Imminent as a nevv star to
llglit thu coming geiieiatlons. Its ray shall
pale' the rich hoopers ot the night , and loi-
ever flash with undimlni-thcd thu in the
piesuiice of tltu god ofdi ) . Until ntiothci
> c.u shall leawakcn the flowers and 111 ! the
vernal air with Incensewo leave thee with
the faltlitui spirits that guaid thy tomb. "
The lest of the pie itimmu was as follow * :
Beethoven's fiinuial much bv Ai buckle's
band ; siilute to tliu dead , battaillou of ma-
lines , U. b. N. ; salvo b > the lirst bvttciy ,
N. (1. S. , N. Y. ; minutegunaand s-duti ) by
the Notth Atlantic siputhon ; hymn , "My
Comitiy.'TIs of thee,1' by the Amphloii
society ; benediction lij Bishop W. L. II nils.
l.N llti : .MI.lllOl'OMS
This morning theie was a sharp raln.whlc.i
soon passed away leaving the day dnik and
gloomy. All business was suspended in the
city. The piece slon was most Imposing
and best disciplined evei seen In this city.
Chinch bells the opeuliu ; salute , ami
llagswcrodlsulajeil at halt mast on all pub
lic buildings. A vvai-woin bUtlo Hag de
pended fiom a window at the Vaudeibllt
mansion. By ordeis from the Ilist division
head < ituiteis tioops wcio to assemble on
West Fifth , Sixth and contiguous sticets at
'Ja. m. , the legiments to paiade In full dress ,
unlfonu In light mulching order , to form in
close column ot companies ii ht in liont ,
Head of column testing on Filth avenue. ' 1 he
loll c.ill sounded In tlio buventli regiment
atmoijatba. m. Twenty minutes Intel the
Kvlment marched out thioiigli Kast Twenty-
sixth stieet , bv ( luncial ('s lesldeuce.
It was alter iiiuo o'clock bctoic Cieneial
W.udgavo thu older to niiicli. Then the
Ninth icglment wheeled into Fittli
avenue , and the paiade began. At
Win Noi hotel a delay oceuned. The chiefs
wcio In the hotel discussing the news
( Sovcinor Hill had declined to pai-
llcip.itu In thu icvlew en the ground of un
avoidable engagements. It was not known
when thu pusldent would anive , At the
the end of an hum Intelligence was received
that the piesident was appioachlng
the toot of Last Tvventy-thhd street. Tlio
Old ( luaid was sent to n.--eho him.
The pi occsslon then stni tcd.couv oj Ing w ith it
( Sen. Slieildan who was loudlj chccicd as ho
left the hotel. The line of maich was
tlnough Filth avenue to Fortj-sccond stieet ,
to Madison avenue , toTlilitj-sixth stiuet , to
Flltli avenue. On Madison avenue the presi
dent escoi ted by the Old tSuaul , was placed
on the right ot tlio line. The levlcwing
stand was leached at 11 a. m. when the
march began.
Long before the hour fixed for thn mov ing
of the column evciy point of vantage about
Madison Rnnare had its occupants ; every
window in.Fltth avcnuo hotel and Hoftman
house mid Albjmailc hotel wcic Idled. The
p.nloi on thu sccoild llooi ol the Filth avenue
Hotel Avns occupied by Mis. Yilas and
her party of lady It lends among
whom weie Mrs. and Miss Folsom. Mr. Foi-
som was on the grand stand near the spot
assigned lor the pie.ldent. At puciscly 11
o'clock , Cant. Mount , w ith his platoon ot
mounted police , passed tlio stiiul. Next
came the Old Guard and veterans ot
Klmball post , 100 , (5. A. 1 ! . .
who acted as the piesldout's special
bodyguaid. Thuv deployed in liout of the
lev lew ing stand as Secrutiuy Yilas and ( ! en- McMalion as ( ended to the stand nom n
einkiiie. Majoi ( Since and Piesident
Mooncy , of the board of ahleimen , hid al
ready anived , and assisted by Pollen Com
mlsslonei Voorhees , showed the piesident to
the place of honor which was ic-
scivcd lei him ; tiom the next cniiiagcs
cimo ( Seiieials Sheridan , Scholield and
Whlppluand Admlial Jancttoaiid his stair.
The lust legiment of the miiitaij escoit to
] ) .isswas the Kieventh , and as the coloia
weielowcied in salute the piesident doffed
his hat. ( Sllmoie's band ( .imu next , Its
100 bundled pieces iilavlng Mendelssohn's
wedding maich. Voclfeious cheeis liom
tlio multltudu aiiSNvered the compliment ,
Cleveland acknowledge Urn compliment by The cheers continued until
btialns ot thu band became lost.
Aftei reviewing the proces.Ion ,
Yllas proceeded to Washington squaio and
deliveied the addtess of the d.ij.
Mr. Vllas began his masteily aunrcsj as
follows :
"The day has been taken from oui eager
labois foi tlui tutuio to teitlfy out luverence
101 the past. In decoiuiisiniadcs , with music
sic and with banncis , with solemn pomp and
show , amid oven cliciimslanccol honoi , tliu
people of thu nation have icpalied to hal
lowed univus and cclebiated with the tender
iltoof Uo\\cis the memoiy of the nation's
savlois. And now tint wo are cathcicd by
prajiM , by sous and sjiccch , to littlngly linlsh
ourshaioln tliu houoied cciemoiilal , the
sulntol the day iiihs thuthoiight audpolnts
the theme. A ( | iiulc'i ol a century has sunk
into Urn grave ot time since thu dread nlaiiim
ot civil wai rang tlnough our land. A
new era has begun , a now gen-
eiatlon Is upon the stage of life.
