Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Of ICO acres each , all leased for 5 years ,
nnd paying good in interest on the in-
TCBtment , all line land. Every farm has
clear running water , rich soil , from 80 to
180 acres of breaking , meadows , cto.
Of those' farms would make a nice home
and whether parties wish to live on them
or not , would bo fiwt-clasi property to
own , and every aero will Increase in
value at least 200 per cent within the next
CerO years. Those farms are all within
a short dtlve of Omaha , nnd can bo
reached in from a - toi hours' drive , and
will range m price from $3,000 to ? 0,003
To look nt those farms , if you nri ! ' > <
ing either for a home or for a safu a.i ,
profitable investment. Apply to
BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Farnam st.
And the 10-acro tract adjoining it , 288 as
fmo lots as can * bo found in tlio city , all
of which wo desire to put to drawing in
Wo therefore make this general offer to
coplo wanting homes :
Yon can select your lot , got up plans
and specifications for your house , make
ua n small cash in hand mymont , merely
BUflicienl to insure a fulfillment of your
part of the agreement , and wo will build
you n house to suit you , and lot you have
nil thu lime you want.
Build houses ranging in value from
$80O TO $3OOO.
OR IF parties prefer , they can build
heir own houses , and we will furnish the
money to pay for same nt 8 per cent in
. Please Remember
That both the red and grcon car line
now run to within blocks of
That tliis addition lies 'on the side Hill ,
Slor > ino- East
towards the river ; that it affords the
Of tlio city and vicinity to bo had from
any point ; that there is to bo but little
cutting or grading ; that tlio profiles are
made , nnd the grade can bo established
at any meeting of the council ; that the
Holt Line railway runs within two blocks
of OMAHA VIEW on the west side ;
Finest water in the city is obtained there
that it is the healthiest place in or nboui
the city of Omaha ; cool in summer and
warm in winter ; that so far the addition
s settled by only the best class of people ;
that it ifl near business , schools , stores ,
etc. , and is in nil respects n moi-t dcsir
able location for pleasant homes ; that
our prices , terms and conditions are the
most liberal ever oll'ercd by any person ,
firm or syndicate ; that they are plain ,
fair nnd simple , easily understood , and
easily carried out ; that wo employ only
first-class workmen , use llr-st-class ma
terial , and only do first-class work in
building ; that full and complete satisfac
tion is guaranteed in every case.
By all means , if you want a home , look
Before investing elsewhere.
Call and wo will take you out to sec it
ITorest ,
The poor man's paradise. Bead this for it may
be tlie means eventually of your making a
la an addition of 200 lots , cacli 00x120
foot , located in thu wooded lulls on S.
18th stre"et , about 11 blocks from the
Union Pacific depot , and is a most
' 'charmint : and romantic ooation.
Thirteenth street is graded its full
width lo within 5 blocks of
* Park Forest
The street cars run to within 5 minutes'
walk of these lots. Fifteen or twenty
houses iiavo already built there ;
many more will go up this summer.
1100 lote have boon sold and 100 of the best
ones yet remain to bo. sold. Thcso are
* the cheapest and best lots in the market
and wu oflur thorn for a shorHimn at
$250 to $300
Each , on payments of
$5 Down and $5 Per
Month , at 8 Per
Cent Interest
To those only who want them for homes.
Wo make llwso liberal prices and terms
to give all poor men n chance to get a
These lots will increase 200 to 300 per
cent in a ftnv years , and it is one of the
opportunities of n lifetime lo get this
kind of n cliancu to secure a homo.
These terms will only hold good for a
few days , and are ollorcd with a view of
clearing these all up without any disl.i
BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1403 Farnam st.
- ' ' la oui' addition oil Upper Faruani , Douglas and Dodge , wo have a bout 05 lo
remaining unsold.
n ,
' 9 rapidly becoming very valuable , and
8right in the heart of the ilno residence
part of tlio city. Water , gas , parainouts
nnd street cars nro now cither there or to
be placed thcro soon ,
These Additions
Are now surrounded with elegant rosl-
dencc.s nntl high-priced real estate , while
the thrcj best anil most prosperous
streetii in the city run through both addition
tion/ * .
There Can
Now bo no question as to the future of
these Inl.s , and parlies purchr.Mng at the
low prices at wiiich wo are ofliirlng Ihoin
cannot fail to realize a largo prolit on
their iiivcitincnts ,
Prices Will Range
from $1,50O to
per lot , according to location , and the
yots will hell \cry rapidly at those prices.
fee A very large list of Heal Ktlato of all kinds beattored through the city , county and
state trom which might bunuleotcd many moslexi-ollent bargains. -
WU IXVITU TII1J ATTKVriOX of thosu seeking Investment and can as
ciure nuivhasnrs they will find it largely to their inierc.n to call on us before invest
jug plsownorc.
11OUSIIS WILL ISU 1S1JILT for all wanting homes on tlio most reasonable-
flOBGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Farnam st.
N-W. Cor , 13lh and Douglas SU
313 S. llth Street.
Falconer's Illook , 15th nnd Dou/tlas. / .
