Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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jHio-crsros 03 ?
Agricultural Implements ,
Cfirrln'gna , Etc , Kto. Council TlliiiTa. town.
Corn Shelters , Stalk Gutters ,
DlscKnrrows , Sooitor.i , Corn Planters , Food Cut-
tors.Uto , iMctory , llock Kails , I IK
Nofl. IM'I , IMtl , 1.VK. 1507 Mill n St. . Council Itlnlta.
B I lAhBY & UO
Mimiif'rs nn ! Jobbers of
Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies ,
CdrrlnffOi , and nil klnjj of F rm Miiohlnery.
1100 to Hid South Main Street , Council Dlutfj ,
F.O. Qt.msns , T. H.Douor.v * , Or.o.t' . WIIUIIIT.
Fres.&Trofli. V.-Pro VMin. SM.tCoiliuol.
Council Bluffs Handle Factory ,
( Incorporated. )
Manufacturers of Axle , IMck , Hlo'ilijo and Small
Handles , of ovury description.
CAltt'KTS. ,
_ _
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil ClotM , Curtnln Fixtures , UpholUory Qooda ,
Eta No. 405 Urontltrny Council HlutTs ,
_ Iowa.
- _ C/ff/lfiS , TO/UCCO. BTC. _
Wholesale .lobtfcrs In thu
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes ,
Nos. 28 Main nml 27 I'enrlSts. , Council lllufTs ,
, Wholesale
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No. UPonrl St. Council UliilT. * . _
_ VUOCKKItr. _
Importers & Jobbers of Crockery , Glass ware
Lamps , Fruit Jnrs , Cutlery , Stonownro , Uar
Goods , Fancy Goods , Etc. Council IllutTs ,
_ lown. _
- HA'RLE , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale irngglsts , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries. Kto. No. 22 Main St. , and
No. 21 1'onrl St. , Council Ulults.
M. K. SMITH & CO. ,
and Jobbers of Dry Cools ,
Notloni.Klc. NOR. 112 mid 114 Main Bt.No3.113
ami 115 1'carl St. , Council lllulls , Iowa.
-a „ . O. W. BUTTS ,
Jhplesalp. California Fruits a Specialty
.Gonorul Commission. No. 5ti Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council niulTs.
' * "
' L. kmsoiiT & co. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor To lnrs. No. 410 Broadway -
way , Council Illulfa.
Manufacturers or and Whnlosnlo Dealers In
Leajlier , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. KM Main St. . Council lllutfs , Iowa.
HATS , cars , KTC.
Jobbers in.Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
Nos. U12 and nil llroiidwuy , Council 111 u ITS.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
' AnO Wood Stock , Council Hlulfn , Iowa.
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TullowWool , rolls , Oroaso and FUM Council
Illulls , luwiu
F y Wliolgsiilo Donli'ra In
illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gasollna
ETC. , E3TO.
B. Theodore , Agent , Council I Hulls. Iowa.
* " A , OVEHTON & CO. ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling ,
And llrliliri ) Material Si > ooltiltl < ; 3\Vh < ilosiilo Lum-
bur ot ill ) Kind. ) . OHloo No. tU : Mulu St. ,
Council llluir * . Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
A mt tor St. ( lotthanVs llurli IllttoM. No. 13
MaliUH. Oouiuill Illulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
A'n WO .Unlit St. . Council JHufft.
Justice of the Peace.
OfBcoOvor Amerloan Express Comnnny.
Are nbFolutt'ly pure , as rcprcjclitod. One ga\ \ .
Ion will cover two bumlm ! nnd lllty biiiuro
loot two coals , nnd will btiiy on IOIUUT tluiii uuy
otbor paint inuuiifacturud. lr iilu by
Dnuas , TAINTS , Ou.s , ETO
l-'lrjt-cluss Accominodiitlons ia Kvurytbing I'or-
uiliiliiy to tlio IJvury lluslnoss.
Finest Landau in the City
„ Hoaraitiuf lpcc4alty , TclepUononu.
FIELD ft COLE , Props ,
The Several Different Glues Concerning
tho' Murder.
Nothing ID Attach Matrimonial
Jfnurllinn nt Home SportliiK
Notes Tlio GomisTrnmp May
1'nrty Minor Mention.
Tlio Mtmler Mystery.
The mystery of the murder of Christo
pher Rnhlo on Tuesday iiljrht , May 18 , is
still unsolved. The interest in tlio affair
is rather increasing instead of diminish
ing , and the ieeling is growing in intens
ity that the perpetrators of the horrible
crime should , if possible , bo run to the
earth. A matter of general comment is
the strange apathy of the city and county
Authorities in tlio matter. No rewards
have been o lib red for tlio apprehension of
thu murderers , no steps have been taken
to ferret out tlio crime , nnd altogether ,
nearjy thrca days have elapsed since the
discovery of the same , nnd the solution
HeoiU9 about as far on" as over. Tlio au
thorities luivo been placed in posses
sion of a very good description of
two men who were last scon with Rnhlo
on the night of tlio murder , under suspic
ious clrcumtttanccs , and who may rea
sonably bo supposed to know something
of the horrible all air. Yet not a single
stop has been taken to secure the appre
hension of these men. An account of
moro than $ GOO stands to the credit of the
dead man in the Omaha Savings bank ,
and the general fooling is that this
money ought to bo appropriated for the
purpose of forro'tting out the crime.
Yesterday the examination of wit
nesses was continued. The next import
ant witness examined was John F. Day ,
tlio truckman in thu employ of the Amor-
lean express company at the H. & M.
depot. lie swore positively that on Tues
day evening he , , mot Ruble at the depot
in company with Uvo strangers and saw
the three board the 0:25 : train on the H. &
M. , for ( ireonwood. Tlio tailor of the
two strangers was a villianous' looking
man with a long sallow taco , heavy
mustache and gaiters , weighed probabl y
about 180 or 1JO ! pounds. Ho were a d ark
suit of clothes and a slouch hat. Mr. Day
stated that he did not notice tlio appear
ance of-the smaller of the two strangers
particularly , but could easily identify the
larger of the two if ho saw him.
Other witnesses examined were Fred
Wirth , proprietor of the City hotel , Fred
Zipps , wlfo was with Ruhlo on the night
bcforcKtho murder , John Sproulc , John
Wuetrich , Scow , the baggageman of the
I ) . & M. dopot.
