Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : tfKIDAY , MAY 28 , 1880.
Petroleum Firm ; Unltodclospil n.
KXXS Dull ami weak ; western flush ,
12VJJic. (
Fork Stonily but quiet.
l.anl Lower and hoavyj contrnct grndc ,
lKit ] , sa.10.
Chee , o tiulet niulrnsv ; western , Cidt c.
Cincinnati. M y ST. Whuat-Stunily ;
No. 'J red.
Corn lle.ivy ; No , 2 mixed. CO tl"C > ' -c.
Oats Wonker : Xo. 2 mlxtd , 31ji : ( Jc.
K > c Steady : No. 2 , or.msc.
For- ! : Dull and
l.nrdVtnk nil , ) lower nl Sj-OSaLTO.
Milwaukee , Slav 2" . Wlioit Weak ;
fj.sli , TJ1 ; - ; .June , Tfi.'jr : Alinust , 10J c.
Corn l'as\No. ; C , r.l'.i.1. '
Oats Wwikcr : Xo. 2 , il , Vc.
Kyo Wc.ik : No. l. Die.
Knrloy Utill ; e.
1'iovlslons I ouur ; mcis pork , cash and
Allnncapniin , Mny 27.VliP.t Weak
mil dull , cxcejil tor intlllni ; .samples ; No. 1
hard , cash aim.lnnp.Tf.c ; Jnly. 7TXo ; No. 1
norlliern , cash and .lime , 7i' ' < c ; July , 74c ;
No. 2 northern , rash , 'Oc.
1'lonr ( Jtilet ; liatuiit ? , ; bakers ,
: i.4c.i.ri' ( ) :
Uecc'lits | Wheat , 73oai bit.
Shipments Wheat , 111,000 bii ; flour. 24,003
bbl s.
s.B . IioulR. May 27. Wheat Firm and
hluhur ; No. 2icd. rash.'irij c ; .Inly , 70J 'c.
Corn Finn : No. 2 mixed , cash , ajj lVJc ;
Jnly , : tit < fc.
O.its Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash ,
Kc ) ;
lUc-FIrm alOlJ c.
Whlskv 81.10.
Pork Kasy at SO.OO
Latd-Weak ; srt > X < & .V > .
Hntter Steady ; niiMinery , .
Afternoon Hoard Wheat higher.
Coin 'ne higher Oats Uiipl
AITIIHXOON lioAiii ) . Wheat
hlKlmr ; roin. il'jc liiuhur ; oats , Ji'o higher.
Si. Louis , Miiv 2" . ( Uttlo-KeoeloK
1'Jim ; shlpinisnti. M'-iO ; sltlnpltiB , St.i'O'i.iiO :
bnli'heiV steeis , ? ! ! . .7K.iM.v'0powsanil ; lieifer ,
WrKib.'i ) ? : ; stoekutsnnd Iffder.s , S .2X'i < . : < " > .
Mo sltprelptR,000 ; shipments , -.IK ) ;
nmiket nctho and ste.ulv ; hntcheis' and
best hcAvy. S4.10i'ii4.Ju ; nilM" ! pack ! in : and
New Oi'lcniiH , Mnv 27. Corn Very
fit in anil holduis a-kins iiluher rates ; mixed ,
I'M1 ; xt'How , 4S , white , 4' > ( .i , : > 0o.
O.tts ( Jnlutnnil linn : eholcevpstern ; , ! ! 9e.
Coriiineal Modeiatuly netha and hl hei at
Laid- Dull and a shad lower ; relined
tierce. 5.s7f. > .
Hulk .Me.tts Shottldeis , S1.10 ; long clear
and rib. SO.l'J. .
lilvcrpool. May 27. Wheat In less de
mand ; new No. 2 winter , ilttll , at 7s , Uj'il ;
.spilnir. dull at 7s U il.
Klour In poor demand and dnllntKs2d.
Corn In poor demand ; .spot , steady at 4s
.Tad ; .lime and .Inly , steady at 4.s3l il.
Tolcilo , Mav 20. Wheat Kxcltud and
lower ; rash 7-Kf'lslc.
Com Kimv ; wish , SV.
O.its-intet ; cash , SO c.
iavn STOCIC.
Slav ST. The Dro\ers' .lomnal
) ei oils :
Caltle-Ueeeipts , 8.200 ; dull and lOfTOir.c
limur ; sliinping steeis. $4.2.175 ; stoek-
eis and I'oedcis , ? " .7r riiM.OO ; IMIWS , bulN and
niKed , Si.7.-i@l. ( ( ) : litilk , S OgiWO ; tlnoiigh
Texas eat lie , s:1.2.Viin. : J5.
lloirs Iteeclpts : KIOJI , ) : aetivn nna rfiiOo
lower ; iniiKli mid mixed. F.75f'4.1n ! ! : pneklna
mid shlppliiL' , Sl.Xfn4. ( ) ' > 0 ; light , * i .75' . > ;
ls j.2.4if : i.r o.
Keeetiils , fi.OuO ; weak ; natives ,
r .
Kaunas CUy , May 27. Wheat-Unset
tled ; No. 2 led. cash. Me bid , . " > e asked ;
June , .We bid. fi'iKe asked.
Coin-Steady ; .Vo.2'J-i > ie ; July , 27j i : ble.
Oats No itiotatinns. |
KHIIHIH City , May ! 57.-Cattlo-HcceIpts
l,0t)0 ) ; shlpmenls , none ; blow , weak
nnd 10 , ; ! m\ei ; ulioleu to fancy , S.'i.O'KW.'i..O :
eonniion to yooil , ? 4.0J@I..K ) : stockeis anil
leedets yi.'iV4.20 ; cim.s , b2.00i3.50. ( !
Hogs Itecelpts l'J.OOO ; shipments , 5.000 ;
tlujnuiKel opened Tie lower and closed with
nn additional decline ot 5c ; common to
choice , SIW
Thursday Kvenlnc , May 27 ,
CATTI.I : The market was about fie low er
to-day on.account of the icpoited decline in
Chicago. The receipts were Unlit and there
was not much dolum aside tiom the sale ol
I one stiimr of lfeO ! It ) steers.
lions The levelpts weie llbeial , but not
ns heavy to-d.iy as jestenlny. The nmiket
A\as active anil everything was sold beloro
the close. The market opened steady at yes
terday's quotations , but on iccclntof news
tiom castcin maiKcts the feelinu was a little
we.ik but Mioli nt the close. While the sales
did not isiiij , ' ! ' qmtens bl h as yesteiday , they
iiveiaced about the same.
Hinii' : : The nmiket is very quiet , and even
guild { jiadcs mo slow sale.
Cattle 300
lions 1700
Sheep 1)00 )
Prevailing Prices.
Showinn the pievnilingpilees paid for Hvo
hlOL'k on this jmuket.
Choice steeis , 13.10 to 1.100 ihs S4.SOi35.25
Choice steers , 1100 to i : x ) Ibs 4.tM@ri.i3 )
.Medium Meets , 1250 to 1:100 : Ibs 4.Wf ) < M. (
Fat little Meetc. 10.10 to ll.-O Ibs . . .
