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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1886)
.yv THE OMAHA DAILY # EE : MONDAY , MAY 17 , 1886. Kew York , Jtfny 15. MONET On call , easy nt 1J3 per cent. PniME MEItOANTILE 4Q3 per cent. : lixcriANOE Dull but steady ; actual rates.SJ.SOJf for sixty days ; Si.fcfijf for demand. UOVEHXMUNTH Dull , but steady. STOCKS Stocks wcte the ( | iiictcst of the week and nothing transpired on the street to niTect quotations except Oregon fc Transcon tinental. The lowest prices were fairly reached In the llrst hour , and highest toward < io'clock , the market closing linn. Almost everything on the active list Is higher , but pains In no case reached 1 per cent except Oregon .fc Transcontinental , which shows a net gain of 1J < per cent. STOCKS ON WAt.1. 8TIIEET. Blf } cent bonds. . . lOOJ O. AN. W . . . If. 8. 4j s 113 } * I preferred 1ST 101 ; < Pacific O's of ' 0.5. 127 Orceon Iran. MX Central Paclllo SO 1'aclllo Mall . C. A A 138 * P. , I ) . &K . nrefcrred. . . . Ifi P.P. 0 . ISO CH. 0 Uock Islnim. . . . 121 D.L. &W 120 K. . . 1) ) . &U.O preferred. . . 40 Erie C. , M. ifcStP. . . 85 Eriepreferred. . . . . preferred. . 117i Illinois Central. St. P. &O m L , It.V prefcrrea. . . 10JJ- Kansas A Texas. 25 Texas Paclllc. . . 8 I/akcSlioro 77K Union Pacific. . . 40J- W. , St. L. & L' . . 7 , Mich. Central. . . . preferred. . . 14 Mo. 1'ncllic Western Union 01 Northern I'-ic. . . O.K.&N 07 ; prcf cried. . . . * Ex-dlv. CHICAGO PUODUCE , Chlcnao , Mnv 15. Flour Quiet nnd unchanged ; winter wheat , S4.40 ; southern , S4.00Q4.M ) ; Wlsconsltn , S4.ftO@4.75 ; Michi gan Heft spring wheat , S3.70@4.00 ; Minnesota seta bakers. Si.M4.50 : ; patents , S4.G5@.5.00. Wheat Openutriiuner nnd } tfftG higher , became weak and settled back , % c , later de clined % c below opening , then rallied ? { c , Corn Open me and closing J e above yes terday ; cnsli , BCQao c ; May , 30Yc ; June , JaTs Steady ; closing a trifle easier : cash , 29c ; May , ssjfc ; June , 33J < foJ2ScV Ityc DtillatOOe. Uarley Dull tit Sic. Timothy Prime , 81.70. Flax S1.0.5U. Whlsky-sf.14. 1'ork Fairly active : 7K@10c higher , clos ing comparatively steady ; cash and , May , 88.60 ; June , S8.77X@8.bO. . hard Stronger ; advanced 2J.t' ( < T5c nnd closed steady ; cash and May , § 5.1)3 ) ; June , Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 10 ® llelIats,10@UXc ; ; skims , G@7c. Kggs 7J ( ! 49c. Hides Green , GKc ; heavy green salted , 7fe ; light , S'i'c ; dnmaced , O c ; bull hides. 1c ; dry salted , 12) c ; dry Hint , I @t4c ; calt eklns 10@Jc ; ; deacons .We. Tallow Grease , white country , A , 13 4e ; yellow , 8 > c ; brown 3c. Keceipti' . Shipments. Flour , bbls 7,000 Wheat , ou 10,000 bU.OUO Corn , bu 100.000 807,000 ( ) ats.bu 130.000 180,000 ltycDn 1.000 13,003 Jtarlpy.bu 0,000 St. Louis , May 15. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , cash. 80) c ; June , 81 } c. Corn Kasy ; No. S mixed , cash , May and June , 33c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 30@CO' c ; Way , JiOc bid. Kye Weak ; 79c asked. Whiskv-Sl.10. Pork Firm at S9.15f9.2.5. ( ? Lard Strong at S5.70@5.bO. Hutter Dull but nhoitt steady ; creamery , 10@18c ; dairy , 10@15c. Kansas City , Mnv 15. Wheat Higher- No. U red , cash , 68 } c bid , 59c asked ; June , iXi &fi' c ; July , Oi ( < iC4Yc. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 27c bid , USc ri. . nskcd ; June. 28 } c bid , 28Jfc asked. r'g Oats No Quotations. ' " * Liverpool , May 15. Wheat Fair de mand ; No. 3 winter , dull at 7s Xd ; winter , dull at 7s 3d ; spring , dull at 7tt l&d. t Flour Poor demand and dull nt 8s 2d. Corn Fair demand ; spot , dull at 4s 3d ; Way , June and July , easy at 4s 2d. New Orleans , May 15. Markets quiet nnd unchanged. Toledo , May 15. Firm but quiet ; cash , 82@U.5c. Corn Quiet : c.ibh.SSc. Outs Dull ; May , : & > < Now York , May 15. - Wheat Hecclcts , 118,000 ; exports , 148,000 ; spot , higher ; options weak and J @ ? d'c lower , alterwards strength ened nnd advanced K@4c. closing very steady ; ungraded red , bOyjWijifc ; No. 2 red , nominal ; Juno closing at s : c. Corn Jtf Ko higher ; closed steady ; re ceipts , 40,000 ; expoits,2,000 : ! ; ungraded , 37@ 40cNo. ; , 40c ; No. S , 43 > f@l'Jie ' In elevator , 60' < J@r > OKe delivered : Juno closed at47 c. Oats- Shade stronger nnd moderately a& tlvo ; receipts , 47,000 ; expoits , 1,000 ; mixed western , 38f@'Jc : ! ; white western , 40@40 > ; c. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 1J < 1Jfc igL'B Finn ; demand fair ; fresh western , fcPork Pork Steady , very quiet. Lard Higher ; moderately active ; prime steam , spot , § 0.22) ) (1.2.5. ( Butter Dull nnd lower ; western , 10@19c- Cheese Steady and rjtilet , Cincinnati. May 15. Wheat Firmer No. B red , STic. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 8G } @ : i7c. Oats Firm and higher ; No. 3 mixed , ! ' JKc. JKc.Kye Firmer ; No. 2,09c. Pork Firm at 8t .50. haul Firmer nt 5-5.7rx25.eo. Whisky 31.10. Milwaukee , Mav 15. Wheat Steady and strong ; cash , 78c ; June , 70c ; August , * ' -M Kasler ; No. 2 , Jlyo Quli't ; No. 1.07C. Uarlev Higher : No. B , Sic. Provisions Higher ; mess pork , Juno , Mtnnonpoiis , May 15. Wheat Strong and liiulier ; No. 1 haul , cash , 77e ; June , 78o ; July , Tlil c ; No. 1 northern , 7ic ! ; cash , 74c ; June , No. 2 northern , cash , 70c. Flour Patents , S4.40@4.00 ; bakers , 83.40@ 8.00. Itecolpts Wheat , O'.OOO bu. Shipments Wheat , JJ4.000 bu ; flour. 