THE OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , MAY 10 , 188G. BAD BRAKEHEN BROKEN , Falo of Deceitful lion Who Engineered the Western Trainmen's Btriko , HE TRIED TO KILL HIS WIFE. The "West Family In Public Proml- ncnco Again A Uttsy Session of lo City Cotinctl-CHy Mat- tcrsofGlcncrnl Interest. Brotherhood ofBrakcmen. Mr. S. E. Wilkcnson , of Galcsburg , grand , ni.aatcr of the Brotherhood of r.iil- road brakomcn , accompanied by Mars Nobbs , of Grand Island , member of the board nf trustees of the same orgnniza- tlon , arrived in the city Inst evening. Air. Wilkcnson i ? a finely preserved , stout , hearty , full-faced gentleman of 45 , while Mr. Nobbs Is a handsome , oner- gctio and Intelligent young man , possi bly 80 years of ngo. Both of them luivo travelled about 3,000 miles among the striking brakemen on the U. P , They Imvo examined Into the causes which led to the movement lit nil the points , North 1'latte , Choyoimo , Laramie - mie , Hawlins , Kaglo Hock nnd Butto. As a consequence , they have concltuleU that it was ono of the most unprovoked , in jurious , uncalled for nnd lamentable things that could have taken place. They emphatically pronounce it in no way authorized by or in any manner connect ed witu the Brotherhood of brakemen. At the same time they disclose the la mentable manner in which ignorance , stupidity , treachery and bigotry wore utilized to cast the odium of the strike upon the organization. It is generally known that some tlmo ngo the Union 1'acllic management en deavored to equalize the wages of their trainmen. 1'or this purpose Superin tendent Smith issued a circular by which the mileage system of payment was to bo introduced. It gave dissatisfaction to some , and delegates from all points along the road called upon him for an explana tion. To those ho said that lie believed the now plan' would afford just as good wages as they had been receiving , and to prove it , lie wished thorn to try it for thirty days. In the event of its failing so to do , he guaranteed the wages they mid boon receiving. After the matter had received a little attention at their hands , some of the brakemen came to the con clusion tlmt , by means of Smith's sched ule , they could not earn as much as they bad earned previously. This , however , was not the case , because while working for $05 per month , some of them had run ns high as 3,200 and others-1,000 miles per month. This , lit 2 cents per mile , or , as it woiild have been on the Utali & North ern , 2 } cents per milo , would readily have raised instead of decreasing their monthly income. Dissatisfaction ensued , nndatLaramic , the .seat of all .the trouble the ring leaders struck. This was really the scat of war , and the uprising was occasioned by a man named Phelan , who was not a member of the brotherhood , who was dis- qimlilied on general principles , and who will always remain disqualified for mem bership in the brotherhood. Delegate Fuller was checking when riiolan approached him and said , "wo have struck. " The malign inlluenco of this man was injurious , and others fol lowed under impression tlmt , ns Lar- arnio went , so went the system. Subse quently the opposition was aroused , crowds assembled , and determined men with cocked revolvers drove them back only by courage nnd discretion. If ono shot had been fired , 200 people would liavo been killed. Cheyenne struck out of sympathy with Larainic , and before it could hear from their delegate , who was at Denver. In a response to a telegram , ho answered , "Take no action in the matter until my arrival. " But the message was received too late. The man wJio authorized the strike was a restaurant keeper , and only an ex-Union Pacific man. In North Piatto Hayncs failed to in form the men of the notice of Mr. Smith's circular , which ho had received Jrom Mr. Dorrnnce. SliufT , of North Fltitlo , linally rocelvoit a telegram from Fuller at Laramie to "stop the cars. " Ho then telegraphed Ilayncs at Sidney to the. cflect that ho was wanted at North Piatto as soon ns possible. Instead of telegraphing or going there , bo wrote to have the men insist on 3 17-100 cents per .fmllo. j , , . llawliiis would not have struck if the opointor. instead of concealing , had de livered the message from Kd F. O'Sliea , grand secretary at Galcsburg , to "bo governed by the circular issued on the 22d. " The message was found in the fellow's drawer , and' the men , without instructions , blindly went out. it , At Eagle Kock the men wore to bo paid ' > -$70 Dor month on the 1885 basis , that is , to receive $70 for that amount of work , which , in the latter year , had brought them $ W3. But then Delegate H. Gnrtln would not figure on the plan. A union wns calledami everything was placed in , . > ( Jiis hands , and he never apprised them of the thirty days of trial of Smith's c schedule , hence the strike. At Butlo the men were to be paid ns nt * Kaglo Hock , on the basis of ' 85. Hero they hail received a message from Laramie - mio to the cflcet that "Wilkinson , " the ngrund master , "could do no good , " and "to "stop the ears. " The recipient was a -man named HusMjll. Iln had beun one of liie delegates to see Mr. Smith , and ( "while hero failed of election to confer will ) Ids division biiperintcndont at bugle Hock , and became joalous. When ho re ceived the telegram to strike , ho put it in * his pocket and pulled out his train , and when on the road , told others of the al leged order , but kept on himself until , qvory man had gone out. This division .remained out for over fprty-cight hours after every other place had gone to work. The lirst intimation Mr. Wilkinson had of the strike wns on May 5 , at Stuart , Iowa. It was then two days old. The telegram was from Mr. Nobbs , but aftei passing through many hands it reached * Wilkinson , signed by O'Shoa. and stated that the men on the Union Pacific were out woat of Cheyenne , and desired him ( o confer with Noasham , of tlio K. of L. lit Denver. Ho immediately answered tlmt he would leave for Denver , and re quested Nobbs to moot him nt Grand Island. Another telegram sent him after the commencement of the strike read : "Did you order strike on the Union Pa cific * " This was received only the night ' 'before last. Not having been answered , * gave tlfqmalcontents ground to say thai