0 THE OMAHA DAIJDY BEJB ; FRIDAY , MAY 28 , 1880. THE DAILY BJSB. COUNCIlTBLUFFS. FRIDAY MOltN'ING .MAV. 28. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. rtlhcml | jy miner In nnypnrtof the oily til ttunt ) tints iiirw H. W. TH.TON , Tr.l.iriIONE3 : : US Orrirr. , NIL 4.T. KniToit No. 23. MINOH MKNTIO.V. Now York Plumbing cmnnuny. Now summer Koods at Hcitur's. Leonard & Jewel rufriirerntors at Cooper & McCieo's , No. ! ! Muiu street , The Sons of Veterans arc pruparlni ; to pivc tlioir llrst benefit bull nu.\t Wudnus- day night. Liulies , visit tlio Conrcaliuc baking exhibition at I'urkr. & I'littnur's , anil to morrow al.Jamu.s & Havorstock's. ' Thrui ) drunks constituted the policu court business yesterday. Onii paid , two tjok to the jail. An average day. Lust night was a grunt onu for rhurt-h entertainment.- * . The Methodist * . Con- frrcgatioiiulists and Ibplist.s uieli : held eoeiiilt. The cast ! of tlio Slate v.s ( Juorgc Wilson for htealing a jersey from Culver's store , was on trial yesterday in the district court. Judgments were rendered yesterday in favor of W S. Mayni' ami . .1.V. . Itodefcr , ngaiiihl the eily , they being claims on grnding eertilieates. Justice Suliuiv. yesterday married Saul Marster.s and Sarah J. lnvK both of Lonp , Neb. , the ceremony being pur- formed at his olliee. Tim memorial services are not to be changed in accordance with the petitions lent out by the ( ! . A. H. , but are to be held on .Sunday. The veteraiiK desire to remind all citi zens to make duo | ) rearations | ) for .sup plying an abundance of tlower.s for Dee oration Day. There .should be no lack for the mounds of the fallen heroes. Mate Wise received yesterday morning the llne.st lot of mule.10 head , that have over been in this market As they came from the depot to his stables they at tracted much attention. Judge Loofbonrnw is to deliver the chief acldre.ss at the memorial feorviees here next Sunday. It is expected that Hon. John Y Stone will be present ami also deliver an address. Edith A. Shepard , the 2J-year-old daughter of ( \ 1' . Shcpard , gave a lawn party yesterday afternoon between anil ti o'clock to a number of her friends on the lawn of Mayor Chapman. The luckless criminal who is brought before Justiee Schurto receive a .sen tence has a hor.se .shoe hanging over his bead. The "good luck" is not always brought Ij.y a MIOC after all. 'J he assessors' books from all parts of the county are now in except those of Council Hind's. They should have been returned by the third Monday in May , but for some reason have been delayed. The case of the State v.s 1'cter Drury , for malicious mischief , was tried in tfic district court yesterday. The defendant is a well known farmer of Boomer town ship , and the oU'ensc consisted of tearing away a bridge. The knowledge that the Women's Exchange can furnish elegant refresh ments for luncheon parties is spreading to adjoining cities. An order from Sioux City was filled this week. Give them a call. No. I5S Pearl street. On Sunday morning there will bo me morial bcrvlees held in the Congrega tional church , the pastor of which will preach a sermon appropriate to the day. A cordial invitation is extended to all , and especially the veterans.to be present. Miss S. D. Hehse.the well known artist and teacher , has decided to spend the summer here , and while she will not open her .studio regularly , .she has decided to have a sketching class , which will doubt less be joined by many of the old pupils , us well as some new ones. The oppor tunity offered is an excellent one , and in and about Council Hind's there are many views of beauty and excellent subjects for sketching. Win. Siedentopf , the insurance man , calls his Horse "Nero. " Thosignilieanco of this choice of a cognomen does not appear at first , but when it is remem bered that Nero fiddled while Homo burned , one cannot be far from a guess. At that big lire the buildings