Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA Orricn , Mo. wit AND 018 fAnwAM ST
NKW YOIIK Omen , HOOM Gii.TiunuNK nutMiiNa
WASHINGTON Orncr , No. 613 VouitTKF.jrrif ST.
lubllihcl ( CTcrymornlnpr.o.tcoptSnndnj' . The
only Monday moriilnir pnpor published In the
One Yfnr. . . . . . . flO.OO.Thrrn Months. . . . . .J2.W1
Blx Months . . n.OO.Ono Month . 1.00
THE WEEKLY HEE , Published Kvory Wcdnuauixy.
Ono Ycnr , with premium . 12.00
Ono Yenr , without pi cmlntn , , . . . . . 1,35
8lxMontlm , without premium. . . 75
Ono Month , on trial . , . 10
All communications relating to news nnd Ml-
lorlnl ntnttcr * ehould bo mlilrussoJ to the Km-
ton or 'UK UEK.
All Inulnoss letters nn < l remittances should 1)8
adrcftftoci to THE tir.R 1'unr.ipiiinn COMPANV ,
OMAHA. Draft * , chucks nnd postoflleo onlora
to bo miulo pnynblo to the order of the company.
Sworn Statement orClrotilntlon.
State of Nebraska , I
. f 8 < s-
County of Domrlas.
N. P. tell , cashier of the IJco Publishing
company , does solemnly swear that tlio ac
tual circulation of the Dally Bee for the
week ending May 14tli , I860 , was as follows :
Mnrnino Eretiltic .
Dale. Edition. KdUtnn. Tntnl
Saturday. 8th. . . . 0,030 0,000 1'J.O.W
Monday , 10th. . . . 7,050 B.bOO
Tuesday , lltli. . . . O.IMO r.,810 13,110
Wcdncsdnv.lSUi. 0,800 12Ktt !
Thursday , 13th. . . O.IKJO 5bOU 18,100
Friday , 14th 0WK ) r.,850 12l.r,0
Average 0,483 6,883 12.3CO
N. P. Fnii , .
Sworn to and subscribed before mo , this
16th day of May , A. D. 18SO.
Notaiy Public.
N. P. Fell , being lint duly sworn , deposes
nnd says that ho Is cashier of the Hen Pub
lishing company , that the actual average
dally circulation of the Dally Heo for the
month of January , 1&3G , was 10,378 copies ;
for February , 1880,10,69 , copies ; for March ,
18SO , 11.W7 copies ; for April , 1880 , 11,191
Sworn to nnd subscribed before mo this
6th day o May , A. D. 18SO.
Notary Public.
Tun property owner in the business
part of Omaha who is short-sighted
cnougu to build a four-story building on
a six-story lot will confess himself to bo
the worst fooled man in the city two
years from now.
AN oxctiso has been found ut Washing
ton for the removal of Agent McGilli-
cuddy. Those two arrant humbugs , lr.
Bland , of the Council Fire , and lied
Cloud will now have a scalp dance over
"the remains of the best agent in the In
dian service.
Mn. EDMUNDS has listened to the dele
gation from the board of trade in advo
cacy of the Union Puciiic relief bill.
Much as we should bo glad to see the
measure pass , there is a long distance
between the committee room nnd the en
grossing clerk.
SIXTV per cent increase over last year
was the record of Omaha's clearings for
the week ending Saturday last. "Busi
ness is business , " and Omaha is getting
her duo proportion ot the same , with her
official standing set down as twelfth
in the list of financial centers of the
* * * * * > > ' < ' * * * ' * " " ' " " * " ? '
SPAIN is rejoicing over the birth of a
royal prlnco who is heir apparent to the
throne. The pope has consented to
Htand as god-father to Queen Christina'B
boy , and all Catholic Europe is prepar
ing to send congratulations to the queen-
mother over the happy event , which cuts
off the youthful nose of the princess
royal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tun Long Pine Bugla blows a fearful
blast. The following specimen bugle
note leads to the natural inference that
the mouth from which this terrific blast
was blown had been drawing inspiration
from n whisky jug :
Wo hear the boating of drums , see the mar-
.Bhallng of forces , hear ttio cannon's roar ,
and see the traitors fall. Heady , aim , lire 1
Van Wye. was killed In the heat of thu
battle I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TNtu. GLADSTONE has determined to ap
peal to the country in case homo rule is
defeated by a strong majority in the pre
sent commons. Her majesty , the queen ,
'lias scon lit to take a hand in the matter
Hnd the royal wish that parliament should
toot'be dissolved on this issue was brought
"by the queen's secretary to Mr. Gladstone
on "Monday. Victoria has made it her
business for years to snub the premier ,
Jfehll Mr. Gladstone probably feels under
'i b pressing obligations to yield to her
'majesty's whim especially as such obodi-
'erico would bo to Iiand over the govern-
'intent ' to Lord Hartingtou and a tory
-'b&alition. So the country will bo given
'hh opportunity to express its approval
fcr disapproval of the ministerial policy at
taeipolls. John Morley 1ms already noti-
ltd the liberal union to prepare for an-
'ether election , which is n significant hint
that the government is prepared for do-
'foat and ready to face the Sssuo on an
appeal to the country. It is neck or
'nothing ' with Mr. Gladstone. His aggros-
'Bivb wuriaro for homo rule is worthy of
We vigor of a statesman of 40.
