Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    ft' .
Advertrsomontsundcr thshoal 10 eonapor
J no for the first Insertion. 7 cents for each
inbseqncntlcgortion.nnd ILRC n line per month.
No ndvc rtlMmient tnkon for Irsi than 2T > cents
fortholr ( t Insertion Bovcnworda will ho ooan
tctl to the line ; they must run consooutlrelf
and fnustbo flnldln ndranoo. AH advertise-
tnonti must bo handed In before 3 o'clock p. m.
nnd under no circumstances wlllthoy bo tat-
n or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns n.n 1 hir-
tnfrtho answers addrosio.1 moire of TUB HER.
will plcnso ask for chock to cndblc them to got
their letters , asnono will bo delivered except on
presentation of cicok , All answers to adver
tisements shouldbo enclosed In envelopes.
TO LOAN at reasonable rates on
MONKY turnituro , watches nnd other per
sonal propnrty. O. J. Ciwiwoll , Itoom 1 . Iron
Hank building , 12th and Fitrnnm. Take clcjrntor.
LOAN Sovrrnl thou aml dollars at n low
TO of intorpst on good real estate security.
8. I.olimiuin , 1108 Fatnatn at. _ 75'J
TO LOAN-On chattel * of nny do-
MONTY , In sums of ? IO and upward , nt
lower rains than anywhere cl o in thoclty. City
lxnn & Mortgage Co. , room 13 , 110 rnrnam at ,
opposite 1'ruton hotel. C73
1Onooto ( loan on tlty residence property
$ Oco.W. Day , 1413 Fnrnam. . 'TO
MONKY To loan on improved farms or res I
dcnco lots , on ono year's time. Homo I'lro
Insurance Co. . 1518 Douglas St. 153
PKH CfiNT Money to loan , Stewart & Co. ,
Itoom 3 , Iron hank , ISth mid Fnrnnm. cat
, to loan. Sums * SOO nnd upwards.
$ Lowest rates. Domls , loth and Douglas sts.
r 00ooo to lonn on business nnd ro ldonco
$ property In mims of 11,000 trad trpwarda.
Ames , ifiOT Fnrnam Bt. M3
1O LOAN Money mnny amount
T On nil elapses of ccotirity.
Ehorttimo loans on real estate.
Longtime loans on rent estate.
Moneyto lonn on chnttels.
Money to lonn on colhitornls.
Money to lonn on any good security.
Terms ensy , time to suit.
Apply nt the Omnhn Financial Excbnnus ,
Jlnrker'B building , SW corner of
Fifteenth and Fnrnnm Bis , upstairs
ONKY for everybody I You cnn borrow
money on furniture , horses , wagons ,
pli.nos , ptock of all kinds , diamonds nnd flno
wntchoson your own time. Payments iccolvoii
at nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rnta.
Property left in your own possession. Terms
l w ns the lowest. Call nnd see me. nujlness
confidential. No advantage taken. W. It. Croft ,
Itoom 4 , Wlthnell's Now nullc'Jng , Northcnnt cor
ner 15th nud Hnrncy. 43
TO TOAN-O. F. David * Co. Iloal
MONKY and Loan agents , 1505 Fnrnom St
ONPA" TO LOAN On goo < l sceurltios. A
McQavock , room7HcdIck Dlock.lOOTFnrnnm
Bt. M
ONEY TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat
tcls. D.L. Thomas. 045
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd up-
wnrds on flrst-clnss real cstato security.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam St 040
ONKY IOANT : D nt C. F. Reed & Co'S. Lou
ofllco , on furniture , plnnos , horses , wagon
personal property of all kinds and all other ar
flclcsof value , without removal. 319 a llth ,
over Hlnirhim's Commission store. All bus-
ncsa strictly confldontnl. 047
FOIt SAT.I1 A pooJ caniot loom and every-
tiling connected with II. very i heap , at It.
Hodges , 10th , between Martha and Castellar.
Foil KXCIIANGK Improved farms In Kan
sas for dcflrahlo stock of men's clothing.
Add : ess C. S. Ades , Omaha. 048- lit
Foil SArK New store bulldinir : good loca
tion for moat market. Address F 0. nee
ofllco. _ _ BiB-17 ! *
TJDSINESS CllANCK-A man In any live
JO town can do a profitable business In our
poods nlono , or In connection with f urnlturo or
any class ol houso-furnlshlnfr Roods or sroe-
eilos : small capital and larpo profits. Vor par
ticulars address "ManufiiCturcr , 01 Summer
Ftroot. lioMon , Mass. 508-jU *
FOK SAI.i : In flist-class location , grocery
stock and fixtures : small capital ronuirod :
rent low. Inqulrn at drutr store , lOtli and
SALE $3,000 will buy n Ronoral etock
of poods together with the ifood will of a
well-o'tabllslipd nnd lo\irlahlnir ! business In one
of Miullpon county's best towns , llulanco of
payment on very llnornl toims. Itca&on for
polling satlsfaptorlly ( riven on application. Address -
dross T. 1) . k Co. . IlooOlllco. C80
T71OK KXCHANCJK Stocks of ( foods of every
-U kind , for farms and land ; also lands to ox *
clmniro for Roods. If you want to trndo , no
mat tor what It is you have , wrlto , with full do-
ecrlptlon. to C. E. Jlnyno , real estate broker ,
Omaha Nuh. _ IB I
\xrAUTKI > Po oxctianen for stock of hard-
i " ware nnd ironnral merchandise , 600 aoresof
flno Thajor Co. . Nob. , Innd ; 5 lots In Genoa ,
Not ) . , Rood store bulldlnit ( ticst corner ) ; ROO !
dwelling ( nest location ) In 1' ser , la. , also 81
acres M mile from town ot Essex , In. , seeded In
blue crn s. For further particulars address
John Llndorholm Central Citv Nebraska. OJ1
KKSONAI. Attention , Comnidosl Stilctly
all wool tndliro liluu ( } . A , It. suits , $10. L.
L. Jones & Co. , 1309 Farnam st 774-29
PKKSONAE.-rir3t class harbor will call at
residence and do ladles' anil clilldrons' haircutting -
cutting In all the latest styles ; blmmpoolnir ,
liloachliiK and djeliiH1 , Call or address , llarbor
1UQJ I'lirnam at. Kll-lli *
PEKSONAC Neat and tasty all-wool busl-
IICBS Biilta tor only $7.00. All ni/os. Mall
onU'rn filled. L. 0. Jones & ; Co. , I'M'J Farnam.
PIUISONAI. To persons wlio wish tn build o
homo In Orchard IIIII , I will sell lots upon
pa\raent of the nominal sum oC ton dollars and
balance at the end of five years. Interest at 8
iior cent , payable scml-anuually. This Is the
best offer ever made to any homo-sookor In this
city. Cull and sco mo. C. E. Mayno , S. Vr" . cor.
inihaiid rarnam. 679
OK KCNT-Uooni and board for two. nn
Cnpllul live 143
T.OST A irolil bio.istpin. A Eiiltatllo lownnf
J-J lll bo paid for its rctuin to Mis. Hold1 ,
I.o.n OIIM 01 th school. 7 il-17 )
LOST Rti iiyi-il or gtolon 2-yoar-old mare
colt , daik brown color , rope murk on hind
foot ; * I5 ruwnrdod by reriirnlnir to Muldooii's
wagon shop , llllh and Leavonwoith. DHU-1U *
LOST A certificate of deposit on U. B , Na-
tlonal bank for $ iiOO , pomuwhoio In hontli
part ot rmiilnu 3. ) reward lor return of same
o U.S. Nation ill bank. 070-lu > >
TOST Sunday mornlnjr , bet ucn Plercost.
. / nnd ropplt'ton nvo , ni < aiOtli at , large red
leather pockt'tbook. Findur will return to me
and rccuuo(5rowaid. T. U. llawon.-Wn'iorco.
STlAYCI-On the 10th of Muy from 18th nnd
\Vllllainn Btieot , u suiull liffht rud cow. Any
Informutlon coni-ornlntc her will bo suitably re-
wanlid. Charlea Hedlteld. 03U-17 *
OST The lady \ > ho took ladles black silk.
sun umbrella by mistake from hospital
lunch on Fi Iday , will oblleu by ruturMlnv bumo
to Mrs. JuiiKiuan , &JI PJeaaaut street.
