THE OMAHA DAILY BEfl : TUESDAY , MAY 18 , 1886. LINCOLN NEWS AND GOSSIP , Lawjcrs' Opinions as to the Cost of Oily Pavements. WHO SHOT TOM LAWRENCE ? The Shooting nt "Irish Ann's" Shows Trnces ot Attempted Murder SlntuIcrlnR Mayor Franklin BIidrlfT Enbnnk.8 Dilemma. THB DEB'S MNrni.v mine ml , At the meeting of the eity council last evening Chairman Billlngslj * , of the pav ing committee , presented letters from Messrs. Harwood , Ames & Kelly , Mason & Whecdon , Lamb , lllcketts & Wilson , Hj'an Bros. , and other law firms , in an swer to the circular sent out last week asking opinions on the power of the city to undertake paving under the present charter. The lawyers agree to the point that the city has no power to issue bonds for municipal improvements , and relief must come either from tinkering the charter or having the governor proclaim it a city of the first class under the general - oral act. Harwood , Ames & Kelly say : 'the in tersections of streets can bo paid for out of the 10 mill tax for general revenue. The city cannot issue bonds for paving the stn'cls , and then collect in annual payments from abutting property owners. There is no method under our charter by which money can bo provided sooner than a tax levied for general revenue in 188G becomes delinquent and col lectible. If the mayor can cer tify lo 23,000 population the governor can reeognmo the city as a city of thi5 lirst class under a charter with power to issue bonds payable in ten years These bonds will bo divided into two classes , ono chargeable on Mio whole citj' . and to be used for paving the inter sections ; the other on the property abut ting on the streets paved. Lamb , Uicketls & Wilson Under sub. 4 , sec. 5'i , of our charter , the cost of pav ing one-quarter of eaoli intersection maybe bo assessed on each corner lot fronting thereon. There is no express authority in the charter for issiiinir bonds in aid of the proposed improvement , and it is con ceded by all authorities , that municipal corporations must have express authority to issue negotiable bonds in aid of inter nal or other works of improvement. The machinery of cities of the lirst class would seem expensive fora place of our present si/o. Further legislation is needed to make our charter practicable for the work contemplated. Charles O. Whcedon : The city coun cil can assess the whole expense of pav ing intersections on the same property on which the expense of the other im provements are assessed. Sub-division 4 , section 51 of the city charter provides that aspccinl tax may be levied on high ways and alloys to-pay for such improve ments. The supreme court of Ohio in Crcighton vs Scott also upholds the li st point made. The council cannot issue bonds to pay for pavin < r. Section 59 of the charter provides that special assess ments shall not bo levied in any financial year in excess of live per cent of the value of the property at the close of that year. The work can bo done this year if the property owners are willing to make ar rangements to pay the contractor's part of the contract price and get them to wait , for the balance when the yearly assess ments are paid in. The city council > shoiildpass , an , ordinance covering the j entire subject of paving and the manner of paving and the expense , and then let the work proceed in accordance with the ordinance. When the motter was discussed by the council there was n unani mous demand for immediate action look ing toward the paving of some streets this year. Mayor Burr said ho had talked the matter over with Governor Dawes and was ot the opinion that the simplest way to start the work was to take a census , and , if the city showed u population of 25,000 , the governor would declare it of the lirst class. There was a long and animated discussion , the outcome of which was the passage of an ordinance calling for n census to bo completed by the 14th of Juno. WHO SHOT TOJl IA WHENCE ? 'What was put down by the doctors and police Sunday as an ordinary and unsuc cessful attempt at suicide now bids fair to develop into a first-class sensation. After the wound of Thomas Lawrence , the man found shot in the head at "Irish Ann's" bagnio that day , was dressed , ho began to grow weak very fast , and late nt night was found in a very dangerous condition. Lawrence himself seemed to realize that lie was near the , and told his attendant that he was positive the wound would prove fatal. Ho had been anxious all along , being a married man , to have the facts kept from the public , so that Ins folks would not hear of them. Sunday night , however , ho requested that a telegram bo sent to his brother-in-law at Creston , Iowa , and yesterday noon's train brought him to the bedside of the wounded man. Up to that time Lawrence Had been positive in his assertions that the wound was the result of an attempt at suicide , and that no ono but himsalf was responsible for it. Yesterday noon lie said that the shooting was done by a man as ho was lying on the bod. Ho could not tell the name ot his assailant , but would bo able to recognize him. The whys and wherefores . of the shooting Lawrence refused to give. There are many cir cumstances connected with the case which tend to show that the last story was the true one , In the first place the shooting was done with a small pistol , and men , as a rule , do not carry weapons pens of that kind. They want to nso something big enough to kill a man at the lirst tire if they carry a gun at all , and as a consequence the favorite cai- bro is 44 , I awrcnco was shot with a ! W , just such a pistol as a woman would Keep. Then the nature and the direc tion of the wound shows that it would bean an impossibility for a man to hold n pistol tel so as to inflict it upon himself. The chances are that the shot was fired when Lawrence was lying on his left side by someone who stood just behind him , the ball entering near the right temple and ranging forward. The position of the bed , if this theory is correct , would indicate that the person that tired the shot stood in the door of the room and aimed at the right side of Lawrence's head. Dr. Beachloy is of the opinion that the wound was nearly two hours aid when the police and physicians were summoned , and the fact that there was but little powder visible about the wound loads him to the belief that the pistol was fully thrco feet from Lawrence's head when it Mas discharged. If the weapon had been hold and fired by Lawrence himself the skin would have been badly stained and discolored. Then the further fact that it is now positively known that Lawrence never owned ai curried a pistol tends to disprove the suicide story. Just what the object o ! the would-bo murderer was , however , is not plain. A story is current to the ef fect that there is a woman in the case , and that she was out with the wounded man the night before the shooting , nnii parted from him at a lute hour after a wordy war. OHicor Mnlono met him ct ! 