Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA 1)AILY BEE ; MONDAY , MAY 17. 1880.
CelUcrcd by enrrlcr In nnytmrtof the city nt
twenty cents per week.
I ! . W. TII.TON , - - -
nt/s Ms8 : Qrripr. , No. 13.
KiniiT lluirnit No. 2) .
MlXOll fllKNTIO.V.
Now spring goods nt Holler's.
Leonard & Jewel refrigerators nt
Cooper & McGio' ! , No.11 Main street ,
Dr. Itlcc has be , MI nrtkin ; ; I some
marked improvements In the interior of
his ollico.
Tlio " Mi'nl" seller
"Quick 13 a quick ;
conic niitl ui't one bufori ) Uioy arc # one.
Cooper & Mclice.
William Kllsosscr and Susanna
Knaubcr , bolli of Omalia , were married
by Justice Scliuron Saturday at the par
lors of Itcchluln'H hotel.
Jacob Knanbor and Caroline 1C. Kirch-
jnur were married Saturday by Justice
SetiniY al liis olllcu. IJoth of the eon-
trading nartics arc from Omalia.
Macu Wise sold a [ car load of line
drivers last week , which leaves him u
liltlu short of horses , but he is expecting
another car load to arrive within a few
The benches u edin the old court house
have been transferred to Fairiiionnt park ,
where tlioy have' been placed In shady
nooks , for the accommodation of the
On Saturday night Mrs. Margaret
Lovcnburgli , aged ( > l ) years , died at her
home , in Harden township , after a linger
ing Ijlness. Her remains will bo brought
to this city to-day and interred in Fairview -
view cemetery.
The city Is getting too awfully , awfully
good to milt the police reporter. The
police had not niadn an tirruit since
Thursday and the calabooso was empty
yesterday , while the jailers are improv
ing the opportunity of making up for lost
A sensational scandal is said to bo
brewing at Karragut , the parties con-
coined being among the "lii'li ones. "
The afl'air is said to have been hushed for
the present , but that the grand jury will
bo soon investigating it.
The Home steam laundry on Saturday
received a 'J.800 pound mangle. The ma
chine is eight feet long , and takes such
goods as sheets , tablecloths , etc. , right
Irom a wringer , and , after pressing them
between four rollers , come out dry and
all ironed.
It seems that although the authorized
poll tux collector , Mr. licckman , has but
one arm , having lent the other in the
army , some able-bodied fellow has been
collecting poll taxes without authority.
Among those who claim to have thus
paid home two-armed man is A. L. Sty-
crs , living at No. 80 ! ) Kighth avenue.
Cards are out containing the following
interesting announcement : "Mr. and
Mrs. John Fearon request your presence
at the marriage of their daughter Maggie
to L. A. Dovino , at the Church ot our
Saviour , 0 p. in. , Wednesday. May L'O ,
1880 , Jacksonville , 111. Reception at 7
o'clock , 1)00 ) Lafayette avenue. At homo
after Juno 15 , 1880 , No. 812 Plainer street ,
Council Blufls , Iowa. "
Another of the old street cars rejected
in Omaha has been put on the Main street
line hero. It is a bob-tail , and * one-half
the time it is so that the passengers have
to get on and oil' the front platform. In
case of a runaway , or other accident ,
serious consequences might result. If
such nars arc to be used at all , they
should be changed so as to permit pas
sengers to get oil' and on at the rear plat
William Keith , who has boon a conduc
tor on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul over since that road has run into
this city , died Friday afternoon at his
home in Marion. Ho leaves a wife and
CEO son.The remains were taken Satur
day to Milwaukee , , ' , ' 'lS former home , and
will bo buried under the ansnicuS CI " 'o '
Knights of Pythian. Mr. Keith had a
surgical operation performed upon him
about aycok ago , in the hope that it
might possibly relieve him from certain
troubles , but it was in vain , and ho grad
ually failed until death relieved him from
furt nor sniveling. He was well known
here , and leaves many friends , not only
in railway circles , but among the travel
ing public.