1506 rnrnnm Street.
Commcrclnl Lnxr tinJ Metrnntllo collections a
specialty. Over Merchant's Nutlounl Dunk.
Lou B D. UOI.MFI Jonx T.
Itooms B ami 10 , Frctizor lllock , Oi > poslto Post-
oil ! co. _ _ _ _
.A-ttorxisv at ZJEVW
" vui'.M nnd 27. Omnlm National Hunk IltilM'ff.
. s. iiorrMAiv , M. D , ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
Off ICE , N.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Ollleii Tfiluphono IDS. Jtcsltlonco Telephone 142.
W. J. ) Aa < lllAITII ,
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE , N.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas St ,
Olllco TYlciihoiio 40' . Ucsldcncu Telephone 503
ODlco iiiul Residence ,
' 605 jN. 17th STREET.
Physician nnd Surgeon.
Iteoldcnco , No. 1407 Jones Street Office ,
Wltlinoll llloclc , Telephone , residence , No. U5.
Olllco , 512
Office niul Kesldenco , 724 N. tfitli St. ,
JI. A. WOHLKY , > f. D. ,
Office 1419 Dnilfro Street. Telephone'432.
Itcsldoncu 1712 Capital Avo. TelephoneutO.
1113 Todo ! St. , 1st door wint of P. O. Tnko clo
utor to rooms 13-13 third lloor. Telephone No
Residence , GSJN. 20th street. Telephone No. 3D
P.M. C11ADW1CK ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
Telephone 5S9. OdlcoSH S. 14th st J
K. W. CONNELL , M. D. ,
llomccopalhlst ,
Omco , 313 S. 14th st Telephone539.
Chronic Diseases
The EYE and EAR
Catnrrli , Bronchitis. A tlimn , Consumption
lllioiimiitism , Xourulglii , Piiruljsls , Liver Com
plnlnt , Kidney UKunscs , Catuuli of tlio Hind
tioutliiK tiie eye we employ no Inu-sli remedies.
Tnpo WOIIUB removed In tlnco hours time.
Piles and rigtuliw cmod without cuttlntr , liurn-
Imr or tyinir. nnd ernes snnnintned. Ollicocor-
nor I'Jth nnd Ho wind. Umnliu , Nob.
Correspondence solicited.
Lady Doctress& Mid wife
" 0 yours practice. WomcnV nnd clilldrons'
discuses it specialty. 101H Itiirnoy st. _
J. 0. WUINXEKUY , L > . D. S. ,
Dentist ,
intt Farnam Stroot.
COHNEH oir 15m ST. AMI O.u-iroL , AVEXUE ,
( JneolS ) Block. )
Nnttnal tpcth prcscivcd , Irrcerulnrltles of
children's tcolli c-orroulpd , ill viKoi of tooth nnd
KUinscilrcu , paid nnd plastic Illllntr , jrold-llncil
plates nnd tcctli witliout plutos. All Uork imr-
aiitecd , mid nt most iciuomililo prlovs. Ollico
hours I'l'om i ) a. in. In 0 p. in. dully.
Fine Suits to Order
EiiKllhh nnd Trench sultln ? , punts patterns.
Bulls , tllO KlNIIST , JW AND U1'\AII11S ; HITISFAO-
clniiitTiilloilus UEtHblUliiiiciil Bdiilli ( > l Funiiun
8t. 400 dlireront patterns of woods lo select
I Kim. Call und \nmlno Kooda. Impairing
neatly done , aiilti , Utli stroot.
The Norris Restaurant
Is the very tiost eiitlnz house la Iho city. Try It
nnd you will ho satisfied.
lllltsof faro on 110 Amo.-ioaii nad Barap o n
A ls-50 oommuttttlon tlekot for W.
Tickets for 81 metils * J.W.
UonrU by tUo week $3.25. Houla , 25o oMh.
16th Bet , Douglas and Dodge Sit.
Omaha , Nobrusko.
Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired
303 S , llth Street. Omaha ,
88th and Ouming Streets.
60S N. M Street ,
Flour , Feed , Hay and Potatoes ,
Goody delivered promptly to anv Part of the
Professional Jealftuieh Almost Break up the
Trench 'Star's ' ' Oompnny ,
IJonrd of Trn < if jortfltncti's | Club
Thu IJlR Mulo'Show-A Paper Mill
Coming Cour(1 ( CnlUiiKH nnd
Cciicrnl tvctvfl Grist ,
A How In Khcn'ft Itctlnuc.
