THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : t TUESDAY , MAY 18 , 188G. THE DAILY EE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' TUESDAY MORNING .MAY. 18. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABL STREET. tcJI\ci-td liy cnnicr In nnypnrtof tlio city nt twenty cents per week. II.V. \ . TILTOX , . . . Manager. 'TELEPHONES ! rE , No. 43. NKIIIT EIUTOII No. 23. MtNOU MUXTIOX. New spring Roods nt Heller's. The district court opens to-day , Leonard & .Jewel rcfrltrcrnlors nt Cooper & MeGco's , No. 41 Mnin struut. Tlio polieu niado ono arrest yesterday , n plain drunk , the iirst unrest since Fri- thty lust. Tlio cnscs against Andrews nnd Mrs. Cole wore yesterday dismissed in Justice Schurz's court. The "Quick Meal" IB n quick seller ; como and pet ono before they are gone. Cooper & MclJce. Permit to wed wns yesterday given N. F. liasmnsscn nud Agnus M. Johnson , both of NeoU , Jerry Meyers having left the I'hicnlx , his old friends can linn him for the pros- .cnt at the Bochtolo hotel. Tlio grand jury will begin work this week. One of thu Iirst cases to bo brought tip will bo the Coffman case. Tno Alabama Minstrels , that gave four performances at thu opera house lust week , goes out on the Q. road to show this week. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Lnvcn * burg WIIR hold yesterday from the homo of hur son in Hardin township. She wns 01) years of ago , and was a native of Ohio. 'She had resided in this state for forty- four years. The Sanders boys , who have gained no little notoriety as sneak thieves , tire said to hnvo blossomed into young highway men , and to have attacked and robbed a little boy named Smith , garroting the litllo follow after the manner of profes sionals. The advance brigade of Colo's big show was hero yesterday billing tlio city for Juno 7. The show has always drawn big crowds hero , and with its past record and the many now attractions added this season , the tents will be crowded with out doubt. It n expected that Major Williams will be tried at this term of court for shoot ing a follow conlidenco man in the .Union Avenue hotel. It is understood that instead of further attempting to prove that ho was not the man who iircd tlio fatal shot , the "major" will ad mit the shooting , but claims that ho did it in self defense. The gambling house that has for sever al years boon located on Broadway over the Pluunix saloon has been removed down stairs. Ono of the proprietors yes terday said to a BEE man , "all the other gambling is done on the Iirst lloor of buildings nnd we've got to do as others do. Wo save nearly $100 n month rent by our move , and I tell you wo haven't taken in any more than that lately. " G. W. Fisher , president of the National Cutters' association , and head cutter with ; F. E. Stubbs , the merchant tailor , No. COO Broadway , has gone east to complete i the arrangements for the convention of the cutters , to bo held in July next at . Put-in-Bay. Mr. Fisher has been presi dent of the association for several terms and is said to bo ono of the Iirst cutters. Bo will return on Saturday next to his position with Mr. Stubbs , in whoso cm- ploy ho has been for the past two months. Holsler don'thandlo " " any "snide" ga GARDEN HOSE , WARRANTED GOOD 4c per foot , lee per foot , 2-Jc perf oot. HOSE NOZZLES , Of till styles. HOSE REELS , LAWNSPIUNKLEKS , Etc.Etc ' NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY Opera House Block. Personal 1'nrnf-rftplin. George Schindele has gone to Chicago on business. i S. P. Folsom , the paving contractor , is at the Ogden. Major George E. Cole , of Pacific Junc tion , was nt the Pacific house ycstoVday. i Miss Ln Patton has returned from Call- ' fornia , where she has been for a number of months. ' A. B , Thornoll , district attorney , is in the city ready for the business of the dis- , triot court which . - , opens to-day. H Ofllcor Beswlck has so fnr recovered J. from his injuries ns to be able to walk e > out a little , but is still far from being t' ' able to go on duty. C. A. Davis , the press agent of Cole's circus , was in the city yesterday , with the advance brigade , billing the city. Mr. ? Davis has visited the city for several sea- < eons past , and is known far and near as . _ . ono of the truest gentlemen in the liusi- sf-ncss. Ho is an old newspaper man , and lii nt home with the press gang , and al ways a welcome caller. , After a thorough investigation wo are , convinced tent the "Quick Meal" is the ' bust gasoline stove made nnd shall make fl it our loading stove this season. Cooper " ft McGou. Do Vol sells Golden Star gasoline , ranges , best iu market. No. 501 B'way. t , - . nig Show for rifttlo Money. - The King , Burke & Co's circus , which , appears hero Thursday , Friday and Sat- , nrday , is the big dime show of the sea- on , The Springfield State Journal This popular circus gave two of their ( enjoyable entertainments yesterday in the afternoon and evening , and their tents were filled to overflowing with ' 'pleased audiences on both occasions. Their specialties are all of a high order of merit and possess briirht attractions Which captivate crowds of people , The nanicH of the prominent performers and their particular acts have been particu larized in previous notices , and it only remains to be said that the more fre quently their acts of daring and skill are witnessed , the more marvelous appear UMI uoliiovenieuts and the greater the admiration for the control and mas tery. . , , „ j Imvo a few water coolers which w I , wll | sell very cheap to close them out. Cooper & McGt'o. I s ll the celebrated Twin Burner gnso * Mae stovo. That double burner beats Ilium all. A 4-burner same price as a ! ! burner ; n U-burncr same price as u 2- INMiiur. W A. Wood , 5U ( Main. Tlio Woman's Kxchnngn. 'J finvo yon tried the elegant homo-mado btetid , rolls , cookies , cakes , ginger gems , pies , Saratoga chips , tialads , ice cream , lope , jellies , etc. , prepared to order by the woman's exchange ! If not , go nt nee und patronize the ladies who nro tbtui laboring to render a household with out a servant to bo dreaded Mian heretofore. Country butter to order. Plain sowing o.lcited. _ . . . Satisfaction guaranteed with every nick Meal" gasoline stove , or money HHilcd , Cooper & McUco. At ( lie Pacific Home you will get all the comforts of hfyh-prlccd hotels and i from 00 ccnti to $1 per dny. Try it be convinced ; MORE PROHIBITORY WARFARE , The Reports of Those Holding County Per mits Being Inspect ; < ! A BEWILDERED YOUNG LADY. Various Newsy Items Ontlicroil In nntl About the IJIufTs"Porsonntg" 1'lic Wotnnti'p ' KvcliniiKO The Dime Show. Peering Into the tlccorils. Tliuro Is n good prospect of trouble for some of tlioso who nro selling into.xicnt * inc liquors niulcr tlio county permit cysteni. Those wlio have county permits giving them the right to sell for scientific , medical , mechanical nnd sacramental purposes nro required under the law to lilo monthly reports showinjr the amount of liquors on h.intl , tlio amount pur chased , nnd n detailed statement of the amount sold , to whom sold , for what purpose und the price. These statements liavo to bo sworn to , nnd nrt supposed to bo looked over by tlio authorities. The making of reports has , in many instances , been a mere matter of form , nnd Httlu attention has been paid to tlio matter. Irregularities are said to c.xist in many of thcbc , some not being sworn to , others being defective by the absence of certain items required by law , and some arc