I THE OMA&A DAILY BB& WEDNESDAY , MAY 19 , 1886. SPECIAL NOTICES "Advertisements under thshoni 10 concspor I no for the first lti < ortlon 3 cents for cnoh inbsequent insertionnml tl.SC ft line pormonth. Noadwrll c'mcnttaXrn for lc < u thnn Si cents forthoflr tl < i orlton Bovon words willl > o ooun ted to the line ; they must run oonsooutlroly end mtistbo p-Md In mlranoe. All advortlso- tnonls must bohnndod In boforoS o'clock p. m. niul under no circumstances will they bo tai- en or discontinued by telephone. Fartleaadrertlslntr In the , o columns nn1 hur- Inptho answers nddrosiod racnro of TUB HKB , wlllplcnso nflk for chock to enable thorn to got thclrlcltern , ngnnno will bo delivered except on proltntntlon of c'nook , All rniiwort to ndvor- tlsemints shouldbo enolosc < l In envelopes. TO tOAW-MOHEY. TO LOAN nt rpn onnblo rntos on MONKV , itirnitiiro , wntihrs and other per- Monnl property , C. .1. CnfWfll , lloom I ! ) . Iron llnnl : building , 12th mid Fnrnntn. Tuko clotntor. 701 rpo LOAN Sovcrnl then nnd dolln.ru nt nlow JL rntu of interest on good ronl estnto security. 8. I.olinmnn , 1108 Knrnmn si. 759 LOAN Un chattels of nny de scription , In suras of $10 and jupwnrd. itt lower rnirs tlinn nny whpro else in tlioclty. Uty tonn .V Mortgage Co . room 15,1404 Fnrnnm si , opposite 1'nxton hotel. 073 innonnto Innnon city residence property $ Gco. W.Dny , 14C3 Fnrnnm. 039 To lonn on improved fnrmior rosl MONKY lots , on ono ypnr'Rt line. Homo Tire Insurance Co. , 1511 Douglas SU 153 TOR CUNT Money to lonn. Btewnrt A Oo. , 6 Itoomll , lion hank , 12th unit Fnrimm. ( SI ; 30,000 to lonn. Sinn1 * < 5UO nnd upwnnls. $ Ixiwcst rntog. Bcmls , 15th nnd Douglni stfl. * . I.OAJf Money in nny nmoum TO Ontitt cln.sf.cs ofptcurlry. Short time lonns on ronl ostnts. Ixinn time lonns on rcnl ostnto. Monoyto lonn on chnttcls. Money to lonn on colMornls. Money to loan on nny ( rood security Terms cnsy. tlmo to suit. Apply ntthoOmnhn Flnnnclal Kxohnnm , llnrkor'H hullillnir. 8\V corner of Fifteenth und Fnrnnm fits , upstnlrs for cvcryoodylou cnn borrow MONEY money on furniture , horses , wanon * . plf.nos , ptock of nil kinds , dlnmonds nnd fine wntchcs on your own tlrao. I'nymnnts received fit any tlmo , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn. Property loft In your own possession. Terms law ns the lowest Cnll nnd BOO mo. nuslnci' ! conflilontlnl. Nondvnntniro tnitcn. W. It Croft , Koom 4 , WllhncU'B Now Ilulldlntr , Northensr pop. nei inth nnd Unrney _ _ 43 TO T.OAN-O. K. Pnvls & Co. Iloal MONET nnd Loan njrcnts , 1&05 1'arnum St ONF.r TO lXAN-On peed securities. A M McQnvock ! , room 7 Hodlok Dlock , 1509 Fnrnnm Bt _ TO I-OAN On ronl estate nnd chat M tols. D. I * Thomns. 015 MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd tip. words on Jlrst-clnss real cstato security. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm Bt _ P4fi ONEY < > ANKr > at C F. Reed & Go's. lx > ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horscw , wnjron personal property of all kinds and all other ar tides of value , without removal. 319 R. 11th , over Dlnffhmn's Commission storo. All bus- ness strictly confldontnl. 017 BUSMTE33 CHANCES. " N ouowtlc mini witlt tiiicxcoptloiml ruior- oucus nnd connection , locating In Ouster Co whom lonl o tnto Is booming. lll umlortako commissions AddiossF 15 llooolllce. Tll-lb * THE ndvcrtlscr desires to moot nn mr-wllc , honest innn Imvlnir ? . , OOC In hind to join In Fecimiur mi intrrost In n rate nnd now Inven tion to bo handled where advertiser lias access to the first financial circle * . No citch-pomiv IIURIIO | B or Fchemo. Arrnnjco Interview with A. W. M notion pnul. P.O. 7JM8 * _ TO KXCHANOK--,000 In choice Nebraska lands to exchange lor llko amount of KOII- ernl innrchnndlse , or will c\chinifo for Ptock of flO.OnO and pay dllTcionco In cash. With full particulars of Ptock nnd for ( Inscription of land , odiliesi H. Chamhcrlln , Arapahoc , Nob. T'.tljll FOK SAT.15 Aflrst-clnss bakorv , restaurant nnd I'onfcctloncry stand in n town of 7'X)0 ' ) Inhabitants. Inquire of F. P. Fay i Co. . Omaha. 704-24 SAM : Small stock of boots nnd bhocs Poll on easy term1) . In llvo toun : shoo shop In nonnection. Addtoss F23 , Hoe ollico. \ 79121 * HAI.i ; A ( rood carpet loom nnd o\cry tiling connected 1th it. voi-y < lump , at It. Hodges , 10th , between Mnrthn and Castullar. | 74JM1) ) ' ' TJ1O1 ? KXClIANOli-Improvcd farms In Knn- J. sns for desirable stock of men's clothing. Address C. S. Ades , Omnlm. W8-1U BUSINI-.SS CHANCi : A man In any live town oan do a profitable business In our goods alone , or In connection with furniture or nny class ol houso-furnHilntf winds or irioo- oilcs ; small capital nnd lariio profits. For par- tlculurn nddrtts "Mauulucturcr , " 01 Summer Btroot. Iloston , Mass. fiOS-ja * FOIl 8AM5 Tn first-class location , fjrocory stock and fixtures : small capital romnrod : rent low. Incjulrn at UIUR Btoro , 10th and Douglas. 767 oil SAT.i-f1,000 : will buy a general stock of Roods together \\lth the irood will of n well ostnbllsh ( > d nnd flourishing business In ono of Madison county's best towns. Hiilauco of jmjmont on very llooral toims. Reason for FOlllnv satlsfiirtorlly glicii on application. Ad- dro s T. D. k Co. , Ileo Ollico. 680 FOU-KXCllANUE Stocks of coeds of every kind , for farms nnd land ; nlso hinds to ox- cliniKTO rorifoods. If you want to trndo.no matter lint it is you have , write , with full de scription , to C. K. Mnyno , real estate broker , Oinajiajftih. 10 I V\rANTI3l > rooxctmncn for stock of hard- > wmo nnd snnornl morchaiidlsn , WV ) acresot fine 1ha\or Co.Nob. , land : 6 lota In Uonoi. Nob. , frcud Rtoro hiitlillnur ( best corner ) ; Root dnollln ? ( b ( > t locntlon ) In I' sox , In. , also 8) acios li mile Iioin town of 1'ssov , In. , seeded In blue irrass. For furlhnr partlonlars addrnsa .lohn I.lndcrliolm Central Citv Nebraska. C.VJ . _ , . . . . . .n , Comrades ! Sttlctly JL all wool Indlirn blue O. A , It. suits , $10. L , It , Jones \ Co. , llJUii Farnam st. 774-29 TJTKKSONAl , NcntTiind Tasty nil-wool biisT .1 nos Bulls for only $7.00. All HI/OS. Mail orilerb filled , I * 0. Jones .V Co. , 1309 Farnnm. ' inn > KItSONA1-To pi-rsons who wish to build n J homo hi Oichard Hill , I will soil lots upon pin mont of the nominal sum of ton dollars and balaiKoat the end of llvo joars , interest nt U per cent , pajahlo soml-nnniially. O'hU U the best otlor etr inodo to any homo-seokor In this city. Cull nnd see mo. a 15. Mnyne , S. W. oor , 36th and I'arntun. 579 BOABDUTO. TTiou IIKNT Itnoin und board for two. 1GU J/ Capitol nvo 142 LOST Htrnjed or stolen from J , Ittdmond'e fooilEtore , liith nnd Cumlnx ats , on Sntur day night , May 15 , Ihgtl , a light bay horse , long black tall nnd mane , mnnu short In cotitio , blto mark under mnne , burn or saddle murk on light Bldo , wlilto spot over back hoof , 5 years old , Kli ( biir.ils , A reward will bo paid for hi ! return to J. J. Moore , 000 N 10th st , Omaha. HOa-20' _ _ 1OST Htrayi-d or Stolen S-ycar-old mnru j colt , dink biown color , rope maik on hlnil foot ; 115 renaiilod by returning to Muldnon'e wugon shop , 13th und Lcavonworth. 