Of oui present population , moic , by
millions , vviu In that pciiod not u.xlstent
heiu 01 possess no lumomberanco 01 Its
scenes , than all , ot every class and age , then
within the compass ot the union. Hlstoiy
has Ion closed upon voui achievements , com
rades , unit to the nation ot to d.ivthcy aio as
u tale tobu told. Svvlttly , oh ! how swiftly ,
do the uctois of that mighty diama now fall
11 urn thu column of liv ing men. Yet a few
jcus mnie , and none shall bo to h .ii pui- witness to thu children ot the gieat to-
public of Iho tiding hours ot hei deliver-
1I1ICI * , "
Continuing , the orator iccnuntcd the lea-
tines ot tliu pitilotlsin , imiposes ami giand
icsult by whicli the inilou soldleih gained
their title to the veneration ot theli country
men and the world , and In glowing terms 10-
Kited thooccuiicncusof the war , with Its bat
tles , toll , privation , dlHMsu and death ,
and the wonderful work of the
boj.s In blue. " ' 1 ho past. " said the speaker ,
"cannot bu altcied ; the fiitinc , under ( iod , is
In our hands , Thu hoH | > ot that future is In
union , the geiinlno union of fellowship
cc'iiiented by interest , by mtrlot'sin ' and by
piidc. Kvciy consideration Unit can compel
tlio Judgment of men diawsa tighter hand ,
n hucuicr stay , about the Union. Peace ,
iIches , happiness , the most generous dlllu-
slon of knowledge , with all its power and
privileges , stand uiion Its maintenance with
equal pilvllcL'Cs io oveiy cltl/cii and to
every section , not only In the words ol law ,
but in all the fiuctlfjfng warmth of genuine
and generous fellowship and love. "
'Iho 6teal.ei | eloquently and feelingly re-
ferried to the sen Ices ot Hancock and
Grant , and paid a touching tnbuto to their
memoiy. Hefcrrlng to the lattei'.s assump
tion of command of the uulon iiimiw , ho
bald :
"I'lio man of destiny was found , liaised
to supreme command'ho eolrcd the whole
vast enginery ot the war. and In liaimonlous
co-oiienitlun the mighty forces responded to
his. will. 1 may not piotracttlicbtorythiough
ianclngdetails. Appoitlonlng to Ills
cii'nt Icutcnants thocontioversy with others.
liu entered thu lists with Lee. Theglanta
giapplcd and never paited from the tight. It
was vvoithy of both , and stands unequalled ,
In modern war nt least , lu Us deadly tenacity
and fcioclty. Within n > ear it ended anil
thu tiie it 'icbclllon fell , crushed to utter , ab
ject uilii. " '
The address closed In the follow lug \\ords ;
"Oh I Noble dead I Your sacrifice was not Ir
vain I Safely rests the land jon saved or
the patriotic breasts of jour countrymen. .
'With malice toward none , with charity foi
all , ' they shall fraternally pursue their grand
career ; and In their hearts jour hullo wee :
memory shall be jourconntrj's treasure and
stay forever. "
At Washington snuaro the procession dis
banded , nnd the dlllcrcnt posts of the ( S. A.
H. marched to thu various ccmcteilcs and
decoiatcd the graves of the soldrer dead.
TiniouoitouT MIIIH.SKA. :
BBATiticn , Neb. , May 31. [ Special Tclfr
gram to the llKt.J Decoration day was ob
ervcd hero and participated In by about five
hundred people. Bawllns Post , ( S. A. 11. ,
and Company C. , Nebraska national guards ,
and the 1-niton band led the procession to the
cumetciy , followed by a largo numbir of car
riages and citizens. The graves of aboul
thirty-two soldiers wcie decorated.
Me COOK , Neb. , May HI. [ Special to the
BI.I : . ] Mcmoilal services were conducted
heio to day under the auspices of J. K.
Birnes Post. No. ajr , (5. A. H. Iho Knights
of Pjthlas , Odd Tcllows and othciclvlo so
cieties paiticlpatcd In the services. Hon. J.
K. Cocharan deliveied an cloqtte'iit address In
the opur.x house to a huv'o audience. Not
withstanding the fact that a slight mill was
falling , ii veiy laigu concourse of people v is.
Itcd the cumoteiy and tlio graves of the fall
en heioc's vveio beautifully decorutud with
vvieaths of Mowers. The piocesslon was ovci
n mile In length.
Yoint , Neb. , May .11. [ Special Telegram
to the liii.j : Mcmoilalseiviccs vveio held In
this city to day and were the lamest attended
of anv exercises of the kind ever hold hole.
Large delegations weiu present tiom
shaw and othei towns in thu vicinity. ( Sen-
eial.lohn II. Dennis , of Yiinktoii , Dak. , was
the orator , and deliveied a Hue addiess. He
lectuies to night on Ills pcisonal memories ol
the win.
V.u.r.NiiM : , Neb. May SI. [ Special Tele-
iriam to tlio BKI : . | Decoration day was ob
served heio by ( iiauil Aimy vetei ins. miny
citi/uiis meeting at tliu eouit house' . A huge
mocessloii loimed and nuirclie i to Fort
Mobiara , whcie \\ciometbylhcnilli- -
tiny In the beautiful grove ueTii the Kent and
address'd by.lutlgc.I. W. Tucker and ( Jan-
eial Biisbiii , tlieoratoi of the day , who de-
liveieil a billliant and cloiuciitoiat'on , after
which an adjouiiimunt was made to the
cemetery , whuio the graves of the dead vveio
slievvn with llovveis.
Coi.uviut" ) , .May ill. [ Special Telegram to
tlio Bi.n.J The obsciv.iiico ot the ceiemoiiy
ot docoi.itliig the soldlcis' irraves by the
M'tcian oigaulzatlon of this city occurred to
day. The marching column was composed
as tollows : Fiist , the Columbus comet band ;
second , the members ot tliu O. A. 11. ; thlid ,
the Iliomen ; and fourth , the school children.
The line numbcied about one thousand.
Thoi muclicd to theopeia linuso , vv here the
exeicises vvuie conducted. The
addiess was m ulo by llev. Sinclair , of tills
city. Tlio music was nppiopilatc , and
beautifully lendeied by ths school children.
One ot the le.ituics of tlio day was decorat
ing the gia\e of John Lawson , ot 'hlsclty ,
who died live veais ago. Captiln Ham
mond's lemarks on this piitlcuhu foituio
weioapntopriato and toucmnsr. Thosicied
dead ot PJatto county aiu to-night slumbct-
IIIK undei beds of beautiful llowcH.
St TIOV , Neb. . May il. ) [ Scclnl ] ) to the
Bu\ ] Sutton obseivcd Dccoiatlon day very
impiesslvcly. Thediv was fiuuand a larjo
ciovvd wcie pioseiit. ( Scoige ( ? . Jieado jmst
tinned out In lull foico under command of
Colonel Keller. Company K , Nebrask i Na
tional t'luiuls , the Sutton band , children ot
thoHibllo ] scliools and a long procession ot
citizens on tootand in canlagcs attended.
Hun. J. B. Dlnsmoiu deliveied an able and
.ipinopilate addiess ,
KIVIMV : : , Neb. , May 31. [ Special to the
BKK. ] Decoiatlou diy was prettv unlvei-
sillv rcco ul/ed heie to diy. A laige pio-
ccsslon maichcd In the morning to the comc-
teiy , when * the graves of all thosoldieis there
buried vv cie pi ntuscly decorated w 1th flow ci s.