made up In such a manner HH to bo almost unintelligible. In some places in the state much trouble has been already caused by these defective and irregular reports. Now It seems that the .storm is about to break on Pottawattamio county. Yesterday there arrived here a younfr looking man , near sighted , and having ii rather foreign air , who proceeded to the county auditor's oflice , and there de manded to see tlio reports liled by trosc selling under a county permit. Tlio assistant auditor wanted to know why this request was made , and what the stranger was going to do with thorn. "I uo not know as I am required testate state my reasons for asking to boo them. They are matters of public record , arc thov not ? " The assistant auditor was not certain about this. When Auditor Clausen came in the stranger was given permission to go ahead with the examination. Ho se cured the services of a short hand report er , and commenced on the work of going through these reports , dictating various matters as he discovered them. It seems that the inquisitive stranger is no other than L. W. Goslin , who now re sides at Lu Mars , and who lately resided at Carroll. He is a young attorney , who has been working on such cases at Sioux City and other places. It is apparent that he is gathering np material for the grand jury , which begins work to-day. jVhother no will succeed in getticg any indictments , and causing any offenders to be punished , remains to bo scon. It is not known how ho is paid. The pro hibition alliance may be paying him a salary or a per cent , and perhaps he gets some amount of the lines which are col lected as the result of his prosecutions. Go to Beard for loom mouldings. Hei&ler pells the best 5e and lOo cigars hi the market. No. 03 Broadway. Substantial abstracts of titles and rno estate loans. J.V. . & E. L. Squire , 10. Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Honor to [ the [ Heroes. The committee having iu charge the decoration of the graves have the follow ing roster of the dead soldiers , and lest there may bo some omissions the list is published. Those who know of any other names snould report them prompt ly to W. McFaMen or Captain Russell : IN FAinVIKW. Chris Wcrlch. Alex Shoemaker , Dr. W. 11. Osborn , Joe Wheeler , Dr. A. B. McKune , J.V. . Phillips , Win. Knox I'rof Classic , Lewis llenn , Win. Spiinger , 1) . A. Cunningham , E. M. 0. Aiansliclcl , A. E. Steinmctz , Jason llubbnrd , Win. Puller. Tlios. Seymour , Win. J. Fuller , J. J. Jnokson , .Tnincs Alllbon , 11. Fisher , F. Itust , F. U. Dannlnger , Orln llersliey. S. II. Cas&ady ! Herman Uosch , Homer C. liall , Maitin Hoffman , Win. II. Taylor. E. U. W. AlUller , 11. Smith , Jacob liotz , J ) . Cole , John Watts , John J. Butcher , FredLoid , Allen Forbes , ( col. ) Homer Cnuchoy , Piof. u. II. Ilouser , Ctins. lilnkusly , Osborn , Osborn , Taylor , Taylor , Limit. A. C. Overton , Tlios. Ixinir , Lorenzo Paul , O. F. Overtoil. Win. Stevenson , O. II. 15. Arnd , F. P. Gllniau , Samuel Weirich , ( ieorge Bowers , John Scheitlloy , John Shlagi : . E. P. ( Jeiger , 11. C. Packard , John II. Berry , John Armour , Henry Tut , Win. Caning , Gco. Bond , Louis Welricti , Uoo. . Smith , John White , CATHOLIC cr.MHTHUY. Perry Smith , John Dally. Loom Brothers , (2) ( ) Walter Burke , James Burns , Thomns Murphy , KdKlioUcs. KdKlioUcs.WALNUT WALNUT CKXIKTEIiV. George Zimmerman. 