( iood Icedeis , liooto 1000 Ibs
( iood to choice cows nnd heifers ,
Fair to medium cows nnd hollers. . ; t,03@.75
( iood to choleo bulls 2.70CnB.2.'i
Jleilliim bulls 2.40C I2. < W
< ! ooil to choleo stans 4.00Cit-l.75
Medium sta > ; s : i.OOKl.75 ( |
Choleo Unlit and medium ho s S.GO 'i.O.'i
( iood to choice heavy hogs. . . . . . . . ! i.Mifi.OO ( :
< ! oed tochoico ml.xed ho s : t.V > @ : i.X ( )
Common loush tirades : ! . -Kn-iM ) ! )
Choleo to extra bhorn sheep -1.00 4.M
ICeprcflciitallvo Sales ,
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
- 120 S.'i.OO 0 115 fi : .w
J 2-15 U.25 0 150 3.25
Knntro ol'
Sliowln ; ; tbu lilubi > st nml lowest prices paid
for llvo l < H'k on this market during tlm pasl
t > uvmi iluys , with comp.initlvu values :
Alt salts nl htocU in tins market are mini a
iMTcwt llvo welirht unless otlwrwlsu stated.
irad Jtoc.s soil nt' o par Ib tor all welnhts.
"Sklns"or boss \ i'Uhinii less than JOO Ibs
no value. Piognnnthowanro docUod 40 ! b *
nnd tings bo Ibs.
W. Hohnbcmim , Waco , sold a load of hoes'
K. 1) , Welkin , tit. Kd wards , marketed s olad
of hog * .
1 \ L. Cotton , Kearney , maikcted a load ot
IIOKS to-d.iy.
C. U. Welch , Papllllon , had a load of hoj's
on thematliut ,
O. N. Ponrlny , JJeatiioe , came lu to-day
with lUSbhet'p.
J. A. Moore , Gibbon , sold a load of bofjs ou
toda > ' 8 maiket.
J. K Hale , North Loup , had two loads ol
ho s at thi ] ) arils.
K. liocttcher , Lowell , was at the yards with
l U head .01 ° sheep.
11 , K. Kalknrr. i'lumOicek , fold a lo.n' ol
hogaou the wuiLit.
tjiiinn it Hllcbrandt , Wood Hlvcr , mar-
ioled n load of hogs.
C. S. Lucas , Central Clly , was on the mar
ket with a load of hoi ; . .
,1 , ( ! . Hall , Gibbon , disposed of n load of
me * oil to-day's market.
Klshcr it Waener , York , disposed of a load
ofhofis nn to-dny's market
S. II. Klwood , Clarks , was at the jards and
marketed 1U1 head of cattlp.
O. McConnauehoy. Gibbon , A\as at the
jnnls nnd old two loads ot lines.
Cooper it Towksbitry , Wecplne Water ,
sold two loads of liDirs on to-day's market.
W. II. BcaKle , North Loup , was on the
narkct with n load of hogs and n load of
.1. P. Price , Swnitvlllc. nnd llcynolds.- . .
llavmond , each had a load of hoc ? on the
W. A. KoKcrs. ( ilbbon , a prominent land
owner and breedei of line cattle , was at the to-dav and marketed n load of hotrs.
Mr. Louis , of the llrm of Williams it
New ls , Loiiisvllli1 , was at the yards to-day
with n load of bogs which he sold on the
market _
Ocnnral Markrls ,
Thuisilay Evenlnir , .May 27.
Koos The receipts wetc llboial and the
feeling weak at ! < c.
Mt'TiKii Tlieiwelpts nrc heavy and the
loniand fiom the local ttadecoriespoudincly
Itgltl. Only sttlctly choice , unllorm p.iek-
nzcs will brim , ' outside iiunt.ttlons. Tim sale
for even the vciy l > cst urades Is limited ami
co'iimlsMin men are comncllcd toillsposeof
theKrt'atcr jiait as best they can. There Is
vcrv little demand for creamery- Choice
table butter , htfijlOc ; tali to uood , e\rt7e. ; Infe
rior. 4Q4.V- ; creamery , W15c.
CiiKiisn Kancv full cieain Cheddars ,
new make , lie ; Hats , l'e ! : younj ;
America , I'c ; Mist qnnlltv .Swiss cheese
IBe ; second iiunllty , rJ'iUUc , l.lmbuik'iu ,
llfiil'-'e : skim ihits , WrtlOc.
Pori/fii\ lew spiltm chickens have been
reeeleil but not euounh harldy to make a
niaiKct. Old fowls , per do/on S'i.75iii.'J5 ( : ;
smlnnc chlki'iis , per do/en , 8a."iOi4.00. !
I'ttr.sKitVKs , , lr.tuis : , trr. : Pru-jurxes , all
kinds , ' . ' ( Mb. palls jier Ib. lOc ; do In pail
lots , peril ) . UJtfc : asxoi ted 5-lb. palls perorate ,
il pails , S..7 ! : > . .Jellies , all kinds , lirst grade ,
UMb. palN , per Ib. Sc ; assorted , tlrst iiadc ; ,
Mil. pill , per orate , 0 nails , S'.SO : ilo
Mb. palls , per case , ttdoz. S'-'i'i : do. tumb-
leis. pereaM1 , a doSI. . -10. , le ly. all kinds ,
M'conn urade , ! l'-lb. ) pails , per Ib. fie.
Pins t'itr. : : Tmi'K , Kir i-igi' teet , per $
bbl , S4.00 ; do , 'i bbl. S-.00 ; do. per kit , lHe. )
Lambs' tongues , per 3s bbl , SU.'JS ; do , per
Kit , S'J.-'iU ; do , quatt jars per doir ? > .U.V do ,
iilnt jais per ea e , a do30.75. . Tripe , per \ {
bbl S4.00 ; do per jjbbl , S'J.00 ; do , per kit
IKH- .
IKHCOMU HONEY Calllorma , 15" ; stiamed ,
10e ; Nebraska. 10c.
.MAi't.nSt'fiAU Bricks , per Ib , l' } e : pen
ny cakes , per Ib. , lf > c.
OitANdEs The nirlvals ate more llbeial
but the maiket Is liiin. Los Angeles ate
quick sale at S4.0U
CiiKuuins A few chcnlos have been ic-
eelved.and ate commanding tail prices whi'ii
in Kood shape. Southetii cherries , tier stand ,
810.00 ; do , per drawer of 18 qts , S'-.W. Cali-
loinln , pel box , S2.50.
SiitAwmnmis : : The nuuket Is well sup
plied with Missouti and southern Illinois
beiries and prices rule low. Two bushel
.stands wheie a little suit , belli ) ; sold ut is
low as 80.BO and .4 qt. cases at S'-.OO. Hest
selections however sell at iniieh larger pi Ices.
1'unry Wilsons In iood shipping condition
are quotable at SS.X ( ) per .stand or S'i.OOCft ' ! ! 50
pel4 qt ease. ' Slmrpless and other evtni tine
varieties hi inn as high as S'.OO ' , per stand or
S4.00nera4 qt. ease.
