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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , THURSDAY CORNING , MAY 20 , 1880. NUMBER 288. The President's Marriage Labor Arbitra tion Pensions Van Wyck and Dorscy. TALKING ABOUT SUBSIDIES. Provisions ofdcn. LoRnn'B lmlor nil ! -Knto oftlic Pension 1)111 XIio Union I'ncdlo inn. The President's Trousseau. "WAsiitNtnox , Mny 10. [ Special Tele gram ] "Best Man" Blsscll had nery lively time ot It when ho was hero last week. Presi dent Cleveland had put off so many things until the last moment that ho nearly ran his "best man" down. One of the first things Blfiscll had to do was to go around and In spect suburban retreats whcto the coming honeymoon could bo spent. Tlio picsldent thought at Hist the Soldiers' homo would bo i good place , but Bissell said "no , " and so it was decided that a summer residence must bo 'lad ' , and "Best Man" Blsscll went and found ( lie. It Is composed of twenty- line ocres , and tlm pilco is ST ! , OUO. iocareltillv did "Best Man" Blsscll tty to .lileld the mcHldcnt In the matter that he has : l\en hlsoxwi name , Wilson Bissell , and Col. Lamont'sas the parties puichasmi ! In the till of sale given when thu S' X ) was /aid to-day to bind the bargain , but this Ill- Jo transaction In real estate is not thu only .hlng Bissell 1ms had to do. Ho had been > usy In New York ptuchaslng the rest of the > resldcnt'8 ttoitsscau. Express wagons , on .he average ot live a day , liavn been coming .ip to thu white house with bundles lor the bildegroom elect , So It linn Kvcr noon. WASIUNOTON , May 19. [ bpcclal Tele gram ] A California- genius named Dr. Phelps , lias presented to congicss nnd thu officials of the tieastny department dcslcns for tjur paper cmrency which aio unlqucaiid which he is trying to have adopted. The purpose of the new designs Is to pievent "laislng" and to enable Ignorant people who cannot icad to icadlly distinguish one bill from another and know its denomination. It Is proposed to make the one , two and live- dollar bills of one color ; the ten , twenty and fitly of another color , and the one , two and live hundred-dollar bills of still another color. Then the first seiles each have a uniform style of lettcilng , nnd have bars on which no the figures and Ictteis telling the denom ination In bitch a way that it Is Tmcossiblo to laiso the face value , and any child or illller- nto poison could icadily learn their value. It has been along ttino since thcio was a change made in tlio general design of the paper or silver cmreneyot the goveinment , and tlicpiescnt style has pioum so satis factory , and people ha\o grown soused to the conventional green and black that any new pioiKHltion will bo consldcicd cau tiously. The bankers and people who handle n great deal of paper omrency and who have toconteud with counterfeiters and the er- tors ol Ignorance have universally endoised the new designs pioposed , but it will icqniie nn act of congicss to atithoiiru a substitution , ind as congicss will baldly legislate on fi nance now theio Is no piospect of a change. After all thowoikln committal's and the Hurry of the lobbyists over land foifcltuies , it comes down to another point of lailmo when an effort Isnmde to foilelt. For many years concu-ss has woikcd up bills and elab orate favoinbleiepoits for foilclting the mil lions of iincai ned lands planted laihoads by the government to aid in their construction , but theio has been nothing tuither done. Some influence has repeatedly woiked to defeat - feat the final consideration of thubills. Thcio are now on the house calendar bills tavoi- ably rcnoited , which propose to foiteit seven ty or eiclity millions of acres of lands , tint . it Is said by those who ought to know that there Is not the least show of their passage. These rcuorts represent the woik ot fifteen good lawycis for months , and the work has been repeated every two yeais dining the past decade. It seems that thoiallioads ha\o the lands and will keep them , whether eained or not. Van AVyck and Anti-Monopoly. NKW Yoiuc , May 19. [ Special Telegiaml Tlio Tribune's Washington dispatch of the political situation In Ncbiaska says : "Mr.Van Wyck's chances of re-election are not considered good , although ho may bo ihoscn to succeed himself in spite of the op position now organUed against him. " This admission , coming fiom a paper which has always opposed Van Wyck , U sig nificant , The special fuither says : "The domociatlc ranks aio divided In Nebraska into fico tradeis and protectlonJRts.tho loim- erledby Staling Moiton , the latter by Dr. .Miller , both ot them friends onto , but now mortal enemy. The republicans , on the other hand , am confronting the anti-monopoly ciy laiscd against the railroads and the pro tection movement , both of which have to tome extent demoiall/ed the unity ot paity action. ANcbiaskiin , with whom 1 talked to-day , eald that St. John was actively al uoik ii > the state now. Hu has addressed a number of meetings alicady , and had piob ably made a still gieatcr number of engage- inputs to speak In the state in tlic com-o ol the coming campaign. Tlio antl-iiioiiopol > question is a less set Ions one piobably in the coming election than that of piohlbition still II will be a factor In the contest. Logan's ArbitrationItlll , WABiu.faxoN. May 19. Senator Logan presented In tlm senate to-day as a sub stitnto for the labor aihltratlon bill , rec.-ntlj passed In the house , a bill piovldlng for tin appointment of n commission of aibltiation of tivo mcmbcis to be appointed by thu presl dent. The commission Is empowered to visit any nlaco whccio contiovcislcs may ailfo nm may take testimony and hear counsel am make Its derision at any place It may think hcM. It siiull luport to congress the lOMilts ot all Investigations If. with nil testimony and o\ciy ac tiun in lelercnco to eachcontio\ersy which comes bcfoio It , It may lequliu tlio Unllei 8 State nmi.