Wilkinson could not help them. > vu. Since the time of his notification of the strike , Mr. Wilkinson 1ms been all s through the troubled district , and talked with every superintendent and a number of tlio strikers. Ho has witnessed the treacbeiTi the deceit and the injustice * if the move. NIncty-ono men liavo lost thulr situations , nnd he 1ms disqualified every ono of ilium from mombar&hip in tlio brotherhood , and against gome ol * those mon the disqualification will bo 'perpetual. Tlio brotherhood discounte nances nil strikes , and 1ms recourse only t4o arbitration , unless in extreme cases , wheran strike Is uphold by the press , the people and the interests of the order , Tlio Brotherhood of Brukemon is com posed of from 13,000 to 18,000 mon , Of these 400 are in the lodges at Omaha , * Grand Island , Denver , Ogdcn , Shoshouo , North Pintle. Cheyenne , Laramie , Raw- Una , Eagle Hook and Butto. Tlio princi ples of the order are benevolence. , so * 1 firloty .and Industry. In case of death the widow of the member receives $000. fn cases of sickness the sufferer receives fO to $10 per week. It was organized September 23,1883 , in Oneontn , N. J. , and since the strike it has been in receipt of seventy-five applications for now lodges. The officers are as follows : S. K. Wifklnson , . M. , Galcsburg ! Noill Snlll- van. Vice G , M. , Uinghampton ; K. K O'Shca , grand secretary ami treasurer , Galcsburg ; IC. . Foster , grand organ izer , Ithaca ; 1) . L. Cease , sccrctarv of grand trustees , Phlllipsbiirg. N. J. ; 1) . J. McCarthy , Oneonta ; Mars Nobbs , Grand Inland'I ; < J. Shcchan , Denver , trustees. The BKK reporter was pirmitted to glance at the ritual of the brotherhood , it shows tlio object to bo most laudable , and worthy of being espoused by all honorable men. As nn instance of its ef fect , it is reported that on tlio Utah & Northern wticrc employes stole $7,000 from the cars in ono year , but $100 were stolen in 1885. Mr. Wilkonson leaves to-night for Galcs burg , where ho meets the Grand Lodge on the 24th inst. , to see if they will sus tain him in Ids act of disqualifying the strikers. Mr. Nobbs leaves to-day for Kansas City. Before leaving they will endeavor to harmonize the Union Pncilic with tlio strikers. They speak most kindly of all the Union Pacific olllcials , to whom they claim to be indebted for many favors. A GOOD WOUIUNG COUNCIL. A Htisy Meeting Iinst NI ht-ASiunl ( > blc Over a 1'ollcomnii's Appoint ment Municipal Matters. The council met In regular session last evening , all of the aldermen being present , and transacted the following buslncbs : PETITIONS ANI > COMMUNICATIONS. From W. F. Bechel , acting mayor , ap proving ordinances adopted at last meet ing.From From the mayor , appointing Fred Bohin , Chas. Neber and Frank Hnnlon , to appraise damage by change ot grade of Davenport street. Confirmed. Same Appointing Clms. Kuuffman , W. A. L. Gibbon and W. J. Kennedy to as sess damage for widening Howard street. Confirmed. Same Appointing A. D. Balcombo , W. J. Kennedy and Chas. Kaufl'man to ap- appraise damage by change of grade on Pierce street. Confirmed. Same Appointing J. F. Bclun , Clms. E. Landrock and W. J. Kennedy to ap praise damage by change of grade of Saundcrs street. Same Same committee to appraise damage for widening of Clarke fatreot. and for extending Sherman street , aim for change of grade of Nicholas street. Confirmed. Same Appointing William Worthy , Frank Reynolds , L. N. Yales and D. A. Hurley as special policeman. Confirmed. From Board of Public Works Giving names of parties who tear up paving without replacing it in a proper manner. Filed. From same Ilenorting contract of Raymond fc Campbell for the construc tion of the Sixteenth street viaduct. Ap proved. Same Reporting estimate of C. II. Watson , sidewalk contractor , amounting to $170.79. Estimate approved. 1 rom Julius Naglc Protesting against tlio proposed change of grade on Fif teenth street from Jackson to Jones street. Grades and grading. Of property owners asking for the con struction , of an approach to Thirty-first from Farnam. Grades and grading. Of Charles Balback , asking for damages by change of grade at Harnoy and Six teenth streets. Finance and claims. Of M.Lahoy , protesting against change of grade on Jacksoii street , and asking damages. Finance and claims. Return of appraisers for opening and extending Twentieth street to Spruce street. Adopted. Of Bernard Shannon protesting against ohanco'of ' grade on Davenport street. Grades and grading. Of property-owners , asking for re moval ol slaughter house from Webster street. Police. Of property-owners on Izard street , asking that the council should order par ties to remove certain houses which had been imilt in such a manner as lo ob struct tlio street. Police. UISOUJTIONS. : By Mandol Ordering baa company to lay necessary mains on Nicholas street , between Nineteenth and Twenty-fourth. Adopted. By Lowry That the mayor be re quested to appoint Frederick Albrecht as special policeman in place of Charles Nelson , removed. Adopted. By Bailey Tlmt the names and num bers of the streets bo neatly painted on all street lamps , nnd tlmt the gas com mittee bo instructed to make the best terms they can with some painter for painting the same. Public property. A number of resolutions ordering the construction of gas mams , sidewalks , and minor improvonts were read ana adopted or referred to the proper com mittees. By Dailoy That the house- now stand ing in Hurt street bo removed by order of the committee on streets and alloys. Streets undallovs and city attorney. HUrOKTS OK COMMITTEES. Committee on claims Recommending payment of certain claims referred to them tor investigation. Adopted. Committee on claims Recommending the reduction of tlio assessment of J. I * . Van Sickle from * 3,10r ) to ! ? 