The market Is very strong. With
continued warm weatlici much hUher pilces
may be anticipated. 1'epoits tiom New York
this morning show an advance of
, ' < 0 to 7. . cents per box. Our nmiket
Is as yet piopmtionately low and
stocks In hands of jobbers lighter than
ever tietoie at this season of the year. Fancy
Messina , per boxS7.00S7.r)0 ( ; good per box ,
0.7.- .
BANANAS Yellow Asplnwnl s , S3.00 ®
S4.-ied ( ) ; : Uataccoa , 8-.50 < r : i.r.O.
BA.N A VASA car of Inncy Asplnwall and
Ked Baruccoa is e.xpeetcd this week. Yellow
Aspinw.ills , So.00 ( < i4.r)0 ; Ued BamccOa , S'-,50
@ : s.50.
PI.VI : Ai'i'i.nsPordoS3.0058I.OO. .
CiiANnnnuiKS Theieis very little demand
and thcie is not much stock being sold.
Dealers are clearing up their stocks us best
they can. Quotations are S.r.W@ii.OO per bbl.
Jersey ate selling at S2.00 per bush box.
COCOANUIS Per 100 , S5.00 ; less than 100 ,
NEW Kias , DATES. Ere. Layer figs , 8 and
10-lt ) boxes , per Ib , lOc , Dates , fancy Fard ,
IS-lb boxes , per Ib , 14c ; Persian , 50-lb boxe.s ,
per Ib , lOe. Prunellea. UO-lb boxes , per Ib ,
1'ito VISIONS Ham. lOc ; orcakfast ba-
plcees , 14c : laid , tierces , OJij'e ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ;
70 Ib cans ( Faiibanks ) , 7' ' c : f Ib cans , do ,
: 3 Ib cans. do. . 7J.Jc ( ; boneless ham. lOc.
iw : \ noKrAiii.r.s Callfoinln cahbaito ,
per Ib , 3 } c : caulltlower. per doz , $3.00 ; cel
ery , per doz , $51.50 ; asparagus , per
do/en bunches , 25@50e ; spinach , per
bbl , S2.00 ; green onions , per doz ,
40c ; radishes , per do ? , 30@40c : lettuce , per
do _ . 40u ; pieplant , per Ib , 2c ; peas per >
bush box. "flo ; Jf-btish box , 52.00 ; cucum
bers , 81.25f < $ l.50 per doz ; Uermnda onions ,
per box , 83.50 ; IScrmudn tomatoes , per box ,
82.00 ; .string beans per i-bush box , 82.00.
pcrlb , "c ; parsnips , per Ib , 3c ; turnips , per
Ib , 2c ; potatoes , lie ; onions. 4c : beets , 3c.
BHANS Thcbiipnly is liberal nnd the mar
ket Is dull. A ( rood many California beans
weroieceived while the freight rates were
down , and are being offered at vciy low
price ? which keeps down the prices of homegrown
grown stock. Interior stocks , 75c@1.00 ; good
clean countrv. S1.25ffil50 : medium handpicked -
picked , 31.30&1.-10 ; hand-picked navy , S1.40
1,00.PoTATor.s Choice stock has sold this
week at 2.1 cents , w bile a few sales of n tew
sacks of extia good stock have been made at
40c. New potatoes which aiu helm ; shipped
in from the south and west and Salt Lake po
tatoes , help to lessen the demand tor old
stocK , Salt Lake potatoes are quoted at 50 ®
Fi.ouji AM ) Mn.T.STUt'FH Winter wheat
flour , best quality patent , 3.00@3.10 ; second
quality , S2.50 < 3.00 ; best quality spring
wneat Hour , imtont 82.50 < a.75 ; bran , .We
per ewt ; chopped teed , bOo per cwt ; white
corn meal , lKo ; yellow corn meal , 70e per
cwt ; screening , OOc per cvvt ; hominy , $1.50
per ewt ; shorts , GOujmr cwt ; graham , § 1.7o ;
hay , In bales. $0.oo@7.00 pur ton.
runs AND SKINS Mink. each , loraioc ;
ninskrat winter , 5@Uic ; do. kits. Ic ; Otter.
S3.50W5.00 ; skunk , short striped , Wftri-ic : do.
bro d etrtpod , 10@15 ; badger , 25@M ) ; lUc
coon. No. 1 lanro. lK ( ( 0 . do. No. 2. 20W ;
do. No. 3 , lOyWic : wolf , nrairin 50Xu575o ;
do. mountain , ! 2.0o@3.X ( ) ; wildcat 15@40 ; bea
ver , Sl.50GW.50 per Ib : lox. each. 40c01.75 :
deerskin : , drv winter , 10gl5c ( per Ib ; do , fall
nnd summer , 15 ( < e.J , _ : antelope , 5@10 _ pei Ib
Hwr.s Ureen butchers , C } o : preen cured
7ly74edry ( ; Hint , li4U > odry : salt Dwioc :
( laitmpod hkle two-tMiuls price. Tnllovv He.
Orcftse , , , . . . . . .
brown , Ijjc. onreu I'uus . . . _ .
Wont , Medium , 12yil5c IKT Ib ; flno heavy ,
ltHIJ'Uc5HililrX'il5ccoaisc ' ; , 10 12c ; buiry
( 1'ilmo slaughter sole leather.
SS'ii.'Kic ; piimo oaK sole leather. 30fi3'.ic.
Upper leather , per toot , 20JWac ( : num.
boot leg , : M ) 3o ; Morocco oil pebble , ' &dii.
toppinga and linings , go OO&IO.OO per doz.
COAL Iowa , . : W > ; Walnut block , S ! ' . ;
Illinois , 51,75 ; Missouri , 84 00.
HEAVY HAKUWAUK Iron , rates , 83.25 ;
wweddry , 81,40 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; suiuuu nuts , per Ib. 7@llo ; coil
chain , per Ib , 0S12c ( : inalleabK 08c : iron
wedges. Oo ; crowbars Co ; harrow teeth , 4c !
spilng steel , 7@'x ! ; Burden's horseshoes.
4.40 ; Burden's niulo shoes , 85.40. Barbed
Wire , In ear lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
N.iils. rates , 10 to CO. 8H,00. Sliot-51.50 :
buckshot , gl.SS : oriental powder , kegs , 83.50
(34.00 ( ; do , half kegs , S-.OO ; do , quarter kegs , ) ; blasting , keg * , 53.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet ,
fiOo. Lead B.Vr. 81.0. ,
PAINTS is On. White lead , Omaha , P. P.
7 > $ e ; whltulead , St. Louis , puie.S7.bO ; Mar
seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o ; French zinc ,
green seal , 1'Je ; French zinc , red seal , Ho ;
French rlnc. In varnish asst , aOc : French
zlnc,75c ; vermllllon , American , ISc ; Indian
red. JOc : rose iilnk. He ; Venetian , red. Cook-
son's. _ J/c ; Venetian , red , American , 1 } { c
prcdled.TXc ; chrome jcllow. genuine , SOc ;
chrome yellow , K. 1'Jo : ochro. rochelle So. ;
ochre , French , 2J/c ; ochre , American , t2c ;
Winter's mineral. 2 > 'e : U-high brown , 2 o ;
Spanish brown. 2We : Prince's mineral. ' ' : .