A mectine was held in tlio afternoon under
the auspices of tlio O. A. It. , at which
speeches wcro made by E C. Calkins , Cap
tain Black , John B.und , with the addiess of
Ihednvby J. 11 ( iilllbplc , and music by the
bind of the post. The banks ol the city all
closed , and also maiiv business houses.
HASii\as , Neb. , May : ! ! . [ Special Tele
gram to the BI.IC J Decoiation Day was duly
obsci veil heio today. The procession was
ucarlv .1 mild loin ; . L'rajervvasolTeiedby Huv.
Dr. Fitch. The oration was delivered by
( Dllvvorth , nud some vciy touching
icmaiks vveio made by ll'v. W. K. Jones.
The choli lendeied some \eiy beautiful and
appiopiInto music. Tlio day was cool and
the streets were in sulendid condition toi the
paiade. Business houses and all public
olllces weie closed duilnir theccicmonlcs
SID.XI.V , Neb . May 81. ( Special Telegram
to the Bii.J : : The mcmoiiul exeicises and
speeches took pi ice at the skating link to
day. ( Sei'eial Mouovv was oi.itoi of the day.
He dellvoied the stiongcst oration ever
heaid here and won the piaudiUof alamo
audience. Music was furnished by the
Tweiity-lirst Infantry band. .The 0. A. 11.
decorated the gi.ues of deceased brethicn.
1.1 : .
GIIIOV.OO , Miyill. The board of tiade. all
tlio binks and the piincipal business houses
of the city closed to day. nlthouuh the ceio-
monles Incident to Decoiation Day wcro had
on Saturday ,
ST. Loc'isMayni. At the various cemo-
teiles in thitf ci ty j esteiday tlio gravc.of dead
soldiers weioappioprlatoly decorated bj tlioli
surviving comrades. Thegiaiiil aimy ot the
republic posts took cliiige ot tlio coiemonles ,
and in addition to tlio iloial ollcilngs theiu
was a United States flag placed on each
WA'SIIINOTON , May 31. The day opened
with an ovemist sky , and tovvaid noon u
sleadj lain bewail to tail. Business was sus
pended to a meat extent. Aillngton , the
Coiigiessional cemctciy and the soldlcis'
homo wcio points wheio lonnal services
wcie held. Undlsiuavcd by tliu piomiso of wc.ithei , veteians tinned otit In toico
and pioceede'd with miny bands and flying
colors nnd an abundance ot llowms to the
ccmeteilcs. battcilcs ot United
Suites aillllcry led the Arlington procession ,
and they vveio followed by distilct mllltii
anil local posts ot the ( Stand Aimy ol the
Republic , coloied posls , with their Jaigo
muiubcislilp , loimlng a noticeable fcatuio of
the paiade. Aniving at Aillngton about
noon the Marine bind icndoicd appiopilato
selections , and a poem was lead by
the Hon. James Stewart , who was
followed by Uepicsentativo Lonr , of M assa-
ehusetis , with an eloquent oiation ,
At tlm snldleis' homuapoum was lend by
Piof , 1) . J. KvaiiH , and an addiess was do-
llveiod by Thomas MKco ! , ot Kit Carson
Post , O. A. U. Similar scivices vvciu ob
sci veil at the Congie.atlonai cemetcrv , mid
details Jrom local posts of the (1. A. H. dec-
oiatcd the suldlen giavcs In othei cciucto-
lies. A largo delegation fiom tliu veterans'
coips also piocecdcd to Alex.uulih , Va. .
vvheici they wcio met by the Alcx.indiia li ht
Infantiy and cscoitcd to the National ( emu-
teiy at th it place , where llovveis vvoio striivvn
upon the soldiers' giavcs. A laigu vvieith of
roses and othei How cm was sent Irom the
whllo housu to-day to .Mount Vernon to dec
orate tlio tomb \Vaslilnitoil. \ ; .
Di.s MOIM-.S , la. , May ill. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKI : . ] Decoration ( fay was more
generally obsci ved hero than tor many jcars ,
The procession wastha latgestovci seen heio
on a slmllari ccislon and was witnessed by
'J.r,000 people along tlio line of maich. Tha
foimril exercises were under the dlieetlon of
tliu Sons of Vi teraus , and a lait'o number of
mllitaiy and civic societies teen part In the
paiadii. i\-tio\crnor : bhermaii , cx-ovci- !
nor Menlll , cx-Jove'rnor btono , Judge Day
of the supiemo court. Secretary of State
Jackso'i , btato bupeilutendunt Akeis and n
laigo number ot other prominent
citizens iiiiiiched in line with
'tliu old soldiers. The principal
address at Woodland avenuocemuteiy was
deliveied bv Thomas F. Wilght , Iowa solici-
torof the Bock Island. All places of busi
ness wcro closed dining the altcrnoon and
large numbcib of people were picscnt from
the country. Nearly all Iowa towns cele
brated the day. There were special exercises
at Atlantic dedicating n ( Scant memorial
fountain. A special train took there ( Joy-
einor l.ariabo and several members of the
scnato and Impeachment court who partici
pated In the exeicises. There were also laigc
celebrations at Clinton , Brooklyn , Oska-
loosa , bioux City , Hampton , htuait , Wash
ington and n general obaeivauco ot the day
all through the state.
A. Street Car Tlo-Up.
PiTTsnuKO , May si. The Oakland and
East Liberty street cars were tied up tills
morning on account ot thu failure of the
company make out a twelve Hours
schedule as promised. Traffic on tuo Hue h
entirely suspended.
Many and VarlocMiiwa Which Congress la
.Asked lo Enact.
Concerning Land Grantn anil Imnil
Taxation llecomnicndlng JUlcu-
tiou lny aslmbor'a National
The Knights Uomnnds.
Ci.nvni.AXU , May 31. At this morning's
session ot the Knights of Labor It was r < v
solv ed to appoint til once and send to Wash-
limton a special committed ot three to look
after labor legislation now pending bcfoic
congiess. Thacdlnmltlcoon legislation pre
sented the follow Ing proposition In the na
ture of demands of congress , which the con
vention ratllicd :
1. That patents for public lands bo given to
iictuil settlers only.
2. Tliat all lamb owned by Indlvldnils ot
corporations In excess of 1(0 ( actcs , whether
impiovcd 01 unlmpiovcil , shall bo taxed to
the lull value of luipioved laud.