were not in sured , and Nero was happy because the insurance company of which ho was president did not have to pay for the loss. President H. S. Do Forest , of the Freedmen's college at Talladega , Ala. , has lately produced a showing of that institution , which especially interests his friends hern. It is a historical sketch of the college , illustrated with views of the grounds and buildings. It was published originally in the Christian at Work , and is now being sent out in supplement form to the many friends of the institu tion. There are now eighteen teachers , and an attendance of 805. Marshal Herbert , of Atlantic , Iowa , searched a job printing olliee there for gambling implements , tools , etc. Ho found none. If Atlantic's marshal really wants a game he should come to Council .Hind's , where there are several gambling houses so anxious for suckers that they keep the chips rattling whether a game is going or not , for fear that some passer by might not know that there was a chance to play. The marshal would not have to hunt around job ollices in Council Bluffs. Order your fireworks of the Mcller Music company , 118 Main struct. Whole sale only. Mail orders promptly at tended to. _ _ 1. O. U. K All Uniformed members of Canton Pot- tawnttamio No. 01 will moot at I. O. O. F. hall Sunday , May 80 , all p. in. sharp , to attend Decoration services. Jlw OriK'r of Captain of Canton. The Hardman piano is still nheml , Ono hundred of them were shipped in the lust two mouths to the London , England , pgcney alone. Fluininuiil Free. The jury in thocnsa of Mike Flammant has acquitted him. In this case tlio de fendant was charged with nssanlt with intent to murder , the ad'air occurring in Minuolu three year * ago , us narrated in yesterday's Itici : , Atluntlu'b llrewery. Complaint was made last week by one Curtis thnt E , U , Fisher , at Atlantic , was violating tlio prohibition law. Search was made and tlio brewery placed in charge of Deputy Sherid Goodspecd. Mr , Fisher demanded that bonds be given for damages to his business , and security furnished to indemnify him against all loss of goods seized. The bonds were not given , and tlio case was called for trial Monday morning , It resulted in a ver dict of "not guilty. " It is claimed that ten cases of beer seized at the time the lircwory was closed Imvo not yet been re- turned. Mrs. Randolph , tlui famous mind reader , has just arrived. Tells iiast , present and future. Comes well recom mended. All those wishing to see her Kill eall at 015 Eighth street , between Bttth nnd Seventh avenues. Ladies , 25 cents ; cents , 60 cents , GROWLERS GRINDING AWAY , Council Blnffj Stonily Supporting Its Charges Against the Union Pacific. FLAMMANT GOES FREE. A Sinnlt Senrcli Social Doings of IlcanttryliiK tliej Com * UTS' Other tlntl Aliout TIMVII. Up the Union Pacific. Tlio investigation of the charges against the Union I'aeilie was continued yester day. The board of railway commission ers hold their sessions in the parlors of n home , nnd each day the rooms are well lilled. Many merchants and shinpers arc watching the proceedings , although there is little learned from the witnesses beyond what has time and again been made nnblie. J'lms fur the evidence hit. " been strongly in support of tlio claim that Council Hind's lias been discriminated against , and that the Union 1'acillc lias not been complying with the mandamus. The fact that Council Hlull's called to the stand the olllcials ot the road as its own witne.s-.es to support the charges made against tlio compauv , indicalcs that Council Bluffs is 'not afraid of Its course. Since tlm examination of these witnesses , a large number of Council Bluffs shippers have been examined. They have testilicd Miougl.y in support of the charges made Thus' far the exam ination lias been almost altogether in favor of Council Bluffs. When the Union I'aeilie gets to showing up its sidcoflliu enMi and