OTICAVKU Two black horpod , ono liiino In
ij front shoulder and blind in ono o > o , and the
other has swelling on It'll hind foot Finder
will return to Nick Hush , 14th and Center St. ,
Omaha , and bo rewarded. , LOi-iri *
Lovr Hay mure , blind in ono eye , Uycaia
old , ono blioo on , weight OoO. Will. Harris ,
yiorcnco. _ UM-17 *
rnAKis irr 'iv'o black ponies. P. i.lss. 3
JL mlloiMi'Stof postolljcu. _ 7J7-18 *
rp.VKKN VI' Daik bay miiro , wluto risht
JL hind foot. Mhlto euir lorelii-ud , stripe on
noio. Paul ThlcsjQii , lluir Oak : idd. , west of
OuiUey'b 6ouji fuutory. 1I8--S
rp.VKEN Ul' Ono ghiMip. 0\tnor can huvo
J. gtinio by proving property and pajlnir
chartrcj at 318 S. 10th tt. Apr ± i-iU-.Ma- 1U-2J
niliu Stallion Catfiey noli IIIHKO tliotcnbon ut
- tthu loir triounds hero and those \vantlnw
fust block BlumM call laily Ed , Pylu. 7M >
M " * 1MVTTI N U BtaUlou.JaokShuppai dTj ivwm
J- make the bvtioon of US ! at Omaha Fair
Grounds. StamU ltj ) ( handd high , clKHsU' i
btU ; lliolarKOot and handsomujt Ilauiblelon-
ian In Iho VCM. llrcod thu same as Director ,
S 17 ; Phulhig , iiili : , and Jay-E ) o-Suu. Sll : ( Call
and bcu him and bis stock. Terms , jii the sea-
ion. Adaui Thorupsoiu C1.VJ9
Hi OHv WEKK oaslly made tit Home ; pluav
< PZi\J ant work for ladle * uud eentlomun ; no
; stud iu lor clicular. Chronotypo
PIITVY and cesspools cleaned by B. Kwlne ? , P.
0.1IOX4Z7. _ 640mya
Foil KENT A etoro on a good retail street
Apply the Omahn Real Kstato nnd Loan
Co. 107
171011 HilNT-Sqtiaro Piano , $3 monthly. A
J3 Hospc. 1513Jotitlas. ( _ Mil
TTlOIt UENT-S < iuaro Piano , tl monthly. A
e' 1513 UouK' ' ' P10
_ _
F oil ItlINT Organs , f2 per month. Hospc ,
_ 1513 Dousing. tx _
oTsAI/Raod square plano , ? no. ftt9
Chicago street. 7KM9 *
FOR SAniJ M.OOO Rood , morcnantablo brick.
' _ Ituiulroof llallcn linn , Illalr.Ncb. 741-17
OK SAI.K Cheap , a wrought Iron Van
llnnffu nt toil Dodgo.
FOH SAT.K OIHco desk and letter press , In-
qiilro Itoom Pnxton buildingB. IX Cor.
luth nnd 1'arimm street. 717-1H *
TOOK SArR-3-ycar least-nnd f urnlturo of 10-
J- ' room houfo complete and all now. Orcat
l\r aln. Good location , on Capitol nvo , east of
lit position IHilldliif. Inquire of 1" . Lirkln , real
estate nnd loanulltec , Exposition Iliilklltw.X
( \X \ >
Koit HAM : i liavo fl horses , Imu'o.l pbuy ,
& wagons , t set * of harness , to sell or trndo
for real estate. E. SaviiBO , 720 S. 13th. near
Lonvcnaortti. 53J-1"
TTIOlt HAtK Vicown with Horofora calves ; S
JL1 thoroughbred Hrrcrord hulls ; 'M Ri-ado
yrnrllnir btill $ ; 'A ] ftrado heifers. Apply to C.
O. lUistls , Hod Cloud. Nob. 674-19 *
TTIOB SAT.K Thd flnost matched cnrrlngo
J- ' team in thovstato , sound , kind and safe for a
lady to drlxo : can bo seen at Omaha fair
grounds , A. 'luomson. 514
FOR SALE nod-room ot , ( rood ns now , at a
bargain. Apply 810 Whoatonst 381
I A. MILLER I will buy your Nebraska and
Town rnsuranuo stock nnd pay you , ot > v
per cent premium on jour cash inyostmeu1 *
iho sarno. J.V. . Morse.
F IOKKAI.R Cheap , nnotopbugiry. A. Ilo po ,
1513 Douglas. 500-jlO
FOK SALE Wo olfor4JO3-year-old steers ,
Il002-yo'ir-old steers ,
3001-yoar-old steers ,
400 hcefors and cows , mostly coratnir on.
The above cnttlo are Rood stralRht Iowa and
Dakota stock. Strange Uros. , Sioux City.
FOIt SALE Cheap , parlor , bedroom and
kitchen f urnlturo , carpets , stoves , ota , in
Rlx room cottage. Liberal terms if taken In
bulk. Apply 11WI Cuss st. 410
If Oil HALV : Flrsfclass phaoion for sale or
exchange for real estate ; also u small pony ,
1712 N. 18th St. G8UW *
FOR SALK-Or trade. Ono new 23 II. P.
Doiler am2J ! II. P. Enjrlno. Will self cheap
for cash or trndo for deslrablo real ostato. Address
dross Geo. A. Fry , Defiance. Iowa. 033
F OH SALi : Ono good horso. 1010 Farnam.
FOIts.VLi : Square piano , $53 , monthly pay
ments. Hospe , 1513 Douglas. OOf
Foil SALE Match teams and horses of al
kinds to suit oustoraors at Star Sale Stables ,
20th and Cumlmr. M. Cannon , Prop. 777
FOR SALi : A now steam roller mill In No. 1
business locality ; line wheat country : but
llttlo competition ; $17,500 ; cost more. W. II.
Green , 2153 13th st 821)
FOK SAti : Utirlght piano , $195 , monthly
payments. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. IKM
Foil 8ALK-llalod hay. W. J. Welshans &
Co. 538
FOK SALIC DoslrabloO-room house and full
lot on srado : all hi splendid condition. Call
at 1407 S. Oth st 814m22 *
WANTED Girl for gcnural housrwoik in
small family. U. E. Copson , 1527 S. 15th st
750-17 *
WAHTEI ) T o girls for general kitchen
work ; wages S4 per week. 1017 Howard
street *
W ANTEO Good woman or nmii cook on
ranch near Ewlng ; lour In fnmlly , good
homo , place pormnncm ; wages SI2 to $15 per
month. AUdiossW. H. Thompson , Llttlo. Holt
Co. , Nob. 757-19 *
WKTKD Nurse girl , 2214 Douglas 731-17 St. *
WANTED Good girl for goncrul liousi'wotk
cooks , dltilnioom , kitchen nud lauiidty
gli Is , gli Is for the -nc t , chambermaids first and
second woik ; good H ages. Call at Omaha Km-
ploymeiit lluic-au. 1120 Fainillil ut. 740
W Aghlfor general houseworki
S 10th st.
WANTKD A nurse of some experience ro
euro for two small children. Mrs. Warren
SwlUIor,3ua > St. Mury'g inonue. 721-17
'Y17'ANTED A mlddlo-iiircd woman ns nurso.
> Inquire at les'dence , J. O. Chapman , 1113
Park nvomio. Kofoioneo roqultod. ( .9V17
WANTED Immoaiately ( Jlrl for general
hou'onork. good cook ulth roforcnccs. f5
nwcok. 2 ! 8 Iluitht. 701-18 *
WANTED ndcilylndy wants place. Tnko
cue of baby , or go to Iho touutry to help
with work. Call 2 dnys 27th aud Webster , N. W.
corner. 70i-17 *
\ \fANTED A dining-room glil at the Kmmot
T > houbo. 084
V\7ANTEU-Good girl , 105 North IBtlu
19 *
WANTED-Glrl at 450 Convent st ; Finull
family. to7
'ANTlIIj A dlnlnir loom girl at Doriui
house , Ul.l Farnitui st. ( XW
W A good kitchen gin. 117 S. 17th.
5.W-17 *
WAKTKH Qlrl for fronoral houscwnrlc ,
corner lllondo nnd Campbell streets , north
west corner. aos
WANTKD A good girl lor general house
work ; good wages. Inqulro514 Capitol
nvcnuo. _ J.TW
W ANTKD-Gootl kitchen girl nt i3 ! N. Ifith
st OJ7
WANTi : Ono Btondy vest mnkor , nlso one
stonily pant maker. AddruosU. A , Ander
son , inuioliiun tailor , ( iriunl IslntidN'ob. 777-IU *
lt'ANTJ.l ! ) A flrst-clnss cnnviifiscr of ( 'ooj
l mldfcfs to tulqi oiduidlu Omaha nninntr
thobe-t people ioru woik li ; two \oltimcs that
pells for'Sf and ? 13 per volume ; nlso iiircntsof
both bo.xo-i lu Iowa , KUIIMIS Nohraska and Dn-
Icotn to Hike orders for other slnndiird publica
tions. Call on or nddrcsi 11. S. ( Smith , Iloom 3 ,
WltUncIl Hlock. 71.VH
WANTKD First-class bnrbor. I'nxtou llnr-
berShop , 77J-1 b *
WANTKD A mnn who cnn drlvo cntrla e ,
with good roloioncu. Apply t 1UJU Fur-
liutu. 7tt.-17
T\7AMTUI > 30 men for rock-work on ralhoad
Tt utClmilion , Nob. , nuil Uutlulo Oup ; good
uges. Will ship Wodncbiliiy nioinliiK' nt tt
o'clock. Call nt Omabu Gmploymont Ilureau ,
liaoFninaiiist. Tfi'J-ia '
WANTKD A pteiuly , rollnblo mnn to sell
goodi ; abe u lady cunvin or. Call tU B.
