Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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"Which Have Boon riled By Mr. Foss , to
Wipe Ont Reflections Upon His
Moral Character ,
A Woman In the COHO ns Unu-il She
In ft Meantjl'roin ncnifKntlng
Host on Matters Jlelnn Ar-
mil coil RO Smith Can
Marry Her.
Late Saturday evening Mr. Fayutto I.
Foss , of Crete , the attorney for the defendant
fondant in the somewhat sensational di
vorce ca.Mi of Thomas v.4 Laura Powers ,
filed a package cf sixty-eight depositions
with the clerk of the supreme court , nil
bearing an the ride to Denver last Octo
ber which , thanks to the energetic repor
ters , has become almost as famous In
this state ns tlio celebrated horseback
journey once made by Phil Sheridan. On
n hearing of the case on a habeas corpus
proceedings for the custody of the boy
Sammy , the attorney for the pluintiu" , it
will bo remembered , charged in court
'that Mrs. Powers ami her lawyer had
bccnn little careless in their conduct dur
ing the visit to Denver , where they went
to secure certain depositions. Mr. Foss
was on Ids feet In an instant , repelling
the accusation , and demanding , us Mrs' . ' '
'Powers hud three lawyers , himself , Gov
ernor Dawes and Mr. Slovens , that as a
matter of justice thu charge should bo
made' moro siiecifio. In reply to
this the piaintill' filed allldavlts
from parties in Denver in
timating that Foss was the man. and Unit
while at the Windsor hotel he had been
a little too free in the use of Mrs. Pow
ers' room , and on leaving had sneaked
out by a side entrance , lirst paying cer
tain employes ot the house to keep quiet
about what they had seen.
The allidavits now filed by Mr. Foss
are ill answer to these charges , and seem
to dispose of them eH'eetually. Mrs.
Powers testifies tlmt she went to Denver
with Mr. 1-oss at the time stated , on her
husband's notice that ho wanted to get a.
deposition from Dr. Sherlock. Mr. Pow
ers was on the train , and his conduct
was so violent that slip was afraid ho
would do her bivdily injury , and at her
suggestion Mr. Foss occupied the berth
over hor's. At the hotel Powers' dogged
her so that she had her room changed seas
as to bo near to Mr. and Mrs. Gore , and
when leaving the house , on ( hiding that
Powers was watching for her at the cle-
valor , she went out by the side entrance.
Mr. Foss , she says , was nevu1 in her
room , except when Mr. and Mrs. Gore
were there , and left with them on the
night in question.
Mr. Foss swears that on the way out to
Denver the conductor of the sleeping car
canio to him and said Powers had told all
about his domcHtic trouble , and insisted
on buying the berth over Mrs. Powers ,
which the conductor would not permit.
Powers , in Ills conversation with the con
ductor , said the case had already cost
him ! f4OCO , and that ho had ? 20OOJ more
to spend. Ho seemed to bo particularly
incensed at Foss , and made threats then
that ho would shoot his d d head off.
The conductos , thinking there might bo
trouble during the night , warned the
porter to keep a close watch on Powers
and give an alarm nt the lirst demonstra
tion. At the hotel Foss says he wasnover
in Mrs. Powers' room except when other
parties were Ihgrc. Ho corroborates Mrs.
Powers as to the reasons for leaving the
hotel by tlio side door , and denies that
ho paid the haekman who drove them to
the depot more than $ 1 , or told him to
keep his mouth shut.
The conductor and porter of the sleep
ing car tell the samn slory about
Powers' conduct on the way out
to Denver , aud agree that ho
appeared to be a particularly bad sort of
a mnn , ami greatly enraged at some
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gore , of this city ,
and Mi. and Mrs. J. M. McDonald , of
Now York , who were fellow passongc'rs
on the train , and guests at the same hotel
with Mr. Foss and Mrs. Powers , also cor
roborate the statements made by them ,
both as to the conduct of the plaintiff on
tlio train , and the behavior of Foss anil
Mrs.-Powers towards each other at the
hotel. . "
Among the affidavits urTiishcd by
Powers wns ono frpu > Henry Bryant , a'man , who swore that when ho drove
Mrs. Powers and Foss to the depot at
Denver , the latter paid him $5 and told
him to keep his mouth shut. Ikyant is
now out in a counter aflidavit in which ho
swears that the lirst document was gar
bled , and altered , and that ho never in
tended to swear to tlio facts stated in it.
l\fss , ho savs , only paid him $1 for the
trip , and did not say anything about keep'
ing his mouth shut.
Thomas Powers , the boll-boy , who tos
tilled for Powers , that Foss had paid him
well for piloting them down the sidi
stairs and other services , also goes back or
the whole thing and says lie was imposec :
on by tlio notary public who drew it
Powers paid him , ho says , far making
the affidavit , but in justice to both Fost
and Mrs. Powers ho furnishes the soconi
free.John P. Boyle and Joseph Clemen
employes at the house , and u large mini
bor of guests , testify in a general way U
the gnod behavior of the defendant am
her attorney , and the entire absence o
anything like suspicious circumstances
The confession of Loyal L. Smith ns t <
his dealings with Haiman Lowy bring :
to mind a fresh romance connected will
the affair that has , perhaps , as much tide
do with Inducing the gentleman whosi
departure Omahans mourn , to tell tin
inside history of that Saturday night deal
as Lowy's failure to pay the $10,000 note
Mr. Rhodes , of Chicago , .the liuancia
agent of A. S. Gage & Co. , it was , who a
the close of the memorable trial in th !
city In March last , gave the thread of th !
romance to the KRK man , and voiiohci
for the facts. Smith , ho said , had , bufor
coming to Omaha , boon intimate with i
handsome woman in Boston , a falloi
daughter ono of the best o
the Puritan familias. For uwhll
Eho was noted at the Hub ns one of th
most beautiful and abandoned of th
many women who lead prolligato live
there , She in turn became infatuatei
with the foxy Smith , and on Iii promis
to mnrry her agreed to give up her ovi
ways and reform , a move in which ho
family assisted. Before the time set fo
the marriage Smith made his fumou
deal , and found it healthy to go to Can
adn. Since then the relatives of his in
tended bride , people of largo meant
have been trying to arrange matters B
that ho can coma back to the Unite
States and go into business. The feole
that was put out by , n linn of Canadia
lawyers last fall , in n letter to GrolV t
Montgomery , of Omaha , asking on wlm
basis Smith's debts could bo comprc
iniscd , was undoubtedly instigated b
them , The creditors at that time wer
Etill warm at the manner in which the
were treated , and refused to negotiaU
That they have taken u different tac
now Is owing probably to the fact tin
they bad to make u good showing on tli
motion for a now trial , and so decided t
play the big trump card. They had ai
other big surprise iu store , and ono wide
ivould nave made somn people wca
about the knees , but the case was too in
portant an one to take any chances 01
and the consulting attorneys' wisely ri
solved to show down their whole ham
When matters lure -put in iiropur shai
Smith will bo allowed to visit the United
States without molestation , and a mar
riage in the far cast will moro than likely
be one ot the lint events of his rolntro-
duction to American society.
