Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEEjjtJUESDAY , MAY 18 , 1388ft.
OMAHA OITICK , Ho. uu Ann oio KAIIKAM 81
NEW YotiROmcs.RooM G5TntnunK HDIMHNH
WABIIINOTO * OmcR. No. 613 Fouirrxr.Miit ST.
Published every morning , except Sumlnjr. The
only Monday morning pnpor published in tht
nimis ny MAIL :
Ono Yenr. . tlO.OOTlir , < ? n Months . J2.M
Bix Months , . 6.WOrlo ( Month . 1.00
Tnr. WEEKi.r HER , rubllihtxl r.vnry Wcdnosdny.
OnoVcnr , trllh premium . , . f2.CC
Ono Ycnr , without premium. . . . . 1.SS
BIX MontliR , without premium . 75
Ono Month , on trial . 10
All communlcntlons relntlnjt to news nnd o < ll-
tortnl matters pliouM bo tultlrossod to tlio KM-
Ton or rnr. HXK.
All tmilnen litters nnd remittances should bo
nnc1i-c. .opl to Tin ? HER I'miusmrui COMPANY ,
OMAHA. DrnftR , clieckH mid poMofllco onion
to bo mndo pnj-nblo to tlio order of the company.
m Bit ruBLismiclipAiT ,
Bivorn Btntomctit of Circulation.
State of Nebraska , I
Cotmtv of Douglas. j * B >
N. 1 * . Fell , cashier of the Uoo Publishing
company , docs solemnly swear that thn ac
tual circulation of tlio Dally Itco for the
week eliding May 14tli , IbSO , was as follows :
Morning Kvcntnc
Date. KillUnn. Edition. Total
Saturday. 8lh. . . . oKio , 0,000 IS.lttC
Monday , loth . 7orxj
Tuesday , lltl . 0 , : X ) r,81o 12,1 ic
Wednesday. 12th. . ewe , : . , ia , : K
Thursday , istli. . . . o , : X ) n,800 12.100
Friday , Mlh . 0,300 S.8.50 12,150
Average . . .0.-IS3 5,83 12.SCC
Sworn to nnd subscribed before me , this
15th day ot May , A. D. 18SO.
SIMON J. FiRinert.
_ Notary Public.
N. P. Fell , being Ilrst duly sworn , Ooposoa
and says that ho is cashier of the Bee Pub
lishing company , that the actual average
dally circulation of the Daily lice for the
month of January , 18SO. was 10,378 , copies ;
for February , 1880 , 10,5'J.i copies ; for March ,
1880. 11,537 copies ; for April , 183C , 13,101
Sworn to and subscribed before mo this
5th day of May , A. D. 1830.
SIMON J. Fisitrcn.
Notary Public.
THE conviction of the boodle ahlormar
Jaclinc , for bribery , wis : tlio first on roe
oril in tlio state of Now York. It is nol
lilcoly to bo the last.
Cor. . MOUUISON is conlidcnt that Uu
democrats will h.ivo a majority in tin
next congress. Jeff Davis and demo
critic blunders will have something t <
say about this in the next elections.
A TiUFLn of over four millions of nov
stock will bo shortly issued by the Ponii
Bylvnnia railroad company. This boon
in the job printing ntinox of the corpora
tion will not bo appreciated b the stock
holders any more than it will by the sec
tion tributary to the road which will to
expected to pay dividends on these nuv
evidences of indebtedness.
WITH plenty of work at good wages
Omaha's boom this year will bo largolj
distributed among her working and in
dustrial classes. This is the kind o
boom which booms the longest am
brings in the best results to the commun
ity. Factories and mills , sternly employ
ment for n large army of wage earners an
worth more to u city than a dozen spas
modio rises in real cstato values , whicl
have their only basis oil a speculative ox
COHPOIUTION influences in the senat <
have so far succeeded in preventing tin
passage of the bill permitting the Haiti
more & Ohio road to bridge Staten Islam
sound. The Pennsylvania railroad own !
the two senators from Now Jersey , nm
tlioyJmvo not yet scon their way clour t (
permit a consideration of the measure
Now Jersey ought not to ucedatoloscopt
to "seo its way clear" to shelve both
Bowoll and McPhcrson when they come
iip for ro-olcction.
. TUKKEY'S reluctance to go to war will
Grcoco is evidence that the advisors ol
the sultan , understand the utter hope
lossncsa of their situation. If thoj
whipped the Greeks , as they cortninlj
would with their largo and well drillot
array , they would then huvo to grappli
jwitli Russia , or with some alliance forcet
into the conlllct by the indignation witt
which Europe would certainly bo fillcc
by the spectacle of Greek Christians be'
ipg crushed by the superior numbers o :
Uiolr Moslem foes.
Two weeks will bo devoted to the dis
cussion of the tariff in congress as soot
aa the appropriation bills are disposed of
When every now congressman has boor
given uu opportunity to print n speed
iu the Itccord in order to convince hi !
Constituents that ho has boon doing some
tblug in their interests congress will pro
oped to vote down Colonel Morrison' ;
Bioasuro by a majority which will she
1fa.o deep and pervading sense of the no-
fesslly for tariff reform which animate ;
the democratic party.