-liaN to sei\o process , and sue ) maishals shall lecolvo the same tees as they ii'relvo lor like set vice upon PIOCPSS issued by the United .States commissioners Witnesses shall also iccehe the S.IIIHJ fees as when attending beloro United States com missions , but the cxucnsc of nn > hlnglit aihitratlon shall not cxceec 31,000. The commission shall possess all such powers to administer uaths , as be long to a United States commissioner. It may , upon any serious difference 01 dispute un account of wages , oppicssion or wrongs complained ot by employees or employeis repair to the place whcia such complaints ml so , and mal > e full examination and in vcatigatlonof thu same and lenoit tocon IHCS.I throucli Urn piesident. The Unitei blutes commissioner. In addition to the rustomary oaths of ofll ( , shall , upoi any case being submitted to thorn take oath to falily oud talthtully iieiloim their duties , which oath shall cm brace the declaration that they aru not poi- bonally Inteiested in the subject matter of the contio\eisy , Tlio bill amends the act creating a burcai of labor , so that the bureau shall liercaf toi bo known ns tlm derailment ol labor : and thu commissioner , In addition to duties nowic- quircd of him by law , Is miuhcd to commu nicate wltii > arous ! lallro.uls and traiibnoita- tlon companies and with all other companies engaged In vat Ions Indus tiloi wheio any great number of peisons aioemplojed. and as to a certain number of employes , the manner In whlcl their labor is poiformed and It * character their situations , manner of HUng. facilities for education ot their clilldien , and the iela tlous of labor and capital generally. Also to iimko comparative lists ana statements as to the hours of labor In vaiioui employments character ot labor and compensation there for in various Kuroncau commies and rcporl the result In tabulated and comparative state pients to the secretary of the mteilor , who shall rrport It to congress at each session , the total expenses of tlio pt-ilonnauc : : o such duties shall not exceed 850,000. Tjcar. Commissioners of arbitration shall mid ofilces for tbreo ) cars until remo\cd by ho president for good nnd sufllclcnt cause , v Inch cause shall be reported to tlio senate with nomination of thu successor of any ot hem. A blll'was reported to-day from the housa committee on the electoral count , recom- iiendlni ; a constitutional amendment crcat- ng and defining the olllco of second vice iresldint , holds that In case of removal or In ca eof death or resignation or constitutional disability , both of the picsldont and vice president , the olllce of president shall etc- iolvo on the second co president of the [ Tnltod Slates , who shall bo voted for In dis tinct ballots at the fame lima and In like manner for the same term as the president and vice president by rlectois appointed by ; he several states. In case of ipmoval of the vice president from ofllce , or his death , ics- gnatlon or constitutional ability , or when the vice picsldent eseiclscs tlio olllco of picsl- dent of tint United States , the second vice inesldent shall lie president of the senate and 10 shall also act as suoli In the absence of theca \\ca \ president from the senate , but shall have nooto unless llioscuato be euually divided : inovlded , however , that the senate shall choose a piesident pro tempore In tlio nb- senpoof both vice president and second vlco president , or when the vice president shall i-xerclso tlio olllce ot the president of tlm United States , and the second vice piesident shall be absent fiom the senate or when the second vlcn president shall exercise the olllco of the president of the United Stales. 1T.XSION 1(11.1. ( . The full text ot the pension bill , as passed to-day by the senate , is as follows : Do it enacted , etc. : That every person who Is specified in the sevcial classes of enumer ation in section -I/JO' ! of tlm icvlsed statutes of the United States and amcndmcntstlieieto who nerved In the military or naval seulce , as mentioned In said .section , for a period of thieu months during the war of the rebellion and who has an lionoiahlu discharge theie- tiom , and who Is or shall become disabled from any cause not the tesultof his own fault , and shall be dependent upon his own oxoi Uons for support or upon thccontilbn- tlons of others not legally bound theieto , shall upon making due pioof of the facts uiidor such regulation ns shall or may bo piescilbed by tlio proper authority , bo placed upon the list of pensioners of the United States and bo entitled to iccei\e a pension during thu continuance of such disability and depend ence at a rate portlonato to the degrco of such disability ; and such pension shall com mence at the date of the filing of his applica tion therefor. The highest rate of pension Eranted under this section , which shall bo for total Incapacity to pci- lorm aiiv manual labor , shall bo $24 per month , which is hereby made devisable upon that basis for any less degiee of disability ; piovlded , that no pel son entitled or recelv- 1111 ; Invalid pension under existing laws , or such as may bo heicafter enacted , gianting pensions lor disabilities contracted in the militaiy or naval service of the United States and in the line of duty , greater than that provided for heieln , shall icceho ilic benefits of this act ; but any applicant for such in valid pension may , by declaration oser his own signatute , at any time elect to prosecute his own claim under tlils act or under the general laws , and his pension , when allowed , If piosecutcd under this act , shall commence fiom the date of such elec tion , provided fuither , that no pension paid under any law hereafter shall bii latcd at less than § 14 per month. Sec. 2. That In consideiing claims of dependent patents the fact and cause of such and the fact that the soldiers left no widow orminorchildicn liavingbccn shown , asre- ciulied by law , It shall be noressaiy only to show by competent and sulticicnt evidence that such dependent parent is without present means of com Tollable support , than bis or her own manual labor or the contiibutlons of otheis not leirally bound tor his or her sunpoit. and such as may bo found to be entitled to Si > a mouth under existing laws as modilled by this section , shall lecelve In lieu thcieof S12 n mouth tiom and after tlio appioval of this act. Sec. it. That In all applications under the gcncial pension laws , including this act , wlieie it appears by reeord evidence that the applicant was legulailyonlit ted and mustered into the service , that fact shall be conclusive of .soundness at the time of his enlistment except In the caseof fiaud. Sec. 4. That no poison shall be entitled to more than one pension at the same un der any or all Jaws of the United States , whether such pension shall have been ob tained , or shall heieafler bo obtained , unless tlio net under which such pension is claimed shall specially EO deelaie. The bill now goes to the house for concur rence. FOIlTV-NlNTll OONGHKSS. Somite. WASIIINOTON , Mvv 10. Tlm pension bill was then placed befoio the senate , the ] pending question being that oi Mr. MePhorson to ippommltto the commit tee , with injunctions to submit an estimate of the expenses that would be Inclined by its passage. Mr. MePhersou's motion was rejected , vcas 14. nays 28. Tlio question reouiiod , on Mr. Blah's amendment to Mr. Van Wyek-s amendment to add to tin ; bill a clause piovidliig that r.o soldier under this act should iecei\o a pen sion not less than S8. Mr. Blair's motion to make tlm Dili lead "No pension paid under any law to any sol dier hcicattei shall bo rated at less than 54 a month. Mr. Blair modified his amendment so as to Ineiudo sailors , mariners , etc. Mr. Blah's amendment was agreed to Mr. Logan then imnpd tlio amendment al- icady suggested by him to make the mini mum pension beiealter payable under anv law not less than SO a month. Mr. Logan's amendment wasiojectcd. Yeas U ) , nays31. Th question incurilng on llio amendment of Mr. Van Wyck as amended by that of Mr. Blair. Mr. Ingalls moved to lay It on the table. The motion was agieecl. The amend ment as amended , was then agreed to. Mr. Salisbury olioied an amendment pie vldlng that iio money bo paid on pensions under the pending bill till provision be made by law to meet the necessaiy cxpcndituies by tax on Incomes , specially appliablo for BIICII payment. On the motion of Mr. Blair this was laid on tlm table. 