Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1886, Image 1

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„ , - .
Tariff Legislation Misaissippi River Ap
propriation Oleomargarine.
Scimtor Van Wyclc Speaks I'rolmblo
Veto of tlio itlvcr nml llnrbor Ap-
preprint Ions Dr. McGllllouddy
Topics of Interest ,
WASHINGTON , May 17. [ Special Tclo-
gram.J It Is now understood among Morri
son's filunds that ho will call up thu tariff
bill In the house jitslassoonaaacouploinoro
of the nppiopilallon bills arc out of the way.
Jle Is not at all sure that the bill will pass ,
but ho Is determined to give It a fair chance.
Hois ix little nettled at the constant asscr-
tloim of the opponents of tlio hill that ho Is
ufi aid to call it up , and ho thinks , besides ,
that his chances aiu very good. Us gteat
dancer , he believes , lies In the attempt which
Is to bo made to strike out the enacting
clause. Morrison himself says that thoio-
poitsthathcis solng to let the bill so over
until the next .session without an clfort lo
call 11 up are not true.
A curious discussion has arisen among
members lulcicsted In llio river and harbor
bill , paitlcnlaily those Inteicstcd In the Mis
sissippi river appioprlatlons , icgarditiRlho
cffecl of llio action of Iho house In striking
out certain portions of the bill which placed
the expenditures for the Mississippi river In
the hands of the Mississippi river commis
sion. It was supposed at the lime that the
notion fairly knocked out thu Mississippi
river commission and placed the whole work
iilion that stream In charge of the war de-
pnitmcnt again. It Is now claimed , how
ever , that such Is not the case , but that by
subsequent bcctions of the hill and existing
law tlm commission Is continued In charge
of t he vt ork. L'\cn if It should not follow
that this is thu ease It Is ciultu piobablo that
thu senate may icstoiu thu Mississlpal river
commission clause ns It stood in the original
bill.Every day adds to tlio prospect that the
president will veto thu tiver and harbor bill.
It was about 815,000.000 in size when it got
through the house , but it looks now as though
it might bu about S' ' , UOO,000 latgur by thu time
it gets lo the president.
The house committee on agriculture is a
good deal disappointed at Its lallure to get
action last \\CCK on the bill taxing oleomar-
eailnc. It is liimly believed that thu bill will
icadllypass It it gets before the house. Thu
.senate committee liavlng it in chaigo has also
repotted the bill favorably , out as it
Is a nieasuio which affects revenues
tlm .senate cannot act upon it until it is acted
upon in the house. Them scums little doubt
of its becoming a law in a somewhat modi-
lied form whenever congtuss can getlimu lo
take it up.
risiiniiv Tiioininr.s.
The troubles growing out of the refusal of
thu Canadian government to admit Anictl-
can vessels to her ports for the. puicliasa ol
bait Is ot discussion
hero. Those who have studied the matter
cuiefully believe that the real inotlvo of the
Dominion in the policy at present jmisucd Is
to letain some valuable pilyilego within Ihu
conttol ol'tlie Dominion govcinmcnt with
which to ncgotiato tor the admission of
Canadian fish freu of duty to thu polls of the
United States.
1)11. MCniI.T.ICUI > I > Y Jin.MOVKD.
] ) r. V. 1. McCJilllcudy , who has been
for many jo.irs In charge of the most
Important and troublesome ol' all the Indian
agencies , at Pine liidgu agency , has been
summarily removed from ollico uy Ihu secru-
tary of Ihu inleiior. Tiiuio is no man in Iho
Indian service over whom tlieio 1ms been so
much dispute as McCillicudy. Charges have
auain and again been filed against him and
no end of inliiiunco has been exerted lo re
move him. Ho has been in constant war with
lied Cloud , bend of thu Indians he has cliarire
ot , and has succeeded In reducing Ked Cloud
Irom the eliieltancy lo Ihu rank.
roil lNbUU01llil.VA.TIOX.
McCiilllcuddy's was not the result
of any chaigcs tiled against him. but It was
because of insubordination In lefnsing lo ro-
cognl/e and obey Iho oiduis of the interior
Secrulaiy Lamar said lo-day lhat hoes-
teemed McGllitcuddy very highly , and \\as
voiy souy lo but ompelled lo lake Uils htep ,
but it seemed lo him absolutely ncccstaiy to
do so , as thu agent had positively iclused to
obey thu orders ol Iho derailment. Ho bad
only been suspended , but would bo lemoved.
nnd at his lequest Iho secretary of war had
dliccted Major James Hull , of thu Seventh
cavalry , to go to I'luo JJIdgu at once and take
charge of thu agency until fmther notice.
Indian Commissioner Alkins says :
haui the very highest opinion of McCiiillcud-
dy , and dining all bis lights 1 have blood by
him , but be Is altogether too independent.
and It Is a mere question whether be snail
run thu department , or whether I t > liall. At
thu beginniiu : of my admlnlstiatioii 1 saw
lhat II was necessary lo huui Ihu clmks at thu
Indian agencies changed liom tlmolo limn
In oidcr to piovont collusion between then.
and the agents , and 1 thought that It was but
tor for Iho agents and better lor Ihu go vent
ment that this , rotation in ollico bu adopted
An agent cannot maku lulsu en.
tries and cannot vciy well swindle
thu government without Iho Know !
edge of his clerk and an honest agen
ought to bu willing lo accept a clerk that Is
not dependent upon him In any way for his
place. Thu government has a right loic-
iiuliti agents to accept Mich employes as aiu
thought pi oper tor their service and Ihu poll.
cyol shilling cleiks about at ccttaln Inter
vals was adopted without ic aid to Major
McCllIlcuddy orauy oilier man In thu t-eiV'
lee. It was simply a pimciple , ana was noi
pointed at any pmt > on. Neatly all thu clerk.-
in thu bcivlcu have been changed about
Theio iiruboniii left , however , but wo will ge
mound to them pretly soon and 1 do
not mean to le.ivo any one wlieiu
bu has beun for o\er two ye
On the iilsl of April I di-ddu.l to shift the
clerk at .Standing Kock agency lo Pliui
Itldgc. The reason 1 dlschaiged Daniel
li ) own , who had been McCilllcuddy's clcik
was lhat ho hud applied tor a license us r.
trader and It was not pioper that bo should
lemuln In thoseivlee. Hut f was sin prised
ut the lecclpl of a letusal fiom McCllllciuldy
to acquiusu In Ihu dismissal ot hi.i cleik. No
lurlluT action was taken in icgaid to thu
matter until thu leceipt of a letter which
merely sot foitli In detail his objections.
Thcio was no intention of rctli'cting upon
Mr. McCilllcuddy's chaiactcrundlhuiulu np-
jilled to him was the same that had been ap
plied lo neaily all axeuts In the depai tmont. Aai\rs : ACQUIKSCK ,
One of our asunts iiown In Now Muxlco
objected to having a clerk sent to him , but
when 1 told him thu older was Imperative ho
backed down and accepted the cleik. Mr.
Claik , whom wo have aligned to PlnoKldgo
agency as clurk , is one of the best men In the
service , but as 1 imdeit > taiul It , McOlllicuddy
does not object lo him , but lo Ihu rule of Iho
ilepaitment , and It Is simply a uuuatlon
whether ho shall submit or reliic.