1) . II. CI.AHK CKMKTRKV. Edward Clark , Mudge , HA7.HL DKI.I. CKMCTtiHY. Hoses Nixon. Nixon.OAllXint OAllXint CKMRTKItY. T. H. B. Marshal , Jessie Wells. llOOMKIt CEMr.TKItV. Joseph II. Nichols. HONEY CKIIHK CKMKTKUY , Sam Allen. I'J.EASANT CKMKTEUY. II. Ainold. Go to the N Y. P. Co. foil GARDIvN HOSE. THEV WAKUANT AIL THEY SELL. Opera House Block. Go to Beard for wall paper. I'lnolted by H Gurnlshoo. Samuel J. Berry , of Wymoro , Nob. , writes spine of his experiences with the irarnisheo mode of collecting accounts , which has caused .so much complaint on the part of railway men particularly. Ho thus recites the hardship * to which ho was put : "I was garnisliewl by David Jcr- man at Council Bluffs for n bill of $0.17 , duo the linn of WiggVestbcrg by oneS S M , Berry , and was notiliod hero at Wymoro by our paymaster that my pay would bo paid to him if I did not appear nnd defend myself. I wont before u jus tice of the peace hero at Wymoro and swore out an atlidavit that my iiamo was Sam J , Berry , and thatlnover know any thing of the bill , etc. David Jorma'n wont to work then and garnishced mo in my right name , and I was notilicd to ap- pcai'ibeforo Justice Hundrieks and defend myself May 11 at 0 o'clock. I wont there , and after seeing the justice , I wont and employed an attorney , Wo wont to Omaha and saw Mr. Wiggs , and ho said at once that I was not the man nnd gave the attorney a note to the justice stating that I was not the man. Well , of course , I got a release from the ganiisheo. but my expenses amounted to about $ ' 33 , losing time , paying board , etc. All this to sat isfy those men that 1 wi'.i not the man who owed $7. " i Go to Beard for low prices. \VJiere Arc Her FrJcntlh ? A young Imly named Nollic Bnllloy , daughter of a dry goods merchant al Madison , Wls. , Is in ililtt oity trying to find uonio frtuudi by the uamc of Dom- m I n jy , from whom she lias become sopa- rated. Ono of the HEE force , yesterday , learn ing of the case , called on Miss Ballloy , who is being cared lor by a resident of this city until her friends can bo found. Miss Hallloy was en route with her friends , H M. Denim ! ng and wife , from Madison , Wis.t to Kansas City. They etoppctl at Sioux City , and when Mr. and Mrs. Domming were ready to como in this direction , Miss Ballloy conclud ed to tarry a few days , giving her baggage in charge of Mr. Domming , who tooK charge of her checks , thinking she would moot them here. Miss Bnilloy says Mr. Domming has a married sister in Council Bluffs , while Mrs. Domming has a sister who resides in Omaha and Is also married. She docs not know the names of these ladies , nor does she know whether they came to Council Bluffs or Omaha. She says she is now satislled she took tlio wrong train from Sioux City for this place ; that she was to meet Mr. and Mrs. Dcmming at tlio transfer , but as she came in on the morning train and they were not there , she is satisfied they would Imvo mot nor had she como down on Thursday evening last instead of Friday morning. Lous 3 go to Chniic ilfelcr's nlul get a good cigar. No. ' 102 Broadway. Beard has an immense stock of wall paper and room mouldings which must bo turned into cash , so down go the prices at Board's. Seasonable goods of all kinds at hard line prices nt Cooper < &McUco's. Boom Mouldings Largest assortment and _ lowest prices at Beard's Wall 1'apcr Snore. _ _ AMERICANS AND DIAMONDS. Barkeepers Our Noblemen Passion of Poor People for Jewels. PUtsburg'ComrMtrcinl Gazette : A mid E. A. Weed dle-aged , sharp-ovcd man , by name , stood in a lobby of the Monon- galicla hoiibo yesterday afternoon in the midst of a group of Pittsburg jewellers and gentlemen carelessly toying with a necklace , composed ot" forty or iilty mag nificent diamonds that sent tlio erratic darts of light all over the room as they lay in his hands in the sunlight. In the middle of the cluster shorn ; a diamond as largo as a hickory nut , cut crown-shaped and polished to a linish. "That is the largest diamond in the United States. " said the man. holding It up between his thumb and finger for the better inspec tion of the little group. "It weighs lifty