evaniiuiiig its witnesses - nesses , then the complexion of thu affair ma > be made to change a little. Council Hind's has undertaken quite a la.sk. There .si-cms now little doubt but that Council Bluff * has losl some of the advantages it formerly held , I lie stock yards for Instance , and that there has been inconveniences in both passenger and freight traffic. The trrcnt point'of contention really is whether changes have been brought about by the Union 1'iicilie company as a blow to Council lUull's ami a help tor Omaha , or whether these changes have come about from the pleasure of business necessities. It also remains to be seen whether theM ) causes of complaint can be rcmcdipii. Council HI nil's has awakened and is mak ing a brave light. Ate its liuul results there are as many varied predictions as there are persons to predict. One noticeable detail of the investiga tion is that all of the railway olliciids who place their names on the Ogdcn hoiisi1 regihtcr record tliPiiM'lvt" ! us be longing to Omaha , except \V. 11. Imrus. . who invariably registers as from "eily. " It seems then that Council HhiH'i i- > the ridciiee ! of one of the notiiblegathering. Alnnager C'alhuvav was not in attend ance ye.ilcrdav. The only new comer was W. F. ( JriHith , assibtant general freight aireut. Ycsterthiy , Iamcs A. Jackson testified as to tlie .stock yards in this city being in fected in 18 1 , and in consequence he biiU'cred a loss of about thirty head of cattle. Had not used the Council IJlull's yards since 1881 on account of that. Ex-Coiigrcisman 1'nse.v testified as to the establishment , growth and limil de cline of business at the stock yards. Samuel Haas was recalled to the stand , and said in his experience in shipping cattle from the west he and bis men always bad to leave the caboose in Omaha ami climb on top of ( he stock cars in transit to Council Ulull's , in order to be with the stock : that the accommo dations ; it the yards in ijncstion , in 1 81 , were lirst class , and the same in the two following years ; in 1881 ho was the lir.st to ship cattle east after the South Omaha yards were opened , and in Cheyenne he was approached by INlr. Mcbhunc , of the South Omaha yards , and asked to t-hip them to Omaha ; that Me- Shane said the attendance at the Council Ulull's yards was very bad , as w.is the feed. After arriving at the Council Hind's yards Mr. Haas found that Mr. McShane had told the truth. Mr Haas telegraphed his partner that in shipping cattle to stop at the South Omaha yards , as the feed and attendance at the yards in this city were very poor ; made reports of the con dition of the yards to tlio Union I'acilio ollicials , but no remedy came ; had heard that Mi. William Paxton had said that he would make Haas go to the South Omaha yards in the future ; but Mr. Kim ball , general traffic manager of the Union racilie , told him ho would write to L'ax- ton and that Hans .should have courteous treatment. C. A. Ucobc was the next to testify. Ho claimed that the Broadway depot was wholly inadequate ; that he could get no information tnero , they having no agent , but simply a check cleric. Freight had been refused at the depot after 0 o'clock 011 account of there not being room to accommodate it. Mr. Merriam , of David Bradley & Co. , testified as to the Lincoln train not run ning through to Com.oil ISlntl's. Various freight discriminations were also cited by him. The action of the Unioii I'aeilie in going back on the arrangement from ex tension of the track up Twelfth avenue , to accommodate Main street shippers was nlso cited by him. Ho did not know of a single railroad that did not have its gen- eraLoflices at its terminus. The Union I'aeilie was a solitary exception and had its general ollices at one end of the stations on its line , instead of Council Hlull's , which was its legal terminus. ( J. W. Staid , driver for C. A. Hccbe , swore as to tlio delay