THE OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , MAY 10 , 1886. MATTERS AT THE CAPITAL A Thief at live Years Old-Soiling a Gold Watoh for 25c. JOINED THE QREAT MAJORITY. A llumnno nml Sensitive Judge on llallronilltiKChildren A | ) nin Nul- sauce Slio Wants tu Do- conic n Maid Again. TFIIOM THE DEE'S UNrnt.v mmp.AUl. Two little ragged urchins , John Little and Halph Stewart , one 7 and tlio other 9 years old , were arrested Monday nigitt for stealing n gold watch from the pocket of Frank Austin's vest , which ho had hung in a tree while playing ball on the University ground. By persistent questioning the young Arabs aekuowl- < dged taking the watch , and said they had sold it to a lad named Dcnliam for twenty-live cents. Captain Sowdery , of the night torcu , limited up the Denham boy and recovered the watch. Yester day morning the kids were examined and tlusoli'cnse fairly proven against them. On account of their extreme youth , how ever , Prosecutor Stearns and Judge Par- eons vtcro both inclined to be lenient , and discharged the boys un the understanding that their relatives will keep thorn out of mischief in the future. In passing on I he case Judge Parsons took occasion to make a few comments on what he called the "too prevalent" practice of railroad ing young boys to the reform school. The latter institution , ho said , was on a par with the penitentiary , and his experience had been that it did boys no good to in carcerate thorn there. In the case of the Stewart lad , \\-ho is but 7 years old , thn law culls for a sentence , or virtual sen tence of fourteen years , which is moro than many hardened criminals receive lor aggravated oll'enses. The statute pro vides , the jiulL'o continued , that before a boy can be sent to the reform school ho must be convicted of some oflenso , and then , on being taken before the county court , a guardian will bo appointed , and n day set for a hearing as to whether the case demanded such punishment. In a number of instances which had como un der his observation , this statute had been totally ignored , and boys fairly rail roaded to the school without a hearing , or a scrap of the pen to show for what they were committed. Such imprison ments arc illegal , and if the lads under going them had any friends able to pay tlio expense of habeas corpus proceedings they could bo taken out. it was the knowledge of these facts , Judge Parsons said , that made him very alow to send young lads to the county court for com mitment to the school unless he was well satisfied that they were incorrigible. In the case in hand ho thought humanity called out for n return of the babes to their friends , a sentiment in which Prosecutor cuter Stearns , and m fact , every one in court joined. WOUK ON THE SALT WELL. A meeting of citizens interested in pushing tlio work nt the test well m the salt basin wa hold at the Commercial hotel parlors lost evening. The impres sion had become widespread that there was too much delay in boring tlio experi mental hole , and there was a strong opinion tnat Messrs. Mason , Towlo and the other gentlemen who are to lease the basin should come to tlio front with money enough to push the work more rapidly. A request was sent to Commis sioner Scott to bo present , but ho ex cused himself on the ground that ns ° n state ollicor ho was only interested in the boring of the hole as .1 t6st , and ho pro posed , so fur as ho had a voice , to make it thorough , without regard to the inter est or business ot any one section. At torney General Loose appeared before the meeting as the legal representative of the board of public lands and buildings , who hnvo the work in charge. He said that the well was now down 18'2 feet , and no bed rock had yet been struck. The absence of rock , strangely enough , Had delayed the work. In nearly every other well bored in this section rock has been struck nt tin average depth of 100 fcot , and Contractor Bullock pro vided only enough of the lirst or seven man pipe to go down the maxi mum average. As tlio drill kept pene trating the earth without hitting rook , moro pipe was needed , and Mr. Babeock had great ditliculty in getting it. In ad dition the drill can work much faster in rook , so that the absence of it was also another cause of delay. A strong arte sian stream of water is now flowing from the pine , but has not thus far interfered V/iih the work. At the conclusion of Mr. Loose's ad dress the gentlemen who had gathered to condemn the work and suggest moans for its moro rapid promotion , quietly ad journed with the belief that things were In us good shape as could bo expected. A DAY IN THE DISTItlCT COUUT. The time of the district court' was occu- Siod yesterday In hearing the case , of ames K. Dothcll vs H. S. Sanborn , for damages on a breach of contract. Ban- born , it scorno , was n wholesaler of boots and shoes in this city , and Botholl was the owner of 100. acres of land in the southern part of the state. An agreement was madu to trade the land for the stock of boots and shoes , but the bargain was not completed , and now BotVicll asks damages for n non-fulfillment. Perry & Harris appeared by counsel and filed a confession of judgmont'in favor of tlio Derby Silver Plato company lor $316.74. Kmonfl W. Smith put in an application lor a divorce from his wife lillie J. on the ground of extreme cruelty and de sertion. Ho married the woman nt Ash land in October , 1881 , since which time she has been making life u burden to him by throwing butcher knives , etc. , at him until the 1-lth of May last , when she quietly departed and went to join the great majority. Appeals were filed by J. H. Wallace , Thos. Cotlleld , L. Lcavitt , John U. Allen , L , U. Leayitt , ugainst the price set on their properv ! by tlio right of way ap praisers tor the Missouri Pacific. The Superior Cattle company , doing a business near this city , has tiled a peti tion asking the court to grant them re lief from a dam built and maintained across Oak crock by Charles Hordmun to tno great damage of surrounding prop erty. erty.Perry Johnson , having deserted his \\lfci whom ho was married nt Ottumwa , Iowa , in December. 