The testimony was immaterial , and
scorned to establish only ono fact , that if
Ruble had any large amounts of money
about him on the two days before his
death , ho certainly did not display it.
The jury then took an adjournment un
til afternoon.
The coroner's jury hold a secret session
yesterday afternoon discussing a duo
that promised to load to the detection of
ono ot thu men who had been scon with
Ruhlo on Tuesday evening. The clue
originated in the discovery of the party
who had taken the valise , supposed to
have belonged to Rulile , from the saloon
at the corner of llaruoy and Twelfth
streets. The 3'oung man who took the
valise was found by the authorities yes
terday. Ho is Charley Holler , a young
man who used to board with Ruble at the
City hotel. He ca'mo in Tuesday night
and left his gripsack at the saloon on
Hurnoy street , and then went out to spend
the evening with friends at tlio conuir of
Thirty-first and Hamilton streets. Ho
showed conclusively that Iho valise did
not belong to Ruhlo as had boon sup
posed. Ho did not see Ruble after Tues
day evening early. His connection with
thu afl'nir has been shown to bo .satisfac
tory andho was released.
Another clue was sprung yesterday
afternoon by Frann Darganysceski , a
Hohcmlan who lives near the scene , who
called upon the coroner and said that a
man named Ktihlo , who lived near the
place , had scon Ruhlo engaged in : i hand
to hand encounter with a man on tlio
night of the murder Coroner Drexel
went to the scene of the murder and
sought out Mr. Knhle.- The report of
Kuldo's knowodgo ] seemed to have orgi-
natcd in the minds of some ot the women
.in the neighborhood , as Kiildu himself
knew nothing ot the afluir until tlio next
morhinf' , Darganysccski tostificd that
he heard the cries for help on the evening
of tho. tragedy but did not Icavo his
Thus ono by ono the clues that have
been discovered have been shown to bo-
based upon report and idle talk. The
man Nocroli'n.V'JiOjwas with Jtuhlo on
Monday night nmlVassoon to board the
train with him on Tuesday evening , evi
dently had a leading hand in Rtthlo's
taking oft" , and if thu earth had opened
and swallowed him the clues to his pres
ent whereabouts would not bo moro vngiw
and unreliable than they are at present.
The county commissioners instructed
Coroner Drcxol to continue the investi
gation ; KO long as any possible clue could
be found.
lint ono point remains unexplained
now in tho. minds of thu coroner
and his jury and that
is in relation tp the movements of Ruble's
baggage" . His trunk was checked on
Momluv night to ( ireonwood , on the 11.
& M. Thu trunk was sent on to Wavorly
and was returned to Omaha on Tuesday
night by the B. & M. from that place
Who ordered ( ho trunk returned in not
known , though it is almost certain that
Ruhlu did not make the trin described by
his baggage. Deputy SliorilY Grebe wont
to Greenwood last evening to find out by
whom this baggage was claimed at that
Unless some light , is thrown upon the
CIIKO by tills last movement the jury will
close the ease to-day.
The remains of Ruhlo wore interred in
Pleasant Hill c.omotury yesterday after
The testimony thus adduco.i warrants
the suspicion that Ruhln was most foully
and proincditatoly murdered. It is of
such a nature also , as to justify the most
Mrcnuous olVorts to bo made in securing
the man Norolia and the companion
who la known to have boon with him , ,
some time before the commission of the
deed. This man has been described as a
tall , heavy man with black mustache ,
and coarbu , broad blaok hat. It has also
been shown that ho and Ruhlo had been
together the night before the crimu was
committed and that Ruhln had agreed to
pay for Norolia's lodging at the City
hotel. Ono of the men whom Mr. Day
saw with Ruhlu nt the li. & M. depot
Tuesday night and whom ho afterwards
.saw jump with him on the train moving
from that depot tor Groomvood , accords
with the description given of Norolia.
Neither the Inttor nor Ruhlo returned to
claim their beds at the hotel , Monday
night and yet with a third party , both uro
seen to leave on tlio tram lor tlio west.
Four hours Inter , Ruhlo is gashed to
death. Sincothat evening at 0:80 : Nor-
cha and his. other tiriend have not boon
scon. Having baen the last known to
have boon with the inurdorcu man , it
stands to reason that thuir knowledge of
him is sueh as at present would bo most
The leave of absence of seven days , ,
granted Colonel John , S. Mason , Ninth
infantry , by the commanding ofllcer
Tort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , ia hereby ox-
toiided thrco days. . ,
Ills Arrival In Omnltn nnd ills Pore-
erlnntlons Around tlio Suburb * .
After a ride around t'io ' city Thursday
with Mr. S. II. II , Clark , during which
the visitors expressed themselves nma/.od
at the progress they had noticed the city
had made , both Mr. Gould Son of Jas *
( 'ould and Mr. Kerrigan General Super
intendent of the Missouri Paclllo
returned to their car.whcre they
remained until yesterday.
After breakfast , about 0 o'clock , the
snino gentlemen , under the guidance of
Mr. S. H. H. Clark , took a carriage and
drove along the Holt line , inspecting it at
nil point * . Ono place to which consider
able attention was given was tlio cut at
Summit. At this point both the Mis
souri Paclllo and 11. & M. como close to
gether , and to save expense , have jointly
stood the cost of making the cut ,
which nt some points is about fifty foot
deep , and extends about 2,000 , foot. The
advisability of having both roiids to occu
py the same track was abandoned , and
of each road using its own track was
The tourists returned to their cars at
about 2 o'clock. Dinner wns watting ,
and after the transaction of a curtain
amount of buslnoss ( the train was pulled
out and tlio party started on their way to
Lincoln , to Inspect the line now being
built into that city from Weeping Water ,
a distance of about thirty miles , which ,
it is expected , will be completed in about
two months.
Mr. Gould's train consists of a bnggngo
car and two coaches supplied with nil
kinds of conveniences for tlio accommo
dation of thu train hands. The sleeper ,
"San Francisco , " is for the accomoda-
tion of invited friends , while that of
"Convoy" is reserved exclusively for
Mr. Gould and . his assistants. All
these are furnished in the st.ylu
und richness peculiar to Pullman
cars , there being nothing of an extrava
gant nature to distinguish thorn from
other cars ordinarily mod by the public.
Mr. Gould was accompanied from
Sedalia by Mr. F. H. Drake of that place.
Ho is ono of thu division superintendents
ot the Missouri Pacilic , located at that
place. Ho returned homo this morning.