' ! . Callinc tor the Immediate foifelturo ol
all lands whcio thn conditions of the giant
have not been compiled with.
i. That the oidn bo Issued toithvvllli so
that taxation may take efteet at onco.
5. Calling lor the removal ot the fences
from thu public domain.
0. That alter IS'JO the government shall , by
pmchaso and light ot eminent domainobtain
possession of all lands held by aliens.
7. 'Ihit after 18 aliens shall be prohibited
from acqiiiilni ; title to land.
8. Asking the abolition of all laws requiring
proneitvqiidlilcatlon tor votcts.
li. Iteqttesting the passage of a law levjlng
a cradu i ted lucomo tax .
10. I'lotosting against the cutting down of
thn apniopriatlon lor tlio labor buican.
11. Asking for the piss.igo of tlio bills ap
proved bv tlm consresslonil labor committee.
12. Asulng for the pissago of a law piohlb-
Itlng thn employment in mines , shops , lacto-
lies , etc. , of mlnois for mote than eight liouis
pel day.
In this connection tlio following resolution
was adopted :
He-solved , Tlvat wo will hold lesponslbloat
the ballot box all members ot cougiess who
neglect or relrain fiom voting In complhnco
with these deminds.
The committee on strikes and bojcotls pre
sented their report iccommcndinz that nil
authoiity to older shlkcs and boycotts bo
vested In the executive committee.
As the hourfor thonoon icccss had arrived ,
the icpoit was laid over until the afternoon
session foi discussion and action.
At 1 o'clock the conv ention took a recess
until 2 p. m. - )
Tlijeiesolutlon In regaid to election holl-
davs Is as follows : "
Besolved. That it Isjtho sense of , , this gen
eral assembly that the occupation of biibo-
cheis ami bribe takers should bo dcsttojed ,
To do this It will bet necessary to ediic.ito
those who sulTci most tluough'biibeiy and
coiruption that It Is hurtful to the welfare of
the nation to receive tfbiibo or give one. In
oidei to deal with this question moio effectu
ally nnd Intelligently wo should use every
me ins within bin power to secure tor tlio
toiloi tlio light to piotcct hlmscU upon that
day , which ot all days is Imp6rtant to the
Amciican citi/on election da } that ho may
hive tlio .onpoUiinity to protect , his in-
tciest on ( hat occasion , wo
should ask that election dav be mltdo a nation
al holiday , on whlehmo cmplovershall have
the light to demand service at tho" bauds of
hiscmploic. Wo itiu-tJ" = r''il ' ' > iccominonil
timt M-oiitingmimcfecTaro their Intention to
make elcctioni u > y "laboi's national holi
day , " and that they devote their ontho time
on that day to looking attei their own Inter
ests ; that they shall on that day Keep watch
and ward ovci : the dustinlos of the nation by
guarding the polls trom the iillluinico of. the
bilbo taker and bribe glvci , and whllo
we recocniye tlio right ot cvciy irjan
to Indulge in tlio use of liquor to
such an extent as he may deem necessity for
his heallh and comfoit , yet wo do Kcom-
mend that on that day each workman letiain
iiom the use of liquor ol all kinds , so that ho
may exeiclse with a cle.u head his pieioja-
tlve as a citizen In selecting pioper men to
icpresent the people.
During the afternoin session the legisla
tive committee repotted the demand that
minors bo piohibitcd fiom vvoiklng over
eight liouis per day In mines , maiiufactoiics ,
etc. The following lu the same icport was
nlso adopted :
Hesolvcd , Tint wo > hold responsible at the
billet box all members of congress who neg
lect 01 iiitiisu to vote in compliance with
these demands.
The icstof the afternoon was devoted to
the discussion of the report of the committee
on strikes and bijcotts recommending ( hat
the executive boird should have absolute
control ot all such business. The convention
took a iccess until to mouovv morning , with
the motion to aJopt the repot t still pending.
FIglitIn ; : the Oleomnrgnrlno Bill.
"WAsiiiNOioN , May 31 , f Special to the
BuJ : Kveijbody , oven those opposed to tlio
olcomaigailno bill , have been surpilsed at
the formidable propoitlons of the fight made
against the measure. The tactics of Ihu op
position have been ccnteied In the dlicctlnn
of amendments. It has been steadily believed
by the lilcnds of Impure nnd Imitation but
ter that the bill can bo amended to
death. Falluio to accomplish this In
the house will not dlscomago the
opponents. They will carry tlieii light into
tliu scnatu and tiy to have tuo bill so amended
thciu as to delay It in confciunco committees.
A senaloi who is taking muelilntcicst In the
bill MIJS It cannot bo defeated , however , and
that It will bo a law before July next. Ho
thinks It Is a teirlblo comment that the men
who sell slaughterjiouso otfal , lilthv gieise ,
and those who tnoduco cotton-seed oil ,
should bo hero spending thousands of doll.uti
to defeata hill in thcintcrost of healthy food.
'The gieat Increase of cxpendltincs by the
government during the past two or tlneo
jcaif- , and especially the increase ot appio-
piiatiousal thisne-iblon. takes the advlsibil-
ity of leconstiuctlng the navy clem out of
the question so fur as this congress
Is coiicuincd , " raid n domocititle mem
ber of the house committee on
appropilattons. to-jliy. "Wo will hnd that
tur total Increase of appropilatlons
this veil will run well up to { MO.000,000 by
the llmo wo get tlnou-'h. Well , the iccon-t
soiuctlon of the navy'conteinplates lullythat
much , and we cannot nlloid test irt In on an
increase of expense's HKo gl-0,000,000 In one
jear , just at thu fcogjnnlngof thu adminis
tration. This thing 'Will ' have to bo post
poned. "
Tlio Evfilenco All In.
ST. Louis , May3l.4-In the Maxwell trial
to day A. V. L. Broeivvay , assistant to the
chalisof siirgerytand deaionstiator of anat
omy In the Missouri ) medical colloeo was
present at t ho dissection of the organs referred
to and testified thaHici made a personal ex
amination of thorn but failed to llud evidence
of any disease of stricture. The state then
announced that they hiiil no further evidence
in icbuttal to otfer. Mr. I'aiiiitleioy , of the
defense , asked the privilege of having the
parts of Piollm's body In possession ot the
'Btato inspected bv experts for the defense ,
Mr. Clover , ot theprosecution , wanted the
names of tlio expert -submitted to him , ami
was willing to give them to any leputablo
smgcon or plijslklnn except the medical
adviser ot the defense. The defense icfiiscd
to accept this conditional offer and the testi
mony was then declared to be closed by both
state and defense. Judge Van Wagonci said
ho would endeavor to havoinstiuetloimcady
by to monovv at 10 o'clock and adjourned the
court until that time.