10th st. 70S-10 *
WANTUD Lho , industrious men to Boll
mill supplies fur u representative onstorn
house ; ono In Omaha and. vicinity and two
through N ( bruiika and Kunsiiu. Address at once ,
statlntfugu nnd lorinor occupation , to W. H.
1'iittu oii. General Dollvory , City. 75'J-lfl
WANTED 100 men for rnllioad work , driv
ers , pick and shovel men and track lay
ers. Steady work , good job , 12 S Albright , La
bor ngunuy , liJOti Furnam bt. 7-H
VlfANTKIl Two Kontlomun bonrdors by the
T > H vck (3.KO , day uouixl f 3. UUS N. 171 h a t
711-17 *
\VANTKII Three or fonr good solicitors ;
onn who can spent ( iernmn or Swede. Tlio
most fu\orublo toims otloiod. Cull 1to 1 , 5 to
7 , p , m , on 1'ruvidcutBaiuizs Life , Jlllhml Hotel
block. 707-17
\\rANTKn-Tno flrst-cluss barbers ; tlrst-
I > clnsswufCSKunranteod. Addicss John II.
Ilrlgam , ( InuiU lshmdNub. 072-17 *
"VlfANTKU Live agents with good roferon-
> 1 cos tor a tlmo pnyniunt house , --'I N , Uth
This Is anew tlrm nud will curry u nlco line of
household articles , sllvui u lire , rugs , etc. 7U2 Ib *
T17.VNTii : > Men of good nddresi and silos.
Vi nien lie are mukliiir h' s thun M.OO per
day. should cull on or fund lOo for suniplu to 11.
H. U'lieoloek.huiUuaiodealerI'ullertoii , Noli.
B71-17 *
\T7".INTKI ) Snlnsmcn nooiiiiig piontublo em
IT ploymunt. Salary * 7a und fxpunso * . ( iood
Muplo , bold by eiuuplo. Addruss , wltli fctuinn
L-b. Mfg Co.Chlcuso. Wtm-a )
WANTKIi A position by an ezperloncod
stenographer. Understands bookkuoplnir
nnd cun I'lirnltli hU own tpoliter. . Address F ,
Ul , 1 lee olllco.
TT7"ANTI-ni Situation ns toamsteror for gen-
> > ernl work. AddrObi F il , ULO Oulco. 77U-1S
W ANTKD Uy a woman , a situation ni
housekeeper. C.UI al No. 218 N. f th st.
"I yANTKit A situation in a bakr-ry by a ro-
i' specUitlo jouutf inun AdJro s F 1H. Uoo
olllce. , TOO-19 *
WAXTKD A situation n nwholesalo ( rro-
cory or commission house , by an enterprising -
prising young mnn. Address Fit ) , Uooorllco.CJi
AN encrftctla mnn with uncToeptlonnl refer-
onccs nnd connection , locating In Ouster Co.
where renl ostnto I ? hoomlnir , will umlcrtnko
commissions. AtlJrcM F IS llooofllco. 7IM7 *
TIIK mlvcrtlserdesires to meet an energetic ,
honest mnn Imvlntr JJ.noc in hind to Join In
teeunnff nn Interest In a rare nnd now Inven
tion to bo bundled whcro ailvortUor hns nccoM
to the Ilrst llnnnclnl circles. No catch-penny
business or chcmOi Arrange Interview with
A , W. Jlncilougnid , P.O. 711-17 *
WANTIID A pnttner wllh $3M In n well es-
tnblished business pnylnp ; f WO monthly.
No competition. Investigate. Address F. W
Dullyjlep , Omnhn. 74V18 *
WANTIID Tobuy or trade , rcnl ostnto for
( rood buggy hoyse. mu t bo peed dilvcr
nnd thoroughly sound. Ixjvgron & Wlhlo , l.Tjl
Fnrnnm , Tl'J-lO
T\fA > 'Tii > - Inside property. E. r. Itlngor
i i hns customers for Insldo property from
$3 COOtoglS 000. ll n. loth street. 410.
r AXTii-BO : tenms. K. S. Albright. It It-
Lnbor Agency , 11)05 ) Furnnm Bt. 42. >
> Houses for good tonnnts. J. II.
Kvnns tl Co. , 15U Dodge. 013
TT < OIl KHNT Two-story store building , upper
-1. story Biiltnblo for dnolllng. south-west
corner ot Cttstfllar and Toutli street. Ttittlo &
Alllfon. 0-J7-17
FOR KHNT 11-room house , $ .10 , Juno 1st ;
t-room house , tt5 ; 2 rooms , for Inborlng
mnn , (8. Hush 4 Solby ; 218 S. Ifilh. 7Crt
FOK ItliN'T Small house and acre of Rrotintl
North Omnhn : good garden spot , $8 per
month for 0 months or year. C. II Mnyno , 15th
and Farnam. 709-M
TT OK KKNT Asplcnrllacorner grocery Moro ,
JL1 counters , phclvltifr , etc. , on pnvcd street mill
street car lino. Kent rensonnulo. A splendid
uhnnt'oforngood , llvoninn. Morse Si Ilrnuncr ,
1'nxton block , cor nth and Fni nnm. 070-10
TfOIUlKNT One 8-room cottngo one block
J1 north of nonil of Hu Mary's nvo. , tin per
month. Ono two-story house ear. 1'hll Shcrldnn
and Hull st , B nlco rooms , KJ3 per month. K.
T. Peterson & Co. , S. E. oor. 15th nnd Douglns
street. G7V
T71OK IIKNT rrcsent occupant will vacate n
-U llrsl-cl iss busluoss locution for small money
consideration. Very reasonable rent. Address
S 10 , Ilee ofllco. COJ-17 *
FOK IIKNT I'm nlshod house to parties with
out children ; ' s block f torn street our ; refer-
cnccsexchanged. In-iulrolUl Hurt st.G2MB *
TjTIOK KKNT-NoTv hoTlso , 11-rooms , Virginia
- invcnuo , near Loitveiiworth , largo oiiotigh
for two fninlllos ; $41 pi-r mouth. T. \ \ \ lllnck-
bum & Lo , head of St. M-iry's avo. 037
F OU IIKNT llrTciryaniTioutli IGth st. Call
ntTjd N.lBth tt. fiS't-13 *
FOK SALII-C-room cottnito to bo moved
a ay.V. . J. Wolshans , City Mills , 801 Far-
nnm st. IVM
TTIOIl UENT-Hosldonco wllh 9 rooms nnd
JL1 bath ; all modern conveniences : nlco yard ;
location , l.'th bt , lour squares trom Fnrnam. U
doslicd , will lo iso for ono or two years. Ham
lln & Brown , 311 South llth st. 5IV17
TilOlt ItENT 10-room houso. IOU rurnnm.
JO R. a Pattoraon. 421
FOK KENT 70-acro fnrtn.T. Murray.
FOK KKXT Nicely turulshod room with
board. 714 N. lUth st 517
Foil KENT Saloon , und flxturoa for salo.
10S South 10th bt. COO
F OK KENT Brick yard. T. Murray.
FOK JtENT-Qardon farm. 303 S. llth St
FOK KENT Nlco 0-room cottago. S. T.
Peterson. S. IJ. cor. 13th nnd Douiflas. Ml
POK KENT Brooms suitable for ono or two
fninlllos nt 008 N. Uth st 050-1U *
POK KENT A finely furnished front loom ,
let Hoar. A. Hospo. 559
FOK KENT Two nicely furn'shcd front
rooms , ( .heap. Call on Mr. lloj d , 1510 Doug
las St. 771-22
FOK ItENT One or two furnished rooms ,
southwest pint ot city , lor ladles , within
block of car lino. Addicts F2J , Uco olllco. 7117
TTioit KENT-2d nnd 3d floors of 1 I'mmim
JD t > t , suitable lor jobbing , inunutacturiug or
j OKKEXT An uiifutnNhod room In Hoi-m-
J or'slllock , cor , Sthiind Hoivuid. 773
OK KENT A suite of unfurnished raoms
with or without boai'.l , nt 1509 Davcnooit st.
FOK KENT Furnished rooms on first floor
Ith or without board ; private family. ( ! 2j
S. 15th st. 747-18 *
T71OB ItENT Fin iilshod or unfurnished
JU looms at 32JN. ICth st , Lyons IJIock. 753-22 *
FOK KENT-Furnishod room. 01J South 15th.
751-22 *
FOK KENT Nicely furnished looms. IBli
Davenport st , botwecn 18th nnd ll'lh. ' 750-2J *
F OK KiNT Furnished rooms. 1112 Cull-
f ornln st. 754-18 *
F OK KENT Furnished room 1810 IznrJ.
758-19 *
FOK K11NT Two nundsomely furnished par
lors , rent togrothor or separately , modem
conveniences. 173) Cnjiltol avo. ffJJ-18 *
FOK KiNT : Three beautiful rooms forifht !
liousolccodliiy on Ilrst floor nt No. HI t North
ITth st. 7)11-1 ) b *
POK KENT Iloom nnd board In strictly
prlvnto family for ono or two troiitlom6ti.
