Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Rrndr < l red. RJi S7c : Xo. 2 rcil , bT'nC '
1. o. b. , M p In : .Itiiiu closlncnt S7c.
-LowcrbutcloMiif | steady : receipt ? ,
INOCO ; pxiioiK A9UX ) ; iinitrixdcd. lM4c :
Js'o. a , 4S'4c ' In elevator : Jiuii ! closing nt
( ) -lllc1icr nnd morn ncllve ; tccoljiK
/i\X)3 ( ) ; export ? , none ! ml\eil western , < < ?
8'o ! ' wlil . 41 ( Wflc.
/ 'l ; tllll.i ; WP CTII , T AV"i 4
I'otrolcum itelined , steady ! United closed
at 07''c ; crude , In bbls , O.'sQOJie ' ; iclined ,
Tea : Steady nnd In fair request ; western ,
Pork Quiet ; mess quoted nt S0.1 > ! < tt ) . < > 0.
Lard Lessnctlvennd shade lower ; west
ern stenm , ppot , SO/ii .
Hiitter Dull nnd declining ; western , 10@
Wo ; Elgin ercnmcry , 17ISc. Steady hut quiet.
Cincinnati. May K Wheat Weak nnd
owrr ; No. 2 red , 8Ki7S. > e.
Corn Firm ; No. 8 mixed , 37c.
Oats Nil. 3 mixed , ! Uc.
Uyc-Qnlet ; No. 2 , CJc.
1'ork SU.BO.
Lard Easy nt S5.T5S3.H ) .
Whisky 81.10.
Milwaukee. Mav 18. Wheat Steady ;
cnsh. 7fi'4' ' ( < ; June. TT'/cS August , 78-jC. }
Corn Finn ; No. i ! , fflk * .
Oats Steady ; No. 8 , ! ) # ' .
live Nominal ; No. 1 , 0-J c.
Hnrlev Nominal.
1'iovlslons Finn ; mess pork , cash and
June , 58.8.1.
Minneapolis , May IS. Wheat Wcjik ;
futures neglected : No. l hnrd , cash , DC ;
June , lOc ; July , 77 c : No. 1 noithem , cash ,
c ; Juno. 7.te ; July , 74 c ; No. a northern ,
rash , ( V < c ; June , O'Jc. , .
Flour-Quiet ; patents , 54.404.G5 : bakers ,
3.4Ml3.Vi. ( (
Kecelpls-Wheat , 71,003 bu ; Hour , 125 bbls.
Shipments-Wheat , : .000bu ; Hour. 18,000
bbls.Knn nn City. Mav 18. AVlicat Lower :
rnslh R8j bid ; June , OlJ o bid ; July , Wjo
' - ; cash , 27e bid , UTJ cnskcd ;
June , 'J7Jfc bhl , 28) ) c asked.
Oat.s Nominal
IjlvRrnool , Mav 18. Wheat Fair de
mand ; No. a winter , 7s Id ; spring , 7s 1 1.
Flour In poor demand atSsiid.
Coin In lair demand ; spot , 4sni d ; Mav
nnd June , 4s 2 d : July , 4s td. !
Toledo. Mav 18. Wheat Active nnd
Him ; cash. tOJ filSlc.
Coin Stc.idy ; cash,33c.
O.its Nominal.
ClilonK < > < Mav 18. The Drovers' Journal
reiioits :
Ca ttle UepcliN. | r .4X ( ) ; brisk nnd firm :
niiitiL' steers , S3.00 ( < M.75 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , S1.75C I5.M ; bulk , S3.00@3.50 ; tliiongh
Texas eattlc , fel.fi05l5.25.
lloL's Itecelpts 21OX ) ; opened stromi but
rinsed weak ; lomrh and mixed , 8 : .75iN.25 ( ;
imcklnE ami shlnplntr , S4.15gl.M ( ; light ,
iH.7 : > (0 ( 1.2.1 : skips , Si40 ( n.70.
Sheep Receipts. 1,100 ; strong and un
changed ; natives , S2.0@5.C5.
8t. Ijouts , MaV 18. Uattlo Itccclpts
1,400 ; shipments. fAiO ; market stronir nnd
active ; lliht ami medium weights 10JB15C
hlL-her ; choice shipping nnd expoit , S5.40
@ 5.75 : common to good , 84.40C < ? .V.JO ; butch
ers' htrcus , S3.f > OfJ.'i.OO ; cows and linifers ,
5:2 50(3 ( 1.10 ; stock'jis and feeders , 8 .50 ®
4.75.Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
market active and a shade higher ; butchers
and selected S4.15V74.2. > ; packinir , S4.00rt $
4.r ; light , SI.OO@4.10' ; roiiRli heavy , S3.CO ®
KiniRnn City , May IS. Cattle Receipts.
1OW ; shipments , none ; light , strong and
active ; heavy , slow and steady ; choice to
laucy , ! ; common to good , S4.00 ®
5.00 ; stoekers and feeders , Si.40C'-1.00 : { ; cows ,
s Receipts , 12.000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market active but Do lower ; common to
choice , S3.50@4.00.
Tuesday Kvenlnp , May IS.
CATTI.I : The receipts were not near as
licnvy to-day us on yesterday. The demand
continues good nnd prices stiong.
lions The receipts wpro heavier to-day ,
but none too many to supply the increased
demand , caused by Boyd's and Sheeley's
pneking houses starting up. The maikct
was.strong to-dav at yesteiday's quotations.
Bnily in the morning two loads were sold at
$3.1X ) , but that must not bo taken as a guide
tor equally good loads later in the day would
Dot bring prices.
Sinir : : There was n bunch of very com
mon sheoi ) in the market to-day which
bi ought S'XOO. '
Cattle 4RO
Heirs 1300
Sheep 150
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the pro vailing prices paid for live
stock on this muiket
Choice bteers , 13.10 to 1WK ) ibs S4.00@n.40
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs 4.GO@5.00
Medium steers , 1250 to 13CO Ibs 4.4oS4..Vi
Fat little steers. 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . 4.254.'iO (
( iood feeders , MX ) to 1000 Ibs : t.05$3.iK )
( ! oed to choice cows nnd heifers. . . 3.50M3.75
Fair to medium cow .s and heifers. . H.03@3.40
( iood to choice bulls 2.70-jti.'ir. :
Jledlum bulls 2.40@2.fiO
( Jooil to choice stags H.25 ( 3.7.'i
Medium stags 2.0003.03
Choice littht and medium hogs 3.7. > ( $3.bO
< iood to choice heavy hogs a.C5@3.70
( iood to choice mixed liogs
Common-rough grades H.4 < X'f3.50
Choice to extra sheep 4.00@5.00
Ranee of Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices paid
for live stock on this market during the past
seven days , with comparative values :
All sales of htockmthU imrket are made
per cwt. llvu weight unless otherwise slated.
Dead hogs sell at KO per Ib for all weights.
