Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Lard A trlUc better ! lYCSlcrn fine , 8C.KX3
'lliittcr Q'llct ' ; creamery , IGc.
iBChcesc atcady but quiet ; western flata ,
Clnclnnntl , May 25. Wheat Easy ; No.
2 rc < 1 , MJ8I ( %
Corn Easier ; No. 3 mixed , CC' .
Oats Heavier at 27e.
Kyn Firm ; No. 2 , OXgTOc.
Pork- Dull nt SWA ) .
Whisky-Quiet nt 81.10.
MlUvnnkcc , Mav ST. . Wheat Weaker ;
cash , 75c ; Juno. T.WC ; August , 77c.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 , 35J < c.
Oats Lower .
Jlyo Weaker nt TAMc.
Jlarley-1 Uglier ; No. B , -IC.
Provisions Steady ; mess pork , June ,
'Kerolpts-Wheat , 51.000bu ; flour , BBObbK
Shipments-Wheat , 27,000 bu ; Hour. 17XX ( )
In , store-Wheat , 1,257,153 bu. At St Paul ,
nn „ „ ,
jju <
Bt , IJOMII , May 25. Wheat-Weak and
ewer ; No. 2 icd , cash , 7fiJe ; .Inly , 70v.
Corn Kasy and lower ; No. 2 mixed , cash ,
. 2 mixed , cash ,
July , 2'Ke bid.
live Firm at ( Vic.
Wliiskv si.10.
Pork Easy at
Lard-85.r,7X < & > .75. , . , .
Uuticr Steady ; creamery. 14@t5c. .
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Kasy and tflfl
? c lower. Corn-Steady. Oats Easy ; un
changed to J/u lower. , ,
Ijlvrrpool , May 25. Whcat-In fair do-
Jiiaud : now No. 2 winter , 7s eld , steady ;
spring , 7s Id. steady.
Flour In fair demand at 8s 2d.
Com In Rood di'iiiaud for spot ; fair de
mand for fuluie ; Way , 4s ; June and July
steady nt 4s UU. , }
Toloilo , May 25-Whcat-Easy ; cash ,
Corn Firm ; cash , 3Sc.
Onto Neglected.
KntiHitH CHy , May 25. Wheat-Lower ;
No. a red , cash. W.e bid , 57.J.c asked ;
Jmie , 55J < c bid , 55 ; < c asked.
Corn-ljulet ; No. a cash , June ,
2C < e bid. } Jfc asked.
Oats No quotation .
New OrlcniiH , May 25.-Corn Very
linn and lioldt-19 asking lilirher rates ; mixed ,
4Gc ; yellow , isn ; white , . ' .
Oats Quiet and linn : choice western n'.to.
Coriimeal Moilciately active and holier at
Lnul-Itcllnud tierce , S5.50.
Hulk Mcats-ShouldeH , S4.10 ; loin ? clear
iiiulcleai lib , W.iaj < f.
Chicago , May 25. The Drovers' Journal
reports : ,
Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; market weak and
15c lower ; shwplng hteeiu , S.VJj&M.i'fl ;
stockeis and feedem , S2.Mif ) ( .fiO ; cow 8 , bu H
nml mixed , S1.7fi@UX ) : hulk , S2.liW.a ( : ) ;
thoioug hbicd cnttlu , 20 ( 25u lower at WKV2
O.0. ,
HojjR jtcoelpts , 21,000 : inaiknt opened S ®
] 0c hlL'hcr anil closed with the advance lost :
rou li and mixed. S.bO@-l.'JO : ! : parkinc iind
. . .
Sbeeii Receipts. n.HOO : market blow and
weak ; natives , SU.OO@H.75. IBld
Ht. Louis , Miy : 25. Cattle Hcccljts ,
l.bOO : slilpiucnts. 1,200 ; t'cneial market 10 ®
15c lower on common medium ; cholco
. . . . .Cders , SH.50 ® I
llogs-IU-ocijits , 5,000 ; shipments , 2,000 :
active , 5 to lOc hiclier ; butchers' and selected
lipavv , S4.15it-l.0ol common to gook packing ,
City , May 25. Cattle llocclpts ,
2MX , ) ; shiimieuLsl,4K ( ) : miuketpak.slow and
lOc lower ; choice to fancy. $5.10 : ; com
mon to good S4.00c550.stockeifiildlcuders ; : , : : ; cow a , sa.noei .75.
JloK-j-lliwipts 12.KX ) ; .shipments , n.OOO ;
actl\uanil&ciighprcoininon ) ; toclioiceSi. : 1009
Tuesday ti > cnlni ; , May 25.
CATIM : Tlioreci'lptsof cattle wi'io lu'av-
lerto-day than yesti'iday , anil a Kiuatcr niiiii
ber clianci-d hnnilH , tbuuuli tlm maikut could
not bi ) called active. Tbo uiita\iiibU ) : < reports -
ports Iroiu rasti'in nmrkcts liada ( U'lucssinic
ctfcct upon the mmliPt licrc , and wlilio sales
ncromailoat very yciterd.iy's jirlccs ,
the market was wcaki-r.
JlouH Tlio ri'i'iMpts WLMO MlRhtly heavier
than oncstciday. . Tlio maikct opened
strong and at an advance , but closed about
htcady with jciti'iday.
HIIKKITlieio In notliliiR doing In the
niaikct and ijuotatlons aieoniy nominal.
Cattle . 700
Heirs . U >
Sheep . mill' . : ! W
I'rovnllliiK 1'floos.
Sliowlut : prevailing prices paid for ll\o
ttook ou tlii.maikct. .
Clioici ) Muuit. , 15..0 ! . to IKOO His . 54TOJ5..TO
Choli-o hti'i-ix 1100 to l001bs ! ! . 4.COW5.-JO
ill-ilium Mi'i-i. . , liW lo 1I1CO HH . i.Wfib-UO
KatllttU'hteeis 10-.0tu IJ.Wlus . . . 4.50 ® 1.70
( ioodU'oilei.s , lee to 1000 lin . : i.i ( i(4.oo
( lood to t-holeu cows and hellers. . . aflOW-l.oa
fair to medium cows and hcUcis. . : i.00@t.75 :
Oooil to choiro bulls . 8.70CW.85
Medium bull- . . 2.40@iCO !
( iood to cholcu sta s . 4.03D4.75
Mi-ilium st.i s . : i.ooi.75 ( : )
Choiio liuhtand medium hoj . 3.'i ( : i.70
( iood to cliolpo heavy bo s . n.Wi'rfii.OO
( Jood tocholi-umlxi'd bo s . ! i.OO@i.G5 :
Common ioiiih tsnidos . : i.40iit.50 :
Cholco to extra sheep
Kcpi'Uiioniutivo Salc.-H.
No.o. . Ay. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
o. . 54.00 20. . . . .la-is S4b. "
! W7 10. . . 4.K5
15. .1100 l75 ! W. . . 5.00
.1111 I.N )
i n jns ; *
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5M.OO 8 1)03 ) S4.S5
rT MIXKI * .
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr.
$ : } .m : i 14SJ
cow P.
No.l. . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
l. .110 ! ? : \.y \ > 4 1212 54.00
1. .ll'M Si.oo
No. Av. Pr.
1. , .1550 Sb.'i- >
No. Av. Pr. No.OS. . Av. T'r.
Co ! : OS. , ,2fil S3.-0
71 217 M. . .274 3.70
f,7 2Ui il.70 MJ ' 'b7 3.70
74 24' ! 1.70 77 211
cu uou ; ) . -o
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 240 St.oo : ; t Si.-i5 :
: > . . . , . . 100 : i.2 > 5 IMS .so
ol' I'rlcos.