105. Adopted. Committee on 'grades and grading Recommending ordinance establishing grades of alley between Sixth and Tenth htroets on Hickory street. Adopted. Same Recommending establishment of grade on Capitol avenue from Twentieth street to Twenty-seventh street. Adopted. Committee on streets and alloys Recommending an ordinance opening Twenty-second street. Adopted. Committee on police Recommending tlmt tlio appointment of Tlios , J. Onus- by as policeman bo'not continued. P. Ford said lie was proud of the fact that ho had secured the appointment of Ormsby , and that lie would rather cut oft'liis right arm than to appoint a man whom ho did not think worthy. Ho said Ormsby was a good , honest young fol low , and a man of nerve. Ho said ho was opposed only by cranks and whiskey bummers. Mr. Kaspor said that ho had been approached preached by some of the best tax payers in Omaha who had opposed Ormsby's appointment , and that liu hud made in- vcstl ations , which convinced him thai he is not qualified for the place. Mr Ford got the lloor again , and salt that "Thomas J. Ormsby is us smart a man as there is in this hall , inside or out side , The men who are opposing him are mountebanks. I have * been in soci ety with Mr. Ormsby , and I know him as a gentleman. " Upon a vote thn adoption of tlio roporl was lost , and the nomination of Mr Ormsby was confirmed , Police committee recommending that the services of the pest keeper bo maintained by tlio city. Adopted. The bond of Thomas J. Ormsby as po liceman was approved. Police committee , Instructing the poundmastor to strictlyontorce the stock ordinance. Adopted. Public property and improvements , ! ! o- commending tlio numbering of the btreets by painting the names upon the gas lamps. Recommitted. Same , Recommending the purchase o ; two public drinking fountains , one for Sixtoenth.streefc.aud one for Eiglitecntl street , Adoptc ( ( . Same Ro/5oinni6ndlng tins removal of the fence * JtrQni' < i''Uwll'erson square Adopted. ' "V' . . Fjro and Water Wprks Recom mending laying of water mains cm liar nov street , nnd also the payment of bills against the lire department. Adopted. Sewerage Recommending the adop- Ion of an ordinance transferring certain 'mids to so wor funds. Adopted. Paving , Curbing nnd Guttering Rec ommending the appointment of inspectors specters of sewerage , paving , etc. Adopted. Viaducts and Railways Filing papers nnd commucations , OUPINANCKS. Vacating a certain part of Fifteenth street nnd the alloy in block 17IM , and granting to the Omaha Bolt Line railway the right to use tlio same for a freight depot. Viaducts nnd railways. Directing the city treasurer to make a transfer of certain funds to the sewer fund. Passed. Establishing grade of Capitol avcnno from Twenty-sixth street to Twenty- seventh avenue , Passed. Establishing the grade of Sixteenth street from Lake street to north limit of tlio city. Passed. Making special appropriation for the payment of liabilities Incurred during the month of April. 1113 TIUKl ) TO lUMj HIS WIPE. J. V. West , Armed With n Ilovolvor and Knife. , RnUc * a Domes tic How. The cries of "help" and "murder" aroused tlio residents of Hamilton street , near Twenty-seventh , at 1 o'clock this morning. C. W. Wllkins and L. K Lucas , who wore the iirst to reach the location from which the sounds came , found a woman hi the middle of the street clad in her nisjht robes which were covered with blood , She was imploring protec tion from her husband , who , she said , was trying to kill her. The woman was Mrs. J. F. West , whose husband is a trav eling salesman for the Simmons Hnrd- "waro company of St. Louis. West was just coming out of the house after his wife when he was met by the mon. Ho hud his revolver in his hand , apparently ready to put it to use. The men who had arrived nt this time surrounded West , disarmed him and locked him up in ono of the rooms of his house. Mrs. West was then taken to her bedroom and a messenger sent for the police to take West into custo dy. The patrol wagon was sent in response to a telephone call and Officer Mostyn sent to make the arrest. A BEE reporter , who accompa nied the party to the scene of tlio dilliculty , found the streets in the vicinity of tiic West residence filled with the excited neighbors , all of whom were busy specu lating upon the causes of the sensational ulTuir. Inside the house were a half dozen half clad men standing guard over West , who was taking mat ters very coolly , and was engaged in bandaging his right hand , which no had cut in some manner in the dilliculty. In the bedroom , adjoinm < r the splendidly furnished pcrlor , Mrs. West was found lying on a pile of bod-clothing , crying bitterly , her face , hair and night-robe covered with blood. On the lloor by the bedside laid an ugly looking butcher knife , with which Mrs. West says her husband threatened to cut her throat. The window in the room was broken out and the furniture upset or broken , everything bearing evidence of the struggle that Imd taken place. Between her sobs Mrs. West told her story. She said she had lived with West for several years and that he had frequently abused and ill- treated her. Aoout three weeks ago she sued for divorce but lie had boggqd so persistently and made such promises of better treatment that she had decided to live with him again. He ca'mo home after midnight this morning and found her in bed. He commenced abiia- iii her and linally struck her in the face with his fist anil threatened to kill her. She sprang out of bed when ho seized her and a sen file en sued in which the window was mashed out undslio escaped through it into the street. West was taken to the city jail. Ho took the matter very unconcernedly and refused to oiler any explanation of his actions. Mrs. West was left at her residence in charge of kindly neighbors. This is not the first time that publicity has been given to tlio domestic relations of the West family. Last fall the BEE published an account of the manner in which Mr. West watched a well known business man who had hired a livery team , and found his wife accepting attentions from the business man and indulging in liber ties with him decidedly unbecoming in a married woman. The case will como up this morning. AMUSEMENTS. THE CHAIIMINQ I'ltENCIl AOTIIKSS. Ilhca opens her engagement at Boyd's opera house to-night , by appear ing in "An Unequal Match , " of which the Boston Herald says- A largo and kindly diposcd nuaionco gave M'llo Rhea a cordial welcome last night at the Boston theater , where she began a week's engagement in Tom Tay lor's charming comedy , "An Unequal Match. " She was received on her first entrance with a friendliness seldom shown save lo old favorites , was warmly applauded throughout the performance , and was twice recalled before the curtain. Mile