Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Ao > crtl omont8 under th s hoftd JO cones per
I no TOT the first lii'Ortlon T fonts for each
rubsequcntlnsortfn.nnd * l."jC n line per month.
No udu-rtlsoment tnkon for Ics * tlmn 24 cents
fortho flr t insertion Boron words will bo ooun
ted to the line ; they must run consooutlvolf
and mtistbo pMd 'n ' ndranco. All alvortlso-
menta mnstbobnndod In before 2 o'clooX p. m.
nnd under no circumstances will they be tak
en or discontinue 1 by telephone.
Partlcsndvortlslni ? In thoio eolumm nn1 har-
In p the Answers addressed mcnro of 'Tun HER ,
willplcnso oak for chock to enable thorn to got
their 'cttcrs ' , as none will bo delivered except on
presentation or chock. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
. TO MIAN nt rontonablo rntos on
MO.VKY , furniture , watches nnd oilier per
sonal tiroporty. 0. J. Caswoll. Itoom 10. Iron
Hank building , 12th nnd rnrnam. Take elevator.
mo LOAN Severn ! thousand dollars nt n low
J rnto of mtotoit on Rood real estate sreiirlty.
8. l.ohmann , 1108 Tarnain st. 7K )
' I.OAN-On rhnttcli of nnr do-
MONl'VTO In sums of $10 and upward , at
lowerrntts thnn anywhere cl o in thoclty. City
Ix > an tie Mortgajro Co , room 15,1104 rnrnam Bt ,
opposite 1'nxton hotel. 673
l/iOOOOto loan on city residence property
$ Oco. W.Day , 1103 Fnniam. U39
Tolonn on improved farms or rc < il
MONKY lots , on one year's tlmo. Homo Flro
Insuraiico Co. . 1615 Douglas St. 153
I'KH CENT Monov to loan , Stewart & Co. ,
6 lloomH , Iron bank , IStli andFnrnam. K
30,000 to loan. Sums $500 and upwards.
$ Lowest rates. Bemls , 15th and Douglas sts.
O LOAN Money many amount
On all classes ofsecurity.
Bhorttimo loans on real ostata.
fxingtlmo loans on real estato.
Moneyto lonn on chattels.
Money to loan on colUtornK
Money to lonn on any ( rood seonrltr
Tornifl cnny. tlmo to Rtilt.
Apply atthoOmaha Financial Ktchansre ,
nnrkcr'd bulldlmr , S\V corner of
Fifteenth nnd rnrnam sts. tipstalrt
MONKY for everybody Iou I can borrow
mnnoy on furniture , horsoe. wagons
plfcnoi , ptock of all kinds , diamonds nnd flno
watcheson your own tlmo. Payments received
at any tlmo , nnd likorcst reduced pro rata.
Property loft In yotlf own possession. Terms
law as the lowest. Call and see mo. nuslnoss
confidential. No advantage taken. W. R. Croft ,
Jloom 4 , Wlthnell's NownullOJnif.NortheaBtcor.
ner 15th and Harnoy. Wl4
ONV/T TO T.O AN O. J ? . "Davis * Co. Heal
M Estate and Loan agents , 1505 Farnnm St.
TO LOAN-On ( rood securities. A
MONEY , room 7 Hodlck Qlock , 1509 Farnam
Et. 014
TITONKY TO r.OAN-On real estate and chat
.u JL tols. D. L. Thomas. PI 3
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of $200 and up
wards on flrst-clnss real estate security.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnnm St. MO
ONi : " ? Lo7vNKD"at C. F. Heed & Co'R. Ixia
office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon
personal property of all Kinds and all other ar
ticlcsof value , without removal. il9 ! S. nth ,
over Hlnurhnm's Comm/sslon / storo. All bus-
ness etrlctlr ronfldontat. 017
WANTKI > A partner with $250 in n well es
tablished business pining $3no monthly.
No competition. Investigate , Addioss F , U
Dully lice , Omaha. 74V21 *
TO K\MIANOE--,000 In choice Nebraska
liuiilstooYchungo lor like amount of gen
eral merchandise , or w III exchange for stock of
$10,000 and pay dllloionco in cush. With full
particulars ot Etook nnd for doscilptlon of land ,
address II. Chnmboillii , Arnpulioo , Nob. 702J3
Foil SAI.K Aflrst-cliiss bakeryicstnurant
nnd confoclloncry stand in n town of 7.000
inhabitants. Inquire of 1' . P. Fay & Co. . Omaha.
| 7JU-24
" 171 WBTSAliK Small stock of boots and shoes
' * on easy toims , in llvo town : shoo shop in
connection. Address F 2. . ' , lieu olllco.
70121 *
Foil WALK A good carpet loom nnd ovcry
thing connected with It. very cheap , nt H.
Hodges , 10th , between Martha and Caslellar.
Oil KXCIIANOE Improved fat ins In ICnn-
pas for desirable stock of men's clothing.
Address C. S. Adcs , Omulin. 04810
BUSINKSS CHANOK A man in nny llvo
town can do a profitable business in our
goods iilono , or In connection with f urnltui o or
nny class ol house-furnishing goods or groo-
oili's ; small capital nnd largo proms. 1'orpnr-
tlculurs mldres * "Manufucturor , " 01 Summer
Btroot , llostnn. Mass. 50S-J9 *
Foil SAMC In first-class location , giocory
stock nnd fixtures ; small capital reiiuirod :
rent low. Inqulrn at drug store , loth and
Dougliu. _ 787
FOK SALK $3,000 will buy n general stock
of goods together with the good will of n
well established and nourishing business In ono
of MnUlson county's best towns , llnlnnco of
pujmont on very liberal terms. Itonson for
Foiling satisfactorily glvon on application. Address -
dross T. D. XCo. . . Hoe Olllco. C80
Oil i.VCHANOE Stocks of goods of every
kind , for farms nnd land ; also lands to exchange -
change for goods. Jf you want to trndo , no
matter whnt it la you have , write , with full de
scription , to C. E. May no , real estate broker.
Omaha _ Nob. 16 l
\XrANTKI rooYcliancn for stock of hard-
IT wnro nnd general merchandise , 660 acres of
flno 'Jlmjor Co. , Nob. , land ; 6 lots In Gonon ,
Noli. , good Ptoro building 0 > est corner ) ; good
dwelling ( best location ) In Kssor , In. , also 83
ncres M "illo from town of ESIOJT , la. , seeded In
liluo grnss. Tor further inrtlcnlars address
John Llndorholm Central Cilv Nebraska. 050
KKSONAL Attention , ComrudesI Strictly
all wool Indigo blue Q. A. 11. suits , $10. L.
L. Jones & Co. , lilOOTuriiain Bt. 774-29
1)KIlsoNAINc'at nnd tusty all wool btisl-
HOPS suits for only $7.00 , All sires. Mall
orders tilted. L. O. Jones A. Co. , 1J09 Furnam.
_ 0511
PKKSONAL-To persons who wish to build a
homo In Oi chard Hill , I will poll lots upon
pujinont of the nominal sum of ton dollars und
linlanco nt the end of flvo jours. Interest at H
iicr rent , payable soml-annually. aiila U the
Lest olfcr over made to uny homo-seeker In this
city. Cull nnd see mo. C. R. Majnc , S. W. cor.
Kill and rnrnnm. 579
QOOU Tublo Hoard. $ J2 per week , Mcul
tickets ? J.50. 710 South Utli et. 840-25 *
Tmoit HKNT-Uoom and board for two. 1013
Cnpltol ave It !
LOST On the 12th , a nnlto nnd rod cow in
poor lleih wityropo around horns , hair oil
liom neck , possibly w ith culf , $5 reward olfor-
tHl lorretiiinu ) , U.MB , 13th Bt _ K4 21t
OH r A llttlo ilog . aii wora to the iiuino of
Topsy. A townrd will bo paid If she Is returned <
turned to 102U Douglas. fSI-l'J'
) ST-Strujod or stolen from J. Hcdniond's
feodetoie , Kith and CuiuIiiKBta , on Satur
day night , May 15 , 18bU , a light bay horse , long
black tall and mane , mutio short In centre ,
whlto murk under mane , burn or saddle murk
on right side , whlto apotovor buck hoof , 5 yours
old , Hill bunds. A reward will bo paid tor tils
return to J. J. Moore , DOU N 10th Et , Omnhu.
8UJ-20 *
I OST Strayed or Stolen 2-ycar-old mare
J ooll.daik brawn color. roH | ) mark on hind
foot ; $16 rowurdod by rclyrnlng to Muldoon's
wqjfon gliop , lath and Lenvonworth. 5SO-10 *
N UT A pony 10 j ours old. blue buck-
eklii.nvui shot In the kiiees.Mblto stilpoin
face , In Klnkald's camp , on 11. A. M. It. It. , ! i
mile north harpy MI1U. _ m > ID-'ilJ J 0-11
* | 7\OUM \ > Ilrown water spaniel. Ouncr can
-K hu\oby paying expenses. 714 N. IDtiist.