carats and is as well cut and handsome a stone as ever shone on the bosom of Marie Antoinette. It is u south Afiican product , and 1 am told that it weighed before cutting seventy-live carats , btill , it is not perfect , but no ono but an expert could tell that it is not. I only Sj'.M- ) 000 for the whole necklace. That is nearly as much as a young lown would cost , but it is the price. Diamonds are in great demand in America. Everybody wears thorn. " 1 think , judging from my experience , that there are no noblemen but uarkeep- crs. They tire our aristocracy. We don't have gamblers any more. That class of people which formerly traveled on steam boats , frequented watering places , resid ed at restaurants or was the best custom ers at the most expensive _ hotels is now only a reminiscence. Ho is gone. Stock gambling , grain gambling have supersed ed poker "playing , and there is no route for the old-timer to work. Ho formerly wore the diamonds , but the barkeeper has succeeded him. Faugh ! thinl : of it. But he is not the only ono of our wonder ful American population that is partial to jewels. I know women , nice , respect able ladies in Now York , who wear car- rings , two or three linger rings , throat stones and sealskin sacnues , whoso hus bands are not worth a dollar. They ask for them and they come out of his salary. They frequently subsist almost on bread and water to get these luxuries , but they got them. I once wns shown a barber who wore a magnificent solitaire on his little finger. I bought my own razor and shaviiiir mug and shaved myself thereaf ter. Why , there is that fellow Charles Davis , bettor known as 'Alvin Joslyn , ' the antor. Ho is a boor , lias no educa tion , manners , couldn't act , couldn't do anything. He got to buying diamonds and showing them on" in jewelers' windows dews and made a fortune out of his shrewdness. "People go to fico a man who owns such jewelry. Real rich and cultured people don't affect diamonds. They arc too common. It is the poor man wno is my best customer. Ho nearly always has one. 1 think England is the best dia mond-buying country in the world and next to it America. France and other European countries like them , but don't buy so many. "Every diamond that the world has over seen or heard of is still in existence. Gold and silver waste by abrasion , but diamonds lose nothing. I tell you that the value of diamonds in this country is in excess of the money that isin them. Wo know that the value of the diamonds of the world is over a thousand millions of dollars. Brazil , India and other locali ties formerly furnished diamonds , but they don't Fond out many now. The great supply conies from South Africa. They are the best diamonds , too. Diamonds mends keep nearly a staple valuo. Tlmy sell by tlie carat , and vary as to size anil brilliancy. They arc cut in Holland , England and America and also largely in other countries. " If yon want perfectly satisfactory ac commodations at $3 per day go to the Pacific House. Depend upon it , you will never regret your bhoico. Before-buying a gasoline steve sec the "Quick Meal" at Cooper & McCooVj. Horses and Mules For nil purposes , bought nnd Bold , nt retail ami n lutii. Largo cimmtittcs to select from. MASON WISE , Slrcelt , Near Pacific HouseCounil , Bucs KIEL SALE STABLES E3 Horses and Mules kept constantly on hand for silo at retail or in car loads. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Block sola on commission. SHLUTBIt li IJOLBV , Proprietors. dtablo Corner KiftU Avcuuo und i'ourtU St Council Illuu-g B. BIOE , M. D. CHRONIC DISEASES or * u Over thirty years' practical oipo Kc. 11 Pearl Slioet , Ooaui U illuli * . tW CO.NaULTATIO.