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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1886)
' xa * w * THE OMAHA DAILY BE $ : MONDAY. MAY 17 , 1880. FROM A NEIGHBORING STATE The Now President of the State Agricul tural College , THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS The AUornoY General Decides trial the Now Oonnty Attorneys May .Hccolvo Pfty Jjlvcly Times In Congressional Politics. Iowa News. Dr.s MOINKS , Iowa , May 10. [ Special ] - The board of trustees of Iho Stale Agriciil tural college , at Ames , have just finished their annual meeting , and the result secnii very satisfactory lo tiio people of Iho stale. . The president-elect has made a very favorable Impression , and will begin the work undoi most encouraging auspices. Prcsldonl Clmmbcrhln , as he Is to bo called , Is nnotlici "Ohio man , " bolng at present secretary ol tlu state board of agriculture of that stato. Ill is a man of about 45 years of ago. ofgcma' ' manner , scholarly tastes and line executive ability. Ho was warmly recommended foi the place by ox-President H. B. Hayes , Sena tor John Sherman , ( Jovcrnor Foraker , Pros ! dent Scott , of the Ohio state university , and sovcrnl other presidents of agricultural col leges and editors of agricultural Journals There were several Iowa gentleman men tlonod prominently for the place , but the board thought the best interests of the state Would bo Insured by going outsldo It In this Instance. Like other stale Institutions the agricultural college has not been free from Internal disquiet for many years. There have been factions among the faculty , and to some extent among the trustees and It was thought best to take a man for president who was entirely outsldo any factional tnllucncn and who could como to the college untramellcd , be cause unacquainted with any previous In- harmony. This condition welghnd hugely In the .selection ot Mr. Chamberlain. There Is also another significant feature to this selection. It shows the punioseof the trustees to make the college moro distinct ively agricultural than heretofore U has been. It Is stated on good authority that only about 10 per cent of the students ol the agricultural college devote themselves to agicultural [ studies. The school has been run largely as a livnl to tliostato university , and has taken young ladies and gentlemen of some of the best families of the state and given them a course of liberal study that had no moro agil- culture in it than there is in a college. So this magnificent property , with its college larm ot boo acres , its lifteem or { twenty buildings , and its im mense endowment lias hardly ful filled the expectations of the stale when It was founded. It Is pioposod now to return to tlio original Idea , and the choice ot President Chamberlain means much in this respect. While a gentleman ot liberal cul ture , ho Is especially ideittilicd with agricul tural interests , and as a writer ami speaker and champion of agrlcullmal matters he ranks among the foremost In the west. The choice of the board is going to prove a popu lar choice throughout the htalc , If Iho ex pressions of opinion already heard are any indication. Despite the long time that the leglslntiuo took to transact a little business , the legisla tion shows tiuces of some Inexcusable care lessness. Thus in the matter ot providing for county attorneys to succeed district at torneys , in accordance with a constitutional amendment adopted last fall , the legislature passed a law providing that the county at torneys should begin work at a certain date after which there should bo no district attorneys. It also repc.iled the old law which granted .salaries to the district attor neys , and Inndveitcntly loit them about six months work to portoi in with no provision for compensation. When the state's prose- culors learned that lact a few days ago , there was general constei nation through their ranks. They were under bonds to perform their duties till the close of their terms of olllco. So they couldn't shirk , but they didn't icllsh the prospect of laboring for the state several mouths lor nothing. The gov ernor and the auditor both said that as the law stood thov would receive no compensation - tion lor the work yet to be donoso-in despair " * " they appealed to tlio attorney uoueial tor an opinion , llo is a very accommodating attor ney general. No ono ever appealed to him for comtort but ho got it , lie has tuinishcd some opinions that have been the subject of marvel , but they generally seem to satisfy the paities who apply lor them. So In this case ho decided Hint the stale could not even by unintentional omission legislate their salailes away liom them , and , theiefoie. although no provision for their fees had been made , they should still receive thorn till their terms oxplied. Of courbo that Is equity and common sense , but there bo some that think it very poor law , under the circumstances. Some judges are avoiding complications by doing as Judge , , Stultsmun , ot lilulington , has done simply appoint thiJ dlstilct attorney as public prosecutor cuter tor the time being , treating the olllco as If there was a vacancy and tilling It by ap pointment. The congiessional flies are briglnning to burn In many nails of the state , lu this , the Second district , there will probably be no opposition - > * position to the return of Major Conger , who r * has had but ono tuim and lillcd It well. In the First district Ben Ilall , democratic con gressman , will probably bo retired , though the dlstilct is vciy close. His competitor is liable to bo John S. Woodson , thu iiipublican candidate two yearn ago , ex-Governor Hear , of Burlington , Judge Stuttsman , of the same place , or John N. hwln. of Iveokuk. Mho Second distilct Is hopelessly demo- BCiCiatic , but there is a bpirlled lidit going on them lor the nomination. Con- gicssmait Jeiiy Muiphy has had two tcims niul Is quite unpopular , lie will bj lotiied , and thu stiugulo for his place is botwe-en "if Judge Hayes hoof unprecedent notoriety , . and Captain Jicrrell , thu man who ought to have been nominated tor govoiuor by the " * dcmociuts last year. By a .singular colncl- - donee bolh candidates llvo In Clinton. Judge * Hares refuses to slay on the district bench , and MIJS ho wants to po to congress. Cup- tnln .Men ell declines any longer to bo an tin- > successful candidate lor state ollk'cs , and says he wants to go to eongiess. The llsht piomlbcs to bo very warm. Men ell was a