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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1886)
THE FIFTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , MAY 19 , 1886. NUMBER 287. CONCERNING All WHO LABOR , Chicago Lumber Dealers Uneasy Strikers. Evidently Backed Up. THE UNIONS AND THE KNIGHTS. Chicago Workmen Generally Hcturn- to Work on Old Terms Trades- Unionist * In Session Trent- li\K With the Slluntloti in Chlenco. CHICAOO , May 18. [ Special Telegram. ] If thu pollen linil positive information that armed rlotciscro eipectcd ntany hour they could not bn betterpiepared for Instant duty than they nro to-day. Along Twenty-second street , tun entlru lumber district Is under guard. From Blue Island nvcnue cast to thu ilvcr tlicro Is not an cnti.inco or crossing where there is not ten policemen within pistol tel shot innjje. Thu propriutois continue to sit In their olllces and smoke , but they do not t.ilk freely or laugh loudly. The situa tion grows more severe to them each day. Yesterday they told a reporter that they were going to send lor Michigan men to put In tlielrjaids ; to-day they hesitate to send for the men. One pioprlelor with big Intci- ests , .said he foiled the result of putting Im- poitcil men hi the yards. Thu present police force might guaid them by day , but It could not guard the houses In which they would sleep nor the notes of lumber piles bv night. Itenctlon on the part of the woikmcn yester day , and thu Indilfetenco to-day asto whether they got woik nt all or not , make the ymd owners feel that the lumber shovers nnd Imndleisnio backed by other foices far inoin numerous and dangerous. The extra largo guard of police present constantly where thcio Is no immediate sign ot danger would indicate that the olllccrs have a simi lar appiohunslon. If such fear exists In po lice rlielc.s , knowledge onvlilclt It is based IB routined to those who will not talk about It. Kldlnir tin ouch the Bohemian territory , north of thu lumber disti let , last week ono could see nnd talk with croups of men who then claimed that they were very needy and must return to work nt any price. These m otips of hungry people lm\e disappeaiuu. Some of those who began work last week have quit. Tlic conclusion Is that they Imvo leeched aid for their present needs from some souico. This adds strength to the theory Unit thu lumber Inboiers have friends outside. The number of men actually ut work In the yanls to-day Is not sunicicnt to do nny satisfactory amount of business. A canvass of the ymds shows that tliev avci- nge from 10 to 30 per cent of their old time foree. The planing mills aio all sending out smoke nnd doing little work , such as the limited work in theyaids demand. 1IOOMI.NC1 OI.KOMAItOAIUN'i : . The buttcrlne men , with Armour and I'lnnkington at their head , aio making des perate etlorls to piuventtliu passage of any 1)111 by congress taxing tliat pioduct. Iteso- lutlons Imvo been lushed through the boaid ot trade of Chicago , Milwaukee- . Kansas Ulty and other points piotcstlng against any tax being Imposed , and Aimoui A ; Co. Imvo se cured 11 letter fiom Dr. Itancli , of the .state boaid ot health , which , tlm thm cl.ilms , ( shows thnttliciols nothing harmful or dnlc- tcilous In the composition of oleomargarine , orbutterine. Mr. Webster , ot the In m , ad mitted this moining that ho had seemed cor roborative testimony liom Dr. DoWolt nnd other physicians which would bo written up J in connection with pavts ot the original document and published In all the Chicago pipers , when it would bo forwauled to Washington and laid before the congies- .slonal committee. Mr. Webster would not furnish n complete copy of the letter but of- feied Ills extracts wltli the other testimony w lilch ho claimed wou'd show the public that butterlno Is as pine as butter. Assnlllng Uio Knights , l'iiii.A.i > ii.i'iiiA. : May 18. Ollicers of twen ty national trade unions mcthero with closed cloois this afternoon to take united action , It . was stated , to resist encroachments being ' made upon open unions by the Knights of Labor. Thirty-two associations were rep resented by delegates or letters , nnd claim to linvo a total membership of 1507,730. Aropicscntatlvoof each organl- 7aton ! piesontcd Its gilevance. At the close of the evening session , which continued until after midnight , the M-cietary stated that the i evolutions had been adopted , de claring that , In view of the succesi that has attended theelfoitsof the national nnd Intei- natlonal unions In the past , they should htrletly picseivothcirdistinct nnd Individual , autonomy. that It was not deemed advisable for any tiadus union to berontiolled by or to loin the Knights of Labor In n body , bellovlnir that tiades unions nio best ( ] ualllud to regu late thnir own Internal tiadd n'lnlis. ' 'Iho resolutions further declaio that It is the puipnso of n ceitain clcmint of the Knlglits of Lnboi to destioy tiades unions , nnd that this element makes It a point to en cioach upon the mission nnd pieiogatives of trades unions , creating antagonism nnd pro- viking dissension In the labor movement , to the delight nnd .satisfaction of the capitalist. The conference , however , concluded thai Borne conemtcd plan of action was absolute ! } necessary to picvent the continuance of this destiuctfvo policy and to establish harmon ious and fintennd lelatlons between all the unions blanches of organized labor nnd a set of terms was diafted with this object In view , to bo piesonted ns n treaty for the consideration of the Knights of Labor , wliich will meet next Tuesday at Cleveland. The nature of thuteims was not disclosed. They will bu Mihmlltcd to thu general executive boaid ot I1" " the Knlgins of Labor on Monday next by the committee. I'- * Starved into Siibmlsulon. I'lTTBUUito , May 18 Keports from the Cumbciland coal region nru to the effect tlm the gientbtilko has been hioken. At Frost burg. Md. , a laigo number of Illinois rcturne < ton oik this moining atthooldiate.s. The Cumberland nilnois will piobnbly go In to- inoiiow. TIIOV. N. V. , May 18 Thoglils In nil fac- toiies of this city except the stilklns laundi > ( 'lils , went to woik this moining. Nivv : Voiuc.May IS. The Hronklyn sugar woikeis' stiIKo has been declared at an em and thu union is dissolved. One of tlu Btrlkcis nlso assaulted Kudo , president of thu oiganlzntlon , last night nnd attempted t ( ktabhlm. Ci.sriNNATi , Ohio , Mny JS : Tlio