The premier is steering the ship of state
straight for the homo rule port , serenely
confident of making the landing safely ,
in spite of all adverse winds and treach
erous rocks ,
DODGE street Is offering a largo bonus
for thu location of the cable lino. There
Is no reason why Farnam street should
not compete. Farnam has already mil-
ilons Invested in buildings and the prop
erty west of thu court house is hold at
high prices because it is expected that
business will go there , Now while business -
ness will not climb Dodge street hill oven
* x if the cable road is laid along that street
there is no doubt that the location of that
road away from Farnam will carry a
great deal of travel thrco blocks north
of that street and materially dam
age the business prospects of the
thoroughfare , There is another reason
why the cable road should bo induced to
locate on Farnam. The street from
Ninth to Eighteenth is paved with gran-
, ito. Light buggies will not use that pave
ment for pleasure rides , and these who
have business on the street are bound to
come whether the cable road comes there
oruot. Farnam street is wide enough
for four moro tracks , if needed , and the
more through travel wo concentrate on
the street the more wo concentrate busi-
ness. If the owner of every 23-foot lot
between Ninth street and the city limits
would contribute $50 towards u bonus ,
MT have no doubt that the road could be
Tlio Irish Famine.
Wo hare received a circular from
Patrick Ford asking us to lend n voice in
favor of the Irish famine fund now being
raised by the Irish World to relieve the
great distress in western Ireland. Mr.
Ford writes :
The condition of tlio people alone the
const of Gnlway , Mayo , and Donegal , Is re
duced to absolute destitution. Whole com
munities are without food or fuel.
Thousands of persons arc almost In a state
ot nudity , numbers of young gills being thus
forced to keep within doors , liavlnc been
obliged to pawn the scanty clothing they had
to purchnso something to cat to preserve life.
Mostllov. Dr. McKvllly , archbishop of Tuam ,
Michael Davlit , and all the priests In these
localities verify these terrible statements ,
mid linvo made most piteous appeals for re
lief. It Is certain that those people will dlo
If assistance Is not clvcn promptly.
It Is , sir , with a sense of humiliation that L ,
orany man of spirit ot tlio Irish race , must
thus expose the wretchedness of Mother
Land. I had almost registered a vow never
again to beg alms for the Irish people. The
natural wealth of Ireland Is great , the labor
Is tlicre , and the will Is over present to marry
both. Why , then , docs poverty aflllct that
country , and hunger gnaw at the vltah of
her children ? It Is almost superfluous to ask
this question of any honest and decently In
formed man. Foreign rule Is the answer.
The present , howo\cr. Is not the tlmo to
philosophize. Men aud women and Inno
cent llttlo children are dying ot hunger , and
tlie. llrst thing to do Is to savu them.
liomltnll collections weekly to Michael
Davltt , who Is on the ground , and who up-
poi tlons the money ns It may do most good.
Would It be. too much to ask you to an
nounce tn your readers that such of them as
may feel disposed to contribute to this Fam
ine Fund , you will be pleased to rccoivo and
forward to mo their amounts with names ,
Iilch will be duly ciudltcd.
The UEE cheerfully complies with the
request. It will gladly reccivo and for
ward all contributions for this object sent
to Its oflice nnd will duly credit the con
tributions with the amount of their sub
scriptions. The distress in Western Ireland -
land as recorded in the latest English and
Irish papers is most appalling. Hundreds
of families are on the vcrco of starvation.
The destitute are being supplied with seed
potatoes but must bo fed and clothed for
the thrco months which will intervene
until the crop comes in. Irish-Americans
are contributing liberally fo this worthy
charity , and the thousands of that
nationality among the readers of the liKE
will doubtless be glad of an opportunity
to assist. All whoso interest in Ireland
has been quickened by the gallant tight
which she is now making for nationality
are appealed to , to como to the aid of her
starving children whoso poverty and dis
tress are so greatly tlio product of in
iquitous land laws and tlio oppressive
coercion of centuries of misrulo.
Against Alien Landlords.
The land commission bill passed by the
house of representatives last Tuesday is
another step forward in the movement
now in progress to reform the abuses of
existing and past mismanagement of the
public lands. The bill constitutes a com
mission of thrcn persons to ascertain and
settle claims in Colorado , Now Mexico
and Arizona , hold under the Spanish or
Mexican grants and treaties. Bur , per
haps , the most valuable feature of the
measure was that introduced by Mr. Mo-
Adooof , Now Jersey , providing that "no
alien or person who is not a citizen of the
United Slates shall acquire title to lands
under this commission unless his title to
the same shall bo clearly provided for
under some ono of the treaties herein re
ferred to. " Mr. McAdoo made a second
speecli in support of this , saving among
other things.
I think the time has como when. In all
future legislation of congress , the principle
contained in this amendment should bo en
grafted on the statute book. Both political
parties In their national conventions have
declared against alien ownership of lands.
Wo are con fronted by the fact that nearly
30,000,000 million acres of land are owned by
pernons who are not citizens of the United
States , with millions upon millions of for
eign capital besides Invested In cattle uow
grazing on the public domain , and fenced In
to prevent American citizens from settling
on those lands.
The question whether forcignlandlords
and corporations shall bo permitted to
acquire largo landed interests in this
country is rapidly becoming a vital issue.
Iowa has already made her protest heard
on the subject and other states -whore tlie
evil of non-resident and alien proprietor
ship is most felt will certainly
follow suit. The public lauds
committee tire preparing a bill
absolutely prohibiting alien ownorsliip of
lands and the qucston will be fully dis-
citssnd in congress when the measure is
introduced. Millions of acres of the pub
lic domain have already passed out of the
hands of the government into these of
English landed proprietors who collect
rents through local agents aud spend the
Income abroad. Sooner or later mea
sures will have to bo enacted limiting the
extent of tracts under ono ownership ,
whether individuals or corporations.
