Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA .P JLY BEE : , THURSDAY , MAY 20 , 1886 ,
OFFICE , No. i AND 518 KAHKAM fit
YonKOrncr.RooM 65.Tnniu.sB ntm.niNti
OmcE. No. 613 FbonrEtarrii Br.
Published over ? morning , except Sunday. The
'enlySlonday ' morning paper published in tlio
- tatc.
TimMS nr MAtt , :
'fine Ycnr . tlO.flO.Throc Months . $3M
'BlxMonths. . , f. OOlOiio Month . 1.00
trim WEEKLY TIER. Published Every Wednesday.
One Ycnr , with premium. , . . . > . . , . , . . . , . . . . .J2.00
One Yenr , without inomltim. . . . . . . i. . . . , 1.25
fllr Montlii , without premium . 75
One Mouth , on trJnl. . , . , . , . . . . . 10
All communication * relating to news nnd odl-
tdrlnl mnttcm should bo nddrosseJ to tlio Km-
von or IIKUF.R.
All Imilnpfi * letters Ttnd remittances should bo
"Hndrcusoil to THE HKK Pum/iKiiiwj CowrANr ,
* O ( AHA , Drafts , chocks nnd poitofllco orders
to bo tundo payable to the ardor of the corapnnr.
IKE m f OBLISHIIfiliPllllT , PROpaiEIOHi
Sworn Statement oCOIrcutation.
State of Nebraska , I _ _
Countv ot Douglas , f " "
N. P. foil , caitilor of tlio llco Publishing
company , iIoe-5 Solemnly swear that thn ac
tual circulation of the Daily Hco tor the
week ending May 14th , 1880 , was as follows :
Morning Krentne
Dale , . KttUinn. KMtlon , Total
Saturday. 8th. . . 0,050 0,000 12.G.VO
Monday , 10th. . . 7.0VJ 5bOO 12,8.10
Tuesday , llth. . . 0.TOO 5,810 12,110
Wednesday. 12th 0KX , ! ) 0,0'
Thursday. 13th. . 6bOO 12,100
O.IMXI 5,8.0 12,150
Average . 0,433 6.88.T 12.3CO
N. P. VmL
Sworn to and subscribed before mo , this
15th day of May , A. D. 1880.
SIMON J. Fisirrcn.
_ Notary Public.
N. P. Fell , being llrst duly sworn , deposes
nnd says that ho is cashier of the Uco Pub
lishing company , that the actual average
dally circulation of the Dally Bee for the
month of January , IbSC , was 10,078 copies :
.f or February , 1880 , 10,805 conies ; for March ,
1830 , 11,637 copies ; for April , 1880 , 13,191
. . .Sworn to and subscribed before ino this
6th day of Ma.v , A. D. 18SO.
SIMON J. Fisur.n.
Notary Public.
MAY has boon a llttlo wet so fur , but
* Juno is the great corn doctor.
A DUCAT deal is bomg said about Miss
Folsom's big fortune. Her biggest fortune -
* tune , however , is in catching the presi-
'A STOUY has been started that Grover
Clnveland is to inaiTy Miss Folsom's
mother. The president will soon put a
TCto on that story.
'ACCOHDINO to reports Gcronimo now
IMS seventy braves m his band. They
peom to bo too many for 700 soldiers
even on the Miles system of crushing out
Iris estimated that the cost of the Mis-
fonri Pacific strike was ? 1,000,000 to the
strikers , $2,000,000 to the railroad , and
$2,000,000 to the states principally affected ,
llow much it cost the "lambs" to whom
Jay Gould sold his stock "short" is not
v A CHICAGO man , on trial for insanity ,
l ls puzzling the insanity experts with his
fplass eye , which prevents one of the most
'important ' tests from being made. This
ItcSt Js a comparison of the dilution of the
'two eyes , and a glass eye , of course , ren-
dera such a test impracticaclo. This is
an instance of a glass cyo being useful as
as ornamental.
senate committee on territories
has favorably reported tlio bill putting
Yellowstone park under the sole and ex
clusive jurisdiction of the United States.
Such a law , if enforced , would prevent
Indiscriminate slaughter of game which
is now oarrlc'd on there , and would preserve -
servo the grand tseonory of the park from
the desecration of mercenary vandals.
* RAILUOADS arc pusmng hard to grid
iron Nebraska with jron , north , south
and west , Ten years from now the town
'that is twenty miles from a railroad will
bo a curiosity. But railroads are not
" unmixed blessings. Improperly man-
sgcd by sharpers and thieves , and con-
fduoted to benefit private interests , they
tlamago more than they bencllt the com-
, munitics which they servo. Efticicnt
tallroad regulation must accomplish
i npid r ailroad construction. The corn-
emission system must go ,
The outskirts of Omaha are alive with
meu and teams pushing towards complo-
* ition tliQ work ou the railroad extensions
| H'rlilch are togirdlo this city with bands
Kfof Bessemer stcol. Fubllo improvements
rlMTC ucgun on our streets and hundred
I'Of laborers are busy with shovel and
Ijdok. There will bo work for as many
I * < I ere before a fortnight passes , Build-
urq beginning to go up rapidly ,
eots are crowded with work. Con-
' r ctora haYing settled nil disputes with
-4Mir'mon are preparing to moot all do-
jDMDds upoutliolr resources. Real estate
holds firm with a BtlfTouiug tendency , t
to ho a great year for Omaha ,
'Tun six-mile cattle trail schcnio will
twt-inutoriallzo in the
congress during
iU * prtwont Bcbslon. It is too palpable a Jot ;
U- ' Xbn oust sees tlio poiu t as well 09 tljfc west.