POLYOAMY has received the heavies
blow in the decision of the supreme cour
ol the United States dismissing the ap
ycal of Apostle Snow. By this deolsloi
410 appeal lies from tlio supreme court o
titan territory in any cases of uulawfu
Cohabitation. Apostle Snow haa boot
{ ouud guilty of unlawful cohahitutloi
with three wives , and as tlio penalty n
eix months imprisonment for each oll'enst
| } i ) will go to jail for eighteen months
hd as ofUin 'tlioreaftor aa ho shall com
Wit the offense. Under this kind o
prosecution oven Mormon zetil will grov
weary , |
NOTHING .strikes oastoru visitors mon
| 6rclbly , and is the subject of moro fro
qucnt conunont , than the prodigality o
the farmers of tlio west. They economize
in smallmattcrs , and are lavish in larg
Affairs. Crois ] are left uncribbcd , hay tin
covered , machinery exposed to rain am
anew , with tlio inovitablo" result of a cal
upon thcmonoy sharksa mortgaged farm
find hard labor eaten up by interest paj
BionU. The successful farmers of Ne
braska , whoso thrifty looking homo
neat fences , carefully tilled iiold
find roomy barns and sheds
bespeak the energy nnd cafe of thol
swnors , nro the mon who havd watchot
VotU the spigot and the bunghole am
Uavo promptly noted and stopped nl
Joaks as they began. The wen who hav
Scraped along , struggling to keep th' '
putgo within the Income , avoiding del
\ gild shunning money Joanors are , wit
Tow'oxcoptlons , the wealthy and intluon
ila ] farmers of the west to-day. K >
ravugapco moans debt and debt mean
worry nnd loss of property cither t
bolo or part.
Tlio Ulster Horolt.
The defeat of homo rule , if it com en ,
will bo largely duo to the turbu
lent opposition of the Protestant Irish of
Ulster. The Ulster loyalists occupy the
northern province of Ireland whore
wealth Is greatest and enterprise has
boon stimulated by English favor. The
Ulster men are largely the product of
Kngllsh planting. They have been the
chief benilioiarlea of English opposition
and English misrule. For centuries they
have tilled the most lucrative odlces , dic
tated the policy of Dublin Castle and kept
alive the llamo of religious warfare
in the Island. Ulster has always been
loyal because Ulster has never suffered
the miseries which drove the rest of Ire
land to revolt against English tyranny ,
On the contrary , every coercion net
which ground down Connnught , and Don
egal , and Cork , and the south and west ,
only increased the trade and Influence of
the north. The most severe legislation
has always received the support and
countenance of the Ulster loyalists , bo-
cnuso it only made their star rise higher
in the ascendant as tlio trusted as
sistants of the crown. The Ulster
loyalists , although a minority of the
population of Ulster , nro a powerful po
litical force. Ifyey nro wealthy , prosper
ous , shrewd and active , They have
shown their skill and valor on many an
English battlefield. Always staunch sup-
uorters of tlio crowu in every crisis , their
appeals to tlio crown against homo rule
carry much weight just at present. The
additional news they art ) purchasing
rillcs and ammunition , drilling in com
panies , and boasting of their abilitv to
put 00,000 men in the field if necessary ,
naturally complicates the situation.
For all this Ulster must yield. Homo
rule for Ireland can mean nothing less
than autonomy for the entire island
including the Jack tories of Belfast. The
majority must rule. A small but power
ful minority has controlled Irish destiny
too long. Tlioro need bo no fear of civil
war. The rancor and intolerance of a
Catholic parliament could not surpass
that of Protestant Ulster for the past two
centuries and thcro is no reason to doubt
that a Celtic majority with Parnoll at it s
head will display moro tolerance and
equity towards the Saxon element than
the Saxon element has over displayed to
wards them. The threatened revolt of
the Ulster loyalists is not surprising , all
tilings considered , but it cannot perman
ently obstruct the path towards homo
Dividing the Circuit.
Tlio senate has passed a bill providing
that the Eighth United States judicial
circuit , which includes Nebraska , shall
bo split into two parts. This action is de
manded by the steady increase in the
business of tl o federal courts in tlio sec
tion covered by the circuit of Judge
Brower. As it is now , the Eighth circuit
includes Nebraska , Kansas , Arkansas ,
Colorado , Minnesota , Iowa and Missouri ,
and tlio places of holding court extend
from St. Loula to Denver , and from Little
Rock to St. Paul. The bill as passed by
the senate takes Missouri , Iowa and
Minnesota out of the Eighth circuit and
makes of them a separate circuit by
themselves to bo known as the Ninth
circuit , the Pacific coast circuit composed
of California , Nevada and Oregon , whicl !
is now the Ninth , changing to the Tenth
The people of Nebraska will bo pleased
to know that the bill specifically provides
that the now judge which this iucroaso
of circuits would require shall bo ap
pointed for the Ninth circuit. Judge
Brewer has won his way very rapidly
into the contidenco and esteem of the
bar of the west , with whom
ho has bccu brought into
contact. Ho is able , dignified and al
ways found on the side of the people.
