THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FIFTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA , FRIDAY M03JNING1 [ MAY 21 , 1886. NUMBER AFFAIRS AT WASHINGTON DC , Discussing Postoffioe Appropiiatioms Senator Mamlerson's Bill , THE STATEN ISLAND BRIDGE. Tlio Conj rrsslonal Imbor Committee Claim the Credit of KmtliiK tlio Stilkcs Cnptiiriiiu tlie Next ConjjrcsH A ScrnpHouIc. Tlio Appronuhlnt ; Marriage. WASIII.VOIOW , May 20. fjjpcclal Telegram - gram ] President Cleveland was a great deal worried vvkoii the newspapcis llrst began to talk about his uppinachlng mairlage. Ho could not understand why a private and per- eonal matter like that should attiact so much comment. Finally , ho got used to tlm gossip , huwuvor , and now ho takes not a little amusement from tliu ncw.sptpcrs which re fer to tlio nlf.ilr. A few da > S4io the ptesldeut dlicctcd Sec- rctaiy 1/iniont to be 'ln a sei.ip book of the clippings accumul ited fiom tlio press on thu subject of the maitlago , sajlng It will bean tmteitninliu voliimu In fututo jcari. The becielaiy was astonished to no liiuded at the Name time almost n peck of clippings the Ptesldciit had selected himself. Already an immense setup book lias been undo , nnd hun dreds ot papois contain ing marked articles aliout the marrlago reicli ( ho vvlnto house. Publishers vvho want their pipeis leprcscnt- cd In thu sciap book should send marked copies. NOTATION IN O1T1C1 : . Under tliu piosent iciilnio at tlio Indian ofllcu tlm dishonest tiadurs nnd agents are having a haul tlmo of It. A lot of tides nnd practices Imvcb en established which makes Irregularities with tliu agents , etc. . very dan- geious. For many jcais then ! have been frauds in the. Indian t-eiviec , and inuiy In justices havu been Imposed upon the Indians , lot it isdllllciilt to swindle the government without doing wrong to the Indians. This Is all being broken up by the lotatlon of clerliH , the fieqiientand iirugulat lnsicctlons ] , nnd tliu changes made In thu olllces gen erally , Coiiimlssiouei Atkins has made a study of tliu olllces under him , and it will borem.iikiihlo If uu > thing ciookcd Is going on nnd he doesn't find It out. AIMtAlll Ol' I.HdlSl.ATION . The constituents of a largo numbei of tlie repic" < entatlvos In congress are urging the eloso of tlio session as boon as possible1. "Tho business men ot tlio county , ropic- < outing all p.utlos , " wiitos onu man , "havo long since eoiuu to the conclusion that tills congress Is entirely Impotent for good , but all poweilul in Its ability to Injure and par- nlV7e the business untciiuises ot tlie country , 'llio agitation of tiio tailff is making capital ists cow ai til } , and money is piling up In idle ness. " Said an eastern member to join coire spondent : "It pcoplo would only telleet upon lliueondltlon of niTatrs in IMS I andcom- pate them with thosuot to day , they could readily teall/o what damage has been done to business by tinkering. It is the teat that almost anv tiling may bo dotiu totltu laws that nukes tumble. KKIIITINH civil , sr.isviri : . The attempt of the committee on appropii- ntlons to add n lidui on thelt bill in reg.iid to thu paj incut of thcsalailcsot tlie civil ser vice commissioner s , it is thought , will not avail much. Tin ; ihlcr is In the slinpj ol new legislation , and under llio new rules B not admissible on appiojiimtlon bills , liesides , us It is thought to be an attack on civil set v ice , It stands veiy little show ot passage. Tlm nrdei pioposcs that no part of the appiopiia- tlim shall ho paid until the ( ommlsslon coitlfy to the entite list ot cligibles which havu passed , and also that the ago limitation shall be rcmov eu. Civil Service Commissioner Kdsterton , sneaking about the "riders" sild to-nleht tliat ho was gieatly surmised at the gieat ig norance shown by a largo numbei of mem bers In icgatd to civil Hoivloc. TMio opposl- * tion to It come.s fiom a t'.illuro to receive ap pointment tor somu trluud or constituent whoso appointment would bu a disgrace to tliugovirnmcnt. Slid he ; "They will not boic.tsoiublo and listen to the right of tliu question , but oppose the law because they do not get what thoj want. The best way would ho to have the papers and letters , etc. , of theli filcud or candidate for examination photogiaphcd and shown as tliosu of u pattlot wishing to scr.o tlio government , If thu pictuics did not makii a number of mem- beis ashamed I should bo gieatly mistaken. The ceitifvlmr to nil the names ot thosn who passed nsellglblo foi appointment Isconttary to all rules and law of competllho examina tion. " Mi. IMgcitou did not think the riders vv ill pass. pass.Nr.iiKAsu.v IN covonnss. K. V. Kobcrtson , a Kearney baiikei , is hcru witli Ids wlto , seeing the sights. Mr. Doisoy was tlio only member of the .Nebraska delegation which voted today against tlm subsidy clause In tlio postollleo apmcpiiatiun bill In the house. Tlie siilhcommlt eo ot the house comuntteu on Paeillc laiiroads , having In cliauo tlio TJnlon Paeilie bill , Introduced by Mr. Dorsoy , h.isagiecd to suggestions Irom the Ne braska delegation and the Omaha board of dado Iho lust of next week as to the best manner in which to get the meastno botoro tlio house. It the Pacific scveuty- jear extension bill Is passed , It Is piohablo the Doisuy bill will not bo e'alled In the house the up , as former mcas- ino contains biilllclunt Uglslatlon on tlm point aimed nt tlm Union Paeillc bill , but If it cannot bo passed on Juno 5 ami 8 , which dajs havu been Ret np.ut lot the mcasuru fiom tlio committee , thu Dor- bcy bill will bo then taken up. It Is not thought theio will bo much delntc on It. Changes have been ordered In the tlmo Blicdulo on tlm star mall ronta fiom Ton- Imssun to Fall mount , Iowa , as follows : LeavoTeiilmssen Tuesdajs nnd 1'rldajs at Sa. m. . airivoat Fall mount by 12 m. Leave I'alriimuiit Tuesd.tjs and 1'iliiaj.sat 1 p. m. , airivo nt Toiiliasson l > v r p. m. Itcpioientilho Uuuity and otlici mem- borsaro iecel\lns petitions fiom thu liotids ol ti.uh1 In cities having a lai o intoiest In ioiIc and heef packing In opposition to iho liill to tax nleomuiguiliii' . It Is biiguuste'd that ImaidbOf d ulu not dheetlv Inleiostiul In tliusiliot ) the'oiralof paeKlng establish- mentrt , Hhouhl iiend counter petltliiiib In f.i- voi of the bill. Mr. Doisoy Mt > sSpc.ikci Car lisle will not i tile tliat tlio oleum luerlnu bill miiht ( ome fiom tlm commltteuon.ijsiiml meant ; becausu It is a bill lo ra so icvenuu , ns lie cannot i.llotd to do so , \VOIlAlll.i : Af"llON Pt'ItP. nopiesi < ntali\e3 of the Umaha hoaul of > .rado ilnlihed ( hull work hem to-nUht and \\illht.iithiiiiiulo-iiioiro\v. They have been iissuiud that ilmhousnaud hcnnlueommlttees tvill leiiort the L'nlim Paclllu bill favoiably. Lieut. 