experienced in ship- Ding freight at the Broadway depot caused by the facilities being inadequate. Several other persons testified to sub stantially the same troubles , umomgthem being C. U. Wuito of Shugart , Waite & \Vies. W. W. Loomis of David Bradley & Co. , testified that the facilities at the Broad way depot were wholly unequal to the demands made upon it. Adjournment was had until tlio usual hour this morning. Go to the New York Plumbing compa ny for garden hose. They warrant 'all they sell. Opera house block. A Small Scorch. Yesterday afu rioon a gasoline stove in the residence of Gns H ijer , Mo. OH East Pierce fcircet , exploded , causing the flames to catch the wood work of an outer room in which the stove was sit uated. As usual there was a delay in getting an alarm turned in. No key waa to be found to the box , and a messenger Imil to be sent to Geiso's brewery , from which place a telephone message was sent in. Before the department could reach the place the fire had been put out by hand. The loss was alight. The building is owned by Mr. Baker. When the alarm was scut in the team of the Bluff City lioso cart canio Hying out of their stalls , but instead of wafting for the harness to drop upon them , they pushed through thofront , door , and went dashing off without any hose cart. They made ti wild break to put out the fire , but their zeal exceeded their judgment , and they had to bo hunted up and brought back to headquarters , Substantial abstracts of titles and rae estate loana. J.V. . & K. L , Squire , 10 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. After a thorough investigation wo uro convinced that the "Quick .Meal" is the best gasoline stove made und shall make t our leading stove this season , Cooper & McUcc. . Snolnl. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. McConncll entertained a party of friends at cards on Wednesday evening at their rcMdenco , No. G-.M ) Willow avenue. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Clapp. father and mother of Mrs. MacConncll , who are on their return from thn Pact Ho slope in company with their " -on , I ) . O. Clapp ; Mr. and Mrs A T. Ehyell , Mr. anil Mrs T. M. Gtuilt , Mr. and Mrs. K A. Conovor , Mrs. L. C. McDowell , .Mr. nnd Mrs II C. Cory , MR Mollie Uice. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Tvler.Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1 . Van Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. 1) , J. llnckwcll , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Loomis , Mr. and Mrs O. W. Tliompson.Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I. Hice , Mr. and Mrs J. N. Baldwin , Judge Larimer. , , , The ladies first prize was awarded to Mrs. F. M. Gault , while Mrs. (3. H. Tyler received the second prl/.o. F. M. Gaull was given the gentlemen's lirst pmo and J. N. Baldwin tlio second. No consolation lation prize was awatded. Seasonable goods of all kinds at hard- time prices at Cooper ite MeGeu's. Jjcisler don't handle any snide cigars. Go to Board for wall paper. Do Vol sells' 11itiStir \ > \ gis oline ranges , best in market , o. 501 B'way. r.oom Mouldings Largest assortment and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper Snore. The City of the Dead. A move is on foot to get it drinking fountain placed in the cemetery. The city , under its contract with the water works , is entitled to si\ public drinking fountains , but there are only live in place. The cemetery folks want the sixth one. It seems that Fnirmount park needs all that tliu city can supply in the way of water works improvements. The ceme tery association and the lot owners can easily provide themselves with all needed conveniences at little individual expense. There Is need of more pride and enter prise on the part of lot owners in the cemetery. Many lots are neglected and are allowed to bo become unsightly by an ovcrirrowth of foliage and a lack of care. In many cemeteries