Showing thu highest and lowest prices paid
lor live stock on tills market during thu past
beven days , with comparative values :
Apill May.
Tiicsdav ,
8.7S ( < iitO : 3.75 ( Ul.S2Vi :
Thin sday 3.75 ( fi3.W 8.fiO (118.75
Frlduv '
.Satiiutay 3.70' & $ . & >
Monday H.fiO (38.70 (
Tnesilav 8.05 Q3.72U
All sales of stoelvt * : tluS market are made
oerewt. ll\e , wi-iuht unless otlun wise stated.
Dead hogs wll at Kc I > or lb lor all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs wci hlm : loss than 100 Ibs ,
no\alm . Pregnant : > owtiaio decked 41) ) Ibs
mid stags bO Jbs ,
II. Lewis , Genoa , sold a load of ho0-s.
J. W. Jones , Aurora , marketed a load of
1) ) . S. llllss , Waterloo , marketed a load of
1 > . Kilkenny , Council muffs , maiUctcd a
loud of lie b.
Martin * Miller , Barneston , dlsiwsed of a
load of hog * .
W. Hays , Valparaiso , had a load of 70 hogs
on the market.
W. l > . Naili , Kearney , came In to-day with
two loads of hogs.
Mclsner & Taylor , Shclton , had a load of
bogs on the market
The Osceola llancli Co. had 231 head ot
bliccp on the market.
biK'ltzA Co. , Hrnlnard , were on thcmarkct
wilhn load of nog" .
W. .M. Hccht , Keaincy , had 102 head of
sheep in the market.
llaiinon fe Uoynolds Fremont , had a load
Snellit A. , Aililand , dhiMsedof n load of
IIOKS on to-day's market.
Tlm Hand Urcek Land and Cattle Co. had 67
head of catllo nt the yards.
J. .M. Chadwlck. Central City , had a load
S3 hots ; on tu-day's market.
( ! eo. II.Vnricn At Co. , ( Jrafton , sold two
loads of lings on to-d.iy's maiket.
\V , M. Harbour , Manlcy , was at the yards
lo lay with .18 head of good corn-fed eattlu.
Klfty-oiio head of cattle belonging to F , W.
Coills Were hioucht In to-day and weighed
np to Tiemaln itTremaln.
Mr. Ui\ett , of Ithctt .t Hales Lincoln ,
was at the j aiils to-day wllh a loiut of ho s.
Mr. Itlvett was alto looking alter some
Mr. A. C. Hoflch was at the yaids to-day
with W ) head of catllo Ix-longlng to the
1'iontler Land and Catllo eomp.inv of Her
man , I'lii ; eattlc found a icady maikct.
Mr. Cleaver eame In to day with a load of
cattle bi'loniliK to .M. Hiitlon irom Council
Hlulfs. The last time Mr. U. was at the yards
his name was erroneously reported as Cfea\e-
land , but he docs not wish that fact to be
taken na an Indicator of his political com
Ooiioral 'Markets ,
Tuesday K\unliiz , May5S.
Tods The market was weak to-day at
I ) uiTKit The receipts are heavy and tno
demand trout the loeal tiadecoiiespondiiicly
light. Only stilctly eholco , nnllorm pack
ages will hrinir outside iiintatlons. | Tlio sale
for even the \eiy best grades Is limited and
commission men are compelled to dispose of
the giealer p.irt as best they can. While the
leceipts are so liberal tin1 trade iserv paitic-
ular nnd will only take the best , so that eaie
should be taken In hnnitlini ; It and packing
tor shipment Them Isery little demand
forcieamery. Choice table butler , 10 l2Ji ;
lair to good , Gits-e ; infcrioi. 4fe5e ; creamery ,
CIMISI : : : Fancy full cream clieddius ,
new make , lie ; lints , 1'Jc : young
Ameilea , 12'jfe ; liist quality Swiss eheet-o
15e ; second quality , l-'j ( 14e , Limbuigcr ,
IHffilL'e ; skim Hats , iKlilOc.
Potii.'riiY The receipts of old fowls are
llbcial and the demand fiililv good. Huck
sters anil faimeis are bringing In a good
many which they aie selling at low llgnins
and which weaken the market for tlie com
mission houses. Kxtia lancy stock may go a
little abo\e the quotations but It will not do
lor shippers to anticipate mine than the quo
tations. Afowspilng chickens lia\e been
received but not enough harldy to make a
maiKct. Old towls , ner ilo/i'ii . 3.00 ( < 18.60 ;
sming chickens pel do/en , 83.50 g-J.ou.
rnisKiivis : : , , lii.ius : : , iic. : Preserves , all
kinds , 2Mb. ( pails peril ) . lOe ; do In pail
lots , per lb. UJ e : assotted.Vlb. pails per ciate ,
( i pails , S3.75. Jellies , all kinds , lirst grade ,
20-lb. palls , per lb. be ; nssoi ted , first giade ,
Mb. palls , per crale , 0 palls , 82.50 ; do
1-lb. palls , pet case , 2 do82.25 ; do , tumb
lers , per case , 2 do81.40. . Jelly , all kinds ,
second giade , I0-lb. ! palls , per lb. 5c.
PHIS' * IIT. : TIIII-I : , Ere I'igs1 teet , perj.j
bbl , S4.00 : do , . . bbl. M.OO ; do. per kit'JOc.
Lambs' tongues , per 't , bbl , § 3.25 ; do. per
kit , 2.50 ; do. quart jais per do85.25 ; do ,
pint iais per ease , 2 do50.75. . Tripe , per H
bbl $4.00 ; do , per # ubl , SJ.OO ; do , per kit
WC. )
WC.UOMD HO.VBY Calltornm , I5 > ; stiained ,
lOc ; Nebraska. If'c. : Uilcks , pcrlb , l2Ke ; pen
ny eakes , per lb. , 15c.
OitANdKs The ai rivals arc moio liberal
but the maiket is linn , l.os Angeles aio
quick sain at § 4.00.
Ciini'.iMi's A few cheriies h.ivo been re-
ui'heil.iind aiucommmiding fair prices when
in good shape. Southern cheriies , per stand ,
S10.00 ; do. per draw crot IS qts , S.i.50. Call-
foinla , iierbox , $2.50.
SiiiAwiiiniins : The maiket Is well sup-
iilied willi Mlssouil and .southern Illinois
bellies and prices rule low. Two bushel
stands where a little soft , being sold at us
low as and 24 qt cases at S2.00. Best
selections however sell at much larger prices.
Fancy Wilsons In good shipping condition
aie quotable at SS.OO per stand or S.00@i : : 50
per 24 qt case. Shaiplcns nnd other extia line
varieties hi Ing as high as S'.UK ) , per stand or
54.00 ner 21 ot. case.
LKMONS The market isery stiong. With
continued waun weather much higher pi ices
may be anticipated. Uepoils fiom Now Yoik
this morning show an advance of
50 to 75 cents per box. Our maiket
is as yet piopoillonate'y ' low and
stocks In hands ot jobbers lighter than
i > \er neloie at this season ot the jear. Fancy
Messina , per bo\-S7.00(2,7.0 ( ; good per box ,
HANANAS Yellow Asplnwal's , S3.00iJ (
Sl.50l'ed ; Uaraccoa , S2.5U&3H.50.
1) VKAXAS A car of fancy Asplnwall and
Uud Ilaraccoa is oxpi-cted tills week. Yellow
Asplnwalls , S3.00@1.50 ; Hed Haraccoa , S2.50
"PINK Arpi.Ki Per do/ ,
CiiANBUiiniES Themis M-ry llttlu demand
and tl'cro is not inucli stock being sold.
Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best
they Mill. Quotations are 8r .50@.00 per bbl.
Jersey are sellinc at S2.00 per bush box.
CocoA.vins Per 100 , 85.00 ; less than 100 ,
55.50 :
NKW FIGS , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 8 and
10-lh boxes , per lb , lOc. Dates , lancy Fard ,
12-lb lHxcs , per lb , lie ; Pur-dan , 50-lb boxes ,
perlb , lOc. Prunelles. UO-lb boxes , per lb ,
PnovisioNH Ham. JOc ; nreakfast ba
con b@SUcclearsidebacon,7fffi7Kc ; diy sail
bides , il G c ; shoit rib sides , oVc : shoulders.
5c ; mess pork. 812.50 per bbl : dried beef , ham
pieces , 14c ; laid , tierces , flh'c ; 50 lb cans , 7e ;
70 lb cans ( Falibanks ) , 74'e * ; 5 lb cans , do ,
\J-- ; . 3 lb cans , do. , 7ic ! ; bonuless ham. lOc.
r.w N EonrAiii.KsCalitornia cabbasc ,
per Ib.HKc ; eaiilillower , per doS3.00 ; eel
cry , per do * , Sl.50 ; asparagus , per
do/on bunches , J5@ " > 0c ; spinach , per
bbl , S2.00 ; green onions. per do/
40u ; radishes , tier do.SOyMOc : lettuce , per
doz. 40c ; plitplant. per lb , 2u ; per
busli box , 75e ; Jf-bush box , S'.00 ; cuciim-
bers , Sl.'i'iO l.W ) per doz ; Hermuda onions ,
per box , 83.50 ; Uermnda tomatoes , tier box ,
S'.00 ; stiing beans per Ji-busli bov , 82.00.
iK-rlb , He ; p.usnlps , per lb , He ; turnips , per
Ib,2e ; potatoes , 3c ; onions. 4e : beets , Jtc.
BKA.VH The supply is liberal and the mar
ket Is dull. A good many California be.uis
weroreceived while the freight lates weie
down , and art ) being ottered at u-iy low
prices which keens down the prices of homegrown
grown stock. Interior stocks , 75e ( < 81.00 ; good
clean country. Sl.tiVffllW ) ; medium hand
picked , Sl.wai,40 : ; hand-picked navi , 81.10
l.CO.PoTATor.s The maiket Is In a very un
hatlbfactoiy condition and thu nialoritv ol
dealers do not caie to handle any potatoes a
the present time. As a general thing about
tills season ot the year they are not plenty
and command good prices , butthls yearthero
nrxappaicntly a good many more than usual
and tlm supply U in excels of thu demand
Theio is no s.doat all for car lots and It Ism
easy matter to gUo a quotation that wll
Milt all eases. Cholco slock has soM tins
week at 'Scents , while a few sale.sof alow
sacks of extra good stock liavo been made ai
iOc. New potatoes which aio being sbippci
In from the south and west and Salt Lake po
talocs , help to lessen the demand tor eli
stocu. Salt Lake potatoes aio quoted at . 'M
76c. One car load of poor Nebraska stock
w as bold to-day for 550.00 on track. Fielgh
chaiges on the same amounted to 845.00.
KI.OUII AND Miu.sTUrKS Winter whea I
nour. best quality patent , 83.00@a 10 ; secoui
Oiiality , 82.50@3.00 ; best quality sprint ,
wncat Hour , uatent S2.5oVi-j.75 ; bran , .V *
per owt ; chopped feed , Wo ) per cwt : whit
corn meal , We ; yellow coin meal , 70c per
ewt ; bcreenlnj , CDc per cwt ; hominy , Sl.Jl
l > erewt ; shorts , COcjHir cwt ; graham , S1.7i
liay. In bales , SC.O&27.00 per ton.
fiii AND SKih's-Jiir.S , eiich. 1040c ;
K , o " "i winter , SQU'o ; do. kits , lc : Otter.
t3.50rtJ5.00 ; skunk , short striped , 1505o : do.
broad'Btrlped. . 10Q15 ; badger. 25@50 ; llao
coon. Mo. 1 lanre. mKijc-O ; do. No. 3. iiMftX1 ;
do. No. a. lOuWio : wolf , nralrin &OC < a7w ;
do. mountain , VJ.OO@3.XJ ( ; wildcat , 1540 ; bua-
\er , S1.50iW.50 | K > r lb ; fox. each. 40e@1.75 :
deersklnu drv winter. UK'Sl'xj per lb ; do , fall
andsuiuiuer , 15 ( c : antuiopo. . "X IOo pel Hi
llniKs UrooiilnueluT * . OX ° : preen cured
7H ( < . v79icdry ; Hint , n iao : dry salt waioc :
damaged hide ? twwthlldd price. Tallow Sc.
O.-easo , ptlino w'alta ' Sfc : yellow , 2c ;
brown , U4c. Slieeu PeIts-2.Vu575e
Wool , Medium. 12 15opcr lb ; line heavy ,
lovJHc ; lialit. 12@i5c ; egaite , 10\12c ; hurry
w eel , ' 'C'V oil.
i Prime slaughter solo loatticr.
2&33c : prime oatc solo leather. aV33V ! %
jppcr leather , per foot , 20S2S2 ( ; hem.
Jcip,7fl < asric : oak kip , P. ' O.'ie ! French Kip ,
1.MC1.S ; hem. calf. Sl.uHfll.10 ; oak calf ,
1.00@l.a > ; French calf , S1.2.V 1.W ; Morocco
> oot lee , SOi/tS-io : Morocco oil pebble ,
oppingsand linlnes , S0.00tl0.oo ittrdo/ .
CoAt/-lowa , 53.25 ; Walnut block , $3. % :
lllnols , S4.75 ; Missouri , S4 00
HEAVY HAIIDWAIIK Iron , rales , S2.2. > ;
> low steel , special cast , Ic ! crucible steel , C3 ,
cast tools do , 12 lSc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
Sl.75Td3.00 : hubs , per set , 81.85 ; a felloes ,
awed dry , S1.40 ; longnes , each , 75c ; axles.
each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per lb. 7j611e ; cell
chain , per lb. ( Vi12c : malleabK figSe : Iron
.edges. Cc : crowbars Oc ; hai row teeth , 4c !
pilng steel , 7ilS : ; llunlcn's horseshoe' .
4.40 : Hnrden's miilo slioes , 85.40. Barbed
Wire , In car lof , § 4.00 per 100 Ibs. iron
Nails , lates , 10 to 00. 5-,00. ) Shot Sl.fiO :
meksliot , S1.W : oriental powder , kegs. S3.50
ft)4.00 ) : iio , half keis , saoo ; do , qimrter kec * .
Sl.f-0 ; blasting , Kccs , saM ; luso , per 100 feet ,
Ac. Lead Uar. S1.G. > .
I LUIl Vil , l\ , ii : ii\i , f.tiif. , n.i. OL..I , * v , ,
'n-nch ' zinc. InnniHh nsst , 0c : hrencli
zinc , 7"o : vcrinilllon. Aincrlciin. Ibc : Indlnn
roil. 10c ! rose jilnk , He : Venetian , red. Conk-
son's. 2 c ; Venetian , red" , American , 1 , e
nreil led. " } < c : cliromo yellow. Ki-niune , SOc :
chronic jcllow , K. Pic : ochre , lochcllo : tc. :
ochre , Hunch , 'JJ/c ; ochio , Anicncan , > ;
Winter's mineral , * Jfr : Lohti-li brown , UJ c ;
Stuuilsh brown.l < c : l'i luce's niincial , : * c.
lnv PAINTS Wlittc lead , bo : ,
12c : 1'arlsliltliic , 'J ) < e ; whltlnt : cllders ,
, roni'l. l ! o : Intnpblnck. ( Jer-
ii.intown. l-c : Intunblack. oiditiary. be :
I'nisslnn blue , f"tnllraniarlne ; ) ) Ifcnn -
lykc. brown. 8c : umber , burnt , 4c : nniber ,
raw. 4c : siutilm. burnt , c : .sienna. raw4c !