Till ! 1'IOHT ON TAllIFF.
A confeieiieu of all th democratlo mem-
bcis of the ways and means commltteo was
held last evening for the purpose of deter
mining when the taillf bill sliould bo called
up forconsldeiatlon. It WHS decided thai as
soon as Iholeglalatlvuund executive appro-
prlallon bill Is ttlsposed of. Mr. Moriiaon
siiall move to tuKu up the tar ill' bill. Ho expects -
pects theiefoio to call It up about a week
Irom Wednesday and 1ms notltied the op
ponents of thu bill to that effect.
If Mr. Handall'a wishes are respected , the
protection republicans and democrats will
antagonize the motion for consideration
w Itli bomo otiier measnio , as , for example , the
inter-btatu commerce bill. Thupto upon
this motion is expected to furnish a test of
the relatho hlieiuth of thu supporters and
opponents of Iho tariff bill.
Unhappy Democrats ,
WASHINGTON , . May 17. ISpcclal . ] As
luight po expected , a great deal Is being said
by the society of gossips about the appioach-
Ing marriage of the president. There are
some people In society hero with - \ lareo
amount of hardihood , and they are already
manoeuvring to get Invitations to Iho wed
ding , despite tlio icpoatcdly announced fact
that It Is to bo strlclly private. I am told that
more than a hundred people In "tho high
ranks" have , In ono way and another , Indl-
-atecl , BO Hint It will get to the president , that
hey would consider it a great honor to re-
elvo an Invitation to the ceremony. They
vonld look back to the event till Ihoy loitered
. ' 1th age , as a magnificent epoch In their
Ivcs being present at Hie marriage of a
So far , Mr. Cleveland hai Indicated to no
ne lhat ho duslrcd their piosisucc that Is , It
a not known that ho has and tlio public do
lot expect even the members of thu cabinet
o receive an invitation. A member iifthe
: ablnrt says nothing has HO far bcun said at
'huir meetings of the coming event , and no
haiigo can ho observed In tlio demeanor of
Ho chief executive.
The Paul Prys report the arrival of boxes
nil packages at the white house every day.
nit the Interior work at the mansion has not
'ecu ' carried forward lo any noticeable ox-
ent. It Is likely thai those Iravlnir thu affair
n clurga will conduct It without show.
It Is said that Senator Kenna , ot West
Virginia , has been consldeilng the question
tf resigning his position as chairman of the
lampalirn committee on account of the pusl-
lon of the president on a number of sub-
ccls which will figure In Iho fight tills fall.
Senator Kenna lias several times during the
) ast few days talked with the piesldent
ibout political matters , with a view to arrlv-
UK at an understanding as to the course the
ulminlstratlon will pursue in lufeicuco to
ertaln mattcis. Ho wants lo know what to
ixpect in thu way of assistance , and what thu
jommltteo and paily may expect to have to
light in the form ol unpopular politics. Son-
iilor Kenna is oiiu of Iho shrewdest pollll-
: iaiisns well as ono of Iho most billllant
statesmen In the eounlry , and ho doesn't
ivaut , this caily In his lite , to enter a great
trngglowith defeat foreoidalned. llo will
Qullo a howl is being made by discharged
employes of Ihu pension ollico over an older
recently made by the commissioner. The
winy ot supervising Inspecting agents of the
Imreau were all bul live discharged some
time atro , and llu u letalned were ordeied
( loin for duty. The pay of a supervising in-
ipeclor Is Sl,8jO ( a jeur and 53 a day for ex-
icnses. Slncu iheso live men have been cm-
> loycd hero about six months there has
men no diminution of their pay ; they con-
in uu to gut thuir S3 a day besides thu Sl.bOO
\ year.
This action on the parl of tlm commissioner
las Imnubt upon his bead showers of en-
Uhemas fiom the discharged men and tlioso
ivho aio iealous of the live supeivlsors re
tained. The complainants contend that the
commissioner has no authority for allowing
ii per diem besides a salaiy except thu cm-
plojo Is In Ihu Held. Besides llicy say It is
: iotielorm lo allow il.
Van Wyclc on Pensions.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 17. [ Special Tel-
cgram.J Senator Van Wyck made a charae-
eilstlcally strong speech on thu subject of
pensions in tlio senate llns aflcrnoon , dining
lie eonsldeiation of the Blair pension bill.
Ho said ho undcistood the bill bcforo
ho senate to bu a service pension
iniler certain conditions. It pensioned
.hose who served six months or moie , who
are now disabled Irom any cause.
llo would amend llio bill by making the
pension unifoimly S3 a month to any sol-
Her disabled to tnu o\tent of being nnablo to
"in nlsh his own support , who depended on
Ids labor for his suppoit. This would do
away with the otlcn unjust system of grail-
ng pensions. Tlioso who received injuries
n tlio line of duly aio already by law entitled
o pensions. Senator Van Wyck uigcd the
pensioning of old veterans , whether their
lielplessncss giow directly out of their serv
ice or not ,
"Wo said wo would vote the last man and
the last dollar , " said the senator , "to save tlio
country nnd preserve the union. Wo voted
the last man , but the last dollar Is a long way
off. "
Mr. Harris "I understand that you would
Ivo SS a month for the slightest injury and
none unless S8 a month. Am 1 rlgluV"
Mr. Van Wyck "No , sir : no man shall bo
aced on the pension roll at 88 a month un
ss disabled from supporting himself. This
a idfr. a donation , to the poor and needy ,
and these who beg on Hie sheet , die In Iho
poor hmiso and aiu buried in plno boxes.
Theio should bo no disctlmination on ac
count of a supposed Injuiy and the present
system of latlng of pensions , which has
always been more or less uusallslactory and
unjust , should ho avoided. If we are to
muasuio disabilities under this hill , as wo
have been under others , there will bo gicat
dlssatlsfacllon. "
licloro a vote was laken the sonata ad
Industrious Mcmlicrs.
WASHINGTON , May 17. [ Special Tele-
gram.J Colonel Henderson , of Iowa. In
troduced In Iho house lo-day a bill appropri
ating sa.'iO.OOO lor a branch homo for volun
teer disabled soldiers In the state of Iowa ,
to bo located on a tract of land not less than
S20 acres In extent , and to bo sclouled by
boaid of managers.
Other Iowa members Introduced bills as
follows :
Uy Mr. Fuller To pension John II. Halo.
Uy Mr. Hepbuin ( iiaiillng condemned
cannon to Isminger post , O. A. It. , atClmrl-
Ion. Iowa , and Ihu If. A. It. posls at Allurlon
and Nuwmaikol , Iowa.
Mr. Doibov , ot Nebraska. Intioduccd bills
to pension Henry U. Sturgls , Xuidus Jewell
and James M. Derail.
llonl and Ilo us Butter.
WASHINGTON , May 17. A largo number of
petlilons are coming into Ihu fienntu lelatlntr
to olcomaigarlno and other Imitations of
butler. The great majority of the petition
are fiom iigUculttiial ami dairy associations ,
and favor the bill proposing an ifitcinul lov-
cium lax on the pioduct named , and the reg
ulation of Its mannlaetiuo and sale , while.
the opposing petitions aiu tiom pinduco exchanges -
changes , nnd similar commercial oodles , pro
testing against any such law , and suggesting
thai It would ho siilllolent for congieto 10-
qulro such products to bo piopeily labeled.