the nonresident dent lot owners pa.y a small sum annu ally to the se\ton to take care of their pioport.y and to keen it mown and other wise in an attractive condition. The cost would be mil t tilling , and the appearance of the cemetery would' be greatly beautified. Those who reside here and own lots would then have further incentive to keep their lots beautiful. The cemetery , as a whole , does not compare favorably with the ecnielerie.s of oilier cities in the care shown by lot ouners. It is a most beautiful M > of naturally , and can bo made .still more so by care ami needed improve ments. So long as so many lot owners show o little inlcre.-t in improving their lots , it seems that the city at large can hardly be o.xpceted to do so. Beard has an immense slock of wals paper and room moulding ; which must be turned into cash , s-odown go the price at Beard's. Two east front lots on Seventh street and 1-irst avenue , only one block from Baylis&park. For .sale by Forrest Smith. The "Quick Meal" is a quick seller , come and get one before they are gone ; Cooper it McGco. If you want to buy a lot for u private residence buy one of the two on Seventh .street and First avenuu. For sale by Forrest Smith. I'nt-soiial I'nrnm-apiin. Colonel C. H. Scott , of Omaha , was in the eily yesterday. Mrs. Harlow , of Avoca , daughter of Areli Coffnian , is iu the city. A. W. Askwith and Fremont Benja min aie among the attorneys attending court. Mr. Horace Everett left yesterday for an eastern trip , intending toi it Bo.ston and other points. C. L , Dunham , of Avoca , n prominent druggist of Unit place , was in tne city yesterday , accompanied by hi.s wife. Chief Matthews is able to bo up and about , although hih arm is still in a bad condition as the rc.Mill of Stileu's .shot. James Beard and wife , of Mapleton , Iowa , returned to their home to-day , after spending .several days with Airs. General Dodge , their si.ster. Rev. J. W. Crofts went to Logan yes terday to attend tin- Sunday school con vention there and take hi.s part on the program , it being nn address to bn deliv ered last evening on the subject "The Influence of the Bible on Lite and Char acter. " F. M. Young , who has been steward at the Ogdcn house for nearly two years , leaves on Tuesday for Clmdron , where ho will take a position in the depot hotel. He has not only shown himself to be a valuable hotel man , but hus made many' friends here S. C. Osborno , of Glonwoodj the com ing state auditor , was in the city yester day. The mention of his name for this position lias called forth many hearty in dorsements from the press of western Iowa , and the press has but reflected the sentiment of many citizens. It seems now that this nomination would bo con ceded to this part of the state , and if so Air. Osborne will doubtless be the man. Lotus go to Charlie Hosier's und got a good cigar. No. 403 Broadway. Before buying a gassolino stove sec the "Quick Meal" at Cooper AMcGce's Hcislor sells the best So and lOc cigars in the market. No ! ( ) : . ' Broadway. Two centrally located lots , on Seventh street and First avenue. Onlv one block from Broadway and three blocks from Main street. See Forrest Smith , No , 180 Main sticut. Satisfaction guaranteed with every "Quick Meal" gasoline stove , or money refunded. Cooper & McUeo , Q if4 rwirs and Small iVo'flts. Drug Record ; A man nlllieted with deifne ; > s took a piescrintion to a Topcku druggist who filled it with care and in the latest style. The deaf man asked the price when the following talk occurred : Druggist ( leaning on the corner and smiling in a won't-you-pay-iip manner ) . "The price is sevfuity-livo cents. " Deaf customer "Five cents'1 ! Hero it is. " Druggist ( in a louder voice ) "Seventy- fiv cents , please. " Deaf customer"Wull ' customer - , there's your five cents. " Druggist ( in a very loud voice und very firm manner ) . " ! nud scventy-livo cents. " Deaf customer ( getting angry ) "Well , what moro do yon wantv J ju t gave you five cents. " Druggist ( sotto voice ) . "W ell , go to thunder with your medicine. 