Tlio greatest ciirsn of the dramatic and
musical professions is Uio petty jealous
ies that invariably exist between the
members of every organization. Every
member from tlio star down to the sccno
shifter who forma the "howling mob"
behind the scones , lias some rival ,
rc : l or fancied , for honors
and the result is that in almost every com
pany there is a constant wrangle that
drives malingers to early craves , and
frequently results in the brcaKinpr up en
tirely of strong combinations. There are
few theater goers in Omaha , perhaps ,
who are nwaro that the 11 lion combina
tion came very near disbanding after
their engagement in this city , yet such is
the. case. A list of onuses ns
long ns the moral law loads
up to ( ho outbreak vyliich occurred on
Saturday night. In the lirst place there
was : i finnnunU trouble. M'llc. Khea en
gaged to Mr. Morrisscy for a sea
son of forty weeks nt fcoOO per week ,
or if'JO.OOO for the Season. The season is
now almost at an end and the matlnm-
oisello asserts that she hus received only
$11,000 , of the promised $20,000. ami sees
but little chance of gutting much
niore. Her contract with Mr. Morrissey
ia of but little vnlne , as that gentleman's '
sureties have failed since the contract
was made , and she has no recoui'SXi ex
cept to get what funds she can froiuMor-
ris < oy. This financial disappointment of
tlio madamoibcllo has been made moro
bitter by the fact tlmt Mr. Morrissey -
rissey has of late been pav
ing more attention to Miss. Wheeler ,
the leading lady than he has to the star.
It is even alleged that it ids intention to
drop M'llo Rhea and star Miss Wheeler
next season , making'a special card of her
rofromblanco to Mary Anderson. This
has caused such a jealousy between M'llo '
Hhca and Miss Wheclar that the star re
fused , while in this city , to go for adri vo
With Mr. Morrisoy because Miss Wheo/er
J5fft.3. , . . . , tc ! . . . nocomimny .tho. . party.
there was another source of trouble. Pan
Dunlap , leading man , is a young fcllowl
from Grand Rapids , .Mich. As thu rea
son is about to close ho has been plan
ning to go back to his home nnd
get up a company to pre
sent I'ygmali9nf and Galatea for his
benefit. JmagiiKj hip surprise then on
Saturday to find that Mr. Morrissey had
abandoned his sodthtirn tour and turned
north , and had booked Pygmalion and
Galatea for Grand Rapids next week.
Dunlap became furious nnd threatened to
leave tlio company if tlio booking was
not changed lie also has an especially
partial spot "in-Hiis young heart
lor Miss M hccler.und succeeded in ad
ding to that lady's- dissatisfaction with
the company until at one time it looked
as though tlio combuiiilion would go to
pieces. Morrissiiy was equal to the
trouble between tliosthrand her manager
and tlio prdfossicqinlll < joalottsy"bctwcon
the star and therloAi'incilaily ' are still
prevalent and will flourish until the close
of the season , about the jast of Juno.
Atilj POU"A. . J > iniE.
A Rcniiirlrable Inhibition by the
King , Burke AtCo's Combination.
The King , Burke & Co. show slaked its
tents yesterday at the corner of Farnam
and Seventeenth streets. The tents oc
cupied the square extending west to
Eighteenth .street. Bfore the perform
ance commenced last aight the box oflico
was closed and 000 people were refused
tickets , because the siating capacity of
the tent was taxed to the uttermost. The
programme comprised eighteen features ,
among them being trained horses ,
dogs , monkeys , trick ponies ,
feats of agility strength and
endurance and abrobatic acts
of every eoncchablu aricty and highest
dpgreo of skill. Every act was roundly
appreciated. Some of them wcro so novel
and daring as to startle the peoplo. That
was particularly the case of William
Scott's act , standing rpon hi. head upon
a swinging trapeze , tl\o. \ cannon ball jug
glery , the wonderful tight and .slack wire
porformancss , and the feats of Ajax' , the
contortionist. No greater variety of
nets nor higher degree of skill was over
exhibited lioroin a fifty-cent show. And ,
yet , the admission is oily ton cents. The
bhow will remain only four days , and
give afternoon and ngjit performances
cacli day. The tent "nil bo crowded at
A Frisky Follno the CIUIHO of Super
natural Demon HI rat IOIIH ,
"That lominds me of an occurrence
that happened when I was a boy , " com
menced a sporting nu.n the other day ,
after lie had li.itoncd to a friend's theory
concerning spirit rapplngs.
"To commence with , " continued the
speaker , "I was born In a little country
town in central lll'mou , n very supersti
tions place. My father and mother were
both good people , but lacking the moro
thorough onlightcnmunt of tlio present
time , were easily led to believe in the
possibilityof the ruturn of departed spirits.
The neighbors near oi'r ' house were also
firm believers. Often have I sat
witli others around-a table waiting ,
breathlessly , for demonstration of
some sort , when tbobolIovors" / would
moot at our hotisq'to bold their commu
nications with / , tap supernatural.
Whether it was imagination or reality I
never knew , but rjiq ojfiers claimed to bo
able to carry on conuirsations with the
spirits by moans''of rappings. I could
never hear any,1 tfo , % my boyish in
credulity Hindu fun of tlio whole
proceedings. Onbn'0iiiug my father ,
being . Boiiietliintj > .Jiko _ _ . n _ . hmdor . . ,
i *
had called in all Iwljoura to partioipatu
in a soauco. Wo wt'ivHoated in the ilin-
in/r / room , hands' on 'tlio table , hearts
boating almost muMbiy. when suddenly
tlio raiiiiings comUicUcud in ( load earn
est. They bopinod to come from all d- |
reotioiiB at once , ( lhiharpnoss ! of the
sound no doubt lynnf increased by the
intuiiso silence ; which ] ; orvadcd the room.
