Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    I 6 THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE : : .THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1886.
Delhoicrt by carrier In nnj-pnrtof the city nt
twenty cents jicr week.
II. W. TILTOX , - Manager.
Tiui'HONE3 : : :
NIGHT KniTon No. ZJ.
Now spring goods at Holler's.
Leonard & Jewel rcfriirorators at
Cooper iV : McGco's , No. 41 Main strcut ,
1'liu junior class of thn high f-chool will
W Saturday give. : i parting salute to the
jnnior class.
The "Quick Meal" is a quick seller ;
come and got ono before they are gone.
Cooper & McUui * .
"Mlxoil i'lcklcs" Is to be given at the
opera house next Monday evening. It is
decidedly funny.
Preparations are being made for hold
ing a public meeting here next month in
favor of a better observance of Sunday.
"Doc" Duncan and "Hilly" Smith have
leased the English Kitchen of the 1'hccnix
saloon , and propose to run it class
The Merry Thinkers will to-morrow
evening meet with tlio Misses Oberholt-
zer at their home at the head of Worth
The cases against John J. Ball and
Henry Timken , indicted for bringing
Texas cattle into the stale , were yester
day dismissed by Jndgti Loofbourow.
iJeerc. Wells i&Co.'s building hasboun
draped in mourning on account of the
death of John Deere , and their place of
business will bo closed , entirely to-day.
There are some objections being raised
ngulnst observing Decoration Day hereon
on Sunday. Some of the pastors have
tiigncd a protest , and have declined to
accept invitations to participate.
Mr. Gwinn , with a force of-linemen ,
has been repairing the telephone wires
for tiio past week. The company can
now put twice as many wires in the same
space as thai formerly occupied. This
lias been caused by the increased manlier
of telephones put in lately.
In the rear of the Swanson Music com
pany , the Swanson brothers have built a
cave with a trap door into which they ex
pect to jump and prolong their days at
the iirst appearance of , v cyclone. The
cave isU ! ! feet in dimensions , and is on
the plan of "Jirst come , Iirst saved. "
There has been nothing doing in the
police court for several days. Nature's
Well known hatred of a vacuum , how
ever , caused her to send two tramps in
yesterday. Ono was too sick to work ,
and the other was afrnid to work lest he
should bo taken sick. They were given
their breakfast and invited to dine in Ne
New stock of Wall Paper and Ham
mocks at Crock well's.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rae
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10.
Pearl street , Councll Hlufl'a.
Do Vol cells Golden Star gasoline
fangcs , bust in market. No. C01 B'way.
Go to JJcard for low prices.
A Now Trial.
The famous Strublc-Ordway case of
Alonona county is to be revived asain. It
is understood tluit thu supreme court has
granted Strublo a new trial on the ground
that ho cannot bo convicted on a lesser
charge than what ho wns acquitted of. In
Other words , he was indicted on several
counts , and was acquitted on the graver
charge and found guilty on a lesser one.
Such is the status of the case as given by
tlio Br.E informant. It is also stated that
pr. Ordway can scarcely hone to obtain
* ftny justice in any form or in any court
m the conntr.y , the popular feeling being
so strong against him. Dr. Ordway is a
prominent money lender , and it was-
claimed that the trouble arose over a
mortgage hold by him on Strublc's prou-
crty. fatrublo was charged with shooting
Dr. Ordway , then robbing him of vain-
* nblo papers nnd afterwards burning
Fifty Baby Carriages , just received , to
be sold cheap at Crockwull's.
Wo have a few water coolers which wo
will sell very cheap to close them out.
Cooper & McGco ,
1 soil the celebrated Twin Burner gasoline -
line stove. That double burner beats
them all. A 4-burner same price as a 8-
burner ; aburncr ! ) same price us a 3-
burner. W A. Wood , 501 Alain.
Satisfaction guaranteed with every
"Quick Meal" gasoline steve , or money
' , .rcfumled. Cooper & Mctico.
f n i E" i -
It OpcnH To-day.
The King , linrko & Co. circus opens to
day , and gives exhibitions also tomorrow
r row and Saturday. The Springfield
Monitor says of the show there :
There was not an net or feature but
what was worthy of the highest praise.
nd the applause was hearty and
continuous throughout the entire per
formance. They present some of the
greatest marvels known to acrobatic and
gymnastic art , together with an interest
ing exhibition of trained horses , ponies ,
dogs and monkeys. It is rare indeed to
ecu so much nrtistip talent and genuine
'Attractions congregated in a single ex
hibition. It is emphatically a great feat
ure show , full of startling surprises , and
preBontins many wonderful specialties ,
which our cltl/.cns have never scon in
any other entertainment.