1 made three cunts , any way. " Practical Advice to Gli-Ie. A Vermont editor gives the following advice to the ladles : "When you have got a man to the sticking point that i.s , when ho proposes , don't turn away your Lead , or affect a blush , or refer mm to pa , or ask for some time ; all those tricks arc understood now ; but just loon him right in the face ; give him a hearty 'buss' and tell him to go nnd order a cradle. " Go to Beard for rooni mouldings. We have n few water coolers which wo uill sell veiy cheap ttojcloso them out. Cooper & McGcc. rf J'ho Quick Mcnl is a quick seller. Come and get one before they arc gone. Cooper vV : MeGce. Rev. lr Hoidingsfcjtlcr , New Orleans , endorses St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatic pains. CARPETS -AND- DRYAND Our carpet stock is large and well se lected and is kept full by the arrival of new , fresh goods. It comprises Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry , Ingrain , Etc. LACE ( MIS , Tambour , Turcoman , Etc. Curtains made and hung. Carpets made and laid by skilled workmen. Wo are offering a fine line of \ \ hitc Goods , Beautiful Embroidery , Oross Patterns ; Snsr Dress Goods , And Snvito customer's t o.xumineonr stock bcforo purchasingoltiewhero. 1'rices reasonable and gooils as represented. We have lately introduced special bar gain tables that comprise tlio best values offered in any market. Cooti H-u-e at 'n- . < SJIH > @t < iiii > e < l 'ijmv ulR ill lOc. Ftsiu IteuHtirully , htauiped at ! 5 < - , ( tail * liie price elsewhere. O.IC , 8Oc. llful EJ-.irrutt I'laid I > rcss * at U5e per yard ; wurlliIOf. . The ! > c. ( Coivicf , 7&C , usually .old for 81.25. These are a few of the many bargains that can best be appreciated by personal examination. Daily watch this column for future changes. 40 ! Broadway , Council Bluffs SPECIAL NOTICES. Special udvurtUcinrnts , euirli us Lost , round , To I.oan.FoiSale , To Kent , Wniits. Hoanlins ; , etc. , will beliircrtod in tlilo column at tbu low ratoofTiNCr.NTS : I'KIl LINK lortho first inser tlonuud 1'lvc Cents 1'or Line for eitch subsc.jiiont Intortloti. I.UUMI advertisements nt our oOic-o , No. 12 Peal street , nuir llroaUwoy , Council Illuira. WANTS. FOK SAI.E-Two lots So U-ct fromK. W.ll'y track , Biiltnblo for warehouse or factory purpose ? . II. L Shoafo , SJO Ilroadwny. Foil SALH Union nvcniio hotel property. Hpoclal bargain. K. L. Slioife ; , tJDj Ilioadway. FOK SALB Old naporfl. In Quantities to eult , at lluo oulco No. 1 Pearl street. FOIl SALB OH TilADE-Stoclt of millinery and fancy notions. All new Good loca tion , gales $12,000 a year. O , Dee , Councl DliUTs , Jowiu TIMOTHY SEED. I linvo o quantity of sound , well cleaned BOO ! wliloh 1 odor at reasonable ; flmiiea good of the crop of 1SEV Corrobpondoiico aollclted. V , O. 1IUT1.13H , Rclmllor. Iowa. C. & N. W , Ry. KIEL SALE STABLES HorBcs and Mules kept Constantly on hand for sale at retail or In car load * . Orders proindtly tilled \Y \ cqntraot ou short notice. Stock sold on commission. 8UI.UTBU & BOLUy , Proprietors. Btablo Coiner Filth Avenut ? and Fourth St Comma Illuira lows. r ' Uanufcctttrenof all ilzeiof Automatic Engines Especially Deslsncxl for Hunnlair MILLS , GUAINiKLEVATOHS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Poilera. New Mossilloa Thresher * . Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SA\V MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 610 Pearl St. , Council Bluff * . BEND FOB 1888 ANNUA WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCOXTSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DKEKE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bng'hi , Ciu-rlngc * , Etc , Ktc. Council lllufTs , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANTKACTl'lllNtT'ca > in * o tlio Urlgmnl nmt Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COIIN 9I1P.I.IKM * AND KKKU CTTTKUS. Nos. l.'Ol , 1VJI. 1.W mid 1.7)7 ) snath Mnln Street , Council llltiiN , lown DAVID IWADLKY , V CO. , Mnnufisim I. lubber * of Agricultural Iraplemenls.Wagons . , Buggies , . nml nil kin U or rnrm Machlncrr. 