0. A. Clarke , of Iowa. Is onu of the ollloers abo.nd tlio missing United States man-of-war , Nlpiic. Mutters. W.vsinxoiov , May 20. [ Special Telo- p-am.J-Tlio committee which has been west examining Into the laboi tumbles in thai bcctlou is pietty well pleased with the insults of Its luquliles on labor. Its members t.tUo n good deal of cicdlt to thcmsclvos for hav Ing biought thestilko to an end throivh their piclllc rccomu.endations , They bellnvo thai troubles generally In thlbllno aio now practi cally nt an end. A laigo piopoitlon of the ( diking workmen In all paits of the countiy liaxo letuincd to vvoil ; , tno majoilty of them , of course , having lost tlmo and money vvlthuut accomplishing anj thing , and only a sni'ill proportion having gained something In leduced hours of labor. The anxiety In uonicss ; toi the adoption of some genera ] IVbtom of nibltnitlou by which labor tioublcs "enoraliy , may oo pacifically adjusted seems fo hr.vo laigoly dlsaiipeared. Congioss Is nn Impulsive body , anil now that the immediate ace'd foi aminsmoof this kind has been re moved , It will piobahly forget nil about the labor troubles and set to work discus ing tar iff or bomo other abstract measure of this chai ucter. SO MAY IT lir- TliedcmocraticpartyUgoliijjtoffct foolel II It Is not wry careful. Cmgiej man Moriisou , Vtlioclalmsu place as a leader. Inaicrcntlntcr \levv , expressed thu opinion that the rongios- icmul Unlit fall was not toin ' to bo much of a tattle , ami ( hat neither iildc was likely to make much effort. If hi * suggestion should prove to bo the basis lor a campaign cry of the democrats , they will wake up in November to find the republican house elect ed. Kcpubllcans nrc scttlngto work to make nvcry thorough nnd vlizorotisc.imp.ilgn In spite of the belief expressed by Mr. Morrison that It Is not going to be much of n shower. They believe that If they can carry the next house It will bo recognized asm expiesslon of disapproval by tliu pcoplo of the demo cratic administration , and If earnest and sj s- tcmatlc elfort will carry U they propose to eto so. CONGItnSS. Senate. WARIIIXOTON , Mnv 20. Mr. Mandernon reported favoiably from the committee on military nlTalrs the bill to authorlro the Cheyenne & Northern laltway company to build Its road across Fort Kusscl and Fort Lirnmlo military reservation. On Mr. Manderson's motion the bill was taken up. Mr. Ktlmund'.s motion , to amend so as to provide thatlf the rights so confeired bo not exercised and tlio road bo not built within three jeais , the pilvllege granted ny the bill shall cease and terminate , was adopted. ' 1 lie bill was then p issed. The Stalcn Ishind bridge bill was then tikou up and laid befoio tliu senate , and Mi. Mcl'hcrson resumed his speech airainst the bill as rupoited , and In support of his amend ment providing foi a tunnel Instead of a hi idee. feenatoi Mandeibon , from the committee on military adults , tenoited t.uoi.ibly the bill which recently passed thu house , ni > - propiiatlng SIM ) , ( 00 foi the construction of additional qunrtoisnt thu soldluis' homes nt Hampton , Milwaukee and LoiVMivvorth. lir.MlllVlVd I'l'Ill.lO I.ANIIS. Uepicsontatlvo Paysim of Illinois has me- paied u repoit on the bill to pievent aliens Irom acquit Ing leal Cbtatu in teirltuiles of tlio United Stales. The repoit sajs that the bill has for Its basis the ptopositlon that Ameilcan boil shill be owned by Ameileans , FO far as con- gioss can contiol It. The committee on pub lic hinds In this congress , as In the hist. Is thoroughly eommittul to the poliej of so ad- mlnlstui ing out public laudsjbtom that the agilcultuial lands of the nation shall bn paitod with , without cost , to bo held in small tracts bv actual settlers only , for purposes of cultivation by the ownei , securing thereby the tin 1ft of the citi/.cu and economy In his management , which ovvneishlp alwajs stimulates , 'ibis policy , the report submits should becomoa national one. The bill which tlio icport accompinles pto- pobcs that no alien or foreigner who has not declared his Intention to become u citl/on of tlio United States , nor any coiporatlon , one- tenth ot vv hosu stock is owned ( ii contiollcd by aliens ot foreigneis , shall have the right to acquire estate in any of the territories of the United Status. The bill has been agreed upon by the com mittee and will piobably be teportcd one day tins week. i in : STATIIN ISLAND nnmnK. Alter fmtliei debate on the blaten Island bridge bill , an amendment was olleieu by Mr. Vest and agreed to , authorizing tliu scc- ictary of war , it ho should dom any altcia- tlou ot the bt idgo necessary or the entliu re moval of the bridge necessary to avoid ob struction to commerce , ho may older its al teration 01 lumoval at tlio expense of the owueis , and If tliu biidge bo not finished within two jeais the right to build shalj cease. Tlio MePlicison amendment , tor a tunnel Instead otibndgc : , vvas iciectod 0 , n.ivs 10. The senators voting In the alllrmativc weto : Messis. Boiveti. Hampton , McPhei- boii , Plumb and Sow ell. Altci tuitlici debate and voting down of some nmcndiiicnN , thu bill was passed witli viva voce vote ab tcported tiom tliu commit tee , with the solo addition of Mi. Vest's amendment. Tlio b.inki uptcy bill was then laid before thu .senate , utter which an adjournment was had. ( fc Jlousc. WASHIVOTOK , May 2a. Mr. Ilolman , fiom the comiiiltteeonappiopilHtlmis.iepoited the executive legislatlvo and judicial appropria tion bill. It was rcfcnod to the commlttco ot the w hole The house then wont into committee of the whole on the bcnato amendments to the post- ofilco appioprlatlon bill. The amendment setting aput 540,000 of theappiopiiation lor the Cbt.tbllshmcnt of a free dollvcty svstcm In cities whcroitls not now established was concuircd in. Thu iimendmcnt was rejected which author- I/es tliu postmaster geneial to contract foi in land and totelgn steamboat bci vice. Also an amendment IncicaMng by SSO.OOO tlio apnro- priatloti tor railway postollico car service. 