1'ea'J , nays V > . Mr. Logan moved an amendment extendIng - Ing the piovlslonsof the bill so us to cou-r men who bad solved tlnuu months. Ho said ho peisonilly knew many men who had only seivcd tlneo months who wcro as much entitled to pensions as If they had soiml four jours. Tlm amendment was agioed to by a viva voce vote. Mr. Butler then offered as nn amendment a piovislou tor a service pension lor Mexican veterans. To this Mr. Conceroffeicd an amendment excluding peisons under political disability. Mr. Blair , in moving to lay Mr. Butler s amendment on the table , said that the liousi had alieady imsscd UmMuxlean pension bill , which would bo presented in llio senate it duo time. The motion to lay en the table prevailed yeas 25 , nays 17. Mr. Ingalls In suggesting an amendment to stnlco out the woid "laboi" and Insert thu word "oxi'itlons , " ox-presalng a bullof thai without this I'hango teacheis , merchants lawyers and others w hoeai ned a ! l\clllirod bj intellectual nxeitlnn would not ho luitltlrd to aiiv benefit fiom tlio hi ! ! . Mr , Blair accoptci the suggested amendment , and It wasngieei to. to.After further debate the pension bill was passed. Yeas ! ! l , nays It , as follows : Yeas .Mdrlch , Alllfon , , Bowcti , Brown C'onger. Cullom. Frye , George , Gibbon , Ha'u ' Hampton , llairlfon , Hawley. Hoar , Incalls Logan , McMillan , Mabono , Mandeison , Mil ler , Mitchell of Oiecon , Mori III , Pavne Plumb , ItlddlcbPiKPr , Sawyer. Sow ell , h'hrr man , Spoouer , Van Wvck , Voorhees. Wai thall and Wilson of Maryland , S4. ftavs- Bcck , Beiiy , Blackburn. Call , Cockri-li F.ustls , Gorman. Giay , Jones ol AiV'ausas , Mel'lieihon , Morgan , Siulsbuiy , Vest am Whitehorn , 14. The bankruptcy bill was then laid befoie tliescnito , audntter thu Ineffectual attemp of Blddlebeiger tosccuio un executive &es siou , the seiiato adjoin ned. House. WAsmyoTON % Kay 19. . Mr. Weaver , o .Nebraska , from t&c epinmlttco on 'coiumcuo u'ported a bill authorizing the wnisttnotion o n bridge across the .Mississippi at Dubuque Iowa. Mi , VanKatf'n.f ioni the committee en pul'lk lands , loyoUed back senate bill foi i crtaln lands granted to the state of Iowa In lie construction of railroads. Mr. Dibble , from the committee on laws emulating the election of president , reported a joint icsolutlon proposing constitutional mcndment creating and dclinlnc the oftlcc of second vice-president of the United States. Tlio house then went Into committee of the vholu on the senate amendment to the post- olllco appropriation bill , Mr. Mlllard briefly advocated tlio foreign nail scrvico amendment , contending it \ouldliavoabcneflclal effect on American commciec. Mr. Phelps said the amendment and vote ij" which It was adopted In the senate \MTO encouragement to Amci lean shipping. Ho was Ho was proceeding to make a summary of ho vote when ho was Intel runted by Mr , Blotint with the point that It was not hi older to refer to thu action of the sonalo. Mr. Phclps suggested that the gentleman ihotild be proud that eight democratic sena- ors had the com ago to vote for the amend- in-lit. Ho had rend from public prints that eight , democratic senators had voted to gi\o now steamships to American commerce and new ports to Ai.icilcan manufacturers. Thu senate having performed Its duty , the house piescnled to ittlicoppoituulty to pass iiioasuios full of advantages to tlio cotmtiy. What the country needed was new steam ships and foreign maikcts that this measure would glvo them. Thu country wanted its sea coasts defended. This measuio would do It by giving thu country a merchant marine , which was a militia of the seas. This measure was advantageous ami ought to bo passed , and It would bo passed unless the membeis weio filuhteiicd because some gentlemen had called It subsidy. Subsidy was a gift or excessive payment. Mr. Hlscock maintained thattno amend ment was not subsidy when the gen tie- man Insinuated that the lobby was lull of men pushing the senate amendment. He might as well leport that as stioiiK Inllueiiccs were at work emanating fiom thu other side of the ocean to stilkc down Ameiiniti steamship lines , mcasmcd by prices which were paid for cariylng our domestic malison the railioads , steamships and star ionics , the United States would bo paying under this senate amendment theory \ory lowest of compensation. Measured by the lates paid by eveiy European power , ft would bo paying a very small compensation Indeed. It theie was a governmental worthy of support it was contained In this amend ment. Mr. Spilngerfavoicd the policy of compel ling vessels that carried tlm American flag to cuiry the mails ot llio couutiy at a reasonable rate and was against the pioposltlon of voting ing a subsidy into the pockets of Jay Gould , Sidney Dillon and Unsscll Sage. Mr. llolman eainestly opposed the policy of subsidies and contended that that policy would not have the clfcct of building Amcil- cau commerce. Tills closed the geni'ialdo- tiate , and the committee rose and the house adjourned. Telephone InvcHtifjntlon. WASHING ro.v. May 19. When the tele phone Investigating committee met to-day the cliahman produced several telegrams that passed between P/esldont / Cleveland and Van Bontliuyseii , relative to the application to bring a goveinment suit. Van Bcnthuy- sen , In his dispatches of Februaiy 1'J , last , olfeied to furnish a detailed statement of the circumstances attending tlic making of the application , and to correct the mistakes into which tlio attorney general had fallen on that point. Prhate Secretary Lament , the following day , icpllcd that the uicsident had no deslio to express In the matter. KjTho chalnnan stated by authority of the piesident thatthls was all of the conespon- denco which had passed between himself and Van Bcnthuysen. After an hour spent In putting In evidence letters passing between the Pan-Klectrie di rect ots , published in the newspapers , and other documentary evidence , the