10 ; 30 Saturday night , and the keeper pi the house where ho lodges says ho was in bed at 11 , which iu turn upset the story of his having been out late that night. Thus the c : < so is full of contradictions. It is now remarked that when the police went to the scene of the bhootiug Sunday morning there waq an unusual effort made by the landlady and other inmates : o impress on their minds the point that "he did it himself. " Every person that stepped into the house was told so , and tlio assertion was made over and over again without apparent causo. The lirst words spoken by Lawrcnco wore , " 1 did it m.i self ! no ono else is responsible for it. " were uncalled for , and excited some suspicion at the timo. Just what the real Tacts are will probably never bo known unless Lawrence tells them himself , and lie has apparently made up his mind not Lo do so. SHERIFF EXUA.NK'3 DILEMMA. Sheriff Eubank , of Cheyenne county , was in Lincoln ycstcrdaj-consulting witli ( lovornor Dawcs as lo the advisability of hanging James Reynold * in accprdanco with iiis sentence , on Friday of this week. The crime of which Hoynolds was con victed was the murder of John Pinkston and his son in October last. The Pinks- tons and Hevnplds came from Saline county , Missouri , on a land hunting ex pedition. One night when were in camp in Cheyenne countj * , Reynolds killed them both with an axe , presuma bly to obtain their horses and about $53 iu money which ho knew them to liavo. Taking the hornos and money Reynolds struck out to the northwest , but in a day or two returned and reported the murder himself , saying some unknown cowboys had done It. The crime was fastened on to Reynolds , however , and ho was con victed at the January term. It is now claimed that ho is cra/.y , and Sheriff En- bank finds hhhself in an unenviable posi tion. If ho hangs him u howl that ho has murdered an insane man will go up If , on the other hand , the sheriff fails to car ry out the .sentence the opponents of the insane theory will howl equally loud. So it was with the object of gottimr orders from the highest authority that Mr. Eubank camu to Lincoln and consulted witli Governor Dawes. At the conference it was decided to try and In duce Mntthowson to make u personal in vestigation of the case , and executive action will be based on his decision , ( lovernor Dawes made a personal ap peal to the doctor , and the result was that ho started with Sheriff Eubank last night to decide , us it were , whether Hej'- iiolds will bo hanged on 1-ridny or not. A CKLKSrtAL KXl'KlUnON. Major Franklin has returned from Ogden and Salt Lake , where ho went last wccK on invitation of Captain Alice as a sort of escort to the Chinese ex-minister and suite who are journeying westward on their way back to the flowery King dom from Washington. The intolTi' genco and affability of the Celestials , the major says , made "the trip a delightfully entertaining and instructive ono. They chatted with freedom about the relations of tlio two countries , and were outspoken in their endorsement of the manner in which they had been treated. Whore- over the train stopped resident Chinamen thronged to pay their respects to the min ister , who , judging from the obsequious salutes ho received , must be the biggest kind of a big man in bis pwu country. At Kock Springs the ex-minister inter viewed about a dozen of his countrymen on tlio troubles there last summer with the minors , and had copious notes taken for transmission to the emperor. The minister was recalled , tlio major says , be cause ho was paralyzed in the right side , and therefore not aulo to earn the $50,000 a year with which the Chinese govern ment pays its foreign ambassadors. The man witli whom Major Franklin was par ticularly pleased was Cheng Hanson , the interpreter , a full-blooded Chinaman , "allosamco HkoMclican man , " in clothes , talk and actions. Some of the major's follow officials at the state house , jealous undoubtedly of the honors heaped upon him. are circulating the report that ho is cultivating a pigtail and studying the Mongolian language preparatory to becoming - coming a subject of tlio mandarin. Aside from a slight inclination to walk pigeon toed , unu chat in the "walla walla , chi chi" style , the BEE man saw nothing to confirm the report. There was a suspicious looking sign of "Wun Lung , laundry , " in the ollico , but it is understood to be a parting gift from the interpreter. BRIKP MENTION" . Thomas Mauley , a very black negro , and Minnie Hinkle , a comely German lass , wore ai rested at the depot last night as they were starting tor Omaha. They had come from Hastings whore they had been at work in the Bostwick Mouse , and were suspected ef an intention to get mar ried. When questioned bv the authorities Minnie said that Thomas had seduced her under promise of marriage and that they were on their way to Council Bluffs to have the coro- ' mo'ny performed. Thomas' funds run short , however , and they stopped over in Lincoln to make a raise , which ho did by pawning his grip. Minnie's parents , who live at Sutton were notified and pending their arrival the colored suitor is held on a charge