Mr. E. Do'ffling has closed out nearly
all of his dry goods stock , the romainmg
goods having been packed and stored
temporarily. Mr. Uowlini * has been in
the retail dry goods business many years
in this city , ami until he commenced his
closing out carried one of the linest
Blocks , and in some lines , silks for in
stance , has carried one of the largest
and linest stocks in the entire west. One
of the reasons for his going out of the
business is the demands made upon his
time and attention by larger and moro
profitable enterprises. Ho expects soon
to visit the west , where ho has largo stock
The Scandinavian Uaptist church is to
* bo dedicated next Thursday , This Is the
finest church building owned by this denomination -
nomination in the west. The pastor ,
R'JV. Mr. Keiehcnbaeh , has worked with
might and main , and the success ot the
enterprise has been wonderful. The
church and congregation are not com-
posad of wealthy persons , and the neces
sary funds have been made up of mites ,
in the giving of which moro real gener
osity and stslf-sacritlco has been shown
than in the building of many moro pro-
tcntions churches. The building is n
credit to the oily itlso , and all should take
lively interest in seeing the last dollar
of indebtedness paid ell ° and the hocioty
placed on a strong linancial basis.
John Woodward and George Rudio ,
two of the best known of Council Uhills
r commercial tourists , were in Grand
Island recently , Hopping at the Jamie.son
koto ) . As they found the air a little
chilly for rambling about town , WoodWard -
Ward throw down his check and called
, for his overcoat. To his surprise ho
found that some one had niped it , or it
hud disappeared in some other mystori-
nB wnv. TI. , . lnMoril asked Illlll Wllllt
the coat worth nnd
AU Vistl * was 1VISI lll | * i lt promised to
' ? & J * Ml' ' or lunko H "I' ' rlalit. u promise
wiiioh wns fulfilled Suiuruiiy when
' Woodward received n check for $8.1. Ho
now indulges in a now spring suit , nnd
thinks it is the slickest son of n trick
D tlir.t the sneak thief put tip on him , as ho
can well afford to take an occasional
shiver so long as his manly form is
graced with a new suit throughout. He
Bays ho never rcali/.ed before the force of
thu saying thai a calamity is only a bless
ing in disguise. Uiidio now checks his
overcoat at ever ; , hotel in the hope that
, , 'tomo follow may steal it , but lie may not
Btrilo so square a landlord as the ( fraud
" island man , ami then it won't ' bo EO
A Bin Dliuo show.
Concerning the show to bo given hero
-next Thursday , Friday nntl Saturday , the
'Qulncy Whig says :
" ' King , Unrko & Co.'s Circus company
performed before n good audience yes-
Icvday afternoon , nnd in the evening the
Cftnvas tent was crowded almost to snllb-
' ration , the management stating Hint they
old 8,000 tickets for that performance
alone. Again Scott's wonderful feats of
-bivljinclng , Goodrich'a slack wire walk
ing , and tlio contortion acts of Ajux won
the nnplauso of tlio audience , nnd a butler -
lor show for 10 cents has probably never
Seoi } fcceu ,
'Go ' to Heard for lo\y prices ,
' - - iffrfri it n-f
r r < MYV--j-fi i
It Gathers Up ft Variety of Sunday Sundries
for its Headers.
The Sclinol Boys' Strike A I'cnco
OfTerltiK for Decoration lny So
cial Happening * Tlio Street
Cnr Ijlno Extension.
Olintsltli Clmttcrcrs.
"Well , what about the order of the
chief of police closing up keno , lin/.iint
and stud poker ? " asked the Br.B man of tx
well known sporting elmructer.
"Jt will bo obeyed , J guess. Thny can't
help but obey It. It's tle.itl wrong ,
though , the idoti thtit most folks have
about these games bring worse than
others , i tell you ti fellow , if he has ti
mind to , cun rob at any of the games.
Poker , faro , and all of them can bo run
crooked if the house wants them rim thai
way. "
"What is the reason then there is so
much of uroar about kcno ? "
"Kono is peculiar in one way. Ono
homo generally has the big run. The
others try to htart a game , but ono place
is generally the place that pets tlio bulk
of the business. The reason is that where
the biggest crowd is , and the pots are thu
largest , there is where everybody wants
to go. They think there's a show to win
fcomething worth winning. They keep
Hocking there , and the fellow that has
tlio biggest crowd gets all the crowd.
Like they talK in .scripture : 'To him that
hath shall be given , and from him that
hath not shall be taken away that whlcli
ho hath. ' That's about the size of it.
Then , whom the crowd go to play kcno ,
the house gets moro to play at other
games. A fellow makes a nice little sum
at the keno table , and he has then some
thing .to play faro with. It is this
jealousy among the gamblers themselves
which starts all this trouble. "
"What is the game at which people
can get beat easiest out of their money ? "
" 1 tell you they can got the worst of it
in any of the games , if the man who
handles the cards is bound to bo crooked.