13,000 Jbls. ) _ L.IVE STOCK. May 15. The Drovers' Journal tcpoits : C nltlo Itecelpts , 1.S03 ; Kteadler and Btiongpr ; slililng ) | steers , 84,1.5iitl.00stoekei-s ; nnd ttH-durs. S3.ooif4.bO ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , t-.25 l.l5 ; milk , 8'.1U@'J.5. : ! lilies Itfci'lpts , 10iuo ; strong nnd nctlvo ; I'ougli nnd mi.xcd , 8i.75 : ( < 4.20 ; packing nnd bhinplng , 5:4. . : K ; light , S3.05 4.20 ; skips , v" v"Shceji Receipts , HOO ; firm ; two cars , 130 Ib Nebraska shorn , 5.50 ; one car scalawags woolfd , SI.03. St. IjoiiiH , M.iy 15. Cuttle Itecolpts , 800 ; bhlpiuunts , 1UO ; market steady ; choice shipping and export , S5.iMi.5.7r : > : common to good , s-i.WX&V-'a ; biitcht-ro' wti-ers , § 3.0@ 4.25 ; cows and hulfers , $2.50S4.0j ; utuckois and feeders , SH.WC .W. Hogs Iti'cuipts , IHX ) ; shipments , none ; market nctlvo and stronger ; butchers anil selected heavy , 4.10iN.-0 ; mixed paclciiiL' , fy.WiJI.03 ; light , S3.iO ( < 4.10. KaiiHiis City , May 15. Cattle Itecelpta , 1,000 ; shipments , -OJ ; market strong , active nnd .Vi higher for light ; choice to fanc.y , C5.10 .VoO ; common to good. S4.OOW5.o5 ; ' ' and feeders , SA40iJ4.tB ( ; cows , 33.00 Hogs Itccrlpts. 0,0)0 ; shlpiiients , none ; market strong , active and 6c ; common to choice , § 3.0034. 05. Trade Hoviow , The warm weather U making Itself felt In a good many lines of trade , and values are gnultmlly assuming their summer basis. Ono of the most noticeable features In tlio produce maikctsl ; the rapid decline of butter , caused by the liberal receipts of grass butter. Stock which is not strictly choice sells very low , as It has to bo sold to tlio peddlers or turned over to the packets. The egg market Is fair ly good so long as the receipts are moderate and the supply Is not much In excess of the local demand. Shippers will not pay over Bo for stock , but the city tnulo is paying Kc more. There have been no essential chuuges In the poultry market thu past week. There Is a very fair demand for live chickens , but the receipts are not heavy. AriivaU of choice stock meet with ready bale , There has been nothing on . the mar ket the past week , except old ( owls. Very little , If anything , encouraging can bo said of the potato market. The demand for even the choicest stock Is very light , and dealers nnd It very slow work disposing of their stocks. Hetall dealers nro only buying In snlllclcnt quantities to supply their Immo * dinto wants a few sacks nt a time. A good many inquiries have been received from par- tics having sto k to sell In the country , but the answers gUcn them nro discouraging. Now potatoes , which nro being shipped In from the south nnd west , nnd Salt Lake po tatoes , help to lessen the demand for old stock. Other lines of produce continue In about the same channels as last week , with no Im portant chaimcs. OMAHA IjlVliJ STOCK. Saturday Kvcnlne , Mny 15. OATTLK The quality of cattle received the past few days have been butter , so\eral very line bunches having been sold , nnd tlio ten dency Is for higher prices. The demand was good , although the fast day of the week , and everything was sold. lloos Tlio receipts were light and tlio market not quite so active as it was thu last day of tlio week. Siir.Ki1 Quotations are nominally 81.00 ® C.OO for choice grades. tliCEtl'TS Cattle . 400 Hogs . . . 500 Prcvnlllnf ? Price * . Showing the pi m-alllng prices paid for live stock on this umikct. Choice steers , 1JKO to 1450 ! bs . S4.7.Xr'.00 ( Seed steers , 12.VJ to 100 ! ! Ibs . 4.00@l.75 Medium steers , 1250 to WOO His . 4.40r < iH.50 Fnt little steer.10.50 to 11.50 Ibs . . . 4.2.5 ( 4.50 Good feeders , NX ) to 10X ! ) Ibs . a.GOgi.W ( : ) Good to choice cows and hclfets. . . : ! . .V > ( a.7.5 : ) Fitlr to medium cows and heifers. . n.OW.4 ) ( ! Coed to choice bulls . 2.0 ? ; > ii.2.5 : Medium bulls . 2.402.0l ( ( Jood to choice stags . 3.25t3.7.ri ( Medium stags . 2.tx.i.0. ) ( : ! ) Cliolcellilit and medium hogs . 3.7.5rUM ( ) ( Jood to choice heavy hogs . 3.0M8.70 ( Jood to choice mixed hogs . 3.0.-1.7.5 Common rough grades . . . . . . . 3.40n.l.fiO ( : Choice to extra slieei . 4.004J".00 Representative Bales. STIIUS. : : No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3 . lUi'J 84.00 32 . 11UO 5.00 1 . 10201.2.5 14 . 12'JJ 5.03 S . 1100 4.40 45 . 1353 5.12)4 ) 3 . 1503 6.3.5 6.3.5COWf. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 . 1150 83.50 COWS IMI'OlttT.I ) . 1 . 1BOO 84.50 1 . 1440 § 5.00 HULLS. 1 . 1120 82.50 3 . 1010 S3.SO 2 . 1705 3.25 itUTCimu'H sTttrr Mixni ) . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 12 . 1073 83/JO 05 57 82.50lions. lions. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 31 212 83.75 7.5 240 00 275 3.7.5 70 2iJ 3.80 70 25J 3.M ) Knniro of 1'rlcci. Showing tlio highest and lowest prices pal d for live stock on this market during tlio past seven days , with comparative values : lllll'.SSmi IIRKP AND SIIII'PINO CATTLE. 1250rjUOO ( Dates. Ibs. Ibs. Saturday 84.2.5 84.75 Monday 4.50 4.00 Tuesday 4.22K@4.55 4.00 ( $4.70 Wednesday 4.00 Thursday Fiiday. 4.40 o 5.40 Saturday 4.00R5.00 HOOS. April Mny. Saturday Monday 3.75 $3.90 3.70 @ ! 1.75 Tuesday 3.00 $ : ! .75 Wednesday 3.S.5 3.00 ( ( ill.70 Thurbday 8.77 } 3.0.5 " Friday 3.bO 3.70 Saturday abO 3.75 All sales of stock in this market nro inailo per cwt live weight unless otlinrwiso stated. Dead IIOKS sell at Kc per Ib for nil weights. "Skins , " or hogs wei hine loss than 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs nnd stags SO Jbs. _ Notes. K. L. Kimmlns , Cozard , sold n load of hoss. Ivreno & M , , St. Edwards , marketed a load of hogs. W. L. Nash , Kearney , had two loads of IIOKS at tlio yards. Fuller & 1'ayton , Fnllcrton , marketed a load of 75 boss to-day. Cooper it Tcwksburry , Weeping Water , maikctcd n load oC cattle. Charles Phllpot was at the yards to-day and .sold n load of cattle. A. L. Spparnian , Springfield , had 40 head of cattle on thomaiket. Lnbnmn & It. had 'JO head of cattle nnd two loads of lings in the market. W. Ii. Barrett , Weeping W.itor , was at tlio yards and marketed : < f ! head of cattle. Two or three head of hay-fed western feeders are expected in on Tuesday or Weiln esday. Tlio 00 head of cattle boloncine to the Frontier Land nnd Cuttlu company , which wuro hold the other day on private terms , averaged 1410 pounds and brought S3. 