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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY'BEE : MONDAY , MAY 17 , 1886. CAPITAL NEWS AND GOSSIP , "I Did It Myself , Ko One Else is to Blamo. " DEATH OF COLONEL POLK. Attempted Bnicluo nt "Jrlah Ann's" Gltllsplo Property for Snlc Knblil nctisoti's Ijcoturo I'rosrcsfllvo Knolire , n HUB'S MNI > OI. * ntmr.AO.I 'About noon yesterday the police were notified by telephone that n shooting nf- fray of some kind hud occurred nt "Irish Ann's" place , 800 N street 1-lro Warden Nowbnry , Olllccr Malone and Dr. Heaeh- Icy wont there and found a man snfloring from n pistol shot wound in the right temple. About the first words ho said as the ollicials entered were1 did it myself - self i no ono else is to blame. " Dr. licach * Icy reported that the pistol had evidently been held just back of the temple and pointed in n slanting direction , the shot culling the temple artery and doing no further damage. This was confirmed by the wounded man'a assertion that ho had pushed Uio bullet out from muter the skin , and the subsequent finding of the ball , a 33 calibre , on the floor. A few stitches repaired the damage , and put the patient , barring a few scratches , in as peed shape as hu was before the shooting. U'iie landlady , in giving her version of the all'air , said tiie man , who is a stranger to her , went there yesterday morning about 10 o'clock , and after Making a few minutes said ho had been drinking hard , and asked to be allowed to lie down and slrep awhile. Ho was shown to a room and nearly two hours after a shot was hoard. Kntering there with ono of her girls "Irish Ann" found that ho had wounded himself as stated. The man was identified by Oilicer Malone as J\ Lawrence , of Crcston , Iowa , married , and a 1J. & M railway engineer by occu pation. Ills reason for trying to take- his life , if ho had any reason , is not known , us ho refuses to say anything uxcepl that ho alone is responsible for the transac tion. COL. I'OI.K'S UKATII. Colonel Jlurr II. Polk , who died in this city Saturday , was ono of Lincoln's old est and best "known citi/ens. Anativoof Kentucky , where lie was born in 183r , ho entered the Union army at the outbreak of the war , serving until peace was de clared in 1805 , at which time ho wore a colonel's shoulder straps. From 1808 until 187 ! ) Colonel Polk was a resident of Vicksburg , Miss. , and largely engaged in the cotton business. When ho came to Lincoln some six years ago ho bought a handsome house on L strdct , and in stalled there Ins family a wife and three children who are to-day sincere mourn ers at the bier of a lamented parent. Colonel Folk's death was duo to heart disease , the symptoms of wnich wore first apparent two years ago. In the hope that a change of scene and climate might have a beneficial oll'oet Colonel Polk last winter made n trip down the Missis sippi to Ills old haunts , but the hand of death was already upon him , and oven before his return had started to foreclose Ids claim. The funeral will take place from the family residence Monday at 2:30 : p. m. SALK OP THE QII.LlSt'IE LOTS. The sale of what is known as the Gil- lispio property , six lots in block 153 , this city , will take piano on Thursday next. These lots , as is well known , came into the possession of the state some years back at a valuation of $4,500. They are now appraised at an average of $2.225 each , and will probably bring something more than that. The resolution under which they are to bo sold requires that tiioy bo offered separately , and knocked down to the highest bidder. One-tenth of the purchase money will bo required in cash , and the balance can run for twenty years at 0 per cent interest. There are three lots fronting on G anil Sixteenth streets , and three on G and Seventeenth. Ono of the latter is what Is known as the Glllispie homestead , and on it is the old frame building where , for nearly nineteen years , the family have lived , the father and mother growing old , and the children growing to man and womanhood. This lot and house lias been appraised at 50,000 , and as it is Mrs. Gillespic's wish to bid it in at as near that figure as possible , thorojs a general understanding among in tending buyers that they will not jump the price on her. HltlEP MENTION. Al. Uiickstall' now blossoms out as a lumber merchant , having bought a con trolling interest in the Stewart-Chute yards. Among the pleasant entertainments of the week was a progressive euchre party given by Mrs. John Kohrung , on Fridjur evening , at which seven table * wm ed with players. Kubbj Bor/Ton , of Omaha , will lecture to-lugiit at the Baptist church on "Tho fl'rne Principle of Judaism , " the object of winch is to refute some of the slate menta made by Wai El Ward hero last week. The much talked of twenty-lour hour walking match between Gco. Hutlman , of liollwood , Neb. , and Chas. Caustin , of Illinois , which was to have come off Fri day night , lizzlwl out owing to the failure of IlulVman to provide a suitable track. Caustln claims that the arrangements were left to Huffman , nnd that the latter neglected to have a sawdust track made , and consequently the race had to bo de clared off. Huffman , it seems , was will ing to walk on the bare floor at the rink , but Caiistin was a little more particular. Sixteen transfers ot real estate , wore made in Lincoln Saturday , the consider ation in which aggregated $17,553. An organized effort Is being made to enroll the schools , secret societies , etc. , in n movement by the G. A. 11. for the ob servation of Uecoration Day. The anniversary of the birth of J. I. Lansing , the real estate man , was celo- braled by a surprise party at his resi dence Wednesday evening , at winch , contrary to rule , Lansing was the man surprised. A few weeks back the papers all over the state chronicled the birtli of triplets to Nelson Westover , the blacksmith , Thursday one of the babies died , Friday another 'dropped off , and now the third is lingering in Death's grip. 