Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    .c OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , MAY 27 , 1886.
l > y currier In nriypnrtof tlio city nt
twenty cuits ptr week.
H. Vf , TII.TON , Manager.
, No. 4) ) .
NinnrKtiiTOK No. 23.
MI.NOll ailO.NTIO.V. '
Now York Plumbing company.
New smnniei-woods tit Heller's.
S. Paul was fined yesterday for fast
tl riving.
Lcomird & Jewet ri'friircralors nt
Cooper & McGco's , No. 41 Main slreet.
Permit to wed has boon given Charles
Mothers and Maggie Lnmp , both of this
The Quick Meal is n quick seller. Como
nnd gel ono before they arc gone. Cooper
& Melico.
Hakinir exhibition of Cerealinc will be
given at Parkss \ Platner's this morn-
fin ; antl on 1'rlday.
The building , No. ! ! 03 Hroadway , has
been leased by C.V. . Hrown , ngcnt for
the IVrkins wind mill.
hi the supreme court yesterday the mo
tion to M3t tisiili' the judgment in the Mer-
ccr llucbcr ca'-o was argued
Justice I'ralnoy hns tied tlie matrimonial
menial knot between Charles Lurisou
nnd Mary Ncl on , both of Woston.
Ofllners Cousins , Wlglilmun and Lewis
now go on day duty , and llt'iidrick.s ,
O'Brien and Hoswiek go on nights.
Chief Matthews was jesterday suffer-
! ng IPH.H piiin fioln his wound , and it is
expected will soon be out and about.
Hemember lliu Mueller Music Co. gives
ft iino music bov away this month. A
purchase of 50 i-enN will givu a share.
The case against Jim Snodderly for as-
Baulling Stilen , the same man who shot
Chief Matthews , was dismissed yesterday
In the district court.
Do not fall lo attend thu supper and ice
cream and strawberry festival given tonight -
night by tin * hidie.s ot liio M. E. church
* tNo.-118 Hroadway.
Al H. Finley lias begun tlie erection of
n fine ten-room residence on Ninth ave
nue and HlulV .street , the foundation of
which is already in course of erection.
The case against IVlur Norton for rob
bery , was dismissed in the district court
yesterday , Iho prosecuting witness being
in Texas , and.beyond the of a sub-
The ladies of Iho M. E. church will give
a supper and strawberry and ice en-am
festival at No.118 Hroadway. Supper
will bo .served from ( ! to II ) p. m. A
cordial invitation is extended to the
The brick building on Main street , cor
ner of Ninth avenue , lately used as Kel
ler's blacksmith shop , is being fitted up
for a hose cart house. Tlio property is
owned by Marshal Guneclla , wtio rents it
to the city for .f'M a month.
Mrs. J. W. Squires has presented to the
Bloomer school nuiicum u .specimen of
crystali/.ed ( iiiart/ from Hot Snrings ,
Arkansas. It is a largo and nearly per
fect spccimin , a raie one indeed. The
crystals are as clear us white glasc , and
the gilt is one which is gicatly admired
by all who have been it
C5corgo H. Heard , the decorative artist ,
of this city , is showing his skill and taste
in beaulifyim : this interior ol the Presby-
terjan church at Kearney , Nob. He has
also been doing some work in the in
terior of Mrs. Alex. HnrtcrV homo , in Su
perior , Neb. Some of 110 rooms in this
residence have been decorated elegantly.
The artistic skill .shown by .Mr. Heard in
the decoration of buildings is winnin < *
for him a name and a fame , which cre
ates u demand for his services far and
Tlio boxes used in the American Dis
trict Telcgrauh system here seem to bo
rmulo for long , hard service. When Mr.
McGlnncss' store was burned out one of
the boxes was m tlie midst of the lire , and
although all the wood woik was burned
nway , and eyon the wooden knob burned ,
the box worked all right , and a call turned
in on it. wlulo it was still warm , was per
fectly received and quickly responded to.
The American District Telegraph com
pany has put in its 150th bov , and is start
ing In business with every assurance of
the enterprise proving a "success. The
convenience of being able to call a boy
.tit any time , and to use him for any kind
of service , is alone a great one , but with
the other uses of the system tlioro is such
n nubile accommodation at so little ex
pense as to cause the business of the com
pany to bo larwo and profitable.
The chapel of the-Haptist church has
been groath improved. Hesides bciii"
re-roofed the interior has been papered
nnd painted , and so beautified that it hard-
Jy scoinnthatitcanbothc.samoroom. The
Indies give a festival there this cvenin"to
which the public is cordially invited.