HMY PAINTS : french zinc ,
Vic ; Paris vv lilting. 2 ! < o ; rtbltiiiK gilderi ,
iK. coai'J , 1'fc ; lumpblaek , ( Jer-
1-c ; JamD&lack. oiuinary , tc ;
blue. 5.V ; iiltramanncnlNj ; vandyke -
dyke , brown. ? c : umbor. burnt 4c : umber ,
ra < v. 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , iaw4c ;
Paris gieen , genuine. 2c : Paris crccn. com
mon , 'Me ; chromegtecn , N. \ . , 20c : ehroino
cteen , K , VJcermlllion. : . Kngllsh. in oil ,
70c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans. I2c ;
raw and burnt sienna , lie ; Vandyke , brown.
13c : leiiitcd lampblack. 12c ; conch black and
orivy black , lOc : drop black. 10e : Prussian
blue , 40c ; ultramarine bine , ! * < ( . : chioiiie
grppti. L. , M. i. 1) . , lOc : blind and shtittc
preen , L. . M. . I ) . , lOc ; Paris ciecn , 18
ndian red , l > o ; Venetian red , IK ; Tuscan
. - > < , : American voimlllion , L. it I ) . , wo
yellow ochre , t > c ; L. M. it O. IX , ISc ; godos
ochre , 10c ; patent dryer , 80 ; graining colors
light oak , dark oak , walnut , c'liestntt t ml
ash , l'c ! ,
Dnuos AND t'HKvitcAi.s-Acld , carbolic ,
3lc ; acid , tartiric , 53c ; baNam copaiba , per
H > , ( 'K ; ' , bark , sassafr.i * . per H. lOc : calomel.
IKT Ib , 72c ; chlnchonidln , per oz , 40c ; chloro-
ioriu , per Ib , ftOc ; Uoveis powders , per Ib ,
SI.Si ; epsmn salts per It. , : ) i c : glycerine ,
puie , per tt. . ISc ; lead , acetate , per n > , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per pal , , 51.00 : oil , cnstor ,
No. a , per pal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
81.40 ; oil. orlimnum. .Vte : opium. 83.u" > : qui
nine , P. A W. , and H. its. , per oz , We ; po
tassium loi'.lde , per It. , 83.00 ; sallcln , per o/ ,
40c ; sulphate morphltii' , per oz , SS.oo ; sul
phur , per lt > . 4c : sttjchnme , per oz , 81.40.
VAIINISIIKS ilarrcls , per gallon : Kuriil-
turc , cstia , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1 , 8120 ;
Dnmar , extra. SI. " . ; Japan , 70o ; nsnhaltum
extra , 6sc ; shellnc , 83.50 ; hard oil llnish ,
briniTS ColoLMio spirits , 168 proof , 81.12 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.12 ; do , IfcS pioot , SI.11. Alco
hol , 1SS pioof , S-MO per \ \ iuc gallon. Uedls-
tilled whiskies , ,1.00a.l. : . din blended ,
Sl.Wjt.X ) ( ( ) ; Kentucky bourbons , 8'iOO@0.00 ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $ . . ( KijOriU ) ( ;
< ioldcu Sheaf bourtion and rye vxhNklcs ,
Sl.r,0.ii.oo. ( : Brandies , imported. 8' > .OOWS..w ;
domestic. Sl.JiOSaoo. ( ? ini , imported , S4.r > 0
yfi.00 : dumestle. SI..VH-JOJ. Hums , impelled -
polled , 84.50cts.ou : New Knglnnd. srl..M'-.M ;
domestic , Ul.2Vff3.00. Clmmiiagucs import
ed , jier ca > e. 82300 ( 31.00 ; Amctlcan , per
case , 810.0010.oo
Grocora * Ijlut.
SYUUI No. 70. iic. ? bbls ; Vo. 70 , 4-callon
kegs , $1.0) ; New Orleans .fc > a t' < j per gallon ;
Mnplu byrup , > barrel , strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , per doz ;
yt gallon cans , So. $ ipcrdu ( ; ouartcans S3.00.
hrAiu'it .Mliror gliis-t , 1 Ib , Oc ; .Minor
gloss , 3 Ib . .J c. Mil ror gloss , 0 Ib , 0 > fc ; tJrnves'
coin , 1 Ib. O' ' c ; KliiL'sfours cum. lib 7c ,
Kimrstord's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; Khmsfoid's uloss ,
0 Ib , 7'sc ' ; Klngstord's pure , 3 IbVfe ; Klnn's-
fonl stmlk. e Medium , In titils. 85.50 ; do in
half bbls , 83.25 : Miiall. iu bbN. SO. . ' * ; do In
halt lihN. 83.75 ; gherkins , In bbls , 87.50 ; do.
in ball bbls. 84.25.
Diiini ) I'ltuir.s No. 1 qtiaiter apples , In
evaporated boxe.s,8iliiblackberiie ( ; lioxes.V4
( < ' > | ! 4e ; peaches , eastern , 4 < C"5,1c ) ; peaches
evapoiated , I5) ) ( i17e ; Salt Lake , newM
be : raspbci lies , new. IWiWOc : currants.7lHi ( ?
7e : ) ) i tines , new , 46 < ( < 4 ic.'sKirk s oavoti Imperial , 82.1)3 ) :
Kitk's. satinet. 83.15Klik's stundmd , S3.iO : ;
Kirk s white Hussiaii. S4. : : Kiik's White
Cap , S0.50 ; Dome. 84.25 ; Washboaiil , 3.15
CANDI.IIS Boxes , 40 lo. Cs , KM.'e : K I0ie ( ;
boxes , 40lb , 10 oGs , 10J4c ; halt box , 201 b ,
in . .
SODA In Ib papers. 83. 5 a case ; snlsoda ,
keg , per Ib. 22'jc.
t'Si'iom ( Jniunil Ulick pepper , boxes , 1
@ 22c ; allspue , 12@10c ; ciuiiamoii , ISC i'.e ;
cloves , 15@ijc ; ginger , 15ieJ5 , ; mustiird , 15y
CiiAcitiiis : ( Jarueau's soda , butter an
picnic , 5He : creams , 8) c ; { ; ! n ger snap
bKc : city i oda , 7' ' c
TEAS Gunpowder , fair , 20@37c : good , 4i
© 55c ; choice , t50f(875c ! good , 40 1'J ;
choice , 00 70 ; Young Hyson , good. 30 , < 4'.c ;
choice , 50y57c ( ) ; Oolong , good , 3.10u ; Oo
long. choice. 40@00c ; Fnglish breakfast , good ,
3ftit)40c ) : choice. .V05c ) ; Souchong , good,3
@ 45c ; choice , : i.5@4r.c ; .Japans , lair , 2T > @ 3.5c ;
good , 3ViB5c ; choice , Gl 'oc ; Tea Dust , 15c ;
Tea Siftim.'S. l c.
CIDEU New "i oik , per bbl , $7.00 : do , tal | |
bbl , 84.00 ; Crab , per do/ ( its , 82.75 ; Michigan
retined , per bbl. . SO.W ) ; do , half bbl. 84.00.