Parlscioen , cennlne. Me : ParN irret-n. coin-
noti , 'JUc ; cliromu Krocn , M. V. , 200 : rhiotne
rroen , K , P2c ; vrnulliion , lOii llsh , In oil ,
Oc ; raw and burnt limber. 1 lb. cans , l"c ;
lawand burnt slomu , I2u- Vandyke , brown.
Kic ; relinuil lampblack , l-e ; coach blacK ami
orlvy black , KV : drop black. Hie : Prussian
blue , -lOc ; nltraiimrlnu blue , IScluoino :
pri-rn. IM. . < fe I ) . . Klc : lillinl andstmttc
noon , Ij. , M. V I ) . , Ific ; Pails Rreen , IS
idian red , Pic ; Venetian n-d , Do ; 'I'lman
'Jo ; American \eiinllliou L. k U. . uoc
yellow ocliiP , ! V ; IM. . & O. I ) . , ISc ; ijodt-8
ichre , Hie ; pati-nt dryer , tic ; iriiiinlnc colors
lirht oak , dark oak , walnut , clicstnu t nil
ash. l"e.
DiiL'ns AND t'linMtrAi.M Aclil , carbolic ,
T-le ; aciil , tartitic , Kto : balsam copaiba , pin-
1) , 4r > c ; bark , .s.issatias , per II ) IGu : calomul.
wr lb , 7-.V ; chlncbonlili.i , per o0e ; chloio-
onn , pi-i lb , iVe ) ; Dovi-ii | iow dots , per lt > ,
Sl.'Jft ; I'psoni s.ilt.s , ucr Hi , il' e :
ilno , P. > t W. , and I { . A' S.fper nz , 8.V ; ; po-
assluiu loilido , per Hi , SiJ.OO ; salicln , per o/ ,
iOc ; stilplnitu iiiorphini1. per o/ , S-.IX ) ; siil-
iliur. uer ntu : atryclininu , per o31.40. . _
nil nioeeiles
VAKNISIU : * ilairels , ner Ration : r'urnl-
nre , e.\ti.i , Sl.lO ; nunltnre , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
roaeb , extra , Sl.-IO ; coacti , No. 1. 8130 ;
IJaniar , extra , 51.7S ; .lapan , 70o ; asiihaltum
\tra , OSc ; shellac , ; Imnl oil ilnlsh ,
r .
bi'iitiTs t'oloirnc spirits 18S ptoof , Sl.lS ;
lo lOlinoof , ? l.iij : hpil its , bucond quality ,
101 proot , St.l'J ! do , 1SS proof , 51.11. Aico-
! iol , 18S pioot , Vi.10 per wine gallon. Heills-
: II U-d whiskies , 1. 00(12) ( ) 1.50. ( Jin blended ,
Sl.WXW'J.OO ; Kenturkv bourbons , SJ.lWrjC.OO ( ;
Kentucky and IVimsyl\anIa ryes , S3.00ij. ' < i..VJ ;
'olden .Sheal bouillon and no whiskies ,
l.-'iOSK.OO. Urandii-s. imported , S5.00a8.r,0 ( , ;
lonipstic , S1.-'W@.00. ! (51ns , Imixirtod , S4.50
'dO.OO : domestic. S Lavas1 m. Uiims. im-
| ) . -HeilS4.r Ol's.oO ; New KtiRland. S1.75a3.00 ( ;
[ lomi'htic , Sl.i'ift.l.OO. Clinm ) > atnes , Import
ed , per eaM . WSOO I.OU ; Amciican , per
ease , S 10.00 10.00
Grocora * Lilat.
SYnur No. 70. aic , bbjs ; No. 70 , 4-jrallon
iecs. 81.0' > ; Now Orleans asgi'e per gallon ;
Maple "syrup , 3 ban el. strictly pure ,
TOc per sallon ; 1 gallon cans , SO.-iS per do/ ;
> ; gallon cans , S5.3jperdoz ; quart cans Sa.oo.
br.vnrii.Minor nloss , 1 lb , Ito ; .Mirror
ford' hbulk.4e. : Medium , In bbls. S.X50 ; do In
half bbls , S:5.'r : > : small. In bbls. Si5."iO ; do in
half b'ols. $ : i.7.i ; jtlieikins , in bbls , 37.SO ; do.
in hall bbls.S l.-5.
l > iuii : ) Fnoifh No. 1 qiiailer apples , in
uvauoruted bo\es,8Ci'Joblackberi ; ieu ho\es.8'4 '
feb r ; r'eaelies ' , i-.istern , l faMVc ; peaches
evaporated , I5 ( ! " 17c ; Salt Lake , new , 7 > < ©
Be ; laspbeirlcs. new. iH'SKJOc : currants. 72B@
7 ffc ; pi nnus , new , W&Kc.
boAPS-Kirks avon Imperial , S2. ' . . ! :
Klik'K satinet , SUB * KlikN staniluid , < j:5.o : : : ;
Kiik'H white lltisslan. SI.'W : Kiik'h Whltu
Cap , 3(1. ( : * ; Ooino. S4/J5 ; Washboard. S3.
OANiir.r.s Hoves , 40 In , Os , 10jc : Si , lUS/u ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oCs , 10 'c ; halt box , iiOlb ,
CANDY MI.\ed.o ; J8l2c : stick , OKiifltc.
DSAJ.T IJray loads , per bbl. Sl.M ; Ashton ,
In auks. $ : ! . . ; ' 4 backs , A&hton , We ; bbls ,
dahv , S-iXJ@ ( .7. " ) .
. SODA In lb papeis. $ ' ' > . - ' > a case ; salsoda ,
i. pyr j 'jiii y.
. icis : doiind-Ulick pepper , boxes , l
( fiHu ; allspi.-u , 12@llc ( : cinnamon , 18@iJc ;
clo\es , 15@i > c ; glng'T , i5@ioe ! ; mus > taru7l5 < ! fi
CKACKKIIS Galilean's soda , butter an
picnic , 5Jie ; creams , 8 } c ; ginger snap
b > sc ; city soda , 7i e.
TIAS Cunpowiler , fair , 00@ire : : good , 41
< E5"e : cholcu. iiO(5 ( > 75e ; good Imui-lial , 40 tt43 ;
clioiee , ( ! 070 ( ; * i oting Hj > on , good. : iii ) 4lic *
choice , 50 700 ; Oolong , good , JtidlOejOo-
long , clioiee.
Ii0ni40c ; choL.
@ 4"5c ; choice ,
. _
Tea Siftlncs. ISc.
CIDKH Nuw oik. poi bbl , $7.00 : do , iali |
bbl , Sl.CO ; Ciab. pordoqts , S''S ; .Mlchican
rellncd , per bbl. . SO.rx ) ; do. half bbl. JM.OO.
VISROAH W'dte wine , iaft Uo ; cider , If !
( < cl7e ; suiL'lu strenutb , 12c : trlpple stienutli ,
15' < iiJO\ ' .