lemaln ing tioops ordeied hero by the govcinoi ns i means ot piccautlon against vloluneu in von nectlon with Hut lecent MnUes wciomdeicc nway to-day. Strike bltii.itlon is vacillating While some classes ot men aio ictuiiiln ; , ' to work others hold out nnd otheis come out. Among thu last named mo thu pinning mil hands who have been niganl/edunddenmm right houi.s woik with ten hours pay. Tin Giocer'.s association gianted the leijuesto tlio cleiks to close nt 7 p. m , except outsat thu "Western Union. r Nr.w Vouic , May 18. Tlio trial of the sul of James 11. Guodsell to recover StiiO.oOfl damages from the Western Union telegiapl comjuny , and vvhleh has occupied a juiy h i. Judge O'Goimnn'hromt duiln- , ' two week If past , was this nfleinoon elosed byavoidlc ' forGoodsoll ngaliibt ( ho Western Union fo t/uinll amount , to which was added Sl,7iiC , lor counsel. Damages wore claimed bj Goodsell tor n bieacli ot contiact , thuVest r.n union having lulled to make good the eontiaot which Gopdsell held with the Allan He A : I'adlio lolcgiaph company , which tin IYCMUIU Union absorbed. Howling Anarchists. CUVKI.ANI ; > , Mny IB. 1'or ten days past .1 group of Herman nnarcnlsts have been hold ing meetings on the west sldu nnd calling 01 prisons of their stripe to mm with guns tuu bombs , To dny Mayor (5.V. . Gardner Issued proclamation foibiildlng such meetings Jl'ho police will dUpeibO all such ciovvd lieronftor and niiest the leaders if necebsaiy THE MAXWnLTi MUJKUEH. The Accused Makes n Btntcmcnt Which SCCIIIH Highly Improvable. ST. Louis , Mny 18. The Post-Dispatch irintsn statement made by II. M. Brooks , nllns Mnxwcll , now on dial for tlio murder ofG. Arthur I'reller , which will constitute ils own defense and which will bo urged by ils attorneys In trial. In a word ho will confess the killing of 1'rcllcr by accident vhlle noting ns his physician , nnd that be- ng excited nnd frightened lie "concealed" nstcnd of making known the fact of his lcathv llo declares he has always wanted to ell the facts , nnd only lefralncd by advice of hlrtattorncjs. Tlio follow Ing Is Brooks' slntcmcnt : 1'rellcr was suircrlng from prlvale dUense , 'or which I had previously pic cribed. mix- ng tliu medicines myself trom bottles In my nediclnuchest , which I carried with me , but ils ailment had reached Ilia stage when it was necessiiy for me to make certain Inv esti- : atoits. ! I was obliged to use n catheter , nnd n using a catheter when the pails were in- lamed 1 had previously applied chlofoim. I \plnlned the process to 1'ieller and told him what 1 should nave to do. He was not only willing but was very anxious for me to treat lim In that manner. Urooks then tells of the puichaso of the cliloiofoim , which was spilled In the sink on Sunday nflcrnooil while ho was washing the Instruments piepnratory to the opoiatlon of his going to a ding sloie and buying mote , denying incidentally the statement that he thcio had shown evidences of huiry nnd excitement , nnd continued : About r > p. m. we began the operation. 1 ad- inlnlsteicd chloiofoim in the usual way , liolulng a saturated cloth to his nose. 1'ieller passed tinough the stage all light. It took seveinl moments. 1 don't know exactly liow long. Then ho cntcied the second stage , and here the teniblu result came. 1 illscovered too late that ho was dvlnir. Imag ine my honor when this I act dawned on me. Iwns wild with flight , but had presence of mind enough to cut thu .shht ana undershirt from the body , and ceding : i wet towel 1 beat him aiound the neck and shoulders for half nnhourmoic , I did not give up till I was ready to drop from exhaustion , and my ef- loits weiu not icla\ed until ho had "been dead for some time. All the clothes ho had on nt the tlmuweion shirt and undeislilrt , Ue had Rtilpped for thu operation. What did I do when I saw my filend was dead ? What could I do ? I didn't know what to do except dilnlc , and I drank ficelv. I drank everything I eould get wine , whisky , everything. What weio my thoughts ? I hadn't any. All I lemembcrls that 1 diew on a pair of drawers , tlio fust tha' fell Into my hands , and put the body Into my tiunk , fiom vvhleh 1 bad icmoved overj thing. What w as done besides this 1 Imvo no recol lection of. Liquor nnd constcniHtlon had possession ot mo nnd I knew only that my iecllngs wete those ot thu utmost honor. I remained In my room that night , the same room In which tlio lomalns weie , nnd it would be n lie toi me to say I slept , tor I did not , nnd I was glad when morning came. What I did alter leaving my loom jou know , for it has all been punted. " He says he supposed the post moitem , when the body was found , would disclose the nature ot the operation and cause of death. Accenting to his own Moiy , the cutting elf of 1'icller's moustache , inscription about tlio "tiaitor" found In the trunk and all other queer Incidents connected with the tiagcdy aio to be nttilbutcd to ins liquor and fear , and his craved condition niter the fa tality. A WOMAN'S CAUKKU. Havltifr Probably Killed Five Persons She Commits Suicide. CHICAGO , May 18. A Special despatch from Joliet , 111. , says : The double suicide of Mrs. Black ami Albert Wylei , at Fiankfoit , hasiecnllcd to the nalghbois circumstances which point toward n career ot ciime on the pait of the dead woman. When only 10 years of ago she man led n man named Schlotman , and two yeais later their first born was found in n well. In 18C3 John Black and wife came from Germany and were hired by Schlotman. The families became - came quite intimate , and In n shoit time Mrs. Black died suddenly. Schlotnmn's death followed soon alter. Block was In Michigan at this time and the widow sent for him , and In a short time maided him. Last Christmas Wylcr was hired , and two months later Black died. All these deaths weio mysteries and doctors ah\ays c.dled , but ar- livcd to late to do rnythlng. No suspicions were entertained on account ol the wealth and icbpectability of the lamlly. A shorl time since the widow's son discovctcd illicit icliitions between her and Wvlcr. and a family council demanded Wjler s discharge. The widow refused , nnd on Sunday evening came tlm douhlo suicide or perhaps minder nnd sulcido-by the one to whom these tacts point. Huso Bnll Gnmcfl Yesterday. The follow Ing Is tlio iccord of games played by tlio leading base ball clubs of the countiy yesterday : At Chicago Chicago , 7 ; Washington , 0. Game called at the eighth Inning on account ot lain. 1'itcheiB , McCormlck and Dally. Fust base hits , Chicago , C ; Washington , 10. Kirois , Chicago , l > ; Washington , 11. Umpiie , Curry. At Baltimore Baltimore , 0 ; Cincinnati , 4. Pitchers , Klroyand Mullano and Keenan. First base hits , Baltimoie , 8 ; Cincinnati , : ! . Kirois , Baltimoie , 1 ; Cincinnati , S. Umpire , Vlolbacher. At Uetiolt-Dotrolt , 1 ; Philadelphia. 