'Iho amendment was coiicuucd in In- ciuaslng from 'i'll.T1 ! ! to SSVU.OJO Iho ntipio- piintioii for necossarv and special facilities In tiunk Hues , vvhon it can bu combined in ouu route. The fotelgn mall service having bjen icached , Mi. Blount , of Cicorgh , moved non- cnncuuouco in It. Buuows. of Michigan , olfeicdan amendment providing tint n sum not exceeding 5-100.000 ot the amount heieln appropriated bhall bo expended In pimcnt tg existing Amc'tican hteamshlp lines lor tlio traiibpoitation of foieuin mall accoiding to the schedules hcictoforo lu lorco nnd so much of thu balance as may bo rcquiicd Miall bn expended In Incic.isim : tliu ficquencv of tlio pobtal hcivlco of biicli btcambhlp lines and In the establishment ot postal beiv Ice by built and icglstcied steamships between tlio United States and bitch poits uf tlio foicign count lies herein named. Alter fuithei debate the committee of thu whole rejected ( oO to 1-42) ) thu Butiows amendment to the nostollico bill. The com- mlttco tlion non-concurred In the scnato StOO.OOO amendment and repotted Its action to the house. Thu house continued by motu than a two-third vote tlio action of the com mittee In injecting the so-called subsidy amendment to the pobtollico bill adopted by tlm benato. WAHiu.x'orov , May SO. Thn vote confirm ing the action of the commlttco on totelgn mail MM vlco was > cas 17B , nays W. Tlio an nouncement of the icsult was iccolvcd with npphui'.o on tlio demoeiatlc bide. The bill nnd anumdiiiunt will now bo sent to the senate - ate and then lo thu confcionca committee. The house then adjourned. toxitg nuttermn. WASIIUNOTOX , May 20. [ Special Tclo- giam. ] A bold scheniolson fool to give FdciMth to tlm Moulsson tariff bill. It 1ms been arranged that when tlia bill to tax oleo- mniKnilno and all li'illatloiH of butter and cheese Is called up In Iho house , Spcakci Caillslu will rule tliat it Is a ineitsmo to lalso lovcnuo and Is a subject vvhhh imiit bo treatid bv the committed on wavs or means , orcomo In asaiiiundntKiit to the taiilf bill. The oleomaigaiino tax bill Is Intensely popu- lai nnd tills inllng Is Intended to help Monl- son. On tlm Apnulio Tinll. WASKI.NOTON , May 20. A telegram vvas lecehcd at the war department this moinlng fiom Ccn. Miles , dated Foit Huicl.ula , May Id , statlngtliat Lieut , liiown , I troop , Fourth eavalrv , struck tliu Indians Sunday evening , the Uith liibt , , eaptuilng se\cn Winelicstcr rilles. ammunition , saddlns and a fnw horsos. Tliulndluis then turned westward again. They am being followed by Lawton'.s and Hatlield'scommamlb They wiuu near Santa 1 laibam and Bueim Vista jettciday ( Mou- daj ) . AKroonient Abrogated. CIIICAOO , May iO. Thoagreemont between the membcis of tlm Chtfago , St. Louis and Missouri Itlvcr Passenger Assoulatlon.ln con junction w ith the St. Paul road and the North- wcAtcrn , fixing thu maximum rates of conv mission , has be-on virtually abrogated by the withdiawal of thu Itock Island and St. Paul. Ador Juno 1 , the Hoek Island , Mr. St. John of that road bald to day. would pay the high/ cst rate U lound other lines paying. West XfYlcuu Aimohes. LONDON , May 2a Later advices from Cape Coabt C.xstlo , West Africa , say that the forty- llvo traders mUidercd by Uecquahs vvero na tives , belonging to the ( iamin tribe , and not ( iermaiis , as the hrst dispatch stated. The natives in KUor Tniinn district , Hast Africa , have murdere'd Mlssiouafy Iloughtou and iih wile , u i'.u L.uuoo POOLS GOING TO PIECES , Frclglit Ilntcs from Chlcnco to Omntin nnd St. Paul Cttt Itlglitnnd Licft. CiiR'Aoo , Mnv 20. [ Special TclcErnm. ] Tl.o AVcstern Freight association is contin ually getting Into deeper water , nnd it Is thoueht to bo only a question of time when It will bo entirely broken up. The Hock Island has joined the Missouri Pacific and bt. Paul A Omaha roads In refusing to make any more icpoits to Commissioner Falthorn and consequently balances cannot bo figured outer or evened up , Tno pool has been In exist ence a vear , and by the action of the St. Paul In refusing to pay Its balances on revenue from Omaha dressed beef transportation has been vlrtuilly Inoperative. IS'o settlement between the members over has been made , nnd unless some compromise Is icached there Is a possibility of the rates going to pieces and thumyh rates to Omaha becoming completely demoralized. It Is believed by some that It is not so much the desire nt the Hock Island to break up the pool as to cut the ( load lock nnd bring about the settlement. Theio has been several attempts to do this before through meetings ot the mnnagcis , but without avail. of rates between Chicago and St. Paul is also being violated again and Indications nru that another wai In noithwcstc'in freight rates will be Inaugurated. St. Paul Is repelled - polled to bu cutting ilom rates lioin St. Paul A tcmpotni v ngt cement for the milntcnauco ami Minneapolis to Chle.iL'o and Milwaukee dom 10 to T } cents. A slmillar cut Is also being made tiom all Interior towns In Minnesota and Dakota on milling tianslt business. THE SUtiTAN PljKASED. Sunset Cox to Olllolntu as a Turkish Ccnniis Taker. CoNvrANTiNoiM.r , May 'M. United States Minister Cox had a three hours' interview with the biiltan .vestcrday. The minister picsonted to his majesty gifts sent by Presi dent Cleveland , consisting of a thousand views of the sceneiy In different parts ot the United States ; portraits of celebrated and typical Indians ; copies of the last census re port , etc. The sultan was well pleased w Ith the pies- cuts and icqiicstcd Mi Cox to thank Piesldent Cleveland tor the "unique and valuable gifts. " His majcstv said ho had recently 01- duted taking ot a Turkish census nnd asked Mt. Cox to co-opetato in the woik by giving the benelit of his American experience. This ho promised to do , provided his health , his duties and his government permitted him. Mho sultan expressed lit mselt as gieatly In- teiestcd In the pie icss of Amciica and oideied that Mi. C6bo shown his nrivuto giounds nnd c.irdens. The sultan will give n banquet to Mr. Cox on the 20th instant. Dentil of Col. John n. Folsoin. HUITAIO , May 20. Col. John 13. Folsnm , Riandtathci of Miss Franklo Folsom , died jesterday at Folsomdale , Kilo county , lie lias been an Invalid foi seveial jcais. [ Col. Folsom was the lather of Oscar Fol som , a noted lawjor ot liiillalo , who was Piesidoiit Cleveland's partner , and whosu daughter , Fiankle , is soon to become Mrs. Clevcl mil. Ho was also a brother of the late licnj. H. 1'olboni , one ot Nebraska's ploneeta , w lie died at Tekamah Nov ember 20th. ISS'- . Tlie lattei was a membci of the tetritoiial Icgislntmo In the eaily dajs , and reptesentcd Unit eountv. The estate of the two biotliets , Benjamin U. nnd John U. , consists mainly ot Omaha property valued nt half n million dollars , In which each had an equal Interest. Tills estate now goes to the holrs , and as Miss Fmnklo Folsom , tlio president's Intended , was the favorite grandchild , It Is expected that she will iccclve a largo sh.uoof It. Mr. N. It. Fol som , of Tekamah , Ben Folsom , of Omaha , and Mrs. Helen Feiils , vvlfo of the propuetoi of the Planter's house In this city , arc also iela- tlves of the deceased colonel , and v.lll doubtless como in foraslmro of tno cstate.J Mcctlna of-Old Bottlers of Illinois. CIIICAOO , May 20. The old settlers of Illinois had a reception and banquet at the Calumet Club house this evening. Fully 150 poi sous wcro present , nil of whom wcro residents prior to 1S40. The committee of arrangements , with tlio dates of their airlval , Is as follows : Silas B. Cobb , May , 1K ; Horatio (5. Loomls , May. Its I ; Arthur O. Burley - ley , May , 1B.T5 ; Frcdk. Tuttlc. January , lb.0 ! ; Marcus C. Stearns. Aiicust , 1W1 : John Went- vvntth , October , INiO ; Fred C. Walker , June , lb.57 : John M. Van Osdel , June. 1S3T ; Jerome Beecher , July , IbJb ; Fiankiln D. Gray , Sep- cinbei , 1W9. 