'STATE AND TEunixouv. Ncbrnulcn Jottings. Republican City has decided to build a fO.OOO school. Nine saloons Irrigate the human desert in and around liluir. Contracts have been awarded for two now schools in Hastings , to cost $ 10tn)5 ) nnd $2,875. Thirty-seven thousand dollars worth of buildings are already under contract in Broken How. Fremont enthusiasts claim that the census now being taken will show a pop ulation of 0,000. The prizes for the state firemen's tour nament iu Fremont aggregate if3,000. The nu-cting is billed for August. Hastings threatens to climb on Lin coln's car by the close of 1830 nnd pluck the title of the eocond city of the state. The village board of Papilllon estimate that $000 will keep the municipal machine in good condition the coming fiscal year. The fireman's fair nt Norfolk netted $51Q.D9 , Among the rare and costly jewels rafllcd waa 1,000 brick , which fell to Harry Hardy , The Wayuc Tribune says "Omaha has rrnched the six-story tago In its develop ment. " She Is stor'ng ' up "tin , " too , nt a wonderful rate. The commissioners of Cum Ing county want $20,000 for building and repairing county roads and bridges nnd have sub mitted the question to a vole of the pee ple.The The son of Mr. Hitchcock , a farmer near Fremont , wn1) ) thrown umlrr a corn stalk cutter Wednesday and terribly cut about the head , His wounds are danger ous. ous.Ncopolh Is thn latest railroad town in the state. It Is In Buffalo county nt the junction of the Union Pacific extension nnd ( ho Grand Island & Wyoming Cen tral. tral.Soward Seward claims the title of the "Sleep ing Beatify of the Blue Valley. " Tim name is charming to the distant oar , but her snore can't" ' bo heard beyond the suburbs. The Weeping Water I-'agle , stakes jts tail feathers on thn following ticket : For president , Jas. (5. Blalnoj for United St.ite.-t senator , General Van Wvek ; for governor. General Thayer ; for represent ative of Ca s county , Walker Dates. The transported Arizona nasto brigade of Ainsworth and Long Pine continue shooting off their mouths at long range , and there is no immediate prospect of getting them close enough to hurt each other. Their breath is death at nine paces. John Henderson , n youth of 53 , kid napped Katie Mver , a girl of 14 , from the home of her parents in Sheridan county. They were married. Father Myor offers a fifty-dollar bill for a crack at Hen derson , or a chance to Hhiinjlo the daughter. Miss Ktnma Wilkinson , of Dexlervillo , Washington county , is said to bo .so at tractive that everything she owns is struck by lightning , and usually killed. ' 1 his shocking fact is a blessing in dis guise it keeps would-be-husbands at a safe distance. The editor of the Plum Creek Gazette furnishes a practical illustration of woman's rights. The foreman of the shop is a girl , the printer a girl , and the devil a girl , and such doubt exists as to the sex of the editor thataeouimltteo of citizens threaten to make an examina tion. tion.Tho The Young Ladies' Protective associa tion of Fremont has petitioned the mar shal and mayor to prohibit the Mother Ilubbard "hand mo down" jackets which tiie dudes ot the town sport in public. The girls declare that the display of crooked shanks is a shocking parody on the masculine form. An old man named Coombs tackled Falls City corn juice last Saturday , and attempted while loaded to steer a spirit ed team through the streets. They land ed him on his head in the gutter , and rushed madly into a drug store. When the team was backed the old man was carted in , dosed with soda , and his bat tered mug plastered. Ho went home so ber. ber.Nebraska Nebraska City is moving for suburban trains. A largely signed petition is to bo presented to General Manager Hoi- clrego , of the B. & M. , praying that the time schedule bo so changed that resi dents of the county can como to town , transact their business and return the same day. The petitioners further claim that the present arrangement sends thou sands of dollars to Lincoln which should propelly be sent in Nebraska City. Some practical joker is laying the foundation of a funeral at Eignt-Milo Grove , Cass county. A ghost , worked on the pl.m of McLaughlin's Bloody Run bull , has scared several teams and team sters recently. Sometimes it howls like a kicked dog , and next appears like a goose. To add to the fear , the oldest Bar in the neighborhood claims the ghost is twenty years old. A stray bullet will settle the joker bofpro many