831-11) ) '
_ _
H\AKKN III1 Duik bay mare , wluto light'
J. hliid foot , ttliltu etar forehead , stripe on
jiosa. Paul ThU'bSon , llmr Oak udd. , west of
( juuloy'8 boap iuctory. 118-28
m.VKKN Ul' One shenp. Owner oan bavo
JU B IIUO by proving property and pulng
itjcs ut 318 8. lUtb Bt. Apr 22 29-May 0 1J-20
rpHK Stullion Callrpy well mni > o the season nt
-L the luir grounds here und thuse wanting
fu ( ttock nhoiild c.ull cm ly Ed. Pj lo. 765 30 *
IA wt.KK easily mivdo i uomo ; picas.
' untuork for l.idlei ami gciitloineiu no
canrassliigjEendto for clrciihir. Clu-onotypo
CoUoiner. mi j _
andccespobli cleaned by K. Kwiue.'l
O. - " * 0my ± !
B Oll IlKNT A store on a jrood rctnll street.
Apj > ly the Ouauliu Uoitl i : tutu and I/OMI
Co. 10 ;
rnilOTTINO Stnlllon , Jock Phcppnrd , Jr. , will
J inftko the season of 181 nt Omaha Fair
Ground * . StAndilB't bandi hlRli , wolRlis 12lj
li , ; l-lioinrKOSt find bandsomou Hnmbloton-
lnnlnthowc . Hi cod the fame ns Director ,
2:17 ; Plmllas. tly , and Jay-Kj o Set2:10. : . Call
nnd sco him nnd his stock. Term * , fie the son-
son , Adam Thompson. B1-J9
TmoK fli : T Square Piano , S3 monthly.
X' Ho pp. 1513 UoURlni ll
T710K KKNT-Pqunro Plnno , tl monthly. A
-IJ Hospo , 1513 Dougln * . _ 10
Foil KKNT--Organs , f3 per month. Hope ,
1513 DQiiglns. _ 'TO3
TTWll SAI.K A fresh cownndcnlf nt 5th ft ,
X' one block north of Leavenworth. J. 8.
Dav is. 8J6 20 *
_ _
FOK SAI.K-llaudiomo baby buggy , nearly
now , In perfect condition , at n Imrpnin.
CiilliUTOlN lnlst. 8lr20
T71OII 8AI K Quarter sent rend wnsron , J7" > ;
JJ cost WOO. Hico &MOOIO , room 0 over Com-
tnonltil N'atlonul bank. 8.19-20
. : '
Knqulro 1011) Sounders st. 8,10-21
SAI.K Good riding pony for cash , in
quire 1011 Pier st , N. Omaha. 78MO *
FOK SALE Cheap. Iron columns and win
dow cnps suitable for fronton brick build-
in p. Tor ptrltoulars apply ut this ofllco. B1J
Foil SAI.K 2'i year lon c on section Rood
land , 7 miles southeast of Atkinson ami i
miles soirthwontof Kmmct , Holt county , Nob.
Hentiil only fIS per jnnr. Hatcher , ( ludd&Co. ,
121(1 ( Douglas stieot , Mlllard hotel block , Omaha ,
Foil SAI.K-l'lmoton. 1431 Howard street ,
810 SO *
FOH SAI.K Good square piano , JIV ) . 2419
Clilcngojtroot. 7itM9 *
FOR 8AI.W Cheap , n wrought iron Van
llango at 1011 Dodge.
I 1OII SAT.K 3-ycar lento and furniture of 10-
room house complete and nil now , Urcnt
bargain. Good location , on Capitol uvo , cast of
Exposition Dulldlmr. Inquire of H l.iiklu ,
estate and lonn olllco , Kiposlt Ion Building'
_ J KM
FOH SAM ! Meows with Hereford crflvw ; 2
thnrouphhrod Hrroford bulls ; 2 < 1 grade
yearling bulls : 20 grade heifers. Apply to U.
0. KiistlB , Hod Cloud , Nob. f > 77-10 *
FOK SAI.n The finest matched carriage
team in the state , Bound , kind und safe ( or a
lady to drive : can be soon , ut Omaha fair
giounds , A. Thomson. 514
FOR S A I.I ! . Hod-room sot , peed as now , nt n
' bargain. Apply 910 Whouton st. 381
"T71OK HAI.I5 Cheap , fine top buggy. A. Hospo ,
JL1 1513 Doilglus. 5CO-J10
IjVoil SAI.i : Wo olFcrlJO 3-year-old steers ,
- ) ,
BOO 1-ycur-old strrrB ,
400 hoo1oi und cows , mostly coming on.
Tlio ubo\o cuttle are peed straight Iowa and
Dakota stock , titrango llros , BlouxClty.
Foli SAMS Cheap , parlor , bcdtoom and
kitchen fuimturo , carpsts , stoves , etc. , In
six teem cottage. Liberal totms If taxen lu
bulk. Apply too1) ) Cass st. 40
I. OK HALK Hrstcliss phaeton for snlo or
exchange for real entuto ; also a small pony ,
1712 N. 18th bt. - 681-20 *
OK SALK-Or tnvlo. Ono new 25 H. P.
Boiler and2) ) II. P. llnglno. Will soil cheap
forcnsli or trade for doslrablo real estate. Ad
dicssGeo. A. Try , Deflanco. Iowa. C3M
FOK SALIC Olio good horso. 1010 Fnrnam.
_ _ _ 200
FOllSAHV-Squaro piano , $50 , monthly pay
ments. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. BOi
Foil SAMS Match tonms and borios of al
kinds to suit customois nt Star Sale Stabler ,
20th nnd Cumin * . M. Cannon , Prop. 777
EOK SAM ! A now stea-n roller mill in No. 1
business locality ; line wheat country ; but
llttlo competition ; $17,500 ; cost more. W. H.
Orcon,21531Jtli sU _ 82il
Foil SAI.K Upright piano , $195 , monthly
payincnts. llospo , 151J Douglas. 90S
F I Oil SAXK JJolod hay. W. J. Wolshans &
Co. OJ3
FOU SAI.K Do lrnblo C room houao nnd full
litonnnidoallln : splendid oondltlo-i. Cull
ntWOT&Othst 8Um22 *
TITANTKD oirl at 150 Convent st ; small
V > fiuully : lartro pity. 537
WANTED A elrl for general housework.
1W9 Farnam. 824-21
WANTKD A ( rirl for dlnliw 100111 nnd
chamber work. 117 N. 14th st. H40 Sl
WANTKD nxperloneed thlrt mixkera. Onm-
lia Shirt Factory , SOS N. 18th 8t. 842 21
"V\TANTKn A jjirl for general house woik In
i ? a family of two : good nnirea pnld ; rotor-
oncos required. Apply to Mrs. W. E. Annln.llOj
Sherman live. , head el Olutkat. b4B
ANTiiQii : | for housework. 2412 Capl-
tel uvo. 818 81 *
WANTKO Sowlnp ; girls at Ovotnll ructoiy ,
cor. Uth and DoUKlusslip-8tillt3. 850-2j *
WANTKI ) Senmsttcsios nt Canflold M'f'fr
Co.'s.cor llth and Douglas st9.tip-Rtalia.
67)13) *
W'wVNTl.n A phi for gonorul housework.
2423 ruinaiu bt. 832-21 *
\\7ANTKD Skirt triminors nnd waist luiiKlg ;
i' nlso sklitcnttor and toroworaan. Mis. M.
Wallace , cor lUth mid Davenport , rooms 2J nnd
24. -i 808-2U *
WANTKI > Woman to do c-enornl house
work ; good cook protoricd. 1018 Web
ster et. 79S
WANTKD A competent trltl for uonciul
liouseowork. Apply to Mrs. Wra. Coburn ,
head of H'obstor Bt. 808-20 *
WANTKI ) GoodBlrltoi'Konorul homework ,
must bo competent , ut h. U. cor. 20th und
rutnamsta.- H11-2Q
"VA AN I'KO One or two good statchors nt
f i Jackfion Street Laundry , between Uth nnd
10th sta. 820 *
WANTiu Ilca Ichnnibcrmnid nt the Pulnco
Hotel , Snnln I'o. Now Mexico ; fJO per
month. Apply at the Co7zcna House. 803
WANTKI ) Jmmodlntoly. f or 0 ludy can.
viibsois. Apply to W. W. Ljucti , ( Jen Aitt ,
313 South I21h St. 821-20'
ANTKD-A sool kitchen girl. Apply nt
a'l.Dodge ) Bj. bis
WANTKI--A competent frill
housonork. Inquire 251U Capitol a\o.