Iho proceeds go toward paying for Iho
. Improvements made in the chapel. The
[ JJantist folks have done a good deal
since the church was reorganized. The
building has been so improved that it is
one of the most attractive places of
I worship in the city. The membership
J was Increased wonderfully and in all di-
I rcctions there are appearances of growth
I nnd increasing prosperity. The struggle
Ilins been u hard ono , but under the wise
I and earnest leadership of 'Hev. Dr
I Cooley as pastor , and with a noble rally-
I Ing on the part of his people , great sue-
I cess is being won.
Peru on nl .
J , G. Mclntyro spent yesterday in Mis-
ouri Valley.
Colonel Josonh Eiboock , of the Iowa
Btutits An/.elger , was in the city vcsti-r-
Charles S. Fisher , ono of the Globe
family , was being congratulated yester
day 11 boy twelve pounds.
E. 1 * . Hrown , formerly county recorder
hero , and now business mann < rcr of
Talblo Talk. " pubi.hod ! at DCS itfoines
Is in the city greeting his old friends.
Capt. A. Overtoil returned yesterday
from Texas , where ho has boon looking
ffter timber for his railway contracts !
tile reports that a huge suction of the
onntry Is being fairly burned , the ther
mometer being at 10 , ? . and there having
been little rain during the past year , anil
inono at all for many weeks. Ho expects
lo return south on another trip almost
Uo to the Now York Plumbing conum-
| y for garden hose. They warrant 'all
they Boll. Opera house block.
BtOloil SllllCt ) .
Two young men yesterday afternoon
entered J. M. Phillips' shoo store , on
Hroadway , and while one of them enRaged -
Raged the attention of ono of the clerks
'he other made oft' with a pair of $7
, hoes. The thief and his partner wore
arrested and taken before Justice John
Jny l'i-ainoywho gave thi-m ten days in
{ the county jail. They gave their names
MJ.J. Hurry and James H. Murno and
fliMuicd to bo strangers in the city , but
from their capers it is inferred that they
" ) thorougliiueak thieves.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rae
. state loans. J.V. . & E. L. Squire. lO
iPearl street , Council Ulnlls.
I * - - .
I Seasonable goods of all kinds at hard-
iuio prices at Cooper & McUeo's.
Iloislcr don't handle any snide cigars.
They Arc Still Being Heard By the Railway
Stllnn Held Under I/oxv Ilnll A
nt Missouri Volley Nip-
n 1'nlr ol'Sliocs The Al
len Hey Get * Off ISupy.
Down on the Union 1'nclllc.
The investigation of the complaints
made by Council Uliill's citizens against
the management of the Union Pacific
kept the Iowa railway commissioners
busy yesterday. There was not much
gleaned which was icfresliingly new.
What will it al. amount to ? That Is the
query heard on every side. It is dlfllcult
to pi edict. The mode of procedure is
simply to tike what evidence there Is
presented on both sides. Then a time
will be set tor the making of arguments.
In the meantime the notes of the short
hand reporter will be tnu&cribcd. The
arguments will bom writing , and after
alflhis is done then the commissioners
will make up a report. It may be weeks
or months before this report is made.
Then there re nains thu question whether
the Union 1'aellic will follow the sug
gestions mailc by tliecommlssioncVs if un
favorable to their present policy of
alleged discrimination against Council
Yesterday Mr. Kimball was examined
further concerning the running of trains
over the bridge ami the shipment of
stock. Mr. Uorrance , superintendent of
the Nebraska division , also testified. Both
claimed that no discrimination was shown
against Council lilufls. They were ex
amined closely concerning the way trains
were made tip , in order to see if they
could not be made to admit that , prac
tically , Council lilull'b was not made the
terminus in accordance with the spirit of
the mandamus. They explained that in
accordance with their interpretation of
the meaning of the mandamus they were
complying with it It seems that the
whole of this part of the investigation
hinges on the construction to be placed
on the mandamus.
They claimed that there were no pas
senger trains to or from Omaha but what
left and r.rrived in Council Uluft's. 'Hie
freight trains were made up so that
Council Blulls shippers had equal accom
modations with Omaha shippers.
More information was sought yester
day in regard to the stock yards. There
rnCill'J'l ' iv L fj'.Vitsirtlingdevelopments.