1881 , she wants an absolute divorce with permis sion torcsumo her inaidon name of Mary A. Hay. John J. Butler vs. Thomas and Alva Kennard , is the title of a case in which the plaintiff claims $150 commission for selling n certain piece of real estate for defendants , and which they refuse to imy. imy.busan S. Flower vs. L. W. Billiupsly. administrator of the estate of John Stahl et al. , is likely to bo a novel and interest * lug litigation. The plaintiff claims that Ktnhl , during his lifetime , bought a cer tain piece of land from the B , & M. , which ho afterward sold to her , agreeing to satisfy the payments us they came duo. Stahl died , and there is now duo on the Jand nearly f 000. which defendant refuses to pay ; hoiicn suit. UltAWS THE LINE AT COONS. Charles Thomas , un African man and brother , appeared before Prosecutor morns yesterday and made complaint ugainst llio proprietor of McLain's res taurant on Twelfth street for uolation of the civil rights act. Charles alleges that about a month iigo he was at work Ul the otllce.of the New Republic , grind- ing at the press with a white man , nnd tlmt at dinner time Editor Walfonbarger gave thorn two meal tickets and sent thorn over to McLain'B to got fed. The proprietor accepted the white man's ticket and had n dinner served to him , but would not let tlio African gentleman rntor the dining room because no was "a nigger. " Chailcs has just recovered from his astonishment attho outrage and is seeking to have the heartless abrhlgcr of Ills rights punished. COAL VKINS IN CEIUIl COfNTr. Governor Dawcs has received from Peter Kohls of Cedar county , an affidavit to the ollcct that while , boring for an artesian well in township 3J ! , raugo 2 , that county , ho struck a good vein ot coal at a depth of 450 feet. Being on the hunt for water , however , Peter kept pushing the drill down , and at GOO foot got a line artesian stream which flowj full and strong. He started a second well about 200 yards from tiie first nnd when clown KMfeet ) ran into a twenty-six inch strata of coal , which in quality is superior to tlm original vein. Peter is confident that this last vein will pay foi working , and is desirous that the governor should send an expert to examine it in order that ho may claim the $1.000 n-ward oll'ered by the state for the discovery of coal or iron in paying quantities. IIIMKK MENTION . Lincoln's city council is entitled to the distinction of being the most unruly municipal legislative body in the west. The member * chat with themselves ami outsiders in tones loud enough to smother the business in hand , and pay about as much attention to the feeble taps of the presiding otllcer as a healthy hog would to a woman with a willow switch. Mon day night , for instance , while Mr. Brock was in the chair , Councilman Dean was obliged to explain two or three times the demand for grading certain streets sim ply because some ot the councilmen were not paying attention to his first state ment. If Mayor Burr could engage John L. Sullivan to arm himself with an elm club and preside at a few meetings it would have a good oll'ect in bringing some of the offenders to u realizing sense of what they owe their constituents and brother membors. Charity lodiro No. 2. Kebccca degree , I. O. O. F. , will give a lawn sociable at tno homo of Col. L. C. Pace , Twenty- sixth and T streets , this evcniiiir. All Odd Fellows and their friends will find tlio latch-string out. The Hastings Manufacturing company is a now corporation formed to make and sell the New Method combination fur nace ami water heater , under the Campbell - boll and Prior patents. The capital of the concern is $12OCO , and the promoters nro M. K. Lewis , Seymour Rogers , T.V. . Townsund , Win. Kcrr , C. K. Lawson. Win. H. Jones , J. B. Heartwell. J. G. S. Clolland , J. L. Townsend , L. B. Palmer , S. Alexander , F. S. and E. G. Lewis. Lieutenant Henry D. Styer , Twenty- first infantry , came in from Fort Steelc yesterday and quartered at the Commer cial while he was hunting up Colonel Dudley. The only original and genuine St. Pat rick O'Bannon O'Hawcs is in Lincoln conferring with the state authorities about the collection of the $18,000 , which the auditor of the United States has de cided that Nebraska is entitled to. Secretary of State Roggon lias invested in a type writer , the business of his office having grown beyond the capacity of the export engrossing clerk. Mr. Campbell , the Union Pacific en gineer , who has been busy attho capital for nearly two weeks , making a copy of the plats of the road , has completed his work and gone home. At the request of the electors of the section of Northwest Nebraska sot apart by the last legislature as the county of Blaine , Governor Dawes has appointed William Schlingmuu , J. O. Barton nnd D. C. Dale , special commissioners , and M. C. Lyons clerk , for the purpose of forming a permanent organization. The northeast quarter of section 28 , township 23 , north of range 23 , west of the sixth p. m. is designated as the temporary county scat. The discharge papers of throe convicts were signed yesterday by the governor. Alvin W. Lucas , who was sent up from Brown county in September , 1881 , for horse stealing , gets out to-day ; Alex. Hiakcy , Otoo countv.manslaughtor , com pletes a. five year's sentence on the 22d ; and Wm. Raymond , of Lancastorcounty , will be discharged on the 28d attcr four years' imprisonment for horse stealing. Thomas Lawrence , the man that was shot at "Irish Ann's" bagnio Sunday , had recovered sutlicicntly