Captain Pinneo , chief of the B. & M.
detective service , returned yesterday
from Superior , Nu6kolls comity , whore
he has In jail live tramps , who , ono night
last week , walked off with a trunk of cutlery -
lory samples from thu depot platform.
The trunk wn * In charge of Louis Horn ,
a travelling salesman for llibbard &
Spencer , of Chicago , wiio had left It on
the platform while ho was waiting at the
hotel for the arrival of the train. Pinneo
and his men tracked the thieves down
Into Kansas and corralled the wliolegaug
ns they were dividing the plunder. They
were taken back to Superior , where Cap
tain Pinneo went early Saturday morn
ing to look after them. Arriving there ,
lie found the little town in an uproar
over the olztiro of Mr. Gcorgo Kilpat-
rick , of Beatrice , by riolous rallrond la
borers , who were threatening to hang
him unless he paid another man's debts.
Kilpnlrick Brothers liavo a contract for
building the B. & M. branch between
Superior ami Nelson , which tlitsy have
sub-lotto other contractors in thu usual
manner. Going down lo Superior
Friday , Mr. Kilpatrick found thu men
very much excited and angry because
the sub-contractor on that section hail not
paid ilium for hist month'H work. Going
among them to talk the matter over , Mr.
Kilpatrick was siii/.ed by a. gang of 12. " >
of the most turbulentspirits : , who put him
tindur guard , nnd ( old him that if their
pay was not forthcoming by Saturday
night they would hang him to a coiiplu
of "wagon poles which , as IIM evidence of
good faith , they had rigged up in front of
1 the shanty where thu prisoner was held.
Mr. Kilputriiik was thus held in durance
until nearly noon Sattmlav , when Cap
tain Pinnco and the shunII of Nuekolls
: ounty , having drummed ill ) u posse of
sixty men , armed with shotguns and
rillos , marched down to the eamp and
demanded Ins immediate release , giv
ing the ringleaders of the gang to under
stand that if refused they would open lire.
While the parley was iroingon Kilpatrick
managed to get out of the shanty and es
cape to the protection of the sheriff , the
desperadoes not daring to lay hands on
liitn while confronted by tiie armed
posso. Ill explaining the men's demands
Air. Kihmtrlck said that his linn had
paid thu sub-contractor , and that the lat
ter was ready to pay for last month's
work , but some of the thick-headed chaps
wanted pay at the same time for the
month now ending , which would be im
possible , as the work has not been meas
ured yet.
nitir.F MENTION.
At tlio pacing race Friday afternoon
Frenchman hud an easy victory in
straight heats. Dost time , 2:17 Thu few
who were on tin ; inside and had a straight
tip. won the shekels.
Thu jury in the Micklo-Arbuokle case ,
in which the plaintiff sued to recover
damages from defendant for selling him
ivglamlorcd horse , thought Arbuckle was
responsible for ? 120 worth of the trouble ,
ami said so.
Smith McLain , the restaurant keeper ,
was found guilty by Judge Parsons Sat
urday of refusing to sell Charles Thomas
a dinner on account ot his color , and
lined him $25 and costs. McLain will
Ayearold ! ) child that had wandered
on to the track in front of an approaching - '
ing freight train near Wavcrly Saturday
afternoon , was rescued by a cool-headed
fireman , who ran out on the foot-board
and down thu pilot Justin time to pick up
the infant. That the hero's namu is not
at hand is duo chiclly to his own modesty.
There was a hot little "scrap" between
a couple of hotel cooks in this city about
2 o'clock yesterday morning , during
which a pistol was used , but unfortun
ately without either of the toughs being
Cashier Kittredge , of the Commercial ,
has gone to Lockport , N. Y. , on a visit to
The Association of Nebraska Under
takers will moot in this city on June U.
Governor Dawes has issued a requisi
tion on the Illinois state government for
the return to Nebraska of Joseph O'Con
nor , the man wanted for embezzling
$150 from Lindquist & Co.
Tlio Eight Weddings of the Will to
CIvoland Laader : If Grovcr Clnvcland
should bo married in the wliito fiouso his
wedding will be U ninth which has'
taken placo.Uitre , and ho will be the lirst
president "married in the white house.
To'iin Tyler had the wedding reception of
liis second murriago in thu whitp house ,
: tnd President Iluyus and his wife cole
jralcd their silver wedding there. The
iirst marringo in the white house took
place in 1811 , when a Miss Todil , a re
lative of President Madison's wife mar
ried John J. Jackson , a Virginia con-
'rcssman. The next was that ot Monroe's
laughter. Martha , to Mr. Gonvurneur , of
Sow York , about nine years later , and in
1820 the son of _ Proshlent Adams married
Ills cousin , Miss Johnson , there. During
the administration of Jackson ono of the
diplomats , a man named Paqucot , who
afterwards represented the French
f-ovornmont in this country , was married
in thu white house to the daughter of
Andrew Jackson's close friend , Major
Lewis , of Nashville , and Jackson's niece
was married during this administration
to a Mr. Polk , of Tennessee. During
Tyler's administration his daughter was
married to a Viiginlan named Waller ,
and during Grant's term his daughter
Nullio was united with Snrtoris , an
English gentleman. Another marriage
during the days 'of Grant's presidency
was that of General Russell Hastings and
Miss Emily Pl.itt , The marriage of
Nellie Grant was a very grand ntlcir. It
took place iu the east room , mid was
talked of for the time nil over the world.