W. A. Newman , general trallic mana
ger of thu Missouri Pacific , of St Louis ,
arrived this morning from tlio west , and
waited at Mr. Gould's car until tlio hit
ter's arrival , and with him wont west
yesterday afternoon. ' '
Constable ICnrll AnuniK the Curiosi
ties of a Diiiio Museum.
Yesterday an Italian named Rocco
Toss appeared in Justioo Ilolsloy's
court and swore out an attachment
against the Harris' Dime museum , which
has boon for the past day or so nt the
corner of Ninth and F arnam streets.
Rocco , so ho alleges in his petition , lias
been turning the crank of the "wonder
ful musical machine" for the show , and
his employers were delinquent in his
wages to the extent of § 0.
Constable Karl toolc tlio writ of artach-
incut , duly made out by Justicu Hulsloy ,
and went to the place indicated to seize
some of the Dime Museum property , in
satisfaction of the debt. Ho found the
lout torn up , and the d. m. people about
to move away. They denied owing the
Italian anything , but on tlio other hand
otl'erud to prove that llocoo was in their
debt. Constable Karl set aside these
stories with contempt , und started
to look around for 'something' on
which to levy an attachment. He
failed to find it. The educated pig Boli
var grunted contentedly in one corner of
tlio car in which thu museum ( illects were
packed , but the constable did not have
the heart to seize the talontoa porker.
The bearded lady sat in another corner ,
chewing a pine tooth pick , nnd fingering
a greasy number of tlio Fireside Library.
Constable Karl concluded that this was a
piece of property unavailable for
his purpose , and passed her ( or him )
by. The wonderful musical machine , a
combination of tlio base drum , haiul
organ , hfo , jowsliarp and bones he
passed with equal haste , with tlio remark
that ho did not care to satisfy ali judg
ment with a symphony in E Hat. His
search in other directions for something
suitable to attach , was equally discour
aging , and ho was finally obliged to giyo
up the search in despair. Rocco will
look elsewhere for his sfu.
Ono Important Kssontlnl oTa Tramp'a
"One of the essential points of success
iu my profession , " said a dilapidated old
tramp who was talking to a reporter
from behind the bars ono of the cells in
the city jail this morning , "is to kcop tlio
hands in good order. Yon don't under
stand what I mean , eh ? Well , ginlnio a
chaw of ti'i-baccor and I'll ' explain ( my
self. "
The seribo produced a liberal chunk of
the wood , and after hie trampship had
sunk his teeth in tlio .same , and torn oil'
several liberal biteo , liu proceeded.
"You KCO , what I mean by keeping the
hands in good order is this : Of course ,
in tramping from town to town , a man
is liable to bo arrested for vagrancy at
any time. Ho must toll u story of how
ho has just been thrown out of work , 'and
is looking for employment , which , us
y et. ho has not boon able to
Ii ind. In nine cases oiu of ten
the judge will ask Him to show up
his hands , and when ho does produce
thorn , they must bo horny and towilorn.
Catcli on , do yo ? So youscc * it part of
my business to kcop mytlianils looking as
though they belonged to a man who was
accustomed to work 805 days in the -year.
For that purpose I carry witn mo this
small piece of hickory wood which is
round and very smooth. About twice
a day I take it between my palms and
rub thorn so that thu friction will make
them bard and callous. In that way , you
see , I nroduco the "real result" with very
Lit tlo trouble nnd annoyance. There
ia a bottle of brown liquid which
I occasionally use for staining the back
part of my hands a beautiful sun brown
; color , and there you aro. When I show
up my hands and toll the judge that I
am a nard workingman , thrown out of
employment by the strikes , what can
ho do but bollovo moV The trick has
saved mo many a day in jail , and I llattor
myself is a strictly original idea , though
it is spreading rapidly. Thu profession ,
you see , is beginning to realize that It
will never do to show up to a hard
hearted police judge a pair of tender lily
white hands. Hast dn gcschn ? "
Til AMP I THAMl'l Tit AMP. ! ,
Tie [ Genus Homo Tlittt Is Now Paying
Attention to Oiualm.
The rumor , to bo found in another part
of this issue ot thy BKI : , that a man was
found murdered this morning in the
southern part of the city , was readily
credited by a number of people who hap
pened to live there. They wore predis
posed to this belief because of the
presence of a number of tramps who are
now circling the suburbs , A number of
these follows have been in town since the
beginning of spring , and have given the
police a great deal of annoyance , while
they have.also aroused the fears of the
people around whom they wander , They
become easily embroiled iu quarrels
among themselves , .and if they commit
acrlmo , are no- < easily overtaken. Ono
of these in a-dosporato frame of mindr
Thursday wcUt into the hoti o of Millcn ,
the man whOr tlfecovcrcd Kitlilc shortly
after ho had bccu wounded. Ho demand
ed food , and'ppon being informed there
was none lefUort him , threatened injury
if It were not forthcoming. The patrol
wagon was ordered , and the follow to
day was trcittc/l to bread and water ,
upon which jjn ) will thrive for some
days. 1 d
l !
A Pupil Telia Cow It Was Hn.loycrt ' y
St. Vntrlck's Scholars.
At an carlyihour Thursday morning ,
the pupils of St. Patrick's school might
bo scon hurrying to the church to assist
at the holy sacrilio of tlio mass , previous
to setting out on their picnic , After mass
tlio statute of the Blessed Virgin was
crowned by th.i May Queen , Miss Maggie
Hush. She was then crowned by Rev. J.
J. Jonnetto , as tlio fairy queen. Miss
Nora O'Donovan was also crowned. Af
ter the ceremony and the singing of
some appropriate hymns , the pupils
formed in ranks anil accompanied by
their beloved pastor and kind sisters pro
ceeded to M. Donoyan'i beautiful grounds
on Thirteenth street. The day was
spoilt in a most enjoyable manner/There
were many games , prominent among
which were foot racing for boys and
girls and a sack race for girls. The
most fortunate of the competitors were
Masters Willie SwconeyJonn McAulillo ,
Patrick Callaghan , J. Mulick , Misses s
Katlo Connell , Tony Muliuk. .Maggie
Rush , Mary Mnhor and Rosin Dtirr. "At
about C o'clock the children formed in
line , nnd in good spirits returned to the
school , and dispersed wishing they could
have a pic nio every day. A PUPIL.
Stray heaves Gathered From tlio lie-
porter's Note Itook in the Hotel
Mr. John f > nod grass , Kimball : [ Mr. S.
has for years boon ono of the leading
ranch i foremen iu this part of the coun
try. ] I am on my way to Springfield , in
this state , where I have bought a farm
which I intend to use for stock purposes.