FiMjCiT-llant , TUa : Cli.irm o.
the Wet t , ( We ; fountain , 70c : Golden Thread-
i < 7o ; KIIVOI ite , ) ! ; Buds , .We Itocky Mo un
tain.r 0c ; Funcy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; Noith Start
OR ; Good Luck. 550 ; Our llU'.t , 02 0 ; Good
Now , ftBe.
CANNID : ( Joons Oybtei.s. standard , per
case. S3..W ; strawbeiilus.'J lb. iiercase , Si7."i :
nispbeiiies , a-lb , per case , S'-vM ; Califoinia
pears , per case , 34,60 ; npricot , per case ,
{ f4.'XJ ; ptaclies , per case , S4.f 0 ; while eherrlas ,
pineapples , , . .
AlATniiKs-Per caddie , ' e ; lound , per
case. 81.00 ; square cases 51.70 ; mnlo sijuare ,
SI ' *
'A )
Coi'Fnns Onllnarv iirades , lOcifalr ,
lie ; prime , llJiQfl'-'e ; i-hoiep. IS'
fancy green and yellow , MK ( > t * , ' $ < ; old
20c : "
" ! .
SuoAi VowdeJcd.7 > io ; " cut loaf ,
craniilatcd. 7r" contectloueis A.OXc ; Mand-
ard extra C. OJ8'o ; axh.i 0 , Glcmedium \ yel
low , BJf@ < Vi
. lU'BlH'f ll'lsOrllblsPlskta
nan. KOO 100 W 60 40 | 12 10
Munn'sB'tNo.lL'b'JTooiTaTa ' 'Ml 8J1 H ) ! M Of
IVBoOlb'cd Fiiuoj 660US52 7 1 61,1 , 40 6.1 47
L'KO H'd tflj'iuj1cy A 60 it 2 1)7 ) 1 67J1 40 ] Kl t :
_ , . „ . inil KIf llbla'O'rllbls ' Palls or kits
KKK Her'ings 12 WO 405 003 30.3 70
KK Herrings. U 006 005 U3 02 60
b OOt W4 OUj-J 30t ; OJ
MEW nsu. wISMffi ! { * < rufflig3
IllonlorMcPS. 35 00 18 00 16 25'9 ' 05 T 30 1 05
Kx. No. 1 Bu'r. i4U12 ! 5011 SOS 306 10,1 , 40
No. 1 Shore. . . . | 00 W , 00 " 4 hOU 90 1 10
4 * ' * V > t * * * ' * -
o. 1. > . i w , nra aa-3 lO 83
* * llciV 11 00 6 00 6 453 OS8 DO "
T.nrgo ruinllf. U 00 5 00 4 65'2 ' 65 2 10
Fat " TOO ! tbO 3 K > ' 06 1 70
I'loo ' Wli3-iO'ri3lW ]
No. 1 While Klsu 0 00 5 40,3 , SO 2 70. tt !
Family " 30070'l ' 70,1 , 50 Ml
Na 1 Trout. . . . , J 753 3 3 17 I N ) 65
No. I Pickurul S 00 1 JO I U ) I 10 44
Holland hen Ing , b5e ; smoked
Yarmouth bloatcii < ,0oc ! new sealed
Dry Gootla.
PIIINTS American , 5H ; Arnold's. Cc : Co
checo , Cc ; Manclicster , Oc ; Lyman , 5c ; tilou
center , % c ; Duuut'll Jacijuard , Cc : Duuuvll
Windsor. Cq : Pacific Cc : Harmon
Anchor hlrtlncs , 4'c ; Meiiimac ,
Hl.F.AciiKP COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
'iot'aboi. ' ; o' < c ; llhnctrc ; Hill ! , 7''c ' ;
llll , K , o 4c ; LonsflaW , bo ; rriilt , Sc ; Wain-
uttn , lO'ic
Uomr.T Jr.AK < - KrRr , < ! nrie , 7c ; Atmorv ,
c * Pcpiwrcll. "XcIndian ; Orchard , Oc ;
S'aumXeag , 7c. .
Dfcic ( t'nblcachcd ) 8 oz. Macnolla ,
lOc s 0 oz. Magnolia , 12c : SoWcstl'olnt ,
lOH'c'.lO o West Point , 12 c
13iio\r.N COTTON Lawicnco LL , CciSlinw-
nnt , LL. 5c : UoavrV Dam I.h , 6c ; At antic
A , , t > c\ \ Indian Head. 7c ; Wanchus ut , n 'c ;
Crown XXX. 0 tc ; Clifton CCC , Oc ; Ullca
T 4'ic ! Atlantic .P , * > Xc.
CIIKVIOTS Anioskcaif , checksO' c ; Amov
teas , stripe" , s' ' c ! Sinter , stripes , tnKilln ; -
iiiro , OUc ; Wlilttcnilon. stripes , be ; ( ilen-
< > * r , PC : Otis , checks O' c ; Otis stripes , "c ;
lo > al , G { c : Aiiioskeag , napped , lOJfc ! Ln-
ray , book fold , 12c : Ohcion , book fold , llfo ) ;
"ndiirance , book fold , 12e ,
TICKIXIIS Amoskcag ACA 12U'c : Thorn-
Ijkis OOO , 7e ; 'I horndyke fanrv , It' ' c ;
York , 10' < c : York fancy , 12J < c ! Mllbiiry ,
JU'e ; Pcail Hl\er , ll 'c ; Hamilton , We ;
Swift Itlvcr. 0 4'eShetucketS. ; s'acSlictnck- ;
pl SS , t'Ket Montauk AA , 12c ; Montauk 1JH ,
le ; Omeg A'aA ( , llio ,
DII.NIMS Ueaxcr Cieek AA , lie ; Reaver
Creek I'H.lOa ; Heaver Creek CC , t'c ' ; JalTiey
\X , lie ; Jallrey XXX , 12o ; Jaffrey 1 > \ T ,
1'ic : Columbian , 12 o'c : YorkWe : York ,
'a'ncy , inj } e. : Kteictt , 1'te ; Haymakers blue
mid brown , 7Kc.
DUCK ( colored ) Hoston ! ) oz. blown and
irab.lliKe ; Hoston O 11 blown and drab ,
V : Hoston XX brown and drab , lOc : Hoston
XXX brown and drab , IlUc ; Hoston O P
e , lljfc ! Waircn Tricot. If.c.
Dry Ijaiubor.
no A itns.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Wand 10 ft S17.00
* o.2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 tt 15.00
' 0.3 " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.00
0.4 " " 12,14 and 10 it 11.00
iv. 1 , 4&Q Inch , 12and 14feet , rough..Sift.- "
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 feet , ronsli 17.0) )
> lo.2 , 40 Inch , 12and 14 feet , lon-li. . 14.00
No. 2 , 4 & flinch. 10 teattough 15.00
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft'lS ' ft 20 ft 22 ft 34 ft
2l4 ' .m 15
. . . . . . ' . . . . ' . . 15.1M 16.H 17.0J IM.OJ.Sl.W
2x8 | 15.Wir.G015.V110.r ) > 0 17..fiO ll'.r/RUiV )
ixiii. 'ir ' . . ' , n ir , no ir.w in. i 17.50 * o.v)3i..riO )
: \IS lli.M ) 15 ta 15.50 IO.W ) 17.00LM.fiO 21.W
ll-S.xS 15.fi01.V50 155Ulti.iXn.uO,18.5lIU. ) ) | . ' > l
flinch , white pine $ .V > .09
to Inch , " " 31.00
30 Inch , " " 29.50
I ) cinch , " " 2050
K Olnch. " " 17.5. )
STOCK no vims.