of seduction. The girl is only eighteen ytjars old , and does not seem to reali/.o the horrible position in which she has placed herself , bho says that Mauley told her ho owned a house and lot in Lincoln , and she thought ho was a hus band .worth having , oven if his skin is black. The May term of the district court opened yestortlay , Judge Pound presid ing. There was an unusually largo at tendance of lawyers , but nothing more edifying than a call of the docket took place. A dologatio of ladles from the Episco pal church , eighteen in number , will go to Omaha Wednesday to attend the diocesan cesan convention. nlnqulrios regarding tlio Farmers' Mu tual Live Stock Association of Marion , Iowa , pour into the auditor's ollico daily. This is the company against which quo warranto proceedings to compel it to discontinue doing business in this state are pending in the supreme court , From the tone of the inquiries , however , it seems that its agents are still at work in this stato. Base ball will bo the rage In Lincoln again this week. Tuesday the bank nines will play a friendly ganm and on Wed nesday the lirst of a series of four be tween the Lincoln and Topeka league teams will take place. At Judge Parson's solroo in police court yesterday , George Stevens and James Cleary were lined $1 and costs each for bclim drunk. John O'Keefo , a farmer from 'i ecumseh , was arraigned for the second time within u week , and was assessed $5 and costs. Every available foot of dead wall in the citv has been covered with gay col ored bills announcing the coming of Colo's Colossal Circus to Lincoln on Fri day , Juno 5. STATE ARRIVALS. Rabbi Benson , Omaha ; J. B , Stockton , Cheney ; J. J. Gibson , and wifo. Omalia ; Andy Borden , Omaha ; T. J. Pickett , jr. . Ashland ; H. M. Rankin , David City ; Hon. Wm , Lcoso , Seward ; P. J. Nichols , OmnhaT. ; II. Holt , Beatrice ; W. G. Hastings - tings , Wilber ; S. H. Gibson , Edgar. Granite Reside tlio Tracks. North Sixteenth street is now badly torn up beside the horse car track. The worn out asphaltum for the distance of u foot and a half on the inside | of each rail has been taken up and is being replaced , according to the specifications of the con tract , witli granite blocks. This is being done ono block at a time , and prevents vehicles from crossing the track from one side of the street to the other. The work will he finished in a couple of weeks. Rene Gunning. John Roberts , a teamster , who has worknd for a number of people here abouts , has skipped , unaccounting for a gun he borrowed from John A. Scott , an other from J H. Scott , and is suspected of having stolen a clock from the Bellevue - vuo school. His whereabouts are un known. There are pursuers ou his track. THE PONY EXPRESS TO PIERCE Additional Particulars of John Milton Hoff man's Exploits on Horseback. ARRESTED AT PIERCE , MISSOURI. G'ovcrnor's I > n\vo9' 1'rtrntr. Secretary 1'liiloncd by n Constable Depo sition ofZ.T. Hedges , of Lilt- tto Hock , Arkansas. Dcpositloivof witness takenbeforonui , as notary public , within and for the county of I'ulaskl , state of Arkansas , on the lUth day of May , 1880 , between the hours of 0 a. 111 and 8 p. in. , at my ollico in the city of Little Rock , in said county , in pursuance ot the annexed notice to bo read in bclialf of defendant in att action pending in the district court of the Second end judicial district of Nebraska in and for Lancaster county , in which John Milton Hoffman is plaintiff'and Edward Hosowatcr is defendant. Thu plaintill * being present by his attorneys , Sawyer it Snull , and the defendant being present in person and by his attorneys , Itatelill'e and Fletcher. K. T. Hedges , being by mo first duly sworn on oath , deposes and says : My namois/2. T. Hedges. I live in Little llock , Arkansas. 1 am 34 years of age. Q. Are you acquainted with the plain tiff , John Milton Hoffman ? A. I am. ( } . How long have you known him ? A. Since 1870. Q. Whom did you first get acquainted with him ? A. In Lincoln , Neb. Q Wore you there intimately ac quainted with him ? A. Yes , 1 was in the printing business at the time , and I loll- man was city editor of the Daily Jour nal , and the papers , printed in the same city. Wo mot frequently. ( . } . How long did you know him in Nc- braskaJ A. 1 knew him from the latter part of 1870 until I left there in 1878. Q. Which loft Nebraska lirst , you or Hoffman ? A. I did. HotVuum loft the state temporarily on several occasions , i don't remember now often. Q. Was Hoffman in the state at the time you left there ? A. I can't say. Q. Now , how long before you loft had you &eon him ? A. To the beat of my knowledge it was in 1878. Q. I mean , Mr. Hedges , what time had elapsed before you left Lincoln in 1878 , anil the last time you had seen Hoff man ? ( Objected to by attorney for plain- till' . ) A. Two or three months I should say. say.Q. . Did you return to Nebraska after you left this time ? A. Yes , two or _ three times. I was there in 1878 and in 1870 , and also in 1830. Q. At either of these visits did you see. Hoffman ? A. No , not in Lincoln. Q. When did you see him ? A. In March , 1830,1 was going from Lincoln to Springfield. Mo. , and aw Hoffman , at the thu depot at I'ieree Uity , Mo. , and talked with him a few minutes 1 haven't seen him since. CJ. Have you any memoranda or other thing or do you recall any circumstance that enables you to fix the date definitely. A. Yes. Some days after that 1 read an account in a daily paper of Ilolfman having boon arrested at Pierce City , Mo. , lout the slip out of the paper and pre served it. ( Objected to by attorney for plaintiff. ) Q. Will you attach that slip and make it a part of your deposition ? ( Counsel for plaintill'objects. . ) A. I will. The clippings' as follows : M'lrst sup- } supTHE DAILY EXTUA. SriiiNnriizi.i ) , Mo. , I Wednesday Evening , March at , 1830. f [ Second Slti > , j OUieer Snow yesterday had one J. M. Ilolf man arrested at I'lerce City , supposed to bo thu man who robbt'd the bank in Lincoln , Nub. , and who stele a horse