committee adjouincd until to-moriow. Tlio Next Now State. WASHINGTON , May 19. At a meeting of the house committeeon territories to-day , an Informal agreement was reached that tlio senate bill for the admission of south Dakota as a state should go on the house calendar , adveisely reported , and that the Springer bill , providing an enabling act for the entire tcirltoiy should go on the calendar , was favorably rcpoited. NiiWASKA's : lIKI'ltllSnNTATlVES. Tlio house committee on banking and cur rency instructed the chairman to foimulato a bill adding Omaha. Kansas City , St. Paul and soveial other cities to tlio list ot national bank depositories. The house committee on the Pacific rail- loads to-day lieaid an argument by Van Wyck and Doiwcy in favor of tlio bill to authoii/e the Union Pacific to purchase or lease blanches. The matter was then ic- fencd to tlio snb-committco which had the Pacific lailroad funding bill in chaigc. tlio Union Pacific TJollcf mil. WASHINGTON , May 10. [ Special Tele gram. ] Senator Van Wyck , KcDiesentntlvo Dorseyand representatives of the Omaha board of tiado made aiguincnts to-day bcforo the house committee on Pacific railroads in suppoitof the bill atitlioiUIng the Union Pa cific to purchase or lease bianch lines. The arguments had a favoiablo impiession upon the committee , and the bill was lefcired to the sub-committco that iccently considered the Pacific funding bill. Hunting the Apache. WASHINGTON , May 10. The following tclegiam was received at tlio war dopaitmcnt fiom Gen. Miles , dated Fort ILiachuca , Ari/ . May 17 , tliionuli General Howard at San Francisco : "Cant , llatflold recovered all except two ot the IIOISPS that stamneded dur ing the light on the 15th , and has been diiect- cdtoauain begin uinsiilt. My address will bo at this place until tlio movement of the Indians are more fully developed. A New Postmaster. WASIII.NOTON. May 19. Tlio picsldent sent the following nomination to the senate to day : .lames II. Moian , jr. , to bo postmaster atWankegan , Ills. Prcllor's niiirdcror on Trial. ST. Louis , May 19. H. M. BIOOICS , alias Maxwell , on trial toiitho minder of C. Arthur Prellur , was brought Into the criminal court this morning. He professes gicat relief at having been allowed to make a true state ment of tlio manner in which Prollcr caum to Ills death , and tccls confident that public opinion has aheady acquitted him of Inten tional cii ! > 'e. All tlio witnesses for the state were piesent in a body and kept under stiict surveillance by the sheriff. L. K. Hunt , piosent ctetlc of the Southern hotel , was the fust witness of the morning , and his examination and cross examination consumed tlio greater part of the moining. Ho testified hoas cashier of the hotel at the time of the murder. Ho Identified the pris oner as the man who in Apt II , IbSS , icgister- i-d as "W. H. Lenox Maxwell , M. D. " Iden tified a photograph as that of C. Arthur Plotter , w ho arrived at tlio hou oApi II ! ) . His testimony w as a lopctitlon of the facts so w rll known oi the intimacy of the two English men , Maxwell's apparent want ol money , tlio dlsappe.uanrc of Piellei , the depaituro of liiooks lor San Fiauclsco and the discoy- ciy ol the body in thotiunk , Duilni : tlio cross-examination the witness admitted ho had no means ot knowing that the man who leglbtcicdasl'iellcrdldnotrojisterthatnamo us an alias ; had pone to the mortnio alter Piellei s body had been placed there , but could not Identify it ; could not e\cn fitutu positively that the remains weio those of n human being. Two potters employed at tlio Southern hotel , identified the bngga'go found In the rooms of the two men as belonging to Max well and Preller , and testified as to * Brooks' great deslro to become closely intlnmto with Pieller , Tlio U\o men seemed a 1vas 1 on the best of teims. Mr , Warren , of Worcester , Mass. , testified to seeing them introduced to eacli other on bouul of the steamer Copha- lonia , and they seemed to bo veiy intimate. The court at 1 adjourned for one hour. American Schooners. nic , May 19-TJio Herald's Hali fax Special says : ' ! i Is reported the seizure. of another schooner was made In the Day of Fundy Yesterday by the steamer I.onsdownr , but no relUblc. intonuatlon has yet been iccchcd. NEBRASKA AND" IOWA NEWS , The Brown Impcaqhaant Trial Started Hourihaa atcl Tuffiold , JIM REYNOLDS' ' WILL SWING. A "Grand lUnlT by Councilman Iiccder Fire In Dos Alolncs Burled While KxcavntlnR In Ucnfrlcc. Brown Impeachment Case. DKS MOINKS Maylo. tSpoclarrelograin.J The opening of the Impeachment lilnl to day was quiet , tame mid uninteresting , Thpro was nothing of a dramatic character attending it , and comparatl\cly low vlsltois. As far as the preliminary proceedings were concerned theio was no Indication of any special advantage for cither side. To-mor- low will bo more pioncrly the opening day , as the opening argument on the part of the state will probably bo begun then by Colonel J. II. Keatlcyof thoboaid of man agers. The counsel for the say tlioy will walvo the rcscived right wlilcli they feel they have to except to the jurisdiction of the senate. They say they reserved that right In their answer , BO that this case might not bo taken as nn adverse precedent when the question of jmlsdlctUm was raided In any other Impeachment trials , but they think they uro wllllinr to go to trial with the case ns ft Is. Thi'v say that their principal line of do- fcnso will bo to show that other state otllccis have allowed the same irrcgulailtles ns Brown has. "For this purpose , " said one. of the counsel , "wo propose to put the olllccrs on trial. " The general sentiment of tlm senators seems to be , however , that they will consent to no such proceeding. They say they will have to waste enough tlmo in try ing Brown without Investigating other offi cials \sho have not been accused. It seems to bo the general opinion that the trial wilt last at least six weeks , as there are thirty counts to tht ) Indictment and ton distinct subjects , on each one of which ho must bo tiled independent of the others. iMtocKr.niNGB opiNin. : : Dis MOINKS , May 10. The Urown lin- pcnchmcnt trial began In the senate chamber of the new capltol at 2 p. in. 1'iesldont Hull presided and all the senators were present except Knight , of Dubuntio ; llcndri. of Mills and Keinicer , of Floyd. The scigeant-atr arms pioclalmcd the opening of the court , and Brown , accompanied by Ills counsel C. C. Nourse , of DCS Molncs : J. C. 13111s , of Dav enport ; F. W. Lehman , of Des Molnes , and K S. Houston , ol Buillngton. entered the chamber and took scats at one side. The r committee on rules of pro cedure reported through Senator Konlnson , and neaily all of their1 reports weio adopted , two rules iielngleft over'for luitlici consid eration. Theiulcsln general are substan tially those used In the trial of Andrew Johnson. The senate In this case , however. 