weeks. A tramp named Joseph Kennedy fell from a train near Big Springs Wednes day night , receiving injuries that will lay him up for some time , if they do not prove total. Kennedy's history is a suc cession of thrilling adventures in all quarters of the globe. At the ago of 15 he loft his homo in Maine and sailed for the Arctic regions in a whaler. While harpooning a whale the boat was cap sized. Ho swam to an ice floe and drifted about for four days and nights , nnd was llnallv rescued by _ thoEaqimnp. He next joined a Russian exploring party , tramped through Siberia , and landed in a Russian prison as a nihilist. Escapin , to Russian Poland , ho trudged towan the Golden Horn , where ho enlisted in the Turkish army. Ho remained long enough in this service to save a few shekels , deserted , went to Vienna and became an advance agent of socialism. 1'or live years in London ho worked that claim for nil it was worth , and was sen I to America to sow the seed of discontent nnd ruin. Ho was an active agitator the recent strike troubles in l * * " nnd was in the riots in. Clil g , , ami "im'mcU- atoly aftoj : started west , under an as- . 8iu > ltu mirno , to stir up anarchy among the striking brnkcmcn. But his activity was suddenly cut short , as well as his leg , and It is doubtful if the doctors can save him for n worse fate. Iowa items. A telephone line is to bo constructed from Mapleton to Onawn. A forty inch vein of coal has been struck on Coon river , near Sac City , at a depth of 125 feet. Chas , Quick , an Algonnkld , toyed with the loaded heel of a vicious colt , and had his nose shaved off his face. Thomas R. Sweet , of Davenport , raised $894 in forged checks and then lott the country , also Ins wife and child. Mrs. M. D. McConnell , of Osage , was tipped up by n loose sidewalk plank , and sues the city for $20,000 damages. The State Hoinwopathie Medical asso ciation holds its seventeenth annual ses sion in Burlington , May 20 and 27. Major Smith , reputed to bo the wealth iest citizen of Washington , astonished thn natives by failing for n large amount last week. AChorokeo restaurant keeper smilingly stepped up to court and paid $20 for the pleasure of thrashing a cheeky Unimuicr rom Sioux City. A brother of the dead merchant prince , A. T. Stewart , is a rag-picker at Chero kee. At ono time ho was a wealthy ship builder in New York. Lucas is stricken with an epidemic most terrible in form and fatal in its ef fect. The dread disease la what Is called black measles nnd it has secured a strong foothold among the children at that place. There wore fifteen deaths last week from the disoaso. The "Q" gravel mine , a huge bluff of ground , is located a few miles from Thayer. The gravel makes first-class ballast , and Is being used nn all lines of the company. From the bed of the pit to the top at its highest point is 100 feet. Thlrty-llvo feet of this is worthless blue clay ; the balance is n solid vein of the finest gravel , extending bacK into the bluffs an unknown distance , and consti tuting an almost iuoxhaustablo iniuo. By an explosion of gas which escaped from a gasoline lamp used in connection with an electro-therapeutic bath appara tus at Crcston , Thursday morning , Dr. W. II. Christie was seriously burned on .one hand , the other slightly , and his whiskers , eye-brows and hair were singed , and Ids face slightly burned. A 14-year-old girl patient who was using tlio apparatus was burned badly on the foot and limbs. The explosion blew ft plate glass window out , At Dos Moines the manufacturing es tablishments include four flour mills , six iron foundries and machine shops , thrao wagon factories , two scale works , t\vo oil mills , four white bronze works , air arick nnd tile works , two plow Jfactorlos , one largo starch faetory , ono mammoth distillery , two crsckor factories , two broom factories , seven planing mills , three furniture factories , ono woolen , mill , two soap factories , ono pork pack ing c.stnblishinont , three barbed wire fac tories. Dakota. Sioux Falls is to have street cars. The assessed valuation ot Flniidrcnu is $300,000. Iron Hill paid n double-header dividend aggregating $35,000 last week. The railroad track will be completed into Rapid City before Juno 20. A tin mine in the Itarncy district was . old in Rapid City last week for .OOO.- Five Sioux Indian boys have been re ceived in the Indian school at the Santee agency. Buffalo Gap lias four attorneys , twenty- three gamblers , and two undertakers. They are all nourishing. Yankton will Issue $ ; JODO , In bonds for the purpose of enlarging and improving the waterworks of the uity. Sioux Falls is talking of starting a bull butler factory. There has not been a funeral in the town for three weeks. Articles of Incorporation of mining companies have bison filed at the rate of ten a day at Bismarck for the past month. While two men were fishing at Stink ing lake , near Wa.shburn , one day week , they discovered the remains of live persons , who , from the appearance of their sKnlls , had been muidercd and thrown into the lake , being tied down by ropes to stono'l Thn theory is that the remains are those of some horse thieves who were overtaken and killed by a party ot cowboys from Henry county some two years