A. 12Inch , sis 12 , Hand lb icet 54000
42 03
SO 00
\o. 1 Com. J2 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft. , is 00
No. 1 " " " 10 , lb and 20 ft. lb ( K )
No.3 " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. 1000
amp I.A.P.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch S17.50
Vo. U , Plain , b and 10 inch 15.50
No. 1,0. (5 1V.CO
* A * frjtniidaul 82.05
5 Inch , clear , S1.5" ) ; 0 Inch , eleai 1.05
No. 1 1.2'
Lath 2.25
ItAVIIl Cost $ r H.OOO.
The contract for the- erection of thoMc-
i.avouk building , a sK'-stor.v brick , to be
jnilt on Ninth : iml Leavenwortli .streets ,
ivas awarded Manila' ' } * , b.y JMr.V. . J.
MuCiiivock to .lolinsoiu Plielps te Co. , to
> e eonipletud befcfre Oct. 1. The pro-
) osed warehouse will be the larjrcst and
uost siibsluitiil : : in the city and will cost
t")8,000. ,
Railway Time Table
Tno following Is thy tliuo of arrival and da-
partuicor trnlna by Central Stundnrd time nt
tliu loonl depots. TnilnB 6f tlio C. . St. P. , M. &
O. nrrlvo und depart from ihclr doimt. corner
nt lltli 1111,1 Webster ttroots ; tr.Umou tlio II. ie
M. , C. , I ) . & Q. nnd Iv. C. , St. J. A C. II. from the
D. cM. depot : nil others from the Union 1'aclQo
llrldffo truln < WH lonvo tr. 1 * . depot at 0 : 5
H7:3.-8Oi : : ) 8MO 8M : II 10:03 : llmi a. m. . U
1OC : 1SO 1:50 : ! :00-'l:00 : : U 4:00 5tfJ : 5J )
'Lcnvotrnnsfcrlor Omahn at 7:13 : 15 fll5 : 9:30 :
IMS 'l ' 10a'i 10'l7 : 11 : IT a. ra. : IlSl * 2:13
. .61. . "
- 1. "I ) * '
'sjjKCTNa , Mjfs :
Arrival : ini don.uturo ot tialns from the
lian-fcrdDj ol nt Council BlulFs :
B 7:15 : A. M I M.'J ! ? A.4.
CU:40i' : . M I " 7:00 : p. M
I-.8.15A. M I 1)0:15 : A. M
U i:4Ui' ! : . M I It i:01i : > . M
cuicvoo , nuiiMNino.v i QUINCV.
A . : rA. M i Auslb * . M
P 0:10 p. M liOriOi-
. | A 7uO : 1M
11 nil'i A. i I ! : ! " * * !
0:4)1M : I It 7:0.1 : p. M
A 1(1:00 ( : A. .M I i > o.r : > A. M
C 8:55 : 1M I A 0:3,1 : 1' . M
A 3:00 : p. M I A 3 : . p. M
A 7:0' : A. M I A 9:35 : A. M
A C:23 : P. M _ I _ A ti5) ! P. M
Uciiurt. J _ _ _ tVKSTNVAHU Ariive
A. Mir 1 u. I UNION 1'AOIr'IC. A. M. i Iu
- . . . .I'HcllicKxpnus. 7:50al
. . . .JJonvor rixpross. . .
O. * Jlii' ; . VAU.BY.
"UOa .Mall and 1:45a :
H. It M. IN NEH.
E:10u : .Mull nnd Kxpi 039. 6:40.1 :
A. v. | . 1 P. M.
llilOf par Express 0Vd :
9:10b : . .MtflitKxpross. . . . flOJa ;
l J , & c. n.
8:20a : | 84rib.Viij ! | I'lntthinoulh. 7:01 : 7:10 :
Dcpnrt. NOUTHWAHU. Arrlvo.
A. M. IM. . l 0. ST. P. . M. & O. A. M. 11M. . "
k6n : | ' Hloux City Hxpress | 5:153 :
l fi4.-K ; ! Oakland Accomuiod'iijO Oa
I3cpart. * _ KASTNVAIID.A"vi ?
1i . r. i. i , C. II. & O. I A. M. i I-'M.
0 0 0:10 : . . .Via I'lntisinou h. . . . OU : ) ' 7 1)
Will leave u. P. tlnnot. Otnabn , nt 0:10 : 3:15-
10:45 : 10:5Tia. : in. ; JilO-lf ! : > 0 "Wip. in.
lxs vo8took Vnrds forOinahn at 7:55 : 10:2J : i.
13:01-1:2' : : f-5:07-0:05 : : p. ra.
NOTF.-A trains datlIl.dalliroxcopt ; Sunday :
0 dally except Baturdar ; D. dally exceut Mon
day ,
Tlio Hillard ,
8. Shears , J. E. Markcl.ThQB. Bwobe , Proprlotcr *
Omuhu , Nebraska.
Job t
CO. ,
Job Printers , Booi Binders ,
And IllanU HookMiijiufa'clurors. 100-10S South
l'oiitci | > Utl |
* - t
Hour andFeed.
& CO. ,
Wholesale.Flour . , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers < f W1 , J. tVclfhnn8 fcCo.'g Quick
Italslntf lluckwli-at tkiur And proprietors Omana
City Mills , cor. bill und rjirniim - btroeu , Omaha.
Lather , Hides , ttc.
oifAN iiuoiC ;
Baddlcrj- und bloo Flndliiim , Hides , Wool , Fura ,
Pells , OiciUB. TiOlow. Utc. , Omahnjs , oU _
1 Confectionery.
K P. FAY i CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211
Farnum St. , OUialm , Neb.
Beer ,
Agent for Aiheaser-Bu-sh Brewing Ass'n
Special bruads Fuust , Uudwelecr , Krlungcr
Cor.9tbfad Capitol A-o , , itiabo.
Book Binding , Etc ,
CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And IllMik HooVc Mnniifnctuirr * . Noo. 106 and
_ 108 Poutli 14th StitJCt. Umiihu , Neb. _
Pile Driving ,
lltiKliicers nml Coutrnctors.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
roil Combination ntul llowo Turn Itrldgix ,
Illnir nml Onk Timber. 15th St. , near Knrnam.
Telephone No 7 ; . H
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nnd Ammunition. 215 to 223 South 11th
fchcct , lO.'Oto UUt Fiirnnm blicct , Uiniihn , Nub.
iMl.ll-OCEAN ClO VII F "iCTOllV.
WI5ST A. ritlTfCHBIl.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And " Wholesale Doulon In Leaf Tolmecos. Nos.
" " _ jl'"l11 ( ) * ' l < 11' Sired , Omnlia Ni'b.
vrocKcry ,
" ' " *
W. I * WHiaHT ,
Agent for Iho Manufacturers and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
l.nmpi , Chlintif } ; . Kti1. nnii-r , 317 Houth nth
Mud. Oimiho , Nib.
ApcntH fo K. A. Whltm-y Curilnpo Co.
Children's ' Carriages ,
And Jewell's Cell-Inatcd Itofi I3cr.uor < , Son
'or price IMs. Hl" > rurnam tt , Om.ihn.
O. S. I'KTTIS iJc CO. ,
\Slholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
Onuilin , .Notiri kn.
llrnncli nt Council UliuN , Innn.
Eagle Cornice Works. .