Every social 'and economic interest de
mands the distribution of agricultural
lands among the greatest number of pro
prietors. Landed monopoly is the most
odious of all monopolies , As a system ,
it cannot be permitted to take root ana
llourish in American soil ,
Where la tlio Commission ?
We have heard and talked a great deal
of the railroad commission of Nebraska.
Wo have been told that the commission
has traveled up and down tlio state to in
spect the roads and has passed upon
some very intricate cases ofoxtoition
and unjust discrimination. It has been
given out to the public that it haa
caused 17 cents to bo refunded to bo re
funded to one shipper and that at an
other time It has compelled a road
to put in a wind mill at one of the side
stations , But upon further inquiry wo
find that these reports are not true. To
the best of our ability wo have boon
unable to learu that the com
mission has done anything moro
than to sign some report prepared by
its high salaried clerks.
Hy the law creating this many headed
body , the commission is made up of the
attorney general , secretary of state and
auditor of pubho accounts. The law
allows this commission to appoint thrco
clerks at $3,000 a year and incidental .
These clerks have boon masquerading as
a commission and imposing upon tha
people by pretending to have some
authority to remedy railroad abuses
when In fact they have no moro authority
personally to meddle with the ullairs of
railroads than three tramps. Thu law
doesn't recognize them an railroad
regulators and thuir pretenses as com
missioners arc , if anything , u gruutor
sham than the law creating the commis
sion. It is true the railroad managers
have given these clerks the use of direc
tors' cais and dined and wined them on
their junketing trips. Hut In law and in
fact they are nothing moro than thrco
clerks hired to collect statistics for the
commissioners. Now where have the com
missioners been all this time ? Why have
they kept themselves in seclusion ? Do
they imagine that the pcoplo will hold
the clerks , whom they can hire and dis
charge at pleasure , responsible for squan
dering their money and making a
liugo farce of railroad regulation ?
Isn't It about tlmo for the commissioners
to materialize and let their three clerks
take a back scat In the cars in which they
travel ? It is bad enough for the pcoplo
of Nebraska to be cursed and taxed with
a commission when they voted it I'own
by an overwhelming majority. But to bo
imposed on by a sot of chumps whom
the commissioners have employed as
clcrksis rubbing it in a little too hard.
Trmlo nntl Tralllo.
The quieting down of labor troubles
throughout the west during the week has
been followed by a general recovery
from the depression of the past month.
The oll'ect is seen in the bank clearings
which show a heavy increase. Omaha
tak-us her position as twelfth in the list of
cities , with nn increase of more than CO
per cent over these of the corresponding
week of last year. In the east tlio trade
situation has not materially improved.
Tint distribution of merchandise has
been chiefly in small lots proportioned to
actual wants , and thu requirements of
wholesale dealers anil jobbers are natur
ally smaller , now tliat the spring season
is so far advanced. The actual obstruc
tion to trade and industrial operations
by strikes and lockouts has been less
suriou.s than in recent weeks , but is still
an important hindcrnnco to the frco How
of business in many departments , nnd
the moral eft'oct of the agitation contin
ues to discourage now ventures or any
tendency to au expansion of activity in
legitimate trade or speculation. Business
failures in the United States and Canada
numbered 170 last week , as against 19J
the week preceding
The wool trade is in a sluggish , unset
tled condition , but the sales have boon
increased a little by price concessions
which some holders have made in order
to unload betore the now clip conies on
the market. Shearing has been delayed
in some sections by unfavorable weather ,
and where a clip is off and ready for sale
operations have been very moderate , as
growers' views of value are above a
paritv with prices in the seaboard mar
kets. The distribution of dry goods has
been collectivelv fair , but made up chiefly
of small lots for necessary re-assortment.
There have been no important changes
in values either in cotton or woolen
goods. Wheat prices declined C } and 3
cents per bushel at the close of the week
under general pressure to sell , inJIucncQd
by the near approach of harvest and the
prosnect that a large surplus will bo car
ried over from the last crop.
There was a fair business for export ,
but it has been insufhciont to check the
downward tendency of values : Crop
conditions continue excellent. The aver
age condition of winter wheat has ad
vanced from 92 } a nionth ago to 05 , and ,
so far as can bo judged at this early date ,
the outlook for spring wheat is favorable
for a yield of about 150IK)0.000 )
bushels , which will swell the total
wheat outturn for the year to about
450,000,000 bushels , as"against 837,000,000
bushels in 1835 and 512,000,000 bushels in
1884. The corn market has boon com
paratively well supported , and is a shade
stronger than last week. The firmness is
duo mainly to the fact that receipts are
not grading up to the contract standard ,
and parties who had sold futures against
the expected arrivals of No. 3 corn have
either settled their outstanding engage
ments or face tlie unpleasant alternative
of covering their sales in a market com
paratively bare of the grades wanted.
McGlllicuddy's Removal.