The groom. AlgernonSartoris , was a
nephew of l-annvKemblo , and was highly -
ly educated. Nellie Grant was nineteen
years old while ho was twonty-throo.
They met on u steamboat , and were mar
ried elgtccn months after this mooting ,
Immediately after the marriage the
young couple sailed for England , whore
they nave spent most of the time since
then , and whore Mrs. Sartorlsis now.
A euro euro for Blind. Bloodln ? , Itchln
and U It-united I'llos has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Or
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A Kliiglo
box has cured the worst clironio cases of iVoi
0 years standing. No ono need sutler live
minutes after applying this wonderful Booth
In1. ; medicine. Lotions anil Instruments demote
mete harm than good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs the tuaiore , allays thu
Intense Itching , ( particularly at night nftei
getting wurm in bud ) , acts as a poultice , civef
instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private parts , nnd for nothing else.
Dr. Frazlor's Mimic Ointment euros ns by
magic , 1'lmjiios , Ulnok Heads or Grub *
Jilolchcs and Eruptions on the face , leaving
tlio sKlu clearnnil ucnutlful. Also cures Itch ,
Salt Khcmn , Sere Nipples , Sere Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ol
CO cunts.
Retailed by Kuhn < fc Co. , nnd Sclirootor < S
Courad. At wholesale by 0. lf , Uoodtuau.
Inspector llonUolil Ilecelycs a lUoi
Gun ,
Chicago News : Inspector Donfleld ro
ccivod yesterday from the manufacturer ;
in Connuticut what is called u "riot gun , '
for use by the city. police. It is a center
lire weapon , with a spring noodle , am
shoots six times without reloading. It. .
six shells each hold nine buckshots u lit
tlu larger than a 82-cahber ball. 1
ih operates raniuly , and is said to bo ver
ik clUcacious in scattering a crowd ,
ii- , , , .
iin , The warm or weather often has a die
opresbing and debilitating effect. Hood' ,
i. Barsaparilla overcomes all languor am
lassitude. . . . .
A Letter From the Noted Indian Agent of
Pine Ridge.
Ho Indulges In Some Very I'lnln
Tnlk In n liuttcr to tlio
l.lntllnn Commis
llnmi : AGENCY , Dak , May 20,1880. , [ To
the Kditor. ] I notice the Hon. Commis
sioner Atkins docs not give to the press
my detail letter of reason of April 27 ,
and as the same may provu Intnresting to
people who believe a "pubho oll'iei ? is a
public trust , " etc. , 1 inclose it for publi
I presume that it stirred the Indian
ollicc up.
A short tiiuo ago they sent Captaih
Leo , U. S. A. , in charge of Cheyenne and
Arapahoe agency , Indian territory , anew
clerk. Leu wired General Sheridan at
oucu that if they insisted on placing the
clerk on duty ho would retpiest to bu re
lieved and sent hack to Ills rugimunt. The
Indian ollico backed down. Why did
they not insist ?
I see your special of the 18th stated
that Atkins s-ays Clerk Drown was dis
charged for the reason that ho applied
tor a license to trade. That statement is
false. Cleric Drown has never applied
for license to trade , directly or indirectly ,
and tlie statement is a very lame ultompt
at justlllcation for the arbitrary act of
the Indian ollice in causing my suspen
In the same special tho3' state that Sen
ator Dawes wired mo advice to accept thu
clerk. I have received no advice what
ever from Senator Dawus.
Now for consistency. Clerk Brown
is still clerk and on duty. Ho was urged
to remain by Inspector Bannister and
Captain Dell on th grounds of his un
questioned ability atul record. Mr
Clark , the new clerk , has not shown up.
1 was hilly prepared for thu
suspension , and expected it. I can stand
the racket. My solt-rcspect is worth more
than if2,2CO per year to conduct a busi
ness ot $50lOCO ) per vcar under a bond of
$ : )0OCO. )
I shall take up mv resilience iu the
Dlaok Hijls.
My resignation was made out under
date of March 37 , but I was dissuaded
from sending it In under a promise from
onu of the inspectors that the Indian olllae
had dropped the matter of appointing
clerks , and that my clerk should not bu
interfered with.
1 am glad that I did not solid in my
resignation , as I consider it moro honor
able to bo suspended on such an issue.
Yours truly , V. T. MuGn.ucuuDV ,
In Suspense.
RID'GE. AGENCV , Dak. , May 20 , 1880. [ To
the Editor. ] The following appears in
your issue of thu 18th instant :
WASHINGTON , May * 17. [ Special Tele
gram.--Indian ] Commissioner Atkins
ways : "The reason I discharged Daniel
Drown , who had been MeGillicuddy's
clerk , was that ho had applied for a
license as a trailer , anil it was not proper
that hu should remain in the service. "
It is hanlly credible that Commissioner
Atkins mailo the above assertion. 1
never applied nor contemplated applying
for a license as trader , nor can thu In
dian ollico show any such application , or
other paper , ollicial or otherwise , bear
ing mv signature , excepting such as havu
been in connection with "my duties as
clerk at this agency and passing through
the proper channel , the agent.
PINK RIDGE AGEKCV , Dak. , April 27 ,
1830. Ron. J. D. C. Atkins , Conmiis-
Kioner of Indian Affairs Sir : I have the
honor to address the following in connec
tion with your letter of the 21st inst. and
my telegram of the 27t > i inst. in relation
to the appointment of a clerk by your
oflico for this agency.
The present incumbent , Mr. Drown ,
lias been in this agency's employ for live
years in different grades , and is experi
enced in every branch of the service , and
has in addition what so many clerks lack ,
excellent executive and administrative
ability , much more in fact than many of
your Indian asonts , and could to-day dis
count many of them in handling an
agency , anil in addition has always been
a consistent democrat , and not of the
stripe of many who held positions under
the old administration nnd have at a late
day , ns a quastion of bread and butter ,
discovered the error of their ways and
turned democrat.
If to displacu such a man without
charges is in the line of the much vaunted
civil service reform , then suoh reform is
truly a farcu and I would protest against
being a party to it.