NiUioiuil Cuiiltnl
WASIU.XOTON , May BI. ( Special Telegram
to tlio HKK-li-Kepresentatlve Hen Hall and
wife w ill staifto their homo in Iowa to-mor
row. Hall goes to look after ids fences
which arc said tit ba Sadly out of repair.
Chalrmuu Hill , of Out hoiuu committee on
teirltoih's , h.iidto tlio UKV : com-spondent to
day tliat Hakotn tenitniy would bu divided
on the east and weil liiiu during this
Stroinsbiiffc Kicks.
, Neb , May 31. [ Special to
tlio Hr.K. ] For snmodavs there has been a
rumor afloat that the tlmo card ot the Omaha
& Republican Valley rallioad would bo
changed so as to start our train earlier In
the morning and bring It In hter In the oven-
Ing. Saturday the official announcement
came and tt 1th It came a howl from our citi
zens of every class. 1'or the ilist tlmo in the
history of the road , the last tew months have
seen a respectable mall service on this branch
of the road. The change starts our train
at 0 a. in. and brings It In at 10:55 : p. in.
This makes It too late for distribution ot
the. malt and thus throws our mall matter
really tlaco days behind time. A petition Is
now being circulated asking for a restoration
ot the old time card. Slormsburic docs a big
business , and like all Inland tow us this busi
ness Is laigely done by mall. The d.unaee the
now tr.dn docs to our business men Is incal
culable. Our dally papers w III bo one day late
and as a lesult the heavy subscilptlon lists at
this ofllio will be ledueed to n minimum.
"What's the use of t.tkini : a dally if we can't
iret it' " ' Is heard on every side. Semiweeklies -
lies will take their places on short notice If
thn old tlmo U not lestotcd.
Strnmsburg , alone , is not tlio only Injured.
Kveiy town fiom Valparaiso to the tciuilnns
feels the pressino and will icaoiit It. Tlio
claim out business men < MII visit Omaha
and return the same day Is a small matter
compared with the Inconvenience In other
directions. Mnny of oui merchants who
havoboiight In Omaha , on account of quick
ti.inslt will now puiclmso In Chicago or else
where , as the dllTcipneo In tlmo will cut a
comparatively small liguic. Towns of tlio
comuu'icial fmpoitance of Stromsbitig are
entitled to at least a show of accommodation
at the hands of the raihoad companies.
lo us of buildings are going up on every
hand and at thu picscnt i.tte ol incie.iso
Stromsbuig can claim hei two by
the lapse of summoi.
Today memorial set vices mo. being held
nnd the graves of soldier dead decked with
Struck the WrotiR Man.
VAi.nsi ixi : , Neb , Ma > ill. [ Special Tele-
giam to the Hee.J News has been received
at the United States land ofllco tliat eight
cltl/cns , ipsldcnts near Ituslnlllc , Shciman
county , went to the cabin of Henry Wallace ,
sKty-four ycais old , Kilday night , forcibly
diaggcd him out of bed , blindfolded him and
led him two and one half miles from his
cabin , wheie they aeverely choked him , put
a gun to his head , and In other tlucatcnlng
wa > s tiled to foico him to leave the country
at mice. Wallace was contesting the claim
ofliaChapIn , of Boston , to tills land , and
foi this icason became tlio object ot this as
sault. Ho is sti'l ' on deck , however , and
many neighbors have come to his icsciio. He
claims to know the pcipctiatois , and It Is
thought ho will piosscute them.
Shelled Out Ills Eye.
YORK , Neb. , May 31. [ Special Telegram
to tlioUr.r. ] A veiy pecnllai and dlsticss-
ingaccldenthappaned to David I. Hewitt , a
( imminent farmer living near this city , while
shelling coin on his faun this afto noon. He
was engaged In shoveling ncai the sheller ,
when the elevator chain biokp , a section ot It
stilking him In the cje , complete ! ) cutting
theilghto\eoiitofhls head. He It. being at
tended by Ii. Uav Is of this place , and is suf-
leilngtoriibly. His rccoveiy is consldcicd
A Fireman Badly Injured.
* -BEA-Tiuon , Neb. , Sluy 81. [ Special Tolo
giam lo the BEU. ] Karly ( his morning , * as
the engine runnlne the freight between heie
and Maijsvillo was taking wal r heio , the
fireman , Caspar Hablg. was seilously In
jured. The chain holamg the wutei pipe
broke , letting the Iieavv pluc fall on tils
head , knocking him oil the tendci and biuls-
ing him bv falling on a pile of stonpo. His
head was cut , spine injuied and both limbs
paialyed. Ho Is twenty-six years old and
lives Here.
Two Drunken Man Killed.
CIIXTON , la. , May : il. [ Special Telegram
to theBuu.j This moiulng the Midland pas
senger tiain , whlio neaiing ( loose lake , inn
OVPI thrpo Germans , killing two and Injur
ing tUo third. They had been to a dance , be
came diunk and went to sleep on the ti.iclc.
Increased Itntlrnnd FncilfticM.
BEATIIICI : , Neb , May HI ( Special Tele
gram to the Ur.r.J With the two now pas
senger trains on tlio Union Pacific wo have a
good tiain service , tlieie being ten daily pis-
> .engei trains on the two roads besides
li trains.
eight _ _ _ _
A. Sudden Oratli.
Cor.uvinus , Neb. , May : tl | Special Tele
gram to the linr.J James Mooie , living
foity miles north of Columbus , was taken
sick with ciamps in his stomach and died
altui one hoiitS Illness.
Killed by Ijl.
SIDNEY , Neb. , May 31. Spei-hil Telegiam
to Pie Bni'.l A tiamp named Coibctt , liom
Uoston , Mass , was killed by lightning
to day.
A Nowapiiiior GlmiiKCS Hands.
Surro.v , Neb. , May ill [ Special Telegram
to the BFK. ] The Button Ite istoi changes
handH to-monow. .1.1) Evans lellics , hav
ing sold to F. M. Brown , an old icsldent of
button It will continue to be lepubllcan In
polities . _ _ _ _
Slaughter House named.
HASIINOS , Neb , May ! U.-Speclal [ Tele
gram to the IJi.n.l The slaughter house ol S.