WANTKI ) Immediately , u jrlddlouged wo-
mnn us liounokeepur ; Ooiinan pioferied.
Apjilv for ono week nt the Wblto Lend Wiuka
nunctnull ) at noon. Louis Iluigord nnd U.
P. truck. 780 lit'
) In a family of thrto , thoroutrlily
cqmnctent ( lirimin Kill for general
boiiBimork ; must tuinlsh lolerenees. Ajiply nt
Cochi an llros.'ion ! estate olllco , 150'J lurnum
BUcet. 7Sj
WANTIII ) THO Rlili lor ( icinoinl kitchen
work ; \uixes H per week. 1017 llouuid
Btioot. bOO-lO *
WANTKI ) Good woman or man cook on
runcli near Uwln ; four In family , good
homo , place permanent ; wniros f2 to IT ) per
month. Address W. 11 , Thompson , Llltlo. Holt
Co. , Nob. 767-10 *
WANTKI ) Good nlrl for general housework
cooks , dining-room , kitchen and laundry
girls , girls for the wont , chambermaids Drat and
second work ; good mures. Call at Omaha im- :
ploymeiit Iliirouu , 1I2U Fiiriiiini Ht. 740
WANTKI ) A girl for general housowoik,012
B 10th st.
V\7ANTEU A diolnB-roora flrl at the Emmet
V > house. OS4
T ANTKIJ-aood girl , 105 North Ibth.
ANTKD-A dining room girl at Doran
house , 01J Farnnm et. COS
WANTUD Girl for irenoml lionsoHork ,
corner lllondo and Campbell streets , north-
wostcouipr. i05 !
\T7AMXU-Good Ulchou girl ut 413 N. iTth"
st. a.7
W.VNTUD A flrgt-clsss newspaper nnJ Job
printer , who can aUo us-sUl In local ork
A steady job nnd good wngos. AddtcssTbu
Itoglatvr , ISnglo Hock Idaho. M > ± i *
"orANTnu-A good b cad aul cake bikorT
TI HlOBauiuleissU BJJ-1'J
TI7ANTED Men of good addroai and ealos-
' mvz who aic tO 3 toti-iTOtr ! per
day , should call on or send lOe tor sample to III
H. \ \ hcclo < kbardwurodeulorKullcrtou.Nob.
WANTKI * 100 men for railroad work , driv
ers , pick nnd she cl men und track luy-
era. Steady work , good job. K a Albright , La
bor agcuuy , 1OS ! ) I'aruuiu it. 7J3
"TTTANTKO One steady vest maker , also ono
TT steady pant maker. Address C. A. Andcr-
ton , merchant tailor , Grand IslandNeb. 777-19 *
\\7VVNTKI A. steady , rollnlilo man lo soil
TT Koojijulao u iaJy c-uivasor , U ll Ul 3.
lOiliet. . ViW-IV *
WANTKD Salesmen neclirur profltnblo em
ployment. Salary f5 and expense * , Goods
fitnplo. cold by vnmplo. Address , with stamp ,
WANTi : ! ) Situation astlriifrclerk by young
nmn of experience. GooJroCoroncc" > . Ad
dress FSI.lloo omeo. 647-20 *
V\7"ANTiii Slluatlon as bookkeeper or other
I > clorloul work. Host ot references. Ad
dress r 23 , lloo ofilco. S23-19 *
WANTED A needy woman would Ilko n
bomo for n b6y of 10 years , Inquire of
Mrs. W. V , Doollttlo , 812 N. 18th St. 78J-20 *
WANTiu : A position by nn experienced
stenographer. Understands bookkeeping
nnd can furnish bis owit typewriter. Address F ,
21 , lice olllco.
" \X7"ANTIJO Situation an loamstoror for genT -
> T ornl work. Address Fol.UcoOnico. 770-18
WANTIID lly n ttoman. a situation as
housekeeper. Call at No. 218 N. nth st.
740-22 *
ANTltfi lloom , without board , near Uth
nnd rnrnamsts. Address V18 , llco olllcc.
VV J.n.Haynca&Co.,15llJoJgogt. ) KM
WANTKD To rent n KOOI ! furnished hotel
In a lively country town. Address Hotel ,
ciuo Hoe olllcu , Uncoln , Nob. BSI-W *
\-\TANTKn-I want to buy a fR.OOOor $10,000
TT Interest In porno whole nlo or retail liusl-
nc s In Umnhn. Have n Rood knowledge of Ini'l-
ncs , nnd i don't want anything that Is nut now
paying. Address F , Corjons houso. 818-10 *
WA.NT15D Inside property. B. T. Ulngor
hascustomeis for inside property from
$3 CQd to 115 OOP. 119 n. 15th street. < 10.
\\7-.VNTii > -00 teams. R. S. Albrlffht , It. K-
T T Labor Agency , 1J03 Farnnm st. 425
ANTKIl-Housosfor ( rood tenants. J. II.
Evans it Co. , 151.1 Dodgo. 013
FOR IlKNT After Juno 15th , house on DOUBT-
liiBPt. between 17th nnd 18th st. Kent & > 0
per month. Apply at 181U Hartley st. BJ3
FOU IlKNT Anew store with 30 foot front
on St. Mury's avc , stlltnlilo for ftirnltliro ,
Jn clry or any retail business. Living rooms
over store. Clark& 1'icnoli , 1510IougluR st.
[ 41-Ut
T71OU U12NT ] fen oclsht rooms , cistern nnd
Jcity water , small barn , all tn lit st-rato repair.
Enquire at southwest coiner of Twentv-flfth
und Chlcngo sts. 720-a'
FOR HUNT Two store rooms on Iflth street ,
Water , gas aud sewer uonnujtlons. 0. K.
Mayno cor. 13th and Fainam. 811
T71OU IIINT for the summer , a lutnlshod
-L housoof 0 icoins to n fnmll ) ttlt'iout child-
ion ; iio.-seP3'on van bo Rlvou Sntiiiday : nl o
cnnaiy blrJS for sale. Address 112J M. loth bt.
8Jt-M !
T7IOU HUNT 11-room house , fV ) , Juno 1st :
-I ? 4-ioom linnsp , $15 ; a rooms , lor laboring
nmn , ga. Hush A. Solby.213 S. 15th. 7tO
Foil IlKN'T Small house nut ! ncio ot ground
North Onmlni ; good garden spot , $8 per
month forfl months or year , li U. Mnyne , IStli
and Farnam. .09-30
Foil IlKNT Asplondlrtconior grocery stern ,
countofi } , sholvliw , eta , on paved street nnd
street car line. Ilcnt icasonnblo. A splendid
chanceforagootl , li\o man. Morse iV Ilrnunor ,
Jt'ttUon block , cor 1'ith and Farnnm. O'll-lii
"fj > OIl IlKNT One 8-room cottngo one block
J1 north of licad of St. Mnrj's u\o. , ? 25 nor
month. OPO two story house cor. 1'hll Slicrldiin
nnd Hull St. , 8 nleo rooms , S30 per month. 11.
T Peterson & Co. , S. K. cor. 15th und Douglas
BticoU 67U
THOIl IlKNT Now house , 11-rooms , Virginia
J- ' avenue , near Lo.ivenwortli , largo enough
for two families ; $ -T > per mouth. T. W. Hlauk-
buin & Co .head of St. Mary's avo. 0)7
"fT * Oil SALK-5-room cottaio to bo mo\cd
Xuway. . W. 3. Wclshans , City Mills , 801 Kar-
namst KM
TDIOIl 11KNT " 0 acre furm.T. Murray.
Foil UUNT Nicely turnUhod 100111 with
board. 7U N. 1'Jlli st. S17
F I Oil IlKNT Saloon , nnd fixtures for salo.
109 South 10th st. 500
FOK KKNT-Bilekyard. T.Murray. 531
pOK IlK > fT-aiudon tarm. 333 S. llth St.
F 1OU KKNT Nleo 0-roora cottage. S. T.
Peterson. S. E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 5i > l
F OK IlKNT Liu go nicely fiunlshcd ft out
loom closet , flO per mo ; 2210 Capitol av.
ITHIl HKNT Futnlshod looms \vith break-
Jfast ? and supper. E423 rurimm it. Also
goodliain. KklSl *
IlKNT An excellent basement : 309 nud
511 S 13th St. ; U stores an Oth und Douglas ,
and2 stores on 2Jd nnd Cumlmr. Paulson A. Co. ,
Ifil.f Farnam , 8T > 7
" | 7OIlJirNT : FurlMied orunfurnls'ied rooms.