Antelope doesn't any longer exist. It has
been changed to Kimball , and tlio place
has changed greatly since you saw it.
We have got a town of .about 700 inhabi
tants with a bank and a paper known as
the "Observer. " Wo are satisfied that
tliogronnd can bo used for farmjng , with
out irrigation. The Bay State Live Stock
company have now had tlio Croigliton
ranclio for some time , and are doing con
siderable to improve the land for agricul
tural purposes.
Sporting Notes.
The Athletic base ball club will leave
this morning for Fremont , whore
they play the Greys of that city. The
homo team isstrongly orgnni/.od and con
fident of victory. Tlio nine is composed
as follows : Frank Anderson , James
Shorts , pitched1 : ' Millett Jones , Patrick
Quesby. catchers ; J. C. Farrish , 1st base ;
trunk Toner. .2d base ; Jerry Mahoncyrd ! )
base ; J. McCrdary , s. s. ; F. McCroary , c.
f. ; I ) . Gillan&/f,1 ; A. Purlcll , r. f. The
manager of Uid ifcam is Arthur Purtcll.
Out ol thu tlilr.tV'camcs played last sea
son tliis club only lost _ four , three of them
with the yniph , Pacifies.
An exciting race took place at tiie fair
grounds Thursday between William
Moldrum and Wjllinm Bracy , two well
known residents of this city , in the pres
ence of about iOy spectators. The con
ditions worq'lOOitardsJ postal start , for
SSO a side , iueldriim was elegantly
dressed in a pui.r of rod silk tights , and
silk stocking/ , with fancy dancing sliu-
pcrs and retf'c.Wjto maich the "general
gorgcousnoss ol tho'costume. . Drauy was
plainly attired. Ho weighed nearly 2'25
pounds , \C'hilo hi's' antagonist , Moldrum ,
tapped the beam at only 1-10. Tlio race
was a tic , botii men crossing tlio line at
precisely the same instant. An arrange
ment was made to run the race again
within the next ten days , for $10 a side.
A Swooping Denial.
An article appeared in tlio Herald yes
terday under the head of "RUINED HISK
HUSHANU , " wherein Mary A. Ilubor is
said to have commenced an action
against Morin & Quinn , liquor dealers ,
claiming damages in the sum of 5ooo
011 account of said parties selling liquor
to William B. Huber , her husband ,
whereby ho became vicious in his habits ,
leglccting his work , and failed to fur
nish support to herself and family.
Mrs. Hubcr alleges that she notified
the parties not to giyo him drink.
Messrs. Morin & Quinn absolutely de
ny the charge , and say that they never
furnished him snllicient qualities where
by ho became intoxicated , and that ho
never became .intoxicated on any liquor
he got at thojr place of business. They
also emphatically deny over having ro-
coivcd any warning cither by letter or in
person from Mrs. Hubcr . not to give
liquor to her husband , and as to treating
her with contempt , they sa.y they have
not find an v conversation with her on the
subject. The whole matter , so far as
they are concerned , is 'without founda
_ _
Ilniirlliiin at Homo.
Ilourihan returned Thursday from Lin
coln , where ho had been beaten by Tuf-
liuld in the twenty-five mile running
race. His trainer , Gregg , said that
Ilourihan was the better of the two , and
had done finer work , but that ho was not
in Jit condition , having devoted only
four days to training before the match.
As ho was , Tulllold who won the race ,
and who had long boon training , could
not have stood out much longer. Ho
was badly oil' when the race closed , and
had Honnhan but trained a little more
ho would easily have como oil' with the ,
honors. Ho is a working man , hotvuvor
and could not spend the time from' his
work to bo put into condition , Jack
Hooy , H , B. Kennedy and Kit. Lceder ,
Hounlmn's backus , all praise thu lat-
tor's work , esjjpjtiially Hooy , who was
enthusiastic ovi't. | Ilourihan rust
ing yesterday , and by to-morrow will
have freshen$4-vp again ,
The mombera-oi tlio A. M. E. church
met at their plHc < | of worship , May 17 ,
1880 , and adopt ciEtho following ;
Witnmus , Vf4 flio members nt the A. M.
K church , who.iiuva heen t > o lonir burdened ,
with a heavy dtbt.Vo , feel thankful to ( ioit '
who has nmiblfiUU to rid ourselves of this
burden , whlcli-Jjat-i6o greatly oppressed its
lor throe vrainuVxLurotoro , uo it
Jcsofi'f ' < / . That jvn desire to retutn thanks
to HHV. J. P ItftWR'Jno. H. McCitgiip , 11. T.
Clark unit othintv'iUe ; ) folks who HO kindly
asslstoU us in Ml6ung the church of its in-
dchteness. ' ' ! " "
Haitian ! , Thnt'illl Insults offered to the
Roy. J.V. . ItoWe wo accept as personal ,
which we resent.
HlKiii'd : U. J , Williams , Thomas Camp.
bell. K. S. Cloncnos. . ! . W. Johnson , T. A.
Walls. Morrison Hacklier , William J. Willy ,
Boston ICiHinn , Louis Johnson , Kuv. P. A.
lluil'ord , iia-itor.
Dronklng Clay.
The fifth match for the championship
of the Omaha Gun club and tha posses-
slon of the lattcr's pri/.o gun and diamond
mend badge took place at Athletic park
'ihursday. It was a beautiful day. land
the highest average yet attained was
made by all the marksmen. Kach man
shot at twenty clay pigeons at eighteen
yards , single rises , with the following re
sult : Worloy , 10 ; Parmelco , 15 , Stout ,
15 ; Kennedy , 14 ; Cotter , 18 ; Kay , 13 ;
Bructor , 13 : Lcedi-r. 13 ; Ickon , ' 13 :
Finger. 13 ; Bedford ' , 12 ; Ljno , 13 ; Scott ,
11 ; Smith , 10. '
neal Kstnto Transfers.
The following transfers were filed
May 17 , with the county clerk , and
reported for the DEB by Amos' Real
Kstato Agency :
Thomas F Mulligan anil wlfo to Christo
pher 0 Cnry , lot 4 , blk 1 Parkers' nun.
Oninhft , w d-SSOCO.
Alice O'Donoliuo and husband and others
to Stephen A McWhortcr. lot 3 nnd 3 blk 3
Jerome Pnrk luld Oinnhn , w d 82,000.