0. Dllley was entlieli destioed by Ilio about
5 o'clock this moining. It was located about
a mile liom tlicclt.N , and no Hie 01 light had
hccn used In tlio building foi the twciit-toui
houia mevlous. It was piobaoly tlio woik ol
an iiicondlaiy. J oss , fel.WWj In&uied foi
& 1.0DO.
lied Oak Dovtun Connell
Itici ) OAK , Iowa , Miy ill. [ Special Tele-
gi.un to the IJni'.J At tlic ball ( fames today
between the Itcd Oaks and Mueller Music
company chit ) of Council IJIulls , the lattci
sufleicd a defeat by a scoio of 10 to 7.
Tlio Fisheries Trouble.
HALIFAX , N , S. , May ill. The schooner
Amos li. , fiom Campo , icpoits the dominion
lisheiles police boat , L. llowlott , ciiilsingln
that nelghboihood. The Ameilcan schooncrH
James A , Uailleld , Kiedeilck and Gieen
Leaf have been elm lally lepoi ted as hiving
puichascd bait within tliu Canadian limits ,
as well a- > other vessels whoso names aie not
} ct leuincd. It Is undeintood tlio ciuhti
will attempt to seUo tliese vcsselsMiouId they
bo mot with. Many Amciican llshlng
schooners aiu bplloved to Uu hovuilngabuut
the Nova Scotia u toast.
Strike of Hog Sticker * .
Pnii.Aiii.riiuMttyyi. : AstilkeocciuiPd
among the hogbutclieis to day , Some appic-
licnalon was felt for the pieservatlon of the
peace , tint on the ai rival ot a srjuad of polite ,
the Makers started in a body tor bchuUen
hall to hold a meeting ,
Tlio Next Hreslij toi inn General As-
scnililj to Meet Iloio.
ST. PAUL , Maj 31. The Prt-sb ) terlan gen
eral assembly at Minneapolis , decided that
the next assembly meet at Omaha. Invita
tions were also iccelved fiom Niagara Tails.
Saratoga and Jacksonville. The b > nodical
recoids wcio renewed. The lucumiiienda-
Jion of the special committee on appointment
of benevolent contributions was adopted ,
vlTorolgn ; missions 33 present , home mis
sions 81 , tliuich eiuttion 8. publication a ,
frcedmcii , education r > , relief 'J ,
aid foi collet 0. A lettei of grcetlnif to the
Southern I' church was pieparcd
anil adopted. . , , .
Klder Halph K. 1'iliicn's resolution criticU-
ing Chrihtluiib lor using and advui Using In
bunday nevvspapois was atlupttd aftet borne
Now York's Qovcrnor Espressos Himself on
Senates , Both State and National ,
It Should bo tVltlutrnvrti nnd Appoint
ments Mndo Direct by the Kx-
ccutUo A New Deinocrntlo
I'lank Proposed.
We Want Our Own Men.
NRVV YOKK , May 31. [ Special Tolpgram to
the Ihn j The llciald this morning pub-
ll'licsaioiir-column Interview with Governor
Hill. In tlm course ot that Interview the
governor spoke In legard to the confirming
power of senates , both state and national , as
follows : " 1 have thought long and deeply
on the whole question , l have considered It
ap.ut from any collision between invsclf and
the senate ot the state , but not without con-
sldeiatlon of the pictcnstons of the federal
senate In the action against Cleveland and
other presidents. The time has come for a
thorough , sweeping and radical leiorm. Tlio
ollgaichy and ailstociacy In our national
system tuo icprcsented by the senate ot thu
United States. The obstacle to homogeneous
and icsponslble adiulnlstiatlon inourstato
sjBtcm Is the senate of each state. In both
tlio cause of tlio Intoleiablo senatorial pic-
tension icsldos In the confirming pov\er. The
remedy Is the Immediate and total abolition
of the continuing power. The substitute for
It. should be illicet executive nppoutmont ! ,
with the full light In the executive toiemove
foi cause at will those w bom ho appoints. The
senate , national or state , has novel been an
inteivcner except with bad losults. Tliu
dntv ot the executive Is adminisliative. Thcv
should have the right to appoint and remove
their agents In the admlnistiatlon. Thu busi
ness of the senate Is p.uliclp.itlon In legisla
tion. Thev should be ticeto attend to it.
Now they claim In cITett to be assistant presi
dents and assistant goveinois , and seek to
make elected piesldents and elected govern-
01 s subject to them. The presidents aio chosen
by the people indiiectly but ically. The
ledeial scnatois aio chosen by subsidiary
elections In tlio state legislatuits. benatois
tire not amenable to public opinion , for it
cannot icach them. They use the continuing
power to abuse it , to sticngthcn , and at
times , to cniich themselves in tliat s.itlio on
all fice and lesponsiblo governments known
as socictsessions a menace and abomina
tion to decouci and llbeity. On tlio ruins of
tliccouiteay of the senate let us build tliu
lights ot the people , and crown them with
thepiluclplc ot fiocdom and icsponslbllllv
of iho executive w liom they elect to do thcii
will , and who should have the powei to do It
tlnough agents of theli iiumb-i selected bv
lilmseir. I trust tills will bu m.ule un issue
b } thodemociatlc liartj In its ne\t platfouu.
THI : sroiti'TNG"\voirijD.
Hx-cnts on tlio Turf , Water nnd Dln-
inonrl Yesterday.
JnnoMi : 1'AiiK , MayHl. I'oi tvvo-veai-olds ,
one-half mile , Biyiuvood won , thn Davvdlo
colt second , Kosallnd.tlihd. . . Time 07 sec-
omls. ,
Hailcm s-takos , nil ages , one and one eighth
mile , Miss Woodfoid won , Paidco second *
llowland tljlid. Timo-l.O'sK.
Ladles' stakes fen thiee-j'nr ola fdlics , one
andojio-n.uarloi miles , G.iudala won , Cnailty
second , Long Stop thlid. Tlmo 2.1 ! ) > .
All ages , one and oue-qitaitcr miles , Tom
Mai tin won , Attorney second , Stoncbnck
thiul. Tlrte : S.12.
Foi tluee-jeai-phN and upward' ' , one and
one-eighth miles , ihike of Westmoreland
won , Moonshine second , Huron thiul. Time
Handicap steeple chase , full couisc ,
nouikc Cochraiie lirstJlm McUovvan second ,
Biutou thlid. Time 4.51.
AT ntiKiiiTON
BnioiiroN UIUCH , May " 1. In the five
f m longs Hob .Simmons won , M'hlss second ,
Joncleu/u third. Time 1:01. : Ceitilicatcs
pi hi &rt4.