JC Inquire nt U4J N. 16th st. .1.7-2o *
OH INT : Nicely furnished front room.
Inquire 1807 Karnam st Ki10
TT1O11 KENT A nicely furnished 100111 , If23
JJ Douglas at. hUl
Oil IIIJNT Good rooms and bond. 1103
Farnnm si- . . 80J 21
T71OK KKNT Furnlihod front room for two
J gentlemen. 1517 llowiml. _ b03 13 *
Foil KKNT 1'urnlshod rooms , 521 Noitu
15th sti not. _ mil 20
, _
TT1OK ItKNT rurnlshod room , 111 pleas int lo-
J ciilion , ut 1015 Hint bt. _ 7iU-20 ) *
1011 IlKNT With board , n neatly furnished
fiont room , suitable lor two gentlemen.
1710 Cuss st. _ 7fO-21 *
TT10K IlKNT llooms in City Hull bulldlns. C.
-L' K. Mil ) no , S. E. cor. 15th and Tunnim.
FOK IlKNT A laigo fiont parlor to three
goiitlomonboiud liirnlslifd If desired. 2J17
Clmilcst-t. 7b7-20 *
FOK lli : > T To parties who will take bourd-
era , kitchen , dlnlug-iooin and ono bed-loom
ftirnlshod , icady Ionise. Jiiqulro uttfllN. 20th
street. 7bO 111 *
jlOK ItKNr Hnlurnlslol : loom for hou o-
J- ! Keeping1018 Slioiinan. Inijulio niter U
p m. 7W2U
TJIOKKKNT A fuinl 'iod loom 40 foetsnuaio
XI with butb loom , to foui gontlcmon. lionid
Jmiilsliul. toiuu leuson.iblo. B. W. cor. 2Utli
und Wobstcr.
_ _
1OK KKNT Lingo front room , fui nUhed or
unfiunlshoJ. JW1.J Htitney at. 7M-2J *
Poll KKXT-Fiiriilshod room. S. W.cor. 10th
und Cl'lcngo. Apply ut room 25. 779
FOK IlKNT One or two furnlshoj rooms ,
southwest putt of city , within block ot cur
lino. Addi ess F 2 } , Duo olllco , 7(17 (
lino.F Oil KKNT 5 rooms suitable for one or two
families at G09 N. 13th st. 050-10 *
FOK KKNT A finely furnished front room.
1st floor , A. llospo. M'J
OK IlKNT Sd and ! ld doors of 1103 Turnum
st , suitable for jobbing , manufuctuilngor
gtorago. 77522
7OK KKNT An unfurnished room In Ilocm-
1 < or'slllook , cor , 8th and HowtirU , 7"3
F OB BKNT FurnUhod or tinfurnisliod
rooms ut 322 N.lGt hut , L > ons Dloclc. 753 i *
FOK KKNT Furnished room. CD South 751-22 15tb * ,
FOK KK.NT Nle.ily fiirnislieJ looms. 1814
Davenport fit , betwocn IStli aud I'Jth. 758-22 *
FOK KKNT Furnished room 1810 UnrJ.
7M-1B *
1 < 10K KKNT-Hoom and bourd In strictly
JL' prlviilo family for ono or two Rentleuion.
114 N. IHb bt , bot. Dodge uud Capitol me.
71 ( > U KKNT Two nicely furnlsUod rooms ,
X1 Ksiubiook block , Ud lloor. o\or 40tl N. 10th
stieot. Itutb and all modern conveniences ,
gleam tud homo comlorts lu a prlvuto
famllv. 714
F OK KKNTTwo unfurnished rooms , U20
Wbpaton St. 7Ui-21 *
171OK KKNT FurnUlicd or unfurnished
X1 rooms , N E cor Leuvrutvorth und 35th. near
Si. Hnrrravo. " 077-20 *
'o KKNT-FurntshBd rooms , 1S18 Dodito.
inoK KKNT-Newly furnlshoU qorug. nil
JL1 modern conveniences , by day. week or
montb.lli20Uurt8t. - 078 1
-T > OH IlKNT J/uruUhod rooms , 816 Bouth 18th
JJ _ B8020'
TjlOK KKNT With board , for ono or two gen-
X1 tlemun , ulcolr furuUhttd room , g-as aud
bath room , at 17lJ Dodge at. ft1 !
FOK UKNT Nlpoly furnished room. Inquire
Omaha Curpot Co. , lull Douglas. tt.M
TT\OK \ KKST- nice front room , furnished ,
X1 for ono orj t o pontlomnn. Inquire 1010
Hurt 61. . 014
17OII KENT 2 ilq lrab1o furnl hoil roijnn ,
JL1 with board , ' irtodern conveniences. 8. W
cor. ZOtli nnd Wjbator. 640
171OK KKNT4 To newly fuidlshod liont
X1 rooms , SJll.St.jMtiry's nvo , on Green Cur
Line ' 401
* | 7U > K KUNT.NbMly luriilslicd rooms sln lo
X' nnd en suite , for uontlomcn only. O\or
Tester & Slorroll s iihurnncy , 10th and Dodge
st. " ' _ t 449 ,
iii. > iiceiy rurniMiod front room
Fun boanU S. W. cor. Stu and SU Mary's
avenue. r 235
blfllKNT-iNcrtly furnlilied rooms close to
JL3 P. O. Tho4tio , lnlo < ilr blo rurnlshod rooms
In the city , nt rensoimblo prlcos. 1S03 Caw st.
T71OH KKNT Lnrso nicely fUrnisboJ room ,
X' gultublo for two prontlomen , with table
bourd ; Jmlnutos' walk from P. 0.1811 Dodao 8L
TTioii KINT : Hlr runtly furnished rooms wltb-
JJ outboard. All modem conveniences. 2233
Dodgo. K30
IlKNT nioffiuit nnJ doalrnblo rooms ,
furnished or unfurnished. 10J7 Dou Us
st. Itotoronuos roqulro 1 ot uppllcnnt < . 031
FOK KKNT Two Inoxpoiislvo rooms , with
boird. 1914 Webster stroot. 082
IJAVRI ) STItCKTS to within ono block ot
Kcdlck'g Grn\o only stioiiftthcii thut most
desirable spot for residence Como nnd see for
yourself , Anrs,1507 Knrnnin. 710
Foil KKNT 2 pleasant fuinUhod roomi ,
20lh st. . near St. Mnry'a nvo. Inquire S. W.
Dodpc nud IRth. 102
TT1OK HUNT With hoard , ono Inrjo nicely
X1 furnished front room , sos and bath room at
1409 Jones St. 70
FOK SALO-Cottaire on 17th st , corner Dav
enport , to be removed. 8. Lehman. 844
FOK SATK-SectIon splendid land 4 miles
south ofCrolghton , Nob. ; will sell InlGOneto
ti acts , $4.00 per aero cash , balance In 2U ycats
ntU per cent and no taxes. Hatcher , Gndd &
Co. , Ulfl Douglas street , Mlllaixl hotel block ,
Uuiuha , Mob. 804
AHAUR chnnco for Investment 2t lots or
5 acres on 17tII nnd Van DoriibU , , opposite
Duifco'sPark. Price S20) per lot If sold before
July 1. Uoom 31 Hlchaid's Hlock Lincoln , Nob.
OAK HIM. addition loK South Omalm51
to ? ; v'Hei\clion ) cay pitymvnts. .1.1 > . Itloo ,
solo agent , Itoom 0 , over Commercial ilnnk.
60 XH1B , two houios on Cummg st. , 5",5DO ,
Oraham & Ucnnwa , Crlghton liik.
Tjion SAM : 3 auros In Ilurknlow'8 sub-dlvl-
J-1 slon , cast front ; shares In Omaha Dalrv
usaociatlon ; 1 two seated buggy ; 4 line bnrl or
ebalis 2148.12th st. 001
Foil SAI.K Klght lots for an Investment ,
fioiillnoast onLSH st , thrcoblocks west of
13lh ; street cur tormlniis ; ? J,2o3. easy terms
A. I'.Tultoy , or J. S. Cauinold , 1 1 rnrnnm. 637
TIlllKi : good lots , Clifton 1'laco. $1,200 each.
Graham & llcn'tun , Crolghtnn Ulk. OJU-1'J '
OAK HIM , addition lots South Omaha , $ 0
to (3 > ) eachon easy payments J. L. like ,
solonvont , Itoom C , over Commercial Hank
FOH SATjB Two eloTant oastfiont corner
lots in Iliur Oak ; natuinl sh'tilo ticos.