ago. There was nothing by which the bodies could bo identified. Wyoming. The Chicago & Northwestern "company recently purchased 1,500 acres of coal near Fort l-etterman. It is expected the road will bo finished to this point by September 1. The now town Is on the opposite side of .tho Platlo form the fort. The kids of Laramle , ranging in age from 13 to lit , have organized a division of the Knights of Labor on probation. They propose to demand $1.25 a day frr boys in the rolling mill , $20 a mouth punching steers , and 15 cents a do/.en straight for frog legs. The children in one of the Cheyenne schools , infused with the prevailing epidemic , struck for thirty minutes' recess last week. A little 7-year-old went homo and told his mother that ho had quit the school , but when she replied that ho must return in the morning ho answered , "No , we have all sworn to stand by each other. " The mother struck ' out for'a soft. spot. Professor Aughoy announces that the territory "possesses more varied ' and greater resources 'than anv other territory belonging to our govorn"- niont. The richness and extent of her agri cultural resources cannot bo surpassed. Twenty per cent of her entire surface is underlaid with coal of superior quality , and immense thickness running from seven to twenty feet. Her mountains abound in gold , silver and copper , and population is only needed to make her , in the near future , ono of the grandest and richest of our stales. " Eighty miles north of Cheyenne , be tween the Laramie river and the Chug- water , lies 00,000 , anres of splendid agri cultural land , traversed in all directions by the extensive ditches of the Wyoming Development company. This vast ditch system is supplied by the waters of the Laramie river , joined witn those of the Sabillc. This spring a thousand acres will feel the plow. The soil is rich and heavy , yielding largely. It grows mag nificent wheat both in gram and yield. The completion of the irrigation sv.stem on these lands will mark the expenditure of over $100,000. The main ditches will reach 100 miles iu length , while the lat erals and sub-laterals will measure double that distance. Ben ton's Hair Grower. All who an ) BALD , all who are becoming BALI ) , all who Uo not want to bo luhl , all who are troubled with UANDKUKK. or il'CIUISU of the scalp ; should use Beaton's llalr Grower. KIOIITY PBH CKNT of those using it liavo crown hair. It never fails to stop the linir from tailing. Through sickness and fevers the hair sometimes falls off In a shoit time , and although the person may have remained bald tor years. If you use Ben- ton's Hair Grower according to dlicctloiis you are sure of a growth of hair. In hun dreds of cases wo have produced a coed giowth of Hair on these who have been bald nnd Klnzed lor years wo have fully substan tiated the following facts : Wo grow llalr in 80 cases out of 100 , n9 matter how Ion ; ; bald. Unlike other promuiiUoua * , ' .t contains no of lead. * sugar vecetablo or mineral . . tuons. ? ' it is n specific for falUns hair , dandruff , and itching of the scalp. The llalr Gtowor is a hair food , and Its oinpiisitlon Is almost exactly like the oil which supplies Uio hair with Its vitality. DOUHiiK AND TUll'LK STRENGTH. When the skin Is very tough and uaid , and the t'oHIco is apparently elicctually closed , the .single strength will sometimes fall to reach tno papilla ; In sHch cases the double or triple strength should be used In connection with the single , using Ihem alternately. Price , sliiiilo strength , 51,00 : double strength , 53.00 ; triple strength , SIl.OO. If your druggists have not got it wo will send it prepared on receipt of price. BENTON HA1B GROWER CO. , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. F. Goodman nnd Kuhn & Co. The Epidemic of Strikes. Chicago Herald : "Boats all the way dose working people is strikin' , " said the porter , " 'pears ns.if they was never satisfied. They want all dey can see an' dencokickin fo'mo' . " "That's nil right , " said a ruddy-faced passenger , who another man said was a labor agitator ; "that's all right , porter. Kvery servant is worthy of his hire , or should bo. A workingman is entitled to something in this world besides a bit tote to oat and a place tq sleep. If ho doesn't stand up for his right nobody will , and the only thing ho can do when ho wants an improvement in his condition is to strike. Strikes tire all right , I tell you , " "Guess that's so , boss ; guess that's so. Brush you off , sab ? Is this your hat ? All right , suhi 75 cents , please. " ' 'Seventy-live cents ? " "Yes , sah ; we's on a strike fo' higher wages , Sovonty-iivo cents , or the sleep- in' call po'tahs will blacklist an1 boycott yo' ; an' then yo' might as well travel inn stock car. Seventy-live cents is right , sab thanks. " flalford Suuce It la delicious. Sold oveiy where. MOST PERFECT MADE : Prepared with epecl l rtt nl to hehi. /"Tl"1Umeor ! Alam. PRICE BAKINO POWDSR CO. , CUICACO. ST. 1.0(116. ( John II. KlmtialU of Wcstlicltl , Ohmi- tamiiia Co. * N. jL",3vrltcs Mny 20 , 1883 , thnt lie was sufTarirtfr with rhoinnntio fo- vcr , nntl had cqnstipntlon so bntl ninny tlnio1) ) lie \vont twelve < lnv3 without nn evacuation. , , ( then ; up by pliyslcinns , ho , ns n last roaorl , took Hrniulreth's fills , two ovurynight for seven weeks. No r hn is nn , uilir M villmn nn never nsos nny other incillcino for him- suit or fumily'llu1 will answer nny in quiries. i _ UToajt Ol l Tlionirn. "Aro you snrb IIP Is tlenil ? " nskcil Uio insurnnco ngont of the widow of a de ceased miser. "Certain of it. " "What proof have I of it ? " ' 'There were twenty carriages at his funeral that I ordered myself. " "How does that prove his death ! " "Ah ! sir , yon didn't know him. If Thomas iiad been the least bit alive he'd Imvo kicked at the expense , sure. " "Her tnco so fnlr. n > * llcsh It seemed not , Hut heavenly portrait ol hrlirht numtl's ' hit ; , Clear ns thn slsy. without a blninu or blot , Throticli Biimlly niKtiiio of romplcxli n duo , Autl Iu her clircks the vuuncll led tllil sliow. ' ' This is tlio poet's description ot a woman whoso physical system was in a perfectly sound and healthy stale , wilh ovorv function acting properly , ami is tlio enviable condition of its fair natrons produced by Ur. 1'ierco's "Favorite Pre scription. " Any tlrnjralst. Wnntc 1 n Clinnoc For Ills Money. Puck : Miss Daisy Oh , Mr. Jones , ain't you coming to our church fair next vteek ? Jono No ; K ° l 'lf > money. Miss Daisy Oh , you are an awful sto ry tullur ; 1 know you have quite n laryo salary. Jones Yes , have something to amuse myself with ; but I don't lose it at church fairs , lllow it iu at faro batik. A fellow stands some little chance tiiero. Inllucnxa colds are cllectually banished by Hod Star Cough Cure. Prompt , sale , sure. sure.A A single block in the vicinity of Castle Gardo.ii , niul which is about I''oxSOO feet , contains no less than thirty-live saloons , or places where liquors can bu obtained. This is the best season in which to purify the blood , and Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purliicr , 100 Doses Ono Dollar. _ A man iu Cambridge , Mass. , who was arrested for swindling last week , lias spent $ ' . . ' 07,000 , left him by his father , in the last seven years. FILES' FlllSS : FILE3 A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itchln nnd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ir Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A single box lias cured tlio woist cluonic cases of 'i"i or IX ) years standlnc ; . No one neetl. suffer Hvo minutes alter apnlyini ; this wonderful sooth Inu medicine. Lotions nnd instrument * demote mote harm than Rood. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tlio intense Itching , " ( particularly nt niclit after ietttiu ; warm In beilK acts as a poultice , ulvea Instant relief , anjl prepared only for Piles , itching of nrivato iiarts , and for nothing olsa. SKIN DfSIOASKS CUUMI ) . Dr. I'razler's JIairiciOliitinent cures as by magic , Pimples ; Dkiclc Heads or ( hubs , Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving Hie sicin clear and oeautlf til. Also elites Itcli. Salt Kl-etitn , Snro 'Nipples , Sore .Lips , and Old Obstinate Utecrs. ' * Sold by druggists , .or mailed on receipt o COcents. ' Ifetalled by Kuhn & Co. , nnd Schroder * Courad. At wholesale bv C. F. Uoodraau V. O. A. Notes. The senate will meet Monday night nt 8 o'clock. , , . , 4 Young moniv mooting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The regular inoutiilysocial will be held on Tuesday evening. Strangers are es pecially invited tq nttcnd. Come and yon nro sure of having a good time. General-Secretary Joplin. visited Beat rice last Tuesday , where no made the dedicatory address at the opening of their now rooms. The npxt night he remained in Lincoln nnd assisted in a reception there. The Y. M. C. A. all over the state nro prospering. Thirteen million sheep are said to have died in Now South Wales ivithiu the last three years for want of water. nr . BlbbtKS ' CORDIAL The Great Southern Remedy for all BOWEL TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHING. There are very few who do not knonr of this little bush growing uUingslilo of our mountnlns and hills : but very low rcullzo the fact , that tliu little purple berry , \\Ulch so many of u < have eaten In most every Bhupn , tlicro Is a prin ciple In It having a v underfill eflect on the boucl . Dr. lllgBer's Huckleberry Cordial Is theoiiKAT nouTiiKitK iiEHRuy that rchtoroj Uio lltllo one tt'ctlilnc , and cures Ulurrhcua Urnentery and Cramp Colic. when li Is considered that nt thlaiwasnnof the year auddrnanik.dangerous nttacku of the bowels are so frequctit , nud no hear of so many dentlu occurring before o physician ran ba called Iu , It la llmnorlnnt thaleivrv liouie. hold Ihould prpvida themsclven ullli tome speedy relief , adotoof which will relieve thn naln anil save jnuch anxiety. Dr. lllcecru' llurklebrrrv Cordial' ' " blmplo remedy hicU eiiy child \i \ pleased to take. . Price , so ccnti ijftnttle. . Manufactured by WALTKlt A. TAYr.Olt. Atlanta. Qq. and .Mullein will curoC'ouKlm , Croup ami Con gumption. 