on which lie es caped to Missouri. Mr. SHOW has been on trail of Ills man for homo time. Q. Were both of the slips cut from the the saino paper ? ( Objected to by attorney for plaintill' . ) Above question waived by attorney for defendant. Q. State the name of the paper from which you cut these slips and wnothor or not you took them both from the same paper ? ( Council for plaintiff objects. ) A. The Springfield ( Mo. ) Daily Extra. Both of the above slips were cut from the same paper. Q. What was the date of the paper ? ( Objected to. ) A. March ai , 18SO. Q. What did you do with the paper from which you cut these slips ? A. It was thrown aside after I cut them out. Q. How loni * after the da to of the paper before y u road these slips ? A. Two or thrco days after it was issued. S. How long before reading the paper it been since yon saw Hoffman at Piurco City ? A. Probably it was a week or ton days after I sa'xy him. Q. Was there any circumstance or oth er tiling or incident which caused you to noticO Ilolfman at Pierce City , or to read the account of his arrest in the paper r if so , state fully nil about it. ( Objected to by counsel for plaintiff. ) A. There were. When I was in Lincoln in .February or March , 1830. It was to see a man by the name of T. F. Barnes , with whom 1 hart business relations. Ho told mo that J. M. Hoffman hud taken n horse and au thorized mo to look out for Ilolfman when 1 went south , where Hoffman was known to be. I promised to do so. There is quite a lot moru that I could add. It was hearsay which is the reason Idid not want to state it. ( Objected to by counsel for plaintlH ) . Q. From whom was this hearsay re ferred to ? A. From Barnes. Q. State fully as near as you can what Barnes said to you about it ? ( Objected to by council for plaintiff as hearsay. ) A. Mr. Barnes was very angry. He &aid ho would put Ilolfman in the penitentiary for the balance of his natural lifo. Ho said also that he had written to his ( Barnes1) ) relatives in Kansas to watcli out for Hoffman and catch him. Ho spoke of having been very kind to Hoff man and of having helped him to get employment and for that reason ho telt aggravated or bitter toward him. Q. What was Hoffman's appearance when j'ou saw him at Pierce City ? ( Ob jected to by counsel for plaintiff. ) A. He looked as if ho had been on a long tramp. Q. State what property , if any , ho hail at that time. A. I did not see any. Q. Stuto what conversation , if any , you had with Hoffman , as near as you can , when you saw him at Pierce City. A. Our conversation was very brief , I remarked that I had boon to Lincoln , and ho asked mo if I could stop over at Pierce City that night. I tola him I could not , and that is about all. Q. To whom did you understand the newspaper article or item which you have above exhibited to refer when you read it ? ( Objected to ) . A. 1 under- btood it to refer to J. M. Hoffman , the plaintiff in this suit. Q. Did you over see the horse that Barnes told , you about ? A , Yes , sir ; often. Or- Have j'ou scon it since your conver sation witli Barnes ? A. I have not. Q. Have you scon Barnes since your conversation witli him about the horse ? A. I believe I huvo ; 1 am 119 ! certain , I had some correspondence with him. Q. If you saw him whore was that. A , If I saw him it would have been in Lin coln. coln.Q. Do you remember any conversation you had with him at the time last re ferred ? ( Objected by counsel for plain tiff. ) A. .Not that I remember. Q At the time you had the conversa * tion witli Barnes about Hoffman taking the horse , do you remember any conver sation with Barnes concerning Hoffmuu other than that relative to the horse , if so. state fully " tUbVnniat ( Objected to by attorney for p"IaiWiff ) . A. His ( Humes' ) mind seemed luttiof Hoffman. Ho spoke of the great vulutjjof the horse , saying it was a Ynvoritp family horso. I don't re member the substAnce of anything other than relating U > ( Ho horso. Q. State wlii'.tlfdr or not you remember over to have Imitany conversation with the plaintiff ( Hoffman ) with reference to any scheme of burglary or anything per taining to burglary ; if so , stnto fully all about it. ( Objected to. ) A. No. Q. Have you any other knowledge or information 'concerning the arrest of Hoffman andjiisiroloaso therefrom other than that which you have stated ? If so , state it fully. A ! No. Q. State whether or not you had any correspondence with Hoffman after yon saw him at Pierce City in which ho said anything about having boon arrested at Pierce City. ( Objected to. ) A. No. Q. Did you ever have any correspond ence with Ilolfman about his trouble with Barnes about the horse ? A. No. CROSS KXAMINATION. Cross examination by A. J. Sawyer , attorney for plaintiff : Q Mr. Hedges , when did you first meet Mr. Kosowater after coming to Ar kansas ? A. On the Uth day of May , 1880. Q.Vhcro did yon meet him ? A. At my residence , Little Hock , Ark. Q. On what matters of business , if nny ? A. It was in relation to this libel suit of Hoffman vs. Hosowater. Q. Did ho ivok you fully in relation to the matter tit that time ? A. Yes , sir. I told him just about what would bo the nature < ff my testimony. Q. When did you ne\t talk with him about this case ? A. I have seen Mr. Hosowiitcr frequently since ho has been hero , but I don't remember that wo talked about this case other than the time above referred to. Q. What business wore you engaged in March , 1880 , and prior thereto ? ( Ob jected to by the defendant ) . A. I have been buying soldiers' additional eighties. Q. What business had Ilolfman boon engaged in prior to March , 1880 ? A. I don't know what business he was en gaged in. Q. Did j-ou read an article published in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat prior to the time of meeting Hoffman in Pierce City , entitled "Stand from Under ? " ( Objected to by defendant ) . A. I did. Q. Did that article create in j'our mind an unfriendly fooling toward. Hoffman ? A. 1 can't say that it did ; the article tome mo was simply amusing. Q. State if