"bkliiH , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs ,
no value , 1'iCKiiant sows nro docked 40 Ibs
und stau's 80 Ibs.
Cattle strong ,
IOK ! market active.
Astenberpit Fiush , Wahoo , were on the
market with n load of cattle.
Cooper ifc Tovt ksburryVecplng Water ,
had 4s head of cattlu at thu yards.
Hawks & iiiley had one load of hogs on the
market from Cedar Itaplds und one fiom Al
Among lliosehavinc slock on the mniket
toslayero : J. Quinn. Wood Illver ; W , E.
Smith it Co. , llo\\.ud ; Chas. Kedlon , North
Loup ; Arrens&Kenyon , Jlowatd : F. Hey ,
Bllver Creek ; J , J. llnrils. Firth ; C. L. Cham-
plon. Dorchester ; I * . Unltt , Seward ; < irecn
& Meeker , Greenwood ; It. Dibble , lloai ; ;
Fisher & Wagner , York ; WhUtlmoie Uios. ,
Vixlley , _
ncncrnl Marknts ,
Tuesday Eveulnir. May 18.
Keas Ihe icccipts are not heavy , but
about equal ( o the demand. The rullnp price
s IV' .
Hi-TTin : The butter market Is In a badlv
dnmorallxcd condition. Sales arc hard to
effect , stocks accumulating In ( ho hands
of co'iimlsslni dealers and packers are
railed upon to buy the surplus stock.
Choice table butter , uniform In colorand qual
ity , Is quoted nt liVillfi ; fnlr to peed 7$10c ( ;
Inferior. 4@'x- ; creamery , 23 > c.
CIIKKSB Fancy lull cream cheddars ,
new make. HKc ; Hats , 13l c ; joung
America , 13'ic ' ; iirst ntmlitv Swiss cheese
Ifle ; second nuallty , i'J Ql-lcj 1-linbtir cr ,
llJM2e ( ; skim lints MIOc.
I'oui.Titv The receljits ot live chickens
arc liberal nnd the prevailing prlco Is S3.M ) .
lA few choice ha\o in-en sold as high as SU.75.
ritinKitvis : : , Jr.i.uns , r.TC. Preserves , all
kinds , so-lli. palls peril ) . lOc ; do In pail
lots , per Ib. lic ) : assorted 5-lh. palls per mte ,
palls , $ : ) . ? 5. .lclllc < i , nil kinds , lirht grade ,
to-lb. palls , per Ib. 8c ; assorted , llrst giade ,
Mb. jxills , per crate , 0 palls , S2.SO : do
Mb. palls , per cnse , 'J ilnz. S-'i" > ; do , tumb
lers. percale , 2 do ? . , Sl.-IO. . ) e ly. all kinds ,
Fccond crade. : w-lb. pall.s. per Hi. f > c. Mlnco
meat , best grade } / bul , per lit. 7cdo. ; flb
palN. per crate. Op.ills , SiT5 ; do10lb palls
JUT Ib , 7 } e ; do , B-lh palls , per crate. 0 palls
SiT5. I'cach , plum nnd quince butter , as-
oileil , filti paii.s , pererate , 0 pulls , gy.75 ;
horseradish , pint bottles , perdoz 81.00.
1'ins' fr.KT. Tuii'i : , KTC 1'igs" tect , pcr } $
Jml , JJ4.00 ; ito , Jf Mil. S'J.fK ) ; do. per klt.UUc.
l.ambsMongues , per ' < bbl , 5.VJ5 ; do , per
kit , S-.M ) ; do , quart Jars per doz , S3.3.V Un ,
jilnt jars per case , 8 do/ , 50.7.1. Tripe , per K
Mil , $4.005 do , per bbl.S'i.00 ; do , per kit
COMD HO.VEY California 2 iDframo tX ) Ibs ,
In case per Ib. , 15o ; 10 Ib. frames. Nebraska ,
CiDEit Mlcldcan reflncd , per bbl. , 80.50 ;
do. half bbl. . 84.00 ; Molts , per bbl. , ST.Ot ) ; do
halt bbl. , S4.00.
VINEOAII W.'ilto wine. lOc ; elder , 13)fc.
Ou.vNdK The nnlvals ate mote Iliicral
but tlie market Is linn. Los Annclcsaio
( julck sale at $4.00.
STiiAwnr.ititins Large quantities nro now
arriving liom Arkansas and other states.
Choice stock suitable for outside
outers is selling to-day nt S4.00giO ( { per ease
of'Jliits. ( iood hen ies for liiinio consump
tion , but too soft lor shipping , ate selling nt
Si.riO@i.r0hlln : peddlers' block Is being of
fered us low ns SI.03 tier case.
hiiMONS Fnney Messina , per box.ST.OO ;
gond to choice .Messina , per box. Stl.OOQ4d.50.
HAXAXAS A car of lancy Asplnwall and
Ked lininceoa Is cxp'iclud this week. Yellow
splnwalls , S.0031.50 : ) ; Hed Uaraceoa , 8'J.50
I'INI : Ai'i't.r.s Per do/ , SH.oaWI.00.
CitANnr.itHins Tliciols vury little demand
and them is not much stock being sold.
Dealers are clearing up their stocks ns best
they can. Quotations are S. > .50@I.OO ( per bbl.
Jersey are sullinir at S2.00 ner bush box.
COCOANUTS 1'er 100 , § 5.00 ; less than 100 ,
NEW Kias , DATES , ETC. Layer figs. 8 nnd
10-11) ) boxes , per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard ,
13-lbbo\es , per Ib , He ; Persian , 50-lb boxes ,
perlb , 10e I'rttnelles , : ! 0-lb boxes , purlb ,
MAPM : Urlcks , stilctly pure , 50-lb
boxes , per Ib , lOc ; penny cakes , iij-lb ca03 ,
I'liovistoNS Ham. lOc ; oreakfast ba
con b@S ) c ; clear side bacon , 7JJ7'ic ( ; ; dry salt
sides , 0 ( ) } ic ; shoit rib bides , oitfc : shoulders.
6c : mess pork. Sl'J.50 per bbl ; dried beef , ham
pieces , Ute : lard , tierces , OJ-j'c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ;
70 Ib cans ( Kalibanks ) , 7' e ; 5 Ib cans , do ,
I > 'HC ' : 3 Ib cans , do. , 7J < e ; boneless ham , lOc.
jNiw N K ITAIII.ISCalltornla : : cabbaitc ,
per Ib , : iKc ; caullilower. per do5'ioO ; cel
ery , per doz , Sl.GO ; asparagus , per
do/en bunches , 'J. > @ .10c ; spinach , per
bbl , S2-00 ; green onions , per do7 ,
! ! 5e : radishes , i > er do40&MOc : lettuce , per
doz. 40@ . > 0c ; pUiplant , per Ib , ie ! ; peas per > -
busli box , 7. > ubush : box , S'J.OO ; cucum
bers , 81.i"@l.'iO per doz ; Bermuda onions ,
tier box , 83.50 ; Bermuda tomatoes , per box ,
$3.00 ; stiing beans per Ji-bush box , 75e.