5M-1U * IOST A cortltlciito of dopoMt on U. 8. Nn- t tlonal bank lor $ IUOO , tomonhoro In toiiili pint of Finuba. $ lienard lor return of o U. B. Kiuioniil bank , _ TOST Sunday morning , bolwoeu I'lcicost. j and I'opiilcton nvo. near 20th at , largo ml leather pocl-etbook. Finilor vlll return to me uml H'cehu $5 rtiud. . T , II. Ilowcnl20071'ioieo , ' ' Two black huisns , ono lumo In r ? fiont shoulder nnd blind Inone oe , nnd the other has bwHIIng on left bind foot. I'lmloi will ri'turnto Nick Hubh , Hth nnd Center Bt. , ( linnlia. anil liu luiMinloJ. tOMfi * riVKit'r : Two black ponies. P. I.lss , 1- miles west ol postoJIico. _ _ 727-1S * rixVKKX I'l' Dnik bay miiro , winto nghl J. lilud foot , uhlto star ioichead , btrlpo on note. Paul Thiessoii , llurr Oak add , , ut-bt ol j 's w > ip fattnry. 118-28 mAKi : > f Ul'-Ono sheiip. O\vnor can have J. Bamo by proving property and pa > lng chaigo4 ut HISS. 10th ft. AprS3-39 May OUSJ rplll. Stallion Cuffrey well nmito thu season at J- the fair iriounils hero imd those wuutlnM fU4tbtocknhould fall early. Ktl. Pjla. 75520' 4QO ! A WKEK easily made ut nemo ; pious- > P < SiV unt-work for ladles und gentlemen ; no ! nrnnslng ; $ end 2o for circular. Chronotypc Co.Dcn\cr. , . ail-iT milOTTlNO Stnllton , J ok Shcppard , Jr. , will JL make the 8on on of lf8) ) nt Omnlm Fnlr Grounds. Elands 10' | hnnds high , wolcbd 12S5 lis.jls Iho largest nnd hndsomo t llambleton- Inn In the wc t. Ilreod tbo same us Director. 2.17l ; > lidln , SlS'innilJayK ! > o-Seo , 2:10. : Call nnd pco him nd his slock. Terms , til the rea son. Adam Tliomp on. filVJO TjliTi'Y and ccsipboia clcnncd"by I' . iwlngT\ : 1 _ 0. llox 427. ClOmySi" KKNT A store on n goo < l retnll Btrcot , Apply the Omnlm lloal Ustate nnd I/oan Co. 107 iJlon IIKNT 9iunro Piano , $3 monthly. A Jc Hnspc. ISlT nonglns. Mil Foil lUlNT-Pqunro Plnno , f I monthly. A Hospc , Ir,13Iou lfi . U10 ItiNT : Organs , $2 per month. Hospo , BAI.E-MISCEI.I.AMEOP3. FOH SAIilI Cheiip. Iron colitmns and win dow cups suitable for itont on brick build ing. For p.irlloillais apply at this ullico. 81,1 FOH S A MI 2.1 jcnr lease on section good land , 7 miles southeast of Atkinson nnd 4 miles southwest ot Kmiiift , Holt county. Neb. Kcntnl < mh $4Hperynar. llntelior , ( ladiKV Co. , 12HI Douglas struct , Mlllnnl hotel block , Omnnn , Nfb. Nt ) _ _ THOU SAI.i : Phaeton. 1121 Howard street. JL\ 810-20 * _ oii MAi.r-ood riding pony for cjisti7 i"n Ir 'jlUlro ' 16111'lornt. N.Omahii. Jg4-l8 * _ " ' " "JT'OirSA'Cl ? A chtlco"collectTon ot Amoncnn -L' and foreign silver und copper coins. Ad- > lrcs F. 18. Hoe onico. C-1-1S * _ TT10K HAI.K-Good square piano , $110. S410 J Chicago sticct. 71VMO * _ FOR HAI K Cheap , a wrought Iron Van Itanjro " nt 1011 Dodge. _ _ OU"SAiTK Ollleo desk nnd letter prrss , inquire - quire Itooin 22 1'axton bullilliiif , a K. Cor. luth nnd Farnnm street. 717-18' "ITUHl SAIiII 3-yonr lease nnd furniture of 10- -L ? room house complete and nil now. Otcat b.irgaln. Good locntlon , onCnpltol ave , cast of Kxpusltlon Hulldlnir. Inquire of i : I.arkln , ical cstato ana lonnoflicc , Kxposltlon Building. _ 0.20 FOK SAIiK " ( Icons with Hereford oahos ; U thornughbiod Horcfont bulls ; 21 trrndp yearling bulls ; 20 grade heifers. Applr to C. G. Knells , lied Cloud , Nob. 577-1' * * FOH SATjR The fine < t matched can IBRD tcamlnthofctatc , sound , kind nnd safe fora lady to tlil\o : can bo seen at Omaha fair grounds , V , 'JhoiuBon. oU FOH SAIiK , llcil-room et , good as now , at n bargain. Apply 010 Whcaton st. Ml A.MILLT.a I will liuj your Nebraska and Iowa Insurance stock and pay you ilty percent piomlum oioonv cash Inycstmcn the same. .1. \ \ ' . Morse. FOItSAIilJ rheap , line top buggy. A. Hospo , 15111 Douglas. 5COJ10 _ > OK SAljRVo nifar4J03ycnr-oid stcoTs 17 1 BOJ2-J oar-old steers , HOOl-yotiroldstrerS , 400 hceleis and cows , mostly coming on. Tbo above rattle nro good straight Iowa nnd Dakota stock. Strange Bros , Slou\Clty. _ 72.Vma ) FOH SAI.K Cheap , parlor , bcdtoom nnd kitchen furniture , cnrpsts , stoxos , etc. , in six loom Lottage. Liberal terms If taken lu bulk. Apply \W \ > Cass < > t. 440 Ii'iOR SATii : First-class phaeton for sale or exchange for icnl usttito ; also a small pony , 1712 N. 18th St. 081-20 * _ 171011 SAI.K-Or trade. Ono new S5 II. P. -E Iloiler ami 2) ) H. P. Engine Will sell cheap for cash or trade for dcslniblo teal estate. Ad dtess Ceo. A. Fiy , Doflauco , lowu. 039 Tj > OH SALIi Ono good borso. 1U10 Farnnm. FOH SAI.K Squnro piano , "iO , monthly pay- mun 13. Hospe , 151'J Douglas. U07 FOR SAIiK Match teams and horses of al kinds to suit custoraoid nt Star Sale Stnhlos , 20th mid Cumlmr. JL Cannon , Pi op. 777 FOH SALK A now steam roller mid In No. 1 business locality : fine wheat country : but little competition ; $17,500 ; cost moro. W. H. Green , 215313th si. _ E21) FOH SAIiK Uiirlght piano , $195 , monthly payments. Ho-'po , 1513 Douglas. WJ3 OR SAiiK Dalod hny. W. \Vclshnns & Co. 533 _ _ FOH SAIiK Desirable 0 roo-u hoiuo and full lot on grade : all lu splendid 03n.lltlou. Call at U07 S. Stii st 814m22' WANTED rjEMAIiE JIEliP. " | \"ANTKI > Sklit trimmers aiuluaisl bauds ; > also skirt cutter nnd lorowomnn. Mrs. M. Wallace , cor Ifltb and Du\ciiioit | , roomsaj and 24. W-Sj * _ WAJfTKD Woman to do gcncrnl house work ; good cook profoired. 1018Veb - fctcr St. 7Uj _ " \X7"A > 'Tii : > A competent girl for general T > liouscoworlt. Apply to Mrs. Win. Coliurn , bead of Webster st. txM-20 * WANTIID Good girl for general liomowoik , must bo comjieteut , at S. K. cor. 2Utb and Farnuin sts. HI 1-20 Ono or two good staichcis nt i JnckBon Street Laundry , between Oth and 10th sts. 8:2-20 : * _ WAJfTIJO Ono first and ono second gnl. Apply ut511 St. Mai } 'B avenue , or at 503 aiathst 811-18 _ ANTin-A : nursa girl at No. 4.l5 N.20th Blroot , 719-16 * * _ WANTKD Hcadcliambormaldnttl o Palace Hotel , Bantn Fo , Now Mexico ; $ : ! 0 per month. Apply ut the Ccracns House. 803 WANTKO Immediately , li or 0 lady cnn- viisscrs. Apply to W. Vf. Lj noli , Gen Apt , 313 South U'th St. 821-20 * _ WANTin : A competent housekeeper. Mis. Clara Grossman , W7 N 17th st. 817-18 * wANTin : A KOoJ kitchen girl. Apply at wW g.-il3PoJBOfet. _ SIS W 'wV > TJu A competent ulil to do Kt'iioinl bousewotk. InrjiiUcU'JlO Capitol a\o WANTK1) IinnicdKiioi } , n n Idtllo-agcd - man ns houtokccpci ; Gniman pioforicd. Apply for ono week nt the White Lead Winks nunctnally nt noon. Louis lluigur,22d nnd U , P. truck. 