Agent V. T. McGillicuddy has been
suspended from the charge of Pine Ridge
agency and will shortly be replaced by a
successor who is moro in harmony with
the ideas of the interior department. It
is gratifying to the friends of the best
agent in the service to learn that the
cause of the doctor's removal is his re
fusal to submit to the change of chief
clerks at the agency. Ur. McGillicuddy
took the stand that as ho alone
was held responsible for results
nt Pine Ilidgo ho must bo allowed
to choose his chief subordinate. Ho
firmly declined to yield the point nnd his
suspension naturally followed. The pe
culiar circumstances in the case of the
agent at Pine Ridge ought to have pre
vented the secretary from pushing his
demand. The chief clerk at that agency
had been for years the trusted friend and
advisor of the agent. It was he who or
ganized and controlled largely the Sioux
police nnd whoso administration of the
police force has made it the best drilled
and most efficient of any located at agen
cies throughout the country. Chief Clerk
Brown was a veteran sergeant in
the regular armv when Dr. McGillicuddy
called him to his assistance at Pine
Itldgo and ho lias proved an iuvaluabla
acquisition to the government in his dual
capacity as clerk and superintendent of
the Indian police.
There will bo general regret through
out Nebraska nnd Dakota over McGilli.
cuddy's departure. Since his arrival at
Pine Ridge agency ho has quelled every
sign of disorder among the Ogallala
Sioux and Choyennes , fought oil' the
gang of dishonest traders anil contrac
tors , and maintained his position against
the host of enemies which his honest and
efficient management of agency affairs
brought down upon him. Under his
vigorous if arbitrary rule , the Sioux have
been kept at peace , factionalism has been
made harmless , schools have been built
and filled with children , and many of the
Indians have become largely self-sup
porting. Dr. McGillicuddy falls a victim
to a new-fnnglod system of pretended re
forms which ho cannot approve because
In his case ho knows its application
would be injurious to the interests of the
government ,
SOUK of the members of the police are
fizzing around and kicking over the
traces about the ordinance to uniform the
police. It is high tirno that there
should be a thorough reorganization
of Omaha police on a business basis.
The system hero Is chiefly remarkable for
the lack of system. The police are se
lected largely on 'the grounds pf per
sonal favoritism , wjthmit regard to phy
sical or mental qualifications , nnd nro
placed on the sato level , with few In
ducements for hajjl 'iyork or prospects
of preferment. Ev,9rynpplicantfornpo- ,
sltion on the police force should bo made
to pass a physical examination. No man
who Is over thirty-live years of ago and
who is not sound' in ! mind nnd limb
should bo accepted. Olllccrs who nro to
enforce the law ought certainly to bo
physically able to command respect and
obedience. The ' rate of pay
should also bo gfculqd. A probation
of six months on n salary of
$ GO with subsequent advances to $00 and
$70 , if the olliccr is found intelligent and
faithful , would do much to increase the
ofllcioncy of the forco. As matters now
arc , a position on the police is a soft job
hold until the officer commits some out
rageous breach of the regulations and is
quite Independent of any qualifications
of the incumbent. Tlio ordinance uni
forming the police is a stop in
the right direction. It will compel
neatness In the first place nnd will
assist In commanding respect for the
men inside of the blouses. Having re
formed the uniform , the council should
next take steps to regulate the wearers
of the blue and buttons.
REV. Mn. BITI.EU denounces the
Omaha reporters because , as ho says ,
they did not report his meetings correct
ly. Mr. Ditlor cannot charge the partial
failure of his revival upon the reporters ,
who gave him more space than ho de
served. Ono of the reporters for the
BEE , by tlio way , was au enthusiastic
participant in the revival , and did not in
any way need tlio prayers of Mr. Bitlcr.
That reporter can make as good a prayer
or preach us gootl a sunnon as Mr. Hitler
any day in the week. The fact is that
the revival meetings were very correctly
reported , except as to the number in at
tendance , which was greatly exaggerated
in order to help the enterprise along ,
nnd this was done with the knowledge of
some of the prime movers. That was
about the only incorrect reporting that
was done.
A MISSING merchant of Clarcniont.N.IL ,
has been heard from by a letter dated
from London , England , in which ho ex
plains that seven weeks ago ho found
himself aboard an English steamer. 120
miles from New York , with his baggage
and $5,000 in money , all safe , but ho had
no recollection of leaving New York or
how lie got on the steamer. Clnremont
whisky must be even worse than the
average in prohibition' ' states.
Mit. CrEVELAND > t1iasavetoed the bill
making Springfieldn Mass. , a port of
entry. Omaha passo'd through the same
experience a few wtftk.s ago.
THAT cable line o\ightnever \ to be per
mitted to switch offjof. Farnam street.
Senator Mitchell , ofJl'eunyslvanla , Is rap
idly recovering his liertlthj 1 '
Senator Allison , o'f Io > fa , inherited the
greater part of his wealtli. [ ( ( ]
Senator 1'almer , of .SlichlKan , accumulated
his fortune in the tobacco -trade.
Senator Pike has gone to Now Hampshire ,
and will probably nonreturn this session.
Congressman Mollat says the lepubllcans
will carry Michigan this year by 5,000 major
It is said that Congressman Reed , of
Maine , has the largest leet ot any man In
the house.
Senator Ingalls of Kansas burns the mid
night oil far into the small hours , but It is a
great man's weakness.
Senator Joseph E. Brown , of Georgia , is
hard at work on a book sliowlns : the material
and social progiess of the south since the
Representative Anderson , of Kansas , Is
the only ordained clergyman In congiess ,
aud it shocks him sometimes beyond meas
Congressman Mitchell , of Connecticut , re
signs because ho has enough of congress , and
prefers looking after his own private busi
Senator Edmunds appeared In Washington
a few days ago wealing a straw hat. ana an
hour later the town looked llko a harvest
Congressman Reed of Maine , who had a
republican faction opposed to him at the last
election , thinks ho has clear sailing ahead
this time.