"Ullckity-click , " thoj- wont , until it
scorned as If a dozen Biiarc-drnms were
being beaten in the room , All present
grew as palo in the face as the proverbial
sheet , the perspiration fairly pouring oil'
their faces , as they listened like persons
expecting death any moment. 1'inally
some of the members of the company
tried to got control over tlio unruly
"spirit , " but it only Scorned to increase
its racket. I cnnfcsi that the noise did
frighten mu at first , but 1 had a lurking
suspicion tlmt no spirit would exert him-
sou in quite such a vigorous manner. In
glancing around the room my eyes , by
chance , foil on a cupboard in which my
mother used to keep ghsswaro and spare
dishes , and while looking at it I WHS
struck by the thought tlmt the rappings
came from that direction. Ucut upon
investigation. I broke the silence with a
"Pn. 1 believe it is in the cup
board , " and with n bound , just
escaping the restraining inllnonco of my
paternal ancestor's hand , 1 sprang to the
cupboard , opened it and pulled a half-
starved looking cat out Into full view , to
the utter astonishment of these assem
bled , who evidently were not expecting
anything so decidedly earthly as a cat ,
After the discovery oftho eat tno rapning
ceased. The cat was a pot of my sister
and had been accidentally locked up in
the cupboard My theory is that as soon
as Iho company commenced listening for
raps , Ihoir expectations were strung up
so that but little imagination was neces
sary to misconstrue into rapping * the
sounds produced by the cat knockinstho
dishes together in its endeavors lo get
out. "
The Criminal Cn cs to bo Tnkort Up
To-Morrow Cnscs Commenced.
The trial of the criminal oacsus will be
taken up in the district court before Jutlgo
Novlllo to-morrow morning. Tlioro are
fifty-six cases docketed and an ofl'ort
will bo made to have them all tried at
the present term. The first case called
will bo that of the Stale vs. Lafayette
Powell , who is charged with the killing
of Charles Leslie at Florence in Novem
ber last. The case was tried at tlio March
term , but the jury was dismissed , failing
to agree upon a verdict. There are
t'oi'ly-ono witnesses in ( his case who wcro
suupojn'acd by HaillfT Grebe on Friday.
William O. Bartholomew has filed a
petition in tlio district court asking for a
writ of injunction against the city. Jolm
F. Hehm , W. J. Kennedy and Charles
Lamlrock. The nctitlon'allcges that the
city council declared tlio necessity of
opening up Sherman avenue , and that
the three plaintiffs were appointed ap
pointed as appraisers of the damages
that would bo caused to private property
thereby. Petitioner alleges that ho owns
lots 23'and 20 in Hot-bach's lir&t addition
and that lot ' 'U lies in the line of the pro
posed opening of the street. Ho alleges
that J. V. Uehm is not a disinterested ap
praiser , and asks that ho bo re
strained trom having anything
moro to do with the case ;
that tno oath administered to the ap
praisers was unconstitutional in instruct
ing them to deduct from the appraised
damages whatever benefit may nocrno to
other property of the same individual by
the pioposoit improvement. He asks
that Jvenno ly and Lamlrock be re
strained from further action until they
have taken the proper oath , and that the
city be restrained from proceeding
further until a .disinterested freeholder
shall have bcuii appointed in the place of
Holnn. Judge Wakoloy 'lias granted a
temporary writ ot injunction , as prayed
Judge Wakoloy wont to West Point last
evening to hold court for Judge Craw
ford during the trial of a case in which
tlio latter is interested as a party to the
suit. Judge Crawford will preside in
Jiulgo Wakeley's court to-day.
Judge Neville made the final decree
yesterday in the matter of appointing a
special administrator of the estate of
M. A. McNamara. The widow was ap
pointed executrix. _
A 1'upor Mill Co niin K-
President Max Meyer , of the board of
trade , has received a communication
from prominent Now York capitalists
who dcsiro to come to Omaha to .start a
paper mill. The company is ono of the
best known in the country. They pro
pose to erect and operate mills that will
nave a capacity sullicicnt to supply thu
paper trade of the entire western coun
try , giving employment to between ! 500
and -100 workmen' of whom nearly one
half will be .skilled laborers. Represen
tatives of the company will visit Omaha
soon with a view of investigating the ad
vantages offered 1 > 3' this city for thojr en
terprise. It is btatcd that a prominent
local real estate man has already made a
proll'er of a donation of the necessary
grounds for the company should they dc-
cfdu to locate in Omana.
Omaha Sportsmen's Clul ) .
The Omaha Sportsmen's club , the old- organization of the kind in the city ,
held a meeting sn the oflieo of Dr. J. II.
Peabody. corner of Fifteenth and Harncy
last evening. The meeting was called to
order by Mr. li. B. Kennedy , who stated
that the object of the meeting was to se
lect delegates to tlio State Sportsmen
convention , to bo. held in this city in
Juno , lie also urged upon the club the
necessity of securing .some good grounds
for hunting and fishing.