114 N. ISth st , bet. Doiltfo nud Capitol live.
FOK KKNT Two nicely furnished rooms ,
Kstnhrook block , ! U floor. o\or 401 N. lllth
gtiont. Until and all moiloin convcnlciicox ,
steam hont und homo comlorts In u piivuto
Inmlly. 711
FOK KKNT Nine loom dwelling house , enj-t
front on cur line , Notth IVth street , vciy
duairiiblo locution , Tultlo & AllUon. 007-17
"I71OK KK.VT I'litnlshed rooms $7 per month.
JOlllco room. Inquire J. L. 1'loison & Co. ,
ISOOFurnaiii. 7J8
] rOK KKNT lied room , with use ol parlor ,
f 10 per month , 1511 California , 001-17 *
FOK KKNT-Two unfurnishedroomsi ! KO
Whoflton st. 703-21 *
KKNT I'uruished or iiutiirnlihod
JL ! looms , N U Ixiuvontvoilh nnd > th , near
St. Mary's nvo. 07i-a ) *
FOK KINT Newly furnished rooms , all
modern conveniences , by day , ueek or
month , HMO Hurt t. U7B-JJ
FOK KKNT Three pleasant rooms wcl
lighted und \cntllutod , nicely furnlahcd ;
ncli suitable for ono or iwv geiitluinou ; oil
Fin nnm st , ; It It line ; No. 115 South Jotforson
street. CU-17 *
Foil ItliNT-Furnlshea rooms,810 South ISth
tlb < 12d
FOK KKNT With board , for ono or two gen-
tlemim , nicely furnUlisit loom , gus and
bath room , ut 1718 Dodge st. tt'4
FOK ItKNT Nicely turnlsliod loom , Imiuirc
Omaha Carpet Co. , 1811 Douglas. ca
FOK ItKNT A nice front room , furnished ,
for ono or two goiitloman. Inqulru lOlii
Hurt st. 014
FOK KKNT-3 deslrablo furnished rooms ,
with board ; modern conveniences. B.V
cor. aith and Webater. r 40
POK KKNT Tivo newly furdlshoJ trent
rooms , 2511 St , Mary's ave , on Uroeu Car
Line. ittl
Iiioit KKNT Newly furnished rooms slnglo
nnd en suite , for gontloinun only. O\er
Lester & Morrell's phnrmucy , 16th and Dodge
6t. 449.
FOK KKNT Nicely furnished room * in tine
cottugo , 400Vulnul at , ulght minutes walk
southeast U. 1' . depot , $ C , { 7 and SS per mouth.
F JK KKNT Nicely furnUhod front room
with board. & W , cor. Oth uud bt. Mary's
nvcnuo. : & >
OK ItK.XT Nuwly furnished rooms close to
1' . O. The most deslrablo furnished rooms
in the city , ut i cnsotiablo prices , 1503 Cass Bt.
FOK KKNT Largo nicely lurmshol room ,
suitable for two gentlemen , with table
board ; Uiniuutuj' walk from I' . 0.1511 DoJgu st
FOK KKNT-Furuished rooms , 131 Doduo.
Foil KKNT Elegantly fiunlshod rooms with
out board. All modern conveniences. > j
Dodgo. KJO
FOK KKNT Rlegani anl tleslrablo rooms ,
furnished or uufurnUhud. 1W7 DougUi
Et. Hoturenucsromilrodofnppllcauti. OOi
FOK UKNr Two storu rooms on 16th street ,
Wntor , gas und sewer conuootkmi. a B.
Mayno cor , 15th und Furuam. B.'l
T7\OK KKNT Two lnojHiiJivo | rooms , with
JL1 , bonrd. 19U Webster street 633
7\on \ KRNTfSUjro room on 13th. C. B.
FPAVBD , 3 jN'cp jiith nnd Farnnm. 401
PAVBD STItpKTS to within ono block of
Hcdlck's 0/pt"o only strengthen thnt most
desirable spot for residence. Como nnd see for
joursolf. g iAMES. . 1507 Fnrnnm. 710
6lt nKNT flJi ( a int furnished room * ,
20th St. , ncjr SVMary's avo. Inquire 8. W.
Dodge nnJ i6ta > _ { \ 103
ITWU IlitfT.Wfih board , ono lariro ntoolr
JL' furnished frontft > am , gas and batu roomnt
HOajonosSt. * , y 270
AUK chJheo for Investment SI lots or
All Qto nnd Vixn DornSt * , , opposite
Dnrfco'a 1'nrk. Errtco $2ft ) per lot If ( > oM before
July 1. Itoom 31 Klchnrd's Hlock Lincoln , Nob.
vi i 7tat
SPKINO 1ULL-5 smooth , level lots , JMO
cnch. If tnkonthls week , f , 03 will bur them.
Hush ft Solby , 218 8.15th. 71-5-18
Call nnd verify this statement.
J. 11. Kvnna Se Co. , 1513 Dodge St. 693-17
< nero
A property
In and around
J. B. Kvans & Co. , 1513 DodffO. 093-17
SIIOl'MKN Do not buy unless you see what
lots and what Inducements wo odor you.
Como and sco us before you buy.
710 AMKP , 1M7 Farnam.
X10.T , twoh'ousos on Cumin ? Rt. , SS/iOO.
Graham & Ucnawii , Crlghton llik , 033-19
Fen Svrt ; 3 auros In narktilow's subdivi
sion. c ? t front ; 4 shares In Omaha Dairy
association ; I two-seated buggy ; 4 fine barter
chads. SUB. 091
5ACUE3 Joins Tuttlo'a sub-division , for SBO
an acre.
033 AMES , 1507 Farnam.
$20.1 cash for five bcnmllul. smooth lots In
West Side , If taken thli week , worth p.m
Hush & Sclby , 218 8. Kith. 701-18
Foil SAM : night lota , for un Investment ,
fronting east on M Rt , throohlosks west of
13th ; Btreet car tcrniliitu : fl.'iW , oiiiy forms.
A-J'.Tukcy.or J. 8. Caillllold , 1W4 I'nrnim. COT
S rKClAI , HAKG.YlNS-ln aero property.
Amos , 1507 Farnam. 8o3
CAIH.i ; CARS ( rlvo another advantage to
Iti'dlck's Grove. You will do well to como
and BCO thc o lots , their prices and the class of
people buying. AMES , 1507 rnrnam. 710
Cltf : LtjTS Newport
ANOTIIKH HAUOAIX Loaml 2 houses on
13th st , tor $2,5JO. Amos , 1507 Farnam st.
good Ints , Clifton Placo. ? 1 00 each.
Gialmm & Itenawa , Ciclghton Illk.
FOK SALU-60 lots lu Uauscom place , S80J
to J.J.500.
4 kitsoti Lcnvcnwortli , 81,600.
0 tine lol.s In Marsh ad d.Sl.Wl ) to ? 2ro ; ) .
- ' line lots In Itodlelt'sirrovo , $3lro.
b-room hoii"elotilTliHl ! , corner , on I'opploton
a\o ; n raiob irgaln , MTO.
Flno losldcnco'Oth and Now St Mary's a\o ,
onlv f"i.500.
Al o lull lot , small house. forl,100.
M-lot , O-i oem house1near Fopleton , very cheap ,
' /4-ot,5-roomcotaco ! | , Bhlnn'saddSl,800.
UitOltl32 ) , C-ij6ncottiifo.ootnor | ! , Sitnn'aadd ,
1 hnvo some of tlip choicest business and rosl-
dencopropoityut very low prices. U. 1' . Itlngcr.
11U N. loth. t . , , - ; 075
THR LINKof ImprovomontH takes In llodick's
Grove. Oiff'sulbs thcio are proof of what
the property Is * JKoli it. ASIKS , 1507 Fariiam.
* 710
I7\O \ 118 ALi : Oii'irfonthly ' p xy moilt ? , 3 cotta I ? 03
JL ; of 5 rooms Oiillione mile from postolllco.
Enqulroof WmrGjsor , at Dewoy&Stono's. 074
ATTiXTIoC = . ' 5-room house , barn , lull lot ,
covered wltli-ftulr , east front , tor sale nt n
biirfaln : It wlfl lnDf1 jou to invostljrnto this.
Ames. 1507 FaiftgjtiTJ : : sj
RUDICK'S ADDITlON-Good lot for $2,000.
" wr"
Yo A > ir.s , 1507 gnrnam.
FOH SALE ( iv baialD , flno 0-oom nousu
with moJcrrLc'onvi.'nloiicoa ; full lot ; on
llnrnoy stj aortrTdStu ; TfS JJ. Pottoi ; & Cobb ,
1511 Karnnn ) st. \ Ui'j
i : oist frdnt lots. Virginia nvo , $1,503
JL cucli. Umham & Ucnawn , Ctcii'hton Illk.
FOIt SALH llargalns. House and lot on
Charles st , near Ftroot cars , only $1.700.
2 flno lots on fornur Inl'larrmlon , Sl.iwO.
Klegaut lot null 'argo house , on Georgia nvc ,
House nnd lot close to Cumltig 6t , very cheap ,
? H000 *
: ! elegant lots In Hanscom Place from flr 50to
3 choice lots In nnrrOakoach$750.