25. L. C. Baldwin. 1'nrsia , marketed 5 head of cattle to-day. Two of them weru Impoi ted cows weighing 1 HO and 1300 pound's respec tively , nnd were pronounced by some to have been the fattest cows over In the yauls. OMAHA MAIIKBTS. Ociicral Markets , Saturday Evenlnir , May 15. Eoos The receipts are largo and the mar ket weak with a downward tendency. Stocks nro accumulating and dealers Und It slow sale nt 8@8 > tfc. The butter market Is in n badly r.iiicondition. ' . Sales ere hard to "loSls accnn 'nti ' K .In the hands of eo'iimission dealers ana J.0ckm are railed unon to buy the surplus stoun. Choice table butter , uniform In colorand qunl- Itv , Is quoted at ii@15 : ; fair to good 7@10e ; inferior , 4@An ; creamery , 2 ( < 225c. CIIKUSK Fnnevfnll cream Cheddars , Oc tober make , llj c ; Hats , I'JJtfc ; young Ameilca , HJ c ; lust quality Swiss cliccMi , 15c ; sncond Quality , I' Q Uc ; Lliuburger , ll l'-'e ; skim Hats , miOc. POUI.TIIV The receipts of live chickens mo llbcial and the prevailing prlco Is S.M : ! ) . A few choice have been sold as high as c'a.75. I'HKSKitvr.s , JKM.IKS , KTC. 1'resorves , all kinds , SO-lli. palls perlb. lOc ; do In pall lots , per Ib. li c : assorted Mb. palls per rate , pails , 3.75. Jellies , nil kinds , first grade , BO-lb. palla , pcrlb. Be ; assorted , h'rst grade , 5-lb , palls , per crate , 0 palls , S2.0 : do Mb. palls , per case , Udoz. 3i2S ; do , tumb lers. per CAM' . 3 doz. , S1.40. Jelly , all kinds , second Kradu , SO-lb. palls , per Ib. 6c. Mlnco meat , bi-ht grade } i bhl , iierlb. 7cdo. ; 5-lb palld , percmte , 0 palls , SMS ; do 40-lb pails per Ib , 7He ; do , Mb palls , per crate , 0 palls $ -.70. 1'e.ich , plum and quince butter , as- orti'd , Sib pails , per crate , 0 pulls , ga.75 ; horseradish , pint bottles , per doz § 1.50. I'jns' * KKT. Tuii'K , ETC l-igs1 tect , pcrH bbl , 84.00 ; do , } i bbl. S'J.OO ; do. nor kit , Hue. Lambs' tongues , ix. > rj bbl , 83.25 ; do , per kit , S'J.M ) ; do. ( jnart Jars per doz , 85.25 ; do , pint lars per case , ! i doz. 0.75. Tripe , per K bbl , $1.00 ; do , per bbl , SiOO ; do , per kit CojiD JloKEY California a ID frame co Ibs , In case per Jb. , 15o ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska. wane. CinKit .Michigan reflncd , nor bbl. , JO.M ; do. half bbl. , S4.00 ; Alotts , per bbl , , & 7.00 ; do half bbl. , S4.00. VINEQ AH White wine , lOo ; elder , 12J c. OKA.NIIKS The univuls niu moiu liberal but the market Is linn. Los Angeles nro quick bale at S-I.OO. Ari'LKS A car of bulk npnnles readied the market to-day anil met with ready bale. 8riiA\viiiiiitiis : Largo quantities nro now arriving from Arkansas and other btatcs. The bulk of receipts nro In bad order nnd have to bo sold to peddlers nt very low lisr- tiros. Choice prime block suitable forotitbido orders Is selling to-day at 84.50 ( .4.00 per raso of-Mqts. 1'iospi'cts favor lower prices for the balance of this week. LEMONS Fanoy Messlnn , per box.S7.00 ; good to choice Messina , per box , Sii.oo o.50. BANANAS Two carloads leached thu mar ket yesterday. The stock Is line nud with prevailing warm weather Is moving last at 53.00O3.50 per bunch. CiiANiinitiiiKS There Is very little demand and there is not much stock being sold. Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best thuy can. Quotations are 85.50 ( 0.00 per bbl. Jerbey are belling at 82.00 p r bush box. COCOANUTS rer 1W , 85.00 ; less than 100 , .5.50. . NEW Fios , DATES , ETC. Layer fix * , 9 nnd 10-Ib boxes per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , He ; Persian , 50-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc. Prunellcs , SO-lb boxes , per Ib , Brick ? , strictly intrc , 50-lb boxes , i > erlb , lOc ; penny cakes , S5-lbcases , Pitovt'ioxi Ilnm. 10c ; hronkfast ba con S Jsi cjclMrsldebacon fS' c ; dry salt sides , O OJ c ! sliott rib sides , ( lUc : shoulders. fie ; mess iiork. S12.50 per bbl ; dried beef , ham pieces , 13c : lard , tierces , ( Hj'c : 50 Ib cans , 7c ? 70 Ib cans ( Kalib.uiks ) , 7'c ' : S Ib cans , do , l\c : 3 Ib cans , do. , 7' ' 'c ; boneless ham. lOc. Nr.w N IOITAHI.JSallfornla : : : cabbaze , per lb,3 } c ; c-anllllower , per doz , 82.50 ; col or v , per do81.50 ; asparagus , per Ib 7c ; splnarh. per bhl , SiOO : green onions , per do.T5c ; radishes , per doz , 50c : lettuce , per ilnz , fiOc ; nloplant , tier Hi , 4@c ; pens iwr - bush box , 81.Si ; ? i-bnili box , S3.00 ; cucum bers , Sl.ti.Xt.riO per doz ; Hormuda onions , per box , SS.rx ) ; Bermuda tomatoes , per box , 82.00. XKW'oiiNt.v VIOKTAIII.IS : : Carrots , perlb , u ; parsnips , pcrlb , ! ) c ; ttirnliis , per R ( and-plcketl , 81.50(31.00 ( ; " hanU-plckcd navy , 51.r5jel.75. I'OTATOKS There Is : in demand and no slock in movlntr. ItreqnliPS the very best nssortud stocic to biing ; ! ( ' > ( (540fl , nnd only In a small way , even nttliat in Ice. Douleis Hud It n dlillcult matter to sell tlicir Mock at any price , and a good many will have to bo held HOIIIO time , nn the market Is glutted. GitAi.v At the mills : Corn , tJ. " * ; oats , 28J4c ; wheat , No. 'A OOc ; rye , 4srrt50c. 1'i.ouit AND Mii.i. Tt t'r.s Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , SiOOii.lO ( : ; second quality , 82.fiOCifJi.00 ; best xnality snlng | \vncat Hour , uatent , S2.5Ur 2.75 ; buckwheat Hour , lit barrels. S. " > .75 : icatly raised , 3 Ib pack ages , SI.Ov ) ; r , Ib packages , S3.1K ) ; bran , OOc per cwt ; chopped feed , 75C per cwt ; white coin meal , bOj ; yellow corn meal , 70ipor cwl ; soreenlng , OOc per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 per cwt : shorts WK.MHT cwt ; graham , S1.7.i ; hay. In bales. SO.i.OQij-.OO per ton. nuts AND SKINS Alink. each , lofrajoc ; nutskrat , winter , rraiCc ; do. kits. Ic ; Utter. S2.50ffi : > .00 ; skunk , short strijicd , I55l 5cda. biood striped. 