0- Kle\en innings. Pitchers , Baldwin nnd Casey. Base hits , Dotiolt , (1 ( ; Philadelphia , a. Kirorb , Detiolt , U ; Philadelphia , 0. Urn- York. base 1 rors. _ . _ , James Connolly. At St. LouKs-St , Louis , 14 ; Boston , 8. Pitchers , Sweeney nnd liulllnton. 1'iist base tilth , St. Louis , 18 ; Boston. 14. Kuois , St. Louis , 4 ; Boston , 0. Umpiie , Kagan. At New York-T-Metropnlitans. II ; Pitts- buig , 4. Klrnt base lilts , Mctiopolltnus , 18 ; Plttbbmg , V. Knois , Motiopolttiuib , 3 ; Pitts- buig , 8. Umpiie , Kellv. At Philadelphia Athletics , II ; Louisville , 0. Pltcheis , Atkinson nnd Ile.sker. base hits. Athletics , 11 ; Louisville , 12. FA- lore , Athletics , V > ; Louisville , 9. Umplio , Council , _ The Broadway BniTuoe Itoad. AI.UAJ.-Y , N. Y. , May 1H , Jmlso Parkei has appointed John O'lironclialinian ! of the deinoeinllc state committee , iccclvcr of the Jlioailuiiy railroad. Deputy Attorney Gen eml P bt has been sent to Now York to serve upon James 11. Richmond papeis In thu hid which Is about to bo begun by thu Mate tc wind up thu altalrs ot tlio Bioadway corpora tlon. _ An Attorney Arrested , DKsMoixis : , la. , May 18 , [ Special Tele gram. . ) An Ottumwa special cays : B. W Scott , ajouug attoiney who located then last March , was nuested to-day on the char0'i of ombei/iing the funds of nil eMatont Conn elton , 1ml. , and taken back to that place by ; detective. Ruing the Knights Piin.AnKi.i'iiiA , May IS Bralg proprletoi of thu Summeidalo mills , whose emplojcs have been on a stilUo binco May H biought action against live Knights of Labo toiecover damage lor conspliacy to Injun hU business. _ _ A 1'anio In the Oil .Mnrlcct. PJTTSUIMIQ , May IS. The panlo on the oil uxchnngeito day was caused ! iy the fnlluu ot Crniif it Dowrie , one of the largest ol 1 unsof the countiy. The miotatlons in ol dropjwd liom 70 > j toCO'g. ' Protcatins the HALIFAX , N. S. , May 18. H. M. S. Emer aldnrihed hero to-day from Bermuda. Shi will leave In a few dajsfor New 1'ouiuUaiu on lisheiy protectlftll bualness. Nebraska Weather. Koi Nebraska : Kalr weather , nearly sta tlonary temperature. IN TUB 80UTII. Ohnrnctorlitio AVay of Bcttllnjc n Dispute In Martlnsvlllo , Vo. MAnx svii.i.n , Va. , May 18. ' [ Special Telegram. ] Xo greater tragedy has occurred in Virginia In a decade than hat which fills this town with gloom nnd excitement. In a light ; last evening on ho crowded street many snots were flred , and as a result Jacob Terry , a yo'ung f , s dead nnd the life-blood of his two brothers , J. K. Terry nnd Benjamin Terry , Is fast ebbing away. Colonel II. D. Spencer , n imminent business man and manufacturer , farlton llrown , proprietor of Brown's obacco warehouse , B. L. Jones , a saloon- < c < > per , R. L. Gregory , hotel clerk , nnd Handy Martin , a negro , are all dangerously wound ed. All parties nro prominent in business ind well known In southern Virginia. On Saturday night an anonymous circular was sstied ami posted up nil over the town. It seriously reflected on W. K. Terry , n young justness man , nnd his father , the late Wll- lain Terry , prominent citizens. Ycster- lay moi nine Terry telegraphed for ils two brothers , J. 1C. nnd Benjamin , living nt AiUcn Station , twenty tulles away , they arrived ntl p. m. , and. after n hi let consultation , went to the printing ofllco Hid demanded the author of the caul , The punter told them It was Colonel D. hpencer , j member of the town boaid , nndonn ot the leading bus'ness ' men. Last evening , soon after tlio tobacco factories had closed for the day , and thosticets were llllcd with opera- llvesreturnlng liom their work , the Terry biothers started In the direction of the Spen cer factory , When nbout half way they weio met by Spencer , with his brother and beveral friends.V. . K. Teny addressed a few words to Spencer , who told him not to shoot. Just then some one Hied n pistol. The scene that followed beggars description. Forty shots were tired. W. K. Teiry was shot from the lear , the ball entering near Ids spine nnd lodging In his right breast. JnkoTcny was shot through the abdomen nnd fell dead. Ben Terry was shot through the neck nnd In the body. Spencer was shot In the hip , and Ids buslncssjiai tner , Tniltou Blown , received two balls in the groin and Is thought to bo fatally wounded. K. L. Jones , saloon keeper. H. L. Giegoiy and Sandy Martin nro nil seriously hurt. Tie ! last two were hit by stray balls. The Tonys aie well known , and occupy a high social position. JSonool them aie married. William Terry and Tarlton Brown are mortally wounded. Spen cer and the other paitlcs will probably re cover. All business houses in Maitlnsvlllo are closed to-day. Noxv York Dry Goods Market. NEW YOIIK , May 18. Dry goods cxpoits and domestic cottons the past week ha > o been 4 , : ! 9 packages , making a total for cxplicd portion of the \ear b7OCG packages , compaied with 7000 ! ! lor the same time last K'ar , against 65,005 In 1S8J. and .VJ,704 in ISS'l. For Tuesday and the chaiacter of con suming demand theio has been a tail- busi ness , but solely ot nssoitments and quanti ties nccessaiy to meet current iciitincmcnts. Argalu blown 30 Inch sheetings has been ad vanced to Cc. Burned to Death in a Cornfield. NEOI.A , Iowa , May IS. [ Special. ] A. M. Coouiod , living one mile south of Neola , on the John Lconaid place , lost a child by burnIng - Ing to death while binning stalks , Sunday. Her father was within a tew hundred yards planting corn In thu same field , but did not sec anything vviong until the child was burned to a crisp. The child was nine years old. The mother Is In a critical condition from the shock caused by the death of the Louisville Uncos. LOUISVII.T.I : , May 18. The weather to-day was waim , track last , and attendance large. Half Mile Prodigal won , Jacobin second , Laredo third ; time , 0:49. Milo and MI IHshth Enduier won , Porter Aste second , Kntrina third ; time , 1:57. Louisville Cup , Two and a Quarter Miles- Lucy B won , Punka second , lilsh Pat third : time. lOS : > 4x. Mile