7tfl-M ) * \VANTKD-In atamllyof thieo , thoroughly > i competent ( icrmmi git ! for general hoiisotvotk ; must liunlih rol < 'ioncos. Ajipl > at Cooln-nu Hros. ' ical estate ollico , 1503 Furnam 8L ? CPU 7hJ W AI\Tii : ) Two fills tor gonornl kltclicn oik ; wages ft per week. 1(117 ( lion mil street- BOO-19 * WANTKD Good woman or man cook on lanch near Ilwlngr four lu family , good homo , place permanent : uau-ps $12 to $ r > jiiT month. AddiossW. H , Thompson , Little. Holt Co. Nob. 7D7-1U * WANTKO Good girl for gonenil liousonotk cooks , dlnlng-ioom , kitchen and litindiy gills , gills tor the wo t , chainbermalds Ilrnt und second work ; good wiujps. Call at Omaha I'.m- jiloj in cut lluic-nu. 1120 Farnam st. 710 WAVrKU A gill lor BOiioral hoiifo workou S ICth st. WA > 'TKl-lmmoillatcly-Girl for gonoial housework , good cook with rofcioncos. $5 nweok. 2il08 Hurt Bt 704-18 * VyANTKIl A dining-room ghl at the F.nimet > > house. m > 4 WANTiGood : girl , 103 North 18th. 031.19 * TlfANTKO-GIrl at 430 Convent st ; small > f family. 537 WANTKU-A dining loom srirl ut Dorun house. C13 Fai nam st. tM WANTEIJ Girl for general housework , corner lllondo und Campbell streets , north- woBtuoriior. Hoi \VANTKU-Good kitchen girl at 41S N. 15th st. CJ7 WAJJTEn-MAIiB HEIiF. 'ATTANTKIi Men of good address und sales- fi men ho uro making Ions than $4.00 per day , should call on or send lOo for sample to 11 , H. Wheolock.luivdwaiodealerFullortonNob. t.71-21' WANTKD-Ono steady vest maker , also ono btcady pant maker. Addio uO. A. Ander son , merchant tuilor , Grand IslandNeb. 777-19 * \WANTI. I > A flrst-closg canvasser of eooJ it uddrtss to take 01 dors in Omalm iiiuonj- t ho boat people font work In t o volumes ihnt eelli for j i and $12 per volume ; also agents of both boxoi lit lo a , Kansas , NebnuKa unU Da kota to take orders lor other standard publlca- W AXTKI ) First-class barber. Pnxton flur- bcrShop. 7T5-18 * 1f AM'iai 00 men for rock work on railroad II nt Chadron.Nob. , uud HutfaloGnp ; good wnso Will blilp Wodneedity moinlntr nt 8 o'clock. Call at Omaha Kuiploymout llurcau , 1120 Furnam st. 7o9-l9 A steady , reliable man to Bell Koodsjabou lady cunvas or. Cull 421 S. 10th bt. 7t16 -Llvp. Industrlou * men \o sell will supplies for a representative eastern uouiu , ono in Omnha uud vicinity miul too thronuh Nebraska and Ktmaai. Addrossat out-t , stating ujro and lormer ocoupatlou , to W. 1L 1'utU'i-ron , General DulUcry , Cay. 7G2-18 WANTED 100 men for rnllrond work , drlv- rrs , pick nnd shovel men and track lay ers. Stonily work , coo. 1 Job. n S Albright , La- borftgcncy. 1303 1'nrnftin st. "an WANTKD .Lire nffonts nlth ( food rofrcn- cos for n time payment house , 1 N. 13th This Is n now firm nnd will entry " nice line of household nrtlcloj , sllverwnro , rutr < , etc. 702-18 * " \\7ANTi : Snlosmen ncoains profitable cm- T T ployment , Bnlary 173 and CTDOII O * . Goods staple , sold by pninplo Address , with stamp , I. S. Mff ( Co. . Cblcnffo. Wlm2J * BITUATIOIT WAHTED. " \\rA > Ti : A needy woman would llko n TI homo for n boy of 1(1 ( jcnra. Inouiro of Mrs. W. V. Doollttlo.813 N. I8lll St. 78.1-20 * ' \\T.\NTII ! > lly n sinpio ohlorlv mnn. employ- li incut In almost tiny capncity , AddiessJ. C Jl. , IH-o olllce. 7b9-18 " \V ANTni ) A position by nn experienced li Btcnopranhor. VndorstRiids bookkeoplnn and cnn furnish his own t > powrltcr , Address r , 21 , Ilcoofllto. WANTl.n Sltitntlon as teamster or for pen- cral work. Addres ? ! ' 51 , Ileo Ollico. 77018 WANTIIH lly n womnn , n situation ns hoiisck6opcr. Cnll at No. 218 N. tth st. 7 < 0-2 " \\7"ANTiD : A situation > n n bnkoivbynro- 11 spcctablo joiuiff mail Address r 1" , 11 oo onico. 7CO-1K' MI3CEI.I.AtTEOtJ3 WAJTTS. _ \\7ANTii-81iort-band : Moikof nil kinds by J. H. Hayno8&Co.,1511 Dodge nt. SOJ WANTI'.D To rent n ( rood furnished hotel in a ll\oy ! country touii. Address Hold , CHIP llcootllco , Lincoln , Neb. . - . igl-22 * TXTANTr.D-i wnnt to buyn t."i,000 or $10,000 IT liitpro-il In some wliolo'nlo or retail busi ness In Omalm. llnvo a Rood knowledge of bu l- ness , and 1 don't want nn.\ tiling that Is not now Address P , Co/rous houso. 818-1H * WANTIin A paitncr nlth SiV ) In n well ci- tablUhotl buslnc'is paying fMll : monthly. No competition. Intojtfeatc. Addrc's K. 6'j Dally lice , Omaha. 74V18 * " " ANTii-7n"sldo : properly. K. K. lUng-cr lias customers for Inside property from fJ.SOOloflJOOO. ll n 1.1th street. 410. _ ANTKD-BO teams. B. S. Albright , H. H- Labor Agency , I'JOi rnrntin st. 42.5 v\ANTii ; : > Houses Mr uoo.ltcimnn. J. H. y t Ut nns & Co. , 131J Dodao. _ OIJ I'OB. BENT-HOUSES AND I.OTS. FOH JtKNT House , clifht looms , ilstein and cits' water , sin.Ulb.irn , all In Hi M-i ate repair. KiHiuIro nt smallest comer ol Twi-ntv-flfth nnd Chicago sts. _ " 2D-1U * FOIt KINT 11-room house , $ V ) , Juno 1st ; 4-iootn hmmo , $15 ; 2 rooms , for laboring miul , t8. Hush &Solby.318 3. I.UIi. _ 7IJI _ FOH RKNT Small hou e mid iicio ol ground North Omaha ; ( food garden spot , $8 per month forUmonths urjcar. C. IJ. Mn > no , 13th 70-23 ) nndrmnaiu. _ _ - Foil HIJNT A splendid cot nor giocory store , counters liclvln Hi etc. , on paved ti cot and street ear linn. Itont reasonable. A splendid elianeo HU-IIROO 1 , lUe innn. Moise& Itiiiuuer , PitMou bloek.cor nth and I'm innn. U7C-1H , 'OR RKNT One 8-room cottage ono block I 1 north of bend of St. Mnrj's avo. . Jw3 l > cr month. One two-story house cor. Phil Rhrrldnn and Hull bt. , 8 nice looms. 33 pelmonth. . D. T. PetoiBon& Co. , S. II. cor. tilth nnd Douglas st root. _ 07t ) TOH RKNT Furnished housoto parties with- r out children ; ! 5 blocliftomstrcut ear ; rofor- encoaoxchaiiged. lniulrolM2 Hurt st. 02--lb _ FOR KINT ; Now house , 11-rooms. Vhglnla nvonuo , near Loiwnworlh , largo enough for two famfllps : $45 per month. T. W. Illnck- burn & ( \ > bead of PI. Mary's avo. _ 037 ITloit HKNT Hilck yaid ; Bontli 13th s-t. Call JDat _ 710 N. 18th * t. _ M'J-13 ' * * .SAI.I30room cottn'zo to bo moved I7OR . W. J. Wolshnns , City Jlills , 804 Var- liam st. _ 6.13 POR RIIXT 7J-ncro farm.T. Murray. _ 700 TTIOH JtlJN'r Nicely lurnlslimi room with J-1 board. 711 N. llith st _ fi7 ! _ FOR ItHXT Saloon , and fixtures for sale. _ 103 Bputli 10th ' st. _ fiOJ pou KUNT-'liiickynrd. T. Munny. tarm. 03 ITiuhlst. _ _ , t _ 7J i liNT Nlco fi-room cottn o. S. TJ. FOH Pctursen.S. K. oor. llth and Doajlas , Ml f OR HENT-nOOEI3. OR HKNT A nicely furnished loom , U2a _ Doughvm. _ OJ _ FOH RKNT Good toouib uml boaid , 1OI ! _ I'arnam s * . _ SOJ-2 1 _ TCTOR RKNT Fill iilsbod trent room for two J gentlemen. 151.7 How.u d. _ i:02 : 1 > FfMl RKNT Furnished rooms , 521 Noith IStlisticet. _ 811-20 * FOR HUNT rurnislioil teem , In pleas'int lo- oation HtOITi Hurt t-t. 783-20 * KNT With board , H neatly finu'sliod front room , suitable lor two Kentlcnicn. 171S C.isa St. _ 7iO 21 * FORRISNT Ilooius in City Hall building. C. E. Ma } nc , S. K. tor. IStU and IVriinm. FOH RKNT A Inigo fiont parlor to throe gentlemen ; board lurnlshrd it dcjlrod 2017 Charles St. 7S7-20 * _ FOR JinNT To pa-llts ho will take board- ois , kitchen , dining-room and ono bod-loom f nnilslicd , ready lor use. Inquire ut KH N. 'jth street. 7fc < 5 10 * RUNT Unfurnhl.ol room for housekeeping FOR keeping : . 