yesterday to bo taken to his homo nt Crcston , Iowa. Ho now persists in the statement that no was shot by a man but refuses to give any particulars. Minnie Hinkle , the German girl who came from Hastings Monday with the negro Thomas Manley , on a matrimo nial expedition , was induced yesterday to abandon her dusky lover and make a complaint for seduction ugainst him. Minnie was taken homo by her father and Tom was sent back to Hastings for trial. STATE AnniVALS. J. H. Clapp , Blue Springs ; H. C. Brod- hall , Wahoo ; T. A. Scovillo and wife , Valparaiso ; Dow Hofileman.Custor coun ty ; O. Townsend nnd wife , Beatrice ; Wil liam Neville , Phxttsmouth ; G. J. Rail- sliok , H. Wiggenhorn and C , Thompson , Ashland ; Gus , Valparaiso ; T. Mur doch , Oumha ; C. J. Erickson , Omaha. North Carolina Gems. Raleigh ( N. C. ) News : No state is so well known us North Carolina in con nection , with gems and precious stones. , Thuir variety is , like that of all other products of earth and water , wider here than In any other state of the union. In the western counties new discoveries are constantly being made. Dr. C. D. Smith ol Macon has done a great deal toward the discovery of gems in all that section , nml has been very fortunate in this re gard. Ho has now scored n real triumph , for he has found spinel , which ho is as sured is now in the United States. Yester day ho showed n reporter two handsome specimens of that gem of nn orange- yellow color , They nro singularly transpraont , extremely brilliant , and are perfect stones in every respect. Held in the sunshine they scorn to contain all the fires that lend brilliance to the lire opal. They were discovered in Haywooci couidy , and Dr. Smith will explore that locality for moro. Ho also exhibited handsome specimens of blue nnd straw- colored'bery , the stones being perfect in shupo and superb in color. Blood-red garnets from Burke ho nho exhibited , which have a strange beautv all theii own. own.Tho The bulk of the San Luis valley plant ing is done , nnd tiio crop is in tlio ground In unusually good order. The acreage of grain in the valley will bo fully four times , it is said , what it has over been before. In tlio next thirty days there will bo 50,000 now acres planted to alfalfa in the different parts of the state. When this is done the acreage of the plant will be greater than in any other st-ito or terri tory of the union. The largo Italian ironclad Italia latolv made a run of forty-seven and a half miles in two hours and twenty minutes This moans an average speed of close on eighteen knots an hour. A cud , Mr , Wedgwood , the ctymolo gist , tolls us , is not the remainder of ca dot , as the dictionaries say , nor a do seondant of the Scotch caddie , but moans tlio devil , and is good old English. i Grave robbing on a systematized basis seems to havo" boon going on for some time at the Wayne county , New York , alinshouse , and a thorough invostigatior is to be made by the district attorney. QUEEN VICTORIA'S ' KE\S , How the Gates of the London Tower Are Made Secure , Ancient Mllltnry Costumes That Alnko Modern Military Men "Laugh Illght Out lit Meeting. " Tlio time honored ceremonies that nro atill observed when the Rates of tlio Tower of London are locked flavor of feudal times. Tlio queen's keys nro dtv posited when not in use in the residence of the deputy constable of the fortress , which stands near the walls of tlie White Tower overlooking the court in which so miiny executions have taken place. QTho keys are carried by a member of tlio corps of .yeomen of llio guard , or Beefeaters , ns they are commonly called. The Beefeater is accompanied by nn armed escort from the main guard , whoso duly is in part to protect the guard house in which tlio Kohlnoor anil other jewels of fabulous value are located. When the clock on the white tower begins to chime n quarter to IS. says Chambers' Journal , tlm word 'koysl' ut tered in a stentorian tone by a sergeant rouses the soldiers , who are usually slumbering with much apparent comfort , on the wooden guard-bed. In a few moments they are transferred to the ex terior of the building , fully accoutred , and accompanied by u youthful drum mer , who bears a rather dusty lantern which he has hastily lit. The captain of Ihu guard marches off the little party towards tlio constable's house. There the soldiers are met by the warder , sus pended from whoso hand , as he descends the stops.thu queen's keys jingle merrily. At this juncture the sergeant com mands his subordinates , whom ho has halted for u moment , to "present arms" ; and tlte Beefeater takes post a little in advance of his protectors , who forthwith set oil' in the direction of the gates. The lirst suntry to be passi'd stands expectant under the veranda at the entrance to the guardroom , whore is also the whole guard not elsewhere engaged. It has been "turned out" to do honor for the keys. keys.Vhen the sentry sees the escort headed by the lantern coming very near to his post ho calls out : "Halt ! who comes there ? " The advancing party is brought to a standstill by this summons , and the warder , who , as a rule , is enveloped in the folds of an antiquated-looking cloak , replies in a kind ot sepulchral toiio of voice : "keys. " "Whose keys ? " inquires tlio soldier , who is meanwhile standing with his piece at "port , " an attitude preparatory to assuming that of the "charge. " The warder answers : "Queen Victor ia's keys. " But oven now the escort is not per mitted to proceed on its journey , for the obdurate sentry coming down to the charge , makes the demand : "Stand , Queen Victoria's Keys. Advance one and give the coutcrsign. " The password , being well known to the warder , is of course given , and the sontrycrios : "Pass Queen Victoria's Keys. All's well. " After this dialogue has como to a term ination the Keys