Micardo Scrap Baskets , the latest nov
elty , at Crockwcll's.
' , Before buying a gasoline steve sec the
> "Quick Meal" at Copper & McCeo'a.
After a thorough Investigation wo are
convinced that the "Quick Meal" is the
best gasoline steve made and shall make
{ t our leading steve this season. Cooper
i'orsoual I'liranrnpha.
t , A. P. Cramer , Ayoca's postmaster , is in
> the city.
. Robert Prltclmrd , caslnorof the Valley
' -National bank , of Red O.ik , is in the
.President Lucy , of Iowa's Firemen's '
, Association , has returned from Dubuquo.
Ho reports the citi/.eus of that place as
preparing for a big timo.
Rov. G , W. Crofts , of the Congrcgn
Honal church , has accepted an invitation
V , to deliver u poem at Glenwood on Dcco
' ration Day , the exercises there to take
„ jilaco oil Monday.
Hulslor sells thu best Co and lOo cigars
In the market. No. 03 Broadway.
i ( Talking to Nebraska.
\ I "Inside of twenty days Couucil Bluffs
J i mul Nebraska City will bo able to com
t'&jnuntcato by telephone , " said Mr. Gwinn ,
' > * > f the telephone service , yesterday , to a
KB man. "I have just completed a sur-
cy between Lincoln and Nebraska City ,
d we will soon have the line open ,
on you can talk to seven more stations
between Lincoln and Nebraska City ,
fhev are Cheney , Bennett , Palmyra , Un-
adilla Syracuse , Uanbnr and Nebraska
-City All communications from hurc on
' Hue will bo viaLiucolu ,
How the Merchants Pool About the Move
Church Dedication To-ilny Avocn's
Golden Wedding ICxtcnilltiR Tele
phone Ijlncs SprlRluly Items
From All About Town.
Opinions About Knrly Closing.
To-night , at J ) o'clock , in the parlors of
the Beehtelo hotel , the clerks employed
In the principal retail stores of this city
will hold u meeting for the purpose of
considering an early closing movement.
As the movement is understood by the
BEK , it is for the purpose of having the
clerks of the different stores assemble to
gether nnd there have an exchange of
opinions in regard to the fconse' of those
Thn dally average of hours for clerks
in all the retail stores in this city are
from 7JO : ! in the morning to 1) ) at night ,
although ninny of them remain more
often until 10 o'clock nt night , while n
few get to their place of business as early
ns 7 in the morning. AInny of the clerks
think they are kept on duty too long
hours , ami are of the opinion that if the
merchants will of their own accord , or
by n little inlluenco judiciously admin
istered , close up their- stores , tlmt linan-
chilly they will not lose , as people will
do tlieir shopping before tlio hour of
The iJr.r. , knowing that with the clerks
and some of' the business men this
subject will to-day bo one of the topics ,
presents conversations and ideas of several
oral of tlio largest merchants in thu retail
trade had yesterday in regard to this
J. E. Harkness , dry goods house of
Harkness Bros. , said "Wo've ' always
been in favor of closing our store early if
the other houses would , nnd some of the
time wo have closed without regard to
what the other houses were doing. I'm
perfectly willing to cjose , and would
rather close cany to give ourselves and
clerks more lime. "
E. E. Harkness , tlio other partner of
Harkness Bros. , said "Wo have always
been advocates of early closing , nnd are
still. If other houses will close early wo
certainly shnll \Vocloseduptwo _
seasons when some others remained
open. Wo are in favor of closing at 0
o'clock in tlio evening the year round.