Ilutchcr , tmdd tVCo.UinDouglassticot , Mllhml
hotel block , Omaha , Nob. bOl
OAK HIM. nddltlon lots South Omaha , SJ50
toJU-jO ouch , on easy pajments. J. L , HIcu ,
solo ngout , lloom qtO\-or | Commercial Hank.
. , - K83Q
OUSAM : ( Omitonthlyp tyincnts,3cottaro3 !
of5 looms oacHotio mile ftom postolllco.
nnqulroof WnijOjgor , nt Dowoyi.Stone's. 071
Foil SAM3 lU rf bargain , flno U oem nou o
with modern conveniences ; full lot ; on
Harnoy St. , near ath ; 55,2)0. ) Potter * Cobb ,
1515 Farniim st. OVJ
m > lllKK east front lots Virginia a\o , 5-1,50)
-L each. UrubninJclJonawa , Cioightoii Hlk.
! ; 003-19
OAK HIM , addition lots , South Omaliu , S-'oO
to $ J"iO each , onmn r paj ments. .1. L Hico ,
solo agent , Itoom 0.o\er Commcrclnl Hunk.
FOR SALi : Hars-.alns. House und lot on
Chtulpssr , it6nr'-tiect cats. onlv1.70t ) .
2 flue loLsanciorndninClarPUdon , $1.650.
Elegant lot wnh Ifjrgo houso.'on Gopialajn\o ,
Ilousonndlottilofftfto Cuming st , very cbonp ,
& 2ooo. I >
3 elegant lots lUjHnnscom Place from $1,550 to
3 choice lots In Hurr Oak , each ? 750.
And ahundiodolhPrs oquallv good. Alwnjs
fire us before you buy or soil. Stookdulo A.
Uilliclior , lull DodjfO 6t Telephone 71)j. ) U3-2J !
Fen SAtK Ana house for rcnt-tho f utni-
ture , cnrpctse , of n 10 room house In best
locution In city , \ \ hero ? > per month above i cnt
can bo made. A good chance to right party.
Tones $500. Call on orai'dieas 1610 luiinam.
KM 20 *
FOH SAM : Lot r > , block 2 , Mlllaid Plnuo.
Th'Js is as line n residence lot us tlioio Is In
the city. Only six blocks I Kim the court houso.
ciir-t fiont , on grade , natutal tiecs , cstnblHlied
neighborhood. Wlion Lc > i < % en\\orth cttcct U
giutled this lotwlll bo worth $1,00) ) . Hiitclior.
( inclil.t Co. , 1210 Douglas Btroot , JIUlard liottl
block , Oimilm , Nob. Ml
OVK HIM , addition lots. South Oinalin. 82W
to $ i50eachon easy pajrauiits. .1. rj.llloe ,
solo ngont , Itoom 0 , ocr Commotclal Hunk.
Foil SAMS llnro bargains in real estate fop
Ritloby Cocliutn liios.ieal estate biol ers ,
150" ) rarnum.
Largo lot , nlco house of 0 rooms , oorythlng
in tlrht-cluss condition , on Poppletou n\o , f-outh
liont'only fct.iOO.
Four lots with good houses In Hlckoiy Place ,
rim/lng In mieo liom $1 00 to $ .030.
Two good lots with snmll houses on Dodtro Bt ,
a lMigulu.onlj-$3COO.
Lot on Vhgiula uvo , Ilnn com Place , for only
$ 'l")0.
'l")0.Klogiint onst fiont in Iliur Oak cheap , $50) * .
T o bciuitilul corner lots In J. I. llcdlck'a ndd ,
I'ull lot , 0 room house , Hanscom Ploco. $4,000.
( Jood lot in W. A. Hcdlck's add , only $100
down , 97V ) .
T o good lots in W. A. llodick's ndd , only $100
down , $1,401 ,
House nnd 'of , Collpfro Plnco , S1.700.
LotB in Lincoln 1'liico , the finest liucstincnl In
the olty , only 10 iiorrcntdouit , $ M ) to $ IOJ.
An oleganH-acio tract Inside cltv limits , beau-
( Hill location mid vlow , will innko 18 lots nnd sell
for $1,200 a lot. it niton this ttook piico is
Theio are nil bin gains nud AIO will 1)0 ploiicod
to show them to jon. 1'or an ) thing In loul
Obtato como to us und we'll EUVO und innko
money for yon , Cocluan llios. , roul ostuto
bioKcrs , ivn I'm nmn st 85S-23
: K. GIIISON & co. , 217 south uth
VT bti cot.
Hoiisoof 7rooniswlth gtoiind IDIISO for four
ycurs , 'i-bloek ) ioii | contre ol business , cheap.
! i room house und bain , ground louse.
Rrod business lot on Cuming street.
Hoiiutltiil lota facing Han-coin I'ar.i o'lonp.
Aboaiitlliilliomo.lulllot nnd5-ioom house In
Slmll'tiiutillllou. A bargain ; must bo sold ,
2 ftoio biillilings with ground loused for 8
years , cheap , on 10th st ,
3 full lots , housu , bnni , etin Walnut Hill ,
$2,000 ; cusytoinit ) .
Aciolot fli Park Place , $2,200.
I'ull lot on .lackson et , 3 houses , S7r 00.
WO feet on Pnik nvo , near Loavunwortb , 94,033.
llnslnc'ss lot on iMtvM , $ > ) .ooo.
Lotsin Marsh ndUJ > om $750tol,075 each.
l.otflinl'ottor's ndd , $050 to S7W
lloaullfiil lots iiiSluill's ndd , $1,400 oaou.
Ixl.sln I'utilck'fcyd .
I/its in HansoonVmoo , $853 to $ jrO-
Itsln Sunnysldo.
Lots In Paddooh Illacc.
I/ots In SnuiuU'M & . Illmcbaugh'a add.
Acrelotsiind 'vM0 Inls west ° f the olty , $103
Lincoln Plaro kits for sale on easy terms , $ JOO
Ixtsln Ambler piicet75. |
Meat market tUrtulo cheap.
liotol Ilxlines ut u bargain ,
llaigjin hoiiso-aiid lot n coiner on S. 15th Bt ,
Wo will also Bell you a lot and build jou u
house ; u Binall p.ijmont down nnd quuitorly or
j early payment ronjlho balance. 859
Foil 8AM-I-M& : ) acres in one body In Che-
j 011110 county. 10 ml los of tunning water.
T , S. Cliirkbon , 15W Farnum. 305
B AltflAINS m iininoMjd and tinlmprovod
properly. W , H. Oi ecu , 215 S 1 Uh Bt. 832
feet front on I rK ave , $2,100. Qnihain &
Honuvru , Crclgbtou Hill. OK ) 13
STOHK building and Hats , rents for 150 nor
month , $3UXi. Uruham & Honawi ! , Oroigb-
ton Hlk. C9U-19
TOOK SALE tour lots , c r. oalifornlass-i
JL1 30th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed avniit oa
Ouming8t.f8MaiidJjOo olu i-oltor & Cobb ,
lElSFurnamst. 849
B AHGAlKonOumlnif etreot nt tl.'iW. Oru-
iit i. Uonuwu , CrolKhtou Hlk. OW 19
POR 8Atl-Loasoa school lands Intrants of
60 acres and upwards , no tuxes to pay on
thosolandsforiUyiuis. O. I' . Davii & Co. , 1505
rurnumat. 730 m2 > )
OltCIIAHI ) IIILI , lots soil on their morlU
Ixi\r prlcos and , easy terms given. Cull at
0. E. Ma > nu'B olllco ufcl gt-t a plat. ana
Sub Uly. This beautiful ucru proii.
urty will be closed out In ono week at 1ml
price , communelng Monday , 5Iay tptli. Lud-
wick X Soay , a. o. cor. ISth and Oougiiu. i7Q
HAKTSI AN * otnsoN , ncal estate nnd Loan
Affcney , 1412 Farnnm St. , ottering following
bargains this week :
Hnslnoss Property.
.TI ft. on Tenth st. , near Douglas . $ 8,000
WJ ft. on Harnoy , Eighteenth nnd Nine
teenth sts . . . . . . . 0COO ,
66 ft. on Farnam and Twonty-sooond sts , o.ooj
44 ru on.lonos St. and rnllroiMl. . . . , , . . . . . 0,000
33 H. onTontliM. , notr Jones . . . . 7,000
Hou csnnd iMt * .