1018 Sherman. Inqulio after 0 p m. 7E520 * TTibRHKNT A fnnil hol ioom40 feet S'liiure JL : with bath loom , to foJVKontlpmc'ii. lloaid luinishod. toims reason tblo. B. W. oor. "Oth nnd Webster. r.8t-19 * _ TTHMt KKNT l/u jfo front room , fuuilshod or JunrnniNbo1. . 2ol.'llnine } st. 7H-2J" KKNT Furni-.hod room. S. W. cor. ICth FOR and Chicago. Apply at room 25. 77) FOH HKNT Furnished room ? , Ifl.'l Cap. uve. 11024 * _ IMOR KKNT One or two furnislToT ro ems X1 toutlnust nait of city , within block ot car lino. Addicts F2J , llcooillco. 707 T71OH HKNT Brooms sullublu for ono or two JU lumlliosut COSN. Uthbt. 010 1 ! ) * FOR IliiNT A tbiPly furnished front room. 1st floor. A. Hospo. 5.VJ -rioH IK > T TO nicely fumiBhot front Ju1 looms , cheap. Call on Mr , IJoid , 1MO Doug- Inast. 771-22 _ .TTIOH JtKNT-Sd mid Jld floors of ho i I'm num JL' st , suitable for Jobblnir , munulactiiilngor storago. 775-2 : ; " | ; < OH IIKNT An unfurnished loom in Ilccm- JL' cr'slilocU , coi , Hh mid Howmu 77i ! TT1OH JtiNT Furnlshoil rooms on first lloor JL ? with or without boaid ; private family. OJJ S.15tbt.l. . _ r47-lJ > ITIOn HUNT Fin ninliod or unfiiinUhcd JL.1 looms ut SI ! N. ICtli st , Lyons lllocK753 2J TTIOH JMNT Kuiiiishud ioom. en South isth. JU 751-22 * OH KKNT Nlofljr furnlslifil tooms. IHU Davenport 61 , between Irith und 131h. 730-2J * FOIt ItKNT Furnished rooms. 1118 Call. fornla st , 751-18 * OH KENT-l-unilshed room ISlOIrurd. 758-19 * _ TTIOH ItKNT Two nnndsomcly furnished par - 1lors. . rent tocother or separately , modem coin eiilcnccs , 173) Capitol a\o. G90-18 * FOR ItKNT Three beautiful rooms for light hoiiBOkecdlnir on llrat lloor ut No. 814 North 17th st. Till-18 * _ T71OK KENT-Iloora and board In strictly JL ! prhato family for ono or two gentlemen , 114 N , 18th st , bet. Dodge uud Capitol ave. aui-ifl' _ _ _ _ FOR ItKNT Two nicely fuuilshod rooms , listubrook block , UJ Uoor. over 4UB N. lUth &tl cot. Hath und nil modern conveniences , steam heat MiU homo oomloits in a piivato tanilly. _ in Ijioit RINI'-TWO : unfurulshod rooms , ttid ' Wlicaton st. 7U5-21 * FOR HKNT FurnUbed or unfurnished rooms , N K cor Loin eiuvoi th uud 23th , near Kt. Mury's no. . 677-20 * TTIOH HKNT-Nowly fiiinUhod rooms , nil JL1 modern convi'iiloucca , by day , week or month , Itiao Hurt bt. _ _ ( ,78-SJ EOH HKNT Furnished rooms , 810 South Ibtii | jM-2U POR KENT With board , for ono or two gen- tlcmon , nicely furnUhod room , jfus und buth room , at 171& Dodge St. C > 4 FOR KENT Nicely furnished room. Inquire Omahg Cari > ot Co. , 1511 Douglas. ILtl POIt KKNT A nice front room , funushod , for one or two eeutlfiaa.n. Imiulro 16iq Hurt st. _ cu T7 OU RENT-S desirable furnished rooms , JL' with board ; laodern couvc-nluucei. 3. W .cor. 20tb and Webster , . , 640 TTIOR RKNTT TO newly furrtljhot l ont JL1 room * , 2511 St , Mary's nro , on Green Car Lino. ' % 461 F'OK UKNT-iftjowly furnished rooms glnglo" nnd en suil , J/or / Kontlomcn only. Over taster A.MorrcRSTB"ftrmacJ't I8tn nnil "odgo . < j' 449. Trum IlKNT 7 (8-ly ( furnlshoJ front room JC with bonrd < - prW. ; cot. Bth ftnd St. Mary's nvcnuo. - ft 2ffl T7 > OR HKNT-i fVly furnished rooms close to JL ! P.O. Tlionoittlp ( lr blo turnlsbpd rooms In the city , at reasonable prices. 1503 Cns < i st , lj | 2-J3 TTIOH HKNTInrRo nicely furnishoJ room , JL ! snllfihlo fey two gentlemen , with table bonrd ; 3minutes' wltlk Irom P. 0.1814 Dodge st. mo n T7 OH nUNT-Vufnlahol rooms , ISinDodso. J1 . . . gljmJJ TT1OH HKNT Klcgimtly furnished rooms with- JL ! out board. All modern com ciilonooj. 222o Dodgo. KM T7 OH IIKST Ulognnt nnl dcslrnhlo roomn , J' furnished or uufurnUhoJ. 1U07 DougUi Et. liotoronces roqulrod ot applicant i 031 TTIOIl RUNT Two store rooms on 10th street , JL ! Wntcr , gns nnd sewer connections. 0. K Mnyno cor. 13th nnd Fnrnnm. 8'1 T71OR KKNT Two Inoxpouslvo rooms , with JL1 bonrd. 1014 Webster Birt-ot. C33 TJIOlt RU.NT Store room on Utlu li if JL ; Mnyno , 5 W cor llth nnd raninm. 401 TDAVEl ) 8TIIERT3 lo within ono block of X Hcdlck's Groio only strengthen that most desirable spot for rcsldcnco. Come nnd sco for joiirsolf. AMK8 , lT07T'nrnmn. 710 FOR KKNT 2 pleasant fiunUhcd rooms , EOth rt. , near St. Slary's nvo. Inquire S. W. Dodge nnd inth. 102 T71OR KKNT-Wlth board , one Uno nicely furnished front room , gns and bnth room at 1409 Jones St. Hi ) BAIiE-KOUaBB-IiOTa. T II , KVANS A CO. , 1513 Dodge , Imvofor tl g lo ; Scvcnil of the largest , most choice , Insldj Irnctsln the city. 1R2 icrt squaio with trncVngo , nn Iminonso bntgnln for ( S ) two dns only. I/Ms lu Creston nt . ' < 0 per cent icfs than any addition surrounding it. Only about tcu lot : tintolil. I-ots In fonth CXmnhn nt Syndlentr priors. Lots In Slilnn's addition Improved with 10 per cent rcntnU. A finobaigaln in Patrick's addition , Slot" , cor nor. $ lt-OJ. Cholc-o propotty on Letvenworth Rt , , the best corner lot on S. Ifctht .SJ.dOI. INnolots around the Castcllnr Sliout scUool house. Aerr lots , Fnlrvlcw , long time , $300 , 1'jiddock ritico lrts. .leromo Paik lots. West Omaha aero lots , choice. Mnrsh addition lot. Choice lot , Clark cstato addition , $1,00) . rholco noros on Calltoriiia st. Huaiio | < s corner , Saunders st. llrst on Hint sticcl , only WO1. " 0 feet fiont on llumll'on , nenr Camp' ell , tLTOJ. cott i o , tmin , fruit trees etc. Fine Miuth front In Kodlek'H sub. , only $ -,000. Sightly lot. Itoggs \ Hill's 2nd , f l.fOD. Coi tier , Iloegfl A : II Us addC feet rnrnnm strcrt tioiil.onlyS'i.Ttx ) . Flno ro ldeno. coiror lot , Webster 6t , $7,730. Another. Inti.le , f 3.0JO. U3 leet and elegant tesldcnco , Callforula St. , . . lotsnnywhore. Lots cvcrj-flhoro. At bin sain pikes. J. II. Kvnns & Co. , IMS Dodgo. 707-19 SAI.K ICs A flno property an lith M FOR Martha , with good 4-room house , cis- le-n. &c. One-third iloun , bid wi y , $2,700. LoMirrcn Jc WilJo , BOI rnrnam. 810-13 _ OR SAI.K | o'-ton" ) land 4 miles south of Ciclithton. N'eb. : " 111 ell In ll > 0 iicio tracts 6I.OJ per afjtc cash , balance In 20 ytari net ) per cent nnd 110 taxes. Hatcher , Gadd A Co. , 1210 Donpju-i stioat , Mitlaiil hotel block , Omahu , Mob. tOl HARK chuiico for Investment 2t lots 01 A 5iu'resonjtn ufid Vnn DornSt ? , , opposite Durfeo's Park. Pi ice $ JOD per lot If hold lief ore Julyl. KoomTIJl'irkliaixl's ' Block Lincoln , Noli. _ J _ f ' . F _ 778-24 SPRIN ( ! ulr.nin smooth , locl lots , $300 each. If tamsntnls-Hook. $ 95 111 buy them. Hush &Solby , glfJA.irith. 