His judgment has not boon warped by
corporate influences or twisted by associ
ations with land-grabbers and jobbers.
His decisions are commended as lucid
and learned and his general manners
and urbane deportment make him popu
lar wherever ho goes.
It is worthy of note that the majority
of federal court judges are mon of high
character and ability. The shrewd and
caustic Caldwell , the learned and
polished Nixon and n dozen
others who might bo mentioned ,
are instances in point. Good salaries
and a lifo tenure of oilico are standing
premiums to attract the right class oi
moti to those high positions of judicial
trust. They are also standing arguments
in favor of higher pay and longer terms
of oilico in our state courts if wo are ever
to bo frco from the mortification of see
ing the supreme bench filled by brainless -
loss noodles and half-fledged pettifoggers.
Women Lawyers.
Mrs. Kate Stononmn , of Albany , ap
plied a few weeks ago to the general
term of the supreme court of Now York
for admission to the bar of that city , and
was refused on the ground that she was
not entitled to admission because the
right to practice law vas limited to mon
by the express provision of the statute.
This decision has resulted in the prompt
passage of u bill abolishing the distinction
of sox as n prerequisite to the practlco
of law in Now York , nnd in addition
has caused comparisons of the .vocord
of different states on the same question.
There are now forty-eight women law-
years in the United States , distributed as
follows in the order in which the states
iirnt admitted women ;
Iowa , 3 ; Missouri , 3 ; Michigan , 0 ; Utah
Territory , 1 ; District of Columbia , 3 ;
Maine , 1 ; Ohio , 4 ; Illinois , 7 ; Wisconsin ,
5 ; Indiana , 2 ; Kansas , Oj Minnesota , 1
( from Iowa ) ; California , 0 ; Connecticut ,
1 ; Massachusetts , 1 ; Nebraska , 1 ; Wash
ington Territory , 1 : Pennsylvania , 1. To
tal , 48.
The admission in all these states is to
tlio highest courts except in the case ol
Pennsylvania. Women huvo also ap
peared as attorneys in several of the local
courts of Maryland and have been ad
mitted to United States courts in Texas
and Oregon though not to the slate
Women wore admitted on their first ap
plication without any change of the lain \ \
in Iowa , Missouri , Michigan , Utah , Dis
trict of Columbia , Maine , Ohio , Wiscon-
sion , Indiana , Kansas , Connecticut ,
Nebraska and Washington Territory ,
In Wisconsin and Ohio after some women
had been admitted others were refused
by other judges , and the legislatures at
once passed laws forbidding the cxclu
siou. In Illinois , Massachusetts , Minnesota
seta and California the courts would not
admit wonien until laws were passed
and the legislatures promptly passed
them. The first admission of a woman
occurred in Iowa in 1809 , when the
statute provided only for the admission
of "wldto 'malo persons over the age of
21 ynard. " Both the words ' 'white" nnd
"male" s6on after dropped out of the
statute. In the other states where
women were admitted on hrst applica
tion thcro existed cither the common law
on the subject , ( whatever that may bo , )
or the words "malo. " "citizen , "or "vot
er" wns In the statute relating to admis
sion of attorneys.
Those statistics gathered by Elln S.
Martin , of the law firm of Perry & Mar
tin , both of whose members nro women ,
nro doubtless correct. Miss Mnrtln docs
not glvo the proportion of woman nttor-
noys who nro practicing advocates.
There is reason to believe that by far the
greater proportion are engaged in some
of the lines of the profession other than
court work. Some are editing law re
ports nnd periodicals , others nro convey
ancing nnd still others assisting in prn
paring bri-afs. Tlioro is no reason why
the profession of the law should not bo
thrown open in all the states to women
as n field for their mental activity. They
have accomplished n fair degree of suc
cess in medicine. Why should they not
in the no less exacting ono of thu law ?
AH Incentive to Corruption.
The large revenue surplus which even
congressional extravagance fails to wipe
out is a standing incentive to corruption
and jobbery in Washington. No ono im
agines that the Blair educational bill ,
thn Eads' ship cnnal scheme or a score of
other projects involving immense expen
diture would have boon seriously consid
ered or even introduced in congress , but
for the inducement and the opportunity
afforded by n largo treasury surplus.
The southern representatives who arc so
loudly in favor of thn sohomo to appor-
potion eighty millions for school money
among the states would have been quick
to denounce it if it had been necessary
to raise the money by taxes on raw ma
terial , onnproduction , or on .the neces
saries of living.
According to the best estimates the
now tariff bill , if passed , would reduce
the surplus revenue to the amount of
twenty-live millions. The Morrison bill
is defective but it is on the right lines.
Wo nro taxed to extortion under the high
tarifl , which exists as ono of tlio relics of
the civil war period. As n result , while
nearly every finance minister in Europe
is wrestling with : i deficit , the treasury ol
this country rejoices in a surplus of many
million dollars above the wants of the
government. Tariff reform means re
duced taxation. But it also means n re
duced trensury surplus and the removal
of a constant incentive to jobbery
and extravagance. The surplus has
proved a powerful corrupter of political
sentiment. It has given the demagogue
free range for the Introduction of mcaS'
ures "for the popular relief" which would
never hnvo received an hour's respectful
consideration if the vast sums which thej
called for would have necessitated in
creased taxation. The great game ol
grab at Washington is inspired nnd kepi
in operation by the overflowing troasurj
whoso contents arc taken from the pockets -
ots of the people by needless taxation tc
maintain industrial monopolies nnd tc
protect the interests of capital at the ex
pcnsc of unprotected labor.