Senator John L. Mitchell of Pennsylvania
is slowly but steadily Improving , but will not
attempt to return to duty at Washington this
Congressman Loutltt of California claims
to have been born In a stable , which explains
perhaps why his nays are so very distinctly
heard in the house.
The Philadelphia Press says : Congressmen
Glover and O'iiolll of Missouri have quar
reled , and never speak as they pass by. The
spectacle of these great men boycotting each
other Is vividly picturesque.
Yes , But Don't Forget It.
Cincinnati Commercial Gattlte.
The Chicago bomb-throwlnc settles ono
thing In this country , There Is to bo no
more red-flag business. _
Is This a Frco Country ?
St. Louis /republican.
Herr Most says lie thought this was a free
country until he was arrested for free speech ,
There are numbers ot thls kind who have
yet to be taught just lio\v tr/oo / this country Is.
A Loud Mouth and. a Graven Heart.
Chicago Tln\fs.
In the presenceof .d ang r Parsons cow
ardly shrunk out of sight , ftud Most crawled
under tlio bed. Of such aluablo stuff are
the expounders of tUo dynamite doctrine
niftde. Aloud moutlu Li generally the oracle
of a craven heart. / I *
Ualtmore Herald ,
Put no tax on Immigration. Tlio glory of
America Is that she i Uas always boon the
jctugo of the poor andloppressod. Lot It so
continue to be. The reptile of socialism may
now and then be heard in-tlioland , but Its
fangs aieaheady pulled and Its hiss can deus
us no harm. /
Not Too Severe.
St. And Pbmeer 1'ieu.
The Interior department timber-felling reg
ulations are not too severe. They are per
fectly Intelligible to the simplest mind , and
should be rigidly enforced. The one defici
ency of the older Is that tltcio Is no provis
ion made for planting trees to replace those
cut down ,
Tbo Future Metropolis of tlio West.
Lincoln Journal.
It sometimes happens that the shearer re-
turneth Iiomo shorn. An association of
eastern capitalists wont Into Kansas and
bought a lot of land rlnlit In the center of thu
state. They laid off a town and called it
Kanopolls. They adveitls-ed it far and wldo
and Whooped up things , to the enilvenmeut
of local' business and the replenishment o'f
the coffers of divers newspapers. .A great
free excursion and free luuchwcro announced
on the day of the grand sale of lots. The
future metropolis of the west lay smiling and
basking In the rays of tlio Mny sun. The
crowd came and enjoyed the exclusion and
the lunch , and didn't buy a lot. One lot was
knocked oft to the capper Hint .started It.
An Object lesson In the Museum ,
Mutton Ihralil ,
In the National Museum at Washington
there Is a nlpo that belonged to John Drown ,
and the rille taken from Jeff Davis when ho
wascapttucd , They are labeled "the begin
ning and the end of the war. " A good many
people need some such object lesson as
this to teach them that the war has really
Altogether Too Easy.
SI. Mi id I'/orittr / IYcj .
To lot Itcrr Most on on 81,000 ball Is tanta
mount to giving him cncoracomotit to go
nhwid with his plslol boom , and club pto-
gramme. Most Is at least as haul a case as
any one of the boodle aldermen , and their
ball was lixed nt 315,000 to SJ20.000. It would
bo well to heat such men as Most at least as
severely as a boodle alderman.
iHthorrcftidctittoMnrry Mrs. KolNom ?
ifinfoii Journal.
WAPiMNfiTOff , I ) . C. , M.iyO. A gentle
man who Is on very Intimate rotations with
the president , nnd who ought to know the
facts If any one docs , says that It Is true that
tlio ptcsldctit Is to be mairicd , but not to
Miss Folsoni , that thu bride-elect Is Mis. Fol-
Mim.tlio mother ot M iss t'olsotn.n widow ofI I ;
alul that thu picslduiitls very much amused
at tbocuiient repot Is , and especially at tlio
gullibility of the Folsom tamlly In thu coun
try. _ _ _
A Western Boy's Lament.
I wish I lived away down east where codflsh
salt the si < a ,
Ami uli.'io . the folks have pumpkin plo and
apple sass lor tea.
Usbojs who's llvln' heio out west don't get
imno'n half n show
Wo don't have nothing else to do but jest to
sort o' grow.
Oh. if I wuz a bird I'd fly a million miles
Towheio they fend their boys on pork and
beans throe times a day ;
To whore the place they call thu Hub elves
out Its shiny spokes ,
And wheie the folks so tathor says Is
mostly women lolks.
Nebraska Jottings.
Wayne real estate is higher than the
Holdredgo farmers are harvesting potato
tate bugs.
The lalon-tcd Dakota City Eagle is ten
years old.
The West Point paper mill is now run
ning day and night and It will take all
summer to catch up with orders.
Burglars tapped the safe in the B. &
M. oihco at Juniixta Saturday night and
scooped in $70 in hard casli and other
Residents affirm that the petrified re
mains of snakes recently discovered near
Chadron were confined in the boots of
tenderfoot correspondents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brown , of Hast
ings , have bean presented with a hand-
&omo China bedroom set by the G. A. U.
post and relief corps of that city.
A Bostonian threatens to scour Platts-
mouth with a soap factory. The Journal
intimates that the institution is needed
asit "would pay a handsome profit. "
The Fremont water works are rapidly
approaching completion. The contrac
tor expects to start the machinery next
week and make an informal test of the
Thieves broke into tlio office of Super
intendent Hair , of the Elkhorn Valley
road , in Fremont , Saturday night , and
secured boodle to the amount of two
postage stamps.