1W9.Tho The Anarchist Organ. CIIICAOO , May 20. Tlio center ot attrac tion around tlio criminal court buildIng - Ing this morning was the num ber of printers employed on the Arbeiter Zeitung previous to the bomb-throw ing. They vveio called to testify as to who wtoto and sot up the "Hovongo" clicular , which Incited ilot. It Is highly inobablo that Officer McNulty , ono of thu policemen shot in the haynmrktit i lot , will die. This morning the hospital au thorities icpoited him dcliicous and the pros pects oi sav Ing his llto row. McNulty vvas shot In the leg. Disarming Irishmen. LONDON , May 20 , In the commons this evening , John Morley , chief secietary for Ireland , moved the second reading ot the arms act. Ho explained that the act was in tended to restrict tlio possession , cairylng and importing of arms. Nobody in pro claimed dlstiicts could carry arms without a liiunse. After some debate the aims act pissed a second reading by a vote of UlC to Ait Incendiary Printer. CHICAGO , Ilk , May 20. John A. Henry , \\holsemplojedona moinlng papci as n compositor , and whoso Inccndlaiy uttcianccs si niu thu iiuest of Spies and othoi an.uchlsts , have given him an uncinlnblo loputation , was uiiostcu while engaged In dlsdlbutlng H call foi ndoiiionsdatlon which It vvas in- ti'iidcdbhould taku place on the lalco tiont Sunday afternoon next. The Smallpox I'lu uo. Moxinnu. , May 20. Two patients sutler- Ill'fiom ; smallpox have been removed to the hospital fiom St. Jean Bapthto ward. Smallpox existed In St. Vincent do Pain vil- glue liu seu'iul ilaifc , and now It has ap peared In the house of onu of the olllccrs of the penitentiary , ( iinvo fcaiH aio enlei- talned of its spreading to the inmates ot that institution , Coal Minor : ) Organizing. ST. Louib , May 20 , Coal minors aio airiv- ing In this city from various paits of the country for the purpose ot attending tliu na tional convention and forming a national assembly. The Knights of Labor have made complete arrangements for the meeting. The convention will last thieo dajs , beginning to-day , sessions being strictly societ. The Hist day will bo devoted to initiation , A Missing Maij-of-Wnr. Niw Votuc , May 20. There Is a feeling of alarm in naval circles In regaid to the Uulted States man-of-war Nlpslc , which sailed for Hampton Itoads fiom Moiiturdlo seventy- three dav s ago , and has not g icu been heard from. The ordinary time ib > tko passage under Ball is forty daj s. Greek Politics. ATHHNS , May 80. Steplmnopulns was to-day elected president of the chamber of deputies. Ho was the nominee of Trlcoupls and wus elected by n majority of sixty over the candidate supported liy Delyannls. It Is now certain that Trlcoupls will form a min istry. A Murderer Dies Easily. IloispoUT , N. Y. , May 20.-LouIs Wlllet , alias Charles Crosby , vvas hanged in jail al Kingston at 0 o'clock this morning , for Iho minder of Edwin Killaud oil Jatuiaty 7.1&4. Willett died easily. BROWN IMPEACHMENT TRIAL The Tirst Day's ' Proceedings Oonn sol on Both Sitlci Opon. THE ACCUSED AUDITOR'S CASE. Colonel ICcatlcy Matccs a Strong Open * Ing Speech Quotes Precedent and Cites Authorities The Statutory' OfTonsc. The OpeillnR Day. DKS MOIJ.T.S , Iowa , May 20. [ Special Telegram. ] Colonel Kcalley , who opened for the state In the Impeachment trial , gave a sttong ninl clear statement of the caw. Ho spoke about Unco hours , showing sub stantially what tlm board of managers pro pose to prove and how they proposed to do It. llu said that the duty which dovohed upon him was an arduous one , nnd ho felt lie could not < lo the matter justice. But the duties of the mauagciscio to protect the people and give the accused ox cry oppoitunlty to bo heard In his defense , for the reason that this trial Mould bo n pre cedent lor the future government of llko Investigations. It should bo-tho duty of the court to conduct the tuat , consid ering nothing except the subject matter ill- icctly Involved In the case. Coirnptlon In olllco Is u dlseitsu that should be stopped , no matter how many tender hc.uts may ho biulscd. Justice nud duty must picvatl. The nmnagcis hope that In tins case every fnct beating upon the guilt or Innoconcu of the defendant will bo biought forward. It Is our duty In Jhusenting this casu to cite some uilo 01 comuion law that governs sucli cases. CJUOTI.SO i'itr.cniiNTs. : Ho then rca d from dlflcrcnt authorities tlio rules and precedents applj Ing to cases of Im peachment ; refoucd to Komrxn and ng- llsli parliament ; cited the rulings of Jtulgo Story. The Ihst impeachment in the United States Vvas that ot Samuel Chase. Theio weie eight charges against him. Tills occurc-d in Ibus. > iotono cliaigo was statu tory. Ills answci docs not appear in the published icport. The sneaker also referred to tlie impeachment of I'lesldent ilohnson , Judses Peck , of Missouri , and Cox , of Minne sota. The constitution of lo\\a provides foi impeachment for misilumcanor , but not for lelonv , but the purpose undoubtedly was to amplify .tud enlarge mallcasanru in olllco. Thepiovision Is for tlio piotuctlon of tlio state , although the icsiilt merely de- pi Ivcs the guilty party fiom hold ing office. If tlio .senate luids the defendant is guilty , that Is all that is re quited. The icasoiiablo doubt docs not enter the case as In trials for fe'onv. The malingers claim that Mr. Brown did , In receiving tiotu the banks of Waverly the sum ot $100 , become liable to Impeachment , and that nloue is sulllclent foi com ictlon ; claims that tiu liaa b < uu guilty of misdemeanor meaner and should be icmovcd fiotn ollice. bPnrn-v INQ TIU : orFKNsi : . Mi. Kcatley then read the bovcral articles of Impeachment .iud xelcrred to tlio law upon which they worn drawn ; said tliat no iccords had been Kept of tlio amounts drawn , especially in the insurance departments , and that all these facts \\ould dining the ttial and of his iccolvini : and exacting fees and applying them for his own petsonal use. nld violated tlie cede and should bo punished by law , and he would bo deemed guilty ota mis- demeanoi in any court and eeilalnlv is in this instance. Ho stated further that during his entile term ot ollice Mr. Brown did , with one exception , etiminally and carelessly neg lect and tail to perform his duties and make his reports according to tlip requirements ot law. Ho fiutl.or claboiated tlio sev- eial specifications nnd counts of tlio Indictment and laid particular stress upon tlio tact that It was not necess.ny tint ollicial conduct should bo fclonl/ed In order to icndct an olticcr liable to impeachment. Ol'ENIXO FOIl Tlin'l ' > F. KNBi : . ( ? lv Ing way to Judge Nourso , the latter did little moio In his opening than to endeavoi to made a tavoi.iblo impression for the ac cused , dying to awaken sjmp.ithv for Brown by compiling him to Paul making his de fense before the king. Mr. Nourso said that It had been icpoited that there