And ! ihuidrtd : others equally good. Alwajs
roc us lofoiu jou buy or sell. BlocKd.ilo k
Ittmclior , 1511 Dodgost. Tolejihono 7J" . GT 2J
FOH SALE Ti'iroo now fi-ioom cotttwoa on
21th nnd Plurco sticcts icnay tor oreuiv
ton ! Insldoof iWdays. Small cash payment and
monthly paymenU. T. W. lilnckhurn & Co. ,
solo ajri'iits , head of fct Mary's avo. Ofllco open
day and ovonlnjf. _ _ I'J5 _
Foil RALi : 22 feet on Saundersst , house
looms clstcin , etc , $ Jr < W.
60 leet oust hunt , on S Hinders st , house 7
rooms , well , cistern , etc , W.2JJ.
House cl3runius , lull lot , in Lowe's add ,
Three corner Kits on Sownril tt , Poor
Claho convent , S75) i-iioh ; easy toims.
Ixt22vlX'Ooii Dodge st , near 12th st. Sl iOO.
Slv choice lots in Lowo's add. , fci'.O to $603
each ; cany terms
Lot In bunny Hldo , $1,150.
3 lots on 24 tfi St. , near Farnam , fJO.OOO.
COxllKon 1'nuiain ( corner ) , SW.OOO.
l.Bxl't ! on 1'arnam tt , ( corner ) SJ7/J03.
IIou < oof dooms , halt lot , I/ard st , $ i,500.
Lot In Wc'-t Ilnil , on Dodgost. , 61,100.
Lot In I'clham Place SCOO.
Ilousa of 8-iooms and lot 25x110 , on 13th , near
Paul st. , ? 2.0X ) .
House ol 8 rooms , lot 35x110 , on ISth , near
Paul , f.VTO.
2 houses and full lot , 10th near Webster St. ,
41 foot cast fronf on S. 13th st , SI.S10.
125 feet cast tionton 3.13th St. , > 1 1,090.
Lot on Vlrglnl.i avo. , near Loavenworth St. ,
82,000 , terms oiu > y.
Hlshtooii of the choicest lots In Ilcdford Place
SiW , $50J. J.V/J lor inside , ana iGOO to $ U50 tor
comers. Kosy tcinis.
LotliiNelson'hndd. , cast front , 51,703.
Lot on Sowai-d bt , 3 blocks fiom btreot car
linn , $1,0uu.
Full lot , 3 houses , 18th et , near Lcavcnwoith
st. f 1WIO.
Slots , south fi out , on Hamilton st , near 33th ,
A Ilargnln Muse bo sold. Largo lot , Iirgo
boarding house , b.tin , together with siloon ,
iiool room and barber shop on leaded lot adjoin
ing. Kstnbllbhuii business. fS.riOO for all.
HOIIBO olTi looms , full lot , Dloiido. no.\rSaun-
dors Bt , * 2OOJ.
Money to loan atlowost rate of Interest Goo.
P. llomls 8.V. . cor. 15th and Douglas. 4'JQ
Gioicni : : i : . GIUSOX & co. , 217 South nth
5 acics in IveiiBingtnn , $200 prr aero.
House of 7 rooms with ground lease for four
years , ii-block tiom ccntro of business , choup.
Also 5-room house and burn , ground louse
( i < od buslneur lot ? on Cumliig street , near
Saundora , j,12.'i ,
lloautlful lots facing Hanscom Place in block
0. Call lor price and terms.
A beautiful homo , full lot and S-room house in
Shull's addition. Imigain ; must bo sold.
A Flnorosidcndepn IHh st , bet Bt. tlary'B uvo
and lH5u\c'iiwoiihi'tl'r8Hlo uheap.
Lot 10. block : Hoggs .V Hill's 2d add. 12,000.
Lot 7 , bl < > ck3Iloggs & Hill's 2d add , I OO.
A bargain on Georgia ava. Call.
Housuof lOronipyifulllot , Hunbcom Placo. A
bargain. Call at ollicc.
2 ttoro biillinVin.--\vith ground loosed for 8
yoii . cheap , on.l&thst.
2 full lots , l barn , etln Walnut Hill ,
f2OiW ; easy tot m * .
( i-aciuiicar LUiuorJvo,8lGOO.
Aero lot In Park Place , * 2JUO.
FulllotonJacksoH t.3housc > , $7rp 00.
It-lot on Joncs'bf } Business , f4G3J.
Mfocton Park u vo , near Leavoiiworth , 81,030.
Iltiblut'SJ lot on. , i.1,000.
Ixitsln MurshhVTd trom (750 tolV73 each.
Uits in Potter's mid , tM ) to$7.V )
llcautltul lots InShtiU's add , $1,100 each.
Ixnsin Patrick'sndd.
Ixits In Hansom Place , ( 50 to $ : , CO-
Ixits lu Hunnysldu.
LotB In Crouton. ti)0 ) to $930.
Lots in Paddock Plncc.
IxJts in Saumlcrs X HltnebaugU's ndd , $300 ,
easy terms.
Acru lots and 5-ncro lots west of the city , 8100
per acre.
Lincoln Place lots for sale on easy terras , 8300
to ifKW.
Lots in Ambler place , $173.
Wo will ul&o sell you u lot and build you a
house ; a small p.ij nicnl down and quarterly or
) caily payment * on the balance. O'Jl
O NE-FOUUTH AClinS-Gioonwood.
410 AXIES. 1507 Farnam.
200 T\\Q lots fuclus o3t on Virginia uenuo. .
one a corner lot. will sell the two for 81700
ortholnildeono for $800. terms to butt , IxJV-
irren i Wilde , 1504 Furuam sircct. 723.17
Eou H.VLK 25,000 acres In ono body In Cho-
jetmo county. 10 uil los of rimulut ; water.
T. S. Clarkson , 15JOFruuui. ' 33i
HAUTMAK * Oinsos.Hcal eMato and loan
Agency. 1413 rarnam St. , ottering following
bargains this week :
, lluslnc s Property.
ffl ft. on Tenth M .near Douglas , $ 8,000
GO ft on llarney , Eighteenth and Nine *
toonth MS 8,600
C6 ft. on Fnrnnm and Twenty-second sis , 9.WO
44 f ton Jones ( t , and railroad
rort-onTcnthft. , near Jones , 7,000
Ilouscsand Lots.
Full lot nnd flno residence , Eighteenth
nnd Faruam 53,000
44 ft. nnd flno residence , Twentieth and
Farnam 10,000
22 ft and flno residence , Eighteenth and
Nineteenth and Fnrnatn 8,000
151x190 , with two flno residences , on
Leavoiiworth. . . , . , . 18,000
Largo lot. with two hou o , Ninth nnd
1'nclflo 8,003
Largo lot , with three houses , Eleventh
niidPnolllo 8,503
Small lot. with four-roomed bouse ,
Twenty-third and California sts 2,503
Lot , with four-roomed house , Dnpont
place . . . 1,250
lloautlfiil residence on Pleasant M 7,500
1'lno icsldctioo near cast gate Hanscom
Park 8-jOO
Fine residence , Improvement Associa
tion addition 4,000
Lot , with three gooJ houses , Kountzo &
Hutu's addition 6J500
Ixit , with two good houses , Kotintro ft
lluth'i nddltlon 8,503
Lot , with fovon-roomcd residenceMarsh
nildltlon. 4,000
Lot , with four-roomed residence , Park
Place 1,000
Half ncro , with ten-roomed housePark
Plnco. . . . ! 5,500
Tno full lots , with double dwelling , west
of High school 8,000
Lot. with seven.roomed now houso.Koos *
addition 4,000
Half lot , with neat cottage , near Lcav-
cnworth st 2r03
House and lot , Shull's second addition. . . 3,260
Largo lot , two houses , Park nvo 12,01)0 )
Largo lot. otto house. Park ave 7,000
Fine double brick new two-etoryand
basement , on corner Farnam and
Twenty-sixth 8t . , bargain nt 15,000
Ild'dott tiliovo wo have a largo list of resi
dences In all parts of the clly.
Vacant Lots.
Lots In Himscom Place sooto 2,000
Lotsin lltirrOak Placo$000to 1,00(1 (
Lots In Dnpont Plnco $000 to 703
Lots In Dwlght & Lyimm's addition H'iO
tn 700
Lotsln Kirkwood nddltlon 8475 to & 50
Ixitsin KilLy Place ViOOto 1 00
Lotsln Lowo'srdlltlon V8W to 1,000
I.nNInMnrah'saddition 8JOXto : i.500
Lots In Paddock Place flJimto 2,000
Lots on Wo t I'lirnam and Dodge $ " > 00 to 1,513
Lfltsln Lincoln Place 83QO to 400
Lots in nil other additions ns low as can bo
purchased from any other flim In the city.
Wolinvo alM > a l.irgo list of Improved and un
improved farm lands In all patts ol the state.
Also have money to loan on ImprmoJ farms
nt low wto of Interest.