-4 Extra flno SWEET Grown and selected from Mii8catiiio Scctl by J. R. McPherson , Grower and Dealer in VEGETABLES , YEGETAIILE PLANTS , AXD FKUITS. Council ItlulTs. Iowa. OFFICER & PTJSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Established 1P5T. DRESSMAKING ( BY THE TAYLOR SYSTEM. ) MBS. L. SIMMONS , Xo. 314 liromlu'uy. In order to establish my reputation tn Council BluIN for line woik , 1 will FOR TUB I'HESENT , do nil outtlnir. fitting : nnd miildnpr ns clump ns It IB clone oUowhoro. I.iullcB need Imvo no frnr of mlstUs IIH my experience guarantees perfect Biitlafuctlon. Creston House , The only hotel In Council IllulTs having Fir © IEsoa/p@ And nil modern Improvements. 215 , 217 nnd 210 Mnln St. MAX JIOtlN , Prop. Ojdeii IIoii9c ItnteH on and alter Rlay Jt will be (3U.OO ( and 2.50 Per Way , Etcnnllng front parlor rooms. Dny Board , $25 Per Month. 11. SIM.OWAY , Prop. JUUK DuttvuA , Mnnnger. Council UluuX Ciioiee 9 > 2 > > i > ! ny V Latest Pat terns , AH Grmles. A Seleet StocK.oC. Choice lir. 4 TIMOTHY SEED. I Imvo n quantity of sound , well cleaned sool which 1 offer nt reasonable figures. Seed of tlio crop of 1S8. ) . Correspondence solicited. F. Q. 11UTLKH , Sclialler. Iowa. C. & N. W. Ry. BROS. , Dealers iu Milch Cows. No COS arid C0(5 ( E. Broadway.Councll Uils JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in State and Federal Courts. Itoouis 7 and 8 , Slumurt Block. L. W. Tau.BYB , Pros. T. J. KVANS , Vice-Pros. JAMK.S fJ. HIIOW.N , Cashier. Council Bluffs National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do n Konornl banking business. Accounts of banks , bankers , merchants man ufacturers and individuals received on favora ble terms. Domestic und foreign CJtchanse. Tliiivery best of attention tflvon to all busl ness committed to ourfiro. RUSSELL&Co Kanufactureraof all aliosof . , ( .j Automatic 'Ej ' ' M EBpcclaliy Designed fp * Runnln ? MILLS , GKAlNkELEVXToJtS , AND ELEJTI&O ( LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillou / . < Carey and WoodburyHoVso ? Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 610 Pearl St. , Council Bluffc. SEND FOB 1886 ANNTJAI * STEAM DYE WORKS MRS.aL.GILLETTE'S HAIR GOODS STOjlB No 29 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo. Posloffici. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING HOXJSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE , WELLS & CO. , \Vholesilo Agricultural Implements , Bn lai , Cnrrlnjros. Eto , Etc. Counoll IllnfTs , lown. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , DlEcltnrrows , Sooilors , Corn Planters , KooJ Cut ters , Kto. Factory , Hock fulls , III * . No ? . l.-OI , 151 , 1501M7 Mnln St. , Council Hluffs. DAVID UUADLKY & CO. , MnnuPrs nn 1 Jobbers of Agricnltural Implements.Wagons , Haggles , Carrliiffo * . nnil nil UlnU of 1'arni MnoMnorf. 1100 to lllfl South Mnln Street , CounIi lluTd. ! ! Iowa. AXK HAXULKS. P.O. Oi.msox. T. H.Dounr\ < Oco.P. Wninnr. Prcs.&Trcns. V.-l'ros.&M in. 803 AUoimsol. Council Bluls Handle FacDry , . Mnnufncturcrs of Atlo , Pick , Sle'liro nnd Snnll , of every description. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Cnrtiln Fixtures , Upholstery Goods , Eto. Na 405 IlroAdwny Council Ululfs , lown. OMARS , TOI1ACCO , ETC. PEREGOY & MOORE , Wholosnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. SSMaln and 27 Pearl Sts , Council Bluffs , town. COJMI/S.SfO.V. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wholcsnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 1 Pearl 8t , Council 'JliiflTs. onocKKitr. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers&JobbersofCraoiery.GlisiwaH . Lamps , Fruit .Inrs , Cutlery , Stonoivaro , llnr Qoo > ls , Fnncy Quods , Etc. Council UluITa , lown. HARLE , HAAS & CO. . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Eto. No. 2 ! Mnln St , nnd No. 811'oarl St. , Council Illuirs. DKT GOODS. I. E. SMITH & CO. , s aai Jobjipj of Dr/ NotionKtc. . No . 