Fnvorlni ; I < rnnoh MIIO.S.
WASHINGTON , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram. ] The Ncbraiica delegation In con-
gicss and Iho Omaha board of fiado will
maku an argument beloio Iho house commit
tee on Pacific rallioads on Wednesday Ii :
support of the Union Pacific rallioad bills
Introduced In thu sonata and house bv Sen
ator Van Wyck and Iteproseiitatlvo Dorsoy.
The latter has a petition signed by 0,01)0 )
citizens of Nebraska In favor of the bll
which he will lay before thu commltteo.
Nebraska nml lown PnstnfllccH.
WASHINGTON , I ) . C. , .May 17. [ Hpecla
Telegram. I 1'honaiiio of the postollico ai
Ucllo Pranle , N'b. , has been changed lo
Strang. James 11. lirldgcwood , postmaster.
A commission has been Issued for postmast
er at Albeit to K. House. Delhi , Iowa. Post
offices have been established at llollmaii ,
Holt county , Neb. , liene K. M. l-ehmer. post
master , and at Cedar Valley. Cedar county ,
Iowa , John Loflus , postmaster.
tlia Mississippi.
WASHINGTON , May 17. [ Special Tclo
KiaiiLJ Hepioscntatlvo Henderson , of Iowa
said to thu Hoc correspondent to-day that hid
bill , recently favorably reported Irom the
committee on commcico , authorizing the
Chicago. Burlington & .Mlssouil railroad to
hrldgu thu Mississippi ut Dubiujuo would un
doubtedly bu passed by the house soon , and
that it had a clear course in thu sonata.
Active I ) nt Silent.
WASHINGTON , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram. ] J. Sterling Morton calls at the In
terior department almost daily ; Inquires
about the nuwland o dices In Nebraska , when
the offices will bo appointed , etc. . files new
papers for applicants , mges claims of bis
ti lends and goes away ; but ho expatiates to
the leporteis about the situation not.
f Senate.
WASHINGTON , May 17. After Hio routine
business In the senate to-day Mr. Kryo called
up tlio house shipping bill , entitled "A bill
to nbollsh certain fees for ofllclal services to
American vessels , and to amend the laws re
lating to shipping commissioners , seamen
and owners ot vessels. " ( This Is the bill
passed by the house of representative's on
February 4 last , abolishing fees for incnsur-
tonnage , for Issuing licenses , registry
icrtlfic.itcs and a great variety of other
'no \
The bill having been read , Mr. Fryo moved
o add to It a now section of the provisions
) f a bill recently ' reported by him from the
: ommittco on'commurcu autlioiizlnc tlio
resident to Issuon proclamation whenever
ic may deem proper , denying the vessels ot
'orclin | countries such privileges as nrn de
ilcd In such foreign cntinlrlea to vessels of
.ho United Stair's. This Is the provision
iiithorlr.lne retaliation for the recent action of
ho Dominion of Canada In excluding United
jfcitcs vessels fioin ccitaln mtvllcgcs In
Canada noits ; but the provision of Sir.
"ryo'sblll Is notconlltied to Canada , hulls
-iiade general bo ns to apply to all foreign
The amendment was agreed to without do-
jitc. ; The bill as nmcnded by the senate was
.lion passed nnd on motion of Mr. Fiyo a
ouimlttec ot confcicncu was oideicd on the
lltmgrculng votes of the two houses upon the
Piocccdlnp to the calendar , the senate
passed the following measuru : A bill author
izing juiics ot the United States clicult
ami district com Is to bo used Interchanuc-
The clmlr appointed as a conference com-
ultlce on the shipping bill passed this morn-
nir. Messrs. MIIUr , Dolphand Vest ( Mr. Fryo
iitd announced that lie was obllccdto buah-
, unt fiom the senate for an Imlellnllc length
f time ) .
At 2 o'clock the pension bill was laid be
fore the senate. The pending amendment
ivas that heretofore offered by Mr. Van Wyclc
irovldlni : that no soldier under the act shall
eoelve less than 38 per month.
Mr. IJlnlr moved to amend the amendment
by subsltutinj : S4 tor S3. Rejected.
Mr. Loiran moved an amendment provld-
iiKthat all pensions heretofore gianted under
Miy provisions of the acttoany soldier , shall ,
whom less than SS per month has been al
lowed , bo Increased to SB per month , and no
less amount shall ho allowed to any pension
er being a soldier under this or any previous
act. Hejected.
Without f miner action the senate went
nto executive session and when tne doors
eopened the senate adjourned.
A bill was intioduccd by Mr. ( innihor of
Wisconsin ( by requesl ) to prevent prosecu
tion under protection of the United States
of fraudulent claims against foreign govern
Under the call of states , among tliobllls In
troduced was the following by Mr. lioutellc ,
appropriating S.'O.OUO 1'or the erection in
Washington of a hi ouzo monument to the
late Edwin M. Stan ton. Tlio house then
went into committee of tlio whole on the
urgency deticioncy bill.
As reported from the sub-committee this
morning to the full committee on appioprla-
tions of the house , the leghlati\o , executive
and judicial appropriation bill inaKes a total
apniopiintion for .tho next liscal year
ot Sa > ,710,8T7. The appropriation tor thu
cm lent year was $31i71CO : > , and the es
timate for next year aggregated & 3l,40COb5.
Thu bill was considered brieily. and , having
been reported to the house. It was passed.
On motion of Mr. O'Donnell , trom the
committee on education , the rules wcio sus
pended and the iiouso passed yeas. 20i : ;
nays , 0 thu senate bill to provide for the
study of the natiiio of alcoholic drinks
and naicotlcs and of their effect upon the
human system In connection with several
divisions of the subject of physiology and
hyslene , by thu pupils in the public schools
ot the territories and of the District of Co
lumbia , and in military and naval academics ,
and Indian nnd colored schools in the icrri-
tories of the United States.
Mr. O'Neill , trom the committee on labor ,
moved to suspend the rules and adopt the
resolution selling apart the 'M of June lor
tlio consideration ot tlm business of that
committee. The motion was agreed to.
The house then adjourned.
AH Impudent Witness.
WASIII.VOTOX , May 17. When the tele
phonic investigating committee met to-day
Manager Moiean , of tlio Western Union
Telegiaph company , was placed upon the
stand ami requested to ptodnco certain tele-
crams sent and iccelved by Mr. Young and
other gentlemen connected with the 1'an-
Klectrio and National Telephone companies.
Thu witness declined to comply with the de
mand for the reason that the subpoena was
lit the nature of a ding-net or seal eh war-
lant ; that It did not specifically dc.scilbo any
paitlcular messages , but sought to
discover whether any messages had been
sent or iccelved by eeitain parties. The wit
ness remarked that the scandalous use made
of messages produced by thu order ol the con
gressional committee in 1677 ought to satisfy
the commlttcu tliat no such demand should
be made. It was decided to consider thu
suljoct In secret session , and the witness
was excused , pending the decision of the
question whether thu committee should in
sist upon Its demands for the telegrams.