Special Notice * . Hnvlnir no property ot our
own on the market to "boom , " wo fool assuroJ
In haying that we am In position to louder the
most perfect fiullsl'aollou to both seller and
buyer. Wo will tnUo pleasure In shoivlugjou
the propel ty on our books nnd pointing out to
you n bat wo think are \HU.UNS
No charge lor advertising ptopcrty and no
clmrgo for showing property , whether you buyer
or not. 729-21
FOKSALIl-nyT.W. Blackburn & Co. , Heal
listato Agfiits , head of St Mary's Avo.
Genuine llui gains-
tot 1 , liniy'n sub-division , lltirr Oak , f 1,000
Lot in block 15 , Hiin com Place , JtvO
70 feet front , block 14 , Hanscom PlitooSI.2M
lUrt front , liurr Oak , 750
Lot tn block 15 , Hanscom Place , ? 800
Lot In block 13 , Hans'om Place , ? l."iO
Lot In block I , J. L lloiliek's add. . ? 2,003
And other bnranlns in houses nnd lots.
Allpilcos. Easy terms. 7JJ-18
li ; LOTS Pnttt's Sub-division
410 AMES , IS 19 Fnrnnn.
B iVKllAINS m improvud nnd uiilmprovo.l
pioporty. W. H. Oiecii , 215 8 i lib st. 8.t2
MAN who wants to get n lot on which to
b'llld should see what we can offer him. Do
not buy until jou see us. It Is to your Interest
to know what wocanoffcryou.
710 AMES , 1507 Farnnm.
T foot front on ParK ave , 82,100. Graham &
I O ilcnawn , Ciulghton Ulk. 99 IS )
BEFOHC buying. BCO us nnd .earn what In
ducements wo can give > ou In gottiug
homos. No line of property equals ours In
North Omaha. See the lots.
710 AMKg. 1507 Farnam.
Wo have throu additions in
MECHANICS , dlxldod Into city lots on and
near Samulcrs street. You can buy tlicmo
that youcnnbuild jour nousobofoto pajlug-for
your lot AMES , 1507 rarnam. 710
STOKE bul'dlng nnd Huts , runts for $50 per
month , ? J,000. Graham & lionawc , Crolgh-
ton Illk. C90-19
FOK s.VLE tour inrs , cor. California and
30th sU. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on
Cumlng st , 58.50 and f950 each. Potter & Cobb ,
1516 Piirnninst. & 19
BAKO.VIN'on Cuining stioot nt $1,500. Grn-
ham & llcnawn , Crclgbton Illk. bM-19
FTfll SALE Ix.iso 1 school lands inttiiPtsot
EO acrns nnd upwnids , no taxes to pay on U. F. Daviai Co , l" > Jj
Fnmnmat 72a-m23
SOUTH OMAHA S-iooni house , lot 150x113 ,
033 A.MKS. 1507 Fnrunin.
KCIIAIinillLL lots sell on their merits
Low pi ices and ensy termsKlvon , Call nt
C. E. Mnyno's olllco and got n plat. 203
WM83 Sub dlv acre lots nt halt price , M
cash , bal 1,2 and 11 years Sale commences
Monday , May 10th , to be closed out in one week.
Ludulclc .t Soiy , so cor 15th nud Douglas. 471
11AHUAINS-77 feet on Farnam ,
SPECIAL ; 200 lect on rnrnam $10,000. T. S.
ChirKson 1WD raniham 397
Tn'O lots on Gi-orgla nvo , $1JO each. Gra-
liam it Honawa , Crolghtoii Illlt. UiU-lU
7/1011 SALE-Lots In Lowo's 1st ajdltlon ,
J south fronts , easy turms , only JJ33. Potter
& Cobb , 1515 I'limn n st bll
TTlOKSALi : Atowoftho best ots In Wllcnx'a
JU add. nt $ JOO oaoli. Potter it Cobb , 1511 Kar-
nam tt. _ '
T7XOK SALE Or Tr.vlo lmprovc'1 nnl utilm-
JJ jirovod lands in I'limns nnd ot lor western
counties. Address Win. Slmoral , Arapihoe ,
FurnosCo. Nob. 275
E3T In llurr Oak tor eOJ ; $ ir > u cash , balance
0,12 AJIFS , 1H07 r.irnam.
SIES I'LACE-No such lots In any other I < v
callty at the tirlcm asked. _ 411
P OK SALE Ciit-ip lots lii liuir Oak , lusr east
ofllanseom Purk , near street CUM , 975) , e.isy
terms. Potter & ( 'obb. 1115 rnmaiii st Kit
CUE LOTS-Cote Ullllanto
_ 410 _ AMES. 1507 Fiirnnm.
TmoKSALE-Throo tine loU In Salmi's 3d aJd.
JU atf 3JJ each. Pottur & Cobb , ID1J Funiam.
[ 847
_ _
TmOKSALK Two lots In Plamviow , il't ) e.ich *
JL' Potter & Cobb. 1515 Fat nniu Ht. _ O'ri
LOTS In Lincoln Plnco on Dolt line , $325 to
$ 15 ; 10 tier cent down. Giaham & llcuuwu ,
Crolghlon Illk. GJ9 19
WF.ISS Sub ( iiv 33 nero lots "i milo from
city limits , 150 to $503 per ncro , that Is halt
pilco. Ludwick & Sony , fee cor )5th& ) Douglas.
FOIt SALE 1,200 ncro ranch , living water
running thioiigh land. Can out 1 .000 ton
hay otr land ; also inu brad cattle , 30 uoad horses
with [ ioci)8snry ) implonirnts , ice. , io. , ic. , to run
said ranch' . Price $13rVXX ) . Address Hart &
MoAndrow , Alnsworth , Nobr.
AI-.oU10 acres school land appraised at 83.03
per aero , running SO yoarj ut six per cent , with-
nit mllusot Alnswoith ; living water and will
take $040 tor loaso. Adilross Hurt & MoAndruw ,
Alnsworth , Hi own Co. , Nobr. R37m2J
ON PAltK AVK-A residence U offorod. most
deslrablo In all icspects. The lot la US feet
front by 110 feet deep to 20 foot alloy , A good
houbo and out-buildings , lawn and ibrubory
Uriels' started. tHieet curs by the door nnd a
neighborhood desirable lu all respects. Price
und terms reasonable.
710 AMM.1S07 Farnam.
V17EST OMAHA 2 elegant ncics for resl ;
denee. A bargain ,
UI3 AMES 1507 I'arnam.
FOKSALE Doit5 aero tracn in the murkot ,
only $200 par ucro. Inqulro about them.
Potter A ; Cobb. 11 n Farnnm. 8 VI
OKSALE-Acto lots , GUo'sadd. , only 31,51)
Potter i Cobb. 1513 Tanunt. 857
I'LACE No griidTnif nccdo j levof
lots. AmeJ , 1BJ7 Furnara bt 411
YOU afford to buy without looking over
CAN properties wo olfor ? Whether for rcsl-
dcnco or investment our line of property Is un
equalled. Como and InvodlUuto thi-lr meiits.
710 AM ES , 1007 Fnrnam.
Hast front on Delaware street , Hunscom
place , beautiful lot. $ J,100. Lovincn &
WiKlo , 15011'arnuiii btiuct 723
HOPMKN-Now la jour time tobuyhou ts
North Omaha Id the tulj aiiciiig' und popular
plJcs to invest ut. Como mid too u hat wo can
otloroti. AUKS , 1507 Fanmm.
WEISS-Sub. dir. This now sub. div. Id
laved out In ucro lots for gale Monday May
10th at null price. Ludwick & Bony , 8. a. cor.
15th and Douglas.
\\rElSS-Subdlv. U'hU beautiful ncrn prop.
erty will bo closed out luouo week at half
price , comuiiiiiiliig Monday , May lOtlu Lud
wick & Scay.k o. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. 1T1
RUSH * SELHT offcr-
60 \ - cantlots in Hanseom Place. 1753 to
fs lots on nnd near Lake < rrX > to * M4
10 lots near Sherman nvo , 1100 to $000.
Hlolson Cnlirornlast , ITUOlo $750.
3 lots on Charles st , $ siO to J'XO.
Slots on N. 2flth st , $1.200 to $1,40) .
1 lot on Howard , corner , fl.OJO.
1 lot , lloyd's ndd , $ .X)0. )
IIotllllMldnadd , $ U-MO.
1 lot , Mlllnrd fi Cnldwoll's tidil , $ W.
1 lot corner , Denl o' ndJ , fl.UKl.
2 kits , Dwtght & Lvmnn'g , $ U1 to i(5X
Slots , Shlnn's2d.$850.
120x110 foot on 15th st. S3JTOX
fiOxMH feet on Ifith st , f.l,1JO.
01x132 feet , 15th and Marcy , f5,003.
173x135 foot , near Hnrncy , $ U.ooti.
10 lots foiilti of II. It. tracks , $ \MQ \ to $3.40J.
M lots north of Cttmmlng it , f XX ) to $1,250.
Homos nnd lots
N. 20th st , $ lNM , cnsh down $ . 3.
N. Slstst , f lr V ) , cash down $1,01) .
( loorglnavitI.OiW. . cash dow u ? 3,030.
8. 15tli st , $2 0) ) . cash down fl.OOJ.