Aly brother nnd 1 nave not talked the
matter over yet. as all I know about it is
what I have scon in the BEK , so I can't
toll how he fools on the subject. "
H. Friedman " ! wouldn't mind it dur
ing July and August , but if the balance
in my line , close I will too , as I don't
want to work my help longer than
others do. "
Simon Eisemnn , of Henry Eisemnn &
Co. , said " 1 am willing to close our
stores every evening , except Saturdays ,
at 7 o'clock , provided , however , that
houses who handle similar lines , such as
dry goods , clothing , boots nnd shoes ,
will do the same. Of course you know I
refer to only the principal houses in these
lines. "
George Alctcalf , of Alctcalf Bros. , said
"Aly brother Tom has charge of the retail
department , while I only attend to the
wholesale department. Ho is nwny just
now , but I believe it's a good move if it
becomes general. 1 would like to see it
brought about , nnd will do till 1 can to
help it. "
Arthur Lefkovit"If the other boot
and shoo houses will close , 1 certainly
will. I think it would bo better for. the
merchants as well ns the clerks. "
Airs. O. A. Rogers , of the Pnrisian Alil-
linery company "Our business is differ
ent from others , inasmuch ns people
ple leave their orders nnd we have to stay
late nt night and till them It wouldn't
be pleasant for us to sit hero and trim
hats until 11 or 12 o'clock with our doors
closed. "
W. S. Homer , of V . S. Homer & Co.-
l'I am perfectly willing to close early if
those in our line are nlso favorable to it. "
W. A. Alaurcr , of Alnurer & Craig
"We shnll not close under nny considera
tion. "
J. Goldberg "If the dry goods nnd
clothing houses close early you can count
me in. "
J. J. Bliss "It the others in mv line
are willing to close , I will do so , but I'm
nfrnid some of the others will not bo will
ing. "
Knowing that the retail hardware
Stores had been closing nt 7 o'clock , ex
cept Saturday evenings , since January 1 ,
the BEE MJin thought possibly their ex
perience wouid be interesting and called
on some ot them.
P. C. DcVol said-"I think in the long
run there will bo a big saving and I
should like very much to see the early
closing movement become general. Since
January 1 wo have closed at 7 o'clock
and I don't think our trade ha ? been
damaged at all by it. In fact , I am well
satisfied nnd hope it will bo continued
and made general to irive nil the clerks a
chance. "
H. G. AIcGco. of Cooper & AIcGoe.
said "I nm satisfied. Wo have saved
money by closing at 7 o'clock. We've
had six months' experience nnd I hope to
sea the movement become general. I
would not cnroto again keep open until
0 o'clock. 1 believe that the other mer
chants , after they have had the exper
ience that the hardware men linvo in this
early closing , will bo of the same opin
ion. "
I. A. Alillor , of Aliller & Co. , said-"I
am perfectly well satisfied with it and
don't think wo have lost any trade by it.
1 think the clerks need a little recreation
and believe they feel more like work. "
4o per foot , 18o per foot , 24o per foot.
Of all styles.
Hosi : RIKI.S : , LAWN SiiniNKLiitsEtcEtc.
Opera House Block.
Lot us go to Charlie Hoislcr's and get n
good cigar. No , 403 jlroadway.
Worthily Wedded.
Last evening there was a ocial event
of special importance and interest at the
homo of Air. and Airs. L , C. Baldwin , No.
002 Wjllow avenue ; it being the marriage
of their daughter , Miss Alnrthn A. A.
Baldwin to Air. William C. Beers. Invi
tations were extended to about 9110 hun
dred of the relatives nnd immediate
friends. The parlors worn handsomely
decorated with llowors.bmilnx and plants.
The ceremony took place at 8:30 : o'clock
and wns performed by Rev. A. K. Bates ,
pastor of-tho Prcsbjtcrian church. The
bridal party took their positions beneath
a cauony of btnilnx. from which was suspended
ponded a large glouo composed of buds
and llowors. As the ceremony closed
this floral globe , or ball , burst in accord
ance with nn ingenious nirangemcntand
a shower of HowcrH full upon the newly
wedded ones. The bride wns attended
by Alifs Ataysio Davlson , of Pittsburg.
Pa. , an old friend and college-mate ; and
AlissLulu Joncs.of this city. The grooms
men were Lieutenant Grote Hutcliluson ,
of Fort Niobraru , Neb. , and Lieutenant
Henry D. Slyer , of Fort Fred Stcelo , Wy
oming , both regular army ofliocrs , nnd
companions of the bridegroom at. West
Point. The bride was dressed In ri 'Q
white silk , and thu attending ladies in
palu blue eilk ,
Thn presents- Wore indeed elegant , im-
mcrgus and costly. The reception lasted
from 0 o'clock till It o'clock , tlio wedded
pair then taking the train for Oninha ,
whcro they will take up their residence.
The bride is the eldest , daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. L. C. Baldwin , and h ono of
Council Bluffs' most accomplished favor
ites. Mr. Beer is a ncphow of Jiitlira J.