Niw : CAi.ii'OKXiA Vr.ur.TAin.Ks Carrots ,
perlb , So ; parsnips , perlb , ; ! c ; turnips , per
Ib,2c ; potatoes. : ic ; onions. 4c : bcct = , ic. !
1'orATOiis Tliere is no demand nnd no
stock in movlnur. Itienuires tlieery best
assorted stocK to bring 80@40c , and only in n
small way , even at that price. Doaleis lliul
It n dilllcult matter to bell their stock at any
price , and a good many \\lll have to be held
some time , as the maiket is glutted.
BKANH The market Is dull and the supuly
liberal. We nuoto inferior stocks , 7.r c@l.i)0 ) ;
clean country. 51.235150 : medium
and-picked , S1.5001.CO ; hand-picked navy ,
CHAIN At the mills : Corn , aTga c ; oats ,
23' < c , wheat. No. 2 , 00c rye , 4SM50.
ii.ouu ANII MII.I.STUFKS Winter wheat
flour , best ( | iiallty patent , S3.00@UO ; becoud
quality , SS.nOg .OO : best quality spiing
\vneat Hour , uatent , S-.50ffiii.7r ; bian , .Vic
per cwt ; chopped feed , hOc per cwt : white
corn meal , UOc ; yellow corn meal , 70c per
cwt ; screening , OOc per cwt ; hominy , $1.50
per cwt ; shorts , COu per ewt ; graham , S1.7s ;
hay , in bales. Sfl.007.oo per ton.
runs AND SKINS Mink. each. 1040c ;
inuskrat. winter , 5@lOc : do. kits. Ic ; Utter.
$2.50@5.00 ; skunk , short striped , 15@35c : do.
broad striped. 10@15 ; badger. 25@50 ; ] Uc
coon. No. l large.0@rX ! ) : do. No. 2. SO ® * ' ;
do. No. 8. lOi i'ic : wolf , nrairin 50a7 ( } > 3 ;
do. mountain , 5 > 2.ou@3.oo ; wildcat , 15@40 ; Dea-
ver , S1.50@2.50 pcrlb ; fox. each. 40cC41.75 :
deerskin : , drv winter , lo@l5c perlb ; do. fall
and summer , 15W-l'c : : antelojie. 5@10j net II )
lliiiiss Uroen Dutchers. OJfc ; ereen cured
! $ @ 7tfcdry ! ; Hint , li lHo ; dry salt. OrfeiOc :
damaged hide ? two-thirds price. Tallow ! ! c.
Grease , prime white. ! lc : yellow. 2c ;
brown.c. . Sheen Pelts 2.va75e
WOOL Meiliuni , rjuilScpar Ib ; line heavy ,
10@l4c ; lleht , laaiCc ; coarbe , 10@li.'c ; burry
wool , SftlSc off.
LKATHEU Prime slaughter solo leather.
SStfftfite : prime can sole leather. SC3'Jc.
li liner leather , per foot , sorausc : hem.
kip , 75Kaiic : oak kip , K > @ 9r c : French kip ,
$1.0001.25 ; hem. calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak calf ,
81.0031.2.1 ; French calf , S1.25@1.85 ; Morocco
boot leg , : ! 02c : ; Morocco oil pebble , 28@32c ;
topplncs and linings , S0.00@10.00 pcrrtoz.
COAI , Anthracite grate , S8.2o ? ; egg , S8.85 ;
range , 88. V ) : chestnut. 8S.50 ; Iowa , 83.25 ;
Walnut block , S3.tOIlllnols ; , S5.00 ; Missouri ,
HEAVY llAunwAnE Iron , rates , 82.23 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , C.'i ,
cast tools do , 12 < yil8c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
Sl.ftTcKi.00 : hubs , per set , 81.25 : a felloes ,
sawed ilry , 8 ; - 0 ; tongues , each , 75o ; nxles.
ench , 75c ; simue nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; cell
chain , jier Ib. 6@12o : mallcabl" . 0@8c : Iron
wedges , Ce : crowoars Ce ; harrow teeth , 4ct
spring steel , 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes.
$1.40 : Burden's miilo shoes , 85.40. liarbed
Wire , In car lots , S4.0U per iK ( ) Ibs. iron
Nails , rates. 10 to CO. § 8,00. Shot-81.50 :
buckshot , 81.85 : oriental powder , kegs , S3.50
( SH.OO ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs ,
81.50 ; blasting , kegs , S3.35 ; luso , per 100 feet ,
50e. Lead liar. 81.05.
I'AINTS IN On , White lead , Omaha , P. P.
7Kc ; white load , St. Louis , pine. 87.80 : Mar
seilles gieeu , I to 5 Ib cans , -Oc ; French zinc ,
green seal , I''e ; French zinc , red -seal , lie ;
Fiench zinc , In varnish nsst , 20c : French
zinc , 75c : vermllllon. American. I8c : Indian
red. lOc ; rose pink , 14c : Venetian , red. Cook-
son's , 2c ; Venetian , led , American , 1 " ! fc
red lead , 7 c ; chrome yellow , Kcnnine. 20o ;
chrome yellow , K. We : ochre , rochcllo 3o , ;
ochre , French , lcoclne \ , Amciican , ilio ;
Winter'H mineral. afo : Lehlgh brown , 8 0 ;
Spanlsli biown.Uc : Prince's mineral. 3c.
Ditv PAINTS White lead , Be : Fiench zinc ,
12c ; Paris whiting , UKc ; whiting gliders ,
IJje ; whiting , com'l , ijfc ; lampblack. Oer-
mnntown , l-o : lamnblack. ordinary , be ;
Prussian blue , 65c ; ultramarine plBa : van-
dyke. biown. 8c : umber , burnt. 4c : umber ,
ra > v. 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , nxw4c ;
Paris pieen , genuine. 85c : Paris green , com
mon , 20c ; chiomo green , N. t. , 20c : chrome
green , K , lUc ; veimlllion , Kngllbh , In oil ,
70o ; raw and burnt , umber. 1 Ib. cans. 12u ;
raw n i id burnt sienna , l-o ; Vandyke , biown ,
ISc ; roiincd lampblack , 12c ; coach blacK and
orivy black , ICe ; drop Waek , lOc : Prussian
blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , ISo : chioniv
grcon , L. , M. it l ) . , lOc : liliiul nnd Muitte
green , L. , M. ik 1) . , 10o ; Paris green , 18o
ndian red , t5c ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan
.Me ; American vermilllon. L. tt D. . 200
yellow oclire , Do ; L. M. it 0. D. , 18c ; godes
ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , txs ; graining colors
llL'lit oak , dark oak , walnut , chcbtnu t nd
nsli , 12c.