The president has vetoed the bill to estab
lish a port of dellveiy at Springlicld , Mass.
WASHINGTON , May 17. Thopicsidcnt has
transmitted to congress the report of tlio
secretary of state with accompanying panels
in leaped to thu location of thu frontier line
between Alaska and llillish Columbia.
Mr. Dayard says Ihu British government
is meparcd lo take part in a piellmlnaiy
Investigation of thu boundary question , and
that nothimr now delays action but tlm want
of an appropriation by congicss to unable
thlsgo\ernmcnt to take paitln the snivey.
Tlio pieslcient in his letter tiansmltfal , says :
' In view of the Inipoitnuco
of tlio subject 1 lecommeiul
that a provision bu made by law for a pro-
llmlnaiy survey of tlio boundary line In
question by olllecrrt of the United States , in
order that inhumation necessary lor tlio
baslbofa treaty between this countrvaud
( Meat Urltain for the establishment ot a deli-
nito line may bu obtained ,
itiviiit AND iiAitmm mii. .
Pioposed amendments weio submitted In
the senate to-day as follows :
Uy Mr. Ctillom , to the i Ivor and haibor ap-
propilallon bill , to Ineieasu the appropria
tion for thu impiovemeiit of thu Illinois ilm
to 3.200.000.
Uy Mr. Vest , to the same bill , for the Im
provement of the Misboml river at Arrow
Itock to 873,000.
No Particulars Given ,
WASHINGTON. May 17. The department
of Htato lias been informed of the sei/mo al
Capo Breton , yesterday or to-dav , of the
American llbhlng schooner Salllo M. Dough ,
crty , Portland , Maine. No paitleulais were
Tlireo Firms Pull.
LOUISVII.M : , May 17. Business circles
were staitled this afternoon by a tiiplu as
signment the firms of Davis , Trabue & Co. ,
wholesale dealers In cotton ; Trabue , Davis
& Co. , cotton factors , nnd Dayls , Mallory &
Co. wholesale dealers in dry coeds am :
notions at No. 715 and 717 West Main street.
The thrco houses named nro all inlcr-con-
nccted. It Is claimed that the assets are suf
ficient to cover the lltiblllties. The assign *
ment Is supposed to have been caused
by Blow payments In the south ,
\\hcro nearly all the firm's debtors aiu
located. The eieditors are principally in the
cast. Jt Is not thought that thu liabilities of
Dais , Mallory & Co. will exceed 8100.000 ,
bi't those of Trabue , IXivIs & Co. will go
much higher.
DETHOIT , May 17 Fiosts reported In
parts of Michigan Saturday night and las
night , resulting In in ich damage- frui
and vegetables. At Mast 'fawns , thin ice
formed , while at Muskczon the Ice was an
ineli thick. All \ emulation had been killed
KALAMAZOO , Mich. . May 17. There has
been some frost in the fiult belt Saturday
night and scvtro on Sunday night. Reports
indlcatu strawberries badly damaged , bn
peaches aad apples are believed to all right
Strikers in the Lumber Tmdo Still Ugly
and Obstinate-
Jttctgo Ilogcrs Talks Wlolccilly Ho
Instructs the ; Grand Jury Spies ,
Schwab , nnd tlio Kent
ImmliorYard btrlkcrs.
CHICAGO , May 17. [ Special Telegram. ]
Fears of fresh outbieaks of violence and
llsoidor In Ihc lumber dlslrlcts this morn *
ng were so strong that an additional pollco
piotcctton was deemed necessary.
All the lumber yards were open this morn-
ng , and the majority of them were working1 ,
mt with diminished foicos compared with
ho number at woik Satuulay. The men aj-
> car to have been badly scared by threats
hat the stock yards ciowd would gather In a
neb and "clean them out" if they attempted
o icsiimo on a ten-hour basis. The result Is
hat there were very many Idle , but willing ,
voiklncmen In the dlstilct this morning ,
nstead of a general return to work. The
lollco wore on the aleit , and permitted no
crowds to congregate on street corners.
All the planing mills aio working , but very
'cw of them have anything llkn a full foicc ,
> Vhorevur llio force of the mill was largely
lomposcd of Bohemians , the majority of thu
uen did not beirln to work. Tills afternoon
a circular , printed In English , Uernmn , 15o-
icmlan and Polish , detailing statutory pro-
\lslonsprovldlng for the prolecllon of prop
erty ami employes of manutacturcrs , acalnst
nachinations of conspiralors. was posted
thioiichout tlio legion and the effect Is ex-
iccted lo bo salutary when men realize Just
low much law there would bo opposed to
them In any effort they uilsht make to pro-
runt the resumption of business by force.
Tuotmt.i : NOT ovnn.
Secretary Ilotchklss , of thu Lumbermen's
jxchangu said this moiiiitig that ho was far
fiom believing that thu tiouble or Ihc sliikc
was over.
"None of the Bohemians are at work to
day. " ho said , "because the intimidating
tactics decided upon at the meeting yester
day have bcun entirely successful. At that
meeting , under nresbiue liom thu stock yaid
employes , it was icsolvcd no .Bohemian
should ictiirn lo woik on llio old scale , in
Hie lumber yards , because Ihoy were per
suaded , if they did , the packers would
compel their men lo follow suit. In such an
event the lumber woikers were assuied that
summary vengeance would be visited upon
them. It was also decided lhat
ovuiy Bohemian who leporled lor work to
day would bu marked fonpuntahmcnt. This
decision the wives ot tlio stillseis made
known to the wives of jsuch of the men as
were willing to work , and ten i tied them by
dcclaiingtlmt their husbands would inipeiil
their lives by disobeying the union. The In
fluence of the women has been successful in
cecplng the men idle to-day , and 1 am not
Moparedto say that tlio continuing effect of
t will not bo thu samo. I bcliovo Ihcio will
bu another pitched battle between Ihu pollco
and the strikers before the tiouble is settled.
It seems to mo that the Uoliemians aie bent
upon havinir It. "
From another sotuco equally authentic It la
learned lhat since the beginning of the strike
agents ot the lumbermen have been industri
ously engaged in spoltIns leaders In provok
ing disturbance , nnd 'when work is resumed
the mniked meiuwill'find that there aio no
places for them. , 'x
The specially imuortaut work Judge Ilog
crs had on hand to-day was the impaneling
of Iho May grand jury , which is lo consider
Iho cases of Haymarkct anarchists and the
allcscd bomb thiower.
' There will bo probably over seventy-five
witnesses examined bcfoio the grand jmy , "
said a well known state ofllcial to a repoitcr.
"It Is impossible to say for certain what tlio
lesnlt will be , but my Individual opinion is
that Spies , Parsons , Schwab and the other
inciteis lo outrage the lawlessness , will bo
Indicted for murder. Mv own opinion is
they should bo strung up , 'eveiyG - d -
ono of them. They aie , undoubtedly , guilty
as accessories before the fact. " "What do
you ihlnk of llio jury lhat has oecn diawn. "
"It could not bo a better one. You can bet
anaichy and murder will not receive much
quaitcr at the hands of these men. "
Dealing With Anarchists.