R , Reed , of the supreme court , and by his
residence here , and his connection with
the banking house of Ollluor & Ptiscy ,
has pained a lare acquaintance , bolli In
social nnd business circles , nnd is highly
esteemed by both. IIo is now connected
with the Omaha National bank.
Go to Beard for loom mouldings.
Seasonable goods of till kinds at hard-
Mine prices at Coopur &Mctcu's. ?
Go to Beard for low prices.
Ileislcrdon't handle nny "snide cienr. "
Ilnlfn Century.
MARIUKD-At the residence of A. P. LI we ,
lunn. ( ) noiitlao ( rdiinty , > few York , May
17,1S50 , ikiiryV. . Curtis , a eW , and .AIlss
MiiiL'iirct 1) . lihoilcs , ago 17 , Rev. Campbell
olllciatltit ; .
This yoting couple started life's jour
ney together with making their home in
Galcsburg , 111. , on October 8 , 183U , where
they resided until 1870. They then came
to Avoca , whore they have since lived.
Six children being the fruit , of the union ,
four of whom are living Samuel R. , of
Little Koek , Ark. ; Juvie L , wlfo of
George F. Parsons , Auburn , N. Y. ;
Jennie C. , wile of Hon. R. S. Hurl ,
Avoca , and John 11. , also a ro.sidenl of
Monday , May 17 , 1880 , being the fiftieth
anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis , tlio many friends of this
most estimable couple planned nnd exe
cuted a complete surprise , as every
thing had been perfected some days ago ,
with only a casual remark to
Mrs. Curtis yesterday she might
have some callers m the even
ing. It being thought best to at
least prcnaro her for callers us site had
not been" feeling well fora number of
days , and least the excitement should
prove too much for her , the gentle re
minder was given. Mrs. Eva Ledwicli ,
of llalran , and Mrs. D. Huntnre deserv
ing of special mention , as owing to their
ctlorts und /.enl all the friends here and
abroad were acnuaintod with the above
fact , to which all quickly responded , and
last evening the party , numbering be
tween seventy-live and eighty , visited
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis at their homo. The
house not being largo enough to accom
modate so largo a number , the yard was
lighted with Chinese lanterns , carpet
.spread , tables and chairs brought into
tine , making a scene of gaiety. Among
the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ferns and daughter Bessie , of Kansas ;
Mrs. Ferns having been present at the
marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis lifty
voars ago , Rev. Hindloy and wife , and
Mrs. Sarah Pearl , Weeping Water , NeU. ;
Dr. Hart , wife and son , Wooster ,
Ohio , a brother to Hon. R. S. Hart ;
Mrs. Grillith , Lincoln , Neb. ; John Led-
wich nnd wife , C. F. Shaw and wife ,
Onmhii , Neb. ; Miss Anna Cooper , Irwin ,
Iowa ; Mrs. Eva Ledwich , Hnrlan , lown ;
Ed Ottawaj'j Irwin , Iowa. The rcmem-
berances ( with but a few exceptions ) to
Mr , and Airs. Curtis consists of gold
A. P. Line $1 , Mr. and Mrs. Ferris f 1 ,
Mr" and Mrs. Cor Siederieli $1 , Miss
Luclln Ferris § 1 , Miss Bessie Ferris § 1 ,
Mrs. Pearl $1 , Air. nnd Mrs. H. W. Wil
son , Audubon , Iowa , $2 , Enas Givans § 1 ,
Mr. anU Mrs. John Morton , Oakland ,
Iowa , $1 , Mr. and Mrs. John Ledwicli
* 1 , Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shaw $1. Miss
Mollie Ledwicli $ o , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wesley
Scott , Harlan , Iowa , $1Miss Anna Cooper
and Kd Ottawav f-.fiO , Mr. and Mrs. G.
F. Pnrsons * 2V. . II. Parsons ! ? 2 , S. B.
Temple Blue Springs , Neb. , $1 , Air. nnd
Airs. W. W. Gardner § 1 , Air. and Airs. Hi
Stephens $1 , Air. and Airs. W. C. Davis
$1 , Air. nnd Airs. E. Irwin $1. Air. and
Airs. J. W. Davis $5 , Air. nnd Mrs. J. A.
Hake ? 1 , Air. and Airs. E. A. Consigny
$1 , Air. nnd Airs. E. Cook $1 , Air. and
Airs. W. II. Van Brunt $1 , Air. and Airs.