Dunns AND UiiEMicAi.8-AcId. carbolic ,
31c ; acid , tnrtaric. 53c ; balsam copaiba , per
Ik , 45c ; bark , bassatras. per tt > lOc : calomel.
i > cr Ibc ; chlnchoiildla , per oztoe ; chloro-
lorm , per D > , 50c ; Dovers powdeis , per Ib ,
81.25 ; epsom salts , i > cr Ib , 3 c : glycerine ,
pure , per Ib. 18c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ;
. . ,
tassium Iodide , perlb , 3.00 ; sallcln , per oz ,
40o ; sulphateinnrphlne , per oz , Si. 00 ; sul
phur , per Ib. 4c ; strychnine , per oz , 81.40.
ail gioceries
VAii.visur.s Hairels , per gaiion : Furni
ture extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1. Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , 81.40 ; eoacn , No. 1. 81.20 ;
Dainar. extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum
extra , 5Sc ; bhellae , 83.60 ; hard oil liiilsh ,
briuiTS - " " Cologne * * - * * O. spirits . ! _ ! * , _ 1S3 . . . - proof , . .1 „ , . . 81.13 _ I - _ ;
, _ _ _ _ ,
gl.WXgi.00 ; Kentucky Twurbous , S .OOv < i < ! .oO ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 83.00@1.50 ;
( Jolden Sheaf bourbon nnd no whiskies ,
Sl.fXX' 3.00. HrandlcR. Import ! . So.004ZH..V ) ;
domestic , ? 1.I .1.00. ( } | n . lraiortetl | , 54.W
frff..OO : domestTe. Sl.aVfri.oa Kiims. Im-
p.irtcd.S4.r see : New Kngland. S1.7.VS3.00 ;
domestic , Sl.'iWAOO. OlininpngiiPS import
ed , per ca r. Sil 00@'H.OO ; American , per
case , S10.OOiJlO.00
Grocon *
SYnur NCI. 70 , 8c. ? bbU ; No. 70. 4-eallon
keps , Sl.O'i ; New Orleans 3s&TiC per gallon ;
Maple bjTup , X barrel , strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , Si.23pcr ) doz ;
} { gallon cans , S5.2J perdoj ; Quart cans SU.OO.
STAnm Mirror gloss , l Ib , Oc ; Minor
gloss , 3 lh 5) c. Mirror gloss , 0 Ib , 0 } c ; Graves'
corn , 1 Ib. OKc ; Klnesford's corn , lib 7c ;
Klngsford's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; Klngsford s uloss ,
0 Ib. 7' ' c ; Klngstord's pure , 3 Ib , tycKings \ -
ford' Rbulk.4c. Medium. In bbls. S5.50 ; do In
half bbls , 83.83 : small. In bbls. SUM ) ; do In
half bbls. P3.75 ; gherkins , In bbls , S'.oO ; do.
In half bbls. S4.'iV.
CANNT.D ( loons Oysters , slandard , per
case. S3.r > 5 ; Rtrawbeiiles,8 Ib. jiercasc , 5J3.T5 ;
raspberries , U-lb , per case , SiHO ; California
pears , per , case , 81,00 ; apricots per case ,
iSJi'e ; peaches easletn , 4 t5J < fc ; peaches
evaporated , ! 5 > f@17c ; Salt Lake , new , 7J'C } )
8c : raspbenles. new. IDftfSOc : ctirnints. ipgC't )
7 c ; prttiiL" * . new , 4 * < @ 4 fc.
SOAPS Kirks isavnn Imperial. 82,93 :
Kirk's satinet. 83.15Kirk's standard , Sl. ! 0 ;
Khk's while Husslnn. Sl. : : Klrlf's While
Cap , SO.M ; Dome , 84.21 ; Wnshboarct. 83.1. .
MATCIIKS Per caddie , itto ; round , per
ease. 4r c ; square cases , Sl.70 ; mule square ,
CorFP.KS Ordinary grades , n ; c ; fnlr , 10 ®
lO c ; prime , llwei'Je ; choice , lUIC ( ! iUc : ! ;
fancy green nnd yellow , 13 } < f114Kc ( ' ; old gov-
ciument. Java , 20(1 ( x3 ; Inlet lor .la\a. UlS'i" !
20c : Jlooha. 2i < ( Wle : Arbiicklo'.s roasted ,
He ; MeLaitshllnN XXX.X ; roasted , 14c ;
Dllworth's , 135fc ; lied Cross , Uc.
rjSt'OAits Powdeied , 8e ; cut loaf , 8c ; gmn-
ulated. 7/e } ; confectloneis A , 7Xe ; standatd
extra C , C e ; exluvC , 0 'c ; medium yellow ,
.s Hoxcs , 40 In , Os , lo-tfc : 8s , 105c ;
boxes , 40lb , IGoOs , lofc ; hii'.f ' box , 201D ,
dairy , . .
SODA In Ibpapeis.53.2j a case ; salsoda ,
ketr , per Ib. 22jic.
WSi'ioKS ( li-ound lilaclc pepper , boxes , 1
@ 22c ; allspice , I2@lfic ; clnnumon , 18@'J. * > c ;
cloves , 15@i'jc ; glngMr , I5@23o ; inu-stard , !
CiiACKr.its Garneau's soda , butler nn
picnic , 5jtfe ; cie.uns , SJi'c ; ginger snnp
SJ e ; city soda , 7Kc.
TIA.S : Gunpowder , fnlr , 20@ " > Tc ; good. 45
© 55o ; choic-e , ( X ) ; 75c : Kood Imuerlal10(1(43 ( ;
efiolco , ( X70 ) ; \ oung Hyson , good , : JO < vr > c ;
cliolee , 50 700 ; Oolong , good , JttfjJOe ; Oo
long. choice. 40@fiOc : , good ,
! ! 0''iHOc ' : choice. . " > ! ) ( < ZiVc : Smiehong , good0 ! !
( jM5ccholee. ; : )5@43c ) ; .lupins , lair. ax < Ki. ' > c ;
pood. ! Br > c : choice , 5 > ( < ? " > c ; Tea Dust. 15c ;
Tea Slltlnis. ISc.
1'iNuCrr Hnid to Heat , TUc : Charm o.
the West. COu ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread-
G7o ; Fnvoilte , OOe ; IJuds Ou < ; Uoi-ky lo un
tain. 50c ; Fancy. 4oe ; Daisy , 40c ; North Start
Oc ; Good Luck. .Vic ; Our uust , 0'jc ; Uood
News , 55c , _
. lirs.H'f l 'ls Or Illils 1'lslCH
nan. ilW 100 U 60 40 I 12 10
Munn'fl S'tNo.1 L'ti OO1 : ! .7) ) 3M 1 8)1 ) TO 51) ) GO
Olb'txl Kniieyir. r > U.i : ffi S 117 1 BT 1 40 , 6.1 47
KM sii'io V"uy6u.i \ | as a srr 1071 < o MI 47
HT IblsQ | < rIIblslI"ls'lCts '
NEW FISIL 100 SOj 5) 4J | I'J l IU
llolluiidherring , We ) ; smoked haliimtlO > ;
Yarmuuth hloateis U5o ; new sealed herrings ,
Dry Goods.