you and Hoffman are on friendly relations ? A. No. Q. Did you write Hoffman a letter shortly after j'ou met him at Pierce City , dated from Springfield , Mo. , in which you threatened to make it "lively for aim , " or words to that effect ? ( Objected to by defendant ) . A. I did not. In the summer of 1870 1 did write Hoff man a letter from Springfield , Mo. , long before this horse matter came up , in answer to an insult ing letter which I had received from him , and I authorized him to publish my reply in the daily Journal of Lincoln , Neb. , and to show tie [ Iqttcr to T. F Barnes. Q. Were tljb contents of that letter of an unfriendly character ? ( Objected to by defendant : ) fA. The contents were not of a friendly character. Q. Where did you receive the copy of ' the paper fr/mi , which you cut the' ex tracts which are attached to j'our deposi tion ? A. At Springfield , Mo. Q. What dadd ? you arrive at Spring field , Mo. ? A. AB near as my recollec tion runs I arrivtul-at Springfield on the evening of M rchjUj or 20 , 1883. Q. \ \ ere you living there at that time ? A. I was not. I Had relatives there with whom I stoppVd. ' Q. llow ions : did you stay in Spring field , Mo. , at that.timc ? A. Eight or ten days , I thinkbut ; , I had some business which kept me out of the city two or three days of that time. Q. How long before this was it that you wore in Lincoln. Nob. ? A. I believe it was about a month before that , or not so long. Q. I will ask von if you were not on your return from Lincoln when yon met Hoffman at Pierce City , Mo. ? A.I was. Q. Had you talked with Mr. Barnes about Hoflmau just before leaving for Sprinsrlicld ? A. 1 had. Q. Did you return by cars ? A. I did. Q. How many minutes did you see Hoffman at Pierce , City , Mo. ? A. Five or ten minutes. Q. Whither was he bound ? A. He said ho was going to Eureka Springs , Ark. Q. Waero did you see him ? A. On the platform at the depot. Q. What time of daj'was it ? A. In the evening , about 5 or 0 o'clock. Q. What day of the month was it ? A. To the best of my recollection it was be tween the 25th and 20th of March , 1880. Q. What made you think Hoffman had boon on a long tramp ? A. His appearance - anco suggested it. His clothing was worn. " Q. Describe the articles of clothing worn by him. A. Ho was dressed in u brown t > uit ; the coat was cut frock , the vest buttoned up in front. There was a torn plaoo in one of the pant legs. His phocs wore badly worn looked as though he had been traveling on fopt. Q. What article of jewelry , if any , did ho wear ? A. 1 didn't notice any. Q. Wore you acquainted witli the editor of the Daily Extra ? ( Objected to by de fendant. ) A. Slightly. Q. Do j'ou know anything further about the alleged arrest of J. Milton Ilolf man. other than what you have stated in chief ? A. No Q. Do you know the name of the officer that it is claimed made the arrest ? A. I do not. S. Did yon know him at that time ? A. dnot. Q , Do you know who prompted the alleged arrest ? A. Mr. Barnes , I think. I had authority to arrest him myself. Q , What makes you think Mr. Barnes prompted the arrest ? A. Because Mr. Barnes had boon writing around , and I supposed was in consultation with the authorities , Q. Before what officer was the warrant sworn to ? A. I don't know anything about that. Q 1)9 you know who filed the com plaint , if any was tiled , against J. M. Hoffman ? A.1.1 do not. Q. Do you kiiovf by what authority , if any authority there was , by which the al leged arrest WHS triado ? A. I do not. Q. Do you know or had you heard of the alleged anvstof ] Hoffman before you read the article i | the Dally Extra. A. That was the liratrf know of it. Q. Do j'ou kjio'v , ' whether ho was ar rested or dctaihedon a warrant or t lo- gram ? A , I dpnot. Q How did youcome to preserve that llttlo piece of newspaper winch j'9ii have attached to your-doposition bearing the duto of the paper ! ) A. More as a matter of curiosity than 'anything ' clso. 1 fre quently do that , . I Q. After reading ) the article did j'ou make any further invostigatipn as to the cause of the article being written or the arrest made ? A. I did not. Q. When did you first learn that ho bad been released ? A. I don't know when it was , but it was some time after ward. Q. Did Barnes state to you in the con. vorsation you had with him that Hoffman hud stolen his horse ? A. Ho did. Ho was very bitter. Q , Did ho allege nny other cause of grievance against him ? A. Ho teemed to dwell on the horso. Ho asked mo half a dozen times if I remembered how pret ty she was. Q. Describe the horse. A. It was a lit tle bay pony horse , worth in my judg ment about f (0 ( or 50. Q. Did ho state to j'ou that Hoffman had gotten certain eighties which ho ( Barnes ) thought ho ought to havo'liad. ( Objected to by defendant. ) A. Ho did not state nt that time , but on another oc casion when t mot him , a dnv or two after the one in which ho spoke of the horse , he snid in substance that ho was afraid that Hoffman had gotten away with two eighties which belonged to him. nn Q. When you saw Barnes nt Lincoln had j'ou seen Hoffman down in tins coun try after lie had been operating for Barnes ? A. No. Q. Had you told Barnes anything about meeting Hoffman down hero or anything relative to Hoffman ? ( Objected to by defendant's attorney. ) A. 1 think not. Q. In .1 conversation with Barnes did ho not express a very biltcr fcolinc to ward Hoffman for the reason of the article written by Hoffman entitled "Stand From Under. " ( Objected to by defendant. ) A. He mentioned the article but not particularly. Ho dwelt more on the horse matter than anything olso. Q. Did ho not denounce Mr. Hoffman for writing that article ? A. I can't say whether ho did or not. I Q. Did ho express himself as satisfied with the article ? A. He did not express himself strongly ono way or the other. The article was simply amusing to me. Q. Did ho say that the article was a good thing for him and would bo a bone- lit to him in his business ? A. Ho did not. Q. Did you over hoar any conversation or have any