and a Quarter Test won , Conkling second , Soveieign Pat thiid ; time , 2:10. : Mile and a Sixteenth Mny Lady won , Jim Nave second , Fablus third ; time , 1:50) : $ . Return to Old Rates. CHICAGO , May 18. The Picture Fiamt-and Moulding Manufactur is' association to-day decided to letuin to the plan of ten hours pay lor ten horns woik. On Miy 5 the associa tion conceded to employes ten hours pay foi woiklng nine hours. The claim Is made thai factoiles In other cities am as n rule working on a ten hour basis , and that Chicago inanu- lactuiers being buidened with the difference In wages , have found themselves unable U : compete. About lWO men aie employed by the mcnibeiii of the association. An Old War Horse. CHIOAOO , May 18. A special dispatch fiom Spiinglield , Ills. , savs : William M , Spilngerwas nominated for congress this nitei noon lor the seventh consecutive time , Spiti\omM : ) , May 18. The democratic congiesslonal convention lor the Thirteenth district met In tills city to-day nnd nominated Hon. W. M. Spnnger for icpicsentatlvo In coneruas by acclamation. Cutting Frolcht Rates. CHICAGO , May 18. IJeprcsentatlves of lines Interested In freight traffic to Iowa , Minnesota seta and Dakota , met hero to-day and were kept busy all day discussing nvaiietyol matters. Including the cutting of live stock latcs , which were supposed to have been re stored on April fitli. ' An adjournment was had until to-monovv. Illinois lioinoopnthlsts. CHICAGO , May 18. ThoTlility-lirstannua ] session of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical association began here to-day. About 100 01 thcSM members nio in attendance. To-day' * proceedings consisted cntiiely of readlnp nnd discussion of papeis on piofcbsiona topics. _ Another American Cardinal. BAI.TIMOIU : , May 18. Archbishop Gibbons this moining leeched an olllciul coininunlca tlon liom Caidlnal Jacobin ! , the papal sccrcr taiy of state , infoimlng him of his elevation to the cniulnnlatu by the pope. A .Sanitary Conference. Si'iiiNfJi'ir.i D , Ills. , May 18 , The snnitarj conference to bo held In this city Friday no\i piomlscsto bo well attended , judging fion ilio insponses received by the state board o health. The CnpsUcd Ada. Nr.w YORK , May 18. It has now bcoi leal ned that only two of the six men win were on board the cat boat Ada , which cap sized in a scumll off Coney Island , Sunday were drowned. The others weio picked in by the yacht Xcphj r. An Outrage on Colorado Bottlers. Br..VKii.MAV , Neb. , May 13 , [ Kditor o the Chicago Tribune. ] Can you not ca ) attention to the outruyo about to bo per pctratcd on settlers on public lands ii range 11 and 42 , west (1th ( p. in , , In casteri Colorado , adjoining tlio Kansas stati line ? Settlers by the hundred arc oecu jiving tilt-so lands , and the bill ( No. 721 "to establish a national livo-stouk high way , " fathered by Senator Coke of Texas has already passed the senate and nevis is before the house. It sets aside for tei years Uie o lands for n cattle , trail , t < drive the deadly Texas cattle over , IOHY ing in tholr path thoToxas fever , is tho' have always done. There are settlers b' hundred there who are to havathof propei ty confiscated. If you can cal attention to this steal of 300,000 acres o public lands for the bonuht of the cattl kings und the destruction nnd apprd priation of the lands ot the bottlers fo : this base purpose you will do a publii service. 1 have personally been over th land a great amount of it and knov that those men who Imvo taken this lam nro poor men and took tie ) land to hompb. TJIOS. 0. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL General Vlfqualn and Collector Jordan Con firmed bj the Senate , NATIVE AMERICAN VINTAGE. Subsidizing American Steamers Plain Talk from Senator Coke Oinnlm Fort IJlll-Olhcr Important Matters. Sonata. WASHINGTON , May lb. Mr. Halo presented ho memorial of the United States and Hnuil Steamship company , 1'acllie Mail Steamship Ine , Now York , and the Cuba Mall Steam- hip compiny , the lied "D" Line steamers nd the Now York , Havana & Mexican lall Steamship company. In picsentlng the nemorlnl , Mr. Hale icmnrked that It denied quaiely what had been stated in certain newpapois ; namely , that attempts had been nadu to impioperh' influence congresM In aver of what is called subsidies. Mr. Halo vishcd to say In connection w Ith the recent action of the senate. In icgard to foielgn nail , that if this great effort to revive Ameri can commerce ever prevailed In congress it vould not bo done by the Influence of any lobby. It could only como about because the \mcrican people were becoming moio and more Intcicsted In the subject and sooner or later congicss would have to icspond to the > opular demand. Mr. Gibson rewoitcd favorably from the committee on commerce , and on his motion lie senate at once passed the house bill sup- ilying the deficiency appropilatlon of Srt.-tOU. : o carrv on to June , iSbO , the examination nnd survey"regaidlng tlio depth of water , etc. , nt South Pass , Mississippi river. At 2 o'clock the pension bill was laid bc- "oro the senate , but was tcmpoiarlly laid nsido to permit Mr. Coke th nddiess the scn- atu on the house "labor nibltratlon" bill. Mr. Coke bald ho would vote for the Dill after one or two amendments should have 3cen made to It. Ho believed it piovldcd n possible remedy lor tlio diflienlties with which the bill dealt. That icmedy was vol untary arbitration to be agreed to by parties immediately conceincd. It was a peaceful nnd reasonable mode of .settling the serious dif- reicnccs that fionitlmeto tlmeniosobetween large corpoiatlons and their employes. The nubile Interest was the hist consideration. Mr. Coke recognl7ed the absolute necessity of restraining the lallroads. No one , bo sr.Id , could read the histoiy of railroad de velopment without a feeling of piolound in dignation nnd disgust that a sjstom which , like tlmt of lliu nulionds which had be come so indispeiislblo a necessity to civilization and should be an Insttumcntallty in the hands of a lew Individuals lei the systematic lobbery pf the people. It was to pay dividends on wateied stock that wages on thorailioads were s < mce/ed down. The ovll would never coriect Itself. The state govciiiment and thu United States govern ment , while uniting ; to protect lallroad pron- eity , as they should piotect railroad property and the Inteiests of tlio public from assaulter or damage , should also unite to ciush out the practice which lea to tlio labor diflienlties that had become so serious a teatuio ot the ralliond problem. Air. Logan , without committing himself to support 01 otheiwiseot the house bill , would nt the pioper time submit a substitute The bill provided .arbitration , but when , niter trouble had ailsen , and nftei nrbltra tion should bo appealed to and decision leudered. there was no means of putting the decision into effect He would pioposo that a commission , to bo called commission of arbitration , should bo selected by the piesi- dent ; that the men should bo selected , pait ot them from tliclr knowledge of law and part for tlicli knowledge ot tlio labeling in. tciests of the countiy and liom among those Intcicsts ; commlsslonois to bo live in number ; to have power to examine witnesses , etc. lie would provide that when decision is made It should no tiled In the United States dlstuct coiur , placed on rccoid theic , and become a decree of the court which would hucuio a method of infoi- mation for decision. Under the house bill that could not bu done. Ho would also make It the duty ot the commissioners to examine all questions of contioveisy aiising between coiporatlons and their employes , nnd make a report to congiess. Ho would erect the bureau of labor into a department of labor and require the commissioner of labor to communicate with nil corporations , to ascer tain particular as the numbei , chnractei and compensation of employes , prices ot food , rent , etc. , and to submit comparative state ments , so tar as practicable , similarpaitlcu- lars relating to labor in Kurope. The pension bill was then laid before the senate. Mr. Cnllom thought it the duty of the co\eminent to put on pension nil soldiers who wc-ie unable to take caioof themselves without lerjuii Ing them to piovo that their disability vas inclined In the sen ice. It some .such bill as this was not passed Wo would lind the old soldlcts In the poor houses of the country. Mr. Ingalls said that notwithstanding the oxtiava ant eulogy paid to the demociatic senators by the senator from Indiana , ( Mr. Vooihccs ) Mi. Ingalls had always noticed that whenever a proposition to liberali/o pen sions was made , the senators on that side of the chamber ahvavs got out their slates and penclN and began Imputing how much the pioposition would eost They had not been In haste to ask whether the proposi tion was just. It them weio nny veteran foldleis ot the icpubllc who were liable to become inmates of alm&housus or dependents upon public chailty ho ( Ingalls ) did not pioposo to irffjuiro how much It w ould cost toieliuvotlieni. it would bun national scandal and dlsgiaco for a nation ns able as this , with uncounted millions lying in the treasuiy , to penult those who had served under Its Hag to become Inmates of the poor- house. The question then aio o as to the precise meaning of ceitaln piovlsions ol tlio bill , but without acting upon Mi. Mcl'heroon's mo tion. tion.Thu Thu penato went Into executive session , and when the doors reopened it adjoin tied. House , WASIIIXOTOX , May 18. The committed on tcirltoilcs leporled adversely the bill to regulate the nmmilacturo and sale of In toxicating diinks in teultorles. Laid on the table. Mi. Ulount , fiom the committee on post- olllcesaml postioads , reported back the post- ollicu npniopriatlon bill with senate amend ments , it having been refened to thu com- mittcuot tlio whole. Thu house \\ent < into commltteo for the purpose of consideilng tlieso aniunel- ments. Mr. Hlount addressed Ids icinarks to thai clause known as "subsidy amendment" nnd made mi argument In opposition to It. An oppropiiatlon ot § 500,000 , ho contended , would not seem o any advantage In the way of additional mall trios but would Imvo n contrary ellect. Un der theclauso the postmaster general would bo icqulred to contract , ICat all , for not less than three nor mote than live veais , nnd this would act as an absolute Inhibition upon nny other company than the one holding the con- tiact fiom attempting to the same line. The Incicaso In the numbei ot dnvs would bo stopped , and while the contract was In force any Increase of foreign postal servlco would boinovcnted. Ho went onto 3uoto from statistics to show the differ- nco in pay which steamship companies received under tlio present law for carrying malls fiom that which they would lecelvo if proposed legislation weio enacted. As an in stance of the evils which ho maintained would follow such an enactment , ho stater that malls carried by the Oriental nnd Occi dental lines nt a test of 35,000 would have to bo carried at a cost ot SloyV-iO. ( He denied the conectness of thodeckmitlon that the do- ellnoof Ameilcau commerce was duo to the lact that the United States lefused subsidies to Its steamship companies , and asserted that the decline was attrlbuuibo to the narrow minded policy which forbid American citl zens from purchnsinguhips abioact. Mr , Iti 's opposed the foreign mal seivico amendment , and said that i the cgcntlemen wUhcd to build in Ameilean commerce by giantlng sub tulle * , let the transaction DO called by its right name , but the goveinmcnt should not ; rant subsidies under the pretence of paying fair compensation for transportation ot mails. Mr. Gucntlicr said that the npproptlnllon lid not rlso to the dlcnlty of n subsidy. It was a gut puio nnd simple. It was charity to the I'ncltle Mall Steamship company , n correlation which congiess should not touch w Ith n ton-foot pole. Pending fuithcr discussion the committee rose and the house adjom ned. Patents Issued. WASIIINOTOX , May 18. [ Special Tele- tram. ] Patents w io to-day issued ns fol- ovvs : William . Harbor , llutliveii , lown , dust protector for the attendants of tlucshlng ma chines ( icissuo ) . David llavvkswotth , Plattsmoulh , Neb. , dnvico for destroying vegetation along lall- way tiacks , Albert T. Hess , DPS Molnes , lown , clcctilc annunciator nnd the alarm. Thadtlcus . Hlnes , Tnnia City , assignor > y mcsno assignments , of two-thuds to.i. C. Jeralemon , Toledo , Iowa , cutlery scouicr. Judsnn Hughes , assignor by mesno assign ments , to V. Dek Martyr , riemont , Neb. , hai- ness pad press. Anion Nlles , Malison , Iowa , Ironing mn- clilne. Jens M. Peterson , Cicston. Iowa , machine for fitting band saws for blazing. William A. Shatpo nnd J. A. Crenshaw , Tama City , Iowa , sldngllni ; biackct. U. Specs. Tabor. Iowa , end-gate bingo. Kinest K Sturgcss , Meclmnlcsvllle , lown , lininesssmldle. OMAHA vouT or nx-inv nn.t. . Senator Manderson suld to the Hm : cones- poiidcnt this afternoon tlmt the scnntu com mittee on commeico , to which has been ic- lened the ine-ident's veto ot tlm Omaha port of cniiy bill , was looking Into the mciits ol the mc.isuiu and would nrilvu at some con- elusion about It soon. Tlio committee will receive In foi mation upon the subject from the treasury dcpaitment , nnd If It Is found Hint thu statistics nnd gcncinl facts demand It , it will lepoit the bill back with n lecom- nicndatlon that It bo passed over the veto. NT.IIKASKA I'OsTMASTKUS. C. C , Woolvvorth. C. E. Yost and Chris Ilnitman , of Omaha , nio In the city. Com missions weru to-day issued lor the follow ing Nebiaska postmastcis : Edgar C. Stanley , at White Itabblt ; Ar- Ihur King , Western ; Lewis II. Sawyer. South Bend ; Chas. S. liiown , O\erton , and Coniad llav , nt Polk , Iowa. Postollico site at New land , Worth eountv , Iowa , has been changed to a point one mile boutncast. FOUR YKAlf KKTnXSIOJf. Senator Dawcs has amended the bill which passed the housotlio other day glvln g live vears extension of time within which to pay for lands purchased in Otoo Indian res . ervation by IncludingllmOmnharescivntion. Mr. Dorsoy tried to f-eeuie this amendment on the floor of the hous-e at the time the bill was befoie that body. A BOUT WITH Gen. Miles Recounts the Tlccontnnt. tlcH With the ApnchcB. WASHING ! ox.Mny 18. The following tele gram wasicccived at the war department this morning through Picsldloand San Francisco fiom Gen. Miles , dated Nogalls , A. T. , May 10. "Captain Ilatfield , Fourth cavalry , struck Gcionimo's camp jesleiday moining. At fust ho was quite successful , captuiingtho camp and hoises and driving the Indians some distance in the Conona mountains ot Mexico. About noon in moving live miles from camp thiotigh a deep canon ho was attacked , tonght two hoiiix lost two soldiois killed tluee , nnd wounded many ot his hoiso.s and mulcts , ilo reports tlio Indians nn ) seventy strong , and seveial weio killed. Other troops are In close proximity to the hostilos. Ills impossible to give tlio exact number of hostiles with Geionlmo. Our tioops and Mexicans have fought them 11 vo times w'ithln the last twelve days , although at some disadvantage , not without loss to the Indians. It icquiies nine-tenths of the command to hold In cheek the laigo bodies of Indians on the icsoruitions nnd piotect ex posed settlements. " Native Vintntje. WASHINGTON , May 18. The National Vlticultural association assembled to-day nnd the commissioner of agricultino deliv ered the opening nddiess. In the course of thonddresshosald : "Wo me livals and suc cessful conipetitoisln the greatest maikctrfcf the world with nluioat cveiy other product of Industry and skill , agiicultuial and mechani cal. Wo also want to bo , In the ciuso of tiuo tenipciancc. , Wo want to furnish the nation with the cheapest , most wholesome and bene ficial bcveiage puio wine fiom the grape. Ameileans ought to diop false pride , which caused them to think that tlioy ought to have something "tar fetched anil deal bought" when nt the festive boaid. They should en- couiago homo Indiistiics , dlscaid French tables and Ficnch pilccs lei homo products when thorough tilal has proved Amcrlran pioducts su perior. Pait , at least , of the imported wines aio Infeilor in puiitv and quality to our California product. Pait ot the Cali fornia wines nro pine and infinitely supeiioi to tlio detestable concoctions that beai for eign bi.inds and aie maiKed with prices that nio at once n means ot , deception nnd a soiiicc ot fraudulent income. . It is the state ment of .M. Giraid , chief of the municipal laboratoiyot I'm Is.tliat forty years ago seven- eighths of the bi.inds manufactured weio jnne , but tlmt of .10,000,000 gallons now pro duced annually not 1 per cent ot It is liom giapes ; giain , beets , potatoas , etc , , being Its principal soiuccs. In vluwot this statement , this ( act , as it Is rccogni/ed to bo what lolly it is to disci liniimto against native piodue- tlon nnd endanger public health to giatify sentimental i collections of the vhtues of pilmltlve cognac. An K\nnnncr Resigned. WASHINGTON , May IS. Daniel H. ( Jallatin , of Iowa , first assistant examiner of the pat ent ofllce , In the division of pneumatics , has icslgned. Mr. Gallatin , who resigned voluntailly , Is thu present commander ol post No , ' . ' , U. A. it. heie. Conliimatlons Gcncial W. S. Itosecians , legistci of tlio ticasiny. Consul : Victor Vll- qualn , Nebraska , at Haiinnqullla , Huiveiy- ois of customs : Koheit C. .loidon , poit of Omaha : Hans S. lieattle , poit of New Yoik. Silas W. Unit , naval olllcerol eustoms , dis trict ot'Novv Yoik ; L.iwieiire Ilnulgan , ap praiser of mciehnndlsc , poit ol St. Louis ; IMwnid it. Fogg , lecener of public moneys , Heatilce.Neb , : KdgnrS. Wlleon. leglster or land otllce , Cheyenne , Wyo. Postmasters ! , Iowa : H , C , Kvans , Hloomtield ; A , L. Doui- naid , Mnrengo ; S. 11. Chase , Osage : \V. T , bharp , Uiookljn ; K. 1) . Fenn , Nevada. Consider , Old Dos , Consider. WASIIINUION , May 18 , One of the topics consldeicd at a cabinet meeting to-day was the seizure of Ameilean fishing vessels by the Canadian authorities foi alleged violation of the custom laws. HAI.IKAX , N. S. , MaylH. A telegram from Dlgby hays an order lor the s.ilo of thu schooner "David J. Adams" bvthosheilff has been icccived. All lish and other per ishable articles are to bu sold nt once. Decoration nay in Now York , WASHINGTON. May 18. The piesldent will leave Washington the ! Xth ) Instant , for Hrooklyn , w hero ho will review the decora tion parade the following morning , and re view thu Now York city parade In the after noon , HllnolH Medics In Session. nr.ooMixoTON. May 18. The thlity-slxlh annual convention of tlio Illinois state medical - cal society began Its sessions hero to-day withseventy-hvo plijslclans present W. A. Jijid , of ( julncy , Hindu a hhoit address and was followed by Mayor Momas , who inado an addiess of welcome. Several napcnupon technical subjects followed. Telegraph Operator Shot , CINCIKNATI , Ohio , May 18. Last night Joseph Kecgaii , a Haltlmoro & Ohio tele graph operator , while walking towards his homo , was shot and Instantly killed by Geo. \ \ ' . Taylor. Tnjlor haij been drunk nnd she nt another man and