Full lot and flue residence , lilgbtcdnth
nnd Ftirnnm . . . . . 25,000
44ft , nnd line residence , Twentieth ami
Fnrnnm. . . . 10,000
23 ft nnd flno residence , I'.lghteonth and
Nineteenth and Farnam , . , . . . . . 8,000
151x190 , with two Quo residences on
Leavonwortli . , . 18,000
Lnrpolot. with two house , Ninth nnd
Pnolllo . . . 8,000
Largo lot , with three houses , Eleventh
and Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/iOO
Small lot , with four-roomed bouse ,
Twenty-third and California st' . . 8,500
Lot , with four-roomed house , Dupont
plnco . . . . . . . . . . l.MO
llotutirul residence on Pleasant st . 7/XX )
Fine icsldonce near cast gate Han'com
Park . . . 8,500
Flno residence. Improvement Associa
tion addition . . . 4,000
Lot , with three good houses , Kountzo &
llnth's addition . 5,100
Lot , with tire good houses , Kounuo &
Huth'g addition . . . . . . . . . . . 0'M
Lot , with sot en roomed residence , Marsh
addition . . . 4,000
Lot , with four-roomed rosldoneo , Park
Place . 1,900
Half acre , with ten-roomed house , Park
Plnco . (5,500 (
Two full lots , with double dwelling , west
of High school . 8,000
Lot.with ? o\cn.roomed now liousoRcos'
addition. . . . . . . . 4,000
Half lot , with neat cottage , near Loav-
onworth st . . . 2t03
House nnd lot , Shull's second addition , . . 3,250
Ijirgo lot , two houses , Park are . 12.0.X )
Largo lot , ono house. Park ave . 7,000
Flno double brick new two-story and
busomout , on comer Farnam nnd
Twenty-sixth sts , n bargain nt . 15,000
Bcs'dcs above wo have a largo list of resi
dences In fill pints of tlio city.
Vacant Lots.
Lots In lliitiscom Place $ b)0to ( ) . 2,000
lotsin Hurr Oak Place $000 to . 1,000
Lots In Diiponl Plnco $000 to . 700
1/ots in Dulght& Lymuu's addition (450
to . 700
I/ots In Kirk oed addition $475 to. . . . ( WJ
lKtslu ) KilLy Ulneo fWOto . 1,200
Lots In IO\\O'B nddltlon JBW to . 1,000
Lots in Marsh's nrldltlon f2OJOto. . . . 3 WO
Lotsln PnddockPluco fl,500to . U.OOO
Lots on West Fnrnam nud Dodge $100 to lrm
Lotsln Lincoln Place MX ) to . 400
Lotsln all othoi additions as low as can bo
purchased from any other firm In the city.
Wo have also a laigo list of Improved and unImproved -
Improved farm lands lu nil parts of the state.
Alsohayo money to loan on linpro\odfnims
at low rufo of interest
Special Notice Having no pioporty of our
own on the maikot to "boom , " \\o teoi assured
In sn > lug that wo nio In position to lender the
most perfect satisfaction to both seller nnd
buyer. Wo v 111 take pleuiiiro In showing j on
the propcity on our books nnd pointing out to
you what wo think are IIAUO MS > " .
Nochaijro for nd\ortlslng ptoporty and no
chutfro foi showing property , whether you buyer
or not. T2S-21
RISS-Sut ) dlv aero lots nt liulf price , ' l,2aiuiycara. : Snlocomiiioitoos
Mondav , May 10th , to bo closed out In one week.
Ludn iok .V Soiy. so cor 15th and Douglas. 471
SPKCIAL HAltltAINS-77 feet on Fnrnnm ,
f8,50a ; 2 loot on Farimm J10.0UO. T. S.
Cluritson 150il Furiihum 307
_ _
TWO lots on Gnonria nxo. fico each. Gra-
hnm A ; nenn n , Crolghton Hlk. C'M-10
T.10K SALK-Lots in Lowo'S 1st addition ,
X' south fronts , easy terms , only S503. Potter
& , Cobb , 1515 bMrnam st. an
FO irsAMJ ATow of the best ots In Wlloox's
adil. at SOW each. Potter & Cobb , 15H Far-
namst. _ _ B.VS
FOK SAI.K Or Trndo lmpio\cl and unlm-
piovodluiuHin Furnus nud otior western
countlos. Addioss Win. Simeial , Aiup.ihoc ,
FurnnsCo. Nob. 275
FOKSALK Cncnp lots In IJuir O.\k , fust cist
ofHauscom Park , nonrstiootcurs , ? 753 , ousy
terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Knrnam st. 851
OKS VLC-Threo duo lots In Shlnn's JJ udd.
at ? 300 oaoh. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Fai ntira.
Foils \LlC-Tivo lots in Plamviow , S153 eich.
Potter & Cobb. lilii Fiitnain Bt. _ 953
LOT in Lincoln Place on Holt line , SJ25 to
J375 ; 10 per cent don n. G raham iV nonawa ,
Ciolgutonlllk. 03i-lB )
WniSS Sub dlv 33 aero lots U milo from
city limits , S.BO to # 59Jporucto , that Is half
Pllco. LudiUck & Soay , ao cor 15th & Douglus.
/ 471
FOKSAI.K TttO lots 111 Thornbuigh Plnco ,
full sire , nt SV > 0 cnch , oust tront. 'Ibis Is an
nctual burKain. The Holt Line Is ulicndy in op
eration to this point , coal und lumber yuids uro
established and business generally In operation.
Tlioio Is nlso to bo built aim go cunning fnctory ,
nnd it Is generally believed to bo the vostern
end of the Cable Line. The pioflts in llioso aio
posltnc , for the improvements are niostlv 1111
istabll licd fact , not promised. Kdu nrd Luiklii ,
exposition bulldlugr. bJ7-10
POK SAI.K 1,300 acre innoh , llvms uater
running through land. Can cut 1,000 ton
liny oil' land ; also IV ) head cattle , ! iJ Head hoiaos
with nocossury implements , &c. , &c.o. . , to run
snld runch. Price frlJ,5TO ) . Addicss Hart A :
McAndicw , Alnsn 01 th , Nolir.
AUo , 010 acres bchool lund upprulsod at $3.00
per acre , running 20 years ntsu per cent , within -
in 4 miles of Alnawoitti ; lltlnir water und will
take $040 tor lease. Addioss Hint Ac MuAiulroiv ,
Alnsworth , Hiown Co.Nobr. S)7m2J
FOKSAr.K Itosto aoio trauts In the mnrkot ,
only $200 per aero. Inquire about them.
Potter frCobb. 151' ) I'm num. 853
OKSAI.K-Aciolots , GUo'sndd. , only SI , 5 JJ
Potter i Cobb , 1515 Fatnum. 837
40O East fiont on DoluwurofifrcutTHunscoin
plnce. beautiful lot $ . ' ,100. Lovgiun iV
Wilde , ITOI Farnam sti cot. 7. I
TTJrKfsS-Sub. diy. Tills now sub. dlv. is
luj od out In act o lots lor silo .Monday Muy
10th nt hall pileo. Luihvlck & Soay , s. o. cor.
inth und Dougl is.
J . IIVANS i CO. , 1513 Dodge , have for
.sulo :
Several of the largest , most choice , Inslda
ti nets In the city
1.U loot hqunio with trackage , an Immense
baigaln foi (2) ( ) two da\s only ,
Ixju > In Cioston ntiio poi cent less than nny
nddltlon suriuundiug It. Only about ton lots
Lots in South Omnhu nt Syndicate prices.
Lots In Shlnn's addition impiovod with 10 per
cent lenials.
A line haiguln In 1'atrlek's addition , 2 lots , cor
ncr. $1MO.
Choice piopoity on Lot.vonnoith Et. , the best
coi nor lot on j , uth ft , 2,00,1.
Fine lots ui6und the Casttllar Sttect school
AGIO lots , Full view , loiig tlmo , $303.
Paddock I'lneo lots
.lei oino Pitrulots ,
AN est Omuhn nei u lots , choice.
Muisb addition lot.
ClioU c lot , Clui k oftnto addition , $1,003.
Choice ncio * on Cullloinia yt.
jg coi nor , Huuiiilonst.
Host on that stieot , only fS.TOi' ' .
Ml feet limit on llumllloii , near Gamut oil ,
f I.OOJ. cottiiso , bain , Irnit tiees , oto
Kino south 11 out In He lle'.t'H Hill ) , only § 4,000 ,
Sightly lot , Hoggs & Hill's 2nd , $1,100.
Coi ner , llo/gs X Hill's uddM feet I'm i mm
stioot fionl.onlyViOO.
Flno lOelJonso. coi nor lot , Webster st , f 7,750.
Another , Inside , SS.OUO.
DO foot und elegant residence , California st. ,
Lots nnywhorc ,
I/its everywhere.
At buigulu prices.
J. II , Jivuiis & Co. , 1113 Dodgo. 835-10
GO vacant lots in Hanscom Place , $750 to
$ l.TiiO ,
1G lots on and near Lake st. $ VM ) to 8350.
10 lots near Shot man ave , $100 to $500.
It lots on Cullfornlu st , $709 lo $75'j.