rf'unlou Mildler , Isu chur , high-minded man and would bu a ciedlt to the democracy o that district If he should bu sent to But Hayes Is the Idol of the ppoitlng UUMI , and wllh a belter oiganUation will piob.ibly carry olt the inl/o. In Urn Third district Colonel Henderson , vciy popular and stionir , will probably bu 10- , turned. In the Kouith" there will bu some contest for the place , although Fuller , the In cumbent , has hud but out ) term. But ho will probably bo given another , in Iho Kltth , jj now lopresuiited by a democrat , * Mr. Fiedeilcks , of .Marshulllown , the icdistrlctlng has made such changes that no democrat need apply. Two or three if candidates mo mentioned for tlio lopubllcan * nomination , among them Senator Sntton and Judge Henderson , of Marshall , being prominent. In the Sixth , Weaver's dlslilet , lie will piobably run again , and thoiopubll- v. cans hope to boat him with some good man like Senator Ilulchlnson of Otlumwa. In the , Eighth , Colonel Hepburn , who Is making a national loputatlon , will undoubtedly be re turned. In Iho Ninth , Major Lyman , of Council Bluffs , who has had but ouo term , < -wlll likely have another. In Iho Tenth theiu are several candidates , conspicuous among them being J. P. Deliver , of. Fort Dodge , thu brilliant young orator who nmdo such a tine recoid In the presidential campaign of IbSl , epoakliig Ihiough the under the dlicctlon ol the national republican committee. Major Jiolmcs , of Boonn.lio is solving a second term , Is also mentioned for a Ihird. In the Kloventh theiu Is much lalk of leiionilnutlna the lucumoent , Congicssman Strublo , of Le Wars. Tills completes the list , but It Is proper to add that the republicans expect to , .elect nt least nine out of thu eleven , and pos- 1 elbly ten. Now they have but svvcu. ' Salvationists In Jail. " " Dr.s Moixiis , Iowa , May 1-1. [ Special Tele- Kraui.J The Salvation army nt Maislmll- 1 town aio conducting sei vices ut present bo- j , hind thu bars of the jail , a number of the % * \YHiiiois being sent to prison last night foi ; violation of the cily ordinance. They weic tfllio\\ed permission to patrol the stieots one night a week by giving notice to the police In advance to picscrvo older , Lately they have been violating the rule , parading every _ ntalit. Ivxst evening they \vero all matched ' to jail , aud when arraigned this atteinoon Iho mayor olfered to let them off on condition . that they would lead no moro parades. They bald they "would obey God and not man1 whereupon Mayor Ames obsei veil that they .fiwould also obey the Uws , and so lined them -lvi ; and casts eaeJi , In default of which they wo al | uow Irajguisulns in jaiL A ma UNIVERSITY. Some Interesting Knots Regarding the New Catholic Institution. WAsm.voTOtf , May 1C. The hcartlncs' and enthusiasm with which the project ol erecting in Washington a Roman Catholic university has been received by the Catholics In all sections of the country aie sufficient evidence that U. will become a solid and con' ' crcto fact before very long. Subscription ! still continue to pour in. Already the sun received is sufficient to warrant the coin moiicemcm ol a building. The main per lion of the million dollars which urn to bo collected for the costs and endow nicnts of the university Is In hand ant moro Is sllll comlnR , The committee held a meeting last week In Baltimore am ! selected three of the plans for a building which have been sent in by some of the principal architects of the counlry. It U probable that the best features ot all these ihioo designs will bo Incorporated into one when the first design Is made. The ground will not bo broken till next spilnt ; but when opeiatlous are once commenced they will be pushed forward rnpldly. Tlio now institution is to bo a university and not a college. It will bo founded on a system similar to that In vogue at Oxford and Cam brieluo. It Is not proposed to give a profes sional education In tlio university , but the course will be so modelled that none but posl Siaduatcs and those who have received theli professional education will bo eligible foi admission. It will bo a finishing course , Iti this way It will not Interfeie in any way will : the existing colleges. At first inslrucllor will bo connncd to tnree branches of Icani ; itnr philosophy , theology and philology , ant will afterwards Include law and medicine. WltrWASIlINOTON WASCIIOSKX. Dr. Chapell says that "one of the principal reasons that Washington was chosen as tin Bite of the university was because students could hero mix with the superior minds oi this and other countries , and of many valna- ble sclentlticcollectlons , libraries and course. of scientific lectures , etc. , which arc le bo found hero. " The question of the In tcrnal management of the university was the subject of much discussion at the last meeting of the committee , some members favoring the election of a rector and others opposing it It was finally decided to clecl rectoH , which was accordingly done. It is belloved that Archbishop Spauldlng , ot 111. , was the man so honored. Tlio management of the Interior of the university will bo m trusted to members of a religious socictj with whom arrangements aio uow beliu made. FIGHTING OERONiaiO. The Indians Surprised ana Stamped ed , But Strike IJack Wickedly. SA.N Fn.VNcisco , May 10. A Tuscon spo clul from Iluuchuca , says that Captain Hat- field with a troop of cavalry struck Geronlmo a heavy blow yesterday morning ton miles southeast of Sanla Cruz. But a few hours later ho received a heavier blow In loturn. Frldav afternoon , the hostlles , about seventy strong , struck Milesplas ranch , rounding up thiity horses , llallield arrived half an hour later and followed the trail till dark. X'estciday morning ho surprised and stampeded the hostiles , capturing their cntlie camp , outlitand lioisos. lie then starlcd for Santa Cruz. In passing through Box canyon , a gulllnt ; fire was poured upon his litllo com mand. The men than dismounted and made a gallant fight for ono hour , losing two killed and thrco wounded. Many Indians tell. The number Is not known. Captain llatlieid reached Santa Cruz , where ho will be joined by Lieutenant Cook with thcDoisto Iroops. Major Kinze , with a largo Hcxlcan force , reached Sanla Ciuz last night and joined in the pursuit this morning ; Captain Lcbo , Lieu tenant Davis , with troops , Governor Torres , of Sonora , and Prefect Rivers , of thu Mag- dclana dtslilct , are here in consultation. YACJUI : WAU INDID. : Governor Loires just received a dispatch fiom the prefect of Uuaymas statins that General Maitlnez routed the Yaques from their stronghold in Sierra Bacatcho on tlio 13th , killing 100 and capturing 2vX ) . The Mexicans lost twenty killed and fifty wound ed. Cajeme escaped , but is being pmsued by troops on the land find by gunboats on the river. This virtually ends the war. Incendiary Plro. PEOHIA , May 10. About 1 o'clock this morning the watchman of the Enternriso distillery , at Pckln , discovered the building to bo on lire. The alarm was at once given but before the firemen rcacho I the scene the building was wholly enveloned and the fiio beyond control. Tlio distillery , with all the machinery and contents , was entirely do- stioycd. The buildlnc contained 20,000 hush- ols of gram and 50,000 callous of alcohol. Four cais ot corn on the hack were also de- stioycd together with all the government books. The total value of piopcily is esti mated at 8200,000 , on which wasinsiiiance of about 8C5.000. The fno oilglnated in the leach loom , and was undoubtedly the woik of incendiary. The Entcrpilso distillery was owned by SpelUirmn ieloehny ! , the firm was recently expelled tiom the whisky pool. The piopiloUnsou'e r u rowoid ol S50.00 for the arrest and conviction of tlio person who tiled the building. They also announce tholr determination to rebuild at once. Withdraws His Horses. US , May 10. A .sensation was caused hoio to-night by the announcement that J. B. Ilairgln , of California , has Issued orders to withdraw his btrlng of horses from the track here to talco them to Latonia. No explanation was. offoied by him. llagaln has about twenty horses. Among them Bon All , winner of tno D < nby , who was to stait in the Clark stake on Thursday. Many thcoilos aio advanced In icgard to the mat ter. Some say he was dissatisfied with the pool aiianKOincnts bore , \\hllo otheis declare ho Is afiald to have Ben All meet Blue Wing again. llairglii'B tialnor says the removal Is duo to the lact that bonio of the two-year-old colts are sick and Hsgiln wanted them moved to Latonia ho that'they could go Into training as soon as they lecovcied. It is stated that the "tiorsus onteied in Iho mcr- chanls' hlako , Fleetwood handicap and turf stake may bo shipped b.iclc to start in Ihoso events. The stable leaves to-morrow mom- lug. Iio Carried n Razor , Cnic.voo , May 10. James Jcmison's head was almosj ; enthely soveicd from his body to-night by ono slash ot a razor In the hands of Clmiloa Jones. The two men. each coloied baibeis , were engaged In a saloon uii.mcl over their abilities as whitewashes. Jenij- bon. who was much the larger , was seveicly culling Jone.s , when the latter suddenly whipped nut a razor , und In an Instant Jcnil- son lay on the llooi oxDiring , wllh his head connected to his shoulders only by the verta- biae. The imnduier is under arrest. A Barber's Cowardly Btah. CHICAGO , May 15. The Journal's Lanark ( III. , ) special says ; Patrick Ucddlnglon , city marshal of Shannon , was attacked by Charles Lashell , a baiber , last night. The latter was armed wlthnia/or and cut Hed- diiigton In Iho neck , Iho injured man dying troin tha wound almost Instantly. Lasholl was Intoxicated and had t\\lcobcon taken homo by the marshal , it was while the mar shal was in Lasholl's house In response to a message from the hitter's mother to effect his aucbt thnlhlrd time , that ho made his cow- oidly and fatal atlack. Lashell was arrested at midnight. _ A $50,000 Fire. Nicw Oiu.r.ANs , May 17 , Puryiss1 sash , door and blind factory and lumberyard , Get man Proteslant chinch , Michael Me- Knoiy's and Dr. J. C. Bcaid' lesidenccs wcic destioyed by lire , and a number of other buildings were damaged to-night. Loss , SiOCOi ; ; insuianco , 550,000. Clearing House Statement. BOSTON , May 10 , A t.iblo compiled iiom special dispatcher to the Posl fiom the man- ancra of Iho leading i-learlng houses or lhc Unllcd Ht.ilcs , shown cross bank exchange * ? lor the week ending May 15 of 8Wl,713'JTa ; Increase O.'J per cent. Drowned Whllo Rathlng. Dus MOIXKH , iowa , May 10. [ Special Tclo- giam.l Chailos Piukor , aged 10 , wasdiown- t-d while bathing in the river this afteinoou. The body has nolbeeii recoveieJ. A Great Chance , I have five ucred inside cily limits , two blocks from street car line , beautiful lo cution , will niuko 23 lots that will sol ) al once for § 000 each. If sold immediate ly , * 7 000 cash will take it. This is just what I &ay , cull and investigate. C. U. MAVNK. TELEGRAPH NOTES. Barlley Campbell , the famous playwright , has been adjudged Insane by Iho Now " \ ork Hiiprcmo coiut and sent to an asylum , llo la sulfeilng from paresis. The New York bank stitcmcnt shows a re- scivo Increase of SlftM,000. The banks now hold 512,497,000 , , in excess of iho legal require ment , The bill granting the Kansas & Arkansas Valley railroad rlghl of way thtouuh Indian territory passed the house. In the trial oftho boodle alderman , Jaoline , In Now York the motion of counsel to slrlkc out the testimony of Inspector Byrne and Detective Cosgrovo was denied by tha court , The house parsed a bill establishing , a sub treasury In Louisville. The ( Vtlas Xnttonal bank of Chicago has been unlimited to begin business wllh a cap- Hal ot 5700,000. For magnificent view , beautiful loca tion , cheap lots and reasonable lorms see Orchard Hi'l ' , tlio cardan spot of Omaha. C. E. Mayno will take you out , The Rifle. Cnmp. Gtmoral Manager Iloldrcdgo of tiio U , & M , has , at the request of the army of ficials , put in a platform nt the now rific camp nt Belloviie and arranged It so that eight trams will stopthcro eacli day , font going down ami four returning. Nos. 7 and U will stop on the passenger's appli cation to conductor , and Nos. 8 and 10 , returning to Omaha , will stop on being Ihiggcd. Captains Powell and Bubb , of the Fourth infantry , with their companies , will march to the rifle camp Monday and will put in ten day's practice. They will bo followed by two others , so that the live companies will each have ton day's prac < ticc. It will bo a matter of merit and rivalry to see which of the live compa nies will do the best work. The ionrth infantry has tlio best fighting record ol any regiment in the service. Ho ! for Orchard Hill. Ono hundred now bnildinjrs to bo erected there this summer. Call on C. E. Muyne , S. E. cor. 10th and Farnam , and cot a line lol at low price before it is too late. "Paid the