JEFF DAVIS has retired once moro tc
the privacy of his home. It is rumored
on the best of autnority that his move
mcnts in tliis direction were hastened b\
the earnest entreaties of southern sena
tors and representatives who saw in his
treasonable apologies for treason a com
ing retribution on the part of a loya !
north. It was not the maudlin sentences ol
a broken down rebel which aroused the
indignation of the country so mu ch a ?
the bursts of cheers which greeted the
oratgr. The Montgomery speech of
1880 may yet bo as memorable an in
cident in the history ot tlio
democratic party as the Mont
gomery speech of 1801. The country
will not forgot that it is democrats whc
are cheering tlio reminiscences of trca
son to-day just as it was a rebellious
democracy which fostered and sustained
treason twenty-five years ago. There is
a deep and a pervading sentiment that
the men who could listen to and applaud
such sentiments are not loyal citi/.ons oi
the general government. And with this
will come the conviction that there can
be no sentimental compromise on politi
cal issues with a wing of a party
which , holding a controhng influence
in party affairs , abuses the Ameri
can privilege of free speech to
talk loyalty nt Washington und to applaud -
plaud disloyalty in Alabama. The bloody
shirt has boon laid aside as thread bare
and worn. But the issue of loyalty and
treason cannot bo again raised in the
country without stern protest from the
mon who ventured their lives to uphold
and to maintain the unity of the states.
There is certain to bo an answer to Mr.
Davis' millings. It will bo such an an
swer as will render the Irip of the arch-
traitor a memorable ono to the
with which all bis friends afliliato.
TUB Black Hills people are jubilating
over the near approach of the railroad ,
Track laying has begun from Buffalo Gaji
north and the rails are expected to reach
Rapid City by Juno 15th. With the advent
of the railroad will como a prosperity tc
the Hills which there is every reason to
believe will far exceed the most sanguine
anticipations of the old timers whc
"rustled" and prospected in the gulches
from Rapid to Deadwood nearly ton
years ago. Unlike most mining sections ,
the Black Hills rise from the
midst of rich and productive farming -
ing lands and a section of country
entirely capable of supplying most of the
necessaries of lifo from within a fen
miles of the mining camps. With Us
gold and silver , mica and tin , iron nnd
coal , the Black Hills country is moro riehlj
endowed with mineral wealth than nnj
other section of the west. The coining ol
the iron horse will enable that region tc
produce the precious mettle moro cheaply ,
and consequently to increase production
while other Industries long dormant will
spring into a prosperous activity as the
.result of rapid nnd open communication
with tlio manut'acluriug centre of the
GBNEIUI , MILES is still to bo heard
from. The scalp of the festive Geronimc
still sticks securely to his cranium in spite
of signal fires , infantry trailers and the
dismissal of the much abused Apache
MAYOR BOYD has returned from Chicago
cage , but the nomination for inspector ol
buildings.has not yet put in an appear-
Ijftbcuiic ] Streets.
The attention nfXlyi city council cannot
bo called too stronglj to.tho . cryingnoocs-
slty for labolliiiKiont streets so that citi
zens nnd stranjKirs ban find their way
about Oiunlm ifflfhsstatod , Wo know of
no city in the couijtrj ; as.doficlont in iden
tifying street signsins our own. It is
dllllcult for resident to pick their own
way about , cspeclhllj1 In the now portions
of the city. l''or grangers it is practi
cally impossible. Aft abortive move was
made last year to i have the names of the
streets painted inside the street lamps
or printed on papcPsllps nnd fastened
on the glass. It failed a ? so ninny other
plans have failed and has not been
resurrected since. Every corner lamp
should bo marked with the name of tlio
streets on which it faces This Is needed
first of all , because nt night signs on
houses nro not visible. In addition all
corner buildings or fence posts where
houses do not stand on the comer should
have small signs bearing in white letters
on dnrk background the names of the
streets which thoj * angle.
There is an immense amount of time
and more profanity wasted now In hunt
ing for streets in Oiunlm , the location of
which are not known. Aside from the
letter carriers , real estate men , hack
drivers and newspaper boys , wo venture
the assertion that thcro are not n hun
dred of our citizens who could go unas
sisted to n definite house in some of the
undefined parts of Omaha. Visitors to
our city feel the lack moro strongly than
our own people and comment upon It in
terms which do not ndd very much to
our credit. The council ought to make a
move at once to have the matter reme
died. .
STRIIS should bo taken to nbalo the
nuisance of street obstruction in Omaha.
Ono of the chief duties of the police
ought to bo to report promptly the names
of all parties who cluster up their side
walks with boxes or who needlessly fill
the streets and cutters with building ma
terial and refuse after the work of con
struction is over. Attention is called to
the northwest corner of Harncy nnd Fit-
tccnth streets , where Tom Murray's
building material fills nearly half the
street and has been n source of complaint
for the past six months. Brick nnd sand ,
beams and brush and refuse make an un
sightly pile which have no business where
they are placed unless they are
to bo used at once in the con
struction of the long delayed brick front.