conversation with Hoff man or any ono clso about anj' safe burglary ? A , No. Q. Did you send Barnes a copy of the Daily Extra mentioning the arrest ? A. I did not. Q. Did you send ono to Hoffman ? A. I did not. I didn't know where ho was and would not have thoughtof it if I had. Q. Do j'ou know what became ot the horse in controversy ? A. No. The above copy Inn been compared with thu original and found to bo a true copy Gio. : L. BASHAM , Notary Public. Ono Airy Berth on a Pullman Car. Chicago Herald : ' Bnating one's way on the passenger trains is not an easy thing to do on the Pacific roads , " said a traveler from the west , "but during my last trip 1 saw a most novel expedient employed by a tramp. Early ono morn ing , when wo wore pretty well up in the mountains , ! got up and dressed and took a chair out on the platform for a breath of fresh air. 1'csonll.y the train btoppcd at a water tank and I jumped down to the irround to stretch my legs a moment. As I walked up ahead 1 was surprised to hear a snoro. 'Can it bo possible , ' I thought , 'that there is anybody who can snore loud enough to bo beard through the double floor ot a bleeping car ? ' 'I ho snoring seemed to como from under the coach , and so I resolved on n closer look. Bending down I glanced under the body of the ear , and saw there a scene which struck mo as being about the oddest 1 had ever witnessed. In a hammock , when ho had evidently stolen from some door-yard in California , lay a tramp , sleeping soundly and snoring noisilj' . The hammock was swung under the car , close to the fioor , and one leg of its occupant hung out and trailed rather close to the ground. In that queer bed ins trampshipTiad been riding all night , without ticket or berth check , and with no fear of being compelled to join in $2- all-around for the benefit of the porter nt the end of his journey. Ho rode some fifty miles further before ho was dis covered and bounced , and then strode off in scarcli of food and to wait until night before resuming his journey under another palace car. " In making the assertion tha Pozzoni's medicated complexion powder is entiro- ljr free from injurious or deadly poisons , wo do it upon the authority of a thorough chemical analysis. It is one of the old- cstface powders in the American mar ket , and. is used in the families of some ofour most prominent medical men who have personally acknowledged to the proprietor that they not only consider it harmless , but esteemed it highly benefi cial in every respect , not only for the use of ladies and children but for the 'lord of creation' himself. Sold by druggists. DEFENDING EX-SENATOR FERRY. A Letter From His Brother Denounc ing the Instigator of the Koccnt Attack. GUAND HAVEN , Mich. , May 10. [ Editor Now York World. ] Under dale of May 5 your Washington correspondent makes a'dastardly attack on ox-Senator Thomas W. Ferry of Michigan which is ascowara- ly ( my biothcr being absent ) as it is false. Your correspondent gives as his authority "a Michigan man. " I pronounce the statements as false and wicked and demand Iho name of the Michigan man who is said to have furnished the information , in order that the people of Michigan may hold him in lively remembrance. I ask for the publication in lull of "an indictment against him for forgery" in the interests of truth and justice , for I very Btronaly suspect that the arliolo is inspired by a Michigan man ( bo it said to his shame ) , tiio same whom "Providence in his in- scrulablo wisdom permitted to edit a newspaper" for ono day lhat paper the Army and Navy Journal that day- one in December. 1882 , and the massive brain of the man the same from whom emanated the bitter attack on ( tho' then ) Senator Ferry , describing him OH "a son of a pious cuss of the Presbyterian persuasion , " a phrase that will bo for gotten in Michigan , where the Uev. William M. Ferry liveu and died , only when its author Is burled in the obscurity which he so richly earned and is fust accumulating. Whether ex-Senator Ferry will "never again bo a factor in Michigan politics" docs not become mete to say , but that stalement shows Iho animus of the whole attack , and is the "ghost that will not down" at the bidding - ding of tlio guilty consciences of those who lirst precipitated financial disaster upon Senator Ferry , and llinn personally and with the aid of the Detroit Post led the ' 'machine discipline ! " against him in the famous.senatorial campaign of 1833 at Lansing , and while he was sick unto death in Washington miccoeded in ac complishing his political defeat. My brother will bo nt his home before the end of the present month , I trust in recovered health , to bpcak and act for himself. Euw.uto P. FKIIKV. This aflornoon Ihcro will bo a series of interesting atlilctio events at lias- call's park. Among others , will bo a 100- yards nice for handsome gold watch as a prize by Ed Uothory. Cog wheel , hand caught , badly mashed , St. Jacobs Oil conquers pains and heals , Justice Anderson married on Saturday night John Facklor and Ellie Franklin , of Sarpy county , and ( Jims. Helta and Her- inlini Solicitor. Deputy Sheriff Phillips gave away the brides in the most grace ful manner imaginable. A sure cure for Blind , Dlcodln ? , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by li. Williams , ( an Indian lemudy ) , called Ir Williams' Indian Pile Ointment , A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 85 or 80 years standing. No one need suffer 11 vo minutes after applying this wonderful sooth In ? medicine. Lotions and Instruments do more harm than goocL Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the intense Itching , ( particularly at nlKht after eettlnt ! warm In bud ) , acts as a poultice , elves Instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles , itching of private parts , ami for nothing else. BKIH UISEABKS CUKICJ ) , Dr. Frazler's Jlntrlo Ointment cures as by mairic , Pimples , Ulack Head * or Grubs , Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving the SKln clear and uoautlful. Also cures