1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council Illiiir-i , lown. K.O. at.R\5ON , T. lt.Iomit.\H , Oito.K. WiiimiT. lVo&Trcns. V.ProiM in. Sou .VCounsol. Council BluQs liable Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Maaurnctuieroof Axle , I'ick , Slodtro and Stintl Handle * , of ovcry description , CAlll'KT * . COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUl'ET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil ( 'lothg , Curtain Fixture * , UphoMpry ( JooJs , Etc. No. 405 Hroadwny Council HlulTs , Iowa. cm A if s , ron.trro , KTC. PEHEGOY & MOOKE , Wlmlponlc Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. NOB. KSMnin Htul 27 I'pnrlSts , Council lown. COMMISSION. SNYDKR & LKAMAN , Wlmlwalo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No 141'u.irl St. , Council UlulN. DJtVOUISTS. HAKLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , s' Finulrlpq. IHc1. No. 'JJ Mnln St , nnJ No. " 1 1'onrl St. , Council Illuirs 1)11 V M. E. SMl'lII & CO. , ra ail Iffnu of D/ GI ) ) ) , Notions , Ktc. Nn < . 112 nnd III Mnln St. , Nos. 11.1 niiU in IViirl bt . Council Illuirs. lown. O. W. DUTTS , Wholesale Califoraii Frait ? a Spsciilty Uonprul CainniKs on. No. 513 nrondwny , Council WHIT & DUQUIiTTE , Wholesale Frails , Confcctionsry & Fancy Grocaries. Uos. 10 nnd 18 I'oarl St. . Coun-il Ill'iir- " . L. KIRSUHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Doalerq. No. 410 liroad- vrny. Council HAJtXKSS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Mnnn'ncturers of and \Vholcanlo Deilers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KJ Mnln St. . Council IllutTd. lown. HATS. CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers la Hats , Caps aal Glovas. Nos. 3U and SI4 nroadwny , Council Dluffs. UKAVY HAlinn'AKE. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood .Stock. Council Hindu , I own. HIDES AXD WOOL. D. 11. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tullow.Wool , Polls , ( irt-noo nnd Fun Council Illiilfs Jown. UlLS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Boalorg In Illuminating SL Lubricating Oils Gis E3TO. , E3TC. B.Thcodoro , Agent , Council niuSTa. Iowa. LU3IDEH. PILIXO , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southen Lumbar , Piling , And Drldfro Muterlnl Spoclnltlr > RWliolesnlo I/um ber ol all Kinds. Ulllco No. 130 Main St , Council lllutra. lowiu ' 1NKS AN1) L.K1UUKS. JOHN LINDER , Wholesulu Imported and Domestic Wins ; & Liquors. Agent foi-Bt. fiotthani'B Her ! ) Illttcri. No. 13 Main St. Counrll Illulls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liqnors , ffo G' Main ft. . Council lihifft. Justice of the Peace. Office Orer American Bipress Comounr. Hi I 1. tunw UU Ul DIAMOND BRAND OF STIUCTLJ PURE LE1D , ZIKC AKD OIL Are absolutely pure , as represented. Ono gal lon will cover two hundred and Ilfty equaru foct two conlp , and will stay on lonirer thun any other paint manufactured. 1'or sale by Dituos , PAINTS , OU.B , KTO Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and gold , at rotull ami n lota. Ijirge quantities to select from. MASON WISE. Slrcett , Near Pacific House.Counil . Bucs STEAM DYE WORKS MRS.C.LGILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No 29 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo , Postofflc * . WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES ? BIS ? CUBS ii mil UMl In 1S77. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERED STYLES , aoOOO VohU'let Aiuuiull } ' . Sontl for Cutnloijuo , Price * , Freight Itnte * and andw. w. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Prick ti.itMltii anv klml rnlen'1 nr imveil nml satlsfnctlon pimrn'it ' < ' - > M. I'mmo houses movoJ HLIuleOla.it Iruaij llm bojt lu tlm worll 808 Eighth \voini3 aul Eighth Strujt , Council Bhilft. 4a.U . , ft ftW . ti. ' r" 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SWAN ES.0.3. , Dealers in Milch Cow * . m At Our Stock lards No 502 and 50G E. Broadw.iy.Council Bffs JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Piactk'cs In State and Federal Coin Is. Kooins 7 and b , Slm ait lllock. CUT THIS OUT ! < 7 O ! > ILVFEiL , .BUXEJ I. made extensive Im- r-jtumi'iits mil increased our HL'llitUv , wo wish to rail espo- til uttc-ntion lo tlio work IIOTT bplnjr tin-no 1 out by us. claim- In ; ? It to he equal to Unit of nny pHMi-rn laundry- In order to introduce our work outside the city of Coun cil Uluffs , wo will upon rpc-el | > t of this ticket , accompanied by rctni n iiostnse.L-iundry Six Col lars or Outfs KKEE , for either ladles or gentlemen Home Steam Laundry 54O Broadwny , Council ESlufls. N , II. Out of town order * pivcn prompt at- cntlon. Wo pay icturn ehaiBOS on nil work ro nvedwlicn iicaoraiodpan by caali In puytncnt nfull amount. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIOS MADE TO ORDER. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa DRESHAKlliG ( BY THK TAYLOR SYSTEM. ) MRS. L. SIMMONS , No. ill4 Broiictivay. In order to establish ray reputation In ( "oiinrll niulTH for flno work. I will Fflll THIS PIll'.gUNT , do all cultlnw. flttinK and mafclnpr an chuap as it IB done elsewhere. Ladlei need have no fear of nilhtlte UN my expcrlenco guarantees perfect tatisfactlon. CARPETS C'liolce Display of I nlcst I'ut- leriix. All Council Bluifs HARPE 4OS Broadway. A Srleft Slock or Choice \OVClllCS ! III. CURTAI MONEY MADE In Biiyliifr the Followinir I'mjinrty in the next thirty days : MUI.LIN'S ADDITION. Lot L , lllock X I Ixit It ) , lllock 18. Lot r. , lllock IJ. | I/Jt 4 , III.JCX 1. KVKHBTTS ADDITION' . Lot ! , , lllock . I Lot 8 , itlnck I' ' . Lot 2 , lllock 7. Ixit : i , lllock : il. Ixil ( , IIIOCK 'J. \ Ixit & , lllock M. Lot t , lllock 1 , llayllss' Addition. This property will lie Kold at a treat incrillco , and emerpilblnu men will , no doubt avail tliom- tclvt'sof a rare oppoituuily to muko money. Apply to 1'IIANK COOK , llcioin T , Stuijrart lllock , Council Illnffs , Iowa , China. Glusswaro uiul LauipB , \V. S. Hoiucr & Co. . No. U3 , Main St.Council Blulls , lu. I bavo tin larges1 ; ai.il most com plete line oC NJSW MILLINERY AND M NOTIONS In the city. I am elo.siiiK out LESS THAN JOBBERS' PRICES. ' t You w'll lind all the latest novelties in * ' hats , bonnets , llowers , plumes , tips , ribbons - , I bens , gau/es , erases and other styles off i ' trimmings. ' ? I Goods Must Be Sold. j i I Best of Bargains ever offered. Call : ind sjc them. J. J. BLISS , No.8e.8 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Creston House , The only butcO InCounell liluirs having Fire And all modern IiuproirmcntH. U15.21T und 319 Main vt. MAX MOI1N , Prop. L. W. TULI.ETP , Pros. T. J. HVANS , VIco-I'roi. JAMUS N. HIIOWN , Cashier. Council n'M 102 MAIN STKEET , Capitol $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 , Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 rjo a jroneial banking tnislntt v Accountauf banks , bankers , merchant * , num. ufactnrors and Individuals received on favor- . lilu ttirms. Domostlcand forolifii cjcchanyo. TUovury best of munition . sli-on tj all liujt nt'fs commuted to ourru. rat SM Grown and selected from Mnscatin .Seed by J. R. McPherson , ( j rower and Dealer in i : IM..VXTH , > ( AM > n' Council OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL m.lTJ'.M , IA. EstablUbod 16ST. R. RICE , M. D. or oilier tumors romqve < l vflihQUt the knlfo or driwuu of hlo i L CHRONIC DISEASES i u uad. . Ovrr thirty years' nrict.cnloriiarlauj . Ko. 11 Pourl Strcift. Coiiui II Illuil' Hr ( 'ONS.ULTAPnON I'll'