1'rlrp ai rm. ana tl u liollle. For enlobytUoII /'larlto Uruj Co. , ani Notice.'to Contractors , Surro.vff.AyCo ( , , , NEii..Mayin , 1880. Tlio Jioaid or Tni t oH or School District No. S , Clay County , Xubruska , will rccolvo scaled Inds up to fl o'clock , p-'liii. , Muy 3ll8y ] , for the oroctlon or a brick sohnol hoiife , cntislstln or olalit rooms , to l > o liil ) | in accoruonea with the plans and specifications for the tnuno , which may bu eeon lit tlio ofllco or the modulator or btilil Ulstiiet In Button , Nebraska , after .Mity i. IbhO. All bids to bo accompanied by fcamplvs of the various kinds ot inatnrlul to bo used In the ooiibtrnallon of said bulidinir , the eamplea or the success ! ul bidder to remain on deposit with the school board until the bulldlnir Is completed , Illds to bo opened and examined aricrG o'clock C. in. , May til. 1880. The successful bidder will 9 required to KVO ! an uppiorcd usldunt bond In the amount or the contract prluu of said work for the faithful performance of the con tract. The right Is reserved to reject any nnd nil bids. Illds to bo ( indorsed , "Illds for the Erection of the Sutton School llouso. " MuylS clCt Jos. QUICK , Director. DEBILITATED MEN , Ton ar allowed a free trial oftMrtv davi of the use ot Vr. Dfe't Cclghrated Voltaic Belt with Llectrlo Siu- penwry Appliance * . lor the ipccdr rcltcT and J > CR imment sure of { fervout Debility. loU of yHaitiv tua Manhood , and all kindred trouble * . Also for other dUcaaea , Oomnleta restoration to Uealtn , Vigo ' and Uuohood euarauieml. Ko rlik U Incurred , lllu * ( rated paranhlrtlu MUvl nwlop mailed froolpraV STRICTLY PURE. rr CONTAINS so on CM iw ANY rotm IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES , PRICE ? 5 CF.HTS , 50 iJENTS , AND Si PER BOTTLE S > pt CEN I BOTTUEs.nru intt up for the n id * Jpommnrtntlonor nu who rtnslro n goo undlow tirlcnci Couch. GoldandGroupRemedy TW'F DKSMIINO HKMMIY VOU CONSUMPTION ANY LUNG DISEASE , Bhouki scfluro the lanru $1 luutlcs. Ulrootloa aucomimnyliiKGAcU bottlo. Sold bvail Mo cicirt Icthn. ci7 st. < AtftnUrgri i1ntt of two Medical Cotletei. but 1 MI | Ia < ilo Ueipoclalirimtmcolof C iK tc , Nttvoui. H t * and HLO ID PiiiiiM than any other rhfrlcIaQ JnSt. Louli , MtUy tttperiihoir undmll oldreiMenti IDOW. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions of Throat , Skin or Bunco , Blood Poisoning * Old SorCS and UlCOrS , are trcattd vlth nnptrftlUUl uetesi , en Uteit iclf&llfle prlnelpten.SaftlT , Prltalety. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , ExpOSUrO Or Indulgence , which proJue lomaerth * followiDf cTcoti ( nerouioci9 , debllltr , iHmoen of ilgM and JeOellrc memory , pimple * on lh f ce , pbflCKld ety , Tcrilonloilio lodetjof frmalei * coufuilo * or Ideti , etc. , rondorlnff MnrrlA o Improper or unhappy , t * ureJ , r&mptiletiS6ieioo ( ) tttaabore , itak Krmtnentlj , fret to nny ad Jrtn. Coniultttlta kl of * tetot bj mill frfe , Inrlteilfcofl itilctly eoDndeatUl. A Posltlva Written Guarantee irea ia Tirye * r&Meeuc , Uedlclaii QteTer/nti toby m tlorexpreii. MARRIAGE GUIDE , 260 7AQKS. 7INE PLATES , dcttnt clolh n4 flit blnJInfc , icalea for OOo. ID po tng orcurreoej. Over Qfiy vondrrful r npletur i , true to lir | Brilclnonthe fellowlog objeetat vlio nay marry , who not. why t mtnhooJ , worotn. bood , j h ? lit ft I drear , ffeot * orollbtey ndeieeti.the pbj * . lolofy orrcprpdiictfoQ , otnl raanjr more. Ttioia married or Inlnn1ljr rolerc ) thc tnuKt vlolrnt attack * , nml lti ure rnmfort- _ _ _ .able * > lerp > Ufted by linhlUlonthu9 ronnhing thediSoapo , r Scs the BDAsni , facilUMna f ieivoctoration. and I'-FfKC Inhere nil other rorardlnfklt. A trial wotlneM the mint Jikrntlrftl of IU lmmeiIlRtfdlrff t and net rr-faUfaK effect. flt > rire50c * and l.OOl of tlru liti or t > r nt&ll. Trial iptgerreofiriump. Dr. U. Htllli MUKMt. I'ft ONE Olt MOKE AT WHOLESALE I'lUCE. I PAT nil cxprovi charges to all points within 300 tnllrd. I.OOCcarrlaffts to select from. Bend two cenfc itaiupfcirlllunratracataloifuu. Mention tliUpupcr. L. Q. SPENCER'S ' TOY FACTORY , W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. wumiLiTY ayyiaALK4 y UKCAT. Allfoixrcrleicc. EemarkatrU nd qotckcnrn. Trl&lpio ] Its. Send Hump rorte ledprtloulari. Addrcn. Dr. WARD & CO. . LOUISIANA , HO. IS DECIDED BY Boyal Havana Lottery ( A dOVCKNMKNT INBTITUTIOM ) Drawn t Hiivivim.Cubu , smy 1,15,20 , 1880 ( A GOVEItNMENT JN8TITUTIOM TICKETS IN FIFTHS. Wholes 15.00. Fractions Pro rata. Tickets in Fifths : Wholes 16 ; Fractlonspo D rota. Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by the parties In Interest. It Is the fairest thlnp la the nature of chance in existence. Kor tickets apply to SII1PSKY & OO.,12l9Ilrond- way.N. Y. City : M. O1TENS & CO. , fll Mul Btreot Kansas City , Mo. NERVOUS PEOPLE And others autTerlng from nervout Uelilllty , eihtuttln ctironla dlfteuea , preniAture aocllna of yountr or old r fil8lllvtly curtd hy llr. orne'a famouu Klectr * . Macnrtlo Ilrlt. Thouundl . In tUe Union hare | j rn currd. . . . . . Intttntlrfelt. I'nlenlisJiinrt nolil 10 , . _ . _ jib farallr c nwrar tame belt. Klrrlrlc hu.pcniorletfrt i > IUim&le belu ATold wortlilcwi Ira. Ititfoni wid bozat campanloi. Eleetrlo Trmtei fur lupin re. TOO curort ln'85. Send t mpfor | itnihlet. ) R. W. J. HORNt. IHVFHTOB. 