Foi maidens , five furlongs , Asuluoa won ,
Ui//y Biuncttu second , Klla II. thlid.
Time lttl. :
Three-fourths of a mile , Brunswick won ,
Baibara second , Chickadee third. Tlmo
1:17.Thieofouiths of a mile , Hitachmlo v\ou ,
Commander becond , hutestiin , ; tlilid. Time
Utah second , Oilaudo thlid.
1 ho I5i < 3o Itull Ilcoord.
The Washinglon-ICaiisis City game was
called at tint end of the fouith inning on ac
count of lain , tlio scoie standing tno foi
Meticinolitans H , Loulsv Illo fl.
Nuvv Voikli , Detioitn.
Nashville : ) , Atlanta 4. Twelve innings.
Ar PUII.AIII i.riiiA
ThoAthletlc-St. Louis u'ame lei this after
noon W.IH post poncd on account of the muddy
condition ot the giounds.
T ho moi nlng game was jueventcd by rain.
The atteinooii game resulted as follows :
Chicago 4 , Philadelphia : t. Pitclieis-Flynn
and Casey. Umpiic Limy.
15ont Hut"S Ycstordny.
AI.IIANV , N. Y. , May SI. 'I ho single scull
lack between Courtney and llosmoitoday
lesiiltcd In a dead heat.
Niw : VOHIC , May HI. Tlio Tecmcr-Uoss
rate at Oak Point to day was won by the foi-
mci by a leiuth , intii ) minutes , 2i seconds.
Arrentod 1'or Violiiluii ; Fishing Imvvn ,
jACKMKNV'n.i.r. , Fla , Maj .11. The Times-
Union's special , liom Cedar Kujs , B.IJN :
" 'ilio levoiiuo ciittti lix , Captain Fengai ,
anlvcd In port ate p. in jtsienlay with the
hpanlsh lishing smack Chlotllde , of Havauii ,
which s'ie ' captmed oil Ancliitu Key , this
state , tin violating thu flshlngiaws by llhh-
Ing within tlncu leagues of the Ameilcan
hhoie , ami IneKiil.iiItli h In hei pipem , 'I ho
( Jhlollklu lias 0,00. ) salt lish alioard. The
crew consists of ten men and olllcem , none
ol whom speak Unglisli. She now lies In
this liaibor with a pii/uciew fiom the IIx on
board. The cant mo has been repoited to the
authoiltlcs In Washington.
Senator Van AVjuk'H Itoinb ,
\VAHIH.VGIOX , Maj SI. [ Special Telegram
to the HKI. J .Senator Van Wjcl : has. bj Ids
luoposltion to tin felt the lands along thu
Cascade bianch of the Noithern Paclllo rail-
load , thiovvn a bombshell Into the icpublican
as well as the democratic side ot the senate.
Mho bill now under discussion Minnly pro
poses to lei Icit the lands along thu Walhila
and Poil'lowiueml blanch , but Senator Van
W > ck has miidobiich an etfectivo wai lor his
aiueiuliiicnt to include the line being con
stituted and known as tliu Cascade
In , inch that thu bullet Is ton-
era ! that ho will succeed , The
republicans hesitate to vote , tcai Ing the pol
itical cllcct In Oie'on and Washington tei-
rltory , and jet they cannot antagonize the
etfoils ol antl-monopullsts. It has been
charuud foi jeais that tlio Fcnatu has been
under the influence of monopolies ; that the
house votes .ualnst monopolists ami thu sen
ate smothuis thit woik. Now It begins to
looic as If the ouato will go behind tliU
charge ami make a slaughter ot laud giants ,
and to the elforts ot Scnatoi Van Wjck it Is
Heavy Out In Passenger Hates.
CIHOAOO , Miy SI. The Chicago , Mllvvau-
kco & St. Paul load will to morrow announce
a heav > cut in patsengcr tales from Chicago
toanumbtii of the piinclpal cities In Iowa.
Including Des Molnw , Koclc Island and
Cwlar Knplds. A icductlon.ujing bc-
tvveun S-uud 33 will bu made , UUui ; clfect
at oucc.
Prospects of HUCCCSII Tor the Oppou *
cuts of Homo UiilP.
LONDON- , May ill. At n meeting of the
Chamberlain party to day fifty-five members
of the house of commons w etc present. Of
tuc ofiftj-two rcsolvsd iooo \ against tlio
second reading of the homo rule bill , only
three supporting ( Hailstone's Irish measure.
Chamberlain icid a letter from John Bright
In whlchltho writer vehemently condemned
the bill , plodeed himself to vote against It ,
and urccd others to do likewise. Ills thought Inlluunco In Indu
cing members not to abstain from voting on
the measure. The decision of the mcollug , It
is believed , cnsuies the defeat ot the govern
LONDON , May 81. A corrected nnabsls
allows that tlftv-four mcmbcis attcnde-d the
Chambcilaln nicotine today , and that on
division toily-six decided to vole against the
Irish homo rule bill , the icfnsed to plcdgo
themselves , nnd tlueo declared that they
would support the bill. 'I ho news of Iho re
sult of the Chiimbeilaln meeting caused In
tense excitement lu tint lobby of the house ot
commons. Ministerialists admitted that de
feat was Inevitable , and theie was a goiieinl
i iish ot iiieml'civ to tnr telegraph olllcej to solid
eiders to then election agents to picpare lor
an Immediate dissolution of piullanieiit. The
conscivutlvu w hips estlnmto the conseivntlyo
vote at 'AW. thu H iitluglon and Clmmtemln
section at IK ) , the llboial absentees at'-"i and
the vote of Cladsliinlaiis nnd PainelHtcs ot
SU7 , making a miijoiily against the bill of ill.
Cliambuihiln In Ihueouise'of his speech at
the meeting ot his lollovveis to-day assuicd
waveieis that thu result ol the ireuenil election
wouldbea defeit ol the Gladstone candi
dates. Itcpom fiom every qiwitc'r , no said ,
Indicated that the county ! was awakening to
the fact that Itvvas menaced with niln. bov- muiubei s ot thu Haitliigton section spoke
at the meeting. Tlieyielencd to thu plans unionists to light oveiy dis
union candidate , , ,
The attention of tlio mombcis to-night ecu-
teied moui lu the talk ot the lobby than In
the debate. Alter Chambcilau
sueaks to-monow an elUnt will
bu made to Induce Gladstone to
icnly and close the debate. The. minister
ialists Insist that the government , it de
feated , will appeal to thu county ! , while tl.o /
mcmbcis of Iho opposition asseil that if Iho/
majoiity ucalnst tlio bill bo Inigc , Gladstone '
must resign , In which event they expect
Lord llaitingtun w 111 bo summoned to form ;
the new ministry.