Ift as I understand it , the avowed in
tention of your office In appointing
agents' clerks is to have them act as
spies over the agents , then I must con
gratulate the Indian service on its agents
and clerks in thn future , for an agent
that will suffer such an imposition will
bo either a man so incapable of making
a living as to fear to trust himself in or
dinary business on his own account or
ono who is making enough money irreg
ularly out of his position to compensate
for Ins loss of self-respect , and comment
on a clerk who would accept such a posi
tion is entirely unnecessary.
I would invite your attention
to the fact that none of the
agents , superiors , commissioner or sec-
rotary.aro bondedneither are the agents1
subordinates , clerk appointed by you ,
etc.Tho agent nine is bonded forthnfaith-
ful performance of his duty , nnd iho
proper care , ihsuo of the property , and
disbursement of the funds tlmtcomu into
his hands by virtue of his position , and
under no circumstances can it bo other
wise than unbusinesslike and nnolllclal
for your ollico to attempt to appoint the
clerk foi that agent anil force thu agent
to turn thu euro of thu property and
funds for which he is responsible over to
an unbonded clerk , a stranger to the
Under no oflico or department of the
government is such a policy known of ,
and justice to my bondsmen and self will
not permit it in my case ; my bondsmen
vouch for mo , and not for an unknown
nnd irresponsible clerk of some ono else' ! ;
selection , Regretting that after twenty
years continuous service under the gov
ernment it became necessary for me to
act in a seemingly insubordinate man
ner and requesting the department tc
decide what action they will take iu the
matter. I am , very respectfully ,
V. T , McGii.Licum > y ,
United States Indian Agont.
Keep Quiet
And take Chamberlain Colic , Cholerr
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cures pain ir
the stomach almost instantly , got a
cent bottle , take nothing else. You wil
need nothing else to euro the worst casi
of Diarrhoea , Cholera Morbus or bowo
complaint. This medicine is mode fai
bowel complaint only and has been it
constant u&e in the west for nearly fit
teen years. IU success has been un
bounded and itsnuinobcRolnoahonse
hold word in thousands of homes. . Tr
Nebraska .lotting * .
Edgar boast ? of ajJJS.OOO hotel that is to
bo. „ "i
The police of Itaslings are blooming iu
now suits. ?
The Grand Island Times is now pub
lished daily. i i
The assessed valuation of real estate
and personal property in Crolo is sl.0- !
11)8. ) \ . '
Union Pacific surveyors have staked nn
extension of the road sixty miles west of
Cedar Rapids , t
The authorities iff Ncligh propose to
bond tlio town for & , GOO to provide tools
for a fire brigade. ,
Four churches , live tcmnoranco socie
ties and three saloons supply the spiritual
wants of Tekamnh.
Major McMurphy has sold the Schuy-
lor Sun and retires temporarily to
vernal bowers of peace and privacy.
Ten miles of the track of tlio Grand
Island & Wyoming Central has been laid ,
and the work Is being pushed rapidly.
Tito Patent Interior Publishing com
pany of falls City has collapsed. The
promoters were induced to quit by rival
The new town of Curtis , in Frontier
county , is growing rapidly , $30OCu worth
of lots having been sold within n
C. D. Barrows , of Lancaster county ,
was bitten in the thumb by a rattlesnake
while piejiing strawberries , and fatal re
sults are feared.
One of "Doc" Midillotou's pards in the
horse-lifting business was run down in
Wyoming last week and brought back to
Sidney for trial.
Mrs. Meals is the appropriate name of
the landlady of the principal hotel in
Ainsworth. Shu tickles her boarders
three times a day.
The Newport Advertiser , fresh from
the prairies of a western county , hoists
the ticket : "For president in 1888 , Charles
11. Van Wyek , of Nebraska. "
The contract for the second building
of the canning factory in Uhilr has boon
let for ' . ' ,078. The entire plant will bo
ready for business in a few months.
An achiii' ' cavity in Beatrice was filled
by the dentists last wenk. They met in
annual convention to devise ways and
means to lubricate the jaws of their vic
Hastings stands a first-class chance of
securing an extension of the Elkhorn
Valley road from Lincoln. All that is
necessary is a united appeal and a
The remains of James Kwing , the
founder of the town bearing his name ,
were brought up from Lincoln last week
and buneuin the Ewing cemetery with
Masonic honors. ,
Sidney is anxiously waiting for a irrist
mill ana a railroad up the Nortn Platte
valley. Tlio Micawbcr plan will never
secure either ; such improvements must
be forced to "turn up. "
The -1-year old f-on of L. C. Brown , of
Grand Island , toyed with the tail of a.
vicious horse ai\it was kicked against the
side ot a building no'ar ' by. The outline
of his nose was fo t in the collision , but
the voungster will live.
The young Indira of Genoa have or
ganizcd it broom brigade and are devel
oping their muscles for future emergen
cies. The rolling pin lias gone out. of
fashion. A clean , sweep of eligible
bachelors in the neighborhood is threat
Fremont is getting solid with the man
agers of the Mlknorn Valley railroad.
Right on the heels' 6f the banquet ten
dered Superintendent Hall last Thurs
day , the announcement is made that the
headquarters of the 'company are to bo
moved from Norfolk to Fremont. The
"Prettiest" will h'fcreafter bank on the
Grub route.
II. P. Shumway , of Wakeficld , has in
his possession a deed to tlio family home
stead in Rhode Island , dated Oct. ! ' ( ! ,
1733 , or forty-three years before the revo
lutionary war. The document is all
written , and certain portions are scarcely
legible. The homestead is still in the
family , and is the birthplace of Slium-
way's mother.
J. Waltmoyer & Son , of Baltimore ,
Md. , and Atchison , Kan. , are building at
Falls City one of the largest canning fac
tories in tlio west. It will have a capaci
ty of about 40,000 cans a day. It will bo
readv for business by Junn. They will
employ between 400 and 5CO hands on thu
crop and after that about 200 bands.
The level-headed Johnson County
Journal givi.3 tlio whole snap away when
itsaye : "Newspapers in the west are in
stituted for three specific purposes ; first ,
to make money for the owners ; second ,
to furnish an a'dvertisiiift medium for tlio
business men of the town ; third , to pro
claim to the world the advantages of a
plaeo and adjacent country.