The complaints are not limited to the
obstructions caused by building. Many
of our merchants feel a sort of proprieta
ry interest in tlib * pavements and sideWalks -
Walks in front of their places of business ,
and use thorn freofy for storage purposes
and for unpacking 'jvnd sorting goods
greatly to the discomfort of pedestrians
and travelers. Therolis no good reason
why the commission Houses should bo al
lowed to pick over apples , husk cabbages
and sort decaying' , vegetables on a public
thoroughfare. During the warm weath
er , now coming on , thtro is every reason
why all such offer/dersi / should bo mndo
examples of for the phblie good. There
is a place for everything , but the place
for goods is not outside the curb line oren
on the sidcwalks.dcdicatcd . to public use.
The same conditioni'bf ' affairs exists'in
many of the allUys in business parts of
town , with the added disadvantage that
ash and swill barrels join their odors to
these of decayed vegetables , empty beer
kegs and fragrant packing material.
CONGHKSS has disposed of all the gen
eral apwropriation bills but two , and will
shortly bo ready to enter upon the excit
ing but profitless work of dodging on the
tariff. Col. Morrison will call up his bill
at an early date and watch the burial of
the corpse later with tcp.rlcss eyes.
Princess Clementine , of 1 > ink. is four
teen years old , nnd is said in delightfully
The marriage of tlio Princess Anicllo , of
Orleans , and the duke ot Drag.inza will occur
on May 23.
Prince Uattcnbcrg lias an Idea , if the royal
family of England does not treat him better ,
of buying n ranch in Texas and turning
Empress Eugenie will spend the month of
Juno in Scotland , Queen Victoria having
Krnclouslyplaced Abcrgcldlo Castle other
They have started n subscription In Paris
to set a wedding present for the Princess
Ainello d'Orleans , who is to marry the crown
prince of Portugal.
Queen Victoria wrote a beautiful and wnrm
hearted letter to the widow of Principal 'JL'ul-
loch. Her Majesty , with all her eccentricities ,
has a warm motherly heart.
They make a terrible fuss over a royal mar-
rlagoln Spain. The Infanta had to go through
a performance ut her nuptials lately which
would have frightened a Mikado elrl.
It Is a terrible pitytlint Queen Elizabeth
was compelled to die before she had enjoyed
a slchtof this year's spring hots. They
would have delighted good Queen Bess.
Prince Alfred of Edlnburc ; Is to bo sent to
the principal school of Coburg this summer.
Ho Is a delicate boy and It is understood that
ho will oass the winter at Malta with Ids par
cThe widowed queen of Spain Is deeply in
terested In I'lObldent Cleveland's wrddlnsr ,
and the dowager Queen Isabella dances a pas
soul every time &ho hears the nil air men
tioned. '
Thn Empress llaru /Japan , Is only five
feet high , but when j o stamps her little foot
Pooh-Uaws tremble. , Sli9)Weais ) ebony teeth
and frescoed e > o broy , a.nd Is very fond of
American chowlng-KUUi. u
The prolific Koch tfnmlly In Berlin have
asked the Emperor'the'Drown ' ( Prince , and
Prince William to btand fe godfathers to tlio
three last boys nnd a nbhnce that they now
have nlno boys ready 1'n .duo time to bo re
cruits In the German , arjii ' .
Queen Victoria's Balmoral palace is set
down on the Aberdeen county valuation roll
as worth 82,000 n year rental , while the entire -
tire estate Is nssessed.for < tixatlon nt a value
oi 8100,000. The value * of the Abcrgcldlo
estate , which she rents fr6ra Mr. II. M. Oor-
don for 820,000 a year , Is less than 57,600.
Queen Victoria's desire to marry her wid
owed daimhter-ln-law.the duchess of Albany
to her widower son-ln-Iaw.the duke of Hesse ,
can bo accomplished without the passage of
the deceased wife's sister bill , as there Is no
EiiRllbhlaw agatiibt marrying a deceased
Wales' sister , the crown princess ot Ger
many , learned Irom the late Mrs. Bancrolt ,
when her husband was United Slates minis
ter at Berlin , some American culinary curi
osities In the way of pumpkin plu and dough
nuts , which she delights tq display on other
tables. It Is remarked that UUuiarkls shy of
the hospitalities of the crown niiucess.
It Won't Do to Let It Go at That.
St. iMitli Uepubltean.
"All anarchists 'nro cowards , " says the
Philadelphia Press. . It ( s ell enough to say
so , but It Is not well enough to lot U go nt
thnt It takes a first class coward to mnke n
first cln < 3 murderer.
Safer in tUo hong Htin.
0 Wto h Time * .
Your anarchist will now bo sorry ho did
not tiso his mouth nioto and his bombs less.
A Suspension Wonted.
Clilcago A'ttw.
Mr. Parsons wants the public to suspend
Its judgment. The public , however , Is moro
In the humor to suspend Its anarchists.
Tnkoa the head.