Johi ! Epenctor , 1'roni/otor. / Slnnufnrlurer of
( liUviinl/ed Iron und Oornlco. i'J.1 lo ) < ito ; und Ul
und lUiNotlli lotli Street , Oimdia , Neb.
noin : ,
Manufacturers of Oummcntnl
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Window s , rinuls , KtiiIOS. : ISlh fit WoikiUmo
In nn/piuiot thucuuntry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT. Proprietor.
c.nlvnnl7iil ! Iron roinlci" ' , itc. SpcciH'stin-
iiiovi-d Piilont MuliiU'oSbylUlit. fOb nud C10S.
li'tli St. , Omidia. Net. _ _
Doers , Sash. DC.
tf v
Dooi , Pirh nnd Hllnds. Alto nJl lilnrt ? of
liniilnjr. Scroll und Siiu > woik ol u\eiy do-
Jfnnufncturcr nud DeiUcrln
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Hulls u spcolnltv Tclenhono No. 2
J.'ith utid Mmx-r Kl a. . Omuliii , Nob. ' _ _
Electrical Supplies ,
" *
L W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonle niock , Omulia. IJtirrfir Alntms , Ilell3 ,
o Alunns , 7'octtlu M.Utlnjr , Siiciililni ; Tubes ,
Iron Works.
PAXTON . & VllCltl.lXC lll'V WOll Ci
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Plulrs , Hiilliiu' , llollod lieiins nnd Gliders
Btcam Knj-'liu's. Ilrtt'-s Woik. tioncrul I'oiindry
Machini- and lll.u > KMiilih Work. OIlloo nud
Worhs , U. ) ' . Hy. and 3 17lh St.
Iron a : d Nails ,
"OMAHANAIL.M.I s-ur c'ruiiiNG co. ,
Cut Kails and Spikes ,
riroJJnlU- -i-.ltT. Omnl.n. N'o'i
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnniifwcturcrof riiiMiiid lluiKlnr Proof Rife ,
Vault Dooi s , .lull Wmk. Plnitters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Uth and Jiu.K on Pts. , Onuilin , Neb.
Wagons and
K&tublhhcd 13VS.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
lU'JmiO UU DiKlt'o Street , Omuha , Neb.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
( ! ro. llniKc , Mnniiifcr ,
Union Slock Yurds , B. Oimilui. Talo.ihono CE3
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Qdleo KxcbanKO llulldin , ITnlon Slock Vurds ,
J , . t-oulh Omuhu , Nob. TcluphonuNo.iSJlL
Union Stock Yards Company ,
I'.linlted. John ! ' . llovd , fcuperlntcniloiiL
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Sbii menlH of imy nud idlln ) ; > Uol' ttou't M
. c-d. Union bl ik ViiidbOniaUiiI ub.
Lumber , Etc.
ixUis unAimiti ) ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Boeh , Doois , Ktc. Ynids Cor , 1th nnd
Cor. Utli und
Hannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouldliiKB , Btiiir Woik nnd Intoilor Haid SVood
I'lnith. JiD-t | > oiii > d. N. U. cor. ttU nnd Leiivcn-
\vorth Btiui'ts , Omuhu , Kcb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
EH S. llth btri'i-t , Omnhn , Nob. 1' . Colpouor ,
.Mnnu ur.
Cv , nth/ *
Lumber ,
JSth and Callfornlu Etioet" , Omnlm , Ncu.
" "
rinn : w , CHAT ,
1 Lumber , Llmo , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth uud Douglas hliuule , Omulin , Nctv
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omuhu ,
* * "
" r = i--i-t
CHAS. U. 1.KB ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Warn SloeV , * t\"ood . Ilrldjro Vlmbcrs ,
&c. , B. W. Cor. I'th uud iJoiitflut.Oniulia , tl l > .
G. f.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ,
Bulldliur Pujiur , Ktc. Pouth 13th
Fiih , He.
co. "
Successors to Ickcn KIcmEscn It Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importcri of TorelRn KUh , NOE. SI 1-313 Jonet
it Sir fit vid v'.l * . Track. OajaUa.S glx- _ j
Agricultural implements , /
MXlXGlIll A. MCTCAl.l * tX ) ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
OncoCoitiprr ) > tli nnJ rntllloStJ , Oiiialin , N
I'Alll.lN. OHUNU011KF & MAUT1N ,
\Vliolcs.'o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd llUEKlc" , Omnlm Neb.
CHl'HClllIjl. PAllKi
Whoks.nloDiitlcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrrlnftes ami Itiieslrp. .1i nvt St. , bet. I'th ntul
Boots and Slices ,
" * * * " ' "
'V. v. MOP K & ro. ,
Joboors of Boots and Slices ,
HI ! Fflinnm Plrcot.Omiilm , Neb. Manufactorj ,
, llostnn ,
Carpels ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Curtnln flood" . Kti1123 1'nrnnm
Street , Oiiiuba , Not' .
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stono.
Onloc.SlSS. Hthlt. : , Omnhn , Neb. Ynrds , PUi
nnd fii'vunpoi t Stieuta.
Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
licet Turlutlrs. Omen , 11 P. 1'lth PU Telephone
No. 11W , Omalm , Kob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SUB. ISlli St.Oiunna , Ncti.
Ori ) . C.Towi.r , I'uslilniit.
CSO. 1'ATTHtMlN , Sl-O. IlllllTiellS. _
J.H. IlUMIRIIT , 1' . A. lUl.CII ,
] > ionltor. | Mnnagor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oinct-SI7S. rilliMreei. Tolcphono43.
Gio. K. LAIIAOII. 1'irs. C V. fiooiunx , V. I'ICB.
J. A. SUM > i'.ni.\M > Sec. and TroiK.
Omaha Cos ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard nml ( oft ) a' , AUS. l tli St. .
Omuliii , Keli _ _ _ _ _
Uard and Soft Coal.
Eiclusive dcnlcrsln IlotiMor ColoruJo Conl.217
! uutli
Coffee and Spices. _
Home ColTes and Spice Mil 5 MTgCo.
Lotr ItouMt'is nnJ Spleo ( . nlfi . miui-i
fiictiiieiRol Ililiinsl'owilur , riiuorinunMinoM
lllilintr , oto. Try line. cii'O " 1 our Mb | iuckico ;
HDIIIU Illcnil Hoasieil Colloo. IliuU llouiirdtt ,
Cmalm , Neb. .
CI.A11KU JlHOS. & CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea' . CoHecs , Spiers. IlaUiiKouler ; ] riuvorlnff
J\lriic1sl.n\milryllluo \ Ink , tic. HH-lu Hixr-
noy fctrcot , Oiuulin , Neb. _
Commission , Etc.
_ _
' '
'lIUANCir & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 raiiiiiiui't .Oninlui. AiliOurown ] | ) r-iclc-
Jnr llnltfc * ' , ! . sTIifc-r Ilimiil Oytten' , Jtuttor ,
, ( inmo , Poultry , I'otittnt-K.
JOHN 1' . J'KACK ,
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce , I'lOMtlonn , Krnlts , I'lotir und I'lfd. 10T
5. lllh M.Oir.r.lui , Ncl ) . C"oufclBiiincut8fcv"-'i'-.d. (
UctiiiiiHinaUu uromutlr-
It. McUONALI ) .
315 12th Street , Oinu'iii. Neb. Ppcclidtloa : Jlut *
ur Ktrus. and C
& co. .
Produce Commission Hcrchanls.
Poultry , lluller , Giunc , I'rnits , I'M. SSQ8. Htli
St. , Omuha ,
General Commission Merchants ,
llOflDoilfiroStrifCt , Ouiahn , Neb. Consignments
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Ei'M'tAi/iiLi Lln-iM ! , lluller Cfits , 1'oiilliy
and ( itiiiui , 1U a llth. , Ouiului , Nub. Toll-
pliono No. yjj.
WKI'KS & MIL1/AK1) ,
Storage and Commission Hirchants.