PiiiXTS American , 5 } ; Arnold's. Cc ; Co
checo , Cc ; Manchester. Oe ; Lymui : , "ic ; Olou
coster , .rVjc ; Uunnell .luvrjuard. Oo : Dunnell
f } 6e ; Windsor. Cc : I'.icilic. Oc : llariunn
41. < c ; Anchor Shirtings , 4) c ; Merrimac ,
Shirtings , 4Kc :
BMiAniEi ) COTTONS Farmcis' clioice ,
OI/G ; Cabot. CJc ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 7 c ;
Hill , K CXc ; Lonsdale , be ; Fruit , 8c ; Wam-
sutta , iO c ,
COIISET JKANS Kcmsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; I'cDperell , 7) ) c ; Indian Orchaid , 63 ;
Naumkeag , 7c
UUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 ot. Macnolia.
HOc ; 0 oz. Magnolia , I2c : 8 o/ . West 1'oint ,
10ifc:10 : o/ . West Point , I'JJ c.
BHOWN COTTON Lawrence LL , tjc ; Shaw-
mculLL. 5c ; Heaver Dam LL , fxs ; Ai.mitiu
LL,5c ; Indian Head. 7c ; Wauohussct , n c ;
Crown XXX , 6Kc ; Clifton CCC. Uc ; Utica
Cl if Atlantic l',5Kc. . .
, , ,
CiiBViOTS Amoskeag , checks , OJ'c ; Amos-
ke.iL' , stripes. H' e ; Slater , stripes , be ; Kdln
burg , QW Whlttendon. btripes , ir Clcn-
rose , Oc : Otis , checks , u ; < c ; Otis , stripes , c ;
Royal , t % Amoskeat , ' , napped , 10 > c : Lu-
ray , book fold , 12c : Ooeron. book fold , ll e ;
Endurance , book fold , 1-e.
TICKINOH Amoskeag ACA 12' < c : Thorn-
dyke OOO , 7Jic ; 'Jhorndyko tancv. Ko ;
Yoric , 10t < c : York fancy , I2) ) < ei Mllbury ,
12k'c ; I'earl River , like ; Hamilton , 1'Jc ;
Swift River. Cjfc ; Slietucket S. a c ; Shetuck-
ot SS , li -MonUuk ; AA , We ; Montauk JJU ,
lie ; Omen ACaA , 13c.
DKSIMS Heaver Creek A A , lie ; Heaver
fancy , 13) ) c : Kverett , 13c ; H.iyniaker's blue
mid Drown , 7Kc.
DUCK ( colored ) Uostnn 0 oz. brown and
drnb , 18)fe ; lioston O 11 brown and diah ,
Oc : lioston XX brown nnd drab , lOc : Hoston
XXX brown and dial ) , llj < e ; lioston 0 !
blue , HKe ; Wniren Tiicot. 15c.
Drr Immbor.
No , 1 Com. s. 1. s. 13,14 and 10 ft S17.00
No. 3 " " 13,14 nnd 10 It 15.00
No. 3 " " 13,14 nnd 10 ft , . 18.00
No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 tt 11.00
No.l , 4&0lnch , 13and 14feet , rough..51fi.50
No. 1,4&fl Inch , 10 feet , rou li 17.0) )
No. 3 , 4&0 Inch , 13nnd 11 feet , rough. . 11.00
No.2 , 4&0inch. 10 teetrough 15.00
12 ft 14 ft 10 ftl6 | ft
ilfiO KM i5AO'll60 17.50 19.50
2x6 16.0U1S.OJ 15.00 1B.O ) 17.00 20.01) il.OO
15.50 16 50 15.W 10.50 17.fi01V.50 U0.50
2x10. . , 15. 15.50 15.50 10.50 17.6020.50 21.50
\F \ > . .rd\.ra'\ \ ' \ > Q le.ta uiw'airo '
4H-8X8 15.59 15.50'15 ' W Ifl.W ! 17.50 18.Wllll.r (
A 6Inch , white pine$3 > .00
116 inch. " ' ' ai.00
Ofl inch " " eo.W )
no inch " " eo.W
KCIuch. " " 17.50
A12 Inch , a I s 12 H and 10 feet 548 00
* * tt * * * * * * * * i - *
C " " " " " " 80 00
I ) " n tt it 23 00
No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 13,14 and 10 ft. 18 00
No.l " " " 10 , 18 and SO ft. . 1800
No.3 " " " 12. Hand 10 ft. 1000
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch. , . . . . .sn.50
No. a , Plain , 8 and 10 inch , 15.50
NO. 1,0. a , itt.oo
* A * Standard 52.65
rinchclear , 1.55 ; Cinch , clear. . . IM
No. 1 , 1.25
Lath. . . , 2.25
Qulncy white lime ( best ) , SSc ; cement
Akron , $1.7.1 ; plaster , SibX ) : hair , per bushel
SOv. ; tanedfelt , per cwt , SL95 : btraw board ,
Sxvcct Ijove bottom Pound In A Bale
of Cotton in l/owlstoti .Mill.
Lowi. ton ( Mo.Joiirnnl ) : Tim queerest
postofllco we ever lu artl of wns developed
the other day. in the card-room of u
Lotviston rottou-mlll , where the air is
full of blinding dtist and Mired * of the
ll.vinp cotton rml ( detifcnltiR with the
whirr of the /shafting / nml the nittlo of
the Cards. Tlie'po tnmster was one of
the hands employed in tnc card-room of
the Androsco gin iriills The epistle was
nwcet , sweeter , sweetest love letter ad
dressed to a girl wy : down in Alabnma ,
and was found sticking its whitocnvclopo
out from beneath the iron band of a bale
of cotton The finding anil the sequel
have a touch of romance.
It happened six weeks ago. A big bale
of eotton had been rolled into the lloor
of the Andro'coggin picking-room , nnd
one of the hands was gntting it ready
for the lir. > t operation , \vlion ho caught a
glimpse of a pieee of whita paper stick
ing out from under the band about the
cotton bale. It was a letter addressed tea
a girl in the land of cotton. It was a
modest-looking letter , just as unassum
ing as the inodiirn fashionable epistle at
present is aiming to bo. It was unsealed
and had no stamp. Il was quite crum
pled and a sort of dirty and begrimed.
Outside it didn't show its mil worth , so ,
In oul IT to apprecialo it , one of llm
hands opened It and toad thu inclosuic.
It was oust what might have been ex
pected .1 real arJenl coutharn kind of
letter , burning with the IM-Hkc-to-ciU-
you-tip kind of love , although , as a mal-
ur of fact , written in December , Its
writer was evidently an employe on the
train on which tliu'bala of cotton with
its follows was journeying to the sea
board. It caMediils ducKy-dmr to au-
count for certain little j.tlle < 'u I acts of
coldness , but was in the main very com
plimentary to her beauly , her common
sense , the si/.o of her foot , and the style
of her new winter bonnet.