C. H Worton $1 , Air. and Airs. F. G.
Hetzcl $1 , Air. and Airs. W. S. Snnford
$5 , Air. nnd Air. C. H. Ajnsworth $1 , Air.
and Airs. A. B. Nelson $1 , Air. nnd Airs.
1) . Hunt $1 , Air. and Airs. L. B.
Worth $1 , Air. and Airs. Fred
Worth ? 1 , Air. nnd Airs. Gco. Aleycrs $1'
Air. nnd Airs. J. B. Blake ? 1 , Mr. and
Airs. C. I. Swartfager $1. Air. nnd Airs.
R. G. Hnrlow $1 , Air. nnd Airs. J. B.
Jackson $1 , Rev. John Grey nnd wife $1 ,
Air. and Airs. W. F. Hnldermau $1 , Air.
nnd Airs. R. S. Hart irO , Air. and Airs. J.
L. Nash $1. Air. and Airs. John Curtis * &
Air. nnd Airs. F. Shepley $1 , Air. nnd
Airs. D. M. Bricgs $1 , Air. nnd Airs. A.
W. Coflninn and Air. nnd Airs. S. C. Hnr
low $2.50 , Joan Davis $1 , Air. nnd Airs.
Robert Mothornll $1 , Air. nnd Airs. F.
How $1 and gold toothpick , Doinnin ,
Daisy. Dny nndRobbio Ledwich $4. Airs.
Eva Ledwich ) fl , Grandma Consigny. 74
yeirs old handsome handpuinted tidy ;
horseshoe of golden ilovvcrs from Clar
ence Ray atia OJlie Het/.el , wreath of oak
leaves from Mary , Emma , Alay nnd Luln
Vnn Urunt.
At the Pncitic House you will got all
the comforts of high-priced hotels nnd
save from TX ) cents to $ 1 per day. Try it
nnd be convinced.
Go to the N Y. P. Co for !
Opera House Block.
Go to Beard for wall paper ,
Her "Scoop" Bonnet.
The Nonpareil is vainly trying to do
something to show that she is not so much
of nn old lady as most people suppose ,
nnd that she does not busy herself writ
ing n scrnp-book with a pair of shears.
She has lately replenished her waning
energies by a now bottle of tonic , and
the old lady fairly beams ns her glib
tongue tells of "Down the Blue Boyer is
Wafted the Fragrance of Orange Bios-
Eoiiis , etc. " In order to convince the
public that she is renewing her youth ,
the determined to have for once n real ,
"scoop" on thn BKE. whose nrosnoritrso'
irritates her. Tlio hoard of education
had a meeting , to receive tlio report of
the architect concerning the condition ot
Urn Bloomer school building. The old
lady coaxed the secretary to let her take
the report to her olllco to copy ,
The request was granted. The
old lady wns elated. She had
a brilliant scheme for once in her
dotage. Hero was an opportunity to pot
a "scoop. " Shu hid the report in nor
dress pocket , nnd when the BIE : made in
quiry for it she wont on with her knit
ting nnd declared she didn't know any
thing about it. The secretary of the
board sent a written order to the old
lady to produce the report , as it was an
otllcial document , nnd was open to public
inspection. The old lady went on trying
to pick up a losthtitch , and declared blio
did not know whcro the desired docu
ment was. She was left nlone in her
tolltudo , and chuckled greatly at being
allowed to retain thu document. Shu
could hardly sleep because of her delight
at the prospect of "scooping" the Bunny
thus betraying ths confidence placed in
her , und by hiding the documunt. Her
heart was nearly broken yesterday morn
ing when she started to olip from the BEH
to liud that the BKU wns not "scooped. "
and that she had simply shown the wrong
side of her aprou. She is now far from
satisfied with hur now "scoop" bonnet.
If you wanl perfectly siitisfac.rory ac
commodations nt $3 pet1 'daygo to the
Pucilio House. Depend upoji it , ybii will
never rcjjret your bhoicq.
Dctllrntloft To-Dny.