The following delegates were chosen to
the state convention : IS. IS. Kennedy ,
Win. Krng , D. C. Sutphen , II. II. Wibs
Jer , J. II. Peabody and II. H. Sackett.
The board of managers were instructed
to select a ahsoting team for the coming
Renl EHltite Transfers.
The following transfers wore filed
May 22 , with the county clerk , and
reported for the HUE by Amos' Heal
Estate Agolicv :
AuKiistns Kounl7O and wife and others , to
John L Hill , lot i : ; . blk G. Kount/.u Ac Jtuth's
add. Omaha , wd Sl.-JOO.
City ot Omaha to John L Hill , one strip
adjoining lot ii : , blk n , Kount/.u & Hutu's
add to Omaha , a c 8.Vi.B. !
.John L Hill and wife to Frank J. Huiklcy ,
lot Kl and \v K of lol II , blk ( I , KounUo &
Iliith'hiidd to Omaha , wd SVJ,009.
James K 'Itlley and vtilo to OilaudoK
Wood and others , lots 12. 13 and ninth "fi ft
of lot II. I'.umentcr Place , West Omaiia ,
w l 51.150.
Chas V Kin/el and wife to M Hello Klliott ,
lot 1 ! ! , blk ! ! , llawthoino add , Omalw.wd
Joseph 1'orler ( single ) InlloiacoE Pow-
era , lota 1 nnd - , blk 8 , llawthoino add ,
Umahn , w d 5 > 700.
\Villinin T Peters and wlfo to John II
Margmdsand others , pai tot bile "U" Shinu's add , Omaha , w d $750.
( ieorgo Filbash nnd wilu to Philip Haiith ,
s pait ot lot H ot no H , sec ! H , 15 , ii : , Douglas
county , w d SiiSO.
Samuel Hcatty ( single ) to Annlo Cmry ,
lots 17 and IS , blk 25 , Wilt-ox's second add ,
Oiimha. ( | e sl,500.
Annie Cuiry. ndinrx , to Samuel Heatty ,
lots 17 and IS , blk 25 , Wlicox'b second add ,
Omaha , admr deed-8700 ,
Dennis Cunningham aud wlfo and others ,
to K M Phillips , lot 'M , Auburn Hill mid ,
Omaha , w d-SiW.
Alolhe CJni.itio and husband to Catherine
lit Ice. part of nw tfol so f , bee 10,15 , w ,
Douglas county , w d S700 ,
Charles W Hamilton and wlfo to .fames
Wright , lot ill , Sunnyblde add , Omaha , wd
Klizabetli oDavis and husband to Kllshn
Atkins and others , lots 5.0. 7 and H. blk 178 ,
and lots 0 , 7 and 8. blk 17U , Omaha , w d
Dl'aul Xelson and wlfo to Union Pacific lall-
load company , all of lots lainH , bile 1M ,
and onn narcel ndjolnlng lot 1 , K Omaha ,
( jnstav'us 'jtohlman nnd wife to Union
Pacilic lallroad company , lota 'J and a , blk
IbS. Omaha , w d-Si'i.lKX ) .
Win It McCaguo and others to Henry O
Duvrius and othRis , lots 8 , t > and 10 , blk O ,
Lowo'sadd , Omaha , wd Sl.sot ) .
Uyion Heed and wile to Josejih 1) ) South-
aid , w.Vi ft ot lot 1 and all of lot 'J , blk 1 ,
Heed's Iiinith add , Omaha , w d S'-.W. . .
William O .Moniaw and wlfo to Hairy I )
Itecd , lot 2 , blk "C , " Piospect Placoadd ,
Omaha , w d 3WX ) .
W A It ( Jlbbon and wlfo lo Uebecca It
Klmlull , lot'J , blk7. Cote Hiilllunte , Doug
las county , w d SltiS.
KiiL'eniii O'Neill and wlfo to Itlcliard bleb-
bins , o X < > f w X of n 160 It of lot 1 blk a ,
Lowu's bccond odd , Omaha , w d-8)OpO. )
Charlea U Kherman ( binalo ) to Hlcliard
Hnilder , lot 8. DlU "Q1 Lowo's Hist add ,
Omaha , w d S2.W. .
Wathcweoii T Patrick and wife to Jctur H
Conkling , lot 1 , blk C. Patrick's add , Omaha ,
( i c $1.
Chailes P Hlnklpy and wlfo to Jetur II
L' . lot 1 , blk 0 , Patrick's fadd , Omatu
Bonnets nnd Ilo'lnry DORS In Similes
to Mntoll the Costume Fault *
Ions for ( Joiittrinon ,
Now York Coinmcix'inl Advertisers Ii
Is customary nt this season of the yunr to
poke fun at the good clothes of our friends
nnd well withers , the ladles hut it occurs
to mo that this spring there is n very
small Held for the willy and sarcastic
crillo of fonialo nltlro. There hns not
been a time since I lirsl began to make : t
study of this branch of science when the
Indies seem to have manifested better
taslo or sounder judgment in llio matter
of dross.