Dobt. " The African M. E. church , at the corner nor of Webster and Eighteenth has been dvortisod to bo sold on May : J5 to satisfy a claim of $2,600 for which amount a judgment was rendered against the prop erty some time ago. Tno enterprising coloreel citizens , through whoso efforts the church was organized and built , have been zealously working for some time past to meet this claim without having the property sold. Their efforts have boon crowned with success and on Satur day the claim was paid m full. A praise service was hold at Iho church last evening - ing in celebration of llio event. _ For $1,800 you can buy a lot on Geor gia avenue between Lcavcnworth and 1'arnam , that will bo worth nearly double that amount inside of ayear. These are the cheapest residence lots in that neighbor hood. Look into this and see for your self. O. E. MAYNK , 15th and Farnam. five Ahead and Won. The shooting match between II. B. Kennedy and Frank Purmolce , fo § 30 a side , 50 birds , single risers , 18 yards , took place ut Athletic Park Saturday Parmolce won by a score of 80 to 31. Against Kay's ' wugor of $50 that Ken nedy would not hit 80 birds out of 100 , Kennedy shot at but live , missing 3. It was therefore impossible for him to win , so he saved time and effort by not shoot ing his other 23 shots. C. E. Muyno , IGth and Farnam , is offering better terms to parties looking for locations than any other real estate dealer. Thn Coming Editorial Excursion. President Corroll. of the Nebraska State Press association , was in the city on Saturday and hold a conference with General Passenger Agent Morse , of the Union Pacific , in regard to tlio proposed excursion of the editors the coming sum mer. The plans have not been fully ar ranged as yet , but it is proposed to make an excursion to Portland , Oregon , by rail , thence by steamer to Sun Francisco , re turning by tlio way of Ogden , Salt Lalio and Denver. Lots are soiling rapidly in Mayne's add. at ? 300 on easy terms. No matter what kind of real estate yon want call on G. E. Mayno.boforo buying , ho has the largest list , the choicest prop erly , at the lowest prices and always gives easy terms. Enjoining the Bolt Jilno. Susie A. Paddock has filed un applica tion for an injunction with Clerk Ijams of the district court against tlio Omaha Belt railway , alleging irregularity on the part of _ tlio assessment committee in con demning tlio hind for use of the railway. The property in question is on Sherman nvumio , where the line crosses the thoroughfare. It is asked that the com pany bo restrained from placing their rails on Iho ground. Any lots you buy in Muync'n add. on the B. it M. truck for S3CO will double in value in twelve months. § 230 per aero , ono milo from now iron works , See Solomon's advertisement. Attnohlni ; the Mulccl Pinto. An attachment was issued from Jiislico Ilolsoly's court Saturday ngainstW. II. Harris , proprietor of the Nickel Pluto circus , to satisfy a claim ot § 17 in favor of Charles Bloom , a cunvussnmn em ployed by the show. Tlio utlaslimojut was levied upon llio company's ' Ir ck horse , valued nt $2,500. It is understood that a number of other uttuchmcnts are being sought for by employes. Don't fail to see lots in Orchard hill before buying , they are docidedlv Iho finest in the city. For sulo only by C , E. Muyne , S , E. cor. 10th and Faruum. Broke HU Wrist. Mr , J. W. Fox , of tlio livery firm of Atwood & Fox , hud his wrist broken on Saturday evening while attempting to move the police patrol wagon into the washing stall in his stable , Dr. Gross man , who happened to bo in the barn at the time , rendered the necessary surgical attendance. _ Mayno1 s add , is located two mlleg from the postollico in Iho S9l'.ti6ast ! haft of Iho city , on the li. a : M. track. Call and look at Ihoso lots. C , E. MA.YNE , and Furnum. , Dr. Dvsart Saturday extracted from under the arm of n young Judy , Miss Nora Goloy , aesident at 1118 Howard street , n largo portion of a ncedlo. The young lady was at a loss to account for the mat ter , it is probable that yours ngo tlio needle got into her system by some means oranother , and has since boon working its way through , l ot us show you Orchard Hill , Belvedere - doro and Newport , whether you buy or not. The ndo will do you good. C. E. Hayne , 15th and Farnam. There is a growing dissatisfaction with the order of things which allows Tom Murray , year uflor year , to obstruct with impunity and a pile of rubbish ouo of the best streets in the city. 18Jx397 feet on South 13th street for $3,000 , on easy terms. Still another bar gain. I have a number more. Call and ce me. ( S , E. Muyue , 15th and Fiiruam. LOOKS LIKAffAlK ? AWAY , i The Union Pacific's Taken Into Oamp Bj tha Denrors. MME MODJESkA AND MLLE RHE/5 / Wns It 1'olson KnlRluB of tlio Grln- A Brilliant HCcoptlon Two Una Runaway * AMan Killed Minor Dietitians. ) . It Looks Ijlh'a n Walkaway. The gamu between the Union Pacific ! and the Denver teania was a complete surprise to most of the 1,509 people pros out. Many Imil anticipated that "oui boys , " out of practice ns they wore would bo beaten , but no ono had anticl patcd that the defeat would bo ns crush ing as it proved to bo. The game wivi lost to the home team in the second nni third innings , and after that the Uniot : Pacifies could scarcely liopo to do any thing but hold their opponents lovol. The game was called at twenty min utcs to 4 o'clock by Umpire Strock , will tlio Donvors at the bat. Anderson was put in to pitch for tlio Union Pacillcs niul proved n total failure. In tlio lirst in ning the Delivers made but ono run The Union Pacilics , in their half , ofl'sol this by scoring two tallies. Then tlu visitors wont to bat and the matinee com muncod. They easily succeeded ir mastering Anderson's delivery am : slugged the leather in all possible dlrcc tions. The homo team became dotnor alizcd and fielded miserably , and at UK oud of the third inning tlio score stood 1 to 3 in favor of the Colorado men. Pito.hur Anderson , of the homo club smiled feebly as ho loft tlio box : mii walked in to tlio players' stand , after the gory three innings were ended. Tlu crowd cheered vociferously for Salisbury to take his old position. Thatgontlcmac responded to the emergency , and the crowd shouted still moro loudly as he took his position in the pitcher's box Ho settled down to his old time work and the result was that during tlio next six innings the Denvors only added twc to tholr previously pained runs. Tlu Union Pacific's by dint of strong playinp managed to score three moro tallies , ami the gauio closed with Iho result , 14 to 5 The Delivers played a sfrone , stcadj game , and their fielding was particularly lino. The home team , on tiio other hand , made some wretched and inexcusable errors at critical moments , which circum stance , coupled with the poor pitching ir lirst three innings , lost them the came Strock , as usual , was highly satisfactorj as umpire. The bcoro 1JY IXNINCIS. 