Five hundred Sioux citizens excurted
to Covington last Sunday and disposed of
scveraldozen kegs of beer and other
lubricants. It was a full-fledged protest
against Sunday closing.
Harding's Dairyman is the title of the
latest addition to the weekly press of the
stato. As its name indicates it is devoted
to dairy interests , and is published by
Harding Brothers at Wisnor.
Clarence Barboa , the kidnapped Nickel
Plato acrobat , who appealed to the police
of Fremont for protection , has been sent
home to his parents in Savannah , Ga.
Sheriff Curran accompanied him.
The highest postollice in the country
and probably in the world is in Sioux
county , this state The Chadron Demo
crat says : "The Bordeaux postolllco has
been removed to the switch about seven
miles above the watortank. "
Reuben Stover , ofFairliold , has a curi
osity in a dwarf colt that weighs only
thirty-three pounds and measures twenty-
live inches in height when standing. The
sire and dam are both good-sized horses.
MucDonagh , of the O'Neill Tribune ,
threatens to run on his shape for the
next legislature. Mac's understandings
would cover nnd crush a multitude of
rivals , while his lung power is simply
West Point's water works have just
been finished , but the final test has not
been made. It is the stand plpo system ,
with a reservoir holding 8,000 barrels
lied in three hours by two pumps. There
E i about 18,000 , feet of pipe.
Hum Wan Tan , with a halo of leprosy
bespangling his brow , swallowed a liberal -
oral dose of opium at Chadronnnd
Hod to the spirit land. His remains were
tenderly planted with sufficient grub to
feed a I ve corpse for u month.
The latest strike is reported from Be
atrice. A lot of tramps In charge of an
olliccr to serve out sentences under
charges of vagrancy , refused to work on
the streets unless paid for the work. At
last accounts they were still striking.
During n recent thunder storm light
ning struck the stables of Peter Ryan ,
near Inmitn , and burned them to the
ground , together with the contents , con
sisting of fourteen head of cattle , tools ,
grain , hay , oto. The loss was about
ifl.OOO. .
A promiscuous tough named Bill
Ellis , is in jail in Kansas City for killing
his wife. Last year Ellis was arrested
in Otoo county for attempting to outrage
the daughter of a widow near Dolta. Ho
succeeding in quashing proceedings by
marrying the mother , moved to Kansas
City anil there disposed of her ,
Frank Ha/.lott. ono of Cherry county's
"best young men , " eloped witli the wife
of a nolg ibor and went with civilization
westward. When the forsaken husband
reached Valentino and convinced himself
that ho was again "free , " ho telegraphed
his sympathies to Frank and permitted
his joy to overflow in soothing bowls.
"Confound my eternal timbers , "
.shouted the editor of the Fremont Herald ;
"every time 1 attempt to point u moral
or adorn the caudal attachment of u 'tin
horn , ' the infernal pencil must break off
short. What infected scoundrel took my
knife ? " And the mercury instantly
climbed out of the sanctum.
The Platt-smouth Journal has been
ruthlessly cut off from the fountain of
pictorial democracy in Omaha. No ver
dant "tin horn" will bo permitted to
slake his whlbtlo at the source of all that
Is great and good in Nebraska unless ho
burns incense at the ducal throne. The
Journal will at once proceed to carve a
hole for Itself in the political boncyard.
Henry Fricke , a worthless fellow resid
ing neu'r the bhops in PhttUmoutli , was
caught in the act of gasping for breath
suspended from a rafter in his house ,
Monday. Ho was out down In time to
prevent a funeral. Fricko is so con
structed that work in any shape or form
makes him weary , and now he secured
sufficient energy to put the ropu around
his neck and jump off will ever remain a
Little Bertie Hymor , ot Holdredgo , had
R narrow escape from death ono day lost
week. Ho was kicked squarely In the
face by n horse , his face being badly lac-
orated. Tlds Is the third tlmo death has
reunited for him , Once ho felt head first
into a cistern fifteen feet deep , nnd at
another tlmo ho took a dose of deadly
acid. The little fellow Is not yet 3 years
old , but'is again toddling around o.xamin *
itic this world of casualties nnd lini
town Items.
Tlio Corning'crramcry handles the pro
duct of 2,800 cows.
The Farmers' alliance nt Attrolia will
build a grain olnvator.
A large number of farmers in the
vicinity of Aurelia have gone into the
raising of swcot potatoes.
The fourth artesian well at Belle Plalno
was struck on Thursdiu at a depth of 280
feet. It raises water 85 feet above the
A 5-vear-old daughter of Henry Flfer ,
of Nevada , was seriously burned about
thu shoulders and face on Wednesday by
her nitron taking fire from a stove.
William AlahalVy , who died recently
nt'itr Rt'd Oak , came to Montgomery
county fifteen years ugo with a team anil
$700. Ho loft an estate valued at $10,000.
The papers say a young man In Craw
ford county lias invented n corn busker ,
which husks twelve acres a day , and that
ho has refused an oiler of $50OCO for the
When the wind storm struck Milton.
Van Huron county , last Sundaya funeral
was in progress at one of the churches.
The people bt'camo frightened and hur
ried to their homes , leaving the corpse
alone in the church. A few old houses
blown down was the extent of the dam
age.Last week , at JeU'orson , a man secured
: i divorce from Ills wife , und on the same
day u woman secured a similar decree
from bur husband. . The next day the
twain wore married. The man had pos
sessed four wives and presented his bride
with six children as his proportion of the
The News says that the citizens of
Marcus are giving an hour each day to
"cavo practice , " and are getting so that
they can dive into a cyclone retreat with
all the ease and grace shown by profes
sional acrobat.