It was conceded that tlie business tinu
been transferred to Omaha and that a
largo poition of the stock yards hero hail
been taken up and moved over there ;
but it was claimed that in doing so the
company was trying to meet tnctlemands
of the shippers themselves instead of hav
ing any desire to discriminate against
Council Dlufl's. They claimed that the
stock yards here , or what there was lett
of them , were kept in suitable condition
to meet all requirements.
Superintendent Dumb was examined at
length yesterday afternoon. He ad
mitted that the focu at the Council HlufTs
yards had been poor on several occa
sions , but the cause of complaint speedily
Samuel Haas , of this citya well-known
-stock man , testified to the condition of
the stock yards and gave in detail some
of its faults showing that they were not
maintained in .suitable condition.
Mr. Henry Swan , another extensive
stock man , also testified and strongly so ,
in support of the complaint made by
Council Dlnfl's as to the poor condition of
the yards , and the neglect and discrimi
nation shown by the management.
Mr. George A. Keclinc testified on the
same subject. He had to pay as high as
! ? . < ) a ton for hay at the Council Dlufls
stock yards. He cited the instance in
which lie shipped cattle from Pine Ulufl' ,
consigned to Council Dlufls , the cattle
being in charge of his brother. The
trains were stopped at the South Omaha
stock yards. His brother telegraphed
him and ho telegraphed to the manager of
the stock yards in Council Dlutl's and to
the chief train dispatcher to have the cat-
tied forwarded to Council Dlufl's or ho
would sue the road. The dispatcher
answered that the Council Dlufls stock
yards were too crowded , and they had
better remain at South Omaha. Mr. Kec-
line replied that the cattle must be
shipped to Council Dlufl's. On going to
the yards ho found there was plenty of
room there for the cattle.
Air. George Kecline , father of the pre
ceding witness , was the next witness.
He testilied that the yards hero did not
have enough men to handle the stock
which would naturally come here , and
that the feed and other facilities were
There arc still about fifteen witnesses
from Council Dlnfl's to bo examined ,
which will take several days yet.
The board then adjourned to meet at 8
o'clock this morning.
Mrs. Randolph , the famous mind
reader , has just arrived. Tolls vast ,
present and future. Comes well recom
mended. All those wishing to see her
will call at 015 Kighth street , between
Sixth and Seventh avenues. Ladies , 25
cents ; gents , 50 cents.
After a thorough investigation we are
convinced that tlio "Quick Meal" is the
best gasoline stove made anil shall make
it our leading stove this season. Cooper
A : McGcc.
Street Shooting.
The trial of the case of the State vs.
Mike Flammant occupied most of the
time in thu district court yesterday. The
charge was that of assault with intent to
murder. The affair occurred in Minno-
ola , July 10 , 1888 , and the case was
brought hero from Mills county on u
change of venue. It awakens considera
ble interest here , as Mr. Flammant lived
hero for a number of years , being em
ployed by John Done , ( Jrovowcg &
Sehoontgen and others. Ho was at onetime
time a clerk in the postoflico , and was
elected and served as county recorder
for one term. After leaving- Council
Dlufl's ho opened a store in Minncola. On
the day named a customer named Henry
Ueit/lercamointo tho.stoic to settle his
account. Mr. I'lammant told him Ihn
amount duo , ? 02 , and Deit/.ler flow into
a passion , declaring there was no such
amount justly due , but he finally paid
it. In the afternoon Flammant and
Deitxlor met accidentally in a
saloon. The quarrel was resumed by
Delt/ler ami Flammant drew out a pocket
knife to protect himself. Dcit/.er drew a
revolver and an outsider grabbed him.
As he did so the revolver went oft' , or
was fired by Ueit/lcr , the ball striking
tho'lloor. I'lammant ran homo , loaded
his shot-gun and started out to find a
constable to have Deit/.ler arrested. After
getting the constable the two went down
thu business street , hunting for leitv.ler.
Hammant discovered him standing in a
saloon door , and firing began. F.ueh
tired at least twice. One bystander was
wounded slightly in the cheek , but
neither of the chief participants was in
jured. Assoon as Flummant had emptied
both barrels of his gun ho ran away.
I he prosecution claimed that Flam-
maul armed himself to shoot leit/ler ,
and that he hunted him down and com
menced shooting at him. Fliunmnnt
claims that he was afraid that Deitzler
would shoot him , and so armed himself
for protection , and that ho did not com
mence shooting until Dcitzlcr * begun
firing at him. A large number of wit
nesses testified that during an acquaint
ance of many jcars they had always
found Ftammaut to be peaceable and
Memorial I my.