3 loin on Charles st , $ oUO to * ' J.
Z lots on N , 20th St , 51-JJO to f1,40) .
I lot on Howard , corner , $4,090.
1 lot. lioyd's add , $300.
llotHillsldoiidd , $ l.m
1 lot , Mlllard & Caldwoll's add , $ W.
1 lot. corner , Donlfo'g tulil , f 1,100.
S lota , Dwlght & . Lyman'B , $4J5 to $150.
2 lots , blilnn'B 2d. $850.
120x140 loet on 15th st , N.OM.
& ) xl48 loet on Idth st , SJ.5.K ) .
OUxlaS feet , 15th and Maicy , $5.005 ,
173xii51oqt. ; near Hainoy , fU.OJO.
10 lots eolith of It. U. tracks , f I .OX ) to $3.40) .
U ) lots north of Cumniliiff et , XM tu $ l,2oO.
Housed und lots
N. 20th st , f lt > 00 , cash down $303.
N. 21st st , Jl.fiiJ , cash do s 5iy33.
( ioorglHuvo , Jtl..HU , onsb down J3.0DO.
H. IBtli at , fi Oi. cahh down $1,00) .
8 inth st , viaduct , W00 , cusli down $3,0)0 ,
N , W , pait city , will take team , JI.OOJ.
Coinci lot , 3 hollies , M.OOO.
Corner lot. 2 IIOUBOJ , fj.oau.
Huiucotn Place , * 3.10i ) , cash down $1,100.
Vliglnia ave , $ A5)0 , cuahilottn $1,001
I'opploton ave , $ .1,00 } cash down $ . ' ,0)0.
Churlos et , f 1,101 , cush down $70) .
Nelbon's a < ld , $1.7txi , cush down HO ) .
bounders st , f JrX ) , cash do n f ; VJ.
IjiUoet , $2,0.1) . cubh down fix ) .
Kin , ? bt , $1,700 , c.ibh down $ JKJ.
lath i-t.t.i.OOO.ea&n down$1,001.
18th er , $ | , i > 50 , tush down 1,100 ,
20th , near St. Mury'o. $5,250 , cash down { 100.
B acres wltu house , $1.200.
Y uoro with houso. $ J,500.
10acres , vacant$1,8.V ) .
Warehouse lot on ti ack , $3,09) .
Wnroliouso lot neur truck , 10xl3 ! , JJ.OOT.
And ton times as many luoru In all purls of
the city. Vacant lots everywhere. Hush to
Belby.gl8S.HUh. tliM
T OTS on Podpo St. , Kllby Placo. f-iOOoucli.
J l Graham & ( Scuutra , CruIaUtou Ulk. .CW-U
FOR RAI.1Foiirgtory bnoK store , 80 fo t
fronton Hnrncr 6t0,000. !
60 toct enst front , on Saunders St , house 7
rooms , well.clstrrn , etc , $ r.,200.
House era rooms , full * lot , In Lowe's ndd ,
Three corner lots on Sownrd ft , near t'oor
Claim convent , $750 cnoh ; easy terms.
Lot22xl20on Dwlgo st. , near 12th st , $1,500.
Sit choice lots In I.owo'8 add. , $415 to $ OM
each ; caey terms.
Ixit In Sunny Side , $ tl 0.
3 lots on 2Uh St. , ncnr Farnnm , $30,000.
60x183 on Kntnam ( corner ) , $ Xow. )
1 txl ! , l on Fninam st , ( corner ) $17,003.
Housonf 0 rooms , halt lot , liatxl st. (3,530.
lot In Wo t Kml. on Dodge St. , $1,100.
Ixit In Pclhnm Plnoo $ rtOiX
House of 8-rooms nnd lot a > xl40 , on ISth , near
Paul st. , $2.0 .
Hou"o of 8 rooms , lot 25xUO , on l th , near
Paul , $2TOo.
2 houses and full lot , 10th near Webster St. ,
41 feet east front on S 13th St , $1.5X1.
125 feet east front on S. 13th St. , $11,000.
Lot on Virginia nvo. , near Lonvcnworth St. ,
$3,000 , terms easy.
LotmNclson'rtadJ. , cast front , $1,703.
lx > t on Seward St. , 3 blocks from street car
line , $ lnuu.
Full lot , : t houses , 16th st , near Lcnvcnworth
St. $1,500.
Slots , south front , on Hamilton st , near 30th ,
A Hnrgnln Must bo Bold , t irgo lot , large
boarding house , barn , together with enloou ,
pool joom nnd 'jurber shop on leased lot adjoin
ing. Kstnbllshod business. $3,500 for all.
Money to loan nt lowest rnto of Intoicst. Ooo.
P. Domls 8. W. cor. 15th and Douglas. 8JJ
B'.CitGAlNinloton Dodge St. , $1,100 If sold
now. Graham illomiwn , Crolghton Illk.fJ
COT-11) )
FOKSAtK-nibsonhas for silo oU In Hans-
com Plneo , $ 30 to $1,800.
Gibson has for sale bouses nnd lots In Unas ,
com Place ,
Gibson hn ? for sale houses ami lota In all parti
f the city.
Gibson has Improved farms and lands In all
parts of Nebraska for sale or oxolmnro.
Gibson has thousands ot acres ot land In
Western Nebraska for sale from $3 to $1 per
GIbson would llko to too rcult you want to
buy or si.ll.
Glbson'sls the plaoo to list your property. Call
nnd see hlmnt Itoom 3 , Wlthnoll Block , cor. 15th
nnd Harnov sts. S30
lot on Virginia nvn. near Woolwoith ,
GOOD . Graham & llcnawu , Crolghton Hlk.
ANSCOVt PLACR-10 choicest lots. Cheap.
Uuy tiulck. T. S. Olarkson , 1503 Fornhitm.
U ! < a
Patterson Pai k acres only D'4 mlles S. W. from
court house ; near canning fnctory , near West
Side ; beautiful view ; > mile from Holt Line.
Tlio newest and best ucro property on the mnr-
ket for the price , Sw50 to $150 per aero. Kaoh
itci u will make 5 lots. Only 10 per cent down 10-
qulicd , bnlnnco monthly. Como soon. D. C.
Pattersonlion IlinU Hulldlng. 0 < 0
FOK SAM5 Ono of the nicest 8-room 'ouscs
in Shlnn's addition , witb cl'y water , Ac ,
complete. Pilco low. O. F. Davis & Co , 1TO5
Farnam street. 700-m23
SALK 3 room cottages on vary easy
FOH . Pi lee 31,0V ) . Win. J. Paul. : th and
Charles or 113 } N. 10th st 212-2J *
WKISS Subdlv. 33ncrcs Just platted In ncro
lots for snlo , commencing Mon lay May I ) ,
from $3"X ) to $ VJ. Adjoining ncro soil foi SfiOJ
to $ SOO Luawlck ft Sony , so cor 15th nnd
Douglus. 471
Grown and selected from jrusuatine
Seed by
R. McPherson
J. . ,
Grower and Dealer in
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Established 1857.
JVo. Ill'l Urea < lupay.
Tn Older tu establish mv lopiitullon In Council
Illuirs for Iluo work. I will FOUTHK PHF.S15NT ,
do nil cultliig , llttinir and making iw cheap us It
Is done olKonhcio. I..idles need bavo no fear of
mlsllts us my expciieneo guutunteod perfect
Creston House
TJio onlj hotel In Council Illuirs having
Fire Esoe/pe
And nil modem lmpio\cmonts.
Ogclcn HOIINC Kalfs on nn < l
after Iflay lit will dc § 3.OO and
§ 2.50 I ur Day ,
i\inptlng : fiout pirlor rooms.
lny KoanlT. . IVr Mont h ,
11. SIM.OWAV , l'iop MAUK DOHVHA , Munngor.
Council Illuirs.
L. W. TUM.KVS , Pros , T. J , EVANS , Vice-Pros.
N. Hitowti , Cashier.
National Bank
Capital . $100,000
Authorized Capital . 350,000
Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000
Do a general banking bushi'isi.
Accounti of banks , bankers , morsliunts , mun-
ufacturcrs nnd Individuals toaolvod on fiivora-
bio terms.
Domestic nnd foroltrn oxohauso.
The vtry best of attention elvon to all lnni
nets committed to ourfftro.
and Jail Work ,
1020 Furnam Stieot , Omaha , ftcb.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . , . $200,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 . , 25,000
H , \V , YATIS : , President.
A. fc3 , TOU/.AMN , Vice Proaldont
W. H. B. liuunKS , Oaahier ,
. , , .
Cor. 12th ana F rn m Street * .
GtnexiU Ilmklux Utuiaan Tr4aMtil.