Rhoa'ti acting proved tlmt she had an intelligent and comprehensive under standing of the character of Hester. The charm of her comedy made a no less agreeable imprusilon on the audience of last night than did the sincerlly.uopth and goiiulnimcsi of her acting wlion called upon to depict the more emotional side of the character she was representing , The company gave very oven and satis- factoiy support. On Friday evening Mile Rhca plays "Frou-Frou. " Saturday matinee , "Pyg malion and Galatea , and Saturday night "Tho Country Girl. " Ilin Iforjiery CIXHCS. Frank Poppleton and W. X. Kennedy wore arraigned before Judge Stonborg yesterday afternoon on three charges of obtaining goods under false pretenses and two ot forgery. The trial of the charge made for obtaining goods under false pretenses from Tootle , Maul & Co. was heard. It was shown that the fol lows had blank orders printed for the different firms of tlio city , and also had the signatures of tlio firms in rubber stamps. They obtained eighty dozen spools of thread from Tootle , Maul & Co. and eighty dozen from J. T. Robinson & Co on forged orders from Vinyurd & Schneider. They then forged an order from Tootle , Maul & Co. and obtained seventy dozen spools from Vinyant & Schneider. The thread bo ennui in this manner amounted to $120. They wcro hold under ? 500 bond each by Judjro Stonbere on the charge preferred by Tootle , Maul & Co. The other live charges will be called up this morning. Inviting the Assembly , At a meeting hold at the otlico of O. F. Davis & Co. on Monday evening , it was decided to extend an invitation to the General Assembly of Presbyterians of the United States to hold their next annual meeting in Omaha in May , 1837. The as Bombly meets in Minneapolis this year and wjll number about 000 delegates. Omaha will bo represented by Rev. T , C. Hall and Dr. Kuhn , who have been instructed (9 ( extend the invitation to the assembly to meet hero next year und to tender them the use of the Exposition building free of charge. _ Hot water , careless nurse , child scalded. St. Jacobs Oil cures scalds. ' \ HIS CONDITION SERIOUS. Hartley Campbell UnlA to Bo LiostnR HiM'ltul. ! . Hartley Campbell's. Fourteenth street theatre closed Saturtiny night , says the Now York Sun , after the performance of "Woman Against Woman. " by Ellle Ellslcr nnd her company. There was a good house , nnd the wjeok was a prosper ous one. but the Utcatro was none the loss obliged to closip its doors , for on Monday Ned Gilmorp | and Sam Colvlllo got out nn injunciion.rcstraining Ernest Harvior , the receiver who has been run ning the theatre siuceFcb. , 21 , from pay ing any of the receipts to the common creditors , and yesterday Robert J. Walker , one of tlto common creditors , enjoined him from paving anything to anybody else. Five hundred dollars , too , became duo for a theatrical license on May 1 , and , as the injunctions prevented its payment , Mr. Ilnrvier concluded that ratlier than violate the law by running without a license ho would shut tip shop. There wcro other complications which rendered Mr. Harvicr's lot as receiver ceivor anything but a happy ono. Siucy Ids return to town ten days ago , Bartluo Campbell , it Is said , has been regnlari'y helping himself to half a hundred or so of the best scats in the house withoutrcgard to the interests of Miss Ellslor or his creditors , preferred Or otherwise. Yester day ho is said to have arrived nt tlio box olhco before the ticket agent , and when the office was closed. This made but lit tle difference to him , for ho got a pully weight used to steady scenery with nnd smashed the wooden shutter of thn box- ofllco window through which the tickets are hold. Ho then , it is alleged , crawled through the narrow aperture into tlio ollico at the risk of breaking his neck , and confiscated lifty or sixty tickets. Leaving tlio pully weight behind him , lie waltzed oil'with his booty out , of the stage door , which was the door ho had got in by , and disappeared from the view of tlio janitor , the only other person in the thca tea , who first learned of his presence on seeing him go away. Taking tickets from tlio theatre popu larly presumed to be his own is not tlio only funny thing Mr. Campbell has been doing. He summoned ids creditors , by an advertisement in a theatrical meet him at Fourteenth Street theatre a week ngo yesterday. Sixty answered lite summons and waited three hours for him and Ins lawyer , who , according to the ad vertisement , was to oxptuin things. But neither Mr. Campbell nor his lawyer put in an appearance. The lawyer knew nothing of the appointment which had been made for him until ho mot nn indig nant creditor later in the day. In addition to tlio sixty creditors there came to the theatre that day several actors and actresses with whom Mr. Campbell had made imaginary engage ments , and tlicbc , being mistaken for more creditors , wore treated with corresponding pending contumely. Mr. Campbell is said to bo continually engaging somebody or other to play somewhere at sonio hour. Those who are acquainted with th'is habit humor his eccentricity , but occasionally bis oiler is treated seriously. ' . ' Mr. Campbell spcins to have a very vague idea of the extent of his liabilities. He refers to them Ks abagatelle of # 1OCO or $1COO , whcreas'they ' , are estimated at 500,000. His assess ought to bo much more , but nobody Knows whether they are or not. . \ As may be oxpcptcd [ from the forego ing. Mr. Campbell's friends consider nis condition very serious. . Few doubt that mental l-bor , and.pjcciiniary anxiety have caused a temporaryderangement of his faculties. Ono 'v ho..knows him inti mately said last night1 ; that ho had not been himself for a'Jyea'r. ' Another added that ho was ropeatmg. the. experience of ' * ' ' ' John McCiillouglt ? [ AN ENGINEER'S' ' STORY. A Thrilling Hun. With u Wild Engine Uchiml. Iliad a run out of Columbus , O. , ten or twelve years ago , and several things conspired to bring about the incident I am about to relate. I had a passenger run of nine hours , beginning at 7 o'clock p. m. For nearly throe years 1 had a locomotive named after a railroad of ficial , "Ben Davis , " and I got to know that piece of machinery bettor than any over Knew his horse. You may buy two watches of the same make , of the pnniu jeweller , at the same time , and while one will keep excellent time and give good satisfaction , the other will have oil' spells. It is tlio same with two locomotives. While "Bon Davis" would make regular trips , day after day , for months , without giving mo tlio least tiwiblo or wanting a cent's worth of repairs , other locomo tives from the same shops were in the hands of the repairers as often as out on the road. One of our freight engineers wns n man named George Itoby. He came on to our road from some line jn Now England - land and gave good satisfaction for about three months. Then whisky got the bet tor of him and ho went to the dogs. Ono day , after his fireman had brought tlio train into Columbus , with Roby drunk and asleep on the lloor of the cab , he got his blun envelope. The idea .somehow lodged In his head that the official * wore down on him and ho swore that lie would have revenge for being discharged. One afternoon he turned up the road and was noticed to bo drinking heavily and have the bearing of a _ man bent on some desperate deed. Tliis was at u station eighteen miles from Columbus nnd on a gloomy April evening. I was duo there at 7'i8. : anil it wna two-minntn stop. A mixed freight always sidetracked there for us to pass , and then followed us down the line. Well , I was there on tills special even ing on time , as usual , having baggage , express and three coaches. It began to drizzle just before wo reached the sta tion , and 1 saw that wo were in for a dark night and a sHppcry track. I did not see Roby , nor did any one toll mo that he had .shown ) H ) there. 1 noticed tlmt tlmt freight train was unusually long and that it was pulled by one of the big. gest engines on tlo.rid. | ( Three or four people got elF , and.pcrhaps as mans- got on , and wo wcro oil on a second. It was a run of seven milqS textile next stop , and my schedule was thirty-seven miles an hour. Wo hadnotyiitlcomo to a stand still at the next stop .when the telegraph operator , whoso moo 'was as white as biiow , run alongsfdp aifl ; called to mo ; "There's a wiluj..pngi\io \ | behind you for lioav - " Ho ran back to the conductor , and in ton seconds that olHehtl rushed up and shouted to me : „ , . . . "It's a runawrjr enjjino pull out at oncol" I DO Ho yelled ' 'All ul/qavd / ! " sprang for the steps of a car , ambtiwny we went , some of the people gutting oil or on being Hung down as they jostled cnon other , After wo lott tl | | | Uition where the freight was sidetracked a brakemau ran 'down the track to open the switch. As lie did so Roby mounted the engine with a cooked revolver in hand , and drove thu engineer and fireman oil' . Ho had pre viously uncoupled her from the train without being detected. Ho ran thu en gine out on the main line and half a milo beyond. Then bo filled up the fire-box. saw that bho hud plenty of water , pulled the throttle wide open and jumped oil' . That was how we ctimv to have a runa way engine behind us , As soon as the engineer was driven from tha cab lie run into tlio Bf.ition and informed the opcr ator , and about the time the runaway started ou"wo got the news. We wore about six miles ahead of her. That meant obont six minutes. When I pulled out I supposed the pro gramme was for some of thobtation folks to run down and opim tlio switch so that the runaway would bo ditched , but it ap peared that the agent \vas so dreadfully rattled that ho did not attempt this step until too late. The switch was forty rods from the station , nnd just ns the employe reached it the runaway came roaring past. My next stop was ten miles distant. 1 reasoned it out in about n minute that if the runaway wns ditched the fact would bo telegraphed ahead. If she wasn't , that fact would also bo clicked over the wircn , nnd I would getsomo sign or signal as wo passed. If she was fol lowing us there would bo no time to switch in , nnd my hair stood up nt the idea of trying to outrun her. I made the ton miles In twelve minutes and a half. A milo awny I began tooting thn whlstlo , and as wo injured the station , still Hying , I loaned out to look for the agent. lie was on the platform. If ho held up his hand I was to stop. But ho did not. On the contrary , ho waved his arm down the line for mo to keep on. and I knew that wo wore in for it , The runaway could not be over three minutes behind , nnd there would not bo time lo turn hot in on Urn siding here , The next stop was eleven miles away , nnd It was a good piece of track. Little by little I gave her moro steam , and nftor the first milo I knew that we wore reeling off a milo every minute. There was train enough to hold us steady , and the track was straight , and but for the awful roar it would have been cnsy to Imagine wcro Hying. Thn acont ahead would lot mo know by signal , ns the other had done. Ho wns on the platform , with n great crowd behind him , and hn motioned mo on. The runa\yiy was still after us. It was eight miles and a half lo the next station , and I could not do hotter than fortv-livo or forty-eight miles an hour on up-grade. The runaway must catch us in the next six or seven miles. We had gone about live miles when I got the sig nal to stop , and as soon as I l.a'l slowed down a little a brakcman came over the tender with the instructions to slop at the station. The conductor knowing that wo could not outrun the wild engine , could think of but ono plan lo Have the train. He called the passengers from the rear coach and cast it off. This was on the eleven- mile run. and the coach had about two minutes to lese its momentum before the runaway struck it. The pilot ran under the platform , the end of the coach was lifted up , and the next moment engine and car wore in the ditch. Neither one of them was over repaired , the wreck being too complete , nor did the officers of the law over succeed in laying hands on Roby. . . . . * ALWAYS PLACID. An Ineffectual Attempt to ROUHO a Telegraph Operator Into Feeling. Detroit Free Press : The receiving clerks behiiul the desks at the telegraph offices arc cool , placid fellows. They take your message of life or death with perfect indifi'ercncc , mechanically count the words , and look a bit bored as they reply : : 'lt will be 05 cents , please. " I had my 030 on a certain chap for several weeks before 1 liumblcd his . He insulted inc. . He insulted mo