Samuel S Curtis nnd wife to William M
Ittmiol. lot U , blk 5 Uclvtilcro , Douglas Co. ,
wd S100.
Jns ( Megeixth and wlfo to Richard nml W
W Blmlinui , lot 42 , Clark's Place , Omaha , w
.las G Mcgonth nnd wlfo to Dennis H
Andrews , lot 43 Clark's Place , Oninlin , w d
W 0 B Allen ( simile ) to Hcnj P Flood , lot
3 , Allen's subdlvlillon , lot 5 Kazan's add ,
Omaha , w d S'JTft.
Joseph Darter nnd wlfo to Josrnh Patnc , o
lot 13 , blk C Kountzo'sMiulil , Onmlia ,
Hattlms .letter nnd wlfo to Jacob Levy , lots
0 , 10 and 11 , blk 1 , lots 0 , 10 , 11 , IU , i : ; . 14 and
li , block a nnd lot 7 blk 3 Jotter's mid ,
Omaha , w d 32,200.
Ora 1' Senvnrd ( single ) toSnrnh E Youngs
loto , blk 17 , lianscom Place , Oninlin , wd
S4.8.V ) .
Joseph P Mnllnndnr nnd wlfo to C X Ket-
tier , lot 21 , blk 20ytlcox's 2d mid , Onmlia ,
James W Savage nnd wlfo to Florence C
Proctor , lot 10 nml w } < of lot ll.blk U Shlnn's
mill , Omaha , w d-l,475.
John U , Thompson and wife to Wllllnm O
AlbrlKht. lot 1ft , blk 10 llniiscom's Place ,
Omahu. w d-Sa,300. -
Chnilcs W Hamilton ( trustee ) to David 0
Uhadlck , C J { of blk H Shinn's add , Omaha ,
qn SI.
David 0 Cliatllck and wlfo to Kllza.I Lor-
111 ? , o > i of lot 3 , blk U Shinn's add , Omaha ,
w a 81.035.
SV Morse nnd wlfo and others to Napoleon
leon B Apple , let 45 Olse's add , Omaha , w d
Henry L Citnnman nnd wife to ( Jeorgo A
llnnghiint , lot'J , hlk F , Omahn , q c SI.
Low VV Hill ( slnulo ) to John Itcziitchck ,
lot 7 , blk fi , Arbor Place nild , Omaha , w d
Samuel R Ropers nml wlfo to Fred W Per
kins , lot 2 , blk 10 , Improvement Assoc add ,
Omaha , w d 5300.
Hrl'ce Veirs ( single ) to Mary K Henson ,
lot. 'I , Allen's sub-division of lot 5 Ragan's
add , Omaha , wd 81,1.10.
Christ Nelson ( slmloMo Fred Christian-
son , lot 5 , blk 7 Parkers add , Omaha , w d
Byron Rood and wife nnd others to Elmer
Matson. n } 4 of lot S , Heed's 2d ndd , Oinnlm ,
w d SoOO.
ticnrgo P Stebblns ( single ) to Pctor W
Dlrlchousor , lot 1 , blk 7 llnnscom Place ,
Omahn , w d $3,075.
Mlchnl Fixrrett and wlfo to William H.
llnmnii , lot U blk 3 , Lake's add , Omaha , w d
POlliincbiuuch ana others to The Public ,
Sninulersand Uimcbiiunh's Mt Pleasant ndd ,
wK of ne&ot s o K , sec 7 , 15 , 13 , Omaha
P 0 Hlmcbaiigh and others to The Public
Highland Park add of n % of n o ) .f , see 7 , 15 ,
13. Omaha-Dedication.
P C lllmcbaueh and others to The Public ,
Sanndcrs nnd IlimebaiuiLi's add to Walnut
Hill , itart of s w tf of n w Kf , sec 17 , 15 , 13 ,
Dunlins County Dedication.
Charles F Falls ( single ) to Adolph Meyer
and others , o K of n w X of sec JJO , 10 , 13 ,
Douglas Co. , w d 50,400.
Wm Cnbuiii Shcriir to Fred llass , n V of
lot 13 , blk 5 , Wilcox's 1st ndd Omaha , shci ill's
deed S2JO.
Union Pacilic R K Co to Ella P CaivIn , lot
C blk S'J Waterloo , Douglas Co. , w d-SIO.
Lucy E KlltiiRwood and husband to Wil
liam J Mount. It 7 , blk 2 , lianscom Placu ,
Omahn , w d-Sl,300.
George W Loomls and wlfo to Adam Stcn-
cleln , Its 3 , 4 , 5 and 0 , blk 1 , Amos' Place ,
Omaha , w ( t-Sl.SOO.
Alonzo P Tukoy and wlfo to George W
Field , w 30 feet oflt S , blk 7 , Uccd's 1st add ,
Omahn , w d S : > , GOO.
( } Edmund Peyckc nnd wife nnd others lo
Elise Hochstrnsser , Its 15 and 10 , Burr Oak
add. Oimiha , w d Sl.SOO.
Augustus IConntzo and wife and others to
John M Wilson. It 3 , nlk 10 , Kountzo &
lluth's add. Omaha , w d 83,500.
George 11 Bows and wife and others to
Mathewson T Patrick. It 4 , blk 12 , Omaha
View , Omaha w d-S600.
Lndcu J Lcmtinr anil wife to Ida L Wcs-
tren , It 10 , blk 15 , Uanscom Place , Omnhar
S S Robertson and wlfo to Flora U Schraff ,
neVf of sec. 7 , 15. 13 , Douglas conntv , < i c S10.
Edwin Welch ( sinirlo ) to Samtiel Flnlay-
son , It 11 , blk a , Dwlght & Lyman's add ,
Onmlm , w d S510.
Arthur Goodcll and wlfo to Catharine D
llealey , nwjfof setf , sec 33 , 10 , 12 , Douglas
county , wd 81,800 ,
B.Ioestcn and wife to D C Patterson , un
divided M of It 1 , blk 15 nnd of It 2 , blk 15 ,
Shinn's add , Omaha , w d 81.100.
D C Patterson to Manila A Patterson. It 10 ,
blk 2 , Patterson Park , add , Omnha. w d SI.
J H Patterson and wlfo to D C Patterson ,
undivided K In w 22 feet of. It 7 , blk 117 ,
Omaha , w d 85,000.