The new { Scandinavian Baptist churdll
is to bo dedicated td/\lnj \ , there being ser
vices both nftcrnoonmnd evening. This
church building , located at. tlio corner of
Seventh avenue nnd Seventh street is pro
nounced the finest owned by thntdcnomi-
lion anywhere in thcJUfntcd States. Although
though it cost but nb'oul $0,000 , it looks
as if it must have cost much more , and it
is apparent that rare economy nnd good
judgment hns been whowp in its construc
tion. The amount represents more of an
enterprise than n much Inrgcr amount
would under different circumstances Thu
society is not composed of wealthy per
sons. What money has boon secured iias
come from the mites , and could thu his
tory of some of these offerings bo written
it would reveal more self-saerilico
and earnest devotion than inspires the
giving of largo amounts , calling forth
the praise of tlio nation. Tlio pastor ,
Rev. Air. Roiehenbach , has labored un
ceasingly and against nianv discourage
ments and obstacles , nnd his people have
stood by him nobly.
The services to-day and this evening
will be of an interesting nature , some
very practical topics being upon the pro
gramme. It is expected that n number of
persons from other iilaces will bo present ,
and the citi/nus of Council Bluffs should
certainly encourage the enterprise by
their presence nnu by generous help in
any way in their power. That it is an
enterprise of a healthy , helpful inlluenco
to the city at large , is conceded by all ,
nnd as such is entitled to the encourage
ment of nil.
In the afternoon at 2 p. m. there will
be a discussion , led by Dr. AlcCrcnry
nnd Cooley , D.D. , Rev. G. W. Crofts. F.
J. Mncknv and A. K. Bates , of Council
Bluffs ; Rev. Harris , of Omaha , nnd Parsons -
sons , of Glcnwood , on "The Indcbtness
of the County to Churches. "
In the evening tlio necessity of cvan-
gcli/.ing the toreign clement of our popu
lation will be discussed by pastors of the
city , and Ruv. A. Jacobs , of Greenfield ,
followed by historical address by Rev. T.
F. Thlckstun. After which the special
services of dedication will take place.
Crnzy Drunk.
Chirs Oleson llnds the course of true
love docs not run smoothly , especially
when the current , ns in his casc * , is nil
on one bank. The young lady with whom
he is charmed docs not reciprocate , and
he swears .she shall wed no other. Tues
day night ho drowned sorrow in the
bowl , but he didn't drown his wrath.
That was greater than ever , and hearing
that the yoiins lady was employed as a
domestic in Air. Wirt's residence. Willow
avenue , ho went there about 1 o'clock
nnd demanded admittance. Ho howled
nnd roared nnd threatened to shoot.
Deputy Marshal Mullen and Officer
Lewis soon came upon the scene , but
they had a lively tus le with him. The
fellow was crazy drulik , and seemed to
have tlio strength of three ordinary men.
In the struggle he broke one of the strong
come-alpngs which i were placed
on his wrists. ' ' Ho had to
be battered with"n billy
before ho would yield , aml wns then
thrown into a hack * ' anil taken to jail.
No revolver was found upon him , and
yesterday he had sobiired enough to feel
ashamed of the commotion he had caused
on Willow avenue. He got off easy , being -
ing lined as n plain drunk.
Harmony Chapter , No. 25 , O. E. S. ,
will meet in regular scssipn this evening
nt 7:30 : o'clock. A full attendance is re
quested by order of the W. M.
Room Alouhlings Largest assortment
and lowest prices nt Ik'ard's ' Wnll Paper
_ _
Beard has an immense stock of wnl
paper nnd room mouldings which must
uo turned into cash , so down go the prices
at Beard's.
Manufacturers or all alzasoC
Automatic Engines
Especially Designed for Runnlnz
Tabula ? and Lpcomotive Boilers.
New Hassillon ThrealieiM.
Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Mnssillon , 0. Branch House
510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
No29 , MainStu Council Bluffs , Opo. Postofflce.
P Horses and ! Mules
\ For till pin-poses. bouBht.ui'd n fold , at retail ami
n lots. Largo tsdoct from.
Sire e 11 , Near Pacific , iHcufeCcunil , Dues
Horses and Mules kept constantly on hand
for t > ole nt retail or In cur loads.
Orders promdtly llllod by contract on short
notice. Stock sold on commission.
8IU.UTEU i IIOMiY , Proprietors.
Stable Corner Vltth Avcnuo uud iourtu St
Council II Hi Us IDWS.
B. BICE , M. D.
011 othur tum-irs , remdvoj Without
ti10 knrp ( or arawlnjr Of blool
CHROMIC .DISEASES of all.ttudi * specialty.
Over thirty years' p' elfpo
No. 111'carl Sucot , COIIIK U Ululfj.