Eridc. y softly whispering to himself as ho counted the words in the following mesngo : "Grandmother died last night very suddenly. How many of you can attend funeral V" When I handed in that message I ex- peeled him to exhibit a little emotion. While liu could not have been personally acquainted with my grandmother , bo must have suspected that she was a nice old lady , and that her sudden death Imd greatly overcome me. Why didn't ho look up with a bit of sympathy in his eye and say : "Too bad ; I know just how you feel and 1'iii sorry for you. " But , no. He whistled and counted , made a scratch or two with his pen , and remarked : "Three words over seventy cents. " And ns ho made change he told one of the boys behind the counter that he'd be if he wasn't going to the dog fight that night. Then ho picked up my dead grandmother's dispatch and banged it on a hook , shove'd me over sonic change , and turned away to resume the perusal of a sporting paper. The next week I went in with a des patch , announcing that my grandmother's will had been opened and that I came infer for $25,000. That man must have been by my face that I was highly elated , liang him , he never Imd a litth of that sum , and his salary had just been cut down $10 per month , but wlion he read the dispatch he calmly announced : "Forty cents , and you forgot to date it. " And then ho began talking to one of Iiis fellow clerks about a slugging match , and how he won $ ! { by betting on the right man. I don't say he ought to liavo swung Iiis hat and cheered over my good fortunebut why couldn't ho have extend ed his hand and said : "Eh , old boy ? In luck , ain't you ? Well , I'm glad on it Send around the cigars and we'll smoke to your good health. " I made up my mind when i went out that I would upset that man's equanimity or lose a leg. I'd tumble him off that pe destal of placidity If it cost $1.000. I'd ujet , unbalance and unhinge him or die trying. 1 gave him two weeks lo repent. II isn't right to rush a telegraph man out of the world in a day's notice. I went back ono evening , and I felt a bit sorry for him as ho glanced up and and then let iiis eyes return to his Police Gazette. I know that his wife and child were in Ohio on a visit , and 1 stepped to the desk and wrote : DintoiT ; , Juno 0 , J. II. Smith , Colum bus , Ohio. Plcaso telegraph us full par ticulars of thu accident by which Mrs. George TnvJor and daughter of this city were instantly killed this afternoon. I felt 11 bit sorry as I handed it in , not knowing that the man might faint away as lie read tlio terrible news. Still , I had vowed revenge , and I would not fort-go it. Ho received the dispatch , whistled softly as was his wont , clattered thu point of ids pan along the words as ho counted , und then drawled out : "A dollar and twenty cents and whore shall 1 send the answer ? " "Did j-ou read that dispatch ? " I asked after looking at him for half a minute. "Yes. " "Do you know the parties ? " 'Yesbir. " "Isn't your name George Taylor ? " "Yes , sir. " "Aren't the parties your wife and daughter ? " No , sir. They returned homo this morning. Hero's your change ! " In Defense of Mnthorti-in-Ijaw. Cassoll's Family Magazine tor May : To support the idea that mothers-in-law liavo never boon favorably regarded , ethnologists tell us that a singular cms- torn , which enacts that a man shall never look upon the face of his mother-in-law after ho is once married , prtTalls among numerous savage peoples anparently widely sundered by geographical distribu tion and differences of race. The cus tom obtains among the Kaffirs of South America , amongseveralof the Australian tribes , ana among many Polynesians , a fact which some people afsiimo to point to a common origin of these races , but which others look upon as testimony of thu existence of a natural law , as a piece of wisdom indigenous to each of those countries , and the direct growth of indi vidual experience , The custom being found in such widely separated continents as Africa and Australia is considered as proving that it must liavo been ouggestcd by some common necessity of human na ture , and reasons arc not wanting to show why savages discovered it was bet ter for n man not to look us his mother- in-law. Primarily say the supporters of this theory , because his mother-in-law was a picture in anticipation what Ids wife vvas'likcly to bo. Bcfpro marriage , man's mind may not bo open to the cold processes of comparison , out afterwards lie beplns to consider what sort of a bar gain ho has mitdo , nnd If his mother-In- law has not improved with ngo.thoglmMly possibility of his wife becoming like her rises before him. Hence thc-io savage tribes proscribed the rule that never nftor marriage should a man see his mother-in-law , and this In tlmo became a social law or custom. It lias been moro than once flippantly suggested that Ibis lesson of n venerable experience might be accepted nnd the cmtoin adopted here , while others , equally regardless of social and other consequences , have advocated the insti tution of a kind of stittoo arrangement , which should bind the British matron by social propriety to close her mortal career upon her daughter's marriage Apart from the suggestion only being available in cases whore ono daughter alone blessed a marriage , there Is the more important consideration dial to eliminate mothers-in-law alto gether from society , oven If it were possible , would bo most disastrous In Its effect. Is her presence really always so disagreeable , so baneful to enjoyment ? Ls her advice never needed ? The world lias always sided against her ; it doas not stop to consider the double chuiMctomtlos of maternity which are involved when both sons and daughters marry ; it still persists in view ing her only in nrr character of wife's mother , ami repeats nnd revivifies from time to time all the malicious denuncia tions or witty epigrams that liavo become associated with her name. Thackeray even , who , with his largo knowledge of the world nnd the human heart , might have been expected to bo moro lenient to the unfortunate race of mothers-in-law , goes out of his way to draw the horrible Mrs. Mackenzie , pityIng - Ing his sweet , silly little Rosio and the much-injurnd wives of her acquaintances , without reflecting tlmt they in their turn might become