Kvon bonnets scoin to bo loss grotesque
this season than heretofore , although the
high , startled bonnet , the bonnet that
may bo characterized ns the excelsior
bonnet , Is still retained by some , though
how it IB retained has always been n mys
tery to mo. Perhaps it holds its place in
society by means of n long black pin
which apparently passes through the
brain of the wuarcr.
lilnck hosiery continues to be very
popular , I am Informed. Sometimes it Is
worn clocked , and then again U is worn
crooked. The crock less black stocking Is
gaining in favor in our best circles , I am
pleased to note. Nothing looks moro
mortilicd than a foot that Ims boon in
side of n crockablo stocking all through
a long , hot summer day.
i nm very glad to notice that the ofl'ort
made it few years ago by a French re
former to abolish the stocking on the
ground of unhoaltliincss has mot with
well-merited failure. The custom of
wearing hosiery is ono that docs great
credit to the .spirit of American progress ,
which cannot bo thwarted by thu puny
hand of foreign interference or despotic
Street costumes of handsomely fitting
nnd unobtrusive shades of soft nnd com
fortable goods will bo Generally in
favor , aim the beautiful and symmetrical
American arm with'a neatly lilting sloe vo
on the outside of It will gladden the
heart of the casual spectator once more.
The lady with the acnto elbow and Iho
italicized clavicle will niaku u strong ef
fort to abolish the close titling ana the
extremely nttractivo sleeve , but It will bo
The small dog will bo worn this sea
son in shades to match the costume. For
dark and brown combinations in street
dresses the black and Ian dog will be
very much in favor , while the black nnd
drab pug will be allectcd by those wear
ing these shades in dress. Small pugs
that nro warranted not to bag at the
tlio knees are commanding a good price.
Spilx dog to match lynx or fox trimmed
garments or spring wraps are now being
sprinkled witli camphor and laid aaiilu
for tlio bummer. Coach dogs of the
spotted variety with be worn with polka
dot costumes. Tall , willow hounds with
wire tails will be much affected by slen
der young ladies and hydrophobia.
Antique dogs , with eyes , asthma and an
air ot languor will be used a great deal
this season to decorate lawns and rail
road crossings. Young dogs that are
just budding into dognood will bo notice -
tice l through the spring months trying
their new teeth on tlio light spring pan
taloons of male pcdcbtrians.
Styles in gentlemen's clothing have not
materially clumped. Lavender panta
loons , with an uir of settled melancholy
and ben/.ino , are now making their ap
pearance , and young men trying to oraui-
cnte the creep in the knees of last sum
mer' s garment may bo seen in their
luxurious apartments most any calm
spring evening.
An old nail-brush , with a solution of
ammonia and prussio acid , will remove
traces of custard pie from light shades in
pintaloons. This preparation will also
remove the pantaloons.
The umbrella will bo worn over the
shoulder and in Iho eye of the passing
pedestrian very much as , usual on pleas
ant days , and left behind the door in a
dark closet on rainy days.
Gentlemen will wear ono pocket hand
kerchief in the side pocket , with the
corner gently emerging , and another in
the hip pocket , as they did last season ,
the former for decorative purposes and
the latter for business. This is a wise
provision and never fails to elicit favor
able comment.
The custom of wearing a few kernels
of roasted cotl'eo or a do/.eii cloves in the
little cigarette pocket of tlio cutaway
coat will still continue , and tlio supply
will bo replenished between the acts , as
Straw hats will bo chased down the
streets this spring by the same gentlemen -
mon who chased them last spring , and
in home instances the same hats will bo
used. Shade trees will be worn n little
lower this summer , and will therefore
succeed in wiping oil'a larger crop of
plug bats , it is hoped. Linen dusters ,
with th'i pockets carefully sohlored together
gother , have not yet made their appear
Uonril ol' Trade.
A meeting of the board of trade will beheld
held on Thursday evening , for the pur
pose ot adopting a remonstrance against
the bill now pending in congress pro
viding for n 10 per cent tax upon oleo-
At the same mooting the ronort of Iho
committed who was sent to Washington
In the interests of the Union Paeilic re
lief bill , will be submitted.
The uniformed rank of the Knights of
Pythias of this city , oxpcct lo go lo
Toronto , where the grand conclave lakes
place this summer , and will enter in com
pel ition for the prixr-s oll'ered for the best
unformed band. As most of Iho mem
bers of tlm local uniformed rank nro
members of the Musical Union orchestra
anil have boon drilling assiduously for J
the contest , thc.v stand u good .show for /
coining out first in the contest.
Low prices , good grades and n square
deal. Central Lumber Yard. 13th & Gala ,
Call on TauhoiT&Co. . No. l.lia Far-
mini St , agents of the Hod Star Line , foe
tickets to hurope.
Get your buggy repaired anil painted
at Gratton & Drummond'.s ,
Got estimate , 11110 Harney
California Fruit 20o per can nt Ilciiu-
Marshal Cuniinings has received n let
ter from Chief Hrodj , of St. Joseph , re
questing him to bo on the lookout for
Alike Union , n 10-year-old boy who re
cently rnn away from home und Is sup
posed to bo in this city ,
The Symptoms ; fe WJ
Heartburn , Distcntlon of the Stomach ,
Headache , Bad JJroath , Sloiiplessnons ,
L'iw Spirits and uonoral prostration.