S inth st , viaduct. f.l. iO , cash down t-JDM ,
N. W. pnrt city , will take team , Sl.OJJ.
Corner lot , B houses , $3f iO.
Corner lot-2 house * , $ -'KXX )
Hnn < com Place , MIOU. cash down 31,100.
Virginia nvc , $3)0. cash down Sl.ouk
Topjilctou nvu , $3,003 cash down ? J,000.
Charles tt , $1.703 , cath down $70) .
Nelson's ndd , $1,7J < \ cash down $103.
Pnundors st , $2 50. cash down $ 50.
take st , $2OJO , cash down tloU
King st , $1.700 , cnsh down { 3.KX
inth ft , $ .ltV)0cnsh ) down $1,00) .
IHth st. $1WO , cash down $1,100.
0th , near St. Mnry'8. f5 60 , cosh down ft90.
acres with house , $ t A . -
U aero with houso. $3.500.
to acres , Micant.iS.V ) .
Warehouse lot on track , $3,000.
Warehouse lot near track , lOittit ! , $3,000.
And ton tltnos as many itioroln all parts of
the city. Vacant lota everywhere. Knob. &
Belby , 213 S. 15th. BiM
ROOBltS ADDITION 7-room house , corner
lot , $3,003.
633 AMES , 1507 Farnnm.
SAUNDKUS ST. lo ono of the moit Important
nnd growing streets In Omaha. Como and
see the lots in Its locality that wo ofTcr on
prices and terms ue\or excelled and seldom
710 AMES , 1007 Famam.
B AllGAINlnloton Dodge st , , $1,100 If sold
now. Graham & llonnwa , Crolghton Illk. J
TnOHHACK-oih9oi : has forsalo ots In Hani-
JL ? com Place , $300 to Jt.HOO.
Gibson has for sale houses nnd lots tn Hans-
corn Placo.
Gibson has for sale houses and lota In all parti
f the city.
Gibson has improved farms and lands la alt
parts of Nebraska for sulo or otolianuo.
Gibson has thousands of acres ot land In
Western Nebraska for sale from (3 to ti per
Gibson would llko to see you if you want to
buy or Sbll.
Gibson's U the place to list your property. Call
and see him at Iloom J , Withnnll Olock , cor. 15th
nndllartiOTStj. 830
lot on Vlrtflnla avo. near Woolworth ,
G (1,153. Grab am & llcnawa , Crolghton Illk.
Patterson Park acrcsonly 3'4 miles S. W , from
oiiirt house ; near canning factory , near WeU
Side ; beautiful view ; U milo from Belt LI no.
'llio nuwosl and best ncro piupurty on the mar
ket for the price , 8253 to Sl" > 0 per acre. Ench
ner will make o lots. Only to per cent down required
quired , balance monthly. Como soon. I ) . C
Pattersonlion Dink Ilitlldlng. ( Ut )
TANSCOM FLACn-JlO choicest lots. Cheap.
1Uuy quick. T. 8. Clarl-aan , 153J Farulmm.
" 171OIC SALi : Ono of the nicest 8-room 'ouses
JD In Shlnn's addition , with cl'y water , &c. ,
complctiPrlco low. O. F. Davis & Co. , IMS
Farnain atroot. 700-m22
"TTiOll SALE 3room cottigos on very easy
Jj terms. Ptlco 81.010. Win. J. Paul. : tuth nnd
Charles or 1139 N. 19th st 212-23'
. CIH5 LOrS-llrlghton
L 410 AMES , 1507 Farnam.
W12ISS Sub dlv. 38 acres Just platted lu ncro
lots tor a lie , commencing MonJay May 11 ,
from $350 to $5'JJ. Adjolnlnjrncro sell for STOJ
to $800. Luuwluk & So.iy , so cor 15th and
Douglas. 471
JOTS on Dodge Bt. , Kllby Place. $000 eiich ,
Graham iV Bon-awa , Crolghlou Illk. OU'J-19
: J1ES I'LACE Lots sold to tboso who want
A homes they can pay for. 411
HANSCOM PLACE -7-room house , barn , :
lols , $5,003.
UJJ AMK. , 1507 Purnam.
Ilr reneon of Its c ntrrl position and clonn relation Co
all principal Hues in : t anil West , at Initial sml tir-
iiliiftl poiatK. coii4tltiit i the moat Importune mltS-
ontlnont'tl link In tbat nynem of tlirouplt trnnfpnn
tatfon wblrh Invites and farllllatitrav l ant ! traffic
hotweon cities of tlio Atlantic nnd Parlflr Conntg It
la alia the rnvorlto and lifitt loute to and from points
I vst. NrrtliiA t anil bnutlipiut , nnd corrc poudinff
( lolntf West , Northwest anil South ckt.
The Croat Rock island Route
Omrantoor lu jutrom that SFIIFI. of penoniil BOOT.
Illy nrrunltvl hy n. milI. thoronililv hnlUm l roatl-
ii il Mnontn tmrtin of oniulnnoiia frri roll , inlifton-
Hullv hull ; culroiti and UililRci , iolllnic Ktook near
l > ii.Ttlcjn in Inanan lilll inn make It tlix nufetj
itniill UICPI orplU'llt IJMITiMl.plntfoiiiKniHl alr-hr kcj.
* lll I IlllL .IYnf flllf ( ll i.f nlllll. tvllliili irnvflniu | , A ricn. . !
iim.ifiiM imy uuiicueu mariuiicniit rniim n Painc
lllutpir ; < or the jitcn ilcjlcn. anil mmi.liioin Dlnln
Unrn , In uhli'aelAlmnitfly rookf > ( | niiils arulrlutirel
rntrn littwcnncijlciiiraaiid Kan nMCItraiul AUIilaoi
are also run tb Celebrated ItetllnliiKCImlr Cars.
The Fnmous Albert Loa Route
Is the dlrrct and faiorltu Una between Chlcjiuo na
MlmieapolliaiidSt. J'aul.uhero connertloliKuiumado
lu Union liepoti for all tiolnta in the Trnltoilui ami
Hrltlih 1'rorlncu , Orel thl * mute rait Kipnt *
Irnlm mi ) run to tlio walerlnir 1-laccj , runimi r la-
sorts , pU tnres'ina lo , alltlei , and ) nmllnr anil lUhlnu
einundi of Iowa ami lllunviiolti. It I. nW tlio nio.t
.loili ble rnulnto the ililiwh at llvldi and pu loral
lamia nt Intorlnr Daknti
htlll onothir DIHI.CT LINK. TlaSens aM > | K n-
kukrn , hi brnn opemnl hutw rn rinrinnMI , Imllun-
apnlll unit I.atuyciii. nnd L'ouilrll Illuirc , KaMMihCHy ,
tilMTicapolli and Ht. I'uul and lnterin iiuo points.
1-or delallrd liifonnntliiii ma JIni > und ( uldcrr ,
obtnlnihlp , ut well an ttckets , at all | irlnclp l' t
OHUe > In the UnltcJ BUttJ ud Cauodai or by ail-
It. R. CABLE , C. ST. JOHN ,
P Sw't * Qcu'l M'c'r. Ocn'l T'kt t J'o a. Ag't ,
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tn o only road to tnKo Doj MOIIID ? , Mar-
hn Itown , Cedar Uapld * , Clinton , Dixie. Chlcjia
Slllwunlieo and all I'olnis oast. To tlio ponplu of
Nobmska , Cnlounln , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho
Nevudn.OreHmi , Wushlnirlou ami California It
otTeri superior advantages not po sblp | by nny
olhcr line
Among a few of tlio Humorous notntbotsupu-
riorltyoiiJoyeUby the patrons or thU road bo-
tuLonOmuhn und Cblciigo , nru its tuo tinlnsu
day of DAV COACIUIjtlilch uio the llno-,1 thut
human nrt and Intrentilly can crcnto. Its 1'AI ,
At'K SLKUl'INO OA1U , whiclt urn moduli of
ciimfott und clctrunco. Us I'AllI.Oit DUAWINU
HOOM CAItS unsuinassud bvunv. and lu wido-
] y coieriraiixl I'ALATJAL DINING OAH3 , tna
equal of which cannot be found oU.oivhoru.