Itch. Salt Jiheum , Sore Nipple * Sore Lips , < md Old Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ot CO cents. Retailed by Kulm & Co. , and Schroetor 4 Conrad. At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman THE BIG KNAVES OF KM , Systematic Robbery of the Tax-Payers br County Officials. The K.x-Tronsuror mill Clerk GetAway Away With Ton Thousand Dollars -Keekless Mnnnccnicnt of County Affairs. CitcioitTOjf , Nob. , Mny 12. , [ Corres pondence of the HER. ] The people of Knox county fooling that our finnncua were not being properly managed , ntul flint many olllcial duties were being neg lected in the county , demanded an ex amination by n petition of about 800 or the tax payers in Knox county iu 1885. In the month of September our county commissioners employed nil expert ex aminer from Qnmliti , K. L. Sayro , who proceeded to make a thorough and com plete examination of the county records from 1 ° G8 to 1830. He reports many of our records In bad condition , and the business very losoly and carelessly kept. The county clerk's ollico had never kept n book or Index , the ofllco has probably paid from two to three thous and dollars per annum for the past thrco or four years , including the abstracting , although not one cent had been turned over to the county , plats of towns and additions to towns hud never been re corded , but simply Hied tor record and liable to be stolen by some evil disposed persons , tax lists hail never been looted up , and the clerk's deputy had made a loan and brokers' ollico of the clerk's ollico , instead of devoting his time to his ollicial duties. The county treasurer's ollico had been kept in little better shape until 1833 , when Charles J. Ivadish took possession , since which time tlio records showed very poor managomi'iit. It will be re- moniunrcd that Kadish was accused of going in with the suhoolland riugof Lin coln lilim Kendall and others to gob ble our school lands from actual sulucrs , to speculate out of them , and they did capture about 00,000 acres , and turned them over to private parties to sell at an advance of $1 to $ i per aero ubovc the priee fixed by statute to-wit , $7 per acre ; this was their profit. The scheme did not pan out as expected by the rinsr and most of the lands are still in their posses sion , and liable to be for somu time , as no one cared to pay them a bonus for their dishonest scheming. Uumor says Kadish went in too deep in school land and other speculations , and the expert found him short in his accounts. The amount of shortages in the offices was found to be as follows : Ex-Treasurer Charles J. Kadish , $0,404.18 ; ex-Clerk Vac.Randa , $1,188.30 , not including the abstracting ho had done as county clerk with the county seal attached , which would probably bring his shortage up to SJ3.000 or more. The county has no bonded indebted ness , but the investigation showed out standing warrants to "the amount of $28- 25D.09 , and the delinquent taxes amount to about 8,000 , mostly personal property taxes which have been collectable , but the treasurers have neglected collecting them until many of the parties have lett the county. In tlio year 1833 our countj' commis- sioneas sold several thousand acres of land for taxes for fifty per cent of the taxes against the lands The statutes prescribe that the treas urer may take from the dilVeront funds as fees ten per cent on the lirst $3.000 , four per cent for the next $2,000 , and two per cent fur the balance collected for the fis cal year that is , from October to Octo ber ; but for some reason settlements were sometimes made in January and July , after which they would again take out the ten , fcur and two per cent from January to October. According to re ports this practice seems to have boon kept up with county treasurers all over the state , and if other counties would in vestigate their records , would probably find the same state of affairs. Tins man Kadish was elected first as an anti-rtnK candidate , and within ono year went over to the crowd who had de famed his character and tried hard to defeat him , turned his baek to his friends and worked hard for the election of K. K. Valentine in 1883. Thus you see that a man who will bo untrue to his friends cannot bo true to his country. His new found friends , the Niobrara ring , havq always proclaimed his innocence until forced to believe it by seeing the books and figures for themselves , and they are now having two Knox county experts go over tlio books to see if the shortages cannot be cut down. It is understood that Kadish has offered to turn over § 0,000 , worth of property to his bondsmen and pay the balance as soon as possible. Ho owned quite a largo stock ranch ton miles from Niobrar.i , besides other lands and property , mostly purchased , since he was elected treasurer in 1881. Had not this investigation been had , our county would have been about $12.000 out. The friends of Kadish , and perhaps those who had used our county money for speculation , have denounced the in- viistigation from the bcgguming and tried to have it slopped before comple tion. All new connties have their rings composed of cormorants , who prey upon the public , try to control the political parties , caucuses and conventions , and monopolize the public offices , putting their pets in office , lo hojp them to their public funds and public property anil build Ihomsclvcs up. These stealings and corruptions go on until the people 'demand an investigation and the mailers are shown up. when Iho rascals nrc turned out and H new deal ia made. There is no doubt there has boon plonly of jobbery and rascality carried on in many counties in Nebraska wince their organization that could bo ferreted out if taken in time by anti-ring laetions , and the rascals made to disgorge , or bo sent over the road lo board at Lincoln for a lerm of years , The bridge and other conlracts that hare been lot to jobbers at thrco times the actual cost in this county must bo the same' iu many other counties. Our bridges and school houses have cost us less than one-third for the last two years , for the same si/.u bridges and school houses that it had cost lor many of thorn before ; one school house , IdxiM feel , one story high , cost the district $1,500 to build , while another , the &ame si/.o , was built for les ? than $500 , and well finished and furnished. This accounts for the way in wlijoli certain prominent politicians - cians are getting rich bo rapidly. 