VINEOAII White wine , 13iil7c ( ; cider , 13
< 3 > 17o ; single strength , 12c ; tiipplestiungth ,
FIXI : Ci'T llnrrt to Beat , 70c : Charm o.
the West. ( ! 0c ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread-
07c ; Favorite , COc ; Buds , 6Uc Uocky Mo uu
tain , 50c ; Faucy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; Ninth Starf
Oc ; ( iood Luck. 55c ; Our Best , * C2lic ; liood
News , 55c.
, - , , .
pears , per case , 84,00 ; apricot" , per case ,
S4.iO ! ; peaches , per case , 84.50 ; white cherries ,
per case , 85.00 ; plums , per case , 83.70 ; blue
berries , per case , SW-V egg plums , 2-b !
per case. 82.50 ; green gases , 2-lb , per case
82.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , S'.20(3 ( > ) .50.
MATCHES Per caddie. 2Sc : round , per
case. 81.00 ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule .square ,
COFFEES Ordinary grades , I0cfalr , 10K@
He ; prime , inf12c ; choice , 12tf < gliyjc ;
fancy green and yellow , I3X < Bl4 fc ; old KOV-
ernincnt Javaa < X20c ; interior Java , V y ( St
20c : Mocha. 22rti)24c ) : Arbuckle's roasted ,
14'ic ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , 14 > c ;
Dilworth's , 14c ; Hod Cross , H'i'c
St'oAiif Powdeied. 7 fc ; cut loaf , 7Jfc ;
granulated , 7o ; confectioners A , OJ c ; staud-
nnl extra C. 0c ; extra C , Gc ; nieilitim yel
low , % @ s.
: UPORTED nan.
H'f Ilbls Q'rnblsiP'IslKU
100 'JO HJ w J la I w
NO ir .9
Holland henlng , Hie ; smoked
Yarmouth bloaters , 95s ; new sealed i
23C. !
Dry Goods.
Pici.vrs American , 5J ; Arnold's. c : Co
clicco , Oc ; Manchester. Oc ; layman , r > c ; Olou
cester , 6W _ ; Dunnell .Incqu.ird , Cc : Dunnell
5 > { c ; Windsor , Oc : Pacilic , Oc : Harmon
4 > ip ; Anchor Shirtings , 4 o ; Merrimac ,
Shirtings , 4) c : Berwick , 4c.
Bi.KAciiuii COTTONS Farmeis' choice ,
O'/c ' : Cabot. OJc ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7J'o ;
Hill , K , OJe ; Lonsdale , bo ; Fiult , 8c ; Wain-
sutta , lOKc.
COIISKT JKANS ICenrsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; Pcppcicll , 7 c ; Indian Orchard , 63 ;
Naumkeag , 7c.
DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 ot. Magnolia ,
llOo ; o oi. Magnolia , 12c : 8o _ . Westl'oint
10 ! < c10 ; oi.Vtht Point , 12'fc. '
llnowjf COTTON Lawieucu LL , ScShavv- :
mut , LL. 5c : Beaver Dam LL , 5c ; At.antic
LL , Cc ; Indian Head , 7c ; Wauchus.set OVc ;
Crown XXX. eke ; Clifton CCC , Oc ; Utlca
CCO 4fc ; Atlantic P , 5Xc.
CHBVIOTS Amobkeas , checks , 9 } < c ; Amos-
Jtoyal.i 69fc ; Amoskeag , napix-d , ! 0 > < c : Lu-
ray , hOOk fold , 12o : fold , llJic ;
Endurance , book fold , 1-c
TtcKt.Nds Amobkcag ACA 121 < o : Thorn-
dyke OOO , 7e ; 'Ihorndyke fancv. Utfc ;
lorK , I0 c ; York fancy , 12 } < c ; Mllbury ,
IS. ' c : Peurl .IHvcr , IlUc ; Hamilton , IM\\
Swift Hlver. OJ c ; Shetucktt S. 8 } < cShetuck- ;
et SS. y > c ; Moutauk AA , We ; Montauk UB ,
lie ; omes ACaA. l c
UKNIMS Ueavor Creek AA , lie ; Beaver
Creek UU.lOc ; Beaver Creek CC , Oc ; Jalfrcy
XX , lie ; Jatltey XXX , 12c ; Jaffrey 1) AT ,
12Kc ; Columbian , ISJ c : YorK. 13c : York ,
fancy , lajfc : K\erett , 13c ; Haymaker's 1)1 ) no
i and brown , 7) < o.
| Uuct-colored ) Boston oi. brown and
drab , 13Kc ! H"1 * * * " ) 0 H hi own and drab ,
PC : Boston XX brown 'iind ' drab , 10c : IJoston
XXX brown and drub. UUc : Uoton O 1'
blue , IlKc ; Wnircii Tricot , iftc.
Dry Ijuiiibor.
110.Mtil ! < .
Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 1 * . U ami If. ft . 517.00
No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 1C. ft . l.VOxi
No.3 " " 12 , U finil 10 ft . 13.W )
No. 4 " " 12 , Hand 10 ft . 11.00
No.l , 4AOIncli , lftnd Hfect , .
No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 10' feet , ron.h . 17.0J
No. 2 , 4 0 Inch , 13 nml 14 teet , rough. . UOO
No. a , 4&0lnnlt. 10feetrouii ! . 15.00
SxK . . . .
2\la . 1.-W 15.50 1S.50 10.M1 17.60 SU.M ) 21.60
.Xl2 . 1S.M ) 15.10 1.-.50 10.MI 17.W 211.60 21.50
4l4-Sx8 . 15.50 1550 15.50 ltl.50 17.M 18.50 19.51
A Olnch. white pine . S3\W (
BOinch , " " . 3 UK )
00 inch , " " . 2 < J..V )
I ) Olnch , " " . BOW )
K Cinch. " " . 17.50
STOCK IKlAltt)1 ! .
A 13 Inch , si s.12 , it nnd 10 feet . 540 00 '
B " " " " " . -I'JOO
(3 " " .1 ii . soijo
I ) " " " " . 2:100 :
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 R. 12 , 14 and Irt fU. Ih 00
No.l " " " 10 , IS nnd .Oft. 1800
No.a " " " w. 14 and 10 ft. 10 oo
No. 1 , rinln , 8 and 10 Inch . S17.W )
No. 2 , Plain , Sand 10 Inch . 15.W
No. 1O. U . KOO
HlllNOLr.M , I.ATII.
'A Standmd . 2.05
Much , clear , S1.55 ; 0 Inch , clc.xt . 1.05
No.l . . . . . l.'r >
Lath . . . _ . . _ .yr.
Can't Ho lOnuoiiniKo His Own Off-
Tu-Niis Siftings : Yi'stunhiy ttftonioon
tboru wtis n t'j'owd of excited dnrkc.ys in
n dark alloy slithering nrotnul two tttro
boys who hail chnchiul cnch ether and
were liglitini ; uwny for ili'tir lifu on the
giounil. 1'hi'ro was one iii'Rro man
jiix ont and liu urjrod -oinbatiuits not
to give tip.
" ( lOiiKe him in < lu eye , Hilll Sam , if yon
give in I'll tun yor 1iido for yor. If jon
whips Bill , I'M ' ) trot a quartur foryur.