191 WABA8H AV. . CHICAGO. Ladies Do you want a pure , bloom ing Complexion i If so , a few applications of Hngnn's MAGNOLIA HALM will grat ify you to your heart's con- tout. It does away with Sal- lowncss , llcdncss , Pimples , lllotclie.s , and nil diseases ami imperfections of the skin. It overcomestho flushed appear- Diico of heat , fatigue and ex citement. It makes n lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , aud perfect are its etFects. that ft is impossible to detect its application. FISCHER PIANOS The iiiniuifacturora of the Fischer Pla ups , father mid four sons , nil prnctleal makers , rank nnioiiff HIP wealth iest unit most responsible nouses in the country. These favorite instruments have stood the test of nearly half a century's trial In the drawing room , the school room nnd concert 1ml 1 , earn- inir such a world widn icpntatioii for durability nnd general excellence ns to create a ilenmnd which bna Increased year by year until it bun now rciuihcd the rcnmrkiiblo number of 5,4.00 per an num. Parties in quest of a thoroughly well made Instrument , at a moderate price , should examine the old reliable time tried Fischer Pinno , before pur chasing. LYON & HEALY , 305 and 1307 , Fnrimni Street , Omaha A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK. FORYOUN5 AND MIDDLE-AGED MES ONLY si nr MAtr. , rosrrAiu. ni.U3rin.ri/n s.VMi'LK Flint : TO At , uditcdVltilttT. Nnrrom nnd PhrMcM natiilltr PromaturaDeclmoln Man , irrnr : ofVnnth , and tt > 3 untold miseries ronuUtru from Indiscretion nnd ox * CCMCI. A book for nvcr * ninn , rminu , mlcMln-jiio.l and old. ItcontUnsUip , ! icrlptloni for all actitonnil chronlcui eiHe * . cftftioi. ' " or which M tnrnluublo. Si lounil bf the imtliorwhofO oxpnrlonro fur 71 T0i\r l tutli ns prnlmbly never Dnrnrnfoll totlio lot of nr pn7Btclnni aOpnffc * . bound In beautiful Krcncti mil * ' , . . rnU'OS'cil ' cover * . fr. ' . ! Htn\tantntopil to bontlnur workln ovorjr ! > oii.-raochnnlcul.lUornrr umlnrofoi. llonnl thhnnnr other work In tlili country fo or the munor "HI bo refund moorjInstnnco. . cnlr II by mall , pntp li * . . IlliKtrntRt Mmpt pennncur. Hold roeilal awarded tlienuthortirtt tlonalModlcnl Anioclallnn. to the lion. A. 1 * . ll mill ii'sorlnto oillc ri of tno boirJ tin roj'lo noctfullr roferri'il. ThoSclenr-oof l.lf * ! < worth more total ynun rolddlc-nnod mpn of till * KOncrntlon thin nil tli rolnos of Cnlltnnilnnnd tha silver nilnai of Ner.ula comlilncil. 8. V , Chronicle. The S"lonco of Llfo point * out the rockmnd nulck. . .mills on which tli * eonitltullon mid hrmm of mnnr n younjt mnn have boon fatally wrecked , Munchostar Tlie'sclenco of Ufolof greater vnlua limn till tin medlcnlflorks published In lull country fortlioiml Wr . Atlanta Constitution. The Science of Life U n uiorb | nnd niiilorlr trait- l o on nervous nnd physical debility. Detroit Kroj Addrosstho Poaboily MoJIcul InsUtuto. or IrT. . IL I'arko r.No. 4 UullHncu street , lloston , Mass , .who may beooniulloiion all illioases requlrlmi > kll land oiperl- cnoo. Chnmloimd obalnato Ulsmuui tlmttutro baf fled the skill of all othorphyalclans a specialty , rtuol treated successfully without an . nstanco of f llun Mention omubu IJJo. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , CIVIL & SANITARY ENGINEERS Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock , Orndo Systems nntl Senverntre Plnns for Cities nnd Towns a specialty. Plans , Estlmutos nnd Spcclllontions for Publio anil other Engineering works furnlshud. Surveys and Report made ) on Public Improvements. ANDIIEW IlosBWATitn. Momlior American See e Gty Civil Enitinoers. City Engineer of Omtilii EO. U. CHRISTIE. Civil Enirlnecr. 3ac3cot A DIItKCT LINE FOH England , France & Germany. Thii stoamshlpft of this well known line are built of lion , In wutar-tlgUt compartments , and nro furnished with uvory requisite to niuko the passage both safe and ngrucublo. They carry the United States and European mnlls.iind lenvo Now York Thursdays and Saturdays for Pl - mnulh.LONDONOhorbouiPAlU3 ( ) ( n.n.4 ILA1 * ; DUHO ) . Uoturiimsr , IhoetDBtjra ftlivo uainbuw on Sundays , via. Hnvro , toblng ton and London. * First cabin (3) , $60 and $75 : Steerage f 20. Unllroad tickets from Plymouth to Bristol , Car * illir. London , or to any place In the South of England , 1'HKK. Steerage from Europe only Ko. Bond for "Tourist Gazette. " C. n. RICHARD & CO. . Qononil Passenger Agents , 61 Broadway , Now York ; Washington and La Sullo Sts. Cbluwco , 111. P. BOYER & CO. DXAUHIS IN Stell'sSafesVaults.TimeLo6ks and Jail Work. 1020 Itanium Street , Omaha , Neb. RecTStar Line Carrying tlio nolglum Uoyi\l nnd United Statog JIall , eulllnif every Saturday Between Antwerp & Mew York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , IT4LY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE , SPRING AND SUMMKH MATHS : Salon from $ flO to f 100. Excursion trip from (110 to $180. Second Cabin , outwurd , < 45 ; prepaid , ti1) ; excursion. $00. Steomso passage at low rotes. Peter Wright & Sons , General Agents , 63 llroadwny. Now York. Omaha , Nebraska , Frank E. Mooros , W. , St , It & P. ticket agent , Whoa , VITAI.ITV li rilllur. Ilmln IHIAINKII and KXIIAUHTl'.ll or Tower I'llIiJlA'lUllKl.V WAST- - - > ni ) , cure in th , , . . - \ by ilffWriciri'liTilcuni anil 'dtina n\\Alf ! \ ana lucouufullr Intruducatl liere. All weakening luut > and drains promiitlr coticLed. Til 1C ATI * I ! Klvlnc nowg. pap-r and medical enil r. ni.nt , As , , VIEl' . Coninlta. Eton ( ofllco or by