Grand Mrtnd Independent.
The Omahfi HUE takes the load as n
Nebraska newspaper , both In circulation niul
amount and variety of news matter.
Take Notice ,
JMmlt Vrct I'rtft.
Tlioro were no Irishmen ninon ? the bomb-
tlirowlnc anarchists In Chicago. But there
was an Englishman. The British press please
take notice. ,
The 1'oonlo'B Choice ,
Van Wyck clubs are bolnp organized In
every part of the stalo. The "old man"
poems to bo the choice ot the great mass ot
tlio people whatever the polttlcuns may say
to the contrary.
The Ono AVny to Get ilofonn.
O'A'em lYf/mne.
When tlio people take the matter Into
their own hands nnd sonil men of the stamp
of Van Wyck to represent thorn , wo may ex
pect reform In the matter ol railway rntos ,
but not until then.
Sticks to Ilia Pick.
LnmlHMaio. } Cttlztn.
" " said the to
"My Rood man , philanthropist
the street laborer , "do you never have cause
to grumble at vour positions' ' " "No sir , "
wns tlio answer , "I took my pick at the
Too Often True.
Kew Orleans Pfcayiiric.
Policemen are bound to bear the sins of
those higher In authority. They would
make many moro nrrests nnd suppress ninny
more evils if they were not whistled oil by
Interested pnitles.
The RraHon Why.
O'iYdll Tilliitnc.
Van Wyck la not loved by his associates in
the bcnnU : . The reason for this dislike Is
very'npparent ' to a close observer of the doIngs -
Ings of the millionaire senators. In a recent
speech Senator Van Wyck said : "Can you
make tlio men of America bellovo that the
three hundred millions claimed by Vnndorbilt
and the two hundred millions claimed by
Gould were honestly obtained I" What a
back-handed slash that was nt many of his
fellow senators. Mr. Van Wyck's facetious
remarks are well-pointed.
Why Should We Worry ?
Howard C. THpp.
Oh , why should wo ever worry about
The tutuic , the present , or past ?
For tlie seasons produce tuo much to doubt
That our lives shall always last.
Wo nro tossed and tumbled upon Time's
In the whirlwinds of grief and glee ,
And shall sink nt last Into desolate graves ,
As a ship sinks into the sea.
There may bo gods In the skies above ,
There may be a hell below ;
There may uo a law for our hate and love ,
A reason for Joy or woe.
Oh , why should we lintc , with a hellish hate ,
A brother or sister fnlr ;
Since we all shnll sutler the same sad fate ,
After our years of care ?
The Two Rich Mon of Nebraska.
Pcoria Journal : Mr. Henry Witto ,
who is believed to have been the richest
man but one in the state of Nebraska ,
was found dead on the prairie near
Lincoln , a few mornings ago. Ho
wandered away from homo and a sudden
change of weather occurred. Although
the country is thickly settled , and ho
might easily have gained the shelter of
ono of the fttrm houses , he appears to
have become dazed or demented , and to
have continued tq wander about until
overcome by fatigue and exposure , ho
lay down ana died , and his body was
found stiff nnd cold on the following
morning. Mr. Witte went to Nebraska
many years ago , and removed to Lincoln ,
the capilol , when that city was first laid
out on the virgin prairie. John Fitz
gerald , who is probably worth $8,000,000
to 81,000,000 , , is the richest man in the
state , nnd Mr. Witto was probably the
next , with $2,000,000. They both com
menced life with pick nnd shovel on the
streets and railroads of Iowa and Ne
braska. Mr. Witto owned about ! 50,000
acres of choice hind and probably half n
million dollars in property in Lincoln.
Ho was noted for tlio extreme care ho
took of his own interests , and the fact ho
never made any manifestations of public
spirit. Ho paid his taxes grungingty and
wns a continual growler nt puuhc im
provements of any kind. Fit/.gcrald is
entirely different. Ho is generous , open
hearted , a strong advocate of public im
provements , nnd hns done a great deal
m improving Lincoln , Plattsmouth ,
Omaha , Nebraska City and other cities
in the state. He is an earnest , warm
hearted Irishman and Patrick Egan went
to Lincoln direct from Ireland upon
Fitzgerald's invitation and was assisted
in business by him. The two rich men
of Nebraska were no more alike than if
they belonged to different species of
animal kingdom.
General Butler's Nophow.
Chicago Herald.
George II. Butler , the dissolute nephew
of the gonornl , whoso death occurred a
few days ago , was in the beginning a
brilliant man. The opportunities that he
had were most enviable , but he threw
them all away. Any one of a dozen
chances that were given him through
the instrumentality of powerful relatives
and friends would hnvo been the making
of a youth who had his mind set on rising
in the world. Ho graduated from \Vest
Point witu honor , und might have been
somebody in the army. He hold enviable
positions on the metropolitan press ,
which would have been the stcuplng
stones to succes if he had proved him
self worthy of them. Ho married a well-
known and popular actress , and as n tho-
atrlcal manager ho once had prospects
that wore most Haltering , Ho obtained
n high position in the consular service ,
but threw it away. In these nnd in
other fields of endeavor he found himself
pushed forward on many occasions to
places from which advancement would
have boon easy if ho had not proved
wanting ,
Butler's weakness wns his appetite , It
ruined him. It reduced him to bojrgnry ,
deprived him of friends , dulled his in
tellect nnd shattered his health. Ho hns
died nn object of commiseration nt an
ago when ho might have been enjoying
the comforts and honors of success. Prob
ably no young American ever had more
advantages than he , und certainly none
over went moro persistently to destruc
Kirk's Gorman I'llo Ointment.