CHICAGO , May 17. Judge Itogers lo-day
impanelled Iho May grand jury which Is lo
consider the cases of the. Haymaikot anarch
ists and the alleged bomb thiower. In the
couiso ot his instructions lo llio jury llio
judge said :
"It Is only your province lo deal with
crime that lias bec'n ' committed. The prin
ciples of law Inculcate the doctrine that men
who teach riot , who inclto unlawful gather
ing lo Incendiary acts aie lesponslblo lor
Iho cllects of Ihese meetings.
Tlio led flag Is a public menace ,
11 Is an emblem lhat noquaitorwlllbe given.
The police have the right to suppicss these
people to prevent the commission of crime.
They have a right to quell all such dlslmb-
auces. And Iho police and Iho chief magis-
tiatoof ( Ills city did their duty when the
time came , and acted like men. Men have a
rlirht to sliikc. Tney have a right
to quit work It thuy please , but
when they go one step fmther and say that
others have not tlio light to work Ihey violate
the law and can bu punished. It Is not only
principals that may bo held responsible , but
accessoiles as well. Ho nr they who stand
Idly by alter having advised the violence thai
has been commuted , may be held equally to
blame with the principals. " The judge fhcii
dismissed the jury , who wont Into session.
Jjnljor TronMcs In Chicago.
CHICAGO , May 17. A restless spirit per
vaded thuEouthwcsl lumber icgion tills mor
ning. At 7 o'clock Twenty-second and the
intersecting sticels were lined with a gicat
eiowdof men and boys. The decided stand
taken ; al thu meeting of stiikcisSotuiday and
yesleida ; and tha promulgation of uiefr du-
mlimtlon to stay out mid compel the bosses
to capitulate , had forovuuned Iho pollco and
they were on hand caily in thu moiiilnc pie-
pared to pioaeivo older and quell any demon
btratlons ot violence that might occur. Lieu
tenant Shonpard , with nn o.tia squad of olll-
ccrs , pali oiled the streets , and prevented any
laigo gatherings , dispersing the men and
compelling them lo keep moving. Four
of tlio yards revealed Iho lact lhat
lhat to exceed ono-tblid of the men who weio
at work Saturday appeared attheyaidslliis
inoining , having been JntimUUted by the
by the rumor that tiu | yards would by raided
by Iho men from the stock yuids and other
The lailors nnd talloresscs employed by
Ihu wholesale ehithiiig houses , In fact all
pcisons engaged in jnaklni ; ready made
clothing , numbei Ing fully twenty thousand ,
relumed to work this morning on Iho basis
of nine hours work and ten liouis pay.
Pullman Strike Kndcil.
CHICAGO. May 17. The stiiko at Pullman
Is ended. Four thousand men will return to
woik to-morrow mronlng. This is the icsult
of a meetine hold 'to-day. An attempt was
made by the men to Induce the company to
compiomlso , but it failed , and the men re
turned on the old basis.
A Fatal
UOZEMAN , Mont. , Miy 17 , A special says :
The easlbound passenger train on the
Noilhcrn Pacific was detailed by an expan
sion of Hie rails near i'orc Kills at noon lo-
day. The dining car and Pullman sleeper
left Iho track , IhufilerpcrdragglngCJOlecton
its .side. Urakuman Fitzpatrlck wastluown
fiom Iho plalform and Instantly killed. Mr
Harris , cousin of President Han is , ot tlio
road , liad both legs badly ciHalted while try-
in : ; to climb out ot thu w Indow , The wife ol
ihuKuv.ieo. C , Stall was injiiied inteinally
and about the head and face , Two of Hie-In
jured persons were placed in Fo.t Kills hos
UP-IllliIj lHMOOltA.OV ,
New York Ucntoctnts Moving to Bury
Cleveland In 1K8K.
NKW YOIW , May 17. ( Special Tclccram. ]
Movements In Now York with reference to
tlio democratic nomination In 18S3 nro very
much moro forward than those which relate
lo the republican choice. There Is a disposi
tion among the democratlo wheclliorscs to
push Grovcr Cleveland aside. Governor
Ulll's friends have succeeded to the control
of the party organization , which Manning
laid down to enter the treasury. Manning
was the ono man whoso grip was strong
enough to have retained this state for Cleveland -
land under any and all circumstances. With
Iho secretary 111 and not likely over to regain
Ills old actlvlly , with fcdoial patronage with
held from the party , and with Governor Hill
using his own position and Immense patron
age of his ollico In building up Hill democra
cy , in nn alliance with Iho vlclorlous Tam
many organization of this city , Iho presi
dent's stock has been lowered lo Iho lowest
maiket point. Such democratic leaders as
John O'lliien , chairman of the state commit
tee , openly announce that they intend to take
Ihe president at his word and give him only
ono term. Smllh M. Weed , \cteranTllden
leader , to-day said , In plain language , ho had
no Idea thai Cleveland could or would bo a
candidate for renomIllation. Kx-Spcaker
Krwin of Hie Now Yoik assembly to-day said
about Hill : "Ho is tlio best politician in the
democratic party mid an able man. Theio
arc contingencies in which ho could poll
moro republican votes than any democrat
who could bo named for piesldent. "
There is a gieat deal of this sentiment
among the icpubllcans , Indicative of the fact
that the mugwiimpciy of 1M-I has bred a
spirit of independence amomr thu stalwart
clement that may piovo Ihu whlilwliid sown
> ) y llio wind.
UOXVIOrEl ) Ol < ' UOimGKY.
A Severn Sentence Paused Upon a
Boy KH'orts to Have It
IU.OOMINGTON , Neb. , May 17. fSpeclal.J
iVt the September term of the dlstilct court ,
In the year lt > 79 , AVllliam Bugs tor. Henry
Meyer and John 'W. Cole , of this county ,
were tiled for robbery. Judge Gaslin pre
sided , and as everybody knows his tendency
forgoing to llio extreme limits In llio law ,
the facts following will easily bo under
stood :
William Engstcr was at that time a lad of
only 10 yeais. and though rather wild , your
correspondent believes ho had previously
berne a fair character. At the Irial hn was
lold by uttoineys and otheis as Is under
stood that it he would confess tlio charge
ho would gain his ficedom. Ho Ihcrctoio
made a confession , Implicating Meyer and
Cole. The Judge in sentencing Ihom gave
thorn all liltctw years in the penitentiary ,
wlicie they slill remain. Meyer was an un
sophisticated ( lOimaii , always conMdcicd
honest , Coluwasa character of Ill-reputn
and Is undeistood to have been in just such
lobbing schemes bufore , though never cap-
Much sympathy was expressed at the lime
of Iho Irl'al for young Kngster , as ho showed
plainly lhat Cole had pci.uadcd him into the
laho slcp , and he was at that ago when most
easily persuaded. A petition lias lateiy been
sent'to llio goveinor containing the names
of Iho jurois and the creator poi tion ot the
people of the county who know yomic Eng
stcr , piaying for ills paidon. It is geneially
believed that ho has received an adequate
Tlio Boodle Aldermen Frightened.