wcrebeveial political Issues Involved In Biown's actions , but ho wanted to say that the onlj political question at stake with Binvvn was whether ho should be compelled to bow down to King Biircn the FIrbt. Judge Xourso then briully outlined Iho coutso ot defcnbc and rested till to-moiiow. The Boodle Alderman Sentenced. Niw : Ycwif , May 20. Alderman Jachno w as this morning sentenced by Judge Bariett to nine jears and ten months impiiaonmcnt In "Sing Sing. " Tlio court of over andtcimlncr was filled this morning with spectatoih anxious to hear Judge Bariett pionounccbenteneo upon Al- ileiman Jachnu , convicted of brlhety In con nection with the Btoadway rnlhoad finn- chlse. Jaehno was In attendance , guaidcd by a deputy sheiKT. His lace wasialonnd ] his 01 cs had a woiry look. After thu judge hail taken his seat tno district attorney moved for Bcntenco to ho passed on the piIsonor. ( icnotal Prjot , ot the Jachnu counsel , made a motion for the aircbt ot judgment upon the following giounds : 1. Tint the indictment was Insufficient In substance. 2. 1 hat the count In the Indictment upon which the vculict.isietnrned Is iiibiilHclcnt to sustain the verdict. 8. That because In law theio can bo no judgment upon nn indictment and veidlct. Counsel moved for a now trial upon two groundh : Misdirection ot juiy In mutters of law , and against the evidence. 'Iho motions \\eio both denied by tlio judgu. Counsel then took an exception to the dental of each motion. Jachno then tstood up for bcnttiice , and In reply to the usual questions of tlio cloik , gave Ifis ago asiiOjearsand resldenco. 13 Vnndam ( .licet. HoulhObald ho had learned tlio jcwelrj trade. Ho was asked what ho hud to my why judg ment should not ho pronounced against him aecotdlnc to law. Ho made no icjily , but kept his P.JCS lixed upon the mil In front of him. The judge then sentenced thu prisoner tonlnojeais and ten months lutlioMato prison Ho bald tbo Pi it-one j had been convicted after a t.ilr ( rink Ho had had uver > advantage that a defendant could have , nnd nblo counsel. Ho liad the hcrvlecs of tw o of the most eminent mcmbeis ot the bar , ono a veteran of the cilnfinal bar noted for power and foico aud nptlier of equal ability vvhoso services vvero exci ready at the 10111- maud of thu poor , tlio unfoitunate and tlio ojiprcssed , The case > vas.n sad one. It was a hnmllatlng spcctnclq tlutt a man who was holcucd to public olllen ; li | this city should ha\o so holnoubly bedajed his trust as the prisoner had. It was humiliating to the pcoplo of this cltv. btato and country that Mich a spectacle should bo presented In a fiee eokcrnment , as tint of a person l > etra > lug hs | dust as the prisoner had. It wab bad to H ssa wan with advanta ges In the position In which ha now wa . "I could not bo unmoved at tlio spectacle of youi weening vvlfo and bjokun heat ted mother , but llto saddest thing of nil In vour case is doubt which pen ruled luaiiy coed and honest minds of join conviction , 'ibero was not a doubt In ) our cull t. It was universally con ceded when the oxldcnco was In ilir.t tbo case against j on was clear , convincing and overwhelming , " . "Doubt seems to have aiiscn from lack of faith In the elllclcncy of our grand jury HJS- tern , the /.eal of our public niosccutor and the clllcleney of our polfco. These doubts haxo been dispelled by youi conviction. It teaches an Important lesson. The majority of our pcoplo In public life have not their price. Let mo again say again at this point that vour offense vvas not technical btibury , but stupendous bribery , for the further- anco-of a btupcndoub transaction. Have the peordo of this , city ceased td lemember the fate of 'Iwucd , Genet. Crowley. Flh and of xv araV The i > eoplo aio not nil honey combed with corruption. According to the testimo ny In jour case , the two only hoiiPbt men in the boaid were biieetcd at by you as dudes. Our worthy bherilf ( ( irant ) u-fused a piof- foiecl bribe. It U entlidy imiuatciial , as was suggested , vvlictlicrtlicy expected a reward or not Grant to run for major and 0 Connor forgovcinor. " Half nn hour after the sentence hnd been parsed by Jndgo Barrett upon .Inehno , Judge Daniels granted n stay ot proceedings. Good-Kyc , .Incline. NKW YOIIK , Jlay 20. An application for a stay of execution ot judgment In the Jnchno bribery case was argued before Judee Daniels in the supreme court this afternoon. General l'i > or argued fornstay , and Assist ant District Attoiney Nlcol opposed It for the people. Judcc Daniels dented the motion nnd Jael'iio will bo taken to blng Sine In the morning. _ A SPOUT'S PARADISE. lion. Mayor IlnrrlMon Pnmtors to Iio- cal Crooks nnd Ijon.rern. CincAtio , May 20.- [ Special Telegram ] No.xt to belnp cursed with the anarchists , the members of the Cltl/on's association hive decided that the latitude given by Mayor Ihuilson to the prize lightots has bccomo n crj Ing abuse. The city is at piesent a para- dlsj foi professional pugilists and tlio spott ing element which follows In thcli wake. It is cited that ยง 15,000 v\ns icceived at tlio re cent bloody glove liclit between Mitchell nnd Uuikc. It iciiulrcd the piescnco of llfty po licemen to keep tlio crowd In contiol , al though tlio rltv hnd not lecovorcd from tlio cllX'cts of thoiiot and tlio police worn being held In ie uiv eat nil tlio stations. Tlicionic at present In thu city , amuiu tlio pugilists , Sullivan , Dempsey , Hmku. Milch- ell , Tommy Wancn and Glover , to gether vvitli their trainers and lesser pugilists. A match is advertised to occui slimlly be tween Sullivan and Mitchell , which the cltl/ens' association will attempt to prevent. Tito most beiloits toituio is contained in the intimation that onlx * two local "sports" "rarson"Davies and Ilke McDonald , the Rambler , both potent "bosses , " can give ex hibitions. " 1'nt" bheedy , the gambler , who was to exhibit Sullivan , ehlnis that tlio picbent move is made against him , mid that it was actuated by Mike McDonald. vinruous M'bini.iV. : Shcedy saj s in nn Inteix low : "I have been at every entertainment In Uattcrv D , and thcro was never one theic that a man did not get knocked out , while 1 have never given a Miowwheie a man got as miieli as n black- eve , except at one show In Now York , wheio Mr. Mike McDonald hliusclt was the rclerco , nnd the man sat on his knees foi10 seconds instead ot ten. Had lie decided in n fair- minded mannei there would have beuu no brutality. They claim that I do not clvo value at my shows ; that I charge S'J and SJ ! ferments , nnd ? 