1015 ; bde . 3550 ; KM coon. No. 1 large.10(801) ( ) : do. No. U. do. Mo. 3 , lOiririVs : wolf , nralrin. do. mountain , fc'J.UO@3.oo ; wildcat , 15@40 ; bea ver , Sl.oO2.ftO per Ib : fox. each , 40c@l.7.'i : deerskin : , drv winter , local. * Dor Ib ; do. fall andsninmor , I'KIPJ c : antelope. 5@lOj pet Ib lliniis Urcen buteliers. 0Vn ; preen cured 7' ' ( 7Vdry ; Hint , n ( ? l3s'dry ; salt. I'rtolUc : damaceil hide ? two-thirds price. Tallow 'J' c. Grease , prime w'lltti. ' stc. : yellow , 2j ic ; brown. 2s. Sheen Pelts avdiTiw LiiATHint I'rlmo s'au'gliter solo leather. 28H:5.c : ! : pnmo oan sole leather. W ( 3'Je. bliper le.ither , per toot , "ovcaas : hum. kip , 7.)5S. ( ; : oak kip , : Froneh kip , Sl.OJ5Jl.ahem. ; . calf , S1.0J@UO ; oak calf , S1.09GJl.'Ji ; t''ronche.ilf , . " 51.4Vi51.8-i ; Morocco boot IKS , ! 50i'iBHc ; ; Moroci'ooll pebble , 2s5-Jc ; topplmrs and llmnss. SO.OOJjlO.OO per do/ . Antluncitu grate , * S.Zt : egg , ; raiiL'e , ssr > 0 : clioitnut. SS.M ; Iowa. $ : i. i ; Walnut block , 83.50 Illinois , So.OO ; Missouri , 8i ( K ) . UUAVY llAumvAiu : Iron , rates , S2c ; ; plow steel , spe'.lnl cast , 4c ; crucible steel , 0.3 cast totiisdo , l"5ilSo ; wagon spokes , per set , Pl.TflfiKUK ) : hubs , per bet. 81.JJ5 : lelloes. sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each. 75c. ; axles. eacli , 7nc ; square nuts , per Hi. 7@lle ; cell chain , per Ib , iKSl'Jc : inallwibK ® 9c : Iron wedges , Oc : crowbars Co ; harrow teeth , 4ct sjirlng steel , 7@Sc ; Burden's horseshoe.- * , $1.40 : Burden's mule shoos , 85.40. Baibed Wire , In car lots , SUM per 10J Ibs. iron Nails , rates , 10 to 00. S,00. : ) Shot SUM : buckshot , Sl.Sfl : orieiual powder , kegs. 83.50 ( g > 4.00 ; do , half kegs , S'iOO ; do , quarter kegs , 81.50 ; blasting , kegs , 53.3.V ; luso , per 100 feet , 6lc. ) Lead Bar. 81.05. I'AiXTH i.v On. Wliito lead , Omaha , r. P. , 7 > < c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 87.80- Mar seilles green , t to fl Ib cans , -Oc ; French zinc , green seal , r'o ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; Frpiich zinc , in varnish usst , i0c ! : French zinc. Toe ; verinillion. Amerieun. ISc : Indian , u'd. lOc ; jilnk. i 14c : Venetian , red. Cook- son's , " % Venetian \ , red , American , 1 red lead , 7Kc ; cliromo yellow , genuine , chrome yellow , K. 12e : ochiu. roclielio : < c- . ; merican , 2e ; h brown. 2J c ; He. Ditv TAINTS White lead , t > c : i' , 12c : Pails whiting , 2Kc ; whiting gliders , 13-40 ; whiting , com'I , 1'fc ; lampblack. Cer- ! mantown. 1'Jn : lamnblack. null nary , be : 1'russian blue , -We ; ultramarliicp 18c ; van- dj-kc. brown. Sc : umber , binnt. 4c : umber , raw , 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c ; .sienna , raw4u ; Paris green , genuine , 25e : Pails creen. CIHII- inoii , 0c ; chrome gi ecu , N. i. , 20c : chrome green , K , ltc ! ; vermlliion , Kngltsh , In oil , lOc ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Jb. cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke , brown , llic ; rellncd lampblack. 12c ; coach black and orivy black , lOc ; drop black. lOe : 1'iussian blue , 40u ; ultniinnrino blue , li < c : chrom- greon. L. , M. & D. . lOc : blind and snutto green , L. . M. it I ) . , lOc ; Paris gieen , IBc ndian red , 15c ; Venetian red. He ; Tuscan 2ic ; American verinillion. L. & 1) . . 20c yellow ochre , c ; L. M. it O. D. , 18c ; godcs ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , He ; graining colors liirht oak , dark oak , walnut , ciiestnn t ml ash , 1'Jc. Diiuns AND CIIKSIICALS Acid , carbolic , 34c ; acid , tartaric , S c ; balsam copaiba , per lb , 45c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib lOc : calomel. per Ib , ? Jc ; chinchonidia , per oz , 40c ; cliloro- lorm. ] ier Ib , COc ; Dovera powders , per Ib , 81.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , H e : glycerine , pure , per Hi , 18c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20o ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , 31.00 : oil , castor , No. 2 , iier gal. , § 1.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil. oriiranum. 50c : opium. 8i.ii.i : : < ml- nine , P. ito W. , and It. &S. . per oz , boo ; po tassium Iodide , per BJ , SH.OO ; salicln. per o/ , 40o ; sulphate morphine , per oz , 82.00 ; stil- plmr. uer Ib. 4c : suvchnine , per ni , S1.40. VAKNisiin < ! Jiarrels , per gallon : jfurnt- ttire , extra , S1.10 ; fuinttnre , No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1. 81.20 ; Damar. extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltnm extra , 58c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linish , bi'iiiiTfi Cologne spirits. 188 proof , 81.13 ; do 101 proof , 81. 1U ; spirits , second quality , 101 proot , 81.12 ; do , 188 pioof , 81.11. Alco hol , Ib8 proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Ucdls- tilled whiskies , 81.0001.M ) . ( iln blended , S1.50@J.OO ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00WO.OO ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 5f3.00@ < ! .50 ; Coldon Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , Sl.50@ii.00. Brandies , imported , § 5.00(38.50 ( ; domestic. Sl.SOl.OO. Gins , Impoi ted , 81.50 ( 0.00 : doiupstlc. S1.25@aOO. Uuins , im ported , 84.50@S.OO ; New England. 81.752.00 ( ; domestic , S1.4i@3.X ( ) . Champagnes , Import ed , per case. g2800@34.00 ; American , per case , 810.00@10.OQ Syuur Nt ) . 