Sure euro tor blind , bleed Inc. and Itching
Plies. One box lias cured the worst cases ot
tenjcars btandlm ; . No one need suirerten
minutes after using this wonderful Kirk's
German Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors ,
allays tlio Itching at once , nets as R poultice ,
gives Instand idltf. Kirk's German Pllo
Ointment is prepared only for Piles and
Itching oi the private parts , and nothing eise.
Every box Is warranted by our agents. Sold
l > y druggists ; sent by mall on roculptbf price ,
> 0o nor box.
box.DIC C. 0. BENTON , Pitor ,
Cleveland. O.
Sold bC. If. Goooduian and Kulm & Co.
A Preacher Teaches Yale Stndonte to
Play Poker ,
A Handsome Wolf In Olrrlcnl CJnrb
Plucks Now Ha vcti People nnd
KlopoH With n Connect- !
cut Beauty.
Now Haven special to the Now York
Morning Journal : A few days ago a
distinguished-looking gentleman who
was dressed In the garb of an Episcopal
clergyman arrived in this city and ob
tained accommodations at the boardinghouse -
house kept by William II. Joyce on
Orange street , The stranger seemed in
clined to bo communicative , nnd said
that his name was the Hov. Henry Urowu
and that his home wns In the far west.
Ho had como east to study French , so
that ho might bo butter nblo to preach to
the colony of French pcopln that were
settled near him. Ho also wished to ralso
money to build a church in the border
town whore ho was to stive souls. 13y
way of credentials ho showed a letter of
introduction , which ho claimed had boon
signed by the Uishop of Montana.
brown soon succeeded in interesting a
number of Now * Haven clergymen in his
behalf , and with their assistance secured
a largo class of music scholars , which
was composed chiefly of young ladles.
Ho was a good vocal and instrumental
musician , und his fair young pupils pro
gressed finely.
Urown suumcd to take a fatherly inter
est in thorn , and they almost worshiped
their instructor , who always opened the
lesson hour with prayer. Fond mammas
from all parts of the cily llockcd to
Brown's apartments to consult with him
in regard to their daughters' souls , and
notwithstanding the fact that several of
the more experienced papas pronounced
tlio sanctimonious parson a fraud and
impostor their good wives secretoly sup
plied Brown with liberal contributions of
money : md often cheered him with their
While Brown wns thus getting himself
into the good graces of the ladies and re
lieving them of their spare change , ho
was also making liimself solid with the
hulf-doion wealthy Yalu students that
hoarded with the Joyce family The stu
dents liked the jolly parson and delighted
in listening to his stories of lite in the
far west.
Ono day Parson Brown explained to the
Yale boys how the minors and ranchmen
played poker , The game differed slight
ly from college poker in general and
Xalo poker in particular , nnd the
young men urged the good man to in
struct them into the mysteries tlioreqf.
Brown lost all the time and insisted
that he was only playing to amuse the
boys. At last luck seemed to change and
one ovenin < j Urown won $1,800 Irom the
students , which was all the money they
had. The money was sent by the parents
of the boys to pay the board of their sons.
The following night they played tigain
and Brown won their watches , rings and
other valuables which they staked in lieu
of money.
The students implored Brown to give
them back a portion of their money. Ho
laughingly remarked that he would send
it to their parents if they so desired. This
effectually silenced them , and Brown was
left unmolested to gather money from
his lady friends.
To Miss Alice Marsh , the daughter of
one of the wealthiest of the residents of
this city , Brown was particularly atten
tive ami at last the1 twain became engaged ,
Mr. Marsh was kept in ignorance of the
fact , however , mid it was arranged that
as ho seemed to dislike Brown very much.
the twain should go to Now York and got
married , after which they should return
and ask the forgiveness of the old gentle
man.Mrs. . Marsh was so infatuated with the
man of God that she did all she could to
help perfect the plan and readily con
sented to lend Brown $500 to pay the ex
penses of the trip. MissMarsh persuaded
bc.-r father to give her $1,000 to purchase
a spring outht in Now York. Thus pro
vided the pretended clergyman and his
confiding companion departed for Now
York on the same train , but when they
reached that city instead of proceeding to
the house of an aunt of Miss Marsh as
had been arranged , Brown persuaded the
innocent girl to go to the Grand Union
Hotel for dinner.
Miss Marsh's wallet containing the
$1,000 was trausferred to Brown's pocket
for safe keeping and ho started oft to
order dinner. That is the last Miss
Marsh ever saw of him , und she at last
wont to the house of her aunt and related
her story.
Brown , it is now supposed , is In reality
Royal M. Jowett , who escaped from the
Michigan penitentiary about four years
ago , This story of his career in New
Haven has been kept very quiet and only
the immediate friends of the family know
that Alice entertained anything more
than a friendly regard for the parson.