It appointed the following Saturday
evening for u call and was eoiilii'e'it ' tint
she would b glad to FOO him. Every
thing was to bj found in HID letter ie-
quired in such an epistle. Thuro is no
need to describe It. Our readeis of u
iMrgorgrowth know about these things by
i'\pi'ricneo , others by intuition. Wo may
add that few .sweeter tilings over reached
the maturity of stamp and envelope than
tills.When tlie hands had discussed it they
began to appreciate that perhaps the
ear 1-rooni m'glit still ho a postollkc of
delivery , and M > one man inclosed it in a
note relating the manner ot its discovery ,
another with cleaner hands than the rest
lapped the ilostriue on thn em elope anil
shipped il down , and another prod iced a
a stamp , and the loiter was dropped into
the ivul forgol on.
A few days ago. however came the se
quel. A ne-itly written loiter wasreciiiv-
( id in tins Anilroscinrgin card room from
thi ! "AJabamy girl.0 Shu thanked every
body sincerely for the care they had
taken of letter , and slio addeif : "If
you ever come put ( f\\r \ \ way drop in and
s-co us ; we will ou light glad to see you
and thank you ! ii this bargain. "
It issuppo > cdlliat , the absent minded
lover stuck the "letter in a cotton bale
while about his\vorj > , and couldn't find
it again , and so the letter sailed the seas
over into Maine , raniu miles by rail , ascended -
conded into thoi'cgi'On of in a card-
room of a LewiSlou cotton iiiill and tlieu
after four months o | . travel found its way
back to thu hands Of the maiden of its
Sort of nice , ipw't ain't il ?
Hiirkocjici's 'UH lankefs.
St. Paul Pioneer J ross : A handsomely
dre.s ed man ot middle age , who had
evidently boon drinking , entered n swell
St. Paul saloon ( lib other evening. Ho
treated his companions , and , watching
his opportunity , so that he would not be
observed , lie quickly thrust a roll of bills
into the hand of thu man behind the bar.
"How much ? " queried hn of the whites
apron and diamond pin , "Three iifty. "
was the brief reply. The. inner of drinks
quietly thrust the money into his pocket ,
and the gentleman passed out with his
companions. "Yon would be surprised
if yon knew how often we arc made
bankers. " said the barkeeper , aflably , as
lie held a glass up for inspection and
critically examined it. "Yon saw that
man give me something ? Well , it was a
roll of bills ainountiiifr to iV'iCO. ' He is
i t out on a tear anillie knows , from
previous experience , that lie will lo e all
of it if he carries it in his pocket. He
lias taken all ho wants and gives
iiu ; the remainder to keep for
him. To-morrow or next day lin'll
come around after it. That
kind of a thing is an every day occur
rence with mi ) . I have had as much as
$2,000 in my possession at ono lime , which
was { riven me to take care of under sim-
jhir circumstances. It is not always lim
ited to money , eitiicr. Sometimes 1 have
watches and diamond studs and rings
left with mo for safe keeping. On a
number of occasions the owners did not
return for their property for several
weeks. About a. year ago a traveling
man left * 500 in my iioss sion about 10
o'clock ono night. Ho said ho would get
it the next day. He did not come around ,
though , but went on a big drunk , which
lasted four weeks , lie wound np with a.
bad attack of 'tho boys. ' I felt rather
sorry for him , and .saw that he was well
taken care of. Two or three of his friends
on Hit ! road , with my assistance , made it
all right witli his linn. After ho got
well h would not tal o back the money
ho had given me. He sworn ho hud never
placed any money in 1113' hands , and I
could not make Him believe otherwise , l
road him a goon tcmpcranco lecture and
put tin ) money in this bank , I have
it to-day , j'lie traveling man has 'sworn
oft'1 and says ho is saung lots of money , "
The Millard ,
8 , Shears , J. E , Mnrlifl.Tlios. Swobo , Proprietors
Omuha , Nubrusktt.
* . _
Job Printing ,
Job Print's.lBook ' . Binders ,
And IllankDcoVMitnul'ultiiiurd. 100-108 South
Flojir aijd Feed ,
W. J. WEI.SI1ANS & CO. ,
Wholesale Flour.'Feed . and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J.'WolelmiiB & Co/8 Quick
Italblntflluckwbeatlloiirnnd proprlotorHOmitlia
City Mills , cor. Bth und Fttruuin Btrueta , Omaba.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Bftddlcry and Bhoo Finding. Hides , Wool , Turfl ,
t'clu , Grcasci , Talloff , I tc. , Omaha , < oU _
_ _
K. P. FAY A CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Clears. 1211
rariiaia St. . Omaha , Xc .
_ _ _
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Special brands Fuust , lludn elsur ,
Cor Capitol Ave. , ,0th undOmuluu
Book Binding , Etc ,
r- - ' *
- - - - -
rinNTixo co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Blank Hook Miniiifacturcrn. Nos. 109 and
_ 108 South 14th Street. Omnhn , Neb. _
_ Bridges Steam PHe JJrivmg. _
11AYMOND & CAMt'HF.Iib ,
L'nKlncers nnd Contrnctors.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnd llano Truss ,
Plllntr nnd Oak Timber. 15th El. , nenr 1'nrnntu ,
Telephone No 731.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX MP.YER , t CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns nnd Ammunition. 211 to imSouth llth
Slice ) , 1020 to 1K4 ! Knrnnm Street , Omnlm , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wliolcsnlo Dealers In Leaf Tobacco * . Nos.
IPS nnd HON.,14th , Street , Om.nm-Neb. |
Affcnt for the Manufacturers and Importers ,
- Glassware
Crockoi-y , ,
Lamps , Clilmncys , Etc. Ofllre , ! 117 South ntb
Street. Omaha , Nub.
c.'s. dboimicii & cb
Apcnts for V. A. Whitney Carriage Co. 8
Children's Carriages ,
Anil Jewell's Celebrated ItorriKcr.uors. Son
Jor prlco Hats. 141"i I'limnm St. , Omaha.
O. S. 1'KTTIS & CO. ,
Wholsalo & Mail , Fine Carriages ,
Pliaolotm , lluirgtes nnd Hei-iil Wilson * . M l < or cent
mvcdln biilii orn . rwn-r.10-1 IU , Irurd fctrcct ,
Omnlui , .Nolinihkii.
Bninch nt Council Illufft , lown.
t'ornlces ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpcnotor , PioprJetor. Mniiufnrtutcr of
C-iiUanl/ed Iron und Cornice. tU'.t lmlio ; nnd Ul
nnd 11)5 ) North Uth Street , Omnhn , Neb.
Mnnufnctuioraot Oninnicntn'i
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rimil > < , Kte. , : > 10 8.12h ( St. Worlcdono
In any pnrt of the country.