11 is time that public officers should bo given to understand that a public ollico is a public trust , and every county in Ne braska , J venture to say , would be bcno- lilted by having a thorough and complete investigation at least every four years. Many counties like ours have a very slack and imperfect way of keeping the records , which should bo corrected Al ready there is a great improvement in our county ofllcoa , since they have found that they were watched more closely. The rings all through the country have their pliant tools , willing to do the bid ding of their masters if they can only got an office. It is time that the people were allowed a voice in selecting public offi cers , and then have detectives to watch thorn if they want to keep thorn honest.H. . H. Throw Awuy Trusses and employ our radical , new method , guaranteed to permanently cure the worst cases of rupture. Send 10 cents in stamps for referenced , pamphlet and terms. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation , COS Main iat. , Uuftalo , N. 1' . FROM CAPTAIN TIIK ALISTAIR HAY , 3d BATTALION BLACK WATCH Royal Highlanders , 9EODN1) SON OF THE KAHIi OP K1NNOUI.U MN CASTT.E , 1'KHTII , SCOTLAND TO TI1K MEniQ COMPANY' ! "I wns In n condition ot ( treat debility , cotuoqnent upon a broken tlnttn ittomncli , dy iiop li : and malarli , complicated wltU kldnor Irritation , when mjr medlcnl nttondnnt directed mo to take your Incompurnblo Cocn Hoof Tonic. Its effect wm lmilr | murrolous , The i > o erof illgeMlon wns qulcklr rr'tored , lh kid ney Irritation vanished and rapid restoration to hoMth followed. "Other preparations of COCA hud boon triad without tha slightest effect. " Pof Ghs Von , , Ludwig Seeger , r of Mcillclno nt the IJoj-nl tThlraniltTI Knlulil of tlio Itojrnl AuMUnn Order of thn Iron Cnmn : Knight Commander nf the lloynl Splnlidl Or der ot the lied KiiKloj Clievnller of the Legion of Honor. , etc. , etc. , uys. : CO.'S COCA. HKEF TONIC should not B8 conlouiulod with the horde of trnihjr euro-alls. It In In no jort-w at the word n patent rmui-dy. 1 am ttoor- michlreonTcrvmt with Us innda of preparation antl known to lie not only n Irsltlmntu plmrmaroutlCM product , but nl > o worthy of the hliiM ooninicndaltoiia it hm roootrod In itllpnrtn of the vrorld. . It contains of llepf , Cocii , Quinine , Iron , nn < l Cnll&fiTa , n hlcli tire ilKonlrvd In pure genuine Spanish Imperial Crown Sherry. " Invalnnlilo to nil who nro run ilown , Nervou * . DTB- peptic , llllloui , Mubrlous or afflicted with trcnk kld- iii' j * . liewnro of Imitations. Her Majesty's ' Favorite Cosmetic Glycerine Used by Her noynl lllghno s tha Prlnec-s of Wale nnil the nobility. 1'or the Skin , Complexion. Erup linn * . Chapping. KouRlmpw. * l.03. Of druBalstd. IiliillUi | < : < ) . * ' ( ! iM'i\iMYiuti'OK : : HAiiHAi'AntUJL la gnarunlcocl nn the bent Siirrnpnrlllu lu the markvt. N. Y , UKl'OrM UUKttAV STHKKT. Biliousness. la very prevalent at this season , the symptoms being bitter taste , offensive breath , coated tongue , sick headache , drowsiness , dizziness , loss of appetite. It this condition is allowed to continue , serious consequences may follow. By promptly taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , a fever may be avoided or premature death prevented. It is a positive cure for bil liousucss , Sold bv all druggists. * Parallo of the Burglar. Estellino ( Dak. ) Bell : A burglar was going through a house in a Dakota town ono night ami discovered an exceptional ly large roll of money. Curious to know whether ho had broken into an editor's house or that of some other variety of capitalist , ha turned to the owner , who hnd just awakened , and said : "lixcuso me , colonel , but 1 would like to inquire how you came by such an un usually largo wad of wealth ! " c . ' "Sir , " replied the moneyed man , " 1 am a member of the territorial legisla ture. " "A thousand parnonsl" exclaimed the polite burglar , dropping the money. 'Shako. Wo never steal from members of the profcssionl. [ Good-night. " Absolutely Pore and Unadulterated. IN U > C IN HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES. AND PXUCRIKO v Pimiouua evunrwurai , CUBES CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES And all Wasting Dlteateii DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA. ins OSI.Y PURE STIMULANT FOR THE SICK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , , AGED PEOPLE , WEAK AND DEBILITATED WOMEN , For sale to ? UraggUU , Grocers and Dealer * * Price , Olio Dollar per Bottle. Idfiiry tnseilei bottltt , tnd noot c inlii t > t locli btr our t r 4t-w rk Ubii el itit Udcbtiulit , * j Above , Dt lh tutn * of rompftuv Ulwwa In botlU. C3Pri < mie < "tortli ICvrk ? MoanUlaifeKCtpt tt > ' rritoric * ) , unable to procur * II from Uitlr d alri ( mi lift ? * Ibilf P0 * n * eni , lit plain tftte , imroArkt < 1 , * * ircu Chirac * prvptld , bfrtulttlDf tilt liolUri to The Duffy Mail Whiskey Co , , Baltimore , Md. ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL , 1870 OVER mm PARISOFTHE , SOLD ; WORLD CatnlugiH'H nnii I'rlrrson application. Bolilbjr all lug beat CorrUcB liiitlricra and Dealers. CINCINNATI , V , S. A.j. . j. coo-cm. . WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOR T1IK Omaha , Neb. OIWXj-ST. X Oul < * . l' ; > nrnp n Cure for Ix tSIintouilD3UIItr.S' S TotuftioM.Wcftknun , yv qu&clcery , la/ cMvputthUi f'roofA Hook H.-at tc Ied ! fruw EltlU JJJCO , CO. . UVWAU ) . M.K Instant i oiler , Fiaul euro In lUJaya , mulucvcr returns. Jfo purg , no tal/B no fcupposltory. Hutlor * urll earn uf a gl lmplo ruuieJy Ircu by mlJrenlna C. ONSM A 87 Nassau at. , M. V. uiu-lio jUUiu