Johnnie Archer , a youthful plowboy
living near Algona , startled the neigh
borhood as wolf us the shcrill by tele
graphing the latter that the Molerke des
peradoes were in the vicinity and hail
shot at him. The sheriff and two depu
ties were promptly on hand , and n num
ber of armed men stood ready to exter
minate the rullians at the bidding of the
officers. When everything was ready for
a raid , the boy confessed that ho had been
reading the exploits of the James boys ,
and wanted to see how it worked. Q'ho
sheriff explained with his boot and the
crowd dispersed.
For some time past the superintendent
of the union stock yards in Sioux City
has been missing lambs from among the
largo flock of sheep lately shipped in.
Saturday it was discovered that a lot of
the young children in that part of the
city had boon kidnapping the "kids" and
carrying them homo K > r pets , some fami
lies securing several in this way. The
children talked of the matter at school ,
aud told the more timid ones that the
company didn't care anything about the
lambs , and all that was necessary was to
catch them. This advice had been fol
lowed until about 100 young sheep cume
up missing. Warrants wore Issued and sev
enteen youngsters were rounded up by the
officers Saturday , and the parents of the
offenders paid war prices for thuir "pet
lambs. "
, DzUcota.
A creamery is being built at Hurley to
use the cream of 1,000 cows.
The Rapid City Tin Mining company
has been organized with $1OOD,000 cap
PJSix Indians have formed a transporta
tion company and are carrying freight
between Bullalo Gap and Rapid C'iti7.
Several horses afllicted with glanders
have been discovered in Buffalo , near
Sioux Fulls. They have been ordered
A largo number of cowboys are in
Pierre awaiting the arrival of 1,200 head
of cattle for the King range on the Belle
The yearly imports and exports of Dell
Rapids are about 2,000 carloads. Fully
1.000 carloads of paving blocks have been
snipped from that place during the year
just ended.
8. W. Kiddcr , yf Vermillion , has an in
cubator which is hatching out chickens
at the rate of fifty per day. Ho has now
nearly 2,000 chickens , and expects to
have fully 5,000 before the close of the
Ono thousand shade trees from Ne
braska have just been sot out at Fort
Frank Stiles of Nebraska has arrived in
Salida with $25,000 , to invest m a cattle
ranch and oattlo.
The Brighton creamery , in operation
three years , now produces 3,000 pounds
of butter pel week.
The people of Silver Cliff nro jubilant
just now. They have paid off $110,000
of bonds and are going to celebrate with
a bond ( ) fire.
Several families from North Bend , Ne
braska , have located in Sterling. Six
buildings are now going up m Sterling
and others are to bo started , A local
military company will be organized.
demised , I'urlflod and ficantlflod ljr )
the Cutlutira IlcmodloH ,
For clcnnslnw tlio Rkln nudrtculp of illaflfftirlnBr
hutnore , for ulluylnv Itclilnif , burning nnd In-
llninmutlon , for curing the Urat eyratitorns or
oozotna , pgiirlasls , milk crust , guald lioad ,
sorotula initl other Inherited fckln and blond dls-
eases , UUTICUHA , tlie front ekln cure , nnd CUTI-
CUUA ROAV , an oxqulslte skin beiuitltlor , ox.
ttirnnlly , and CuricuiiA UESOI.VFNT , the uuw
blood purifier , Intctnully , nro infallible.
I luivo suircrod nil my life with skin dlsousos
of dllloront kinds nnd luivo never found ponua-
nent relief , until , by the ndvlco of nlttdy Trlond ,
I used jour vnlunbloCutlotiruKemcdloB. I RIIVO
thorn a thorough trial , using six bottles of the
Cutlcuru Itosolvont , two boxes of Cuttcuru , nnd
suvcn caKiis of Cutlcuru BOUII. und the roault
wixs just Hliat I had baen told It would bo a
complete ouio. UKI.I.F WAUK ,
Itlohniond , Vo.
Hofoionco , n. W. f.Btlmor , Druggist , 800 W.
Marshall St. , Klchmond , Vn.
I was troubled with Gait ruotim fora number
of years so that the skin entirely cumo off ono of
my Imtuls from Ihu llngor tips to the wrist. I
tried lomodiosund doutora' pioscilptlons to no
purpose until 1 oommcncod tailing Cutlcuru
Uoinodles , and now I urn entlioly ourud.
K. T.
3'i9 Northnniplom St. , Boston ,
For tlio lust year I have had u Bpoolcs of Itcli
Inif. bculy , and jilinplj- humors on my fueo to
Hblcli liuvo npiillcU a grout inuny mothuds of
troiitmvnt wllfiuut HUCCOSH , und which was
speedily and ontlioly cured by Cutlcuiu.
lliti. ISAAC Pneu'S.
} UvoimO.
CntlouvB Itomadle * nro Bold erorynbore.
I'rico : CutlcuruCO ccntt > ; llosoUont , Il.lW ; Boup ,
2Juout8. I'repurcdby the I'ornat Uituu AND
CHEMICAL Co. , Dostou , Mus.i.
ppllRQ I'lmploe.Skla IllumUlivs undllabx Hu
UnUOOi moucutuU bv Cutlouru
Send for "How to Cure Skin Piseaioi. "
WEAK HACK , I'AINund Woakneai
uorosa the KIduuy4 , Ihnutlntr I'alna
tlnoutjU ilio Ujlnj.-Utrtino I'.ilu * . IMVO
or StitnsrtU uiiJ Activity hHluiilly 10-
rolloVcd nud niuedllr cuieJ by tlio
Cutlcum Aiitlt'iilu flastor. At
250. . .