John G. Willis and wife to Joseph Ncvottl ,
e M of It 0. McEntces add , Onmlia , w d
Emma F Philips and husband to Lovcrett
M Anderson , s } of w % ol It 4 , blk 313 ,
Omaha , w d-S-ViOO.
Lcavitt Burnham and wife to Fanny C
Evans , Its , blk 2 , Crcston , Douglas county ,
w d &SOO.
Loavltt Burnham and wlfo to O A Nelson ,
Us 11 and 12 , blk 1 , Creston , Duuglas conuty ,
w d 51,700.
Leavitt Burnham and wife to G A Heller ,
It 10 , blk 1 , Creston , Douglas county , w d
William -MereoH nnd wife to Charles .1
Carlson , It 2 , blk 5 , Boggs & Hills 3d add ,
Omaha w d-32,200.
William Briienttif * ( single ) to Gottlieb
llorz , It 11 , blkll , it 1 , blk ( i. Improvement
association add , Omaha , wd 32,100.
Frances Schneider ( widow ) and others to
Paul Nelson , o 44 feet of It 1 , blk 220. Omaha ,
w d-57,000.
Cora A Gates ( single ) to X B Ours , It 4 , blk
/ , Shinn's 3d add , Omaha , w < I-SS15.
Herbert E Gates ( single ) to N IS Ours , Us C
and 13 , blk / , Shinn's 3d add , Omaha , w d
§ 1,023. *
Charles. Gruonig ami wife to James A
Orllltii , Its.J , " 10 oral H , blk 5 , subvision ot
John llit-dlyk'sadd , Omaha , w d S'J.750.
James A Grltlith nnd vrifoto John W Grlf-
iltli , undivided % ol Us U. 10 and 11. blk 5 ,
suhvlshm in John I Itodick's add , Omaha ,
w d 50,3V ) .
George Buck ( slnstlo ) to Franklin IS Bray-
ton , It ' ! , blk 1' , Shinn's 2d add , Omaha , ij c
Samuel E Rogers and wlfo to Ralph Drocs-
sel , It 9 , blk 10 , B E Koker's ndd , Omnha , w
Lnrninn P Pruyn nml wlfo to Gem-go \ ,
Dunham , 11,9 , I'ruyn's division of It 25 , Mil-
lanl & Ualdwoll add , Omaha , wu 81,203.
' John A'Wolcolt nirt wltu to Liirmon P
Pruyiii It 1. Pruyn's ilvlslon ( oflfi'i , Millard
A CalihvOll's add , Oinalia. wd Sl.aiO.
Jaiiios Jackson ( slnulo ) to harmon P
Pruyn , ltd , blk 0 , Ambler Place , Unmha , w
a Henry Bolln anil wlfo to' Kdwanl .1 Woh-
lou and others. Us 0. 7 , 8. 'J ' , 10 , 11 , 12. lit , M ,
and 15 , blk 1 , Weiss .subdivision , Onmlmv d
S4.000. .
Kilward J li VYohlors ( slnplo ) to Williams
Siovers , It i , Paulson's ailit , Omaha , w d
Alvln Samplers and others ( trustees ) to
Aiyln Haiiuders , Its ur. as and 2a , blk A and
U5 , blkl ) , Kaundurd & lllinbniigira add ,
w d-5llT5.
Alvln Ha u nd ITS and others ( trustee's ) to
Plcrcu 0 UlinbniiKli , Its 11 , 1'J. IS and U , blk
C. .SaiindcrsA lliinbiuigh'sadd , Onmlm , wd
JIrs , Hull' , nt her rcsldonco M01Vob -
stur street , eiitiirUunwl n fiduut parly
who were in iiltomhuiuu nt tlio nuiTingo
of Miss GovtruUo Hull' , her youii ust
( Inughtor , to Mr. ( Jc-orgo S. Snull. Hov.
Mr , ( Irahani oilicintiiil , und the nfl'air
] ) assetl very agreeably. Thu younjj
inurricil pqoplo worn kindly ruiiiL-mbuiTd
by their iriunils in thu way of ] iresints. ;
Mrs. Kituhic , of Florunco , furnisheil a
splendid nrray of llowors. Every iloli-
oicy : of thu season was provided for in tiio
reist | ) ; , and tlio guotttsi iippriioiatud tliein.
It wits un evoiit which will bo iciuein-
bored by thoso-pvesunt.
IMutln Ifuppy ,
A quiet nnd happy wedding was solemn *
ii-.ud'1'luuaday in tho.parlor , of the Oo-
ciduntnl hotel , by which Mr. Chas. Wood ,
of llusliville , Nob. , and Miss Kmniu
Pay.utor , of Saloni , hid , , were made htw-
baud and wife , Tlio ceremony was per
formed by Judge McCujlooh , which was
wituo-HSOd pny | by the inunut iato rein-
.tives and friends of .thu nud , bridu ,
Mrs , Wood Is nlono of John I. P.iyntcr ,
the proprietor of tlio Occidontnl. Mr.
and Mrs. Wood will rcnmin with their
relatives for n few days nnd then depart
for their future homo in Ihtshvillu in this
Omrtlift Ti Topckn ,
To-morrow a Jtnnio of ba5o ball will bo
played at the Athletic grounds between
the Topekas and the Union Pncllles of
this city. The nines as constituted are as
follows ;
Unmllo C Kocvon
Hmilswuy P. Klynn
Kookwoll. . , : 1st H Sullivan
Strock 2d II Fowler
McKolvy 3d 11 Knklfoitl
JtcCliwry S.S HutU-r
Anderson L , V Kognity
UrnntU C. V UncROck
Lawruiico K. V 1 H-aclo
The mistake made last Sunday will not
bo repeated to-morrow. 'Kookwull
will pitch , and Saulsbnry and
the rest of the favorites will appear.
The man Fowler of the Tonckas is the
colored man who made such a name hero
two years ago in the Evansvlllcs.
Wnonyou.come to Lincoln , slop at the
Commercial Hotel , if yon want homo
comforts. 0.V. . KITOHKN , Proprietor.
Police Court.
The cases disposed of by Judge Stcn-
berg yesterday were trivial nndunlm-
portnnt. E. Klnzor , was fined $10 iind
costs for fast driving , and § 5 for being
drnnk. Flo could not pay tlio necessary
amount nnd ho was released. John
Dlckson and John Howard wore fined
$ Ti and costs for intoxication , and in de
fault were committed vo jail. Several
tramps were arranged , but upon plead
ing not guilty to the soft impeachment
of vagrancy ( were committed to jail for
further examination ,
Stop at Linderholm's lloston store , as
yon go to and from the Union Pacilic
depot , for bargains to-day.