70J-18 \ HIS. tw < 4 ) l'ti on Cumlnp st , $ ,5M. Graham' .V fVcntiwo , Crlghton n k. OW 19 TT10R SAT.n Jigoj1 In Huikalovy's sjib-dU7- Jslon , cs > t front ; f MI arcs in Omaha Dalrv ussoclotlon ; 1 tMn-riittcdiliugriry ; 4 Mlno birLor chnre. _ 214 .S. Ulh t. , C91 " ! ) . > oah lor | l\o beautiful , Binoolh lots In $ West Pldft. Iftakoii-lnl5 [ wco't , worth $300. ItUsh A. Sclby.218 y' 13lh. 70MS FOR SALK--Elgit ! lots , for an invostmcnt , fiontlnea t onfM Rt , thico blocks west ol 1'lth ; ftrcet ear terminus : 54'iV ) , easy terms. A.I'.Tukoy , orJ. S. Caulllold , 1'JOt l-'ainuin. (137 T1IRKK good lots , Clifton Place , $1,200 each. Gnihani & Itenan a , Crolghton Ulk. ( P9-19 TT OR HAT.K im-Uenutlful east fiont oninth JL pt near Webster , with t o good house- ) , one 11 rooms , other 7 rooms : one-tliinl do n ; cliojp ntf3,0'0. Ixngiou & Wlhlo , 15J1 Furnam st. blb-18 TTIOR SAI.K 1 wn elegiint cast front comer JL ! ltsin Ilutr Oak ; natin.il nlmdo trees. Hatcher , Guild i : Co. , l.'lfl Douglas sti cot , Mlllard hotel block , Omaliu , Nob. . . &H ( \t < r. ACKE-Of Cotollrlllinnto atS150 to & 300 V will mnke six ol tbo city lots that are selling ono mlle nearer the postofhco ut $1X1 to SVH ) each , lloom or no boom which U the snfost In vestments Take jour choice but cftll ratly W. A. L. Gibbon , 1217 & : 1210 Loa cnworthst. 432-8 I7IOR SALK On monthly piy menu , 3 cottages JL1 of 5 rooms cadi , ono mlle from poslolllco. iniiihcof : | Win. G > ger , nt Dewey Btono's. 074 FOR SALIi At a bai gain , line U-oom nouso with modern conveniences ; full lot ; on Ilnrnoy St. , no.tr 25th ; W W. Potter & Cobb , 131" Furnam st. avj rpllHKK oist fiont lots Virginia nvo , $1,500 L Ciicli. Giuhtun i. llcimua , Croighton lllk , tiU.I-19 _ Foil SAI.i : nargalns. Hoiibo and lot on riiailcsst , nenr sdeel cais. out ) ? 1.700. 2 flno lots on corner in Clarendon. $ ! . ) > YJ. niegant lot ith largo house , on Gcoigln me , 54.COIJ. Iloii inindlotclofoto Cuniitig Bt , voiy chonp , $2 , ( > )0. ) ; i ilcgaut lots In Hnuscom Place from $ lY > Oto $1. 0. S cboltolotsln llurrOnk.oach $750. AuduhuiidrodothcTj equally good Alwnjs fire us lioiorA von buy or sell , Stockiliil'1 d llunchcr , 15H > - > Jgo st. Toloilionn | 7U5 , S2J FOR SAI.K Am house for rent -tho turo , carpet.te , ot a 10 room house In boit location In citj , hoi of ; , " , per month nbovci out can bo init'lu. A good chance to tight patty. Ten ins 500. Cull on oracMiuss 1010 1 < amain. B20 20 * _ FOR SAI.K-I/il n. block 2. Mlllnnl Place. Th3s is as line a i osldeuco lot t B there Is In thocily. Only sU blocKn liomibo court bouse , catt front , on guido. natural trees , cst'ibjlshcd lU'lghboibood.lieii ) H > ii\en\vorth sticct Is gut'lrd ' this lot it-Ill booith $1KJI. ( Iliitchor , ( iadd\- < > ) . , 121(1 ( Douglas street , Mlllnnl lintel block , OinnhnN < l > . tOl F OR. SALK Tlueo now fi-room cottages on 24th and Pieico Mrf-ets loany lor occiiia- | lion Inside of U0tlny. . timallrabh payment and monthly puymciifp. T. W. Ulackouin A Co. , ? ole aguiits , head of bt. Mao 's uvo. Ollico open day nnd evening. VJ2 18 _ ITtoii SAr.i : 24 foot on Baundeisst , housoa 1 rooms cistern , etc , f2a)0. ) Cu feet oust fiont , on Blunders st , house 7 rooms , ttcllLUt [ > in , cto , $5.200. House cfUremhsj full lot , lu Lowo's add , Three corner lots on Sownrd st , near Poet Clulro convent , $751 each ; oniy tinms. Ix > t 22x120 on Dodge M. , near 12th Et. ? lr.OO. Six choice mts liIiowo's odd. , 1473 lo IGOO each ; easy tcnnji. I/t In < AinnvRldo , $1,150. li lots on 24th tit , , near Farnam , (20,000. Wlxl.Uon Fuiinim ( oornerj , W.OOiJ. 1 = 12x132 on Furnam nt , ( oornor ) W7.003. Iloiifoof ttiooilii lHilf lot , 1/iud st , 2.500. Ixit In West l ail. ; n Dodge St. , $1,100. I.ot In Pelham Plitco tW. HOIIBO of ivifymii and lot 23x140 , on IStb , near Paul st. , f 2.0T0.1 l House of 8 BWIUS , lot 23x140 , ou 18tb. neat Paul , $3TOO. > J r-'lr ' ' 2 houses and full lot , 19th near Webster St. , J9.00X , . , < T > 41 feet cast f/oirV on 8. 13th Ft. , gl OO. l-5 feet east front on B. 1,1th St. , 111,000. Lot on Virginia /HVe , near Luavenuoilli St. , J2ioo ( , terms easy.1 Klghtocn of the choice ; ! lots In HcdCord Place $150 , ( M ) , f.V > for Insldo , und tux ) to $4 > 30for lornurs. Itasy terms. Ixit In NelMin'h add , east front , $1,703. I/ot on Sowuixl t.t U blocks from stieet cat line , $1,000. Full lot. 1 houses , IStU st , near Louvcnwortu Et , $5,50il. Slots , south fiont , on Hamilton st , near OQth , $ liOO. A Itargaln Must bo Bold. Lai go lot , largo boarding house , barn , together with biiloon , pool i coin und barber bhop on loused lot udjnlii , iug. I'stabllblml biihhiLas. * HWO for ull , Homo of 5 looms , full lot , llloiido , notrSaun- dors M.f 2.000. Monoyto lonn at lowest rate of Interest. Goo. P. liemls aw. cor. IStb und Douglas. iia UAUTII''nl"iinil sightly residence lots , a - miles from postotlic.0 . joins \ Vct Bldo , one- quarter of milo lioni Missouri Puciflo K. It und Omaha Canning Co. . and can-half mile from licit LInp depot. Will bell these lots for $300 in. side , $ ii5 oqiueri , with $15 down und $5 to | 10 per mouth , ut 7 per uunl Juttro5t. ; Tuko look tr thU cheap property I e/oro buying eUow hero LovgnmUldo.lWJ . Tclephyue 75J. H.vnTJtANOinsONnencstntonndLonn Agency , 1418 Farnnm St. , offering following bargains thli week : Business Property. .13 ft. on Tenth t , nenr Douglas $ 8,030 CO ft. on Ilnrnoy , Eighteenth nnd Nine teenth sts . . . floKI ( CO rt. on Fnrnntn nnd Twenty-second sts , f.'iw 44 fuon.lonfs Bt. ami ruilroiul Si.OffJ 83ft. on Tenth St. , near Jones , , . . , . . . . . , 7UM Houses nnd Lots , rull lot nnd flno residence , Kightconth nnd Fnrnnm , . , , . . . . . 44 ft. nnd flno residence , Twentieth nnd Farnnm , . 10,000 32 ft. ind flno residence , Rlghtconth nnd Nlnptconthnnd Farnam ? ,000 151x110 , with two flno residences on Lcnvcnnorth , 13,000 Lnrpolot , with two houses , Ninth nnd Paclflo . . . . , 8,000 largo lot , with three houses , iio\outh : nndFnUllo P.'flC Smnll lot , with four-roomed bouse , Twenty-third nnd California st 8,500 Lot. with four-roomed house , Dnpont ] ilnco , . , . . . 1-oC llonutlful residence on Plcninnt st. 7/AXl Vine i-csldenco near east gate Unnscom Park 8,500 Flno rosldonco , Improvement Associa tion nddltlon 4,000 Ixit , with tli rep ( rood houses , Kountzo k Itutir * addition 5 00 I/it , with tno good houses , Kountzo & Iluth'8 Addition OJXQ ) txit. with sovon-roomod rosldonceMitr8h addition 4,000 Lot , with four-roomed residence , Park PInco 1WJ Half ncro , wltli ten-roomed house , Park Plnce 0,500 Tno full lots , with double dwelling , west of High school 8,000 Lot.with Fo\cn.roomed now housoItcos' nddltlon 4,000 Half lot , with neat cottage , near Lcnv- cnworth st 2r01 Hou < icnnd lot , Sliull's second nddltlon. . . 3,250 Largo lot , two houses , Park nvo. . . . , . . . . T-.ox ] l.ni go lot , ono house. Park nvo . . . - . 7.00J Fine dotiblo bilck new two-story nnd basement , on corner Fnrnam and Twenty-sixth 6t , n bargain nt , . , . . . . 15,000 lira dos nbovo wo have n largo list of resi dences In all purls of thocily. Vnpnnt Lots. Lots In Hitmcnm Place $ see to 2,030 Lots in rtnrrOak PlncpflOOto 1,000 fjots In Dnpoiil IMnco f O.X ) to 70C Lots In Dwlght Ac Lymnn's addition $410 to 70C IxitsinKirkwood addition5473 to r.y Ixts In Ivllby Place $ : * 0 to 1 00 l/otsln Lowo's ndditlon ? 