To the Editor : The Nonpareil of May
20 contains the following :
"While the question of the propriety of
conducting memorial services of the Sab
bath is being discussed , tlio following
may be of interest : "
Then follow three passages of Scrip
ture taken from Matthew , Luke and
John , referring to the visit of the disci
ples to the tomb of their crucified Lord ,
carrying spices , etc.
Our friend of the Nonpareil has forgot
ten ono or two quite important facts in
connection with that subject.
In the first place , the "first day of the
week" on which those memorable visits
were made was not celebrated as the
Sabbath until after the resurrection of
our Lord , ami the holy day was changed
from the .se.venth to the first day , by the
early disciples , to commemorate that
event. Therefore , going to the tomb on
the morning of "the first day" was equiv
alent to our going on Monday morning.
Again , they went quietly , two or three
together , with sad hearts anil hushed
voices , and not In noisy crowds in gala
dress , headed by bauds of music. Quito
adillcrcncc , you see.
If theie wore no moral objections
against lining the Sabbath for memorial
services , there are certainly physical rea
sons. People who labor six days need
the peace ami rest of the seventh to re-
cnperatc their bodily strength , which
they cannot do if several hours of the day
arc spout in the excitement of a busy
throng , in the open air , under the broil
ing .sun of a hot May day.
Two cast front lots on Seventh street
and 1'irst avenue , only ono block from
Daylisspark. For sale by Forrest Smith.
The "Quick Meat" is a quick seller ,
come anil gel one before they are gone ;
Cooper A : McGeo.
Crystal Wedding nt AValmit.
WALNUT , Iowa , May 25. [ Correspond
ence of the DIE. ] On Thursday May
SO , 188(5 ( , a very sj"ccsfiful and pleasant
surprise was meted out to Amen L. Allen
and his good lady , who reside a short
distance southwest of Walnut , Pottawat-
tamie county , Iowa. It was arranged
by their friends and neighbors in honor
of the fifteenth anniversary of their
nuptials , which were first celebrated
March 8 , 1871 , m Washington county ,
TllC fr's ! ' ' on l''s ' ' occasion began to
assemble in the forenoon , bringing mm
them a lunro tent , which was soon erected
in the beautiful lawn before the residence
of Mr. Allen. In the shade ot the tent
tables were set , which at noon fairly
groaned beneath their load of the
delicacies and necessaries of life. .lust
beforo'thc- were enjoyed the attention
of tne company was directed to Mr. ami
Airs. Alltj.i , who , in an appropriate way ,
renewed the pledges of their first mar
riage and received the congratulations
of their friends. The company
Hum repaired to the dining tent and the
divine blessing was invoked by Rev. H.
E. Flickinger , of Walnut. Everything
was well arranged , and this open air
feast was one long to bo remembered by
all who were present. About 4 o'clock in
the afternoon refrcshments.consisting of
ice cream and cake , were served. After
tins "ye old folks" took their leave , and
another company of young folks assem
bled in the evening.
Among the gifts presented were asetof
silver knives and forks from friends in
Washington county. Iowa , a large , ex
tensive table and cloth , a set of china
disncs and a variety of other table furni
ture too numerous to mention.
As one of the lucky subscribers of the
DKE during last year , Mr. Allen received
from that office a HIM Chicago cottnge
organ. ThU was . ado to do effective
service on the above occasion , and was
proiiQimccd to be a good and valuable
instrument. U. E F.
If yon want to buy a lot for a private
residence buy ono of the two on Seventh
street and First avenue. For sale by
Forrest Smith.
Lotus go to Charlie Heislcr's and get a
good cigar. No.102 Droadway.
To the Front Again.
Messrs. Morehouse & Co. . the binders
and book manufacturers , have just com
pleted a large sot ot books for the Coun
cil Dlufl's Insurance company , the largest
insurance company in the west. These
books are copyrighted , and will no doubt
quickly spring into demand by other in
surance companies , as the system is pro
nounced as nearly perfect as it can pos
sibly bo. Mr. Albcrtson. assistant treas
urer of the Council Dlufl's Insurance
company , has worked long and hard to
complete and perfect the syntem , and a
more convenient and accurate method
cannot bo devised. Tlio mechanical work
is like all of the work produced by More-
house & Co. , lust-class in every respect.