Tom's New King Station.
The niv.v track now being laid by the
Union Pacilic across Tenth street has sent
Tom Casey's ling shanty to the south side
of Iho tracks , wiioro he has planted it beneath -
noath tin ) umbrageous boughs of tlio
trees which ho has planted in the space
in front of his own homestead. During
the summer , time ho will virtually live
embowered in the green woods.
Brandt's Park.
The eastern part of linscall's park has
boon bought by John Hrandt , the pro
prietor of the Stiult tliuatro , ho having
paid $10,000 for it and the buildings upon
it. The western part has a lease for
live years. Ho lias greatly improved thn
accommodations and the interior , and
will make it a choice resort.
I'ersonnl Paragraphs.
J. A. Hake , of Avocii , Iowa , is in the
\V. II. Harrison , of Grand Island , is in
the city.
F. CliaUcrlon. of Fort Stccle , is at tiio
Pax ton.
Will A. Fisher , ayoung pork packer eKed
Ked Oak , la. , is in the city.
Miss Kichardson. of Scotland , and Miss
Watt , of England , are at the Millard.
E. D. Godfrey , of Hcd Oak , Iowa ,
special agent of the treasury department ,
is in the city.
Hon. John Henderson , of Cedar Rap
ids , In. , an ex-senator from Linn county ,
is at the Metropolitan.
B. A. Slcdman. of Hismarck , Dakota ,
route agent-for the Wells Fargo Express
corupanjvwas in the city yesterday.
Miss Madeline Gibbs , who has bpcn
visiting-Miss Nuilo in North
street , lias returned to her home in Wis
Mrs. W. H. Remington will hereafter
reside in Omaha , and \vill be welcomed
back by a host of friends who have
missed her since her sojourn in DCS
Moincs. Mr. W , II. Remington still re
mains connected with the Newspaper
Uniqn of that city , while lie will aNo bo
associated with one of the Omaha
W. M. Picknrd was arrested last evening -
ing for disturbing the peace by beating
his wife.
A game of base ball between the Com
mercial college nine and the high school
nine yesterday resulted in a victory for
the Commercials by a score of 10 to 13.
Clarke and Jacobs who were arrested
on Thursday for driving , wore tried
by n jury in Judge Stcnbcrg's court yes
terday uftornoon' , found guilty and fined
$21 costs included.
On Sunday afternoon the Omaha Atli
letic association , will give si picnic and
series of contests' llascall's ' park , The
principal event will bo the one milo rate
between Ross 'and Cunningham for $250
ti side.
Klin Cain swore put : i warrant in police
court yesterday for the arrest of Sam
Cninpjxtll , Shc'acciiscs him of calling
her name's , , and otherwise conducting
himself In an ungoiitlcmanly way to-
wjinls her.
There is a pool of .stagnant anil ofl'ons
ivo water on the corner of Thirteenth
and Doruas streets .which is causing con
sldurabio anxiety to tlio residents of the
neighborhood who feel their health en
dangered by its ONistunco.
Thu Cei'iuiuis-of-thta city will give on
Saturday night a coDcert and ball at
Gunnunia hall as ti benefit for Mrs. IIol-
unu 11 iii/i ) , Mr. Nuhan Franko , the
violinist , has kindly consented to play on
this occasion , and thu daughter of Prof
Steinliauser will appear in a vocal solo ,
The following is thu wuathor forecast
for the wcolc ending' Weilnosdny , May ' , ' 0 :
Opens with' a genoru'ly ' hcatttd turin
line , warm and windy lavorabhi weather
local thunder storms and electrical ac
tivity a cooler clmngo , with wind and
showers in localities. ( "Queen's birth
day" promises generally line wuatlior in
eastern Canada. )
I ) 1101) .
EDOK-Willlc , only KOII nt William anil
Kllon Ed e , need 1 year , tl months nnd 3
Funeral 3 p. in , .Saturday from residence ,
corner Maunders and Eosklno utrcuts , In
Prospect Hill cemetery.
Nebraska National Bank
Ptiid up Capital $260,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1880 25,000
U. W. YATBS , Prusiilont.
A. E , TOUKAI.IH , Vlco Proslilout
W. H.3. . 11UGIIK3 , Uitshler.
, _ , unicwoua ;
W. V. MOI.3E , JOHN S. COM.IN3 ,
A. K , TOU/.M.IN ,
Cor. l th nd Ftmi&ra Street * .
General liuukluUajlucuj
KSTAIiLlSilKD 1970.
Lincoln Steam DyeWorks
.W. D. IlOIl.EllTSON , 1'rop'r.
Onico No. HOiOSf , WorUiij li. Cor , K. A'Otli ,
MnaolnNob. ; GonU' Clollilng. Cloaaod utid It
paired. ' ' '
The Symptoms : In . .
lloartbnrn , Ulstcntlon of tlio Stomach ,
lloadacho , Dad Drouth , SlepplesAnbss ,
Low Spirits nnd general prostration.
Dyspopsla is frequently attended with
Constipation , but sometimes with Diar
rhoea ,
Ho\v Cured.
"I BUITorod lnlcnsnl.v with Full Stomnch
llrndncho , etc. A neighbor who Mm ) taken Sim
mons I.lver Hcmilntor toM mo It was a sur
thltiff for my trouble. The nrat tlosti I took r.
llovud mo very much , nnd Inonn wcch'ntlm *
was as B'roiiK and hi'iuty ns over IVIIK I . la
the best mcdlolno 1 over look for Dyjpop la. o
11. O , CIIKNSMAW , Illchm o nil , V 1
itality. Norroni nnd rimleM n hllltf
Premature n elino In Mi n. Krront of Votilh , nd th
nntold mti'rloi nnultlnarrom Imllncretlon anil ex
COMI. A book for amr * nun , younir , mlilille-nied
nit out . II rontnlni Ittnrr "millions fur nil amu nrnl
* , onctini.r ot wlilrli n Inrninnlilo.
fonml t > Mlinn thorwlio iJ OTnorlqnc * for M
Mich in iirolmblr never unforpfoll lo llio lot of nnr
iinyMrlnmMOrineo'.iionnil In bpnnilful French mm-
' . , . .embossed covers , fr. ! ! 'll.eunrnnleod ' to lianttnor
work In every ont -merhnnlral , lltornrr nndnrrtfai.
tlonnl irmniiny other work In this country f or 11.5 X
or the money will l > o rofnml In every Imtnncs. Prlr
pnlr It by ninll , pontpild. Illintralod unmpla. rtti
Pendnoir. Hold moilnl niritrdod IhemittiorbTtns Nv
lloiinlMoillcjil AMOclntlmi. to the lion. A. I * . lllMOII ,
mill n < Mnr > iatt > onirora of the l > onnl tha ro.ulerlsra'
BIMirtrnllrrnfarroil. .