.Tl itAl.
Agricultural Implements , Bn&to ,
_ Cnrrlngos. Kto , Ktc. Council niulT , town.
Corn Shelley Stalk Cutters ,
DlscIImrows , Soo.lcrs , Corn I'lantom , Peed Cut
ters , lite. Factory , Hock Full * , IIU.
No ? . If 01. 1WI , ISO' . 15 IT Mnln St. . Council lllnlTi.
Mnmif'rs im \ Job'.iors ot
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
C irrlno , nnd nil kin U or Farm Mac'ilnorr.
1100 to 11UI South Mnln Street , Council Muffs ,
F.O. OUURON , T. H.Dotmi.vs GEO.R Wmaiir.
1'res.iVTreas. V.-l'ros &M.ln. 803 ACoutisol.
Council Bluffs Handle Factory ,
( Ineorpornte.l. )
Mnnufnctiircrs of Axle , 1'lck , SloUo nnd Smill
Hainllrs , of every ilosjrlptlon.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloth" . Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery Hoods ,
lite. No. 405 Urondwny Council Illuffj ,
Wholesale Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nos , 28 Mnln and 27 l'em-1 Sts. , Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants ,
No. lll'oarl St , Council Jllulis.
Importers & Jobbers of Crockery.Glass . wara
Lamps , Fruit Jnrfl , Cutlery , Stoneware , Unr
Goods , Fancy Gootls. Council IHulTa ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Drug-gists' Sundries. Etc. No. 2 Mnln St , nnd
No. 211'onrl St. , Council IlltilTs.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Importers aad Jobtow of Dry Gi ) ) ? ,
Notions. Etc. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 11J
nnd 115 I'cnrl St. . Council Hluirs , Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 513 Broadway ,
Council Illuirs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl Pt. , Council
' L. KIRSCHT & CO ! ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Brand-
way , Council HI nil's.
JInnu'ncturors of aad Wholesale Do ilcra la
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. C25 Main St. . Council BluTj , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No ? . 343 nnd 3lt Broadway , Council liluffa.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Woodstock , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullew , Wool , Polls , Grease and Fun Council
, Iowa.
Wholesale Dealer ! In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ] Gasllni
B. Theodore , Agent , Council IllulTs. Iowa ,
Hard Y/ood / , Soutiiera Lumber , Piling ,
* .ml Drlilgo Material SpoelultlfS.Wliolosalo Lam-
liur or all IClndB. Olllco No. 130 Main tit ,
Council Hliilfd. Iowa. _
\Vlioloailo :
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St. Oottharii's Hurl ) II Uteri. No. 13
_ Main St. Counnll UlnllB. _
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Nn GO } Mnln St. . Caunetl Hlufft.
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Express Company.
Are nbsolutely mire , as represented. One Bal
lon will cover two bundled und fifty sqmu-o
feet two coats , nnd will stay on lonitcr than uuy
other pnlut munufactuiod. For sule by
S. H :
'First-class Accommodations in Uver ; tlilntr i'or-
turning to tlio Livery Business.
Finest Landau in the City
Hoarding a specialty. Telephone ITS.
FIELD & COLE , Props.
I-NtablUliccI in 1877.
! 2OOOD , Vehicle * Annually. Send I'or Ciilulogtic , Prices , Freight
ItateN uiul
w. : P.
. . . , . nnv , kl"1 ' rot p'l or mnvcil nml satisfaction ffimrntitcod. Krnmo homes inoveJ
enLlttloaiaat truolcj
tlia boat la tlin vrorlJU
808 Eighth A.voiui3 anil EishfcU Streab , Council Bluffs.
Ml > U >
-Us. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Special ntlvoitlsemciits , fucli us Lost , round ,
To I.oinl'or : Silo , To liciil , Wiints , Hotmllnir.
etc. , nil ] liclnt cried In this column nt tlio low
rntool'TENCKN'TS VRll LINK lortlio nrst Insur
t Ion and riroContal'ur Line tor rncliMibsoiiicnt
insoitlon. I.cnvi ; iidvcrtlsonii'iita lit our olllco ,
No. IS 1'cul slroLt , near Hroadwiy , Council
111 u ( Is.
FOR SALn-Two lots . : eot from N. W.'TTy
track , Biiilallo lor wnrchousn or tnctory
purposus. K. L Slicnfo , 500 llrondivuy.