IT CONTAINS NO ontm IN A-Y ronrt
* > CCENI BOTTLEi.nro ptif up for th
< i Jrommoc1ntlonot nil who clmlro ft f ° O
nndlownrl"r l
Couch , Cold and GroupRemidy
riumi nnmniNO A tiRMRtivroit
Should secure llioliuito $1 Imttloa. JJlrootlon
ncootupimyliiK oaoh bottle.
Sold by all Modicluo Doalori.
817 Ht.CbnrIoiiHt.St.IionlaBfo.
A rrc l r tr du l of two Mtdlotl Collrf M , tut t > lotrtr
euKMKcdln IhoiMClfcl UMlmont of CiiBomo , IttKVovi , HKW
mi IIIOOD DiMtiti lh n nr olb r rhriltlin USl-Uoti ,
Ncrvojs Prostration , Debility. Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial nnd other Altec *
tlons ot Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , an trottd with onpaniuui
ueerM.eQ lftt ilielfDtla frloelplet. Htfelr. rrlvatfly.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exceit ,
Eiposuro or Indulgence , which product ion or ik
following pfTectit ntrvoniDpii , debllllr , dlmniti of ilihl
ftnddfreelvon ( morr , plmplci OD to * rice , tih/'lekldeoky ,
ftrtrilon totha elttjor fimtUt. ooaruilda or Ideti , t . ,
rendcrlnc Mi > rrl jo improper or unluppy , '
KrmaocDtlj earid. r rapbl tSft | ptetoa ) IbekboTe , Mttk
filfd enT lop , frevto any tddreu. CoDiullttlonftlol-
BCf or bf rakll ( re * . Inrltfd and itrlctlctDQdtatlal. .
A Positive Written Guarantee gUen in er ,
rtble cuo. Ucdleln 'bm b/ nail or tiprwt.
360 PAOES , PIKE PLATES , 1 lanl lloth anl ( III
blodlor , ifalet ] Tor BOO. In pola ( or irr aej. Ofcr lt\y
vondernil p apletureilrue tllr ; artlcltionttv rollawlof
Qbjfetii t who maj intrrf , who cot. why | ntnboot ] , wtmtn *
bo&d , rhrilcftl 4cftTITiietfl oreflllbiejaadexteM , tb pbr .
IfttogyorrrnreiJuelfon.aDd mnny tnoro. Tboe ntrrlM or
codteBiiilillue . . ra rrlat . ) iheuld rpftd . . . It * r trUr edition
, . . . .
n- > Mr. . .I , A , . TVM'tU-
Or the I.Kitiur llubll , Positively
Cnrcd by AflntlnlNterlnff Dr.
Hi lnr * Uoldcn Sprclfln.
It can be glveu In n cup of coffee or too wtthooi
the knowledto of tlio person taking It , laabiolutcljr
barmleM , and nlll effect a prrtnapeutaud Bpc djr
cure , wlietlirr toe patient li n modorat * drinker ot
n aicoiiollo wreck. It has boeo glvau la tboo * cases , aud In evrry Instanceaperfcctcun
bai followed. It nurer fnlln. The ijrsteraonca
Impixgnntcd wllU the BpecISc , It becomes au utter.
Impossibility { or the liquor appetite to exlat-
KVItN iV CO. , Cor. 13th and nauoli. , and
181 li & Camtnt 8u. , Onmbu , Neli.l
A. I ) . FOSTER & BRU. ,
Coanoll BlnfTi , loira.
Cnl ! or write for pamphlet containing hundred *
f' tBl ImonluN Irom tha but womeu and tata ( TMD
I'M or.rta of tlie couutrr. _ _ _ .
" . . , . , - ilorp. Ui
tnbnUtionth > iiin > uhln the dUetM direct.
es the Bpiam , f clllt te free
expectoiatlon and l'.l'FIn'
wbinallolhrrrtxeillMhill. A trial raattaon Ikon
krptlral ol II. lnnodl > wdtrol and n.Tir.telllil < 7 |
rrie 50o. aadCl.OOl or drucclitR * r by nalI.Tr
pk'lfree fir ilamp | ) r. U.8flllVr lK.SL r nlm .
And others iufferinfr from
nonroui doblllly , axlmuatuur
icbronlo tlbeaaes , prematuiv
Mccllne ot younic or old art
'poalttrely cured by Dr.
B i - Home's famous _ El tro.
v-JZ ? * Mainello licit. Thouianai
In erorT < A fltnt In th Union liu been cured.
KlcolrlifyWcU j Inrtantly felt. I'minted and oW 19
\cara. Whola famllr can wenr lame belt. Rlrotrte
Hu peniorleafreo vrtthmalflbelta' Arold wortihlonAllo *
Itatfoni aud bofras eompanlet. Klcetrlo Trunaca far
KaDture. 700 cured ln'83. Send ilnrnpfor p lnphl t.
Practice limited to Diseases of tilt
Glasses fitted for all forms of dofectlyt
Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted.
Do you want a pure , bloom
ing Complexion ! If BO , a
few applications of Hagan's
MAGN6LIA. BALM irlllgrut-
iiy you to your heart's con-
tout. It ( lees away with Sal *
lowncss , Redness , Pimples.
Blotches , aud all diseases ana
imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the flushed appear
ance of heat , fatigue and ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIIITY appear hut TWEN
TY ; and so natural , gradual ,
and perfect are Its effects ,
that ft is impossible to detect
its application.