Winter Ijiicoiu-iiKcs Gladstone. /
LONDON , May 31. Gladstone has iccelvev. .
a lettei slL'iicd by MX ) Piotcstant icsldents o
Ulstei In f.uor of Iilsh home inle. They
say that they aio convinced that a natlvo
paillamcnt will bu conducive to prosperity ,
coiitcnlment and obseivanco ol law in lio-
land. Thu lettei bus given Gladstone much
in the house of commons this evening1 ,
Gladstone , icpljlnu' to n question br
lluiicage , said tlio government did not
Intend to piocecd with the land puiclmsu bill
Immediately utter the sei end lending of Iho
homo inlo bill. Tlio debate on the home rule
bill was resumed by Heiuy Fowleilio
spoke in fin01 ol the mc.isuio. Loid John
Munncis , conseivatlve , opposed Hie measure ,
Brlciuli Gr.ilu 'IV.ulo Hcvlovv.
LOMIOV , May ai. The Maik Lane Ex-
picss , In Its weekly leviuw of the Btltisli
gialn Hade , says : Cold lalns have lutatded
the cions nnd tiade has become woise.
Wheat was dlillcult to sulk Siles ot nn llbh
wheat foi the past vvceic weio flOjSGl quirters
atffiSsrxt , against lbWT ( mailers a tills lld'iot
the simo time last .vital. Flour wasfaliiy
stc.idy. Foiclgn wheats weie6 ponce lower
without buveis. 1'oielRli Hour was slow.
Bates for A met lean w ere In bujers' favor.
Theie vveio thirty airlv.ds ol eaiuocs off the
coast and six sales , one ol choice California
atl5sGd. Foui c.iuoes wcio witluliawn and
bcvcntuen icmaln , six of which me Callfoi-
nia and llnce Oicgon. The forw.ud trade
was easim. To-day tlio market wasdepic"-sed.
Foielgn wheats weie ( > s Id cheapei , but no
buycis. Fiom and puns were Gdclieapur.
Uudnr tlio Stnitt and Stripes.
MI.I.IIOUIINI : , Australia , May ill. Advices
fiom Samoa , of date May 2J , state that a Ger
man maii-of-wai piocmhd to the tcnltoiy of
King Tomaseso , whom ( iciniany upholds
against King Mallcto i. The Britls. nnd
Ameilcan consuls at Apia entered a formal
motcst against ( Jcimany'a subveiHlon oC
King Mallntoa's authoiity , and In lesponso
to that inlet's appeal lot protection , the
American consul hoisted the Samosii under
tlio Ameilcan flag , and ininie'lii.tuly tele
graphed Piesident Cleveland , notifying him
of his action in establishing apiotectornto
ovci the disputed teiiitory.
nn Adjniirniiicnt ,
LONDON , May ill. Chamburlain moved an
adfoiunment In the house of comn ons lo-
nlL'lit , nnd will ouen the debate to-moiiow ,
wliun Kilght Is also expiclcd to Hjieak. The
discussion piomlscs to bo ot unusual Inter
est. 51
Bnolnlisl Dcinoiistrinlons. Vr
lii'hsii.s , May ill. Piovinclal mayors
tliioimliont Belgium have Issued eiders pro i
hibiting the socialist demonstrations an
nounced lei the litth of June.
Tliu ? ! urderous IVIoiitli of Ulster nnil
| ( H Demllj ISri'iilli.
Nicvv YoiKMaj : : ) ! . [ Special Telegram to
thn Bun. ] The Woihl prints this inoining
a long and .pcc'lal cable stoiy ,
dated London , giving u-circumstantial ac
count ol Iho Ulstei in my of Oiaiiseniun ,
piedicllngcivil vv.u In Inland should Glad
stone's measuio lot home rule be successful.
It Is moid than intimated that ( Son. Lord
Wolsoloy w III bo commander andc hlel Jof tlie
Oiango toices. Tlio lact that the Ulster
aimv islully oiganl/cd Is no longei a seciet
among Oiaiigcmen , In London many ot
the leading titled men in thu house of com
mons aio olliccis In suvcial coips , and more
than thiitj noblomcii ate ciuolled. The
org.inl/ed foices ni nlvldcd as fol
lows ; Cavahy y.HOJ , aitlllory l.n'M , cn-
ginceia ii.TPA rlllcs un , infantiy 03blW ,
not classed 7,100 , making a total
of nenily 74KX ( ) . The Oiango aimy of
Ulstu compilses two aimles , the liipt of
which Is tilled thu army of action , thu second
the aimy of reserve. The aimy of action la
inainli Kcinltcd tiomthu lankH ol nun nr-
liedicshhtntsof Ulslei and fiom those up to
the ago ol-ll , who have nn liunilles depend
ant upon thum. Thu army uf icseive la
composed of those belonging to Iho Oiango
body up to fil ot auti. A vigilance com
mittee with lieadiiiailers | at Belfast , Is in-
tilisted with tliu iiim.imon of thoaimy oC
adion. Tnu vlgilanci ) committee dlicctd
Piovinclal ( oinmtttees and have centers at
Lisbon , Luigan. Colman and Knnlsklllcn.
'J linceiiteis ol ih'j dihtrht and local com-
initlces eoirespond with the hcadiumituis of
regiments and sectlonn.
> < *
A nooUkoeper Dopiu-trf ini'l ' Ilia linuk > . * *
Pr.oniA , III. , May SI. The directors of the
Merchants' National bink of ibis city nn-
noumu this evening that owing to seilous
Imp ilrmciit of Its capital , caused by the em-
bclement of lunds by J , F. lloke , book
keeper , tliu bank w 111 bu obliged to suspend
mjment jieiidliii ! an examlnution by thu
baukcxainini'i. They i-av u Hutllelont ex
amination has liuen made \\anaiittlio
iissniuiuo that all deiiosjlois will bu paid In
full without much delay. Hoke. the default
ing ImokUccpci , lied to Catiad i last
week , but mi dlseit u'licles. In his accouuta
vveit'iIlscovuiiKl until Ssitiuday nlu'lit. It il
blniu leained that his defalcations havobcca
going on for joais , and that ho has system
atically loblud Iho bank of ovci one bundled
thousand dollais bj faksITjiiu the Interest
account. Iloku was u icckless spieulaUir
and gamblui and dablcd in c-U'ijlhm ;
ciuio along.J