It don't pay to run a crooked house , or to
have a man deal a game who is crooked.
If ho robs the folks that play , the -first
thing yon know he will rob the house , if
lie gets a chance , and if ho don't got a
chance it don t take long for folks to get
tired ot being robbed , and the trade of
the liouse faus oil' . Then the house has
got to depend on roping in suckers and
lellows who are not on. Such a house
can't get any business from the folks that
live hero. They have to lay for strangers ,
and keep a gang of cappers to coax them
in. They get a follow to gu//.lo down a
lot of cheap whisky , and then just rob
him. If a notiso is bound to rob folks , it
don't make any dillerence what games
they play. "
Another citizen , who seems to have
been watching the passing events closely ,
remarked to the UEB man : "If the al
dermen had as much sand as the mayor
there would be a big change about the
gambling mill saloon business , lie
wanted the council to stand by him in
some proposed changes , but they thought
it was better to wait a while , and move
slow. The mayor wanted to have ordi
nances passed by which a gambling
house could not be connected with a sa
loon , and if necessary , not to allow the
gambling houses to be within a certain
safe distance from any saloon. This
would give a victim at least a chance to
catch his breath , by haying to go some
little distance to get a drink , instead of
having a bar f-o near the tables that a
fellow can keep up a lively business at
both , and bo kept lull of booze until ho
has lost all his money. Another move
the mayor wanted to do was to force all
saloons to do away with card tables and
chairs. As it is some fellows go in to
got a glass of beer , and they sit down to
pju" inst ono game of seven-nnor oucliro ,
to decide Who ] ] J ? V for the drinks
The fellow that get's stuClS civcn a
chance to play eon of , and"so an
other game w had. The lirst thing they
know the forenoon is gone , instead of
having ono drink they are pretty mellow ,
work has been neglected , and money
wasted. If the saloons were so run that
fellows would go in and get what they
wanted , and then go out , and there were
no chairs or card tublcH. there would not
bo so much loaling. Thu council was
not anxious to sttum by the mayor in this
sort of a move , and bo the thing has gone
on as before.
"I'll give yon ono pointer. It will bo
many a year before Iowa has a license
law again , " bald one who had been in
directly interested In the saloon business.
"Tho drug stores are the ones who are
going to make the money now. The
druggists will have the handling of the
liquor business. There is no doubt they
will handle it better than the saloons
have , but they will make so much money
out of it that they won't over want to let
go. When there is any talk of having
any sort of license law , yon will lind the
druggists through the state joining with
the prohibitionihts to defeat such a bill.
They will add a good deal of strength to
thu prohibitionists , and will about succeed
In defeating any plan for licensing sa
loons. "
" *
Seasonable goods of all kinds at hard-
time prices at Cooper &Mcice's. (
We have a few water coolers which wo
will sell very cheap to close them out.
Cooper & Mcdeo.
1 tell the celebrated Twin Burner gaso
line btovo. That double burner beats
them all. -l-burnor same price a.s a a-
burner ; a J-burnor sumo price as a 2-
burner. W A. Wood , 501 Alain.
Wen tlicr to lie or Not to Do.
The X , Y , Ti. club , composed of young
ladles connected with the Congrega
tional church and society , has been pecu
liarly unfortunate In selecting dates for
their entertainments. Every time for
mouths pa&t , when an entertainment has
been announced it has rained or stormed
EO that the public could not Gt out to
give the patronage which the society liud
tho.rlght to expect , and which their ef
forts certainly merited. It has become
almost u certainty that if the X. Y. 2.
club fixes on n date for an cntertuinmeht ,
rain comes on that dato. Not long ago
the young ladles concluded that the
weather had settled , and so arranged for
a horseback ride nnd Hipper. The rain
came , nnd the affair was postponed. La&t
Friday it was to bo attempted again , but
the rain camo. The young ladies gave a
pleasant entertainment in the evening ,
hut all outside amusement hud to be de
ferred. So many of these ventures have
been spoiled by bad wcalhor , nnd eo
many prospective financial profits taken
away , that the society has now hit upon : i
plan for making up the losses of the past.