5Cba Springfield Itonubllciui roads the
Hftcs .stmTght when ft anya : "Western
jKubraskii is protesting vigorously against
* ko b-luilo cattle trail established by
hgrcss along tlio line between that
Me imd Colorado , loading from Texas
te Dakota , on tlio ground that it will
3prftotically prevent tlio settlement of a
trlp thirty miles wide ou each side of
Hut trail. No settler woukl want tocul-
. * iTato crops to bo run over by the wild
t ar and the wilder cowboy , but prob
ably the Nobritskans reckon a pretty
.broad sweep for the droves. Sixty-bix
.miles is n wide cow-pitli : , even in that
country of iiingnUioeiit distances , "
TnK Omaha author of "A Timid Nravo"
, * thtti dragged over the coals of criticism
, l r tUo Ne\y York Times reviewer : "No
the nutlior of 'A Timid Hr.ive'
hare constructed his romance on
basis of fauts , and that the Indians
Ituve , ou many occasions , been shamefully -
fully treated is truebut , the draft on his
nation is a very unfortunate ono
ho depicts the officers of the United
is Anuy in colors of thn darkest hue.
iman depravity , a coarseness which
ild make oven the moat callous reader
Idcr , is represented in a chapter of
book as an especial attribute of
utj of the army. The object of the
; , which wo suppose is to redrots the
I'gs of the Indians , is defeated when
sonsolc&J and wicked libels sru in-
Tlio LoRtoal ontcAmo.
. The suggestion that a tax bo placed on
foreign immigration is raising a howl in
some quarter * where it ought to bo least
expected. The organs of the capitalist
manufacturers who h.ivo amassed their
wealth by the operation of high tariff
taxes on the products of labor are the
most bitter in denouncing tlio proposal
as un-American and preposterous. They
decline to admit the Injustice of raising
the prices of everything that a workingman -
man buys by shutting out foreign goods
and lowering the prlco of American labor
by opening wldo the doors to the f reo
competition of foreign worklngmen.
They pretend not to sco that wages are
high or low in proportion to what they
will buy and that where competition is
prevented in marketing goods while com
petition is stimulated in labor itself only
onn sldn reaps the chief benefit of the re
stricting lav.
If our present system of exorbitant tar
iff luxation is to bo indefinitely continued
the workingmen of America will surely
bo found insisting that tlio protection
theory shall be can led to Its logical end.
The tariff is now a tav for the benefit of
capital There must bo a correspond
ing tax for the bencllt of labor.
Capital Is now protected from the
competition of foreign mamtfacturorors.
Labor will soon bo demanding protection
from the competition of foreign laborers.
There Is no know-nothinglsm in such a
position. It will bo forced upon the
country by the greed of the great indus
trial monopolists who are able to screw
wages down to the lowest possible notch
by tlio pressure of competition in a labor
market already ovcrciowded and re
ceiving now acquisitions from every
emigrant ship.
But there Is a bolter solution of the
problem. That is a radical reform of
tariff taxation. The country is still suf
fering from over-production because our
exorbitant customs duties have closed to
us the markets of the world and restrict
ed our manufacturers to the home mar
kets. In addition they have enhanced
the cost of living and decreased the pur
chasing power of the workingmen's ' del
lars. A reduction of the tariff which
would take off the duties from ho neces
saries of life and make raw materials
frco , would relieve labor and open new
markets for the products of labor. It
might reduce somewhat the profits of the
industrial monopolists , but it would
greatly onlareo the commercial field in
which they could dispose of their wares
With the cost of living lessened , and in
creased employment given to workingmen -
men , there would soon ccaso to be any
more suggestions about restricting immi
gration. But as longas competition in
selling goods is stilled for the benefit of
the industrial monopolist , the question of
ofisettmg the evil by stilling competition
in the labor market is bound to como to
the surface. As wo have said before , it
is simply carrying out tlio high protective
theory to its logical end.
Extravagant Scientists.
The investigation into the extrava
gance of the geological survey has
brought out the information that at the
present rate of progress $17,000,000 will
bo required to complete the work of map
ping out the country accoraing to the
present programme. Congress naturally
feels that tins enormous amount of money
could bo put to bettor advantage , and it
is quito right. If the true inwardness of
the survey business were brought to light
it would make a very interesting chapter.
Ilayden worked the mine for
all that it was worth , while
his parties of incompetent boys
and needy relatives "explored" and ro-
explored the territories ot the west. A
more shameful fraud than some of the
reports printed under the sanction of the
government under Hay don's manage
ment was never perpetrated.
Hundreds of thousands ot dollars were
invested in printing private researches
carried out by college professors and
warring scientists for their own private
bonoilt. Professor Capo , of Philadelphia ,
succeeded in getting his descriptions of
fossils nobly illustrated and published by
the government in the highest style
of art , free of all cost , nnd
now Professor Marsh , of Yale , is
engaged in the aamo business at national
Volumes of the report of the geological
survey are filled with valueless essays on
industries which have' only the most re
mote connection with the work of the
survey , Other volumes simply duplicate
or correct the poor work in preceding
volumes. Extravagance , verbosity and
repetition , with an immense accumula
tion of useless facts with little or no
bearing on the objoctn for which the sur
vey was created , have boon the crying
defects of its administration.
It is not to bo denied that some good
work has . been done , but it
has been entirely disproporlionod to
the oast. The larger part of the money
spent has been wasted , It is an opcs'so-
crct that several years ago-- Professor
Hayden was paid heavily by Clarence
King to permit iii fto reap the full bene
fits of tHa government's generosity.
The bill to consolidate the surveyH nnd
limit their scope which is now before
congress , is a good one , and should pass.
! in. . . . „ ! . . „ , miiimm *
County Grading.
If there is any thing like an equalization
of the assessment this ycnr , both the city
and county will be put in a financial con
dition to carry out many needed improve
ments. This will bo especially the case
with the county in regard to grading ,
The rapid extension of Omaha beyond
the present city limits and along the va
rious leading thoroughfaics wcbt and
south will make heavy demands upon tlio
grading funds. As Omaha nnd its sub
urbs pay more than nine-tenths of the entire -
tire county tax , it Is right and proper that
the expenditures for her benefit si ould
bo proportionately largo , The county
commissioners are recognizing this fact
to some extent by making the city more
accessible than it has boon to the adja
cent country around it , But the direc
tion which building operations and con
sequently local travel have been taking
for a year past over the hills and into the
county readers it all the more important
that the commissioners should at once
make their preparations to extend an d
straighten the roads which follow the
lines of Omaha's principal streets into
tha country and to establish
fixed grades BO that purchasers
ot county po | > erty can build
without fear of future disturbance.
The .commissioners have done good
work in grading street oxtonslons into
the county , but tlioy should now strain
every effort to increase the amount al-
ready accomplished. Farming lands
around Omaha are now becoming ex
ceedingly valuable on account of their
nearness to our markets The people
In the county no less than the citizens of
Omaha have a right to demand easy ac
cess into the city and through the
suburbs , Every street graded outs'do '
the city or in the varloas additions ad
jacent to the principal county roads
means a stimulus to building nnd an in *
crease in the county tax list. The work
done on Farnnm , Cuming , Thirteenth
and Lcavonworth streets by the county
commissioners has been a handsome In *
vestment of county funds. It has ma
terially increased trade facilities for our
farmers and Improved the adjoining
property. If it has not raised thn tax
llsta no ono but the assessors nro to
Oooil Salaries I'ny.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Jcnks has resigned to take u position as
advisor to a young millionaire at a salary
of $10,000 a year. Mr. Jcnks' retirement
is a loss to tlio public service. It affords
another instance of the wisdom of a
policy of high salaries for valuable pub
lic ofliclals. Tnlont and ability command
their prlco everywhere. A $10,000 law
yer , except in exceptional Instances , will
decline to bo a $2,690 judge. A business
man who can earn his $5,000 a year in
tr.ulo will not bo strongly atractcd to a
responsible public position which will
bring in only half that amount.
England learned this lesson long ago.
Her officials are huulsomoly recom
pensed for their labors. There is a strong
pecuniary inducement for honorable ri
valry for responsible offices. Men are
not expected to make heavy sacrifices to
servo the public. On the contrary the
government places a premium on men of
brains and successful administrators. It
bids for the best and It gets them , be
cause it is the highest bidder.
In the older settled states of this coun
try the same policy has been adopted
with the judiciary. Judges are given
long terms of olllco and salaries suilicicnt
to attract successful and brainy men to
thn bench. Some of these days Nebras
ka will learn the lesson that in public of
ficials as well as in everything else the
best is in tlio long run the cheapest , even
if it docs not happen to bo the lowest
priced. Good salaries pay.
IN another column will bo found an aiticlo
from the BIB regarding the Inelllclency and
general incompetcncy of Maishal CummuiRS
and his force to all of which the Herald
Kives clieprtul endorsement Hcritld.
The BEE has not referred directly or
indirectly to Marshal Ctimmings as the
Herald very well knows. The marshal is
no more responsible for the selection and
pay of the force than the editor of the
Herald. The trouble lies with the system
under which couneilmcn appoint their
favorites to places on tlio force and pay
political debts at the expense of the public.
Incidentally since the Herald has raised
the question , wo will take occasion to re
mark that under Marshal Cummings' ad
ministration the police force is better
disciplined and managed than it has been
for years before , while the fines collected
foot up nearly double what thox did
under his predecessors. The marshal is
all right. What wo want is n bettor
calibre of roundsmen , more of them , a
graded pay roll , and a reform in the
system which will take the police force
out of politics.
Tun council took prompt action in re
gard to labelling the streets at its last
meeting by instructing a committee to
confer with the gas company and to as
certain the cost of having the names
painted inside the street lamps. The
matter is u pressing ono , and should bo
pushed until the work Is done. Sign
boards on the street corners are also
needed , but they should bo simple strips
with the narnq of the street in white
with a dark background. The offer of a
company to furnish the same in combina
tion with their own advertisement
showed enterprise , but naturally did not
meet with favor. Any oneof a dozen
patent medicine firms would gladly make
the same contract ,
Texas , promises Cleveland 250,000 ma
jority in that state if ho takes a wife and
runs for the presidency again. It is
pretty safe to bet that Mr. Cleveland will
be married next month , but it is by no
means certain that ho will bo nominated
for the presidency in 1888. There is a
wide difference between matrimony and
Mn. GLADSTONE lias carried. Ills motion
to push the consideration of the homo
rule bill by devoting four-fifths of the
time of parliament to its consideration
until i ts finally disposed of. The
streugth of the ministerial party in the
' 'commons was the first surprise which
the grand old man gave to the enemies
of homo rule. Perhaps the next will bo
the puat > age of the bill.
Pnoi-Kimr owners gji Tarnam street
should mpye . at once in securing tlio
cable line. The street is the only one
running out of the city west which has a
well established grade suited in all re-
spools for the puposcs of the company.
Other things bomg equal , the cable com
pany would prefer to locate the line on
Omaha's leading thoroughfare.
TnK council has taken action in regard
to street signs by referring the matter to
the committee on. public property and
improvements , to make a contract with
some painter for doing the work. It is
hoped the committee will not pigeon-hole
the resolution.
Wnv talk about more parks BO long as
Hanscom park , a most beautiful and pic
turesque spot , is most shamefully neg
lected by the city ? Lot us first improve
Hanscom park before any more parks
arc created.
SAM JONES and Sam Small , who "sworo
off" on tobacco while they were ovnngel-
i/.ing in Chicago some weeks ago , liuvo
"backslid. " They are now using the
"weed" as much as over.
ANOTHER largo first class hotel is to bo
built in Omaha. There is plenty of room
for it , as the present hotel uccomodatlons
which were ample thren yours ago are
now inadequate.
WHY do not the police promptly report
nnd arrest the owners of property who
litter the streets with refuse and obatnict
the sidewalks with boxes , garbage and
truck. A lew prominent examples made
of offenders would so'on nbato this nui
sance. > ' >
= 1 =
Tun Hera M wants more parks. By the
way , what has become of that scheme of
a grand botllovnr'd' ' n id chain of parks
which was laid otit.onjpapor last fall !
THE council lias 'dobldod to purchase
two public drinking ' fountains. The
more fountains the'botjCr. (
Cir.AN the alloj s. , , Cologne with its
many varied smcllsaa discounted by some
sections of Omaha.
Witt , J > omo ono please toll us what are
the latest quotations ofOmaha & North
ern stock ?
Tun Van Wyck campaign makes the
Jlcpublican tired. It. will bo a good deal
more wearied before the session is con
cluded with the senatorial do.xology.
Little things will tellcspoclally , little broth
The Now Orleans Picayune thinks that the
arc light was Invented by Noah.
The circular saw Is a rank anarchist. It
always has tcvolutlonary designs.
bchwatka , on being interviewed , says :
"No , you can never reach the polo with a bal
loon ; but you can rcnch the balloon with a
pole , If It satis pretty low. "
A now paper was started In San Francisco ,
recently , but as the llrst number neglected to
have an cdltoiial d.imning the Chinese , no
ono bought the second number.
It Is related ot a popular clergyman that ho
started a dull prayer meeting recently by an
nouncing that ho "didn't propose to act as
umpire for a sleeping match 1"
Philadelphia claims to have discovered a
base ball umplio whose decisions give satis
faction to both clubs. And yet Baiiium
sends to London for a 575,003 curiosity.
An Iowa judge has decided that a man is
bound to tell tils wife where ho spends his
evenings This may bo good law. but we
should like to know how it can be enforced.
( ! cn. Sherman says ono burden of his life
is meeting men who were with him In the
war. lie says if. half tlio number had been
with him the war would have ended In n
It Is not absolutely necessary for a candi
date to know anything. Some one will tell
him how he stands on the tat ill question ,
and the crowd about him will tell him when
ho ought to treat.
Tlio Innate modesty of newspaper men is
shown by tlm fact that a Texas editor killed
three men the other diyand In alluding to the
incident attcnvard acknowledged that ho
had only tried to kill one.
The historical trcsco In the dome of the
capitol at Washington hasi stopped not for
lack of dome or paiii but because there is
not history enough $9 $ "gojaround , and there
Is a demand for a smnlierdoino ; or more his
tory , y. p
An Illustrated pareHof Cincinnati Is about
to send John It. Mustek to travel among the
various tribes of Inditing ahd write descrip
tions of them. Probably ron the prl nclplo
that Mustek hath charms tb soothe the sav
age bieast. , ! _ _ \
Gladstone's Steady Gait ,
PMIailelpllta tttcnrd.
Mr , Gladstone is gelling1 ! dally advice as to
what ho shall do and'Avhar ho shall not do
from the four quartersbf' ' the globe. But lie
continues stead Uyjojyt hjs.ow.n gait
An Excellent Opportunity.
St. Louts /Zcpublfcoh.
There Is an excollenPoppbrtunlty In the
case of Herr Most , the anarchist leader , to
subject the nefarious nnd destructive doc
trines which he preaches to the square test
ot legal scrutiny and Judgment , and ills to bo
hoped that his trial will not fall to show in a
practical way that the laws of tills country
are too sure and ilgld for the safety of men of
his stamp. In other words , an example is
needed , and Most Is peculiarly adapted to a
USB of that kind.
The Blto to 13at and the Dud toVoar. .
Written for tlic Uee.
Some folks are blest wl1 fortune and hae
in tickle gowden gear ;
They loo' the warl' and a * its nrlde and haud
their lives as dear ;
A siller spoon was in their mouth when first
they breathed the air ;
They've aye been blest wl' lots to eat and
guld braid clalth to wear ;
They've nau pity In thulr heart for a brlther
in distress ,
Wha fecht wl' want and sorrow , they ne'er
try to make It less ;
They dlnna ken the burden that some brith-
ers hae to bear ,
Sometimes for want o' blto to cat and scarce
a dud to "war.
For want o' honest work it inak's them worry
a' the time ,
And their honest , manly hearts will not let
them stoop to crime ;
They see the cup o' poverty that now fa's to
their share ;
Whore will they get the blto to eat and get
the dud to wear V
Tholr's some hao struggled salr against mis
fortune's surly blast ,
But the hallstanes o' adversity hao ruined
them at last ,
And few will lend a helping hand , saolltUfl.
" "
do they care , „ . * - - "
If their brlthor gejj a % Htoent or o'eu a dud
Just wait and think a moment how the pulr
man gets alang ;
You think he's unco queer because his face
aye looks sao lang ,
But kent you a' his sorrow , could you
shouthor a * his care ,
You'd wunner how he keeps In life and gets
the dud to wear. ,1 - <
Without a penny in hid pouch , his work and
credit gano , , |
Ills freends and neighbors turn their back
and show a heart o'istatio ;
They dlnna show their tiuendship now a
stranger will do nrafr ' .
To help them got the Into to eat and get the
dud to wear. ' i '
v < u
IVl U !
Oh ! dlnna spurn your'brlther man , but help
him a' you can ; i'l
Komember that although he's pulr he's still
an honest man.
Try and help their justcndbavors that they
may hae their share , ' ' '
And yet enjoy their blW tu eat and hao their
dud to wear. '
Ilcspcct the "honest poverty" that bauds
your brlther doon ,
And aye be ready wl' your smile , and dlnna
show your lioon ;
Kespect the pulr and needy and remember
them In prayer ,
That they may aye hao bite to eat and hae the
dud to wear ,
OMAHA , May 17th , issa.
Preserve the Park.
St. Paul Pioneer I'reti.
The Yellowstone Park bill has been favor
ably considered by the senate committee on
territories , and It Is to be hoped the measure
will bo passed and effectuated In such a
way that this public reservation will b.e
guarded as rigidly from mutilation asIs
Central park in New Yoik city. The bill
makes excellent provisions for the proper , and It will simply
bo criminal ncgllcronco on the part ot the In
terior department It clthor the game or the
natural beauty of the place Is disturbed by
vaudallc tourists ,
The Way Thojr Bo Not Do It.
/v < ii ) ( M Ctf ( ( Join na ? .
The way pugilists do not make a inqtch :
"I'll fight you with knuckles or skin ulovrs
In any state o territory for S'l.OOO , but It
must bo within lour vrcoks , " said Mr. Domp-
soy. ' 'I'll accept that agreement and Dot
810,000 I can whip you , but U must be within
olght weeks , not four , " responded Mr.
Mitchell , enthusiastically. And thereupon ,
each having mode his blttF , some ono s > et up
the drinks and they separated greatly disap
pointed that they could not agree.
A Conspicuous Characteristic.
Chtcaao lYeirs.
Sneaking cowardice appeals to bo the ono
conspicuous characteristic of the socialists. A
foi might ago there word r ,000 long-haired men
i Ight hero In Chicago who shouted for human
blood and for the subversion of police power.
Wheio aio these long-haired heroes now ?
Fawning and cringing like beaten curs , re
pudiating their leaders , and professing to
hate anaichy. Wo hope that the laboring cle
ment of our population will steadily decline
to bo cajoled by these cowardly , hypocritical
In tlio Interest of ttio People.
KUstiorn Valley Kcm. .
ThcNo.vshas watched with pleasure tlio
record ot Senator Van Wyck since ho has
been In the senate. Ho has no doubt made
enemies among the active politicians of the
republican party , but his votes and acts In the
senate have boon In the Interest of the people
ple , and while ho occupies that position he
will have our support. This paper Is unniial-
Illcdly In favor of the election of avail
WjrV icptiblicaii to represent Madison
county hi the ncxtlcgislatuic.
Why Not ?
U'rtll Stictl Kens ,
It was evident fiom the way he walked into
agents'luinishlng stole at Rome that ho
had been hidden away In the mountains tor
a good many vcars. Ho wanted a white
shirt and bought ono , but In hour ho
returned with it and laid U down , and said :
"Mister , tills durn thing is hind-end to. "
The dealer explained to him that It was the
new fashion and how to put It on ; and the
man's lace lightened up with a broad smile
as ho comprehended , and ho said :
"Sayl That's j 1st boss , old man. Ulmmo
a pair of pants which buttons behind the
Nchraaka Jottings.
Fullerton has invested in n lire depart
ment and local option.
"Fish-polo headache" is the baiting
title given to the lingering effects of a
bout with West Point whisky.
A $20,000 newspaper plant threatens to
settle * down at Beemor , Cuming county ,
nnd blow in the money m booming town
The firemen of Nebraska City propose
to celebrate the "ever glorious" in the
good , old way , which moans "we'll have
a jolly time. "
There is nothing small in the methods
of Nebraska crooks when professionally
engaged. Out near Indiunola a man
stole the roof offa neighbor's house while
the latter was awtiy ou business.
The opening of the first saloon in Shelton -
ton last week was a signal f or u luminous
howl , with neither constable nor mar
shal in the town to curb the foaming
The changing channel of the Platte is
undeunuUng the norlh end of the bridge
at Fremont. Unless measures arc
.adopted promptly to stay the ravages of
the current , a portion of the bridge will
be taken out.
The census of Fremont , just taken ,
shows a population of 0,374 , without en
thusiasm. This will entitle Fremont to
the privileges of a city of the second
class , nnd the governor will be requested
to so proclaim.
The News suggests that while Nebras
ka is outside the heathen path of cyclones
it is the essence of wisdom "in tunes of
peace to prepare for war , " by digging
safety holes in the bluffs thereabouts.
No family can afford to bo without ono.
The people of O'Connor , Greoloy coun
ty , have started n fund to build an acade
my. The lush Catholic Colonization so
ciety has made a cash donation of $3,500 ,
which , added to the subscriptions of the
townspeople , will raise the fund to $ o,000.
This is a snug sum to start with.
The corpse of Henry Thioman , a Ger
man bachelor , aged about 32. was found
Saturday in a decomposed state in his
shanty on his claim on the Omaha reser
vation , seven miles cast of Wisnor , by
two of his neighbors. It is evident that
ho has been dead several days.
One hundred men are employed in the
store yards of the Elkhorn Valley road
at Fremont. Twelve hundred and lifty
tons of steel rails were received Friday
from Cambridge , Pa. , which is the first
of 12,000 tons contracted for , and 175,000
oak ties are plloa up ready for shipment.
At Blair , Saturday evening , n team be
longing to Pete Nohrcnberg became
frightened at a train and ran over u lady
by the name of Petto , who was wheeling
in a buegy a child 1 year old. The child
was picked up for dead , but finally re
covered consciousness. The lady was
seriously wounded about the head.
D'l'ho strike of the youngsters intho
Norfolk school for onejuidjjjjf | h.Qur
recess andJjyaJiaii. ri0r dnnor | WB3 a
jJJSasuCus failure. The principal was a
man ot nerve and took holdsof the strik
ers in tha good old familiar way and
broke the backbone of the revolt just as
the boys experienced a pressing sensa
tion in the same region.
N. D. Stewart , a genteel cooper of Ne
braska City , has been arrested in Grand
Island for1'snaking" ' baggage from B. &
M. cars and disposing of it at living
prices , Stewart was ono of a gang of
tram robbers who have been worKintr
Lincoln , Grand Island and other towns
and , it seems , hiding whatever they secured -
cured in cabooses. The train men then
managed to got it to the "fences , " and
in their hands the identity of any article
would quickly bo lost , btewart Is in hoc
as an accomplice a middle man between
the pilferers and the market.
Iowa Items.
Keokuk is talking up a free public
library ,
Mai-shaH'county will yoto on the court
house question Juno 10.
Uubuqno barbers wear striped uniforms
to distinguish the profession.
J , W. Parker of Ottumwa has invented
n machine which will plant seven acres
of potatoes a day ,
The State Homeopathic association
holds its seventeenth annual session in
Burlington , May 120 and 27.
The Independent , Dos Monies' youngest
daily paper , is published for 0 cents a
week , and sells on the street for 1 cent a
A young son of Samuel Rudd , of Britt ,
was fooling with a loaded gun the other
day , and the gun went of. So did the
All the republican letter carriers at
Keokuk have been notiticd that after
Juno 1 their places will be tilled by demo
Notwithstanding DCS Moincs is a pro
hibition city , the city directory gives the
city twenty brewers , two boorbowers and
twenty-eight porters.
Vice President Potter , of the Hurling *
ton road , has u magnificent farm near
Creston. It is well Mocked with line
horses and cattle , and it is said to bo Mr. j
Pottor'g intention when ho retires from
business to make his homo on this faim.
Grundy Center has an ordinance which
prohibits boys under the ago of 18 year *
from appearing on the streets at night
xinlcss accompanied by their parents.
In the past two weeks Bishop Perry has
dedicated four churchrs in his diocese
Christ church , Waterloo , stone edifice ,
costing $9,000 ! St. Andrew's church ,
Wavorly. built of brick and stone at a
cost of ! fl5,500 ; Trinity church , at Sao
City , brick structure , costing $1GOO. and
St. John's church , Ida Grove , which ,
with rectory , cost $ -iC03 both church
and rectory of timber. The bishop lias
dedicated eight churches so far this year ,
and thirty churches since ho entered
upon the episcopate ton years ago.
The placer mines at Horseshoe bar , 125
miles north of Green rlvoraro attracting
n number of prospectors.
A lire in the Laramie chemical works
at the Soda lake last Friday damaged the
property $5,000. The plant will bo im
mediately rebuilt and enlarged.
YungVnugh , an industrious China
man in Chovenno , last week pulled uji
stakes for tlio flowery kingdom , and
carried away f 3,200 In hard cash.
Contractor Coots , of Omaha , has ar
rived in Cheyenne and has begun work
on the now Union Pacific depot at that
point. Ho expects to complete it within
bix months.
One Joseph MeUlor , of Denver , lias
succeeded , through a long Una of rela
tives , in nobbling 0,000 acres of land near
Fort Fottorninn , on the line of the now
railroad. Huro Is another shining oppor
tunity for vigilant land olllcials to same a
Will L. Visschor , the noted bard of
Crow Creek , tunes his muse and sings
the praises of Wyoming's growth and
greatness , closing with a beautiful period
to "tho charming stock of millinery
goods , which will bo sold lower than east
ern prices , " bj' Mrs. Visschor.
The Yellow8lonot Park hotel , erected
by Hatch anil associates , was sold Thurs
day at Kvanston , by the sheriff , for
$2J,000 ! , to MiThorno. . of Now York. It
cost about $ -00,000. The new company
is erecting four now hotels nnd greatly
increasing the accomodatlons for visitors.
The entire North park ih"a coal basin ,
with strong veins cropping out at many
points , the nearest , and perhaps the
best , being within sixty miles of Laramio.
This North park coal field has been but
little explored , but is doubtless ono of
the most extensive in tlio country.
Largo coal deposits also exist on Bear
and White rivers.
The Twin Creek Oil and Land com
pany , capital $250,000 , largely Omaha
money , has boon incorporated at Chey- -
cnne. The incorporators are John Boll ,
Clarence D. Clark , D. G. Clark , James
M. Tisdel and William Mathews , jr. The
oil fields are on the Oregon Short Line ,
fifty miles from Grainger. Last fall wells
were sunk to the depth of 120 feet , and a
flow of thirty barrels per day struck.
The oil is of the finest lubricating proper
ties , and was used in its crude state on
the engines and cars of the Oregon Short
The plans for the new capitol at Cheyenne -
enno have been selected. D. W. Gibbs
& Co. , of Toledo , are the lucky archi
tects. The style of the building is of the
French or classic renaissance. It consists
of n nwln central portion surmounted by
a beautiful and ornate cupola and flanked
by two wings. The total height to the
pinnacle of the tower will bo 130.the length
will bo 110 and the width , including the
approaches , 140 feet. The main material
entering into the construction of the build
ing will bo rock , with cut stone trim
mings. The main entrance to the rotun
da will bo very wide and arranged In the
lorm of an arch and supported by heavy
columns consisting of immense blocks of
flowed stone. Immediately above the
heavy projecting pediments will bo sup
ported on either side by heavy double
rows of Doric columns. An excellent
feature of the plan selected is that while
it is entirely complete in itself it may yet
contemplate an enlargement of the struct
ure whenever the increasing wealth and
business of the territory may demand it.
Utah and Idaho.
The Idaho mine in Wood river recently
shipped 180,000 pounds of oro.
The metal product of Idaho for 1885
was as follows : Lead , $030,000 ; gold ,
$1,338,800 ; silver , $3,027,110 ; total. $4-
The banks of Salt Lake report the receipt -
ceipt for the week ending May 13 ot
$100,577.30 In bullion and $80,898.03 in
ere , a total of $100,470.23.
Three thousand head of calves belong
ing to the Big Horn Cattle company were
recently sold for $43,000. They were
raised in the Norwood valley , Idaho.
There was shipped from Salt Lake City
during the wcok ending Saturday , May
10 , twenty-four cars of bullion , 585,470 ,
pounds ; four cars slug , 144,030 pounds ,
and two cars copper ore , 53,800 pounds ,
making a total ot thirty cars , aggregat
ing 783,300 pounds.
A census of the Mormons now in the
penitentiary shows a total of 77. Of this
number 10 are natives of Scotland , 35
England , 25 United States , .Sweden and
Ireland 3 oaoh. and Norway , Denmark
and South Wales 1 each.
She got the. Ring and Wringer.
Some time ago An tone Kluguo gave hi ?
wife $5 with which to buy so " - provis
ions forjhejxofts jmcfti. j- . "Tllo wife
usejU'HSrmojioy b paying an oxprossman
to.move all of the family furniture to her
mother's house , Klugue rcplevinod the
property. The case was decided by Jus
tice Berka , yesterday , who gave the
woman the possession of a ring and a
clothes wringer and clothes basket. The
rest of the property wont to the husband.
A Now Hotel.
A tract of land 132x133 foot at the south
cast corner of Tenth and Farnam streets
was sold yesterday for $80OoO to a com
pany of capitalists , represented by Mr.
G. Joss yln of this city. It la intended to
crtut upon the site u six-story hotel , sup
plied with every modern requirement.
The improvements contemplated will In
volve an outlay of about $250,000 , The
transfer will not be perfected for a day
or two.
Choking Catarrh
Ilnvo you awakened fiom a disturbed sleep
with all tlio honlblu sontntlons of an UBJIIHUI
clutching : jour tliront nnd piutiiiK tlio lit o-
ItroAlti lioni your llyhlonuiloliogU Ilnvo you
noticed the Iniitfuorniii ] debility tlmtsiKtooittlio
elf ml to clear your tluout ami lioad of tills
o.ttnrilmlmntloi ? What n Uf nie.slnjf Inlliionco
it exerts upon the mhiO , cloiiuliiK tbo memory
ami flllliiL' the bond with palm nud ttiarco
noises ! How dlllloult U Is to rid tlio niienl pius-
HKBS , throat and lungs of this poisonous mu
cous nil cnn tietlly who mo nlillctctt with uu-
tnrrli. How dllllcult to protect the sytttin
utfttlnut Its fui llisr piojfrcm towards the furu s ,
llvor nixl kHney.1 , nil phi tie tins will admit. U
ie u tcniblo dltouso , mu erica out lor rollcf
unit onin.
The miuarkablo curatlvo i > o\\er . wbun all
other remedies uttmly fall , or SUMO p's HAD-
1C A i , Cimr , 11 ro attoitod liy IhouauiiU who
Kiftlofully rucomiuoiid It to fulltiw-biuloicw.
hosttttoiuontta nmdujejfimtlnKlt that cannot
l > e uliMimtliitcd by tbt muit rvinoitublo nnd
reliable loloronciH
dtrli pAjUot contains one bottle of the Itmll-
uMCuio , quo ( lot. of Cutnrrliul Solvunt , mid an
liuprutud liihnlcr , wllb trctUliu und d , ructions ,
nnd Is EOld by all dnifgists tcr SI UD. '
POlTtill PUUtliSi t IlKMICUiCo. ,
I ru\m \ give up ; I oinnoi btiir
eit ) balm ; 1 ache nil over unit nolli
Blnir I try docs me unytfood" B < iLk-
Helm. Ulorlno I'tilus. Hip anJ Bide
i Vnlnn , HorenciM. r.umuiojs.VonU \ -
. - . . iioaHund Intliiumiutloii HKI.IHVF.U : N
ONB UIMJTK , l > y tliut uow , urlxlnnl , elegant nnd
liilalllbln autidolo to pnlii and luUuiiiiimiloii.tlui
CuriutiiiA AhTi-fArN I'l.imuit. Al ilriitf lls ,
i-'jo. ,1'otttir Drug : and CUuuiluul Co. , lioatnn ,
53-3 T
rhj-Blclnns , Minister * , Missionaries , Muniqrors
of Fnotorlt-fi , WorlMliops , I'lnntfttlbtt * ,
Nurses In Hopltnls-ln snort , ovoryv
body everywhere who 1ms
over given It n trial.
THROAT , &c.
Arpt.tri ) FATKK.VAU.Y ,
ON K.uiTii ion cuuiNrl
Prices , 25c. , 60c , and $1,00 per Bottle ,
Q3f Beware of Imitations.
017 St. ChnrlcuSt , , St. I.onln , Mo.
ArefciUriradutUef two VedleilColleiii , lite , been loattr
DCuccdlo tbeip elftl treatment of Caaoiie , Nitvova , BKI
and BLOOD Dniiin than anr otberrbtilelai mat. LtuU ,
aietly pipers how undnll oldreildeDtil&ow.
Nervojs Prostration , Debility , Mental ind
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Dlood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , are treated vitii raniuie4
iueefMCD Itteit irlenttflo principleSaTelr. Trlntel * .
Diseases Arising ( rom Indiscretion , Excels ,
Exposure or Indulgence , nhleb prcJoci ion > r ih.
following eflcelll nertouineii , deblllt * , dlmoeit of lltnl
anadrftfll tu morT , iilmplei oo tbi tut , rhiU tcft ,
aTpriloaioth * cteijof females eonfuiloa or ldti , eto. ,
rendering Marrlago impror" or unhappy , aia
pirmtDeotlj eurii. PatnphltMSS piccion ) lhn b Te , tank
Iniekled tnrrl p , fre taanjr addrt , , . Conntllktloaatof *
Bee or ti * mill rrtr. Invited > nd ictlcll ; onUJtoll.t.
A Positive Wrllton Guarantee tu n in iir-n.
rabteeiie. .
HBO PAGES , FINE PL ATI 3 , cleetDi olotb and rill
blndltftfklcdforOOo. InpoiitRaoreurrcooj * Orcr tfttf
wonderful pta pletarei , true t * lift | arlleln on the folUwltf
abjeeu ; whomaj mtnrjvhenotwhyjmtnhood , womsn *
hood * pbTIeat ! dfCivr , erTroti ofefllutej an lexceiithe fhji.
lolotf ofr pr i ell n. .IB * rainy tnor . Tboie mtrrled or
contcraplfmog mtrrUfo thoutd reitd It , JrrUr edlilftp
hose VITALITY ia Callinn- . Brain 1 > UAINK1 > and
_ J > nia - find a I rfect and reliable cure in the
* '
Adopted by all French Fbrvlcuns and l > elnir rnp'idly a
uccossfully Introduood here. AllveakenlncrloueHa
draina promrtl-checked. THKATJHK pfvlnp now
papiirandmadicalendoneincnt.t.ttQf * VliEK. Commit *
lion ( ofllca or by moil ) with alx omlnont doctors FJIKK *
C1V1AUE AGENCY. No. 174 Fulton Stra t New York.
Or tbo Liquor Ilublt , Poiltlvoly
Cured by AdmlnlatoriiiR Dr.
Ilnlneu' Golden Npeclfla.
It can bo given la n cup of colTea or tea without
the knowledge of tbo person taking It , Is absolutely
barmlcas , nnd will effect a permanent nnd ipeedy
cure , wbetbtr the pattont Is a moderate drliifceroi
ikn aicotiollc wrock. It lias been clreu la thoa-
nid9Of cases , and In every lnataucon'erfectcuro
baa followed. It nuyor falls , The cyatem coo *
Impfcenated wltu tbe .Sped ? ; , It becomes au utt l
lmposiltillty for tbo liquor appetite to czlat
KUIIN < k CO. , Cor. 15th anil Uoucla . and
18th it Cunilpa Ht . , Omaba , Neb. '
A. D.V04TKR Ac. MIO. ,
Couaoil niiifTn , Iowa.
Call or write for pamphlet containing Luodraia
c ! tcttlmcnlaU from the ben women and moo Iron *
&t r-rtsof the countrr.
, and all kindred trouble * . Also for many
otherdlstxuoa. Complete restoration to Health , Vlrbr ,
and Manhood guaranteed. Ho risk U Incurred. Illustrated
iinlril mailed free , lyaoV
trated pamphlet In envelope ;
dnutu VOLTAIC KELT CO. . HanbaJI , flitch-
ISO © IF'.A.a lT.A.IM : SO ? ,
Practice limited to Discuses of the
Glasses fitted for all forms of defective
Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted ,
IVJjTT. A Quick , rarmanook
Cura for IxiklV.nlioml. liebllHr , Nan
vouiiuiM.Wuakneu. Iloquackerjr. ID.
riljpuuhta 1'roofs Hook
Do you want a pure , Wooiii-
Ing Complexion ? If so , a
few ammcntions of Jfngnn's
MAON6L1A BALM will grat
ify you to your heart's con-
tout. It does awuy with Sal-
lowncss , Hediioss , 1'imples.
lilotclios , nnd all diseases and
Imperfections of the fikin. Ii
overcomes the Hushed appear *
nnco of heat , fatigue aud ex
citement. It makes a lady of
. THIRTY appear hut TWEN
TY j and so natural , gradunl ,
nnd perfect are ifs effects ,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.