Morchonse & Co. have also completed
an entire new set of books for the DKI :
oflico in Council Dlufls. The forms used
are such as to make it very convenient to
keep accurate accounts with subscribers
and advertisers. This set of books made
for the DKH oflico is complete and finely
made , and reflect credit on this popular
and growing bindery nnd book manufac
tory. _
Go to Beard for room mouldings.
Defore buying a gassolinc stove see the
"Quick Meal" at Cooper AMcUee's
Ilcislnr sells thn best fie and lOc cigars
in the market. No 402 Droadway.
Only Assault and Battery.
The jury In the case of Walter Allen
has returned a verdict finding him guilty
of assault and battery. Walter is a boy
who was elwged with so having beaten
and kicked a playmate , son of J. W.
Morse , as to cause his death. It was
claimed that the Allen boy had on several
previous occasions beaten and abused the
Morse boy. On this occasion the latter
was hurrahing for some political candl-
date while on his way home from school ,
and the Allen boy ordered him to stop or
else hurrah for the other candidate. The
Allen boy then pounced upon him ,
The Morse boy was taken sick , and in the
course of a few days died. The jury was
out from 10 o'clock in the morning until
midnight , and they agreed upon the finding -
ing of guilty of assault and battery.
Two centrally located lots , on Seventh
street and First avenue. Only ono block
from Droadway and three blocks from
Main street. See Forrest Smith , No. 1BO
Main sticet.
Satisfaction guaranteed with every
"Quick Meal" gasoline stove , or money
refunded. Cooper & McUco.
liow Hull.
Stilen , the shooter of Chief Matthews ,
was brought before Judge Aylcsworth
yesterday , and his hearing set for Juno
5. His bail was lixcd at the low bum of
$1,000. Ho did not furnish it and was
sent to tlie county jail. The grand jury
commenced an examination of tlie case
Wo have a few water coolers wlticli wo
rill sell vpry ; ctieap to close them out.
Cooper & cucu.
Missouri Vnlloy .1(1 ( cms.
Owing to the fine weather the farmers
are all busy In the fields , fomo planting
corn and others cultivating. The corn
outlook on the bottoms is excellent , and
the prospects for a good crop arc very
J D. McKinncy's boiler shop wns
broken into recently and about $75 worth
of tools taken. Up to the present tlmo
no clue has been found which would lead
to the recovery of tne goods or the perpe
trators of the theft.
The saloon question 13 * al present tlio
all absorbing toutc of conversation.
Last week secret warrants were sworn
ouj against all the saloons' ' , and but very
little budge" was found. The reason of
this is probably from the fact that the sa
loon men are expecting such raids anil
keep but small quantities at iho saloons
After tlio seizure wns made the "find"
was deposited in the basement of the
billiard hull of Harmon & Carlton. Dur
ing the night it was spirited away ami
deposited In a box car , but the night
watch "caught onto" the game nnd got it
back again. The city authorities
refused to allow it to bo placed
in the calaboose and It was
taken to the residence of Mr. Cole , who
lives about half a mile from town , where
It was supposed it would rest In safety
until the day of trial , but when the morn
ing dawned , lot and behold , it had mys
teriously disappeared again. The ques
tion now is. who stole the "forbidden ? "
The temperance people claim it was the
saloon men , and they claim it was the
"fanatics" who stole it from themselves
and are laying the blame on them. Who
ever it was , one theory n certain , its
gone , as cll'eotually so as if had disap
peared down the throats of the thirsty.
When tlio liquors were the saloon
sympathisers declared they would sign
the remonstrance to the removal of the
county scat , but this is probably "cliafl' . "
It has been currently reported that the
se.i/.uro was a scheme , started by
Logauites , for the purpose of creating
dissension in Missouri Valley on the
county. seat question , but when the citi-
x.ens see how they have been victimized
by this kind of a scheme the religion will
go the other way.
At the school meeting a few nights ago
A. H. Snifl'Dunlap was elected principal
in the place ot G. I. Nulls , who
did not accept the position ten
dered him at a previous meeting.
T. O.Carlisle was in the Dlufls Wednes
day. He was called there by the news of
the sickness of his child , who with its
mother was visiting at that place.
Charles Wilkms. onrof nurenterprising
business men , was in t'nc Dlufl's anil Oma
ha Wednesday on a business trip , lie
has taken in a partner by the name of
The board will meet on the 27th of
June and count the lists of names on
the petition and remonstrance. Doth
sides arc Poi. : r. ; ' .V ± : ! ! _ ; linncos
favor of the petition. LOm.OAV.
Xot So Fast.