NKW YOIIK , May 17. Kx-Alderumn Du-
lacy and John Keenau , who are staying nt
the Windsor hotel , Montreal , were asked by
a World reporter what they thought of the
Jaehno veidlct , "Tlio verdlcl is very unex
pected , " said Keemui. "I was confiilont of
acquittal , or at least disagreement. If con
viction can bo seemed upon such evidence
as Introduced in this case , then
the entiio board must go. X
expected lo relurn to New York
Monday , now I shall not return. " Ills man
ner showed how agitated ho was. "It's a
shame , " said Delacy , "that such a vcidict
has been tendered , but it was blind prejudice
which did it. Tlio case was tried by the
newspapers. The coin t was piejudlccd and
the jury dared not do else llian Ihoy did. The
public cried for a vcidict. Thuy have got it ,
and I hope thuy aiu satisfied. "
The excitement in and about the couit
house this moiniiig was intense over Iho ex
pectation that sonicnco would bo pionounced
upon Jauhne , who was convicted ol hiibcry
early yestciday moining. ( ieiieial Pryor an
nounced that the defense wished to make a
motion lor a now tiial , but weie. not then pie-
paied lo do so. He asked lhat sulllclcnt tune
bo given them for picpaiatlon. Judgu B.uiett
asked If the motion was lo bo based on any
now points. It would bo useless , ho inti-
malcd.loiaheany points aigucd ilnrlnir Iho
trial , as tliocomt had given them due con
sideration , and saw no icasons lo change its
decisions on them. Pryor said the motion
would bo based upon new points. Thursday
nnxl was Ihen agreed upon as Iho day on
which the arguments should bo heaul and
the court adjouined till that day.
Another Ftaliinc Schooner Hclzod
Ponri.ANi ) , Maine , May 17. A icpoit has
leached heio Dial Iho fishing schooner Ella
M. Doughty , of Poilland , has been Eci/.ed by
the authorities at Kiullshtown , Nova Scotia ,
lor alleged Infraction ol ilia Candlan fishing
laws. r = J
PORTLAND , Me. , May 17. Thoiepoit that
the fishing schooner , Ella M. IJoughty , of
Portland , Captain Wan-en Houghtv. owner ,
had been selied by Ihu Canadian government
was continued thlsnioinlng by the following
lelegram to the outlitteis :
KNGI.IHIITOW.V , C. 15. . May 17. Sargenl ,
Loid A : Sklllln , Poitland : Our vessel Is
scl/.cd by this government for buying ball.
Our penult Is no good huio. boo our collec
tor about It without delay.
The vessel had used a penult signed by Col
lector Anderson to touch and liada al all
Canadian pints.
The following has been sent :
Thomas F. liayaid. seciclary of stale ,
Washington. I ) . C. : Thu schooner Ella M.
Doughty , of Poitland , has been seized at
Kngllshtown , St. Anne , C. U. , for buying
bait on pei mil fiom Portland custom house
to touch nnd tiadc ,
A telegram has been sent lo Senator Fryo
calling Ills attention to the matter. Tlieio is
considerable excitement over the seUuie.
Ilewnro of tlio Widowa.
CHICAGO , May 17. The Journal's Jollet
special says ; Albert Miller , a young man
of 'JO , and Mis. lilack , a widow of 45 , weio
discovered In Miller's room this inoining ,
Ihu woman dead with a bullet tliiougli nei
head , and the man dying , having been fihol
through llio bialn. The blood and
bialns wcio spattered all over the room
and besldo Miller lay a revolver
with two empty chambers. It Is not known
positively whether Iho affair was minder or
suicide , bul tlio appearances Indicate tlio lat
ter. Mis. Ulaek had been living with Miller
some lime. She bad been mauled twice ,
both husbands dying suddenly.
Ainlnihcndcd l > y Oeromlnn.
KANSAS CITY , May 17. A Tombstone ,
Aiiz. , special dispatch says : A courier who
has nirived at General Miles' headquaiiers
brings Information that six of Uatlleld's
men were killed In ambuscade by In
diaiis. The icport comes trom Doming
that the watch tires which have been scon In
the Yicinltvarosunpcsed lo bo callingoultho
Mescalleio apaches. Itlsfcaiea that a rail
of the countiy Is contemplated by ( Jeromln-
er's band , and couriers'aiu being sent out to
warn the settlers.
She Wus the "Arah. "
Niw YORK , May 17. The cat rigged boa
which was capsized off liath beacln esterdaj
Is believed lo bo the Arab. She was. taken
Out for a sail by six young men , all of whom
wern doubtless drowned. Their "uamcs have
not been learned.
The Gross Hank KxchatiRCS For ttio
Imst Week.
BOSTON , May 17. The following table ,
! omplled from special dispatches to the Post ,
from the managers of the leading clearing
louses In tlio United States , shows the gross
> ank exchanges at each point for the week
ending Mayl6 , In comparison with the cor-
cspondlng week In 1SS5 :
New York s t > y > , > . i
io lon 73.813.102 ir..7
'hlladelphla n.a
. . . Louis , inow.i2i 10.0
San Francisco. ll.U8'J15 : 14.
ialtimore 10,7'AO.V.I ! . ( ) . . . .
Nu\v Uileans 0f5 , ,700
< aii .is City .
'rovldenco 7.0 ] . . . .
, ouis\ille . . . .4.1
Alitalia Cn.7. . . .
) etrolt il.'JO'.I.Oll 1.2. . . .
Milwaukee 1.7
Minneapolis , , , i 3S.8
Jluvchind 3'J.VJ.llOi' , , : KM
iaitfoul 1,70 VMI 2'U
'oluiuhus l/Vll.-OT in.u
Memphis 1.411.r.07 45.1
< * ( ! aiveslon
I'ltlsburg , 11.0. . . .
Now Hii\en , 0.11. . . .
indl.iuapoll.s , i.oto.on ) . . . . 3.3
3lticiunatl , 1VJO.OOO ' . .OS1. . . .
Woiccstor 10.2' ' . . . .
St. Joseph 30.1. . . .
Total 501 . . . .
Otitsldo Now Yoik. . . . 12.8 ! . . . .
Denver and Galvuston aie not Included In
Ihc lotals. _
Crop Kiiniinnry.
CHICAGO , May 17. The following crop
summaiy will bu pi luted In this week's Issue
of the Fanners' Itovlow. Thu heavv lalus of
Iho past week lessened somewhat the former
xcelleut outlook for spilnu'wheat in Ne-
jiasko , Wisconsin , Minnesota and Dakota.