Harriet Hammond , the beloved wife ot
Bon , living neat O'Noil City , fell desper
ately in love with a neighbor named
Smith , and concocted a plan to pool
homesteads "with the only man 1 lovo. "
With the assistance of her daughter she
dosed Ben with poison , but being too
largo for his capacity ho threw up the
whole conspiracy. The women are in
A seedy and forlorn tramp attempted
to hold u'n the editor of tlio Davenport
'Teh'grapn in Hastings for a "chow of
tobacco. " The wiry wiojder of the
"dope-can" reached out his dukes and
took the hungry tramp in the right
Deeper , landing him in the gutter. Tlio
Telegraph man then strung hlmsolf over
space and reached the hotel in safety.
A company has boon formed In'No.
braska City to bridge the river at that
point. The capital stoek is $150,000 , sub
ject to an increase to 75oooo. , Some of
the wealthiest citizens are interested in
the movement , and among the incorporators -
raters are : T. B. Stevenson , W. A. Cot
ton , 1) . P. Rolfo , J. Collins Lloyd , J.J.
Hotchstettor , David Brown , Robert Lor-
ton , K. S. Hawley , John Steinloy , and
A bare knuckle fight between two mnr-
ried women oceuri'cd in Dixon county
last week. It was a terrible mauling
match , in whicluallv ' rules of the profes
sion were knock6d''out ' as well as the
piigik-so , TlieV bit and clawed and
pulled hair for nvcn't'y minutes and fell
exhausted , crying-and mutilated. The
battle-Huh ! was Strewn with bangs and
braids and blood. , Tlio light was declared
a draw and the stakus confiscated by the
court. i c
The Brunn Memorial library at Hum-
boldtt donated by Mrs , Lydla A. Brunn
Woods , will cosf wjion completed f 10 ,
000. The building /will / bo a two-story
brick structure , thu upper floor to ( jo
used for the library. Besides the rental
of the lirst floor700 per annum , Mrs.
Woods has nddeil a.'life annuity of $1 ! > 0
per annum , whicii 'will place it on a solid
basis. Twenty live hundred dollars'
worth of books have boon ordered.
A case of inhuman cruelty , like that of
of the Shollenborgor's of Nebraska City ,
is reported at Fullorton. A boy named
Fred Wade , working for Fanner Ilinman ,
has been so brutally beaten and mal
treated that his bo'ily is a mass of sores
and his mind is destroyed. The season
is ripe for an example to bo made of some
of tlieso cowardly brutes who are per
mitted to live in Christian communi
The "ghost" of Ernest Mycr , the mur
derer of the Dasconibes , in Lincoln
county , terrified the neighborhood Just
week. The scuro was intensified by
Kugeno , the brother of Krnest , hurrying
into North Platte and informing thu
oniccrs that ho had scon and talked with
Krnest or his ghost , he was not sure
wliiph , in- the same locality ; Officers
wore sout after him and the muu wiu
overhauled at n farm house two miles this
sldo of the north line of thn county , but
hu was tlio wrong man. Ho born con *
sidcrablo resemblance to Krnest Myers ,
but is much taller.
The residents of Dlaino coun'y had
quite a violent squabble on the question
of organization recently. Tim opponents
of the schnmo threatened the editor of the
Drowsier News with violence unless hu
"shut up" on the subject. Evidently the
residents are unacquainted with Grorgo.
or they would roali/o the utter folly of
attempting to ping his wind or stay his
tongue. Nature spread herself on
The Diichanan Comedy company se
cured the ground work of u now and
thrilling play nt Creighton last week.
The mcmucrs had meandered out of town
to rest their weary gag * and nntlqtio
putt ? , and were saluted by n gang of play
ful cow punchers , clad in sombreros , re
volvers and cartridge belts. The barn
stormcrs suddenly dispersed amid n
showerof lead in the air , but were over
hauled and forced to show up their empty
pockets. They lost -their wits in the inti-
lee , as well ns their plug hats , the latter
being shot full of holes by the cowprods.
The "troop" rejoiced to escape with a
whole hide , and refused to cuter com
plaint or prosecute.
Iowa I touts.
Creston keeps twenty-four tailors
The speed ring purses for the hlato fair
this year amount to $8,000. ,
The Farmers , alliance is making prep
arations to start a lumberyard at Crom
A DCS Moincs company will spend
sJ.'i.OOO iu search of natural gas at Cla-
A young man named John Peterson
was instantly killed near Schallcr , Sao
county , by the accidental discharge of a
gun lie was handling ,
A Cedar Falls little girl ojoscd her
prayer the other nlglil by murmuring :
"And , ( Sod , bless the llowers that bloom
in the spring , \ra la. "
S. S. Poltcr , of Crcsco township , Palo
Alto county , by the death ol a brother at
Silver City , N. M. , comes into posession
of an estate valued at $150,000.
D. W. Scott , a young attorney who lo
cated at Uttutmvu a few months ago , has
been arrested on a oliargo of embezzling
the funds of an estate at Connulton , Intl. ,
and taken back to that place by a de
A Sioux City thief grabbed a ham
hanging in front of n butcher shop and
ran tor shelter. Hu was surprised that no
onu pursued him , and his surprise in
creased when he found the ham was
stutled with sawdust-
Strawberries arc as great a dainty to
the Musmiakics as to their white neigh
bors. The other day two squaws , very
dirty and correspondingly fragrant ,
bought four boxes of the delicious fruit
at Tama and paid 30 cents a box without
n murmur.
At Hamburg , Tuesday night , a colored
voman , whom it is claimed had circu-
ated stores rcllccling in a serious manner
ner- upon the character of a younc lady
it that place , was taken from her homo
jy a gang ot toughs and tarred nnd
William Slater , of Emerson , Mills
county , was painfully Injured by a stall-
on a few days ago. The horse bit him
n the left arm , severing ono of the ten-
Ions and badly lacerating the arm. Pick-
ng him from the ground , where ho was
n imminent danger of boinir stamped to
death , the furious animal threw him over
hedge fence.
Charley Collins , the erratic and genial
ex-editor of the Sioux City Times , is now
jrowtjingintlio orange fields of southern
California _ und making money. Ho
ivrites to friends that , ho has a cozy cot-
: ago near San Diego , overlooking the
jay , shipping , ocean and mountains ,
with a summer villa uino-miles away.