mktl ) nlth ill eiclnvnt doctors Fit CIVIAI.E AGENCY. No. 174 Futtorj Street Neiv York. Nebraska national Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PftUJ UP Capital $800,000 feuplue May 1 , 1885 85,000 H. W. YATKS , I'rcslilont. A. E. Toii7.Ai.iN , Vioo President W. U. S. UyaiiES , Cashier , m" W.V. Moiins , JOHN S. COI.UN9 , IIV. . YATKS , LEWIS S. HKKU , A. E. TOU/.ALIN , BANKING OFFICE ! THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th and I/arnam Streets. Oenernl llankliisf lluslunjj Trumijt ) ! . WOODBRIDGE" \ State Agents von THE 'sPiaoos Omaha , Neb. REMINGTON Potter & Law ItoDOTtors And Copjrlllf , Btnto AcenU for NobraaVo. Typo-xrrltcr supples nnd pnpcr kept In stock. Send for catnlofftio. OMAHA NATIONAL IHNK 11 tit LIU NO OMAHA Best Goods in the Market ffockford , III Ask for our iroo.lg anil BCD that bear our tnulo mark. ESTAIJLISHKD 1870. Lincoln Steal Dye Works W. D. UOUERTSON , Prop'r. Oaico No. 1105 ( ) St , Works S.C. Cor. P. & 8th. Lincoln , Nub. Gouts' ClotUlug Clunnod and R polled. OEV1AHA 13th St , Cor. Capitol Avenue , ron TUB TnEATMr-NT or AM. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McMENAMY. Proprietor. 8 U teen jcnrs' fToaniial nml I'riruto I'rnctlce Wo buvo the facilities , apparatus and rctncdlM for the snccetJful treatment of ctcry form of Uls- t&to requlrlii ; ; cither medical or eurglcnl treatment , nml lnHo all to couie nml investigate for tucmtclTC * or correspond with us. Long experience la treatIng - Ing cnsea by letter enables us to treat many case * ecicntiflcAlly \ \ Ithout acclnt ? them. WltlTU KOlt ClUOULAn on Deformities Ond nraces , Club Feet , Cnrvnturea of the Spine , I Distunes or WOMEN. I'llcs , Tumors , Cancen , j Cnturrh , Brouchitis , labalntlnn , Electrlcltjr , Pafal- i ] > | 8 , Kplleiiay , Kliinej , Eye , Car , Skin , Blood and . all surclcnl operations. Unttorle * , Jiilialern. Urncca , TruiRCi , and nil kinilu of Medical and Surgical App''ancca , man. ufncturcd nnd for eulc. Ihc only reliable Medical Inthtule making Private , Special Nervous Diseases rA SP-KCIAJ.TV. " i AT CONTAGIOUS AND BlOOD DISBAflBa , I from whatever canee nrodiicea.snccessfiilly treated , j Wo can remove Syphilitic poleon from the lyitom without mercury. Now rdstorntuc treatment for lorn of vital power. ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL Cull find consult us or send name and posljOfllco. address plainly written chclooo etaaip , And we . will send you , In plain wrapper , * ur ukj\ \ PRIVATE CIR0ULAR _ TO ft rrv > I'liiVxTB , , BA'S9Jf. ! AWjiW ! } 'J " ' Z 9 ' , ) d history of your < opMSt teif& ' t , ' Person * ulmblii tojriiit at may bo tr ted at tpelr homes , by cot wponoepce. ' ModltJiie and In1truv mtmU e nt by moll o't Express SECUKGLY PAU& . KD FUOM OBafiftVATiO.V. no mitkato IiWeaU con ents or fender. Oho' personal Interview V1 * * * fniWd if convenient. ifty rooms for the accom modation of nattents. Iloard and attendance at reasonable pi Ides. Address all Leltfta to Omaha Modfcal and Surgical Institute. Cor. 13lhSt end R.iDltol4ve. . OMAHA. H'/.S. * DR. IMPEY , 15O9 F.A.aaN'.A.aivfE SO1. Practice limited to Discuses of the EYE. EAR , NOSE AMD THROAT , Glasses flttoil for all forms of defective Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted. TBMUCEN SPRING VEHICLES. OVER 4OOOOO m. IN USE. Eiuleit nidln. viluiont ptnoaaalv ho.rten occordlnr rrll adapted to Blie drivmofcltiei. . , . . . . . . U leiullBM Uarrliuie uuilde ler BANKING. Accounts of Ilankors.Jlerchants and otters eollclted. Collodions Proaiptlr Made. S. A. KEAN & CO. . . . , Bankers , ( Siicectsorit to Preston. Kcnn & Co , ) 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , Muulclpul , II , 1C. , I.acnl nnd other Ilond. . H ud for I.Ut. . ' UnlUcn Spccillo. " tt can boKlvcn Inn cup of culTea or tea without th Itnuv-luilgoot the person taking II , Uabsolutclr daruilew , and will ollct a permanent an J speedy cure , whetUvr tlio patient Is a inwluralu irlnkcr or vn uicoliollo wreck , U bus bmi given In tlioa. n ; iclso ( cnjei , and In cveiy liistancaa'.erfccicur * hasfollowed. It nutor InlU Tha cyiteinone * liuptcgnated with tha BpecUt ; , It becomes an uttel Impossibility ( or the ll'iuor appttlto | o oxUt- roHB.u.n uv roLLowi a unuaaibTai KUHN ite CO. , Cur. .UMi nnd I > i-Jsli , uud ISlh iV Onmlnu H | . , OmnbR , Neb. ' A. U. rOSTKR ik HIK.1. . ( 'ouncll Jllnir , lotyjit Call or write for pninphlct conlalnlnz hundred * c'WtlrnoiiliiU Irouuinbci women imiuenfwg fit Di.'U ot the country. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The OrlKlnitl uiitl Only Genuine. Bafeujalwaji KelUbti. h.wutof nurthlM * ImluUMI. lf 't " Vl w LADie,0" . AsU jout l f ui ' - ' 4Ublck 4l rt FnclUh Aud Uke &oc > lt r , ( > r I . ( ifcuii * ) to v * f r trU blir < n tttttr tr return ualL NAME PAP R.tMchr ! trr CUrmlf .1 ) . , JliiU Aludl.un hgutre. I'liU.dik , i'a. Ilruccl.Ucrcrrnlierit. Ait tot C'btcht * tcrj Kiisll.U" 1'eunrrvTAl I'Ult. T k no viku. ESTORER.TtcmM . -A t k.Bjnof youth' , fill lIDiaUdCUCO wau.iuv 11'roniaturo Decay , Nun - - - - ' voii3 iMililllty , Jxwi Miu- .ooil. 4q.li3\liu trloillnlalcuvcry Vuowu temtdf lia u [ < ( ! ovoredaitliii'l6felj'4ur | < ; , wulcUhitlv''ib' ' > n < 1 PJtKK tpJiU f M < iw < 4ifferer . Adrtn-M aw York Cll& . <