Dyspepsia is frefpiontly attemlud with
Constipation , but somolimtfs with Dhi- |
! !
llnu' C'urud ,
"I lutraruil liitenwly wftli Full Stomach
Hoailiiclir , cto. A ucl liUor vrhn luij tuKun film
iiiuiis Llror Hc uhaor lold inu It wits u sur.
IhliiK for my tiouUo. Tlio ttr t doao I took r .
lluvuJ me vary inuuli , au < l In ono wujk a ( lint
< r s H tlronif nnU hfHrlv n over _ wiik. Je
tUe tint iur4lclm > 1 evert.wk for I ) V | ) Oislu.e |
II. G. tHKNBUXHJlivlmviid V
Wheat Sales Pew rind Fluctuations Hardly
lil vo Stock tHill-Bpcoiilntori ; fluid Ilia
Market 1'rovlnloim and tiho
Stock Stronjr ami Steady
at Clone.
CIIICAOO , Mny 21. [ Special T
WIUIAT The day was rather mievenltiil.
No sensations were snrniu , mid lluctuatlona
In the pi Ices of the lending upeculatlvo com-
inoillty ( wlutttcto ) \\lthln iiiltc | imtruw
LKiiiiuli. Tliu stioni ; hull tccllng that | > r-
iniMtod thu imukotnt the hcginnin ? did mil
cxtoml lluonph the morning session , hocul
liiolcsslonal eot on top o.uly antl juit
the pi luii down itfGMtfc by main loico ,
Oudnhy leading tnu iitlnck In ] toi > on. Uno
100,000 bushel lot or June , sold by hint to
FIcmliiK , lioydcn & Co. , wilt have to bo do-
llvcied ns It was bought for shipment. The
principal boar card was nil Incio.iio of about
IMO.OOO bushels In the stock at Xcw York ,
though thu clearances from that port for thu
week footed nu to l.KOJi ) ) bushels ,
mid for the last foityeight hour *
-tOu.OJO bushels additional. The quantity
moved out trom New York , HiUtlmoio ntid
i'hlladolphla tor loity-cight hours acgrrgatcd
KM.UOO bushels.
'Ihu croslng at 1 o'clock tlilsultciuo'in was
very small , a fiucllou uiulOr Sutiiuluy'.M lust
prlees. As the market could bo quoted as
Htondynml iciiiotmbly llriu the posting of
the last weok'tf u.xvorl huxlnes * , by whloh It
was K'cu tlmt l.foXl.OOO bushels ot wheat anil
150,000 IMI i i'ls ot Hour Inul left the Atlantic-
units for Kuiopeas a steadying olciuont.
The raiders iniulu n drlvu at coin to-day
and sold It down Ke. MeKarlano. T. At ,
Uaxter , Norton , linker , lliown and \\cll
nlKh the ontlie list ot iictho tnulois , took
lutt in tliti bear cutiipnieu. llnying was
principally by scalpers who had soldcirly
and took In piolits all thu witydown. Tim
principal Uniting was in July.
OATS Sold don about ) c , and a conoid-
able business , In a hpeculatl\o way , was
done In this cureal.
I'ltovisio.vs Piovisions worn weak oaily ,
and sold oil'.some , but towaids the cltno the
leolliiK ot ri'tmninK conlidcncu developed.
and the last ptlcosveu > at aleut thu range of.
S.itmday's linal quotations.
ArrniNoo.v HoAiin , ' i'M : p. ID. Wheat
sold oil , August , hlio\\liK ) a gieat weakness In
the list of ucthu tutuies , railing away in
prleo % . Tlicro did not seem to bo very
gioat IHC.SSUIO liom thu top , but rather signa
of lutuin of genctal debility. No special
change In otliei speculative ai tides.
Corn was weak , and poik nuulu n slight
U40i ; > . m. Puts on Juno wheat , 73 b'c ; calls ,
CmrAoo , May ! 2I. [ Special Telesjrani.J
CATII.I : The cattle tiado was slow and
pi Ices rather easier on the ordlnaiy inn oC
lat cattle. Seine salesmen wcro quoting
their sales at least -10 per cent. lower , whllo
othcis admitted only blow tiado and little erne
no change in prices , Dispatches lioai Xcw
YoikieiKiitoii niibatlblactory iiiaikct
wltn a hhaip down luin in piicct * . PiiVulo
cablc iams liom IJiltish niaikcts lopoited
Ameiican c.ittlo as losinc money to-day.
Shipping slews , iBO : to 1500 pounds , S5.Ht ) ( < > )
5.8Ti ; I'JOuto 13.TO pounds , S4.IK5. ) : > < ) ; 1130 to
1'JOO pounds , S4.00 ( < g3.20. An unexpected bli ?
tun had tlio effect of sending prices down
W$10c at the opouinij and at the
decline the speculating tool ; the
ciop anil they held their pioperty light up
to tin1 mark from statt to tmlsli. the market
closing neaily as high and fully as stiong u
on Satin day. Thu pacKing inteiehl was
fully repiesentod. Shipnois wcioaiso tuklnic
their usual numbur , .so that , all in all , theio
was an active niaikct , eoiibideiing the big
run. Kougli and common. § : ! .bO'M.r > U : liulic
of mixed sold at 8-UO , and heavy S-l.15cJ4.3i.