They will wait now until there has been
so much dry vyuather that everybody is
praying for ruin , and when the thira of
the land is urgent , they will pass around
n subscription paper and if the tlonr pro-
plo wfll Biibscnbp enough they will an-
nouuro nn entertainment. This will
bring the deferred rain , nnd the public
can at such a tiino aft'ord to pay well for
it. The entertainment will consist of un
umbrella sociable , lluch lady will bu
hidden bcncntli an umbrella , and the
young gontlcmcu will pick out their um
brellas , taking to supper whoever is
found beneath it. The X. Y. / . club does
not propose to bo ruined by unfortunate
weather , and this scheme will doubtless
bring many dollars into their trehsury.
Go to Heard for loom mouldings.
llelslcr cells the best J5c and lOc cigars
in the market. No.40J Broadway.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rca
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10.
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
The Street Cnr Iilnc.
Tom Orr , private attorney to Manager
Callaway of the Union Pacific railway ,
was in the city on Saturday again , and in
company with Mr. McConnell of th o
Uraut smelting works of Omaha , were
given a pleasant drive about the pity by
Park Commissioner J. J. Brown. After
finishing their drive a representative of
the Bun had a short conversation with
Air. Orr in regard to the improvements
that are about to bo nnulo in this city by
the Jnion Pacific He seemed rather
disinclined to talk on the subject , but
with his usual courtesy remarked : " 1
think our folks arc disposed to do some
thing for your city , but am not at liberty ,
or , in fact , 1 might say , 1 don't really
know what they will do. "
"Mr. Orr , wo feel as if the Union Paci
fic could give us better street car facili
ties \vith little expense , and at the same
time it certainly would bo n paying in
vestment. Do you think the ollioials of
the road look upon the schema to c.xtcnd
their street car tracks to Fail-mount park
witli favor ? " said the BKE man.
' 'Air. Brown was talking about that ,
and 1 think in the course ot a mouth or
.so you will see borne big changes for the
"Ho , I cannot say if the street car
track will be laid on Tenth avenue or
not. 1 don't know what the arrange
ments arc to be. Possibly Air Callaway
will be oviv in a few days.
Lous ) go to Chariu II islcr's and got a
good cigar. No. 10'J Broadway.
Beard has an minimise stock of wall
paper and room mouldings which must
bo turned into cabhsodowngotho prices
at Beard's.
Strlko in the IJIoomcr Soliool.
The little 0-year-older came home from
school Friday noon for his dinner , wild
with excitement and gushing with enthu
siasm ,
"I toll you we've got a big strike down
to the Bloomer building All the boys
are going to btrik'o. They're getting
their names signed now , and this after
noon I'm going to give 'cm my name. "
"What's the strike about ? "
"Why , we're lust going to have school
from 8 o'clock ' in the morning until 1
o'clock , and wo ain't going to have any
school in the afternoon , but just play all
the afternoon every day. Won't that bo
jolly , though ? "
"But what if the teachers do not let
yon ? "
"Why , they'll have to. I tell you
there's about a hundred beys that are
going to strike , and they will knock the
teachers jiibt silly if they don't ' let
them. "
When the Jittle fellow came homo from
the afternoon session , anxious inquiry
was made as to the success of the .strike.
"Oh , rats ! The boys who had written
their names had to bit on the front scat ,
and the rest of them laughed at them.
They ain't going to lot out the schools in
the afternoon. The boys say the strike is
over. "
Go to the N. Y. P. Co forl
Opera House Block.
Go to Beard for wall paper.
To Close Knrly ,
There is some talk of the clerks cm-
ployed in the retail stores ol this city
forming an early closing association.
The movement will probably bo started
to-day. Heretofore every summer there
has been an agreement drawn up and
prcscntcci tC t'10 ' different merchants to
sign. In most every Inslf. CC tllc a 9c'
ment has been signed by a laigo niaji/ " 1
of the merchants , but by a few refusing
to sign It the consequence has been that
all tlio stores have been kept open until 8
or 0 o'clock in the evening. The clerks
think if they can get an organization
composed of u few of the clerks in each
of the stores that after thoroughly exchanging -
changing views on the subject the clerks
in each store can influence their employ
ers better than by asking them to sign a
binding agreement.
Heislcr don't handle any "snide" cigas.
14c per foot , 18o per foot , 24o per foot.
Of all styles.
Hosr. REELS , LMVNSi > nrNKLEii3 , Etc.Etc
Opera House Block.
Pence and Good Will.
Some time ago Ben Allen , the veteran
typo , who was so long a resident of this
city , tendered , In behalf of his southern
friends , flowers for Decoration Day hero.