183456780 Denver 17400020 0 1- Union Pacillc. . . 2 00002100 MODJESlfo. AND UHEA. ThoTwo Great -'Ac tresses Take a Dnj or Kcflt iiinOmaha. The city was honored yesterday by the presence of two < Ji tlidigrcatest living actresses - tresses , Mmo. MpjcS { | a and Mile. Khca , who are to bo the/guests / of honor at the most brilliant social drcnt of the year , the Elk recoptionlon Thursday evening , Mme. Modjcska Courit Bo/cnta ! , her husband - band , and suite arrived last evening and were taken at rdn9e to their parlors at the Millar } ) . The party had como direct from JSow York without a rest and Mmo.'JtJodtjcslca ' retired imme diately after her pffrivnl..The madame is so well known tcHhcTpooplo of Omaha in an artistic sense that air" introduction is entirely unnecessary . Hqr hosts of friends and admirers will bo glad to know of her presence in the city and will accord her a mot hearty reception. She is onrouto from Now York , whore she lias just closed a most successful engagement , to Sxn : I'nincisco and will remain in Omaha several days taking a needed rest and visiting with her son , Ralph Modjcska , who is a resident ot Omaha. At the Milhird also was M'lle Ehoa , who spent Sunday in the city and will leave this morning for St. Joseph , re turning to this city to open an cnpajro- ment Thursday night. A BKK icportor was accorded an interview with M'lle Khoa at her parlors last evening. The madamoisullo was charming , in the best of spirits , and chatted without restraint in response to the queries of the scribe. The present is Uhca's fifth season in America and her third tour through the west. On Thursday evening she will ap pear at lioyd'ti in "An Unequal Mutch , " on Friday evening in "Frou Frou , " Sat urday matinco in "Pygmalion and Gala tea , " and in "A Country Girl" on Satur day evening. "That is my favorite , " said the mad- amoLscllc at the mention of "Pygmalion and Galatea. " "I love it. " "It is ono of your now plays , is it not ? " "Yes , I first apnearcd us Galatea in \ \ ash'mgton three months ago. I Invc never seen it played , and have consequently quently given my own conception to the party" "What is your idea of Galatea ? " "That when she comes to life she should have all of the suppleness of : i living woman. They loll mo that others sustain thu part as a Htatuo throughout the ptay , but if she is still a block of marble how can she love , and weep , and fear , and laugh ? These dlfiurent emo tions bhow that slio must have fooling. Her astonishment at every thing she sees , and at every now word she hoar.s shows that her mind is still in its infancy , but after my idea , the body must he animated and filled with life in order to bo biisceptiblo to Iho feel ings and emotions which she must nec essarily show , " Mile Khoa spoke with special reference to her support in Pygmalion and Galatea. Mr. lioyd Putnam a young actor of great promise , appears as Pygmalion , Miss Fitz-Allon who in the opinion of all critics is the best Cynisea , on , the stage and Mr. Robert Wilson , the Trresponsiblo com edian in Chrysos. " Tire music has boon especially prepared fo'r the play and the stage settings ar magnificent. > r'A Country Girl" is also a now addi tion to your repertoire is it not ? " asked the reporter. . i ? "It is now with molnit ; it is ono of the oldest comedies extant. It was written 200 years ugo by Wyohorloy , arranged by David Garrick , uud rearranged for tlio modern stage byusrnfStm Daly. It is a thorough Kut'libh'comedy and I enjoy it. It is ivsplo . .lidHcoinedy with a good moral. " nl "Frou , Frou , " cemtmued Mllo. Rliea. in response to an inmiir ; , "is a thoroughly French play , and'Kdjjn't ' like it so well. It is u picture of .Parisian life so French in every detail Ihff Jjio American people do not appreciate it as they should. An other reabon I do not like it so well is that it contains a quarrel scene in which I have to speak very rapidly and my ar ticulation is not so ( Instinct in impas sioncd passages. My English is better in my newer plays. " ' 'You have mot M'mo Modjcska , ol course ? " "Oh yes , 1 had tlio pleasure of hoar. ing her bovoral tnnos in London before I oamo to America. " "Uow do you like her methods of act ing ? " "Very much indeed. She reminds mo of the greatest French actress I have over seen , Aimee Deschleo , who was my ideal and who died ton years ago , just at the zenith of her glory , bho was tlio original Frou Frou. Like her , M'mo Modjeska has that dreamy look that is so interesting , and tbo , same Impassioned manner of uctiug. Mmo. Modjcska is so happy in being bore with her family. 1 would envy her were it not thai 1 myself will soon enjoy the same pleasure. " "Then you intend returning to Franco ? " "I go to Franco In Juno. 1 will return in August for ono year more in America. I regret that I will not como west again. I will appear in the cast , in Iho south , and in Canada , presenting tlio best plays of my roppttoiro under the management of Mr. Morrisey , and will then leave America. " "You do not intend to give up the stage ? " " 1 will give up the stage altogether. 