8Vto ) l.lfK Lots In Marsh's addition fJ.OWto ; i..WC Ixitsln Paddock Place $1,500 to 2.00C Lots on W Nt Putnam and Dodge $300 to lfilC Loti In Lincoln Place & 1X ) la 4tiC Lots In nil othoi additions ns low as can bo pin chased from any other firm In the city. Wolmvo also a largo list of Improved nnd un improved larm Inndsln all pnttsof tbostiito. Also hnvo money to loan on improved fata ! nt low ratu of Interrst- Ppetlal Notice. Having no properly of our own on the mnrkct to "boom , " wo fotl assured liif-ujlng that wonro In position to render the ino-i jiorlcct sutlslaclioii to both seller and buyer. Wo will take pleasure in show Ing you Iho property on our books nnd pointing out to you what no think are n .nn.uits No charge for niUertlsIng property and no charge for showing property , whether J'ou buyer or not. 783-31 TTIOH SALK 107 Coiner lot on Clunks , near JL1 stiect cir line , with good 7-ioom bon o ; 1.000 down , bnlanco easy , $2 00. Lovgren St Wilile , 1V)4 ) Fainam. BliilS GKOHGK K. GIBSON & CO. , 217 South lltll street. li ncics In tviMmlnvtnn. ? 200 per ncro. Hoiiaeot 7rooms with gioitnd lease for four yumy-block { lioni centre of business cheap. Also 5 room house nnd barn , ground lease Bamo. Grod business lot ou Cuinlng : street , near Sauudors.Jl.ia' ; . Hcnutltul lots fnclng Hnnseoni Place In block 9. Cnll for pHco and terms. Alioaulltulhomo , lull lot midH room house In Shull'sadditlon. A baigaln ; must bo sold. A riiiDiesldcncoonltth st.tiot. St. Mary's uvo nnd Lcavonwoith vtlorsile : ebeup. Lot 10block2 , Hoggs * Hiirs2dudd$2ODO. Lot7 , block 3 , Hoggs felHll'a2dudd,82,500. A b 11 gain on Georgia a\o. Call. Honsuol 10roomsfull lot , Hanscom Place. A bat gain. Call nt ollice. S ttore buildings with ground leased for 8 j ears , cheap , on loth st. 2 full lots , house , barn , otln Walnut Hill , S2.000 ; unsy terms. M-ncioncnr Lowe aveSI,000. Aeiolot In Pnik Plnce , ? 2,2JO. Full lot on Jackson st , 3 bouses , S7r > 00. " ,4-lot on Joneabt , business , $4WJ. P-l feet on Path iivcMiearLoavenwoith , $1,033. Huslnt-ss lot on lllth st.M.OtKI. Lola In Mm sh ndd from ? 7M to $1,073 each. tots In Potter's add , ? aw to ? 7'iO Ilcnutiful lots in Shull's addr $1,400 each. 1-ots In Paliick'sadd. 1-ols In Hunscciin Place , J850to $ ! , 'iO- ) tots lu Sunnysldc. Lots in Crouton. $7ilO to $9JO. tots in Paddock Place. Lots In Saundcrs Hlmclmugh's add , $303 , easy terms. Aciolotsaud C ncro lots west of the city , 8100 per acre. Lincoln Place lots for sale on easy terms , SUOO to i-400. tots In Ambler place , $475. Wo will alco i-oll j ou a lot nnd build you n hoiiKo : n small pijment down and quarterly or ) Ctuly payments on tl.o balanco. UU ! FOH HAI.K 2iOJO acre ? in ono uody In Clio- ycnno county. 10 mlles of lunning water. T. S. ClarKbon , 15JO J'nrn.im. 33 > FOlfhALK y'iW. . Illackbiun ic Co. , llcnl Kstnto Agciitx , bead of St. Mary's A\o. Genuine Hitrgains Lot 1 , llarj ' & sub dlision , llurr Oak. $1COO tot lu block 10 , Hnnscom Place , & 850 70 feet ftout. Mock H , Hnnseoni I'laco , $1,230 lUst front , llui r Oak , $750 Lot In block 15 , Ilanscom Place , $800 tot in block 13 , Hanscom Place , $1,5W Lot In block 1 , J. 1. Itodlck'u udd. . 32.003 And other bargain * in houses nnd lots. All prices. F.asytctms. TAJ-13 IJAHOAINS in Improved and ummprovod JP property. W. II. Green , 215 8 l.Uh st , KK 75 foot fiont on PnrK nvo , $2,100. Graham & llonnwa , Crcightou lllk. wn 19 STORK bul'ding ' and flats , rents for S50 per month , f.1,000. Giaham& Uciiuwf , Cioigh- ton lllk. tiM-l'J GOTH IIIULLlANTK-Acio lots , closing pale Will sol ! loti lu this beautiful addition lor the next thu ty days at $15J to S-'JO. ( Jill em h and stcino n bargain Terms ea y , \V. A L. Gibbon , U\ \ & l.'lll Lcavcnworth st. 4K-8 FOH SALR tout lots , cor , California Ktid 30thdts.,2 blocks from propoiod p.tvlng on CuminffSt. , 450 and $ S33 eooli. Potter & Cobb , 1015 Farnnm st. 849 ) Alt AlN onCumliu ftioat at fl.VW. Ora- I > hum & llonn\Mi , Crol bton lllk. C'.iO in fTIOIt SAI < U LoaioJ school luuds luti JUI W JWL03 nnd upwatds no taxes to pay on thosoliuiaMforSOyo.tis. O.F.Dans ft CO. , 1M3 Fui mun at T-U-m JO . lots sell on their inoilts OHCirAKniIII.Ii Low pi ices und easy terms ( { I von. Call at C. H. Maj no's ollico nnd i't it plat 203 WLISS SubtHv acre lots at half price , 4 La hbil : 1.2 undl ! years. Balocommonuos Monday , May 10th , to bo closed out In ono week. Ludu Icl ; & tiny , so coi ISth nnd UouKlns. 471 FlJCFAIi llAHtJAlNS77J.ica on Farnnm , S8nua : 2JO loet on Fat-nam $10,030. T. K. CluiKson IDOiJ Farnluim U'J7 \ ( ) lots on OenrKla nvo , J.MJO each. Ora- ham A ; Ilumtua , Ciolghton lllk. tW'i-lu ' TMOIl KvrK-l/its in iiowo's 1st addition , JL1 south fronts , msy turnis , only SJ3J. roller & Cobb. 1515 Fnrnam st _ " 851 rouSALK Aiowoftlio host ota In nd > L ut $ QX ) oaolu I'ottor & Cobb , 151' ) Far- nam bt. _ Ki5 Foil SAIiK Or Trade lmprovc-1 nnd unim proved lands In Furim * andotioi wostoin ooimtfos. Addioss Win. tilmoral , Arapahoe , FuinasCQ. Neb. 275 _ FOIIHA.M5- lota In flurr Oak , just ca of Unnscom I'ark , Hour street curs , JIK ) , onsy terms. I'ottor & Cobb. 1513 Furuam Bt. U51 TjlOKSALK-Throo flno lots In Hhlnn's31 add. -C at f3 oaoh. I'ottor A ; Cobb , 1515 Far nam. XT _ TjlOHSAM' Two low In I'liunviow , 115) each. J Potter Ic Cobb. 1515 I'm nam at. _ UJi LOTS In Lincoln Place on Holt line , $ 'fU tc ( U75 ; 10 nor contdovrn. Orahnm & Donawu Ciolghton lllk. Clf.i-1'J \7irKIS3BubiIlv-08acro lots ! i milo froir > city limits , f IV ) to f 500 per ncre , that Is ball price , Ludwlck & Bcay , EooorlSthAt Douglas. . "ITtou RAIiK 1,200 ticro ranch , HVIIIR water J. running through land. Can cut J.OOU ton hay oir land ; uloo 1.VJ head oattlo , U ) iioaJ horaos \vith noceasary Imploiuents , &c. , Au , , A.O. , to run fa id nil lib. 1'rloo JU.'iOW , Addnsa Hart & MoAudrcw , Alnenorth , Nebr. jloC13 ucreiboUool luuil uppral od at 300 per acio , riiniilnir 0 yoais at six per cent , with' ni4 mllosof Alnswoith : living vutcr anil will take f OIJ tor louse. Address Hint if McAndrow , Ainsworth , llionn Co.Nubr. 6J7m l FOItSALU KoitS nero trauu In the market , only t ) per ucro , Inqulro about them. I'oller 1 ( Jobb , if.U Fiunam. t > M _ Tnou.SALK-Ac'io loU , OUo'sudd , , only ! / ) ) ) J3 I'ottcr & Cobb , 1515 Furnain. 657 A 00 Kast front on Dclnw.uo street , Hanscoiii M : place , beautiful lot $2,103. Lorgrcn i Wilde , 1501 Fnrnam etret-t _ m WKISS-iJuh. div. This new sub. dlv. is lin cd out In uurelot * for aulo Monday May 10th ut naif price. Ludwlck tc Soay , g. e. oor. 15th und Douglas. < ItrKlbis Subdiv. Tula beautiful aero prop- > > . city will be closed put in one wuck ut ball price , commencing Monday , May lOtli. I.ud- wick * Hoay , s. e. oor. 15th and Douglas. 171 ARtl.VINS- B llOllflO BllJ lot , 23d t , $ ' . ' ,800. Cunntnghnm * Hronnun , lull Docttro. irum.SAI.i-lots : In Auburn IIII , J. ' monthly pi ) incuts. Cuiinlnghnin & llreu- imn , 1511 Doilito. \-\rASIlTNOTON lIIM-Acro lots. fOOOjoisy ' terms. Ciinnlnalinm & llrcnnnn , 1511 Do'lgo. Bii > roRi > ri.Aci-sco the lots in this pop- iilnr addition. Cunntnghnm & llronnnti , 1511 Dodirc. Foil SAIn Two choice lots on California Sti Cnnnlnnhain .V llrcnnnn. 1511 Dodgo. 