Detective James Ilowel has been looking
for Brown for several days and if ho la
captured will probably spend the remain
ing portion of his life behind prison bars.
The losses of the students will reach
$3,000. , Brown hod collected about $3,000
from Now Haven people to use in the
erection of the Western church. His
board bill of $00 Is unpaid. The Marsh
family contribution amount * to $1,500. A
man wearing a circus plaid stands moro
chance of social recognition in New
Haven to-day , than T. Do Witt Talinago
or Henry Ward Beoohor , if traveling
The best regulator ot digestive organs and
and the best appetizer known Is AiiKoxtura
Ultters. Try it but beware of Imltntiono
Get from your crocer or druggist the genulnt
article , manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siegers
& Bona.
A SiiccesBful Strike.
Wall Street News : Ou the 1st instant
an engineer employed in a Wisconsin
saw-mill announced to his boss that the
time had come for him to strike. Every
body else was striking , and ho could not
be left out in the cold.
"Do you want moro pay ? " naked the
"No ; the pay is all right. "
"Want shorter hours * "
"No ; the hours arc all right. "
"Then , what do you wunlr"
"I want to go iishing this afternoon
without having my pay docked. I'll bo
on hand again in the morning. "
"Ho was told to go , nnd the "strike"
wns amicably adjusted on that basis.
Forest and itrourwt Natural Fruit Flavors.
Yaullla , I nnon , Orungu. Almond , Itose , etc. ,
llavor ai iloUcattl/ and naturally aa the IrulU
" * * ' 1 ijffi vr- fvr f \ - ' ' " ' - " rr"a
riirstclnns , Ministers , Missionaries , Manajrors
ot Vnctorks , Work-shops , Plnntntlons ,
Nurses In Hoiltnli | in snort , every
body ovorj where who lias
over gh on It n trlnl.
THHOAT , &o.
Arrt.tKI ) EXTEIlNALI.r ,
Prices , 25c. , 60c , and $1,00 per Bottle ,
Crfc > Bownro of Imitations. . & ]
. . .
617 St. Cbnrlcn Nt. , Bt * Lonla , Bio. 11
lr ctiUrcrdaaUof Iwo UcdlcalColUict , biibcenlonfftr |
CDgftgeil ID ihtipielal trcatmaatof Cntovic , KBKVOV * . 8 i
and IttoiD Piitiici th a mr olhirl'faMtcUttln8tLottlJ
ti eliy ptprri ihow md I1 oldre l < l nli EDO * .
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcer8f are lr ld with unpartlUUd
cccii , en UtciUclBtIOo prlnelpUi.SaUlr. Trlrttelj.
Diseases Arlilng from Indiscretion , Excels ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which pnxiue * iom of th *
foUowlDf cffeciJi DcrroDtD n , deblllir * dlmnesi of ilcM
anddifeetlTemtmerr , plmpltion tin wc , pbTilealdtt/ ,
aTrif atolbt oeletfor ffra l , oonfuila * of ldt i , tic. ,
rtndfrlnf Marrlag-o Improper or unhappy , u *
ID tested cortlape , freote inaidren. . CoDiultaltoaatof"
He * or by mill frtt.tnrlttd audttrletlf e BBdcntUI.
A Positive Written Guarantee fU n in rtrjcu
ttbla cue. liedlclofl ienlarflrjwb r bj mall cr pr AJ.
300 PAQE8 , TINE PLATES , lct t eUtb nfl rllt
bjodlnf , ie 1 dforOOo. lopcitiisorourrcocf , O # r tflj
venderftil , tru rt1elii tbt foliowloc
p n pkturei to lUej on
nfejecti i who mijr tutrrf , who not. bj | miohood. Wfloto-
b odpli/itf t dfCif , ffeeti efeiltbaer andeieeii.tho pbj * .
Jolocy oirpr aaetanaiidniiny | mor . Thoie ntrrled op
roQteaiplitin * tntrrUc * iboaM rwtd 1U tKnrUr rdltl &
Whew VITALITY li faJllnir. Brain \INKDan4
dotted br . ,
( ucaaufullr Introduced liur . Allvrakenl _
dnlni promptlr cuocked. TKKATlhK Klvloff naw
p p rand mi tciten4orncmmtj.rtf.KIIEK. : Coniult * >
noBoHlc orl > r ratll ) with > lx tir.b&nl doctor * If UKK.
CIVUULE AilENCY. Ha. 174 Fulton Strict New Yorib
1SO9 'A.E.iT .a C ST ,
Practice limited to DiHcnscs of the
Glasses fitted for all forms of tlofoctlvo
Vision , Artificial Eyes Inserted.
Do you want n pure , bloom *
lug Complexion ! If so , a
few applications of Hagan's
ify you to your heart's con
tent. It does away with Sal-
lowness , Redness , 1'implcs.
Ulotchc.s , nnd all diseases and
Imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the Hushed uppcaiv
once of heat , fatigue and ex
citement. It makes u lady of
THIHTY appear but TWEN
TY ; and so natural , gradual ,
and perfect are its effects ,
that ft is impossible to detect
its application.