C liuw do end ( if his nose. "
A well-ilres tul gi'iitli'inan .stopped and
said lo tinnt'gro man :
"Yon otiglit to be of yourself
to I'lieourngi' tno c bojs to light. "
"Why , Lor' , boss , " was the response : ,
"dem's my own ehildtins. "
Siillilcu CIlllliKCl.
If the body ru-cives daily a iiropcr
amount of nutriliun and daily e.spc.K Ilic
woin-out jirts ) ! , health is the curtain con-
M'qtiL'iice : lint , by anddi'ii change of
weather , this pores of the skin may not
perform their ollieo well , and matters
are retained which should have parsed
of ) ' by that avenue. All catiM'S which im
pede insensible respiration are fraught
with danger , because matters which
should havu parsed away through the
skin are returned again into circulation.
Brandreth's Pill.1 } will remove aliimpuri- ;
ties , from whatever cause they may
come , curing pain , ' inllammation and
colds arising fnjm above canses in a few
Deafness appears to be oxcoptionully
prevalent in Kiilmebee county , I\ainc \ ( ,
and in Martha'H Vineyard. A recent
scientific investigation of the _ matter
shows that in both districts there is abun
dant evidence of heredity , and especially
of atavism. In the families affected
there were also funmt blindness insanity ,
idocy and deformity , and in some cal-e > a
long hMor.y of consangnineal mariinges.
In Slartha's Vin6yard tlic distribution of
deafness coincides with that of certain
soils , nnd its casfern "boundary is also the
typhoid fever lino. '
Inllammation of the throat nnd lungs
promptly cured by Hod Star Cough Cure.
Near the parish church in the little
town of San Miguel , in Mexico , hang two
bells that aie objects of superstition to
the simple inhabitants of the place. For a
long time past these bells have been
gradually rising , and on a certain day
every year the priest makes his measure
ments and calls attention to the miracle.
Unfortunately a prying correspondent
recently took it into his head to iir'csti-
gate the matter. He found that the bells
were attached to a beam , the ends ot
which rested in the forks of two trees ,
which in growing carried the bolls up
California carries on a largo business
in sea shells , which are gathered on it's
coast and shipped to Europe. One firm
has a contract to ship forty tons of shells
every sixty days. 'Ihoy are worth from
if 700 to $1,000 a ton. Tncyare used in all
kinds of decorative industries , returning
to the United States from Franco vastly
increased in price , when transformed into
pearl buttons , brooches , shawl clasps ,
knifii handles , or inlaid work. Tnhitu
shells , large , flat mother-of-pearl hhclls ,
are worth from $1.50 to $1 each , and the
finest selected pairs are sometimes sold
for as much as $ 50.
State Agents
Deckef Bra's Pianos
Omaha , Neb.
The Hillard ,
B. Shears , J.E. Mnrkcl.Tlios. Swobo , Proprletcra
Otii liu , Nubrasko.
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And Dliink Hook MiimiVncturers. 100-lud South
I'ourtcontu Btioo
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Wulbhuns &Co's Quick
llalblue Iluckwheut Hour ami proprietors Omaua
City Mlll , cor , bill mul I'ornuiii Streets , Orouhn.
Leather , Hides , _ tc.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Baddlcry unil thee Flndlntrs , llliles , Wool , furs ,
J'clls , lii.aso , Tallow , Ulc. , Oinahu Not.
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Hanufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211
Farnam St. Omaha , Neb.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser.-Busli Brewing Ass'n '
Special traoJi Fuugt , lludwuUer ,
Book Binding , Elc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
Anil llliink Hook Mnnu fact liter * . NOP. 108 * nj
_ _ UW South Htli Sttxet , Oumlui , Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile .
_ Driving. _ _ _
KAYMOXl ) CA.Ml'UKhl/ / ,
Kmrlnecrs mul Cotitrnctmi < .
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination and Hnuo TriHi ttriilfie * ,
Vlllnir mul tiak Timber. 15th St. , near 1'nrnnni.
TclepliiinoNoT.W. Q
" _ " Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
duns nml Aimminttl'jn. 2ir , to ISIPoitth llth
Stuet , HM ) to UKi rni-uiuu Slreel , Omulm , NeM.
Manufacturers of Pine Cigars ,
Ami Wholesale Dealers In I.oiif Tobnceo" . Non.
_ ! 0.s and 1JU N. Uth Street , Onialm , Nel > - _
' " "
'w. u witiaiiT ,
Atrnt for tlio Jtanufiictiircrs nml tinportors ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlnmejs , Ute. Olliee , ill ? Spulh ntli
Street. Uiiiulia , Nub.
c. s. nooiiitioii , t co
Agents for r A , Whitney CmrinKO Co. 8
Children's Carriages ,
Ami Jewell's Celubrateil Hoi 1 1 monitor" . Son
for prleo Hits. 14l"i rnrnam st , Oiimhn. _
o. s. PK'rns & ( X ) . ,
flholsale S Retail , Fiae Carriages ,
Plinctoii' , lliiBiilp * iiml lliwnlViijjii ! 0 I'or com
Piucil In tin ) ingot u . I H HIM II. ' , Irani Street ,
Oniiilia , Ni'ltravkii.
llrnnrli at Cuiincll niiUTi , lowii.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John I'poncter , I'i'oprJetor. MamiCm finer of
Ciiilmleil lion and I ornlro. iC.I Doil ) u and 1JI
mul llANaith lOtli Stieet , Omiilui , Neb.
KltKMl'INt } & 11OI.TK ,
tlniiuritctuiurBof Oinmiiental
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , I'liials Kte. , ! )10 ) S. lth ! ! St. Worltdono
In any pan oi' tlieuomuiy.
Western Coruice Works ,
C. SPECHT , I'ropiletor.
tiiilvnnl/ed Iron Cornlee' . Ktc. Speeut'M Im-
linmul I'lilentJletall'uSkylltflit. MS ! und 51DS.
mh hi. . Omaha. Nub. _
Doers , Sash , Oc.
TheTate CityPl&n'ng mi
Doors , Savh mul Illlmls. ANo all Minis of
tin Him ; . K'loll and Stair woik ot e\ery do-
Mimuracturer and Doalrr InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Etulr Itulli a specialty Tulepbono No. ' . ' -
J5tliHiid Maiev Sto .On.ulia , Neb.
_ Electrical Supplies.
LTw. WOI.rE & CO. , Electrician : ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Hlock , Omaha , llnrtfliir Alarms , lloll ,
I'uo Alarms , i 'eetilo .Matting , SpualtiiiiT i'uboj ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Stulrs , llnilimr , Holled Ile'inis and Olnleri
Stoaiii UnBlne . llra'-s Work , tienoinl Koundry
Machine and Illaulvhiiillb Woik. Ollleo and
Works , U. 1' . Ity. and S 17h ( et.
Iron ard Nails ,
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
111 o Kails P.SIV ; inlly. Omahn , Noli
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnmifncturerof Klreand IlniKlnr Proo ,
Vault Uoois , Jail Work. Slmtlers and Wire
Work. Cor. Uth midJackson Sts. , Omalm , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Established lb.18.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
IIW nmj 14U Ilotttfo Street , Omaha , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
ji. nuiticr & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
( ! PO. Iluikc , Maunder ,
Union Stock YanU , S. Omalia. Tola ihcno TiBZ
w. r. IIKOWN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
pniee KichaiiRO Iliiililmtr , I'nlnn Stock Varda ,
South Oiuutia , Neb. TulephonoNo.i'O ; ) .