70 , 2ic , bbls ; D. 70 , 4-jraIlon kegs. 81.05 ; New Orleans 3s@4'ks per galioi ! , ' Maple bvrup , % barrel , strictly pure , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , S'J.2. ' ) per doz ; } f gallon cans , 85.25 per doz ; quart cans SU.oo. bTAiicii Minor gloss , 1 Ib , Ho ; Minor gloss , 3 Ib 5 R. Mirror gloss , 0 11) , G > fc ; ( imves1 coinl Hi. 0 } c ; Klngsford'a coin , lib 7o ; Klngsfoid's gloss , 1 ib , 7e ; Klinrsfoid's uloss , 0 Ib , 7 c ; Kingstord's pure , 3 Ib , 5 o ; Kings- ford' Hbiilk.4fi. PICK-I.KS Medium. In bbls. 80.00 ; do In hall bbls , S3.50 ; small. In bbls. 87.00 ; do in half bbls. 84.00 ; ghcrk us , in bbls , SS.O 0do. ; In halt bills. 84.50. OAN.NKII ( loons Oysters , standard , per case. 83.55 ; stra wherries , U Ib. per case , S2.75 ; raspberries , U-lb , per case , 8-.30 ; California pears , per case , 81,00 ; apricots , per case , S4.50 ; peaches , per case , S4.50 ; white cherries , , . , - 82.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , § 3,20(3 ( > 5.50. UitiKi ) Fituirs No. 1 quarter apples. In evauorated boxe.sStSOcjblaclsbeirlCiiiioxes.O , ' &J o ; peaclies , eastern , 4XC'i5 c ; peaches evaporated , iS feHc ; bait Lake , new , 7 } < a > He : raspberries new. lOti JOc ; currants , 7& < ! 7c ; prunes , now , W&Kc. boAps Kirk s oavon Imperial , 2,01 : Kirk's satinet , S3. ISKirk's standard , 83.30 ; Klik's white Itmslnn. 84.35 ; Klik'a White Cap , 80.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboard , 83.15 MATCIIKS Per caddie , 35C ; round , per casp. 45c ; squaio cases , S1.70 ; uiiilo snuaro , COKKKKS Ordinary grades , 05fo ; fair , 10@ lO c ; prime , lK@l'Jo ; clioice. 12 f@13Wc : fancy green and yellow , 13 > f l4) ) c ; old gov- " enimcntJava.'J05" 2flc ; Interior Java , 10l < (3 ( 20o ; Mocha. WiM'Jlc ; Arbucklo's roasted , 14c ; McLauslillis XXXX { roasted , 14c ; Dil worth's , 13fc ; Hed Cross , 14c. CANDI.KS Uoxes , 40 Jo , os , lokc : 6s , lOJfc ; boxes , 40lb , 10 oz , Os , lO c ; half box , SOlb , Y Mixed , 0 } < @l2c ; stick , c , Q SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton , SODA lulb papers. S3.25 a case ; salsoda , keg , per Ib. 22)40. SPICES Ground Ulack pepper , boxes , 1 @ 22c ; nllspivo , 12@10c : cinnamon , lb@25c : cloves , 15-J6c ; glng-jr , I5@25e ; mustard ; 15 ® CuACKEns Oarneau's soda , butter an picnic , 5Xc : creams , 8 > < c ; ginger snap 8 > fc ; city boda , 7Kc. TEA s O un no wden lone , choice. 40c J10cKnglhli : breakfast , good , SOiiflOc ; choice. WWMJ ; Souchong , ® 4-C ( choice , ! 5t4. > o ; .Inpano. fafr , 5.i : r > c ; cood. ! W < M. * > c ; choice , 55 ( < ? " > c ; Tea Dust , 16c ; Ton Slf tines , isc. ' FINK CrT-Hnqi , 70c : Charm o , the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden T hread * 07c ; Favorite , OOct Bmis 6'Jo Kocky Moun tain. Me : Fancy , 43c ; Daisy. 40c ; Noith Start Oo ; Good Luck. Me ; Our uest , 02jfc ; Uoott News , 65c. \ * risii. nsn. ! Ill's Iff in Qr Ilbls I'll Kti ' " 100 W CO 40 I 13 10 Ilunn'e B'tNo.l L'b n no : ; CQ 3 a ) i 831 to M 0 I/BO flib'od Fnnc/r , 503 WJ H7 1 67 1 40 611 47 1'uo U'd Sh'ro 1'cyjri 50i , : r > 2 1171 C71 40 Ml 47 LAKE nsit. llollaiulhoiiiiitfNc.smoked ) ; Ynrinuulh hloatcis , 05s ; now scaled herrings , Dry ( Jooils. s , 5) ) ; Arnold's. Oc : Co clii-eo , Oc ; Manchester. Oo ; Lyman , 5e ; ( llou coster , f > ! < c ; Dunncll .lacquard. Oc : Dunncll 5 > 4e ; Windsor. Oc : Pacilic. Oa : Harmon 4' c ; Anchor Shirtings , 4) ) c ; Merrlmac , Shillings , 4Jtfe : Berwick. 4c. lir.\cnii ! : ) COTVO.NS Farmers' choice , , OJfe ; Cabnt. 05fc ; Hone , 7c ; Hill 4 4. 7Uc ; Hill , ; < , OL'c ; Lonsdale , 80 ; Fruit , 80 ; Wain- sutta , 10jjc. ( Consr.T JIAN : < Kcarsarw , To ; Armory , 7c ; Pepperoll , 7 } c ; Indian Orchard , 02 ; Naninkcag , 7c. DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Magnolia. HOe ; 0 oz. Magnolia , 12c : Soz. Wt t Point , 10' ' cilOo/ . West Point , 12) ) c. liitowx COTTON Lawrence LL , Be ; Sliaw- tnculljL. Ac ; Denver Dam li\ \ , 5c ; At.nntio IJj,5c ; Indian Ik-ad. 7o ; Waurliuisel , OJ/c ; Crown XXX , OWe ! Clltton CCC , Gc ; Utlca 01 JiAtluntfcP.5Kc. ; OHKVIOTS Amoskeag , checksfltfc ! ; Amo # kea > r , stripes , HJ o ; Slater , stripes , 8c ; Kdin- hurg. OXc ; Whltteiultin. strlpct , 8c ; ( ilcn- lese , Oc : Otis , chcoUs , 0) ) " < e ; Otis , stilpes , DC ; Hoynl , 05fo ; Amoskeair"napped , 10 > c : Lu- my , book fold , 12c : Oheion , book fold , ll c : Endurance , book fold , 12c. TicitiNfis Amoski'ag ACA 12lte : Thorn- ilvke OOO , 7c ; 'I horndyku funcv , U ! < c ; YorK , lOWcoik : fancy , ! 2 > < jc : Mllbury , 12Kc ; Pearl Uiver , ll' c ; Hamilton , 12o ; Swift Hiver , 0c ; Shettickct S. 8' c ; Slietnck- et SS , 9 > ; e ; Montauk AA , 12c ; Montauk U1J , lie ; ( Jmeca ACA , " and brown , 7JJC. ' ' DUCK ( colored ) Boston 0 oz. brown and drab. ! % ; lioston p 11 brown and drab , Oe : Huston XX In-own and drab , lOc : Uoston XXX brown and drub , llHe ; 13oston , O P blue , llj o : Wairon Tricot. lOc. Drr Linmbor. 1 ItOAItDS. No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , II and 10 ft . 817.00 No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 15.0U No. 3 " " 13 , 14 and 10 ft . 13.00 No.4 " " 13 , 14 and 10 It . 11.00 . No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , .12 ai d 14 feet , rough. . 81(5.50 ( No. 1 , 4 &G Inch , ' 10 feet , roiwh . 17.0) ) No. 3 , 4 & flinch , 12 and 14 feet , ' rough. . 14.00 No. 3. 4 & 0 inch. 10 f eot , rough . 15.00 DIMENSIONS AND TIMIiRKS. 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft'18 ' ft 20 ft,22 ft 24ft 2l4 ir.50 i .ryj 17.50 io.rx ) L'XO 15.00 15.00 1.1.00 1B.I 17.0J20.0J ' 1.00 2x8 15.50 1.-1.M in.r > 0 10.50 17.50 111.50 ! S,50 ) 2x10. . . 15.M 1.5.0 15.50 1U.M 17.50 20.50 21.50 15.50 15.50 10.50 17.50 20.50 21.50 4x4-Sx8 15.50 15.50115.50 1U.M FI/JOIHNO. A Cinch , white pine . S3100 Uflinch , " i.OO CO inch 29.50 D Oinch , " " 20.50 EOinch. " " 17.50 STOCK DO.VllOS. A 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet B " " " .woo G " " " " " " - SO 00 03 QO No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nndioft. 