' 'We have to drive but a few stops from
our door to get into the grandest stretch
of beach and surf bathing in the world-
ami that is saying much eight miles of
sandy bench so hard along the edge of
the surf that the horses' hoofs scarcely
make an indenture and where , when the
ti'.le is out. 100 teams can drive abreast.
Evcryttiing I now touch seems to turn to
gold , and realizes far ahead of my most
sanguine expectations. I have got into
a very easy , independent , conservative
mood a spirit and a fooling which I
never oven comprehended , much less
practiced before. Our lots which wo
purchased have all trebled and moro in
vfilue. I have everything I want except
my old time strength and vigor. Dut I
am changed , wonderfully changed ; but I
am perfectly contented. I woijtSSr some
times whether this is all p. dream or not ;
the most perfect climate in the world ;
ovorylody about mo happy and hopeful ,
enjoying good health ; an opportunity to
make money without an ellortja kind of
continuous picnic. " Ho expects to make
$10,030 out of land this .summer. None
of his ucqtmintaucof will envy Charley's
good fortune. Ho wrestled with adver
sity for thirty years and never got out of
poverty's clutch till he crossed the
Over SWO city lots at Rapid City changed
hands last we'ek.
Destructive timber iiros are raging on
both sides ot Rapid creek.
About 000 Hollanders will locate in
Charles Mix and Douglas counties this
Sioux Falls has a prospect of securing
a shirt manufactory , which will employ
forty liand.s ,
A rock sturgeon , weighing 128 pounds ,
was recently caught In Dig Stouo lake-
near Milbank ,
Corporations are multiulying rapidly
in Dakota , During the past week sev
enty articles of incorporation were liled
in tlio secretary's ollice at Dismarck.
Mr. Payne , who was the bugler boy for
General Sully in the Indian campaign of
1803 , lately visited a battle ground near
Crandon , in Spink county. Ho says 200
Indians wore killed there and all burled
In oiid grave by the soldiers.
The Immigration Duliotin says that
Dakota Is growing faster this spring than
for any year slnco 188 ! ) . The immigra
tion ot 1880 is fully up to the high stand
ard 'of citizenship shown by the census of
last year , and the increase in population
Is in every way n notable gain for the
territory ,
Henry A , Mott , Jr. , Ph. D. , F.C.S.Prof.
Chomlstry , New Vork Medical college
nnd late Government Chemist , says : "My
Investigation of Allcoek's Porous Plaster
shows it to contain valuable and essential
ingredients not present in any other plus ,
tcr. Those ingredients are so perfectlv
proportioned that the Alicock's
Porous Plaster will not cause bllbtors or
execsaive irritation ; and I lind it superior
to und moro elllcient than any other plas
ter. " Imitations nnd counterfoils of this
valuable remedy are being offered for
sale ; so when purchasing Alicock's Porous
ous Plasters do not fall to see that the
registered trade-mark stamp is onjeaclt
plaster , as none are genuine without it.
Among the persons arraigned in the
police | court Saturday was Frank
Sutton , thn ox-convict who was concerned
in the alledged confession of the Watson
li , Smith murder by John Piorrion. Hu
had been arrested for vagrancy. Thoru
was no evidence forthcoming and Ids
case was continued.
1'or coughs and colds. Red Star Coligh
Cure js the best , says Mr. J. E. Bryan
Cleveland , O.
Denton'A Hnlr ( Jroxvor.
All who are BALI ) , all who are becoming
BALD , nil who do not wnnttobo b.iltl. all
who nro troubled with D.VNDIU'FK , or
1 rCHINO of the sculp : should use Uenton's
IlnlrClrower. EKIIITY I'RH Cr.xr of thosu
using It have Rrowu hair. U never fulls to
stop the ludr Iroui tailing. Through sickness
ami fcvrrs the hair sometimes tans off In a
shoit time , and although the person tuny
have rpiunhipil bald for year * . If you use lieu-
ton's Hair Grower aocordlnp to directions
you are sure oC a growtli of hair. In hun
dreds of cjises wo huvo produced a teed
cro\\th of Hair on those who have been balil
anil clnzcd for years we have fully subatnn-
tinted the following facts :
Wo prow Hair In 60 cases out of 100 , no
matter liow lone Imld.
Unlike other preparations , It contains no
suurar of loail , or vecetable or mineral
It Is a specific for fnlllusc hair , dandruff ,
mid ItcliIiiK of the scalp.
Tito Hair drawer la a hair fooil. and Its
onipnsmon Is almost exactly like thn oil
which supplies the Imlr with Its vitality.
When the skin Is very touch mid imiil , and
the folllco is apparently puevtunllv closed ,
the Mtiglo strength will sometime. * fall to
roach tnc papilla ; In such cnses the double or
triple strength should be u.seil In connection
with the single , usiiiK them nltcrimtcly.
Price , simile slrmietli , Sl,00 ; double
strcnRtli , 8'J.oo ; trinlo Mri'tmth. s.oo. : ? If
your ilrujglbN Iwo not got it wo will send It
prepared on receipt of prleu.
Cleveland. 0.
Sold by C. F. Goodman ami Ivuliu & Co.
Mr. W. S. Redlield anil bride have re
turned to HIM city and were given a re
ception yesterday at Hie resilience of
L. C. Redlield. Mr. Kodlield , woh is one
of the most popular of the young tiro-
men In the city , and who has for a tlino
held the position of plpoman at Kiigluo
house , No. 4 , was married on the lilth
inst. , at Hudson , Mich. , to Miss Kmma
Moore , n highly accomplished young
lady , lormerly of this city.
O K I' ROTTL s irn nti un for the
X"i * po'ntrini"ntionof nM who rtpatre a g ° o
Cough. CoIdandGroupRemedy
Should eonuro the lavjro ft bottle * . Direction
accompanying each bottlo.