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Umltcd. John 1' . lio\d , tiiiperliitendoiit.
I t tKiiv ; : : ,
Lie Stock Commission Hercliants.
Eblinii'iitK | of any mid all Kinds of block nollelt
i cd. Union bt ek Vurds , Omaha , Xob.
Lumber , Etc.
LOUIS lillADI'OltD ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
6ft6b , Uooit ) , Ktc. Ymd.s for , 7tb uiid
Cur. 'Jtli mid
of Sash. Doo.s ; BHnfls.
MoUleinOTibtnfc w"'u - " nlmlor V l V. lil
rinlhli. Jiift opened. N. K. u > r. clli und Limven-
uojtli tit reels , Oiniiha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
U a llth Btreut , Omuliii , Nob. F. Colpct/cr ,
Lumber ,
S3tb nnd California Etreets Omah.i , Kob.
W. GIlAi' ,
Lims Cement Etc. Etc.
Lumber , , , . , .
Cor , Ctb und Dout'lus Slicete , Omaha , Neb.
Y/holesale / Dealer in Lumbar ,
Omalm ,
- -
Hardwood Lumber ,
VTnrcn Flock , I'ancy Woods , liiidt'o limbers ,
&c. , S. W , Cor. 'Jth anil Dongliii.Uinaliu , Nub.
G , P. L.VJ1AN ,
Sash Doors Blinds MoaMlG #
Dealer in , , , ,
liulldliur 1'upcr , Etc. Fouth 13tlj htr OtCC ia.
Fith , tie ,
Surerf-fots to Jtl."n ? | eim.i > eii t : Co ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of rorclcu KWi.Vos , 'Jll-in Jouei
> = .T.bu * ' nunl ' P.Track.UiuaUa , > CoU . _ .
_ Agricultural Implements , _
Dealers In Agricultural Implements.
Omre. Corner Cth nnJ VntlflcPts , Umnhn , NO'J.
* iVlioU > fk..i ] Dealers In
Agrlcnltural Implements , Wagons
iiml llUKffies , Omalm Xcb.
ClllMtriLllil , I'AUKUl1 ,
Wholisalo Ucn'ei * In
Agricultural Implements , \Yagons ,
Carrn ! i'3 mul ItURRle" . ,1 < nn * St. , bet. I'tli ntnl
Boots nnd Shoes ,
* " "
V. V. MOI'Stt ' A. CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
1411 Fnrniim Ptreet. Oinnliii , Neb. Mimurnctory ,
- Street , lloktoti.
" "
s. A. ouciiAitn ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MMtlngB , Curtnln ( looi ! . I'.te. , 3J I'l
Street , Oiunlin , Not.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OOJcc.Siay. 14lhrl.Omnlm , NeK Varug , ° tl )
mill Di''eMpoit In
DceJers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
PeBt viirlclios. onice.atRS. lillhSU Tileplionc
Ko. ll
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SHf. 13tb St.Omaiu ) , Nub.
( Jvti. ( ' . Trtwi.n. 1'icslilnnt.
Cro. I'ATII II ON. See mul Treas.
3. 11. llt't.iir.UT. 1' . A. lUi.rit ,
1'iopiletor. Mnnnuor.
Kebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
p , . ' ! * H. ritliMieet. Toll phone 43.
OKI. 1' . IIIAIIII I , rres. C V. OoomMN.V Ties.
J. A. SUMillKI.VMi S > iro. nmlTieiiP.
Omaha Co&I , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of luu il mul Uilt iiiu'.CCOS. llth ft. .
Onialm , Xeb
Hard and Soft Coal
EicltielTc ilealcrs In Honliler ( "nlorniln Coal. 217
olltll llth MI Let. *
_ Coffee and Spices. _
Homo Coffei and Spies H.115 MTgCo.
Coilcu ItoiiKli'tb unit Splee Uilnileiv. miinil
fnetnri'isol Itiikm ? 1'owiler , riavotmuVAtiiiets
llluliiK1 , nte Ti ) mm easi ! of our 1-lh piicltiipo
Humu Illcnil lloastott C'olfec. lOyl ) lloivnr.1 it ,
Cnialia , Neli.
Omaha Cofleo and Spice Mills.
Ten-.Coirees , Spices , Ilaklmr I'tmilcr KlarorlnR
JIitiHcts , l.ninutryllbiu. Ink , etc. X414-1U HIU--
ney Street , Oinalui , Neb _
Commission , Lie.
Y/holesalo / Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
: i l''iinmiiiSt.Oiimiii. ' ! AppU * Our own i.ach-
1'lntt & C.i. TlBer llnmil Ojbtei > , lluttur ,
, Oanio , 1'oultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Vroilnco , 1'iovlsloiir. , Fruit's , Hour anil iYeil. ICl'i
I4tb M.Oniihii , Neli. .
lEulmiiiiiiado uioniulLv
11. JlcDOXALI ) .
815 Kill Slice ) , ninu'in , Nob. Spccllilies : Hut-
ler. l.'KUf. aiuICIiluKuns >
" = = r" '
Produce Commission Merchants.
Foiiltr } , Mutter , ( lame , Vinlts , Hto. ' . ' . ' 0P. 14th
Kt.Onialia , Neliui.ilta.
" J
General Commission Merchants ,
JlOGDodiro Strict , Onmha , Nek CouMjfnmonls
w. K. iiiiuiii ) : , ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Sl'MHAl.riKs CliecM' , Hntter 1'fips , I'oilltiy
ami ( Jimie. US S. lltb. , Omiiliu , Nub. Tclt-
jihnno r < o. J1J3.
Storage and Commission Marchants.
I'oiC'lKH and Doiumtle Kinlts n specialty. Kl-
cuunt MoinKu facllllluiVaroliouso anil ollleo ,
JO Noilli Uth bt. Telepliono 77J.
1) . A. MUHUiY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
fiutler , KKKB unU 1'ioduco. A lull line or Stono-
wuie. Coiiclt'JiuicutB tollcitcu. 1411 | St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
nutter , Knuf , Clieeeo ami t'onntiy I'roiluiuion-
_ orally , W)9 ) S. U'th St. , Oimilm , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilofrlffernlor and rucKliiir Hotiso,14lli 4 : U-uven-
jrt ortb . t. , on U. 1 . ] ( . H. Truck , Omiiliu , Nub.
' IbTO ,
General Commission ,
Sll S. 14th St. , Umiiliu. Neb. Kpcolaltlo.s-Huttor
Itors.l'oiiltiyamt Umiie.
Commission Merchants ,
K'o um > I'lovlBloim , Omulm , Nab
( iKIKI-'l I'll *
t-U" ' ( ib OI-- ll > IP Ml liiiHtll.
Commission Merchant ,
and wliolo.'alo denier In tommy piolneo , frill' ' * ,
Imttur , i fe'Kt , ele. ( looild on roiivli mnunt u
DjteiR.lty. UM H. lOih M. , Oinnlin , Nub.