Western Cornice Worts ,
C. SIT.CHT , Propilctor.
Gnlvnnlzed Iron Coinleo ? , Klc. Ppecut'i im
proved Patent Mclnll'u fckjllsht. tea and 61US.
12lh St. . Omnlm. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
fhTGaleGKyPUnlEg'HUI ,
Doors , SnMi nnd Itllndg. Al'o all kinds of
turning1. Scroll and Stair woik ol u\eiy do-
Manufacturer nnd Denier InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Rails a specialty Telephone No. OS
JJlh and Miner Sti..Omnhn , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W.'WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic mock , Omaha. ] ttirilar Alarms , llcll.i ,
lire Alarnii , Vjcctrla Mattiii'SjicaUiiiif Tutios ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ron Si ill is , HnHinir , Rolled licnnis and Girders
Slenrn Ilniflnci. Hrnss Work.Genernl Foundry
Machine and Dlacktmith Work. Olllco and
Works U. P. Ry. nnd S 17th bt.
iron ard Nails.
" " " "
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Nails a Sp > - jlaltr. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fire nnd llurRlnr Proof Snfos ,
Vault Doors. Jnll Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Wprk.Cor. 14thnnd _ Jackson sis. , Omaliu , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Established 1B5S.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
KCOend Ull DoUgo Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Liye Stock Commission
Gco. liurko. Manager.
Union Stock Yartls , S. Omali.i. Tolo.hcno 682
W. P. 11ROWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
o Kxchnniro llulldinpr , Union Stock Yards ,
South Omuha , Nob. Telephone No. 603.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . llotd , Superintendent.
SA VAUK & ( JllKIC.V ,
' Live Stock Commission Merchants.
EblpinontH of uny uml nil kinds of stock solicit
, ed. Union block Vnrds , Oumliu , Nub.
Lumber , Etc ,
' "
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Eash , Doois , Kto. Yiuds-Cor. "til mid
Cor. Utli uud
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Hlulr Work nnd Interior Hard Wood
1'lnlBli. Jiibt opcnud , N. I ! , cor. Bill uud Leaven-
vrorta Struele , Oiiiulm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
811 S. th Struct , Omuha , Nub. L' . Colpctzer ,
Lumber ,
13th and California Stioct , Omnhn , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Cor. Cth und Douglas Strecte , Omiiha , Xub.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omubu , NubruEkiu
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnron Block , 1'niicy Woods , Urldgo Tlmlicra.
&c. , S. W. Cor. 8th uiiil DoUflus.Uiniihu , Kcb.
Dealer in Sasli , Doors , Blinds , Mcaldi
UuUdhur l > apcr. Ltc. Bouth 13th Ktr etoCl3SHL
, ttc.
EucccE ra to Ickcn Slcmstcn St Co.
Y/holesale / Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Portion I'isli.Noa. 011-913 Jonet
Sire.StrcM ima I'.Truck. O uUa NoU . _ .
* Agricultural Implement _
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Ofllcc , Corner Oth And I'nclfloPts Omnlin , Nob.
1'AHI.IX , Oltl'-NllOlin' & MA11T1N ,
AVliole ; o Donlcra In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nntl nucules , Oninlm Xct > .
ClltMlCHlUi 1'AHKKU ,
Wholesale Dcnlor In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cntrlocos anil IliipRlrp. Jc n" St. , bet. Vtli nnd
Htti.Oinnhn.Nil ) .
Boots and Sliocs <
" "
"V. V. M01'815 ' A. CO. .
Jotters of Boots and Slices ,
Kit Fnrnnin Ftreet.Omnlin , Ni-ti. Manufactory ,
Summer Sued , lloston.
" " Is. A. oiicitAitnT
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
tWi Curtnln ( looc ! . Hlc. . nil '
Street , Uniiilift , NcK
Coal ( Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OOlcc.SU8. Hth't.Oinntin. Neb. Viinlf , "til
niul lr.-eni ) > ortStict't8.
Dcolars in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Pest vurlct'.cs. Olllro. 213 P. llltli Pt Telephone
No. 14tl ( , Ottinlia , Null.
NKllllASKA FUC1 < G ( > . ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
Z14S. 13th PI. , Omnhn , Neb.
Get ) . ( VJ'owi.p. . President.
Oro. P.ATJTIIPON , Bee. ntiil Trcns.
3.11. HUI.NEIIT , r. A. ,
1'roprlrtor. Mniinncr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oilier , S17 S. Kitlifttcul. Telephone 40. _
Gio. T. I.AnAnn. Pros. C , r. GonnvAN , V. Pros ,
J. A. SUNlil'.lti.AND Sec. niul Troiis.
Omaha Coa , ' , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard niul < oft. con' ' , J-VJ S. Uth St. ,
Oinnlin , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal ,
EicluelTO dealers In Ilouliler Colorado Conl.21J
houlh Htli hlrcot.
_ Coffee and Spices. _
(5ATKS. ( I'OLB o ; .MII.KP ,
Home Cofies and Spice H.lls MTg Co.
Concu Ko.i ti < i8 mid Splco ( iilulen > . iiintiu
fnctureisof linking Powder , KlnvnrmcKxtinols
Illuliitr. i Io. Try ouren o < if our Mb piickii 'o
Homo Jllrnd Itonsted Coffee. llKKI Honard St ,
Cinnhn , Neb.
CLARKB rtllOS. iCO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Coffees , Hiilccs. niiklnp Powder Vliivorln *
l ctiactR , Laundry Illim. luk , ute. 14U-1U Hur-
ney Street , Omnlm , Neb. _ _ _
Commission Etc.
. . . . . . , _
Wholesale Fruits' , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rnrmim St. , Oimilm. Apiiles Our own | . .ick-
Injf Platt & Co. 8 Tlifor Hnuid Oibteis , IJutter ,
S , ( inmo , Poultry , Potatoes.
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , FrultB , Flour nnd Pec.l , 1OT
6. 14th St. , Oinului , Neb. Consignments bolleittd.
Itcturns niudu uromutlv.
810 12th Street , Oma'.m. Neb. Specialties : Hut.
leu. _
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Duller , Giuno , VniltB , Kte. JMS. 14th
St. , Omnlui , Nebrubka.
General Commission Merchants ,
rict , Omaha , Nob. Consignments
_ " _ Solicited.
W. E. ItlDDELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchant
BricciALTirs CliccPC , liutter Eggs. Poultry
nnd ( Juine. 112 S. 14th. , Omuhu , Nob. Tcli-
phone A'o.iU'i.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
KOIC.'BII nnd Domestic Fruits n specialty. El
i-Kant Moraifo fuclllllcd , Warehouse nnd olllco ,
1U North lUlh bt. Telephone 775. _ _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , KBKB and Produce. A full line of Stone-
wnro. CuiulKliiiicnla solicited. 1414 Uotlgo Bt ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Ruttor , Kpitt , ChecBo and Country'Produce goo-
orallyiX S. 12th at. , Omnlm , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs ,
Rcfrlfrcrntor nnd Packing Iloiifo.Hlli & Jxjaven-
worth St. , on U. P. IU 11. Track , Omaha , Nob.