10-ACIt < 4 near fie city limits will bo sold nt n Rnerlflco II tnKcn nlthtn tlio next week , Cun ningham & Hronnnn,15111)odg . > A1UJAINS- * In houses And lots. Ciiuntnghnm A nronnnn , 1511 Dodyo. (07-13 A Sltt.UY otTrr RUSH f > 0 vacant lots In llanscoin 1'l.ico , $750 lo tl/Mt ) . ir > lots on nnd near tmhost , f M3 to $350 10 lots uear Shoiman avp. $100 to tWO. n lots on CKllfornla Pi , f70J to $750 , 3 lots on Clmrlea ft , ( too to fiXW. 2 lotl on N. 20th st , M.2.M to $1,403. 1 lotonHowivrd.oonior , $ IOJJ. 1 lot. lloyd's odd , T300. 1 lot Hillside ndd , $1'IOO. 1 lot , Mlllnnl tc Caldwoll's ndd , $309. 1 lot. corner , Donl o's ndd , * 1UW. 2 lots , Dwlght A Lymnu's , fUj to $1J3. 21otsShlnn'B2d. tS50. 120x140 feet on 15th st , $ ,033. OOxUSfoeton Ifith st , t-V.A ) . C xl 3 feet , 15lh nnd Mnrey , f5t 3. J7.UI35 foot , nenr Harney. Jls.ootl. Ill lots Eoutn ot H. It. tracks , JI.CMO to $3MOO. CO lots not th of Cummlng st , (300 to $1,250. Houses und lots N. 2 th st , ; ixoo , cosh down $30) . N. 21st st. * ISV ) , cash down H.OM. Hootvlaare , $6,00) , cash down $ ,0)0. & 15th st , ttflO ) . ca h down $1OOX - 8. inth st. vlnduct , M K ) , cash down $3,030. N.V. . pnrt city , will tnko tentn , 81,600. Corner lot , S houses , $ . ) , ( iOO. Corner lot , 2 houses. $ iODO. Hanscom 1'lnro , $3,100 , cash down $1,101. Virginia nve , $3,0)0. caih down $1OOX Popplcton nve , H.PODcnsh down $2,000. Clmrlcfl st. $1,700 , cash down $70J. NoUou'H ndd , $ l,7nn , cash do n (100. Suiimlors st. f2'iriO , cash down $ -JO. Lakost , $2,000 , cash down two. King st , $1,700 , cash tlown tlX ll'tb ' 11 , W.000 , cash don n $1.001. mh st , $ lrM. cash down 51,100. 20th , ni-ar St. Maiy's , f 6.350 , cnsh down J100. 5 ncrx's n 1th house , fliOO. 11 ncro with house , $3,500. 10 acres , \noant , $1,850. Wurohouso lot on track , $3,000. Warehouse lot near ti nek , iOJxlIK , $ .1,000. .And ton times n many iiioroln all rnrts of thn city. Vutant lota every where. lluBh & Sclby , 218 S. 15th. IW BAIKSAIN In lot oil Dodge St. , $1,100 If sold now. Graham & llonnwa , Ciolghton lilk.Q B'HI-19 ' fTIOUSAM : OllMinliiM fors'xlo otiln llanv J.1 com IMnoo , $800 tc Sl.SlV ) . Gibson has for sale houses and lota In. Hans- com Plaoo. Oibsou busfor sale bou303and lotsln all parts' f the city. Gibson has Itnpioveil farms and lands in all parts of Nebiaska for sale or exchange. Gibson has thousands of aoros ot land In Wostoin Nebraska for snlo from $ J to $1 per &CTO. Gibson would llko to see you 1C you want to buy or st > ll. Gibson's Is tbo pltoo to list your property. Cull nnd BOO lIm ) at Room J , Withnnll ft look , oor. 15th nndUnrnorata. SSO OOI ) lot on Virginia a\o. near Woolworth , Gr $1,150. Urahum & Ilcnawd , Crolghton lilk. ( ! ' . ) ! ) 19 GrFOU FOU SAT.U 205 Ilcautlful east front on YliRlnlnavc , uoarMt. . I'lcasanlst : " ilowii , balance 1 iiiiilUjouis , ? 1,5 to. Lovgrcn & Wl'de , 1501 Farnnm St. 818-18 IlltlILIANTi-Acro lots at SIM to WOO V/aiotlm cheapest In thn inuikot. Adjolnliif , ' iiddlllonssamodLstnncc are selling for SJ50 to $ ) ( K ) . This Is jonrlnst cluinco to secuto some of these lots on easy terms. W. A. L. Olbbon 1217 unJ 1-IU Loavoawui th st 4."i-8 Patterson I'ark. Patterson Pnikncrosonly 3V4 mlles S. W. from court house : near canning factory , near West Side : bountiful view ; J4 mlle from licit Lino. 'J he newest nnd host ticro property on the mar ket for the pike , S.39 to SWl per ucrc. Unch iicMiwIll nniKoD lots. Only 10 jorcent ) doun ro- nulieil , balance monthly. Coino boon. D. O. I'attcison.Iion BinU Uuildlntr. CIS H ANSCOM l'I.ACi-W ) rholcost lots. Cuoup. Uuy quIcU. T. S. OlarkBon , 1503 Farnhnm. 388 FOU SAI.i-OnooC the nicest 8-room 'ousca In Slilnn's udilltlon , with cl'y water , ic , complete. 1'rlco loxy. O. F. Davis k Co. , Fnimunbtrcct Foil SAIV : J room eottayes on very cnsy terms. Price Jl , 30. Wm. J. Pjul , UJth ami Charles or 1139 N. IQIh St. 212-33 * _ "V\7"iiSS : Subdiv. 38 acres ju t platted In ncro i lots for snlo , commoncin ? Mon lay May U , from f5JO. ! Adjoininvacio bell for $ . ! 01 to JSOO. Iiuawlcic & Sony , to cor 15th nnd Douglas. 471 T OTS on Dndo st , Killy 1'laco. 5WO each. -1-J Graham licnawa , Crel hlon lllk. CS9-19 STANDARD MEIJIOMTWIIK FOHYOUHG AHO MIDDLE-AGED MES ONI/IT si UY niAir , , VOSTPAID. S.VMPI-U VIUK TO AC , mm THYSELF. nrh nito < lVlt-i1llT. Verrom nnd PhrMcal nehillty PrRmntaraUeollnom Mtin , Krr0r of Vnuth , nnd th untold inleorloi ro < nUlnfiom imllsLrcllon mill or. ccusei. A book for over * mun. younz , nilililln nyat nnil old. Itcontalns 12jpr fiorlitlions lor nil finite tmil rliroiiloillooniio .oaclmi.i > ot wliloli M Inviiliiiihlo. S > found br thoiinthorwlinna nxpnrlimca for il joifili cnclius probably never tinfurufoll to the lol or Jinr l > ny lclmiri ; ) | ce ! . bounil In bnautlful Kroncii mui- 'in cmboaBodcovcri , fC'I'Mt-tranrHtitooit ' U ) Imiittnur work In every noinw-mcclmnlcnl , llter.try unl prnr.n. clonal tlianiinr other work In thli country for I Ml orthomonoj' lll l.o refund Innvcry Inituico. i'rl-a only tl t > r mull , pojtpulU. lUiutroU ) t oa'iiplo , 11 > . Hcnanow. ( JohliiiuilnlmTunloJ tliD author l > r the Ni. tloniUMoillciil A o"lntlon. to llui Knn A.I' . 11113 ! ! iinilajBocIatii oftioers > > ( the boird the rourterlirJ- vneittulljrreforriil. . 'lliohtleiipoof rlf3l worth moro totao younzuni mlddlo-nved mm or this uononitlon thin nil tliouola mlnpi orcnlltnrnliiiiiil tha sHrcr iiilnei of NuT Ju comlilnoil.-S K.Rhronlolo. Tlins li'nroiir l.lfo pJl'H'out the rockj mid autc' < > .nnd oi ] which the rinnlltatlnn nnil hnuoi > if nimiy n > ouijz man bavo boon family vrruckoil. iluncliostor Thohdonoo of Ufa U of srpntor value thanutltU ) meUli'al wnrki piibllHiod m this country tortliopii ; Wsoars. ) Atlmita CniiBtltiilluii , 'IlioKdoMcenf I.lfuU umiuurb nnd ma t3rlr trait * lo on nervous "nd phrnlcal ilablllty-letroU Krjj AddreBttha 1'oiljoJy Madlcitl Institute , or fir W. II. l'nrker.No.4 llulliliicli droot , lloiioii. Mam. , wbo mr teeoniulted ou ull aiseaaoj ruaulrlnz > kll lual orpuri. Piioo. Chronic und ( ibslnalu iil ois j thut h vu ojf. lied llio skill of nil iHliurpliyllcluul n | iuci illHIIO'I trontoa Bticcciilnllr wltuuut uu , nuuuco of IJllarj ilentlon OmuUu 1O . P. BOYER & 00. Hali'sSafesVaultsTimeLocks and JaiS Work. 1020 Fuimm ; Strout , Onmha , Neb. RedTStar Line Carrying the Belgium lloyal anil United States Mull , Exiling every iiatuid.iy Between Antwerp & New York TO THG RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRAME , SPUING AND BUMMF.Il KATF.S : Salon from $00 to $100. Kvcuralon trip from $110 to flB-J. Hocond Cabin , outwanl , tli ; piupuld , * 1) ; uinir.