Thnstclenroof MfJl * worth moro tDltto yoiinjnmt
mlilillo-niteil inon of tills Konunitlun lh n ml thoualit
inlno * orOnliioriil-iRiul tlio ilvor mlnoi of Nov.Ua
cotnlilned. S. K. Ohronlclo.
ThoS'lonPooriiltopoliiMoat tna rock % nd aulolc
nndnonniilrh tlio ooimtlluUon nnd IIOIHH < > t inmtr
n younn ninn Imvo been ( utally wrecked , Muticliostor
The pclonoo ot I.lfeHof croaior vnlim limn nil I'll
nodical worki imliHiihiHl In ' " " country fortlioiivl.j
W yearn. AtlmitiiCoiiiitllullon. . I ,
ThoSclunraof l.lfaU nauuorb nnd m-ulorlr trait-
Inc on nemnu und physical dculllly. Dolrolt Krai
Add'rontho Po thady Modlcnl Instltuta. or Dr W. IL
r kor.No. < Uulltlncli atreol , notion , .MnM..who mat
teconiultodon nil JHoiuca requiring skll laud oiporl-
cnoo. Clininlciiiiil oli. liulo illiMia.i lint Imvo baf.
licit tha skill of nil olhurnliytlctunsH spoclully. Suotl
ircmuil mccuMstnlly wluiout uu < . oatunca or falluri
Mention Omtihn Uao.
Notice to Contractors.
8un ( .s , CI.AV Co. , Nun. , Muy in , issa.
The llonnl of Trustuus or Snliool DUtrlnt No.
a , Clay Comity , Nebraska , will rooulvo sonloil
bids upluOo'cloclc p. m. , Mny ; ) l , 1KS < ) , for tlio
oruutiau of u brlulc school liouso. consist liif ( of
olKlil rooms , to he built m iiueordimoj vrltli tbo
pinna und specllluntlons lor tbu sniiiu , wliluli
may IH souu tit tbu olllro of tbu moOorutor o (
Bnhl ( lUlrlut liiSuttoti , Nubriiskn , alter Mny 22.
IrMl. jnlils \ \ to bu nccoiiipaiilea by uiiiuplus of
the viirloiirt kliuls ol' innlnrlul to butisodlti tbu
eynstrnotion of Hiild building' , tbu hiunplos of
tbu Muci'cs-flul hiildor to ruinnlu on iloposlt with
tbu school bntud until tlio IniiUlliiKlai-'iiinpleled.
llkls to bu opened nnrt o\tuiliicil uftori ) o'clock
i ) . iu. , Mny 31 , IMS. Tlio Biicccssrul Mildur will
bo n | Ulrctl to Klroilli appnlvod. resident bouit
In the nmoimt of tlio contract prleo of said
work for tbu inltlifitl purfornuuivoof llio con-
trnrt. Tlio rlibt Is rcsuri'od to rujwt any niul
nil bills Ilkls to bo niuloi-i-uil , "Illds for tbo
Erection of UioSuttou School llouso. "
3IiiyI5dOt Jos. QIUCL : , Ulrootor.
13th St. , Cor. Capitol Avenue ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. MoMETfAMY , Proprietor.
HUlecn years' llnsiillul nud I'rlvuto I'rnctlca
Wo have the facilities , nppnratne and rcmctllci
for the successful treatment of every form of dis
ease requiring cither medical or treatment ,
and Invite nil to come and Investigate for thcmsclvci
or corroopond with us. Long experience In treat-
Ina casca by letter unnblea us to treat many caici
BClcnlincally without nceini ; tlicm.
WJtITB JfOIl CIIIOULAU on Dcformlllcs and
Drnccf , club Foot , Curvatures ol tlio Spine ,
II9KA E9 or AVoHKN , 1'llcs , Tumors , Cancers ,
C'ntnrrli , Groncbiiiv , Inhalation , Klcctrlclly , I'arol-
ynla , Bpllepty , Kidney , Eye , Kar , tiUln , niood and
nil surdlcnl operation ! .
llatiorl , liihalora. IlrnccB , Trussus , and
nil Id nils at Meilicfi ! and Surgical Appl'aacce , man
ufactured und for ale.
The only rcllablo Medical Institute making
Private , Special t Nervous Diseases
1 A 81'RC.IAr.TV. > '
from whatever cause produced , successfully treated.
Wo can rmnovo Syphilitic polsou from thoeyetem
without mercury.
New rcctorallvo trentmrnt for Ions of vital porpcr.
Call nnd consult us or send name and post-olllca
nildrcu plainly wrltton enclono etuiap , und wo
\vlll cnd yon , In plain irrappur , oar
SEMINAL WrAKNuss , RrE MAioMiiiKiIsirorr.K. .
rr , Svrmus , UoNommajA , QLBKT , VAIIICOCEI.B ,
KriucrunK , AKD ALL merAfm or tnu GBNITO.
UitmiiivORUANs , or tend hlitory of yourcasofut
mi opinion.
I'cnong nnablo ti ) vlt.t V. < mAy Ic ; > Ircoleil nt Ilielr
nouii'f , by cuirivpomltiice. Mrtliclncs nnd Instru
ments Hunt \ > Y mall or express HKCU11ULY I'ACK
ll ! ) I'-HOJI 6I1SRUVAT10N. up nurkB t-jlndlcutt
tontents or sender. Ono personal Interview ore.
ferri'd If convenient , fifty rooms for tlio nccoin.
Moilnliou of patlciitu lljanl and attoudanco Ut
reasonable pilcca. Atldrfim all J.cltcru to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
"or. 13th St. and Capitol Avc. . OMAHA , N B.
Potter & Megeaih ,
Law Reporters and Copyists ,
Btutu Auonts for Nebraska.
QVpo-wrttcr supplier nnd paper kept In stock ,
Bend for catulonuo.
Best Goods in the Market
Ask for our ( ? ooils itiii BCD. that
bearour-trade inarK.