30 and SIO for boxes. M ) prices In New i'oiKnro just the home as they are here , SI and SLSO foi tlie best scats. There never was a show In Intterv D except under tlie management of Mr. Davlcs , but one mulct the management of Mr. Smith , who owed Mr. McOonild ? ? , " > 00 and got the hall so he could pay him back , but he had to pay SIOJ a night for It. I should think the Citizens' association is above being made a cat's-paw of by dying to pievcnt mo fiom giving a show. " In any event , as the city authoiities do not seem inclined to pi event tiie exhibition , the Citizens' association lias decided to uudei- taku it In the courts Tliu association has ad dressed a letter to tliu mnor diluting ins at- tmitlon to the brutality ot tlio exhibitors. Tlie latter declines to say anything upon tlie subject. Tlio slate's attoiney says ho will act If called upon to ptepaic a bill foi an in junction. _ _ UntHJULiIOAXS. Colonel Iilttlcr Lillys Out Governor Oglcsuy niul Civil Service Kcroriu. CHICAGO , May 20. Fully a > 0 delegates and other proiriinent Illinois icpubllcans vvuio in attendance upon tlio bcssion of tlio Illinois republican state cential committee to-day. Chairman Jones ptcslded. Goveinoi OglcsDy made a speech , dcclailntrthat the icpubllci'ns had accepted tlio defeat on the national ticket in 18&4 , and charged that tlie democrats had shown that the reins of government should be handed back to the icpublicans. Ho spoke ot the tout made by Jcllcison Davis through a portion of the south. "It we show a siuceie icgaid for laboi and tlio laboring men of tlie land we will bo vic torious in IhSb , " was the concluding icmark ot the speaker. Colonel Abuer Tajloi , Colonel Dastman. Isaac Clcmoutb and otheis spoke of the senti ment in their lespectivo congressional dls- tiicts. Colonel John I. KlnaKct < < poke lei a late convention. Ono ot tlio speakers mentioned Genenl Logan In connection wttli the piesiucncy. Tlio name was received witli gicat applause among the delegates. CincAfio , May 20. The speech which pro duced tlio most excitement was that of Col onel David Littler , who Is tlio Illinois mem- bei of tlio republican national committee. He gave ( Jovei 1101 Ojjiesby a ftcvuie scot lug for his alleged timid couiso in relation to la bor outbreaks , and denounced In stioug tcnrs the civil senlco leform law. Ho said tlio republican party should piss lesolutions on tlio Inboi and stilko question , and pro claim that tlio majesty ot the law must bo piescrvcd and that all w ho doty the law must be minishcd. It should advocate the Inctcasu and bcttci suppoit of tlio militia , to the end that every citi/en. high [ 01 low , bo ptoteeted In the employment ol life , liberty and property. Ho would charge no dorclection of duty on anv public oliieial , but It lie had becncovemor liu would have put In foico piomptlv every power at his command to stamp out defiance of law. Ho believed In the light given to stiiko foi higher wages , but not In allowing strikeis to practice Intimidation and violence , 01 rte tialn under red Hags and to practice the devilish ptlnclplcs It svmboiirc.s. ( ini.Vfi roil civir. SKitvirK. Sncaklm : of civil seivlco Colonel i.lttlei said : There In anothei hithjcct Idesuoto icfer to , and that Is the hvpocrlsy and cow- aulico ot members of congrosf , 1 mean dem- ociatsasweil as icpubllcans , witli loterencu to the contemptible ( iud fiaiidulent eUll--ei- vlco law , as fnteriucted by the piesent ad ministration , 1 believe It to be tlio duty of tlm next stalacoiiventiontotakobold gioundand dcchuo that that Internal law , uniepuhllcaii nnd un-Amcilcan In Its practical ojiei at Ion , must bo repeaU d. Whatls tlio uui of ti.ving to deceive the pcoplo of tlio country ? Tliu law lias tended to tuin out tlie honest men and kcepbooundrcls in ollice. lieloio adjoin niiig , the commlttco llxcd tlm date of tlio nest state convention as Wednesday , September 1. I'dtteranil Ciiif'Ano , Mny 20. [ Special Telegiam.J Tiio Mail says this nfteinoon : "Tlm Mall can say with almost positive assmanco that the newspaper ropoits to the effect that Mr. T. .1. Totter , vice president and geneial man- ngei of the Clilcaco , Uurllngton ami Qtiincy load , Is about to .sever Ids connection with that coiporatlon to accept the piesidoncy of the ' 'lleo Lino" load , arc without founda tion. Tlio repoit that ho lia been tendered the lattei position Is no doubt Into , but dur ing the past llvo jcais Mi. Potter has had similar offers , Homo of them being rjulto as Important and tempting , so fni nssaiaiyand other inducements mo concerned , as the ono now made , all of which weio declined by him , IteporU of serious dissatisfaction on Potter's iiait with the treatment ho has received by Ids hitpcilois , and of discord existing In the "Q" management aio idl gossip. It Is Im possible to conduct the nffniis ot agicat coi- par.ition llko thu Chicago , limlnigton it < > uliey [ and alwavs have haunonyy , but iuajn who know i'ottcr well , know that ho \ c"ld not long retain a ) > osl- tlon whciohib huboidn ! ? 3 vveio permitted todlbregaid hlsaiithoiltv. 'liic-MnJl knows tlie most pleabant relations exist bci cgn I'otter and 1'iesldont I'ci kins , nnd that the former has thfltontidcneo of the latter to tlm veiy fullest extent. Knowing these and other facts the. Mall tecls instilled in its as sertion Unit tlio repoits published nro without substantial foundation , " Mrs. PciuUecou Killed. Nr.w YOIIK , May 10. Jiliu Allco 1'cndle- ton , wife of the United States minister to lleilln , George H. 1'endleton , was thrown from hut cat dago In Central imik this after noon and almost Instantly killed. Mrs. 1'uu- dlctuii was 01 } care old. TUB 1'rcllerV Slnyor Mntcns to Some A cry Onmnttlnc TcHliinony. ST. Louis , May 20. The first wit ness In the Maxwell murder case was a barber , John I ) . Arino , doing Business at 15 North Broadway , near the Southern hotel. Ho testified that Maxwell came to his shop between 0and T on tlio even ing of April 0,1SW , his beard and hair both very long , and ho asked to have the latter Lrlmmed ami the foimer shaved olf. He < < ald lie was going Into tlio country for adav or Lwo and would return , Counsel for the pris oner on the cross oxnmlnatlou of witness tried to show that Maxwell had o\ lured no uneasiness but the questions icsultcd In showing that Ihs coutiarv was the case. Samuel A. Hughe1' . n ticket agent for tlm San Francisco railroad. Identified the prisoner nsthemnn to whom ho hat ! sold a ticket to ban Friinel co on AinllO , tlio number bcliuSr > iT. Thowltnoss Identi fied tlio ticket , which boio hlssiunatnrc. Geoijce J. lies * , of Hc < s * Culbeison , pavvuhiokeis , j-xld tlio prlsouei wanted to boriow S.J5 ona vv.itrh andcluiln on thi-iid or Itli day ot Aptil. He also tiled to "Jell Hess ollii'i trlvnl nrtlchis , s.vjlng ho must havu monev. The Monday after Kisler Sunday tlip piisouei called ii nlu. puiehascd n lluto nnd some dhinouds , juv init for them witli n 5:110 bill , vvlilili ho selected from .1 loll of scv- cM.U of thusamudeiiominat on. The witness noticed not hint ; miusuai In tlio prisoner's talk or actions on his second visit SJT. Lotus , May 20. Hcderiek Hiegoi. trunk maker , testified that tlm utlonei had bought from him a canvas covcie. I tiunk nud ii.ickliiL'easo on Monday , April 0. In paj- Ing lot them ho exhibited n large loll of bills , mostlj of largo denomination. Later In the day ho ietuined to tlm stoio nnd bought two large it link stiaps. The stinps taken fiom atound thu dunk In which 1'iellui'sbody was foundwcio identified as those sold to thu pt Is onor.Vltnesswns shown two tiuuk bo.itds found in the packing case , and asked It they vvero paitsol the tiav. Ho said tlmy vveio not , but vv cio piece's of the top of another tiunk. 