The gieat rainfall also occnslnned somu Injury -
jury to winter wheat In Wisconsin , Mlchl-
; an. Ohio and Indiana , where In somu ot the
iclds It was beginning to head out. Thu 10-
poits do not Indicate , however , any serious
lamagc as j cU , In other re.perts the outlook
"or all grains in all states and tuinlorles cou-
tlnuo excullunl. Ueports of poor Hhowing
for winter wheat , or lepoils ot iu-
iury liom insect life , with the
exception of peimaiieiil damage heielofoie
noted In vailous counties of Kansas aie lam
ami isolated. The piesoneu ot thu chinch
jug Is noted In Morrlsonvlllo county.central
Illinois ami In suvuial Indiana counties. In
Indiana winter wheat has attained agrowth
ot from ton to lilteen inches , and in Ciaw-
loul. Ilonrv , Jay , Lagiange. Swit/eiland
and Veimllllon counties , wnlch send In such
renoits lliis week , lliu outlook continues ux-
celienl. The only county in Missouri to
send in icpott ol Door showing lor
winter wheat is Clay. The report
.tales . that a onc-thlid acicago lias been
pinned up. Thu ucnoiallly of repoits liom
Missomi indicate a CIOD ot 35 per cent abo\o
Ihu averagu. In llaiiison ami Shelby coun
ties Iho outlook is declaied thu best ever
known. In Kansas some of the counties
note Impiovemcnt In the winter wheat out
look within the last thirty davs. In Jefferson
county thcie Is a momifo ot 75 per cent of
the average crop. In Lincoln county caily
sown wheat has been savea , nnd In Pawnee
county t'io ' present pi aspect is for a fairav-
eiageciop. liutler is to bo added lolhullsl
of counties wheic Ihu crop Is an entile lail-
iiie. Kciioitsirom Michigan Indicate an Im
piovemcnt in wheat In the outlook within the
past two weeks. HeixHts fiom Ohio are
generally of a promising character. In Asta-
bula county , however , the icports Indicate a
pool outlook. KepoitsliomJOaKotaeoutiiuio
favorable. Fargo , one of Ihupiincipil wheat
raining counlies in the Red ilver valley , re
ports thai the outlook could not bo Improved ,
while Cass county icnoits Iho condition of
wheat 20 per cent above Iho average. Ko-
poiSfiom Minnesota are uniformly good.
Nebraska counties still complain ot too much
tain and thai wheat on Iho lowlands is look-
ine pooilv. The Reiioral a\oiage of ciops in
upland Is good. _
The Visible Supply Statement.
CHICAGO , May 17. The number of bush
els of grain In Iho United States and
Canada May 15 , and Iho decieaseas com-
paicd with the piovlous week , will bo
posted on change to-monow as follows :
Wheat 3JB\f ! 01 Decrease 200S07 : !
Coin t,8l8.lii ) ! : Deeieaso. . W.i,70S
Oats 1,4W,401 Decrease. . 100,0'H
Itye yn.fXfJ Dcciease. . 1:133 :
Uailoy 41,700 Uecieaso 121
The number ol bushels in Chicago elu-
vatois was :
Wheat . { 1,713,878
Coi 11 . 2,054 , ( i.o !
OatH . ! 1VJ,17I
Ujo . 81,171
IJarlcy. . . . . . . 41,015
OKI. AI10M A BOOaiBn3.
Tlioy Find It Ncccssnry "to
tlio Politics or the Steers. "
CIUCACIO , May 17. [ Special Telegram. ]
A special dispatch from Dodijo City , Kas. ,
miy.s many of llio cattlemen who removed
their heids fiom lliu Indian territory in com
pliance with the piesldcnl'H cclehiated
"loity day" command , have been financially
mined , and others havulosl huveiely In tw
in f , ' compelled fo dilvo llielr cittlo to distant
uuige.sat thu veiy time Ihoy hhould have
been laKingon Hush lor imukot. Apiomln-
ent atatu olllcial who has been earutully
Wiitchlni ; thu movements of thu Oklahoma
boomeih and oilier allalrs In Inliin tuirllory
bays : "Tho tenItory to-day contains inoro
cattle limn everheloio Icnovvn in thu history
ot thu re.scivatloii , and thu liuidsarunow bu-
In ) ; managed by half lueedsin the of
noii-iesldunts , who "found It necessary to
clmiiKu thu politics ol tlmMeois' In order to
eccuru lor them Iho rich glaring lands. '
Ijoulsvlllo Races.
Louisvii.i.n , May 17. The weather was
jileasant , thu track fast , and Ihu nttundanco
\\aslaige , Klva ftiilongb. 13r.ic-A-lJan won ,
Jacobin second , Dunnjbrook thlid. Time
'onu mile. Knv. K. won , Ascender second ,
Chancothiid. Tlme-lMI.
One and one-half miles , Kenlucky Oaks.
1'uie llyn won , Ked ( iiil .second , Ada 1) , V.
third. Timo-2:41. :
Ono and one-iiailer ( | mile * . Jim Gray beat
AVandcier out , hut was disclaimed lor
sweuliiL' , and tlm raeu given to Wanderer ,
Colonel Claik becoml , Il.uetoot tlilul. Timu
Ono and ono-slxtcenth miles. Volaiito
won , SpaldiiiK bceond , Kdltor thlid , Time
Probably l > y Auuidunt ,
Dis : MOINIJS , Iowa , May 17. [ Special Tel-
csram.J A CoiniiiKldlbpalch bays lhat 1'eiry
Shiilur , bon of J. A. Sliulcr , a wealthy cltl
/en of Noith Taylor county , Killed lilnibell
with a revolver. He was alouu at the Umo of
Iho blioollng , and was found dead when Ihu
family letuined liom chinch. The coiouer's
veidlct was that death was probably eausec
by accident.
Kmliez/.lcd -55,000.
i'oi.iH , ' Minn. , May 17. I ) .
A , Koss , into manau'cr of Dun's com
merclal agency , has been arrested chargci
with cmbe/zllng $5,000 ol thu company's
money. It Is said ho lepoiled no collections
on account ot haid limes and used the money
in speculating , 11 is aU < i said lhat the law
i en have Koss1 coiito-ssion to using &U,000
Thu company lufuses to compiomlsc.
Kiel's Widow JjltiK.
ST. PAUL , May 17. The Dispatch's Win
nlpes special says : Kiel's widow lies nt the
point of dealbnil St. Vita' . It is said she
never rallied fiom the shock of her husband's
execution , and dies broken-hcuitcd.
jnglisnmcn , Scotchman and Orangemen
Getting Vorj Mad About It.
Ashcton-Cro'ja Ileus the Question
An OrniiRO Army to Move on lnb >
Ha HniKiiiottliiK Oliver Wen
dell Holmes.
Going to tlio War.
LONDON , May 17. Thrca thousand men
> c1onfilng lo thu London volunteers and 1(0 (
olllcers of the same foico havu offered to join
my aimy put In the Held by Ulster in the rc-
lelllon atralust lilsh homo rule. Voluntecis
t is staled offer to equip thotusehes and to
Ight in the Ulster cause without pay or re-
vard , so long as Iholrserslccs may bo need-
Hrltlsli orangcmcn are called upon to hold
amass meeting In London In-night , under
ho auspices ol Iho plunder's club , for llio
mi pose of InauiMitatltig a league for
ho protection of "Unlly ot Km-
ilio. " The meeting will bu devoted
o effecting a piellmlnaiy oiganlratlon ,
adoptm ! ; alike and agreeing upon subjects to
\lilchtliemissloii ol orgatii/atlon is to bu
iivoted. Catholics as wclltisPiolcstant. loy-
tllsts aio Invited to join.
Ono of the purposes of tha league will be , It
s declaied , to "sceuiu the enroll-
nent of uYen nceusiomed to scr-
ice. " Thu Standaid contains an ad-
eitlbcmunt for an adjutant for the league.