The Council Dlufls Hcyaldjn its enthu
siasm oyer the Home of .tho. Friendless ,
and reflecting the apparent anxiety of
the management to secure , 'all possible
endorsement , says : - i
The Scandinavian ministers tteadinK the
exeiclses in connection with the dedication
ot the Scandinavian Baptist chinch ot this
city , attended thn chapel' ' services of the
Clmstiaii Homo this nioininii In a bod- .
Theieeio piesent Pinfessor 7f. I' . Jensen ,
of the Theological seminars at Moitfan 1'iuk ,
111. , and one ot his stiulcnK Mr. A. C.
JJroliolm : llev. E. L. Myrhimte , pastor at
Itaclnc. Wis. ; Uev. b. C. Nellson , Atlantic * ,
Io\\a ; Itev. A. Carlsen nnd Itev. J. H. Lunn ,
ot li.itli , Minn. ; Kuv. .lohn Klnir , O.iUUml ,
Heb. : Mr. 0. 0. Opsalnh , 8t. Peter , Minn. ,
and Kev. II. U. KeiclicnuaiiKh , 'paitnr ' in this
city. . i
The centlcmcn expiesseil tucinselvcs as
hc'iitlly Ins ) mpatliy with Urn woik of the
Christian Homo , and as m6re than satisfied
\\lthtlicwuikniid the euro , temporal nnd
spiiitual , that the chlldien were receivinc.
'Ihcy each pledged to vlu in the woiU before
the people ot their icspcctivu charncs , and
to lomcaiber the Home in a substantial
The gentlemen referred to were about
to leave the city for their respective-
homes when the publication was culled
to their attention. They hastily express
ed their views and authori/.id some of
their number to publish the following ex
planatory card :
Tlio umlersiinied bee Iea\e to correct the
Impression made In the article in your paper
< > l the aiUi ot May , with lefeieuce to the en
dnrscmcntot the work done nt tlie Home.
Wo were there , saw .sonic of the woik , nnd
received a lavarablo impression ; but we have
not a sutlicient knowledge of tiic basis anil
clunncter of the institution to lecommcnd it
to tlie public , and did not authoiizo the use
ot inn names to that effect.
Kespecttiillv , in'bchalf of the gentlemen
whoso name appeir In the aliovo mimed
article. SrAxmxAviAX .MIMSTKHS.
Strawberry and ice cream festival at
the Daptist church this evening. The.
literary exercises will commence prompt
ly at 8JO. : ! Mrs. Lyons will take part in
the programme , nnd Mrs. McDcrmid will
recite "Hiawatha's Departure , " in the
sign language. Admission lOc. Refresh
ments additional. The proceeds will be
expended for making repairs in the
Supper To-Night.
To-night tlio ladies of the Congrega
tional church will give a supper. The
following is the bill of faro ; Saratoga
chips , ham , tongue , bread , butter , salad ,
cold eggs , cofl'ec , Mawberries. All for 25
Go to Dcard for wall paper.
Go to "Tex" Lacy's old stand for free
Do Vol sells ( ioldenStar gii ollnc
ranges , best in market , o , 531 D 'way.
Room Mouldings Largest assortment
and lowest prices at Hoard's ' Wall Paper
_ _
Dcard has an immense stock of wals
and room mouldings which must
o turned into cash , so down go the price
at Hoard's. '
A PiigiliBt'f ) Wc > iindcaPrido. ,
Chicago Times : Charles Mitchell , the
pri/o lighter , commcnced-suif in the su
perior court for $25,000 , damages yester
day , against the Chicago Dai y News for
alleged slaiider. The action appears to
bo taken more for an advertisement than
anything else. After County Commis
sioner Duck McCarthy on torca suit against
( lie paper for sfc.Vi.OOO dlunuges , a week
ago , for saying editoriaiy'that ' ho was a
lighter of no mean abilities , but that un
fortunately wherever ho showed his
prowess his followers qvidvuccd their
character by ( ill-tapping , thoi papur had
so in u remarks to make on'tho suit. It
humorously referred to a visit of McCarthy
to the editor with a doimCnd lo know the
writer of the first article /or 'which s.uit
was brought , the commisiioner saying ho
would break his neck if hit found him.
It then proceeded to say that it had no
hesitation in telling the commissioner
who the writer of the objectionable article
was. It was Charles Mitchell , the puglist ,
who had just knocked out Jack Durke ,
and If the commissioner was still desir
ous of twisting anybody's neck he would
be ammimodatcd if he called on Mitchell.