112 nnd 111 Mnln St. , Nos. 11.1 und 113 I'enrl St. , Council Ulutrs. Iowa. riWITi. O. V. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruit ) a Specialty General Commission. No. Til ! Dromiwnj- , Council WJUT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 anil 18 Peail St. , Council anocKitius. L. KIHSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 418 Broad- vrny. Council UlulTs. JIAItXKSS , ETC. BECKMAN & CO. , SInnufncturers ot tnd Wholesale Doilers la Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KJ3 Main St. . Council BlutTs , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. NOP. St'l nnd 311 Brondwny , Council Ilu3i. HEAVY HAKDH'AHE. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council llltiirs , Iowa. HIDES AXD WOOL. D. H. MoDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , Grease and Furs Council Bluffs , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , . Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubrlcitlai OiU E3TO. , H1TO. B.Theodore , Ateiit , Council Dluffs. Iowa LUXUEU , PILING , ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , * .ud BridKO Material SuoclaltlPS.Wholosalo Lum ber or all Kinds. Olllco No. 130 Mala St , Council Illutls. Iowa. AND LtlUOK3. JOHN L1NDER , Whok'Siilo Imported and Domestic Wines & Lipors. Agent for St. Clottlni-ri's Herb ItlttoH. No. 13 Mnln St. Council lllutts. SCHNEIDER & EJK ( , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , N. . I'tiuneU lllufft. N. SCHTJKZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express Corannny. THE CARTER liltlEMCff DUUOND 11I1AND Or STRICTLY PURE LEAD , ZINC HID OIL Are absolutely pure , as represented. Ono Ion will cover two hundred mid fllty bii feet two coats , and will tlay on lonircr tliuu nay other paint munufactuiod. Tor sale liy S. H. KZETJI 'Y ' Ditucs , PAINTS , OILS , ETO RINK LIVERY STABLE. Flret-eluss Accommodations In Everything 1'cr- talnlnir to thu Livery IJusinois. Finest Landau in the City FOB LADIES VISITING. 1 Iloardlnj , " a specialty. Telephone 178. FIELD & COLE , Props. PEARL STRF-tf RINK STABLE. WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES ? FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT HIRAM W. DftVGS & GO. EolnhllKlicd In 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERED STYLES , 2OOOO Vehicles Annimlly. Semi for Catalogue , Prices , freight and TcNtlmnaials. W. "P. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Hrlck tultdln ? nnv kind rnNnl or moved nnd s.itlsfncllon gunrnntccd. Frnmo houses move ! onLlttioQlaat trucks-lua bast la tun worM. 808 Eighth AVOUUQ and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. . / fc'UJ- < > ) ( ' & & ' ° -f rro-tbm , . jaco-tcf s -f e-w-e-tx - - - u , . 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , tuch ns Lost , Found , To Locn , I'or Silo , To Itont , Want ? . Honullni ; , cc..vlll ! tolncrtod In this column nt thu low rate ofTEJ ? CUNTS PRK M.NE lortlio first Ins-cr tlon nnd Five Cents 1'orLlno lor cncli t ub o incut insertion. J.cnvo advertisements nt our oflico. No. 12 Peal street , ncnr llrondwuy , Council niulTs. WANTS. FOR BALE-Two lots 25 icet from N.'y triiclt , suitable for warehouse or factory purposes. 