Keegan was hit by the bullet. The luuiduicr was ancstcd. xmvs. Olndstonc's Will Iitxvv. LONDON , May 18. Mr. Gladstone , In the commons this afternoonmov ed ( tint the house lovoto four nights out of five Riven to parlla- ncnt business every week to debate on the ionic rule bill. The proposition produced n sensation. Excited discussion nt once fol- owed Gladstone's motion , During this both ihlcs to the controversy revealed tliclr post- Ions. Hicks Ucnch ( conscrvallve ) sild his tarty wanted to pledge that the debate bo Inlshed Friday next. Gladstone answered .hat his reckoning extended the debate far bevond the date fixed by the opposition. Aftcra long nnd waim discussion the motion was can led. CONVI-.HTS TO ItOMIJ lU'I.B. Sitpiortoirtof Olaitstonn are dally becom- ng more hopeful that thu homo rule bill w III ) c passed bv paillamnnt. Nine members of ho house of commons who had htthci to been opposcil to thu honiuiule measure Imve bcn coin cried since Satmday , and It Is expected that other members will soon signify their adhesion to the bill. They nro Trained Soldiers. LONDON , May 18. The Irish National caguo has icccived fiom the Sixty-ninth Now York leglment and the Clan na Gael society ot that city offers to equip , transport and maintain In the Held 10,000 men to sup- 1011 home iide in Ulstei against any and all ojalist opposition. A French KaUo. 1'Aiim , Mny 18. A tienty was signed at Jo hanna , ceding to Franco the entire group of Islands nnd Islets fanning tlio territoiy known asComoi's Isles , and situated on thu Mozambique channel. A Temperance AVar in Ontario , OitANnnviM.K , Out , Jiay IS. Two moro dynamite explosions occurred hero last night , one nt the ofllce and another at the residence of Pollro Magistiato Mom00. The oflice was completely wrecked , nnd the ad joining piopeity damaged. The house was badly damaged but foitunatety no lives were lost. Tlio Indignation of citizens is very cicat , ns this is the thiid nnd most destruc tive explosion since the initiation of the Scott liquor act. Tlio cause of the otitnuo Is the action of Monroe in strictly eufoicinp the temperance law. No one has been arrested for the crime ns yet. Ohio's Squealing Democrats. CINCINNATI , May 18. A proclamation ad dressed to the people ot Ohio nnd signed by twenty democratic seuntois is pub lished this morning. It consists inilnly in an argument to prove the unconstitutionally ot thocouiso pursued by the icpubllcan sen ators. Cot.fvinus , Olilo , May 18. The leglslatuio adopted icsolutlons to adjourn ut U p. m. to morrow. MISS FOLSOM'S BIG FORTUNE. The Wealth of President Cleveland's IJridc The Date of the Woil- UllJR. Buffalo Correspondence of the New Yoik Morning Journal : In absence of fresh novvs from Miss Folsom's party in Kurope the wealth ot the Folaoms con tinues to bo u topic of conversation. The Folsoms have for many years ranked among thewoaUhvaml influential people of western Now York. The father of Mi6 > Frances Folsom , the latc Oscar lolsqn.iirjvasrfUPt a .imidont man in linnnuial , nml uied poor , but ho was an exception in n largo family. iie.nj.imin Folsoni , the HullUlo nttor- ncy , who is novvin Europe withMist > Fol som , has already inherited : v quarter of a million of dollais , and will doubtless re ceive a largo acdition to his fortune from the estate of his father and other rela tives. The senior Benjamin i'olsoin ' was for a quarter of a century or more a resi dent of Attica , N. Y. , where humudc a lanro fortune as a lailrnad contractor. \Vesteni investments made him n mil lionaire or nearly so , and Benjamin Fol- soni , Jr. , received at least one-half of the estate. He is a bachelor of quiet though retined tastes , and the present European trip is being made largely at his expense. The father of the lamented Oscar Folsom is still alive. His wealth is about a half million , and Mi s Frances Folsom is ono of his heirs. This popular young lady will bo rich in her own rigjit in a few years. In fact she und her widowed mother already enjoy a portion of the wealth wliich Colonel John B. Folsom has willed to her. Mr. Cleveland recently described him self as a poor man , and in comparison with the average monibur of the Folsom family ho is poor. Aliss Frances Folsom , his intended bride , is already the virtual possessor of a larger estate than Mr. Cleveland has ever been ublo to accumu late. late.The The president's wedding , according to tlio latest ropoits , will occur lioro on June IS. The latest advices fromEmopo aio to the cflbct that Mrs. Folsom was suflbring a ritlttpso of the roinan fever , but that if she is able to travel there will bo no dulay in thu date of the wedding. On tlio other hand , if the wedding should bo postponed on account of Mrs. Fol- soul's illness , it will occur within a week after her ruturn to America. Pongee silks this week. Falconer. My stock ot lumber is selected with special rofeicnco to lint-class tradu. Finu : W. ( JitAV , Otli and Douglas. Bargains in Ladies' Muslin Underwear ut Falconer'b all this week , Fiirnlliire. IIowo & Kerr buy from the best maun- facturorsaiidgnaranteoto make the vnrv lovveit pi ices. 1010 Douglass btrout , post- ollico block , Special Sain of Line Linens all this week at Falconer'b. NEBRASKA AND IOWA NEWS , Inquiry Being Mrulo Into tbo Sanity of Jim Reynolds. BURGLARY IN PAPILLION , Iowa Oil must bo Inspected In Unrrcls Against I'ulillc Policy I'ol- Boning a Stranger A Crazy .Man. Nebraska Dentists In SOSBOM. | HKATIUCK. Neb. , Mny IS. [ Special Tolo- pram.J Thu tenth annual meeting of the Nebraska Dental society commenced hero to night at the ollico of Dr. 1. W. Fuuck. The members who have nnlved aio Dr. A. O. Hunt , professor ot the lovva college of den tal suigeiy ; Dr. J. J. Wllley , president of ih * society ; Dis. J. W. Chaddock. Nebraska Cltv ; A. Foucs. Amom ; G. M. Fnnck , Marj - \lllo ; F. L. Brown , Hastings ; King , Kiemnnt ; , ! . N. Hopper , Contial City ; A. Ii. Thompson , Topeka ; A.V. \ . Mason and G. W. Weit/ , Omaha ; H. A. Woodbury , Council IfluirsjJ. Y. Slijker , W. G. Uuins. J. S. McClcary nnd 1 , W. Funeke. Uuntrloc. A number of other memneis will bo hero to- diess of welcome by Mayor Kietslnger. The convention holds until Friday. Reduced rates have been seemed on the railroads nnd at the hotels. _ A Crazy Man In Papllllon Poisoning n Stranger. PAt'iw.iON , May 18. [ Special. ] .lohn Ar- buthrott , a handsome , well-dressed young man , was arrested lieio ay the sheriff this moining. When taken in charge ho was so- llcltlngthcloan of a revolver , with which to kill an Imaglnaiy cnoiny. His chief cinzo seems to bo fear of lynching by a mob. Aibutluott linlls from Ada , Ohio , which plnco ho says ho left a month ao , in order to keep the mob from Ivncidng him. HU rela tives have been telegraphed tn , nnd If no answer is received the lunatic will bo cent to the state asylum. I'OISONINO A STIIANOKM. James Young an \cd i here fiom lown last Satmday and went to woik on the Missouri Pacific grade noith ot tow n. Salimlny night he wasclven a bunk with two companions , who , It is alleged , administered p > lson to the stranger dm ing the night , and llicn lied with out waiting for the lesult ot their work. A doctor was cilled and Young's life was saved. The railroaders would doubtless have lynched the poisoners If they had been cantmed. Is Jim Iloynolds Insane ? Sinxr.v , Neb. , May 18.