Bold by all Me c'idxc Ifolor
The Great Southern Remedy for all
Tliurn are very few who do cot know of this
llttlo liiisli growing aloncsldo of our nioiitilalni
and lillU : but very rmr reallro tlie fuel , that
the Illllo purple liorry , which so nmny of 113
liuvo eaten In in on uvery Bhnp < \ there Is a prin
ciple In It having n wonderful ( 'fleet on I ho
tKiwcls. Dr. lllzcor'A Huckleberry Cordlnl U
tlioaniAT Bouriniix BKMKDY ( lint rcMorrs
tlio llttlo one teething , and cures JJUmluea
Dysriitery nnd Crnnip Colic.
\VlieiiH Is considered Hint nt tlilssca-onot
the year uuclJonnnil duiiKerotis attarlcn of the
liowela are NO frequent , nml wn lirar of no many
deaths occurring before n pliyelclnn ran ho
railed In , It Is Important tliut every house.
hold should provide thcimclven with some
uixedy relief , a dose of which will relieve the
pain nml navii much anxiety. Itr. lllcurra'
Huckleberry Cordial Is a simple remedy whlct
tiny child Is pleased to take.
Price , so centn n. bottlo. Manufactured by
WALTElt A. TAYI.OK. Atlanta. Cla.
Tnvlor'H ClirrokroItemedv "f Kwri'tUTnTi
and .Mullein will euro Couphi , Croup nnd Con
gumption. 1'rlre Mi-la , unilll a hnttlc.
For Rule by tlio II , T. ClnrltoDrutf Co. , and all
Amended Notice to Contractors ,
8inroM.Ci.Ar Co. , NKU. , May 13 , JBfO.
The Itoiiril of Trustees of School District No.
3 , Cluy County , Nohruakn , will receive seuloil
bids up to n o'clock p. m. . May ) ! , 1886 , for the
oroctlon of u brlclc t-cliool lionso , consisting-
clKht rooms , to bo built In nccrmhinco with the
plitn-i nml tipURlllcutltms for tlio sumo , which
I n ay bo FCCII nt the olllto of Ilio moilurutor of
said district lit Button , Mobi-nsku , nftor Mny ! ,
IbW ) .
Illds In bn opened nml examined after 0 o'clock
li. in. May HI , 1831. Tlio succobHdil bidder will
bo ro'iuiml ' to irlvo un approvoil bond In the
ninoiint of the contract prlconf Fiilil work for
tlio faithful porfonniuicoof tlio contract. The
rlirht Is roturvcd to ri'Jiot nny nnd all bldx.
Illds to ho endorsed , "HfiU for III u KiTctlon of
the .Mutton School House. "
tttiy Sl'tXSM Jos. QUICK , Director ,
Tlio manufacturers of tlio Fischer Pin
nns , lather mul four SOIIH , all | > rnctlciil
iiiiiuo makerrf , rank niiioiior thu wealth-
lest nml most responsible IIOUHCS In thu
country , Those favoritn liistniuieiitrf
liuvu stuoil thu ti'Kt of niMii'ly hall'a
centnry'H trial in tlio drawliif' room ,
the school room anil concert him , earn-
in ? such u world widn reputation for
tliirahility iimlgoiu'ral cxccllonoo as to
create a demand \vhldi haa increased
year by year until It has now reac.heil
thu remarkable number of 5,400 ] ier an
num , J'nrftas iu quest of a thoroughly
well nmilft instrument , at a moilerntn
price , should examine thn old reliable
time tried Fischer I'lauo , before pur
305 nnd 13U7 , Farnam Street , Omaha
S.VIII'LH Klir.B TO At ,
Kih n t * < tVIHlUr. VtTO t unit rhrslMt nebltltr
PrCTo tnr l > "lln9m M < n. Irrnr of Youth , nact m
untold mlaftrlei ra < iltln rrnm InlKrretlon nnd r-
erftH. A boox for sirrr' m n. ymtnr. mM < Uej ( t
nml old. ItmntnlnilUp.i ftertptloni for nil nrntannJ
chronlculcpMOvonrnni. * ot which l < tnr.'tliittbln. H
fonn < tti7tho.nnlhorwho ntpcrlnncofor M yg nli
ruch ni urobitblr novcr ernrpfoU loih * lot of nnr
tin nrliinnQpii / < > . hoijml In bpnutlful rrench mute -
' . . . e > mtio ( HlcoTpr , rr.'lt.imrnntooilto ! l > g nnir
work In frrrj on -mpchnnic-al. . lltoMrr nntnrofoi-
Honnl-thdnnntnlhor work In thl ponnlrf fortl.H
orlhomnnOTwllltierornni1 In PTorr ln ne . IM ?
onlr II br mnlli po > < : . lilmlnitnt xnmpto , All
Rend now. Hold tnMnl nwnntcvd tns author fer lit * Nv ) tlio lion , \ . I * . niMJtl.
nnilii ncinl orflrnrj of thj bou.l th J r ttlorl r -
"Th.fScl ! 5 S"f T.I f > H worth mora t J In > ro n n 1
mlildlpii < C'l men of Uilt yoinirnlliin in t1 M ! | tl , j sl t
mlnp nrOilltnrnlKiintl the iTcrmlnoi | of
" ' the rack , , nl , auto.
urn which tl o ci'rwtllullim n'Uiyi ' > , m nr
i > roan * mnn hare tiooHfntillrwrecXoil..MitnehosKr
ThSsclonee of I.lfoUof cnyMor valiiJ thin nil fi
rncillMl irorVi p.tbllKhP'l In thl ciiunlrr fortnspm
toyenr * . Atlanta C n llliitlim.
ThBHclpiicaur I.lfolt 11 miiiart yiM mijUrlr trsit-
| c un nervous "ml | > ilbUIIv-l > oimU Frjj
Addrei tha I'oinailr Moillonl Itulltvilo. or lr W. It.
' r 8r.No.4 Uttliancn utroot , llotton , M in. , who m r
leeoniulteaon nil < ll o * et ro4ulruu til I < uJ ip r-
noo. ciimnloiuil rmin.ita illouo * tli U n TOUf.
oil thn fklll of nil pth rptiyslli : n n n oeHllr. Him
.rcalpil uoce fiillr nltnout an mlincooc fiilljM
Mention oimhn ll- " > -
Royal Havana Lottery
Jrawnat Havanu.Cuba , May 1,15,23 , 1888
Wholes ? 5.00. Fractions I'ro rnta.