mothers-in-law. Does not this fact furnish rood for reflection to the young husbands of to-day , who a quar ter of a century hence may find their loving wives unavoidably drifting into niothcr-in-lawhood ? And again , is It not rather unreasonable in n young man to object to her who has liau the greatest share in molding the character aim train ing the habits of the one woman ho has chosen from all others to bo his compan ion for life ? How strange il is , when one looks the question in the face , that n lad.y who is considered harmless enough until her children marry , should after that happiest of family events be clovatcd to such a painful pedestal of disagree- ablcncsl As a matter of fact , in spite of all that novelists and playwrights have written , the mothers-in-law of sons generally get on with them far better than with 'their daughters-in-law. The Flood Saved 'i'liolr Scalps. "In the fall of 187-1 , "said Maj. Coolto , of the army , "we made up a hunting party at Fort Laramie and proceeded up the Laramie river valley about fifty miles. There were twenty-one of us , in cluding three or four citizens. Wo had been out for about a week , and had seen no sign of redskins , wlion ono morning wo awoke to find that wo wcro in for a disagreeable day. The clouds hung low , a line drizzle was falling , and wo know that it was useless to look tor any change for the bolter before midnight. "A gentleman named David Mills , at tached to some eastern college as taxidermist , and who was also an en thusiast on the .subject of mineralogy , was a member of Mio warty and a great favorite. When breakfast had been dis patched ho donned his waterproof and expressed his intention of scouting up the valley a short distance after speci mens. 1 offered to accompany him , and after canvassing the project for a few moments wo concluded to take our horses and inspect a canyon which wo had passed two or three days before about six miles up the valley , lie took a double-barreled shotgun and I my Win chester and a harvorsnck , with a lunch strapped to my saddle. "n o got off about 1) ) o'clock , with the rain coming down in a steady drizzle , and wo reached the canyon without inci dent worthy of record. It was known to the camp that wo expected to bo gone all day. The entrance of the canyon was a sort of basin , perhaps half an acre in cir cumference , with enough grass to keep our horses eating for two or three hours. We unsaddled and hobbled them , tucked the saddled under an overhanging rock , and then started in to explore the can- von. At the back end of the basin , and just before tlio real split in the mountain ucgan , was a tremendous rock which fallen down from above. Its crest was at least twenty feet higher than the floor of the basin , and its broken and jagged sides offered a climber an easy way up. We stopped for awhile to survey tlio great mass , and to imagine what a crash it must have made when it rolled down , and then passed into the canyon proper. Just about this time the ram began to pour down with great vigor , and 0111 en thusiasm for exploration was a good deal dampened. " "Mills gathered various specimens of rook as wo stumbled along the rift , and nt a spot where a largo slab of sandstone offered opportunity wo stopped and cut our nar o3 in the .soft rook. By and by the way became no gloomy that we de cided to turn back , the moro especially as the terrific rain was sending a stream of water down the center of the rift. This stream kept growing in Mzo , until it had become n respectable creek .11 it reached the basin. There it took a Mvccp to the left of the big rock and rushed out to join the Larnmiu. which stream made a html toward us just in front of the baMn , nnd was only three hundred feet away. "I never haw it rain , harder. The roar of tlio falling drops' on the rocks was enough to prevent all conversation , und our sole aim was to find .some sort of shelter We got it. under one side of the big rock E have spoken of. A shnlf pro jected out far enough to shelter our bodies , and we drew our legs tin and sat t'icro ' for the next half hour ns dumb as oysters. All of sudden , with no more warning than the snap of the finger , u wave of water Hooded in upon us , und literally washed us out. As wo went out from under tlio hliolf wo found thu basin to bo a lake , with the water waist deep. The big rock was our only hope , but wo had to drop our guns as wo pulled our selves up. The waters followed us , nnd paused not until we reached the to ] ) . From there wo looked down on a btrango sight. The Laramie river was pouring into the basin from one side nnd the can yon was sending a river in from tlio other , and by the time we gained the crest the water around us was twelve or fifteen foot deop. "Wo had not ynt spoken when wo caught sight of the bodies of our heroes being whirled around in the basin , and the next moment we saw the heads of half a dozen Indians dotting the water. The two rivers flowing into the bushi created a sort of whirlpool , and though the redskins wcro swimming bravely they could not break out of it. At one point , whore the current swept past the rocky side , they would clutch and hang in the most desperate manner , but only to bo swept along again after u moment. TItoy made the most tremendous efforts to break through the circle and roach our rock , but it was in vain. We looked down upon them until the last Indian gave up the unequal light and sank from sight. Shortly niter thn one disap peared the water in the basin suddenly went out until we could see the- rocky bottom again , and soon after that tlio fierce rain was replaced by a steady drizzle. "The results of specimen , hunting wore the loss of our firearms and lior os : but wo did not complain. But for the flood wd should have , Jest just as much ojid our scalps beside'r CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Wheat Low nt tlio Ontsot , but Legitimate Conditions Assort Themselves. "GUNNING FOR LONG WHEAT , " Cnttlo Mnrkot Dull Pork Wlicnt Closes Tntno Hogs Open Stronjj and Close Quito High. OIIIOAGO GltAt.V MA1UCI2T. CIIICAOO. Stay 18. [ Special TclcRrniii.J The speculative markets were excited and ragged to day. With surface Influences nil in fnvorof higher prices wheat broke lo right from the opening , June goliiR down to 7lJ < c , July to 70Ko niul