-SpccIal [ Telo- giam.j Sheriff i'ubank arrived to day with Judge Ilamer , of Keaincy , Drs. Mathowon and Cartel of Lincoln. They examined Jim Reynolds , whoso hanging Is set for Friday next. Theio aio doubts as to his sanity. Dis. Mnlhowson and Caiter examined htm this nftcinoon , and the lesult willbu made known bofoie the shcillf's Jury to-morrow. The general belief Is that HeynoHls Is leign- Ing , nnd that fear nnd cownidlco lender liiin helpless. Ho has remained mute since his trial In December. Tlio crime was the mcst biutal that ever , occuried , hero. The sheriff has been instructed to mnke all necessary pieparatlons for the hanging. It will bo pri vate , nnd will occur in the jail yatd. Coliiinhus Novvs. CoriT.Miius , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele gram.J A valuable team owned by Jno. Stcvvait , of this city , inn away this afternoon nnd collided with a trclght car , killing ono hoi so Instantly. nuocnns SKI.TJ OUT. D. D. Wadswoitli & Co. , grocers , this cltv , sold their stock to day to a Jno. Schuman , of Coining , Iowa , who will continuo the business heie. Stole Pocket Knives. PAIMU.IAN , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele- ginm.l Uurglais cnteicd ISoennaii & Hnr- lan's hardwaie stoio last night and stole SCO woithof pocket knives. Noaircsts. Brown Iiniioaclnnent Trial. Dr.s MOINIJS , May 18. [ Special Telegram. ] The Brown impeachment trial , which be gins to-moiiow , has brought half of the gcn- cial assembly back to town , niostof the senn- tois havlnc nliendy m rived. The senate committee on rules have been In session all day , and have decided , in general , to tollow the moueof pioecduiii In the Impeachment ol Andievv Johnson. They recommend two sessions dally , from'J to U , and fiom 2 to 0. They leave the senate to bo its own judges of thu ndmlsslbility ot evidence , pioviding that the questions arising on tins account .shall be settled by a majority vote , or , if discussion Is necessaiy , the senate shall reiliu lor that purpose , and then decide. Colonel Keatley will open foi thu state and Judge Nouiso lei the defense. Most of the witnesses have been summoned to appear next Monday , and little iiioio than thu pre liminary woik will bu done this week. Against Pnhllo Policy. Iis MOIM'.O , Iowa , May 18. [ Special Telegi am. ] Justice Brewer , In the United States clicult couit , decided today In favor of the Wabash rail way in thu suit brought against It by tlio DCS Molnes k Fort Dodgu laihoad , asking for Sf.00,000 for n bicnch ol contiact. Befoio the Wnbash built Into Des Molncs from Wnukce , on the north , it was arranged to use the Foil Dodge line Irani that point pnjmga iieicentagu theiofor. Afteiwaida the Wah.ish built Into the city and the other load himight milt for damages. Judge Hiowcr dQcIded that such ncontiact was void , as against public policy , Inspecting Oil , Dr.s MOINKF. May 18. [ Special TeJcuram.J Attoinoy ( Jeiieial Baker deridesthat , , un-r dei the new law legulating the Insficetlon'Of oil , all oil must Im inspected In'bands and not in tanks ns heretofore. This , the sUto boaid ot health decides Is liupractlable , and w It Is piobnblo tlmt the old method vvill bo con " * tlnucd. * , ling That eitrcmo tired feeling which. Is so dis tressing nnd often FO unnccomitublo In the spring months , In enthely ourcomo by Hood's tSarsiparllla , which tones the vvholo body , purifies the blood , cmcs scrofula and all humors , cures djspejisla , creates an appetite , rouses the torpid llvtr , braces up the nerves , nnd clears thu mind. Wo solicit a comparison of Hood's 111.1 with any other blood purifier In ( ho n.r.rUrt for purity , economy , strength , ami mcdldn.d merit. Tired all the Tlmo "Itail no ajipctlto or strciifth , and felt tired M thu time. I attributed my condition to scrofulous humor , I had tried several Kuids of medicine without beiitflt. Hut as soon as I lud taken half a bottleof Hood's Sarsajinrllla , my ai > j > ullta was restored , and my btonuclMelt better. I have now taken ncnilythrcobottles , and I ncvcrvv.issowcll , " Miss. JKBSIK. F. IOI.UIAHI : , I'nscoag , It , I. Mrs. C. W. Marriott , Lowell , M.i s , , was romplttely cured of sick headache , which Mic hael 1C years , by Hood's Barsaj'arllla. ' Everybody needs and should take a good. tejj ( .Iirhismcdltlijc.fortwoioasons : iff , ' Ut , The body Is now moro susceptible toi benefit f i om mtdk luo than nt any other season. $ 2d , The Impurities wlikh have accumulatej ; > ) ( In the blood should bo expelled , and " tcmelvcn tone and sticngth , hcforo t trntlng effects of w arm w cathrr are fclQ Hood's Barsaparlllals the best spring l cine. A slnglo trial will comlnoo > du ot Its supeilorlly. TaUoltbtfo-C It IstooUt" . The JScat Stirltw Medicine "I taKe Hood's Sirsaparllla for a liicdltlno , and I Aud U just the tiling. up my t j stun and mikca mo fuel HKo a differ. " ent rnniu 11 ylfo takes It for dyspepsia , and she derltcsgreat benefit fiom It. tilio says It ' Is tl'iu best lurillcliio she ever took. " 1' . 0 , TuiiNnt , Hook & 1/uldcr No. 1 , Huston , Maes , "J.ast tiirlng I was troubled with caused by my Mood being out of oilier bottles of Hood's f irsaiMrllU cured inc , I can recommend It to nil troubled wllh Alice * lions ol the blood. " J , BCIIOCII , 1'coi l.i.lll Bold by alt drucgliti. f ) ; ( Iz fur fl. Prepared KuM by fill ( Irucgltti f I ; < lx for f ) . lij U. I. HOOD i. CO . i.o' , l.owcll , Mam. by C. I. HOOD 4. -Apothecaries , I , IOO , Doses Oho Dollar IOO Qosos Ono .Doll :