The tundor was accepted In tha same
spirit in which it was made , and now
comes the following letter , which is self-
explanatory :
KAYKTTKVH.LK , Ark. , May 10 , iSSfl. Com
rade , of Abe Lincoln 1' , ( i. A. It.
Dear Sir : Yours icccived , and the flowers
will be gathered Tlnnsday morning , thu 'J7th ,
and packed , ) and will leave here o as to
reach your city on tlio nttcrnoon of Friday ,
Iho' th. 1 think the supply will bo liberal
anil varied , bat wo had a hall storm licio on
Wednesday , the 'JOth of April , that did the
floweis considerable damage by knocking ntf
the vounc Imds. Our people are liberal and
desho to hold out the emblems of peace nnd
lovu to all people. 1 have heard old citizens
heio speak very favorably of the Iowa sol
cavalry nnd an Iowa battery. There aio
about 10 } Iowa soldiers hurled in the national
cemetery hero , whoso graves are htiewn with
tiowcrs donated by tlio sumo people , or rather
by nil tlio people of our city nnd vicinity that
bond flowers to Council liliilTa on this occa
sion. Jly bejt wishes to the bovs of Abe Lin
coln post , Yours , Bu.N AI.I.EN.
Parlor Pastimes.
On Friday evening Mrs. AlcDowell en
tertained about thirty of her friends nt a
progressive cucliro card party at her
residence on Willow ancnuo. She was
assisted by her daughter , Airs. A. T.
The ladies' prize was awarded to Mrs.
Rockwell , while Air. Baldwin received
the gentleman's pri/.o ,
Tnosa present wore : Air. and Airs. S.
P. McC'onnoll , Air. and Airs. J , J. Brown ,
Air. and Airs. F. AI. Gault , Air. and Airs.
J , N. Baldwin , Air. and Airs. J. A. Jack
son , Air. nnd Airs. C. R. Tyler , Air. nnd
Airs. G. W. Thompson , Air. and Airs. A.
AI , Jackson , Air. and Airs. W. W. Loomis.
Air. and Airs. II. II. Van Brunt , Air. and
Airs. II. ( ' . Cory Air. and Airs. D.J.
Rockwell , Mr. and Airs. G. E. Friedman ,
Airs. Judge Wilson of Kansas and Judge
A. Y , Larimer.
After n thorough investigation wo are
convinced tout the "Quick Alpal" is the g-.ibollno .stovo'inado uiul shil ) make
it our Icailiug stove- this season , Cooper
& Al.cGcc.
Decoration B.ty.
The committees of Srr ( ngoiucnt for tlio
coming Decoration Day } met yesterday
nnd decided to hold iho Cervices on Sun
day , Slay 80. The sta'ta commander rec
ommended the holding of services on
Monday , in conformity with the sugges
tion of tlio national cpunuil , but the com
mittee hero have decided in favor of hold
ing them on Sunday : for several reasons.
They lind there are but few who do not
favor the holding of the services on Sun *
day , and these lew , the are confident ,
will feel differently Whcii assured that the
services will bo of "a religious nuturo
rather than of a hilarious holiday charac
ter. It is proposed tH have all the ser
vices arranged as to bo in keeping with
the day. Several posts in places near
Council Blull's are to arrange to observe
Saturday , while others will observe Alon-
lay , and such expect to join in the ser
vices hero on Sunday. The state com
mander has been consulted concerning
the day , and writes the committee that
ho sees no objection to having tlio ser
vices held hero on Sunday , provided it is
tlio will of those concerned and the ser
vices are arranged in conformity with the
day.Do a
Do Vol soils Golden Star gasoline
ranges , best in market. No. 501 B'way.
Satisfaction guaranteed with every
"Quick Aleal" gasoline stove , or money
rclunded. Cooper & McUco.
Another Cut in Hates.
On Saturday morning the local agent
of the Chicago , Alihyaukco vfe St. Paul
railway received notice to reduce the second
end class faro to Chicago to ? 8.00.
It will be. remembered that on the Sat
urday previous , this same road made a
second class rate to Chicago , it being
the only second class rate to Chicago for
a long while. All the roads running east
in the course of two or three days also
made a second class rate , and now the
Milwaukee comes to the front with an
other reduction.