Al Council1 lllulfs the trains of the nnloii 1'acv-
flu Hy. connoot in Tnlon Depot with thosq of the
Chicago & Northweiitorn Uy , In ChlcilifO the
trains ot thU line make cloje eoiiiiectlon with
those of nil eastern lines ,
For Dptioit , Columbus. IndlauapolU. Cincln
null , Nlaifunj Fulls. Ifuirnlo , I'lttsburjr. Toronto
Montreal , Uostow , New York. I'hilaUulD'tla ' , 1U1-
tlmor , Wat > hIngton nnd all points In tbo past , UJK
llio ticket agent for ticket * via the
Ifyou wish the boat accommodations. AlltluVet
Qenarti Muuu.'er QOIJ. I'ass. Azoaf
. Vcrram unit rhr l M Pabllllf
rr ro tnr I > "lln in linn , Krr0rs of Yontu , nnd th
nntold ml rlf i rottiitlnz from lmtMcr tlna unit ot
tffttt. i boo * tor c r mnn. jonne , mlddlo-med
nrt olil. HoontMni Uiprf rrli < tlnn for nil neme nnl
rhronloJlixmse' , mrnoi f ot which H Inmlnitiin. S
found t > 7lb ntliorwb < na orpi > rlrnrf fat W rvtnlt
inch probublf noror DOforpfoll o the lot of ir
pnfuimm .wlpustn , bounJ In bountiful Krinoti muK
'n. pmrtrmiieil coven. fK" 'lt , < nmrnnlae1to handnsr
work In irerT -tnpehsnlfsil. . Illoriirr nmiprnfa *
ilonM-thnnnnT nthor work In thli rnnntrr fortMX
or th money will Bflrff mid In fiftT Imt/ineo. Prlc
rnlr II by ronll , ' . . Illnitrnlnl nimplo , Dlv
Pendnow. Uolilmoilslnwnrdort thsmittiorbrtlu v
UoniilM illcM Aiioclntlnn. to tlin linn A IV HI'Oll ,
mil mimenito omcnrs of the boirrt thi ronlarlirn *
* PThii Selanra'oT ' l.l'f a ' ' worth more trt IB > Tonni n1
< nl < lrtlorn > l men n ( thli conorttlnn tlHn nil tli ol t
mlnci orUilltornliniKl tbo tUrarmlnM of N arH
comblnnil.-S. V. ChfonlClo.
The S-lcncn of IJfo poln ont the rocVi wj quick-
. ncl on wiilrh the oonrtltuHon inihnoM of m nr
N rouni man hnvo b < en fnfxl r wrcckoa. Manohoitaf
ThS'sctone * of t.lfnl o ( troilor vntua thnnnlttH *
rnfrtlcvil worlit publlshml In thli country ( orlbopiil
10 TO r . Allnnta ConKtltutlon.
ThaScloncoof UfoU n superb t > n < l mi jtorlr tr
IM on nerruut nnd ptirslejl dobllltr.-I > otrolt fraj
Addre ith0 rsAhoJr MoJIcnl tnstltuta. or Dr W. tt
rurker.No. lluliancrt troot , tlonon , M n.irno m r
b ooniult il on U dliunsot raqninna ( kll land aipert-
rncp. Chronic nnit obnlnnta iU oj oi lhntb Tab f-
fleil iho iklll of nil othorptiritclnni n ipsclaltr. MUCH
tronfeil nccc fuUr wlihout an i nstnuoaof lallar *
Mention Omnh mo.
OUA1.KRS lit
HallfsSafet.Vaulis.Tim locks
and Jail Work.
1020 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
RedTStar Line
Carrying the noljrlum Hoyal nnd United Statoi
Mftll.snllln ? every Saturday
Between Antwerp & New York
Salon from ( GO to ( .103. Excursion trip from
{ 110 to $180. SuconU Cnbm , outward , H3 ;
picinlls4"i ( : excursion. ( H ) . Sloeraso nassasn
at low rales. I'otor Wright A. Sons , General
Aircnts , 53 llrondwity , Now Vork.
ilcury I'un it , 1. Ms 1'uiiuiin pr. : Paulson Co.1
1.TI3 Knrnnm : It. O. rnu-man , ITS I Fnrtinm Rt.
Clilcap Milwaukee & SI. . Paul
The ShortLine
and Best Route
From Onuhato the East.
Chicago , Minneapolis. Mlhvuulcoo ,
PU Paul , Cedar ItupUH laJtiporr. .
Clinton. Kocltford ,
Hock Island , Frcoport , Jnno vlllo ,
r.igm , Madison , LaCroSiO ,
lU'lnlt , Winoiin-
Aadull other Important points East , NortUoii
nnd iJouthc.ut
Ticket ofllco nt 1101 Farnam stioot , ( m Paxton
Hotel ) , and at Union PaclUc Depot.
Pullman aleopurs nnd the Finest THnlnff Cara
In the World are run on the main Hues oC the
ovcry attention H paid to nuiaentrora by oouit -
oils employes of the company. >
li. , Qoneral Iiuiuaror.
J. V. TrcKKit , AssKtaut General Manager.
A.V. If. CAIIPESTEII , General Passansoranl
* °
GKO. K HiA FOaD , Assistant Oouor.ill'.ujoa
_ _
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock ,
Grndo Systems and Seworaifo for Cities
nnd TOWIH a specialty. 1'hins , Cttltnatos nn-J
Spcclllcatlons for Public anil other KiiKlnoerlnir
vorks furnished. Bnrvuya nnd Report made
on Publlo Impioveiuuntd.
ANDRUW IlosBWtTnrt. Member American Boo o
Gty Civil Unvlnoer * . City Knarlnoerof OmaUa
EO. U. CIIIIHTIE , Civil Enjrlnoer.
England , France & Germany./
The stoniiiftlilpi of thU well luiowu line are
built of lion , In wntur-tlirit | compnrtinont > 3 , nnd
uio furtiluhed with every icriulslto to inuko thu
pnssug-o both Bafo nnd nirrconbln. They curry
thu United Htntofl find European nmlH.nnd lonvo
New VorltThursdays nnd Saturdays for Plv-
moulh. ( LONDONUUorboiisI'AUIa ) ( and HAM-
Kdturninv , the stcumors lonvo Itambiirpr on
Wednesdays uud Bundnyaln. . Hnvro , taking
piwoniroi > at Southampton and London.
First cabin S" 'J , 4.03 and 575 ; Steonvjo fit.
Itiilhoad tickets from Plymouth lo llrlstol , Cur- '
dlir. London , or to uny plnco In thoBouth of
IJniilniid , FItnn. Bteomifo from Uuropo only
125. Bund for "Tourist 'iiizetli' . "
ail. HICHAUD&CO. ,
0 en oral 1'nRsoiiKcr Afronts ,
Cl Broadway , Now Vork ; Wushlugtou and La
Bullu tts. Chicago. 111.
Or ttie Liquor JlCiibil , t'osltltety
Cnrctl I > y Aclntlnlstorln lr.
lliilnnu1 aoldtMi fipvcllln.
It can bouUcil lu n cup ot colTi'ii or tf.i without
tlio knuwleiltrcor tli person tnklnu llliiatjolulvfy
aarmlcsi , und will effect n pprnmiitMituii't Kneqily
cure , whet'.ifr the patient li a moderate c'rlukor ' or
iu lucotiollu wreck. It lias been given lu HIQU.I-
ni.ida of raws , and In nvoi y Inrtuncs yttleui euro
Imstolloucil. It ni'vor lullx. 'Ilia rynttm < mco
Imptrsihttod will ) Iho Bpvcl.'v , It lircouiuiuu uttel
linpojulljIUty for thu liquor appetite to exUt-
FonsAi.r. IIY roLLowrNO DftoaaibTS :
ICIIHN ifc CO. . Cor. i5tli nud Uauclati. and
ISlh it ( Jinnlnn Hu. , Oniiilui , Neb. ' '
A. D. KOSTF.Jl ib II11L\ .
Canucil liluflM , loiva.
Call or write for pamphlet conuilnliiir Lundreda
fromtli bct women uudmoutraim
Notice to Contractors ,
Sun ON , Cl.AY Co. , NIMI. , May H , 1RSO.
Tlit Hoard of Truttcos of Holiool DUtiiot No.
" , Cluy County , Kubrunka , will rocelvo
bids up lo a o'clock p. m. . Muy 31 , IBM ) , for the
erection of u brick Bolioiil hoiife , I'onslithiif of
olKht looms , to ho built in nccordnne'j with the
plain nud xpccl Horn loin for the same , whloli
may be aeon nt the olllco of thu modulator of >
Haiti dliili let In Huttoti , NobiiiHkn , nftei1 liny"
IWH. 11 olilH tn bo nuroinpniiiou by Kitiiiplvo ot
the vurluu * kinds of nintcihil to bo tiswil In tlio
ooiistriiollon of en Id bullUluif , the tiiimpluu of
thn Kucct > 84lul blddor lo ionium nn duposll with
thobchool hoiii il until the bulldlnirlsbtmiplulrd.
1I1J3 to boopotidaiiiloyninlicdnfiorUo'cO3lc ] !
n. m. , May : ii , 1H * ) . Tlio euccotsriil blildur will
bo roitiliod | to Kl\oun uppiovid risldent bond
In the amount of the continue pr'uo of gn'd
woiktorthu fnlthfiil prilmimuicu of tlio con
tract Thi > itifht Is irguriruil in rnirc t nny unit
ull bld4 ll'di to bu i-iiilorMid , "lilila fur I hi )
Kirctlou of thoSiittonHchool lloueu. "
Mn > 15aot Jos ( Jinn : , Director.
SEB\5T C. O. D.
I I'AV all r i prom rharjo to all polnti within 3 < 0'
nillm. I oiH'vaiTltirin to Mlutt Ham Ond t o niA
I' ree. A uctiin of y cjutU.
ftil Imprudouce cuuiltr
Prenittturo Decny , N .
vousi > el > ulty.LwManJ
- ,
J-ltKl.tu till leltow-aufferen Ad < frc
J. U.KLCVUS.IJUuiithtn + trcct. New