The sickly luimy pervading the para
graph was not appreciated by Mr. Mitch
ell , as yesterday's suit shows ,
Mauna Loa , the Hawaiian volcano , is
situated on tlie aonthcrn fdopo of the
Mauna Loa mountain , some several
thousand feet below the apex. The crater
proper is nine miles in circumference
and about 000 feet deep. Tlio floor of
this crater is covered with black Java ,
and every few weeks or' months , it re
ceives a new coating.
The heat of the earth is caused by light
impinging upon the earth's substances
ami its friction through the atmosphere ,
that is , it wo accept the "Newtonian1' '
theory of light. If , however , the theory
of "undulation" is believed , then heat is
caused In substantially the snmo way by
the action of these rapid waves or undu
lations , for in no case will heat bo found
till within the bounds of the atmosphere.
Onr carpet stock is large and well se
lected and is kept full by the arrival of
now , fresh goods. It comprises
Moquettes ,
Body Brussels ,
Tapestry ,
Ingrain , Etc.
Turcoman ,
Etc. Curtains made and hung. Carpets
made and laid by skilled workmen.
Wo are ofl'ering a line line ofVhito
Goods ,
Beautiful Embroidery ,
Dress Patterns ,
Summer Dress Goods ,
And invite customers to e\amincour
stock before purchasingoiscwhcre. Prices
reasonable and goods as icprcscnlcd.
We have lately introduced special bar
gain tables that comprise the best values
ollered in any market.
Good Luce nt Ac.
< ioutl Stamped Towels ul tOt * .
Fine beautiful- ! Mumped
Towel * nt l5c , hall * the price
asKcd elsewhere.
GCMM ! Hose , lOe.
Us'.i i tiKil Kan-ell Plaid I > rc.sK
4 > oodsa1 iifivpcr yard ; worlli c.
The best Corset , 75t * , usually
hold lor $1.35.
These arc a few of the many bargains
that can best he appreciated by personal
Daily watch this column for future
Broadway , Council Bluffs
Special mlveitlsenionts , such as Lost , Pound ,
To Loan , Tor Silo , To Kent , Wixnts. lioaidln : ; ,
etc. , will bo inserted In this lohimn at the loiv
ratoof TEN CENTS PEIt LlXn iortho Drst Ins-er
ttonand KlvoCnts 1'crl.lnoforeacli r-ubso niont
Insertion. IXMIVO udvoili-oments at our olllcu ,
No. 12 I'eal street , near Uiondway , Council
WANTED llyjmiulst a man to take euro
ot driving tcnin , and to do choirx. Must
thoiouirlily undcrMaml the euro ot hordes ,
uarncaiOB nnd buuKios and bo veil recommend
ed. .Addrnss X , Iloo ollico , Council lllutfr , Iowa.
FOR SAI < K Two Iots2" leet lioin N.V. . U'y
track , suitable for wureliousn or laetory
purposes. K. I , . Bhcnlo , S)3 Ilrondway.
" 171OR BAM ; Union avenue hotel piopeity.
X1 SpocialharKaln. U. UShoulo , WJ ) Dioadivay.
T71OU SALE Old nipera. In quantities to suit ,
X' at Iloo offlco No. 12 1'oarl strout ,
OR SALE OR TUADII-Stock of millinery
and fancy notions. All new Cine 1 loca
tion. Pftlos * 1,000 ! ! a year. O , lleo. Count !
DluffH , Iowa.
I have a quantity of Round , well cleaned BOO 4
nulcli lolTerat reasonable HIIICB. Scud of the
crop of U8V. Correspondence solicited. F. G ,
lUJTUIR , Pchaller. Town. 0. & N , W. Uy.
liorxos and Mules kept constantly on hiiud
for fiilo nt ictiill or In car loads.
Orduip promdtly tilled by conduct onshoit
notice. Block bold on commie-ion.
SIIMJTHIt A ; IIOI.KV , 1'ropiluors.
Stable Coiner Filth Avenue and t'ourlh Ht
Council liiulTa lawn. _
Unnufacturcrsof all slzoiof
Automatic Engines
Especially Designed for Running
Tubular and Locomotive
New Massillon Threshon.
Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branch
510 Pearl St. , Council JMufft.
! UY
IMuMMitMl In 1877.
! 2OOOO VuliUlr Annually. Send for 4'aluloguf , PrltT * , Freight
and Testimonials.