Tickets liiFICIIig ; Wholes $5 ; Friiullouspa n
Suliject to no mnnlpulntlon , not controlled by
lie ptirtlos In Interest , His thu fttlrust tiling In
.ho nature ot ohancu In oxlatuiico.
FnrtlokotR apply to 8H11 SKY le CO.ISnnrnad >
rny.M. Y. City : M. ' OTTENS & CO. , 019 Jlnll
itrect Kaunas City. Mu. a21uiow
Notice to Contractors.
BUTTON , CI.AV Co. , NKU. , Mixy 13,188(1. (
Tlio Uonnl or Trustees of So.lionl Ul'trlnt No.
' , Clay County , NobrnsUa , will roaclvo sonlud
nds up to U o'clock p. m. . Muy ill , 1SSO , for tlio
ri'cHoti of n l > rlok school houfo , consisting of
In lit rooms , to lie built in ncconliinoj with the
ilana ami spoclllontloiis 1'or the euiiio , which
any l > n 81-011 nt the ulllco of the moilurutor or
.nlil . district In Button , Ncbrnskn , after Mity S.
8WI. All DUls to bo nfcompntilnu by hiiinplog of
ho various kinds of nmtnrliil to bo tlsod la the
lonstriiollon of said bulldlnfr , the suniplon of
ho MiiccoMtuI bidder to rotniiln on dunoDlt with
ho school board until the Imlldlnir Icompleted.
DUls to fooopotu'cl iinilovniiiliK'il nl'U'fllo'clock
i. in. , Miiy ill , ItWiU The siiccofrsriil bidder will
10 rotiuh-ed to ulvo ua approved nslilent bond
n the amount of the contract of said
work for the faithful pertorimuicn of the con-
raeu The rlirht Is rrsorrcil to rujeet any and
.ill bids Illd-t to bo endorsuil , "Bids for the
Erection of thoSiittonSchool Mouse. "
rlaylficUlt J wUnion. . Director.
and Jai ! Work.
1020 1'unmni Street , Omaha , Nob.
England , France & Germany.
Thn steamship * of this well known Him are
milt of Iron , In walor-tli'lit cfliiipnrtnionts , anil
iru I'urnlslioil with every roiiilHltu | to inako tli3
iii.'satro both * nfu and a ruealilo. Tlioy curry
hi ) I'mtecl Stnlc" nnil Europnnn mullsIIDI ! lo'tvo
Now Vork ThursJays nnd Satunlaya for Pl r-
nnutliIONUtNUhorlouifl ( ) ( > Altl3 nnd HAM-
lU'tui-nliifr , the stmimora leave Haiaburir on
Vtulnosdayti unil Hundiiys , via. Havru , taklnj ;
lasscnirciitut Southampton and London.
Kn-Bt cabin f > l , * OJ and $75 ; Stooruifo $21
( allroad tlukcU from Plymouth to llrlstol , Car-
lltr. London , or to any place In the South of
iiiKlnnil , KHEE. StoortiKO from Kuropo only
General ] 'asscn er Agents ,
61 Broadway , Now York ; Washington nnd Ln
Kallo Sts. Cliicaeo , 111.
onljr ono lu tbo vrorltl Ko Mneratlnff
ncontlnuona Klecttioit Mapnrlli
ivcurrent. . Sncnttflc. rowcrfpl , Hurdle
Comforlohlo and KlTcciiATola'lrauds. .
OvrrlL l'P cnrcjl. ndStuinpTni-pamnblet.
ALSO RLEC'ilUO : : I.T8 roil dlHEAHCB.
Warranted absolutely jmr
Cocoa , from which thociccoot
Oil Iioa been removed. It haiAr
tlinet the itrength ot Cocoa niliod
Tvlth Binrcli , A rrowroot or Sugar ,
and U tliercfora far ruoro ccoaoml-
cat , coiling leti Man ana cent a
cup. It la delicious , nourlihlng ,
strengthening , cosily digested , and
admirably adapted ( or Invalids oa
well aa for per on In htttlth.
Sold bf Urocen OTeryTrhert.
& CO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
Red Star Line
Carrying tlio Dclk'Itira Itoyal nnd Unltod States
&Iull , Balling civt'ry Snturdny
Between Antwerp & New York
Galen from $ to 1100. Ixcur3lon ! trip from
till ) to tltiO. Kfcotul ( 'uliu. oiitwunl , * Ui
lirupnliJt45 ; UXLMIHIOII. t'M. BtouniKo pufisaifn
ut low raloa. 1'olor Wrltfht & Hens , uonurul
\Konts , U llroiiilwuy , Now Vork.
llunry runJt , l-l l'iinam sr. : I'unleou Si Co. ,
13 l'u n mm ht. ; 1) . U. I'Vouinan , VUl I'uniaiii fit.
llcccntly llullt. Nowlx fumUhed
The Tremont ,
J. 0. riTKltAll ) & SON , I'roprletora.
Cor. fth and I161s. , Lincoln , Neb ,
Union tl.fiO pordur. Street car < from homo to any
imrlotilioclly ,
Architect ,
os 31. lit and 4 : . ' , ItHitmU lloek ! , Lincoln ,
Nub , r.lovutor on lltli
r of
HiKiurlloa.s t'Arrt.K
! ' . M. WOODS.
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hnloi nuiilu In nil pints of thn U. H. at fair ,
rates , llooni 3Hinlo I Hoc-1 ; , Lincoln , Null. :
tiullnwuy and Short Horn Inillj for tulo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
CorresnoniU-nPo In ri' ' arl to loans Follcitc.1.
Uoum i , ( Illo ! ( , l.lnmln , XoU.
Public Sale ,
> onvttr , ol. , Jiimi lOth , ISSli ,
40 head of Show Short jlofiis. IJiilOd
tliiinlycur : ; eMs , \uilitlilnir lii.Vlj bills and
lii'lli-rn. Aildii-bi I'hdd and F inn , for eatatii ; ; .
not , Denver , Col. f , M. Iliainjou , Lincoln , N"l ) .
Col. ! ' . M Won'l , Auuilonopr.
\Vlioii In Lincoln nt
National Hotel ; '
'Atid.Kl'1 it fooil dinner for 5c.-
. J.AK1'.DA\VAV , I'rop.