are conveyed past the guard-house , being in their transit sa luted by the assembled guard , which is then "turned in. " Before the Beefeater and the escort have marched twenty yards further ob structions appear in the forms of the vig ilant sentinels at the Jewel housu and the Traitor's gate , which hitler was once used for the admission of "traitors" brought down the river from Westmin ster. In succession each of the. soldiers challenges in the same way as his com rade at the main guard. When the Heefeater has satisfactorily answered both men , the party moves on ward for a little distance , and is a fourth time brought to a halt by the sentry at the By ward gato. The sentry hero hav ing been satisfied as to the character of the escort , it passes on , traverses a cause way leading across the moat , and reaches the Spur Guard. There , of course It is stopped by a sentry belonging to that body ; and the Keys are eventually sa luted by this soldier , ns well as by the guard of which he forms a unit. And now , after all these impediments have been overcome , the Barrier Gate is at length approached , its custodian hav ing boon appeased in the stereotype man ner. The Barrier Gate is the outermost gate of the tower , and it is necessarily tlui lirst ono to be locked. The warden , who marches a littlp in front of the escort , when ho is within some fifteen or twenty paces from the gate , halts. Then the men composing tlio escort advance , and , under the super intendence of the sergeant , line the sides of the road , facing inwards towards its ruiddlu. The Beefeater , with considerable sol emnity of demeanor , now walks up be tween the ranks , selects the appropriate key and locks the gato. which in the meantime has been closed by a corporal. This operation accomplished , and hav ing given the gate a shako to assure him- nolf of its being properly fastened , the Beefeater resumes his position ti few yards away , passing as before the linen of soldiers. Arms are presented to the Keys , both when they nro proceeding to the gate and when they are retiring from it , by word of command from the scr- eoantjfor the oflicor remains behind with the main guard , The party is now rearranged in the prdor of march , and at ouco retraces its Etops to the next gate to bo secured , the ouo at the ttarbican or Spur Guard. On the outer side of tlio ditch , this portal is exactly opposite the Uyward gate , which is situated on its inner bam ; . Having passed tbo ns yet open gate , the soldiers are again drawn up in lines , and it is closed and locked ; and us the key is withdrawn from the look all present say or are understood to say : "God save Queen Victoria. " The Spur guard is turned out to salutoj nnd the Keys and their escort retreat across tlio moat to the Byward gate , where precisely the same ceremony takes pluco. This completed , the throe chief gates of the tower Imvo boon made fast for the night. But there exists a fourth gate , which may bo accurately described as n "baok" entrance to the fortress ; it stands in the vicinity of the ancient drawbridge , in the eastern portion of the outer wall of the Tower , The cato in this somewhat rcmoto region is looked in a slightly less formal style than the other or "front" gates ; and the men of the escort soon step out smartly on their return journey to the main guard. Thcro they nro hailed by the sentry as at the outset , and to the echo of his final "All's well , " the queen's keys are carried into their quar ters. ters.No ono , however high in rank or authority , can enter or leave the tower after midnight. But the sergeant in commune ! ot the spur guard is author ized to admit residents ns far as his gimrdhauso , where thcro is a waiting- room for the accommodation of such belated persons. At 5 o'clock in the morning the sor- gcant summons his men to open the gates of the tower. The ceremony , though essentially similar to the midnight one , is perhaps a little moro hurriedly per formed. _ A word to our Jaily readers : If you Imvo been wanting to RIVO him a present , ami have not been able to decide what would for'ona 'of. the Komlou Trouser Bireiahero advertised to-day by ( J. W. Simmons & Co. . .Boston , It takes all .the bacgliiessbut of the knot's , and no ive-U dressed man can dp without one. ENGLISH WORKWOMEN'S CLUBS. . _ | f. < "Without n Countcrtmrt In America Their Alms'ilotliols niul SI n\in fee in cut. There is a plutso of club life in Eng land which has * practically no counter part either in this city or m this country. In point of comfort , luxury and adorn ment , some ol tlio hew York clubs which provide for the wealthy of the trades and professions and llio dovotces of idlessc yield to none 'of' ' ' those in the English metropolis. But of clubs for the benefit of the uiechnniCi ; the clerk , the trades man's assistant. , scarcely anything is known on tins slue of the Atlantic. Tlio unmarried man of small means can sit in his bedroom and rend a book ; ho can take a walk , or ho can devote himself to tins maintenance of the saloon-keeper. Within these I mils is comprised his choice of employment for the greater part of his leisure hours. Free libraries , provided in a charitable way , are open to him to some small extent , but in the control and management of these he has no voice. Thcro are now many scores of working- men's clubs in and around London , and hundreds elsewhere throughout the kingdom. Numbers of those are larger aim moro developed though many are smaller , than that at Kingston , a London suburb on the hanks of the Thames ; but as a typo of the institution this will servo widl enough. Tlio building is a sub.slan- tiul three story block , with a broad on- tianco into a largo hallway running through to the rear. On ono side of this hall is a bar .where strong waters and malt liquors and ellcrvoscent draughts and "tho cup that cheers but does not , etc , "aro to bo had with light refresh ment. There are a lecture-room , sub committee roonfs. a largo library and reading room and accommodations on the ground lloor. liclow , in the base ment is a little alley. On the second lloor is a theatre seating over < 1GO per sons , with well arranged stage , and dressing and green rooms. Above this again is a billiard room with excellent billiard and bagatelle tables. In the roar of tlio building is a large lawn. The activity for which this building forms a centre it would be impossible to properly describe in brief. There are billiard and chess club. " , which pluy tournnir.uats constantly and give vajuable prizesthcro arc bicycle and athletic and cricket clubs ; there is a boating club , with a tine boat holism and a fleet of skills , many of the members of which arcs lirst rate amateur oaismen , and thcro is a swimming club , the members of which are always racing or training for races among themselves or with other clubs. There are amateur theatrical companies and musical and orchnscal societies. There are facilities for cards and dominoes and checkers , and the skilled in the mysteries of these are con stantly visiting other clubs around the great city to contest with them in these games , or receiving visits in return. There arc courses of lectures , and courses of instruction in languages and other useful - ful branches of knovcjedge ; there are siek- bcneiit and building societies ; there are discussion classes'atid ' mutual improve ment societies. tl'Tliore are garden par ties for danciiigjandjmusic on the lawn all through the Bummer , and balls in the theatre throughout iuo winter. The ailairs of the club are managed entirely by tire members themselves , unmooring botWocu'Vix and seven hun dred , and thoraunual subscription is § 1.00 , with subscriptions ranging from 23 cents to ! } 2.fiO to suoli of tliu subsidiary clubs as each mumbur may wish to join. The ollVct of tin's institution in kouping men out of the vym shops find innocently and wholesomely employed in their spare time may lie imagined. The members have no desire to'emnd and loaf aio'ind street corm.r.s or in" bar rooms. Or shout themselves hoarse at anarchist gather ings. They hayo. constant and interest ing and exciting occupation for their leisure hours , and they consequently got as much or more enjoyment out of life than their wealthier neighbors. There is a variety to suit every taste , and no one need complain that ho cannot find con genial recreation. Srme , but not very many , of the-o workmen's clubs are run en total absti nence lines. Others have a membership conlincd to particular political shade ; of thought. But in all the purpose and the rrstilt are similar. The question , "Is life worth living to the laboring man ? " is solved ell'cctually and dec sively. Jeff Davis * Book Pell Flat , Carp's Letter : Applcton , the publisher , thought the story of the war written ny Jeff Davis would bo a great jiit. It would probably bo full of gossip and personal reminiscences , and coining from such n classical scholar as Davis ought to be well written. Ho wrote to Davis and asked him if ho would write such a book , and Jell'Davis jumped at the chance. A short time after this a largo roll of man uscript was expressed to Applcton. It was the book from Bcavoir. On reading it the publishers found that it was utterly unfit for use. It read like a school-boy's Fourth of July oration , adapted to the south , and was full of blatant eulogies and secession sentiment. It was heavy , argumentative and unreadable. The publishers were in despair , and they finally sent a man to Davis' home and told him to write the book for him. Jell' Davis dictated n large part of it , and , after six months' work , the man came back with the manuscript , which was published. It was a crude work and Jeff Davis insisted on its being as it is. It fell lint upon the country and was a finan cial failure. Davis could not understand why this was so and ho thought perhaps it might bo because the book was too dear. Ho thought it ought to bo distri buted moro widely , and no wrote to the publishers not long ago and asked them If they would not got out a cheap edition in pamphlet form. They replied this was out of the question , that the booK would not pay , and they would have nothing moro to do with it. Making n Loan. Wall Street News : The agent of a platu- glass insurance agency in a western city received n call a few days ago from u tough looking stranger , wno didn't waste any time asking for a loan of ton dollars. , " \ \ ell , th's is 'cheek ' and no mistake ! " exclaimed the "Beg pardon , tir ut it is straight bus iness , I'm ' a trump.1' I'm a night-hawk. I oiin break 100 ipliitiV-glass windows in this Mate in the ni'xPmonth and not got caught at it. You oan easily figure tlio cost to your company ) " " 1 want to borrow- that sum , sir , on my note of hrfnij.'duo three mouths hence. " ' ' ' Ho not only got'it.'liut ' tno agent gave him a second-hand suit of clothes and said lie should bo pleased to hear from him by mail. o r - i'i * Pleasant when -iyour cold goes. Hod Star Cough Cure drives it away. No nar cotics , The Marino band in Washington is re hearsing Alcndelbsolm'd "Wedding March'r and "Hasto to the Wedding.1 The latter is dedicated to Mru. Grover Cleveland , An Elkhart , Ind. , farmer dug into a large mound on his farm and found the skeletons of twenty-two bodies that had been buried faeo downward , and the skulls of all hud boon crushed in at tlio back. Suburban property is increasing in value very rapidly in Washington , and the town is gradually crawling up on the hills. Houses worth fiO.OOo , $30,000 $10 , 000 and upward are being built in the suburbs. . , _ Thero'nre seventeen lawyers at/Algona sud-uat u democrat amoii'g the number. JOHN