W. IP.
Hrlck h.illillim nnv Mml ritl cM or moved nail satisfaction jrunrnnteod. I'lntni1 IIOUBCS moved
nLUlleaiaat trUoUa tlie bait In tlin w > rll.
803 Eighth Avemu nuJ Eighth Stt-rtot , Council Blufls.
< >
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Dealers in Milch Cows.
No 503 and 5DO E. Hroailway.Counoil Nfl's
1'iactiuM in State and Federal Com
Hooins 7 and 8 , jjhiiKiut Ulocls.
aoon * XVSK i.
Having miulo extensive 1m-
rovoniL-iila nnd IntTcuscil
ncllitles wo wish to cull cspo-
id uttfMitlon to tin * woilc now
licinjr tiirno 1 out by us. claim
ing It to bo equal to tluit of
nny riiKtcrn laundry.
In oulor to Introduce our
woik oulblrto Ma cilj of Coun
cil II will upon leo'-lpt
of this tlcki't. nccmnpnnlutl by
inturnio9t'iirG.IjH.iiiuliy | Six Ool-
hinor ( JutTs Fltisn , tor either
Indies or gcntlomcu
Home Steal Laundry
I5rondwiy. Council
N , II. Out ot town orders uhen prompt at-
ontion. Wo pny ictuin dunces on all uoilc 10
CM'dwhcn iiccnmlodpan by cnsh In payment
nlull amount.
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Xo. it 14 IS roadway.
InoidcrtorstiiblUhm * . leputiillon In Council
IllaDe far line woik , I will KORTKi ; I'lll'SHNT ,
dnull oiiltlirjtllllnxatid miiKlim-as cheap us It
Is dotiii elsewhere. I.udles nurd tmvo no four of
misfits an my experience ifuniantees perfect
C'lioicc Oih-ihiy of Inlcit ! J'al-
* , Ail
Council Bluffs
In liiiyliifir tlio Following Property In
tlio next thirty il.iy.s :
Lot 5 , Illock : i. I Lot in , Illock 18.
Lot 1Itlnc ) . U. | Iot 4 , Illock L'l.
uvi'.itnrrs ADDITION.
Lot r. , Illo.k ' ! . I Lot , Itluvlc 1 J.
l.ol < . ' , Illock T. I l.'il I ) , Illotli Ul.
JX > t 4 , IIIOCK 'J. | JxH r > , Illock M ,
Lot - , Illock ( , ll.i ) ls' ! Addition.
T.iU pio-ieil ) i.lll lie t-old ut n Krcat cnci Idee ,
an1 cnteipnsln : ; will , no doubt aruil Ilieni-
selves of uiaio opportunity to make money.
Appl ) to FRANK COOK ,
Room 7 , SUutrnrt lllocl : , Council llhiire , Iowa ,
Cliiini , ( tlassvvnro ami Lamps ,
W S. Homur & Co. ,
No. 23 , Muiu .St.Comi'il Jllulft , hi.
1 have the largos' ' ; nml most com
plete line of
In the city. I nm closing out
You will litiil all the latest novelties in
hats , boniiPls , flowers , plumes , tips , ribbons
bens , rrauyu crapes and other styles of
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Rest of IJivr ovnr ofl'crcil. Cnll
and buc them.
No. ! K8 liroailwny , Council UlufTs.
Creston House ,
The only hotel In Council Dlutrs lmIng
Fire Esoa/pe
And nil modern lmpro\cnients.
215 , ! . ' 17 nnd 210 Jlitin hi.
MAX JIOI1N , Prop.
j. W. ToM.Rr.i , Pie . T. J. KVANS , Vice-Pros.
JAMES N. Uiiotv.Sjt'iuhlor.
CouncifBlnfs Natiooa !
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 200,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do n general banking businiij.
Accounts ol Imiiki. bunkom , merchants , mim-
ulacturnraund luJlrlduala received on favora
ble lei ins.
Domcstloiind forolsn ejcrhuu'fa.
Tho\cry host of iittontlon Klvon to all Inisl
iiCES committed to our nru ,
Grown ami Kdectcil from .Miisculln
Seed by
J. R. McPherson ,
Grower anil UGH lor In
M : tM.A.vrs ,
Council UlulFH. Iowa.
R. RICJE , M. D.
or othur turn ira romorod wlibout
, ho kfo , | or Jr , wlllj ot biri |
CHRONIC DISEASES or uu u , , , , . specMtr
Ovcrthlity jears1 priut.nul expor
he , H I'curl nti net , Con IK II Uluiji
.Kins- I