None of the other railroad ticket of
fices had up to last night received orders
to "cut" from their $ .oO rate , but all the
agents say they will meet the ligures of
other roads , whether they have orders to
or not , : ilmy rate travel east is very
light and few tickets can be sold , no mat
ter how low the rale goes.
The Milwaukee rona seems to bo forc
ing the light , and if tlio other roads come
to the ? 8.00 rate , which they no doubt
will , the public may then look for a $7.00
second class rate to Chicago shortly.
Room Mouldings Largest as ortmenb
and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper
At the Pacific House you will get all
the comforts of high-priced hotels antt
save from oil cents to § 1 per daj' . Try it
and be convinced.
A. Park of Carroll , Iowa , was in tins
city yesterday.
Fred Beckman , of i Cole's circus , Sun-
daycd at the Pacific. _ ) (
George Walters , of Plawsmoulh , Iowa ,
was in the Blufls yesterday.
O. W. Butts , the California fruit man.
has returned from his-thirty-day visit to
California. ' =
Dr. J. G. Gilchrist , professor ot surgery
in the Iowa state university , was in the
city Saturday. ' , ,
L. C. Dunn , representing Percgoy &
Aloore's wholesale house , , has returned
from a successful western"trip.
Aliss Delia Crow , who has been visiting
Miss Jennie Vallruth } md , " other friends
hero , has now returned to her Atlantic
S. S. Stevens , general ! agent of the
Rock Island , left last evening for tlio
west intending to be' absent several
George S. Chej'ncy , of Philadelphia , is
spending a few days with his brotnoi , H.
C. Choynoy , the popular agent of the'
Sioux City route.
W. E. Brock , who returned a few davs
ago from California , started out hist
evening on another missionary trip for
Percgoy & Alooro.
Jerome AlcClintock is acting general
agent for the Chicago , Rock Island &
Pacific road now during the absence of
S. S. Stevens , the general agent , in Cali
If you want perfectly satisfactory ac
commodations at $2 per day go to the
Pacific liouse. Depend upon it , you will
nevcf rt IT1 y ° < ir bholco.
Before buying a gasoline stov'C "BC tnc
"Quick Alcul" at Cooper & AlcCce'g. '
Grown and selected from Muscatino
Seed by .
J. R. McPherson ,
Grower and Dealer in
Council HlulTs. lown.
L. W. TULUJVS , Pros. T. J. KVANH , Vioo-i'reg.
JAMES N. Iliiow.VCushlor.
108 MAIN filTREET ,
Capital . , . , , . . . $100,000 ,
Authorized Capital. . , . 350,000
Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000
- r 1
Do n general bunking bJslii'f3. |
Accounts of baiilu , Ininliurs , merchants , man-
ufacturcrs anil Individuals 'rocolvol ' on fuvora-
" *
bio terms.
Domestic ) imtl foreign 00)111170. )
Tlio very best of nttoutloii gitan to nil misl
noes commlttoJ ' - ' '
Horses and Mules kept constantly on hand
for ealo at retail or In cur loads.
Orders promdtly Illled uy contract on short
notice. Block sold on commission.
8HLUTKII & I10I.BV , Proprietors.
Stable Corner ITOu Avenuu tiud Fourth Bt
Council lllulls
R. BICE , M. D.
or other turners removed wlihoat
tboUnlfoor drawing ot blool
CHJIPNIC DISEASES of U M H specialty. _
Over thirty years' practi
Mo. 11 1't-uil Btroet , COIIIK U Ulultt. '
ziotrsma OF
Agricultural Implements , B
_ _ Cnrrliigos , Ktc , Kto. Council Hinds , Iowa.
Corn Shsllers , Stalk Cotton ,
DlscIIiirrowfl , Sootier * . Corn Planter * . Food Cut
ters , Uto. Factory , llock Knlls , UN.
Nos.JfOl , 151 , 150i , 1JM7 Mnhi St. " , Council niuir
Mnnuf'rs nn t Jobliors of
JlgTicnllnral Implements , Wagons , Baggies ,
Cnnflg-o ! , nnd nil klals of Kami M.iolilnarr1.
1100 to Ilia South Main Street. Council liluirj ,
loir a.
F.O. auusox , T. lI.Diniui.vs , OKO.P.VittdiiT. . V.-l'ros &Mitn. Soa&Cotinsol.
Council BluJs Handle Facbiy ,
( Incorporated. !