1 may play some in Paris after a year's rest , but I surely will not travel any moro , When I hoar of all of tlio accidents that occur cacli day on the railroads , and b.v Hood and storm , I thank heaven that 1 have been so long spared tlieso mishaps and have determined not to risk mj1 precious neck in this manner any loir per , " and tlio talented llhca snulhmly bade the reporter good-night. WAS IT POISON ? Strange Sickness oC n Uuloii Pacific Kmployo. A strange case of sickness , wttli suspl ciotts circumstances surrounding the cause thereof , is reported from the Union Pacific railroad camp , about eight inilof west of Iho city. An Englishman named Young has been employed for several weeks with a Union Pacific railroad force , who have boon at work improving the roads ajid laying side tracks west of the city , iio represented to some of his fel low workmen that ho was possessed of a large sum of money which ho had con' coaled in a safe place , and that ho was only working at railroading to save ex pense while awaiting the arrival of apart nor from the cast , with whom ho waste to engage in business. Just after break fast on Saturday morning Young was taken violently ill. A physician was summoned from Papillion and found the patient writhing in convulsions similar to that produced by poisoning , and in an unconscious condition. Emetics were administered without any apparent ef fect. All day on Saturday and yester day Young remained in nn unconscious condition , his oycs having a death-like gaze. Yesterday afternoon ; v member of the camp came to Omaha to see what arrangements could bo made for getting Young into the hospital. The suspicious circumstance arises in the fact that two fellow employes , with whom Young had been upon terms of intimacy and talked freely concerning his secreted wealth , disappeared from tlio camp on Saturday niorning us soon as Young was taken ill and have not since boon seen. The theory has gained belief that the two laborers louined the whereabouts of Young's alleged wealth and administered poison to him in his breakfast collco. At last reports Young was slightly improved tho' still unconscious , with a chance of his recovery. His medical attendant is convinced that it was a case of poison ing. KNIGHTS OF THE CHIP. the Nebraska Division of the Commercial Travelers' Association. A meeting of the Nebraska branch of the Travelers' Protective association of the Uniteei States was hold at the Millard hotel Saturday evening. The meeting was hold for tlio purpose of nominating a president for the state asso ciation and to select delegates to the Na tional association. About thirty commer cial men were present at the session .leprcsenting the difl'eront lines of trade conducted in Nebraska by "dor most in- nocend men on dor road. " The associa tion was organised in Cincinnati , Oiiio , in Juno , 1882. The objects of the asso ciation are to secure the repeal of all laws and ordinances taxing commercial men ; to secure recognition from nfilway companies in regard to the transportation of the bagsiige of commercial travelers and lo" secure hotel accommo dations commensurate with the prices paid. The preamble to the constitution of tlio order also states that it shall bo one of the objects of the association to elevate the social and moral character of the commercial tourists. This article , be it understood , applies to drummers out- sielo of Nebraska. There is _ no room for any moro elevation , social , moral or otherwise , of the average commercial road agent of Nebraska , as they | are as nearly perfect now as men over get. There are over 11,000 , members of the na tional association. The Nebraska divi sion , which was organized January 10 , 1880 , already has a membership ot 231 travelers. At the meeting on Sat urday evening the following d'oi- cgatcs and alternates were chosen to the national convention of com mercial travelers , which will beheld held in Baltimore Juno 21 , 2o and 20 : Lawrence Iveiksoll of Lincoln , Harry Lador and George E. Crosby of Omaha. Alternates W. II. Haynor and C. F. Me- Lain of Onmlia , and T. C. Hurst of Hust ings. ings.V. . 15. Larins , of Grand Island , was nominated for president of the state as sociation. i'ho president is to bo ooufirmod by the National association , and ho will , in con junction with a committee for the pur pose , appoint the remaining ollicors Af ter the transaction of routine business the travelers made brief remarks and lib- toned to short speeches from G. P. Hub- bard , ot Michigan ; and U , II Hays , of Kansas division , Tlio two roviowd the progress of Ihnir respective associations at largo. After a vote of thanks lo the proprietors ol the hotel for the courtesy in providing rooms tlio body adjourned to meet on call of the president. It is tlio intention of the travelers to secure quar ters in the city for a club room , and the rooms will uo elegantly fitted up. A chiuso in the constitution permits no liquors or uny gambling in those rooms , Membership in the Nebraska division i.i increasing rapidly. PROfEOTINO HmPPING. Omaha Merchants and Jobbers Form a Freight Jiuraau for Mutual UouolH. A number of the representative mer chants und jobbers of Omaha mot at the board of trade rooms on Saturday even ing for the purpose of organizing an Omaha freight bureau , There were pres ent Messrs. Oborfolder , Chapman , Wei- shans , Mark , Vinyard , Uroatch , Men delssohn , Goodman , Ilimobaugh , Her , Urady , Fried , Bishop , Easson , Poycko , Haapko , Clark and Meyer. Mr. II. T , Clarke presided at the meet ing , with Mr. W. A , Gibson as secre tary. tary.Tlio object of the meeting was stated by Mr. Robert Easson to bo the establish ing of a freight bureau to guard and pro- teet Omaha s shipping interests. Omaha merchants need KOIUO representatives to confer with railroad ofllciuls. Ho then read the constitution of the Chicago freight bureau. Ho stated that through the ollbrts of that organization llici'o had been many changes in the classification and rates between Chicago and tlio Mis- hour ! river points. Omaha hail rojcivod no benefits of that kind and ho thought it was necessary to hire a competent com missioner who would attempt to accom plish Hitch results in a business iiko man ner. Mr. Kimball had been consulted and approved of the project. Kvcnl'ro- mont und Lincoln received favors which Omaha could not obtain. The only ea- punse. would bo for the first year , the sal ary of ouo man. This would ot course bo berne by the different btanobcs ol business , llio grocery , drug ami hard ware homes perhaps bearing the heaviest share , llo then road n letter from C. M , Wicker , of the Chicago freight bureau , which stated nt length the benefits which had accrued from their association. Mr. Clarke stated that for tlio last j'car Omaha had been having trouble with railroads in regnrd to freight rates and ho thought the matter should bu remedied. Mat Mover moved , in order lo bring the matter before the house , that it was tlio sense of the merchants and jobbers that such an organization should bo cil'eetcd. Mr. Ensson stated that the objects ol the association would not bo to interfere with private interests , but jimply to see that the opnn rates did not discriminate against Omaha. The commissioner would have to bo a practical rail road man who would bo able to find the rates existing between different towns of Nebraska , and see that if Omaha was .bo- . ing discriminated against. Ho thought the action of the merchants in refusing to ship goods over the Northwestern while the l-rcmont , Elkhorn Missouri Valley discriminated against Omnlia did a great deal of good , as the Omaha freight was too great a factor to bo ignored by any railroad. Mr. John Hrady said that ho under stood tlio solo object of thu bureau was to see that the tarifl between Chicago and points west of Omaha did not exceed the sum of the two rates from Chicago to Omaha and from Omahu west. The chair tlion put the question upon Meyer's motion which was carried with out a dissenting vote. Mr. Meyers then moved that the Chicago cage constitution bo adopted as the con stitution of the Omaha bureau. Mr. Easson read the Chicago constitution , which was adopted with n few slight modifications. It was doclded that thu rate of expense to bo berne by the sev eral brunches of business should be de termined upon the executive committee. The most essential part of the constitu tion , as adopted , was as follows : The object of the bureau shall DO to give the railroad and transportation companies such information regarding the various lines of goods it represents as shall insure them proper classification ; to secure freight rates to all shipping points that shall in no case discriminate against Omahu ; to assist in adjusting claims for losses , damages , or overcharges , and to render its so vices to members , individ ually and collectively , in all matters nor- taimng to the transportation of merchan dise and the extension of the trade of Omaha. At the election , which was subsequent ly held , the following onicors were elected : President , John Brady ; vice- president , W. J. Broateh ; secretary , W. A. L. Gibbon ; treasurer , Peter Her ; ex ccntivo board , Ernest Poycko , C. A. Fried. W. V. Morse , C. F. Goodman , J. G. Chapman , Euclid Martin , J. Obcr- folder , P. E. Ilcr , Robert EassonV. . J. Welshans , Max Meyer and Mr. Vinyara. The meeting adjourned to meet pur suant to call. RARE AND RADIANT BIAIDENS With Ceremony , Jjiist Night , Made Antrols for Evermore. A reception of members by the St. Plnlomena'ssocietyof tlio Blessed Virgin , took place last night at the cathedral on Ninth street. The sodalists met at tlio school and in procession walked to the church. They were all ladies ranging from misses in their teens to those already advanced to womanhood. Tlioho under 10 years of age , formed ono sodality , while the ladies above that ago , constituted the other. Each body was headed by a blue silk banner beautifully ombroi- dercred. The sodalists were attired in wliito dresses and were wreatits upon their heads , from which White luce veils enveloping the person , fell in graceful folds. Within the church the ladies , eighty in number , occupied the first ten pews , and in the brilliant illumination of the audi torium presented a most attractive up- pcnrnnco. Tlio cxcrcif-es commenced with the "Litany of the Blo sed Virgin. " This was followed by the hymn , " Shades of Even " "As the Dewey , sung by the chorus. Then followed the invocation. "Come Holy Ghost. " The reception followed. It consisted in the reading of the act of consecration by two of thu young ladies and its topitition by the other members. In behalf of the I'unior sodality the act was road by Rose Brady und the senior by Miss Lu/.ie Dwyer. Ucy. S. Carroll , the director of the so dalities , then delivered a very practical and entertaining sermon , addressed the young ladies , commending them in thcsir choice , outlining their duties as sodalists and encouraging thorn to continue in the path of piety und virtue upon which they hud entered. Evening song followed. Tills preceded - coded benediction , during which the choir rgiiderod "Adoro to Devote , " "Uegina Coli , " "Tuntiim Ergo" und "Laudato Dominum. " The audience was tlipn dismissed. The oilicors of the senior sodality are : Perlect , Miss Egnn ; sccreUry , Miss Eva Connor ; treasurer , Miss Li//lo Dwyor. Those of the junior are : Perfect , Miss Nellie Thompson ; sccrt'tary , Rose Brady. The membership of the former consists of thirty four and Iho latter forty-nine indies. The cathedral was filled with devout people , who ga/.ed with unwonted inter- ust upon the .spiiotiiohi , und entered with Jeep devotion into the exercises of the avi'iiing , the most edifying that has been soon in that church for many years. Among tlioso present were Father Mc Carthy , the jiustor of the cuthodrul , und Fathurs Kollo.y and McDonald. Tlio choir , under the direction of Miss Fannie Arnold , who presided at the orpin , con sisted of Rose Brady , Alice and Katie Croit , and Rose Ford , und sung a num ber of bolections admirably. Two Serious Runaways. On Saturday evening while Mrs. Paul Plutz and children were enjoying a ndo on South Thirteenth street their team took alarm at n passing train und ran away , overturning the carriage. Mrs. Platz was severely bruised und hurt , and sustained a severe sprain of ono arm. The children escaped unhurt. Yesterday afternoon John Bichcl , re siding in block 20 , West Omaha , took his wife ami two children out to ride. The horse was young ana timid , and when near the corner ot Sixteenth and Califor nia streets shied , overturned the buggy , throw its occupants upon the street and started on a run ut u rupid pnce , Mr. Blchel was raised up unconscious , while his children and wife were without a scratch. Ho was carried to Whitehoiibo's drug store where- his wounds , which were only scalp and surface ones , wens tioated by Dr. Crowell. The horeo had not been running long when the buggy wont to pieces , and ho , becoming de tached , galloped madly uwuy , The buggy was brought to a livery btublo on Sixteenth street , ncao Cuss , by Ollicer Bloom , while tlio horse was caught about nn hour later on Farnam street , The outfit belonged to Mr , Blchel. The latter is an employe in the sloro of Welly & Lumlroc'c. Out to Pieces. The incoming Union Pacific overland passenger yesterday morning ran over a man who was walking on the track , cut ting his body literally to pices. The re mains were removed to Klkborn , where they were Jefl to await identification. The- man tww about thirty year * of age , Nothing was found on the nun's person by _ which his identity could be ascer tained. TWO IlALiLKT GIUIjS Whoso Story Iti Gorman Kvokos Doth Imugliter mill Tcnrs. Lnst night witnessed , for the first time , tlio appearance of two Gorman