-ion. J'.O. Btoeiugu pajsagn ut low riiu-s. Pi-tor Wright & . Sous , General Agents , K llrondntty , Now York. Homy I'un It , Mlb ruinamsi , ; Paulson < o.1 151U Fuiinim t > ( . \ D , O. I'lucmnn , l."JI ' ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , CIVIL & sfiiiiiiiiii mm Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock , Grade Systems nnd Howitru o Plans for Cities nnd Towns a spocJulty. Plans. Hitimatosmil Specifications Public and otlter : . _ _ , works furiibliod. Survos uud lloputt umJu ort Public Improvements. AMIIIKW HOJEVTAII : ! ! , Mombcr Amorlcl'1 See o , tlty Pivll Kuglnccr * . City Knziuuer of to. aCmusilK , CiUI " -H3 II UNteaMIITtD WITH THt fltCQ H CF THI r WlLl Itt tr tXAMININO THII M" TH T THI QHIDAQORODK , ISLAND R PACIFIC RAlLWIf Iir tv M n of In rtntrnl poiltlon nrt tlo i > rtUtlon to MI principal linn F t nnd Wnt. * t Inltltl mittr- iiMit II li * l o the urorlt * And ln t i nt > to null from rolnu Northe * l luiil Soutli ml corrttpoudleff V0 t. North. MI Mid The Croat Rook Island Rout * Onixr nt M It * pttron * tti MOM of | xnaU rltr ( TonJ < 1 by * MIM , thoroughlT l'Mi t fl tullr hnllt c i t M\ rollingit ck n * r t irf tlon i hiunitn > lll run m k II , th i r l ftppllkncM of ptUrvt bufTf r < . | > l trorni < ud lr brakfi. P.1 ? . " ' " " ? ' " ! ( ? ? cl' ! " < * 'Ut < | roT n > i th pr - tiqal op rntlon of nil in tr IB othir ipMlMtlri pt .Mi runn i\r ln\mfcr > l * ll ronnectlnr tifi n in Union ln > ot * . and th iiniimiasxfta cotnforU afid o It. J'.u.fujor J ulpmfau The r t Firr" Trlni l > t rarlk.Uonnril Blnfft. K irai ritr.l Atchlum r rutn | > n < Hl of li T nl41MMl , 8n lr B > fcoUterrd lint Coarhtt. Uninincrnt Kllman I'ilaS Blerptn of the latrn rtftlin. ami nmptnoui PUInv Can. In which rUboraUIr rookftl n * > li r i iinrrlr aim , l > .twf < : iilc e .ml KunM.lltr anS Atrhlna are alM run th. C < l tirat d Mrrllnlni Chair Can. The Famous Albert Loa Route ' if th * dlnxt and tavorlU lln h tw c n Oalcaio a MlnnopolUanditt. I'aiil.wher * ronnwtloni are mad * Pjinli"\y'I > ? ufor'1" P ' " " ln ! > Tarrltorua nod lirltoh rro lncei. Oftr thli rouia Fait Eiprau Tralni ar < run to tht watarlnr plara , ntiim r r * > erti , plctnrrwiii * loralltlfi , anil hiintlnr ami BaMiM towa and Mlnnoiota. It li alio tb > moil EuaJjot t. th * c * wheat fleldi mid paitoral Jn of Interior l > kit , RUIlMothrr lUHnff I.1JJK. Tla R < nMa anil Kan. kak , hiu Imn oixntd bttwttn ( InrlBimtl. Indian- auolUnmlLafaTFttt.anit I'ouncll BlurTi , KannMC'ltTi ' MlBn apolli ami St. Vaul ami IntfrrmedU : * nolntaT tor ilctalltd Infonnatlon lea Map * and KoMori. ohtalnahle , a > wi.ll ai tlrketi , at all principal Tlckf < onii-n in ttia United atatei and Canada ) r by ad- druMnf R. M. OADLE , C. ST. JOHN , ( Ifn'lT'kt * Pan. Art THE CHICAGO 6 ESTERN RAILWAY- Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Th o only ronfl to take for _ Dci Momes , Sfar- 1ml H own , Cedar Uaplds , Clinton , Dixie. ChlCRRO. Milwaukee and nil points oust. To tlio people ol Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho Novnda.OiCfion , Wushlnirton nnd California It olfers superior navaulnsoa not possible by nny other line Amonff a few of the numerous points ot supo. rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road bo- twoenOmnhn nnd Chlcii o , are Us two trains a day of DAY COACIIKS which nre the Uncst that luuniiaiut and iMRoimlly can cicnto. ItsPAI/- ACi : Sl.r.Kl'lNO OAKS , which arc inodols of cotnfot t nnd clofcnnco. Itn 1'AHLOH DllAWINQ ROOM OAKS uusuumsHod bv nnv. ami 118 wldo- ly coiotmitod 1'ALATIAI , D1NINQ OAltS , the oqunlof whloh cunnotbe found clsowhoio. At Council llluifrt the trains of the Union Paci fic lly. connect In Union Depot with tlioso of thn Clnciigoi ; Northweitom Uy. InChlcajfO the trains of this line nmko close connection with thosoof all eastern linos. For Detroit , Columbus. IndlnnapolU. . Cmoltt null , NluKnrn 1'alH , llullnlo , 1'ltUburir. 'rorontn Montreal , Iloston , Now York. I'liiliulolDiilu. Hal- tlmore.Washlnffton nnd all pomtsiu the east , a the ticket UKont for tlckotw via the "NOKTH-WnSTEHN. " 11 you wish the l > ot aoooramodutlons. Alltloteot $ * ° U V'8 ' tba Un ° - J < ITT . 8. HAIlt , Genera Manner. Gon. i'asa. Atfout. CHICAGO. ilwaykee & % Paul Tlie SliortfLine and Best Houte From Omaha to the East. TWOTrtAINSDAlliVRETWnUN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolla. Mlhvniilfuo. Kt , Paul , Cedar Hapldi Dai jnport , Clinton. Dubuque , Uockfortl , Hook Island , Frcoport , .Tnnaivtllo , Klein , Mud I son , I.aCrosso , llc-lolt. Winona Aiidullothor Impoitant pulnti Uast , Nortlioai nndSoultioast Ticket oflico nt HOI Fainam sliootin , ( Pnxton Uon.ll. und nt Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Slcopom and the Flnost Dining Cars In tbo VVoiIduioiun on the main linns of the CiiicAao.Mu.wAimiiiSi'eST. ' PAUL Ritii\vAYauJ e cry attention is paid to pnssonjrofS by couito * ouflemploj cs of the company. It MIM.KII , Qonornl Manaifor. J.F. TIICKI.-II , Assistant Ounonil Mannor. A.V. II. CAiti'KNTKii , Ouncriil Passou oraal TlckotAffont. Quo. K. IlcvfHOiii ) , Asslatnut OoaorAll'.Mjoa Per nnd Tickul Notice to Contractors , Su-nos , CI.AV Co. , Nun . May W , 1833. The lloaid ol' TruMoo-i of Koliool Di.ti'lcLNo. S , Cliiy County , NebiasUftlll inunlvo beiilod bills upto Bo'clowc p. m. . May HI , JK- l ) , for the otcutlonol alnlgU school house , coiHistliiK of clsht loomsto lo built in nctonlano'MrJth the plans nnd hporlllcatlons lor the sumo , nhlclt nuiy bn a jon at thu ollico of the modeiator of : salil dlntiltt In Siitton , Ncliuis'.ii. al'ler MuyiU. IK-til. All bids to bo ULCoinpunlnii liysnniplLH of the various kinds ol mntrilul to Lo used In the iDiittiiio'lon of H.IIU bulldinir , llio Mimplcd of tliosucccsiliilblddffto iciniiln oiuloposlt with OKI school bonnl until the liulldlniflbconiiilcled. lilds to boopoiuulaiuloxamlncdafleiUo'dojic I ) m .May ai,18SD. Thn siitTotufi'l hi I ler will bn ri > itilrc | > d tu Rhonn nppiovtd irslilmit Uoml In the amount ol llio contiift prJeo of said milk for ihu faithful pprloinmncool the txin- tiact. 'i'lio ilt-lit JH ifBcuod to loliic't uuy Bii'i all bids lilds to bo cnJorsoil , "lllils for tha Kicotlon of thoSiittonPohool House. " Mu > 15 d'Jt ' Job. ( iniCK , Director. HAMBURG -AMERICAN Faclcot Conapaay. A DIUEOT LINK FOH Encland , Franci & Girmany. 'J'liri BttmniBliipaof this well known line are built of lion , In water-tl hl uomimiiiiioiiu , and uro furnlsbuU with uvury lOijuUlto to make Ilia imfcsui/o both safe and mrroenblo , They carry tbo Unitcil KluloM and F.uropimu nmlU.uud luitv.1 Now York Thursdays nnd Saturday * for Pltr. moulb. ( I/ON UONChorbougPAHt3 ) ( nnd HAJI- RuturiiliiK , thusloaiiuirs louvo MamburK on Wodmislays and Sundu > ii , > la. Iluvro , tulilug pusncngui < f at Bontlminiiton and fxinOon , First oabiu $ V ) , J'U and J75 ; Htoorus til , Rnllioad tltkotj from 1'lyinouth to Hrlstol , Cttr- illir , London , or to any place In the South of Rutland , FltKIi. Hlecmtfu from Kuropp only 2i. Bond for "Tonrli > lla7otti' . " C. II. RICHARD & CO. , Odnuial I'liswiivor AgrunH , 01 IJrondway , Now York ; \Vabhlntrioii Chicago , 111. REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE Y/RITERS. / Poitsr & Hsgeafh , lia.\r Bonortoro and Copyists , gtalu Atioats for Nubin.kx i Typo writer supplies ami paper kept In stock. Send for catalogue. UuAdA NATIONAL IUNK HuituiNa