MamifnctitreraoC Axle , 1'lck , Sloljo nnd Smill
of every iloscrlptlon.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Clntlip , Cmtilii rixturos , Uiiliolstory OooJi ,
Hlo. No. 405 Ilroiulwfty Council HltilTi ,
CWAHS , roH/irco , irc.
Wlmlosnlo .lolilicM In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco ft Pipes.
Nos. SSMnln nntl 2T 1'cnrl Sts. , Council llluirs ,
Fruit and Produce Conimisslon Merchants.
No. ItVoarl St , Council HlulTa.
Importers&JobbsrsorCrockery lasswai1 }
Lnmps , Trult .Inra , Cutlery , Sttinownro , Unr
l-'niicy Oooilo. Ktc. Coutiell HlulTs ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Suiulrlrs , Kte. No. 22 Miiln St. , nnJ
No. 21 1'cnrl St. , Council Ululla.
mtr coons.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Importers ani Joblisis of Dry Go3is ,
Notion" , Nos. 112 nnd 1U Main St. , Nos. 113
nncl 115 1'purl St. , Council DUills , Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 513 Broadway ,
Council Illuirs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 nntl 18 Pearl St. , Council IHulTs.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Donlors. No. 410 Uroad-
_ vruy , Council HlulT9. _ _
JInnurnctiirors of and Wholosiilo To > Uor3 In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. ,
_ No. KB Main St. . Council lilulTs , Iowa.
ITA'fS , CAPS. 77TO.
_ _
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glovei.
Noil3 : uiul 311 TlroiulH-ny , Council Uhuts.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
Ana Vv'oCj Slozk , Council IllulTa , Iowa.
D. 11. McDANELU & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TallowWool , Pelts , Orcasonnil Furs Council
BliilTs , Iowa.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating 01U Gas
H1TO. , 3STO.
S.TheodoreAgent , Council niuITa. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
4nd llrlJuro Jlntcrlul Spoclultlod.wholeRule Lumber
bor or all Kinds. Ulllco No. 130 Mala 8t ,
Council UlulTd. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St. fiotthnrii'a Herb lllttors. No. 13
Main St. Council lllutla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
JVM 6' < .unfit St. . council inufft.
Justice of the Peace.
OlEco Over American Express Comnany.
Are absolutely pure , as represented. One gal-
km will cover two hundred nnd fifty equuio
toct two coats , and will etay on longer thnn any
other paint manufactured. 1'orimlo by
DHUGS , 1'AiNxs , OILS , ETO
First-class Accommodations In Kvcrythlnjf Per-
tulnlni. to the Livery lIuUnoss.
Finest Laudau in the City
Jloardlrtg- specialty. Telpphono 178. . .
FIELD & COiE , Props.
In 1877.
2OOOO Vehicle * Antiiinlly. Send for Catalogue , Prices , Freight
and Testimonials ,
nrlck b.ilMltU nnv kind rnUoil or inovoil nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Frnmo houses raovoJ
cnLlilleaiuat trilo'Js-tlio ho't la Umrorl 1.
803 Eijjlita , A.veuii3 auJ Ei < jhti ! Straot , Council TJluffe.
a-w-c-t' &x < C o-MA- >
226 Broadway , Counoil Bluffs ,
Fpeelnl n > tvcrtl oinpnt9 , fiioh us Txist , Found ,
ToLnr.n.I'nr Silo , To Kent , Wmit. . lionrdlnc ,
etc. , 'vlll liolnccrtod lit tills column at the low
into ofTHN C1\NTS PRK M.NK lortho llrtt Ins-cr
tlouiind rivoContsPerMiioforcncli subsequent
intuition. Leave uilverllsoinoiits nt our olTleo ,
No. 13 Pbal street , near liioadwny , Council
OIt SALK-'lwn lot H Si loot from H. W. U'y
track , sultnblo for wnrohniiso or factory
* . II. \ > Hlieiil'o , 5)0 Broiul'.vay.
VVANTKn T o nret d" " ' iliessiunkei-s at
T > silss ( ilc.ison's , : il To irl struct ,
WAXTIJD A solicitor to work ainonif rail-
road employes lor Slnmliml .Acc.ik'iit In
surance company of IcioltMicli ) ! , J. ( J. I.IUIKO
AT Co , agents , No. 0 Pearl street , Council HUillt ? ,
WANTED First e'a-s illnlnir room plrls nt
the llochtolo hotel , llroadway , Council
111 mix _
WANTED Five first class dining room girls
at the Ilco'.ito'lo hotel.