Tha debate on home ndo was continued In
ho house of commons to-night. Sir Klclmid
Asbton cioss conservative , was tlio first
pealcer. Ho said thai thu bill would not so
me good government for Iielaud. If II
veio passed there would bo two sets ot judges
n lieland. Olio set would administer Jus-
lee in levenuo eases and the other would ad-
ninistcr Justice in cilmlual cases. The for-
ner would bo prolected by the imperial par-
iamunl and thu other would bu Ictttolllo
endur mciclcs of thu Irish people.
Mr. Gladstone hud said that the union was
oflected byiiilbuiy , but the picmler himself
vasolleiiiiB a largo bubo of : > uooo,000 to
ichind , and this was not the tlmo ho
lad olTeied a bribe. Parliament , the speaker
continued , would ceasu lo bo impcilal 11 the
Irlsli members wore not ictaiued.
John II. A. MacDoiiald , iiiuiiib'jr for Edlu-
buigh end St. Andiuw's universities , pre-
cnted a ) ictltlon against ginntlng homo rulu
o lieland. The petition WHS sinned bv 100.-
b)4 ! ) Seotclimen. It was ono and oue-tonrth
lilies long and weighs " 74 pounds , and was
boinu Into ( ho house on thu shouldeis of
stalwait attendants.
MAiicinxn ox iiriii.ix.
AiniAon , May 17. The OiaiiKcmcn of
.mgaii comity , Armagh , nro enrolling' thcra-
ehes In mllitaiy associations , oiguni/.ed lor
ho pmiioso of lesistlng homo rulu govern-
iienr. It Is slated thai in the event of an
Ulster icbulllou a loyalist expedition will bo
ready to match on Dublin , leaving stiong
; airisons In Ulster and an aruiv
of obstruction on the Shannon.
Colonel Pousoiiby , the nuccti's private scc-
elaiy , visited Mr. Gladstone lo-day. It Is
mdcistood that ho convoyed to the pieinlcr a
uessaiu Irom the queen , to the effect that
icr majesty was dcshous that dissolution of
uiltamcnt mlghl be avoided , as she leurcd
such a course would have a dtslurblng influ
ence upon the business Interests of the cnun-
ry. It Is reported that Mr. Gladstone
las 'replied to llio queen lhat ho
mistdlhsolveparllamenl unless Ihc majority
against the homo rule bill bu so giciit as to
ustlfy Us opponents In undcitaking the gov-
'rnmenl wilh a chance ofsucccedinjj in pass-
nir Irish legislation.
Mliiisteriallsis say that In the event of the
bill being cairicd by a small maioritr , or bclmr
defeated by a small majority , parliament will
> c dissolved , and it tliumaioiify against Iho
)111 reaches foily Iho ministry will icslgn.
' . In Iho lobby ol llio house of commons this
evening the subject of a dissolution of par-
laiuunl was on cvuiybody's lips. Tlio see-
oud week in July was mentioned as the
time when a general election would most >
probably bo held.
On motion of Mr. George Lafevre , liberal , '
the debate was ndiouinud until to-mono w.
John 111Ight was piesent at the session to
night. It isiepoitcd Unit he will submit a
motion , which will bo acceptable to thu gov
ernment , postponing thu consideration ot the
lomi ) iiiiu question. It is believed Unit
lirleht has wiittcn lo Gladstone that unless
the bill Is wlthdiawn ho will speak and vote
against It.
Mr.F.TiNo niioicnN ur.
A loyalist meeting at Ueimondsoy to-day
was invaded by a p.ulyol iiullcah and Irish
men who stormed thu platform. A gcncial
light ensued and thu meeting broke up In
Lord Tennyson , Kobeit Diownlng and Sir
ThC'odoie Maitln aiuairanulng for a cicat
banquet to bo glvou by Iho authors "and
ai lists in honor of Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Ita o Hall GiimcH Yesterday.
Tlio following is the recoid of games played
by Ihu leading baseball clubs of the eounlry
yesleiday :
At Kansas City Washington vs Kansas
City , nostponcd on account of rain.
Al Chicago Chicago " , 8 ; lloston , 7. Errors ,
Chicago , 10 ; 15oston7. Pitchers , Clarkson
and 1 tad bourne. Umplio , Cuiry ,
AtPittsbmg Pitlabiir. . B : Loulavlllo , 8.
Krrois , Plllsburg , 2 : Louisville , 5. Umpire ,
At Philadelphia Athletics 2 ; Baltimore ,
0. Pitchers. Mathews nnd Kllroy. Fiist
base hits , Atliletlcs , 4 ; Ualtlmoio 11 , Krrors ,
AthleticH , 6 ; 15altlmoio4. Umplie , ( inuzell.
At St. Louis SI Louis. UIn second In
ning ; Philadelphia. 4. FliHt base lilts , St.
Louis , 'J ; 1'hlladelpliia , 4. Kirois , St. Louis ,
5 ; Philadelphia , it. Umplie , Kagnn.
At Now Yoik MctiojiolllaiiH , 7 ; Uinoklyn ,
3 In eighth. Pitchers , Lyncb and Haiklu-
son , Unipiio , Carlln.
An Unsolicited Ilnisc.
PriTSuuitd , May 17. W. L. Wood & Co. ,
lion manulaetuiois ot MeKcusport , PH. , ad
vanced the wages of llielriuhoicrs twenty *
IHu cents per day , and other employes 10 per
cent. , which ailccts about llueoliumlicd men.
It was unsolicited.
No OILS Kuminn.
ST. Louis , May 17. Tha Laclid Gas com
pany suct'ceded in employing a now lovce lo
men to taku thu places ol the stilkem and llio
gas laiiilnuhas been avuited.
The Greatest Medlcnl Triumph of the Agol
Io aofnppelllc , HmveUcoillvc , I'uinin
the bead , with a dull Btnenlloii in lliu
bnoU pan , 1'alu un r lbi > nhouldcr-
bludn , 1'ullnoia nfter eallnavltbndlf -
Inclluntlon to czcrlloucf budr urnilnJ ,
Irritntilliiyoriemiiur , I.o\v nilrlurllU
ufeullnaof Itit7lncnrelrclr < l niiiuduiy ,
Wcariuevy , Dlzzlnvku , 1'luttcrlun utlho
I'.cnrt. Dots bcfoiolho cro , llcaducbo
over llio rlelit eye , ICcmlcf.enon , % TIU
fllful drruinu , lllu'lilr colored ( Jrlae , aud
TUTT'M riL.1.3 are especially adapted
to oucb cascf , QUO riusu crfucta auch
Thty Iiirrcako ( ha A iiiitlllc.uua caum tbe
bedy ( < > Take on l-'lc li , thu llio irtteia Is
noiirlihecl , oml ly tlic-lr Tonic Aeiluii oa
the IlltceillveOrcnusiIloitularHloolsara
[ muliicrd. I'flceafic. 44 Murray ht..N.V.
the body , nmUti lii-altiiy llcah ,
Krungtlu-us llio uealr , lepulratlio nuktes of
Via b > bUin ; with puio Mood aud Mrd muscle ;
( one4 the nervous irclcm , luvlKorates tha
Jialn , nixl Imiiartd Uie vigor of uauUood.
01. Golil bv di ujr UU.
- 11 Murray SI. .Now York ,