18 00 No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. 1800 No. a " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. 1000 snip T.A.P. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 817.50 No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 15.50 No. 1,0. ( i . ie.00 MIIINCILKH , LATH. * A * Standard . . . 82.05 5 inch , clear , 81.55 ; 0 Inch , clear . 1.0.5 No. I. . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Lath . 2.85 LIME , ETC. Quincy white lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement Akron , Si. 76 ; plaster , S2.bO ; hair , per bushe ax , ; tarred felt , per cwt , lM : straw board , 81.05 * Theatrical Rivalry. Last evening there wore two Gorman theatrical companies playing In this city , ono nt thu Stntlt theatre on Tenth street , the other at tlio oppm house. Juan licaiirios , Klisu Bennrins , Emilo Puls , Mrs. Puls , and Air. Horskoy nro tlio leading members of the former , wliilq those at tlio lioyd nro Kir. Aloleliin , Mr. Sclig , Mrs. Hotstcttur , Mr. Vurlena , ami tlio old Statit theatre company. Each or ganization played "Dio ISicdon Bullet- madchon , " or "Thro Familic , " which translated means "Tho two ballet dan cers U ! her homo. " It is upon this pccc that "thu beaUt'f" ' ! English comedy "Cnsto" is foundeil , OK1&HA HOTEL DSREGTGRY. Th8 MM , S. Shears , J.E. Murkol.TlioB. Swobo , Proprlotori Ornu'uu ' , Iiubruflku. Job Printing. UKES WHJNVriNCi CO. , Job Printers , , Book Binders , And lllank Hook Mamrfuuturors. 100-103 South Fourtaoitvitraj FloUr and Feed , - _ i. W , J. W41L8HANS & CO. , Wholesaler Flour. Feed and Grain , Manufacturers or AV. J , Wclsbans iCo.'s Quick ItultlnB lluukwliout llol/r / and proprietors Omaha City Mills , cor. ttU 'nna11'unmui Strceta , Omaha. 1 rrz" t * * 4 _ JLealheri _ Hidei ttc , SLOJIAN nnos. , Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlcry nnd Sboo Flndlnt'S , llldus , Wool , Tun , I'clts , Gicuso , Tttllow , Klc. , Omaha. Nol. Confectionery. F. P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211 Farnam St , Omaha , Neb. Beer. M. KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special brtmJa Fuust , Uudwclser , Krluu cr , Cor. OUi und Capitol Avo. , OuiuUu. ' OMAHA MANUFAGTUREHS. Book Binding , Etc. IlEES PRINTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk nook Mnniifncturcr * . Nos. JOS nnd _ 10S South 14th Street. Omaha , Neb. _ _ Bridges Steam Pile _ Driving. _ KAYMOXI ) iV Engineers nnd Contractors. Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination nnd Howe Truss llrlilites , Plllnir ntul Onk Timber. 15th fl. , near Fnrnam , TelepbonoNo734. Cigars and Tobacco , " ' MAX MEYEIl * CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Ouns mid Ammunition. SIS to 11 South llth Street , VKO to lit ! I Farniuu Street , Omaha , Neb. ClIUH FACTOItr. WEST & FIUTSCHKIt. Hanufactnrcrs of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In Loaf Tobaccos. Nos. iM and 1ION. 14th Street , Omaliii , Nob. wocKcry , w."u WIUGHT ! ' " Agent for tbo Manufacturers nnd Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Etc , OHlce , U17 South nth Stiect. Oinnhft. Nub. _ c. s7nooDitioii & co Agents fniK. . A. Whitney Cnrrlngo Co. a Children's Carriages , And Jcwctt'8 CclcbrntcJ Holriporators. Senor ; or prlco lists. 1415 Fnrnam St. , Omnhn. _ O. S. PETT1S & CO. , Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages , I'linctntn. lliKfulen and Itimd WHKOIU. SO for cent ( nvcil In buyfiiB of > i . , liarU Street , Omnlm , Nvtinitkn. llrnnch nt Council Illuirn , linva. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John npcnoter , Proprfetor. Mamifnr.turcr of Onlvim 1/td Iron nnd Coniiro. ICJDodRO nudldl nud 110 North 10th Street , Omnhn , Neb. KUEMPJNd & IIOLTR , Mnnuftteturcrsof Oranmcntnl Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , Etc. , 1110 P. 12th 8t. Workdouo In nny pai tor the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SI'ECHT. Proiirlctor. Unlvnnl7td Iron Cornices. Etc. Snccnl'fl Im proved I'nlontMi-tnll'eSkJ-llKbt. ' f i und MOS. 12th St. . Omolm. Nek. Doors , Sash. Etc , The Gate'city pftniEg'Kill. Doors , Rnsh nnd IJIIiuls. Also nil kinds of tinning. Scroll uudStairnorU ot every do- Berlptlon. ATltOSENIiBUV , Jlnnufocturcr nnd Benlcr In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . SUilr Jtnlli n ppcclnlty. Telephone No. 03 IMi nnd Mnrcv t I. . Omulia , Neb. Eleclrical Supplies. -wTwOLFEVo ) . , Electricans. Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlo niock , Omnlia. nnr lnr Alarms , HelN , Klro Alarms , 1 'cctrie Mnttln ; , SpcaliiUK T 'uboa ' , S _ - Iron Works. PAXTON&Y1EKLINU IKON WORKS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ron BtnirB , Hulling , Uollod lioains ami Girders Steam Engines. lrn8 ! Work , Oonernl Foundry Mncblnoniid HlnekEiiiItli Worlr. Ollleo am ] Works , U. J' . Hy. nnd S 17lh st. Iron or d Nails. OMAHA NAILJM 1UFACTUI11NG CO ? . " Cut Nails and Spikes , Fire Nnila p. Sv | jlaltv. Omnlm , Nob. Safes , ' Omaha Safe Works , 0. ANDREEN. Mnnufncturcr of Flro nnd IJurslnr Proof Safes , Vault Doors , Jnll Work. Shutters nnd Wlro Work Cor. Hth nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Wagons and Carriages. Established IHjS. A. J. SIMPSON. Tlio Leading Carriage Factory , U.U Dodge Street , Oinnha , Nob. Commission , Etc , M. 11UKK15 & SONS , Live Stock Commission Oco , Ilurko. Mnuuifcr , union Stock Yards.S. Oiimlia. Telephone 583 VT. F. 11IIOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. pfflco ExclimiRO Hullclliir ( , Union Stoclc Ynrda. . Boutli Onmlm , Nob. TclciihonoNo.Cai. i Union Stock Yards Company , OV OMAHA. i