10- scrves all right to pass upon the admisslbillty ot evidence. It also adopts the oidlnnry term of piocedme in lofra comtsof n.coid , as they are applicable in tills case. The sessions ot the court are iixed at pres ent from 0 till 13 a. in. nnd liom 2. to r . p. in. After adopting rules' and appointing a committee to arr.ingctho chamber to suit the con venlcnco of the court the senate adjourned till to-morrow at 0 a. in. Lincoln "Wins. LINCOLN , Neb. , J Iay 19. [ Special Tele gram. | The much-talked-about twenty-live mile loot race between Ilourllian , or Omaha , and Tufllcld , of Lincoln , for a stake of § 200 , came off at the Diivlhg park to-day In the presence of a small audience. Tullleld was in line condition , having been in training for three weeks , while Houlihan was soft from want of work , ana it was a foigone con clusion before the word was given that-thc race , bailing accident , would bo won by the foimcr. The match , as Is well-known , gicw out of the quarrel between the Thuis- ton and Fltzgciald lioso teams , the men being picked as the best long distance runners in the respective companies and capable of doing uattlo for locality supiemacy. Councilman Leader , the backer of Ilourllian , explained belore the Ftart that ho had been caught on the bet In making a bluff , and that lie did think his man could give Tuflield two miles and beat him , as the agicement called for. It a match on even teims was deslicd , however , Leeder .said ho would match Houlihan against Tut- hcldforSSO. After a little talk the men got the word and went oil at a lively gait , Ilou rllian leadinc. His tactics were to run Tnlllclcl down In the first ten miles , and ho made the pace a hot one. The Hist live miles were run in 20 minutes and 21 seconds , Houlihan be ing a halt mile In the lead. At the ten milo maik which he passed in fi8 minutes and 45 seconds , Ilourllian had Increased his lead tea a full mile. Fiom want ot training the iapd ! gait told on him more seveiely than it did on Tullleld , and the latter from that J hue on began to gain. When seventeen miles were scored Houlihan sei'lng that ho had no chance to make up the two miles handicap In tlio icmaliiing eight gave up the stmgcle , and the stakes wcro awarded to Tufllcld. Stiango to say the lace was HIM on the srjuaio , and , so tar as it went , ga\o satisfaction to all who saw it. Houlihan established the fact that ho has most speed tor any distance tij ) to ten miles , but Tullleld's lasting poweis woio too much for him. J. A. Austin , Uran Knslgn and John Iloyo olllulated as Judges. Fiank Howaid was refeice. and Clmiles Miller was stakeholder. The ofll- cial time for the seventeen miles was 2 hours and 47 minutes. There was no bet ting to speak of. ' HAD HALT. 1'LA.VINn. What was undoubtedly the most slovenly anil poorly Iplayed game of ball over seen In the west c.imo oil ycsteiday atternoon be tween the Lincoln and Topeka teams , the latter winning by a score oi 13 to 9. The game Is unwoithy of comment. Thoscoie : Topeka 0 2 0 0 1 0 a 2 0-111 Lincoln 0 00350100 0 Jim Will Swine. SiDxnv , Neb. , May 10 , [ Special Telo- gramj The court opened piomptly at 0 o'clock , Judge Hamer piesldlng. Ills honor stated the object of the session and appointed General Moirow , Judge's Heist and Moirell and William 0. Hiley to defend the case. The state was represented by II. M. .Sinclair , district attorney , Tl 'pilsoncr , Kcynolds , was brought to court by thoshoiifl and a dep uty. A Jury was impannf led. The lirst w It- ness called WAS Sheriff Uubank , who testified that ho thought IJoyiiQlils sane ; yet Ills con tinued muteness madci ijlm feel that a higher an t hoi it y should bo consulted : thus , his visit to Lincoln with Judgq/IIamer. Ho offered other Important testimony. The next wit ness was cx-Sherllf S. 6 , Fowler , whoso tes timony was very uiatpilnl. Dr. Mathewson was next examined.nnd * nld that ho visited the jail yesterday and this morning. Hoy- nolds refused to talk. Tiio doctor put him under the inlluenco of chloroform yestciday and to-day administered ether , after which ho giew quite gairolous , spoke about the crime , and talked other matteis for overall hour. lie made no resistance to taking med icine , Dr. Mathewson said positively that in hie opinion Reynolds was sane. Dr. J. O. Carter next took tlio st-incl and testified that no accompanied Dr. Mathowson and icjated tlio same as the previous witness. His piofesslonal opinion was that Kuy- nolds was jamming. Ho considered him sane. Birjilant arguments were madn by General Morrow. Judges Heist , Noweli and 11. M. Sinclair. The lattcr's speech was loudly applauded. Judire Homer dellveiec : the charge. At 7 o'clock lo-niKUt the Jur\ retuinod. At this hour , 10JO ; ! , they arp till out. Ills understood they stanu ten in fa\or of sanity and two opposed. In all piobabllitj Reynolds will be executed Friday. The jury In thoifcjjiiolds'cubo ictunicd a verdict of sanity. The \nrdlct gives general satisfaction. General Morrow will ask Gov ernor Dawos for executive clemency nnd a respite ot Kcynolds for three weeks. A FIB13 BUG'S FAKE. Two Dwelling Houses Destroyed by Fire In Iilncnln. LINCOLN , May 10. Two dwelling houses at ho corner of Thirteenth and G streets , the iroperty of 11. E. Noble , the photographer , were destroyed by llro about 8 o'clock this nornlng. The loss on the buildings and furniture Is sr.rxw , fully covered by Insur ance. A man named II. Waltheis , who was none ot the houses at the tlmo of the lire , nmped from a second story window , rccclv- ng serious Injuries. Itu Is suspected of In cendiarism. Ho claims to UP a detective and 'ays that o\crheiilui a plot jcstcutayto mm one of the nouses , a ncwstiuctuio , lie w cut thcio to watch , lie fell asleep and did not awake until too late to escape by thu stairs. As this Is the thiid ( ho on N Ohio's iiropcity within six months , Walthcrs * story is constdcied rather thin. Burled AYhllo Kxonvntlti'i. DiiATiitcK , Nob. , May 29. [ Special Tele- gram.J This aftcinoon , while worklngmen were excavating for gas mains , ( ! co. Smith , a workman , was completely hurried by the caving in of a tionch. Hu was taken out conscious , but Injuied Internally. While ho Is badly hint , ho will piobably reco\cr. The State Dental association held an In teresting session to-day with a discussion on mechanical dentistry , replanting , ululating , etc. . In which Dis. Koscinan of Ficmont , S. H. King. H. A. Woodhury of Council Bluffs , A. II. Thnmpsmi of Topeka , A. A , Nason of Omaha , nnd Dr. Chadduck of Ne- tuaska City , took part. This afteinoon the visiting members wcro shown about the city In carriages by