DUBOIS' ' MILLIONS , Pennsylvania's Lumber King Gives an $8,000,000 , , Estate to Hia Nephew. Hundred Workmen to He Cnrcd For How Ills Vnut For tune Was Made. On Tuesday , May llth , John Dubois , the lumber king of Pennsylvania , lllcd in Clearlielil an absolute deed convoying all Ills property , valued at about $8,000- 000 , to his favorite nephew , John K. Dti- hols. The deed bears date January 17th , 1S8-I , so Uiat , although for more than two years young John Dubois lias been in his uncle's employ , taking orders from whatever superintendent ho chanced to bo working under , ho has been tlio actual owner o.f the entire property. Nobody knew it but himself and his uncle. The senior Dubois , who is 77 years old , has been ailing lately , and decided to nv.iko the deed public. The only consideration in the deed is that John K. Dubois shall pay all debts and Pill all contracts his uncle may make till the day of ills death. His purpose in making the deed was to make sure that his business should go on in single and absolute ownership , just as ho had conducted it for tlio period of twenty years , after his death , and that the 80 J workmen in his employ should not bo distress d by the stoppage or em barrassment of his enterprise. The deed makes no mention of any of the other heirs , of whom there are a great many , John Dubois being tlio only bachelor in a family of fourteen. It is left entirely to the conscience of John K. Dubois whether any ot them shall have any share in the estate pr not. Tlio young man is about 23 years of age and unmar ried. Ho educated at Chester Mili tary Academy. 1 ho 1'itlsburg Dispatch siys : that John Dubois stood easily at the head of tlio lumber business of Pennsylvania. It is drubtful if there is any man between Maine and Michigan who owned more t mbcr land and cut more t'mbcr than ho did. Every year he cut and .sawed about ! ) D,000,03i ) feet of boards , enough to build tlio dwelling-houses of u town of 10,009 puoulc. He owned at the time of Ids death iW.OOO acres of land in one con nected body about his Town of Dubois , on which lucre is standing about 850.IM.O- OOJ foot of v/hito-pine lumber , besides many million feet of hemlock. About 8.0CO acres of it is underlaid with a valu able vein of coal , being on the western side of the Ueynoldsvillo Ij.'isin. Besides his largo buildings inPittsburg , John Dubois hau a one-fourth interest in a tract of 70,000 acres in West Virginia , which the ax has never touched , and large real-estate interests in Ilavro do Grace and Williamsport. At Dubois , whore ho has lately lived , he had mill improvement ! ! worth $750,000. When he wont there , ten or twelve years ago , there were only three houses in the town. It now has 7,000 population. John Dubois began life with almost no capital , and was a raftsman on the Sus- qtielmnna at the ago of 17. His inventive genius helped him greatly. His mills are full of his devices. Whenever ho found an impediment in his path ho invented something to overcome it. Ho recently recovered $30,000 from the Baltimore & Ohio railroad company for the use of Ins patent for deep-water foundations. The automatic dam which hears his name is well known. Ho owned about fifty pat ents altogether. He owned the line hotel and half the property in tlio town of Du bois , and had just completed a new opera house , the linest in the state outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Ho got the lirst large start in his for tune by investing in cheap timber lands , and the secret of his large profits in recent - cent years lias boon the perfection of his machinery and the variety of his product which enabled trim to use up all the tim ber lie cut and avoid waste and middle- men's jirolits. Ho manufactured houses nd shipped thorn all lilted and complete , o that a hatdict and nails wore all that were required to put thorn together at their destination. A rough pine log brought Irom the woods to ids mill , over Ins own line of ra.lroad , eanio out at the ( iiid of the works in the shape of boxes , boards , laths and barrel heads. Every scrap was turned to profit. There was no waste except splinters and sawdust. His works at Dubois had a capacity of 85,000 feet of lumber , 0,003 boxes , ij.OOO barrelheads , and 00,000 shingles a day , besides a hemlock mill with a capacity of 40.000 foot daily , and a large tannery and machine shop. Ho had a farm of 1,000 acres , employe J 800 men , and knew everyone ono of them , Ho had been seriously ill for several months , anil recently hail Dr. Aynow , of Philadelphia , taken up to Dubois on a special train. Ho staid thirty-live minutes. Though a man of warm heart and genial disposition , Mr. Dubois never married. Ho never used liquor or tobacco. Hulford Sauce. The most delicious rel ish. Two residents of Webster county , Neb. , have rows of lightning rods on their houses that cost $700 each. * Henry A. Mott , Jr Ph.D. , F.C.S. , Prof. Chemistry , New York Medical college and loto Government Chemist , says : "My investigation of Allcock's Porous Plaster shows it to contain valuable and essential ingredients not present in any other plas ter. Thqfa ingredients are so perfectly proportioned that the Allcock's Porous Plaster will not cause blisters or excessive irritation ; and I liud it superior to and moro cflicienl than any other plas ter. " Imitations and counterfeits of this valuable remedy are being ode rod for sale ; so when purchasing Allcock's Porous ous Plasters do not fail to see that the registered trade-mark stamp is oneacli plaster , as none are genuine without it. Investigation has shown that the air in the houses of parliament is dangerously contaminated by sewer gas. When lUby wu rtck , ire s ve ber OattorU , When ilie ITU Child , aho cried for CutorU , When tba bocune HU , ih clung to CattorU , Wlita Uo bid Children , ib c re them