Nnw York. May -t. MotfEV On call ,
easy at P.m/j percent.
1'itiMi ; MincAN rn.i : PArcit 4@5 pot
Snni.i.vo : iCxriiAxor. Strong and un
changed ; actual iate.-i , 84.ISG > f for sixty days ;
84.S7J-4 for demand.
UovBiiNMHNis Dull bat a shadu better
for 4's.
STOCKS Enilv dealings showed consider
able heaviness in a jjieat many stocks , Later
in the day even tavorlte .stocks gave way nnd
linal liguies are close to the lowet of the day.
Chicago , liiiilln ton As Ojiiney , however ,
shows an advance uf 1 per cent un very light
ClilctiKO , May II.Klour Qiiiol and un >
changed , in < iar.-.liv ) < t'l.75 ' : sotitlnnn , sJ-i.OJij (
MOV ; iseuiiHln , S-l 2.Xfo4.IX ) ; iliclll-
ian soft hniintr wheat , jW.iVXil .JO ; Mlnno-
hotahakers. SJUOMI.OO ; patents' , fe-J.COa5.bO.
low uiades. M.OO ( < fit.OO ; iluo lloiu , ( luk't at
&a.0 : ! ( ' ; i.r)0 in bbls , tM.oo < a.o : ) : ; in backs.
Wheat Opened a Miailo better , declined
c , advanced to extent of decline , sold oir
/fc. uilcd finel | , closimr about X1' under Sut-
ndiiy ; casb , 7.ri e.Iune ; , ? 0u ; July , 77J (
Corn Killed weaker ; opmied at Saturday's
close , declined Jfiit e , cloiiiiK Jtfi ; under hat-
uidny ; cash and June , H c ; July , 'iO fiJ
80 ! < r.
O.its Oulct and wonkcr ; casli , 8Sc ; Juno ,
UailoyDull at. Vic.
Klax-Sl.W ) .
Timothy 1'ilmc. 81.0 * .
Whisky SMI.
Provisions I'ork decllund fiJ QTc. oarlr ,
ati'r ruled steady ; ileollno iccoveied ; casli ,
sJS-l'i(5.S.5U ' ( ; June , ! f8.17K@S.5Uj July , SS.OO
S.0'i } { .
haul 3Ko lower : closed utilot ; cash and
June , S.\h7 > i@'i.OO ; July. S5ii.X < 4'i.i)7K. )
Koxi-d Meath SliuuUten , l.'J'JWI..i ' ) ; short
clear , 8fi.7.V in.80 ; sliort libs , WiX ® " > U.
Jiuttei Qulut but btendy ; cicumury , I'AQ
: i/cd.iltv ; , IO@1HC.
Ohcci'Mi Fnirciomn cheddaia , now ,
Oc ; flats , 10 ( 10jej Young Aiaetlcas ,
Vo ; skims , 0 { 7.
KL'Kheak at7gO. (
Hides Heavy u'icon salted , 7J/c ; light ,
fy.oilainau'cd \ , C > fc ) ; Dull Indo.s , fijfc : diy
salU-d. UMiyo ; dry flint , 1.1 ® I o : o.dt hklnj ,
Cic ; all skins iindui 8 Ibs. classed ah deacons ,
< ) each ,
Tallow Xo. 1 country , 3J cj No. 3 , 3oj
caKe , SJ < ( iiJc.
KccolpK SlupiiKiiits.
nnui.bbh . 9,000 'Mi.OOO
Wheat , on . 7,000 KH.OUU
Corn , mi . 7i.ioo : ( I'JJ.oo' ' )
) ats. Im
Jurluv.bu . now r'.t0' '
Aflcinoon Hoard-Wlmat eaMer ; July ,
77Kc. Ooi n steady ; . ) uly. W e , ( Mts hte.iUy t
July , 'J7 ! iriiic i'ork and Jard steady and
New York. .May UL-Whoat-lteofilpts ,
7U,0 ( 0 ; exports , 4I7,00J ( ; lower ; No J i d ,
U3kc : JunttcIoM'd at WXc. . , , ,
( Join-Spot. Wile , mid options M ( Xo
Inner , closed < usy : tecclj ) ! ! , . HO'j6 ' : ex-
jioitH , ! M < ixw , ( , niiKiaded. iofatmXf xo. a ,
ids in olovutorlO o olloitt ; June closed at
6at .Moilfi-iitely active ; reot'lpLs , itJt.COOi
oxportsm.OOJ : nilxcil western , 87VJo ; whlto
wostcrn. WiWXc. , . ,
1'etroleuin Steady ! United nl
WHQulist and lutlioi' weak ;
ri'Vi'kWull and eabUr ; wes.3,0 5.CO