August to 7'fi77Vc. ( Thcfo was n tremendous selling , nnd tlicro being n deal tli , buying orders on the lloor ( it the market were loft without suppoit. It wns given out that Ira Holmes Imd lirokon the market by throwing 1,000,000 , bushels Into the pit. Tlio explanation wns offered In cer tain quarters that the sales were on nccount of a very wealthy bucket shop syndicate nnd that n raid wns mailo to freeze out an army of stubborn customers throughout the coun try who had margined tliclr trades down to 7J@75Kc , That somcttilng of the sort was on the tapis wns hinted nt ft week or ton days 11150 , but not much stock wns taken In the gossip. The first explanation of the enrly break wns tlmt Cudahy had raided the market to biliiR out some lone wheat ho had been "cunning for" nnd for a time It looked as though nil the wheat In the world was for sale , but before the day was over the theory of the bucket- shop rnld was accepted ns being probably not entirely without foundation. At any rate the market reacted sharply when the pressure wns taken olf. The big fight wns at 75o and only n few trades wore made at 74 ; < c. No sooner was that point reached than the pressure was lifted and legitimate condi tions asserted themscls'cs. sKTTMNa DOWN ; There wns heavy trading on the break , and on reaction , but after the market quieted Itself values softened somewhat nud the close at 1 o'clock wns only % @Jifc from the bottom. On u rnlly the prlco advanced near ly to the opening level. Cor.x Everybody wanted to sell corn nt the start this mornfnc , nud It looked very blue for holders who had bought for a strong advance. The market \vns unmistakably shaky , but Wnrrcu , Orr , Crlltcndcn , Comes nnd u tew others checked the decline ana Marled prices on the up-turn , jumping prices up % ( < $ ? { & . from which thcio was only a frac tional decline toward the OA.TS-Oats held fairly steady , showing some weakness early , but recovering and closing linn. PROVISIONS Provisions displayed great Independence ami .sticugth to-day. It was the strongest article on the list. The laid on wheat never a tree ted provisions , and it main tained Its In the. tacc of a Uneat en cd bieak in corn. POHK Pork scored nn advance of 12J c , nnd closed at 1 o'clock 7 c higher than yes- tei day's quotations. ZSn : Wheat linned up on the afternoon bonul on taking of fourteen boat loads In New York nnd engagements hero for a lake shipment of a quat tor million bushels , and then cased oil' tiom lack of buying orders , closing tame. Provisions also spiritless txud easier , nit the early strength bciiiuing to have gone. Pt3:40 : Puts on June wTlCat , 74 > fo ; calls , OIIIOAOO ItlVE SXOCIC CHICAGO , May 18. [ Special Telezrnm.j CATTI.K The { cattle market Lthis [ morning was somewhat slow from the fact that sales men on the strength of modcrato receipts de manded considerably higher prices than buy ers were willing to pay. The demand for light cattle was very good and all light and medium weight cattle sold at very strong prices. Some 1101 Ib btoers , very fat , sold at 55.35. For really prime heavy cattle offerIngs - Ings weio lldit and the demand wns qulto cqualto the supply. Dut the "pretty good" iS5dTnd 1400 it ) cattle , wnlcti wore not of very attractive quality , wcro exceedingly hard to sell at steady prices , 133 Nebraskas , lii'J'J Ibs , S5.30 ; 23 .Nebraskas , 103-2 Ibs. 35.35 ; : ; n Nebraskas , 13.0 Ibs , S5.45 ; 10 Nebraskas , 1ST His , S5. < n ; 17 export , 14r > 4 Ibs , 35.85. Hens The market opened strong nnd closed about 5e higher that the lowest yester day. Packers and bhlppors bought about 17,000 head , and them were 2,000 or 3,000 left not a large number considering tlmai rivals for the past two days. Best nssoi led heavy made 8i.yo@4.5 : ! nnd mixed -54. 15SJ4.U5. Light 6oldatS4.lO@4.35. FINANCIAL * . Now York. May IS. MONEV On call , easy nt IKtfW percent. PIIIMI : MinicANTiLn PAPUII- 4@5 per STiini.i.vo lixcirAXcn-iDulI but steady ; actual rates , 81.&W for sixty days ; 31.6'Jor ( tpinand. , Goviii.vMixTS : : Dull and nnclmngcd. Sror KM Stocks weio dull and featureless. Opening Usurp * weio at or near the highest prices reached , while llnal prices were to the lowest of tlto day , and the market closed dull but steady. STOCKS OK WAI.I. STIUSBt CHICAGO ruonuuia. Ghlunco , May 18. Flour Dull and unchanged ; winter wheat , 8I.-K ) ; southern , gl.OUefllTW ) ; Wisconsin ! , 5J.HK1 I.73 ; Michi gan Heft sprliiK wheat , ( ji.70' : < i-.0l ) ; Mlmm- sola bakers. 553..WM.W ) ; patentK. 8l.05W5.00. Wheat Activeata fuitlier decline : opened at about yesteidav's llgiircs but closeil a shadn lower , and steadily duclined Ic tor June and Ji'c on deterred futuies , Impiovcd % ci. closing > c below yesterday : eaih and May , " " > l/Jl > t UltllVf " / iVt'"S9 * ' * Corn Stiongei ; opened easy , selling off ; c became llrm , advancing ftm'Mc , became easier , closing , ' o above yoalerday'sclosn ; casli , ? & } & & ' > $ & ' May , 83/ac ; June , UO 3Ve. ( ! OaLs Opened a little lower for dcfcricd futures , then Improved \ & \io \ and closed steady ; cash , S > ( e ; ilay , 2 > fc ; Juno , 23 > fc. Ityn DuIlatriOkfoOOo. IJarlcy-Oullat.Vxj. Timothy Prime , 81.09. I'lax-il.OlJf. Whlsky-Sl.U. Pork Htrongcr ; advanced lU315c , towards tlieeliHd totlled buck ZWtfc , and closed stcaihcabh ; and May , SS.BU ; June , SibO ® ' Laril Kuled steady and unchanged ; cash , Slav anil June , S.V.iX'4V07 . Hulk MfatH-hhouldcrs ) , S4.154.a.ti ( ( ; phort cuar,8. ! ' .7CQ' > .75 ; shoit ribs , SD.JJT&G'/viU. Uutti-r Dull and weak ; cicami'ry , 13 < 3 10o ; dally , 11 ( S'l-Ji'c , Cheese -Kalr demand ; full cieimi died- dars. new stock , ji5/f10cj ; flats , , ; jrs ! 1 I lidos -Ijieuii , Oitfe ; heavy Bit-on salted , 7'/c ' ; light , 8 < f < > ; damacud.UHc ; mill hides , 7fc ; dry salted , ISXo ; dry Hint , UJ Uc ; call skins 10' . il : ; deacons Mb. Tallow -Oie.ibO. white country , A. U4c ; jellow , 8 > ie ; brown 3c. Uccelnu , Shipments. Flour , bbls . 8,000 4,000 Wheat , ou , . 0,000 Corn. Oil . 6rJ.XW ( U7.000 Oats , bit . mooo 140,000 Kye.Du . LOW fl.MM JJarU'V.bu. . . . 10,000 7.0W A FTKiiN'ooNHoAW ) . Wheat EoyJ tine , 76 > | c. Pork Weaker , June , S3.77XOthers unchanged , Now Vork. May -Wheat Uoecluts , 70,000 ; ( ixpoits. nTJJ.OOO ; spot declined KsSlXc und options % cjc , leaving elf btcady ; ua-