CutorU , Flax has been gown in eight counties of Nebraska by way of un experiment , to see if it will not bo more prolilablo than wheat. PIL.ES . : A. sure euro for Blind. Blooding , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian 1'ile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 23 or SO years stnndin : ; . No ono need suffer live minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Inij medicine. Lotions mid Instruments demote mote harm than good. Williams' ' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense itching , ( particularly at nlirht after Dr. Frazler's ilairic Ointment cures as by made , 1'imples , lilack Heads or Grubs , Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving the Bttln clear and ucautlful. Also cures Iteli. bait Ktieum , Knro Nipple * , Sore JUlpa , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. . Sold by Urugi'lsts. or mailed on receipt of CO cents. . . Hetallcduy Kuhn A Co. . and Schroder A Conrad. At wholusalo by 0. 'F. Uoodmau. lilfb In the Paris Sewers , is possible , for a short time to the robust , but the majority of refined persons would prefer immediate death to existence in their recking atmosphere. How much moro revolting to be in ono's self a living srtrcr. But tins is actually the case with those in whom the inactivity of tlio Hvor drives the refuse matter of the body to escape through the lungs , breath , the pores , kidneys and blndder. It U aston ishing that life remains in such a dwelling. Dr. Piorco'a "Golden Medical Discovery" restores normal purity to tlio system and renews the whole being , No fewer than 100,000 shade trees now make Washington glorious in fresh , green and fragrant blossoms. "For economy anp comfort every spring , wo use Hood's Sarsnparilln , ' writes a Bufl'alo , N. V. ) lady. 100 doses Ono Dollar _ A Georgia hunter. C3 years old , says that .since lie began hunting he has killed Ull ) deer and 18i alligators. Itotiton'R llnir Grower. All who nrn BAhl ) , all who are becoming BALD , all who do not waul to bn hnld , all who are troubled with DAXDUtlFK , or 1I'CltlNO of the scalp ; should use Bmiton's Hair Grower. KIOIITV I'KII Ci.vr : of those usliift It have grown hnlr. It never falls to stop the hair trnin lallllitf. Through sickness and fevers the hair sometimes tails elf In a shoit time , and although the poison may have remained bald lor years. If you use Hen- ton's Hair Glower aocurdliiK to directions you are .sure of a growth of hair. In hun dred * of cases wo have produced a coed growth of Hair on those who have been bald and clnzed for years wo have fully biilistan- tinted the following facts : Wo grow Hair In SO cases out oC 100 , no matter how lorn : bald. Unlllto other preparations , It contains no sugar of lead , or vegetable or mineral * poisons. It Is a spccllio for falling hair , dandrulT , and Itching of the scalp. The Hair Grower Is a hair food , and Its omposltlou Is almost exactly like tlio oil which supplies Iho linir with Its vitality. DOUBLE ANM ) TKIPLK STUKNGTH. When the skin Is very touch and iiard , and the follico Is apparently ellectuallv closed , the single strength will sometimes fall to reach tint papilla ; In such cases the double or triple strength should be used In connection with the single , using them alternately. Price , slncle hticimth , SI,00 : double strength , S2.CO ; triple stii-npth , 8:1.00. : If your druggists have not got it we will send U iirepati'd on receipt of piico. BKNTON lIAlH GIKUVKUCO. , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kuhn & Uo. Tim city of Guatemala contains (50,000 ( inhabitants. Last winter a French opera troupe played a two months' engagement to crowded houses every night. Guate mala has elcctrio lights , telephones , street cars and good hotels. How It Was That Flro Portlnnders Get 915.OOO. Mr. Uiifas F. Bacon hold one-lifth of the ticket which drew the capital nrlzo of ST.5,000 In The Louisiana State Lot y Drawing of April lIHli. Homo of his filonds suggested that they purchase some tickets in the Louis iana State Lottery. They purchased nnc- lifthol ten different tickets , paying there- for 310. When thev got the tickets , each se lected two tickets liapnazard , and If either ticket drew , tlio amount was to bo divided between them all. On Wednesday last a tnl- ogram was received , stating that ticket No. 25.244 had drawn one-tilth of the capital nrlzo of § 73,000 Portland tMe. ) Argus. April'Jl. Some vVest India negroes carry a snake's poison under their linger nails. A single scratch from a poisoned nail will cause death in a few hours. Two and a half million pounds sterling bus been the average value for the past three years of the Kimberly diamond mines in South Africa. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with upoclal rcc rd to healtli. No Ammonia , Umo or Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO- BT.LOim ? LYON & HEALY Patent Upright Piano ? are concerted to bo the host in the nmrket lit ; i moderate 'price. 0,000 now in usu. Remarkable for their ilurabillly. unil capacity for standing In tune. Endorsed by Rive- Kiii" , Sherwood , Boscovitz , Leibling , Eddy , Prntt , nnd other eminent members of the musical profession , WAUEKOOMS : 1305 and 1307 Farnint St. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital , . , . . $250,000 , SuplusMay 1 , 1885 , . . , , 25,000 , U. W. YATKS , President. A. E. TOUZAUN , Vice President. W. H. S. HuoiiK3 , Cnshlor. PIIlEC7 ° W. V. Mows , UJoiw S. COLLINS , U. W. YATW , JjKWM s , UEKW. A. H , TOUKALIN , BANKING OFFICE : THE JOtON BANK. Cor. 12th and Farnara Streets. General Ilauklnir Buatuon 'I'ruaiiJtoL IS DECIDED DY Boy al Havana Lottery ( A Drawn at Huvnna.C'uba , way 1,10,20 , 1680 U GOVEMNMCNT JNSTITUTIONI TICKETS IN FIFTHS. Wholes $5.00. Fractions Pro rata. Tickets iuFiftUi ; Wholes fS | PrucUonlpo B rain. Subject to no manipulation , not conliollcd 'jy the imrtlos | n IntercutIt U the tulrosl tblnir 111 the nnturo of cUauuo In existence. For ticket * apply to SUll'rfKV & OU.liit ! < llroad- way.h. V. Cit > - : M. JtHTKNS & CO. , C.1S M i | Uieut Kansas City , Mu. . ui'Lui * iw Dr.B GUER'S The Great Southern Remedy for all BOl EL TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHING. Tlierrnr very Tew Trim do not know of tills llltlc liinti prim Inn ulnnifMilp of our mountain * niul lilllM lint very lew reiillr.o tlio fuel , Hint Hie Illtlfl purple berry , ulilih unmnnyofiis linvoenlen In mml every Rlinpe. therein uitln- clplo In U liuvln < n wulcifill rfli'cl on Hit liimelv lr. ) miner's Huckleberry CordlM Is tlioiniKAT KOUilllin * xmiKliv llml irVnres tlm llttlu one Irclhlnc , nnd cures Ilurrliu. a UyixMilery niul Crump I'olle. When It lirohilili > ri-cl tlmt nt tlilsi-c.iKnnof Kiuldrn niul ilnrRcrun nttarkn r lli tHiwpIs ro fa frriupnt , mill \\c lirnrof o ninny dpntln uccnrrliiE before pliyMcliiii rnn Lw rallr-u In , It Is Inmortnnt tlintrtiTV honir- liutd slKinl.l prnvlde tlpm. : elvr.i wllli . ninn Bpc-pJy rnlli'f , n ilovoof vrlilcli will relieve Ilin pain nml save nuirh nnxlety. Hr. Illcscri' IliirlilrherrvCordlnl Inneluiploremedy wblcu uny clillil M plenn'il In take. I'rlce. M cents n boltle. Mnmifnctured by WAM'KIl A.TAYtOll. AtlMittt. tlu. 'I n > lorV thiTiKrllrinrdy : of wwrrt linni nnd .iliillrlii will rino LMiicli * , 011111) nnd C'uu miniptlnn , I'rlregM'H. anil II n linttle. lor Rnlu by tlio II. T. ClarUoUrtig Co. , nnd nit CAPITAL PRIZE , $850,000 , VWodn licrohycortlty that n-o auporviao the rrnnccmnnts for nil the Monthly and qimrterly of Tlio Ixiil9ltirm Stitto Lottery Company nnd In voronn mnnn re mid control the UnnvlnRK thomtolros , anil tlmt thp 9111110 nro conducted with liiniesty. fnlrnosa and la good fnllli toward nil inirtlos. nnJve authorize tlio Company to USD tills oortlfloato. with fito-slmUm ofour Blennturni nttnolioJ In Us ndvnrtUmcnt COMMISSIONERS. _ We. the undersigned Hanks nnd Unnkora , will pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State Letter - tor IPS which may bo presented at our oountorj J. It. OOMiSBY , Pres. Louisiana National Bant .T. IV. KILIUIKTII , Fres. State National B A. IIALIMVIM. Pres. NowOrloansNatlonal Bant UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION A MILLION iSTiirnuTKD LOUISIANA STATElOTTERY COMPANY , Incorporated In 18GS for 25 years by lainro for Educational and Cuarltnblo purpoioi with n capital or $1,000,000 to whlah n reserve fund of over $550,000 has since hucn added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its 1'rtuichlsn was mndo n part of the present Stnto Constitution adopted Documnur&l. A. D. 1S7V. Its grand Aliixlo number drawing takes plnco monthly. It never sen Ion or postpones. Look at tlio following distribution : 193d Grand Monthly AM ) TUB ElTRAOilDlNm QUAHTEI1LY OIUuVIIIK In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans. Tuesday , Juno inth , 1883 Under the personal supervisor ! and manage ment of OF. \ . G. T. UiJA.uitKOA.iiD , of Lou isiana , nnd UKJT. JUHA.I , A. EAULY , of Vir ginia. ginia.CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000. Notice , Tickets are SIO only , Halves , S3 Fifths , $2. Tenths , $ ! . 1 OAPITAI. J'IIIZE or f50000. ] . . . $ irAOM lUllANDl'HIKBOr 60.000. . . . 60.000 IGltANI ) I'lllZEnr al.OJO , . . . 20,030 liLAIUin I'JU/LSOP 10,000. . . . 20,000 4 IAH(1K I'ltl/.ESor .000. . . . 20,000 s.01'iuzEsoF 1,000. . . 60 " fiOO. . . . 85,003 100 300. . . . 00,003 200 200. . . . 40,003 COO 100. . . . 00,093 looa M. . . . AIM'IIOXIMATION WU7.EH. 100 Approximation prlzcsof $200. . . . $20,00) 10J " " 100. . . . 0 , IB " " 75. . . . 8,270 Prizes , amount Inar to . 523.W3 Application for rate * to clubs should bo randa only to the ofllco of the company In Now Or leans , For further Information write clearly , virlntr full address. POSTAL NOTK.4 , Bipreis Money Orders , or Now York Uxclmng-o m ordinary letter - tor , currency by express at our oxporuo ad dr ° 580dl M. A. DAUPHIN , Nuw Orleans , La. Or M. A.DAUPHIN. Washington , D. 0. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and addrow tt'tflstorod ' letters to NKW OHUJAN8 NATIONAL HANK , Now Orleans , La. LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Iteccntlr Uullt. Nowljr FurnUlicd The Tremont , J. C. HJT/.aKHAM ) & SON , Proprietors. Cor. Cth nnd I'BtS. , Lincoln , Nob. HnliisH.W iioriUjr. utrcot earn from homo to any purtof Iho city. J , H. W. HAWKINS , Architect , OWcc3-33.U'and ! Itlclmnls Illock , Lincoln , Nob. I'.lovutoronlltli Btioct. llreodt'r of lln-cdornf ( jAi.i.uu-A v CATTI.K. SHOUT Uoit.s UAITI.U F. Al. W < KD3 ) , Live Stock Auctioneer Huloj imuU < In nil iiurtB of tlio U. H. ut fillr rut us. jtooin U.SIiUo Illock , Lincoln , Kob.3 GolUnniy mid Short Horn bulls fpr sulo. Farm Loans and Insurance , CorrosiimiclciK'u in rcgnrJ to Jonn rollcltoJ. Uoom 4 , UIuhiirdH Hlock , Lincoln , Neb , 'Public Sale , Denver , Col , , Juno IDHi , tSSU. 40 lioii'l of SlumBhort Jlorm. Duti-s fcCritlck vlinnk , 2yourld8 , weighing IBM ) ; bulU untl helium. Addronii 1'lold und Farm , for futulop- U04 , lunvrr , Col , C. M. llrunsoii , Lincoln , Nov. Col. F , M.Voodc , Auullonuor , When In Lincoln stop ut National Hotel , And KCt u gOOX | uinuer rur > > 5o , J.A.TBDAWAyProp. DEBILITATED A You are ullowtxj afrt trial of thirty data of tbo UM of Dr. l > ) > ; ' Celebrated VoiUIj Uelt llli fcleclrla Hu < - pensory ApplUueca , fur the fix-edy rrllvf OtlBk'A | mnneutouteot AVriviui DtMHIv. loxsof Vitality i > D > l M&nliaod , ftnd oil U ml red troubliM. AIM for i' ) u > otbcr dUoasei. Complete rwtoratlon to Uruliji , Vlcur , and llauliood frauruntard. o rUk la Incurred. . Illuv ( rated pmnntifct In nalt < l tnvtlni * inMlcd fieeIjyiuv iicwlng VUliTAIU OJiliTCO. . Blarvbull. OtlBk'