Limited. Jolin V. Jloyd , Hiipcrlntcndout , SAVAGE & GUKKtf , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Sbii-montH of uny mid nil kinds of btoek solicit i cd. Union V'r.rUs , Ointilm , Neb. Lumber , Etc. I IlIlAUFOItb , Dealer in Lumber , LalS , Lime , Eosli , Doors , Kto. Yards Cor. 7th and Douglai Cor. Uth und Uouglaj. BOHN MANUFAOTtlUINO CO ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MoiiMlnpF , StnlrVork nml Interior Hard Wood yiiilsb. Jiifct opened. N. H. cor. bthi und Ixjuveiv- wortU Streets , Oiiiubn , Neb. CHICAGO LUMI1EU COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , CU S. Htb Street , Omnlm , Nob. Colpotzcr , Muuuer. . C. N. Lumber , latli nnd Cnllfornlu Streets , Omnha , Neb , FHED W. QUAY , ' Lumber , LInio , Cement , Etc , , Etc , Cor. Cth und Douglas Stiucte , Omutia , Nob. OEO. A. HOAOLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omubu , Nebraska , " " * ' CHA8. K. I.EE , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcu Block , I'unoy Woods , Ili'ldpo Timbers , ic. , t ) . W. Cor. Utli und Douglas , uiuuhu , Nob. 0. F , LYMAN , Dealer iv Sash , Doors , Blinds , Umidliur I'uper , Eto. Houth 13tb Fish , Etc , ' " " 1 "TTENSUN FISifCG. Bucccsbors to Ickcn Slcmsgon & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Foreign I'iblrNos. 011-913 Jooef - U. 1 * . Truck , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY " ! " Agricultural implements. _ * " " "YlNlNOr.ll JtMETCALK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Irnplemonts , Office , Corner Cth nml 1'nclflo Sty , Oinnlia , Nob. ' I'AHUN.'oHKNnOHFF A MA11T1.V , Wholes.-'o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons find HiiRKlM , Omnlm Neb. ' CIlimCUILIPAHKKli , Wholisnlo Dealer lit Agricultural Implements , Wagons , d llumlr * . Ji nci ft. , bet. Pth nml ] OthOmnlinNchi Boots and Shoes , ' " vr.'v. noi'sn .t co. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Jdl Tarunin StreetOinnlm , NVb. Manufactory , Summer Slicct , Hoflton. Carpets. 'B , A. oncitAnn , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MMtlnpg , Curtnln Goods. Kto. . 1423 Knrnnni Stioct , Onmhn , Neb. _ _ Coal , Lima , Etc , ' * " "jLinf w. Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , 513 S. Hlhrt.Omnlm , Neb. Ynnls , Pit ) nnJ Ir ) fonpoit Streets. COUTANT & SQUUIKS Dealers la Hard ana Soft Coal. Beet viirlctlcs. Omoo. 213 P. lilth St. Telephone No. H'J-.Oir.alin.Neb. _ NF.nilASKA FUr.lj CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 14 8. 13th St. , Oiunim , Neb. OKI. 0 , TIWI.E , 1'rcsldonr. Cro. PATrritsoN , Sec. und T J.1I. , F.A. , 1'ioprirtor. MnnnRor , Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NUIIltASICA. Office , U17 8. lilth Street. Telephone- . OEO. 1' . JMnAGii , Pros. C. 1' . GOODMAN , V.-rrca. J. A. SUNt > utiANU Bt-c. ntul Tri'iis. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers oflmrd nml 'oft com , 203 S. lJtli St. , Uniiihn , Nob. OMAHA COAT , AND P110DUCK CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Esclusivo dealers In Itoulilcr Colorado Coal. SI J ( outli UtliKtrceU Coffee and Spices. (5ATKS. ( COLK & iMILKS , Home Coffe3 and Spies MII5 HTg Co , CofTco Itoiisti'rs nml Spleo ( Irhuluiv. iiinnu factuietsol Ilakln ? I'uw.lcr , Flavoring Ifeti not * llliilnff. ote. Try ono cnvi ( if our l-th pnekiiKO Homo llleml Itoiifcled ColToc. 1WW Howard fct. , Ctnalia , Neb. " CLAUKE BUGS. &Co ! , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills , Ten" , ColTecs , Splcri. nnklnfrl'owdcr Kliworlnir Extracts , Laundry llluo. lulf , uto. 1414-10 llur- ncy Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc. Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121 Furmuii St. , Otnidiu. Apples Our own rack ing riiitt iVCo.'s Tljfcr llnind OyBtcrs , Uuttur , , Oatno , 1'oultry , I'otntoes. _ JOHN F. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provisions , Krults , 1'lour and Kccd. 105 S. 14th St. , Omi-.lm , Neb. Coiiblb'timcuts sollcittd. Kctuins nniUo uroiiictiv. K. McDOXALl ) . 815 12th Street , Omii'jn. Neb. Spccliiltlos : Dut tor. " Uirux. nud Clitekoiis. _ = = I WIUDEMAN & CO ] Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , lluttcr , Riuno. Fiidtn , Ktc. aiOS. 14th St. , Omaha , Nebraska. General Commission Merchants , KOCDodKO Street , Omahn , Neb. Coiislfc-tuncnts _ _ _ Solicited. " " " W. E. KIDDEM , , Storage and Commission Merchant. SPECIALTIES Chccso , Uutter Egfrs , Poultry nucl Uiuiio. 112 S. Hth. , Om.ilm , Nob. Telephone - phone rfo. U93. U93.VKEKS \VKEKS it MlhLAIM ) , Storage and Commission Merchants. I'oic&n and Dome tlu J'nilH u bicelnlty | , D- CRODI stoniKO facilities. Wuroliouso and odlco. 10 North Uth t-t. Tclopiiono 775. < _ D. A. : iUHLEV , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Kj a nml Produce. A full line of Stone ware. CoMbltfiiincma bollcltccl. HM Dodvo .St. , Ouiuhu. E. MOUONV , General Commission Merchant , Butter , I'vxf , Chceso mid Country I'rcjclucugcn- _ cruliy , B03 S. 12th St. , Uiunliu , Neb. McSIIANE &ECIUtOE"lD i Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Itcfrlirci'ntor and Packing HoiiEo,14tli & Ix.'nvon- worth St. , on U. 1 * . It. It. Track , Omuhu , Neb. Established 187(1 ( IIOUEHT J'UUVIS , General Commission , 2118. lith St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Duttor Etftfii , Poultry nnd Utimu. " " " 7'EYCKn"llIlOS."i Commission Merchants , Fruits , Prcdueo nnd Provlsioiig , Oiiinha , Neb tJUIFFITll & TJ10.MAS. Fiifcisi-oifi to Id'iau Crlllltli. Commission Merchant , nml wliolCMilo denier In country produce , fruits , butter , IIKS. etc. Goods on consignment n sioclalty. UAN. ) 10th ti. , Omaha , Nob. KIUSOII1JHAUN & SONS , ( Successors to A. P. Bcbnelt. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South I'th Street. Oinnlm , Neb. Dry Goous. " ' " "j. J. BIIOWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and notions. Iffia loii ! na Street , Omuliii , Neb. I. . 