12. It. Slioulo , 530 Iliondwuy. V\7ANTBD Two flist clnss dressmakers nt T Miss Glenion's , 311'onrl htreot. \\ANTEO A solicitor to work mnonz rnll- T ? rend employes for Stnndurd Accident In surance company of DeficitMich , .1. ( ' . I/mvo & Co. , nffcnta , No. 5 I'onrl street , Council Ilull8 , Town. WANTED-FJist cln-s dlnlntf room pirU nt tlio lleehtolo hotel. Ilrondwuy , Council ItlnlTn. FOIt BALK First-class pool tabie. Apply nt llcscuo Enejne House. SALE Union nvemio liotol property. FOR E. I , . yiio.ife , 5UJ Iliondwuy. FOR SALE OM imporB. In qnnntltlca to suit , ut lloo ollloo No. 12 Pcnrl street. T71OH SALE OR TKADE-StoeK of millinery -L nnd fancy notions. All now. Good loca tion , enlcs M2.000 n year. O , Bee , Counci BluH's , lown. AJIUSEJIENTS. KING , BURKE & CO.'S ' AMERICAN AND TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION , Embodying the greatest variety of attractive recreation of any American combination on the load. Will exhibit at Council Bluffs , 3 Days , MAY 20 , 21 and 22. An oxtraorJinaiy convocation of SKILLED AREIIIC TALENT ! Associated with nn attract Ivo display of Mvlnpr nnd Natural Wonders , and nn exhibition ( if the most wonderfully educated anlmiils In oxhtenco. Acceptably prc.uoiitln- ; canvas o'ltcilainmuntoi frusli leatures In a now nnd pk'iisliitf form. 1000 rnro Animals and Inuiil- inato Curiosities. Prof. Wolier's Silver Cornet band will jmrndo just previous to tlio afternoon exhibition , in their beniitlfnl Cliarlottlirouidioiitthuprlnclpiil btroets , Ucmembur ono ticket udmlu to both piivillloiia. ADMISSION , ONLY 10 GENTS. Doors open at 1 nnd T ] > , m. daily , D. K. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIGS WX TO OBDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , CUT THIS OUT ! GOOD U.\TJL JVXJ : 1. Having mxdu uslcntlvo tin- pro\oiuunt8 i id Inuieiited our Ihicllilluf , wo wldh to call uspo- U'l'il nttuiitlon to the wurk no > r ioliii , ' turned out by us , flnlin- ii lt to lie uiiuiil to that ( if ui ) ' uastcinluundry. In order to Introducti our work outeldollic ully of Conn- - , , nil lllullfl. wo will upon rcrolpt ( & , * * " of this ticket , ncco mutinied by rntunipoctuKc.riunudry aix Col- Ian or Cuild I'll KB , for cither ladies or Hoie Steam Laundry 54U Itrondiviiy , K. n. ( Jut at jown orders trlven proiupl at tention. Wo pay return tihuigcs on all worK ro cnivcd huii nccoibpiiiikd by ciuh.ln puyiuvut MONEY MADE In IJuyliiff the Followinar Property in the next thirty days : MULLIN'S AUDITION. Lot 5 , lllock ! 1. I Lot 10 , Itlock 18. Lot 12 , Ulnclt 12. I Lot 4 , Hlock 1. EVF-HBTT'S ADDITIOX. 1 ol 5 , lllcuk ' - . I Lot 8 , Illock 12. Lot 2 , lllock 7. 1 Lot : > , lllock 81. Jot 4 , IIIOCK ! > . | Lot B , lllock 28. Lot 2 , Block 4 , IJayllss' Addition. T.ils piopurty will he sold ut n g-icnt sncrlflce , end enterprising will , no doubt uvo'l them selves of u rnto opportunity to Mink , money. Apply to FRANK COOIC , Room T , Shugart Itlock , Counoll UlulTs , Iowa , China , Glassware nntl Lamps , YV. S. Homer < & Co. . No. 23 , Main St.Council , BluflTs , la. CARPETS -AND- DRY GOODS Our carpet stock Is largo nnd well se lected and is kept full by the arrival of new , fresh goods. It comprises Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry , Ingrain , Etc. LACE CURTAINS , Tambour , Turcoman , Curtain Draperies , Opaque Shading , Eto. Cnrlains niiulo and hung , Carpets nindo nnd laid by skilled workmen. Wo are olloring u line line ofVlilto Goods , Beautiful Embroidery , Dress Patterns , Summer Dress Goods , And invltu un&toinors to oxuinincour stock before ) ) iii'clinsing'il , o\vliiro. 1'ricua rousonublo and goods as ruprusKutod. Wo Imvo lately Introduced special bar * gain tublos that conipriKU tlio best valnw ollbrud in any inarkut. Good Lace at 5f , Ciooil Slumped Towels at I Of. Fine bciiiUil'iilly Nlampfd Towels al ii , ' ) < , liall * IIio price axUed cl u\vliero. Good Hose , lOc. ISuaiilli'iil { turret I IMaid Dress GoodH al ii5eper yard ; worth < IOc. The bent Cortfcf , 75e , nsiiiilly m ld for $1.35. nro a few of the many bargains that fan bust bo appreciated by personal examination. Daily watch this column for future changes , HARKNESS BROTHERS 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.