'Iho packing case had no tr.iv. Tlio /luc trunk , In which Picllei's body was lound , was brought bofoio thu witness , vv lie was asked to tell , as an expeit , whether the trav had ever belonged to It. Mr. Knuntleioy , counsel lor the defense , objected to expeit testimony on the point , but Ids objection was ovcirulcd and thu wit ness answered that it was. An exception wus taken to the lulinir. The point was an nuimpmtiutouc , as the day and paitltlou weio found in the packing case. William Fprje , the Southern hotel porter , rcco ui/ed the trunks biought tiom Heiger as tlw-e he hail carilet ) to the ptUonei's loom on the b.imo day they vvero bought. \Vhenhoenteiedtlio looms the /Ino tiunk was hi the mlddlo of tlm lloor and clothes weio scatteted about and heaped In piles. Ho lilted one end of the /inc tiunk to seu it it was packed and thought It weighed 100 01 1W ) pounds. , v heavy weight lot a dunk ot that she. 'Iho witness , at tlio prisoner'H oide-t , cariiod down tlie canvas loveted tttinlc , leaving the others. Maxwell bald ho would be back in a. day 01 two. Louis P. DulT , Int dealer , testified that he litd sold Maxwell a hat on Kastcr Monday. Mixwel ! wanted one to ni.iku Him look llko a Yankee , and was very iieivous. J. A. W. leino , dtuggist , testified tint Maxwell came into his store on sijvetal occa sions. About I p. m. on Kistct Sunday ho cimo Into tlio stoto and ptnchasud lour ounces of chlciotoini and .some catholic acid , aiid after u little cliat ho went away. About U p. m. ho icttuned anil asked for another foui-ouneo bottle of chloroform. Witness had only about that quantity left and gave only two ounce's , and utter tearing the wet label from tliobnttlo with tlio reimuk that lie. being doctor , labels vvcic not uccebsarj , led tliu stoio in gieat baste. Ho had pievlously stated that he was in a great hurry , ar.d had Insisted that ho should bo waited on quickly. On cioss examination Iho witness stated that when the defendant came to the btoio the second timu ho siid lie had accidentally Knocked over thu ( list bottle of chloiotorm and spilled Its contents and wanted another suuply as quickly as possible. Ho did not appeal to 1)0 ) excited , only in a hitiiy. The case was then adjo'tined until to-nioitow. Hunting Tor Parsons. PiTTsnuiia , May 20. A registered letter was sent fiom Coal Valley , Fiidny last , to Mr * . Lucy Paisons , Chicago , wife of the noted auatchist. It was thought befoio that ho was In hiding vvllli Mends in tlio Mouon- gahela Valley. Following the clue given by the lettei , a detective has been for several dajs looking for him In Coal Val.'oy. ' His efforts have been unavailing , except that ho Is now convinced that Parsons is not fai fiomthcie. The detectlvo has been woikiug up the case nnd 1ms almost positive ntoof that Parsons Is clthci In the valley 01 at MonoiiKalielaClty and is now keeping close guaid at those places. CIIIPAOO , May 18. Tlio Daily News is In iccclptot inioimation. which H deems posi tive , icspi'ctlng the wheicabnutsof the fugl- tlvoniinidiint I'ai-ous. Tlm slieiilf atT.dla- hasse , Floi Ida , tele taphed last Tuosd iv that i'.iisons andacoiiipiiilon liailgiino through Tiliaiiassce and was bound either foi Cedai Kejs 01 Tampa , and was mippose-d to be heading foi Cuba , as f-teaineis leave both jiorts mentioned lei Havana. A icturn telo- giam was sent toi a desciiption ot Paibons. and the desciiption telegraphed back tallied pteclSely with that ot Paisons. ' 1 ho anar chist was iceo ni/ud at the Htatlon called lialdwin , but was not appichended. If Par- i.ons bailed on Weducbduv tiom Cedar Keys , It is thought ho can boappichcndcd. Sti'lUcs and StiilccrH. CIIICAOO , May 25. About Zl" gas fitteis , plumbei snnd steam litters cmploved by K. Uaggott struck to-dav , beeauso ho Insisted upon three union cab littcts working In coin- jinv ) with Ihrcu non-union steam fitteis. 'I hi' stilkctsbay tlioj aio nctlng in ntcoid- nncu witha foimal agreement between tlm ' ' steam litters' gas titters' , plumbers' nnd unions. Mr. Ilaggott at oneo began 10- ei lilting a toicu ot non-nnloii vvoikmon. Thu wholesale mniiulactuiing Clotlilens' as- bochitlun to da > resolved that , commencing nuxt v\eeli , tlio ( iCO cutters cmpiovcd by thu members of the ahMiciatlon nliuil IM given vvoikattho into of ten hours' pay for iilnu hours' work. Tor some time past tlm cutters have been locked out , owing to tlio l.ito htiiko of the tailors ami talloresscs. Piu- vlous to the lockout the tailors had been louipoiaiilv eoncuded ten hotus' pay foi woiKing er'ht hotus. Tlio ProMij torliui ( iciiornl Assembly. Mix.viiAroMH , Minn. , May 20. Tlio Pics- bvterhn geneial assembly of the Noitlmrn chinch convened at 11 a. m. In the now West- mlustei I'te. bjtcrlaii chinch , admlinhly udaptcd In sUi < and nrrangcmont for thu meeting. Itev. Ciavon , I ) . D. , of Newark , N. J , , opened tlio assembly with pr.ijei. assisted in the .set vices bv Itcv. McLeod , of Indian- nixtlls , and Mr. Jolinnon. D. I ) . , tomlgn mis- smnaiy nt Allahabad. Tliu election ot mod- oiatm OCCUH this atlei noon. The prominent randldntes nio Maiqiilh , ot Chicago ; MoiU- loit. uf ( Mnclnnnil ; F. Sample , of Minne apolis , and Swift , ot Allfl'hcny , Pa. IJoor Cialiig Down , us Ustiul. CHICAGO , May 35. Tlio leading binwers of Chicago and Milwaukee , whoaiocomblned In the Northern ] ) nn\ois association , Imvohe un a icdiictlon of the price ot hcei , vv hlcli Is said to be the lirst step of pro-ai ransed plans to smicc/u out llio small ny. Dtnlnc tlm past j car a do/en small bicwing com cms ha\n stalled in thlh city , and , ictuslng to join the association , have set theh own prlco on theii iiioduet , Menibets ot tlio association will Itereaftcr chai < o Si ( per banel Instead of & 7.20. The cost of iiianufaetuio Is said to bo but S .W and it is expected that the piico will BOOH go below S . Indians. ToMnsioxidiu : May ao. Fiedtrlck Lutlejvvhlluona v ibirto--ljs | biotherut n nclghboilng lanelie , a short tliSt.l ! < o from here , was Itlllcd by Icdlans yesterday. A wood rorder known us "Dutch Cliarloy , " en- caccd on tlio same ranelio , wan wriously woundtd. Harry , a brother of the muulcied man , escaped. A Mexican , who has Just arrived fium tlic Whetstone mountains , notilud tlio bhorill thatthe ApachiM hail kitltd thtiu Mexican ! NEBRASKA AND IOWA ITEMS , Wing-Shooting Contest Won by Budd , of DCS Moincs , NO GROUND FOR CLEMENCY. [ 'rppnrnrntlons for .71 in ItcynoUlu * Uxccittlon Iowa Doctors Dis agree A ToiiKh Customer ntliincoltt. town Doctors Dlsnurro. Drs MOINIIS , lown , May-0. Thcro was nn ncie.iscd nttcmhnco and Interest in tlio meeting of the State Medical association to- liy. Quito a little tinny was caused When he name of Dr. Hclnrch ! , of Iowa City , vas offered for admission as n delegate from lohnson county. One inembei nt once rojo and picsuntcd a protest from the board ot icalth asking that lletnilchs bo not admitted Mtlmut Invcsttgattun , but that his mme bo read lo tlio committee m ethics. Ilciiinchs was accussd by the loard of health with unpiofcsslonnl conduct n analysis while hn v\as a professor In the stito niuveislty , and hero has been a splilted light between thorn over since. Hovvover , Iho association con cluded to admit llelnrlchs , thouijli there vvero nearly thirty vote's cast against It. A tumhei of papcM vvero read dutlni : the day in professional Hiibje-cls. and Piofcs'or almei , dean of the medical dopaitment ot ho Unlve'isity of Michigan , madu a shmt address to the association. Resolutions weio in.tnlmously adopted sustaining thu uctl'iii of tlio Ame'ilcati Medlenl nstociutlon with efereiiro to the Intetnntlonal medical con- giess to bo hold In tills counti > lu Ib37. The the American society was the only body could iroperlv lepieseiittlic medical piife < * slon of he United States at the International con- gicas. The Hcj nolds llniiKliif ; , LINCOLN. N'eb. , May 20. ( Special Tele gram. ] At 10 o'clock tonight Governor ' ) awes had not taken any action looking to the icprlovo of Hoynolds , the Cliojcnuo : ounty muidoici , nnd tlio chances are that 10 will be hanged to-morrow. When the Bii : : epicsontntlvo Inteirosated the goveinor on ho subject to dav , ho was given to under stand that the case as presented up to daln lid not warrant executive Intcrfcioiice. hough a demand might bo made at the laic uomeiit that It w oitld bo Impossible to Ignore. A TOUGH A drunken tramp was collated by the no- Ice to-night and when near the station uadu a desperate light , knocking one officer senseless and cutting nnd slashing a number ot othei policemen nud lircmeu who nt- cuipted to eoiral him. llu vvas finally fe- cutcd bv roping and pounded Into hiibtnls- siott. He was tlio toughobt eiistomci tint ever stiuck this city , and succeeded lu ntali- ng a lmpiusslon , on his atihal. . To be HIIIIK Prhlny. SIDXKV. eb. , May 20. [ Special Tele- ; ram ] Pioparationsate now completed for .lio hanging of Jim I'euiolds to-morrovv. fho execution w ill take plaeo between S and I o'clock in tliu nttuinoon. Thn gallows la blxtcen feet bquaic , ciojs-bciim 111 teen feet ilgh. Thu diop w ill be ' oven feet. Your coticspondent had a long interview with Itcynolds to daj ; his actions do not Inr " dlcato iho least excitement. Ho refuses to talk about the ei line , but simply on general ualtcis. His spliltua nd\l.ser IB the Rev. l.csliu btevens , of tlio Afethodist church , but o-moitow Tntlier Harry will probibly assist. ; Kvory comfort will bo bestowed on thepr 8- oner during his last bouts. Ho Bio lit soundly ast night. Shciill "I' has enclosed the ail with Ivvoutv feet ot hoaul fence to keep ho execution fiom cuilosity bcokors. A DIanly Sport. ' Drs MOI.M.S , Iowa , May 20. [ SpecialTelo- jram.J A contest foi the championship of : lie United States In wing shooting , live blids vvas held hero to day between J. Stlco of Jacksonville , Ilk , and C. W. IJudd ot this city. The trial was with fifty birds , and was won ny Budd , with a score of 47 to 41 by btlco. Bund missed three In the lirst ton , but shot the last lortj birds Ntralsht without a miss , making , it is claimed , the best record ot the kind In the country. Ono month ago [ Sudd won the championship medal fiom Stico at.Jacksonville , and now holds it fiiib- iectto challenge once in thirty days fora xcai. It is not belloved that any furtho i at- icinptvvlll bo inndo to take tlio medal away fiom Build aftci his unequalled record In to day's mateli. A Ilraknmnncltillnrt. Dr.Moi.vns , Iowa , May 20. [ Spechl Tel egram.J Joe Indcealfcr , wlio resides nt Polk City and who lor snvcial ye-aie hns been cm- iiloyod as a brakcman on the Chicago & Noithwcbtein , muta tiaglcdcath at Marshall- Low nto day. He was at his post whllo tlie ti.iui was passing , at ! ! o'clock this mornlnz , and lell undoi tlio wheels. Ho was almost Instantly killed. His body was terribly cinshcd and mutilated and the rumalna pto- hentcd a ghastly nppcai.incp. , On Parsons' Trnolc. CIIICAOO , May 20. The Daily News Is In recelntof Infoimntlon which It deems posi tive , respecting the wlicieaboutsol the fngl- tlvonnaichlsr , Paisons. Thn .sheriff at Tal lahassee. Fin. , tole iaphed hibt Tuesday that Parons and a companion had gonu through Tallahassee and vveio bound either lei Ccdai Kcv s 01 Tampa and w eio supposed to bo head ing lot Cubi , nsbleamcis leuvouoth tliu potta mentioned foi Havana. A icdnn tclegiam was sent for Iho desciiption of PaifoiiH , and on lereplhm telegiiipliud IMC Ic ihu de scription tallied piecKelv w II h lluiL of ] 'nr- sons Tlioamuclilst was iceoKiil/ed atasta tion cilled Baldwin , but was not npmchcnd- ed. If Paisons sailed on Wednesday liom Cwlai Kojs , It Is thought ho can ho uppio- hcnded. I'roshj tot tans in Crmnoll. POMh , May 20.Tho Piusb.vtoilau trcneral assembly of tlio northern chinch con vened at 11 a. m. in the new Westminster Presbyterian chinch , which was ndmliably adapted in sl/o and airangemcnt for the meeting. Mr. Craven , I ) . D. . of Nowaik , N , J. , opened the assembly with pnncr , assist ed In his bcrvlcos by the ilcv. Mi. McLeod , of Indianapolis , and Key. Mr. Johnson , D. D. , toielgn mlsslonaiv to Allahabad , IndlH. Tlm election of n moderator will icciir tills alternoou. The prominent candidates aia Itev. Dr. MaiqiilH , Ciilca o ; Mi. Monfoit , Cincinnati : F. Sample , Minneapolis ; Mr. Swllt , at Allegheny , I'a. Illinois DootorH. Si'inxoi'iKi.n , Ilk , May 20. The Illinois State Kclectlo Medical boeleiy to day elected olllcois as follovvb : Piesldunt , H. U. Cable , ofAuioia ; lirbtvlco president , C > ius Pcarce , Tajlorvllln ; second vlco piesldont , H. K. Mouls. of Chicago ; densmcr , It. F , Bennett , of Lltrhheld ; iccordlng hecrutaiy , D. A. Cashman , of Chicago ; corresponding Eecro- taiy , 0. V. Mabsey. Athens : committee on eiedcntlals , Dts. J , Scudder Uavih. of Sniing- field ; J. d. Hemls. of Chicago , and J. Tildun , ot Litchliuld. Spilnglield tvas fixed upon as thu plaeo for holding the nuxt annual meet- Injj , on the thlid Wuduesday of May , Ib37. Bmull-pox Itnln | ; : , SAN FiiAXciHfO , May i0 ! , The bteamer San Pablo airlvod with House Hong dates to Apt 11 21. ami Yokohama to Mav.r > . Dur- j > i A prll thciu w eio oer WOUO cases of small pox atJKpaii. and moio than 3,000 icsulted tatally. Atuither Now I.NS , Mnj ro The ValvN dnlstiylias reblijiic I. M. TilcuupU has ab'ioJd to r nu uuw ministry.