01NSIIKUO k CO. , Wholcsulo Deulertiln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Kotions , Linens , Luces , Kinbroldcry nnd Whlto CcxxJs. t , OnmlM , Neb. White Lead , OAJITJJH WH1TK LiJSAD CO. , Strictly Pura White Lead , Ctli Stand U , P. Ily. Omaha , Pffite , Harness , Etc , VfRUTV & LANDHOCK , Manufactuiei-s nnd Jobbers of Harnessf Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , Dliinketd and Hobem. Jisl I'uriuno Stieot Oiniiliii. Neb. _ _ Mattresses. " M. HtlLSR , Mattress Company , Mannfucturliik' Muttresso ! " , itnlilln ? . Feather Pillows , Cots , Kto. liOU and law Douglas Street , Gmalm , Neb. Overalls , _ TUHINa CO. , ' Manufacturers of Overalls , eans Punta , Shirtti , Etc. , 11K nmll 01 mm JOBBERS' OMAHA I. VUKU CO , Dealers In .Ml Kinds ot Building Material at Wltolesate , lth Street nnd i i on I'm ; fljTraoV.-O lKI ( i IJII.M AX n. wr ATT , -v- . Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SOtli nnd Irani Shoot * , Omnhn , Nobrftglt * . jj. ' J. A. AvAKITim.D , M- ' Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shiuglss , ; , ; tlulldlnir Vnporj , Hn li , Doors , UllmU , MnWf.i' . ' IIKS , 1'icKots , Posf , l.lnio , riwlcr , li f ( J Cement. Minn mm.lmu-Onmlm. Nob. . Millinery. T. Oni3IHT.MKlr" ? Importers and Jobboraot Millinery and Kotions , 1113 nnd 1214 lliirncr Ptrect , Omaha , Musical Instruments. Kimoi.M & RU1CICSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Plolnwiiy 1'lttnosVpbcr , Pecker. Halnosnni ) llrltrfis I'liiiuii , VncKiirtl Qrgui9 : , Clinso Organ * 101 iiiul lit ) ir.tb stroot. Furniture , Etc. GI1AKLKS SH1VER1CK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholsteiy , Mirrors , Kto. , 12J , ISOSnnd 1E10 I'm mm Street , UmiOin. % . _ , - . , nr.wr.v A STONB , Wholesale Dealers id Furnttara , Fnriuim Street , Omahn , Nob. Crocerics , AM.KN 11UOS. , 8 ' " Wholesale Grocers , , DoiiRlas Street.Omolift , Nftfc. " E. It. CHAPMAN , * CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , . Tobacco nnd Smokers' Articles , liinipwardS MEYKU , t 11AAPKE H Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , ' Eplces , Clffura nnd Tobnoeos. 1317 nud 1319 Dowr-l ; Ins Street , Omahn , Nob. _ ilcCOKD , UllADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd I'unium Streets , Omnhn , Nob. PAX1XN , QALI.AGHEII * CO. , Wholesale Groceries and 'Provisionsj , \j Nos. 705,707,70"J nnd 711 S. Ifllh St. , Omulii ) , Nob. ) ' Hardware , W. X imOATOH , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel. Eprlnps , n'liiron Stock , Hurdwood I.umiicr , eto. I'Mmid IX'll llurney bticcx , Oumluv , Nob. v _ EDNUV& Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Cc.rrlna-o Wood Stock , Heavy Hnrdwnro , ltc. : 1 17 nud 121'J Leiivonworth Street , Omnhn , Neb. HlMEIlAUail & TAYIjOH , Builders' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools and Ilillfuto Scales. HC5 Douir- Ilia Street. Omnlm , Nob. LEE , Fill ED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Eto. Aircnts for Howe Scales and Miami Powder Co. , Oiimliu Neb. MILTON IlOQIiUS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Grates , JlriiBB Kooda. 1321 and 1321 FMV nnm Street. ' UECTOH & WILHELMY CO Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Malls. Cor. 10th nnd llnrnor Streuts , Omahn. Nub. Harvesters. WM , ' KEKINO & CO./CH1CAGO , ManuTr.cturcr. Of tUo Dcerlnj * Harvester Goods , - : Write to Wm. JI. Lorlmcr. Gsnorol Agent , Omaha. Telopnoiio 010. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. I < . STltANG COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Sfjnm , Water , Hallway nml MIUIiiK Supplies , Et'J VM , US ! mid W4 Karnum St. Oumha , Neb. I " CHU11CHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam und Wntor Supplies. Hondqunrtors for Must Foost CO.'B Goods. 1111 Fninnm Street , Umuha , Neb , 4 Jewelry. "EDHOLM & EHTCICSON. Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlers In Sllverwnro , Dlnmoiids , Watchaa Cloekti. Jewelers' Tools nnd Matorliilj , Etc. , 10 } nud 1 1,15th Street , Cor. DcdBO , Omaha , Neb..j Notions VIXYA1U ) & SCHXKIDEU. Jobtierd in Notions , Hosiery &Gents'FurnIshing ' Gocd 100U and 100U I'unuini St. , Olimlui.Nob. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ion und tor , B. Iflth St.Omiilin , Nob. Wbolcsulo Dt'iilcrs In Notions und Oonta' J nulling OoodH. I Oils , Etc. "CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE co. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mica A.vlo Grout-o , Eto. A. 11. Mumiifcr , Omnhu , Neb , Pork Packing. _ _ " " " " * JAMES E. UOYD" ' Pork Packer and Shlppar , Omahn , Nohrnskn , ' HAItltlS & FISHEIt , Packers and Provision Dealers , , Union Miukct , 1517 Dodge Stront , Pncklnfl , II , P. It. it. Titiuk , Omuhu , Nob. Tulut plioiipjjo. 157. _ _ Safes and Locks , Pi IIOYEH & CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safo& Lock Co.s * Flro mid Ilurnlur Proof S.ifosTlmo uml Jull work. lU.'U I'urnum street , Omnlm , Nub Seeds , J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds , Agricultural. Vcjrrtidilo , Ute , Odd Fellows' Hull , _ N. W. Cor. lltb uud DoJtfo St . , Omuha , Neb , Drugs , Etc i TI1K CJOODI.IAN D UG CO Wholesale Druggist3 , Ana Deeler in I'ulnti" , Oils anil Window Oil Oinuliu , Nob. , ( * -i Wines and UT | fl1' n.Kit & co. , Distillers and Importers of Wi : . And I.I < jiior . Solo maiiufnclur'r4 of Kentj UuM luula lllttciu Ul-J Huniey titroct.Uii Neb. UKU. w. Successor to & D M , Impoi und Wholesulo Dcu u Y/ines / Liquors and .Cigars , . , , j - JJHnndalOS. 14th St. , Omaha , Nub. Motions , ttc , J. L. ISHANDIES Ic BON , Wholesale Job , Lots , t Dry Goodn , Notions , Gents' Furnlsblnj Ge Goods from Now Yoik. Triide cule * w 'r8 South Wtb BUOtnahu. ' t