FOIt S.VI.i : Flrst-nlass pool table. Apply nt
Hutcuo Engine House.
1J1OII SAM' Union nvcnuo hotel property.
-1 ? Spctiultiiirtniln. E. I * Slienfo , GU > Riondwny.
"I710H SALK Old import ) . In quantities to eult ,
Jat Ilco oflieo Xo. 1U Pcurlulroot.
FOIt SAM3 Oil TitADE-Stoek of millinery
and 1 ancy notions. All now. Ggoil lorn-
tlon. i-'alcs $ i"UJU a yoar. O , Ilco , Councl
llluirs , lown ,
Kinliodylnir the greatest variety of attractive
iccrcntlon or any American cumljlnutlon
on the load. Will exhibit at
MAY 20,21 and 22.
An extraordinary convocation of
Associated with an attractive display of Livliipr
and Niitnnil Wonders , nnd nn exhibition of
the most wonderfully oducntod animals In
existence. Acceptably ptoscntln ) , ' n cauvau
entertainment 01 Iresh ieaturus In u now and
plcnslnitfnrin. 1000 rare Animals a net Inani
mate CurioMtios.
I'rof. AVohcr'fl Silver Cornnt hand will pnrado
jiut previous to the afternoon exhibition , in
thulr beautiful Chariot I hi oushoiit the principal
btreutB. Hemumbor one ticket admits to both
puvilliona ,
Doors open at 1 und 7 p. in. dally.
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
GOOD U.Vfll , .BUM ] 1.
lluvlii ? made cxtonElvo Im
provements und Ineicased our
nitcllltlos , wu wish to call capo-
'I'll munition to the work now
u Injf turned out by us. claim *
i lt to be equal to that of
my imsU'rn laundry.
In eider to Introduce our
vunk outside the city of Connell -
ell Illiitrs. wo will upon rcrolpt
of itiln ticket , accompanied by
retiti n poatUtfu.Luundry Six Col
lars or CulU rilBB , for eltutr
ludlosor guiitlomun
Home Steam Laundry
3-10 Itroadivny , Council IJIultt.
Nll. Out uf totvn orders given prompt nt-
tnntlon. Wo payretiuy tliarecson all work ro
coividwlion kccompunlcd by cash to payment
111 lUll UUKJLKlt , . *
In Buying the Following Property in
the next thirty days :
Lot G , Illoek li. I Iot 10 , nioch 18.
Lot K , Illoek IS. | Lot 4 , nioolt 21.
Lot 5 , Hlock 3. I Lot 8 , Illoek 12.
Lot S , Illoek 7. Lot H , Illoek .11.
Lot 4 , IllocK 9. I I-ot 0 , lilock X'8.
Iot 2 , Block 4 , Bnyllss' Addition.
T.ils property will ho sold at n ( front sacrifice ,
nnd onfcrpriblnx will , no doubt avail them
selves of a rare opportunity to nmko mono/ .
Apply to THANK COOK.
ItoomT , Shngnrt Illock , Council Elnffe , lown ,
China , Glassware and Lamps ,
W. S. Homer & Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Council BlunTs , Ta.
Onr carpet stock is largo and well so ?
looted and is kept full by the arrival o |
now , fresh goods. It comprises
Moquettes ,
Body Brussels ,
Tapestry ,
Tambour ,
Turcoman ,
Etc. Curtains inadn and hting. Carpet1)
made and laid by skilled workmen.
Wu are ottering a line line of White
Goods ,
Beautiful Embroidery ,
Dress Patterns ,
Summer Dress , Goods ,
And Invite customers to oxninlnoour
stock before purchasing olfiowliere. 1'riees
reasonable and goods : IH represented.
Wo liuvo lately introduced special bar
gain tables that comprise the best values
oll'ured m any market.
fj'oocl Eitico ut 5c.
dnod Stamped Towulv al lOc.
Flno beautifully ktampcd
Tou'dh at a5f , luilf the price
iiNliud cluowliure.
Ciuod IIosu , lOt ; .
Iteaulinil ISurrull Fluid Dre
Goods at ! 25fper yard ; \vortli .lOc.
Tlio best Corset , 75c , imiully
gold for $ 1.25.
TIIPSO nro a few of the many bargains
that can best bu appreciated by perbouul
examination ,
Daily watch thla column ( or future
401 Di'oruioy , Council Bluffs ,