Established 1670.
General Commission ,
211 8. 1Mb St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Duller
HUBS , Poultry and Uomo.
Commission Merchants ,
Frultj , Prcduco nnd Provisions , Oniahn , Neb
KurrufsorH to iB'ian ( irlllith.
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wholesale dealer In country produeo , frull ,
butter , vet : * , etc. ( leeds on consignment u
Bpetl&lty. itM N. lOlliFt. . Omnlm , Nob.
( Successors to A , P. Scliuck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. S13 South lith Street. Omnlm. Neb.
Ury Goous.
" " " ' "
J. J. IJUOWN" * co.r"
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
lysj Jou las Struct , Omuhn , Nub.
WholcEAlo Dealers III
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
linens , J.iicts , EintiroMery nnd White Goods.
1(801)0ut'las ( ) Street , Omuhu , Nob.
White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
SOtb Stnnd U , P. Ry. Omnlin ,
Harness , Etc ,
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Geode , lilankets nnd Itobea. 1121 Farcum
_ _ _ HI i ( Kit Oiiinlm. Nob. _
Mattresses ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Jlpttreeecs , lleddlnp. Feather
PlllowD , Cots , Klc. 1200 und 12UU llouflas Street ,
Omnha Neb. _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jwns Punts , Bhlru. Kto. , HU2 nndrti DousUs
a , Nvb.
Dealers In All Kind * of
Bnllding Material at Wboleftle.
Sth Street niul l luon Pnc IIJ Trnok , Oinnh.t
T > . WATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
SOth umllznnl Streets , Omnlm , N'olMiijkA.
J. A. WAicr.nti.i : ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
ntilMIng PnperK. Fasli , loor. , lllhuls , Moul *
IIIRS , 1'ickrls , POMS , i.imo , l'J tcr , Hat ,
Comcuu Nliitn mm Jonr. > , Omtilin Neb. i
Millinery ,
' * "
i.'ohr.itFni.niiii , J
Importers mid Jobbers ot
Millinery and Motions ,
_ lS13nnd 1214 llnrnoy Street , Omnlm , Nob.
Musical Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Etolnwiiy Plnno * , Wcbcr. Pecker , Uidncs nnd
JlrlKfrs PmiKx , 1'noitnnl Onrims , Cnngo Organs.
lOljuiajon 15th Btreot.
Furniture , Etc.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstoiy , Mirrors ,
Kto. , 12 > X ! , U'08 nnd ISld I'liiiKiin Street , Omnlm.
Wholesale Dealers In Furnltarj ,
Far n inn Street , Omnlui , Nob.
AIJ.HN nitos. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
111G anil 1112 Dotiglna Street , Oinnha , Nob.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco niul Bmokurs * Articles , 1217 Howard SU
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
{ pices , Clparfi nnd Tobaccos 1U17 nnJ 1310 Doug *
Ins Struct , Omtiiiii , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th anil 1'nrnnm Streets , Omnhn , Nob.
1'AXTON , GAU.AOllKIl St CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Kos. 705 , 707,70 > l mid 711 S. 10th St. , Oiunliu , Ncu.
\V. J. llllOATCll ,
Heaiy ? Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Bprlnps , WIIKOII Stock , Hnnluooil I.umlior , etc.
l"M ( nnil 1211 llurni'y blreev , Oumlin , Nob.
r.DNEoinnoN ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Carrlno WooJ Stock , llonvy HimlwnrB ,
Kto. 1217uud 1219 I.unvcnwuitli Stieot , Oniuun ,
. Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nnd RtitTtilo Scnlcs. 1405 Doug-
IUB titiuct , Onuiliii , Nob.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Kte. Am-nts for llinro Senles nnd
„ Miami Powder Co. , Omnhn Neb. _
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mnntlca , Grates , llrnss ( roods. 1321 nnd larj Fw >
nnm Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Btcol Nnils. Cor. 10th and Hnrnoy
Streets , Omnhn , Nob.
Manufacturer of the
Deerins Harvester Goods ,
Writs to VTin. } I. Ixirlmor , Gsnornl Apent ,
Omnhn. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc ,
Pumps , Plpo and Engines.
Etam. Wntur , Itallu uy and Milling Supplies , Bfjt
IBM ) , IttJ onU ( Bi ! Kunmra St. Oiimha.Neb. i
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Etcnm iinil Water Supplies. Hcadiiuartors fo
Must FooBt Co.'s Goods. 1111 Furniim Street ,
Oiuabn , Nob.
EDHOI.M & EltlClioN ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silvcrwtirc , Diamonds. Wntcbaa
Cloche , Jew flora' Tools nnd Materials , Ktc. , 101
and lUi , IStU Street , Cor. Ucdgu , Onmlm , Nob. . .q
Notlont Etd
Jobuors in
Motions , Hosiery & Gents'Furntshing ' Good
1UW and 1UW i'unmiu tit. , Omaha , NoU.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , " '
4K\ \ und 403 S. 10th St.Omnhu , Nob. s
Wholesale Dealers In Notions und Gents' Fur.
iilBhlny Goods.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ,
Gacollno , JIlcu Axlu Orruso , Eta. A. H. n I shop ,
Munngcr , Omnlm , Nol ) .
Pork Packing ,
JAjins E. BOVD , " - "i
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omabn , Nobmskii. J
HAititis & nsiiiit : ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
pnice , Union Mnrkot. 1517 Doilj-e Street , Pttcklnf ,
tioiuc , U. l > . . it. it. Truck , Omalia , Nob. Telv _ *
rvlinitn M * . 107. * ' ' ' i tJ !
Safes and Locks ,
IlOYEIl tt CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe A Loci' ' Cos ! ' ! '
Flro and HnrKliir Proof Bufos.Tlmb LockiV
and Jail work. IdiOj iirnam Btrcot , OmuUg.
" J. I5VANS/
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Agricultural , VejfOtnblo , Klc. Odd fe\ \
N. W. Cor. Htu nud Dodge St "
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggists , * k *
And Dealer In 1'aliitK. Oils
Omnlm , Nob. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wim ? ;
And J.lciuors. Solo manufiicturer * ot KoBnedy'g"
KuttJiidltt Hitters. Ilia Hurney '
> . \v. DuKCAN , r >
Successor to MCNAUAIIA & DUHOAR. T
uud WuolcBtUo Uualora In
Wines , Liquors and Clears ,
" ' > 210 H. HtU St. , OmaU * . N U
' " " *
Notions , tic1 T"
Wholesale Job I
Dry'0DOCil ! , Notions , CJi > nt ' l'uv Hblnjr abcx
( ioodu from Now York. Trud lMM { i" '
Wji < r-OaSoutUl3tu8t. , " '