\\7ANTED-Two llrst cln s dressmakers nt
' Miss ( Helicon's , III Pearl street.
\\7ANTHD-A sollellor to work unions mil-
i roud employes lor Standard Accident In
surance company of Detroit , Mich. J. C. Umco
A : Co. , iiuents , No. C Tourl street , Council lllull ? ,
FOR SALK Union iivcnuo hotel property.
Special tmrgnln. E. L. Slieafc , : < ) J Ilioadivay.
FOU SALE-OKI i > : ipoi a. In quantities to Bull ,
nt Ilco offlco No. 12 Pearl street.
FOR SALE OU T.IADE-Stock of millmory
nnd fancy notions. All now. Clooil loca
tion. Snlua ? I2,000 u year. O , lleo , Counci
lllulTs , Iowa.
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Clioico Dlxplay of Latest Pat-
tcriia , All Grades.
G 2SCil Bluffs
A Select Stock of Choice
Novelties in.
I bavo a quantity of sound , well cleaned send
which 1 offer at reasonable figures. Bead of tlio
crop of 1H85. Corrcspondonco solicited. F , a.
llUTLUIt , Schallpr. lown. C. & N. W. Ily.
Dealers in Milch Cows.
At Our Stock Yards
No 002 : uid COO E. BroihvnyCoundl ; ( Nil's
Practices In Ktato and Federal Courts ,
Kooms 7 and 8 , Slmirnrt Block.
GOOD u.wji , JUKI : i.
Having made uxterislvo Im-
proveimmtB ami Inurettsoil our
lincllltles , wo wlah to cull esfie-
i-lttl tittuntlon to tlio work now
iiulnjf tuniod out by us. clulin-
HIT It to bo equal to that of
.uiy custom Inundry.
In oitler to Introduce our
uork nuuldo tlif city of Coun
cil Illuirs. wo will upon receipt
of tills ticket , iiccoiiipiinlod by
luturnpostuifu.Uiiindry Hlx Col-
IBM or CulTs FHKB , for either
Indies or gentlemen
Home Steam Laundry
91O IlrnniUvay , Council IllullH.
N , D. Out Qf town orders iilven prompt at
tention. We tmj-ivmirn clmrgea on nil work ro
clvidwlici'iK'compiuileJ br caili hi payment
In Hiiyingr the Following Property in
the next thirty days :
Lot fi , Illock ! l. I Lot 10 , lllook 1R.
Lot 12 , Illock li. : I Lot 4 , HlooU SI.
I ot B. Illock 3. Ix > t 8 , Block 12.
Lot 2 , Illock 7. Lot ! l , Illock ill.
Jot 4 , moon ! ) . Lot 5 , IJloek 2S.
Lot 2 , Block 4 , Baylies' Addition.
Tills property will bo sold nt n great sacrifice ,
nnd enterprlslnff will , no doubt avail them
selves of a rare opportunity to make money.
Apply to FItANIC COOK ,
Koom 7 , Shugart Block , Council IIUifTu , Iowa ,
Ciiinn , Glassware nnd Lamps ,
\V. S. Homer & Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Cotfncil Wulft , la.
Onr cnrpet stock is large and well se
lected nnd is kept full by the nrrivul of
new , fresh goods. It comprises
Moquettes ,
Body Brussels ,
Tapestry ,
Ingrain , Etc.
Tambour ,
Turcoman ,
Opaque Shading ,
Curtain Fixtures ,
Etc. Curtains niado nnd hung , Carpets
niiulo and laid by skilled workmen.
Wo arc ofl'urmg u line line of White
Goods ,
Beautiful Embroidery ,
Dress Patterns ,
Summer Dress Goods ,
And invite customers to oxninlnconr
stock before purchasing elsewhere. J'rices
reasonable nnd goods ns represented.
We have lately introduced special bar
gain tables tlmt comprise tlio best valued
oilered in any market.
4 > oocl Inco at 5r.
Oootl Mumped ToweU al lOr.
Fine beautifully * liini | v < l
Tou'clti itt tfftr , hall' I lie price
ttttked elHcu'lU'rc.
Good Hose , lOc.
llcaiilirul Ilarrclt fluid UruHg
Goodkiit UScpcr yard ; worlli < IOc.
The bent l/'orel | 7Ac , imially
told for g 1.25 ,
These ore n few of the many bargains
that can best bo appreciated by personal
examination ,
Daily wivtch this column for future
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs