Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    r 'fMf , "IS ?
Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the
Dlocoso of Nebraska.
JJurnrd fly IJonalne Tlio Mendels
sohn Concert A Ktuuuvny
nil General City
The Kplscopallnn Council.
The annual council of the Episcopalian
church In the diocese of Nebraska as
sembled in Trinily cathedral yesterday
nt 8 o'clook. Prayer was said at 9
o'clock , and at 11 o'clock holy commun
ion was celebrated by Bishop Worlinng-
ton , assisted by Revs. Mr. Hewitt , Dr.
Oliver and Canon Burgess. There was
quite n number of worshippers in tlio
cathedral , each of whom approached thu
Immediately after the services , the cler
gy adjourned to the basement of the ca-
" thcdral , where Bishop Wortldngton in
formally addressed them. Ho urged them
to allow nothing save an urgent call to
draw them away from Iho sessions of thu
council , because it was God's business
upon wliich thev were engaged and they
should endeavor to allow two full days
for that purpose in attendance upon
the council. Ho also took occasion ,
to thank them for the zeal and enurgy
thny had displayed in attending , almost
unanimously , from all sections of tlio
state. He thanked them further for the
foresight and attention they had dis
played in coining with their vestments to
take part in the services vested as became
the ministers of God. He then called
them to order.
Rev. Secretary Patterson then assumed
his chair , and upon calling the roll , the
following clergymen were found to bo
present :
UlphlUov. George Woithlngton , S. T. D. ,
LL. U. , bishop , Omaha ; Kuv. Alex Allen ,
Lincoln ; Kov. H. 13. Buicess , Platttmioiith :
Rev. John jfoith Plalto ; llov.
Kob't Dohertv. S. T.D. , Urownell Hall.Omalm ;
llov. P.O. Eldied , Norfolk ; Kcv. It. M. Ed-
wauls , Ncllgh ; llev. 0. L. Kullorth , Red
Cloud ; Kcv. John (2. Casniaun , Omnha : Ilcv.
E. H. ( iayuor , lllalr ; Rov. Samuel Uoodalo ,
Columbus ; Kuv. Win. C. Hawkins , Lincoln ;
Jlcv. John Hewitt , Fiomnnt : llov.
E. T. llanicl , Columbus ; llov , E. Wancn ,
( iraud Island ; Ilcv. lidw.ird Lewis , Ashland ;
llov. llobeit Oliver , 1) . 1) . , Kearney ; Kcv.
James Patterson , Omaha ; Kuv. William Os-
( jood I'carson , Omaha ; Kev. K. Jt. Richard
son , Crete ; llev. William II. Sparllnir , Selmy-
lor ; llov.l ) . A. Sanford , Cedar llaplds ; Kov.
Kohert Scott , Beatrice ; lluv. Thomas Staf
ford , Uiownvllie : llev. A. \Vhittcii , Ed-
car ; lluv. W. \Vhitten. . Falls City ; llev.
Ilcv. Albert E. Wells. Central City ; llev.
John Williams , Omaha.
The meeting then adjourned till 3
The council met again at 3 o'clock yes
terday afternoon.
The standing committees for the ensu
ing year were eluded.
The Ircasurcr's report was received
nnd referred lo Iho committee on finance.
The committee on the admission of
parishes reported in favor of the admis-
hion of All Saints and St. Johns of this
city inlo the union of the diocese and in
to the council.
The annual address was then delivered
by Bishop Wortljinglon. It was an ably
prepared document , dealing with matters
* of importance to the diocesu. Among the
salient points of the address was a dis
cussion of the .revision of Iho book of
common prayer aud'nn exhaustive treat
ise by Chancellor Woolworth upon eccle
siastical trials. The address was referrett
to a committee of three , who reported in
favor of the reference of the address to
the proper committees.
A resolution was offered bv Rev. Carter -
tor , authorizing the diocebo to instruct
the educational committee lo lake steps
to secure the crcclion of , a school for the
Nebraska diocese ut Omaha for girls and
ono at Lincoln for the boys.
The resolution was offered for the rea
son that the Episcopalians ot the state
ura beingsolicited for funds forcducatlon-
al institution that are not acknowledged
by Iho diocese. The resolution was re
ferred to Revs. Babcock , Dougherty.
Woolworth , Barber , and Mr. Guy A.
The council then adjourned to meet at
8 o'clock for n missionary meeting.
Last night a meeting was called at
Trinity cathedral , in the interest of the
Nebraska missions in particular and
' those of foreign missions in general.
k After prayer and the singing of tome
hymns and reading several pslanis.Canon
Dohortysald that ho appeared for iho
secretary of Iho missionary board , who
had done more , ho said , perhaps than
any other man in Nebraska in the pro
motion ot God's missionary work. The
_ canon referred to the number of parishes
IMUid other ecclesiastical divisions in Ne
braska , which had contributed ? 1,800
each for the mission tlio past year. With
a membership of 2,200 this contribullon
was less than sfl apiece. There were but
fifteen missionaries , and it was not likely
the board would contribute even as much
ns it had to dulray missionary expenses.
It was imperative , therefore , that a
greater amount should bo raised , because
in the dioccsoof Nebraska there were not
less than 800,010 people. Ho had lived
hero for twelve years and know that the
work could not bo done unless llioso who
rthad been blessed bvlho Lord contributed
more liberally of their means.
Another hymn was sung , and then Rov.
wvMr. Huwitt addressed the gathering. Ho
* asked whether it was a diocese of miles
or souls. He claimed it was afield worthy
of those who hiul been bunt to sow it with
vtho b'jcd of religion. He then referred to
the Held of the world wliich thu apostles
tles had been sent to subjugate , and in
comparison , ubkcd how insignificant was
" * | hat of Nebraska. The latter had an ox-
wtcnt of 300 miles inuno \ direction , and
50 in another , or 75,000 square miles. If
. one communieant were placed on each
* square mile , thu Episcopalian membership -
, ship would bo 7. " > ,000. Even if there was
r but one in ten square miles , it would bo
Uioro than thu present band of mlssiona-
* .ries could attend. The last state census
i showed u population of 741,000. With
that how Insignificant was Iho showing
' - of Episcopalians. They had railroads
running in all directions throughout the
, , 'plate , but It was a source of embarrass-
jnent to both Jjiahop and board of mis-
' eipiiaries that the men who were to work
were not hero to do it. In tno 1,500 people
ple who wore weekly rushing to Nobros-
' 'ka there were hundreds who needed the
minlstralioiib of the ministry. Ho closed
with a prayer that the Lord might move
the rich to an understanding and get
them to appreciate the pecuniary needs
pf the illocosu.
llov. Mr. Uabcook , who , by the way In
features , reminds one of thu traditional
Hichnli'ju , followed thu next hymn. There
was n Jaw governing the carrying on of
"missions. It was hud down in thu words
of Paul to tlio Corinthians , "As every man
had H'coivedotc ; How would they foul
lf thuy were addressed as St. Paul had
) addressed tlio Corinthian. "Thou pulled
f * up , what hast thou that tnou hast not ro-
.cclvodV" His hearers had received , and
? ff they did not give they would waste
faculties and blessing * God had given
theni. His theory was that , having re-
eelvcd , without aoknpwledgmont , they
bould make their donation a mutter of
conscience. . . . , , , .
llov. Mr. Pearson had , ho sold , but ono
word to suy with regard lo tno matter of
afisinK n niissiojir.jfund. . Ho wanted
i5lr , IiuinHI to net ns secretary and ro-
coivo pledges from the churches repre
sented , with the following result : St.
Stephen's , Ashland. $100 : Christ church ,
Beatrice , * 100 : .1. M. Woolworth , ? IOO ;
Grace colony , $ ! ! 00. The St. James people
ple of Fremont , hoped to meet. St.
Jnmcs , Fremont , 310 : Holy Trinity ,
Lincoln. Ills. , ? 50 ; Trinity Old , $030 ; All
Saints. ? 3.)0 ; and $300 from three mem
bers ; St. Barnabas. ! ? SOO ; St Lawrence ,
Platlsmouth , $100 ; Holy Trinity. Schuylor ,
? 2o ; St. John's , Omaha , $125 ; Chase , SoO.
Tlio Meeting ot tlio Omnlin Freight
Ittircau Lmst Night.
A fairly attended meeting of the newly
organized Omaha Freight Bureau was
held at the board of trade rooms last
evening. President Brady presided.
The minutes of the Inst meeting were
read and approved.
The article of the constitution Using
the initiation fee at $25 was read ami
adopted. A discussion arose over the re
port of the executive committee upon the
plan they had adopted for securing the
necessary fiuuls for tlio current expenses
o { the bureau , lliey Imd-dccldcd to di
vide the members into four classes lo bo
knowirus iho A , B , C nnd D classes.
The "A" class to bo assessed at the 100
rate , "B" ul 50. "C" al23 , ami "D" ut 10.
This classification was made Hint the
heavy shippers and those most
benclltted by tlio bureau should
bear the burden of the expense ami the
lessor shippers in proportion. After
some expressions of opinion tno report
was adopted , ' and the constitution as u
whole agreed to. The representatives of
the cliilercnt branches of trade then
signed Iho constitution. Secretary Gib
bon stated that he had sent out invita
tions to 104 business men to allcnd the
meeting , and that ho regretted that so
few had responded to the call. Ho
moved that a committee of six bo ap
pointed lo solicit signers to the constitu
tion of the bureau. The chair appointed
Messrs. Gibbon , Easson , Martin , Frcid ,
Broatch , Gray and Max Meyer.
Secretary Gibbon stated that ho had
been met by business men who had re
fused lo loin the bureau on the grounds
that they aid not want lo antagonism the
railroads. Ho said that the organization
was not for the purpose of antagonizing
the railroads but merely to demand jus
tice and equity from them.
He gave as an illustration that the
freight from Omaha to Fremont , on
fourth-class mailer , is 20 cents per hun
dred , while Iho rate from Chicago lo
Fremont is 6 cents per hundred , a , dis
crimination of M cunls against Omaha
shippers. It would be the business of
Iho freight bureau lo discover and cor
rect siruh discriminations
Mr. P. E. Her called allcntion lo an-
oilier dilTercnco in rales Ihat ho thought
the bureau could correct. The freight
rale from Chicago to Omaha is Iho same
as lo Council Blufl's , while from Omaha
cast the rale is 5 cents greater per hun
dred than from Council BlulVs. This
gives Council Blufl's merchants an equal
show with Omaha on western business ,
but culs Omaha out of western Iowa
business by reason of the excessive
After some further remarks the meet
ing adjourned until Monday evening
An Explosion In the Union Pacific
Shops Vcstcrdny.
John McGinn , an employe of the Union
Pacilic shops , was made the victim of a
frightful accident about 5 o'clook yester
day afternoon. Ho was engaged in clean
ing , a piece of machinery , and was hold
ing in' his hand a can
partly filled ' -with benzine. A
workman near by was hammering a
piece of red hot iron when a spark from
the iron How into the benzine can caus
ing a terrific explosion. McGinn was
knocked down and rendered unconscious.
Hjs face and neck were burned in a
frighlful manner. Fellow-employes
rushed to his rescue and succeeded in ox-
linguishing Iho flames which had ignited
his clothing. Ho was removed to St.
Joseph's hospital and at a late hour ,
under proper medical attcndance.was ro-
porled to bo rebling easily.
The Promenade Concert.
The attraction at the Exposition build
ing last night was Iho promenade concert
given by tlio Mendelssohn Trio club and
the Musical Union orchestra. The pro
gramme consisted of two parts , ono com
prising five vocal and instruinenlal num
bers , the other live dancing numbers.
Every selection of the former part was
splendidly rendered , each ono receiving
an encore. The vocal selections of JMiss
Edith Edwards were especially line The
lady , though very young , possesses a re
markably full and rich soprano voice ,
which she knows how lo nsa wilh charm
ing ell'ect. Her rendition of the aria
from "ALaJuivo" was received with
rapturous applause. Tlio , violin solo by
Mr. Nahan Franko was , rendered with
the good lasto and careful modulation
which characterize the work of Ihat gen
tleman. Ho was encored twice. Upon
his second response to Iho demands
of Iho audience , bo was presented ,
on behalf of his friends in
this city , with a hamlbome gold watch ,
the presentation speech being made by
Mayor Boyd in a few well chosen words.
After Ihu concert part of Iho pro-
gramma was concluded , those who were
so inclined enjoyed the pleasure of the
This was the last concert to bo given in
the exposition building until the June
festival. After Ihat thu Thompson Opera
company will give Ubimson ot light oporn
in the latter part of Juno , and the Mexi
can Typical orchestra , during Iho lirst
week of July , will entertain the publlo
with several concerts.
The Champion Trtus.
Hernia , or rupture , is one of the most
common of troubles , and it is ono of the
most important matters tlmt thu aillictod
should secure thu best truss made , in or
der to cure their trouble. The most prac
tical truss on thu market nnd the ono
that is becoming the most popular is tlio
"Champion , " made by the Philadelphia
Truss company , un exhibit of whoso
wares attracted so much attention at the
recent pharmaceutical mooting in this
city. This truss has boon award
ed the premium nt the Centenni
al exposition , and nt the Now
Orleans exposition , and Is in nsa in
the United Slates army , navy and marine
hospital service. Thu truss is handled by
nineteen of the loading houses in Omaha ,
many of whom are using those goods to
the exclusion of all others. The truss is
thu most practical made , and wilh it the
most difficult cases of hernia can bo
treated successfully.
A Runaway.
A farmer's team attached to a heavy
lumber wagon usurped light of way priv
ileged up Douglas street yesterday at
noon at the alarm and consternation of
the occupants of the street. Tno team
was on a straight line for Donahue's
irreon liouso on Sixteenth street when
both of the horses fell to thu ground.
They roanhed their foot again and
were oil' like a Hash up
Sixteenth street , and worjj juac-pvepariiig
for a collision witb iulzoll'u lee cream
wag6n when ono of the horses fell again
tir.u stopped the procession. Before they
could got nndthor start they were caught
by bystanders and held until the arrival
of their owiior. But littlu damage was
douo to the. otitltt ,
hour CITY.J
Xlio nnllroacl Only Two Miles Awny
nnd Coming Nearer ISvery Uny.
LOUP CmNeb. . , May 18. [ Corre
spondence of the Bin : . ] Our long o > c-
peeled tmd much needed , railroad Is at
our threshold. Only five miles moro of
iron is to bo laid and then the smoke of
the iron horse will envelop the queen
clly of the Loupi. The big barbecue nnd
jollification in honor of the advent of the
lirst railroad into Sherman county will boone
ono of the grandest events in the history
of western Ifabrrskn , so extensive and
complete uro the preparation ! ? . A spec
ial car will run up from Omaha to Grand
Island for the accommodation of several
prominent Union Pacilic olllcinls and
distinguished speakers and guests from
your town. At that point It will bo at
tached to a special train that will con
voy free the multitudes to the plump
steers , fatted calves , b.irbecucd and
served with choice viands , welcomed by
an eiilluislaslic and hospitable people.
Day nnd date given in a few days.
The W. C. T. U. have closed out their
interest in the Fifteenth street restaurant.
Their signs will bo removed to the Buck
ingham homo on Twelfth , near Dodge
street , which is under the able manage
ment of Mrs. C. W. Clark. All who are
interested In the gospel temperance work
are urgently requested to patronize the
Buckingham restaurant and assist , by
monthly donations , In paying the rent ,
which from Juno 1 will bo $128 per
month for hall , reading room , restaur
ant and fourteen rooms , which are al
ways filled with worthy , unfortunate
young men who need temporary assisl-
anco. Free ice water barrels should now
be placed on the streets ; but the union ,
being without any income , depends upon
the benevolent people of Omaha for the
money. Without personal sollcilation ,
will the reader send a donation direct to
the Buckingham homo , pledging a sum
monthly for six months ? Send address ,
ana the ladies will collect , if yon desire.
Sr.c. W. C. T. U.
Iiivltlnu the Assembly.
At a meeting hold ut the olllce of O. F.
Davis & Co. on Monday evening , it was
decided to extend an invitation to the
General Assembly of Presbyterians of the
United Stales to hold their next annual
meeting in Omaha in May , 1887. The as
sembly meets in Minneapolis thisyoar and
will number auout GOO delegates. Omaha
will bo represented by Rev. T. C. Hall
and Dr. Kulin , who have been instructed
lo extend the invitation to Iho assembly
lo meet hero next year nnd to tender
them tlio use of Ihe Exposition building
free of charge.
Ho Tapped the Till.
A negro named John A. Smith , was ar
rested yesterday for stealing
a quarter from the money
drawer in Leslie & Merrill's drug
'store on $ Sixteenth and Dodge.
About ton days ago the money box of the
same establishment was cut open ana
$13 taken therefrom. It was supposed
Ihat Smith stole the money , but this was
never proven. Upon trial Smith was
sentenced to twenty days imprisonment
in the county jail.
Saved By a Pence.
The horse of Smith , the Tenth street
groceryman , while delivering some goods
on south Twelfth street , became frightened
and dashed around against the high fence
on the edge of the immense blutl'iui Twef th
street at the south side of the tt\vck , " > This
obstruction saved him from a fall oflifty
feet and turned the orralicMeort in the di
rection ofhomo where he was overtaken ,
rather shaken up.
Suing nn Officer.
Stephen Hanallin has brought an ac
tion for damages in. the sum of § 3,000
against Policeman John Donovan and
his bondsmen , Henry Hornbcrger and
John Frank. Hanaflin alleges that on
April 0 , U-80 , ho was arrested and as
saulted without cause by Donovan and
detained in the city jail two hours from
maliciousness on tlio part of the officer.
Stringing n Jjlno.
The Western Union Telegraph Co. , are
extending a now line with gigantic poles
east on Jones street lo the Union Pacilic
bridge from Thirteenth street. This bamo
lint ) formerly ran cast on Loavonworth.
The change will bo made in a few days.
A. s'trotijPull. .
A. L. Strang returned from Hastings
yesterday his features smiling and
illuminated , the light shining through
thorn being the consciousness that he had
secured Ih'o contract to build the water
works at that place for $70,000.
A Crushed Foot.
Ono of the switchman of the B. & M. ,
named Wright slipped ofl'tho foot board
of his engine night before last , and had
his left leg mangled , his clothing torn ,
and otherwise suffered a prettj general
shaking up.
Ilcd Day.
15. F. Redman Tuesday caused -his
friends at Ilor's distillery to remember
his recent nuptials , by means of a keg of
delicious Gambriims' amber.
Mosl complexion powders bavo a vul
gar glare , bul Po//.oni's ' is a Iruo boauti-
liur , whoso otl'eots are lasting.
C. E. Rhinos , employed as watchmaker
at Max Meyer ite Bro.'s , is the happy
father of a thirteen and a half pound
There Is a big dime museum immedi
ately cast pf the Br.i : ollico , and Ihu organ
grinder with his never-tiring grind is not
thu least attraction.
A complaint was filed in the police
court yesterday against Mrs.
Henry Homan , on the novel
charge of throwing a bucket of
water upon ono ot her neighbors with
whom she was engaged in a row this
morning. -
Mr. M. R. .Rlsdon and Mr. A. H. Corn-
stock have entered in partnership under
the firm name of Ri.sdon & Comstock for
the purpose of carrying on a general in
surance business succeeding to the busi
ness formerly conducted by Mr. Risdort ,
you to look at our stock. Wu keep a full
line of Iho famous Babcock buggies and
carriages , manufactured at Watortown ,
Now 1 ork. Wo ask your inspection of
our repository , corner Ninlli and Jones
trseots. PAHIN , OHENUOUKI ? & MArtin.
JuJgo Pat O'Hawes was knocked down
and run over by a binyclo about 0 o'clook
yesterday near the corner of Twelfth | .ind
Uodgu btrcets. Ho was knocked SCIIPO-
less , but was taken into GludUh's drug
store , nnd soon restored to consciousness.
His face was gashed in several places , one
eye was closed , while his leg was cut
auovo the knee. The rider of the ma.
chine , whose name is unknown , wi\s \
thrown several feet and badly shaken ur ) .
Personal 1'aragrnplin ,
Mr , . . Brandcis ierafilod 7rom Now
York city yesterday.
Mrs. A.JJ. and Miss Elizabeth Popple-
ton , went east yesterday.
Mr. Will MpMlllan has returned to
Omaha to remain , and will hereafter bo
associated with Himobaugh & Morrlam.
Airs. O. IL Dprrunco arrived yesterday
from California. She WAS met out
quite a distance by her ' husband , . who
accompanied her to tp > vn. .
10 !
GonSparks' Vigorous Pursuit of Land
Thieve jn vBvory Form.
PrcscrvlnR tli < > riil > lo | IJoniftln for
Actual Settlers knCoinpclllne
Corporate iSlmrks to
N , May 8. To tlio Editor :
As the colobrnlcdi .Tolin C. Ualhouti ,
wlicn ojiprosscdvlth iv deep sense of im
pending peril to'tlio rojiubllc , was wont
to say : "Wo are in the midst ot n crisis ! "
"a crisis wliich tliruatons tlio very ox-
islcnco of the federal xinlon , " "the Tory
foundation of tlio republic. " Even to
the merest sciolist should bo plain
and clear.
If "history is philosophy teaching by
example , " wo learn from it tlio unerring
truths that , in all nations , ancient nnd
modern , whether democratic or despotic ,
whether republican or imnarchial , the
absoptlon of the land by the few , whether
under the forms of corporations or by
privileged social orders , to the exclusion
of the great body of the people , sooner or
later uprooted and destroyed all tlio
sources of life in society nnd the state.
What now is our own. condition ? Into
what are wo drifting ) What is the con
dition of our public land service ? What
was its condition when its present com
missioner , Gen. Sparks , assumed the ex
ecutive control under the present admin
On the 4th of March , 1895. in this land
service , land grabbling In all its corrupt
phases , manipulated by railroads and
cattle companies , lumber syndicates ,
thieving surveying rinps , etc. , mammoth
and formidable combinations , backed by
millions of organized capital , in the
swindling state rings under the swamp.
internal improvement and educational
grunts , all with powerful interests rami-
lied throughout all branches of the na
tional government , had intrenched them
selves in a citadel , from which they de
fied all parties to dislodge them.
Nevertheless and fortunately the now
commissioner , Gon. Sparks , possessed
the qualities for the hnrculean work be
fore mm. He granplcd instantly with
( ho monster monopolies and corrupt
rings , infesting and devouring our
public lands. Ho very naturally aroused
nil their ire , ajl their vituperation and
misrepresentation , but fortilicd by : v sim
ple rectitude of purpose and the de
mand of duty , ho steadily and fearlcsly
pursued his resolution to purge the land
service , if possible , ot all the elements
of corruption ami traud , and I am cm-
abled from ollicial sources to give your
readers a statement of the success so far
of his administration.
Under the cscHcntAcK the Texas Pacific
grant , those huuH1 ofj the grant covered
by the Southern Pjieilte road at the Rio
Colorado were ojcclujtcd by the depart
ment and awarded to the latter com
pany. Gen. Splirks by his order of
April 5th , 1885 , reclaimed these lands ,
and thus prese.rvcil to" the public domain
an area of abou iCiOj(100 ( acres.
. To the Atlantic/it 1'acilie company Sec
retary Deiano h tl ajvarded unlawfully
lands aloua a p'atl of its route' , not in
cluded in its gram. , 380 miles in length.
Gon. Sparks , by'his'idccisiou of October
fully to tlio Northern 1'iicilic lands along
that part of its roultt'Tvoni Portland on to
Puget Sound. Gen. Sparks , by his de
cisions in the case of Mellao vs. The
Northern Pacific , reclaimed theso.'lands ,
and thus preserved to the puolio domain
an area ot about I,7e5,000 acres.
Under the indemnity provision of rail
road grants , granting lieu lands to tiio
corporations , lor losses incurred by the
settlement or other disposal of lands
within their grants prior to the definite
location of their roads , abuses of great
magnitude and cruelty Had grown up
under arbitrary practices Jn favor of the
roads. The pitiful prayers of settlers
were unheeded , The corporations worn
supremo. The lands ot settlers , doubled
in value by improvements and years of
painful ted , were in hundreds of cases
confiscated , the settlers and their families
evicted or compelled to purchase their
homes from the usurping corporations.
Settlement was retarded. The nation ,
as well as tlio settler , was incalculably in
jured. Gen. Sparks early called a halt
to this cruel injustice. Ho coerced the
corporations to conform their selections
to the law as defined by the courts , and
to verify the lossds 'for which indemnity
was claimed. He thus preserved large
areas to the public domain , as well as the
farms and lawful rights of thousands of
honest settlers against the merciless
greed of incorporated laud grabbers.
Under his revised system of measure-
month of lands under railroad grants
largo areas are preserved the public do
main and the corporations shorn of much
valuable land previously regarded as em
braced within their grants. Thus the
area of the Union Pacilic , the road of
which runs through Nebraska and part
of Wyoming and Utah ) has been reduced
in Nebraska alone to about 3ii,100 ; acres.
and llio reduction in tho. territories will
bo oven heavier. The area of the Atclti-
sou , Topeka & Santa I'o road ( -IGD-iW miles
in length ) has been' reduced about -81-
753.1)1 ) acres , Hundreds of thousands ,
even millions of acres , in the aggregate
will thus bo preserved to. the public do
main and opened to settlement under
our homestead law.
SKItVKl ) .
Private land claims , based upon Span
ish-Mexican and other foreign grants , had
been prolific sources of prodigious frauds
upon the government , and the crudest
wrongs upon settlers. The great major
ity of these are , ivjiolly , fraudulent. A
grant primarily for 'tono smiaro league"
was fraudulently'o.\panded into " 109
squuro leagues. " "Such is the Canyon do
Chaina claim nowi'bolJoro congress. Pat
ents in 1871) ) in the notorious Maxwell
claim in Now 'Mojito wore issued to
claimant for l,71f 704a3 , acres. The orig
inal grant wa * ' 6niy. for " 11 square
leagues , " or about' 48,818 acres. In the
Sangro do Crlstoivclairn in Colorado , in
1881 , patents were issued to claimant for
1,000,000 acres. in , ,
( ion. Sparks work fit disposing of these
claims has been btJthX-Vigorons and suc
cessful. The notorious M'eralta" claim.
under a Spanish-Mncncan grant located
in Arizona , cmly/nof7) / ) ! the enormous
area to the publia domain and the homes
and rights of thousands of our citizens.
Hy the rojectioUjiof oJaii Grant No. 119
an nroa of about 575,007.71 acres has
of 4,003,000 acres an area larger than
the combined areas of Rhode Island and
Connecticut. It naturally created in
Arizona the wildest alarm. Its extin
guishment has preserved an immense
been preserved to tlio domain , nnd hun
dreds of thousands of acres in like cases ,
rejected by Gon. Sparks or pending an
appeal , will bo preserved to the people.
Under what was called in the land department
" cases" in " "
partment "special "logger"
and "cowboy" entries made ' "special"
through partisan and other influences ,
nnd through criminal practices under our
commuted homestead and uro-cinption
systems , "logger11 and "cowboy" entries
had usurped a largo area of our imblip
domain. "Timber bosses' " in hiring
"loggers" and "cattle oosses'.1 in hiring
herdsmen or "cowboys" stipulated that
oftcli should enter in Ids individual name
ICO acres of era/lug nnd timber lands for
the benefit of their respective syndicates.
Trusty prospectors sought out the land ,
experienced lawyers and "loirgor" and
"cowboy" perjurers completed the nec
essary proofs , and the land was formally
transferred to the syndicates.
Now no cases are made "special , "
Gen. Sparks' early order suspending all
entries has practically worked Us pri
mary and principal purpose in the cs <
tablishmont of a purified land entry sys
tem. The certainty of iv rigid scrutiny
in the department and field into all en
tries or application for warrants for land
has worked a destruction of nil the old
cattle and lumber band grabbing ma
chinery , rendering "loggers" and "cow
boy" cnlries impracticable.
Wholesale fraud had organized itself
under the system of special deposits for
surveys. Under the act of March 3,1870 ,
corlificatcs of these deposits became
negotiable , nnd a market opened for
them , by being made receivable in pay
ment lor publlo lands throughout the
domain , The flood gates of corruption
were also opened. Wealthy syndicates
were organized for the control of all sur-
voring contracts under this special deposit -
posit system. Tito aggregate of those deposits -
posits prior to 1870 , from 1802 , seventeen
years , Was only * > ; W8Oi5.Gi ) , but
the aggregate in the live years
subsequent to 1870 , reached the
enormous sum ot $5,813,303. Fraudulent
contracts and fraudulent survuys sur
veys only on paper now became the rule ,
and were dutifully approved ,
were liquidated by an obsequious
department. Re-surveys were run-
dered necessary. One sotllor in a
township was adjudged all that was noc-
cessary to authorize a survey , or rather
a contract for a survey , and fraudulent
surveying contracts multiplied almost ad
libitum. Hundreds of thousands of dollars
lars were thus fraudulently disbursed to
corrupt surveying rings. Reports of
now examiners in the field are burdened
with mortifying tales of "defective" "im
perfect" and "wholly fraudulent surveys"
"no surveys at all. "
Wealthy lumber and other corporations
also manipulated this system for their
benefit through the usual practices of
fraudulent entries. Thus 100,000 acres of
the most valuable California redwood
lauds estimated as worth $100 per aero ,
were fraudulently appropriated by an
English firm at a cost of only § 3 per acre
for surveys.
Their purgation of this corrupt system ,
so vast was its proportions and ramifi
cations was truly a herculean labor.
Nevcrlhlcss Gen. Sparks , by the suspen
sion of all surveying contracts and sur
veys ; by a new system of surveys in
which all are held to a rigid accounta
bility , and an exhaustive examination of
all surveys in Iho department and field ,
the surveying service has been greatly
improved , and fraudulent biirveys in the
future rendered impracticable.
Wholesale and systematic spoliation of
our timber lands had also become "uni
versal , flagrant and limitless. " Great
railroad corporations , beneficiaries of
the government added their depredations
to Iho thievery of timber corporations like
the Montana improvement company 01-
ganizcd under the auspices of the North
ern Pacific , for the monopoly of Ihe lim
ber traffic of Montana and Idaho. Whole
ranges of our most valuable pine and
other woodlands along .streams and water
coiuses , miles in extent , were denuded
of their timber , aided by instructions and
rulings of the land department. But by
Ihe vigorous execution of the laws
forbidding and punnisliing
depredations , Gen. Sparks has greatly
checked these criminal .speculations.
Suits criminal and'civil for the recovery
of millions of dollars , the value of tim
ber stolen , have been ordered and will bo
pushed vigorously to judgment. In the
mouth of February alone bints upon the
reports of government agents were ord
ered for the recovery of timber damages ,
equaling $3,031UG5. No timber thief
will now escape.
And so on under every grant of lands
and every law relating lo Ihe disposition
of our public domain swamp land-
grants , grants for educational and inter
nal improvement purposes , wagon road
nnd cabal granls , limber culture and
mineral lands organized fraud despoiled
Iho domain of millions of acres and de-
foaled the purposes of thu'grant or law.
But under the vigorous administration of
Gon. Sparks' practical remedies have
been applied , and "land crabbing" or
fraud is at last and rapidly disappearing
from our land system.
Do not these achievements of Gon.
Sparks constitute a grand work ? Should
wo not in simple justice unstinlingly ac-
knowlcgo it ? By this recovery of mil
lions of acres of lands illegally or fraudu
lently claimed and allowed or stolen by
the suppression ot fraudulent "cowboy"
anil "logger" entries in behalf of corrupt
catlle and lumber syndicates by blip-
prcssion of fraudulent pre-emption and
and homestead entries by Ihu purifica
tion of our surveying system , by Iho sup
pression in a word of all forms of land
grabbing , Gen. Sparks has labored suc
cessfully to preserve to Ihe people what
ib left of our vast public domain. Nor
can tho-io important labors bu really over
estimated in their intluonces on thu pros
perity and happiness of our whole puo-
This nation , indeed , is deeply interest
ed. Every thinking man , every man
having at heart thu welfare of his country
and species , thatju-day , in our
labor froujilcs , " wo"aro conlronling a
problem pregnant with deplorable possi
bilities. Our public lands are rapidly
disappearing. General Sparks , in a
statement repeated by Secretary Lamar ,
estimates Unit three-fifths of our domain ,
embracing the moil valuable of our ngri-
cultural , timber and mineral lands , have
already been disposed of that of the re
maining two-fifths a great proportion is
unfit for human habitation. Neverthe
less , our population is rapidly increasing ,
both by immigration and natural causes.
Our cities and towns already are greatly
overcrowded. What shall bo done with
this surplus humanity so fiercely battling
for bread ? Truly a momentous inquiry !
Soon there will bo no outlet for them
through settlement on the publiu lands ,
"Go west , young man , " even now has
practically no meaning. Our labor troub
les , thurufore. must necessarily inuruuso.
Conflicts , perilous and deplorable in their
probable results , will bo Inevitable. Thus
our land combining with and aggravat
ing our labor troubles , will frightfully
bhako , if they do not shatter or utterly
wreck the very foundation of the repub
History enlightens us by its examples ,
The usurpation or absorptions of the
publlo lands ot ancient Rome by its
patricians orders , crowded the laboring
populations into the cities or towns ,
where unable to obtain subsistence by
work , they dogeneialod into predatory
bands of paupuro "a pauper banditti"
fomented discord and sanguinary con
flicts , corrupted and weakened tlm power
of the state , and rendered the once proud
nid | powerful mistress of the world an
easy prey to the rude barbarian I So
like causes wrought the downfall of the
"old regime" ' in Franco through the
revolution of ' 08. Britain , to-day , in
her present travail , is menaced , not
merely in Ireland , but in England and
Scotland , with like conflicts and deplo
rable possibilities. The absorption of
thu lands of Ireland by titled absentees ,
and of England and Scotland by their
noble or privileged classes through pri
mogeniture and entail , Is working the In
evitable consequences. How , then , shall
wo escapoT True , an eminent English
man has 'declared that ' . 'Providuucp sin-
gularly protects Americans , lunatics , nnd
drunkards ; " but liavo wo just grounds
for hope that ho will Interpose In this in
stance ?
Hence , has not Gen , Sparks , in his
labors to preserve to our people , touotual
settlers In small holdings under our
homestead Jaw , what Is left of our publlo
domain , and thus by postponing our day
of threatened calamity , not merely ac
complished a grand work In itsclt but
honestly earned the approbation nnd
applause of our whole people as of every
patriotic man of all parties ? Who , in
deed , will deny him ids meed of merit ?
A Ijovcly Crcaluro.
"Carp" in Cleveland Lender : The
pictures of Herr Most which are being
published by the papers do not resemble
him. In them lie appears to lie n fair-
lookin'g man. He is in reality as ugly as
sin , and his frame is as badly joined as
was that of Caliban. I saw him hero two
years ago. His face is twisted about so
that one-half of its seems to bo trying to
look over ono shoulder with a frown ,
while the other half is trying to smile
over the other. His head slopes upward
on n plane like that of \ \ fiat-headed
Indian , and Ids whole cranium is. an
anomaly of ugliness. His eyes are blue
and strained. His twisted-tip face Is
covered with reddish-brown whiskers ,
and his hair is combed straight back.
from the cowlicks which sprout from the
base of the Inclined piano of his head.
Ills mouth is all on one side of his face ,
and it has been said that it looks as
though ho were in the habit of unbutton
ing his collar with his teeth. Ho was full
of nihilism when ho was here , and ho
said things to mo which , if uttered in any
other country , would have boon fit cause
for imprisonment. Ho is indeed a
dangerous man , nnd both Austria and
Germany imprisoned him for his actions
in those countries. Ho comes from old
Angburg , in Bavaria , and ho has devoted
his life to attempting to tear down the
social structures.
The Dinicuttjr Solved.
Troy Telegram : Old Dr. Howson was
distinguished for philanthropy. On one
occasion the doctor had a case of malig
nant typhoid fever. He prescribed rest
and nourishment for his patient.
"Give Dan plenty of chicken. Ho must
have moro nourishment. "
"Shall I hill a chicken ? "
"Yes , you'd better kill n rooster ; broil
it well and add plenty of butter. Patients
with typhoid fever like plenty of gravy. "
Dan's wife killed , dressed and cooked a
line chicken.
"That's about right , " said the doctor ,
who v.ras superintending the job , as ho
enviously eyed the chicken.
"Dan , how're you feeling. "
"First-rate , doctor , first-rale. "
"Lot mo feel your pulse. "
Dan extended his arm ami hand.
"You are more feverish than usual. I
just ordered your wife to broil n chicken ,
but you can't eat it : you're to feverish , "
"What shall we do doctor ? " inquired
the wife.
"I sec no way out of the difficulty butte
to cat the chicken ourselves. I once
suffered from typhoid fever myself ,
madam. "
_ _
Centre Shot nt a Great Bore.
Boston Record : One elderly hyper-
bplator has become a fearful nuisance to
his friends with his war yarns. The
other day this excellent gentleman
sauntered into a newspaper pflicc , took : i
chair beside a journalistic friend , pulled
out a Century and opened to the map of
a celebrated engagement. With a sigh
the editor , who , by the way , stutters
most disastrously , laid down his pen and
prepared to bo bored lor an hour. Said
the veteran : "Oh. this was a famous
battle , and how well I remember the day
and recall the scene ; how plainly this
man recalls lo my mind the green fields
and the dusty roads ! Hero , where my
finger points , is whore the enemy tried
to turn our left Hank ; hero is whore wo
charged , driving them back in disorder ;
at this point our gallant major fell ,
penetrated by a score of minio bullets ;
and here , right beside this clump of trees ,
is whore 1 had my leg broken by u bul
let. " "G-G-Genoral , " said the editor ,
his face as impassive as a wall ,
"w-w-won't you snow the b-b-boy.s ,
please , where your b-b-brains were blown
out ? "
Hydrophobia Purely Imaginary.
Dr. William Lehman of Baltimore : I
don't believe in Pasteur's inoculation
theory because 1 don't ' believe in hydro
phobia. It is in my opinion an imaginary
disease , and I defy anybody to produce a
well-authenticated instance of where
hydrophobia attacked an idiot or an
inlant bitten by a rabid dog. It needs a
good , vivid imagination as an adjunct of
tlie disease. Some years ago a man came
to mo for cauterization of what ho
claimed was the bite of a mad dog. It
did not look to mo like a wound made
by teeth , but I cauterized it to satisfy
bun. A month afterward that man died
with all the symptoms of hydrophobia
as described by standard authorities.
AfUn his death it was established con
clusively that the wound was made by a
nail in the fence that ho had climbed lo
get away from the dog , and also that the
animal was very old and only had lliroo
teeth those very far back in the jaw and
impossible to use lo bile with. ' 1 hat case
shuttered my faith m hydrophobia , and
subsequent invc.iti ations dc.stioycd it
altogether. There is no such thing.
Hardwood Rofrlgcrntora
Ranges. The bcsl and oheapcsl ranges
in the market , at McCargar's , 410 N. 10th
Paint and repair your wagon
in first-class shape
at Gratlon & Drummoud's , 1815 Harncy.
Get your buggy repaired and painted
at Gratlon &l > ruininond'8 ,
Get estimate. 1US ! Harncy
Tlio Pound Mnstcr.
Complaint was made Tuesday at the
police station of tlio methods adopted by
Poiindmustcr Hurley's men in replenish
ing IhostocK pound. It is charged that
they entered iho yards of property own
ers on West Cuniing street and drove
away cows that there were under guard.
The owners attempted to resist and were
assaulted by the cow boya. Policeman
White stopped the row ami has since been
served with a warrant , charging him
with interfering with an olncor. The
case will coimt up to-day ,
The Symptoms ;
Heartburn , Dislcnlion of the Stomach ,
Headache , Bad Breath , Slcpplossnuss ,
Low' Spirits and general prostration.
Dyspepsia is frequently attended with
Constipation , but sometimes with Diar
rhoea. '
How Cured.
" 1 tnToicd Intensely with I'ull 6tom cb ,
flonduclio , clo. A nolfftibor who luul taken din-
luoiii Llvor Kogulator tola mo U a * a sum
thlniT for my iroubte , The Orel dose I took roe -
| | ocd mo very much , atuIn \ ono week 9 lane I
was s ( troiir and boait ) ' Ki-ovcr I wm. Ills
tb bolt uicdlcliio lot-ortook lor lyti'p | in , "
it Q. Cui.N3iiA\v , ItlUiiuunJ , \ * .
Wheat Neither Ono Thing Nor the Other
A Fluctuating Market.
I lvo Stock Not Very Ijlvo in Price's
Ills Cnttlo Soil row Dealers
Mnko tlio Market Close
nt n Iiow 12bb.
CHICAGO. May 10. [ Special Telegram. ]
Wheat was neither ono thing nor the other
to-day. It was nervous , ntid scalpers had a
day of It bunding prices backward nnd for-
waid. Only a modoialo business was trans-
nctcd and fluctuations woio within about * { o
langc. Tlio opening was weak at tlio lowest
point of tlio day. Tlio market advanced J o
nnd Rot back to the place of beginning , from
\\lioio It again rallied Jtfc and closed at 1
o'clock Just about the same as yesterday.
Tlio first rally was on the statement that 335-
000 bushels had been worked oil hero for ex
port , and that loom had been engaged tor It.
The amount proved to be exaggerated and
scalpers beat the prices down. Clearances
from Now York showed tip largo and there
was talk ot a possible decrease of
4,000,000 bushels this week lu wheat
and Hour. This estimate was subsequently
reduced to 3,000,000 mid ,500,030 , but It served
as a healthy rc.slbtnnt , and the market was
hold firm. Foielgn orders were on the Hoot
tor a considerable amount , and some lots of
moderate size worn undoubtedly worked.
Corn fluctuated KfM ( adurliiK the forenoon ,
and closed at 1 o clock exactly where It loft
off jostorday at 3iOp. : : m. The tone of the
market was strong , but ptlvllesed traders
turned the price down from : iO > fc for Juno ,
! ! 7'/e ' for .July , and 37 { TOTJ : ) c lor August.
This was about tlio only feature of note , ex
cept heavy speculative trade passed In all the
months named.
Pitovisioxs : Provisions were moderately
active and decidedly weak along the outlro
line , except In spcpi.iltlcs , hams and
shoulders , which arc In excellent leijuest
at lather fancy pi lees. Fine Chipping
demand for this clabS of product and tor ribs
was icportcd. Pork closed at a loss coin-
paicd with last quotations yesterday of IT c ,
laid and ribs fl@7 > e.
'JliOp. : m. Markets were quiet and steady
and quotations aic without matoiial alter
ation. Now York reported 22 boatloads
taken forexpoit
8:40 : p. in. 1'uls on Juno wheat , 74Jf@
74 c ; culls , 73 0.
CIIICAOO , May 10. [ Special Telezram.j
OATTI.K The cattle market to-day was
slow and weaker , pi ices averaging 5@10o
lower. In some cases theio was no decline ,
and in others pi Ices were moro than lOc
lower. Homo choice 11UO Ib cattle sold ut
S5.45 , about as hlrh as at any time , hut 1350
to 1500 Ib cattln that wcio lacking in fat or
quality , or both , were the kind mostly ne
glected. In many cased they did not sell for
as much as tidy tut steers weighing'.000 or
less. Corn-fed Texas cattle have been in
lair supply and modeiatcly good demand
this week. To-day there weto neaily l.ouo
Texas cattle. Slop-fed stock was in abund
ance to-day and sold tully lOelower. Offerings
of slop-fed beef cattle \NCIO excessive to-day ,
and that was why tlio market was BO weak.
Late sales of cattle were all of lOc lower to
day , and the mai ket closed very weak , as
dealcis weio looking for Ilboial runs tlio re
mainder of the week. Ono lot of 1515 Ib cat
tle sold toco to Now Yoik at S0.09 ; IIS No-
brasKaus , ri J Ihs , S3.10 ; 17 Ncbraskans , 031
Ibs. 55.15 : (10 Nebraskans , llii.5 Ibs , 53.H. !
Hoes The opening was quiet but steady ,
with little or no change in piices as compaied
with yesterday , but as tlio forenoon were
away the demand dioppcd olt , and at tlio
liuisli valuta wcioa good 5c lower on mixed
and heavy. Light , and especially the York
sort , of 170 to IbO Ibs , were scarce , and made
equally as strong pi Ices as at any time.
Choice assoiled heavy sold at 31 30@4.5 ! ! , and
mixed SI. 10(3)1.2. ( ) ) , with rough odds and ends
at SS.SO@3.fO. LiL'ht sold at SUO@4.80 ,
largely atS4.5 for York sort.
New York. May 10. MONKI On call ,
easy at 1K@2 ucr cent.
STKRMXO JixcitAXOK Steady ; actual
nites. S4.bO % lor sixty days ; 54t > S for do-
UovnnxJiiiNTs Dull but steady.
STOCKS Opened heavy , a majority of the
active list showing a decline ot M@Xc.
There wns some heaviness apparent in eaily
trading and declines of small fractions were
made beloio 11 a , m. , the lowest juices of the
day being made generally In the tirst hour.
Tlfo market then continued dull and fea
tureless , although a tone piuvailed until near
the close. Prices shaded nil a fraction in the
last hour and the market closed rather hcav y
at last night's linal pi Ices.
Stf cent bonds. . . 100 'C. &M.V \ . lOO
U.S. 4W's . HSu preferred. . . IJWJ
Ncw4'8. . 1-AiJjN. V. 0 . 100
Pacific O's of 'Oi. 17 ! ! > Oiccou Tran.
Central Pacinc . ? & % Pacific Mail
C-&A , . . . . . . MStf i.f.&K
nrefciicd. . ! . iW 129
0. . B. &Q ISOtf Hock Island. . . . 121
I ) . , L.&W U-Wf St.L. & & . V. . . . 18 >
D.VcK. G 15 ' prefened.10
Erie 0. , II. St , P. . .
prefened. . . . M' ' < f preferred. . 117K
Illinois Central. 185 St. P. & O ! ! < )
1..B.&W. . . . . . . 23' ' ? proreiiea. . . 102k
KansasitToxas. 24Texas I'aclliu. . . 7 %
LakeSlioio 77f } Union P.iulilc. . . 49 #
L.JBN.- . , ! M7V. ( \ . , SL L. it P. . 7tf
Mich. Cenlial. . . . < K1 iirefoned. . . 17
.Mo. PncltiR 10" Western Union C0 >
Northein I'ae. . . Si 'jO. It. & N 06) < f
preteiied. . . .
Chicago , Hay 1'J. Klour Dull and
iiiU'hanKi'd ; winter wheat , S4.40 ; Hoiithuiii ,
S4.03MI.&U ; Wisconsin ! , Sl.fiOWl.TC ; Mlchl-
f'iin Mill biuliii ; wheat , fei.70iKl ; ) ( ; Mlnne-
beta bakerfl. V.l.MXXMpatent \ \ * , fcl.fKX&'i.OO. '
Wheat Opened % v lowei , advanced KC ,
DRaln eased oil ' e. ndvani'ed yf&Jfc , Inen
cased oil , llnally eloslnp ii'e above } t stcrdny ;
cash and May , 74J4C ; June , W T.I c.
Uorn Killed stioiiKcr ; opening at vestci-
day's close , linpio\ed j' Mc. eased o ft' and
llnnlly elosed same as j cbtuuliiy : t-nsh , : ! 5 @
: iOc ; June. iiO' W c ; July , til'jQWfe.
O.its Steady and uuchangcd ; cash , 20c ;
Way,2SJc : .limeSSJfc.
Itye Dull at M ' '
Hai ley Dull at Me.
Timothv-Piime. S1.03.
Flax 1.0M 1.00.
Poik J'uhly active ; gradually declined
12K'ilSc. closing bte.idy at usual limncs ; cash
SH.iW/iW.O.'i / ; May and Jniiu , SH. 00 S.O. .
Lard Weaker : declined BX5B ( and closed
at tlio reduction ; cash , Ma > and Juno , S5.fJ > tf
@ 3.t3. (
Bulk Meats-hhoulders , 84.15 4.25 ; short
cleai.SS. .V-M.b ( ) ; short libs , S5.W-j&r, : ) .
UuttorVealc \ ; creamery , ViXditlOu ; dairy ,
CheeseFull cicam chuddars ,
flats , OKfe'lOn ' ; Young Americas ,
KgK'i 7iJHo. ( „
Hides liieeii , CVfc ; heavy green salted , *
7fc } ; light , 8)/c ; damaged , utfo ; mill Indus , 1
7 fc ; diy halted , 12c ; diy flint , 13@Mo ; call
skins lOSJIJioj denrous fiOu.
Tallow ( Jreasfl. whllo country , A , 4 > Jo ;
B c ; yellow , bJie ; brown Ho.
Itocoli.ts. Shipment' .
Klour. bbls 10,000 UJoo.\ ,
\Vheat.ou 12,000 I'J'J.OOO
L' 111.000 ltw.000 * r.
Oats.bu. . . ,
llye.bu S.OOa 4.00) )
Barley , bu 10,009 I'.OOO '
75 < 4C. Coin Easy ; June , SC c. Othcis uu-
New York. May 10. - Wheat llccolpts ,
23,200 ; exults , t BtWO , ! spot opoiiwl weak
but elosed fatioilier ; ojillons opened weak ,
but declined K'e , later advanced } ( @ % e , cloi-
liltweak with a reaction of k@ o : un-
eruded led. 77(1 10 : No. 2 led , bfi(38ro (
In striio , S7K < ' . t. o. li. ; Junu closlnit nt t ij < c.
( Join Spot sleady nnd quiet ; options lu
actlvo : lecDipts , 103,000 ; uxnorts , 40,000 ; uii-
Riaded , ii7 ( sHc ; > 'o. U , l c ; Juuocloslu } ;
at 40jje.
Oats-Wlillc > / < Wc better ; receipts , so , .
OOJ : oxpoits , JWO : mixed western , 37 5Pc ;
While .Vf.'jtt-Mi , 4'
lVtrtileum--hkiaify ; United closed at OJVc.
Kvc-j-Fhrnviidii : fjlr dcmaudVIMUIU ; ,