ONt T 9t 1IY SI All , rOSTFAlU.
TCih n lo < l/lt .1llT. NMTOttl m1 rhrnlMl Dshilltr
Pro nmnre l > 0"Hno In , Man , KrrSr of Youth , unYria
nntold mltorlei roniltlne trom Indherctton und or.
codiei. A , boon lor OTor nmn. jounz. mlddle-iieo ! , ft
andoM. IlooniMnimprf frlpt.loiitforilliicnt in < 1 \ t
chronlpiil e fo , cactioi. or which H InrnfiMhl * . Ma I
JonndbMhnn\Hhorwhoi < e experience for w rei\nl >
men n probably norer before toll to the lot or any
rnj8lclnnin > ) pnco . lioiind In brniitlf ill KTonett mu
' . embos cdcoTcr , fii.itBMnrBnteniUo ! | tioannor
worKm cvcr7S9n -mccnnnlml.Ittorarj' iui-1 prornv
HonM-tli ni > nr other work In this rountrrfor
or the money will tie refund In ovcrr ln lnncf. Trie *
pnlr 11 bf mnll , postpaid. llln tnlloJ mtmpl * , fl v
Pond now. Uolil mMnirnnteil \ the author tiTths tf -
tlonal Medical A eel tlon , to the lion A. I * . Illiisll ,
oumr refo |
The Science oPt.lf > Is worth more tn ta i ronnu n1
nildille-mred men nt this uononuioa tliin all tit rail
nilnoi or CntltnrnlnnnJ the lUrcr mines of Narad *
combined , -s. F. Chronlclo.
TIioS < Mone of Ufa points out Uio rocks virt aulck <
innUsonnhlcli the eumttuillon nndhouqs nt ronir
i young nmn have boon Intnllr irrookaU.-Mnnchojtir
1 tin Science of Ufolsof Rroiuor T lim thnnnlllh )
meillcftl worln publUhcJ in this country forthapill
ioycnin. Atlunu Constitution.
'f he science of l.lfots nsulierb nnil maslorlr trait *
Ise on ncrious ami plijuioiil ilobllltjr , Detroit Fret
AdSrtMtho PoiboJr MaJlMl Institute , or Ur VT. It ,
I'urkor.No.lllullancii ttroot , notion , Miui.who m r
beooniultodon all dlsettoa requiring ikll land ip rf-
enon. uurnntoaml otxlnnlo iilit iu > tlmt U TO bat
tled the fklll of nil othnrphjrslclnus n spool iltr. riuj
treated mcccsafnllr wituout an. usunooof fillur *
Mention Uuuha Uoe.
' ' b * * * ! ! * * * lvnhl l
The Original nnd Only tlennln * .
V.H. . . _ . .
. lc.IO * . .
881 8 U * < Ux Montr * . l'kU 4& , IVM
old br nrnciItU irrirwliero. Ait * < r "Ckloh-
tcr'j Kiiclltlt" I'cniv roriil 1M1I * . I oi4. . ,
moH-rlolcnl .tI cV .
I H nn < l l > ' "irr Vomrort.
BB . . . \
.y. Vft\
| | Fr Vftbr
ching the dlseaie ulraot. relu-
couNtnr wiu. set or cxtMiNmo THIS MAP THAT THR
latlon which lurltu * anil facliltatf * trn\cl and rr&irto
licit"een cltletof tlin Atlantic nml Picinr Coiutf it
In nlao the fnvurlto nnd best i oute to and front points
Hast. NorlheiKt and SoiitlipnRt. and oorirapondlnB
points Went , Northwest and .sonllnvctt.
The Great Rock Island Route
Gnarantcei lu imtrom thit tcntn of personal seen.
flty alTunlKd li.v a nillil. tliotonslilv Imllalted road
u-a. smooth trucks ot cnntlniioiis itrol rail , suhitan-
tlallr built culvrrts nnd hrhlnoj , lolling stock as nt ar
pnrftictlon us Iminan nklll inn nuiko It , the streti
npptlanpps of patent bnrfer .plHtrnrinsana air brskcJ.
find that exacting discipline which KOTcrni thf prac
tical ( ii rntlon of nil UB ( mini oilier uneclaltlta at
.his route are Iranflfurs at nil connpctlni ; jiolnta In
union Depots , nnd the nni nrtnpBed | couuorta anil
luiilrlen of Its Pitsjeneor Hiulpmu'it.
Hleepori nt tlio ate t ilnslgn. nnd uniUuaun | DlnlnB
Cam In vhlclioUliurntrtlr rookotl rnpnl arflelinrelr
enten Hotnecn Clilcitru mid KanuiClly nnd AtrbUuu
Bro ulio run the Uclcbratvd ItcullnliiRClialrCVn.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
In the direct and favorite Una bttvrcen Cblciiro and
Mlnm > ai > nl ! > nndSt 1'anl.wboro connectloninr * mtda
In UnioniUex | > ts fui nil points la the Icrrltorln and
IirltUQ VrorlncM. Orer thl route Ko t Ksprcia
1 rains ate run tu the watering plar a. summer ro *
fern plcturx iue Incnlltlcii , and linntlnc aud Ilililnz
frroumU of luwa and Mlnnesnla. It ! nlso the tuOet
leilmblti route to tin tltli wheat llclda w > d pastoral
lands or Interior Divkiiti
btlll anotliei IJIKI.C'T L1SU. via Stnsm and Kan-
Kakro , nn boon opened betvi-en ( Mnrlnnntl , Indlan-
anolli and Lararette. and uiuncll Illuirs , Kanas CUT ,
UintieupolU and bt. Paul and lutcrnirdlata polnU.
I'd detailed Information sre Maps and Fnldera ,
olitalnalile , ns well u > tickets , at all prlnclpll Ticket
OIIICFO In tue United BtatcB and Canada ; or bid -
I'rss't & Qcn'l ' ' Otn'l ' . > .
M'e'r , T'kt 4. l a Aft ,
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Ta o only road lo take for Dos JIouios , jfar- .
hulltownCedar KaplilsClinton , Dixie. Chloatro , l
Milwaukee and all i > onu | oust. To iho people ot I
Nebrusku , Colorado , W > omlii , Utah , Idaho
Nevad.iUrc80ii , Washington and California It
offers fluporioi udvaiiuuoa not possible by any
other line
Among n few of tlio 1111111010119 polnth ot supe
riority enjoyed by the pillions of this louaho-
tweonUmahu mid Cblu.igo , are Its two trains a
day of DAY COAUII1.S which tire the llnoittlmt
hurnun urtuiid Ingenuity can creuto. Itsl'AI/-
Acr biiii'iNi : : ( U.AKH , whicn mo models or
oainfoit and rloifuiico. its I'AULOK DHAWIW }
HOOM CARS unsuiniissed br iinv. und lutrlde.
ly commuted 1'AUATJAL DINING OA1IS , Uiu
equal of whloh o.mnot bo found olsowhoro.
AtOoiuicil lilulfH the trains ol the Union Pact.
On Hy. connect In Union Depot with those ot the
Clncugo& Noithwosloin Ry , InCliieaxo the
trains of this line tniiko clojo connection wltli
thoHoof nil eiistoni linen.
I'or Dotroit.Columbiis. Iiidlnnupulls , Cmulii
null , Nluirura nilU. llulTulo , PitlBbuig. Toronto
Montreal , lloston , New Vork. Phlladeln'da , Dal'
tliuoro.Washlnglonund nil points In tbo east , djic
the tlckot agent fortlckntH via the
If you wisli the host aooommodatlons. Alltlokot
ta vlft tbls llne-
KTiuailir u. a. HAIU.
Uvnora Wauugon Gen , I'asa. AtfouU
Red Star Line
Carrying the Belgium Itoyul nnd Unltod Statoi
MullBulling every Saturday
Between Antwerp & New York
Baton from ( i > 0 lo $109. K.vciir.iloii trip from
fllU to { 1BU. riwonii ( 'ubm , outwurd , § 15 ;
prepaid , 4V oiuiir'doii Steorngu passngo
ut low rules. Pelor . . . * Sons , ( ionoral
AgcutH , 65 llrooilwny , Now Vork ,
Homy 1'unlt , K'la r.uiminsl. : I'nulgon .V Co. *
Ilil3 raiunni ( . ; 1) . O. riecmaii , l.f'.l I'uiiium Hr.
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock ,
firmlu Systems uiidKowonue Plans for CitiJ
and Town * a specialty. Plans , Kstlmutof
Specifications forPublta and other Knalnooril
works furnished , burnt } * and Itoport nut )
on Public
ANUIILW IIOSSW.TEII. Member American i .
Gty Civil Ktiglnoers. City Knglnoor of Om
CO. 11