piomlncnt citizens. Plenty or Insurance. Dis : MOINKS , Iowa , May 10. [ Special Tcle- ? ram.J A llro this morning bioko out over llio hardware store of Dawson , Garner it Miller , Walnut and Seventh sheets , burning out the second and third stories of the build- Ine and damaging to some extent the hard- vraio stock. Tholoss Is estimated at 510,000. The following insuianco was carried on the building : . /Etna , § 2,030 ; Hnmbnrg Bromer , 82,000 ; Liverpool , London and Globe , 34,000. On stock : Northwestern. § 2.0DO ; Flicman's of San Francisco , S2.00J : Washington of Boston , 82.000 ; llawkeje , DesNotnes , S2.000 ; Phoenix , § 2,000 ; State of Kcoktik , 52,000. Io\va Doctors. Dns MOINI : , May 19. The thirty-fourth annual convention ot the state medical socie ty began In this city to-day , with an attend ance of about 150 doctois. Tlio annual ad- diess was delivered by the picsldent , D. W. Crousc , of Wateiloo , which was followed by scveial papeis on technical topics. Archbishop Tnsohcruau'a Elevation. QuniiKC , May 10. Olllcial announcement was received last night Irom Homo confirm ing Aichblshop Taschcreau's election to a caidfnalate. The news was received with delight by the Catholics of Quebec , who gave vent to their feelings by illuminating and decorating their residences , displaying bunting and holding special services in the various Itoman Catholic churches. During the evening tlio Pontiliclal zouaves called upon his eminence and picsentod him with an addicss of congratulation. Pyiotcchnlc displays weie given by different citizens. The beretta is not expected to arrive until Juno 10th , when the festivities will take place. ' Cardinal Taschereau s'ent out a circu lar letter pioimilgatlng the decision or Tope Leo Xlll forbidding the use of all sijiiitous liquoisat bazaars , also foiblddlng holding bazaars on the Babbath. Four Ijlves Lost in a Fire. AKIION , O. , May 10. A disastrous liiooc- cuned hero this morning , in which tour lives wcio lost and a number ol' others injuied. LATIIS : The home ot Mis. Mary Mooney , widow , about tlneo miles noith ot Akion , was burned to the ground shortly betoie midnight , and lour ot Mis. Mooney's chil- dien perished in the Humes. Mrs. Mooncy awoke in the night choking with smoke and snatehlng the two vear old baby told the other little ones to follow her. She fspiang out of a window with the babe , landing un hurt. Mrs. Mooney and her brother-in-law , Lawiciico Mooney , rushed Into the house to rescue the cliiklien but weio beaten back by the Hamcs. Mr. Mooney was tci ribly burned , the tlesli hanging in shreds on his hands. It took but a few minutes longer for the llmnes to consume the little building and this moin- Ing the charred bits ot llcsh and larger hones of the four little ones weie found in the ruins. Moonoy's Injuries may prove latal. Mrs. Mooney and two grown daughters aio wild with gilef. The llio caught Irom an over-hcateci stove. A Doincstio Tragedy. SALT LAKI : , May 19 , Last niulit John A. Flowers shot his wife in the side , his mother- in-law , Mis. Decker , in the abdomen , and in the scufllo , wlillo trying to shoot Lcstci Decker , ills wife's biothcr , Miot himself in the head , dylnir instantly. Mrs. Decker dlcii to-day. Mrs. FJowcis is latallv injured , and is not expected to live until to-morrow. Flowcisand his wlte had separated , but ho visited her last night at her mothers , and on her icfusal to go homo with him the shoot ing began. Sharp Competition In Kn'jlnml. ( LONDON , May 18 : AVard & 1'ayne , of Sheflleld , one of the laigcst firms of edge tool makers in Kngland , iccently announced Uioy would bo compelled to make a reduction in the \\aires of their employes in older to compete successfully with Ciciman manutact- ureiH. The woikman refused to submit tea a [ eduction of their pay and the linn now tlneatens to employ Geiman woikmcn in their stead. The employeis aiogieatly ex cited over the proposed change. Iliumln/ / ; Down the AnnrclilstH. ST. Louis , May 19. At a meeting of the police board yesterday , a resolution was adopted instincting tlm chief of pollco to dlsucrso all unlawtnl asscmhiages of nnaicli- Ists In which reslstenco of law Is ait\ocated and aiicst any and all violators ol law by utteiing Inccndlaiy speeches or Inciting to riot. Qunrrcln. LOM > OX , May 19. Dispatches received f loin Cai > o Coast Castle , tlio capital of the Gold coast , -\\est Africa , say that a conflict is proceeding between the liccnuahs and Adansys , two native tribes , and that In con sequence the toads are blocked and all trade with the Intel lor Is tcmpoiarily stopped. The Uccijuahs icccntly captured lorty-livo ( ier- man tinders and icllled them all by the most tcnlblo tortures and mutilations. Above Llalillltlai. CHICAOO , May 10. Tiio John H. Jeffrey Printing company confessed judgment in the superior court today amounting to SIO OOO. Tneci editors are all Clilc.tio naitles , Mr. Jeffrey says thcioaio no other debts and that the business Is in good condition. The as sets are estimated at 8237,000 , The trouble Is said to have resulted from a number ot stockholder demanding their simics betaken taken up. 'llio Cyclono's Lust Kick. DLACHKOOT , Idaho , May 19. A Tiibuno special says : A cj clone struck this place this afternoon entirely demolishing the "Union Pacllio round houso. Tlicio wcro aoout tlmlj-tnen iualjlo at the time , who fled to the jilts , baicly escapiiig. Several weio InjuieiL _ Taxing Telephone Ooiupnnlos. , UOSTON , May 11" " . Tlio senate jcs-teidaj passed a bill lalslng the tax of telephone companies Irom 5 0,000 to 8250,000. Nebraska U'cnthnr. ' For Nebraska : Fair weather' , no decided change In tcmneiatuic. ' , fc' T1MIJ. _ fho FIslicrincH AVnrrlnc nnd the Gov- criiincnt Consldcrltifj. roiiTi.ANi ) , Me. , May 10.Tlio excitement icro over the seizure of the schooner Klla M. Dougherty by the Canadian authorities Is In creasing , as la the feeling that the govern- nont Is strangely silent , A. It. Whltten , secretary of the fish exchange , said to-day hat resolutions In favor of aiming our ves sels \\lll be adopted at the meeting of the ex change. "Had I been In Captain Doughty'a place with twelve good men at my back that one ofllcer would never have taken my vessel. I should have said to him : 'Get off , or I will ock von with me. ' 'The government I1 ? do- MR nothing for \\einustsavo : ourselves , and wo shall do It. " Another prominent owner said wo shall stand for our lights and If the government will not protect us we will protect ouiselves. Had Captain Douchty's men been aimed a capture would never have been nade. When Cantain Doughty goes to sea again ho will carry a cannon and small aims. Atnfullv roptoscnted meeting ) f the Fish exchange tlili afternoon the fol lowing lesolutlons wcio adopted : Whorqas , Tlm Canadian government have aeiml American llshlng vessels , and , as wo Jellcvc unlawfully , whereby the Hag of our country has been Intuited. Theielore , ho it Kesohed , That in the sense of the Port land fishing cNrhaiicn the president should liy proclamation decline uon-intoicouisc with the dominion of Canada In all matters per taining to fisheries. Resolved. That whereas , the Canadian gov ernment has lifted out armed vessels , theie- foie.o ask oui RO\ eminent to send armed cruisers Into Canadian waters to piotcct our vessels. Resolved , That wo oppose and piotest against any appointment ot any commission to treat with Gieat Britain In lecard to lishiTles. Resolved , That we call upon congiess to t.iko Hiicli action as will protect us In our rights as American citl/ens from the sci/.iue ot our pioporty while In the act of trade , by the colonial goveinment , and demand an Immediate iclcaso of the vessels under seizure. Resolved , That whereas our government has Issued papeis granting permission to our vessels to tiado in foielgn poits , and whcieas the vessels holding such penults have been sclmlo ask our government to protect all Ameilcan N easels in colonial ports against Illegal scmue. Itesoived , That if our government icfuscs to send immediately armed vcsseK to protect our vessels , vo deem it expedient to aim and equip our vessels for their pi election. Medics In Session. HI.OOMINOION , 111. , May 10. The second day of the State Medical association was very interesting and lanrcly attended. The tol- lowlng aio the olllccrs and committees chosen : President , W. T. Kirk , Atlanta ; first vice president , E. Wengcr Oilman ; second vtco resident , W. 0. Knslgu , Rutland ; pcim.ui- cntsccietary , D. W. Giaham , Chicago ; urer , Dr. Hay , Chlcaso ; assistant secietary , Henry J. Reynolds , Chicago. Chicago will 1)0 the next place of meeting. The following is thu committee of arrange ments : K. Ingalls , Ktheildge , Siaikwoather , Foster and Lilly , all of Chicago. Standing Committee on the Practice of Medicine Dr. Urower , Chlciuro ; A. K. Vanhorn , Jersey ville ; P. 11. Oylcr , Mount Pulaskl. Surcerv Dr. H. K. Stcelc , Chicago ; C. Goodbrake , Clinton ; B. F. Crummer , of Wancn. . Obstetilcs K. A. Incei.MilI , Canton ; Dr. Hadway , Joi&cyvillo ; W. H. Cambear , Mor ton. * * * Gynacology O. B.Well , Pooila ; . ! . if. Armstiong , dwaids\iltc ; Cuthcrlne Miller , Lincoln. Diugs and Medicines J. ( J Tojmrr , Klgln ; T. M. Culiinoio , Concoid ; M. J. Mcigler , Chicago. Ophthalmology and Ololegy J. Jones , A. E. Prince , Jacksonville ; C. rt. Parko , Bloom- incton. Neciology Ingalls , Cliicago ; William Hill , liloomlncton ; G. W. Cox. CKxjtou. I'ublicatlon-J. F. Todd , Chicago. Dise.iscs'ot the Throat and Nose B. T. In- g.ills , Chicago. Deimotologj Henry J. Hcynolds , Chi- caso. Diseases of Chlldieu F. W. Jones , Dan ville ; i : . J. Shipp , Veterabuig. Phvsiology A. Wetmore.Vatcilon. . Judicial Committee C. C. Hunt , Dixon ; A. T. Uarnes , Bloomlngton ; L. G. Thomp son , Macon , Medical and Sanitary Legislation R. M. Grllhth , Spiingllpld ; J. T. White , Bloomington - ton ; W ! A. Haskell , Alton ; A. B. Stioug , Chicago. Blogianhical-Hollhtcr , Chicago ; K. 1' . Cook , Mcnduta ; Ingalls. Chicago ; Jones , D.inville ; lialler , Vaiutalfa ; Wonell , Bloom- IngtonA. M. 1'owell , Hobcrt Boal , Prorhi ; Guthrlc , of Sparta. The Inrmablu Insane A. T\ Barnes , of Bloomlngton. The annual meeting will be hold , in accoul- anco with tlio constitution , on the thiid Tuesday in May. At C.30 the association decided to ad join n sine die. An KnterpriNliiK Koncl. CHICAOO , May 10. On tlio coming May SO the Buillngton , Cedar Uapids & North ern load will , it announces to-day , change the time of the tialu that now leaves Bur lington , Iowa , at 7 n. m. The departure will bo at 8:15 : a. m. so as to connect with Buillngton'b fast mall , which leaves Chicago at 3 n. in. This will lulng the Chicago moining papeis into the towns on the line between iiiiillngton and Cedar Falls , via Iowa City , iioni slto seven hourncailler than at present , ( inneral freight agents of lines intonated in trufllc through Iowa , Dakota ami Minnesota held another meeting to dav , and made an attempt to put thopioposed Dos Molncs lumber pool Into opciation. As a losult ol ( hi ) proceedings Commissioner Caiman was Instructed to go to St. Louis , if possible Induce the \Vabash olllciais to ncenpt loss pniccntigo than IB , as llio load only can led 2 per emit of the ton- natrofiomJunuaiyliobuplumbprfiOhi-tycar. Meanv.hlle , the pool will itmialn in opcia- tlon. NouAT.r.fl , ArU. | May 19. 'I'wo sons of Ciipt.iin Andiade , while on their wav to tlio Agna Xiira rnnrli , their home , fiom here , were iniiidoied yesleiday by Indians , seven miles south of here. TJirco lioiges beailng bloody saddles ran Into Pjanche do Plattn this moining. Tlm same horses had passed an lioiu bcfoio , bear ing t\vo men named .Sullivan and Moore and a eoinler riding toward Nogalcs , tiylng to ovoitako them. All of them me. be lieved to have been Killed by Apaches Oscar Dai win and partner , mining near here , ant also it'porloil nuiuleied. ( Japt.iln Lawton Is In cln . ( tpuistilt. The Indians have a mini- tier wounded in tlm lluacomin mountains mid I/.i\\ton , it is expected , will oseihaul them thcio. IJdcotlo Dnolors. SpiiiNornr.i > , 111. , May 19. Tliu Illinois State IJcitwtlc Medical society Is holding Its eighteenth annual coiucntlon hero. Gov ernor Ojfh'sby dell voted tlio address of wel come to thu mcmboiri to-day , and then the piesHlent read tlio annual add less , which was followed by the iradlng of numbers of otheitf. A Bankrupt JJotirrl of Trade. Bos'ioN , May IP. Tlio Boston boaid of trade ( lied n petition In insolvency. Liabili ties Qggiogato S11.2.JO ; assets , 10,40 ? . An clloit will piobably bo made to tettlotho mat ter outside the court. Tallorn on Strike. I'JTXbiiur.o , May 19.Tlm tallois ! n all tlio r taMlshtiYrUio. : : Ihocltyaruotit today for anad\diicoin wajfca.