Koiolifii und Doinostlc Fruits u-pecliilty. El-
cftant sloiiiiro fiti'llltics Wiiii'hinihu nnd ollico ,
10 North l.'llh ft. Ti'lcphono 775.
Commission and Jobbing ,
nultcr , IVtfK nnd Prodtico. A full line of Stono-
vuir. Coiiblfa'iiiQciitH tollcltoU. HI * IJodfo bu ,
T. . MORON V ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Rutter , Kjw , Clicc < ! nnd Country 1'iocluooKon-
trally , Wl ti. I'Mt bt. , Umnlin , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
nefrlgcintor nml J'neklnv ilotiKi.Mlli d , U-uvon
wurlh bt. . un U. I > . It. Is. Truck , Onmhii , Nob.
General Commission ,
HIS. 14th Kt.,0mulm , Nub. Hpocliiltlcs Iluttur
! , Poultry und Oatno.
Commission Merchants ,
I'ru.tii , 1'rcduco und I'lovitiiniH , Oniuhn , Neb
GU1FF1TH .t 11O lAfi.
Sncccflfioro to lb in iiilllltli.
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wlioli" lu dealer iiuountiy jiroduro , friillc ,
butler , I't'irs. eto. Uoods on consignment tl
U2JN. 10th ft. . Omaha , Nob.
( Suc < iHrors to A. I' . Scli.iu'c. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. S13 South lUli Strcol. Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goous.
J. J. niiowN A co. ,
Dry Goods and Notions ,
ica : Douulua Snout , Omulin , Nob.
J. . niNsncitu & co ,
Wliult iUu Uealui b la
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Ucens , j.ucc , liinhroMniy nml Whltu C otxSs.
JK-ODouulusbtrtct , Omulin , Neb.
White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead.
JOtli Stuna U. P. Ity. 0 m aim ,
Muiiurat'tiirors und Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
TurfGoodb , Jtltuikels nml ItolieH. JC-'l 1'urimia
KtMetOiimbii ,
Mattresses ,
If. M. I1ULSB ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufacturinir Matlrcbeee , Jleddinc , Truthcr
I'lllous , Coin , lUc. 1XA mid 1-lti DdUfl
Oiouhu , Neb.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans PuuU.&hliU , Etc. , 1103 und 1 Si Douglu
. - . tjU-oct , Oiuulw , NtU I l
' - \
OMAHA li MUr.1l CO ,
Dealer ) In All Kinds ot
Bnililng Material at Wholesale
If th Snoot mid < i o.i i'i.c fl Track. Omaha ,
nr.1l.MAN 1) . WYATT , 1
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth nud lard Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
J. A. WAKKriKM ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
tiilldluir Ptipor-i , Sn h , Doors , ItllniN , Monlf
nit * , I'lrkrts POM * , Mine , P ! r - -
'iiniMiu Nlutn nun .lone * , Oinahn
Millinery ,
Impoitcrs undJobbcisoC
Millinery and Notions ,
IS14 Hnruey StreetOmuha , Xotx .
Musical Instruments ,
" " < S
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
I'luimo , Wi-bor , Decker , Hnlnoi nnd
. . I'liiuix , 1'ai-Kiml Oiffnus , Chase OrRani
VI mid 1U1 l.Mli stt-oot.
Purnituro , Etc ,
urniture Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
ite. , IWC , KW nml ICIJ I'mnum Stiiet , Omnlm.
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitara ,
Knrnniu Street , Oiunhn , Neb.
AI.LKN nnos ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 nnd 1112 Doiiplng Slruet , Onmha , NfK _
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
founceo nml f-niol.cts' Artlelep , 1217 i llownrdSt.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Pplces , Clears mvl Tobiicoo . K1I7 nud U19 lour- (
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th mid rnrtinm Bticets , Onmbn , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 705 , TU7 , 7CH und 711 S. 10th St. , Omiiho , Nob.
" " '
"tV. J. IlllOATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Blirlnpi" , IViiKim Stoek. llnrdwood l.innbor , oto.
lUi-Jnud 1J1I Iliuiu-y MI eex. Omnhn , Nob. _
iiNKY : & . ( JIHIUN ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnrrlnp-o Wood Stock. Heavy Ilnrdwaro.
Kle. m7 and Kl'J I.c.ivemvuith Stieet , Omnhit ,
_ _
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics * Tools mid nutTulo Senles. H05 Doug
l. Omulin , Neb.
i.iu : , ntiKD * , co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Kte. Aurnti for Hn o denies nnd
Mluml Ponder Co. , Omiiiiu Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Muntles , Giutcs , Iliass iroodF. 13-1 and IJ"J Far.
nnni Micet.
flholesalo Hardware and Nails ,
JSmcison Steel Nails. Cor. 10th nud Harnoy
Streets , Oirilm , Nob.
_ ,
Munufn.ctiiror of tbo
Doerin Harvester Goods ,
( Vrlta to Win. al. Ixji-lnu-r. Ooncrid Agent ,
Omuhu. Tc'ophonoillU.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Eljam , Wuii'rItullwuynm. _ . . . . .
y.-O , USi und yjl Fiirnnm St. Omuhu , Nob. i
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Mcnm und Wntcr Hupiillcs. Hi'iidqiiarturH fet
Miibt Foost Co.'b Uoodb. 1111 1'uinum Strunt ,
Omuha , Nob. 4
" " Jewelry. _ " _ _ .
Wholesale Jewelers.
Donlors In Sllvciwaio , Iilamonds , Watchas
ClockH. Jc cloi-H' Tooli ) nndMalerlaU , Hto. , 101
nnd IIKI , 15th Strcut , Cor. Dcdgu , Omaha , Nob. .1
Notions Etc.
VINVAH1) & SCHNiiRIl. : !
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishing ' Good
1000 und 1U08 rnriium St. , Uiuuliti.NuU
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' '
4m und 405 g. 10th St..Omnhn , Nob. '
Wholesale Dculc'i.s In Notion : ! and ( Knits' lc'up.
joodu. i
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
( Jafollnc , Mien Axle Greasn , Kto , A. II. Illshop ,
' , Oiuaba , Nnb.
Hl . Pork Packing.
JAMl'H 15. I10VD. '
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
_ Omaha , NcbrHil.u , _
HAItltIS & FlSHUIt ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
onlco , Union Mm ki-t. l.r > 17 Dodio Rtraut. Packing
botuu , U. P. 1U ILTiueU , Omuhu , Not ) . Telo.
plioiip No. 157. _
Safes and Locks.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
KlroandlliirKlurPionr SafoH.TIino I.
und Jail uoik. 1U.0 rarnurn HI eut , Omaha , Nub
J. KVAN8 ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Airilcultiiral , Vcucliil.ln , I'.tu. Odd Follow r Hull ,
_ N , W. Cor , llth and DoJco Si . , Omaha , Neb ,
. . Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer In Paints , Oils and WinOorr Ola ; *
, Onmliu , Nob. , |
11.1:11 : & co ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And LUjuors. Sulo iniinurni'liircirt of Konno Ir'i
K.itt India lllUeii. 111J Huiney Stiect.Oiunfia.
tinn. . id f.f'AS ,
Futcctsor to MtN/'iuu ( c Dr.M'AN , Importer *
and Wholev.d
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
Eli and 18 H. llth St. , Omuhu , J.'ob.
" " *
notions tic , - .
" " "
j , T , . iTuANmns i soi
Wliolesaln Job Lots ,
Drj ( 'ood , NotlUim , C' < nU' I'uinipliltiifcol ,
Unodalrom NC-.V Vurk. Tiado eUlo * duiljr. VJI
mil1 ' < K > boiUU Uth bt. , Omtthu. .