KIHSC'lIUHAt'N I- . -ON.s ,
( Successors to A. P , Kuliaok. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No. S13 South I'th Strout , Oimilri , Nub.
" " ' " " "
J , J. 11HOWN i : CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1KTJ DouKlim StiLDt , Omahn , NoL' .
GJNSIIKrif ; h CO. ,
Dry Goods , Hosiery , notions ,
, jjirtH , Ilnil'iolderj ' and Wlntu C'caig '
lli'D JJcuifliib HIrett , Omiiliu , Nub.
V/hito / Lead.
Strictly Pure Wliite Lead.
0tl : SI- , und U. 1' , Ity , Onialnl ,
Hurness , Etc.
Manuli'.ctuieia andJobbuisof
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf ( iooils , lllankels nml Holing. 14. 1 1'urnuin
_ _ _ Stnej. Oiiinjtiii , Neb _ _
Mattresses , _
" "
"B. M , IIUI.SR ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnniifnrtuilnir > U'tlrnsse , llmMIngronlhcr
I'llliiuH , ( 'uia , Ktu. KM und I-
Omulm , Neb.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jsuns J'untb.Slilits , r.o. ( , I1U2 uuJ 1
I , Umuiu ,
OMAHA Ii Mill. II UJ ,
DtMlcvs lit All Kindt of
Building Material at Wholesale.
Ifth Sti.-ct ntiil . . o.i 'iu tl Truck. Oniahi
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
rOlh itml l/aril Streets Oinnlui , N
3. A. ) ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shlnglas ,
ItulMlm ; I'npcrs , n li. Dour * . lllluilj , M"Ul |
lu _ , I'lcXets , ro t , Mine , riftster , Huf ,
lYmcm , N'lutti imu.loiK" ' , Uninlin Mob.
. _ _ - . -J-E3
Millinery. " _
Importers nnd Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
lllltntul litl llnrney Stieet.Omnlia , Xoh.
Musical Instruments.
r.Diioi.M & r.mrKsox.
Y/holesalers / of Musical Instrument ; ,
Fteluwiiy IMnnnVlier. . Deeker. llalmnmul
III ! ( ? ( ; < I'IIIIHX , I'ttiMatil Or tuis I'ltnso ' "
ltd ami UO 15llt ftteet.
Furniture , Etc ,
uric ,
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors
Ktc. , 13 X ) , 1SN mill 1. 1 I r.l Ililll MHUi , Oliwhil.
" ' "
Wholesale Dealers in FurnlUfa ,
rnrnnni Street , Oiunliii , Noli. _ _
. _ _
AI.I.V.N imos. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
lS OiHiiiliH StieetOmahn , N'rb. _
K. 11. CHAPMAN V CO. ,
Wholesale Faucy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco mul Smokers' Aitlclct > , 1-17 Ho\uinlSt.
> IIYIU : ; HAAi-Ku
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Epicep , ClgtuHnmlTolniccn * , 1:117 : nml 1J1U Dons *
las Sti eel , ( limtUii , Neli ,
Wholesale Grocers.
Corner 10th nml Putnam Edicts , Oiimhn , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 70J707 , 71T ) nml 711 f. lOtli St. , Utmiliu , NcU
vv. .1. HitoAirii.
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
\Viuron Stool. , lltiuhvouil I.iimlior , oto.
l 1-11 Iliutiey Mieev. Oumlm , Isob.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon I
And Cavriiuo Wooil Stock. Ileivvy Hardware ,
Klo. 1217 urn ! 121W l.e.ixumt 01 Hi Street , Omiilm ,
Ni I ) .
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Meclinnlos' Toolsami Hiillnlo Seales. li05TniiR <
Ins bti < . ' ; ! , Uiuulia , Nub.
MM : , nunn * CD. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet lion , Utc. Audit ? lor llnuo Scales anil
Mlmnl 1'oudiv Co. , Omulm Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Miintliif , ( jiutes , llinsK pooiK lisa mul UiJ FM >
nuin Ml cut.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Null" . Cor. 10th nuil llarnoy
Sticuts.Oir'iIm , Ni'l ) .
" _
\vi.i * > iriti.\G & co. , CHICAGO ,
Jlanufr-cliircr ot the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
( Vrlto to Win. JI. l.oiimur , ( Jonornl Agent ,
Unmlia. 'IVophouutllO.
Iron Pipe , Ctc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Btnm.Vnt IT , Itallw ity and Mllllnj ? Supplies , EtU
\KO \ , ff i nml KM fin nuin St. Unmliii , Ncl ) . i
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btoam anil Water Supplies , llt'iidciuiirtora lot
Mast Poobl CO.'H Uooilb. 1111 i-'uriium Street ,
Omulm , Nob.
innoi.M : & KIHCICSON ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Pflalers in Hllvunvim : , Diamonds , Watch-i
Clockh , Jcwelnrs' Tools unit Mat oiiuls , Kto. , 101
uiiu lut , 15th Street , Cor. Dodtfo , Omaha , Nub. \
Notions Etci
.llllllK'I.S 111
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnlsalng Good
1UUO uud lUJb ruinuiii St. , Uu. alia , Nth.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , '
4 ] unil 4(1.1 ( S , lOlh Kt.iiinhn , Nb.
WholusiUu IH'ulcih in N'otloim anil Ci outs' Fur-
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
( iBEolIno , Mien A.xlo Cirua'-r , Kto. A. 11. Bluhop ,
Manucr ( , Onialnl , No'.i.
Pork Packing.
" "
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
_ Omaha , Nobraskn ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Dime , Unlim.Miiiliot.lMTDoilm.'Htrecr. 1'uuldng
liouhii , U , 1 * . It. 11 , TjucU , OimtUa , Nolj. 'i'olu-
jiiiono No , 157 , _
Safes and Locks.
, . ,
' " " ' '
uoviii : k co.
Agents & safes Lock Co.s1
rim mul liurKliii'I'ionf finfos/i'1 i'.ioknVRtiltf
a ilJall wink , ltt.'U I'uriiniu Htnot , Omntiti , . ' . ' "
_ _
J. ISYANri ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
ii , Kto. O.lil I'ello\r. < ' Hull.
K , W. Coi , llth anil Doilgo Kt . , Omah.i , Nclj.
Drugs , Etc.
TJ1K r.OOHMAX DIUJ ! ( Co' , ) '
Wholesale Druggist- ,
Ana Denier In Taints Oili nml Wludonr
Om.ilui , iiulj. ,
Wiios : , Liters , ft , A. co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Ami Ji < juors. Solo inmiiiriietiirorsiir Krnneilr'i
ICaM Indl.i DlitcTrf. litlanie ) > tiitoct , Uionhw ,
Ni I ) . „ . .
iiit1. . JU KCAH ,
Fucccasor to MI-KAMA. ; v A , DCMJAN , Importer *
mulVli'li'Milo ( Dculon In
V/ines / , Liquors and Cigars
L'll anil K b. "I ItU St. , Omaha , NuU.
notions , tt.r ( '
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Pry Goods Notion * . Oents1 KurnUliUu OooJ .
Uvcilb lroii ; New VoiK. 'J'tuilu talus dmly. Ul <
euO ' * BoutU 1'UU bt. , O.nulift.