dramutlo companies in this cily. Ono of these played at Boyel's opera house , the other at the Stadt theatre. Both appeared in Iho same play , "Dlo Bolden Ballot Muelion"odor"IhroFamiHo. " Romloroel into English this would bo , "The Two Ballet Girls , " or "llor Homo. " The piece forms the basis , in fact is tlio whole fabric anil moro , of ouo of the most pop ular of Robertson's monosyllabic plays , "Caste. " In adapting his play to English actors , rather limn English auditors , Robertson deprived it of the melodramlc features which so increase Iho ctt'ect of the orig inal. The piece abounds In lyric gems , atlnnod to airs appropriated from oimr- ulic treasures. \ \ hilo Robinson's idea In this exclusion is onllroly consonant with thai which ho hud in mind , of a quiet , o homo-liko comedy , it nevertheless de I ) prives his piny of features which eenur- orally delight an audience. The fidelity with which the author in question has appreciated the incidents of the piece , mid , inelecd , also followed the lines , argue at once the ability of the Gorman and the good taste of English dramatist , The play was excellently adopted to bring to tno surface the excellence and the defects of the two companies. In each there were many good qualities and some poor ones. On the whole , however , it may well bo doubted it any city , twice the size of Omaha , could proeluco a single comnany superior to both of those in question. At the Stadt the old time favorites , Mr. and Mrs. Puls , Mr. and Mrs. Baurois , wore received with the warmest evi dences of appreciation. In return , they did some very artistic work. Mrs. Puls was made n most dashing "Lilly" tlio counterpart of Robertson's "Polly. " Mrs. Baurcis' "Clara" was a pleasant realization of a very beautiful character. Mr. Baurois provoked much merriment by his Gorman reproduction of Robertr son's Sam'l Gcrridgo , and Olio Puls made many friends us "Aloxunder von Feldern. " In Mr. Horsky , the lending man , the company is very lortunaio. Ho is young , handsome , ambitious and capa ble. Ho displayed less familiarity with < , the piece than elid the other principals , Y and the faut of a first appourunco con duced to a nervousness which , of course , will easily pass away. The other members of the company rendered excellent support. The company at the opera house with hvo such principals as Miss Hofsfoltcr , Mr. Varlcna , Mr. Haiv.lioin and Mr. Molchin and Mr. Sulig , could not do olhorwise than render an excellent per formance. Their work was evenly bal anced and at frequent intervals evoked evidences of approcmtion in bolh gf laughter and applause. They wcro ad- fi numbly sustained b.v the orchestra when it was required , Iho music of which alouo was worthy of note. There are two moro mghls remaining of Iho engagement of Miss Hofscltor Mr. Varlcna , each of whom is nn artist , tlio former being one of the best soubrettes - brettes of the German stage. The audiences at bolh places were largo and intelligent. A Heal Ilnrgnln. 320 feet on Farnam street for $60 per front foot. Will bo paved this season and slrcet cars pass it. This'is a bargain. C. E. MAYNE. Mayno'sadd. is the place to buy if you want cheap lots on satisfactory terms , Brevities. District court convenes this morning. About 300 excursionists took in the pic nic ut South Omaha yesterday afternoon. About soventy-iiyo Blnfiiles came over yesterday to witness the ball game bo- iwcen the Union Pacifies and the Den- vers. vers.The The Harbour dramatic company will open a week's engagement nt the Pee ple's theatre this cvcniug , "nresontine * ' 'Legal Document. " O. G. Daniels was arrested by Depot Policeman Green at the Union Pacific depot yesterday morning for obstructing the sidewalk. Iio gave bonds for his ap punranco this morning. Captain F. S. Cupron.traveling passen ger agent of the Grand Trunk , was in the \J citv yesterday making utraiigoincnts for { ? ; excursion rates to the Supreme Lodge of vj the World K. of P. , which meets in To- j | ronto on July 13. \ Peter Gogs has decided to add another { \ story to his now hotel on Fifteenth and ' 5 Tackson streets. This will make Iho i building four stories and a basement * liigh , 13v'x78. The slubles will bo GO.vGO , " " two stories high. > The Grunts , who wore robbed of their money while seeinfr the elephant in Uinulu on Thursday night , returned i from Stella yesterday , having roplcn- ( , islied their financial stock , and loft hiht , 3vening for Montana , They stayed close together while in the city yesterday , with Ihoir hands coiisluntly on llicir pocket- books. And now como the bricklayers wilh n J " team for huso ball honors. They have Deem organised under llio management * ) t Mr. George Cridgor wilh the follow- ( ' Got wet , rhoumallsm in limbs , jrutclios. St. Jacobs Oil absolutely cures L'licunmtibiu. _ C. E. Muyno ulwuy.s has buvgaius. he lias men hunting for thorn all the limo. Jo lo him if you want to invest your money. I'orsoiuil J. H. Schnll/.c ot St. Paul is in the oily. O.J.Collmnn of DoWitt , Nob. , is in Lho city. / Mr. J. S. Wolfe of Oltmmvu , Iowa , is In the city. Liiiulonant James Goodln , U. S , A. , of VVuHhkeshu . T , , is ut the Paston. Mr. Theodore E. Quinby of the Detroit I'Veo Press , accompanied by Ins wife , Is t the Puxlon. General Agent S. S. Slovens of the Rook Island left with his family nn Saturday ivcning for a month's sojourn in Cali fornia , Lieutenant Slyer , U. S. A. , stalloncd at rort Steele , Is in the cily visiting his old limo iriond W. C. Beer of the Omaha Na tional bank. 11 nl ford Sauce.DTho most delicious Ullbll. The Activity of Error. Bishop Woi'lhington delivered u special sornion yesterday morning upon the ' 'Activity of Error und its Application to iho Souiulislio Movement. " Ho urgucd it length upon muu's icsponsihilily for liia Ueods and his thoughts. Man is eo [ joiiblilutcd lliut hu knows the di Heron to uetween lighl and wrong Reject this make man excusable for his mladeods , mil you reject the Bible und the entire [ 'hribtiun leliglon. The socialists huvo Jenicd their belief in Ood. They are hav ing a great followiii ! ; ' , and their alrunglh should be u warning'to Christians to take jp arms uguinst ihu spirit of unbelief 4iud its unholy alliances. Tim triumph of Truth will Millie nil wan between labor mil capital. The bishop ulturcd tislroiig ' ' | ) U-i ; for llio proper observance of tlio jubbalh , which ho considered necessary f 10 Ihu preservation uhd promoliou of J L'liiistiun civilisation ,