-About JCO men aio idle. , Not Jnsl Vet. , ay 1U. Tlio report about the Etcanier La'usJumie Iiavjnjr seUtd a liv'-'ir Wlndiufl.ic s coii.iu4liou. ; . CHICAGO LABOR INTERESTS , 1 Nearly All the Lumbermen at Work on thfl ? Old Terms. GRAND JURIES IN SESSION , A Wisconsin Judge Advises ttio Grand Jury to Investigate the Nature of Labor S < > ulotlc Hclleotlons on the llluht Hour System. TlallrnadlnK the Annrchtsts. CHICAOO , May 19. [ Special Telegram. ] The grand jury began work on tlio ilot cases promptly at 10 o'clocu tills morning. All the witnesses who lm\o testified bcforo the sov- rial Inquests on the dead \lctlms wcio pres ent , and their testimony will bo taken and considered 111st. Shoithatid reports of their statements will bo laid bcfoio the jury as collateral evidence. Other witnesses , whoso testimony will bcai illicitly on the cases ot Spies , Schwab , Flclden and Louis Llngg will then bo heard and findings In these cases made up. After this the It.sser iascal , who are charged only with i lot , of whom thcio are some fifteen or twenty , will iccel\eat tention. The stale's attoinoy seems to feel \cry confident that ho can make n veiy strong case against the aich otfoudeis. NO noMiis I'ltonucnn. As far as could bo ascertained none of the bombs or other Instruments of destination found In tlic ofllco of the Arbcltcr Xeitung weio brought befoio the jury. M. M. Thomson , thu gioccr , who has made statements concern I in ; tlm mysterious con versation which ho alleges ho overheard be tween Spies and Schwab in the alleyway near the spot where the bomb was thrown , hovered-around the precincts of thojuiy room this moming mil was not called to tes tify. It Is piobablo that his evidence will not bo taken till to-morrow. A number ot repoiters also testified. NOT MUOH nirrr.nnxcR. Packets are far liom pleased with the clght-hour-dayexpeiiment , A movement is on foot to rcstoio ttio oiiginal order of things. This will result In a compiomlse , it Is thought , granting the men ten horns' pay foe nine hours' woik. Employes say there Is very little dllleicnco in tlio output now and when the men worked ten houis. "The foico. " said one ot them , "has not been perceptibly Increased , but men woik hauler and they are fresher nnd have mete heai t In what tlioy do. Ills tine wages aio as good peihuus bettci than paid tor simi lar work elsewheie , but thcio aio huudieds who go to thoyaidso\eiy moining , perhaps Irom quite a distance , lunch pall in hand , who don't know whether they will find em ployment or not. Hosts of them get but from two to fem davs' employment in a week. 1 don't believe the men in the packing houses will avorajro over 810 per wecK. Olio of the main objects of the eight-hour day , " ho con tinued , "was to cieate employment for the ldln labor. This seems to have failed at the yawls. Theie appeals to bo as many idle and short time men now as thcio weie bcfoio the movement. " AVe Hoard This Boforo. CHICAGO , May 19.Special [ Telogiam.J When the noon whistles sounded to-day sev- cial tliousand men inshcd fiom the lumber district across Twenty-second street. They weio a hungry but happy looking ciowd. The slilko Is at an end. csteiday afternoon the workmen showed signs of weakening , and a few resumed woik. The great tinning point came this morning. The 150 police wcio on hand at 7 a. in. but they soon saw they were not needed. Workmen in ciowds found their way to the yards , whcio the pioniictom soon set thorn to woik. Few questions were asked , and voiy little was said about tlmo or wages. The men will work ten boms and receive tlm same wages as when they stiitcle on the 1st of May. Wages will bo uniform : Common laborers , 81.MJ ; sorts , 81.75 ; tails- men , S2.00. Slioitly after 8 o'clock it was ills- coveicd that over 00 per cent of the entile lumber handling force were in their places at woik and no disturbeis on tlio scent : . All the police olllccis except those ot Captain O'Donnell , Horn Twelfth stiect and lllnman stations \ veioicllcved fiom. cimiddnty on Twenty-second street. The forenoon was spent In the yauls and plaln- inir mills and box- factories in a great icvoal ol business. Vessels weie lightened of their loads and left the docks. Heavily loaded , wagons weio liuirled thiough the jauls and acioss the stieels. Thosmoko ponied from uvciy hugh chimney in sight and blasts oC steam pipes , the biuol hundieds of saws and the general whin ami noise of machlnciy all pioclalmcd thostilke ended. rV Klerco Charge. , May 10. Judge Mallory to day , In lilschaigo to the giand juiy dinwn to coiisidei the cases against llio paitlclp-uita 1 in the recent labor i lots hcie , dcllvoicd qulto I a long tiddiess on the subject of strikes , boycotts - ' cotts nnd i lots , lie aiithoii/rd the juiy to , Investigate the natuio of labor oiganl/attoiii1 , and said tlio oath which binds ofltceis or , ' nipiubeisto icsoit to violence or other unlawful - lawful means tor the accomplishment of the puipnsesnf the. oiganlyatlnn. lendeted such oigani/.alloii unlawful and liable lo Indict ment. Tlio judge icfeiied to tlio vicious char acter of many immlgiaiith whoso pernicious doclilncs poisoned the minds of a largo niim- bcr of once contented and piospcious labor ing people to an alaimlng extent. Our people , ho said , had toleiatcd the iccklcss and cilmlnal conduct of the nnaiclilstu anil demagogues qulto too long. f Itctnrnfiic to Hio Ton-Hour Plan Sr. Louis , Mo. , May 19 , The luinlturo maiiufactiulng companies of this city who on llio ( list ot May adopted the eight-hour system to glvo itu fair trial to sea It It was found the business could bo conducted piolilahly on that plan , Alicia dial , It. wan lesohed to letnrii to tlm old plan of ton hours altei the -Oth instant. They will lock out all employes who should infuse to woilc on that plan. Tlio fill iking employes on the .Southern Baib Wlio company , on a piomlsu to make up dining the week all time lor > t by the strike , wcvo taknn back and the company iijsnmcd opuatlons. A Ktfiko Declared Off CiLMiiiiu\Ni : ) , Md. , May 19. At the meet- Inc of tlm delegates of all coal mines in the Ciimbciliiiul re ion , held yesteidav at Lena * coning , the "tilkii was declined off , and the moil communco woik at once. CmrAdo , May 10. The stilke In FoiithweMPin lumber dlstilct has appai collapsed. All yards aio woiklng to-day with all the men whom they can pi o vide wdiktnr. All nlanfng mills Inn a icounied , and imilal woikfng ostiihllshmenlB luport In- cicasc'l Joites ol men at WOIK to-day , Tlio only faetoiies now Idle aiu the furiilluio shops and pe\oiat ot them succeeded In 10- ul htimlng on the tnn-houm plan. jt\ Tlm lUirlliiRton Jlonto Annual. CHICAGO , May 10. At the annual meeting ot the Chicago , jJuillnglon & Qulncy rail way , held liei to day , the follow Ing tllit-etors weic- elected : John M. i'oiucs. Charles J , Paino. F.dwh.-d Banes , FranclR W. Hunne- well. Pctci Yeddes , Sidney llaitlett , John 0 , Gaidncr , T. JelTnrsoii Coolildire , John N. A. Giiswold , Wilt Dexter and Charles E. I'cr- kins. Howling Oi.uvr.i.A vi > . May IS. For ten days past a , giottpnf Geiman anarciilsts have brt'ii liold i Ing iuectiiiL'3 on 'ho ' west t > Uo and calling oif iici.sons of their stilpe to aim with guns end bombs , To diy Mayor ( J.V. \ . Gaidnor Issued a proclamation foiblddltig such mcetlncs. The iioluo will dlnppise all such ciowut lien-aftci ind tiuust the leaders II nccc'sttiyi. Conspiracy Nipped. Spni , * r' v 19. A conspiracy against tlio lltos of I'llnc" Aii atider nnd Kait\ulof. ! Minister , lu * been UlNmcrctl beie. .